Now What? | Vermont Times | Nov. 5, 1992

download Now What? | Vermont Times | Nov. 5, 1992

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Transcript of Now What? | Vermont Times | Nov. 5, 1992

  • 8/11/2019 Now What? | Vermont Times | Nov. 5, 1992


    Democratic .upporters at the Sheraton Hotel whoop it up TuMday niPt upon word

    of the Cllnt9n-Go1 II vietory.

    WI .rl 6 P?

    Remember When Vermantwas Republican?

    Thooe cloys are gone S tbia......ek'. e1CctioD

    shows. What farther indignities anitVermom'.

    Gnnd Old Party?




    Apost- elrcri


    Ii=da for Vermoat's lc:oolen--

  • 8/11/2019 Now What? | Vermont Times | Nov. 5, 1992


    Governor Howard Dean. who defeated challenger John McClaughry by a

    supporter'll the Sheraton Hotel Tuesday nigbL

    .eNewVermont rder

    Continued rom Page J

    In Lh et,wake ofClinton's, Dean's and

    Leahy's triumphs also



    victories as

    Ed Flanagan won the auditor of

    accounLs office and Paul Ruse reLainea the .

    stale treasurer's


    Democrat Don Hooper and Republican

    James Milne stayed up longftnto Wednesday

    morning, watclling as la te reporting towns

    narrowed and widened a sliIQ margin in

    Hooper's favor in their contest for secretary

    ofstate. For the Republicans, Attorney

    6eneral JeffAmestoy, running with no

    serious opposition, easily won another tenn.

    Still, the evening brought deep

    disappointmenLs to the Democrats. Rulland



    David Wolk. riding the.

    governor's popularity and coattai 1 s from start

    to finish of his under dog campaign for

    lieutenant governor, failed to oveftake

    Republican Barbara Snelling. Tliat loss,

    combined with early projections ofa narrow

    Republican control of the Senate, leaves

    Dean with the prospect of confronting

    opposition factions in the Upper Chamber 88

    he struggles with the budget and attempts to

    institute health care financing reforms.


    governor wi'll no




    e to

    deal with se rious Republican opposition in

    the House i f early returns prove accurate.

    Dean will instead face the

    usually friendly

    but sometimes contentious - person of

    Democratic Speaker Ra1ph Wright of

    Bennington. Along with Burlington

    Democratic House member Barbara Grimes,

    Wright engineered what appeared from early

    tallies to be a landslide over their Republican

    rivals. With few official returns availabke,

    informal counts gave


    Democrats well over

    80 seats in the 150 member chamber. .

    Just a short 10 years ago," Wright said in

    a phone conversation early Wednesday

    morning, -When the Republicans had the

    Democrats down 85-t0-65, I

    said I was going

    to turn this around. I never thought rd do it,

    but this was just on hellava political night

    from the White House to the State House."

    And from the White House to the State

    House, the greatest h n ~ brought in

    Tuesday's balloting



    aC1"088 the country to h ~ . f ~ . l ~ ~ ' h . ~ =

    -Democrat th thTOVil

    envision help rather than in

    facilitating more flexible use offC\ieral funds

    for health eareinitiatives and job creation

    programs. Having a governor - or soon to be

    former governor running the federal

    .government will also provide at least a more


    hearing from the

    White HOWIe

    when Stales call for help. -And i f he ian\,







    late returns



    room at-the Sheraton, l hear aboutit."

    Still, Dean hard\y apocted mirocIeo from

    WuhiDgtan. (Clinton'.) got problema with

    (the fedenol) hwIpt thet . . . . far wane than

    DW Dean..wl. l 'haeuat... . to go

    away jU8t becauae we have a DeW pl"lllllident."

    But Leoh.J, with the help .on apparenll,y

    II'VwinI Democra t ic . . in the U.S.

    Seoale, ohouId . . . . . be ohio to win

    and pNOiciol)tiaI oipatun lO r ouch


    . . hia


    aJIow state.


    lalitude in din c:Iinc fedenolfundo lOr health


    If you've got: somebody who's n6t to

    veto things for ideological reasons; Leahy

    said, referring Bush;'s stream of veLoefl in the

    past four e r s "then you should be ab le to

    pass things

    with substance."




    expressed hope that dealing with a former

    governor of a small rural state would ease

    negotiations for federal measures targeted to

    enhance rural

    developmentana p'rotection of

    small farms.

    .., don't know what Clinton's going to do ,"

    Wright swd, . But his heart's in the right

    place, and thQ.t's a start. We haven't had that

    in 12



    control of the state Senate, i f early

    "returnshold. promised to



    Republican's .

    greatest achievement of the evening. With a

    few key"races still in the balance, the GOP

    was expected to hold a 16-t.o-14 edge in the

    30-member chamber. That could give them

    along with Snelling - complete control of the

    3-member panel that assigns members to

    committees, an advantage that could s iape

    spending and tax measures, h e a 1 t h ~ r e .

    refonn and every'other bill that moves

    through the Legislature in the neXt. two -


    While those concerns were high in the

    minds of Dem0CT'8tic office holders as


    watched tallies roll in to makeshift boiler

    rooms on election night, such details were

    relatively remote worries forthe masses. of

    partying acolytes hack in theOallroom.

    There, the sign-wielders who waved at cars

    on street comers throughout Tuesday's chill

    danced $Dd whooped into the night as Paul

    Simon - the singer. not the Democratic '


    from Dlinois - wailed



    you AI when Vice President-Elect Gore

    appeared on"the big.scroon T.V
