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Page 2: NOTICE: You DO Have the · 2012-10-09 · your site if they’re just going to leave and never come back? If you’re thinking

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© Copyright 2007 Allen Hill, Fitness Website Design ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. No part of this report may be reproduced or transmitted in any form whatsoever, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any informational storage or retrieval system without express written, dated and signed permission from the author. DISCLAIMER AND/OR LEGAL NOTICES: The information presented herein represents the view of the author as of the date of publication. Because of the rate with which conditions change, the author reserves the right to alter and update his opinion based on the new conditions. The report is for informational purposes only. While every attempt has been made to verify the information provided in this report, neither the author nor his affiliates/partners assume any responsibility for errors, inaccuracies or omissions. Any slights of people or organizations are unintentional. If advice concerning legal or related matters is needed, the services of a fully qualified professional should be sought. This report is not intended for use as a source of legal or accounting advice. You should be aware of any laws which govern business transactions or other business practices in your country and state. Any reference to any person or business whether living or dead is purely coincidental.   

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About the Author

Allen Hill

Allen Hill is widely considered to be the leading web marketing consultant in the fitness industry.

He’s the publisher of Fitness Website Profits, a bi-monthly newsletter that shows fitness professionals how to effectively market and promote their fitness businesses online. And he’s been featured in articles by Fitness Management Magazine and the American Counsel on Exercise.

Allen’s also been interviewed by some of the most successful fitness marketers in the world, like Jim Labadie, Scott Colby, and Patrick Rigsby. And he’s privately counseled some of the top “gurus” of the fitness industry.

Allen has helped hundreds of fitness professionals establish and grow their businesses online and has created numerous online fitness marketing systems.

Other sites and products from Allen:



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Page 4: NOTICE: You DO Have the · 2012-10-09 · your site if they’re just going to leave and never come back? If you’re thinking

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P.S. If you use Websites 4 Trainers or Webflexor, moving your site to Fitness Web Hosting will actually put money back in your pocket right now - AND you’ll continue to save every single month. 

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Is Your Fitness Website Even Ready For More Traffic?...  

By far, the most common requests for help I receive are related to building more traffic.

Seems EVERYONE wants to know how to attract more people to their fitness websites. But is YOUR site even ready for more traffic yet?

Yes, you absolutely NEED traffic if you hope to be successful at promoting your fitness business online. But what’s the use in attracting more people to your site if they’re just going to leave and never come back?

If you’re thinking of trying to build more traffic to your fitness website, the following checklist will help you ensure your site has what it takes to convince your visitors to DO what you want them to do - BEFORE you waste your valuable time and effort bringing them in.

1. Does EACH page of your fitness website have a Most Wanted Response?

In other words, have you decided exactly what it is you MOST want people to do when they visit your website? Is it clear to your visitors what you want them to do? On every single page of your site?

Are the people currently visiting your site actually doing what you want them to do?

If you do NOT have a Most Wanted Response, i.e. if YOU don’t know what you want your visitors to do…

…how in the world do you ever expect them to do it?

If your current visitors are NOT delivering your Most Wanted Response, attracting MORE visitors will only give you more of what’s not working now. Put your focus into correcting this problem BEFORE you worry about more traffic.

If your site passes this check, move on to Step 2…

2. Does your sales copy (text) lead your visitor toward delivering your Most Wanted Response?

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Once you’ve decided what it is you MOST want your visitors to DO when they’re on your website, your sales copy (the text sales message on your website) must lead your visitors closer and closer toward giving you that response.

Everything you say on your website must take them closer to your Most Wanted Response. Everything!

No different than a training program you design for a client – if the exercise won’t take them closer to their goal, you don’t use that exercise – if the words you’re using do NOT take your visitors closer, don’t use those words.

If your site passes this check, move on to Step 3…

3. Does your copy talk TO your visitor about what she WANTS?

Again, what you say and how you say it is of utmost importance when it comes to creating a successful website for your fitness business. If you don’t have this part right, more traffic will only make your site fail faster, so ask yourself…

Do you talk TO your visitor about what SHE wants? Or does your site talk all about you, your company, your philosophy, your products, and your way of doing things?

Always remember, your visitors don’t care about YOU until they understand how you can help THEM.

So keep the “you-to-me ratio” about 10:1 or better (in other words, you should use the word “you” about 10 times for every time you use the words “me”, “us”, “we”, or “our”.

Check your “you-to-me ratio” now.

If you’re not at 10:1 or better, fix that BEFORE you build more traffic.

If your site passes this check, move on to Step 4…

4. Is your copy BENFIT focused?

Are you stressing the benefits your visitors will get from you?

• On your Home page?

• On your Newsletter page?

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• On your Sales page?

• On all your opt-in pages?

If you want me to pay attention, you have to talk to me about what’s in it for me. You have to tell me what I’ll get out of this, whether “this” is your newsletter, a training session with you, your online training, or anything else.

If your words are NOT benefit focused, people will NOT respond by doing what you want. They’ll do what you DON’T want – they’ll leave without even saying “Goodbye”.

IMPORTANT POINT: I can’t stress enough just how important it is to have all this in place BEFORE you bring more traffic (or even give it a minute’s thought). If your low traffic website isn’t getting people to do what you want them to do right now… …more traffic will only result in more people not doing what you want them to do. And that is a complete waste of time and effort. So make sure all this is in place FIRST. Otherwise, more traffic won’t help you one bit.

Go read your website again. I’ll bet it’s been a while, so your eyes are fresh. You’ll spot mistakes you didn’t see before. And you can make sure your site stresses the benefits your target customer WANTS.

If it doesn’t, fix that BEFORE building more traffic.

If your site passes this check, move on to Step 5…

5. Do you have a list building plan in place?

If you learn ANYTHING from me, please let it be this…

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Your fitness website’s #1 goal – its MOST important job – is to add people to your mailing lists. Period.

You absolutely MUST have a plan in place to convert your website’s visitors into SUBSCRIBERS. Without a plan for building your list, you may attract a bunch of people to your site, but…

…if they don’t BUY right now, you lose them forever.

But if you capture them to one (or more) of your mailing lists…

You can not only market to them now, but you can also continue to market to them in the future. You can bring them BACK to your website again and again. You can continue to make offers to them for your products and services.

Remember, they may not be ready to buy just yet. They may need time to get to know you. They may need to save up some money. But does that mean you should just let them walk away, never to return?

Of course not! So capture them to your list. There’s just no point in working hard to bring thousands of people to your site if you don’t add them to your list.

Here’s how to make sure your list building plan is in place…

• Do you have at least one (preferably 3-5) opt-in offers?

• Do you have a separate page promoting EACH opt-in offer?

• Do you have autoresponders set for EACH opt-in offer?

• Do your autoresponder messages lead me back to your site?

• Do you have at least one autoresponder message that makes ANOTHER opt-in offer?

If you can’t answer YES to each of these questions, you need to focus on your list building plan BEFORE you build more traffic to your site. If you’d like more help with building lists, visit…

If your site passes this check, move to Step 6…

6. If Your Fitness Website Passed ALL the Above Checks

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If you can honestly answer YES to all the above 5 questions, your site IS ready for more traffic.

And the first place you should start is…

The Major 3 Search Engines – Google, Yahoo, and MSN.

Once you master the search engines, you won’t ever need to worry about pay-per-click advertising, or any of the other time consuming and expensive “traffic fads” everyone always talks about.

If you’d like more information on how to use the search engines for building a LOT of traffic, see…

If you answered NO to more than one of the above questions, PLEASE don’t invest your time, effort, and money into building more traffic. Your site just isn’t to that stage yet.

Instead, focus your resources on making your site more effective at getting people to do what you want them to do. Put your focus into building a list.

THEN, once you have an effective website in place – then worry about traffic.

If you’d like more information on how to improve the marketing effectiveness of your fitness website, please be sure to see our Fitness Web Marketing Help Center at…

Here’s to your online success,

Allen Hill CEO, President,

P.S. Ready to put a solid traffic building plan in place to passively attract thousands of monthly visitors to your fitness website?...

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