Nov 7th, 2003: Looking To Jesus

11 - lulF S1FAJFIF 811rdi 1111-ill SlhWCIQID /SA1V I11 %TL THE NET OF PRAYER LOVE, FAITH, HOPE November 7, 2003 — Issue #095 Nancy-TONI Youngbrandt - Editor Chuck-JOHNEL & Nancy-TONI Youngbrandt 917 West Jackson Avenue Spokane, WA. 99205-3338 Tele # 1-509-326-7389 (JESUS said:) LAUNCH OUT INTO THE DEEP, AND LET DOWN YOUR NETS FOR A DRAUGHT...and when they had this done, they enclosed a great multitudes of fishes: and their net brake. And they beckoned unto their partners... and they cane, and filled both ships..." (Luke 5: 5,6,7) . LOOKING TO JESUS "Looking to Jesus the author and finisher of our faith..." (Hebrews 12: 2a) or an Update on the event of September 19 and other watch days please see page 15


THE NET OF PRAYER LOVE, FAITH, HOPE 11 - lulF S1FAJFIF 811rdi 1111-ill SlhWCIQID /SA1V I11%TL "Looking to Jesus the author and finisher of our faith..." (Hebrews 12: 2a) (JESUS said:) LAUNCH OUT INTO THE DEEP, AND LET DOWN YOUR NETS FOR A Chuck-JOHNEL & Nancy-TONI Youngbrandt 917 West Jackson Avenue Spokane, WA. 99205-3338 Tele # 1-509-326-7389 (Luke 5: 5,6,7) .

Transcript of Nov 7th, 2003: Looking To Jesus

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November 7, 2003 — Issue #095Nancy-TONI Youngbrandt - Editor

Chuck-JOHNEL & Nancy-TONIYoungbrandt

917 West Jackson AvenueSpokane, WA. 99205-3338

Tele # 1-509-326-7389

(JESUS said:) LAUNCH OUT INTO THE DEEP, AND LET DOWN YOUR NETS FOR ADRAUGHT...and when they had this done, they enclosed a great multitudes of fishes: and theirnet brake. And they beckoned unto their partners... and they cane, and filled both ships..."

(Luke 5: 5,6,7) .


"Looking to Jesus the author and finisher of our faith..."(Hebrews 12: 2a)

or an Update on the event of September 19 and other watch daysplease see page 15

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On August 13, 1989 JESUS told me this,




In this moment I want to draw out part ofJESUS' Word which will be the heartof our corning prayer sheet and a whole new prayer strategy:


(JESUS' August 13, 1989.)

The enemy is becoming physically preponderant, overwhelming and threatening in theextreme. To look at the destructions coming would be a grave error - it will only serve todemoralize us and bring us to believe the lie that the enemy is the greater. If we do that wemight be tempted to make the error of placing our faith in the power of the enemy and notin God.

To fear God is the beginning of wisdom, to fear the enemy is to empower him to do theworst, for fearing the enemy becomes a form of worship and places the faith we have in hispower to do us harm.

This is why our new prayer strategy is to LOOK TO JESUS, to delight in Him,to seek to be embedded with His Love, His Power, His Goodness and Mercyand to seek to be filled with His Light and Presence above any otherconsideration.

(Continued on Page 5)

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P"we 3 The Staff and Sword Ministry November 7, 2003

General Information Page

Newsletter DelayedI originally planned to have this Newsletter completed by this time (November

7th) but then

JESUS instructed me to write a letter to President Bush (Counsel #6) making that a priority.Then JESUS asked me to write the 9 Church Leaders as done in 1991 about the TINYSTAR (whether they will or will not repent and pray and call for repentance and prayer).I completed that project and got the letters in the mail November 6

`'' in the time frame theLord required. So here I am, ready to complete this Newsletter - a bit late. Chuck-JOHNEL.

ON PHONE CALLS:I do keep a list of telephone calls and try once a week to retu rn telephone calls. However,

the work schedule I keep is fairly intense. I work on average of 17 hours a day seven days

a week. Even so I do try and return calls. If you state that you have an emergency on ouranswering machine I will get back to you as soon as possible.

We monitor telephone calls several times a day, so if you get our answering machine leavea message. You are more likely to get our answering machine than us as the phone is well

outside of the office area.

I will be straight forward about telephones - I worked for the du Pont Company for 15 yearsand most all of that was work on the telephone. When the Lord called me into full timeMinistry (1977) I received telephone calls 24 hours a day seven days a week. I do notbelieve I actually sat down to eat supper once in the next 5 years (1977-1981) that I was notinterrupted by a phone call - thus the majority of my meals were cold. The stress of workinground the clock, constant phone calls, to say nothing of attacks on me by brethren becameso intense my health was failing and Jesus required I stand aside in 1981 for health reasons.

I installed the answering machine in 1989 to get some distance between me and the phone.I will return your call but you need be patient. If you telephone please do not hang-up whenthe answering machine comes on, leave a message, we will retu rn your call a.s.a.p.

LET US KNOW IF YOU ARE GOING TO VISIT []SWe are open to meeting with you if you come through town or stop by for a visit. However,we do nk that you t ry and give us advance notice. Though we are almost always busy, wemake time for visitors and always have - so t ry and give us advance notice so we can plan

to meet with you for a cup of coffee or a supper out.

We have a spare bedroom and can put up a couple for a night (or a couple with two small

children) - but again let us know in advance that you are coming. Thank you and God bless.Z.i rw CI UI OOV0 ^r̂ "

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In the last Newsletter we mentioned the passing of our dear brother, Net of Prayer Lord'sGeneral and Reverend George Elsasser of Canada on September 4, 2003. We asked thosewho were led to send a love offering for Ruth his wife. Those who sent cards, we forwardedthese to Ruth unopened. We accumulated the gifts and lastly on October 20, 2003 sentsister Ruth Elsasser a check for $1,640.00 (U.S.) or the approximate equal of $2,200Canadian.

Letter from: Mrs. Ruth Elsasser dated November 1, 2003

(Quote) To: God's Faithful Warriors, Thank You, God Bless you all mightily.

To: The Staff and Sword Ministry

Dear Friends, You have blessed me beyond measure, with your love and generosity.

I can only say thank you for the depths of God's love in you to prompt this show oflove. All your beautiful cards, messages, prayers-plus the very loving and generousgifts of cash. When Chuck first communicated that this is to be done, the Lordprompted me to return a tithe for the continuing work of the ministry. So I ask Himto bless this tithe with His gracious love to bring about what He would do for HisGlory.

Georo,e has been greatly blessed over the yeasr in his relationship with the Ministry.He loved each one of you and thanked God , for you. We were both blessed richly inChrist.

I thank you for your love and continuing prayers for me - as I shall also rememberyou. "We are workers together for- His glory ". Great is His faithfulness. God blessyou everyone. In His Love, Ruth. (Unquote)

The New Minolta Copy Machine

We ran into a few hitches with the leasing company but lastly they agreed to extend us alease for 36 months for a new Minolta copy machine (the Di55 1) which prints copies at therate of 55 per minute. We paid the ]easing company $945.88 on the old copier November2' and then $1,597.72 (first and last payment) on the new copier November 4` k' - so wetruly appreciate your (Net of Prayer) response and support in sending extra funds to thisend. For those who do not know - this copy machine is our printing press and the old oneis about worn out. Again, thank you and God bless.

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Pa e 5 i he Stall and Sword 1% inistr November 10, G^11}3

L OKING TO JESUS Continued Ironm Pa e 2

How will we pray in the future?

We are presently working on this, seeking HOLY SPIRIT direction. To write thisNewsletter it was necessary to put that work aside but once we get this in the mail we willreturn to the new prayers work.


On August 22.2003 at 9:2 5 pm during our abiding time I am unexpectedly drawn ` In The

Spirit' and hear someone say, "JOHNEL" - I recognize the voice of Richard-DANIEL who

then tells me, "We are called to God's Throne, to the Mount of the most High God. "


(myself, Nancy-TON!, Lyn-ELIZABETH and Richard-DANIEL) that we are the fourpillars on which His Ministry (NOP) stands. FATHER says that the HOLY SPIRIT willimpart to each of us and that we will write the new Prayer Sheets for the NOP collectively,a three step process. -

Since this we have been working together to lay down this new foundation for prayerlooking to Jesus Christ. We hope to have it ready to mail out by this December, 2003.

JESUS' WORD to Chuck-JOHNELon Saturday October 11 2003 3:38PM to 4:38PM.


Here JESUS showed me that the new prayers I'm to write are to be "combative", meaningwe will not wait for the enemy to attack us but will go after them big time in Hisempowerment. How this will work cut in prayer is yet to be revealed and put on paper.

THE PATTERN `IN THE SPIRIT' and `In the GAP' in 1987/1988

The battles waged `In The Spirit' in 1987/1988 formed the pattern of things to emerge inthis world. They also reveal to us our mission, commission and authority and the limitationswe need conform to and work within.

We know that the attacks of the enemy will become so overwhelming that no conce rted

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LOOKING TO JESUS (Continued) effort on our part will be able to meetevery threat - unless we conform to the pattern revealed in the GAP in 1987/88 we willsimply be overwhelmed. This is why we are taking particular care in the writing of thesenew prayers to ensure that we are in conformity with the pattern set down `In The Spirit'in 1987/1988.

PHASE #1 - After the Beastman broke through and linked up with Lucifer in the GAP wecontinued withstanding the enemy all along the front (we were hemmed in on three sidesby this time).

PHASE #2 - Lucifer, Wormwood and the Beastmen launched a concerted attack workingto overwhelm our capacity to address every threat and though we tried, the enemy wasgaining ground everywhere- we were being overwhelmed.

PHASE #3 - We LOOK TO JESUS and cease looking at the enemy or trying to addressevery attack/threat that they developed. Filling with the Light and Presence of JESUSCHRIST, the Angels with us are empowered to the extent that they drive the enemy backeverywhere, the enemy power is no power against CHRIST. Utter defeat stares Lucifer,Wormwood, and the Beastmen in the face and they know it'. Then JESUS says, "IT ISENOUGH" and we cease pressing them back and stand in place. The enemy does not pressus, they look shaken.

PHASE #4 - MISSION REVEALED - Up until this time we were only aware of thepresence of the Angelic compliment standing with us and three prophets (Nancy-TONI,Richard-DANIEL and myself). Now a heavy mist covered the GAP and the demonic forceswere blinded by that heavy fog-like mist. In this moment we found ourselves withmultitudes of God's people, men, women and children appeared within our ranks and ourAngelic lines. I was frankly surprised and didn't know what to make of this.

KNOWING BY THE SPIRIT OF GOD: Each time the enemy launched attacks theybegan with a massive barrage of fiery darts that filled the air with sharp bits that zippedaround like shrapnel. By faith in Christ they had no effect on us, but I now knew by theSpirit of God that His people did not have such faith. If the enemy launched such a barragemany of His people would come to harm, many would perish. Aware of this I asked JESUSwhat we were to do and He asked me to take His people out of the GAP and to a place ofsafety. We were hemmed in on three sides by massive demonic forces and had our backsto an impassable mountain wall so I asked Jesus, "How? "JESUS told me to take His Staffand touch the mountain wall and a way would open, then we were to take His people outof the GAP. I did so and a huge tunnel opened up and so we led God's people out of theGAP through that tunnel into a heavily forested area. Angels went before and after,covering us every step of the way.

When we exited the GAP, the tunnel closed up, the mist lifted and the demons saw that the

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KING TO JESUS Continued Angelic line was gone and so they eagerly

rushed in.

At this point, seeing this activity by the Spirit of God, I noted the feverish actions of thedemons: first they were exultant and rejoiced in what seemed a victory, next they searchedfor God's people whom they sought out to the ends of torture, murder and to devour theirflesh. But they found none and found only the Beast's people, those who supported him andbacked him. The demons looked to the Beastmanobviously desiring to fall on his people,as his people pled with him saying things like, "We served you, spare us!" The antiChrist

spirit with the Beastman said, "What are they to you?! " The Beastman thereby turned them

over to the demons who fell on them with devilish relish - the screams and horror thatfollowed was so graphic and chilling I turned from witnessing anything more.

The Angelic line was representative ofthe N.G.P. Intercessors who were also representativeof all of God's faithful Intercessors and we constantly stood between God's people and themurderous enemy that sought to butcher them. We have since come to identify this peopleas the Sealed, the Elect, the Faithful-Obedient, the Tithe of the Church system of man andthe Innocent children of God. We are ourselves are among them but not all have the faithwalk we do.

So why do we have this mission and why is the enemy working to destroy them? Thisbody of believers, God's people, though many are weak in faith are that body called of byGod to prepare of Jesus' Return. These will lay down foundation stones for Jesus' Return!The enemy knows this and this is why they seek to destroy them and we are called of Godto stand between the destroyers and His people.

JESUS' Word to me and all of us on August 13, 1989 brings it into focus where He said:


We know that judgment is coming, that this land will be purged by fire, but it is also inGod's Plan to RE-PLANT and we and those we cover are purposed to be His Holy Seed.


In the early part of the GAP battle of 1987 we alternately withstood first attacks by Lucifer(on our rear areas) and then the Beastman (on our front areas). At one point the Beastmanwas leading his demon armies aiming for a breakthrough to Lucifer's forces. This man onthe black horse who had a war sword we would identify that March of 1987 as thenArkansas Governor William J. Clinton. On Jesus' leading we (Richard-DANIEL and 1) leda counter-attack that broke through to this Beastman, we cut his black horse from underhim, shattered his war sword and then struck him with our swords. drawing blood.

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KING TO JESUS (Continued) EXAMPLE OF AN IN THESPIRIT' PATTERN (continued) This Beastman was panic stricken and fled interror. After awhile a second Beastman riding a red horse appeared and took over.

This was a pattern `In The Spirit' and in it we prevailed over the first Beastrnan woundinghim to where he lost forward momentum and was consumed with saving his miserable life.

FAST FORWARD to 1994 - this Beastman is now President of the U.S. and is rapidlyadvancing his agenda. On JESUS' direction the N.O.P. undertook a prayer operation aimingto break this Beastman's power and in a matter of months in the Congressional electionsof November 1994 the Republicans swept both the House and Senate. The Beastmanbemoaned this defeat and wondered if he was relevant anymore as his programs wereshelved or defeated. Later we undertook a prayer operation to expose this Beastman forwhat he was and that the American people see him as he was - shortly after this the MonicaLewinski affair with the Beastman President came into public view this and other sexualmisconduct and lawlessness that brought him to be impeached.

The success of the Net of Prayer in these operations that did significant damageto the power and momentum of this evil man were founded in the action taken inthe GAP in 1987. If we had NOT prevailed against him in the GAP in that counterattack and if we had not wounded him, we would not have succeeded in the prayeroperations of 1994 and beyond.

I point this out because as we look to JESUS as done in the GAP, we will fillwith His Light and Presence, each and everyone of us, and the enemy will behurled back in ways equally visible. But the Lord's intention here is to do thisto the ends of gaining a space of time within which lull He would evacuate Hispeople to safety before the enemy swarms in for the kill.

OUR PRAYERS in this are a vital component, as we pray into this world what wasobtained 'In The Spirit' in 1987. In many respects we cannot fail to do all we did in theGAP, but it is important that we understand this and that we understand that we have a"mission" from God and that we pray and build on the foundations established in the GAPin 1987 and 1988.

We hope to issue these new prayer sheets sometime in December of this year and rememberthat we will be moving in prayer to receive HIS LOVING FIRE. Following this will comea fire that no man can reject or escape for this fire will consume a man to his roots.

How will all of this be done? By FAITH in JESUS CHRIST and by LOOKINGto JESUS CHRIST the Author and Finisher of our Faith. Amen.

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JESUS began warning this nation against falling into this war trap starting in 1979 but in1990 the Untied States fell into the war trap when we went to war with Iraq over Kuwait.Then President George H. Bush Sr. declared that war won in 1991 but America went on tofight Iraqi resistance for the next 12 years until 2003 when George W. Bush went to warwith Iraq and this time invaded the nation.

I've likened this situation to a well known tale of the hare and the tar pit. The hare getsstuck in the tar and the more it tries to wiggle away, the more it is tarred until it cannotmove. America is like that hare, we slipped into the tar pit in 1990 and the more we struggleto get away, the more we are entangled.

George W. Bush is trying to get America and his administration out of the war trap but heis more trapped now than before he started. It is not his fault - we are in a trap!

My Counsel Letter #5 to President George W. Bushdated August 19, 2002

I didn't write this letter without having prayed over the counsel the Holy Spirit gave me forsome weeks but this is what I wrote on August 19, 2002 some seven months beforePresident Bush ordered the invasion of Iraq on March 19, 2003. (Quote)

"Counsel on Iraq: Do not attack Iraq. Lift the embargo unilaterally, provide Iraq withfood, medicine and even be willing to sell them arms. Try honey instead of vinegar. Try

food and medicine instead of bombs and bullets...

If you must attack Iraq: Do not send our troops, this would become a snare thatwould lead to the destruction of U.S. military power in a way no one conceives ofnow and would leave our nation thunderstruck when it did happen.

Understand that any ground attack against Iraq is going to lead to the use of nuclearweapons and that we will be drawn into the kind of war no one wants and everyone is

afraid of.

If you must attack Iraq then go for the use of maximum power up front, notgradually. By this I mean to convey that we ought warn Saddam Hussein thatunless he leaves Iraq, goes into exile to a place of his choice (allowing him to takefamily, friends and all the money he wants with him) that we will nuke Baghdadinside of a 48 hour period. Of course, drop leaflets all over Baghdad warning thatin 48 hours we will fire a nuclear missile at the city and leave it a burnt radioactive

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Quotes from mr° August 19. 2002 letter to President G. V. Bush (continued wasteland.

I' m not talking of a bluff but of the only practical way to attack Iraq, to eliminateSaddam Hussein and to open the door to a new government in Iraq. If you mustattack Iraq this is the best way to do it. Anything less will turn into a nightmare foryou, Americans and America and many others.


A war on Iraq, if waged by a ground war (American troops attacking into Iraq) isgoing to be costly and fraught with many hidden dangers and unexpectedsituations.

JESUS has shewn me little about this coming war on Iraq but He has told meenough about it to make it plain that it is going be hazardous in the extreme.

...... The power vacuum left by the dissolution of Iraq would be filled by Iran andthis is where Jesus' vision of 1983 comes into view. We would end up fighting Iranand Iran would nuke our army at the same time Red China, seeing our weakness,would invade Taiwan and North Korea in concert with Red China would invadeSouth Korea. Our military would be unable to meet these threats and wouldcollapse.

This is what JESUS shewed me in 1983 and I can see that those things are waitingin the wings. The catalyst to this American disaster would be the invasion of Iraqwhich would open the door to undreamed dangers and disasters. This is why l urgeyou great caution in the talk of plans of making war on Iraq. It is not so much thatHussein is so tough but the complexity of the situation is filled with hidden dangers.

I' ve afforded you God's Counsel and view of the issue and given you some viableoptions, more than appear to being considered today, the best of which is to deferany such action, treat Iraq in a friendly way (end the embargo, supply food,medicine and helps to the people of Iraq) and at the same time rebuild the U.S.military. Amen.

This is the Counsel of the Lord God, JESUS CHRIST. God bless.Chuck-JOHNEL Younqbrandt" (Unquote)

I did not write this letter nor offer this counsel except the HOLY SPIRIT shewed me to doit. Today I understand why the HOLY SPIRIT moved me this way in light of what ishappening in Iraq and has since the major fighting ended in May of this year.

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It is now known that Saddam Hussein organized six army groups to be equipped andprepared to offer a mounting guerrilla resistance to American troops once they occupiedIraq.

It appears that the center of this resistance is Baghdad which is presently killing Americansat the rate of 2 or 3 a day except when they kill 6 to 15 at once. At this point in time, somefive months after President Bush declared that the major fighting was over, we have lostalmost as many killed as during the whole attack and invasion of Iraq.

I now better understand the Word I received on March 23, 2003 when I received thisknowing by the Spirit of God through Jesus Christ. Here are my notes of that day: (Quote)

"We (Nancy-TONI and I) are at the 24 Hour Fitness (working out) and briefly watchingTV news about the war in Iraq as our army neared Baghdad.

"Valley of death" comes to mind and I perceive the U.S. military is about to face a mega-battle (in the Baghdad area) then this Word comes:

"The 3 rd Motorized Infantry Division will enter the valley of death. The battle willbe fierce with heavy loss on all sides. The U.S. will break through at the last."


At the time I believed this meant that there was going to be a fierce battle in and aroundBaghdad itself. But that did not happen, instead Baghdad fell so fast it was both a surpriseand relief.

There is now an area of Iraq called the "Sunni Triangle" that has Baghdad as itanchor point from which Islamic guerilla attacks emanate. There are an average(now) of 30-35 terrorist a ttacks on U.S. ground forces every day. Again, we are nowlosing 2-3 men a day and at this point our losses in men./women killed in Iraq is equalto those killed in the actual invasion with no end in sight.

There is a call for more troops by a variety of military critics however close to 70% of ourmilitary ground forces are already committed to the hilt - we have few reserves and militarymen are hesitant to commit them.

In the visions of 1983 the Lord showed me a U.S. military that was committed to the hiltand had no flexibility left thus became vulnerable to a serious attack and would be wipedout as a result when it came. It is clear to me that we are not far from being in that condition- the invasion of Iraq has brought us close to this point.

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WHY NUKE BAGHDAD?Some have criticized me for counseling the President to nuke Baghdad but that criticismis misdirected - it was the leading of the HOLY SPIRIT that brought me to offer thiscounsel, a counsel I prayed about for well over two weeks before offering.

As I made clear in my counsel letter #5 of August 19, 2002, a ground invasion of Iraq hadhidden dangers and it was a complex issue that would lead to nuclear attacks in Americawhere MILLIONS of Americans would perish as a result.

After issuing a 48 hour warning to evacuate Baghdad, the bulk of Iraqi's (who wanted tolive) would leave but the hardliners, the "dead-enders" as Rumsfeld cal Is them, would NOTleave - thereby the heart of the Islamic terrorist body would perish in one blow (atomicblast) with no loss of American life. In fact, we would emerge stronger not weaker - theterrorist world would recognize that America was not only awakened but willing to use itsnuclear weapons against those who attack them - they would back off, way off. I perceivedthat we would have escaped the war trap had we done this, we would break the back ofinternational terrorism (no one would be willing to cooperate with them when faced withnuclear annihilation at the hands of an enraged America).

Oh yes, the world would be horrified had we used nuclear weapons on

Baghdad and they would hate us - but, like what else is new?

They hate us now and have NO respect for the fact that we bent over backwards to sparelife in the invasion of Iraq - in fact this compassion on our part carne across as weaknessto these terrorists. Thus they come from everywhere worldwide to kill Americans in Iraqas a result of their perception of us being "weak".

But we chose a path contrary to the counsel of the Holy Spirit, a path that will lead to anendless loss of American life that will lead to greater war then nuclear war in whichmillions of Americans will perish here at home. Is this better?

The opportunity to escape the war trap is now gone and America is locked into this war trapwhich will lead us to greater war, heavier loss of life, nuclear World War II and thedestruction of this nation and the enslavement of the bulk of those who survive.

When I wrote the counsel #5 letter to President Bush on August 19, 2002 I had clearly inview what this war would lead to and stated it openly in the letter. This nation has chosena path to its own destruction. It has been decided. We now look forward to the time whenthe Lord our God will restore our nation out of its defeat, death of multitudes and years ofoccupation.

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In 1979 JESUS spoke to me and said, "CONFLAGRATION." As I was unfamiliar with

this word I had to look it up and found it meant, `Great Fire'. Since then we have concludedthat it can mean several things, 'Great Fire' as in a TINY STAR, or nuclear war, or volcaniceruption, or a nuclear accident, or lastly a forest fire or simply a great fire of whateverorigin.

On October 24. 2003 N.O.F. Lord's General Mark-JAMES Grimes distinctly heard the

Lord say, "CONFLAGRATION." At the time he was unaware of the forest fires burningin southern California. Both Mark-JAMES and Lyn-ELIZABETH remembered that I hadreceived this Word years earlier but couldn't remember in what context or when.

We had October 23 in view for some event in California, projecting it might be anearthquake in southern California but we didn't know for sure as it was simply a "watchdate".

OCTOBER 23 2 003 "CONFLA GRA TION"On October 23, 2003 the USA TODA VNewspaper published a small article indicating thatarsonists had started a fire in southern California. Two men in a van were seen tossing afirebomb which started one huge firestorm.

By October 27 2003 there were six major fires burning in southern California, over 900homes had been destroyed and 17 people had died. Santa Ana winds were now driving theraging fires which were sweeping through whole neighborhoods, threatening towns withdestruction. These blazes were scattered from the Mexican border to the suburbs of LosAngeles and were driving tens of thousands of residents from their homes.

By the first of November the fires were finally brought under control with the help ofcooler weather and rainfall in the drought stricken areas that burned like tinder. This endof the fires came only after 3,800 homes had burned to ash with 19 known dead. It was oneof the worst fires in California history.


A firestorm swept the Oakland, California areas October 20-21, 1991 destroying 3,200home and killing 25.

In that year we were looking at October 23, 1991 as the potential date for either anearthquake or conflagration in the San Francisco, California area. The newspapers ofOctober 23, 1991 were devoted to the immense loss of property and the many killed in thatfirestorm. At that time we looked at JESUS' Word of 1989 and what He said following the

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rage 14 1 ne naaIi ann sworn wiinlstry November 11, 2WJ3

"CONFLAGRATION"--- 12 YEARS EARLIER - OCTOBER 20-21, 1991(continued) Oakland, California fire.

On November 16, 1989 JESUS' Angel simply told me, "EARTHQUAKE ON THE 19 TH –MAJGR DISASTER—SOUTH FROM A FALLEN CITY---USA."

This came to mind in 1991 and we wondered if Oakland (near San Francisco) might beregarded as a "FALLEN CITY" which in our estimation would point to southern Californiaas being next.


From that time (October 24, 1 99 1) we knew that the next "Conflagration" would happensouth of Oakland, California which is northern California. But when? We didn't know.

When Lyn-ELIZABETH communicated that Mark-JAMES had been given the word"CONFLAGRATION" by JESUS on October 24, 2003 Nancy-TONI remembered theLord's Word of 1991 and looked up the Newsletters where we shared that Word and whatwe thought would happen next. This enabled us to connect JESUS' Word of October 24,1991 to the fires raging in southern California this CctoberlNovember, 2003 some 12 yearslater.

When I look at JESUS' Word of October 24, 1991 (above) I recognize that He is talkingabout a point in time where only repentance can change judgments. The opportunitywhereby prayer could change judgments ended on July 28, 2001 when due to ChurchDecision we had to stand aside. Thus it is only since 2001 that "only repentance" canchange things - thus JESUS in 1991 was talking about the time we are in now. The recentfirestorm in southern California can be regarded as both "SOUTH FROM A FALLENCITY" (Oakland in 1991) and a "GREATER FULFILLMENT." If this is the case thenwhat might happen this November 19, 2003? We simply do not know past seeing whatthe Lord said years ago and making connections to current events. We are still in "watchmode" so that is what we are doing. At year's end we may review the events of the past sixmonths to see what picture has formed. God bless.


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5 p.m.Zhur


forecasters had pre-

=avy rain in the East°nd in Canada.

Continu^mgno wardThe hurricane is travelingacross areas where theground is saturated fromabove-normal rainfall.

Rainfall (in inches)For Jan. x — Sept. 17

2003 average

Washington 43.47 28.42Charleston, W.Va. 42.89 33.02

hia Elkins, W.Va. 36.18 34.84Harrisburg, Pa. 39.74 30.11Allentown, Pa. 38.18 32.93Williamsport, Pa. 36.43 30.15Avoca, N.Y. 33.75 27.22

- -- Binghamton, N.Y. 30.62 27.76

Pittsburgh 29.25 28.42Philadelphia 3326 31.23Buffalo 23.22 28.06Albany, N.Y. 30.09 27.90

Nor: Up to 1 Foot of rain was ForecastEn parts of W. Va.. during the hurricane.

Just about everyone who readsour Newsletters recognized thatHurricane ISABEL was theevent JESUS had us looking foron September 19, 2003. Onething about Hurricanes, you cansee them coming a long way offbecause of our weatherwatching systems (spacesatellites).

Starting back in 1978 welearned that when JESUS givesus dates to watch that they canprove to be the date of theevent or the date the event ispublished in the news media. Inthe case of Hurricane ISABELit proved to be the date it wasthe key or focus news item inNewspapers and the date itcontinued to thrash the eastcoast as it moved inland.Hurricane ISABEL madecontact with land first onSeptember 18, 2003.

3 This Hurricane, if it followedpath trengr^ :S^pt. 3 the 'ud 7ment pattern of 1989,gG frf^ical Wave 1 1?

Source: The Weather Channel By Ju1Ee 5nlder. Robert W. Ahrens and Dave MerriII. USA To DAY could have led to a majorearthquake in California inside

of approximately a month's time. However, that was a no-show, no earthquake insouthern California - instead we had the firestorm that devoured thousands of homes andmany lives. In some respects it was worse than an earthquake. September 19, 2003 alsoproduced other news items worth mentioning. Washington . DC shut down gove rnmentoffices because of the Hurricane - a rare development. West Nile virus cases approached

the record (4,137 human cases as of September 19, 2003) - 19 shy of the 2002 record.

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SO WHAT HAPPENED SEPTEMBER 19, 2003? (Continued)The New Citizenship Oath came under fire - the new version eliminates the vow to, "beararms on behalf on the U.S. when required by law". The ACLU praises the new pledge.Terrorist attack kills 3 U.S. soldiers in hostile area of "Sunni Triangle" in Iraq. Terroristattack blows up oil pipeline to Turkey. Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburgin a talk at the University of Idaho says the US Courts are now reflecting the world, saying,"Other countries have developed strong, independent , judiciaries that are making sound

judgments. We are the losers, if we do not share our experience with and learn fromothers. " President Bush pins the "stalled" peace plan in the Middle East on Arafat. TheUN demands that Israel retract threat to remove Arafat. A Muslim Chaplin at U.S.Military base in Guantanamo who counseled and taught fellow troops about Islam isdetained for links to al Qaeda terror network.



hSEPTEMBER 12/13, 2003 {Next 3or Day)

News items warns that computer hackers could shut down electric power system in theU.S. Israel moves to expel Arafat. On this day Hurricane ISABEL reached sustainedwinds of 160mph as it moved westward in the Atlantic Ocean heading for the U.S.Coastline - this Hurricane, at this time, was a monster Category 5 Storm. A 3.8 Magnitudeearthquake shakes Los Angeles on September 13th.

OCTOBER 7, 2003This was set-up as a watch date for a major earthquake in the Los Angeles areas. However,by September 25 `1 we recognized that there was no evidence or witness to such anearthquake and reduced the potential for such an earthquake to 10%-30% from a 50%150%potential given a month earlier. No earthquake developed.

The reason we are watching this date is that based on Jesus' Word of 1988 because wediscern that the pattern seen from 1987-1989 is going to repeat in the near future. In 1987a major earthquake struck Los Angeles and then a major quake struck San Francisco in1989, two years later. I perceive that the next major quake is more likely to start in LosAngeles as it did in 1987 and will hit on October 7 ` ''. Next year, 2004, is now regarded asthe most likely time for this event. However, I had to consider this year as a potential time

for these things to start and so we had October 7' as a watch date. It now moves to October7, 2004.

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OCTOBER 12113 2003 t 1!30 dir

The key event was a terrorist suicide attack in Baghdad aimed at the Bagdad Hotel

killing 7, hurting 25. Also, a Meteorite fell on a house , smashed through the roof,pulverized a bedroom and obliterated a powder room downstairs in New Orleans,Louisiana. This was recognized as yet another "Tiny Star" event.

OCTOBER 15 2003 stra!ght month later count

A Fern in New York went out of control and rammed a pier, killing 10 and injuringdozens of New Yorkers. A terrorist suicide bomber attacks the Turkish Embassy.

ON/OR ABOUT OCTOBER 16 2003This proved to be the events noted above for October 15th.

OCTOBER 23 2003We projected for a possible earthquake on the West Coast - either San Francisco or LosAngeles. It proved to be the starting point for the massive fires to consume 19 lives and3.800 homes in southern California (Los Angeles area) as already noted.

the new Watch Mite - VfJIBtR CH 19, 2003Based on Jesus Word of 1989 (already mentioned - see top of page 14) this date isassociated to the time of a major earthquake in the U.S. - but JESUS never said where itwould strike . At the time I perceived it may be somewhere in the Midwest USA, but againthe Lord did not say where except to say it was in the USA. The recent conflagration inCalifornia can tie into His 1991 Word and that does suggest the possibility' of a majorearthquake in California at this time. But that is a maybe. It may prove to he somethingvery different as well. So it is relegated to being a WATCH DATE.

The Purpose in Watchin and Keeping Trackof these WATCH DATES


As a result we are watching what events do emerge in this time, especially at times He told

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The Purpose in Watching and Keeping Track of these WATCHDATES (continued) us to watch on June 1 G`''.

At this point in time, even without a focus review of events since June 16 th some things areclear even now - the evidence of powerful earthquakes, violent storms, disease andaccelerating Islamic terrorist activity world wide stands out loud and clear. These will befeatures of coining events and they are going to be more violent and deadlier than what wehave seen this year.

At year's end we will work to review all the events of the 6 month period from June toDecember 2003 and from that form a view of upcoming events and judgments.


his "Final Decision" will conclude the judgments and that it remained open is a primaryactor in having restrained the judgments that could come up until this time. Past November'b, 2003 and depending on the response or lack of it from the 9 Church Leaders* willletermine just what comes next.

Note - Please see the enclosed "SEALING/TINY STAR NOVEMBER 2003 REPORT."


Because we are in such a volatile time where just about anything can happen and becausecertain Words of the Lord could pertain to this time I perceived that there was the potentialfor an earthquake to shake Spokane.

Back in 1989 JESUS told me that a #285 would appear in the Washington State lotterybefore earthquakes would surface in our "locale". Well, in 2001 the #285 was drawnOctober 31, 2001 and 11 days later a 4.0 Richter earthquake shook Spokane_ I anticipatedthat this #285 might show this year, and indeed it did on October 3 rd as a #528. A mixedversion like #528 could produce an earthquake no less than a perfect version Iike #285.

Although we did not feel it, a 3.3 Magnitude earthquake struck east and north of Spokaneon September 22, 2003. If this fit into the category of being a ONE FOLD EVENT then aTWO FOLD event (a much stronger quake) could strike on or around November 22, 2003this earthquake could range upwards of a 5.4 Magnitude or greater - that could causedamage. Therefore I issued a "Prophetic Advisory on Earthquakes" for those on our mailinglist in the Spokane areas on October 8, 2003.

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I gave two time periods in this "Prophetic Advisory" within which such an earthquake` might' strike.

The first being: Anytime from October 12 th to October 29 `x', 2003. (50%150%)

The Second being: Anytime from and/around November 22, 2003+. (70%/30%)

I rate the "second time period" (Nov. 22 nd) as the most likely time for such an earthquaketo happen if it is going to happen.


If you were to review all of JESUS' Word speaking of coming judgments you would findmention of "earthquakes" as one of the primary judgment events that lead to the moreserious judgments.

For example: Back in 1983 JESUS stated that a major earthquake hitting San Franciscowould lead to war. When a major earthquake struck San Francisco in October of 1989,aware of what Jesus had said about this event, we knew that war was coming next. Lookingat other revelations we understood it would be a war in the Middle East/Persian Gulfinvolving the U.S., Israel and other-nations. We also had some timing in view and hadAugust of 1990 in focus as the time when serious judgments could start - indeed, in Augustof I990 Iraq invaded Kuwait which led to the Persian Gulf war of 1990-1 991 .The wholeprocess of war and the "war trap" was set in motion by that one event, the major 7.1 Richterearthquake hitting San Francisco October 17, 1989.

A Hurricane force "Storm" CAN lead to an earthquake but not every time. However, amajor earthquake striking certain areas DQ lead to more serious events in a short period oftime.

In another example: JESUS on October 8, 1979 said, "WATCH OCTOBER15...CALIFORNIA IS LAST AS YOU THOUGHT FINALLY BUT FIRST IN THEBEGINNING OF THE BEGINNING." Qn October 1 5, 1979 a 6.2 Richter earthquake struckthe Mexico/California border area. This single event told us that earthquakes of somemagnitude happening in California constituted "the beginning of the beginning" of moreserious judgments.

As a consequence we keep a sharp look out for serious earthquake activity incertain areas as these forewarn of more serious events to follow, thus the

"Earthquake Watch".

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We have received two letters that sparked some interest on my part and I wanted to sharethem here and now, rather than wait for the December issue of ` We Get Letters."

November 8, 2003 Letter fi•o,n Jesus F. Castro of Florida. JOSHUA Prayer GroupIntercessor: (Quote) "Saturday morning while reading the August 28`x' A DIFFERENTPERSPECTIVE REPORT I had the same feeling as before when I wrote to you about thecounting o f FOLDS. This time I see we can start the counting of the 220 days from the LordJesus Christ 's Word to you on June 16, 2003. I was going to do the counting but thensomething came to my mind and said, "LET HIM DO THE COUNTING!"

As best as I can remember this is what I wrote to you about the counting of the folds:* *Judgments will begin in 2004 ONE FOLD, 2005 will be TWO FOLD, 2006 will be FOURFOLD, 2007 will be EIGHT FOLD and lastly 2008 will be TEN FOLD. Judgments willstart in 2004 and will intensify every year after." (Unquote)

(*Note -I received brother Castro's letter and had a witness to his insight but then lost theletter and asked him to repeat what he shared in his first fetter which he did November8th.)


220 days from June 16, 2003 comes to JANUARY 6, 2004 (counting "from") then we add3 days, that gives us a spread of days as follows:

TWATCH JANUARY 6, 7, 8, 9, 2004

November 2 2003 Letter from Rick Watkins of'Reno: (Quote) " While p resently re-reading"The Staff and The Sword "I took particular interest in the chapters that covered the

prophetic walk that JOHNEL and Cliff endured through the streets of Chicago. It just sohappens that I was living in West Chicago at the time, a young man of 20year s. I began torealize that sonic very neat p rophetic things happened in my life, also at that very same (ifnot exact) time, that this walk took place! It just dawned on me that I first met/saw my(future) Godly wife ofprophecy at that same time, thefall of 1976, walking down the streetin West Chicago. So I am n also trying to figure out the time firaines of my own experiencesthere, being helped a lot by what is recorded in this book, with my own personal interestsand Words of prophecy.

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November 2 2003 Letter from Rick Watkin s of Reno: ( Quote continued)

Did you notice that the "Third Day " of the prophetic walk began at 7 AM, SEPTEMBER

11, 1976? And now, many years later, we have the `9-11' disaster events at the TwinTowers? Had the `9-11 'attack occurred any later, many thousands of more lives would havebeen lost. I had to wonder if the '9-11' of 1976 had anything to do with our current '9-11'events? Like maybe, it marked the beginning of the "Third Day', as rep

resented by the thirdday of the walk. That day began at 7 AM! The Twin Towers disaster also occurred early inthe morning, before most people began to arrive? Did the Twin Towers destruction markthe beginning of the Third Day?

Last sum sner...I received something like an insight or word/knowing thing that had to dowith just 2 words, "RED OCTOBER. "...My sister tried to remind me of'a movie about the`Russians Landing' that she thought had the same namne*? And so we all wondered whatthese word might mean?

*Note - The actual name of the movie she was probably thinking of was, "RedDawn", but then there is also a movie called, "The Hunt for Red October."

.... When October came, the nei"s that `Red China 'hi a seed off a successful rocket launch wasall over the place. (I thought, "Ah-hah! That's it!') Then communist (Red) North Korea wasin the news, threatening the US, etc. (Again, I thought, "Ah-hah! That 's it!') And now,inuch of the western half of the US is on fire, at the end of the month of October. I watchedthe Fox news camera pan up to the sun, showing a `big red glowing ball '... But now I amtired of guessing what `Red October' might mean. What do you think it meant?

One way or another, it certainly appears that we had a `red month. 'Bart even as I write thisnote, it dawned on me that if'we are "to watch " what is happening during these last monthsof this year, doesn 't it seem likely that future months of f October, in coming years, may get

to be more and more 'red'? (Unquote)

Chuck-JOHNEL's Comment: 9/11/76 is 25 years away from 9/11/01. No, I had notconsidered the possible connection. Is there a connection? In part "yes" - since that 3 daywalk through Chicago in September 9-11, 1976 was the start of the call to the churchleadership in America to PRAY, which concluded in 2001 when the final answer of thechurch leadership was a resounding "NO" to JESUS and "YES" to Satan. The visibleconsequence of that decision was 9/11/01 where thousands perished in the start of what willbecome World War I1I.

It seems Rick more or less got the understanding at the end about "Red October". It is apartial Word that has many possible dimensions, but it is also possible that henceforthOctober's are going to be deadly and destructive months only getting worse with time.

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TEN COMMANDMENTS AS BLASPHEMY?(Quote) "To suggest that these great religions, which have survived for thousands of years,somehow need or require the state government of Alabama to promote them is not onlyquestionable it borders on the blasphernous....What if Judge Moore has insisted on placinga...tribute to Mohammed, the founder of Islam? That's not so far fetched, you know. Thereare more Muslims in America than Episcopalians..." (Unquote) Written by Bob Schiefferof CBS, August 31, 2003.

The next three stories are drawn from WorldNetDaily's WhistleblowerMagazine dated November 4, 2003 . (Quote)

SPEAK JESUS NAME AND GO TO JAIL SAYS JUDGEIn Texas, a U.S. District judge decreed that any student uttering the word "Jesus" at hisschool's graduation would be arrested and locked up. "And nuke no mistake, " announced

Jud(=e Samuel B. Kent, "the court is going to have a United States marshal inattendance at the graduation. If any student offends this court, that student will besummarily arrested and will faced up to six months incarceration in the GalvestonCounty Jail for contempt of court. "

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THE OFFENSIVE PRAYER IS DEALT WITHIn Missouri, when fourth-grader Raymond Raines bowed his head in prayer before his lunchin the cafeteria of Waring Elementary School in St. Louis, his teacher allegedly ordered himout of his seat, in full view of other students present, and sent him to the principal's office.After his third such prayer "offense" little Raymond was segregated from his classmates,ridiculed for his religious beliefs, and given one week's detention.

CRIMINAL BEHAVIOR BY KINDERGARTNERIn New York, kindergartner Kayla Broadus recited the familiar and beloved prayer, — "Godis great, God is good. Thank you, God for my food" - while holding hands with two studentsseated next to her at her snack table at her Saratoga Springs school early last year. But shewas silenced and scolded by her teacher, who reported the infraction to the school's lawyer,Gregg T. Johnson, who concluded that Kayla's behavior was indeed a violation of the"separation of church and state." (Unquote)

The WorldNetDaily's November 12, 2003 report revealed the following:(Quote)

NYC District Denies Birth of Jesus2In a dispute over display of holiday symbols, New York City schools are allowing Jewishmenorahs and Islamic crescents but barring Christian nativity scenes, alleging the depictionof the birth of Christ does not represent a historical event.

In pleadings with a federal court in defense of the ban, New York City lawyers asserted the"suggestion that a creche is a historically accurate representation of'an eventwith secular significance is wholly disingenuous!" (not candid or frank, truthful)

The Jewish and Islamic symbols are allowed, the district says, because they have a seculardimension but the Christian symbols are "purely religious. "...." (Unquote)

The WorldNetDaily's November 1 1, 2003 report gave the following,, (Quote)

Alabama Moves to Oust Judge Moore "...Alabama Attorney General Bill Pryorrequested Chief Justice Roy Moore be removed from office for defying a federal judge'sorder to move a granite Ten Commandments monument from the rotunda of the AlabamaJudicial Building....ln his brief, Pryor said the judge should be removed because he"intentionally and publically engaged in misconduct, and because he remainsunrepentant for his behavior. " (Unquote)

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Report on the Bill O'Reill y TV show last week: Bill O'Reilly had on a Satanist andtalked about that `religion' who mentioned she had a Website. Someone who watched thisshow checked that Satanic website and found that they had a DIRECT LINK to the ACLU(American Civil Libertines Union) — surprise, surprise!

The WorldNetDai1 's October 2 2003 report gave the following: ( Quote)

U.S. COMMUNISTS TO SUPPORT DEMOCRATS"The Communist Party USA will not run a candidate for president, will not supportprogressive third-party bids but will instead throw its support behind the Democratic Partyin an all-out effort to defeat President Bush and the Republican Congress, reports JosephFarah's G2 Bulletin.

...Joelle Fishman, chairwoman of the Communist Party's political action committee wrote..."Our presidential campaigns in the past were a great opportunity to project our program,and I'm sure we will find ourselves at that point sometime in the future", she wrote, "Atthis moment, we will convey our program best by working with all our might to build thebroadest possible coalitions, fronts and networks that can defeat the undemocratic,imperialistic Bush war machine. This is our responsibility to our own class here andinternationally.

The Democratic Socialists (another Communist front organization) began to carefullymoderate its image for mainstream consumption by cleaning up its website, removing asong list featuring "The Internationale", the worldwide anthem of communism andsocialism. Another song on the site was "Red Revolution" sung to the tune of "Red Robin"some of the lyrics went, "When the Red Revolution brings its solution along, along,there'll be no more lootin 'when we start shootin 'that Wall Street throng. " Anothersong removed after WorldNetDaily's expose was, "A re you sleeping Bourgeoisie? AndWhen the revolution comes, We'll kill you all with knives and guns... " (Unquote)

mment by Chuck-JOHNEL:

Let me connect some of these dots.The people who wrote those sweet little jingles of, "when we start shootin " and "We 'I1kill you all with knives and guns " are the same people who moved the TenCommandments out of the Alabama Court House, who forbid the mention of Jesus underthreat of jail time, who threaten children because they pray - same people, differentdisguises, some wear black robes, some call themselves Democrats and some are true totheir ilk, they call themselves Satanists,

(ali resource material in 'Main Fite' Nov.,03)

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In his new book "Persecution: How Liberals Are Waging War Against Christianiy ",David Limbaugh wrote, (Quote) "I continued to see examples in the media, includingthe Washington Times, about a lot of discrimination against Christians, thesuppression of their civil liberties and examples of them being denied tolerance bythose who tout tolerance as their highest virtue.., this call is a call to arms toChristians and lovers of religious liberty to fight back, because our religious libertiesare eroding. This is a clarion call to Christians to forsake their apathy... the liberaldrive to deprive people of their religious rights will continue to gain momentum. Thepolitical correctness totalitarians will not take any prisoners. They demand we accepttheir ideas as equally valid... they want you to adopt their value system forcibly andabandon your own. " (Unquote)


I have cited j ust a few small examples of what is going on in America and how Christiansare the targets of accelerating attacks by the leftist-Marxist-Satanists dressed in the clothingof "Democrats" who secretly advocate the outright murder of God's people when they canseize full power.

Is that too strong a statement? Well, in fact it is not What JESUS has shown me since 1979in movies and in vision-revelations has made it clear that there is a definite, real, powerfuland focused left wing conspiracy that aims to do just that - and I'm talking about theoutright murder of God's people which is what they are moving towards with ever greatermomentum.

The enemy is now working to overwhelm the defenses of those Christians who do resistthem as seen in the GAP by attacking from so many directions that the few that do takeaction will prove unable to withstand therm everywhere and lastly nowhere.

The pattern of battle seen in the GAP in 1987/1988 is clearly visible in current events andwill become more so in time.

The GOOD NEWS is that in looking to JESUS CHRIST we overcame them in the GAPand in looking to JESUS CHRIST in the future we will overcome them in this world aswell. We will preserve the HOLY SEED of God's people and will by the SPIRIT OF GODRE-PLANT and see a new nation emerge out of the ruins of the former, a new nation underGod that moves with the power of Christ as never seen before.

THE IMMEDIATE FUTURE? The complacency of the average Christian is so deepseated, their lack of being either willing or able to "act", much less pray, ensures that the

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ENEMY IS ATTACKING EVERYWHERE (Continued) enemyvail over them big time! The lack of any real sound leadership in the Church ina is another horrific deficit that only ensures the collapse and obliteration ofa as a Christian nation.

erica I knew and loved is dying before my eyes and this is not a discouraging wordrather, it is a realistic assessment of where we are at as a nation and people.

I look beyond the present and know and believe and have faith that there is within thisnation a HOLY SEED, a people unto the Lord Jesus Christ who will re-plant this nationunder God after the Lord God has purged all that is evil and foul off this land. That purgingwill be fierce and unlike anything we have ever seen as a people.

How long has it been this way? I recently read a comment by Whittaker Chambers, a oncedevout Marxist/Communist who defected to the Republican Party in the 1930's. In 1954William F. Buckley Jr. spoke to Mr. Chambers with high hopes for the role his newmagazine National Review might play in political affairs - to turn America around.

Whittaker Chambers dashed his hopes in a paragraph he said was unmatched in theliterature of supine gloom. Chambers stated (Quote Page vi of WITNESS)

"It is idle, " he rebuked me, "to talk about preventing the wreck of WesternCivilization. It is al ready a wreck from within. That is why we can hope to dolittle more now than snatch a f ngernail of a saint from the rack or a handfulof ashes from the faggots, and bury them secretly in a flowerpot against theday, ages hence, when afew men begin again to dare believe that there wasonce something else, that something else is thinkable, and need some evidenceof what it was and the fortifying knowledge that there were those who, at thegreat nightfall, took loving thought to preserve the tokens of hope and truth."

Whittaker Chambers 1954

The tokens of hope and truth were not to be preserved, he seemed to be saying, in a journalof opinion, not to be preserved by writers or thinkers. Only by activists, and I was to knowthat he (spoke of)...not a word, but a deed. In the final analysis it was action, notbelletrism*, that move him most deeply." (Unquote)

*Note - This word means," literature that is an end in itself and is not practical."

PRAYER IS ACTION: The way we have prayed and the way we will be praying involvesaction and lays the foundations for more visible results stemming from prayer. We will beengaging the enemy through CHRIST JESUS to hurl them back for a time, to the ends thatwe be enabled to extricate God's people out of harrns way. Thereafter I perceive we will

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and working to destroy the very foundations of the evil system that is attacking God'sChurch and America.

Thus, even as the enemy is advancing we will be undercutting them, pulling down the veryfoundations upon which they are building.

Again, while we need be AWARE of the enemy's presence, our focus ought be wholly onJESUS CHRIST and His Power, Goodness and Mercy. Amen.

Richard-DANIEL'S InsightOn October 28, 2003 Richard-DANIEL sent me this communication (Quote) "I asked

Jesus "what's next? " as I'm very occupied with trying to keep the secular job goingand I haven't really noticed much about the fire, much less discern it.

JESLTS told me that right now, we are transitioning into the obviousness of the"real"judgment. When we emerge on the other side of the transition the dangerof "denial" and getting behind God will be just as real as getting ahead of God in

the previous years.

My personal opinion is that the danger of denial is a greater threat to Christiansnow, then jumping the gun in p revious years.

... We as a nation are surely transitioning into it now, yet the good ole USA is justthere standing on the tracks with this blinding light and rumbling coming towards us.Transfixed and motionless. " ( Unquote)

WORMWOOD and the CALIFORNIA FIRESWormwood is the demon prince that was with the Beastman in the GAP in 1987/88 and isthe antiChrist spirit that will be directing many of the attacks on Christians in America. A"BALL OF FIRE" is his sign and so it is known to cause fires, great fires.

A time back we had Wormwood captive and under JESUS' orders we branded him withtwo three digit numbers. Purpose? When Wormwood moves `In The World' to dosomething his numbers would show in the Lots (lottery) so we could identify him in thisway and know that he was active.

On October 18, 2003 the Washington lots drew one of his numbers (perfect version)indicating that he was up to something. Then on October 24' as the California fires wereburning out of control (great fire) the Washington lottery drew #666 which is the secondthree digit number we branded it with. Wormwood was behind the California fires!

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Page 28 The Staff and Sword Ministry November 13, 2003

The book: DANGEROUS DIPLOMACY by Joel Mowbray

Last year the Lord JESUS began speaking to me about how our government has beeninfiltrated by anti-Christ, anti-Christian, anti-American and anti-Bush forces and howthese people hate JESUS, Christians and George W. Bush. The fruit of that infiltrationof our culture, government and society is very visible and tragically so. This June 16,2003 JESUS told me this, "...THERE ARE EVIL MEN OPERATING INSIDE THISGOVERNMENT THAT UNDERMINE EVERYTHING THAT MY SON GEORGE W.DOES..."

That evil influence has everything to do with the troubles we are having in Iraq as theydo things that undermine every attempt to build a democracy in Iraq and undergirdresistance that is killing our young men and women. Here is one issue drawn from thisbook written by Joel Mowbray: (Quote)

"On May 17, 2002 a State Department official from the Near Eastern Affairs (NEA)bureau told auditors, "NEA would appreciate any assistance (to help) shut down the INC.( =The Iraqi National Congress) the umbrella organization for anti-Saddam Hussein,pro-democracy groups.....

The INC (Iraqi National Congress) was created in the aftermath of the 1990-91 Gulf warby Chalabi, a secular and Western educated Shiite... For reasons that are not entirelyclear the State Department hated the INC and Chalabi. Some point to Chalabi'sunheeded warnings against a doomed CIA-backed coup attempt in Iraq in 1996. Stateand the CIA were no doubt embarrassed that the coup failed, as he predicted it would.

Congress, however, authorized $97 million in funding for "Iraqi opposition" groups —withthe clear intent that most of the money go to the INC. But within weeks of the presidentsigning the Iraq Liberation Act, officials from State (State = The State Department) weretelling the media - "anonymously" of course — that funds were not necessarily going toflow to the INC.

... The INC's intelligence officials were the ones, for example, who discovered SalmanPak, the training facility just outside Baghdad where Saddam's henchmen instructedwould-be terrorists on how to hijack an airplane. As part of the mission of findingevidence for future trials on human rights abuses, these same intelligence agents alsouncovered ties between Iraq and al Oaeda....four months later State tried to end allfunding for this INC program/intelligence.... As pa rt of the Iraq Liberation Act, the INC hadstarted Liberty TV in August 2001. It was essentially an INC-run television version ofVoice of America broadcasting messages of freedom and liberty in Arabic to the Iraqipeople. ..The State Department blocked or delayed issuing funds to the a resultand for the lack of $25,000 Iraqi freedom TV was shut down." (Unquote) This is only asmall example of the kind of resistance against C.W. Bush, America and freedom forIraqi's. The only TV they have to watch are the vile Islamic hate programs.

iN CH R► s ,5 Qf^G^' -

Page 29: Nov 7th, 2003: Looking To Jesus

Page A The Staff and Sword Ministry November 14, 2003


We completed this newsletter on Thursday, November 13 t1' and on this day our new copymachine was delivered, thus we did not have opportunity to print the balance of theNewsletter until early this morning (it took some hours to set up the new copy machine andget it working right). In the meantime it became obvious that I missed a few WATCHDAYS so I'm going to correct that here and now adding to what is on Pages 15-17 of themain Newsletter.

THE 30 DAY TIME COUNT WORKS TWO WAYS:(1) It brings focus to the 15 th day of each month successively June to December, and (2) Itis also a literal count of 30 days from July 15 tk'. Again, all events in the 6 months from June2003 to December 2003 deserve our notice, but special focus need be given those dates thatJESUS drew attention to b y His Word of June 16`''



Winds gusting to more than 70 mph Thursday (11/12), killing at least 8 people, swept vastareas of the East and Midwest downing trees and power lines leaving more than 1.4 millionwithout power in areas of Illinois, Rhode Island, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, WestVirginia, Maine, Massachusetts, Vermont, Connecticut, New Jersey, Maryland andDelaware while in the Watts section of Los Angeles hail was ankle deep.

^%O (1 \/c later wniiltl rump. to TlP.f -"FMRFR 1 1 /17. 701fl the next and I helieve. last Watch

Date. The Sum of WATCH DATES stands at:

NOVEMBER 15, 2003 {Month from October 15 th NY Ferry accident)

NOVEMBER 19, 2003

DECEMBER 11/12 2003 ('30" day front November 15th)

DECEMBER 15, 2003 Month from November 15th)

JANUARY 6-9, 2004 (220 day from June 16 th see P20)

Page 30: Nov 7th, 2003: Looking To Jesus

SuspendedAlabamaSrtgreme CourtChketiusticeRoyMnare 3ISteet tohIs verdict d[forethe AlabamaCourt of theJudiciary at'Thursday inMontgomery. Ai a.

Pa L-e 13 The Staff and Sword Minis November 14, 2003


"...If the foundations be destroyed, what can the righteous do? TheLord is in His holy temple, the Lord's throne is in heaven: His eyesbehold, His eyelids try, the children of men...." (Psalm 11 selections)

tram of ihursdaj, .November 13, 2003

"I hhlveia/)Y011!1t'I)" 110 rtg3 •l.' t.0 I have done 1117' llut . — JudgePloyMoore

`Ten Commandments judge' oustedAlabama ' t °fej,d P"e"

supporters after the verdict "Ii s about whether

Chief Justice

MONTGOMERY. Ala. — Alabama C-I t ic f or 'tot }rsu ran ackrtonkedgu God as a so[tree o[}ustice Roy hluorc, who tiecame a hero [n Our law and our Siberrv. Th: t s all he done.'.

Canned religious ce+nscn;rtives for refusrng Er' temn+'c The nine mciuber of ltic Court of she

for refusing his granite Ten Commandments monument Judiciary liiindcd out kite harshest penalty

from the state courthouse. wars thrown of{ the possible, saving Moore ktt them with nn choice

to remove bench Thurvdav hr s judicial uthirs panel for by repea[edle inclsting he would never ale;+ a

monument h;iving "placed himselfabove thr i;}w." federal lodge's order to move the _ ion block

"I have absolutely no reRmts. I h;tc done my of eranite from the courthouse ronmda.

duty." -Moore said to a chcermg Crowd of Con;mued Judge/All

Dr. Michael Savage made this observation on radio yesterday when news that .fudge Moore

was handed the severest penalty possible November 13 th for refusing to obey a federal

judge order. Dr. Savage stated (in essence) that in America today pornography has spread

to every corner of the land and is protected by the courts, then every sort of lewdness and

nudity is tolerated in the public square permitted by the courts but these same courts find

the Ten Commandments of God an offence and to be too offensive to be in the public

square anywhere in America. These courts are destroying the very foundation of our law

which means that we are rapidly becoming a lawless society without pillar or post or moral

guideline which is preparing the way for the rapid emergence of the beast and barbarism -

the untethered Adamic nature.

I perceive that it was the Spirit of God that moved Judge Moore to take the stand he took,

to draw a line in the sand which the liberals and God haters were all too eager to cross.

They are celebrating their victory over Judge Moore, saying, "He got what he deserved."

Then that will be their judgment out of their mouths - they will get what they deserve only

they will face the ultimate JUDGE. I close with portions of Psalm 11. God bless. C-J

"In the Lord put I my trust... For lo, the wicked bend their bow, they make ready

their arrow upon the string, that they may privily shoot at the upright in heart. If the

foundations be destroyed, what can the righteous do? The Lord is in His holy

temple, the Lord's throne is in heaven: His eyes behold, His eyelids try, the

children of men...Upon the wicked He shall rain snares, fire and brimstone, and an

horrible tempest: this shall be the portion of their cup. For the righteous Lord

l oveth righteousness. His countenance doth behold the upright."

( Psalm 11: 1-7 selections)