Nourish Magazine Waikato Autumn 2015



Fresh local flavour from the Waikato region, NZ. In this edition we discover Chia sees, go crackers and make some delicious healthy lunches as well as revel in some mushroom magic. We strike gold in Waihi and much more

Transcript of Nourish Magazine Waikato Autumn 2015

Page 1: Nourish Magazine Waikato Autumn 2015

Issue no. 19, Autumn 2015



LUNCH on the go




Waihi CrackersWE GO

Page 2: Nourish Magazine Waikato Autumn 2015

Just three months in and already 2015 has been a huge year for the Nourish team. We said a sad au revoir, or probably more appropriately zàijiàn, to Anna our head designer for the past two years, who is o� to China to live. What an adventure for her and the family!

Filling Anna’s shoes is the immensely talented Bron Alexander. You would have seen some of Bron’s illustrations in Nourish before, now as our creative director, she is in charge of making the whole magazine look amazing. This shouldn’t be too hard a task with the growing talent pool of contributors that are part of Nourish.

Our other notable addition in the o� ce is baby Zoe. My husband Andrew and I welcomed Zoe Jane Horan into the world on 22 December. Her timing was impeccable, just after our summer edition was complete and the team were breaking for the holidays. Having said that I have to say a special thank you to Victoria, my right hand woman, who was worth her weight in gold throughout my pregnancy; from the secretive and nauseous fi rst three months right through to the fi nal weeks where she proved she makes a great second Vicki.

In the last few months I have been reminded again what a great

family and community Nourish has created, be it the immediate team who are all passionate about what we do, or our wonderful clients, to you our reader.


Vicki Ravlich-Horan


To enter tell us one of the chefs cooking at this year’s show, email your answer to [email protected] before 24 April

*Terms and conditions can be seen at

NOURISH | issue 19


CONTENTS04 Contributors

03 Farmers Market

07 Waikato News

08 In the Garden

18 A Lesson in Co� ee

22 Wine Column

30 Local Art Scene

32 Market Place

44 Book Review

53 Essential Ingredients

54 Events

55 Directory

11 Wonderful Waihi

29 Wild Country

33 Sunday Lunch

37 Olive Oasis

19 Mushrooms

23 What a Cracker

26 Sweet Autumn

41 Healthy Lunch Ideas

42 Packed Lunches

47 Easter Baking

50 Chia




EDITOR Vicki Ravlich-Horan

CREATIVE DIRECTOR Bron Alexander(Folk Creative)


PROOF READER Nikki Crutchley

CONTRIBUTORS Victoria Russell, Bronwyn Lowe, Henry Jacobs, Megan Coupland, Melissa Spargo, Kate Underwood, Megan Muldowney,

Darren Gussy, Chris McIntosh

COVER IMAGE Helene du Jardin

PHOTOGRAPHERS Vicki Ravlich-Horan, Tracie Heasman, Claudia Aalderink

ILLUSTRATOR Bron Alexander

ISSN 2324-4356 (Print)ISSN 2324-4364 (Online)


[email protected] 065 1537

Feedback [email protected]

– $30 for a year (4 issues)


HAMILTON11 Maui Street, Te Rapa, Hamilton 3200 Phone 07 850 9040


The perfect gift for Mother’s Day


RECIPES FROM MY FRENCH KITCHENBeloved foodie, Allyson Gofton, serves up a slice of truly authentic French village life in more ways than one. Join Allyson as she cooks dishes from her latest book and recounts adventures she and her family had during their year living in Caixon, France at the foot of the Pyrénées.

Thursday 14th May, 12noon

Tickets are available from, $49 and include a double pass PLUS a copy of Recipes from My French Kitchen.

Be quick - limited spaces available

FOR THE LOVE OF… KARENA & KASEYThey stole our hearts with their down to earth, laid back and humorous attitudes as they climbed the ranks to become the winners of MasterChef NZ 2014. Now meet Karena & Kasey and watch them cook dishes from their new cookbook For the Love of…

Friday 22nd May, 5.30pm

Tickets are available from, $25 including a glass of bubbles and nibbles.

Page 3: Nourish Magazine Waikato Autumn 2015



What’s hot this issue?JUTTA MARKFor Jutta Mark the worlds of cooking and antiques have long been enjoyably and passionately interwoven. She owned a cafe/restaurant in the eighties and is currently the owner of one of New Zealand’s best known antique shops: Alys Antiques in Cambridge, who have been selling genuine antiques and fi ne art since 1968. Besides Jutta’s enthusiasm for all things relating to her shop, she has an eye for interior design and also has a background in art, psychology and literature.

BRON ALEXANDEROver the last decade I’ve had the privilege of being able to craft meaningful design solutions for both grass roots and larger corporations. While I believe that design is a way to visually engage with a business, I feel its especially important that the designs I create refl ect your business objectives and ultimately achieves return on investment.

Having been raised by two chef parents giving me a huge passion for food, combined with my magazine obsession, means working for Nourish is a dream job!






Vic’s PicksEasiYoI am a big advocate of eating fresh but had never really thought about extending that to yoghurt before. So when I asked around, I discovered I was in the minority and lots and lots of people have a trusty EasiYo that they use regularly and get the maximum benefi t from the great live cultures. Being fresh also means there is no need for artifi cial ingredients, additives or stabilisers.

The popular Kiwi yoghurt maker has recently had a redesign. The new sleeker, more compact model, with its stylish new look, has non slip feet and an easy grip handle. Plus I love that the polystyrene insulation has been replaced with New Zealand wool!

NOURISH | spotlight

Call me biased but I am loving our brand new jute bags we have just launched in conjunction with Volare. The illustration is a Bron Alexander exclusive, so not only are these bags very stylish they are also very practical.also very practical.





This Easter give quality not quantity. Sara at The Confectionery Collection, makers of quality handmade chocolates, is also letting you put a bit of humour in your Easter eggs this year with these super cute chocolate fried eggs. This is the one time you could legitimately eat chocolate for breakfast!

Beside Lake Whangape in Glen Murray, Whangape Grove have 600 olive trees. Grown with no herbicides or pesticides and using only organic fertilisers, the olives are handpicked and then pressed using a small hydraulic press, in the traditional manner. The results speak for themselves with an impressive list of awards for this small local business. They most recently won a gold and best in class for their Tuscan Blend at the 2014 Los Angeles Extra Virgin Olive Oil Competition.




The Confectionery Collection

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and the moment you step into the beautifully appointed clinic you feel relaxed and at ease. At SKIN beauty & day spa we love natural, results driven

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Page 4: Nourish Magazine Waikato Autumn 2015



Local food from local producers Local food from local producers Local food from local producers Fresh produce, growers and producers onsite, live entertainment,Fresh produce, growers and producers onsite, live entertainment,Fresh produce, growers and producers onsite, live entertainment,

Local food from local producers Fresh produce, growers and producers onsite, live entertainment,

Local food from local producers Local food from local producers Fresh produce, growers and producers onsite, live entertainment,

Local food from local producers Local food from local producers Fresh produce, growers and producers onsite, live entertainment,

Local food from local producers local crafts, loads of parking - a 100% Waikato experience!local crafts, loads of parking - a 100% Waikato experience!local crafts, loads of parking - a 100% Waikato experience!


Victoria Square







Autumnat the

Autumnat the

Autumn WaikatoFarmers’ MarketsFresh, local and seasonal


To fi nd out more about the

Waikato Farmers’ Market follow

them on Facebook or

check out their website www.

Market Manager: 021 685 719

Enjoy the abundance of harvest season this autumn at the Waikato Farmers’ Markets.Take time out to relax under the majestic tree and marvel as they change colour each week. Stay a while and catch up with friends, have a co� ee or grab something to eat. The farmers’ market is the perfect way to unwind each weekend while stocking up with fresh local produce.

• We’ve got breakfast sorted with pastries, fresh pretzels, wa� es and authentic crepes.

• Local apples and pears are at their best.

• Get in quick each week to snap up some of the gorgeous grapes and fi gs available at the market. These both have such a short season and are a real treat, so make the most of them while you can!

• Autumn also means chestnuts. Perfect in soups, stu� ngs and baking.

• Have you tried Luxe Mobile Espresso’s Kombucha?

Talk to Richard from Cato’s Potato and Garlic about the best garlic for you; he has fi ve di� erent varieties. He also has a beautiful selection of potatoes. We are loving his new variety Anuschka.

2015 marks the 19th year of the Awards, making them the country’s longest running culinary award programme and one which is highly regarded within the industry.Beef + Lamb New Zealand CEO, Rod Slater, says the Awards have helped to take the guesswork out of choosing where to dine. “Wherever you see the gold plate displayed you can be certain a stellar beef or lamb meal will be presented. We’re absolutely confi dent in providing this guarantee, given the level of groundwork supporting the Excellence Awards,” says Slater.The Excellence Awards are designed to acknowledge a consistently high standard of beef and lamb cuisine. These restaurants have not been compared with each other in the assessment process. Rather, they have been judged on their individual merits. To receive the New Zealand Beef and Lamb Excellence Award, restaurants are judged on all elements of their dishes from composition to taste, degree of cooking and tenderness. Whenever you see the Beef and Lamb Excellence Award, you can expect tasty; skillfully composed and superbly presented beef and lamb dishes.

Each year Beef + Lamb New Zealand selects a team of chefs who have displayed exceptional culinary skills during the assessment period to be Beef + Lamb New Zealand Ambassador Chefs for the year. Brad King from Falls Retreat in Waihi was bestowed with this honour this year, while Mat McLean from Palate Restaurant, Hamilton was named as a lifetime ‘Platinum’ Beef + Lamb Ambassador.

Dough BrosWe are dying to tell you about the exciting changes afoot at Barzurk on Victoria Street, Hamilton. New owners Katherine and Jake Mitchell have recently returned from Melbourne with their young family and are wanting to create an authentic neighbourhood eatery.Pizza lovers rejoice, the wood fi red oven will be put to good use! Think fresh, think local and forget toppings like banana and mango.

NOURISH | news

Beef and Lamb Excellence Award

THIS YEAR’S LOCAL WINNERS ARE:WAIKATO Agenda, HN Bluestone Steakhouse, HN Chim Choo Ree, HN Huhu, Waitomo

Waikato News

Watch this space and

our Facebook page for more


Scott Corbett, head chef and owner at Whitianga’s No8 Restaurant and Bar, has been crowned ‘2014 Premier Master of Fine Cuisine’ in the second annual Silver Fern Farms Premier Selection Awards. “This award is huge for the entire team,” says Scott. “Our front of house sta� are bubbling over with pride and the kitchen sta� have a confi dence and energy most businesses only dream of seeing.”Head judge Kerry Tyack commented that the standard of this year’s fi nalists was again exceptional, making the judging panel’s decision di� cult. At the Awards presentation he singled out two fi nalists for special mention; with Bracu Restaurant’s Mikey Newlands and 2013 winner Mat McLean of Hamilton’s Palate Restaurant, awarded highly commended titles.

Waikato Chefs Sweep the Silver Fern Farms Premiere Selection Awards

Congrats to our winning local chefs.

COROMANDEL Koru @ Rapaura, Thames No. 8 Restaurant & Bar, Whitianga Pepper Tree Restaurant, Coromandel Town

Palate Restaurant, HN The Redoubt Bar & Eatery, Matamata Victoria Street Bistro, HNSmith & McKenzie Chophouse, HN

Domaine, HN The Bank, HN


Page 5: Nourish Magazine Waikato Autumn 2015



In the Garden

It’s been a hot summer, to state the obvious! Consistent high temps and warm, drying winds have played havoc with my vege garden; I hope yours has fared better. The cooler autumn weather is a great time to

wander in your garden, re-assess the ‘vege-scape’ and take a deep breath after the hectic summer season. Here are some suggestions on what you can get done this season. Enjoy! By Melissa Spargo

Seed Saving Along with learning to ‘eat ugly’ (not wasting fruit that looks imperfect), it’s my opinion that we should also ‘garden ugly’. This involves leaving your veges to go leggy and riotous, tall and inedible, scraggly and un-vege-like. Why? Because this means they’re going to seed and if you collect those seeds, you’ll not only have plenty to sow next year, you’ll have more than enough to share with family and friends. Here are some easy seeds to save:

Lettuce: The plants will reach for the sky and pop out in little yellow fl owers which develop into fl u� y seed heads. Just do a Taylor Swift – grab a bunch of them and “Shake It O� ” into a paper envelope and you’re all set.

Tomatoes: Let the best fruit from your healthiest plant completely ripen then squeeze out the pulp. Sieve it under cold water then carefully pop the seeds onto a paper towel to dry. If you space them 5cm apart, come spring you can put the whole thing on to a tray of seed-raising mix, sprinkle lightly with more mix and new seedlings will sprout in no time.

Beans: Let a few pods ripen then completely dry on the vine. Shell them and store in a paper envelope.

Refresh that SoilThe voracious summer growing season often leaves soil depleted and leached of all its goodness. Now is a good time to lavish some extra care on it in the form of well-rotted manure, blood and bone and generous wheel-barrow loads of rich compost. Any type of organic matter you have handy will be gratefully received by your vege patch. Dig all these goodies in to ensure those nutrients are replenished and your tuckered out soil will bounce back to its benefi cial best.

Plan for WinterOnce you’ve got your soil up to scratch with all that lovely, vibrant organic matter, it’s time to think about the future. Make the most of these last few weeks of warm weather by getting in your winter brassicas — brocolli, caulifl ower, cabbages — and other crops that will bear over the cooler months, e.g., leeks, kale and Brussels sprouts. Germination and growth rates really slow down once the weather cools, so it’s a good idea to give these crops a head start now.

Keep PlantingThere’s still plenty of veges that are happy being planted now for growing through the cooler months of autumn. I’m livening up my patch with Bright Lights silverbeet (LOVE those colours!), a last round of Rainbow beetroot for colourful baby beet and feta salads, and a patch of sugar snap peas, to eat pods and all!

NOURISH | garden

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Empire St , Cambridge 07 823 9178

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Page 6: Nourish Magazine Waikato Autumn 2015



Ingrown hairs!If you are reading this, then chances are you are su� ering or have su� ered from ingrown hairs before; then below we give you some tips on how to prevent ingrown hairs during this hot sticky weather:• Avoid wearing tight clothing that may rub or cause friction on the area.• Exfoliate at least twice weekly.• Keep area well moisturised so that hairs can push through the skin with more ease.• If hair follicle becomes red and infl amed avoid trying to get it out yourself, instead apply an antibacterial product — and wait! Trying to squeeze out ingrown hairs when they are deep will only cause more damage.• Use an ingrown hair preventative.

NOURISH | beauty


LOOKING FOR A GREAT NATURAL SUNSCREEN?Even in autumn it pays to have good sunscreen at the ready.

Bronwyn from The Herbal Dispensary in Raglan says, “I’ve been selling and using Oasis Beauty SPF30 Sunscreen for a number of years now. It is excellent in the New Zealand sun as it is made here for our conditions. I’ve also taken this on Pacifi c Island holidays and never got sunburnt.”

Oasis Beauty SPF30 Sunscreen is made using 94% natural ingredients, including jojoba oil, shea butter, lecithin and vitamin E to moisturise against wind, water and sunlight.250ml family size bottle $40.00 from:The Herbal Dispensary6 Wallis Road,

Engine Room Hair now stocks the So Pure Natural Balance range from Keune. Owner Kaleb Phillipe says, “It is really hard to fi nd hair styling products that are eco-friendly and not silicon based, but Keune has exceeded my expectations.” Over 30 rich plant extracts and essential oils have been selected to create So Pure.“So Natural nourishes and protects your hair and scalp in a natural way by not using any harmful chemicals and our clients love it,” says Kaleb. “You can see a real di� erence in their hair. They especially love that it is not made from any harmful chemicals.”

The Engine Room’s commitment to eco-friendly practices doesn’t just stop at the products they use on your hair as it can also be found in all areas of the salon. All cleaning products used in the salon are from the eco store, even the towels are washed with a natural lavender wash. You can even enjoy your hair cut and colour while sipping on some organic Rocket co� ee or herbal teas.

Engine Room Hair85 Alexandra Street, HamiltonPh. 839 5000

So Pure Natural Balance Hair Care

Sara from Skin Beauty & Day Spa in Te Awamutu shares some great advice each season to keep your skin beautiful and healthy.

Ingrown hairs are caused by the hair not being able to push its way through the skin as it grows; the most common areas for ingrown hairs are the underarm and bikini area. To no more ingrowns!


e/ [email protected] t/ 07 839 5000 KPMG Farmers Building, 85 Alexandra St, Hamilton Central



OUT SHINE THE RESTGET A NEW LOOK THIS SUMMER,GET A NEW LOOK THIS SUMMER,GET A NEW LOOK THIS SUMMER,GET A NEW LOOK THIS SUMMER,book your appointment with your appointment with Kaleb.Award winning stylist UK 2006.Award winning stylist UK 2006.


The local information centre is always a good place to start when visiting a new town, and Waihi is no exception. In fact you will spend more time at the new i-SITE than you expect. Recent major renovations means the i-SITE, while also the hub of what to do in Waihi and beyond, also houses the amazing new Gold Discovery Centre.

Evidence of Waihi’s golden past is evident throughout town, from the iconic Pumphouse to the bronze statues dotted along the main street, but it is at the Gold Discovery Centre that this story comes to life. Wellington exhibition specialists Locales have worked their magic and created a stunning interactive visitor attraction which takes you on a journey from the discovery of gold through to the modern era. Get hands on and give drilling a go, pump the crank and watch 3D holograms bring the stories to life. This truly is a place the whole family will enjoy and one that manager Eddie Morrow hopes will leave you with a better understanding of how gold has shaped Waihi and New Zealand.

“We are renowned for our gold,” Eddie points out, “so why not celebrate it.” Now the hub of Waihi’s gold-based tourism, the Gold Discovery Centre is the culmination of years of work from a community group preparing for the inevitable closure of the current gold mine. The mine employs around 300 people and pumps $60 million into the local economy annually*.

While the Discovery Centre does an amazing job of telling the story of gold in Waihi, an “inside the fence” tour of the Martha Mine and beyond gets you as close to the modern industry as you can get unless you plan on becoming a miner.

These independently run tours depart from the i-SITE six days per week, and once you have donned a hard hat and high viz vest you are taken on a fascinating journey following the gold, from the blasting of the rock through to the extraction of the gold, and on to how the waste material, both rock and water, are recycled. As someone who has “greenie” leanings, I was impressed by the e� orts of the mining company to leave the area not just how it was before

WAIHIWe discover that Waihi, New Zealand's

heart of gold, is also full of hidden gems.

it's wonderful in

With its rich and fascinating history, breathtaking scenery, golden sand beaches, bush clad hills and the winding Karangahake Gorge, Waihi has it all.

Page 7: Nourish Magazine Waikato Autumn 2015



they arrived, but better. Extensive planting (550,000 native plants to date) and planning mean when mining ceases what will be left behind are some beautiful recreation spaces, from lakes to native bush, that everyone will be able to enjoy for years to come.

The scale of this operation is staggering and can only be truly appreciated seeing it up close and personal. As you stand on the edge of the open pit, 228m deep, you will see what looks like matchbox toy trucks wind their way to the top. Each of these gigantic machines weighs 85 tonnes and can carry a load of 85 tonnes. These beasts burn through 60 litres of diesel an hour and just one of their tyres would dwarf your average SUV.


If you haven’t already, a must do in Waihi is a trip on the Goldfi elds Railway. Originally this track was used by the mines to transport everything from material to people and livestock. It later became part of the East Coast Main Trunk line until closing in 1978. In 1980 the Goldfi elds Railway Society was established to preserve this piece of rail heritage. Run by volunteers this is a marvellous example of a community initative that has preserved a piece of history; Waihi being the only complete operating heritage rail

precinct in the country. It has station buildings, a goods shed, cattle yards and houses all being used today.

The 30 minute trip between Waihi and Waikino travels along the original rail tracks beside the Ohinemuri River, taking in beautiful rural scenery as well as many of the original mining sites not visible from State Highway Two.

You can choose a round trip or take advantage of the train and take your bikes with you as Waikino station is the perfect starting spot to enjoy the Rail Trail. Bike or not the Karangahake walks are fabulous for all levels of fi tness and members of the family.


Just down the road from the Gold Discovery Centre is Banana Pepper Café, and this is the perfect place to enjoy lunch (or morning or afternoon tea). Owners Bernie and Alan pride themselves on the mouth-watering array of food on o� er and great co� ee.

World famous in Waihi and recently beyond with Alan’s big win at

it's wonderful in

Evidence of Waihi’s golden past is evident throughout town, from the iconic Pumphouse to the bronze statues dotted along the main street, but it is at the Gold Discovery Centre that this

story comes to life.


Banana Pepper72 Seddon Street, Waihi

Ph. 8638944

Goldfields Railway30 Wrigley St, Waihi

Gold Discovery CentrE126 Seddon Street, Waihi

Page 8: Nourish Magazine Waikato Autumn 2015



Tamarillo & Black Raspberry Chutney.

localW I L D


This regional condiment is handmade from locally grown fruit and berries. A sharp chutney, serve with red meats or your favourite cheese.

Phone 07 829 7102 | for recipes

Tamarillo & Black Raspberry Chutney.

localtastes better

Get more from your smoothie with the addition of herbs* like;• echinacea tincture for immune support• ginkgo tincture for concentration• withania for energyor a blend of herbs prescribed from your medical herbalistAlternatively super foods in convenient powders like;• camu camu, high in vitamin C• maqui, rich in antioxidants including anthocyanin and Vitamin C• chlorella, high in protein*please seek professional advice before using any herbal medicine

Owner and chef of Falls Retreat, Brad King recently won his third consecutive Beef and Lamb Excellence award as well as being named a Beef and Lamb Ambassador for 2015. Brad and wife Emma have been building a strong reputation for stunning food served in a rustic and relaxed setting since 2011. Prior to this Brad had been making his mark at Waihi’s Porch restaurant where he was runner up in 2009 and then the winner in 2010 of the Monteith’s Wild Food Challenge.

At the centre of the kitchen at Falls Retreat is a huge wood fi red oven and it is from here that most of the food emerges. Brad says the wood fi red oven means “the food has an earthy quality with a lot of love and raw energy, pumped into it”.

Having wanted to be a chef from age fourteen, Brad says, “I love food that has depth and character, but can also retain its simplicity. I like to keep it simple by utilising seasonal vegetables, local organic produce and whatever is coming out of our kitchen gardens.” The result is, in Brad’s words “good, honest food with plenty of fl avour”.

Brad and Emma live on the property along with their two young children, Jacob and Molly. “It’s our home and who we are,” says

Brad. “This means we are able to cast a positive and energetic vibe throughout the core of the kitchen and the Bistro resulting in a strong, beautiful ambience and food made from the heart.”

Brad says, “I am blessed with working in a beautiful environment in the stunning Karangahake Gorge — we have an open, outdoor kitchen with an awesome outlook, surrounded by bush and with a breathtaking waterfall at the base of our property. Plus as we live on the property, my kids can come over and be part of what we do.”


Beef cheeks — it’s an underused cut of meat, but great as it’s cheap and can be so rich, gelatinous and tender. Get the best out of it by cooking it slow and low!


Lamb rack but while it’s the most expensive cut of lamb, it is often out of the price range for most kiwi families’ weekly shopping budget. We actually use lamb shoulder as it’s more versatile — you can butterfl y, BBQ, grill, marinade, slow roast or braise it.

If you have a wood fi red oven at home, don’t just use it for pizzas, leave your lamb in to slowly roast overnight.


Organic — it’s all about quality! Look out for marbling of fat throughout the meat to ensure a tender fi nished product. We are so lucky to have a nationally recognised, quality meat supplier in Harmony Meats, just a few kilometres down the road in Paeroa.

FALLS RETREATa hidden gem

FALLS RETREAT 25 Waitawheta Rd, Waihi |

Hidden in the Karangahake Gorge is a gem we have known about for some time but now the secret is out!


the national pie awards for his rhubarb and berry pie. Alan, a baker his whole life, is in charge of the busy kitchen while Bernie is the smiling face out front.

I’m struggling to describe the food at Banana Pepper without resorting to clichés or doing a disservice to Alan and his team’s skill. What strikes you when you walk into Banana Pepper are the cabinets bursting with delicious food. I say this with a proviso that you get there early as this lovingly handmade food quickly disappears. Think large salad sandwiches and fi lled rolls, homemade pies and quiches and gorgeous cakes. This is food how you remembered it. Food that tastes as good as it looks. And let’s face it, there are less and less bakeries you can say this about.

After a huge lunch we couldn’t resist taking home a few Chelsea buns and were so pleased when afternoon tea time rolled around.


It’s a problem faced with all independent stores across the country: how do they compete with the large corporations? This must surely be more of a challenge in a small town, which is why when you see a magnifi cent store like CC Dillimore you know it must be a gem.

Sitting proudly on the main street, CC Dillimore’s has been part of Waihi since 1948. But other than the service, there is nothing old fashioned about this beautiful family run home furnishing and design store.

Step inside and take it all in! Filled with gorgeous pieces of furniture and a stunning array of designer curtain and upholstery fabrics, CC Dillimore is the perfect place to come and be inspired if you are revamping the family home or beach house. Owner Rex Dillimore, who has been working at CC Dillimores for 52 years, says “there is no question about it”, their ability to be unique is only possible because of their independence. “We are one of the few family run complete home furnishing stores left,” Rex points out.

So if you are in Waihi put CC Dillimore on your list of must visits or alternatively if you have a home project coming up take a day trip to Waihi.

*based on 2013 revenue. All fi gures supplied by Newmont

trip to Waihi.

CC DILLIMORE Seddon Street, Waihi

07 863 8084

Page 9: Nourish Magazine Waikato Autumn 2015


Constant pain getting you down? Disturbing your sleep? Restricting your lifestyle?

Take this pain away, NOW!

Research has proven that infl ammation can be the driver of chronic diseases, such as cardiovascular disease, Alzheimer’s disease, depression, osteoporosis and many more. One of the most common causes of chronic pain is infl ammation. Conditions of infl ammation are commonly caused not only from diet but also from infections, be it bacterial, fungal or viral. These infections can also cause weight gain; excess weight causes infl ammation. Research has shown that even one kilo of excess weight can cause increased infl ammation in your body.

You don’t have to be in pain, don’t accept this as normal, there is something that can be done about it.

A client aged 38 with a history of arthritis presented with chronic pain and high infl ammation with fl are ups causing blackouts from the pain. After investigation we found two infections and high levels of infl ammation produced by triggers in her diet. Within two months of treatment her pain and infl ammation had dropped signifi cantly.

While traditional medications may provide you with temporary relief of your symptoms, these often come with side effects and can lead to further health


It’s only through treating the root cause that you can look forward to a positive pain-free lifestyle. At The Naturopathic Clinic we can conduct specifi c testing to identify the type of bacterial, viral or fungal infection which may be the root cause of your pain and work with you on a treatment plan.

Pain can be a symptom with many causes. Thorough in-clinic testing can get to the bottom of your pain.

To fi nd out more about how your health condition can To fi nd out more about how your health condition can be resolved, contact The Naturopathic Clinic for a FREE be resolved, contact The Naturopathic Clinic for a FREE

Have you had enough of being in pain? Is it stopping you from doing the activities you used to love? Sick of taking pain killers? Want to get to the root cause of your pain? Your pain may

be due to having high levels of infl ammation.

JENNY BARKER Dip. Nat. NaturopathDip. Nat. Naturopath3 Gilbert Court, Rototuna,3 Gilbert Court, Rototuna,

Hamilton 3210Hamilton 3210022 017 6033022 017 6033

[email protected]


Seed Saving and Herb Harvesting

Seed Saving and Herb Harvesting

Even the most successful people in the world didn’t make it on their own. Most recall something their parents, teachers or mentors taught them that has never left their minds. These bits of wisdom inspired them to keep focused and continued to motivate them.As I pull my thoughts together, grab some tissues and prepare the words of wisdom I’ll leave with my son as I send him off to university in a few days time, I’m reminded of the great advice I’ve heard over the years. Since I write, speak and coach on personal development, I hear plenty of tips and new ways of thinking plenty of tips and new ways of thinking aimed at getting more out of life. Here are aimed at getting more out of life. Here are a few of my favourite words of wisdom:a few of my favourite words of wisdom:• You never get anything unless you ask. • You never get anything unless you ask. Don’t pre judge a situation and presume Don’t pre judge a situation and presume the answer will be NO.• Think �irst before you complain. Do you • Think �irst before you complain. Do you ever listen to someone complaining and ever listen to someone complaining and think “this is a great conversation”?think “this is a great conversation”?

• Quality is better than quantity. If you are going to do something do it well so you don’t need to do it a second time. “Second time” is time wasting.• Smile more often. Whenever you smile your brain releases serotonin, the happy hormone. Smiling is the natural way to force yourself to be happy. • Start your day off right. Upon waking set a positive tone for your day by using af�irmations, happy thoughts and aim for positive action. • Where your focus goes your energy �lows — remember this for negative and positive situations!• Remember, life is 10% about what happens to you and 90% about how you manage or react to it.• Be �lexible in your thinking. Try to see life as a friendly sparring partner not as the enemy.• Learn by your mistakes and move on quickly — change what you can change and let go of the rest.• Surround yourself with peers who challenge you, inspire you and encourage

you to be the best you can. Let go of those who drag you down or cause you to be average!Remember, personal development assists you in becoming the most powerful version of yourself which leads to an elevation in your enjoyment and performance in life and in business! How powerful are you in your life right now?

If you’d like to receive fortnightly “Open the Door” personal development inspiration, totally free, then sign up on inspiration, totally free, then sign up on my website or send me an email at [email protected]

My Personal Development Words of Wisdom

Sue Kohn-TaylorPersonal Development Coach

Elevating Personal and Business Performancewww.SueKohn-Taylor.comPh: 021 950 524

Open the door with Sue






Now is the time to start looking around your garden and thinking about how you can save seed, multiply your plants by division or root cuttings, and also harvest any seeds or green herb material that you may like to use in the kitchen over the winter.

All of a sudden what seemed like a quiet time in the garden has just got busy!

If your garden has been like mine over the summer, it may well have areas of tended and picked plants and also other areas of plants have been left to go wild.

The go wild areas will provide rich pickings; hopefully the plants will have fl owered and set seed for the next generation of seedlings.

In my herb garden, the herb plants that set seed and are easy to seed harvest from are: sorrel, fennel, echinacea, feverfew, chamomile, sage, rocket, coriander, caraway and basil. You may well have a di� erent selection, but the idea remains the same.

I would suggest you start with harvesting ‘dry seeds’, and then once you have experimented you can try harvesting ‘wet seeds’, which need a slightly di� erent process.

Harvesting dry seeds:As a general rule, leave seeds to mature as long as possible on the

plant without losing them to the elements or pests. For seeds that dry on the plant, try to harvest on a dry day, cut the mature fl ower heads and place upside down in a paper bag to catch the ripe seeds as they drop out. Allow to hang somewhere dry and warm for a week or so.

How to store seeds:Store seeds in envelopes inside a container to protect from insects and mice; put in a cool dry, dark place. Always label with variety and date. Seeds stored in airtight dry conditions should last at least 12 months.

For multiplying by root division, take a walk around your garden and take note of the plants and their position that you wish to multiply by division, come winter so you are ready to go.

Most of all take the time to step back, enjoy your garden, smell, touch and taste the herbs, and use them often!

by Bronwyn Lowe of The Herbal Dispensary

Any gardener I have ever met loves to share their plants and also to get new ones; often there is a happy memory associated with a friend or family member that the cutting came from. After many house moves, I still have plants that were grown from cuttings from my great grandmother’s garden.

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WED-FRI 4.30 - lateSAT/SUN 11am - late

Bar & Eatery25 Angus Rd

Mystery Creek, Hamilton07 823 6411

[email protected]





Rocket Co� ee Tasting SessionsEvery Friday at 1pmTo book phone 839 6422

My nana and poppa were exceptions to the rule, for most of us the co� ee we grew up with was more often than not instant. Enter the age of espresso in New Zealand in the 90s and most of us now can’t imagine our day without a fl at white, latte or cappuccino. I have always wondered where my nana bought her co� ee beans back in the 70s, although now she would have no problem with literally hundreds of co� ee roasters in New Zealand.

As the industry has grown, so too has our understanding of co� ee. Naturally it is the co� ee roasters and then hopefully baristas that have taken a lead here, striving to expand their knowledge and continually experimenting with new techniques, roasts and beans.

Rocket’s River Vili says the dialogue between roasters and baristas as well as between roaster and farmer is more important than it ever was. River, who trained at Counter Culture in North Carolina is in charge of training at Rocket and leads their co� ee tasting sessions held every Friday lunchtime.

This is a great place to come if you want to learn more about co� ee! After just half an hour with River our knowledge of co� ee had doubled. The classes are very informal. “The social aspect”, River says, “helps relieve the pressure.” The aim is to make these sessions informative but fun.

“Single Origin” is a term that has been bandied around for a few

years now but River explains there is more to what makes each co� ee unique than where it was grown. The focus of the tasting sessions is on cultivars and this is where it gets interesting.

You’ll discover that like any other commercial crop there are many many di� erent cultivars of co� ee, each with their unique characteristics and fl avour profi les. Think of them like an apple and the endless di� erent types of apples available, from a tart Granny Smith to a sweet Red Delicious and everything in between. River will lead you through a tasting session where di� erent cultivars are compared.

For these purposes “soft brewed” co� ee is used. The fi lter methods in soft brew co� ee results in a less intense brew where the fl avours of the individual co� ees can shine through. While appreciating each individual co� ee’s di� erent fl avour profi les you will also learn to identify more than its acidity, body or sweetness. For instance, if it’s acidic is it sour? Tart? Electrifying? And so on. River will also give you an insight into the history of co� ee and how the 2700 plus di� erent cultivars have all come from the original Ethiopian bean Typica.


As we notice the change of cool air kicking in, it’s time to celebrate the magic of the mushroom. These unique fungal growths have a strong repertoire of nutrients and characteristics, and being such a ‘fun guy’ they rank as one of our top fi ve favourite vegetables. Providing versatility, textural variation, a distinct fl avour and loads of vitamins and minerals, you’d be hard pressed to fi nd a reason not to make room for your ‘shrooms’ this season.In New Zealand the most common varieties include: white button — a light delicate tasting mushroom, portobello — the larger meaty variety, and the Swiss brown button or cremini — a small, fi rmer and more intense version of the portobello. Oyster, chanterelle and shiitake mushrooms are also popular, but less readily available due to seasonality, and specialty varieties, including wood ear and honey fungus, are often more di� cult to fi nd.

Their versatile nature provides endless ways they can be enjoyed. From the star of a risotto, sautéed for breakfast, blended into creamy soups, thrown into frittatas, marinated in salads or used as a meat alternative in many vegetarian dishes. You can even replace the bread bun with two large roasted portobello mushrooms for the ultimate juicy, nutrient dense and fl avoursome burger.

The mighty medicinal qualities of mushrooms have been recognised for thousands of years throughout the world. With hundreds of varieties, their nutrient levels di� er slightly, but they all provide a decent dose of B complex vitamins, including niacin, vitamin B6 and ribofl avin. Niacin and B6 are crucial to supporting a healthy metabolism and breaking down stored carbohydrates, fat and protein to ensure our bodies can obtain adequate energy. Ribofl avin also hides out in most mushrooms, helping maintain healthy red blood cells, promote good vision and healthy glowing

skin. Some research even suggests this combination of B-vitamins may help relieve stress, depression and fatigue.

Mushrooms’ distinctive shape consists of a short stalk and a dome-shaped-cap combo. Underneath there is a set of gills, which allow it to produce spores and help it develop from various fungal growths found in wood or soil. But be warned! Some can be poisonous, so if you are planning a foraging excursion, tread carefully and do your homework pre-consumption. Thankfully it’s not all dangerous territory. The edible varieties provide a rare natural food source of vitamin D, which help retain healthy teeth and bones. Simply tuck into a serve of sautéed goodness and you’ll be feeling more virtuous by the minute.

Potassium, selenium and copper are some of mushrooms’ strongest assets. Beating bananas in the potassium stakes, this signifi cant mineral dose helps to process sodium and lower blood pressure. Selenium, the resident antioxidant, protects the body from free radicals running rampant and has shown to reduce the risk of certain cancers. Copper is a less common essential mineral, as it can’t be made by the body and has to be ingested. Just one cup of sliced mushrooms provides around 20% of our daily copper needs and this same serve will boost your daily fi bre intake by around 5%. Ingesting even small amounts of lots of di� erent nutrients can make a huge di� erence on our journey to greater health.

With mushrooms being low in energy, carbohydrates, fat and sodium, their high water content and numerous health benefi ts mean there are plenty of magical reasons to enjoy them at any time of day. So have some fun with fungi this autumn, experiment with their versatility and let their powerhouse nutrients make it onto your plate.

by Kate UnderwoodRelish the memory |

NOURISH | nutrition

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Mar inated Mushr oom SaladTHESE ARE A GREAT ADDITION TO AN ANTIPASTO PLATTER OR AS A SALAD1 spring onion1 stalk of celery½ a red capsicum250–300g button mushrooms½ cup extra virgin olive oil⅓ cup red wine vinegar1 garlic clove, crushed½ tsp wholegrain mustard½ tsp sugarsalt and pepperfresh corianderFinely slice the spring onions, celery and capsicum and place in a non-reactive bowl along with the mushrooms. Choose small mushrooms, but if these are hard to fi nd, halve or quarter larger mushrooms.Place the remaining ingredients, except the coriander, in a jar. Screw on the lid and shake until thoroughly mixed. Pour over the mushrooms. Cover and refrigerate for a few hours. Before serving add the coriander.

Stuffed Mushr oomsSERVES FOUR AS AN ENTRÉE OR LIGHT LUNCH4 large portobello mushroomsoil½ onion4 rashers of streaky bacon100g stale bread or approximately 2 cups (I used Volare’s Ciabatta)1 cup herbs (parsley, chives, basil…)125g Camembert1 eggRemove the stalks from the mushrooms. Place the mushrooms on a baking dish and fi nely chop the stalks.Place the bread in a food processor and whizz until you have breadcrumbs. Add in the herbs and Camembert and process until well combined.Sauté the chopped onion, bacon and mushroom stalks in a little oil until the onions are soft and translucent. Turn off the heat and add the bread crumb mix along with the egg. Mix well. Divide the mixture between each mushroom.Bake at 180°C for 20–25 minutes. The stuffi ng should be golden brown and the mushrooms soft.

Mushr oom Str oganoffSERVES TWO AS A VEGETARIAN PASTA OR FOUR IF SERVED AS A SAUCE OVER STEAK.30g butter1 onion, diced1 garlic clove500g mushrooms1 tsp French mustard¼ cup good quality stock (vegetable, chicken or beef)1 tbsp Worcestershire sauce½ cup sour creamMelt the butter in a large pan, add the onion and garlic and sauté for 2–3 minutes. Add the chopped mushrooms and cook for 5–10 minutes. Add the mustard, stock and Worcestershire sauce. Simmer for another 5 minutes. Take off the heat and stir through the sour cream. Garnish with freshly chopped parsley and serve over cooked pasta and/or steak.

Chicken and Mushr oomsSERVES FOURoil½ onion1 garlic clove250g mushrooms (I used Swiss browns)4 rashers of streaky bacon3 tbsp fl our500g chicken thighs, boneless and skinless1 tsp fresh thyme, chopped (or ½ tsp dried thyme)¾ cup good quality chicken stock¼ cup white wine1 tsp cornfl our¼ cup creamHeat a little oil in a large pan and sauté the diced onion and crushed garlic for 2–3 minutes, being careful not to brown them. Add the chopped bacon and mushroom and cook for a further 5 minutes. Remove from the pan and set aside.Dip the chicken thighs in the fl our. Heat a little more oil in the pan and brown the chicken thighs on both sides. Add the wine to deglaze the pan, then add back the onions, bacon and mushrooms along with the stock and thyme. Simmer for 15 minutes or until the chicken is cooked through.Mix the cornfl our in the cream then stir into the chicken and mushrooms. Simmer for a further 5 minutes until the sauce thickens slightly. Check for seasoning before garnishing with chopped fresh parsley.

NOURISH | recipes

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NOURISH | recipes

They were very tight, some might say immature, on release, and are now in their full bloom which should continue for at least another six to nine months. Chardonnays from 2013 are arriving en masse; most are starting to drink beautifully now. Reds have also started to emerge in numbers and will continue to so over the next 12 to 18 months.

Here is the big news. There is one wine that every wine lover should be saving up for and purchasing as much as they possibly can. It isn’t cheap. Its current retail price will be around $100.00 per bottle. But it will be worth it!

Why? It is New Zealand’s First Growth, has competed on the world wine stage and matched the best of the best. It has been made every year since 1982 (except 2012). There is a quantity of it made so that it can be followed and tracked. Consistency and the ability to age brilliantly have been its hallmark from its very fi rst vintage.

Simply: it walks the walk and talks the talk. There are few others from New Zealand that can match those qualities.

Most importantly, 2013 is the best vintage New Zealand has ever had. The wine is the Te Mata Coleraine 2013. It is classed as a Bordeaux blend, namely Cabernet Sauvignon, Cabernet Franc and Merlot.

A simple formula to remember. Coleraine + Best Vintage = Brilliance. In horse racing terms, you couldn’t get a better bet: a show of brilliance in its youth combined with the ability to stay.

Cellar fridges, great inventions for the wine lover or an expensive gadget?

The cellar fridge, your modern wine cave or underground cellar — or that is what they are meant to be. They are designed and made to help you cellar and look after your wine, keeping it at a constant temperature and humidity.

If you use your cellar fridge as a wine fridge, that is your choice and you are most certainly making the suppliers of them very happy people. After all if you are using it for everyday use it is an expensive option. Even those with dual controls for di� erent categories, although serving a great purpose, are an enigma unless the door for the two sections are separate. Why open the door and let the cool air fall out of something that should be keeping your wine at a consistent temperature and humidity. When used to chill only wine, the humidity factor is irrelevant.

Is the modern cellar fridge another piece of marketing fl annel? Remember the built in wine racks in kitchen designs of 10 or so years ago? Looked great, but storing the wine in one of the warmest places in the house, especially if it was placed over the fridge, or worse still the oven, is a bad idea. The cellar fridge is a beautiful looking and expensive item used to chill wine for daily consumption, but your fridge in the garage would do a better job…bugger, it doesn’t look as good.


Henry Jacobs |

The 2013 whites are glowing on our shelves. The 2013 Sauvignon Blancs for example, buy them while you still can. Unlike most vintages where they have a tendency to change rapidly and tire; asparagus characters and a falling o� of the acids, the 2013’s haven’t done this.

Bracu Restaurant, nestled among the olive groves of the Simunovich Olive Estate, 50 minutes north of Hamilton.

Showcasing the best local produce

minutes north of Hamilton.

New New Seasonal

Menu | 09 236 1030 [email protected] 49 Main Road, Bombay

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1 cup fl our100g cold butter, cubed2 cups grated cheese (cheddar or Parmesan or a mixture of the two) pinch of cayenne pepper (optional)

Place all the ingredients in a food processor and whizz until it forms a ball.

Wrap in cling fi lm and chill for at least 30 minutes.

On a lightly fl oured bench roll the dough out to 0.5cm thickness. Using a pastry cutter, cut and place the shortbreads onto a lined baking tray.

Bake at 180°C until lightly golden, around 10–20 minutes depending on the size.

Store in an airtight container for up to two weeks.

1 cup whole meal fl our1 tsp baking soda½ tsp salt1 cup natural unsweetened yoghurt¼ cup milk2 tbsp brown sugar¼ cup toasted pumpkin seeds¼ cup toasted sunfl ower seeds¼ cup sesame seeds¼ cup fl axseeds, ground3 tbsp grated Parmesan cheese2 tbsp fresh rosemary, fi nely chopped

Add all the dry ingredients, including the rosemary, into a bowl and mix well. Stir in the yoghurt and milk and mix

until just combined.

Pour batter into a lined and/or greased loaf tin (approx 110mmx 200mm).

Bake at 180°C, until a toothpick comes out clean, about 35 minutes.

Allow to cool completely for several hours or overnight.

Using a sharp, serrated knife, slice the loaf very thinly. Lay the slices on an oven tray and bake again in a 180°C oven until crisp, approximately 15 minutes. You may want to fl ip them half way through, and remember they will continue to dry and crisp while cooling. Cool on a wire rack then store in an airtight container.


Savoury Biscotti




1 cup fl our½ cup wholemeal fl our1 tbsp chilli fl akes2 tbsp sesame seeds1 tsp fl aky salt ¼ cup olive oil1 tsp chilli oil (optional) ½ cup water

Preheat your oven to 160°C.

Mix together fl ours, chilli fl akes, sesame seeds and salt. Make a well in the middle and add the water and oils. Stir together until a dough is formed.

Take one third of the dough and roll out as thinly as possible. Using a sharp knife, cut the dough into long triangles (or strips if you prefer). Carefully place onto a baking tray and bake for 15 minutes or until crisp.

1½ tsp dried yeast3 tbsp lukewarm water1½ tbsp fl our1¼ cup fl our2 tbsp olive oil1 tsp sugar1 tsp fresh thyme, fi nely chopped*1 tsp toasted sesame seeds1 tbsp grated Parmesan1 tsp dried chilli fl akessalt and pepper to taste

Mix yeast, lukewarm water and fl our in a small non reactive bowl, lightly cover and set aside for 20 minutes to activate.

In a mixing bowl, combine fl our, olive oil, sugar, herbs, sesame seeds, Parmesan, chilli fl akes and salt and pepper to

taste. Make a well in the middle and add the yeast mixture. Tip mixture onto a lightly fl oured surface and knead for 5 minutes until the dough is smooth. You may need to add more water to bring the dough together or fl our to keep it from becoming too sticky.

Place the bread dough in a bowl and set aside for around 30 minutes and the dough has doubled in size.

Knock the dough back and divide in half. Roll out half the dough in a long rectangle, about 5mm thick and as long as you would like your bread sticks to be. Cut the dough into approximately 1 cm strips. Using your hands roll the strips into tubes before place them on a baking tray, leaving room between for them to expand. Bake at 180°C for about 15 minutes until golden brown. *You could use other herbs like sage, rosemary or oregano, fresh or dried. And simply add more for a more herby fl avour.

Herby Grissini Bread Sticks



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Call in...REFUEL

The Avantidrome | Te Awa River Ride | The Skills Park

Revolve Cafe, The Avantidrome, Cambridge

OPEN SUMMER Mon - Sun 7.30am - 6pm

w w w . r e v o l v e c a f e . c o . n z

Punnet on Newells Road recently had a complete makeover, and the changes have continued in the kitchen too. Head chef Chris McIntosh has a passion for good wholesome

food and we managed to get him to share two of his beautiful autumn desserts.

sweet autumn250g rhubarb (about 1 cup), cut into 2 cm pieces250g Louisiana plums (about 1 cup) cut into 2cm cubes, pit removed.¼ cup raw sugar½ tsp ground ginger¼ tsp cinnamon¼ tsp nutmeg1 tbsp grated orange rind1 tbsp coconut oil (solidifi ed)½ cup oats½ cup wholemeal fl our½ cup raw sugar½ tsp kosher salt¼ cup coconut oil (solidifi ed in fridge for 5 minutes) (or vegan margarine)

Preheat oven to 190°C.Combine rhubarb, plums, sugar, ginger, cinnamon, nutmeg, grated orange rind and coconut oil in a bowl. Spoon mixture into 4 greased 1-cup (250 ml) dishes.Combine oats, fl our, sugar and salt in a bowl. Cut in coconut oil until mixture resembles coarse breadcrumbs. Sprinkle generously over fruit.Bake for 30–40 minutes or until top is golden and juices are bubbling.Serve with ginger ice cream which is easy to make. Simply fold 2 tbsp chopped candied ginger through 500mls of vanilla ice cream, or we used So Good soy ice cream to keep the dish vegan friendly.


BASE1 cup cashews1 cup almonds1 cup coconut, dried1 cup dates, chopped 3 tbsp cacao powderPut all nuts, coconut and cacao in a food processor. Blitz until consistency of fi ne breadcrumbs. Add in dates and blitz until mixture comes together and dates are processed. Press mixture into a loose bottom cake tin. Use the back of a dessert spoon to smooth layer out.

CACAO FILLING1½ cups cashews — soaked in cold water for a minimum of 4 hours½ cup Canadian maple syrup (not maple fl avoured syrup)½ cup lemon juice3 tbsp cacao powder1 cup organic fair trade coconut oil, meltedPut all ingredients except coconut oil into a high speed food processor and blend on high for 3–5 minutes until mixture is smooth and creamy, add in coconut oil while the motor is running. Once incorporated pour onto the nut base.

RASPBERRY FILLING1½ cups cashews - soaked in cold water for a minimum of 4 hours½ cup Canadian maple syrup (not maple fl avoured syrup)½ cup lemon juice1 cup fresh or frozen raspberries 1 cup organic fair trade coconut oil, meltedPut all ingredients except coconut oil into a high speed food processor and blend on high for 3–5 minutes until mixture is smooth and creamy, add in coconut oil while blender is running. Once incorporated pour over cacao mix. Use a dessert spoon to swirl the two mixtures together, place in the fridge to set.

RASPBERRY FLUID GEL500g fresh or frozen raspberries½ tablespoon agar powder ¼ cup maple syrupBlend raspberries and maple syrup until smooth. Pass through a fi ne sieve. Put 1 cup of the mixture into a small saucepan and whisk in the agar powder. Heat until it reaches boiling point to activate the agar. Once boiling point is reached, remove immediately and add back to the rest of the raspberry pulp. Pour over your set cheesecake and allow to set in the fridge for at least 30 minutes.

Keep refrigerated and serve when ready.

CACAO AND RASPBERRY CHEESECAKE | Gluten free, refi ned sugar free, vegan

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Photography by Claudia Aalderink

NOURISH | feature

“In the beginning,” Angelique says, “it was recycled bottles with waxed tops and ra� a bows, more decorative than practical. Now our products are functional — you tear o� the top and use the product, rather than it sitting on the counter collecting dust.”

“Nowadays everyone’s an amateur chef,” laughs Stephen. “Our products mean they can add a little something special to their creations.”

Soon after buying Wild Country Angelique met Stephen and together they have grown the business to what it is today while also raising a family. Set on a lifestyle property in Te Kowhai, their factory sits down the drive from the family home. It looks like an idyllic lifestyle as they can simply stroll down the drive to work each day. But don’t be fooled, this is hard work; from packing orders on Boxing Day, to be shipped to Singapore, to stirring pots of bubbling tomatoes on a hot summer’s day. But this couple love what they do.

“Everything is made from scratch onsite in 15–25kg batches,” Angelique explains. “We can’t go heavier than 25kg as we have to be able to lift it.” The day we visit, the smell of roasting tomatoes permeates the air. There are also big pots of onion balsamic marmalata bubbling away.

Although both involved in all aspects of the business, Stephen largely looks after the warehouse and stock side of things while Angelique is in charge of the kitchen. Produce is bought when in season through a local buyer. What isn’t turned immediately into product is processed and frozen to be made later in the year.

“Over the years we have added lots of di� erent products to our range, but the top 20 best sellers have remained the same,” Stephen tells us. “Onion marmalata, tamarillo chutney and our garlic aioli are fi rm favourites.” It is clear travelling and discovering new fl avours or ideas is something Angelique and Stephen enjoy. Stephen tells us of the list of food in their luggage they had prepared for customs last time they arrived back from holiday.

Four years ago the 362 GRILLHOUSE range was launched. Designed with a more masculine feel, “we took the gastro pub on board” Steve tells us. “Think steak, ribs, burgers and condiments for these.” Initially there were only six products in the range, including a steak and chop sauce, green goddess dressing and BBQ mayo. The second year saw more mayo’s developed, and then in the third year bacon fl avoured condiments such as beer and bacon ketchup, bacon mayonnaise, and bacon jam were introduced. These are proving especially popular because as Stephen points out “everything tastes better with bacon!”

“Adding an extra depth of taste like bourbon or co� ee” is key, Stephen believes. This sets Wild Country and 362 GRILLHOUSE apart. “You have got to be careful not to be too clever” warns Stephen, and Angelique admits “we have overstepped the mark before and things haven’t worked”. This is why the couple are big on getting customer feedback. Tastings are key, according to Stephen, who loves doing in store tastings and being out in the market place getting feedback.

So whether you are looking for a gift that will be used and appreciated or just want something in the fridge to lift the humble snags, Wild Country have the solution. Look out for them in good food stores like Dante’s in Cambridge, Robertos in Matamata and Nosh in Mount Maunganui.

Twenty years ago Angelique van Camp bought Wild Country. What was then extensively a business making ornamental gifts from recycled bottles with fl avoured olive oils and preserved lemons, has evolved into a brand synonymous with fl avoursome preserves and condiments.

wild country

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We asked our favourite local artists to tell us about one of their favourite local artists.

LIORA SAAD from Toodles NoodlesI fi rst met Holly at the Cambridge Road pop up market last year and instantly fell in love with her choice of colour and graphic style. Holly has an excellent eye for what colours work well together and only uses the best quality materials for her products.Little Laneway has a lovely selection of bed linen, cushions, tea towels and art prints. You can fi nd her regularly at the Tamahere and Rototuna Markets and is now also stocked at The Mandarin Tree in Gordonton and Leven in Cambridge.

BRON ALEXANDER from Folk Creative I am so smitten with the beautiful work created by Hamilton maker SnuggleB Toys. It doesn’t concern or worry me in the slightest that I’m a grown woman who keeps stu� ed toys on her bed, they just truly are works of art. I mean she uses glittered pink felt, and that is soooo up my alley!

The name “Snuggle B” comes from the name her son called his snuggle blankie (love it that my daughter had a similar comforter that she called her “cuddly”!).

She has created a collection of super hero bunnies including Batman, and always has something new up her sleeve! Make sure you fi nd her at either the Rototuna or Tamahere markets, or fi nd her online.


NOURISH | arts

CLAUDIA AALDERINK from The Mandarin Tree, Gordonton As owner of an art and concept store, I see a lot of wonderful work passing by, and one of the artists I would like everyone to know about is Cambridge artist Vera Búcsú. Originally from Hungary, Vera settled in New Zealand in 2006. Vera is a multi-talented artist. Writing, poetry, illustration, painting and hosting a radio show are but a few of her extraordinary talents. Currently, Vera works on beautiful murals and they are popping up all over Hamilton. She is in the fi nal stages of fi nishing up her Alice in Wonderland mural at Domaine restaurant in Hamilton. Vera uses acrylic pens and acrylic paint in combination with metallic colours to put her mark on Hamilton and soon the world.

More of Vera’s work can be admired at The Hamilton Beer and Wine Company, Palate Restaurant, Organic Butchery on Kahikatea Drive, and Major Tom’s Restaurant and Bar in Tauranga.

TRACIE HEASMAN from Tracie Heasman PhotographyMiss Popinjay’s (Jodi Collins) creations are not limited by one medium, she bounces around from one to the next but her preferred medium is oil paint and Abbots white clay. Her work has been described as quirky, whimsical and interesting. Jodi says her work has a subtle underlying humour: “It’s pretty satisfying hearing people laugh in my studio.”

You can fi nd Jodi creating her pieces in her little gallery and working space — Hello Studios — on Bankart Street in Raglan where she works next to a team of like-minded creatives. You can also fi nd Jodi’s work at markets such as “The Little Big Market” at the Mount and “Marketplace” in Hamilton.


Once you have produced a meal which is beautiful to look at, smells divine and promises to taste even better, how do you serve it? Are you going to plate up for everyone or place the food in the centre of the table for everyone to help themselves? Or perhaps you have a side table to lay the food out on?I do, at various times, any of the above and then I go one step further: I set my 17th century oak table with lovely china and silver (plate), and good glasses and napkins. After all, I have spent money on beautiful ingredients, put thought and skill as well as time in to preparing the food and I love creating a pretty picture to complete the setting. For china I love using either a mix and match blue and white setting (mainly Spode) or a complete dinner set, something everyone should own! Dinner sets have come back in price a great deal and can now be had from $500 to $1200 for a 12 place setting in great condition. Incomplete sets and individual place settings can be had for a great deal less. Did you know that complete dinner sets

have been made since the early 1700s, but only the very rich could a� ord to buy all pieces at once. Serving yourself from the dishes on the table was called ‘Service a la Francaise’. This allowed for all the food to be seen in its splendour. Getting your plates served restaurant-style was called ‘Service a la Russe’ and required servants but allowed for splendid fl oral centre-pieces, silver and glass on the dining table. Something to consider when choosing your style of dining.For a wonderful range of china, cutlery, linen, crystal and glassware as well as furniture and fi ne art, visit us at Alys Antiques in Cambridge. It’s time to start investing in the fi ner things!


Jutta MarkALYS ANTIQUES07 827 6074 | 021 651 949 87A Victoria Street,

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Hosted by the Oaks Christian Centre, Gordonton Country Market is held on the second Saturday of every month on the Hukanui Park Grounds, in Gordonton Village.

An easy drive, just seven minutes north of Rototuna and set among the beautiful mature oak trees, Gordonton Country Market o� ers something for everyone.

Enjoy fresh local produce, delicious food, plants, crafts and local art. Relax with a Devonshire tea in the tea house or let the kids run wild in the playground.

So take a drive into the country and enjoy a day out at the Gordonton Country Market.

GORDONTON COUNTRY MARKET2nd Saturday of each month, 8.30am – 1pm. Hukanui Park, Gordonton Road, Gordonton.

Where city meets country, experiencing fresh produce and handmade goods in our unique marketplace.

ROTOTUNA MARKET3rd Sunday of each month, 10am – 2pm. 85 Barrington Drive, Rototuna, Hamilton

Local artists, musicians, produce and amazing New Zealand made crafts, as well as delicious food and fun games to entertain the kids.

HAMILTON FARMERS’ MARKET(including the Hamilton Creative Market) Every Sunday morning 8am – 12 noon.

Te Rapa Racecourse, Te Rapa Road Locally grown produce, artisan food, and quality arts and crafts.Sit under the trees with a co� ee and enjoy the live music.

CAMBRIDGE FARMERS’ MARKETEvery Saturday morning 8am – 12 noon. Victoria Square, cnr Victoria Street & Alpha Street Fresh local produce, lovely co� ee and delicious food in the heart of Cambridge.

Sunday LunchSunday has to be hands down the best day of the week. Whether you’re the type that loves to sleep in or if you are up and about in the garden on your bike or shopping at the local market, Sunday inevitably means time spent doing what you love with family and friends.

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This, I think, is why Sunday lunch at Vilagrads has that intangible factor that is so hard to describe. That feeling that you are being welcomed into the family. But this is no ordinary family; this is a family with hospitality in their DNA. A family that loves food, wine and music and not necessarily in that order. Now in its fi fth generation with a sixth in the making, Vilagrads has been growing grapes and making wine in Ngahinepouri since early last century. It started with Ivan Milicich Snr, who emigrated from Croatia and bought the small dairy farm. The family still make ports and sherries from the almost one hundred year old vines Ivan Milicich Snr planted.

Each generation has added to the o� ering as well as traditions. Ivan’s granddaughter Nelda and her husband Pieter created the restaurant and function centre which is now the heart of Vilagrads. The fi fth generation, Nelda and Pieter’s sons, Kristian, Jacob and Adam, all play a vital part in the business from making award winning wines to entertaining guests as well as growing and adding their mark to the business.

Chef Ivana who moved to New Zealand two and a half years ago from the same village in Croatia Ivan Milicich Snr came from says, “Vilagrads is a big part of my life! They are like a second family.” Ivana says she is loving her life in New Zealand and if she was to get homesick all she needs do is look outside at work and see the rosemary and grapes and be reminded of home.

“Croatians love their lamb”, smiles Ivana, so lamb on the spit is a must for Sunday lunch at Vilagrads along with free range pork. Ivana says along with their love of lamb Croatians also eat “lots of

seafood, lots of olive oil and garlic and lots of fresh vegetables.” Expect to fi nd beautiful fresh salads, rosemary roast potatoes, delicious vegetables and whole cooked fi sh along with a wonderful array of chutneys and condiments. Ivana also points out that all the food is gluten and dairy free, while the pork and chicken is free range. The family also love supporting other local family businesses so as much of their ingredients as possible are sourced locally.

Ivana notes that being on the coast Croatians love their seafood but she is use to smaller fi sh. “We have great fi sh in Croatia” Ivana

says, “but there is more selection in New Zealand. I never cooked such big snapper before coming to New Zealand.”

The day we visited was beautiful and sunny and there were many people sitting in the courtyard enjoying the views over the grape vines. But whether you visit in the summer and enjoy sitting outside, in the autumn to see the grapes in full fruit and the colours change, in winter for a cosy lunch, or spring to watch the vines spring back to life, you will experience a truly unique slice of Waikato hospitality.

Big long tables accommodate the large groups. As we watch the tables fi ll, it is clear this is a popular choice for family celebrations, from anniversaries to birthdays or just an excuse for a catch up.

702 Rukuhia Rd, Ngahinapouri 3882 07 825 2893

NOURISH | feature

A family that loves food, wine and music and not necessarily in that order. Now in its fi fth generation with a sixth in the making, Vilagrads has been

growing grapes and making wine in Ngahinepouri since early last century.

Photography by Tracie Heasman

Page 19: Nourish Magazine Waikato Autumn 2015


Less than an hou r's dr ive from Hamilton, tucked into the Bombay Hills,

you w ill find Simunovich Olive Estate, a touch of the Mediter ranean

sitting amongst the Kiw i countryside.

O live oasisOSitting in the heart of the operation is a beautifully restored and restyled Kauri villa which is Bracu Restaurant, named after the Adriatic Island Brac, where the inspiration for olive growing began for the Simunovich family. Sit inside and enjoy the elegant interior or on the gorgeous wrap around veranda for views of the garden and estate.Award winning head chef Mikey Newlands is thoughtful, energetic and contagiously enthusiastic — all of which shines through on his creative menu which can be described as innovative, sophisticated seasonal fare. This is fi ne dining at its best.

“Where we can we use local produce,” Mikey enthuses. “There is a man who comes around and provides us with special items, such as guinea fowl eggs and produce he has foraged.” We are handed what looks like a piece of a succulent plant that you would fi nd growing on sand dunes — and in fact is! Called an ice plant, it

tastes like a mildly salty piece of crunchy cucumber. This is just one of the quirky ingredients you’ll fi nd on the menu.

We are in his large kitchen watching him work. We notice some dried whole fi sh carcasses and Mikey explains “those are dehydrated John Dory bones to make dashi”. It’s clear his philosophy of using everything and respecting the ingredients is put into practice. Mikey says, “We grow some of the vegetables we use on the menu here on the estate and source much of the produce locally.”

Photography by Tracie Heasman

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The famous “Bracu Snickers Bar” is being made before our eyes. For the brave or adventurous the recipe is on our website. This Bracu favourite caused a revolt from customers when it was removed from the menu, so it is back. Having tasted it we know why, simply divine!

With our lips smacking we meet the charismatic restaurant manager Michael Wenzell . Originally from Germany Michael is a whirlwind of knowledge, passion and experience. We step into his pride and joy, the Wine Library. Just o� from the restaurant this is a room fi lled from fl oor to ceiling with wines to suit all budgets and tastes. Kept at a constant 16 degrees to conserve its precious contents, Michael tells us “there are over 2000 wines, approximately 80% from NZ, with 8—10 varieties representing each grape”. You can imagine the fascinating conversation about wine that followed! Michael’s expertise and passion is clearly evident in the collection. Opulently decorated with high backed elegant chairs surrounding a solid wood table, this is the perfect venue for a small private function, meetings or an intimate party.

Next we wander around the estate with Johno Smith, the estate manager, and quickly realise Simunovich Olive Estate has even more to o� er. The Island, a picturesque structure gracefully decorated with silk lining, is perfect as a romantic wedding venue. Completed last year by Johno and his team, it is a great addition to the estate which also houses the Pavilion, which is beautifully fi tted for private functions and wedding receptions.

But we soon discover there is more to do here than eat and drink. Set on one of the estate’s lakes is a range o� ering clay bird and

pistol shooting, archery and knife throwing. Managed by the experienced, 500 year old gun manufacturer Beretta, this recent addition to the estate has proved extremely popular, especially for Christmas functions and team activities.

Together with his team of seven, Johno is kept busy from the end of May until late July harvesting over 20,000 olive trees on the estate. “There are more trees we could harvest, but that’s how many we can reach with the tractor,” Johno tells us pointing towards some extremely steep slopes.

One of the top fi ve olive growers in New Zealand, Simunovich Olive Estate produces over 19 tonnes of extra virgin olive oil per year. Eight di� erent olive varieties are grown, including ones from Greece and Italy as well as a couple that have been grown in New Zealand for more than 180 years.

The oil is processed in the on-site factory producing their award winning extra virgin olive oils as well as the growing Olive natural skincare ranges. That’s right, olive oil is not only delicious and good for you to eat, it also makes wonderful natural skincare. In addition to the estate’s olive oil, the skincare ranges include olive leaf extract. The results, a natural and e� ective skincare range.

Who knew, all this going on in the Bombay Hills?

Simunovich Olive Estate49 Main Rd, Bombay |

Award winning head chef Mikey Newlands is thoughtful, energetic and contagiously enthusiastic — all of which shines through on his creative menu which can be described as innovative, sophisticated seasonal fare. This is fi ne dining at its best.

NOURISH | feature


Open Wednesday to Saturday,5pm until late

Page 21: Nourish Magazine Waikato Autumn 2015



¾ cup freekeh, cook as per instructions on the pack¼ cup avocado oil1 small clove crushed raw garlic800g assorted roast vegetables (pumpkin, white onions, potatoes, carrots, kumara, beetroot)200g broccoli or beans¼ cup toasted pumpkin seedssalt and cracked pepper½ cup chopped parsley¼ cup chopped mint½ cup coarsely chopped roast red capsicumsalt and pepper to tastePrepare freekeh and add to a bowl, add oil, herbs and garlic and mix well.Fold through all vegetables and pumpkin seeds.Check seasoning and serve.Note: This can be made using leftover roast vegetables. Try it with quinoa or couscous.


1½ cups quinoa (I use a mix of brown and white)1 cup chopped parsley1 cup toasted walnuts1 cup dried cranberries1 cup spring onions choppedcracked Black pepperDRESSING40ml olive oil20ml sesame oil20ml ume plum vinegar10ml rice wine vinegar30ml pomegranate molassesCook the quinoa.Mix all the salad ingredients in a bowl.Shake all the dressing ingredients in a jar.Gently fold together and serve.Note: Umeboshi plum is a naturally salty and savoury plum, drying the plum makes it very salty and a great salt alternative. We sell it at Red-Kitchen, but you can substitute it with cider vinegar or extra rice wine vinegar, but you will need to add extra salt for seasoning.

2 cups shredded organic smoked chicken (or roast chicken)2 medium avocados, neatly diced into 2cm squares¼ cup fi nely sliced spring onion¼ cup fi nely chopped parsleyrocket and watercress to serve1 tomato cut in quarters and seeds removed¼ cup toasted pistachios (almonds or walnuts can be used)DRESSING1 cup raw cashew nuts¼ cup lime juice¼ cup olive oil1 small clove garlic1 tbsp maple syrup

¼ tsp salt½ cup water½ cup coriandercracked black pepperFor the dressing put all the ingredients in a high speed blender and process till smooth.Put smoked chicken in a bowl and mix through dressing.Fold through avocado, spring onion and parsley.If this is a working lunch, serve in a jar or bowl on a bed of rocket or watercress and top with chopped tomato and pistachios.As a seated lunch serve with a green salad and crusty ciabatta.

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WHERE TO START?I am reminded of the saying: ‘How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time.’

Make the changes you want to your diet one meal at a time. Do some research. I love Dr Libby’s books which are informative and realistic. The ingredients are obtainable and cooking methods so easy. Megan May from Little Bird Unbakery has made nutritious food delicious although her book is a little more complicated.

Start by introducing a nutritious breakfast. Try this for a month or two before you introduce healthy lunches and then snacks.

With an abundance of fresh local fruit and vegetables at the moment, and some interesting and tasty seeds, grains and nuts, salads make healthy lunches a cinch.

Salads are our signature at Red Kitchen, so I am sharing with you some of our favourites.

By Megan Priscott,

from Red Kitchen, Te Awamutu |

I am quite committed to healthy eating for myself and my family, and nourish our bodies with long term health in mind. It is mind boggling making this change, especially for busy families, and the decision if it is to be a long term or permanent change.


lunch IDEAS

Page 22: Nourish Magazine Waikato Autumn 2015



Book now! Call 07 825 2893 or visit or like us on Facebook

OPEN EVERY SUNDAY FOR LUNCHSit back, relax and enjoy an exquisite Mediterranean banquet with award winning wines. New outdoor courtyards and play area for the children. Take a tour through our historic wine cellar. EAT | SHOP | ENJOY

337 Newell Road, Tamahere, Hamilton

548 River Road, Hamilton(by the Fairfi eld Bridge)

337 Newell Road, Tamahere, Hamilton


Fluid air roastedTHE FIXATION SENSATIONat The French Tart and Punnet Cafe

Fluid air roasted


Apple crispsSimply cut apples into super thin slices, place on a lined baking tray and sprinkle with a little cinnamon.

Bake in a low (150°C) oven on fan bake for 40–60 minutes, turning once.

Allow to cool and store in an airtight container.

Bliss balls

Readily available but also super easy to make, bliss balls are a great snack and the perfect way to curb those sweet cravings mid afternoon.

Simply place a selection of nuts and dried fruit into a food processor along with some cacao (optional).

Process until fi nely chopped then add some coconut oil to bind. Shape into balls and refrigerate.

Packed lunches don’t have to be just for the kids’ school lunches. Here are a few ideas to make your packed lunch interesting and nutritious.

Silicon mu� n cases make great

dividers in your lunchbox!

NOURISH | recipes

Get DippyIn the bottom of a jar, layer your favourite dip, such as hummus or cottage cheese (we used a tri coloured pesto, salsa and cream cheese combination).

Cut vegetables, such as celery, carrots, red pepper and some whole beans, and place them into the jar so they stay upright, and seal ready for when you’re hungry.

Homemade instant noodlesIn a jar or heat proof container put your fl avourings. We used a tablespoon of miso, a pinch of onion fl akes, half a teaspoon of garlic powder and a dash of soy sauce.

Vary the measurements and your fl avourings to suit your taste — you could also add some stock powder ( just make sure it is MSG free), fresh ginger, a little coconut milk or curry paste.

Then add uncooked vermicelli noodles (udon noodles would also work) and top with your favourite sliced vegetables and herbs, such as carrots, beans, bean sprouts, baby spinach, coriander and mint.

When it’s time for lunch, simply pour boiling water on top (approximately 1–1½ cups), stir, then cover and leave to stand for a few minutes.

It’s a WrapGo plastic free. We love Bee Wrapt’s range of beeswax infused reusable cotton food wraps. Hand made locally from vintage inspired material, they are not only gorgeous but really functional, from wrapping your sandwiches to covering food in the fridge. In fact their uses are endless! Perfect for storing cheese or extending the life of fresh bread.

Get your hand on some Bee Wrapts and throw away the glad wrap! Available from The Country Providore and The Waikato Environment Centre and online at

Page 23: Nourish Magazine Waikato Autumn 2015


1 very small head of caulifl ower (approx. 200g), trimmed and separated into fl orets140g tinned haricot beans (drained weight)85g fresh breadcrumbs140g mature Cheddar cheese2 tablespoons chopped fresh fl atleaf parsleya sprinkling of grated nutmegzest of 1 unwaxed lemon1 tablespoon roasted chopped hazelnutssea salt and freshly ground pepper1 large egg white2 tbsp vegetable or olive oil1 oak leaf lettuce (or other)1 medium tomato, slicedFor the caramelized onion chutney (makes 250g)50g butter4 red onions, peeled and thinly sliceda pinch of sea salt150ml red wine vinegar2 tbsp raisins, fi nely chopped2 tbsp soft brown sugar

Steam the caulifl ower fl orets for 7– 8 minutes, or until tender. Take off the heat, drain and leave in the colander to cool.In the meantime, start to make the red onion chutney. Put the butter in a frying pan on a low heat, then add the onions and

salt. Fry for about 20 minutes, or until sticky and soft. Add the vinegar, raisins and sugar, and cook for another 5 minutes, or until glossy and reduced. Check the seasoning.When the caulifl ower is cool, put the haricot beans into a food processor and pulse, then add the caulifl ower and pulse lightly. You don’t want to overwork it as the mixture will get sloppy. Place in a bowl and add 1 tbsp of breadcrumbs. Grate 80g of the Cheddar and add to the bowl, along with the parsley, nutmeg, lemon zest and hazelnuts. Season with salt and pepper, and form the mix into 6 patties, around 6cm in diameter each, in the palms of your hands.Lightly whisk the egg white in a bowl, and put the rest of the breadcrumbs on to a plate. Brush each patty all over with egg white and press into the crumbs, making sure they are well covered.Put the oil into a large frying pan on a medium-high heat. When hot, cook the patties in batches for 3 – 4 minutes on each side, until nice and crisp and golden. Slice the remaining Cheddar and put a slice on top of each patty while in the pan to melt. Place each patty in a lettuce leaf, add a slice of tomato and serve with a generous spoonful of chutney.

GET AHEAD You can freeze these patties on a tray, before coating in the egg white and breadcrumbs. Then defrost, coat, and fry in a pan, as above.

Caulifl ower cheese burgers


I recently discovered Rachel Khoo’s television series on the Food channel and was so impressed by the dishes she was creating I dug up her last book, My Little French Kitchen. So I was already feeling the love for Rachel Khoo when her latest book, Rachel Khoo’s Kitchen Notebook, arrived on my desk.

An art and design graduate, Rachel moved to Paris where she obtained a diploma in pastry. She has managed to combine her two passions in this her latest book which is full of gorgeous sketches as well as recipes.

Rachel’s fi rst book was an instant success selling over 120,000 copies and the accompanying television series being viewed by

over one and a half million people. In this book Rachel is not confi ned to French food and her tiny Paris kitchen. Instead she gains inspiration from her travels from her home town of London to Italy, Turkey and Stockholm.

What I love about this book and Rachel’s recipes in general is that taste and fl avour are paramount. Her recipes put an innovative spin on dishes. The fact that this book is embellished with little sketches or pretty pictures is just fl u� . With or without these this would be an outstanding book.

Reviewed by Vicki Ravlich-Horan

Rachel Khoo’s Kitchen NotebookBy Rachel Khoo


NOURISH | reads

Book Reviews


The burger craze doesn’t seem to have left a stone unturned. New York, London, Paris, Stockholm: every city I visit has any number of burger bars touting gourmet beef patties in soft brioche buns.

Don’t get me wrong, I love a burger! But after seeing all that meat I fi nd myself craving something a little lighter and fresher tasting. Wrap your hand round this caulifl ower cheeseburger, take a big bite and let some of the burger juice dribble down your hand . . . just like the real deal!

Extract from Rachel Khoo’s Kitchen Notebook by Rachel Khoo. Reproduced with permission from Rachel Khoo’s Kitchen Notebook by Rachel Khoo. Published by Michael Joseph, Penguin Random House. RRP $50.00. Copyright text © Rachel Khoo, 2014. Copyright photography © David Loftus, 2014.

Try out a recipe from

Rachel’s book!

Subscribe to Nourish for $30 for 1 year and get a



Page 24: Nourish Magazine Waikato Autumn 2015


After a year living in France, Allyson Gofton has returned bursting with French inspired dishes to share with us in her latest book, Recipes from my French Kitchen.

Part cookbook, part travel memoir, in Recipes from My French Kitchen, Allyson chronicles her family’s year of living in a tiny village at the foot of the majestic Pyrénées mountain range. Despite a rocky start, Allyson says that their time away was the best experience her family has shared so far.

Allyson shares more than 50 seasonal dishes adapted for New Zealand home cooks, as well as stories of the people, places and culinary traditions experienced during their time in France. Allyson notes the food they ate “may not be fl ash, it may not be dusted and drizzled but it is honest and healthy food that is truly delicious because it is locally grown and cooked in the way it has always been cooked”.

So be inspired to attempt a French dish or perhaps to make that trip you have been dreaming of with Allyson’s latest book.

Reviewed by Vicki Ravlich-Horan

Sisters Karena and Kasey stole our hearts with their down to earth, laid back and humorous attitudes as they climbed the ranks to become the winners of Masterchef 2014. In keeping with their bubbly personalities we saw on Masterchef, their cookbook, For the love of…, is a colourful collection of delicious recipes peppered with insights into their personalities and family lives.

The book is divided into chapters that refl ect the girls loves in life: whanau, glamming it up and taking it slow.

For the love of… is a personal snapshot of the sisters’ lives with many pics from their childhood through to the wonderful adventures since winning Masterchef. The recipes are attainable yet exciting and inspiring, often a hard thing for many cookbook writers to achieve, so a great feat for these fi rst timers.

Reviewed by Victoria Russell

Recipes from My French KitchenBy Allyson Gofton

RRP $45Available from 27th MarchPublished by Penguin

For the Love of….By Karena and Kasey Bird

RRP $59.99Available from April 10

Treat Mum this Mother’s Day!Allyson is at Kitchen Things Hamilton on Thursday 14 May at 12 noon.Meet Allyson, watch her cook a few dishes from her new book and hear about her French adventure.Tickets are $45 for two people and a copy of her book.

For more information go or eventfi

Meet Karena and KaseyDon’t miss your chance to meet Karena and Kasey at Kitchen Things, Hamilton. Watch them cook a few dishes from their new book and talk about their journey so far.Friday 22 May at 5.30pm Tickets are $25 and include a glass of bubbles and nibbles.For more information go to: or eventfi

photography by MEGAN MULDOWNEY


This spiced blackberry tart with a roasted hazelnut crust is the perfect accompaniment to hot cross buns over the Easter weekend. If you don't like your desserts too sweet, this one’s for you.


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t y

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EAT | SHOP | ENJOYPunnet 07 838 1901

Country Providore 07 859 1380337 Newell Rd, Tamahere, Hamilton

Open 7 days

Page 25: Nourish Magazine Waikato Autumn 2015



Raw Chocolate Peanut CupsMelt 1 cup of coconut oil and mix in ½ cup of cacao, ¼-½ cup maple syrup (or coconut nectar, agave or rice syrup). Pour half the mix between 8 cup cake cases.

Place in the freezer for 30 minutes before topping each with a tsp on peanut butter and then pour over the remaining mix.

Chill in the freezer again until ready to serve.

Grab all the ingredients you need in store

Try something new this Easter!

Bin Inn DinsdaleDinsdale Shopping Centre | Phone 07 847 7045Monday to Friday 8:30am-5:30pm, Saturday 9am-2:30pm

I love making brioche, but I love monkey bread even more, as it’s fool proof. This is an Easter variation on this treat, stu� ed with Easter eggs and cinnamon sugar. This will make an impressive centrepiece for your Easter brunch, a defi nite crowd pleaser.

BASIC SWEET DOUGH2 tsp active dried yeast½ tsp sugar¼ cup warm water1 cup warm milk75g melted butter1 tsp Heilala vanilla paste¼ cup sugar2 eggs (size 7)½ tsp salt4 cups plain fl our, approximately

FOR THE ASSEMBLY½ cup sugar1 tsp cinnamon25g butter, melted6 marshmallow Easter eggs, chopped into small pieces1 large hollow Easter egg, smashed

VANILLA ICING5 tbsp icing sugar1 tsp vanilla essenceenough hot water to give a pouring consistency (about ¼ tsp)

Important: This dough is prepared the evening before and matures in the refrigerator overnight.For the basic sweet dough: In a large bowl dissolve the yeast and sugar into the warm water and let sit for 10 minutes until the yeast has activated (it will be frothy). Add the warm milk, butter, vanilla paste, sugar, eggs and salt. Using the whisk attachment on your mixer, beat the ingredients until they are

combined. Switch to a dough hook and add 3 cups of the fl our to the bowl. Beat until all the fl our is incorporated. Once this is done, you need to add the rest of the fl our, about ¼ cup at a time. I take my dough out of the mixer and hand knead in the last ¼ cup of fl our to ensure the dough is the right consistency. The dough is ready when it looks smooth and feels super soft. You may fi nd you need a little over 4 cups of fl our, or a little less. When you press your fi nger into the dough it shouldn’t stick. Place the dough into an oiled bowl, cover and refrigerate overnight.For assembly: Mix together the sugar and cinnamon, set aside. Set up the melted butter and the chopped/smashed Easter eggs. Remove the dough from the refrigerator, place on a fl oured surface and roll it out to a rectangle about 40cm x 25cm. The dough will be about 1cm thick when rolled out. Brush some melted butter over the surface of the dough. Sprinkle a layer of cinnamon sugar over the surface and spread the chopped marshmallow and smashed Easter egg evenly over the surface of the dough. Now you need to roll the dough up into a log. Cut this log into slices about 2cm thick and cut each of these slices in half. You are now ready to place them into a pie dish. Grease a 28cm pie dish and place a layer of scrolls on the bottom. Sprinkle this layer with a little more cinnamon sugar and place the remaining scroll slices evenly over the top. Brush the top layer with remaining melted butter and sprinkle more cinnamon sugar on top.Bake at 170°C for about 40–45 minutes until golden brown. When it has cooled slightly, drizzle with vanilla icing and dust with icing sugar.

Easter Pull Apart

Spiced Blackberry Tart

PASTRY1 x sheet sweet short pastry (store bought)½ cup roasted hazelnutsCAKE BATTER⅔ cup self-raising fl our1 tsp mixed spice1 tsp cinnamon1 egg (size 7)4 tbsp salad & cooking oil¼ cup milk1 tsp vanilla essence⅓ cup brown sugar, fi rmly packed

FOR THE ASSEMBLY1½ cups blackberries, frozen or fresh½ cup roasted hazelnuts, choppedFor pastry: Using a food processor, process the roasted hazelnuts until fi nely chopped. Tear the sweet short pastry up and add to the food processor. Process until the hazelnuts and sweet short pastry have combined. Bring the pastry together

by kneading briefl y on a lightly fl oured surface.Chill the pastry for 30 minutes. Roll the pastry out on a lightly fl oured surface to fi t a small fl an tin (34cm x 11cm). Refrigerate while the cake batter is being prepared.For cake batter: Sift together the fl our, mixed spice, cinnamon and set aside. In a small bowl beat together the egg, oil, milk, essence and brown sugar until combined. Add the fl our mix and beat again until the batter is smooth. For assembly: Cover the base of the pastry lined fl an tin with about half of the cake batter. Lay the blackberries evenly over the batter and sprinkle half of the chopped hazelnuts on top of the blackberries. Using a spoon drizzle the remaining batter evenly over the blackberries. Sprinkle the remaining hazelnuts on top.Bake at 170°C for about 35 minutes until the pastry is golden brown and a skewer inserted into the centre of the tart comes out clean.


NOURISH | season

This spiced blackberry tart with a roasted hazelnut crust is the perfect accompaniment to hot cross buns over the Easter weekend. If you don't like your desserts too sweet, this one’s for you.

Page 26: Nourish Magazine Waikato Autumn 2015

chiachiachiachiachiachiachiachiachiachiachiachiachiachiachiachiachiachiachiachiachiachiachiachiachiachiachiachiachiachiachiachiachiachiachiachiachiachiachiachiachiachiachiachiachiachiachiachiachiachiachiachiachiachiachiachiachiachiachiachiachiachiachiachiachiachiachiachiachiachiachiachiachiachiachiachiachiachiachiachiachiachiachiachiachiachiachiachiachiachiachiachiachiachiachiachiachiachiachiachiachiachiachiachiachiachiachiachiachiachiachiachiachiachiachiachiachiachiachiachiachiachiachiachiachiachiachiachiachiachiachiachiachiachiachiachiachiachiachiachiachiachiachiachiachiachiachiachiachiachiachiachiachiachiachiachiachiachiachiachiachiachiachiachiachiachiachiachiachiachiachiachiaChia seeds are an excellent source of fi bre, packed

with antioxidants, full of protein, loaded with vitamins, minerals, and the richest known plant source of omega-3.

It seems every week there is another ‘super food’ that we should add to our diets to lower this or It seems every week there is another ‘super food’ that we should add to our diets to lower this or It seems every week there is another ‘super food’ that we should add to our diets to lower this or It seems every week there is another ‘super food’ that we should add to our diets to lower this or It seems every week there is another ‘super food’ that we should add to our diets to lower this or It seems every week there is another ‘super food’ that we should add to our diets to lower this or increase that, which will make us lose weight, have shinier hair and harder nails all while making increase that, which will make us lose weight, have shinier hair and harder nails all while making increase that, which will make us lose weight, have shinier hair and harder nails all while making increase that, which will make us lose weight, have shinier hair and harder nails all while making increase that, which will make us lose weight, have shinier hair and harder nails all while making increase that, which will make us lose weight, have shinier hair and harder nails all while making increase that, which will make us lose weight, have shinier hair and harder nails all while making increase that, which will make us lose weight, have shinier hair and harder nails all while making us live longer. While I don’t dismiss that many of these, often long forgotten foods, o� er a lot and us live longer. While I don’t dismiss that many of these, often long forgotten foods, o� er a lot and us live longer. While I don’t dismiss that many of these, often long forgotten foods, o� er a lot and us live longer. While I don’t dismiss that many of these, often long forgotten foods, o� er a lot and us live longer. While I don’t dismiss that many of these, often long forgotten foods, o� er a lot and us live longer. While I don’t dismiss that many of these, often long forgotten foods, o� er a lot and should play a bigger part in our diets than chemical numbers, preservatives and additives, it can be should play a bigger part in our diets than chemical numbers, preservatives and additives, it can be should play a bigger part in our diets than chemical numbers, preservatives and additives, it can be should play a bigger part in our diets than chemical numbers, preservatives and additives, it can be should play a bigger part in our diets than chemical numbers, preservatives and additives, it can be should play a bigger part in our diets than chemical numbers, preservatives and additives, it can be should play a bigger part in our diets than chemical numbers, preservatives and additives, it can be should play a bigger part in our diets than chemical numbers, preservatives and additives, it can be a daunting area to delve into!

For me chia seeds are the one ‘super food’ everyone should learn more about and incorporate in For me chia seeds are the one ‘super food’ everyone should learn more about and incorporate in For me chia seeds are the one ‘super food’ everyone should learn more about and incorporate in For me chia seeds are the one ‘super food’ everyone should learn more about and incorporate in For me chia seeds are the one ‘super food’ everyone should learn more about and incorporate in For me chia seeds are the one ‘super food’ everyone should learn more about and incorporate in For me chia seeds are the one ‘super food’ everyone should learn more about and incorporate in For me chia seeds are the one ‘super food’ everyone should learn more about and incorporate in For me chia seeds are the one ‘super food’ everyone should learn more about and incorporate in For me chia seeds are the one ‘super food’ everyone should learn more about and incorporate in their everyday diet. These tiny inconsequential seeds, which look very much like black and white their everyday diet. These tiny inconsequential seeds, which look very much like black and white their everyday diet. These tiny inconsequential seeds, which look very much like black and white their everyday diet. These tiny inconsequential seeds, which look very much like black and white their everyday diet. These tiny inconsequential seeds, which look very much like black and white sesame seeds, are not only extremely nutritious, they are also very versatile and can be added to sesame seeds, are not only extremely nutritious, they are also very versatile and can be added to sesame seeds, are not only extremely nutritious, they are also very versatile and can be added to sesame seeds, are not only extremely nutritious, they are also very versatile and can be added to sesame seeds, are not only extremely nutritious, they are also very versatile and can be added to sesame seeds, are not only extremely nutritious, they are also very versatile and can be added to sesame seeds, are not only extremely nutritious, they are also very versatile and can be added to sesame seeds, are not only extremely nutritious, they are also very versatile and can be added to sesame seeds, are not only extremely nutritious, they are also very versatile and can be added to sesame seeds, are not only extremely nutritious, they are also very versatile and can be added to everything from smoothies to meatballs, muesli bars to salads.

The Myan word for strength, chia seeds were a staple of the ancient Incan, Myan and Aztec people. The Myan word for strength, chia seeds were a staple of the ancient Incan, Myan and Aztec people. The Myan word for strength, chia seeds were a staple of the ancient Incan, Myan and Aztec people. The Myan word for strength, chia seeds were a staple of the ancient Incan, Myan and Aztec people. The Myan word for strength, chia seeds were a staple of the ancient Incan, Myan and Aztec people. The Myan word for strength, chia seeds were a staple of the ancient Incan, Myan and Aztec people. The Myan word for strength, chia seeds were a staple of the ancient Incan, Myan and Aztec people. The Myan word for strength, chia seeds were a staple of the ancient Incan, Myan and Aztec people. The Myan word for strength, chia seeds were a staple of the ancient Incan, Myan and Aztec people. The Myan word for strength, chia seeds were a staple of the ancient Incan, Myan and Aztec people. Weight for weight they have more quality food value than any other known food, six times more Weight for weight they have more quality food value than any other known food, six times more Weight for weight they have more quality food value than any other known food, six times more Weight for weight they have more quality food value than any other known food, six times more Weight for weight they have more quality food value than any other known food, six times more Weight for weight they have more quality food value than any other known food, six times more calcium than whole milk, three times more antioxidants than blueberries and three times more iron calcium than whole milk, three times more antioxidants than blueberries and three times more iron calcium than whole milk, three times more antioxidants than blueberries and three times more iron calcium than whole milk, three times more antioxidants than blueberries and three times more iron calcium than whole milk, three times more antioxidants than blueberries and three times more iron calcium than whole milk, three times more antioxidants than blueberries and three times more iron calcium than whole milk, three times more antioxidants than blueberries and three times more iron calcium than whole milk, three times more antioxidants than blueberries and three times more iron calcium than whole milk, three times more antioxidants than blueberries and three times more iron calcium than whole milk, three times more antioxidants than blueberries and three times more iron than spinach.

Forget fl axseeds, chia have more protein, fi bre and calcium. Add to this impressive list of ‘mores’, Forget fl axseeds, chia have more protein, fi bre and calcium. Add to this impressive list of ‘mores’, Forget fl axseeds, chia have more protein, fi bre and calcium. Add to this impressive list of ‘mores’, Forget fl axseeds, chia have more protein, fi bre and calcium. Add to this impressive list of ‘mores’, Forget fl axseeds, chia have more protein, fi bre and calcium. Add to this impressive list of ‘mores’, Forget fl axseeds, chia have more protein, fi bre and calcium. Add to this impressive list of ‘mores’, Forget fl axseeds, chia have more protein, fi bre and calcium. Add to this impressive list of ‘mores’, Forget fl axseeds, chia have more protein, fi bre and calcium. Add to this impressive list of ‘mores’, chia seeds are the richest vegetarian source of essential fatty acids and a great source of Omega 3. chia seeds are the richest vegetarian source of essential fatty acids and a great source of Omega 3. chia seeds are the richest vegetarian source of essential fatty acids and a great source of Omega 3. chia seeds are the richest vegetarian source of essential fatty acids and a great source of Omega 3. chia seeds are the richest vegetarian source of essential fatty acids and a great source of Omega 3. chia seeds are the richest vegetarian source of essential fatty acids and a great source of Omega 3. chia seeds are the richest vegetarian source of essential fatty acids and a great source of Omega 3. chia seeds are the richest vegetarian source of essential fatty acids and a great source of Omega 3. chia seeds are the richest vegetarian source of essential fatty acids and a great source of Omega 3. chia seeds are the richest vegetarian source of essential fatty acids and a great source of Omega 3. chia seeds are the richest vegetarian source of essential fatty acids and a great source of Omega 3. So throw away the fi sh oil tablets and start incorporating chia seeds into your diet.

Chia seeds absorb more than nine times their weight in water and form a gel which results in a slow release of carbohydrates and an equally slow conversion of carbohydrates into glucose for energy. This gel-like substance is perfect to thicken your smoothie, or add to meatloaf or meatballs and such like as a nutrient packed binder. One tablespoon of ground chia seeds mixed with three tablespoons of water to form a gel makes a great substitute for an egg and perfect for vegan baking.

NOURISH | recipes

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Place all the ingredients in a blender and chill for 30 minutes. Place all the ingredients in a blender and chill for 30 minutes. Place all the ingredients in a blender and chill for 30 minutes. Place all the ingredients in a blender and chill for 30 minutes. Place all the ingredients in a blender and chill for 30 minutes. Place all the ingredients in a blender and chill for 30 minutes. Place all the ingredients in a blender and chill for 30 minutes. Place all the ingredients in a blender and chill for 30 minutes. Blend the chilled mixture until smooth and serve immediately Blend the chilled mixture until smooth and serve immediately Blend the chilled mixture until smooth and serve immediately Blend the chilled mixture until smooth and serve immediately Blend the chilled mixture until smooth and serve immediately Blend the chilled mixture until smooth and serve immediately Blend the chilled mixture until smooth and serve immediately Blend the chilled mixture until smooth and serve immediately or pour into glasses and chill until ready to serve.or pour into glasses and chill until ready to serve.or pour into glasses and chill until ready to serve.or pour into glasses and chill until ready to serve.or pour into glasses and chill until ready to serve.or pour into glasses and chill until ready to serve.or pour into glasses and chill until ready to serve.or pour into glasses and chill until ready to serve.or pour into glasses and chill until ready to serve.or pour into glasses and chill until ready to serve.SERVES TWO

*Coconut, soy or oat milk will also work. So too will regular milk *Coconut, soy or oat milk will also work. So too will regular milk *Coconut, soy or oat milk will also work. So too will regular milk *Coconut, soy or oat milk will also work. So too will regular milk *Coconut, soy or oat milk will also work. So too will regular milk *Coconut, soy or oat milk will also work. So too will regular milk *Coconut, soy or oat milk will also work. So too will regular milk *Coconut, soy or oat milk will also work. So too will regular milk *Coconut, soy or oat milk will also work. So too will regular milk although it is then not dairy free.although it is then not dairy free.although it is then not dairy free.although it is then not dairy free.although it is then not dairy free.although it is then not dairy free.although it is then not dairy free.although it is then not dairy free.although it is then not dairy free.although it is then not dairy free.although it is then not dairy free.although it is then not dairy free.although it is then not dairy free.although it is then not dairy free.although it is then not dairy free.

** A couple of ripe bananas can also be used instead of the dates.** A couple of ripe bananas can also be used instead of the dates.** A couple of ripe bananas can also be used instead of the dates.** A couple of ripe bananas can also be used instead of the dates.** A couple of ripe bananas can also be used instead of the dates.** A couple of ripe bananas can also be used instead of the dates.** A couple of ripe bananas can also be used instead of the dates.** A couple of ripe bananas can also be used instead of the dates.** A couple of ripe bananas can also be used instead of the dates.** A couple of ripe bananas can also be used instead of the dates.** A couple of ripe bananas can also be used instead of the dates.** A couple of ripe bananas can also be used instead of the dates.** A couple of ripe bananas can also be used instead of the dates.** A couple of ripe bananas can also be used instead of the dates.

Chia JamThis is a great alternative to sugar ladened This is a great alternative to sugar ladened This is a great alternative to sugar ladened This is a great alternative to sugar ladened This is a great alternative to sugar ladened This is a great alternative to sugar ladened This is a great alternative to sugar ladened This is a great alternative to sugar ladened This is a great alternative to sugar ladened traditional jams. 250g frozen berries (approximately 2½ cups)250g frozen berries (approximately 2½ cups)250g frozen berries (approximately 2½ cups)250g frozen berries (approximately 2½ cups)250g frozen berries (approximately 2½ cups)250g frozen berries (approximately 2½ cups)250g frozen berries (approximately 2½ cups)250g frozen berries (approximately 2½ cups)250g frozen berries (approximately 2½ cups)¼ cup apple juice¼ cup chia seeds2 tbsp maple syrup, Yacon syrup or honey*2 tbsp maple syrup, Yacon syrup or honey*2 tbsp maple syrup, Yacon syrup or honey*2 tbsp maple syrup, Yacon syrup or honey*

Place the berries and juice in a small pot and heat. Simmer Place the berries and juice in a small pot and heat. Simmer Place the berries and juice in a small pot and heat. Simmer Place the berries and juice in a small pot and heat. Simmer Place the berries and juice in a small pot and heat. Simmer Place the berries and juice in a small pot and heat. Simmer Place the berries and juice in a small pot and heat. Simmer Place the berries and juice in a small pot and heat. Simmer on low for 10 minutes then stir in the chia seeds and maple on low for 10 minutes then stir in the chia seeds and maple on low for 10 minutes then stir in the chia seeds and maple on low for 10 minutes then stir in the chia seeds and maple on low for 10 minutes then stir in the chia seeds and maple on low for 10 minutes then stir in the chia seeds and maple on low for 10 minutes then stir in the chia seeds and maple on low for 10 minutes then stir in the chia seeds and maple on low for 10 minutes then stir in the chia seeds and maple on low for 10 minutes then stir in the chia seeds and maple on low for 10 minutes then stir in the chia seeds and maple syrup.

Check the sweetness and adjust if need be.

Pour into a jar and refrigerate.

*If using maple syrup ensure it is genuine maple syrup not maple *If using maple syrup ensure it is genuine maple syrup not maple *If using maple syrup ensure it is genuine maple syrup not maple *If using maple syrup ensure it is genuine maple syrup not maple *If using maple syrup ensure it is genuine maple syrup not maple *If using maple syrup ensure it is genuine maple syrup not maple *If using maple syrup ensure it is genuine maple syrup not maple *If using maple syrup ensure it is genuine maple syrup not maple *If using maple syrup ensure it is genuine maple syrup not maple fl avoured syrup, which is simply fl avoured sugar syrup.fl avoured syrup, which is simply fl avoured sugar syrup.fl avoured syrup, which is simply fl avoured sugar syrup.fl avoured syrup, which is simply fl avoured sugar syrup.

WORCESTERSHIRE SAUCEThe English version of fi sh sauce, Worcestershire sauce is a fermented blend of anchovies, malt vinegar and tamarind. Its main role is as a fl avour enhancer, but beware, many cheap versions contain the dreaded fl avour enhancer MSG.Add Worcestershire sauce to your home-made burger patties, marinades, cheese on toast and of course your Bloody Mary.Invented by two chemists, John Lea and William Perrins in the early 1800s, the story goes that Lord Sandy, a nobleman from Worcester, returned from his travels in Bengal and wanted to recreate a recipe he had acquired. The pair of chemists attempted to do this, but when tasting the sauce found it unpalatable, so put the jars aside. On discovering the jars a few years later, they tasted the sauce to fi nd the ageing process had turned it into a delicious, savoury sauce. The rest, as they say, is history.

NOURISH | essentials

Essential IngredientsMaple SyrupMaple syrup is literally the syrup from various maple trees. The trunks of the maple tree are tapped to collect the sap that the tree produces in spring when the starch the trees store in their trunk and roots during cold winter months are converted to sugar when the temperature rises.

Canada is the largest producers of maple syrup, producing three quarters of the world’s production. In Canada and the US, imitation maple syrups cannot have ‘maple’ in their name. No such luck in New Zealand where you will commonly fi nd ‘maple fl avoured syrup’. The word ‘fl avoured’ gives it away and these products more often than not contain no maple syrup. They are in essence fl avoured high fructose corn syrup.

CACAOAlthough similar in sound and looks, there are a few key di� erences between cacao and cocoa, the main being cacao is raw and a lot less processed than cocoa. This means cacao retains more of the antioxidants and nutrients the cacao bean is renowned for.

But just remember whether it is cacao or cocoa in your chocolate inspired drinks or desserts, they are both full of great properties, it is the sugar and/or various sweeteners we add that then make the dish a treat instead of an everyday, every meal food.

Find raw Cacao at Bin Inn Dinsdale.

07 827 3354 | 63-61 DUKE ST, CAMBRIDGE

FROM VANILLA TO EXOTIC HERBS AND SPICES, POP IN AND SEE US OR SHOP ONLINE AT DANTE’SNeed ajowan seeds, sumac, whole allspice or schezuan pepper?

Dante’s stock a huge array of unique and exciting range of herbs and spices from the SpiceTrader.

Perfect for pickling, curries, dressings, baking and all your culinary needs.




Page 28: Nourish Magazine Waikato Autumn 2015



The show with real bite. The Great NZ Food Show is more than just tastings, we have food by the plate and wine by the glass as well as cooking demos, classes and competitions.22 – 24 May 2015Mystery Creek Events Centre,


Head to the Fieldays for some culinary inspiration with an impressive line up of chefs at their Kiwi’s Best pavilion.10 —13 JuneMystery Creek,


Every Friday at 1pmBarton Street, Hamiltoncall 839 6422 to book


Spoil mum this Mother’s Day with afternoon tea and a cooking demo from Nourish editor Vicki Ravlich-Horan, while helping raise money for the great work Plunket do.Tickets $45 and include a copy of Nourish cookbookSunday 10 MayFor more details

Inspiration is on the menu at Kiwi’s Best Kitchen



Brought to you by Sue Kohn-Taylor (Personal Development Coach) and the Waikato Chamber of Commerce.For all levels of professional/working women as well as those currently not active in the workforce who share the desire for personal growth and self-development.April 9, June 25, Aug 19, Oct 1Gallagher Room 1, Wintec Hub, Hamilton, 5–7pm. For bookings or more information email [email protected]


Meet Allyson Gofton, one of NZ’s favourite cooks, with the launch of her new book Recipes from my French Kitchen. Allyson will be recounting some stories from her year in France while cooking a few of her French inspired dishes. The perfect Mother’s Day gift!Thursday 14 May, 12 noonKitchen Things, 11 Maui Street, HamiltonTickets via eventfi nderFor more information

KARENA & KASEYJoin Karena and Kasey Bird, 2014 Master Chef winners in celebrating the release of their fi rst book.Friday May 22, 5.30pmKitchen Things, 11 Maui Street, HamiltonTickets via eventfi nderFor more information

NOURISH | directoryNOURISH | events


Local food from local producersFresh produce, growers

and producers onsite, live entertainment, local crafts, loads of parking - a 100%

Waikato experience!

Inspiration is on the menu at Kiwi’s Best Kitchen


Let Kiwi’s Best Kitchen inspire your table with the very best of premium New Zealand food, beverages and delicious recipes on offer by this year’s exhibitors. And if that’s not enough inspiration, Brett McGregor, and Karena and Kasey Bird, of Masterchef NZ fame, will turn up the heat with cooking demonstrations in the Kitchen Theatre. Find out more about Kiwi’s Best Kitchen at | 10-13 June 2015






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