NPP-RPP - · • Units not counted in N/RPP Contract Service Area: right columns Special...

NPP-RPP 2016-17 Program Year Annual Performance Report Due Date: August 14, 2017

Transcript of NPP-RPP - · • Units not counted in N/RPP Contract Service Area: right columns Special...

NPP-RPP 2016-17 Program Year

Annual Performance Report

Due Date: August 14, 2017

2016-17 APR

First things first: ADOBE – get the latest version and/or


Be sure that Adobe is your default program for PDF files.

APR Form is divided into sections:

• General Information

• Work Plan

• Budget

General Info

• Select NPC or RPC checkbox.

• Organization – select your organization from the drop-down list

• SHARS ID – this will self-populate when you select your organization.

• Date of Latest Approved Work Plan should be 7/1/2016 unless you were granted a Work Plan Modification

• Address: List your mailing address

• Executive Director and Board Chair Names

• Contact Person – if your Executive Director is not the main contact for this program, please enter information for the contact person, their title and their email address

• Enter dates for your last Needs Assessment and Strategic Plan

• Work Plan Activities – check the appropriate boxes for your organization’s activities.

Service Area Profile

• Go to to make sure

your Service Area Profile is correct

Service Area Profile

• If your Service Profile is up to date, you can

indicate ‘No Changes’ in the box, or update the


• If the Community Needs have changed, describe

those changes in the box. If not, indicate ‘No

Changes’ in the appropriate box

Work Plan: Exhibit A

Work Plan: Exhibit A

Exhibit A – Property Rehab and Construction

Numbers from Latest Approved Work Plan:

• Should be copied over from your contract paperwork

from July 1, 2016

Actual Numbers from 2016-17 Program Year:

• Your actual numbers completed in the program year


• Units in Progress = units that were not completed by the

end of the program year (June 30, 2017)

• Units Completed = units that were completed by the end

of program year (June 30, 2017)

Activities Performed NOT Under N/RPP Contract:

• Your work completed outside your service area, etc that

wouldn’t normally be included in your work plan

Special Population Section:

• Enter the number individuals of each category that were

served by the activities listed


• Write a description of the activities completed or in

progress listed in the exhibit. Include locations, work

done and impact on community.

Work Plan: Exhibit B

Work Plan: Exhibit B

Exhibit B – Client Assistance

Numbers from Latest Approved Work Plan:

• Should be copied over from your contract paperwork

from July 1, 2016

• Enter total number of individuals at or below 90% AMI

(Area Median Income) in left column

• Enter number of individuals above 90% AMI in right


Actual Numbers from the 2016-17 Program Year:

• Report the number of individuals you served between

7/1/2016-6/30/2017 at or below 90% AMI and above

Activities Performed NOT Under N/RPP Contract:

• Your work with individuals outside your service area

that wouldn’t normally be included in your work plan

Work Plan: Exhibit B


• Enter the total number of Workshops and Number of

Individuals you planned on doing in the left columns,

copied from your work plan from last year

• In the middle two columns, please enter the Actual

Number of Workshops you provided and how many

participants attended the workshops

• If you did workshops outside your N/RPP contracts,

those numbers can be reported in the far right columns

Tenant Associations

• Enter the total number of Associations and the Number

of Tenants you planned on working with in the left

columns, copied from your work plan from last year

• In the middle two columns, report on the Actual number

of Tenant Associations and Number of Tenants Involved

• Again, if you worked with Tenant Associations and

Tenants from outside your N/RPP contracts, those

numbers can be reported in the far right columns

Property Management • Enter the number of Units managed by your


• Planned, from last year: left column

• Actual: middle column

• Units not counted in N/RPP Contract Service Area:

right columns

Special Population Section • Enter the number of individuals served in each

category by the activities listed in Exhibit B

Narrative • Write a description of the activities you provided in the

exhibit. Elaborate on the work you accomplished last


Work Plan: Exhibit B

Work Plan: Exhibit C

Work Plan: Exhibit C

Exhibit C – Community Renewal

Infrastructure, Planning, Grants - Assistance to

Neighborhoods & Municipalities

Numbers from Latest Approved Work Plan:

• Should be copied over from your contract paperwork from

July 1, 2016 for Projects In Progress and Completed

Actual Numbers from the 2016-17 Program Year:

• Enter the total number of projects that are In Progress at

the end of the program year: 6/30/2017

• Enter the total number of projects that were Completed

by the end of the program year: 6/30/2017

Activities Performed NOT Under N/RPP Contract:

• Your work with neighborhoods & municipalities that you

don’t report in your work plan. Ex: outside the service area,


Work Plan: Exhibit C

Business Assistance • Left columns are copied directly off your work plan

from last year. Right columns are for your Actual


• Number of Loan Products for Businesses

• Number of Businesses Attracted and the number of

Businesses Retained

Programs • For all programs, left columns are copied from last

year’s work plan. Right columns are the actual number

of programs and number of individuals served

• Make sure you are reporting both programs and


Work Plan: Exhibit C

Organizational Activities • Number of Staff/Board Development events and the

number of individuals involved

• Number of HCR events and the number of

individuals in attendance

• Left columns are copied from last year’s work plan.

Right columns are the actual number of events and

number of individuals involved

Partnerships Created • Enter number of partnerships with local agencies,

private sector companies, and statewide or national


Narrative • Write a description of the activities listed in the

exhibit (Tell us the story of what you accomplished

over the past year.)

Program Highlights

Program Highlights, page 9 • Fill in any additional information about your Work Plan

not already covered in the prior exhibits

• Elaborate on any activities or projects that have been

really successful and may be replicated by other


• Information may be used in the Annual Report to the


Work Outside the Service Area • Elaborate on the work your organization completed

outside the N/RPP service area

Budget Staff Salaries

• List names, titles, and hours worked on Preservation

Program Activities for staff receiving Program funds as

all/part of their salary

• For each individual, list the portion of salary funded by

Program Funds (column C)

• Annual Company Salary should be the total salary for

each person (Column D)

• Totals from Salaries page will carry over to next page

• Enter total number of company staff and total

number of staff working on preservation program



Budget to Actual:

• You should copy the approved budget from your last

work plan in Column B

• Column C is your Actual Expenses

• If using “Other” rows, you must enter description of


• NPC Award: $91,526

• RPC Award: $91,686

• Please make sure the Total Budget in Columns B and

C match and that they match your program award!

• Company’s Total Annual Admin Budget

• Do not forget to fill this in!

Funding Sources: Match &


• Program Rules require 50% match • NPCs Match: $45,763

• RPCs Match: $45,843

• Match: Funds that support a company’s efforts in their administration of the N/RPP and go through the company’s books

• Leverage: Resources brought to the community through the work of a N/RPC that do not go through the company’s books

• There is a page for each type of funding source • State, Federal, Local, Private, In-Kind

• The Funding Source Total table on page 15 will automatically populate

• Be sure to make sure you have at least 50% match in those tables before submitting your APR

Funding Sources: Match &

Leverage State Match/Leverage

• Be sure to define the ‘Other’ boxes if you use them

Funding Sources: Match &

Leverage Federal Match/Leverage

• Be sure to define the ‘Other’ boxes if you use them

Funding Sources: Match &

Leverage Local Match/Leverage

• Be sure to define the ‘Other’ boxes if you use them

Funding Sources: Match &

Leverage Private Match/Leverage

• Be sure to define the ‘Other’ boxes if you use them

• The Bank, Identify is missing a fillable feature, so move

those lines into the ‘Other’ boxes and identify which bank

Funding Sources: Match &

Leverage In-Kind Match/Leverage

• Be sure to identify what kind of In-Kind services you

receive, in both personnel and OTPS

• The box below asks you to define how you determine the

dollar values associated with in-kind services

Funding Sources: Match &

Leverage Funding Source Totals

• After entering all your match and leverage values, the

Funding Source Totals box will automatically add the


• Make sure the administrative and non-administrative

match boxes combined show 50% match

• NPCs Match: $45,763

• RPCs Match: $45,843

Board Roster • Instead of filling out another Board Roster, you

acknowledge on the signature page that your organization

is in compliance with board requirements

Digital Signatures • Required from your Executive Director AND your Board


• Digital Signature Tutorial is on the NPCNYS website:

Last/Signature Page

Save File • Be sure to click the ‘Save File’ button or click File – Save

As. This will open a window to let you elect where to save

the document. Be sure to name the doc and save it in a

location you can easily access it

Last/Signature Page

It would be helpful if you would add your organization's name to

the file name. (Ex. 2016-17 NRPP APR Organization X)

Submitting Form to OCR

• Pressing the “Submit to OCR button” will allow you to email the

Renewal form directly to OCR. You will need to follow the


Submitting to OCR

• If you choose “Use Webmail”. You will select your service,

enter your email address, and need to log into your account.

• Either path will bring you to an email with the document

attached. Only the APR form will be attached. You can attach

the Disbursement Request and make changes to the text of

the email.

• Please add your organization’s name to the subject line.

HTFC Disbursement Request

Please fill out appropriate form (NPP or RPP)

• Fill out entire top section. (SHARS ID, County, and

FEIN will fill in when organization is selected.)

• Need name & telephone number for person

completing the form!

• The zip code box requires the full 9 digit number.

• Form must be printed, signed, dated and scanned for

email! No digital signatures can be accepted.

• Email scanned copy of completed and signed form.


Please submit the APR and Disbursement Request

via email to both:

[email protected] and

[email protected]

Please copy your respective Coalition on

your submission emails!

[email protected] or

[email protected]


Reach out to your respective Coalition

or email Tracey Jordan at [email protected]

or Jerome Nagy at [email protected]