November 2011

visit us at The Lantern The Parish Magazine of S. Andrew’s, Deal NOVEMBER, 2011


The monthly magazine of St. Andrew's Church, Deal, Kent

Transcript of November 2011

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1visit us at

TheLanternThe Parish Magazine of S. Andrew’s, Deal


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Who’s Who in the Parish

Parish Priest:

The parish is in an interregnum

Honorary Assistant Clergy:

Father Ian Shackleton SSC 01304 379773 Father Roger Marsh SSC 01304 362851


Peter Gibson 01304 380860Waveney Brooks 01304 367961

PCC OfficersPCC Secretary: Ali RobertsonPCC Treasurer: Mike CareyElectoral Roll: Bryan Evans

Director of Music: Tim Woodhead

The Parish Office:

S. Andrew’s Church, West Street, Deal CT14 6DY

(01304) 381131 - Email: [email protected]

The Parish Office is not manned full-time but mail and telephone messages are checked every day.

St. Andrew’s Parish Church is in the Diocese of Canterbury in the Church of England.

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St. Andrew’s Church HallOur Church Hall is able to be hired for events or by groups for one-off or regular lets. It has catering facilities, lavatories (including for disabled) and a small garden area.

For your occasion, please leave a message for our Hall Manager, Rose-mary Lanaway, on 01304 381131, for details of times and hire charges.

The Lantern thanks our advertisers for their support; please,

look at them when making your purchases.

The Small Print

Views expressed are not necessarily those of St. Andrew’s PCC.Advertisers are not endorsed over other suppliers.Editor: Father Christopher Lindlar.

S. Andrew’s Church HallOur Church Hall can be hired for events or by groups for one-off or regular lets. It has catering facilities, lavatories (including disabled facilities) and a small paved area.

Currently the hall is available at these times: Monday afternoons, Tuesday some afternoons and evenings, Wednesday evenings, Thursday evenings, Friday afternoons, most Saturdays and Sunday afternoons.

For your occasion, please leave a message for our Hall Manager, Rosemary Lanaway, on 01304 366589, for details of times and hire charges.

AdvertisingThe Lantern now has a print run of 2,500 and is delivered 11 times a year, free of charge, to all homes in the Parish - and beyond! Your advertise-ment could reach 2,300 households in North Deal, for less than a penny per house!

To advertise in The Lantern please contact Ali Robertson on 01304 831884 or [email protected]

The Lantern thanks our current advertisers for their support.

The Small Print Views expressed are not necessarily those of St. Andrew’s PCC.Advertisers are not endorsed over other suppliers.Editor: Peter Gibson, who thanks all our contributors.

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In Church each week at S. Andrew’s

Matins is said at 8 am on Saturdays; otherwise at 9 am. on weekdays. Evensong is said at 6 pm.

Sunday 8.00 am Low Mass (Book of Common Prayer)10.00 am Parish Mass (Common Worship)6.00 pm Evensong and Benediction (BCP)

Monday 10.00 am Low Mass

Tuesday 9.30 am Low Mass

Wednesday 10.00 am Low Mass

Thursday 12.00 noon Low Mass

Friday 6.30 pm Low Mass (a priest is normally available

before and after the service for spiritual counsel)

Saturday 8.30 am Low Mass

On Festivals and Holy Days, service times may vary - please see our No-tice Board or website

Holy Baptism, Weddings and Funerals

Please contact Father Ian Shackleton on 01304 379773 for inquiries about any of these services.Baptisms are usually on the second Sunday in each month.

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before and after the service for spiritual counsel)

Saturday 8.30 am Low Mass

Father Ian writes …………'Rest eternal grant unto them O Lord; and may light perpetual shine upon them.' These opening words of the Mass for the Dead are a translation of the Latin 'Requiem aeternum' from which comes the familiar expression 'Requiem Mass'.

As the hours of darkness lengthen and the long days of summer become a memory, it seems as if Nature herself conspires to provide an ambience within which the consideration of the end of life seems wholly appropriate. Understandably, for many centuries, the Church has observed the month of November as an intensified period of remembrance of and prayer for all those known and unknown to us who have departed this life. Especially poignant for us is Remembrance Sunday, this year on November 13th, where ceremonies of Remembrance take place at cenotaphs and war memorials across the country as well as in our churches. At precisely eleven o'clock a deep silence descends on these islands as the whole nation remembers ... in thanksgiving, in pride, in pain and in prayer. Whatever our age and disposi-tion we are all heirs and beneficiaries of those who paid the supreme sacrifice in the defence of our nation and Europe against an oppressive and evil ideol-ogy.

Many local people, together with representatives from civic life and the uni-formed organisations, will take their appropriate places for acts of Remem-brance. Here at S. Andrew's a Requiem Mass will be sung at 10.00am fol-lowed by a traditional act of Remembrance accompanied by a two minute silence at 11.00am. No doubt many who do not often come to church will wish to be present on this occasion. The hymns sung are familiar to all. It is one of those opportunities for the community to gather at the Parish Church for a common purpose, one that transcends our religious or non-religious out-look.

Wednesday November 2nd is observed by the Church as All Soul's Day. A Requiem Mass will be said here at 10.00am; it will be of half an hour's dura-tion. At 7.00pm on the same day there will be a sung Requiem with hymns. At both services names of the departed will be read out. So we shall welcome the names of any deceased persons that the readers of The Lantern wish to provide. Readers may be pleased to learn that the names of the fallen re-

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Mums and Toddlers

at St. Andrew’severy Wednesday

(during school term-time)

9.30 to 11.30 am

Coffee & ChatTuesdays

10 o’clock to 11.30put on for all by St Andrew’s M U

Page 7: November 2011


names to give us, please make sure that they arrive at the church by Sunday October 30th. It would be good if you could join us at one or other of the ser-vices to give support to the intentions of the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass on behalf of those dear souls for whom our prayers are asked.

It is worth mentioning that a congregation of a hundred turned up on Septem-ber 18th for the Laying-up of the Deal and Walmer Branch of the Royal Brit-ish Legion Standard. Its original Raising and now its Laying -up in S. An-drew's is an honour that we cherish, being mindful of the bravery and courage it represents. The service also reminded me that a Parish Church is there for the community it serves at many levels. Chiefly it is there for the daily offer-ing of prayer and sacrament to God, but it is also the natural gathering-point for civic, military and community functions. Properly understood and used, the church is the beating heart of the community it serves, connecting each of us to one another and all of us to God.

Tyne Cot Military Cemetery, Passendale, Belgium

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Discipleship with Attitude

The characters of Jesus’ first disciples were so different - Mary Magdalene, Peter, John, Judas, Matthew, etc. Real life people whose lives were profoundly changed by their relationship with the one called Jesus.

We are all so different and ‘unfinished’ characters. Can we imagine ourselves with ‘attitude’? Sticking up for our friends? A just cause? What we believe? Unashamed and yet humble? Wanting more than anything else to be true to the Jesus who says ‘follow me’? Responding with all we are to all he is?

Gathering in Canterbury Cathedral on Sunday 20 November, at 5.30pm will be hundreds of disciples honouring Christ the King. This service, called ‘Celebrating Discipleship’, will be on opportunity to:

share stories of lives and churches connecting with God in new waysoffer our renewed intentions about developing our discipleshiprespond to the Holy Spirit’s challenge to dedicate ourselves anew to

Christ the King

You may be aware that discipleship has been a focus for the diocese this year. Whether you have shared in these activities or simply continued in your everyday journey of discipleship, this celebration is for you.

Be there. Bring your ‘attitude’. Return to your parishes with ‘attitude’- the transformative attitude of Christ the King!

We look forward to welcoming you on 20th November.

Revd Peter Ingrams, Member of the Year of Discipleship Team.

Canterbury Diocese.

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Something different for young people.

What should I do with my hands when I pray? No longer is it a matter of closing my eyes and putting my hands together. That is what we did when we were little. But holding something in your hands while praying is both ancient and helpful.

The monks with whom I stay are very keen on the Jesus Prayer and the use of a Jesus Prayer Rope. It was with them that I first got hold of one. The rope was given to me when I made promises to live as one of their associ-ates. It is made from thick wool and has fifty knots in it. Each knot is about the size of a pea, so that it is easy to pinch it between your thumb and index finger. The rope may consist of a greater number of knots divided into tens or some other grouping of numbers. Mine is made up of two lots of twenty-five.

The prayer’s origins are thought to lie in very early Christian use, as the name of Jesus was considered very holy, as was the name of God throughout all Jewish history. St. Paul’s letter to the Philippians (2.9-10) gives us a clue: “God has given him a name which is above all names, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of those that are in heaven, on earth and under the earth”

How does it work? As you thread the rope through your hand you pray Je-sus’ name on each knot, saying either the full prayer each time: “Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, have mercy on me a sinner” or simply “Lord Jesus” or the word “Jesus” used alone. It may be accompanied by a bow of the head or even a deep bow from the waist which is pretty exhausting, but good exer-cise! The prayer may be said either out loud or merely thought. The prayer may be said with or without a rope. You can repeat the prayer while walking, swimming or doing some other excercise. You can use it at any time and in any place. As with any mantra you can change the form of words, even though it is still called the Jesus Prayer, which makes it something that any-one can adapt.

Try making yourself a Jesus Prayer Rope. This can be done by just threading a string of beads. A special string of beads is used in Catholic prayer and is called the Rosary, so that is something we can look at next month.

Fr Roger

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Christ the King ...… is a title of Jesus based on several passages of Scripture and, in general, used by all Christians. The Anglican Church and The Roman Catholic Church together with many Protestant denominations celebrate the Feast of Christ the King on the last Sunday of the liturgical year, before a new year begins with the First Sunday of Advent (the earliest date of which is 27 November).

Pope Pius XI instituted the feast of Christ the King in 1925 to remind Christians that their allegiance was to their spiritual ruler in heaven as opposed to earthly supremacy. The letter through which the Pope instituted the feast quotes with approval Cyril of Alexandria, not-ing that Jesus' Kingship is not obtained by violence: "'Christ,' he says, 'has dominion over all creatures, a dominion not seized by violence nor usurped, but his by essence and by nature.'

Pope Benedict XVI has remarked that Christ's Kingship is not based on "human power" but on loving and serving others. The perfect exemplar of that acceptance, he pointed out, is the Virgin Mary. Her humble and unconditional acceptance of God's will in her life, the Pope noted, was the reason that "God exalted her over all other creatures, and Christ crowned her Queen of heaven and earth."

At the Feast of Christ the King we are called upon to follow the example of Mary and sub-mit ourselves unconditionally to God's will and to follow Our Lord in true discipleship.

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The Season of AdventAdvent (from the Latin word adventus meaning "coming") is a season observed in many Western Christian churches; it is a time of expectant waiting and preparation for the celebration of the Nativity of Jesus at Christmas. It is the beginning of the Western liturgical year and commences on Advent Sunday (27th November this year).

The readings and teachings during Advent are often focused on preparing for the Second Coming at the end of time while commemorating the First Coming of Christ at Christmas. With the view of directing the thoughts of Christians to the first coming of Jesus Christ as Saviour and to his second coming as Judge, special readings are prescribed for each of the four Sundays in Advent.

The usual liturgical colour in Western Christianity for Advent is purple or blue. The purple colour is often used for hangings around the church, on the vestments of the clergy, and often also the tabernacle. On the 3rd Sunday of Advent, Gaudete Sunday, rose may be used instead, referencing the rose used on Laetare Sunday, the 4th Sunday of Lent. In some Christian denominations blue, a colour representing hopefulness, is an alternative liturgical colour for Advent, a custom traced to the medieval Sarum Rite* in England.

From the 4th century the season was kept as a period of fasting as strict as that of Lent. In the Anglican and Lutheran churches this fasting rule was relaxed, with the Roman Catholic Church doing likewise later, but still keeping Advent as a season of penitence.

It was also the season of the year when the Four Last Things - namely Death, Judgement, Heaven and Hell - were foremost in people's thoughts. These days we are squeamish about such matters and tend to glide over them.

But Sunday by Sunday Christians affirm that they believe in 'one Lord Jesus Christ … He suffered and was buried. And the third day He rose again And ascended into Heaven, And sitteth on the right hand of the Father. And He shall come again with glory to judge both the living and the dead.'

As Christians, we believe that after our death we will be judged. So, during this season of Advent let us both prepare a place in our hearts for Christ's First Coming at Christmas and make ourselves ready for his Second Coming at the end of time.

* Sarum Rite— Liturgy and ritual practised at Salisbury Cathedral prior to the Ref-ormation.

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A Celtic BlessingOne of our parishioners came cross this in a little book in the library of a country house hotel. She very much liked it and asked that it might be shared with our read-ers.

Deep peace of the running wave to you,Deep peace of the flowing air to you,

Deep peace of the of the quiet earth to you,Deep peace of the shining stars to you,Deep Peace of the Son of Peace to you.

May the road rise to meet you;May the wind be always at your back;

May the sun shine warm upon your face;May the rains fall softly on your fields.

Until we meet again,May God hold you in the hollow of his hand.

North Deal 1920-1949On Friday 12th October Christian Ball delighted an audience of fifty people with her personal reminiscences of North Deal during the first half of the last century.

In a follow-up to this, the editor offers a selection of businesses that advertised in the Parish Magazine in 1911.

E. Voizey, Family Butcher, 18 Alfred Square; W. Spicer, St. Andrew’s Mews, (Carriages of Every Description); A. W. Lambert, Model Hand Laundry, North Wall; A. A. Cavell, Builders and Furnishing Undertakers, Pembroke House, Duke Street; Herbert Sewell, Printer and Stationer, 40 College Road; Thompson & Sons’ House-hold Stores, 182,184,186, High Street; J. W. Erridge, Family Grocer and Provision Merchant, 25 Duke Street; Farmers Stores (Where the Tea comes from) 126,128,130, High Street; G. Stewart Dunn M.P.S. Dispensing and Photographic Chemist, 98 and 100 High Street; Edward Erridge, Corn, Flour, Fodder, Seed and Coal Merchant, 165 High Street; S. Hopper, Dairyman, Nelson Dairy, 26 Nelson Street, (also Union Street Greengrocery Stores), William J. Curtis, General and Fancy Draper, 193 High Street; A. G Brown, Family Butcher & Greengrocer, 31 College Road.

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Trick or treatingI am writing this in early October, so I was somewhat surprised to be in a shop this morning where it was already decorated with witches and pumpkin lanterns. My first reaction was to despair at another Americanism taking over the Christian festival of All Hallows (All Saints).

I was wrong. The tradition of going begging, door to door, for food by poor children on the eve of All Hallows (Halloween) was started centuries ago. It was referred to as Souling during the Middle Ages. The children would be rewarded with food in return for their promises to pray for the souls of the departed. Shakespeare mentions the practice in The Two Gentlemen of Verona (1593) when Speed accuses his master of “to speak puling, like a beggar at Hallowmas.”(Act 2 scene1) {Thanks to Wikipedia}

The children were often dressed up and masked, or had their faces blackened to disguise themselves. In Scotland and Ireland it survived as guising with children in costume often performing to earn their treat. It does seem that the trick part did come over from the States, but it is not commonly threatened, thankfully.

So then, there is no harm in this custom of children dressing up and coming to the door to ask for a treat, but what would be better is if they made the promise to pray as well. All Saints’ Day (1st Nov) is when the Church celebrates the great company of Heaven, giving thanks for the holy and good lives of all the saints down the ages; especially those who remained unknown and do not have a feast day of their own. The next day is All Souls’ Day (2nd

Nov) when we pray for those near and dear to us who have died. We also pray for those who have no one to pray for them. We pray that their souls may rest in peace and rise in glory (Requiescant in pace or RIP). At church a special requiem mass is said for the departed at which names may be read out. Traditionally, it was the day to visit a loved one’s grave and tidy it up before winter sets in.

There is a great opportunity for all of us to keep these three days special by treating the children to a bit of neighbourly fun, by giving thanks for the lives of the saints and by remembering those who have been near and dear to us.

Fr Roger

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Page 16: November 2011


Haiku ...… is a very short form of Japanese poetry characterised by three qualities:

The essence of haiku is "cutting". This is often represented by the contrasting of two images or ideas.

Traditional haiku consist of 17 on, in three phrases of 5, 7 and 5 on respec-tively. Although haiku are often stated to have 17 syllables, this is incorrect as syllables and on are not the same.

Haiku usually contain a kigo (seasonal reference). The majority of kigo, but not all, are drawn from the natural world.

Modern Japanese haiku are increasingly unlikely to follow the tradition of 17 on or to take nature as their subject, but the use of contrast continues to be hon-oured. Adapting this tradition it is possible to write successful Haiku in Eng-lish. Why not have a go? The Lantern would be pleased to publish them.

Here are some Haiku by the Japanese master, Basho (born 1644) and translated by Harold G. Henderson.

Beauty Where the Cuckoo Flies

The usually hated crow: Where the cuckoo flieshe, too—this morning, till it is lost to sight—out there

on the snow. A lone island lies.

Harbingers In a Wide Wasteland

Spring too, very soon! On the moor: from things They are setting the scene for it— detached completely -

Plum-tree and moon. how the skylark sings.

A Wish Sudden Shower

The winds of autumn Not even a hat -are blowing, yet how green and cold rain falling on me?

the chestnut burr. Tut-tut! think of that.

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ThanksgivingThanksgiving or Thanksgiving Day, celebrated on the fourth Thursday in November, has officially been an annual tradition in the United States since 1863, when during the Civil War, President Abraham Lincoln proclaimed a national day of thanksgiving to be cele-brated on Thursday, November 26The event that Americans commonly call the "First Thanksgiving" was celebrated to give thanks to Native Americans for helping the Pilgrims of Plymouth Colony survive their first brutal winter in 1621.

Find and circle all of the words related to Thanksgiving that are hidden in the grid.The words may be hidden in any direction. Solution on page 22.

A Wish Sudden Shower

Page 18: November 2011


What’s on in November and December(in addition to our customary services)Tuesday 1st November, All Saints Day

9.30 am Low MassWednesday 2nd November, All Souls Day

10.00 am Said Requiem7.00 pm Solemn Requiem (Forms can be completed in church for the departed to

be remembered by name.)Sunday 13th November, Remembrance Sunday Requiem Mass and Act of Remembrance6.00pm Evensong and Act of Remembrance

Sunday 20th November, Christ the King 5.30pm Evensong at the Cathedral

Sunday 27th November, Advent Sunday6.00pm: Advent Family Carol Service

Sunday 4th December, Advent 2 10.00 am Parish Mass when the preacher will be the Archdeacon of Ashford, the Venerable Philip Down

Saturday 10 DecemberMorning: Christmas Fair

Sunday 18th December6.00pm Festival of Lessons and Carols

Monday 19th December11.00am Christmas Coffee Concert

Tuesday 20th December6.00pm Community Carols with The Hoodeners at the North Deal Community Centre, Golf Road

Saturday 24th December, Christmas Eve4.00pm Christingle Service

11.30pm First Mass of the NativitySunday 25th December, Christmas Day

8.00am Dawn Mass of the Nativity10.00am Mass of Christmas Day

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7.00 pm Solemn Requiem

Page 20: November 2011


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Page 21: November 2011


How well do you know your bible?

More verbatim answers from a Catholic Elementary School Test.

1. In the first book of the Bible, Guinessis. God got tired of creating the world so he took the sabbath off.

2. Adam and Eve were created from an Apple tree. Noah's wife was called Joan of Ark. Noah built an ark and the animals came on in pears.

3. Samson was a strongman who let himself be led astray by a Jezebel like Delilah.

4. The first commandment was when Eve told Adam to eat the apple.

5. Moses led the Jews to the Red Sea where they made unleavened bread which is bread without any ingredients.


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Page 23: November 2011


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