NPCIL CSR Annual Report 2019-20

NPCIL CSR Annual Report 2019-20 NPCIL is committed to economic and social development of the local communities around all its Sites. CSR programme is implemented at the 14 Sites of NPCIL, where either the operating stations or the projects under construction are located. These Sites are located mostly in rural and under developed areas. The area within 16 Km radius from these sites is designated as Local Area for implementation of CSR programme. During the FY 2019- 20, the Company allocated an amount of ₹ 76.08 Crore for implementation of CSR programme. Expenditure incurred during the financial year 2019-20 out of allocated fund was ₹ 77.16 Crore. It is a matter of satisfaction that for the last three consecutive years, NPCIL has spent more amount on CSR programme than that was allocated during that year. The CSR Policy of NPCIL is available at the company website i.e. Board Sub Committee (BSC) for CSR and Sustainability functions as CSR Committee as defined in the Company (Corporate Social Responsibility Policy) Rule 2014 notified under companies Act 2013. Additionally, Guardian Directors have been assigned to the operating Sites of NPCIL to review and assist the CSR programmes of the Sites. The effective and expeditious implementation of CSR program is monitored and facilitated at various level in NPCIL including the Board Sub Committee (BSC) for CSR and Sustainability. CSR Expenditure by the Units of NPCIL During FY 2019-20 Sr. No Unit Name Amount in Rupees 1 Tarapur Maharashtra Site 4,09,37,131 2 Rawatbhata Rajasthan Site 12,45,28,731 3 Madras Atomic Power Station 6,39,99,006 4 Narora Atomic Power Station 5,81,50,281 5 KakraparAtomic Power Station 6,34,74,198 6 Kaiga Generating Station 13,65,14,167

Transcript of NPCIL CSR Annual Report 2019-20

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NPCIL CSR Annual Report 2019-20

NPCIL is committed to economic and social development of the local

communities around all its Sites. CSR programme is implemented at the 14

Sites of NPCIL, where either the operating stations or the projects under

construction are located. These Sites are located mostly in rural and under

developed areas. The area within 16 Km radius from these sites is

designated as Local Area for implementation of CSR programme.

During the FY 2019- 20, the Company allocated an amount of ₹ 76.08 Crore

for implementation of CSR programme. Expenditure incurred during the

financial year 2019-20 out of allocated fund was ₹ 77.16 Crore. It is a matter

of satisfaction that for the last three consecutive years, NPCIL has spent

more amount on CSR programme than that was allocated during that year.

The CSR Policy of NPCIL is available at the company website i.e. Board Sub Committee (BSC) for CSR and Sustainability

functions as CSR Committee as defined in the Company (Corporate Social

Responsibility Policy) Rule 2014 notified under companies Act 2013.

Additionally, Guardian Directors have been assigned to the operating Sites of

NPCIL to review and assist the CSR programmes of the Sites.

The effective and expeditious implementation of CSR program is monitored

and facilitated at various level in NPCIL including the Board Sub Committee

(BSC) for CSR and Sustainability.

CSR Expenditure by the Units of NPCIL

During FY 2019-20


No Unit Name Amount in Rupees

1 Tarapur Maharashtra Site 4,09,37,131

2 Rawatbhata Rajasthan Site 12,45,28,731

3 Madras Atomic Power Station 6,39,99,006

4 Narora Atomic Power Station 5,81,50,281

5 KakraparAtomic Power Station 6,34,74,198

6 Kaiga Generating Station 13,65,14,167

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7 Kudankulam NPP 12,50,12,952

8 HQ / New Projects 15,89,84,937

Total 77,16,01,403

The CSR projects have been taken up in line with Schedule VII of

Companies Act, 2013 which falls in the areas of education, healthcare,

infrastructure development, skill development, sustainable development.

A) Education

Under education category the projects like construction of school

buildings, furniture for schools , class rooms, multipurpose hall in Girls

School, balvikas sanstha, boundary wall, development of aganwadis,

assistance to schools like drinking water, toilets, science laboratories,

play items, digital class rooms, open area flooring, kitchen with store,

deployment of teachers in schools, assistance to students like study

materials, note books, sports kit, scholarship and sponsorship, free

transport service, organising quiz etc. were taken up during this year.

The construction of Primary School building completed by

Kakrapar Site at the cost of ₹ 67.80 lakh located at Unchamala

benefitting around 160 students.

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Construction of Primary School building completed by Kakrapar

Site at the cost of ₹ 51.48 lakh located at Vanskui benefitting

around 100 students.

Construction of Primary School building completed by

Kudankulam site at the cost of ₹ 44.32 lakh located at SRN

Puram benefitting around 101 students.

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ICT enabled Skill laboratory completed by Kakrapar site at the

cost of ₹ 35.06 lakh at ITI, Mandvi .

Establishment of Computer labs by Chutka site at Govt. High

School, Patha and Govt. Higher Sec. School, Narayanganj

benefitting around 650 students at the Cost of ₹ 14.15 lakh.

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Kakrapar site organized Anumathak Quiz Championships-2019

about 5000 students of 32 High Schools had participated.

Completion of Playground (about 11790 sq. mtr.) by

Kudankulam site at St. Joseph’s Higher Sec. School, Kootapuly

at a cost of ₹ 84.60 lakh benefitting around 1394 students.

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Development of Playground with provision of kids play

equipment at schools by Rawatbhata Site at cost of ₹ 19.50

lakh benefitting around 11000 students.

B) Healthcare

Under healthcare, the CSR projects included running of primary health

centre, providing mobile medical van services; organising medical, eye

and special health care camps; providing medical treatment and

medicines(OPD services) for villagers; procurement of various

equipment’s and blood bank van for General Hospital at Gujarat,,

funding extension of hospitals like Tata Memorial Hospitals, distribution

of assistive devices to disabled persons, construction of gym,

installation of water purifiers, mosquito net distribution etc.

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Free medical camps organised by Narora site in nearby villages

benefitting thousands of people.

Two mobile hospitals was handed over by Chutka site to

Mandla and Seoni District administration at cost of ₹ 70 Lakh

benefitting around 40000 people.

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Mobile medical van with team of doctor and nurse put into

services for villages around Chutka Site benefitting the

population of about 11000.

Kalpakkam Site Organized Eye Camp for cataract operation

and distribution of spectacles for the 5 villages at the cost of ₹

26.88 lakh.

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Organized Eye Camp for cataract operation and distribution of

spectacles for the villages around Kaiga site.

Completed construction of toilets in Chotti Sarvan by Mahi

Banswara Site benefitting around 4000 students.

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Kudankulam Site completed construction of toilets in

Chettikulam at the cost of ₹ 172 lakh by benefitting around

3100 students.

C) Infrastructure Development.

Under infrastructure development, the projects like laying of approach

roads, development of drinking water facility, construction of

community hall, RCC sheds, drainage, construction of compound wall

for PHCs, construction and deployment of artificial reefs, base line

survey etc. were taken up.

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Kakrapar site completed construction of a community hall by at

Umerkuva village at the cost of ₹ 37.04 lakh benefitting around

800 people.

Narora site provided interconnecting paver block road at

Udaygarhi village at the cost of ₹ 36.70 lakh benefitting around

600 people.

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“Yatri shed” at Kukad village by Mithivirdi Site.

Signing of an MOU to provide drinking water facility at

Arugundram near Kalpakkam Site.

D) Skill Development

Skill development initiatives were undertaken to ensure income

generation by unemployed adults. Skills in handicraft including plastic

basket, flowers making, embroidery and chicken work on fabrics, stone

carving skills, mason, tailoring and beautician, carpentry, welding,

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electrician, plumber, fitter, computers, farming and agriculture etc. were

focussed upon.

Organized skill development training at Chutka Site for 180

youths of nearby villages covering mason, plumber, computer

operator, electrician, welding and carpentry trades

Organized skill development training at Chutka Site for 180

youth of nearby villages covering mason, plumber, computer

operator, electrician, welding and carpentry trades.

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Organized skill development training for 200 youth of

Kudankulam village covering welding, electrical and stitching

through NSDC.

Organized training for 1000 youth of Kudankulam village

covering stitching, electrical and welding through NSDC.

E) Sustainable Development

Some sustainable development initiatives were also undertaken this

year. These included projects to rainwater harvesting, development of

village ponds, ground/ underground natural water bodies, breeding of

migratory birds and turtle rearing program, release of fish fingerlings in

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Kadra reservoir, honey bee culture, distribution of solar lamps, capacity

building of farmers on organic agriculture etc.

Release of Fish seeds in TAPI River at Kakrapar Site

Kalpakkam site started a Project for deployment 800 artificial

reefs in Tiruporur Panchayat Union to enhance bio-diversity,

improve fishery resources and increase livelihood for
