NPC 21 Jan 2020...submarines. China's Jin-class of nuclear-capable submarines though are,...

समाचार पɉ से चियत अंश Newspapers Clippings Vol. 45 No. 15 21 January 2020 रा िवान èतकालय Defence Science Library रा वैािनक चना एवं लेखन के Û Defence Scientific Information & Documentation Centre मैटकॉफ हाऊस, िदãली - 110 054 Metcalfe House, Delhi - 110 054 दैिनक सामियक अिभता सेवा A Daily Current Awareness Service

Transcript of NPC 21 Jan 2020...submarines. China's Jin-class of nuclear-capable submarines though are,...


    समाचार पत्र से चियत अंश Newspapers Clippings 



    Vol. 45   No. 15 21 January 2020      


    रक्षा िवज्ञान पु तकालय Defence Science Library 

    रक्षा वैज्ञािनक सूचना एवं प्रलेखन के द्र Defence Scientific Information & Documentation Centre 

    मैटकॉफ हाऊस, िद ली - 110 054 Metcalfe House, Delhi - 110 054 


    दैिनक सामियक अिभज्ञता सेवा 

    A Daily Current Awareness Service  

  • 1  

    Tue, 21 Jan 2020

    India test-fires locally developed K-4 SLBM By Rahul Bedi

    New Delhi: India’s government-run Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) successfully test-fired on 19 January its locally developed, nuclear-capable K-4 intermediate-range submarine-launched ballistic missile (SLBM) off the country’s east coast to its longest range so far, military sources revealed on 20 January.

    Although no official confirmation has yet been provided by the DRDO of the 19 January day-time firing of the SLBM, the sources told Jane’s on condition of anonymity that the 12 m-long K-4 was launched from an underwater pontoon near Visakhapatnam out to a distance of about 2,200 km.

    This was 1,300 km short of the maximum 3,500 km range claimed by the DRDO, but reportedly “far in excess” of the range the missile had achieved in its previous test-firing from a similarly submerged platform in March 2016, the sources stated. The test also demonstrated that the DRDO has resolved the missile’s earlier problem of ‘tilting’ after emerging from the water, they added.

    The K-4 was first test-fired from an underwater pontoon in January 2010 but both the Ministry of Defense and the DRDO have refused to confirm any of the ranges attained by the SLBM in trials.

    Weighing 17 tonnes and capable of carrying a 2.2 tonne warhead, the K-4’s flight-path was tracked by DRDO radars, electro-optical systems, and coastal telemetry stations for about 1,500 km and thereafter by radar on Indian Navy (IN) ships deployed in the Bay of Bengal.

    The military sources said further details of the latest test-firing will only be known to the DRDO once the IN platforms involved in the trials return to base, which will also determine the number of additional tests required before the SLBM is declared operational.

    The K-4, which has suffered several technical setbacks over the past decade, is being developed to arm the indigenously designed Arihant-class nuclear-powered ballistic missile submarines (SSBNs), one of which is in service, with at least two more being built locally.

    These SSBNs, each of which has been designed to carry four K-4s, are expected to bolster the IN’s nuclear strike capability as part of India’s three-tier retaliatory nuclear deterrence strategy.

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    Tue, 21 Ja


    Jan 2020

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  • 5  

    Tue, 21 Jan 2020

    How K-4 submarine-launched nuclear ballistic missile boosts India’s second-strike capability

    With a range of 3,500 km and a nuclear or conventional payload capacity of 2-tonnes, the K-4 gives you India unprecedented nuclear deterrent capabilities

    KEY HIGHLIGHTS • The test, is the latest development in the integration of the K-4 SLBM , reported to have a range

    of 3,500 km, and capable of carrying a 2-tonne nuclear payload • The 3,500km range of the K-4 will also ensure that India's nuclear submarines can vastly

    reduce the likelihood of detection during a mission • As of reports from 2017, Pakistan had claimed second-strike capability having successfully

    launched a SLBM of their own known as Babur III, with an alleged range of 450 km On Sunday, the Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) successfully carried out

    a test launch of the K-4 intermediate-range, nuclear-capable, submarine-launched ballistic missile (SLBM) off a submerged terminal near Andhra Pradesh's coastal line. Although no formal statement has been made by the DRDO or the Ministry of Defence, a Notice to Airmen (NOTAM) was issued at the start of January over a 3,400 km stretch of the Bay of Bengal between 19 and 21 January.

    The test, is the latest development in the integration of the K-4 SLBM, reported to have a range of 3,500 km, and capable of carrying a 2-tonne nuclear payload. The missile also features a Ringer Laser Gyro Inertial Navigation System, allowing it to move in three-dimensions when approaching a target at hypersonic speeds.

    Testing on the ballistic missile began approximately a decade ago, with the last successful test being carried out in “full operational configuration” from the INS Arihant, India's indigenously built nuclear-powered ballistic missile submarine (SSBN). Along with the K-15 Sagarika SLBM, that is believed to have a range of 750 km, the K-4 will now equip India's Arihant-class of submarines with upgraded nuclear “second-strike” capabilities, providing the Indian Navy with unprecedented deterrence power.

    The 3,500km range of the K-4 will also ensure that India's nuclear submarines can vastly reduce the likelihood of detection during a mission. Prior to its development, India's submarines would have had to move within 750 km off enemy shores before being able to carry out an attack. As such, the development of the K-4 will go a long way towards enabling India's INS-Arihant class of nuclear submarines to fulfil their tactical roles of acting as potent nuclear deterrents, especially against China and Pakistan.

    As of reports from 2017, Pakistan had claimed second-strike capability having successfully launched an SLBM of their own known as Babur III, with an alleged range of 450 km. It had also struck an agreement with China in 2015 for the purchase of eight Type 41 Yuan-class diesel-electric submarines. China's Jin-class of nuclear-capable submarines though are, reportedly, already armed with SLNMs with a range of 7,200 km.

    India is also currently working on the K-5, which is expected to have an estimated range of 5,000 km. However, the S-5 and any further upgrades are being developed for India's second-generation class of ballistic missile submarines (SSBN). It has also been reported that the DRDO has been given approvals to develop the K-6 SLBM as well, expected to have a range of 6,000 km.


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    िक हाइलाइ• तिमलना• तंजावरु म• िहदं महा• सीडीएस चे नै: दि

    घातक फाइटकी ओर से सुऑफ िडफस रहे। तंजावुर

    तंजावुर मरावत ने कहिफलहाल िकके िलए पूरी त

    वहीं एयरफसामिरक मह

    कोयंबटूर तंजावुर के

    भारतीय वायुकी तैनाती सेम सखुोई के वाले तटीय इhttps://navbtanjavur-air

    ब्र मपािक ता

    मीिडया को िक देश की सभीइ स नाडु के तंजावरुम तैनात सखु

    हासागर, बंगालस िबिपन रावतिक्षण भारत केटर जेट सखुोईसखुोई-30 की टाफ जनरलम तैनात सखु

    म सखुोई की तैहा िक देश कीकसी भी ि थिततरह से तैयार

    रफोसर् चीफ आह व को देखक

    म तेजस की के इस एयरफयसेुना दिक्षण से पहले तिमलबेड़ ेके मौजदूइलाक की सरुbharattimes.irbase-of-tam

    मोस के सान पर बोो सबंोिधत करभी िडफस सिव

    र एयरबेस पर खोई फाइटर जेल की खाड़ी औत बोले- सामनके तटीय इलाकई-30 की तैना

    222 टाइगर ल िबिपन रावखोई फाइटर जे

    तनैाती के बादकी सभी िडफसित का पूवार्नुमर है।

    आरकेएस भदौकर िलया गया

    तैनाती फोसर् टेशन कभारत के तटीलनाडु के कोयंद होने से दिक्षरक्षा और मजबindiatimes.c


    साथ तिमबोले सीडीरते हुए चीफ ऑिवर्सेज को िकस

    र सखुोई-30 कीजेट बेहद घातकऔर अरब सागरने आने वाली हक म सामिरकाती कर दी हैशाकर् क्वॉड्र

    वत, एयरफोसर्जेट बेहद घातक

    द मीिडया कोस सिवर्सेज कमान लगाना क

    दौिरया ने कहाा है। तंजावुर म

    की शु आतटीय इलाक कयबंटूर एयरबेसिक्षण भारत मजबूत हो सकेगी


    िमलनाडुडीएस रावऑफ िडफस सी भी ऐक्शन

    की 222 टाइगरतक ब्र मोस िमगर से लगने वाहर परीि थितरक मोच पर म। तिमलनाडुड्रन की तैनातीचीफ आरकेएक ब्र मोस िम

    ो सबंोिधत करको िकसी भीकिठन है लेिक

    हा िक सखुोईम तैनात सखुो

    2013 म हुईको सरुक्षा के िलस पर तेजस िम िहदं महासागगी। her-states/ba24976.cms

    ड म सखुोवत- तीनटाफ जनरल

    न के िलए तैयार

    र शाकर् क्वॉड्रिमसाइल से लसैवाले तटीय इलित के िलए परूीमजबूती के िलके तंजावुर एती की गई है।एस भदौिरयािमसाइल से लसै

    रते हुए चीफऐक्शन के िल

    कन हम खुद के

    को तंजावुर मखोई िवमान ब्र

    थी। इस मोिलहाज से औरिवमान एक गर, बंगाल की


    ोई तनैातन सेनाएंल िबिपन रावतार रहने के िनद

    ॉड्रन तैनात स लाक की सरुक्षी तरह से तैयारिलए भारतीय वएयर बेस पर सइस खास समसमेत तमामस ह।

    ऑफ िडफस िलए तैयार रहके सामने आने

    म तैनात करमोस िमसाइ

    ोच पर सखुोईर मजबूत बनक्वॉड्रन मौज

    की खाड़ी और


    Tue, 21 Ja

    त, एं तैयारत ने कहा

    िनदश िदए ह।

    क्षा होगी मजबतूार वायुसेना ने यसोमवार को एमारोह के दौरम बड़ ेअिधकार

    टाफ जनरलहने के िनदशने वाली हर पर

    रने का फैसलाइल से लसै ह ग

    ई की तैनातीनाना चाहती हैजदू है। ऐसे मअरब सागर


    Jan 2020


    यहां अपने एयरफोसर् रान चीफ री मौजदू

    ल िबिपन श िदए ह। रीि थित

    ला यहां के गे।

    के साथ है। सखुोई म तंजावुर से लगने


  • 8  

    Tue, 21 Jan 2020

    Indian Air Force commissions first squadron of Su-30MKI fighters armed with the BrahMos-A missile

    By Rahul Bedi New Delhi: The Indian Air Force (IAF) commissioned on 20 January its first squadron

    of Sukhoi Su-30MKI multirole fighter aircraft armed with the BrahMos-A (Air) supersonic cruise missile.

    IAF officials told Jane’s that the recently re-activated No. 222 ‘Tiger Sharks’ Squadron at Thanjavur Air Force Station (AFS) on India’s southeast coast, which will be tasked with “monitoring” India’s eastern and western seaboards and the wider Indian Ocean Region (IOR), is also the IAF’s first Su-30 MKI squadron to operate from southern India.

    Air Chief Marshal R K S Bhadauria, who presided over the induction ceremony alongside India’s newly appointed Chief of Defence Staff General Bipin Rawat, said the decision to deploy the Su-30MKIs from Thanjavur was taken because of the AFS’s “strategic location”.

    Senior IAF officers said No 222 Squadron is expected to be equipped with its full complement of 18 licence-built Su-30MKIs by early 2021, with eight of these aircraft set to be armed with the 2.5 tonne, air-launched BrahMos-A missile, which has a 292 km range.

    The ‘Tiger Sharks’ are the IAF’s 12th Su-30MKI squadron overall and only the service’s second fighter squadron based in southern India: the other is the No. 45 ‘Flying Daggers’ Squadron at Sulur AFS, 250 km west of Thanjavur, which operates the locally developed and built Tejas Light Combat Aircraft (LCA).

    The induction of the squadron followed three successful test-firings of the BrahMos-A missile system from the Su-30MKI since November 2017, the most recent of which took place off India’s east coast in December 2019.

    Developed by a joint venture between India’s state-owned Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) and Russia’s NPO Mashinostroyenia, the 8.3 m-long BrahMos-A is a modified variant of basic naval/land configuration BrahMos.

    The two-stage BrahMos-A features several design refinements that include a lighter propulsion system, as well as redesigned fins and nose cap. Its first stage comprises a solid-fuel rocket for initial acceleration, while its second is an air-breathing liquid-fueled ramjet that boosts the missile to a speed of up to Mach 2.8.

    The BrahMos’ land- and ship-launched variants have been in service with the Indian Army and Indian Navy for more than a decade, while the submarine-launched variant is currently undergoing advanced trials.

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    Tue, 21 Jan 2020

    IAF bases first BrahMos-armed Su-30s in south The fighters are equipped with the air-launched version of the BrahMos supersonic cruise missile, a 2.5-tonne missile that flies at nearly three times the speed of sound

    By Rahul Singh New Delhi: The country on Monday upgraded its capabilities to keep a watch on the strategically-

    important Indian Ocean Region and deliver an offensive option swiftly, if necessary, with the air force basing its front-line Sukhoi-30 fighters in southern India for the first time.

    With China’s footprint in the Indian Ocean growing at a rapid pace, the Indian Air Force raised a new squadron of Su-30 MKI fighter jets at the Thanjavur air force station in Tamil Nadu. Chief of Defence Staff General Bipin Rawat, IAF chief Air Chief Marshal RKS Bhadauria and Defence Research and Development Organisation chief G Satheesh Reddy attended the ceremony.

    The fighters are equipped with the air-launched version of the BrahMos supersonic cruise missile, a 2.5-tonne missile that flies at nearly three times the speed of sound. The BrahMos missile, an Indo-Russian joint venture, has a range of 290 km.

    The missile --- the fastest cruise missile in the world --- would provide the air force the capability to strike sea and land targets from stand-off ranges with pinpoint accuracy in all weather conditions.

    The No. 222 squadron, nicknamed Tigersharks, has been raised with six fighter planes and is expected to have its full complement of 18 jets by the year-end. It’s the air force’s second fighter squadron in south India after the No. 45 ‘Flying Daggers’ squadron at Sulur, which is also in Tamil Nadu. The No. 45 squadron is equipped with India’s first LCA Tejas Mk.1 fighters.

    The IAF operates Su-30s from bases scattered across the country including Adampur, Halwara, Sirsa, Bareilly, Pune, Tezpur and Chabua.

    Experts said the deployment of Su-30s in Thanjavur was a significant step towards safeguarding the country’s interests in the Indian Ocean region where Chinese warships are frequently sighted and tracked by the Indian Navy.

    “While the Indian Navy is keeping a close watch on the Indian Ocean region with its P-8I maritime reconnaissance aircraft, the requirement of having an air-delivered kinetic offensive option at quick notice could no longer be neglected. A permanent availability of air power in the Indian Ocean, which was lacking, has now been made up to some extent with the basing of the Sukhois at Thanjavur,” said Air Vice Marshal Manmohan Bahadur (retd), additional director general, Centre for Air Power Studies.

    He said the deep-strike capabilities of the aircraft, especially with the air-to-surface BrahMos supersonic missile, would enhance the country’s much-needed deterrent stance in the region.

    The IAF has contracted 272 Su-30 fighter planes out of which around 260 have been delivered and the remaining 12 are expected to join the air force fleet by the year-end.

    The first 50 jets came in a flyaway condition from Russia and the remaining have been built under licence by the state-owned aircraft maker Hindustan Aeronautics Limited. The IAF inducted its first Su-30 fighter at the Lohegaon air base in Pune in June 1997.

    The safety record of the fighters has been blemished by 12 crashes since the planes were inducted. The IAF is placing an order for a few more jets to make up for the losses.

    The IAF’s Su-30 fleet was plagued by engine troubles a few years ago when a string of failures was reported. The fleet’s poor serviceability has also been questioned in the past. Serviceability refers to the number of planes in the fleet that are mission-ready at any given time.


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    BrahNew Del

    Monday indNadu, mand

    The formSquadron —Defence Staof the “Tijointness wh

    “Sukhoi be the gamesecurity of t

    The squaArmy and N

    Air Chieyear.

    The Russused for searole. The rawhich weigh

    os-armed SuCEO Sudhir unched the Be Bay of BeLast Decemthe third tim

    direct hit on two Su-30

    e missile’s lservice. Brahise missile trdeveloping ahe configuras induction ied to an optithe count of



    hMos cruise lhi: Adding ducted the Bdating it for amal induction— The Tigeaff, General igersharks” hich was the30-MKI aire changer, wthe maritimeadron will beNavy to “get ef Marshal R

    sian-origin Sa strikes usi

    ange of the Shs 2.5 tonne

    u-30 fighter Mishra told

    BrahMos froengal in Novber, the IAF

    me and the ina sea target squadrons c

    land and nahMos is nowriad for Indiaan extended ation of the nto the Missimum strengf the IAF’s


    t BrahMo guarmissile travteeth to air

    BrahMos ma sea role. n was done uersharks — Bipin Rawahighlighted

    e future of thrcraft along which will ee domain,” he operating the ball roll

    RKS Bhadau

    Sukhoi’s wiling the BrahSukhoi is fares.

    jets will bed Hindustan Tm a speciall

    vember 2017F announced ntegration ooff the Odisconsisting o

    aval variantsw capable ofa. range BrahMexisting we

    sile Technologth of 42-pluighter squadrdia-news/iaf

    Mos-arrd Indivels at a speer and mariti


    under the reof the IAF

    at, said the rd the integhe IAF. with the Br

    extensively ehe added. closely with

    ling” in jointuria, IAF Ch

    ll be mandathMos missiler greater and


    e a game chTime on Moly-modified 7, followed bthat it had sf the weapo

    sha coast. of 18 planess – 500kg hf being launc

    Mos missile eapon. Increogy Control us units requrons currentf-bases-first-

    rmed Sian Oced of Mach 2ime dominanped Sukhoi

    e-raised 222 F. Chief of resurrection gration and

    ahMos will enhance the

    h the Indian tness of the Ihief, said the

    ted for a mae. So far, thd is capable

    hanger for fuonday.

    Su-30 warpby a secondsuccessfully n on the figh

    s each are lheavier than ched from la

    that can hiteasing the m

    Regime in Juired to fightly stands at -brahmos-ar

    Sukhoicean Re

    2.8, nearly tnce in the I30-MKI fi

    IAF, opined e induction h

    aritime role. he IAF had bof carrying

    uture air op

    plane for thed launch aga

    fired the Brhter was com

    likely to be the air laun

    and, sea and

    targets at a missile’s rangJune 2016.

    ht a two-fronaround 30.


    i squadegion three times tIndian Oceaghter jets a

    Gen Rawat.had been ad

    In lay parlabeen using tthe air versi

    erations,” B

    e first time aainst a land tahMos missmplete. The

    equipped wnched versiod air, comple

    range of 450ge became p

    nt war with P


    Tue, 21 Ja


    that of sounan Region, Iat Thanjavur

    . dvanced by a

    ance, the jetsthe Jaguar fion of the Br


    against a target in sile from weapon

    with the on – are eting the

    0 km by possible



    Jan 2020

    d India on r, Tamil

    almost a

    s can be for a sea rahMos,


    The IAF from an air MKI has a fhttps://www29337

    Kochi: AIndian Navyhere.

    The Emptheprogress

    "The revstage of conby mid 2020

    his is thePhase-III ofsector Coch

    Accordinfour gas turbalternators w

    Basin trischeduled in

    The IACcompleted,

    The DefeVice Admir& AcquisitDefence (N

    The basiNaval Desig

    The ship strip with thas well as a https://timesaircraft-car

    will have thplatform at

    flight radius w.tribuneindi


    A committeeys first indig

    powered Apof the Indig

    view criticallnstruction an0" , a Defence 13th EAC f the IAC C

    hin Shipyard ng to the offbines, main were ready aals are condn early half o

    C would be the release sence Secretaral GS Pabbtion, and othavy), Warshic design of gn and develhas a length

    hree arresterrange of hel


    he only air-laa target at seof some 1,0

    igh-levrk on ie headed bygenous aircr

    pex Commitgenous Aircrly examinednd is schedulce release saReview Me

    Contract on OLimited (CS

    ficials, the cengines hav

    and trials of tducted for prof this year.

    ready to csaid. ary was accomby, Chief of her senior o

    hip Overseeinf the nearly loped into a h of over 260r wires, capalicopters

    aunched supeea. The Brah

    000 km extens/1st-brahmo

    vel Defndigen

    y the Defencraft carrier V

    ttee (EAC) raft Carrier (d the currentled to commaid here. T eeting of the October 31, SL). construction ving been stathe ships maroving of th

    commence t

    mpanied by Materiel, Viofficers fromng Team and40,000-tonndetailed one0 m and breaable of operath hangar fac/india/high-l670.cms


    ersonic weaphMos has a mndable by mios-armed-suk

    fence pnous aice SecretaryVikrant, curr

    headed by IAC) projec

    t status of thmence basin tr

    Project and2019 betwe

    of the aircrarted. Powerajor systems e propulsion

    the Sea Tria

    Vice Chief ice Admiralm the Integd Carrier Acne IAC was e by the desiadth of 60 mating STOBcilities, officlevel-defence

    pon of its kinminimum raid-air re-fuekhoi-squad-t

    panel rircrafty on Mondayrently under

    Defence Set at Cochin S

    he project asrials in early

    d the first to een the Mini

    raft carrier ir generation

    and auxiliarn, transmissi

    als once the

    of Naval StaS R Sarma,

    grated Headcceptance &

    done by thgn team of C

    m. It has twoAR aircraft

    cials had earle-panel-revi

    nd in the woange of 290 klling. to-guard-ind

    eviewst carriey reviewed the third ph

    ecretary AjaShipyard Lims the IAC is y 2020 follow

    be held afteistry of Def

    is in an advasystems comry equipmenion and shaf

    e Basin tria

    aff Vice AdmController W

    dquarters (IHTrials Team

    he Indian NaCSL. take-off runincluding thlier said. iews-work-on

    orld that can km. The Suk


    Tue, 21 Ja

    s er the progres

    hase of cons

    ay Kumar remited. in a very ad

    wed by the s

    er the signinfence and the

    anced state mprising eighnt in progressfting system

    als are succ

    miral Ashok Warship Pro

    HQ) of Minm. avy's Direct

    nways and a he indigenou


    be fired khoi 30-


    Jan 2020

    s of the struction


    dvanced sea trials

    ng of the e public

    with all ht diesel s.

    ms and is


    Kumar, oduction nistry of

    torate of

    landing us LCA,




    ThanjavuChina's grosecurity from

    After theRawat, answsaid every n

    While thin the IOR,

    The DragAfrica, its fi

    "Every nOceans a

    has interest freedom of

    Further, "Therefore, threat from

    Also, he navigation.

    The top ghttps://timesweight-to-fr

    Thanjavuif a scenariotake on any

    The top about any p

    “All the difficult to Gen Rawat

    The Chiethe three ser

    S Rawacean, gur: Chief of owing presenm a strategic

    e induction owering a qunation lookede squadron hChina's presgon nation a

    first in a forenation looks aare meant foin a particulnavigation,"pointing toI don't thinkChina)." said the na

    general also sofindia.indireedom-of-na


    ur: Chief of Do of a war wchallenge. general, whossibility of defence ser

    predict a scesaid.

    ef of Defencrvices (the A

    at dowgives w

    Defence Stnce in the Ic perspectiveof a Sukhoi-uestion on hod at its securhere is expecsence in the already has ign nation, aat its security

    or freedom olar area, it w" he told repoo aspects likk we should

    vies were o

    referred to

    S Rawwar poDefence Sta

    with Pakistan

    ho inducted f a war emergrvices are taenario. But,

    ce Staff (CDArmy, the Na


    taff General Indian Oceae. 30 MKI fighow Chinese rity from a stcted to give same regiona military b

    and it is alsoy from a stra

    of navigationwill attempt to

    orters. ke protectio

    d look at it pa

    perating in

    facets like pi/india/cds-rarticleshow/73

    wat sayossibiliaff Gen Bipinn would eme

    the Sukhoi-ging betweeasked to be we are alw

    DS) said his navy and the I


    s Chinto freeBipin Rawa

    an Region (

    hter jet squapresence in

    tratgeic persa thrust to I

    n is on the risbase at the so looking at eategic perspen. And thereo come to th

    on of trade articularly fr

    this area (in

    iracy that

    ys difficity withn Rawat on

    erge or not b

    -30 MKI squn India and prepared fo

    ays prepared

    new role waIndian Air F

    nese maedom oat on Mond(IOR) and s

    adron at the n the Indian spective. India's capabse. strategically expanding itective. efore wherevhat area to do

    in sea roufrom that per

    ndicating IO

    n disrupt molays-chineses

    cult to h PakiMonday saiut all the de

    uadron herePakistan. or any optiod for any tas

    as aimed at iForce).

    atrix inof naviday downplasaid every n

    Air Force SOcean pose

    bilities for do

    located Djibts presence.

    ver you findominate the

    utes by anyrspective (a p

    OR) only bec

    ovement of me-matrix-in-i

    predicistan d it was very

    efence servic

    , was respon

    on that maysk that may

    integrating d

    Tue, 21 Ja

    n Indiaigationayed the quenation looke

    tation here, ed a threat t

    ominance es

    bouti at the

    d any countryarea more so

    y country, hpointer to pe

    cause of free

    merchant shiindian-ocean

    Tue, 21 Ja


    y difficult toces were prep

    nding to a q

    y emerge. It be assigned

    defence syste

    Jan 2020

    an n

    estion of ed at its

    General to India,


    horn of

    y which o for the

    he said: erceived

    edom of

    ips. n-gives-

    Jan 2020

    o predict pared to


    is very d to us,”

    ems and


    It was for“...we wi

    country’s firOn streng

    undertake thThe Indi

    the first sucthe strategic

    The ‘Tiginducted in

    The Su-3varied air de

    Rawat al(IOR) and s

    Gen RawIndia, said e

    While thin the IOR,

    The DragAfrica, its fi

    “Every nnavigation. attempt to creporters.

    Further, “Therefore, threat from of freedom

    The top gPTI https://www29009

    Chandigamajor oversubstantial b

    The resuChinooks th

    r this reasonill keep movrst Chief of gthening thehe role of thean Air Forc

    ch base in socally importaersharks’ sqthe presence

    30 MKI is aefence, groulso downplasaid every nawat, answerinevery nation e squadron hChina’s presgon nation a

    first in a forenation looks And therefocome to tha

    pointing toI don’t thinChina).” Alof navigatiogeneral also


    arh: The Indrhaul and liboost.

    urrected Sovihat are also e

    n the post of ving towardDefence Sta

    e Air base hee southern pe commissio

    outh India foant Indian O

    quadron of Sue of the Air Ca state-of-theund attack anayed the quation looked ng a questiolooked at it

    here is expecsence in the already has ign nation, aat its secur

    ore whereverat area to do

    o aspects liknk we shouldso, he said t

    on. referred to

    IAF gfleet t

    dian Air Forcife extension

    iet-origin heemployed in

    CDS was crs better inte

    aff on Decemere, Air Chi

    peninsula’s aoned a squaor the high-p

    Ocean Regionukhoi-30 MKChief and toe-art all wea

    nd maritime mestion of Chat its securit

    on on how Cs security frocted to give same regiona military b

    and it is alsoity from a sr you find anominate the

    ke protectiod look at it phe navies w

    facets like p


    gears uto Rus

    By Vce is preparinn, following

    elicopters withe heavy-li


    reated, he saiegration and mber 30 last ef Marshal R

    air defence. adron of Sukprofile fighten (IOR). KI jets integ

    op officials.ather multi-rmissions. hina’s growty from a str

    Chinese presom a stratgea thrust to In

    n is on the ribase at the so looking at estrategic perny country warea more s

    on of trade articularly frere operatin

    piracy that ca


    up to sesia for

    Vijay Mohanng to ferry itg which its

    ill operate aift logistics r

    id. jointness,”

    year, added.Rakesh Kum

    khoi-30 MKer jets, seen

    grated with th

    role fighter

    wing presencrategic perspsence in the ic perspectivndia’s capabse.

    strategically expanding itspective. Oc

    which has intso for the fr

    in sea roufrom that perg in this area

    an disrupt m


    end Mir overhn ts Mi-26 heas vertical h

    along with throle for airlif

    Rawat, who.

    mar Singh Bh

    KI at the Air as a game c

    he BrahMos

    aircraft cap

    ce in the Inpective. Indian Ocea

    ve. bilities for do

    located Djibts presence. ceans are meterest in a pa

    freedom of n

    utes by anyrspective (a pa (indicating

    movement of


    i-26 haul

    avy-lift heliceavy-lift ca

    he IAF’s newfting men an

    o was appoin

    hadauria sai

    Force Statiochanger in g

    s cruise miss

    able of unde

    dian Ocean

    an posed a t

    ominance es

    bouti at the

    eant for freearticular areanavigation,”

    y country, hpointer to peg IOR) only

    f merchant s


    Tue, 21 Ja

    copters to Ruapability wil

    w Americannd equipmen

    nted the

    id it will

    on here, guarding

    siles was



    threat to


    horn of

    edom of a, it will he told

    he said: erceived because

    hips. —


    Jan 2020

    ussia for ll get a

    n CH-47 nt.

  • 14  

    At present, the IAF has three Mi-26s, the world’s largest and heaviest helicopters. These are based at Chandigarh with the 126 Helicopter Unit, also called Featherweights. The same unit also operates the Chinooks. In service since 1985, the first Mi-26 was grounded in 2013, followed by the other two in 2014 and 2017 on the expiry of their stipulated technical life. Although the IAF set into motion the process to give fresh lease of life to these grounded flying machines around four years ago, the plans remained mired in bureaucratic machinery.

    “The files were finally cleared by the Ministry of Defence late last year and we are now finalising the modalities to ferry the machines to Russia. Since two of the Mi-26s are not in fly-worthy condition at all, they will have to be partially disassembled and shipped,” said a senior IAF officer. “A decision on the third chopper, which though non-operational but still fly-worthy, will be taken by Air Headquarters on whether to ship it or fly it to Russia after considering the costs, international air routing and other technicalities involved,” he added. The IAF expects that each helicopter will take 10-12 months to be back in fly-worthy state.

    Tue, 21 Jan 2020

    Indian MoD confirms procurement restructure By Jon Grevatt

    Bangkok: The Indian Ministry of Defence (MoD) has confirmed that its newly formed Department of Military Affairs (DMA) will take over some procurement duties to support efficiencies and collaboration across the armed services.

    In a notice published on 17 January, the MoD said it has shifted responsibility for administration and “revenue procurement” matters to the DMA from the MoD’s Department of Defence (DoD).

    Large capital procurement requirements will continue to be overseen by the Defence Acquisition Council (DAC), which, under the restructure, moves from Integrated Defence Staff to the DoD.

    Revenue procurement to be managed by the DMA include “common-user items” required by the armed services, which will be included in their respective annual defence budgets.

    The MoD notice also identified a range of defence articles that the DMA will have responsibility to procure. These encompass armaments, ammunition, explosives, and weapons – including air-to-air missiles – vehicles, signal equipment, stores, clothing, night-vision devices, and the procurement of spares.

    The DMA will also oversee the procurement of maintenance and overhaul services for major defence equipment including aircraft, tanks, aircraft, radars, and communication equipment. The DMA will also be responsible for the overhaul of defence facilities.

    In addition, the MoD notice indicated that the new DMA will have responsibility to co-ordinate India’s co-operation with “other countries” on the purchase of similar “revenue procurement” articles for the Indian military.

    The DMA was established in December 2019 and is led by the newly created position of Chief of Defence Staff (CDS). General Bipin Rawat became CDS after retiring from his post as Indian Army chief of staff on 1 January.