notes Remedy sheet with pics - Living My Best Inc -...

When to take the remedies featured in this kit PLEASE NOTE: REMEDIES SHOULD NOT BE TAKEN WITHIN 15 MINUTES OF EATING OR DRINKING. PELLETS SHOULD BE DISPENSED IN CAP AND DROPPED DIRECTLY IN MOUTH. DO NOT TOUCH PELLETS. 1 Living My Best Healing & Wellness Presents: HOMEOPATHY LEVEL 1 Raising Healthy Children with Homeopathy For acute care Prevention and Boosting The Immune System By Tania Jedian Cihom

Transcript of notes Remedy sheet with pics - Living My Best Inc -...

 When  to  take  the  remedies  featured  in  this  kit  




Living My Best Healing & Wellness Presents:

HOMEOPATHY LEVEL 1 Raising Healthy Children with Homeopathy

For acute care

Prevention and Boosting The Immune System

By Tania Jedian Cihom

2   When  to  take  the  remedies  featured  in  this  kit  PLEASE  NOTE:  REMEDIES  SHOULD  NOT  BE  TAKEN  WITHIN  15  MINUTES  OF  


www.Livingmybest .org

What are Homeopathics?

Homeopathic remedies (also called homeopathics) are a system of medicine based on three principles:

• Like cures like For example, if the symptoms of your cold are similar to poisoning by mercury, then mercury would be your homeopathic remedy.

• Minimal Dose The remedy is taken in an extremely dilute form; normally one part of the remedy to around 1,000,000,000,000 parts of water.

• The Single Remedy No matter how many symptoms are experienced, only one remedy is taken, and that remedy will be aimed at all those symptoms.

Similar principals forms the basis of conventional allergy treatment, where the allergic substance is given in a small dose, and in vaccines where an impotent form of the virus is given to bolster the immune system against that particular virus.

Why use Homeopathics?

Homeopathy is the second most widely used system of medicine in the world. Its growth in popularity in the United States has been around 25 to 50 percent a year throughout the last decade.

This success is fueled by several factors:

• Homeopathy is extremely effective. When the correct remedy is taken, results can be rapid, complete and permanent.

• Homeopathy is completely safe. Even babies and pregnant women can use Homeopathy without the danger of side effects. Homeopathic remedies can also be taken alongside other medication without producing unwanted side effects.

• Homeopathy is natural. Homeopathic remedies are normally based on natural ingredients. • Homeopathy works in harmony with your immune system, unlike some conventional medicines

which suppress the immune system. (For example, cough medicines suppress the cough reflex, which is your body's attempt to clear the lungs)

• Homeopathic remedies are not addictive - once relief is felt, you should stop taking them. If no relief is felt, you are probably taking the wrong homeopathic remedy.

• Homeopathy is holistic. It treats all the symptoms as one, which in practical terms means that it addresses the cause, not the symptoms. This often means that symptoms tackled with Homeopathy do not recur.

But there is a catch...

Every silver lining has a cloud, and there are two main barriers to the effective use of homeopathy:

 When  to  take  the  remedies  featured  in  this  kit  




• Prescribing the right homeopathic remedy takes a little more time and patience than conventional medicine. Exactly the right remedy needs to be taken for your symptoms. There is no such thing as a standard homeopathic headache remedy (though, sadly that doesn't mean no such product is sold...). The remedy you take has to be matched to your particular headache - where it occurs, what brings it on, what type of pain it is, what aggravates it, what makes it feel worse, your state of mind and what other symptoms you experience.

• The sheer range of remedies in use can cause practical problems for an average sized pharmacy. If the right remedy is not one of 30 or so commonly used remedies, they can be difficult to obtain.

Homeopathy - Like Cures Like

Homeopathy, from Greek homoeo (meaning similar) and pathos (meaning suffering) is a system of medicine based on treating like with like. The same principle is widespread in mainstream medicine, the most notable examples being antidotes and vaccines. However, Homeopathy takes this premise a step further: if my symptoms produce an effect on me similar to a tarantula's bite, then tarantula venom would be my homeopathic treatment, even though I've not actually been bitten by a tarantula.

The theory that like can be treated with like can be traced back as far Hypocrites (468 -377 BC), but it wasn't until the work of Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843) that the theory developed into a usable practice.

Hahneman's provings consisted in giving doses of various substances to both himself and his healthy volunteers, and noting the effects in detail. For safety reasons, the substances taken were very dilute, and it is here that Hahnemann chanced upon one of the more puzzling aspects of Homeopathy. The more dilute a homeopathic medicine is, the more effective it is in treating illness.

Hahneman's work was continued by James Tyler Kent in 1877-78. Kent's interest in Homoeopathic medicine was prompted by his wife's serious illness, which failed to respond to any other form of medicine available at the time. Kent's position as Professor of Anatomy (at the American Medical College, St. Louis) placed him perfectly to observe the effects of substances in precise detail. Kent's research into Homeopathy became his life's work, and he conducted provings on some 650 materials, observing over 64,000 symptoms. Even today, Kent's is still the most widely used repertory in Homeopathy.

The repertory used in this site's remedy finder is based on Kent's, with no additions, but some changes have been necessary in order to make its use easier for the modern day layman, including plain English Terminology, and categorizing symptoms where possible.

Classical Homeopathy - Treating the Whole Person

Classical Homeopathy is a holistic medicine; in other words it aims to treat the whole person. It may seem unusual to those used to allopathic (conventional) medicine, where one medicine is taken for a skin complaint, another for a headache, and yet another for sleeplessness.

If you use the remedy finder frequently, you may find that one particular remedy comes up time and time again for your complaints - however diverse they appear to be. For example, in testing the online remedy finder, on my own symptoms ranging from insomnia, headaches, to stomach complaints, Phosphor was frequently the suggested remedy. There is something in my nature, underneath any passing symptoms, which is akin to Phosphor.

4   When  to  take  the  remedies  featured  in  this  kit  PLEASE  NOTE:  REMEDIES  SHOULD  NOT  BE  TAKEN  WITHIN  15  MINUTES  OF  


A common cold, for example, is one virus which produces a myriad of effects, subtly different in different people. Different people with a cold caused by the same virus may exhibit different symptoms. It is for this reason that each case should be assessed by close and careful analysis of all the relevant symptoms.

Classical Homeopathy - Finding the Simillium

The Similium is the single substance which if given to a healthy person would produce exactly the same symptoms as exhibited by the patient.

In addition to the range of symptoms which must be included in a case to find the right homeopathic remedy, precision is also important. For example there are nearly 5,000 headaches in our symptom database; a different remedy may be prescribed depending on when symptoms occur, the type of pain, where in the head it is, what may have bought it on, what other symptoms are experienced, etc.

Studies Based on Theories of How Homeopathy Works

It is true that nobody knows exactly how homeopathy works. There are many theories, based on sub atomic vibration, the memory of water and so on, but these remain theories. Research has been conducted which attempts to prove or disprove these theories, which can only be a good thing.

Unfortunately though, the conclusions drawn from such research occassionally step well beyond the evidence and say that because one theory of how homeopathy might work is flawed, homeopathy itself can't work at all. All it really proves is that the particular theory of how homeopathy might work is incorrect, it doesn't prove or disprove homeopathy at all.

This is obvious and would scarcely need mentioning, except that some such trials, such as the BBC Horizon experiment, have received an undue amount of publicity.

Studies Based on Clinical Trials

The only type of trial that can be taken into consideration are clinical trials, where volunteers with a particular ailment have been given homeopathic remedies for that ailment. However, there are two caveats with this type of experiment:

1. "One size fits all" Approach Homeopathy is highly individualized, and the same remedy given to a number of different people will not work in all cases. Homeopaths know this and give specific remedies based on individual symptoms. For example, the homeopathic remedy for a common cold would depend on:

o the type of headache pain (sharp, pounding, etc), o where the headache hurt most o type of sore throat o what can you do to relieve / worsen symptoms (ie better hot, better cold, worse in open air,

etc) o sound of cough o color and severity of nasal discharges

 When  to  take  the  remedies  featured  in  this  kit  




o what started it all in the first place (ie cold feet, cold wind, etc) o etc, etc

Many studies are based on giving the same remedy to all patients in the study, in the allopathic manner, and are therefore not truly homeopathic.

2. Double Blind Placebo Trials Double Blind Placebo Trials are the holy grail of conventional medicine testing. For those not familiar with the term, placebo trials mean that half the volunteers are taking empty pills, and half are taking homeopathic remedies.Double Blind means that neither the patient, nor the practitioners know whether or not the patient is being given a genuine homeopathic remedy, or a placebo pill. The advantage of the person giving the remedies not knowing whether or not they are giving placebo pills is that there is no way of them subtly (and probably unintentionally) influencing the outcome, by, for example, being more attentive to those taking the genuine remedy. However, hitting upon the right remedy can take a few attempts, and in a course of treatment, a homeopath may try several remedies, and several potencies, not just the one remedy normally given in double blind trials. This is not to fault double blind placebo trials categorically, but simply to say that, for the most part, they have not been carried out in a way which could be expected to show positive results.

Controversy In general, the trials which have found homeopathy effective have been where patients have consulted homeopaths on an individual basis, and the homeopath has been free to vary remedies as they see fit. There are obviously logistical limits to experimenting in this way, and only smaller scale trials have been undertaken in this way; however, opponents of homeopathy have argued that only the large scale trials are statistically valid. The debate rumbles on.

Why Placebo? You may be wondering why all the notable trials of homeopathy compare it to a placebo. This is because an empty 'placebo' pill has been proven to be beneficial in treating many conditions. For example, see this ... It is worth noting that at least homeopathy has never been proven worse than placebo, unlike conventional medicines, such as Seroxat - the anti-depressant that lead to suicides.

As any academic will tell you, science is not a realm where anything is known for certain, nor even where there is always agreement as to what is likely. "Wisest is he who knows he does not know." People have their own dogmatically held opinions in science as much as in religion.

Homeopathy and conventional (allopathic) medicine

Conventional Western, or Allopathic, medicine has achieved significant leaps in preserving both the quality and longevity of life, and it is important to recognize this contribution. A world wide vaccination program by the WHO has eradicated smallpox; Insulin has enabled many type I diabetics to control their condition; antibiotics, though not without their own problems, can render potentialy lethal infections harmless.

6   When  to  take  the  remedies  featured  in  this  kit  PLEASE  NOTE:  REMEDIES  SHOULD  NOT  BE  TAKEN  WITHIN  15  MINUTES  OF  


There are many homeopaths who frown on the entire spectum of allopathic medicine, though in practice, a more balanced approach is often more effective. It is unwise, for example, for an insulin dependent diabetic to discontinue their insulin.

However, conventional medicine is a wide label, and not all conventional medicine is beneficial. While in many cases symptoms are relieved, cured, or prevented many allopathic medicines can do a lot of harm to your body.

The symptoms of a disease, for a Homeopath, are your body's attempt to cure itself. By contrast, conventional medicine often works by suppressing your body's natural reactions. For example:

• A cough is usually the result of foreign bodies in the lungs; the muscles spasm in an attempt to remove it. Cough medicine simply stops this reflex.

• A headache tablet is a painkiller and simply suppresses the feeling of pain, leaving the body to undergo whatever torment it was before, but divorced from our consciousness. This is a very bad thing. For example, many headaches are due to dehydration - once the headache isn't felt, the patient no longer feels the need to stop running around, working up a sweat and dehydrating further.

• The conventional approach to treating infections is antibiotics. Antibiotics simply eat other bacteria. Our body also has bacteria that serve the same function (indeed, there are many types of bacteria naturally occurring in the body, all of which are beneficial) alas these are also consumed by antibiotics. In addition, a widespread concern is that bacteria are becoming resistant to antibiotics.

• Antidepressants generally work by blocking emotional responses. Unlike homeopathic remedies, dependence builds up quickly, and once a course of antidepressants has begun, it is often a step down a long, slippery slope to dependency.

Conventional medicine is a very blunt instrument. Part of its success lies in this very general nature. The sheer number of possible factors that need to be considered for effective treatment with homeopathic remedies have meant that it has required a long, and often expensive consultation with a trained specialist. In contrast, regardless of the type of pain, or even where it is, the conventional relief is a pain killer. Compare that to homeopathy - in our remedy finder database, we describe nearly 5,000 types of headaches.

Despite the best efforts of pharmaceutical companies, the research into medicines and their side effects is often woefully inadequate. The most famous case of this is thalidomide - a drug prescribed for morning sickness, which produced severe birth defects. More recently controversies include Seroxat, an antidepressant which, though benficial for some, has been linked to addiction, suicide, self harm, and aggressive behaviour in some people.

Despite the damaging side effects of conventional medicine, sadly, prescription medicines are without benefit for most people that take them. (source: Allen Roses, a Vice President of Glaxo SmithKline: one of the worlds largest drug producers. See for more)

The approach of conventional medicine denies our body's efforts to heal itself and damages these systems.

Homeopathy does not work in the same way; how it does work remains a mystery. Chemists have concluded that in the very high homeopathic potencies there is actually none of the original substance left. Theories explaining homeopathy have been put forward, resting on vibrations, electromagnetism, or the memory of water.

However, is it not fitting that your body, a miracle way beyond understanding, can be cured by something which is also out of the reach of your rational mind?

 When  to  take  the  remedies  featured  in  this  kit  




                                   REMEDY                    SYMPTOMS      Aconitum  Napellus    


   Colds/coughs  brought  on  by  cold  weather;  short,  dry  croupy  coughs;  fear  of  suffocation.    At  onset  of  fever,  with  intense  dry  heat    At  onset  of  panic  attack  or  shock  from  surgery  or  trauma    At  initial  onset  of  pain  and  inflammation  of  sore  throat    Good  preventative  right  after  being  exposed  to  illness            

8   When  to  take  the  remedies  featured  in  this  kit  PLEASE  NOTE:  REMEDIES  SHOULD  NOT  BE  TAKEN  WITHIN  15  MINUTES  OF  



Allium  Cepa                  


Watery eyes Frequent sneezing, excess mucous from the nose Better from:open air, colder rooms Worse from:evening, warmer rooms cold, damp weather

Allium Cepa Useful for: Key Symptoms:


allergies when they have a tendency to go into the eyes causing watery eyes Hayfever Inner ear infections Upper-respiratory infections


Excess mucous from nose. Discharge is acidic, burning surrounding skin, nostrils & upper lip become red & sore bland discharge from eyes; Spring colds

COUGH From inhaling cold air; painful, tearing sensation; grasps throat

HAY FEVER Profuse watery discharge from eyes & nose Burning, excess mucous

HEADACHE Dull pain, mostly in forehead LARYNGITIS Hoarseness, beginning laryngitis SORE THROAT Burning, smarting sensation


 When  to  take  the  remedies  featured  in  this  kit  





 Antimonium  Tart                  


                             Antimonium Tart is made from a tartrate of Potash. Indicated for respiratory ailments. Indicated for coughs that wheeze or rattle in the chest. Hard to bring up mucus, short of breath, suffocating. Helpful for chest and lung symptoms. Clarke's Materia Medica lists for Antimonium Tart-- "Frequent fits of obstructed respiration, especially in the morning, in the evening, in bed almost to the extent of suffocation. Shortness of breath. Difficult respiration. Anxious oppression of the chest. Rattling of mucus in the chest when breathing. Burning sensation in the chest, inflammation of the lungs." Chicken pox with large pustules, painful vesicules, eruptions with tendency to leave pock marks. Keynote Summary: Respiratory symptoms Rattling mucous. Lethargy, Trembling, Chills Better from: sitting up fresh air, burping Worse from: lying down, damp-cold weather warmth, milk, sour foods.  

Antimonium Tart

Useful for: Key Symptoms:

ACNE Large pustules

BRONCHITIS Breathing sounds like person is drowning in their own secretions, Rattling, wheezing breath. Looks ill, is pale with cold sweat

CHICKEN POX Large pustules, painful vesicules, eruptions with tendency to leave pock marks.

COLDS Excess mucous with tendency to go into lungs. Gasps for breath, feels weak Always spitting up mucous


Rattling, wheezing cough. Nonproductive cough, no expectoration; seems to be drowning in own secretions; face cold, pale, bluish, with cold sweat; Lethargy


When  to  take  the  remedies  featured  in  this  kit  PLEASE  NOTE:  REMEDIES  SHOULD  NOT  BE  TAKEN  WITHIN  15  MINUTES  OF  




Hoarseness, rattling, wheezing. Burning sensation in chest, which goes up to throat. Bronchial tubes overwhelmed with mucous. Rapid, short, difficult breathing. Feels might suffocate, must sit up. Pulse rapid, weak.


Apis  Mellifica        


Allergic  reactions  that  cause  stinging,  burning,  swelling  and  redness    Insect  stings/bites  that  cause  itching,  burning,  stinging  and  swelling,  and  improve  with  cold  applications    Burning,  stinging,  painful  sore  throat,  which  feels  worse  with  warm  drinks  and  better  with  cold  

 When  to  take  the  remedies  featured  in  this  kit  





   Arnica  Montana              


       Sore,  bruised  muscles  from  injury/overexertion    Body  ache  when  sick    Injuries  with  bruising,  swelling  and  inflammation    Laryngitis/hoarseness  from  overuse  of  vocal  chords    Strained/sprained  muscles  with  swelling,  bruising  and  discomfort    Relieves  pain,  reduces  swelling  and  speeds  up  healing  after  surgery  (take  before  and  after  surgery).                      


When  to  take  the  remedies  featured  in  this  kit  PLEASE  NOTE:  REMEDIES  SHOULD  NOT  BE  TAKEN  WITHIN  15  MINUTES  OF  



Arsenicum    Album        

           Arsenic has a notorious history as a poison used for murders. The victim dies in agony with violent burning pains, vomiting, cramping, Mental agony also with a fear of death and need to be around others. In its homeopathic form, Arsenicum Album cures the symptoms that Arsenic causes.                


Useful In: Key Symptoms:

ANXIETY Anxious & restless. Moves about all the time. thinks it's worthless to take remedy.


Shortness of breath. Feeling of suffocation on lying down; Onset midnight or soon after


Profuse, burning, watery nasal discharge with sneezing, irritating nose & upper lip; eyes & nose red; cold tends to go down into chest


Scanty, dark, offensive stool with burning pain in anus, followed by great weakness; after eating or drinking; from too much fruit or iced drinks


Aching, burning and shooting pains in the eyes. Watering eyes worse in bright light or motion. Pink eye- red, swollen. granulated lids; tears hot & burning with intense aversion to light

FOOD POISONING Prime remedy in ptomaine poisoning;especially after tainted meat or spoiled food; vomiting & purging, "going both ways at once"


Chilly, restless, anxious, peevish; prostrated; fears death; burning pains relieved by heat; thirsty for sips of cold water; red hot, needle-like pains; feels as if ice-water or boiling water running through veins


Top remedy for skin ailments- psoriasis, flaky scalp, dry eczema. Symptoms that burn yet improved by heat application. Feels better in the Summer.

 When  to  take  the  remedies  featured  in  this  kit  





 Carbo  Veg      


Children who have skin that is dry and rough. Symptoms are often worse on the right side, with cold applications, and after eating offending foods or drinking alcohol. Itching, burning, swelling, skin eruptions. Dry, scaly skin.


Burning in pharynx; difficulty swallowing; thirsty for sips of cold water, but stomach intolerant

        Carbo Veg is also useful in respiratory conditions. Cough with tingling and itching in larynx causing spasmodic cough with gagging and vomiting. There is hoarseness which is worse in the morning with rawness, soreness and burning. Wheezing and rattling of mucus in the chest. Breathing is labored and there is a desire for constant fanning from a close distance. Carbo Veg is useful in bronchitis and neglected pneumonia when there is low vitality and the patient is debilitated with cold sweat, cold breath, cold tongue and voice lost. Indigestion ….                    


When  to  take  the  remedies  featured  in  this  kit  PLEASE  NOTE:  REMEDIES  SHOULD  NOT  BE  TAKEN  WITHIN  15  MINUTES  OF  







 When  to  take  the  remedies  featured  in  this  kit  




         Hepar  Sulphur      


                                Hepar Sulphur is an important polycrest remedy. Hepar Sulphur, also known as Calcium sulphide of Hahnemann, and sulphur of lime. Complete name Hepar Sulphuris Calcareum, is from an impure sulphide of Calcium. Prepared from burning the white interior of oyster shells with pure flowers of sulphur. Hepar Sulphur is a remedy indicated for unhealthy skin conditions. Is a favorite for acne as it helps the skin to clear faster. Key remedy for teen and adult acne. Provings have also shown symptoms of eczemas, foul smelling pus from eruptions with skin sensitive to cold and touch. This remedy is indicated for many other ailments. Coughs and sore throats where something feels like it is stuck in the throat. Colds, earaches with discharge, swollen lymph glands with the person feeling chilly, irritable, oversensitve to surroundings, worse with cold applications. Digestive problems with smelly, offensive stools. Person feels chilly and is sensitive to the cold. Mental symptom of wanting to set things on fire Physical symptom of something caught or sticking in throat Keynote Summary: Unhealth skin, Acne Sensation of something caught in throat, like a fishbone Better from:damp, wet weather warmth, wrapping ears and head, after eating Worse from: very sensitive to the slightest touch, clothes brushing on painful area lying on painful side, dry, cold air, in the morning, worse from not being covered up,


When  to  take  the  remedies  featured  in  this  kit  PLEASE  NOTE:  REMEDIES  SHOULD  NOT  BE  TAKEN  WITHIN  15  MINUTES  OF  


         Ferrum    Phos      


from being chills or from drafts cold food or drink                                      


 When  to  take  the  remedies  featured  in  this  kit  






Anxiety  over  anticipation  of  an  event,  such  as  stage  fright      Colds  with  sneezing,  fullness  at  base  of  nose,  watery  discharge,  headaches  and  fever.    Dizziness,  lightheadedness    Mental  and  physical  weakness  and  fatigue,  with  body  feeling  tired  and  heavy      lack  of  thirst      muscles  feel  bruised,  head  feels  heavy    Flu  with  dizziness,  body  ache,  fatigue,  weakness  and  chills    Tension  headache  that  feels  like  a  band  is  wrapped  around  your  head;  ache  extending  up  from  the  neck  with  shoulder  and  neck  soreness;  may  be  brought  on  by  anxiety  or  shock                      


When  to  take  the  remedies  featured  in  this  kit  PLEASE  NOTE:  REMEDIES  SHOULD  NOT  BE  TAKEN  WITHIN  15  MINUTES  OF  





Hypericum is becoming well known from its increased use for anxiety and depression. Well-known by its herbal name, St. John's Wort. Hypericum is found in our Despondency formula Researchers have discovered St. John's Wort alters brain chemistry in a way which improves mood. Clinical studies have also helped to demonstrate this improvement in moodiness. Hypericum, as a homeopathic remedy, is best known for it's use in nerve injuries. Hypericum has been shown to be an important remedy in pain relief for injuries to areas rich in nerve endings. For pain that radiates or shoots from the injury. Keep on hand in the first aid kit for crushed fingers from slammed doors, puncture wounds (including bites and from medical procedures), 1st and 2nd degree burns, tailbone injuries. Hypericum is indicated in spinal irritation, sticking pains, tearing pain, hypersensitivity to pain. Studies at New York University demonstrate anti viral activity in Hypericum. Hypericum is important in protection of infection in puncture wounds. Impotency from nerve injury. This remedy is also a top mental nerve remedy. Depression and irritability following injury, stress, shock. Hypericum is also helpful as a topical treatment. Gentle on sensitive skin. Keynote Summary: Injuries to nerves. Nervous depression. Compare with Ledum, Arnica, Calendula. Better from: Bending head back

 When  to  take  the  remedies  featured  in  this  kit  






Worse from: Dampness, Fog, Touch, Cold

Key attributes of Ignatia are Anger effects, Anguish, Anxiety, Appetite disordered, Depression, Disappointment, Grief headaches. Ignatia is also useful in headache caused due to grief, anger, bad news and tobacco. Congestive and throbbing headache worse on stooping. Relieved by lying on painful side and profuse urination. Ignatia also helps in appetite disorders. There is all gone sensation in the stomach with much flatulence and hiccough. Also helps in obstinate constipation of habitual coffee drinkers. There is excessive urge and desire for stool but great pain. It also helps in hemorrhoids, which protrude with every soft stool, not with hard stool. Pain in small circumscribed spot.  

Ignatia is also indicated in sore throat. Liquid is more painful than solids. Sensation of lump in the throat not relieved by swallowing.  


When  to  take  the  remedies  featured  in  this  kit  PLEASE  NOTE:  REMEDIES  SHOULD  NOT  BE  TAKEN  WITHIN  15  MINUTES  OF  




                                               Animal  bites  with  punctured  skin    Bites/stings  with  pain  extending  upward,  causing  a  great  sensitivity  to  touch    Corneal  abrasion  with  light  sensitivity,  black  eye  

 When  to  take  the  remedies  featured  in  this  kit  




         Ledum  Pal.                


or  bruising  around  the  eye    Puncture  wounds,  especially  with  great  sensitivity  to  touch    Helps  bring  splinters  to  the  skin’s  sur  face                                                                  

This is for a painful sore throat, swollen neck glands, and fever with profuse, nightly perspiration. Increased salivation wets the pillow at night. This remedy is an important strep remedy and used for infection in a person who even smells sick, with offensive odor from mouth. All symptoms will be worse as soon as


When  to  take  the  remedies  featured  in  this  kit  PLEASE  NOTE:  REMEDIES  SHOULD  NOT  BE  TAKEN  WITHIN  15  MINUTES  OF  





the sun sets and during the night, with an extreme thirst for cold drinks. It is best used as a homeopathic remedy for emotional healing, as well as those ailments that involve a watery discharge. Common Cold:

The common cold may form at anytime, but it may quickly turn

into an unbearable virus to live with. When the mucus and the

runny nose become the consistency of uncooked egg whites,

this is when nat mur may be of the most help. Taking Nat Mur

will ensure that the runny nose dissipates and that the other

symptoms of the cold subside.

Severe Headaches:

Though we all may get a headache here and there, this is not

the typical run of the mill headache that we’re speaking of. This

is the type of headache where you feel that your head may

burst, or that there is a hammering happening right there within

your head. Nat mur is an effective homeopathic remedy to help

calm these most severe headaches. It is also used to alleviate

migraines that develop above the eyes, and those that involve

vision problems as a result of them.

 When  to  take  the  remedies  featured  in  this  kit  





 Nat  Mur      


Mouth Problems:

If you have ever suffered from a cold sore, then you know

firsthand how painful and frustrating it can be. That’s not even

the worst of them either because other mouth problems such as

ulcers of the mouth and even gingivitis can be difficult to live

with, and may even lead to additional health problems. Nat mur

works to combat all of these mouth problems and help the body

naturally heal.

Women’s Health Issues:

Again we see that nat mur helps with another issue where there

is a consistency of uncooked egg whites, but this time it is

related to women’s health. If a woman is suffering from such a

problem, often due to thrush, nat mur is of great help. It also

works quite well as a homeopathic remedy for issues associated

with menstruation such as severe headaches, general unwell

feelings before or during a woman’s monthly cycle, a dry or sore

vagina, or painful sexual intercourse.



When  to  take  the  remedies  featured  in  this  kit  PLEASE  NOTE:  REMEDIES  SHOULD  NOT  BE  TAKEN  WITHIN  15  MINUTES  OF  



Nux  Vomica    


Allergy/head  cold  with  sneezing  and  clear  mucus.  Nose  stuffy  at  night,  runs  during  the  day.  Fevers  with  chills.    Bloating/gas/indigestion  from  overindulgence  of  food.    Constipation  from  overindulgence  in  food,  alcohol,  coffee  or  other  substance.  Also  from  overworking.  Can  alternate  with  diarrhea.    Dry,  hacking  cough  with  sore  throat/chest.  Coughing  brings  on  headache.    Craves  stimulants,  alcohol  Flu    with  severe  chills,  nauseated  but  unable  to  vomit,  cramps  with  urge  to  move  bowels  Effects  of  hangover    Headache  from  overwork  or  overindulgence,  splitting  pain  in  back  of  head  or  over  eyes.  Frontal  pain,  scalp  sore,  worse  in  sunshine    Sour  belching,  nausea,  heartburn  from  overindulgence    Itching  hemorrhoids    Insomnia  due  to  or  with  indigestion.  May  also  be  due  to  mind  being  overactive,  or  a  sensitivity  to  noise.  May  wake  up  at  3am,  and  be  unable  to  get  back  to  sleep  for  an  hour  or  two,  and  then  feel  unrefreshed  in  the  morning.    Irritable,  demanding,  impatient,  doesn’t  like  questioning.  Generally  oversensitive    

Morning  sickness/dizziness  

 When  to  take  the  remedies  featured  in  this  kit  







         Anemia  from  blood  loss    Anxious/fearful,  especially  when  alone,  i.e.  of  dark    Asthma      Dry,  tickly  cough/bronchitis,  exacerbated  by  breathing  cold  air  or  talking,  hurts  throat.  Chest  pressure  and  wheezing    laryngitis    Colds  that  start  in  the  head  and  then  drop  down  to  the  throat  and  chest.  Throat  sensitive  to  touch  and  cold  air,  constant  desire  to  clear,  possible  hoarseness  or  loss  of  voice.    Flu  symptoms  that  settle  in  the  chest.  Hoarseness  and  coughing,  constant  desire  for  cold  drinks.  Nervousness  better  with  company  and  sympathy,  nausea  and  night  sweats.    Bleeding  gums,  frequent  nosebleeds,  long  and  profuse  menstrual  periods  with  bright  red  blood.  Also  take  before  surgery  to  prevent  nausea  and  bleeding    Vomiting  after  drinks  become  warm  in  the  stomach      Pneumonia  with  cough  that  improves  with  head  propped  up.  Tightness  of  chest,  relieved  by  heat                        


When  to  take  the  remedies  featured  in  this  kit  PLEASE  NOTE:  REMEDIES  SHOULD  NOT  BE  TAKEN  WITHIN  15  MINUTES  OF  




 When  to  take  the  remedies  featured  in  this  kit  






Cries/laughs  easily    Extreme  emotions  Changeable  moods  Children  clingy,  only  want  to  be  held  Lack  of  thirst  (with  all  symptoms)  symptoms  move  and  change  frequently  Acne    with  cream-­‐filled  pustules    Head  colds  with  creamy  or  yellow-­‐green  mucus,  with  runny  nose.  Symptoms  better  in  open  air,  worse  at  night  in  stuffy  room.  Lack  of  hunger    Conjunctivitis  with  creamy,  yellow  discharge,  lids  stuck  together  in  morning.  Constant  desire  to  rub  burning,  itching  eyes.  Eyes  tearing,  lids  inflamed.  Also  good  for  Styes.    Loose  cough  becomes  gagging  and  choking,  though  cough  can  also  be  dry.  May  bring  up  thick,  yellow  mucus.  Chest  feels  heavy  and  sore    Earache  where  ear  is  congested,  hearing  is  difficult,  ear  is  hot,  red  and  swollen.  Possibly  accompanied  by  yellow  discharge.  Worse  in  right  ear    PMS,  changeable  periods    Leaky  bladder,  bedwetting  in  children  Difficulty  digesting  rich,  fatty  foods    Reduces  discomfort  during  measles    Yeast  infections  with  creamy  discharge                                  


When  to  take  the  remedies  featured  in  this  kit  PLEASE  NOTE:  REMEDIES  SHOULD  NOT  BE  TAKEN  WITHIN  15  MINUTES  OF  


 Rhus  Tox        


  Research indicates that approximately 80% of all of us are presently suffering or have suffered from back pain. Reasons people see their doctor are #1 Back Pain; #2 Headaches. The first remedy that comes to mind when discussing back pain, arthritis, aches and pain is the remedy RHUS TOX. Rhus tox is often the remedy in Backache, Body aches during flu, Lumbago, Rheumatism, Sprains. Whether the pain is from an old injury or not, consider Rhus tox. Lifting heavy loads that cause bruised and sprained pains. Overlifting, with the sudden "crick" in the back, with pain worse with raising arms above the head. KEYNOTE: STIFFNESS WORSE-- in the morning, yearly and weather change aggravation, cold and damp weather, overexertion. BETTER-- with movement, as the muscles start to warm up as one walks and does gentle exercises, warm, dry weather, rubbing the painful areas, change of position. Rhus tox people are restless since change of position improves their pain. Rhus tox nickname is "Rusty Hinge" and Rhus tox is often referred to as the "Rusty Gate Remedy". The back stiffens up after sitting still for awhile. This is also why mornings and initial motion are such an acute aggravations. Rhus Toxicodendron, Rhus Tox, is the #1 arthritis and joint remedy. Keynote is: pain is better after the person is up, moving about and muscles and joints are warm.

Remember Rhus Tox for the flu season! Keynotes are flu symptoms with general aches in the muscles, joints, and bones.

Rhus Tox is from Poison Ivy. Rhus Tox is a remedy for skin ailments such as, shingles hives, fever blisters, chicken pox, poison ivy , and rashes with poison ivy appearance. Keynote is: red spots, very itchy, with burning and swollen vesicles. Rhus Tox main features: Muscle sprains, strains Joint stiffness Restlessness (physically and mentally) Better with motion Worse first thing in the morning

 When  to  take  the  remedies  featured  in  this  kit  




   Ruta    Grav      

   Those who turn to, and benefit the most from ruta grav tend to be very anxious and weepy. As there are very specific uses for ruta grav as a homeopathic remedy, the profile tends to be very specific in nature as well. Those who benefit the most may be quick to anger and easily engaged in confrontation. They are often filled with feelings of anxiety and are suspicious of people and circumstances overall. They tend to suffer from recurrent pain such as that in a sprain, and they have a difficult time in regaining their strength after such an injury.


Coughs from midnight til morning

Sprains or fractures that aren't healing well indicate need for Ruta Grav. Ankle sprains; soreness in the feet, ankles, achilles heel, and lower back respond well with Ruta Grav. This keynote of soreness around bones includes eyestrain. Eyes have a bruised sensation. Eyestrain from over reading or computer work. Eyes feel hot with difficulty focusing.

BENEFITS/USES OF RUTA GRAV: Bruised and Aching Bones: What works so well about ruta grav as a homeopathic remedy is that it not only helps with the actual bruising, but with the root of the problem itself. It goes to work on healing the lining of the bones and therefore offers tremendous help to those who have bruising and aching bones and muscles. Turning to ruta grav as a homeopathic remedy can help to settle any pain or reaction suffered as a result of injuries to the tendons, muscles, or bones. It also helps with painful bruising, sciatic nerve pain, and any sort of related pain that is common with these types of injuries.

Eyestrain: Ruta grav is used as a homeopathic remedy for eyestrain as well. This is most commonly the type of eyestrain that comes about as a result of working too hard or straining the eyes too much; such as looking at very small print. It helps with the eyestrain itself, and also for related symptoms such as hot, red looking eyes or the headaches that come about as a result of this eyestrain.

Chest Weakness:Anybody who suffers with chest weakness or difficulty in breathing may benefit from ruta grav. This often shows up as pain in the breastbone, coughs or even croup, and even tooth pain that may come from an infection or actual extraction. The chest weakness may even exist as a result of bending or stooping      


When  to  take  the  remedies  featured  in  this  kit  PLEASE  NOTE:  REMEDIES  SHOULD  NOT  BE  TAKEN  WITHIN  15  MINUTES  OF  



 Homeopathic Remedy Profile for Sepia:

Those who turn to and benefit the

most from sepia as a homeopathic

remedy tend to be almost two

different people. They may be quite

irritable at home, and yet may be

quite extroverted and kind in the

company of others. These people can

be easily transformed and be made

much happier when in the company

of or doing something that they love.

Those that benefit the most tend to

be strong in their opinions and do not

like to be contradicted on any count.

They do not like sympathy, even

when they aren’t well. They tend to

withdraw if they feel that they are

getting undue sympathy as they want

to remain normal and happ


 Ailments Accompanied By Exhaustion:

Though everybody suffers from exhaustion at some point in

their life, there are very real symptoms that may come about as

a result of this. Symptoms that can benefit from the use of

sepia include aching back and sides, and even muscle


Digestive Disorders:

For those who have difficulties in digesting certain foods such as

dairy products or fatty foods, sepia may offer help as a

homeopathic remedy. Related symptoms as a result of this such

as gas, tender abdomen, nausea, and dizziness may all be

helped with the use of sepia as well.


Though there are varying degrees and types of headaches,

sepia may work well for a variety of them. It may be

particularly helpful for those headaches that are accompanied

by nausea or that tend to be quite frequent or intense in nature.


When an allergy or cold is present, then catarrh is not only

common but almost always a problem. In this instance, the

catarrh may be salty tasting and may go hand in hand with a

cough or other related symptoms. Sepia helps to work as a

homeopathic remedy to go to work on breaking this up and

relieving the related symptoms.

Skin Conditions:

Skin conditions that tend to benefit the most from sepia as a

homeopathic remedy include and focus around discolored and

itchy patches found throughout and across the body. A very

recognizable skin condition that many people may turn to sepia

for help is the common brown chloasma found across the nose

and cheeks during pregnancy.

Poor Circulation: Those who suffer with poor circulation are all too familiar with the common and very pesky symptoms. Sepia is used as a homeopathic remedy for poor circulation issues such as the development of varicose veins and profuse sweating brought about as a result of this health issue. The hot flashes experienced during menopause may also be assisted with the use of sepia on a regular basis.    

 When  to  take  the  remedies  featured  in  this  kit  





   The type of person that benefits the most from silica tends to lack stamina, both mentally and physically. They often feel overwhelmed, but yet show great determination and commitment once a challenge is accepted. These people tend to be very consumed with the tiny little details and will work almost obsessively until the job at hand is completed. They are often overwhelmed by a fear of failure and since they are not assertive in nature, they tend to get pushed around a fair amount as well.


Benefits/Uses of Silica:


Though undernourishment can happen due to a number of

factors, many of which are unintentional, it can lead to rather

dire consequences. Undernourishment can lead to a weakened

immune system, and this in turn means continuous colds, ear

infections, and bouts with the flu. If undernourishment is an

issue for any reason, silica may work as a homeopathic remedy

to ensure that further consequences don’t develop.

Skin and Bone Complaints:

Though we all have issues from time to time with our skin or

our bones, these are complaints that may be frustrating and

plague the individual on a fairly regular basis. Skin issues may

show in the form of simply an unhealthy complexion, but it may

get worse from there. It may also present itself through acne,

weak nails, hardened skin, slow bone growth, or those injuries

to either area that are hard to heal.

Expelling Foreign Objects:

If you are having difficulty with a foreign object being stuck in

the skin, then silica may be the homeopathic remedy to turn to

for help. If for example there is a splinter stuck in the skin,

silica may offer the body the necessary assistance to help to get

it out.

Nervous System Problems:

There are a number of ways that the nervous system may

present problems. It may show up in the form of a migraine

headache, whereby the individual has disturbed vision and a

sharp pain that engulfs the head. Nervous system problems

may show up as an inability to expel stools from the system as

they slip back in upon the attempt. For any number of nervous

system issues, silica may offer help as a homeopathic remedy.

Ear, Nose, and Throat Conditions:As the three are all interconnected, it only makes sense that if you suffer with pain or sensitivity in one; it seems to affect all three. Where silica offers the most help within the world of homeopathy is when there is fluid in the middle ear or chronic phlegm that develops and plagues the individual. A cough may develop as a result of either condition, and this can be rather difficult for the individual to contend with.


When  to  take  the  remedies  featured  in  this  kit  PLEASE  NOTE:  REMEDIES  SHOULD  NOT  BE  TAKEN  WITHIN  15  MINUTES  OF  




Burning  pain  that  is  worse  from  the  warmth  of  bed  or  water      Gets  rid  of  colds/injuries  that  are  slow  to  heal    Hot  head  and  feet,  must  uncover  at  night    Red  orifices    Cold  with  stuffy  nose  indoors.  Dry  scabs  that  bleed  easily.  Burning  discharge    Constipation  with  hard,  painful  stools    Craves  sweets/fats    Diarrhea  from  eating  too  many  sweets,  worse  first  thing  in  morning,  may  alternate  with  constipation    Hemorrhoids  with  redness,  burning  and  itching    Red,  dry,  itchy  skin,  eczema.  Burning  heat,  especially  in  soles  of  feet.  Offensive  sweat,  easy  infection    Burning  pain  in  throat,  dry  mucous  membranes,  better  with  warm  drinks    Chronically  inflamed  eyelids  from  Styes,  burning  and  itching                                  

 When  to  take  the  remedies  featured  in  this  kit  






Benefits of Thuja Extract: While Thuja has been around for centuries, there is little known about this specific extract type. There are some benefits that can be found through Thuja extract use, however, as it is considered an herbal remedy for fighting viruses.

Thuja extract is considered by some to be a strong immune system booster. The immune system can regulate back to normal levels after Thuja extract use. This makes Thuja extracts perfect for those who are looking to fight off the common cold or the flu.

Thuja extracts are also strong herbal remedies for those who are suffering from various upper respirator issues, including pneumonia and bronchitis. The extract may also be able to help those who are suffering from strep throat.

There are some other uses for Thuja extracts that are less popular. These various uses include help against nerve pain, herpes infections, join pains, and muscle aches. Some people have used Thuja extracts to help prevent cancer and ward off skin diseases ….



When  to  take  the  remedies  featured  in  this  kit  PLEASE  NOTE:  REMEDIES  SHOULD  NOT  BE  TAKEN  WITHIN  15  MINUTES  OF  


 Veratrum    Album        



Veratrum Album is made from the White Hellebore plant. Veratrum Album should always come to mind with sudden shock and collaspe.

Also remember Veratrum Album when diarrhea, vomiting, headache comes simultaneous with subsequent severe weakness.

Use for 1st Aid treatment in sunstroke; heat exhaustion; sudden collaspe; menstrual exhaustion; sudden shock with cold sweat and pale face.


 When  to  take  the  remedies  featured  in  this  kit  




Benefits of Bach Flower Care The Bach Flower Remedies for Children:

A Holistic Resource to Help Ease the Ups and Downs of Childhood

The Bach Flower Remedies are a powerful tool for transformation. There are 38 flower essences, which comprise the Bach Flower System, considered to be a complete system of healing. The remedies offer a holistic resource that can help to strengthen our ability move more easily in the world, to have healthier relationships, and to experience greater joy and ease of well-being. They are a gentle, safe and natural method of healing. The remedies work to restore balance between mind and body by transmuting negative emotions, such as fear, sadness and overwhelm into positive ones, such as calm, joy and ease. These negative emotions can interfere with our sense of balance, health and overall ease of well being. The remedies can also assist in resolving trauma and stress from life experiences as well as aiding us as we move through change and transitions.

The Bach Flower Remedies provide a wonderful support for many of the ups and downs of childhood. Childhood is a time of growth and development. Along with the joy that childhood can bring, it can also be a time of awkwardness, discomfort and insecurity. The Bach Flower Remedies can help children to feel more balanced emotionally and can assist in relieving some of the aches and pains of childhood. They are a natural way to create greater ease during this transformative time.

Bach Flowers have been used to assist with issues such as fear, nightmares, shyness, neediness, temper tantrums, growing pains and situational changes. They can also help with issues such as ADD or ADHD, anxiety, over sensitivity and relieving traumatic experiences. Often, issues and conditions that develop in childhood progress with age. By addressing the needs of a child early on, the Bach Flower Remedies can help to support a happier more balanced childhood as well as foster lifelong health and well-being.

The visionary physician Dr. Edward Bach discovered the Bach Flowers Remedies in the 1930’s. Dr. Bach was well known in England for his work in the areas of bacteriology and homeopathy. It was through this work that he began to see a connection between state of mind and the disease process. He found that if he treated the person’s state of mind, all physical symptoms would disappear, and if he treated early enough, it may prevent illness from arising. He recognized that long-term stress from emotions such as anger, fear or worry can lower a person’s resistance to disease.

By studying vibrational medicine and native British flowers, Dr. Bach discovered that certain plant essences have a profound healing effect on the mind. He observed that the remedies affected a deep personal transformation in his patients’ character and behavior patterns, which not only prevented disease but also left the patient happier and more integrated. According to Dr. Bach, certain flowers are of a higher order. He believed that these healing plants addressed disharmony within the mental and spiritual aspects of our being by flooding our energy field with higher frequencies and thereby aligning our whole being. They actually transmute negative energies into positive ones. They do not mask the effects of the emotions, but provide a catalyst for change to occur from within.

Through his work with the flower remedies, Dr. Bach became convinced that treating each individual personality rather than focusing exclusively on the diseases or symptoms a person experiences was the answer to maintaining true health. He found that by selecting flower remedies according to the personality


When  to  take  the  remedies  featured  in  this  kit  PLEASE  NOTE:  REMEDIES  SHOULD  NOT  BE  TAKEN  WITHIN  15  MINUTES  OF  


and emotional states of individuals that he was able to resolve their discomforts. As a result, people became more balanced emotionally and they got better physically because their bodies were able to heal themselves.

Choosing which remedies to use is a subjective process, which is done through observation and inquiry. There are 38 Bach Flower Remedies, which address a variety of emotional issues and behavioral patterns. Treatment can be with a single remedy or a blend of 5 – 7 remedies, which focus on core issues. The following are some specific remedies that can be particularly helpful for children: