November Volume 10 Issue 10 KGPC ENEWS · Sunday on Sunday, November 12, 2017, at both of our...

November KGPC ENEWS Inside this Issue 1 Reflections from Pastor Chris 2 November Sermons 3 Worship Ministry Advent Poinsettias Consecration Sunday 4 Christian Faith Formation News 5 Serve Ministry JCOC Day 6 Santa Claus Shuffle Serve News Eyeglass Adventure 7 Grow Ministry CHOW News Pre-Advent Book Study Book Club Mom’s Club 8 Care Ministry Fellowship Dinner Guys & Gals Holiday Luncheon 9 November Birthdays Connect Ministry 10 Bethlehem Walk Information 11 Equip Ministry Property Personnel Finance 12 RETREATS WORKSHOPS 13 EXTRA...EXTRA… Read All About It 14 Calendar of Events An Attitude of Gratitude By Chris Carrasco As the trees proudly display their oranges, reds, and golds, family plans are being made for Thanksgiving, and sweaters emerge from their summer hibernation, we know that Fall is in full swing. Autumn always heightens my sense of thankfulness: for the beauty of the earth, for family, for the unconditional love of God in Jesus Christ, for a dynamic church family, for dear friends, and for the basics of life, such as food, shelter, clothing, health and the ability to pay the bills. Perhaps more than other years, I am especially grateful for the basics of life. As our three year partnership with the Judeo Christian Outreach Center (JCOC) begins, more and more stories from their clients touch my heart. How I take a bed to sleep in at night for granted when so many long for such comfort right here in Virginia Beach! What a blessing it is to have keys to my own place which others can only dream about. But I cannot be content with just being thankful. I cannot watch my fellow human beings lack the basics of life and simply pray, “Thank you God I am not like them.” (I think there’s a biblical story to that effect!) So in the spirit of Thanksgiving and Thanks Living, I want my attitude of gratitude this year to motivate me to action. The Serve Ministry Team has given me, and all of us, an incredible opportunity to live out our thankfulness to God. Stewardship is just another way of saying, “THANK YOU!” to a God who has given us so much. A letter with a pledge card has been sent out to offer you the opportunity to say, “Thank you,” and to partner in what God is doing through this church in the community. Being good stewards of what has been entrusted to us includes offering a percentage of those blessings back to God so God can bless more people through us. And for the next three years, one of the groups of people we will bless with this offering is the clients at JCOC. We have stepped out in faith to commit $20,000 per year for three years so that our neighbors in Virginia Beach can be fed, given life skills, and housed temporarily and permanently. The mission statement of JCOC is “To empower homeless families and individuals to recover from crisis situations and return to being self-supporting, productive, and independent members of our community.” I can’t imagine a better way to say, “Thank you,” to God than to offer what we have been blessed with so that others can be blessed. But Stewardship is about more than just the giving of our resources. We have also committed at least 25 volunteers each year to feeding, clothing, and resourcing those who are less fortunate. Some have said in our culture, time is more important than money. Offering a few hours a month to show God thanks, to be good stewards of our time, and to love our neighbors as ourselves is part of our discipleship journey. JCOC has so many opportunities for all ages and all abilities. Serve will make sure you have the chance to sign up for volunteer activities in the future. Abiding in Christ: Sent to Grow, Shine, and Love Volume 10 Issue 10

Transcript of November Volume 10 Issue 10 KGPC ENEWS · Sunday on Sunday, November 12, 2017, at both of our...

Page 1: November Volume 10 Issue 10 KGPC ENEWS · Sunday on Sunday, November 12, 2017, at both of our regular services at 8:45 and 11:00. Please make plans to attend one of the Worship services



Inside this Issue


Reflections from Pastor Chris


November Sermons

3 Worship Ministry

Advent Poinsettias

Consecration Sunday

4 Christian Faith Formation


5 Serve Ministry


6 Santa Claus Shuffle

Serve News

Eyeglass Adventure

7 Grow Ministry


Pre-Advent Book Study

Book Club

Mom’s Club

8 Care Ministry

Fellowship Dinner

Guys & Gals Holiday Luncheon

9 November Birthdays

Connect Ministry

10 Bethlehem Walk Information

11 Equip Ministry Property Personnel Finance





Read All About It


Calendar of Events

An Attitude of Gratitude

By Chris Carrasco

As the trees proudly display their oranges, reds, and golds, family

plans are being made for Thanksgiving, and sweaters emerge from their

summer hibernation, we know that Fall is in full swing. Autumn always

heightens my sense of thankfulness: for the beauty of the earth, for family,

for the unconditional love of God in Jesus Christ, for a dynamic church

family, for dear friends, and for the basics of life, such as food, shelter,

clothing, health and the ability to pay the bills.

Perhaps more than other years, I am especially grateful for the

basics of life. As our three year partnership with the Judeo Christian

Outreach Center (JCOC) begins, more and more stories from their clients

touch my heart. How I take a bed to sleep in at night for granted when so

many long for such comfort right here in Virginia Beach! What a blessing

it is to have keys to my own place which others can only dream about. But

I cannot be content with just being thankful. I cannot watch my fellow

human beings lack the basics of life and simply pray, “Thank you God I

am not like them.” (I think there’s a biblical story to that effect!)

So in the spirit of Thanksgiving and Thanks Living, I want my

attitude of gratitude this year to motivate me to action. The Serve Ministry

Team has given me, and all of us, an incredible opportunity to live out our

thankfulness to God. Stewardship is just another way of saying, “THANK

YOU!” to a God who has given us so much. A letter with a pledge card

has been sent out to offer you the opportunity to say, “Thank you,” and to

partner in what God is doing through this church in the community. Being

good stewards of what has been entrusted to us includes offering a

percentage of those blessings back to God so God can bless more people

through us. And for the next three years, one of the groups of people we

will bless with this offering is the clients at JCOC. We have stepped out in

faith to commit $20,000 per year for three years so that our neighbors in

Virginia Beach can be fed, given life skills, and housed temporarily and

permanently. The mission statement of JCOC is “To empower homeless

families and individuals to recover from crisis situations and return to

being self-supporting, productive, and independent members of our

community.” I can’t imagine a better way to say, “Thank you,” to God

than to offer what we have been blessed with so that others can be


But Stewardship is about more than just the giving of our

resources. We have also committed at least 25 volunteers each year to

feeding, clothing, and resourcing those who are less fortunate. Some have

said in our culture, time is more important than money. Offering a few

hours a month to show God thanks, to be good stewards of our time, and

to love our neighbors as ourselves is part of our discipleship journey.

JCOC has so many opportunities for all ages and all abilities. Serve will

make sure you have the chance to sign up for volunteer activities in the


Abiding in Christ: Sent to Grow, Shine, and Love

Volume 10 Issue 10

Page 2: November Volume 10 Issue 10 KGPC ENEWS · Sunday on Sunday, November 12, 2017, at both of our regular services at 8:45 and 11:00. Please make plans to attend one of the Worship services

November 2

Fall, and November in particular, is about saying, “THANKS!” to a God who has blessed us with so

much. Pray over your pledge this year and what percentage of your income adequately expresses your

thanks-giving to God. Pray over the volunteer opportunities at JCOC and how you can thank God by loving

others. I am proud to be part of a church that is using its financial and human resources to make such an

impact in our community. I will be raising my pledge to support these new efforts and look forward to signing

up to volunteer with my family so that God can use us to be a blessing to others. I hope you will consider

doing the same.

November Sermons

In November, our focus is stewardship and discipleship as we pray about our gifts to God for 2018

and dedicate them to God’s work in this world. We will thank God the Sunday before Thanksgiving and

then celebrate Christ as the King of our lives and this world. Come worship, give, dedicate, give thanks,

and praise our heavenly ruler.

November 5 A Serving of Hope I John 3:16-17; Galatians 6:7-10

Sermon with Todd Walker, Executive Director of JCOC

November 12 What’s the Point? Genesis 12:1-3; Matthew 5:13-16

New Consecration/Dedication Sunday

November 19 Thanks Living Psalm 136:1-9, 23-26; Luke 17:11-19

Thanksgiving Sunday

November 26 Is Christ Still King? Psalm 47; John 18:33-38a

Christ the King Sunday

Page 3: November Volume 10 Issue 10 KGPC ENEWS · Sunday on Sunday, November 12, 2017, at both of our regular services at 8:45 and 11:00. Please make plans to attend one of the Worship services

November 3


Carol Bibbs, Team Leader


Two Worship Services Each Sunday

8:45 a.m. Contemporary; 11:00 a.m. Traditional

November 5 – Communion

November 12 – New Consecration Sunday

Looking for a way you can serve at KGPC? Consider volunteering to join one of the six Usher

Teams that serve two months, six months apart. Openings available for men and women and youth

members. If you would like to explore this opportunity contact Bob Bucknum, Chair of the Usher Guild,

431-9694 or [email protected].


A December tradition in our church during the Advent season includes beautiful

Poinsettias in our sanctuary, on a stand holding nearly 100 live poinsettias in a tree shape.

Red plants on a tiered platform create a tree and white plants in the center form a

cross. Over 100 plants are used to make this design. Please help make this possible by

purchasing plant(s) in your name or dedicating them to a loved one. Plants may be taken

home following the 11:00 p.m. service on Christmas Eve.

Plants this year are $5.00 each and order forms are in the Connection Point or in

the Church Office. Deadline to order is December 8th.

A team is needed to help them thrive by watering them weekly. Would you be

willing to give one hour towards this effort? Contact Ann Butler, [email protected] or

Carol Bibbs, [email protected].


As a reminder, KGPC will celebrate our 15th annual New Consecration

Sunday on Sunday, November 12, 2017, at both of our regular services at 8:45 and

11:00. Please make plans to attend one of the Worship services that day. We ask

that you begin to prayerfully consider your response to this call, and submit your

pledge card during Worship that day.

The Lord provides everything we have; this event is our annual opportunity to make our financial

and service pledges to honor God. Our primary objective is for every KGPC member to tangibly

strengthen your relationship with our Savior, Jesus Christ throughout this spiritual process.

Our detailed schedule includes the following events, please mark your calendars:

*November 5 – Special Guest Speaker

*November 12 – New Consecration Sunday, bring your pledge cards forward

NCS Team Leaders

Bob Bibbs & Donna Perry

The next meeting for the Worship Ministry is

Monday November 13th 6:30 p.m.

Carol Bibbs, Team Leader. Session elders serving this team include Chris Andersen, Bob Bibbs, and Jim Otto.

We welcome your thoughts and suggestions for worship at all times.

Page 4: November Volume 10 Issue 10 KGPC ENEWS · Sunday on Sunday, November 12, 2017, at both of our regular services at 8:45 and 11:00. Please make plans to attend one of the Worship services

November 4

Truth Telling as a Form of Faith Formation

Amanda Pine

“A theologian of glory calls evil good and good evil. A theologian of the cross calls the thing what it actually

is.” This quote came directly from the reformer Martin Luther in the Heidelberg Disputation. I am sure you

are worn out from the 500th Anniversary Celebration of the Protestant Reformation, so I swear this is the last

time I will mention the Reformation this year. I do think, however, that this excerpt still speaks to us today.

When did we make the shift from a theologian of the cross to a theologian of glory? When did we begin to

uplift the politics of domination over the way of Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior? One might argue the shift

happened long before Jesus was crucified, when the Israelites demanded a king. That king then set forth a

story of domination that plays itself out in our every day lives. Perhaps, then, when Jesus came some were not

prepared to listen to the message that he carried. Perhaps, we are still not prepared (or not willing) to listen to

the way of Jesus. Let’s face it my friends, crucifixion was no dinner table conversation. It was designed

specifically to be a grotesque symbol of terror, and to remind those who stepped out of line where their place

was. It generated terror. Theology of the cross stands where gross injustices occur, much like the unjust

practices the church was committing at the time of the Protestant Reformation.

The last week of October, I was in Baltimore, Maryland taking classes so I can obtain a Certification in

Community Organizing and Congregational Leadership. I will continue to complete portions of the work in

the next few months through distance learning and online assignments. Much of this training focuses on the

power of one-on-one relationships to foster change in the world as it is, to strive to create the world as it

should be (the kingdom of God).

I have come to believe that truth telling has a place in faith formation. When we boldly confront,

acknowledge, and confess our failings as humans to each other, we are able to dwell in a theology of the

cross. One of the ways to do this, is by open and honest conversation. Next year, beginning in January, we

will offer a discussion group (in a bar) that will address tough topics of our world today. We will also more

frequently begin to address where we can create change in our own community through study and

conversation with those around us. I also hope to get to know what keeps all of you up at night. I am working

towards scheduling one-on-one time with Grow leaders and ministry members right now. I hope to develop

these one-on-one conversations as a spiritual practice, and would love to talk with you! Let me know if you

are interested in talking for about 45 minutes about what really drives you.

We have not been called to perfection, but we have been called to grow. Let’s all make a commitment to

return to being theologians of the cross. Aligning where Jesus would have aligned. Blessings and peace my


Page 5: November Volume 10 Issue 10 KGPC ENEWS · Sunday on Sunday, November 12, 2017, at both of our regular services at 8:45 and 11:00. Please make plans to attend one of the Worship services

November 5

SERVE MINISTRY Marie Garrenton, Team Leader

Toilet Paper

Paper towels

Towels & washcloths

Twin Bedding



Bus Passes / or Cash contribution to purchase Bus Passes


KGPC will have a special Judeo Christian Outreach Center (JCOC) Day

on Sunday, November 5 at both Worship Services.

The Executive Director of JCOC, Mr. Todd Walker, will be speaking to our congregation about how KGPC’s commitment will help them fulfill their mission. Please visit the Fellowship Hall in between our two Worship Services November 5th to meet Todd and his team! We will have information available about how you can become personally involved, as we begin our new journey with JCOC over the next 3 years.

We request that KGPC members and friends bring needed household items to church that day, and drop them off in the Connection Point. Below is a list of the vital household items that JCOC needs for the people they support in Virginia Beach:

Toothpaste & toothbrushes Shampoo & Conditioner Deodorant Bar Soap Razors & shaving cream Hairbrushes & Combs Feminine Hygiene products

In addition, we ask for 2 or 3 members with pickup trucks please be available to help move the items donated to JCOC after the 11:00 a.m. Worship Service November 5. JCOC is located about 15 minutes from KGPC, near the intersection of Virginia Beach Blvd. and Birdneck Road.

We pray that our congregation will respond to God’s call for these items to support JCOC. The Serve Ministry offers blessings and thanks for your support!

The Serve team has created some awesome shirts to celebrate our new partnership with JCOC and to remind us of our vision and our calling to serve our brothers and sisters in need.

Shirts are $15 with $7 going to support the JCOC transitional housing program. These super soft shirts tend to run a bit small, so you may want to order a size up if you're deciding between two sizes.

If you would like to order a shirt, please text or email your order (including your name and shirt size) to:

Suzy Farley (757-620-1912 or [email protected]) by November 12.

Page 6: November Volume 10 Issue 10 KGPC ENEWS · Sunday on Sunday, November 12, 2017, at both of our regular services at 8:45 and 11:00. Please make plans to attend one of the Worship services

November 6

Travel to the Dominican Republic June 16, 2018—June 24, 2018

and join forces with the Westminster Presbyterian Church, Knoxville, TN and the Azua

Lions Club to help restore the vision of hundreds of people who might otherwise never

afford eyeglasses.

We need 9 volunteers from KGPC. No experience necessary! For more details, call

or email Diane Evans. 757-636-7383 / [email protected]

The Serve ministry is organizing a team to help a good cause and run the Santa Claus Shuffle! This is a great holiday themed 5k with a family focus - there's even a 1 mile fun run for kids! It supports Tidewater Youth Services helping at-risk and court-involved youth in the area. For more information, contact Audrey Malagon, [email protected], or visit to sign up. Be sure to choose Team KGPC!

You can support the KGPC team through the link on our Facebook page as well.

The school supply drive this year brought in over 233 items plus 2 completely stuffed backpacks! Supplementing school supplies takes a burden off teachers who so often pay for supplies out of their own pockets. Thank you so much!

$141 was collected during our special Peacemaking Offering on Oct 1st.The money went to Samaritan House, as October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month. Information is available in the Connection Point.

The next Serve Ministry meeting is November 20th at 7:00 p.m.

Page 7: November Volume 10 Issue 10 KGPC ENEWS · Sunday on Sunday, November 12, 2017, at both of our regular services at 8:45 and 11:00. Please make plans to attend one of the Worship services

November 7

GROW MINISTRY Betsy Leonard & Susan Kerr, Team Leaders

Book Club

Tuesday, November 28th, 7 p.m. in the Connection Point

Come and join us as there is always room for another reader at our table!

Book for Nov. — Hillbilly Elegy by J. D. Vance

Reminder—No Book Club in December

This month in youth…

November 5th – Lunch and Operation Christmas Child shopping

November 5th – 6-7:30 p.m. – Youth Fellowship

November 19th – Non-refundable $50 deposit for Massanetta Springs Middle School Conference or Montreat Youth Conference due

The next Grow Ministry meeting is Monday November 6th at 6:30 p.m.

Club 4/5 (Room 118) Children in Club 4/5 will develop long lasting bonds of friendship that will be fostered through fellowship, mission, and faith formation.

Mom’s Group will be meeting Sunday Nov. 12th

during the 10-11 hour in the Connection point. We will meet the

second Sunday of each month.

Real Faith, Real Life - November 8th (the Parlor)

Bubba's Momma's Worst Estate Planning Mistakes with Karen Fortier, Esq. This presentation includes great information about Wills, Trusts, probate, elder law issues and what to do if you have loved ones who have special needs and even loved ones who are troublemakers (like in prison, for example). There is a lot of humor, good true stories of the consequences of certain mistakes and a lot of encouragement for people who might be intimidated by the idea of doing wills, powers of attorney and so on. Learn from Bubba and his Momma!

Thrive! - Pre-K through 3rd

Grade (Room 120) This program is a fun, engaging, hands-on way for children pre-k through third grade to experience faith.

We are offering faith formation programs for children, youth, and adults from 5:15 p.m.-6:15 p.m.

God is in the Manger November 12-December 3 9:55-10:45 a.m. in the Parlor

Join us for a pre-Advent study which will start a little before Advent to prepare us for the upcoming season. We will be using Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s book God is in the Manger.

"There are only two places where the powerful and great in this world lose their courage, tremble in the depths of their souls, and become truly afraid. These are the manger and the cross of Jesus Christ."

These stirring words are among forty devotions that guide and inspire readers as they move thematically through the weeks of Advent and Christmas, from waiting and mystery to redemption, incarnation, and joy. Supplemented by an informative introduction, short excerpts from Bonhoeffer's letters, and passages from his Christmas sermons, these daily devotions are timeless and moving reminders of the true gift of Christmas.

Be sure to attend the last fall Wednesday of CHOW, November 15th

Winter CHOW will resume January 10, 2018

Page 8: November Volume 10 Issue 10 KGPC ENEWS · Sunday on Sunday, November 12, 2017, at both of our regular services at 8:45 and 11:00. Please make plans to attend one of the Worship services

November 8

CARE MINISTRY Jacque Camlet & Susan Stoke, Team Leaders

Guys & Gals Fellowship Annual Holiday Luncheon at the Cavalier Country Club

This group was treated to a very interesting program on Wednesday, October 18th, given by Dr. Don Evans as he showed videos of his climb up Mt. Kilimanjaro in Tanzania along with his daughter and husband, and his son. Now we are looking forward to our Eleventh Annual Christmas Luncheon scheduled for December 13th, at 11:30 a.m. at the Cavalier Country Club. The luncheon price is $15.00. There are 3 menu selections and you can sign up in the Church office starting November 1st, checks accepted. Deadline to sign up is December 6th.This luncheon is always a fun time, lots of fellowship and puts you in the mood for the Christmas Season. There will be valet parking. Looking forward to seeing you there.


Chop Steak– Ground Grilled Angus Beef with Wild Mushrooms & Caramelized Onion Demi

Greek Salad- Grilled Chicken or Shrimp, Half Romaine Heart, Roasted Cipollini Onions, Peppercinni Roasted Red Peppers, Artichoke Hearts, Grape Tomatoes, Lemon Vinaigrette

Pomodoro Angel Hair- Grilled Shrimp, Angel Hair Pasta, White Wine, Fresh Mozzarella, Tomato & Fresh Basil Sauce.

DESSERT - TIRAMISU - Italian Custard Dessert

Care would like to thank the many hands that came together to help with Oktoberfest! The food prepared by Chef Kyle and Je’von was a hit! Special thanks to Don Tillman and family for donating the oysters which were prepared by Tyler Jones and Jim Otto. Everyone's efforts were appreciated. We always appreciate Bill Carson's willingness to share his home for this annual event. While the weather forced us inside the Fellowship Hall, our spirits felt like we were outdoors!

Fellowship dinners continue to grow. Food and fellowship are in full swing after CHOW classes end. This event needs more helpers. The steady assistance provided by Kathy and Bob Larose, Carolyn and Pete Lothrop and Mandi and Mitch Powell are deeply appreciated. They have given so much of their time toward this event. We need some new members for this crew. Please contact Susan Stoke at 641-3320 or Jacque Camlet at 576-6585 for more details about helping out. A free meal will be offered to those who sign up and assist with Fellowship dinners.

We welcome ideas and suggestions for future events. If you are interested in planning the for the Ladies' Tea, to be held this spring, please contact Susan Stoke at the number above.

The next Care Ministry meeting is November 9th at 6:00 p.m.

Page 9: November Volume 10 Issue 10 KGPC ENEWS · Sunday on Sunday, November 12, 2017, at both of our regular services at 8:45 and 11:00. Please make plans to attend one of the Worship services

November 9


Bob Larose, Team Leader

The Communication team will meet Tuesday November 7th at 6:30 p.m.

The next Connect ministry meeting is Thursday November 9th at 6:30 p.m.

Herber Himmelwright 11/14

Gwen Harrell 11/14

Lilah Coulborn 11/14

Florence Strange 11/15

Carol Bibbs 11/16

Abby Farley 11/17

Kim Jones 11/18

Carolyn Sale 11/20

Amanda Pine 11/20

Sharon Gardner 11/21

Caitlin Leonard 11/21

Jackson Reynaldo 11/22

Kelly Goodwin 11/24

Alison Scott 11/25

Christopher Hall 11/26

Andrew Purcell 11/26

Margaret Vadersen 11/29

Sydney Glende 11/30

Eric Stevens 11/30

Pierre Plater 11/30

Andrea Andersen 11/01

Jacqueline Coulborn 11/01

Mark VanDeveer 11/02

Marguerite Whitaker 11/03

Peggy Rhodes 11/04

Malachai Phillip 11/04

Mike Camlet 11/05

Elizabeth Krall 11/05

Rebecca Fetter 11/05

Lauren Smith 11/06

Shannon Smith 11/06

Kevin Mooney 11/07

Abigail Carlton 11/07

Deane Carroll 11/08

Anthony Coulborn 11/08

Jessica Miller 11/10

Lynna Horres 11/11

Lillian Flitton 11/13

Kathryn Sheppard 11/13

Jerron Smith 11/13

Lynne Fetter 11/13

Page 10: November Volume 10 Issue 10 KGPC ENEWS · Sunday on Sunday, November 12, 2017, at both of our regular services at 8:45 and 11:00. Please make plans to attend one of the Worship services


Bethlehem Walk is in need of medium and large pieces of block and sheet Styrofoam. Did you make a

purchase that came packaged in Styrofoam? If so, we need it! Let KGPC Bethlehem Walk volunteers put

it to good use! Please drop off in the Church office. (No Styrofoam peanuts please)

Bethlehem Walk Volunteers Needed!!!

Calling all Holy Families, Angels, Roman Guards, Prophets, Parking Attendants, Cookie Bakers, and

Shepherds… Our annual Bethlehem Walk is fast approaching, Dec. 8th, 9th & 10th and we are still in need of

many key roles in our little town. Please stop by the Connection Point and sign up by Sunday, Nov. 5th to

reserve your place in Bethlehem Walk 2017!

Upcoming important dates for all Bethlehem Walk volunteers:

Thurs. Nov. 9th 6:30-8:30 p.m. - Training for all Scripted Actors & Costume Fitting

Thurs. Nov. 16th 6:30-8:30 p.m. - Training for all Shop Actors & Costume Fitting

Sat. Nov. 18th 9:00 a.m.-Noon - Costume Fitting (if you missed your training night)

Tues. Nov. 28th 6:00-8:30 p.m. - Costume Fitting (if you missed your training night)

Sat. Dec. 2nd 8:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. - BW staging day… come help us empty the sheds and closets in

preparation for build day on Sunday, Dec., 3rd. There will also be

a costume fitting.

Sun. Dec. 3rd 1:00-5:00 p.m. - Build Bethlehem. (Shop owners may decorate their shops after

5:00). Last costume fitting from 1:00-3:00 p.m.

Mon.-Thurs. Dec. 4th-7th 10:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m. - Decorate/Build Bethlehem

Thurs. Dec. 7th 6:30-8:30 p.m. - Dress Rehearsal for all BW actors

Fri.-Sun. Dec. 8th-10th Bethlehem Walk (check flyer for times)

November 10

Page 11: November Volume 10 Issue 10 KGPC ENEWS · Sunday on Sunday, November 12, 2017, at both of our regular services at 8:45 and 11:00. Please make plans to attend one of the Worship services


The next Property meeting is November 13th at 2 p.m.

A friendly reminder...Please do not prop open doors before, during or after an event. THANK YOU!

EQUIP MINISTRY Property—Gay Aridas, Leader

King’s Academy of Fine Arts( KAFA)

You are invited to give your child classes in Music, Art, and Dance on

Wednesdays and Thursdays 9:00 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.

Ends: May 23rd & 24th Open to children 2 ½ - 5 years old.

Contact Janet Phelps

for more information [email protected]

340-2840 (church) 580-5899 (cell)

EQUIP MINISTRY Personnel—Kimberly Vaughn, Leader

New Preschool Playground

Plans are currently being made for KGPC to welcome Trinity Early Childhood School into the fold! A seven member task force has been meeting for a year now in order to make the transition from the current site of Thalia to King's Grant. The preschool has a strong forty year reputation and we look forward to incorporating it into our facility.

The first order of business which you will notice in November is the construction of a new playground behind/adjacent to the present one. This new area will be more well-suited for three and four year olds and will include a fence for safety reasons. It will be for use of KGPC as well.

Next spring will come some inside construction as new shelving/storage space in a few of the classrooms which will be used by the school. All work should be completed well before the scheduled September 2018 opening for the preschool at KGPC. Any moving or construction expenses incurred will be paid for by the current preschool fund.

We look forward to sharing more news with you as time goes on but in the meantime if anyone has any questions please feel free to ask a member of the task team. Julie Seipel – Chair, Marion Mitchell – Preschool Director, Gay Aridas, Carol Bibbs, Betsy Leonard, Lynne MacCall, Janet Phelps

The next Personnel meeting is Tuesday, November 14

th, 2017, 6 p.m.

EQUIP MINISTRY Finance—Tom Dillion, Leader

The next Finance meeting is Wednesday, November 15

th, 2017, 8 a.m.

November 11

Page 12: November Volume 10 Issue 10 KGPC ENEWS · Sunday on Sunday, November 12, 2017, at both of our regular services at 8:45 and 11:00. Please make plans to attend one of the Worship services


Join the Presbytery of Eastern Virginia this winter as we travel to Montreat College Conference! This conference will explore the meaning of what it means to be “home” as a people of faith.

When: January 2-5, 2018 Register ASAP Cost Per Person: $165 (this is negotiable)

Registration Information: We will be staying in a cottage outside of Montreat Conference Center. The registration costs go to food and registration fees. We will take care of registering the group, but need to make sure that we are able to accommodate everyone, thus we are requesting all payment and registrations be in ASAP. For more information on how to apply, contact Amanda Pine ([email protected]).

Calling ALL Women of the church: Theme: Breathe There is still time…. time to set aside a weekend away with your Sisters in Christ, relaxing, reacquainting, relinquishing the worries of home life to “breathe” with God! January 19-21, 2018 at Kipotopeke State Park, cost $40 for 2 nights, $20 for one night

and $10 for day visitors. There are still spots available! Hope you are able to join us! For more info contact Julie Seipel ([email protected])

Fall 2017 News from Tidewater Pastoral Counseling Services is pleased to announce a one day training that helps to equip those in the faith community to minister to those impacted by suicidal desperation. This includes those who are currently considering suicide; those who are anxious that a family member or friend might be considering suicide; those that have lost a loved one to suicide; and those who have experienced suicidal thinking in the past but are no longer. Because of the significant stigma and taboo that surrounds this topic; we have many members in our community, and faith communities in particular who often suffer in silence. By attending this workshop you can not only learn more about suicidal desperation, but also possibly help to save a life.

Soul Shop is a one-day workshop that will be offered on Thurs., November 9th at Great Bridge United Methodist Church in Chesapeake. The workshop will be lead by Rev. Michelle Snyder, Executive Director of the agency and former Executive Director of the Pittsburgh Pastoral Counseling Institute. Rev. Snyder is an extremely skilled presenter and expert on this topic, especially as it relates to those of us in the faith community. The workshop has been endorsed by the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention. The cost for the day of training will be $40 per person, which includes breakfast pastries and coffee; lunch; and an afternoon snack. Register at the following website:

Rev. Martin W. Phillips, LPC Executive Director

More information in Connection Point

November 12

Page 13: November Volume 10 Issue 10 KGPC ENEWS · Sunday on Sunday, November 12, 2017, at both of our regular services at 8:45 and 11:00. Please make plans to attend one of the Worship services



Operation Christmas Child—On November 5th during Sunday School, all children will receive a special shoebox, with instructions on how and what to fill them with. Extra boxes are available for any one who would like to contribute to the cause.

This is one of the world's largest Christmas projects of its kind and demonstrates God's love in a tangible way to children around the world.

Please return the filled boxes to either of the Sunday November 12th worship services. If possible, please include $9 in the box for shipping and handling. One box. One child. One life. One Hope.


Rent a KGPC Youth for the odd jobs around the house, so the youth can raise money for our summer

trips! Middle school youth are attending the Massanetta Middle School conference in June, and high

school youth are attending the Montreat Youth Conference in July.

Yard work—Babysitting—Pet sitting—Holiday preparations—Or…?

If you have a need, contact Becky Otto ([email protected]) for grades 6-9 or Suzy Farley

([email protected]) for grades 10-12 to find a teen or teens who are able to help!

Sherry Hatfield’s address: Princess Anne Health and Rehab Ph: (757-821-7500)

Room 130 1948 Landstown Centre Way, VB 23456.

Visitors are appreciated.

MEALS ON WHEELS DELIVERY—If you would like a meaningful way to serve others, please

consider helping deliver Meals on Wheels to shut-ins and those recovering from surgery. Two people

are needed on Thursdays, Oct. 12, Nov. 9 and Dec. 14, 9:30 - 11:30 a.m. KGPC is responsible for

having 2 person teams to deliver daily for one week per month. Meals and delivery instructions are

picked up at the Sentara Nursing and Rehab Center on Sentara Way, off Rosemont Rd. Someone

who has delivered previously will gladly go with you the first time. If you are interested in helping,

please contact Vivian Phelps Cell: 477-3375 or Email: [email protected]

FAMILY ADVENT EVENT— Friday, December 1st in the Fellowship Hall from 6-8 p.m.

Kick start the Christmas Season with this fun event for your family. Family togetherness time is so

important during the Christmas Season, but we rarely take advantage of moments where we can all be

together. Whether you have young children, teens, or are a part of the church family- kick start the

Christmas Season with this fun event for your family.

Make a professional looking advent wreath under Pat Kelley’s instruction, create your own advent

calendar, decorate holiday cookies, and more! There will be so many things for the entire family to


November 13

Page 14: November Volume 10 Issue 10 KGPC ENEWS · Sunday on Sunday, November 12, 2017, at both of our regular services at 8:45 and 11:00. Please make plans to attend one of the Worship services


Sun. Mon. Tues. Wed. Thurs. Fri. Sat.

1 6:30- Prayer Breakfast 9- KAFA 4-9– CHOW 7:30- Women’s Small Group

2 9- KAFA 7:30—Bethlehem Walk Mtg.

3 4



JCOC DAY 6– Youth Fellowship

6 9:30– Quilters 12:30—Lunch Bunch 6:30—Grow



8 6:30- Prayer Breakfast 9- KAFA 4-9– CHOW 7:30- Women’s Small Group


9- KAFA 6:00—Care 6:30— Connect 6:30-8 Bethlehem Walk Mtg.

10 11



10-11 –Mom’s Group

13 9:30– Quilters 12:30—Lunch Bunch 2—Property 6:30— Worship

14 Circles 10 a.m.- Elizabeth 7:15 p.m.- Eve 7:30 a.m.-Lydia 6—Personnel

15 6:30- Prayer Breakfast 8—Finance 9- KAFA 4-9– CHOW

7:30- Women’s Small Group

16 9- KAFA 6:30-8 Bethlehem Walk Mtg.


18 9-12—Bethlehem Walk Mtg.



20 9:30– Quilters 12:30—Lunch Bunch 6:00– Leadership 7—Serve


22 6:30- Prayer Breakfast 9- KAFA 7:30- Women’s Small Group







27 9:30– Quilters 12:30—Lunch Bunch 7– Session

28 9:30– Staff Mtg.

6-8:30-Bethlehem Walk Mtg.

7– Book Club

29 7:30- Women’s Small Group


November 14