Novel Sexual-Cycle-Speci c Gene Silencing in Aspergillus nidulans · 2013-03-22 · INVESTIGATION...

INVESTIGATION Novel Sexual-Cycle-Specic Gene Silencing in Aspergillus nidulans Wioletta Czaja, 1 Karen Y. Miller, and Bruce L. Miller 2 Department of Biological Sciences, Center for Reproductive Biology, University of Idaho, Moscow, Idaho 83844-3051 ABSTRACT We report a novel sexual-cycle-specic gene-silencing system in the genetic model Aspergillus nidulans. Duplication of the mating type matA HMG gene in this haploid organism triggers Mat-induced silencing (MatIS) of both endogenous and transgenic matA genes, eliminates function of the encoded SRY structural ortholog, and results in formation of barren fruiting bodies. MatIS is spatiotemporally restricted to the prezygotic stage of the sexual cycle and does not interfere with vegetative growth, asexual re- production, differentiation of early sexual tissues, or fruiting body development. MatIS is reversible upon deletion of the matA trans- gene. In contrast to other sex-specic silencing phenomena, MatIS silencing has nearly 100% efciency and appears to be independent of homologous duplicated DNA segments. Remarkably, transgene-derived matA RNA might be sufcient to induce MatIS. A unique feature of MatIS is that RNA-mediated silencing is RNA interference/Argonaute-independent and is restricted to the nucleus having the duplicated gene. The silencing phenomenon is recessive and does not spread between nuclei within the common cytoplasm of a multinucleate heterokaryon. Gene silencing induced by matA gene duplication emerges as a specic feature associated with matA HMG regulation during sexual development. D ISCOVERY of homology-dependent gene silencing (HDGS) has opened a new dimension to our under- standing of eukaryotic genome integrity, structure, and expression. HDGS as a consequence of gene duplication is a ubiquitous phenomenon that has been reported across the kingdoms in various species of fungi, plants, and ani- mals. Transgene-mediated gene duplication often triggers simultaneous silencing of both the transgene and the homol- ogous endogenous gene at the transcriptional and/or post- transcriptional level (Bingham 1997; Cogoni and Macino 1999b; Cogoni 2001).The basic molecular machinery for gene silencing shares common mechanistic features with plants, animals, and fungal species (Bingham 1997; Selker 1997; Cogoni and Macino 1999b; Cogoni 2001; Vaucheret and Fagard 2001). Silencing is usually induced by duplicated homologous coding sequences that trigger RNA-mediated post-transcriptional degradation of the gene-specic messen- ger RNA (mRNA) or RNA/DNA-mediated DNA methylation and/or chromatin modication resulting in transcriptional inhibition of gene expression (Cogoni and Macino 1999b; Moazed 2009). Gene silencing is believed to be an ancient phenomenon that evolved as a genome defense mechanism responding to virus infection or transposon invasion. It plays a major role in genome stability, maintenance, and regulation of chromatin structure and gene expression (Cogoni and Macino 1999b; Moazed 2009). Several components of gene-silencing pathways are con- served. RNAse III (Dicer), RNA-dependent RNA polymerase (RdRP), Argonaute proteins, RNA-silencing complexes [RNA- induced silencing complexes (RISCs) and RNA-induced transcriptional silencing complexes (RITS)], and chromatin- remodeling complexes have been characterized in various eukaryotic species from protists to humans (Cerutti and Casas-Mollano 2006; Moazed 2009). However, precise mo- lecular mechanisms and mechanistic details underlying HDGS pathways are still poorly dened and remain largely unknown (Cogoni and Macino 1999b; Vaucheret and Fagard 2001; Catalanotto et al. 2004; Chicas et al. 2004; Forrest et al. 2004; Hammond and Keller 2005; Wassenegger 2005). In fungi, a variety of different HDGS phenomena have been reported, all demonstrating conserved but also unique features. HDGS processes have been observed in Neurospora (Cogoni and Macino 1997a,b), Ascobolous (Barry et al. 1993; Copyright © 2013 by the Genetics Society of America doi: 10.1534/genetics.112.147546 Manuscript received November 9, 2012; accepted for publication January 12, 2013 1 Present address: School of Molecular Biosciences, Washington State University, Pullman, WA 99164-7520. 2 Corresponding author: Department of Biological Sciences, P.O. Box 443051, University of Idaho, Moscow, ID 83844-3051. E-mail: [email protected] Genetics, Vol. 193, 11491162 April 2013 1149

Transcript of Novel Sexual-Cycle-Speci c Gene Silencing in Aspergillus nidulans · 2013-03-22 · INVESTIGATION...

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Novel Sexual-Cycle-Specific Gene Silencingin Aspergillus nidulans

Wioletta Czaja,1 Karen Y. Miller, and Bruce L. Miller2

Department of Biological Sciences, Center for Reproductive Biology, University of Idaho, Moscow, Idaho 83844-3051

ABSTRACT We report a novel sexual-cycle-specific gene-silencing system in the genetic model Aspergillus nidulans. Duplication of themating type matAHMG gene in this haploid organism triggers Mat-induced silencing (MatIS) of both endogenous and transgenic matAgenes, eliminates function of the encoded SRY structural ortholog, and results in formation of barren fruiting bodies. MatIS isspatiotemporally restricted to the prezygotic stage of the sexual cycle and does not interfere with vegetative growth, asexual re-production, differentiation of early sexual tissues, or fruiting body development. MatIS is reversible upon deletion of the matA trans-gene. In contrast to other sex-specific silencing phenomena, MatIS silencing has nearly 100% efficiency and appears to beindependent of homologous duplicated DNA segments. Remarkably, transgene-derived matA RNA might be sufficient to induceMatIS. A unique feature of MatIS is that RNA-mediated silencing is RNA interference/Argonaute-independent and is restricted tothe nucleus having the duplicated gene. The silencing phenomenon is recessive and does not spread between nuclei within thecommon cytoplasm of a multinucleate heterokaryon. Gene silencing induced by matA gene duplication emerges as a specific featureassociated with matAHMG regulation during sexual development.

DISCOVERY of homology-dependent gene silencing(HDGS) has opened a new dimension to our under-

standing of eukaryotic genome integrity, structure, andexpression. HDGS as a consequence of gene duplicationis a ubiquitous phenomenon that has been reported acrossthe kingdoms in various species of fungi, plants, and ani-mals. Transgene-mediated gene duplication often triggerssimultaneous silencing of both the transgene and the homol-ogous endogenous gene at the transcriptional and/or post-transcriptional level (Bingham 1997; Cogoni and Macino1999b; Cogoni 2001).The basic molecular machinery forgene silencing shares common mechanistic features withplants, animals, and fungal species (Bingham 1997; Selker1997; Cogoni and Macino 1999b; Cogoni 2001; Vaucheretand Fagard 2001). Silencing is usually induced by duplicatedhomologous coding sequences that trigger RNA-mediatedpost-transcriptional degradation of the gene-specific messen-ger RNA (mRNA) or RNA/DNA-mediated DNA methylationand/or chromatin modification resulting in transcriptional

inhibition of gene expression (Cogoni and Macino 1999b;Moazed 2009). Gene silencing is believed to be an ancientphenomenon that evolved as a genome defense mechanismresponding to virus infection or transposon invasion. Itplays a major role in genome stability, maintenance, andregulation of chromatin structure and gene expression(Cogoni and Macino 1999b; Moazed 2009).

Several components of gene-silencing pathways are con-served. RNAse III (Dicer), RNA-dependent RNA polymerase(RdRP), Argonaute proteins, RNA-silencing complexes [RNA-induced silencing complexes (RISCs) and RNA-inducedtranscriptional silencing complexes (RITS)], and chromatin-remodeling complexes have been characterized in variouseukaryotic species from protists to humans (Cerutti andCasas-Mollano 2006; Moazed 2009). However, precise mo-lecular mechanisms and mechanistic details underlyingHDGS pathways are still poorly defined and remain largelyunknown (Cogoni and Macino 1999b; Vaucheret and Fagard2001; Catalanotto et al. 2004; Chicas et al. 2004; Forrestet al. 2004; Hammond and Keller 2005; Wassenegger2005).

In fungi, a variety of different HDGS phenomena havebeen reported, all demonstrating conserved but also uniquefeatures. HDGS processes have been observed in Neurospora(Cogoni and Macino 1997a,b), Ascobolous (Barry et al. 1993;

Copyright © 2013 by the Genetics Society of Americadoi: 10.1534/genetics.112.147546Manuscript received November 9, 2012; accepted for publication January 12, 20131Present address: School of Molecular Biosciences, Washington State University,Pullman, WA 99164-7520.

2Corresponding author: Department of Biological Sciences, P.O. Box 443051, Universityof Idaho, Moscow, ID 83844-3051. E-mail: [email protected]

Genetics, Vol. 193, 1149–1162 April 2013 1149

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Malagnac et al. 1997), Schizophyllum (Schuurs et al. 1997),Coprinus (Freedman and Pukkila 1993), Phytophthora (vanWest et al. 1999), and Cryptococcus (Wang et al. 2010). Themost studied and best characterized are premeiotic repeat-induced point mutation (RIP) in Neurospora crassa andmethylation induced premeiotically (MIP) in Ascobolousimmersus. Both RIP and MIP phenomena represent exam-ples of transcriptional gene silencing (TGS). MIP and RIPoccur specifically at the sexual stage and are induced in thehaploid nuclei during the period between fertilization andkaryogamy. In both silencing phenomena, a minimal size of400 bp of DNA homology between repeated genes is re-quired to trigger pairwise transcriptional gene silencing ofhomologous duplicated sequences. Gene inactivation by RIPis irreversible because duplicated sequences are heavilymethylated and permanently mutagenized, whereas MIPinvolves only DNA methylation and is reversible when af-fected sequences are demethylated (Selker 1990; Barry et al.1993; Cogoni and Macino 1999b; Cogoni 2001).

Other extensively studied gene-silencing phenomena arequelling and meiotic silencing by unpaired DNA in N. crassa.Both quelling and meiotic silencing result in homology-dependent gene inactivation by mRNA degradation by com-ponents of the post-transcriptional gene silencing (PTGS)pathway. PTGS in quelling functions through small interfer-ing RNA (siRNA) molecules that are embedded in specificRISCs that recognize and degrade homologous mRNA par-ticles in the cytoplasm. Quelling operates during the vege-tative stage and requires homology between duplicatedcoding DNA segments (as small as 132 bp). Neither homol-ogy between promoter regions nor transgene-derived RNAor protein products are required to induce quelling (Cogoniand Macino 1997b). The silencing effect in quelling is dom-inant and acts in trans to inactivate homologous genes inboth transformed and untransformed nuclei of heterokary-ons. Quelling is reversible when transgenes are removed(Barry et al. 1993; Cogoni and Macino 1999b; Cogoni2001). Unlike quelling, meiotic silencing operates specifi-cally in the zygotic cell after karyogamy. Meiotic silencingis a genome surveillance mechanism that scans the pairingand alignment of homologous chromosomes in the meioticprophase. Unpaired DNA segments with homology to thetranscript are required to trigger self-silencing of unpairedgenes and trans-silencing of all homologous copies of thegene, whether or not they are paired (Lee et al. 2004).Meiotic silencing appears to affect a broad array of genescoding for functions required during meiosis, such asAPSES-domain transcription factor, Asm-1; b-tubulin, Bml;actin, act; histones H3 and H4-1, hH3-H4-1; plasma mem-brane ATPase, pma-1; and RecA/RAD51 homolog, mei-3(Shiu et al. 2001). Recently reported SIS in the fungal path-ogen C. neoformans represents a novel example of trans-gene-induced post-transcriptional gene silencing that isspecific to the sexual stage. SIS is triggered by tandem in-tegration of a transgene array and is mediated by RNAi(Wang et al. 2010).

Gene-silencing phenomena reported in other fungalspecies represent a great range of complexity and variationof mechanistic details. Transnuclear transcriptional genesilencing in Phytophthora infestans is diffusible and domi-nant but does not involve siRNA molecules. Rather, it hasbeen demonstrated that DNA methylation is required for thesilencing effect (van West et al. 1999, 2008).

The classic model organism Aspergillus nidulans providesa valuable and sophisticated system for the molecular dis-section of the gene-silencing phenomenon. A. nidulans isa haploid, multicellular, filamentous fungus with an experi-mentally amenable sexual reproductive cycle. Sexual devel-opment in A. nidulans is a complex multistep process thatrequires special environmental conditions and is governedby the mating-type genes matA(HMG-box) and matB(a-box)that transcriptionally coordinate expression of sex-specificgenes. Sexual morphogenesis in A. nidulans has been pre-viously described (Champe et al. 1994; Sohn and Yoon2002; Champe and Simon 2009). Sexual reproductionresults in the formation of macroscopic fruiting bodies (cleis-tothecia) containing meiotic progeny (ascospores). Matingand sexual differentiation involves formation of the fruitingbody wall (cleistothecium shell) and reproductive ascoge-nous tissue containing many dividing haploid nuclei. Twohaploid nuclei undergo karyogamy within specializeddikaryotic cells (croziers) to form a diploid zygote (ascusmother cell). The zygotic nucleus undergoes meiosis fol-lowed by a postmeiotic mitosis, which results in the forma-tion of eight haploid ascospores within an ascus. Anindividual cleistothecium contains hundreds of thousandsof ascospores.

The mating-type gene matA encodes a transcription fac-tor with a conserved HMG high mobility group (HMG) DNA-binding domain that is typical of proteins involved in bothchromatin architecture and gene transcription. MatA andother Mat-HMG proteins are members of the SOX/MATA/TCF protein family based on the ability of the HMG box tobind to specific DNA sequences (Laudet et al. 1993). Thefungal Mat-HMG box domain demonstrates a high level ofstructural similarity with the human SRY gene (sex deter-mining region Y) HMG box (Idnurm et al. 2008). FungalMat-HMG proteins are required for fine-tuning and balancedspatiotemporal expression of different sets of target genesdirectly involved in male and female fertility, fruiting bodymorphogenesis, fruiting body abundance, and ascospore for-mation (Debuchy and Turgeon 2006). Manipulations ofmating-type gene structure and/or function affect sexualphenotype and make possible conversions between fungalreproductive lifestyles (Yun et al. 1999; Lee et al. 2003). Inthis study, we demonstrate evidence for premeiotic Mat-induced silencing (MatIS) that is triggered by duplication ofthe matA gene.

We present the first report of gene silencing associatedwith matA mating-type function during the premeiotic stageof the sexual cycle. Silencing is not a generalized feature ofsex-specific gene duplication. Additional copies of the matB

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mating-type gene or the tubB meiosis-specific a-tubulindo not induce MatIS or cause infertility. MatIS is not acti-vated during vegetative growth or early sexual devel-opment. Silencing takes place in the population ofprezygotic cells (croziers) and results in the failure of kar-yogamy, meiosis, and, consequently, lack of meiotic prog-eny. MatIS is induced by the matA RNA transcript derivedfrom the transgene; however, unlike other silencing sys-tems it is independent of transcript abundance or homolo-gous matA DNA segments per se and demonstratesessentially 100% silencing efficiency. MatIS is also uniqueamong reported HGDS phenomena in fungi because itoccurs in the absence of Argonaute, and RNAi involvingRITS or RISC complexes is apparently not involved. Oneof the characteristic features of RNA-mediated silenc-ing reported in plants and fungi is the dominance effectand spreading of silencing between multiple nuclei lo-cated within a common cytoplasm. Interestingly, MatIS inA. nidulans is recessive and does not spread between nucleiwithin heterokaryons.

Discovery of the unique features of HDGS associatedwith mating-type function in A. nidulans provides a valu-able model system that can be used to unravel molecularmechanisms responsible for sexual-cycle-specific silencingphenomena. Further studies of gene-silencing systems infungal genetic model organisms such as A. nidulans offerthe opportunity to identify novel molecular componentsand mechanistic details of eukaryotic gene silencing.

Materials and Methods

Strains, culture conditions, and molecular techniques

A. nidulans strains used in this study are listed in Table 1.Complete and appropriately supplemented media wereprepared as described by Pontecorvo et al. (1953), Kafer(1977), and Vallim et al. (2000). Standard molecular tech-niques, DNA and RNA extraction, Southern blot analysis,and fungal transformations were performed according toprotocols previously described by Miller et al. (1985,1987), Wu and Miller (1997), Pyrzak et al. (2008), andYelton et al. (1983). Sexual development was induced understandard culture conditions as described previously (Milleret al. 1985; Vallim et al. 2000; Pyrzak et al. 2008). Fertilitywas determined by random sampling of at least 10 cleisto-thecia from an induction plate. Each cleistothecium wascleaned by gently rolling in 3% water agar, transferred toan Eppendorf tube containing 100 ml 0.1% Tween80, andcrushed with a glass rod to release ascospores. Two asco-spore counts were made for each cleistothecium usinga hemacytometer.

Construction of the A. nidulans strains carryingduplication of the matA gene

Two different A. nidulans strains carrying duplications ofwild-type matA gene (resident + ectopic) were constructed

and used in this study. The ectopic copy of the matA gene inboth strains was introduced by transformation with pWP3and was integrated by homology at the pyrG89 locus of therecipient strain. Plasmid pWP3 carries the coding region ofmatA flanked by 1-kb upstream and 1.8-kb downstream ge-nomic sequences plus pyrG as a prototrophy marker. pWP3was constructed by cloning the AnmatA genomic region (pri-mers AnMatAF11: P-tgggagtgtatcagcttcatg and AnmatAR11:P-tgccgtatgctacctgag) into the ppyrG plasmid (Pyrzak et al.2008). The UI432 strain is the progeny of a cross betweenparental strains UI420-2 and UI412 (see Table 1). The wild-type matA gene at chromosome III was inherited from theUI420 parent, and the ectopic matA transgene (pyrG89:matA:pyrG) was inherited with chromosome I from theUI412 parent. The second transgenic strain, UI471, was cre-ated via DNA-mediated transformation of pWP3 into theGR5 recipient strain. The UI471 strain carries a wild-typematA gene at the endogenous locus and an ectopic matAtransgene (pyrG89:matA:pyrG) as a result of pWP3 integra-tion at the pyrG89 locus. The genotypes of both strains wereconfirmed by Southern blot analysis. A Gateway cassette(Invitrogen) was added to plasmid pAVT21 (S. Harris, Uni-versity of Nebraska) containing the pyroA gene as a select-able marker. The matA genomic sequences used in pWP3were recombined into this plasmid using clonase (Invitro-gen). This resulting plasmid was used to transform strainsGR5 and RTMH200.10 to pyroA prototrophy. Copy numberand integration at pyroAwere confirmed by quantitative RT-PCR (-PCR) and PCR, respectively. Strains carrying duplica-tions of matB or tubB were created by cloning genomicsequences that included the coding region plus 1 kb of up-stream and 1 kb of downstream sequences into pAVT21.These constructs were transformed into GR5, and copy num-ber and integration at pyroA were confirmed using qRT-PCRand PCR, respectively.

Construction of the matA frameshift mutation allele

Plasmid pWP3 carries the coding region of matA flanked by1-kb upstream and 1.8-kb downstream genomic sequencesplus pyrG as a prototrophy marker (Pyrzak et al. 2008). Theframeshift mutation was created in the matA transgene car-ried on pWP3. A G base was added after the second in-frameATG (codon 8) of thematA-coding region. The mutation wasintroduced with the Site-directed Mutagenesis Kit (NewEngland BioLabs) using primers pWp3matAF1: P-ctgtatc-gattgctatgGaaatcaccaacac and pWp3matAR1: P-cagccatttt-ggcacttc. The capitalized “G” indicates the extra base thatintroduces the frameshift and loss of the native MatA pro-tein. To confirm that the frameshift mutation results in theabsence of a functional MatA protein, we transformed pWP3(+ frameshift mutation) into A. nidulans strain UI465 matA(0). All recovered transformants were sterile, lacking fruitingbodies. The resulting plasmid pWP3 (+ frameshift mutation)was subsequently transformed into the matA wild-type GR5strain to test the effect of the frameshift mutation upon genesilencing.

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59-FOA selection

The ectopically introduced matA transgene was flanked byhomologous pyrG89/pyrG sequences; therefore, it could beefficiently evicted by homologous mitotic recombination be-tween flanking sequences. A. nidulans strain UI432 carryingthe endogenous matA and ectopic matA transgene was usedto select for mitotic recombination events that resulted fromexcision of the ectopic matA allele and functional pyrG, leav-ing the pyrG89 allele. Selection of pyrimidine auxotrophicexcisants was accomplished by a modification of the (5-FOA) counterselection scheme of Boeke et al. (1984). A totalof 106 conidia/per plate were spread onto 5% agar platescontaining appropriately supplemented minimal media and5-FOA (0.1 mg/ml). Plates were incubated at 37� for 2 days.

Comparative RT-qPCR transcript analysis

The relative RT-qPCR method was used to assess the de-velopmental expression of matA and gprA. Total RNA wasextracted from undifferentiated hyphae and from repro-ductive tissue at 2, 4, and 6 days PI of sexual development.Total RNA was extracted and treated with DNase-I andreverse-transcribed from oligo(dT) primers using SuperScriptFirst-Strand Synthesis System for RT-PCR (Invitrogen). Pri-mers framed a target sequence that crossed an intron, andthe possible DNA contamination was diagnosed by agarosegel analysis. Necessary validation tests, analysis of the actinexpression, and primer specificity have been previously per-formed, and the protocol for RT-qPCR has been established(Pyrzak et al. 2008).

Relative quantitation of transcript levels was determined bythe threshold cycle (ΔΔ CT) method expressed as a differencein target gene expression with respect to an endogenous con-trol (actin) in different samples. Wild-type hyphal RNA wasused as the reference RNA. The expression of the matA genewas assessed using the primers AnmatAF33 (59 ccgcacgcatcac-cgagctcc 39) and AnmatAR29 (59 ggtgtgcgcagaacacgcaga 39).

The expression of gprA was analyzed with primers AngprAF3(59 cgggccattctcgaattcag 39) and AngprAR2 (59 gagggcaacga-tggtcaaga 39). Each complementary DNA sample was assayedin triplicate, and RNAs were obtained from three separatebiological samples.

Light microscopy

A. nidulans strains were induced for sexual development onplates with solid complete medium. Plates with mature fruit-ing bodies were photographed using a Zeiss SV8 Stereomi-croscope and Nikon Cool Pix 5400 camera. The internalcontent of fruiting body tissue was examined by differen-tial interference contrast optics using a Zeiss Axioplan. Nu-clei were visualized using a water solution (1 mg/ml) of49,6-diamino-2-phenylindole (DAPI) (Sigma) staining. In-dividual cleistothecia were cleaned, suspended in a waterdrop or in DAPI staining, and crushed under a coverslip ona glass slide. Photomicrographs were taken with eithera Nikon Cool Pix 5400 camera or Photometrics CoolSnapES camera and Metavue software (Universal Imaging).


Duplication of the matA gene suppresses expressionof matA, blocks entry into meiosis, and resultsin barren cleistothecia

The A. nidulans strains UI432 and UI471, containing dupli-cations of the matA gene, were constructed in two differentways to exclude the possibility that genetic manipulation orrandomly generated mutations could affect matA gene func-tion. The UI432 is the progeny from a cross, whereas UI471was created by transformation (described in Materials andMethods). An extra copy of the wild-type matA allele wasintegrated ectopically on chromosome I by homologous re-combination at the pyrG locus using the pWP3 vector. Inboth strains, identical genomic sequences were introducedthat included the matA transcriptional unit flanked by 1 kb

Table 1 A. nidulans strains used in this study

Strain Genotype Source

GR5 pyrG89; wA3; pyroA4 G. S. May (MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston TX)RTMH 200.10 rsdADArgo::pyrG; pyroA4 N. Keller (University of Wisconsin, Madison)RTMH 202.11 pabaA1, yA2, ΔrrpB::pyrG, ΔrrpC::metG,VeA N. Keller (University of Wisconsin, Madison)UI350 ya2, biA1, argB2, pyrG89, riboB2 B. L. Miller (University of Idaho)UI412 pyrG89:pWP3:pyrG, biA1, pabaA1; argB2; matA(0)::argB This studyUI420-2 pyrG89, alcA(p):medA; pyroA4; wA1 This studyUI432 pyrG89:pWP3:pyrG, alcA(p):medA, biA1, pabaA1; wA3; pyroA4 This studyUI433 pyrG89, alcA(p):medA, biA1, pabaA1; wA3; pyroA4 This studyUI464 pyrG89:pWP3:pyrG, pabaA1; wA3; argB2; matA(0)::argB This studyUI465 pyrG89, yA2, pabaA1;matA(0)::AfargB This studyUI470 pyrG89:pWP3(frameshift mutation):pyrG; wA3; pyroA4 This studyUI471 pyrG89:pWP3:pyrG; wA3; pyroA4 This studyUI480 pyrG89, wA3; pyroA4:matA:pyroA This studyUI481 pyrG89, wA3; matA:pyroA:matA; pyroA4 This studyUI482 pyrG89, wA3; DrsdAArgo; pyroA4:matA:pyroA This studyUI483 pyrG89; wA3; pyroA4; matB:pyroA This studyUI484 pyrG89; wA3; pyroA4, tubB:pyroA This study

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of upstream and 1.8 kb of downstream genomic regions. Thepresence of the extra matA gene at the ectopic position wasconfirmed by Southern blot analysis (data not shown).

Duplication of the matA gene did not affect vegetativegrowth, mating, or formation of the fruiting body, but spe-cifically interfered with the development of internal ascog-enous tissue, asci, and ascospores. The UI432 strain, at 6 dayspost induction (PI) of sexual development, formed cleisto-thecia containing only undeveloped ascogenous tissue. Dif-ferentiation of asci and ascospores was blocked completely(Figure 1). Analysis of nuclear distribution revealed thatsexual differentiation was arrested at the stage of dikary-otic cells and croziers, preceding karyogamy and meiosis.Cytological analyses suggest that matA silencing correlateswith failure of nuclear movement from crozier into zygoteand failure in karyogamy, resulting in the absence of zygotes(Figure 2).

The level of the matA transcript was analyzed at threedevelopmental time points: 2, 4, and 6 days PI of sexualdevelopment in UI432 and wild-type GR5. During theearly stages of sexual differentiation (day 2 and 4 days

PI), duplication of the matA gene did not alter developmen-tal matA expression or sexual phenotype. The twofold in-crease in matA transcript abundance was apparently theresult of two matA copies each being expressed at wild-typelevels. This increased level of matA transcript did not affectearly-to-mid sexual development, and normal abundanceand morphology of fruiting bodies were observed. At thelater developmental stages (6 days PI) when croziers andasci are differentiating in the wild-type strain, there wasa characteristic 10-fold upregulation of matA expression(Figure 3) relative to the early developmental time pointor 75-fold upregulation relative to undifferentiated hyphae(Figure 4B), which is consistent with previous observations.However, at later developmental stages (6 days PI), strainswith 2· matA gene dosage showed a dramatic suppressionof total matA expression, suggesting that transcription fromboth matA copies is affected. Alteration of the developmen-tal expression pattern is observed during the time at whichkaryogamy and zygote formation would be occurring andcorrelates with aborted development of ascogenous hyphaeand the complete absence of asci and ascospores. Therefore,from induction until day 4, matA transcription from bothresident and ectopic loci was unaffected by silencing mech-anisms and similar to the single copy in wild type. However,matA silencing was triggered by molecular events correlatedwith ascogenous hyphae at the dikaryotic stage, immedi-ately preceding karyogamy and meiosis (Figure 3). Theefficiency of silencing by the duplicated matA gene was�100%, meaning virtually every transformant carrying

Figure 1 Duplication of the matA gene in the haploid genome of A.nidulans prevents ascospore formation. Differentiation of cleistotheciaand ascospores are compared in the wild type (WT) and a transformantwith a matA duplication (T). (Top panels) Mature, dark-pigmented cleis-tothecia and mature white conidiophores. (Middle panels) (Left) Contentsof the individual broken cleistothecium with mature ascospores (arrow).(Right) Undeveloped ascogenous tissue with orange debris (arrow). (Bot-tom panels) (Left) Mature ascospores (arrow) produced by wild-typestrain. (Right) Debris (arrow) with absence of ascospores. Magnificationbars are shown.

Figure 2 Nuclei carrying duplications of matA do not undergo karyog-amy and meiosis. Development of the ascogenous tissue and distributionof nuclei were analyzed at 4 days PI of sexual development. Nuclei arevisualized with DAPI. Different stages of ascus development are shown inthe wild-type (WT) strain. Prezygotic cell (arrowhead), zygote (thin arrow),and ascus with ascospores (thick arrow) are indicated. Strains carryinga matA gene duplication differentiate ascogenous tissue with normalnuclear distribution up to the prezygotic stage (arrowhead). Nuclei donot undergo karyogamy and meiosis; therefore, neither zygotes nor asciare recognized. Magnification bar: 10 mm.

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a duplication of matA had a complete absence of asci andascospores.

Duplication of matA affects expression of thepheromone receptor gene gprA

Pheromone receptor signaling during sexual developmentin A. nidulans and other homothallic fungi is essential tocontrol recognition mechanisms between sexually compati-ble cells (Poggeler 2000; Seo et al. 2004; Mayrhofer andPoggeler 2005; Mayrhofer et al. 2006; Poggeler et al.2006a,b). Homologs of the budding yeast pheromone recep-tor genes gprA (a-factor receptor) and gprB (a-factor recep-tor) in homothallic A. nidulans have been previouslyreported (Seo et al. 2004). Our previous studies have de-termined that the MatA transcription factor modulates ex-pression of the gprA gene during sexual development havingactivator and/or a combination of activator/inhibitor func-tions (Czaja et al. 2011).

Here we demonstrate that altered transcriptional expres-sion of matA affects regulation of the downstream targetgene gprA. The gprA transcript level was analyzed in thewild-type strain and a transgenic strain carrying both anendogenous and an ectopic matA gene. In wild type, gprAexpression peaks at day 4 PI with a 4.5-fold upregulationrelative to day 2. The gprA transcript levels decreases after 4days PI. By contrast, the strain carrying the matA gene du-plication showed a significant 6.5-fold upregulation ofgprA abundance at day 2 PI and 2-fold at day 4 PI relativeto wild-type expression levels. Even though the silencingseems to be not active early at 2 or 4 days, there is a signif-icant upregulation of gprA. This early upregulation can be

attributed to the fact that there is a double amount of MatAprotein coming from two matA copies that potentially canboost expression of gprA. The decrease in gprA expressionbetween day 4 and day 6 PI was much greater in the strainwith two copies of matA and reflects the silencing of matAexpression at this developmental time point (Figure 3).Therefore, duplication of the matA gene and the resultingsilencing significantly altered developmental expression ofgprA.

Deletion of the duplicated copy of matA restores fullfunctionality of the endogenous matA gene

The ectopically integrated matA copy was flanked by thehomologous pyrG and pyrG89 sequences on chromosome I.Mitotic recombination between pyrG flanking sequencesduring 59-FOA counterselection resulted in excision of boththe extra matA copy and the pyrG allele from chromosome I(Figure 4A). Southern blot analysis confirmed that pyrG89auxotrophs had only the endogenous matA allele on chro-mosome III (data not shown). These strains were furtheranalyzed for phenotype and matA expression.

All recombinant strains had restored wild-type phenotypewith normal differentiation of fertile fruiting bodies con-taining ascospores.matA transcript levels in undifferentiatedhyphae and reproductive tissue were compared for the wild-type strain (GR5), matA gene duplication strain (UI432),and a strain derived from UI432 after 59-FOA counterselec-tion (UI433). In undifferentiated hyphae, there was aneightfold increase in matA transcript levels in the UI432strain relative to wild type. Elevated hyphal expressionmight be the result of expression coming from two matAgenes and/or regulatory derepression associated with ec-topic matA copy. This later possibility is more likely and isconsistent with our previous data showing similar levels ofelevated hyphal matA expression from a single ectopic copyof matA (Czaja et al. 2011). By contrast, expression fromboth endogenous and ectopic matA genes was dramaticallysuppressed during the latter stages of development (Figure4B). Expression was only 20% that of the wild type at 6 daysPI. The wild-type matA expression profile was restored afterremoval of the ectopic matA (UI433, Figure 4B). There-fore, the introduction of an extra matA copy alters func-tional expression of both the resident gene and the ectopictransgene.

Silencing by the matA transgene isposition-independent

The matA transgene was integrated into additional chromo-somal positions to determine if MatIS was a unique featureof matA transgene integration at the pyrG locus. A constructhaving the pyroA marker and the same matA sequencesfound in pWP3 was integrated at the pyroA4 locus of strainGR5 (Table 1). The presence of the matA transgene flankedby pyroA sequences caused MatIS silencing with identicalefficiency compared to integration at the pyrG locus de-scribed above (Table 2). Integration of the matA transgene

Figure 3 (A and B) Duplication of matA triggers gene silencing and hasa downstream effect on the gprA target gene. Developmental expressionof the matA transcript (A) and downstream target gprA (B) over the timecourse of 2, 4, and 6 days PI of sexual development.

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at the matA locus resulted in tandem duplication of matAsequences and MatIS silencing with the same efficiency (Ta-ble 2). Therefore, MatIS was identical whether the addi-tional matA transgene was located between duplicatedmarker sequences at the pyrG (chromosome I) and pyroA(chromosome IV) loci or as tandem copies at the residentmatA locus (chromosome III).

Neither duplicated matA-coding DNA nor promoterregion are sufficient to induce gene silencing

Gene-silencing phenomena (RIP, MIP, quelling) are specif-ically induced by duplicated DNA sequences. To determinethe role of homologous DNA sequence in matA HDGS, weperformed gene complementation studies using matA genevariants lacking different portions of the DNA sequence.First, we used the UI465 matA(0) strain that carries a de-letion of the entire matA transcription unit (from +1 to+1851 nt) at the resident locus. UI465 is sterile and doesnot differentiate fruiting bodies or ascospores (Czaja et al.2011). UI465 was complemented with an ectopically inte-grated matA transgene (from 21001 to +3056 nt) (Figure5A). Therefore, the only DNA homology was outside thematA transcription unit. The matA(0) deletion was function-ally complemented by the matA transgene, and no silencingeffect was observed. Mating-type function and fruiting bodyformation and fertility were fully recovered. This observa-tion demonstrates that DNA homology outside the matAtranscription unit does not play a role in gene silencing(Figure 5A). A second approach used a strain carryinga 299-nt partial deletion of the matA-coding region (+148to +446) at the resident locus. Strain UI464 (matAD) wasalso sterile, having a phenotype identical to that of the matA(0) deletion strain (Czaja et al. 2011). UI464 was comple-mented by a matA transgene (from 21001 to +3056 nt)integrated ectopically. In this case, there was a perfectDNA homology spanning the region between 21001 ntand +3056 nt except for 299 nt of the matA-coding region

that was deleted at the resident locus. In all transformantsanalyzed, the transgene fully complemented the matAD de-letion. Wild-type fertility was restored with development ofnormal numbers of cleistothecia and ascospores. No detect-able gene silencing was observed (Figure 5A). Therefore,DNA homology corresponding to either the 59 putative pro-moter coding or 39 regions was not sufficient to trigger genesilencing, unless the silencing mechanism is specified by the299 bp that are lacking in both matAD and matA(0) strains(Figure 5A). Further analyses of the 59 and 39 flankingregions revealed more details underlying gene silencing in-duced by duplication of matA. A transgene lacking 59 regu-latory flanking sequences, matA(Δ830 bp), was integratedectopically into the background of wild-type matA. Genesilencing was still observed. The degree of silencing wasunaffected by this deletion; mating-type function was im-paired, and barren fruiting bodies were formed. Therefore,duplication of the 59 regulatory region is dispensable for thesilencing effect (Figure 5B). Interestingly, a transgene lack-ing approximately one-half of the C-terminal coding regionplus 39 flanking sequences was still able to induce silencingwhen integrated ectopically into the background of wild-type matA. However, mating-type function was not com-pletely suppressed since some ascospores were observedalthough at very low levels (20–30% of wild type). Collec-tively, these data provide a strong argument that homologyat the DNA level was not directly involved in triggering genesilencing (Figure 5B).

Silencing is not a function of MatA protein but may bemediated by matA RNA

To determine the molecular component (RNA or protein)involved in gene silencing, we created the strain UI470having a matA gene duplication, where only the residentmatA allele can be translated into a functional MatA protein.The ectopic matA transgene (matAfs) carries a frameshiftmutation at the eighth codon and therefore expresses an

Figure 4 (A and B) Ectopically introduced matA trans-gene induces gene silencing at both resident and ec-topic matA. (A) Schematic representation of theremoval of the ectopic matA transgene using 59-FOAselection. (B) Expression analysis of the matA gene ina strain having duplication (before FOA) and a strainthat was recovered upon excision of the ectopic matA(after 59-FOA). Transcript levels were analyzed in un-differentiated hyphae (H) and in reproductive tissue6 days PI of sexual development (R6).

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RNA that cannot be translated into a functional MatA pro-tein (Figure 6). We confirmed this by showing that the mat-Afs allele is unable to complement the matA(0) deletionstrain. UI470 expressed elevated hyphal levels of matARNA similar to that observed for other strains with twocopies of matA due to derepression of the ectopic allele(compare Figure 6 to Figure 4B). However, only wild-typelevels of MatA protein would be translated from matA RNAexpressed from the resident gene. If the interference phe-nomenon is mediated by the dosage of MatA protein, thenthe strain with the frameshift mutation should have a wild-type phenotype. However, if RNA triggers interference,this strain should form barren cleistothecia. UI470 was in-duced to undergo sexual development to test these twoalternatives. Differentiation of sexual reproductive tissuesin this strain showed all of the hallmarks of interferencewith abundant barren cleistothecia that lacked meiotic prog-eny or ascospores. Notably, it is not simply elevated matARNA levels that trigger silencing. We have previously shownthat the matA (D830 bp) construct is capable of comple-menting the matA(0) strain when integrated ectopically.Deletion of 830 bp of the upstream regulatory region ofmatA resulted in a 140-fold increase of matA RNA abun-dance in both hyphal and sexually differentiated tissue rel-ative to the wild type. However, silencing is not triggered inthis strain, and fertility is like the wild type (Czaja et al.2011).Therefore, neither MatA protein nor the level of matARNA per se is involved in gene silencing. It appears that thetransgene-derived RNA itself triggers the gene-silencingphenomenon.

matA transcript levels in UI470 were analyzed in undif-ferentiated hyphae and reproductive tissue. Similar to ourobservations above, interference was restricted to the laterstages of the reproductive cycle. Total transcript levelsexpressed from both resident and ectopic copy in the repro-ductive tissue was only 36% of wild type, which is consistentwith our previous data (Figure 6). Therefore, the matA RNAtriggers interference and alters functional matA expressionat the transcriptional or post-transcriptional level.

MatIS is not dependent upon Argonaute and RNAi

Other reported cases of HDGS silencing systems in fungiare RNA-mediated and require functional RNAi. RNA-mediated transcriptional and post-transcriptional genesilencing are dependent upon the presence of an Argo-naute protein as a components of a RITS or RISC complex,respectively. A. nidulans has a single functional Argonauteprotein encoded by rsdA, which is required for RNAi(Hammond and Keller 2005; Hammond et al. 2008). De-letion of rsdA does not affect vegetative growth, conidia-tion, or sexual reproduction (Hammond et al. 2008). Wealso observed that loss of rsdA function had no effectupon sexual fertility (Table 2). We integrated a matAtransgene at the pyroA4 locus of the rsdAD strainRTMH200.10, which has a functional resident matA. Wefound that the transformed strain was infertile and hadascospore yields similar to that of an rsdA strain with thetransgene at the pyroA locus (UI480 vs. UI482; Table 2).Therefore, MatIS was fully effective in a strain lacking anArgonaute protein required for RNA-mediated RISC orRITS silencing.

MatIS is not a general phenomenon induced byduplication of sex-related genes

MatIS is not a general phenomenon that is induced inresponse to duplication of sex-related genes. matB is thea-box mating-type gene that is required for sexual inductionand ascosporogenesis in A. nidulans. tubB encodes a meiosis-specific a-tubulin. Induction of the sexual cycle and devel-opment of the fruiting body is normal in a tubBD strain, butdevelopment of ascogenous tissue is blocked premeioticallyat a stage prior to karyogamy (Kirk and Morris 1991). Thisphenotype appears microscopically identical to that of ourstrains expressing a MatIS response. Sex-induced silencingof tubB expression due to tubB gene duplication shouldtherefore also cause sterility. However, we observed thatadditional copies of either tubB or matB did not cause in-duction of MatIS and infertility.

Table 2 Fertility in strains carrying an extra copy of matA

Additional copy Sexual cycle

Resident Gene rsdAArgoChromosome



IV CleistotheciumNo. of ascospore/cleistothecium (%)

matA (chromosome III)wt + 2 2 2 + 100a

matA(0) (chromosome III) + 2 2 2 2 2matA(0) (chromosome III) + matA 2 2 + 100matA (chromosome III) + matA 2 2 + 0matA (chromosome III) + 2 2 matA + 5matA (chromosome III) + 2 matA 2 + 7matA (chromosome III) 2 2 2 2 + 100b

matA (chromosome III) 2 2 2 matA + 0.2c

matA (chromosome III) 2 2 2 matA + 0.1c

rsdAArgo column: +, wt; 2, null. Cleistothecium column: +/2 indicate presence of absence of fruiting bodies.a 117,000 ascospores/cleistothecium.b 133,000 ascospores/cleistothecium.c Two independently isolated strains.

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HDGS in A. nidulans is recessive and does not spreadin the heterokaryon

PTGS has been frequently correlated with the ability ofgene silencing to be transmitted across nuclei and spreadboth within a common cytoplasm and systemically betweencells. We have tested the ability of the matA-induced genesilencing to diffuse between silenced nuclei and wild-typenuclei sharing common cytoplasm in the reproductive het-erokaryotic hypha. Stable heterokaryons were establishedbetween the parental strains UI432 and RTMH 202.11. TheUI432 contains a matA duplication, is a white conidiatingstrain, and makes fruiting bodies but no ascospores. TheRTMH 202.11 contains a single matA gene, is a yellow con-idiating strain, and makes fruiting bodies and ascospores.If silencing can spread between the nuclei in the hetero-karyon, there will be only barren cleistothecia. Instead,we observed abundant fertile and crossed cleistothecia pro-duced by heterokaryons. Ascospores of crossed cleistothe-cium were analyzed for recombinants between conidiacolor markers. Ascospores were plated on selective media,which selects against parental genotypes. Colonies pro-duced by ascospores were of white, yellow, and green color,

which indicates a successful cross and recombination be-tween genetic markers and between two parental strains.The presence of crossed cleistothecia with recombinantprogeny indicates that the silencing effect does not spreadbetween nuclei. This observation demonstrates that the si-lencing effect is not diffusible and not propagated betweennuclei but is apparently a nucleus-restricted phenomenon.


Our findings identify a novel gene-silencing phenomenonassociated with mating-type function that is induced byduplication of the matA gene and operates exclusively dur-ing the premeiotic sexual stage in A. nidulans. We refer tothis phenomenon as MatIS (defined above).

Duplication of the matA gene impairs late sexualdevelopment in A. nidulans

We have demonstrated that duplication of matA (one res-ident + one ectopic copy) interrupts normal patterns ofmatA expression, resulting in a dramatic decrease in matAmRNA abundance during late sexual development. Lowlevels of the matA expression during the prezygotic stage

Figure 5 (A and B) Transgene-derivedmatA transcript is involved in gene si-lencing. Schematic summary of thecomplementation studies is presented.(A) ResidentmatA wild-type allele or de-letion mutant alleles matA(0) or matAΔ,respectively, were complemented inseparate experiments by a completematA transgene that was introduced ec-topically. (B) matA deletions introducedectopically into a wild-type matA [chro-mosome (chr) III] background. Geneticdistance is marked (21001 to +3056bp). The solid bar indicates the matA-coding region. The shaded flankingregions represent 59 and 39 UTRs. Chro-mosomal position in the genome is in-dicated (chr III, chr I). Deleted regions ofmatA sequence are indicated by dashedlines. RNA status and silencing effectassociated with each complementationexperiment are shown: present (+), ab-sent (2), silencing present (YES), no si-lencing (NO), does not apply (N/A), and70–80% reduced fertility (R).

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of cleistothecium development contribute to failure in kar-yogamy and meiosis and aborted development of asci andascospores. Fruiting body differentiation in A. nidulans iscoordinated by a mat-regulated pheromone signal trans-duction pathway that includes GprA, a homolog of thebudding yeast a-factor receptor Ste2. GprA is specificallyrequired for mating and self-fertilization (Seo et al. 2004;Yu 2006; Harris et al. 2009). We have previously observeda direct correlation between matA transcript level andcleistothecium differentiation in A. nidulans, suggestingthat fruiting body development is regulated by specificthreshold levels of matA expression (Pyrzak et al. 2008).It has been proposed that higher levels of mat HMG expres-sion are required to regulate correct distribution and seg-regation of nuclei at the prezygotic stage (Debuchy 1999;Coppin and Debuchy 2000). We observed that reducedlevels of matA transcript due to gene duplication causedsignificant upregulation of gprA transcription over thecourse of development. Our data suggest that significantalteration in matA expression at this critical stage has anadverse impact on karyogamy and meiosis, resulting inbarren fruiting bodies.

Duplication of matA gene induces homology-dependentsilencing of mating-type gene function

The silencing phenomenon observed in A. nidulans displaysunique characteristics but also shares some common fea-tures with HDGS phenomena that have been reported inseveral species of fungi, plants, and animals (Bingham1997; Cogoni and Macino 1999a). Generally, HDGS as a re-sult of the introduction of a transgene(s) involves silencingof a target locus by an unlinked silencing locus. Both thetransgene and unlinked homologous endogenous copy ofa gene are silenced by DNA methylation and TGS and/or

mRNA degradation and PTGS. Silencing in most cases isreversible upon removal of the transgene (Furner et al.1998; Mourrain et al. 2007).

Similarly, in A. nidulans, silencing was induced by theintroduction of a matA transgene. However, unlike otherreports of HDGS, MatIS is confined to a specific stage ofdevelopment. Furthermore, we have demonstrated thatthe sum of transcription from both transgene and residentmatA genes was greatly reduced, suggesting mutual silenc-ing of both matA copies. Therefore, the presence of a dupli-cated matA was essential to maintain the silenced status ofboth matA alleles. Removal of the ectopic matA transgeneupon 59-FOA treatment eliminated silencing and restoreda normal expression pattern of the endogenous matA anda wild-type sexual phenotype.

Because matA encodes a master regulator of sexual de-velopment, we analyzed the role of MatA protein as a poten-tial trigger of the MatIS silencing effect. The failure ofzygote and ascospore formation could be easily explainedby gene duplication causing an excessively elevated level ofMatA protein and the disruption of finely tuned spatiotem-poral patterns of target sex-specific gene expression. Pheno-typic and transcriptional analyses of the A. nidulans strainwith both an intact resident matA gene and a frameshiftmutation in the ectopic matA copy excluded the possibilitythat protein encoded by a duplicated matA gene was in-volved in the silencing phenomenon. This observation isconsistent with HDGS phenomena reported in other eukary-otic organisms where proteins encoded by duplicated geneswere not involved in the gene-silencing effect.

Silencing is mediated by transgene-derived matA RNA

The homology between repeated DNA segments of genesappears to be the molecular trigger in many reported casesof HDGS. It has been determined that coding-region homol-ogy acts as the trigger for gene silencing in both quellingand meiotic silencing in N. crassa (Cogoni 2001; Shiu andMetzenberg 2002). DNA fragments with a minimal size of132 bp of coding-region homology were necessary and suffi-cient to trigger quelling in the vegetative stage. A more com-plex scenario has been described for meiotic silencing duringthe sexual stage. DNA unpairing, or lack of the DNA homol-ogy, between alleles during chromosome alignment was thesignal for silencing of all homologous gene sequences prior tomeiosis in the zygotic cell. We observed that neither DNAhomology within 59 and 39 noncoding regulatory regionsnor homology within the coding region play roles in premei-otic silencing in A. nidulans. A comparison of the matA de-letion variants [matA(0) and matAΔ] that lack a functionalmatA transcript— but that retain partial DNA homology tomatA regulatory and/or coding regions—demonstrates that,in contrast to RIP, MIP, and quelling, the DNA componentwas not sufficient to induce MatIS silencing. Furthermore, wehave also shown that DNA unpairing does not trigger silenc-ing in A. nidulans, as sexual outcrosses between one paren-tal genome containing a duplication of matA and another

Figure 6 MatA protein is not involved in HDGS phenomenon. Graphicrepresentation of the wild-type matA gene at the resident locus and theectopically integrated matAfs transgene carrying a frameshift mutationand therefore deficient in native MatA protein. Analyses of matA tran-script level in the undifferentiated hyphae (H) and in the reproductivetissue 4 days PI of sexual development (R4).

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parental genome having only a wild-type resident matAresulted in a wild-type sexual phenotype. Therefore, in con-trast to RIP, MIP, quelling and meiotic silencing caused bymatA duplication in A. nidulans is driven by transcribed RNAand represents a novel mechanism for HGDS.

High-efficiency silencing depends upon qualitativefeatures of the matA transcript, not RNA abundance

Silencing efficiency varies greatly from gene to gene, andthe limiting factors are not fully understood. The strength ofthe transgene promoter, transgene copy number, or forma-tion of antisense RNA can contribute to silencing efficiency(Que et al. 1997; Vaucheret and Fagard 2001; Fulci andMacino 2007). The introduction of exogenous transgenesin N. crassa is necessary, but not sufficient, to trigger genesilencing, and only a portion of transformants (typically30%) containing duplicated sequences show silencing byquelling (Cogoni et al. 1996). The unexpected formationof transgenic sense and/or antisense RNA from promoterlessconstructs was implicated in low silencing efficiency (Cogoniand Macino 1997b). Both high copy number and a tandemsequence arrangement were important for triggering quel-ling. By contrast, the introduction of a single copy of thematA transgene is necessary and sufficient to trigger silenc-ing in A. nidulans with an efficiency of nearly 100%. Theintegration site of matA transgene into the genome wascarefully designed, and only sense, transgene-derivedmRNAwas expected to be transcribed. Therefore, it is highlyunlikely that an unexpected antisense RNA plays a role ingene silencing in A. nidulans. MatIS was also independent ofthe transgene integration site and therefore not a function ofchromosomal position.

Abnormally high levels of mRNA generated from eithera single-copy gene with a strong promoter or from multicopytransgenes have been implicated in the gene silencing ofhomologous sequences in plants and fungi (Napoli et al.1990; Que et al. 1997). In our previous studies, we havedemonstrated that overexpression of the ectopically intro-duced matA transgene in the undifferentiated hyphae(�135-fold) and in the reproductive tissue (�112-fold), ascompared to the wild-type hyphal level, did not induce genesilencing (Czaja et al. 2011). Therefore, unlike cosuppres-sion and quelling, silencing of the mating-type gene appearsto be independent of the overall levels of matA transcript.

The formation of a sense aberrant RNA (aRNA) producedfrom, or induced by, the transgene has been proposed totrigger homology-dependent gene silencing (Cogoni 2002;Nakayashiki et al. 2005). The origin and nature of aRNA arenot well understood. Chromosomal location of the trans-gene could potentially have some effect on the expressionor processing of RNA transcript. It has been suggested thatmethylation of transgene DNA could contribute aRNA (Baul-combe 1996). It has been proposed that aRNA might berecognized by RdRP, leading to synthesis of complementaryRNA strand and double-stranded RNA formation (Lindboet al. 1993). Double-stranded RNAwould trigger homologous

mRNA degradation affecting both endogenous and trans-genic RNA simultaneously. The A. nidulans genome en-codes two RdRPs that hypothetically could be implicated inthe aRNA-induced PTGS. However, Hammond and Keller(2005) have shown that RdRPs are not required for RNAi inA. nidulans.

One interesting feature of the matA transcript is its un-usually long 39 UTR. 39 UTRs have been demonstrated to beimportant in regulation of gene expression where they playa role in translational efficiency and/or mRNA localization(Guo and Sherman 1996; Antic and Keene 1997; Long et al.1997, 2001). It has been demonstrated in the fungusCochliobolus heterostrophus that truncation of the mat HMG39 UTR results in formation of barren fruiting bodies (Wirselet al. 1998). Our data suggest another potential role for the 39UTR in gene silencing. Remarkably, MatIS silencing efficiencyby an ectopic transgene was reduced upon deletion of DNAsequences of the 39 flanking region that included part ofthe C-terminal coding region and 39 UTR. Cleistotheciawere not completely barren, and a low, but significant, lev-el of ascospores (20–30% of wild type) was observed. Bycontrast, a full-length, but nonfunctional, matAfs transcriptis capable of triggering high-efficiency silencing and sup-pression of mating-type function. These observations, whentaken together with results from ectopic transgenes in matA(0) and matAD strains, indicate that a full-length matAtransgene-derived transcript is required for triggering effi-cient gene silencing. They further suggest that the matA39 UTR plays at least a partial role in driving MatIS.

matA silencing appears to be a specialized featureof mating-type regulation

Gene-silencing phenomena such as RIP and MIP seem to begeneral silencing mechanisms in Neurospora and Ascobolus,with the ability to affect any type of repeated gene. Excep-tionally, N. crassa sexual-cycle-specific genes, in particularthe mating-type genes mat-a (the matA homolog) andmat-A are protected from meiotic silencing. In A. nidulans,repeated or duplicated genes typically do not trigger silenc-ing. Documented cases of HGDS in A. nidulans have notbeen reported, and matA mating-type repeat-induced silenc-ing reported here is unique. Furthermore, duplication of twoother sex-induced genes critical to a fertile sexual cycle,matB and tubB, did not induce silencing at any developmen-tal stage. Thus, silencing associated with matA gene dupli-cation appears to be a specialized feature of mating-typeregulation and represents an example of a silencing phe-nomenon distinct from other reported examples of HDGS.

In heterothallic species, the correct genetic organizationof mating-type alleles is essential for efficient fertilizationand development of fertile fruiting bodies (Coppin et al.1997). Illegitimate fusions between the same mating typesin both a HMG · a HMG and Aa · Aa combinations resultedin the failure of ascogenous hyphae development and theformation of enlarged, barren fruiting bodies in Aspergillusstercorarius (Coppin et al. 1997). Similarly, the artificial

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association of both mating types in the same nucleus inheterothallic N. crassa resulted in self-mating and differen-tiation of nonfertile, barren perithecia. Therefore, gene si-lencing associated with altered mating-type gene statuscould also function in other fungi where genetic manipula-tion of mat loci resulted in impaired fertility.

The silencing of the sex-specific matA gene might befunctionally linked to sexual-cycle-specific, genome qualitycontrol mechanisms that protect genome integrity and pre-vent genetic aberration to be passed to progeny. Recentfindings demonstrated a link between transgene-inducedRNAi gene silencing and genome defense during sexualreproduction in Cryptococcus neoformans (Wang et al.2010). A. nidulans is a haploid homothallic (self-fertile)fungus, and its sexual identity is determined by a singlecopy of matA (HMG-box) and matB (a-box) mating-typegenes. Mating-type genes are involved in the fine-tuningand balanced expression of the sex-specific target genes.The precise dosage of mating-type genes and their productsmight be critical in regulating balanced expression of targetgenes. Changes in the gene dosage, such as matA geneduplication, could trigger genome quality control mecha-nisms that would consequently both silence homologousgenes and block meiosis to prevent transmission of an ab-normal status of mating-type genes to the next generationof progeny. However, MatIS appears to be confined to thematA gene, is RNAi independent, and therefore differs fromSIS in C. neoformans.

A model for nucleus-restricted RNA-mediatedpremeiotic silencing in A. nidulans

Gene-silencing during the sexual stage has been reported inN. crassa (RIP), and meiotic silencing has been reported inA. immersus (MIP) and C. neoformans (SIS). Both RIP and MIPoperate before karyogamy, and homologous repeated genesare methylated and silenced transcriptionally (TGS). By con-trast, meiotic silencing occurs after karyogamy, and unpairingbetween homologous genes triggers PTGS. Furthermore, ithas been demonstrated that unpaired mating-type genes inN. crassa are immune to meiotic silencing (Shiu et al. 2001).

Silencing of the matA gene occurs before karyogamy andappears mechanistically similar to RIP or MIP, suggestingtranscriptional pairwise mat silencing. This could potentiallyinvolve DNA–DNA and/or RNA–DNA interaction betweenmatA homologous sequences on different chromosomes(trans-inactivation) and sequence-specific de novo methyla-tion of a homologous transgene and an endogenous counter-part (Kooter et al. 1999; Vaucheret and Fagard 2001)(Figure 7). This notion might be further supported by thefact that the cytosine methyltransferase homolog dmtA inA. nidulans is essential during sexual development (Leeet al. 2008). However, neither widespread DNA methylationnor active MIP or RIP has been reported in any Aspergillusspecies. This suggests the possibility that de novo DNA meth-ylation by DmtA might occur transiently during the sexualphase, and, when needed, it could be involved in HDGS asa part of the genome defense system (Lee et al. 2003). More-over, silencing of mating-type function in A. nidulans doesnot spread between nuclei but has a recessive and nucleus-restricted character, which might further support TGS as themechanism involved in MatIS.

The observation that transgene-derived RNA appearsnecessary and sufficient for silencing suggests that a PTGSpathway could be potentially involved. PTGS-inducibleRNAi has been reported in A. nidulans (Barton and Prade2008). Components of post-transcriptional gene silencingsuch as Dicer, Argonaute proteins, and RdRPs have beenidentified in A. nidulans. However, they are not requiredfor normal growth and sexual development under standardculture conditions (Hammond and Keller 2005; Hammondet al. 2008). This is in contrast to Neurospora, where compo-nents of the meiotic RNA silencing pathway are required forthe completion of sexual development (Kelly and Aramayo2007). We have demonstrated that the RNAi pathway isapparently not involved in MatIS. The fact that MatIS isrecessive and does not spread and appears to be indepen-dent of RNAi argues against PTGS as a mechanism involvedin silencing. Alternatively, MatIS may represent a new typeof PTGS, where matA RNA does not diffuse and is degradedin a specific subcellular compartment close to the nucleusof origin in RNAi-independent manner.

Discovery of a novel, mating-type-specific HDGS system inhomothallic A. nidulans opens a new line of investigation thatmay provide insights into molecular mechanisms underlying

Figure 7 Model of the nucleus-restricted, RNA-mediated premeiotic si-lencing in A. nidulans. Schematic representation of the prezygotic cellcontaining two haploid nuclei from a cross between two parental strainsis shown. One nucleus carries duplication of the matA gene (solid bars);the other nucleus carries a single copy of matA. Gene silencing is medi-ated by a transgene-derived matA transcript and appears to be restrictedto the nucleus of origin. The silencing effect does not spread betweennuclei in the common cytoplasm of the syncytium or dikaryon. Therefore,a parental nucleus with a single wild-type matA gene retains active matfunction that is fully able to complement the silenced matA function ofthe other parental nucleus, resulting in a wild-type sexual phenotype.Framed box with dashed line indicates a potential cytoplasmic compart-ment that might contribute to nucleus-restricted MatIS in the prezygoticcell. Refer to Discussion for details.

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the regulation of mating-type function, sexual-cycle-specificgene-silencing phenomena, and genome surveillance ineukaryotes.


We thank Jose G. Alcocer for his technical assistance. Thiswork was supported by grant #0318801 from the NationalScience Foundation and grant #P20 RR015587 from theNational Center for Research Resources (NCRR), a compo-nent of the National Institutes of Health (NIH). Its contentsare solely the responsibility of the authors and do notnecessarily represent the official views of the NCRR or NIH.

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Communicating editor: F. Winston

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