NOVEMBER NEWSLETTER - Amazon S3 › ... › november_2018_newsletter.pdfNovember 1st, writing this...

I’m sitting at my desk this morning, on November 1st, writing this newsletter article. Today is a day of celebration that stretches back centuries but has taken a backseat to the other holidays around this time of year. In fact, most people are unaware that this holiday even has a religious reason. People may know a few rumors or tidbits of old practice, but the deep-seated reason of All Saints Day is to realize the totality of the Kingdom of God. All Saints Day is also referred to as All Hallows Day. The night before All Hallows Day was referred to as All Hallows Eve and eventually morphed into Halloween. We know Halloween to be a time when children dress up and go Trick or Treating. Years ago, the children and villages celebrating All Saints Day engaged in a different type of celebration. While cultures around the world had different customs revolving around All Saints, your westernized Christianity within the Anglican and Catholic churches had children dress in costumes and were symbolically cast out of the town only to return dressed representing the Saints of the church. It is this old practice that morphed into what we know today. But, we lost the Saints along the way. For All Saints Day now, we push it a few days out to the first Sunday in November; so not to far away from the actual day. On that Sunday, we read the names of the saints who have died in the past year. We use the nomenclature, saints, in a way that represents the people who truly upheld the meaning, message, and witness of the Gospel. They aren’t just beatified saints like in the Roman Catholic Church, these are the men and women who taught Sunday School and cooked meals; the ones who loved God and loved their neighbors as themselves; the ones who helped make sure we knew how to serve as Christ for this world. It truly is a blessing that All Saints Sunday falls on the first Sunday of the month for us United Methodists. As we worship and remember our Saints at the beginning of the service, the near conclusion of our service is celebrating Holy Communion. In our litany, we are tied with the Saints when we hear, “And so, with your people on earth and all the company of heaven we praise your name and join their unending hymn:” to which we respond, “Holy, holy, holy Lord, God of power and might, heaven and earth are full of your glory. Hosanna in the highest. Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord. Hosanna in the highest.” We are united by the Holy Spirit with the Saints of the Church. We know they have passed the mantle of ministry and responsibility down to us to build the Kingdom of God here and now. Just as that mantle was passed to them by another and another Saint drawing back to Christ himself, we now teach, cook, love, and share the Gospel through our very being. Grace and peace, Pastor Adam First United Methodist Church - Whitesboro, Texas NOVEMBER NEWSLETTER SPECIAL DATES IN NOVEMBER You may also check the online church calendar for upcoming events and schedule email reminders. ONGOING ACTIVITIES: *Games Day and Lunch Bunch alternate Mondays in Wesley Hall. Contact Wanda Dooley, Art McGuire or the church office. *Let’s Get Moving - Meets every Tuesday & Thursday at 10:30 in Wesley Hall *The Piece Makers Community Quilting Group - Meets every Friday, 9:30 - 3:00 in Wesley Hall * Master Gardeners - Every other Friday. Mark your calendar for the following November Events: Sid Krueger 100th Birthday Celebration: November 3rd November Communion Rail Offering will benefit: Whitesboro Ministerial Alliance Christmas Food Baskets All Saints Sunday - November 4th Trustee Meeting: November 12th UMM & UMW Meetings: November 1th Veterans Day—November, 11th Church TownHall-November 11th Church Charge Conference-November 18th at FUMC Sherman, 3:00-5:00 pm Community Thanksgiving Service - November 18th, 6:00 pm SPRC Meeting, November 15th Thanksgiving, November 22nd Finance Committee, December 4th Church Council, December 4th Facebook Page: FUMCWhitesboro

Transcript of NOVEMBER NEWSLETTER - Amazon S3 › ... › november_2018_newsletter.pdfNovember 1st, writing this...

Page 1: NOVEMBER NEWSLETTER - Amazon S3 › ... › november_2018_newsletter.pdfNovember 1st, writing this newsletter article. Today is a day of celebration that stretches back centuries but

I’m sitting at my desk this morning, on November 1st, writing this newsletter article. Today is a day of celebration that stretches back centuries but has taken a backseat to the other holidays around this time of year. In fact, most people are unaware that this holiday even has a religious reason. People may know a few rumors or tidbits of old practice, but the deep-seated reason of All Saints Day is to realize the totality of

the Kingdom of God. All Saints Day is also referred to as All Hallows Day. The night before All Hallows Day was referred to as All Hallows Eve and eventually morphed into Halloween. We know Halloween to be a time when children dress up and go Trick or Treating. Years ago, the children and villages celebrating All Saints Day engaged in a different type of celebration. While cultures around the world had different customs revolving around All Saints, your westernized Christianity within the Anglican and Catholic churches had children dress in costumes and were symbolically cast out of the town only to return dressed representing the Saints of the church. It is this old practice that morphed into what we know today. But, we lost the Saints along the way. For All Saints Day now, we push it a few days out to the first Sunday in November; so not to far away from the actual day. On that Sunday, we read the names of the saints who have died in the past year. We use the nomenclature, saints, in a way that represents the people who truly upheld the meaning, message, and witness of the Gospel. They aren’t just beatified saints like in the Roman Catholic Church, these are the men and women who taught Sunday School and cooked meals; the ones who loved God and loved their neighbors as themselves; the ones who helped make sure we knew how to serve as Christ for this world. It truly is a blessing that All Saints Sunday falls on the first Sunday of the month for us United Methodists. As we worship and remember our Saints at the beginning of the service, the near conclusion of our service is celebrating Holy Communion. In our litany, we are tied with the Saints when we hear, “And so, with your people on earth and all the company of heaven we praise your name and join their unending hymn:” to which we respond, “Holy, holy, holy Lord, God of power and might, heaven and earth are full of your glory. Hosanna in the highest. Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord. Hosanna in the highest.” We are united by the Holy Spirit with the Saints of the Church. We know they have passed the mantle of ministry and responsibility down to us to build the Kingdom of God here and now. Just as that mantle was passed to them by another and another Saint drawing back to Christ himself, we now teach, cook, love, and share the Gospel through our very being. Grace and peace, Pastor Adam

First United Methodist Church - Whitesboro, Texas




You may also check the online church calendar for upcoming events and

schedule email reminders.


*Games Day and Lunch Bunch alternate Mondays in Wesley Hall. Contact Wanda Dooley, Art McGuire or the church office.

*Let’s Get Moving - Meets every Tuesday & Thursday at 10:30 in Wesley Hall

*The Piece Makers Community Quilting Group - Meets every Friday, 9:30 - 3:00 in

Wesley Hall

* Master Gardeners - Every other Friday.

Mark your calendar for the following November Events:

Sid Krueger 100th Birthday Celebration: November 3rd

November Communion Rail Offering will benefit: Whitesboro Ministerial Alliance Christmas Food Baskets

All Saints Sunday - November 4th Trustee Meeting: November 12th UMM & UMW Meetings: November 1th Veterans Day—November, 11th Church TownHall-November 11th Church Charge Conference-November

18th at FUMC Sherman, 3:00-5:00 pm Community Thanksgiving Service -

November 18th, 6:00 pm SPRC Meeting, November 15th Thanksgiving, November 22nd Finance Committee, December 4th Church Council, December 4th

Facebook Page: FUMCWhitesboro

Page 2: NOVEMBER NEWSLETTER - Amazon S3 › ... › november_2018_newsletter.pdfNovember 1st, writing this newsletter article. Today is a day of celebration that stretches back centuries but

Faith & Family

1st Wednesday: Chef’s & Sous Chef’s: Mona & Terry Rouk,

& Anita Guerrero Clean Up Crew: Word Search Class

2nd Wednesday: Chef’s & Sous Chef’s: Dodi & John Hosp

Clean Up Crew: Russell & Meghan Fomby

3rd Wednesday: Chef’s & Sous Chef’s: Mona & Terry Rouk,

& Anita Guerrero Clean Up Crew: Need Volunteers

4th Wednesday: Chef’s & Sous Chef’s: Lenora Garrison

Clean Up Crew: Meghan & Russell Fomby

5th Wednesday: Chef’s & Sous Chef’s: Pot Lucks, Congregation

Involvement Clean Up Crew: Youth

Thank you to all those people who answered the call and made the commitment to volunteer their time to

support and keep our Faith & Family Nights a viable part of our church family ministry.

Well, well!!! Another Peanut Festival come and

gone. WOW!! Let me start by saying

“THANK YOU” FUMC church members. Methodist Men

pulled off ANOTHER successful event. Many thanks to all who

participated; made desserts, helped set up tables, tear down

tables, cleanup, and those FAMOUS Men who worked diligently

serving. Methodist Women out did their selves AGAIN with wonderful desserts!! What a talented bunch of cooks we have

at FUMC Whitesboro. From my heart “THANK YOU” each

and everyone for the Peanut Festival


Respectively Kyle

Putting Your House In Order - Carol Montgomery TMF

Most of us don’t want to talk about end of life, it’s a hard topic and one that leaves many questions. The PYHIO workshop was informational as well as, enlightening. What the difference is between probate and non-probate items, a medical directive, a do not necessitate order, are just a few topics we talked about. The discussion also turned to what legacy do we want to leave, and how do I want my funeral to go? Workbooks were made available that contain pages & templates that covered the topics Carol reviewed. PYHIO walks you through documenting those important life decisions. Planning will save your loved ones from having to make those tough decisions and leaves a clear picture of your intentions. It also contains pages for planning your funeral & memorial service. What scripture is important to you? What music to you want played? Who do you want to officiate? A completed workbook is such a gift to your loved ones. We would like to think our passing is peaceful and for us it will be, but many times the aftermath for a family is very stressful and often can lead to hard feelings. PYHIO is a wonderful way to save your family undue stress and give them the peace of mind to grieve, celebrate your life and legacy. Books are available if you missed the workshop. Call the church office and order a workbook. The cost is $10.


If you have an article, devotional, or item of interest, or any announcements to

submit for the Newsletter, please email your information to:

[email protected] by the 3rd Wednesday of the month.

Share the Good News!!!!

Page 3: NOVEMBER NEWSLETTER - Amazon S3 › ... › november_2018_newsletter.pdfNovember 1st, writing this newsletter article. Today is a day of celebration that stretches back centuries but

If you would like to join our prayer warriors, the Upper Room Prayer Group meets the 1st & 3rd Monday

of each month in the church office at 9:30. If you have a prayer request, please contact the church

office at 903.564.3156, or email to your request to: [email protected], or contact one of the

members of the Upper Room Prayer Group. Praying for our brothers & sisters is one of the simplest

forms of fulfilling our faith.

“Let’s Get Moving!”

Chair and/or Standing Exercises Targets Balance, Strength and Flexibility Meets Tuesdays & Thursdays at 10:30 AM Wesley Hall Please dress comfortably!

Absolutely FREE and EVERYONE is Invited! For more information contact Pastor Linda

or call the church office


It's that time again---time to consider if your gift might be to serve as a Stephen Minister. This rewarding work requires some commitment: the training is 50 hours, and when you are assigned to an individual you will meet for about an hour each week. It also requires a willingness to listen, without making judgments or giving advice, with the same kind

of grace that our wonderful Father shows to us.

Application forms and more information about the ministry will be available from Linda Harris. There is also a Spiritual Gifts survey that you may find useful in

deciding if this is a service for which you are suited.

Linda Harris will be meeting soon with the Stephen Leaders from Grace UMC and Covenant Presbyterian Church, both in Sherman, to plan the next series of training classes. If you would like more information about becoming a Stephen Minister, please contact Linda Harris at 940-634-2385 or at

[email protected].

Training is scheduled to begin in January 2019.

Anyone interested in working in the Memorial Garden, Prayer Garden, Marquee Bed or anywhere else around the church grounds, excluding the lawn, is welcome to work with the Grayson County Master Gardeners on the 2nd Friday of each month at 9 am. We typically weed, deadhead perennials, reshape the plants, pick up trash and limbs, and cleanup the sidewalks during these work sessions. We welcome any participation from the congregation and conclude our work session with lunch at Lovejoy’s around 11 am. Feel free to join us for gardening fun and fellowship!

Thanks, Sue Abernathy and Sarah Stock

Michael Nealon

Christopher Palmer *

Reagan Faith Parker

Kevin Brannan

Imogene Bullock

Chandler Burnett

Betty Chilcutt Carl & Mary Frances Garrison Roland Glendich*

Christopher Goeke* Mary Harris

Janette Hayes

Mary Louise Hensley

Lisa Henderson Lucy Hill

Richard Jones Jane Killam

Inez Leach

Anthony Price

Trish Rouse

Svetla Rousseva

Shirley Strong

Christopher Turman*

Betty Watson

Maxine Wiggly

Ralph Wilson

Dolly R. Yeargan



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Memorials & Honorariums

Memorials & Honorariums unless noted otherwise, go to the Memorial Fund. The Memorial Fund is used for items for our worship & sanctuary.

The following is a list of other giving opportunities:

Adult Choir Fund Benevolent Fund

Building Fund General Budget

Memorial Garden Oakey Hagood Memorial Youth Scholarship

Special Children’s Fund for Camp Youth Scholarship

If you have any questions, please contact the church office or a member or the Finance Committee

In Memory Of: Given By: In Memory Of: Given By:

Pinky & Neva Pinkston Johnny & Suzanne Greear

In Honor Of: Given By: In Honor Of: Given By:

James Farmer—Youth Ministry Ronnie Fielder Suzette Strong Shirley & Clint Strong

01-Nov Chandler Burnett 06-Nov Oaklee Bain 15-Nov Rita Mangrum 25-Nov Craig Maynard

01-Nov Ken Kniss 06-Nov Mackenzie Crawley 15-Nov Noah Strange 27-Nov Leslie Beste

02-Nov Graham Hendry 07-Nov Dee Cooper 16-Nov Annabella Powell 30-Nov Mary Frances Garrison

02-Nov McKinzy McCollum 09-Nov Caden Acker 17-Nov John Kochanski 30-Nov Dodi Hosp

04-Nov Cody Braun 12-Nov Yvonne Mills 18-Nov Betty Hargesheimer

04-Nov Dakota Meeks 13-Nov Ellie Sliss 22-Nov Carol Brown

05-Nov Angela Dutton 14-Nov Nicole Fletcher 23-Nov Rebeccah Farmer

05-Nov Carter Bray 14-Nov Wendy Kislingbury 24-Nov Delanie Bray

Veteran’s Day Breakfast & Program

November 8th at Whitesboro Intermediate School - 8:15 am

Active & Retired military personnel are invited to attend this program in honor of Veteran’s Day. If any Veteran’s would like to share stories during the program or in a class, please do! This is a

wonderful opportunity to pass down your stories and teach our children

the importance of our veterans and why this day is so special.

Please contact April Ollila 903.815.3319 or the school office: 903.564.4180.

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Faith & Family—5th Wednesday October 31st - Halloween & Hot Dog Fun!!!

The church directory is an indispensable ministry tool for everyone to use. A church directory helps us to stay connected with the congregation. A directory serves multiple purposes and has been a regular fixture of our congregation for many, many years. Who doesn’t enjoy looking back to previous directories and seeing how the kids have grown?

A church directory helps new and older members to connect, it provides a tool to associate faces with names and to act as a source for contact information. Who hasn’t forgotten a name, but knows the face is familiar? Here’s the chance to review the picture of someone you have met at church—and make the connection.

We have contacted LifeTouch to begin the process of a new 2019 Church Directory. Mark your calendars for January 7, 8, and 9. Appointment times will be from 2:00—9:00 pm.

Call Pam Erlandson at 817-805-9829 or email: [email protected] if you would like to help with our new directory, setting up appointments, reminders, or just be at the church during appointments.

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Many of you will remember our former Youth Director, Kevin Janofski. Those of you who weren’t attending then, missed rap music in worship, toilet plunger baseball, and countless laughs. So here’s an update on Kevin: after leaving here and working in Cal Allen, TX Kevin moved to Kentucky to fill an Associate Pastor role at First Baptist Church in Newport.

Now, we all know God has a plan for us and Kevin’s plan was to lead a church. For being faithful to his call and moving to Kentucky God answered with sending Kevin a beautiful soulmate. Their story may be a little different than that but this is my version of “and they will live happily ever after”.

If you remember Kevin’s newsletter articles were from the “Dragon” well FUMC Whitesboro, pictured is the princess who won the dragon’s heart. Kevin & Aerial were married on October 27th. When I asked Kevin if it was okay to include an article and picture, he said “absolutely” and give a shout out to groomsmen, Matt Pike. So happy Whitesboro FUMC was represented on this special day!! - Bridget Hoenig

Exciting news… Christmas is around the corner, yes, but it means time for CHILDREN'S Christmas Program. The Program will be Sunday Dec 9

th at

5:30. Please see, call or text Michelle (940-736-5012) and let her know if who will be participating in this year’s program.. I am super blessed and excited to work with all the children again.

Rehearsals are the following dates:

Sunday, November 18th, 4:00-5:00 pm

Sunday, November 25th 4:00-5:00 pm

Dress Rehearsal, Saturday, December 8th - 9:00-10:00 am

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Leila Kyle

July 5, 1935 – May 31, 2018

On All Saints Day, let us give thanks for both the saints in glory and those on earth, who have led us to Jesus. As they have shared the gospel with us, may we add our voices so someone else may hear about the grace and love of our Lord

and Savior Jesus Christ. Thanks be to God for the lives of his saints.

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Use the Church Calendar to setup text

reminders and never miss another meeting or church

event. Contact the church office if

you have any questions.

Page 9: NOVEMBER NEWSLETTER - Amazon S3 › ... › november_2018_newsletter.pdfNovember 1st, writing this newsletter article. Today is a day of celebration that stretches back centuries but

Remembering A Veteran

One Man’s Service to this Country by Barbara Bailey

Church Historian

A legacy of Whitesboro, Texas, he was a lifetime resident and a member of the First United

Methodist Church. He was also a veteran of World War II. Charles E. Baum volunteered for the

Army Air Force on June 6, 1941. Charlie, as he was known to his friends, was sent to Dallas and

then on to California where he awaited his orders. He was attached to the 7th Material Squadron

where he oversaw maintaining the vehicles. A short time later, he was sent to Clark field,

Philippines on a ship. When his ship arrived in the Philippines, he was stationed on Clark Air Base.

On December 7, 1941, Pearl Harbor was attacked by Japan. Fighting broke out in Bataan

shortly after that. The fighting continued for three months before Clark Air Base fell at the hands of

the Japanese. The American and Filipino troops were forced to surrender. Charles was in charge of

a machine gun squadron. He was suffering from malaria and malnutrition as many of our troops were.

Upon their surrender on April 9, 1942, they were forced to throw all their weapons into the ocean.

Charlie was one of the 75,000 allied prisoners subjected to the 60-mile Bataan Death March that

killed an estimated 10,000 people. He and his fellow soldiers were forced to march without food or

water. They were also subject to random beatings. When they marched through the rice fields, they

would fall on their faces in the field and drink the water from the ground. Many were stabbed with

bayonets. Charlie was lucky enough to avoid this fate.

All the prisoners were put in box cars where they were packed in standing up. Charles Baum

spent two and one-half years imprisoned in the Philippines until he was transported to Japan on a

“Hell Ship”. He would be imprisoned for one more year, right up till the end of the war. During

these years as a Prisoner of War, Charlie endured unimaginable torture. Charlie returned to

Whitesboro on October 26, 1945.

The U.S. Army awarded him the American Defense Service Ribbon with a Bronze Star, the

Asiatic-Pacific Campaign Ribbon with two Bronze Stars, the Good Conduct Medal, the Distinguished

Unit Badge with two Oak Leaf Cluster’s, the Purple Heart and a Victory Ribbon. The Philippine

Defense Medal was given to him by the Philippines Government. Charles W. Baum passed away on

May 5, 2013 at the age of 95.

I was lucky enough to have known Charlie my whole life. After he returned home, Charles

Baum spent the rest of his life serving his church and community.

There are many Veterans around us today keeping us safe all over the world. Please take a

minute to “Thank a Veteran for their Service” whether they are on Active Duty or Retired from the


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PO Box 370 * 122 S. Union Whitesboro, TX 76273

Tel: 903.564.3156


Facebook Page: fumcwhitesboro


Missions &

2nd Mile


January- General


February –Your Neighbors


March –General Missions- $151

April - No Communion Rail

Offering collected

May –Summer Lunch - $ 1308

June - General Church

Missions - $126

July - Project Transformation -


August - Back Packs - $1370

September - General Church Missions—$217

October -General Church Missions—$175

November -

WMA Christ-mas Food Bas-


December -

Your Neighbors House Canned Fruit, Juice, Vegetables

Bags of beans and Rice VOLNTEERS -

Please contact Connie Loyd 903.564.4400

Putting our FAITH * HOPE * LOVE * into ACTION

Stop by and see the new crosses added to the

Honorarium & Memorial Cross Wall

The Cross Wall supports our Benevolent Fund. Forms are located

in the church office.

November Communion Rail Offering: Whitesboro Ministerial Alliance Christmas Food Baskets The date of this years Christmas Food Basket distribution is Saturday, December 15th at the First Baptist Church. We anticipate the number of Christmas Food Baskets for this year to be well over 100 baskets! During the month of November you will see the canned good collection boxes around the church and even around town. In addition to collecting canned goods our church also helps by giving a gift from our Communion Rail that helps purchase the hams that go along with the baskets. We are very blessed to live in a community that is as generous as Whitesboro. The Ministerial Alliance is grateful for your support not only for your help with the Christmas Food Baskets but during the year as well. We will need a team of individuals to help collect the cans from various places in town and take to the church. The Whitesboro Ministerial Alliance is administered from the office of the First Baptist Church in Whitesboro. Please contact Pastor Adam if you have any questions regarding the Ministerial Alliance.

We are excited to be hosting the Community Thanksgiving Service this year look forward to extending the hospitality to our Whitesboro and neighboring communities. Please

contact Melissa Knight at: 903.821.0757 or email: [email protected], if you would like to help serve refresh-

ments, greet, or usher.