Noughts and Crosses Essay

How does the structure of Noughts and Crosses help to reinforce the key themes in the novel? In this essay I will be analysing and evaluating the structural techniques used in Malorie Blackman’s language throughout the novel, and identifying different layers of meaning of her writing using textual evidence. The theme of racism is very strong all the way through the novel, and is demonstrated in Blackman’s use of structural and linguistic devices. Sephy yearns for her and Callum’s relationship to be accepted in their society, and says, “There was just one thing that stopped my day from being entirely perfect. If only Callum and I didn’t have to sneak and creep around. If only Callum wasn’t a nought.” Blackman uses the near rhyming verbs sneak and creep to show that their love for each other was forbidden, therefore forcing Sephy and Callum to keep their relationship private. The phrase ‘If only Callum wasn’t a nought’ may also hint that Sephy understands the only way they could be together in the world they live in would be if they were both born of the same race, in this case the “crosses”. Some readers might interpret this phrase as an example of how Sephy feels this single yet huge factor would make her day ‘entirely perfect’. The writer repeats the words ‘if only’ to also portray Sephy’s realisation of how her culture will not accept this relationship unless Callum was a cross. By using these techniques Blackman captures the main theme of racism in this text. The significant theme of love is conveyed in the novel in Blackman’s use of a variety of devices. When Callum is accepted a place in Heathcroft, he believes this level of schooling will let him be with Sephy as they wish, in public.

Transcript of Noughts and Crosses Essay

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How does the structure of Noughts and Crosses help to reinforce

the key themes in the novel?

In this essay I will be analysing and evaluating the structural techniques used in Malorie Blackman’s

language throughout the novel, and identifying different layers of meaning of her writing using

textual evidence.

The theme of racism is very strong all the way through the novel, and is demonstrated in Blackman’s

use of structural and linguistic devices. Sephy yearns for her and Callum’s relationship to be

accepted in their society, and says,

“There was just one thing that stopped my day from being entirely perfect. If only Callum and I didn’t

have to sneak and creep around. If only Callum wasn’t a nought.”

Blackman uses the near rhyming verbs sneak and creep to show that their love for each other was

forbidden, therefore forcing Sephy and Callum to keep their relationship private. The phrase ‘If only

Callum wasn’t a nought’ may also hint that Sephy understands the only way they could be together

in the world they live in would be if they were both born of the same race, in this case the “crosses”.

Some readers might interpret this phrase as an example of how Sephy feels this single yet huge

factor would make her day ‘entirely perfect’. The writer repeats the words ‘if only’ to also portray

Sephy’s realisation of how her culture will not accept this relationship unless Callum was a cross. By

using these techniques Blackman captures the main theme of racism in this text.

The significant theme of love is conveyed in the novel in Blackman’s use of a variety of devices.

When Callum is accepted a place in Heathcroft, he believes this level of schooling will let him be with

Sephy as they wish, in public.

“And with a proper education behind me, nothing could stand in the way of me and Sephy. Nothing,”

The writer uses the declarative ‘nothing could stand in the way’ to show Callum is convinced he can

defy society’s racist culture, and that he has a very determined and courageous character. These

qualities seem to be fuelled by his love for Sephy, and he has faith that he may not have had before

their love blossomed. This quote also suggests the technique of foreshadowing, for as we have

learnt from previous chapters in the novel, the communities that the two protagonists live in are

extremely different, therefore making the possibility of a great quantity of factors still standing in the

way of their relationship highly likely, even if Callum’s education is completed.

These structural and linguistic techniques that Blackman utilises reinforce the portrayal of the

intense affection that Callum feels for Sephy throughout the novel.

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Powerful language and structure applied in the text helps the reader establish an understanding of

how the topic of hate plays a considerable part in the story. Following the event in which Sephy

attempts to sit beside Callum and other noughts at lunchtime, Callum is exceptionally angry at her

for humiliating him.

“I lay on my stomach and punched the sand. And again, and again. Until I was pounding with both

fists. Until my knuckles were red, raw and bleeding.”

The two alliterative verbs ‘punched’ and ‘pounding’ sound quite violent implying Callum’s strong

resentment towards Sephy, and they may in addition show the force at which he was punching at.

As a successful structural and presentational device, Blackman uses short, dramatic sentences to

increase tension and to show the terse manner in which Callum was acting. The author uses tripling

adjectives when describing the appearance of his knuckles: ‘red, raw and bleeding’ and this aids the

reader’s awareness of the immensity of Callum’s frustration. By using these devices, Blackman also

exposes to her audience that life is rarely perfect, and relationships are sometimes affected by

prejudice and disagreements even in the world today. We can see from the thematic features that

she feels strongly about these particular issues.

Blackman portrays loneliness and desperation using emotive language and a sharp structure. After

Lynette’s death is revealed to Callum as suicide, he reminisces to the last time he saw her.

“’Bye everyone,’ Lynny smiled softly, the saddest loneliest smile I’ve ever seen. And she shut the door

behind her and was gone.”

“She’d given up on life.”

The writer uses adjectives ‘saddest’ and ‘loneliest’ to show how extreme Lynette’s situation was, or

to show how Callum felt pity for her at this time of desperation. The short, simple sentences also

may demonstrate his disbelief at her death, and his exasperation at the fact she didn’t only give up

on life, but also on the whole family especially Callum. Blackman uses Lynette’s suicide as an

illustration of how difficult life was for noughts in this racist dystopia, and how some were prepared

to go to extraordinary lengths to escape from the living hell many lived in. These devices add to the

effectiveness of Blackman’s portrayal of this key theme.

The structural technique of mirroring is used in various points in the novel. As Callum has

experienced suicide of a close family member, Sephy finds her mother lying on her floor passed out

after a pill overdose.

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“I ran along the landing to the phone shock freezing my eyes wide open. Mother had tried to kill

herself. My mother had tried to kill herself. “

Blackman’s use of mirroring shows the reader that even though the two races in the story are very

separate, they go through similar situations and sufferings. The phrase “Mother had tried to kill

herself” is repeated showing the reader that Sephy is shaken by this sudden realisation of what her

Mother had just done, a person so close to her, just as a close relative of Callum had done too. The

repetition also creates a sense of drama. Death and suicide are major themes in this part of the

story, and Blackman uses mirroring and repetition to emphasise this.

Blackman portrays the crucial decisions that have to be made in daily lives through an ultimatum

given by Kamal for Callum and Sephy. They must decide whether to let Sephy keep her baby and

Callum is hanged, or save Callum and make her have an abortion.

(Sephy) “And then just like that, there was no choice. I had my answer. I knew what I was going to

tell my dad. God help me, I knew.”

This quote contains a lot of short declaratives that show Sephy’s great certainty of the choice she

was going to make, without Blackman making it obvious what she was actually going to do. This

technique gives the reader a sense of anticipation for the next part of the plot, without clearly


(Callum) “Time to choose. A choice to live or die with... I knew it would damn me to hell, but I knew it

was the right one. “

Blackman uses the term ‘damn me to hell’ to suggest Callum’s death, therefore foreshadowing his

decision that he will sacrifice himself for his child. The dramatic short sentences help the reader

understand the tension in this situation, ‘a choice to live or die with.’ – a matter of life and death.

Mirroring is also used in this section of the novel, and throughout the dual narration. Dual narration

is used to give the audience a deeper understanding of the protagonists’ feelings and situations, and

is a constructive technique used in many of Blackman novels.

In conclusion, I feel that Malorie Blackman uses a variety and number of structural and linguistic

devices extremely effectively throughout this novel ‘Noughts and Crosses’, and these techniques let

her portray her opinions and views against racism and prejudice in our society clearly to her
