Notes on the Osteology and Myology of the …...192934 x\Pi:"'"-MAR -9 1915 R3K.V-PREFACE....

Notes on the osteology and myology of the domestic fowl (Gallus Domesticus) Victor Clarence Vaughan

Transcript of Notes on the Osteology and Myology of the …...192934 x\Pi:"'"-MAR -9 1915 R3K.V-PREFACE....

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Tllniversits of Wisconsin

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( Gallus Domesticus,)










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Entered according to Act of Congress in the year 1S76, hy


In the office of the Librarian of Congress at Washington.


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192934 x\Pi:"'"-

MAR -9 1915




The author, both as a student and a teacher, has long felt the

need of a plain, practical work on the anatomy of some common

animal. For this reason, he has chosen the domestic fowl and

has endeavored to give such descriptions of its bones and muscles

as will enable the student to extend his work and gain a knowledge

of the anatomy of birds in general. The range of comparative

anatomy is unlimited and many valuable books have been written

in this department; but the majority or all of these books are

general, large and expensive, or are devoted to the anatomy of

some rare animal. To teach or to try to teach anatomy without

practical work, without having the object before the student, is

acknowledged by all who have tried it, to be but little better than

a waste of time.

In this work, the common order of arrangement has been

departed from to some extent. In the Osteology the bones of the

skull instead of being given first, are reserved for the last. This

has been done because these bones are more closely united and

consequently cannot be studied by the beginner so easily as some

of the other bones. For the same reason the muscles of the limbs

have been described before those of the back, neck and head are


The descriptions of the bones and muscles have been made

from the common fowl, but the student should dissect and study

at least one specimen from each of the different orders of birds,

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The references which have been used, are Brown"s "/Classen

unci Orcinungen cies Their-Reich" Owen"s "Anatomy of Verte

brates," Huxley"s "Vertebrated Animals," and "Elements of Com

parative Anatomy," and a paper on the "Osteology of the Colym-

bus Torquatus," by Coues. These works have been used freely.

The author gladly avails himself of this opportunity to express

his sincerest thanks to that able comparative anatomist, Dr. Abram

Sager, who has had the kindness to examine that part of the man

uscript relating to the bones of the head. Especial thanks are

also due to Prof. Harrington, of the University of Michigan, for

his valuable suggestions.

Hoping that this may be considered an effort in the right

direction, and that it may supply a need greatly felt by all teachers

of natural science, the author presents this little book to the kind

consideration of all those who are interested in the subject.

ANN ARBOR, July, 1876.

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The Skeleton, ------ 9

Vertebral Column, - - - - - -11

Special Description of some Vertebrae, - 15

The Sternum, - - - - - - 17

The Coracoid, ------ 20

The Scapula, ------- 22

The Clavicles, ------ 24

Anterior Extremities, ------ 25

The Humerus, ------ 25

The Antibrachium, ------ 27

The Ulna, 28

The Radius, ------- 29

The Hand, ------- 30

Carpal Bones, -------31

The Metacarpus, ------ 32

The Phalanges, ------- 33

Bones of the Pelvis, ----- 34

The Femur, ------- 36

The Tibia, ------- 38

The Fibula, ------- 39

Tarso-Metatarsus, ------ 39

The Toes, ------- 41

The Ribs, ..----- 42

Bones of the Head, - - - - - - - 44

Occipital Bone, ------ 48

Parietal Bones, ------- 50

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Temporal Bones, --.... ^I

Alisphenoid. ------ i ^2

Basisphenoid, --..__ ^

Tympanie, ....... 55

Palatine, ---.... rfi

Pterygoid, ....... 57

Orbitosphenoid, ...... ^g

Frontals, -------60

Nasals, ....... gt

Premaxillary, -------63

Malars, ....... g^

Superior Maxillary, ------ 66

Lachrymal, ------- 67

Vomer, --------68

Inferior Maxillary, ------ 68


The Muscular System, ------ 71

Pectoralis Major, ------ 76

Pectoralis Minor, ...... 77

Coraco-Humeralis, ------ y(j

Sterno-Coracoid, ------ 80

Subcoracoid, ------- 81

Latissimus dorsi, ------ 81

Trapezius, ------- 85

Rhomboideus, - - - - - -85

Teres Major, ------ 86

Infraspinatus, ---.---87

Subscapularis, ------ 87

Deltoid Major, - - - - - 87

Deltoid Minor, ------ 88

Tensor Plicae Alaris Longus, ----- 88

Tensor Plicae Alaris Brevis, .... §9

Biceps, -.------89

Triceps. - - - - - - 90

Supinator, ------- gi


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Flexor Tertius Antibrachii, ....

Brachialis Internus, -

Extensor Metacarpi Rad. Longus, - 03

Extensor Meta. Rad. Brevis, -

Flexor Metacarpi Ulnaris, -

Pronator Brevis—Pronator Longus, -

Extensor Carpi Ulnaris, ..... ^

Flexor Metacarpi Radialis, - - - - - 06

Extensor Dig. Com. Longus, - - - . gg

Extensor Dig. Indicis Proprius,

Muscles of Posterior Extremities, -

Abductor Magnus, ----■_

Sartorius, -----..

Biceps, -----..

Semitendinosus, -----.

Adductor Longus, -

Adductor Brevis Femoris, -

Obturator, ---.__

Semi-membranosus, .....

Glutei, ---....

Gracilis, ---..._

Cruraeus, --....

Vastus Externus, --....

Vastus Internus, .....

Quadratus Femoris, .....

Adductor Magnus, ...... Iac

Gastrocnemius, -...._

Peroneus Longus, .....

Tibialis Anticus, --....

Extensor Longus Digitorum, -

Soleus, - - ...

Flexor Perforans Digitorum, -

Flexor Perforatus Digitorum, - - . .

Peroneus Medins, -

Muscles of Back and Neck, - - . .

Longus Colli Posticus et Biventer Cervicis, -



























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Sacrolumbalis, - - - - - - 112

Longissimus Dorsi, - - - - - -113

Interspinals, - - - - - - 113

Interarticulares, - - - - - -113

Levator Costarum, - - - - - - 113

Complexus, - - - - - - -113

Recti Capitis Postici, - - - - - 114

Trachelo-Mastoideus, - - - - - -114

Rectus Capitis Lateralis, ----- TI^

Longus Colli, ------- 114

Recti Capitis Antici, - - - - - 115

Caudal Muscles, - - - - - - 115

Levator Caudae, - - - - - - 115

Adductor Caudae Superior et Inferior, ... u^

Quadratus Coccygis, - - - - - 116

Depressor Caudae, - - - - - -116

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The skeleton of birds is singularly compact and light.

The compactness is due to the fact that the bones contain

an unusual quantity of phosphate of lime ; while the

lightness is caused by the absence of marrow and the pres

ence of air in its stead, in some of the bones. Upon

making a transverse section of one of the long bones, the

humerus, for instance, of the domestic fowl, the outer,

compact part of the bone will be found to be very thin ;

while the interior contains a cancellated structure with large

intervening spaces. The bones of the skull are so closely

united in the adult, that it is difficult to define the limits of

each bone. The cervical region is long and flexible, in or

der to secure the greatest freedom of motion to the head.

The neck is sufficiently long to allow of the application of

the beak to any part of the plumage, for the purpose of

cleaning and oiling the same. The vertebrae of the dorsal

and sacral regions are, for the most part, immovably articu

lated to each other ; but those of the caudal region admit

of the same variety of motion as those of the cervical re

gion. The ribs, which number seven pairs in the domestic


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fowl, give off a peculiar process, which lies over the next

rih. In front the ribs meet with the sternal ribs, which are

straight bones, passing from the costal border of the stern

um upwards and backwards. The sternum of the fowl is

not so strong as that of birds of flight ; but is deeplv cut by

wide indentures. The anterior extremities terminate in

three fingers, and the hand is not used as an organ of pre

hension. The two halves of the pelvis are united with

each other, and with the sacral vertebrae. The femur is

short, and the principal bone of the posterior extremities is

the tibia. The tarsal and metatarsal bones are fused so as

to form one bone, the tarso-metatarsus. The foot consists

of four toes, three of which are anterior and one posterior.

The entire skeleton of the domestic fowl consists of one

hundred and sixty-one (161) bones. These are as follows:

Bones of the head, ...... 29

Vertebral column, ...... 42

Os hyoides, sternum and ribs, .... 16

Bones of scapular arch, ..... 6

Anterior extremities, ...... 26

Posterior extremities, ...... 42


The bones of the head may be divided into two classes,

as follows :

Skull, ......

Face, ......

The vertebral column is divided into four

Cervical vertebra-, ....

Dorsal vertebra-.

Lumbar and sacral vertebra", .

Caudal vertebra", ....





regions :





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The sixteen bones which are given for the os hyoides,

sternum and ribs are as follows :

Os hyoides,



The bones of the scapular arch are :

Clavicles, . . . . .

Coracoids, .

Scapulas, .





Each of the anterior extremities has the following divis

ions :



Carpus, .








Each division of one of the posterior extremities consists

of the following number of bones :

Pelvis, ....... 1

Thigh, 1

iPatella, ......

Leg, ....... 2

1Tarso-metatar. us, .....

Metatarsal, ...... 1

Phalanges, ...... 14



The vertebral column is articulated anteriorly to the head ;

it extends along the neck, through the upper and middle

part of the body, terminating in a point at the posterior ex

tremity of the animal. It serves as a pillar to which the

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frame work is attached, thus giving firmness to the entire

Fig. 2. -Cervical Vetkbr*:. body, and protecting the del

icate organs of life. It is

composed of a number of

short, hollow, cylindrical

bones, placed end to end,

so as to form a tube which

contains an important por

tion of nervous matter, the

spinal cord. These short

bones are called vertebra.

They vary much in size

and shape according to their

position in the column.

These differences are so

great as to require us to di

vide the vertebral column

into four regions. These

groups are, beginning an

teriorly, ist. Cervical; 2d.

Dorsal ; 3d. Lumbar and

Sacral ; 4th. Coccygeal. The

cervical vertebrae are four

teen in number, and form

the osseous portion of the

neck. They are easily mov

able upon one another, thus

allowing great freedom in

the movements of the head.

3. Tinrd Cervical. This is necessary in taking

food and in shifting the center of gravity during flight.

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The dorsal vertebrae number seven, and are generally con

solidated into a single piece. The ribs are attached fo these

and they give strength to the body. The lumbar and sacral

vertebrae number fourteen and are so joined that it would be

difficult to decide where the lumbar region ends and the sa

cral begins. The coccygeal are movable upon one another,

thus allowing the tail to be used as a rudder during flight.

The opening through each vertebra from end to end, is

called the spinal foramen. That portion of the vertebra

beneath, and forming the floor to the spinal foramen, is the

body of the vertebra. The other portion is named the an

nular part ; because it encircles the foramen.

The body presents for study two extremities, anterior and

posterior, and two faces, superior and inferior. The anteri

or extremity of the body has a facet, which is concave late

rally, and convex vertically ; while the posterior extremity

has a facet which is convex laterally and concave vertically.

The posterior facet of the body of one vertebra, fits into the

anterior facet of the succeeding one. The superior face

of the body forms the floor of the spinal foramen. It is

smooth and concave from side to side. The inferior face

is more or less uneven and convex from side to side. In

most of the vertebra}, it is divided into two lateral halves, by

a thin process, the inferior spinous process. The an

nular portion presents an internal and an external part, and

an anterior and a posterior border. The internal surface

forms the walls and roof of the spinal foramen. This sur

face is smooth, and more or less arched. In some

vertebra:, the walls are more nearly perpendicular and

the roof is flatter than in others. The external surface of

the annular portion is rough and consists of two sides and a

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crest. The crest is marked by an elevation more or less

prominent, and called the superior spinous process. The

spinous processes of the dorsal vertebrae are united so as to

form a continuous ridge. This process, also the inferior

spinous process, is for the attachment of muscles, which

pass from one vertebra to the other. The anterior border of

the annular portion is deeply concave from side to side.

The lateral prolongations of this border are called the ante

rior articular processes. Each of these is furnished with a

smooth, slightlv convex facet whieh looks upwards and in

wards. [The description of the vertebrae given here should

be studied with the cervical vertebrae, since they are separ

ated from one another, and for this reason, the description is

given more directly concerning them.] The posterior bor

der has three concavities, two lateral, one between each side

of the body and the corresponding articular process, and

the third above, between the two processes. The posterior

articular processes are furnished with facets which look

downwards and outwards. When the vertebrae are in posi

tion, the openings forward by the concavities in the borders

are called intervertebral notches. The processes which

come off from the sides of the annular portion of the verte

brae are called transverse processes. The transverse, as well

as the other processes, vary greatly according to the position

of the vertebra in the column. The transverse processes of

the dorsal vertebrae are generally consolidated, while the

same processes in the cervical vertebrae are rough tubercles,

coming off under the anterior articular processes, pierced

at the base by a foramen, and sending backwards, parallel

with the body a styloid projection, which varies in length

and strength according to the position of the vertebra to

which it belongs.

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The Atlas.—This, the first bone of the column, and that

to which the head is directly attached, is a thin ring and ea

sily distinguished from any other vertebra in the column.

It has no transverse processes, and no anterior articular pro

cesses, save that which marks the body.

The Axis.—This is the second cervical vertebra. It

presents a well developed odontoid process, under which is

a facet for articulation with the body of the atlas. There

are no transverse processes and a small groove represents the

former which pierces the base of the transverse processes of

the succeeding vertebrae. The superior spinous process is

short, thick and blunt.

Third and fourth Cervical.—These two resemble each

other closely. Their transverse diameter is greater than

that of either the preceeding or succeeding vertebras. The

expansion is on the sides of annulur portion and is pierced

by a vertical foramen—one on each side. Both have trans

verse processes with short styloid prolongations. The supe

rior spinous process of the third, points backwards, while

that of the fourth points more directly upwards, and that of

the fifth points slightly forwards. Beyond the fourth cervical,

the vertebrae increase in length, the styloid projections from

the transverse processes, become longer and more pointed,

and the posterior articular processes are long and diverging

until the eighth or ninth cervical is reached. Beyond these

the vertebra decrease in length and increase in thickness

to the dorsal. In the last cervical, the transverse process is

but an arch enclosing a larger foramen. In the last three

cervical and the first dorsal, the inferior spinous process is

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well developed and is inclined forwards. The change from

the cervical to the dorsal, can at once be recognized by the

absence of the foramen which pierces the base of the trans

verse process in the cervical. This foramen is very large in

the last cervical, but absent in the dorsal. In the latter,

there is a foramen along each side of the vertebrae but this

foramen is formed by the ribs, each of which unites with its

vertebra in two places. The first and last dorsal can gen

erally be separated from the others. But the superior spi

nous processes, the bodies, transverse processes and often

the inferior spinous processes of the other five have grown

together so completely as to form one bone.

The lumbar and sacral vertebra are united to one another

and to the bones of the pelvis. But the line of union be

tween the bones of the pelvis and these vertebra: is generally

quite distinct.

The coccygeal vertebrae are movable upon one another.

They are seven in number and are easily recognized from

those of the other regions. The first one is united with the

sacral. It has broad transvers processes and a long arch

enclosing a foramen, represents the superior spinous process.

None of the coccygeal vertebra- have the inferior spinous


The succeeding five vertebra- have well developed trans

verse processes, those of the second being the broadest and

those of the fifth and sixth being the longest. These trans

verse processes are smooth, thin and slope downwards.

These vertebrae also have prominent superior spinous pro

cesses, which are bifid, pierced at the base by a foramen

and decrease in size from before backwards.

The seventh coccygeal, or last bone of the column is quite

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different from any other vertebra. From its peculiar shape,

it is known as the plough-share bone. It is long, turned

upwards and comes to a point at its posterior extremity.

Anteriorly on its superior edge, there are two short protu

berances, which represent the bifid superior spinous pro

cesses of the preceding five coccygeal vertebrae. It has no

transverse processes. Its inferior edge is rough, convex

longitudinally, and is marked toward its anterior end by a

medium groove. This bone is formed by the union of two

or more bones. It supports the oil-glands and gives at

tachment to the quill feathers of the tail. It is entered an

teriorly by the termination of the spinal foramen.


This bone forms the floor of the abdominal cavity, and

supports the viscera. The general form of its interior or

upper face is concave ; while the general shape of its ex

ternal or lower face is convex, both latterally and longi

tudinally. We shall consider this bone as consisting of

a body and eight processes. The body is the thick, strong

part of the bone, from which the processes pass out. It

constitutes the anterior part of the bone, and presents for

study two faces with their borders. Projecting from the mid

dle potnt of the anterior border of the body, is a short, thin

process, which is pierced at its base by foramen. This pro

cess is the manubrium. On each side of the base of this pro

cess, is the facet for the articulation of the coracoid bones

with the sternum. These facets are convex from side to

side, and concave from above downwards. The two

facets join, forming the foramen, which pierces the base

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of the m-.mubriam, so that the two form a depression

along the entire anterior border of the body. Pirect-

ly over the extremities of this depression arise the an

terior costal processes, which extend forward and upward.

„ These processes presenthio. 3.—Sternum. ' •

two faces, an internal and

an external, and two

edges, a superior and an

inferior. About half way

up the miner face is a

small protuberance, from

which the surface slants,

both towards the base and

towards the extremity of

the process. The exter

nal surface is slightly

concave and more or less

marked by lines passing

from the superior edge

forward and across to the

inferior edge. The infe

rior edge is smooth and

concave, the superior

more or less rough and

convex. From the base

1. Manulrum. 2 Anterior Costal Process, of the anterior COStal pl"O-

1. Posterior I. ostal Process. 4. Lateral Pro- ,

<*ss. 5. Body. 6. Posterior or Keel-bear.n- CCSS backwards, the bor-

procesc tler 0f the body is called

the costal border, and is occupied by the facets for the

articulation of the sternal ribs. Sometimes one of the

facets lies up on the posterior edge of the anterior costal

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process. At the posterior extremity of the costal border,

the lateral process extends backwards nearly parallel

with the posterior process, which bears the keel. From

the superior edge of the base of the lateral process, arises the

posterior costal process, which extends upwards, backwards

and outwards. The faces and edges of the posterior cos

tal processes are smooth and even. At its extremity this pro

cess spreads out fan-shaped, and is thin. The long lateral

process—one on each side of the posterior process—extends

backwards and slightly upwards. Its length is about five-

sixths of that of the posterior process, its inner face is

smooth, its outer, convex from side to side. Near its ex

tremity there is a slight protuberance on the superior edge

of this process. From the base of the lateral process to the

base of the posterior or keel-bearing process, the margin of

the body is thin and often pierced by one or more very

small foramina. The posterior or keel-bearing process is the

largest and most prominent part of the bone. It arises from

the middle of the posterior margin of the body, and extends

backwards and slightly upwards. The internal or superior

face of this process forms a smooth, shallow trough, which

slopes from the posterior extremity to the base of the pro

cess. Just at the base will often be found a small foramen.

The external or inferior face, is convex both laterally and

longitudinally, and is mostly taken up by the keel, which

arises from its median line. The keel is the promi

nent part of the bone, projects downward, and serves for

the attachment of the pectoral muscles. It gradually de

creases in prominence from the base to the extremity of the

process. It presents two faces, both lateral, one edge, the

inferior and one end, the anterior. The faces are smooth

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and even. The edge is rough and thick anteriorly, smooth

and thin posteriorly. The edge is seldom or never straight,

as the bone has been pressed to the one side or the other

somewhere along its margin. Anteriorly the origin of the

keel is shown on the under surface of the body _hv. jtwo

eminences with a depression between. These pass back

wards and downwards (holding the bone in its natural po

sition), then unite and pass forward and downward, so as

to form a beak to the most prominent portion of the keel.


These bones lie behind the clavicle. They rest upon the

sternum and form the chief support for the shoulder. They

join the sternum in the two facets which mark the anterior

border of the body of that bone, and which unite to form the

foramen piercing the base of the manubrium. From the

sternum, the^e bones pass forward and upward, being artic

ulated above with the scapula, humerus and clavicle. The

anterior or external face of the coracoid is strongly convex

and increases in width toward its sternal extremity. Its

posterior or internal face is rough and slightly concave to

ward the sternal extremity. The articular facet on the ante

rior border of tne body of the sternum, into which the lower

extremity of the coracoid fits, is convex from side to side

and consequently there is a depression in the end of the con-

coid bone, corresponding to the convexity in the facet. This

depression is not median, but much nearer the inner edge

of the bone, the internal projection being smaller and shorter

than the external. The internal projection passes into the

foramen under the menubrium, where it meets the cones

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ponding projection of the other coracoid. The external pro

jection is large and extends out even beyond the limit of the

Kio. 4.—Sternum and Bonks of Scapular Aruh.

facet and partly covers the external face of the anterior cos

tal process. The upper extremity of the coracoid is quite

irregular. The scapula passes along almost parallel with

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the vertebral column and articulates with the posterior or

internal face of the coracoid. The scapula, thus acts as

a brace, not allowing the upper extremity of the coracoid to

be forced backward too far. The extremity of the scapula

which fits against the coracoid, bears a median depression

into which the coracoid sinks, and two projections—one on

each side of the depression. The external projection is

short, large and forms about one-third of the facet for the ar

ticulation of the humerus ; the other two-thirds of the facet

being formed on the outer edge of the coracoid. Above the

facet for the humerus, the coracoid terminates in a protuber

ance which bends inwards coming directly over the internal

projection of the extremity of the scapula, to which it is

joined by a strong ligament. A notch, or with the ligament

a foramen, is thus formed. The floor of this notch or for

amen is smooth, and over this passes the long, strong

tendon of the pectoralis minor to be inserted into the hu

merus. The clavicle is attached by a ligament to the point

of this extremity of the coracoid. On the anterior face of

the coracoid just above the facet for the humerus is a de

pression formed between the rough and raised border of the

facet and the protuberance which bends inwards. There is

also a slight depression on the end of this protuberance and

the end of the clavicle fits into this depression.


This is a long, thin bone, which lies almost parallel with,

and about an inch from the dorsal vertebrae. It rests upon

the ribs and terminates anteriorly against the coracoid. Its

posterior extremity is flat and narrow, but never terminates

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in a point. Its anterior half or two-thirds is thick and

strong. Its superior edge is thick anteriorly, thin posteriorly,

Fig. 5.—Bones of Scapular Arch.

2. Coracoid. 3. Humerus 4. Scapula.

and strongly convex. From the anterior extremity of the

bone, the superior edge passes back in almost a straight line,

for about two-thirds the length of the bone; it then turns

downwards. The inferior edge is smooth and concuve.

The posterior part of the bone is bent not only strongly

downwards, but slightly outwards. The anterior extremity,

as has been mentioned in describing the c iracoid, bears a

median depression and two lateral projections. The exter

nal projection assists in forming the gljnoid cavity, while

the external passes behind the eonxoid and is attached by a

ligament to the clavicle thus forming the foramen tri >sseum.

The three bones, coracoid, clavicle and scapula firm a strong

support for the ur n. The conic V..1, the stro.vge^t of the

three, acts as the direct support. The scapula prevents the

displacement of the coracoid in an ..ntcrio-pusti.rior direc

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tion, while, the clavicle hinders the displacement of the cora-

coid laterally.


These bones are united interiorly, forming the " wish

bone" or "merry-thought." From the point of union, a

short, thin, wide, process extends backwards towards the

sternum, but is not attached to that bone only ligamentously.

Fig. 6.—Clavicles. This short process presents two faces,

lateral, and a border, which is thin

above and thick below. The process is

often almost circular. From this pro

cess, the clavicles pass, at first, forward

and upwards, then almost directly up

wards to the corresponding extremities

of the caracoid. Through the greater

part of their length, these bones are

smooth, and a transverse section would

be nearly circular. The upper extrem-

tremtty of each clavicle is flattened out

somewhat, so as to offer two faces, an external and an inter

nal. The external, face is smooth and slightly concave ;

the internal smooth and slightly convex. These bones are

the most variable of the bones of the scapular arch. In

the tame goose the clavicles are united, but do not

send back a process from the point of confluence as

in the chicken ; while from the point of union, they

extend first forward and downward, then upward and

backward. The clavicles of the goose are much broad

er and stronger than those of the chicken. In the lat

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ter the shape of the "wish-bone" or two clavicles united is

that of the letter V, while in the former the form more

nearly resembles that of the letter U. In the goose the ex

tremities of the clavicles are not widened, but terminate in

points : while about one-third of the distance from the point

to the union, there is a small protuberance on the anterior

«dge of each clavicle.


The bones of the anterior extremities will be considered

in order from the shoulder to the fingers, or from the prox

imal to the distal extremity. This region may be regarded

as consisting of three parts, the arm, the forearm, and the

hand. There is only one bone, the humerus, belonging to

the arm. The forearm contains two bones, the radius and

the ulna. The skeleton of the hand consists of the carpal

hones, two in number, of the metacarpal, three, and of the

phalanges or bones of the fingers.


This, the first bone of the wing is especially characterised

by the form of its extremities. The side of the bone next

to the body is called the " anconal" side while the opposite

one is called the "palmar." Besides these faces, the side or

border corresponding with the position of the radius, is

called the radial side or border, and the one corresponding

with the ulna is called the ulnar side or border. The two

extremities of the bone are slightly inclined forward, so

that the general shape of the ulnar side is concave.

The radial face is nearly straight along the upper two-thirds


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the length of the bone, but is slightly concave in the lower

third. The shaft is smooth, and a transverse section of it

Fig. 7.—Humerus. would be sub-eliptical.

The ends of the bone are

expanded, the proximal

being the broader of the

two. The palmar face of

the proximal end is mark

ed along the radial side by

the superior crest, which

affords an eminence for

the insertion of the broad

tendon of the great pecto

ral muscle. Directly in

front of this crest, is a

Anterior view. Posterior view. small depression, along

which the long head of the biceps passes, and which is called

the bicipital fossa. From this fossa across to the ulnar side,

the palmar face is smooth, convex and extends out over the

inferior crest. It is along this smooth, convex extended sur

face that the short head of the biceps takes its origin. The

anconal lace of the upper extremity is rough ; its most no

ticeable feature being a foramen which passes into the inte

rior of the bone. This foramen is known as the Foramen

Pner.maticum of the Humerus. Above and along the ulnar

border of this foramen is a crest, the inferior crest. It serves,

for the insertion of several muscles. The extreme proxi

mal end of the humerus is a smooth, rounded or semi-oval

convexity, the transverse diameter of which is the longer. It

fits loosely into the glenoid cavity, being attached by liga

ments. It is not separated from the rest of the bone by a

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neck or constriction. The entire proximal extremity of this

bone bends downwards and inwards. The distal extrem

ity presents on the palmar face, two articular surfaces, and

a small sub-triangular concavity above them. The two ar-

tieular surfaces are convex and the radial is the larger of the

two. The radial articular surface arises about the middle

of the bone, in the sub-triangular concavity and passes ob

liquely to the radial corner. There is a slight depression

between this articular surface and the next or ulnar one,

which lies farther toward the ulnar side and does not extend

so far up into the concavity as the preceding one. Beyond

the ulnar condyle there is a third eminence, but this one

projects on the anconal face of the bone. On the anco-

nal face there is another eminence. It is much smaller

than the preceding and seems to be a continuation of the ra

dial condyle. Between these two eminences on the anco

nal face, is a smooth, shallow depression in which the

olecranon process of the ulna moves.


The forearm consists of two bones, the radius and the

ulna. The ulna is much the larger and stronger of the two.

The position of the ulna with respect to the radius, is

posterior in the expanded wing, and exterior when the wing

is folded. The bones are attached to each other at the two

extremities in such a manner as to allow but little or no

rotation. This is necessary, in order to give great firmness

and power of resistance to this part of the wing during

flight. The forearm is equal, or nearly so, in length, with

the arm, so that when the wing is flexed, the distal ex

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tremity of" the antibrachium lies near the proximal end of

the brachium. Along the middle part of the antibrachium

its two bones curve from each other, the ulna being curved

to a much greater extent than the radius. The ulna is some

longer than the radius. When in the natural position, the

proximal end of the ulna projects considerably beyond the

proximal end of the radius, while the distal end of the ra

dius projects slightly beyond the corresponding extremity

of the ulna.


The upper extremity of the ulna is drawn into a short

protuberance, the olecranon process. It will be convenient

to consider the ulna as presenting two faces and as many

edges. The faces will be distinguished as anterior and post-

Fig. 8.—Bones of erior ; the edges as radial and external.

the Forearm The external edge, a prolongation of

the proximal end of which forms the

olecranon process, marks the greatest

convexitv of the bone longitudinally.

The radial lies directly opposite the

external edge, and marks the greatest

concavity of the bone longitudinally.

The radial edge leaves the proximal

end of the ulna, where that bone artic

ulates with the radius, and becomes

less distinct as it approaches the distal

end. The anterior face is slightly con

cave longitudinally ; near the proximal

end it is almost flat laterally, but near the distal end it is

strongly convex laterally. The posterior face is slightly

1. Ulna. Radius.

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convex longitudinally, and strongly convex laterally. Be

sides the olecranon process, already mentioned, the proxi

mal end of the ulna bears, towards its anterior face, a

semi-lunar depression which fits upon the ulnar tuberosi

ty of the humerus, and towards its posterior face, a small

er facet which glides upon the radial tuberosity of the hu

merus, when the wing is strongly flexed. The eminence

bordering the smaller facet is the most prominent part of the

proximal end of the bone. Just on the border of these facets

and where the radial edge first appears, is a small shallow

facet in which the head of the radius lies. The distal

end of the ulna presents, towards its anterior face, a rough

protuberance which points upwards and terminates in two

points ; towards its posterior face, a thick rounded protuber

ance which bends slightly downwards and backwards. The

depression between these two protuberances is concave lat

erally and convex vertically.


The shaft of the radius is sub-cylindrical near the proxi

mal end ; but flattened toward the distal end. The proxi

mal end is marked by a circular depression, which moves

upon the radial tuberosity of the humerus when the wing is

flexed. On the ulnar side, the border of this depression is

flattened, so that the head of the radius lies upon the ulna

and is securely attached to that bone. Toward the distal

end, the radius is slightly curved, the anterior aspect being

concave. The distal end is the widest part of the bone and

lies on its edge in the median depression of the correspond

ing extremity of the ulna, and with its anterior face against

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the posterior side of the upward-projecting protuberance of

the ulna. This extremity of the radius projects a little be

yond the ulna.

of Fore-arm and

Hand. (After



In describing the hand of birds. Owen says : " The bones

Fig. 9.—Bones of the hand are developed in length, but

contracted in breadth. The wedge-like

adjustment of the free carpals is such as

to restrict the movements of the hand

upon the arm to abduction and adduction,

or flexion in the ulno-radial plane, requi

site for the outspreading and folding up of

the wing. The hand of the bird moves

thus in a state of pronation, without the

power of rotation, or of proper flexion or

extension, i. e. in the anco-palmar direc

tion ; so that the wing strikes firmly, and

with the full force of the depressor mus

cles upon the air."

The large feathers which cover the

hand, are called the "primaries;" those

which belong to the fore-arm are called

the " secondaries ; " while those of the

arm are called the " scapularies. " The

bunch of feathers attached to the index

finger form the "spurious" or "bastard""

nuiaris. s. First pha- wing. The office of prehension for which

lanx of middle finger. ,, , , , r . , .

9. Second phalanx of thc complex hand of man is so well

middle fin-cr. suited, is, in birds, filled by the beak.

Consequently the capability of the great variety of motions

1. Ulna. 2. Radius,

3. Ulnar carpal. 4. Ra

dial carpal. 5. Index

finger. 6. Third meta

carpal. 7. Digitus an

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necessary to an organ of preherision, is tranferred from the

hand to the neck. In birds of flight the length of the fore

arm and hand is greater than in gallinaceous birds.


The carpal bones are two in number and are designated

by the names "radial" and "ulnar." The radial carpal

presents three articular surfaces. The facet for the radius

is deep ; but does not extend across the full width of the

bone. Just opposite this facet is another for aiticulation

with the metacarpal. This one is beveled at the expense

of the inner side of the bone. On the posterior border of

the Lone, there is a small facet which serves for articulation

with the radial edge of the distal end of the ulna. The supe

rior face of the bone is marked by a longitudinal groove. The

remaining surface of the bone is somewhat irregular in or

der to better serve for muscular attachment. Since Coues'

description of the second or ulnar carpal of the Colvmbus

Torquatus. suits equally well for the same bone in the fowl it

is here copied in full. " The second smaller bone of the car

pus, which represents the second row of carpal bones, is

placed just in the bend of the joint on the ulnar side, wedged

in between the ulna and metacarpus, with both of which it

articulates. Its ulnar aspect presents a smooth, oval, some

what depressed facet, which plays against the extremity of

the large articulating surface of the ulna. Its metacarpal

aspect presents a very deep horizontal or fissure, into

which is received the inferior thin border of the metacarpal

bone. In flexion and extension of the metacarpus, this small

bone rides backwards and forwards along; the edge ot the

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metacarpal bone, being, as it were, astride of the latter.

The non-articular aspects of the bone are rough for the at

tachment of tendons." The radial carpal corresponds to the

first row of carpals, or to the scaphoid, semilunar, and cun-

iform in the hand of man. The carpals of the hand of ths

goose differ but little, only in size, from those of the chick

en. The size of the two carpals is about the same in the

chicken ; while the radial carpal is much the larger in

somj birds.


The metacarpus consists of three bones which are fiimly

grown together. The radial metacarpus is the smallest and

appears as an enlargement or process, belonging to the

proximal end of the large middle metacarpal. The proxi

mal end of the radial metacarpal is prominently elevated

and serves for muscular attachments ; while its distal end

lies close to the middle metacarpal, and supports the index

finger. The middle metacarpal or the " medius, " is the larg

est of the three. Its proximal end articulates with the :\vo

ci.rpals; while its distal end supports the middle finger.

The thiul metacarpal is bent so that while each of its Ex

tremities is anchylosed with the corresponding extremity of

the " medius," the bodies of the two bones are separated

by a space about one-fourth of an inch wide. The proxi

mal end of the third metacarpal articulates with the ulnar

carpal ; while its distal end supports a digit which corres

ponds to the digitus annularis, or ring finger. In the hand

of the goose, the third metacarpal is not bent so much as in

the hand of the chicken ; and consequently the space be

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tween the second and third metacarpal is not so wide in

the hand of the goose as in that of the chicken.


The index finger consists of two phalanges. The proxi

mal phalanx of this finger is from one-half to three-fourths

of an inch in length, rough and trihedral. Its radial aspect

is marked by a sharp, prominent ridge. This phalanx is

movably articulated with the first or radial metacarpal

bone. The second phalanx of this finger is only a small

pointed spicula of bone, about one-fourth of an inch in

length. Most of authors represent this finger as having but

one phalanx ; but if care be taken not to lose any of the

parts in masceration, two phalanges will certainly be found

in this finger both for the chicken and the goose. Some au

thors call this finger the pollex, or thumb ; while others call

it the index finger ; but most authors agree in describing

this as consisting of but one phalanx. A careful examina

tion will show that there are two in some varieties of the

domestic fowl, at least, if not in all.

The middle phalanx also consists of two phalanges. The

proximal phalanx of this finger is thick along its radial

side ; but much expanded and thin along the ulnar side.

The lamelloid expansion of this phalanx is excavated for the

attachment of the primaries. The second phalanx of this

finger is trihedral and terminates in a point. Its radial side

is thick ; while a sharp, prominent ridge marks its ulnar

aspect. According to Coues, this finger in the Colymbus

Torquatus consists of three phalanges ; the third phalanx

being a very small, insignificant, acutely pointed spicula of

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bone, scarcely a third of an inch long. The digitus annu

laris consists of one phalanx. It is about one-half an inch

long, and lies along the border of the expansion of the first

phalanx of the middle finger.


The pelvis consists of three bones, the ilium, ischium and

pubis. These three bones are firmly united, forming a pair

of strong, large irregular bones.

Fi<;. 10.—Boxes of the Pelvis.

3. Pubis.

4. CaudalVertebra

c;. Consolidated Dorsal Spine.

6. Ribs.

The ilium is remarkable for its length. Anteriorly it ex

tends over the last dorsal, and posteriorly it terminates upon

a line with the fifth coccygeal vertebra. Its superior edge

with the exception of a short distance at its posterior ex

tremity, is firmly united to the vertebral column. Anteri

orly this edge is united to the spinous processes, which here

are consolidated, and the transverse processes extend out-


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ward against the slanting ilium. In this way a foramen is

formed on each side of the consolidated spinous processes.

The roof and external wall of this foramen is formed by

the ilium. The floor is formed by the transverse, and the in

ternal wall by the spinous processes. The inferior edge of

ilium along its anterior part, is free, then forms a part of the

the acetabulum, next forms the superior boundary of the sci

atic foramen, and posterior to this, is united with the ischium.

The superior face of the ilium in front of the acetabulum,

slants forwards and downwards. This forms an extensive

surface for the attachment of the glutaei and other muscles.

The iliac border of the acetabulum is rough, and promi

nent, its most prominent point being next to the sciatic

foramen. Here the border extends up so as to form a

protuberance, which is grooved upon its acetabular side.

This protuberance fits against the internal side of the great

trochanter of the femur, has a rounded convex border, and

is called the antitrochanter surface. Directly over

this protuberance, the bone is slightlv depressed, and

above the depression is raised again. Over the sciatic fora

men, the superior face of the ilium is broad and but slight

ly convex. Posteriorly it terminates in a point, which is

directed upwards. Back of the sciatic foramen, there is a

marked protuberance, which points out over the ischium.

The internal or inferior face is even more irregular than the

superior. Anteriorly it is rough and convex from side to

side. But more posteriorly and in the region of the aceta

bulum and sciatic foramen, it is hollowed out deeplv. This

depression extends back as a pocket even beyond the last

sacral vertebra.

The ischium is narrow and thick at its anterior end,

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where it forms the back part of the acetabulum. Beyond

this, it forms the inferior border of the sciatic foramen and

still more posteriorly its internal or superior border is joined

to the inferior or external border of the ilium. Its posterior

border slopes downwards and backwards. Its inferior bor

der is thick and passes from the acetabulum backwards to

the posterior point of the bone. The shape of the ischium

is triangular, narrow anteriorly, and widening posteriorly.

Its external face is smooth, but has a slightly raised border.

Its internal face has a ridge passing longitudinally and al

most parallel with the inferior border.

The pubis is a small slender bone lying along the inferior

border of the ischium, with which it is united by fibrous

tissue. Anteriorly the pubis forms the lower part of the

acetabulum where it is joined to both the ilium and ischium.

From the acetabulum, it passes backward and touches the

ischium again forming the foramen ovale. Beyond this, it

has no osseous connection with the ischium, but passes be

yond the posterior extremity of that bone, then turns up

wards and more in towards the bone of the other side.


The shaft of the femur is cylindrical, curved forwards

strongly, outwards slightly, and presents the appearance of

having been twisted. The extremities are well marked,

presenting many characteristic features. Projecting from

the upper extremity is a short protuberance, with its axis

almost at right angles with that of the shaft. This protuber

ance bears the head, which is hemispherical and fits into

the acetabulum. The head is more or less rough for

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Fig. i i.— Femur,

Tibia and Fibula.

Femur. [2. Tibia

3. Fibula.

the insertion of the ligamentum terres

which fastens the femur securely to the

body. Below the head, the protuberance

is slightly constricted, forming the neck.

Opposite the head on the external side, the

bone is rough, thick, extends upwards and

slightly inwards, forming the great troch

anter. The space between the head and

trochanter is smooth, and forms a firm

support for the body. The lower extremity

of the femur has two prominent condyles,

internal and external, and a deep median

fossa. The fossa is concave laterally and

convex longitadinally The internal con

dyle, the smaller of the two, presents a

smooth convex border, narrower above,

wider below. The external condyle ex

tends further down than the internal. Pos

teriorly, the external condyle is divided by

a slight depression. Of these two parts

the internal is the larger, and belongs to

the tibia, while the depression and outer

part fit upon the head of the fibula.

The patella, which is a small irregular

bone, lies in the intercondylar fossa. Its

inferior surface is strongly convex. Each

side of this convexity is a smooth face,

which fits against and moves along the in

ternal face of the corresponding condyle.

The patella is bound by strong, wide liga

ments, to the femur.

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This is the longest bone of the body. It is slightly curved,

so that the two extremities and the middle point project far

ther forward than the intermediate points. The shaft is cyl

indrical near the middle point, but increases in its transverse

diameter toward its extremities. The upper extremity is

broad, presenting an extended surface for the femur to rest

upon. It has two depressions, an internal and an external.

The internal is shallow, regular, receives the inner condyle

of the femur and is called the " entocondylar " surface.

Posteriorly to the entocondylar surface, the bone is smooth

and projects backwards over the shaft. The external 01*

" ectocondylar " surface, which receives the external condyle

of the femur is rough and slants outwards, being much

deeper than the internal. The ridge dividing these two sur

faces, is called the " intercondylar " convexity. Posterior to

the ectocondylar surface, is a small hemispherical protuber

ance, to which the fibula is united by ligaments. Anterior

to these articular surfaces, there is a crest which rises above

them and is extended transverselv. The posterior face of

this crest is rough and conforms with the surfaces, already

described, in general shape. The anterior face of the crest

is marked by a thin, prominent, crooked ridge. This ridge

forms the most prominent feature of the upper extremity

of the bone, occupying its anterior aspect. The ridge pre

sents two sides and an edge. The external or fibular side

is smooth and concave in both directions ; the internal side

is smooth and convex. The edge is thin and convex. The

ridge corresponds with the intercondylar convexity which

lies on the posterior side of the crest and has already been

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described. On the external, or fibular side of the bone, the

crest projects out further than the main portion of the head

and terminates in a thickened point. The lower extremity

of the tibia bears two prominent, smooth condyles, with a

deep median fossa. These condyles are developed from be

hind forwards, being more prominent anteriorly than post

eriorly. On the anterior face of the bone, these condyles be

gin as ridges about an inch from the distal end of the bone ;

while on the posterior face, they do not extend up half so

far. Anteriorly, the median groove is deep and is often

crossed by ligaments which are found ossified in the old

subject. The internal condyle is the more prominent of

the two.


The fibula is a small bone situated along the external

side of the tibia, and attached to that bone. It becomes,

smaller from above downwards, terminating in a point

about four-fifths the distance down the tibia. Its head is

compressed laterally and points backwards, being convex

along its longer axis. The internal or tibial side of the

head is smooth and slightly concave, while the external is

convex. It is attached to the tibia, for about one-third its

length, this distance being well marked on both bones ;

being shown on the tibia by a ridge, which suddenly termi

nates at the point of severance.


The upper extremity of this bone, like that of the tibia,

has two articular surfaces, the •' entocondylar" and the "ec

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tocondylar. " The entocondylar is the deeper, having a

more prominent border than the other. The space between

these surfaces is called the intercondylar space. From

the interior part of this intercondylar space, rises a

small protuberance, which acts as a brace while the bird is

roosting. On the posterior aspect of the proximal end,

there is a prominent elevation, which is subdivided by a

shallow groove, and which is pierced by a canal. This pro

tuberance, or these protuberances, is called " calcaneal, " and

the grooves serve for the passage of the tendons of some

of the muscles. The anterior aspect of the bone towards the

proximal end, bears a longitudinal depression. This de

pression is nearer the inner side, and is deepest directly un

der the head, and gradually becomes less distinct until it

disappears near the " spur." The spur is a strong projec

tion which points inwards, coming oft' from the tarso-meta-

tarsus, down about two-thirds its length. Often there is a

second rudimantary spur. The posterior aspect of the bone

near the spur presents a slight, longitudinal grove, along

which tendons pass. Below the " spur" the bone becomes

thinner and wider, terminating in three condyles, separated

from one another by two " fore-and-aft" grooves. These

condyles serve for the attachment of the second, third, and

fourth toes. The inner condyle, one for the second toe, is

smooth, hemispherical in shape, and does not bear a groove.

The middle .condyle, the one for the third toe, is the longest

of the three, and bears a median groove, concave laterally,

convex longitudinally. The outer condyle, one for the fourth

toe, is about equal to the internal in size, but it bears a

groove similar to that on the middle condyle. The first toe

is attached to the tarso-metatarsus by ligaments only. It

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comes oft* a little above the level of the other three—be

tween the "spur" and the second toe, but much nearer the

toe, and projects backwards and inwards. Owen names

the bone which has been here described as tarso-metatarsus

as metatarse, but the name of tarso-metatarsus is the one

most generally used.


The toes are four in number. Three of these project for

wards, while the other projects inwards towards the oppo

site leg, and slightly back- FlG. i2._The Foot.

wards. The first three may

be known as the anterior,

and the other as the posterior.

The posterior one corres

ponds to the "hallux" or

great toe. The others are,

from the hallux outward,

second, third and fourth.

The fifth toe is entirelv

wanting. The third toe is

the longest, and the first or

"hallux" is the shortest.

The second and fourth toes

come oft" from the metatarsus

on the same level, the third

comes off" lower than the sec

ond and fourth. The meta

tarsal of the first toe is separate from the tarso-metatarsal

bone, and arises above the union of the three protuber

i. posterior toe.

2. Second toe.

3. Third toe.

4. Fourth toe.

v Tarso-met:it;irsus.


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ances, which mark the distal end of the tarso-metatarsus.

The first toe has two phalanges ; the second three ; the third

four ; and the fourth five. The proximal end of the pha

langes is called the basis, and the distal end the capitulum.

The basis lias a horizontal depression, orfossa articularis

transversa. The superior border of this fossa is called the

tuberculum supcrius, and the inferior border the tubercu-

lum inferius. The capitulum consists of two lateral

condyles and a median vertical groove or sulcus longitudi-

nalis. The motion of the phalanges is limited to one direc

tion. In the embryo, at first, the toes are all of the same

length ; but soon the anterior toe ceases to increase in length

as the others do. The distal phalanx of each toe is pointed

and curved to correspond with the claw. The body or

middle part of the phalanges is smaller than the extremities.

The inferior surface of the body is curved upwards, so

that on this side, the bone is concave longitudinally. The

upper and lateral aspects of the bone are smooth and even

ly rounded.


In the domestic fowl there are seven pairs of ribs ; in the

duck there are nine pairs ; and in the red-tailed hawk there

are eight pairs, hi birds in general, the number of pairs

of ribs varies from six to twelve. Each true rib consists of

three parts, the dorsal part, the sternal part, and the hamu

lus costalis or processus unciuatus. The false ribs may

consist of one, or of two parts ; but never of three. The

false rib may be, and generally is, only the dorsal part, or

the dorsal part with the processus unciuatus ; while in some

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cases the sternal part only will be found, and will constitute

the false rib. In the fowl, there are two pairs of false, and

five of true ribs. The false ribs arc the first two pairs.

The first pair generally consists of the dorsal part only ;

and the second pair consists of the dorsal part with a short


The three parts of the true rib are united with one anoth

er, with the vertebra and with the breast bone.

The dorsal part of the rib is wide and has sharp edges.

Each rib unites witli the vertebral column in two places.

The two branches, at the proximal end of the ribs, are

known as the Capitulum and the Tuberciilum. The Capi-

tid11m articulates with the body of the vertebra ; but not with

two vertebra-, as is the case in man and other mammals.

The Tuberculum articulates with the transverse process of

the same vertebra, with which the Capitulum articulates.

The space between the Capitulum and the transverse pro

cess, corresponds to the foramen which pierces the base of

the transverse process in the cervical vertebrae. From the

vertebral column, the anterior ribs, or the anterior dorsal

ribs, extend downward and backward ; while the posterior

ones extend downwards and forward, to terminate against

the extremities of the sternal ribs.

From the posterior edge of the lower third of the dorsal

rib, a process, the hamulus costalis, is given off. It is thin

and of nearly the same width as the rib. It passes upward

and backward over the succeeding rib. This process is de

veloped as a separate bone ; but in the domestic fowl, and

indeed in most of birds, soon becomes completely fused

with the dorsal rib. In some rare instances, the union is

>ut by means of ligaments. These process

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es give additional strength to the ribs, and according to

Selenka, are very long and strong in birds of prey ; but

short and weak in the natatores. The sternal ribs are at

tached to the sternum at one extremity, and to the dorsal

ribs at the other extremity. The sternal end is furnished

with two tubercles, which fit into facets along the costal bor

der of the sternum. This attachment is by means of a lig-

amentum capsulare. The superior extremity of the sternal

rib is attached to the inferior extremity of the dorsal rib, by

means of a ligament. Selenka gives the ligaments of the

ribs as follows : " The principal ligaments are, a ligament-

urn capsulare, which binds the head of the rib to the body

of the vertebra ; the lig. transversum externum, between

the tubercle of the rib and the transverse process ; the lig.

triangulares which connects each proc. uncinatus with

the posterior edge of the corresponding rib ; and a lig. cap

sulare which binds the ends of the dorsal ribs to the sternal

ribs. The sternal end of the sternal ribs is attached to the

sternum by a lig. capsulare. " The dorsal part of the last

pair of ribs is often united with the ilium, and the sternal

part of the last two pairs is covered by the expanded ex

tremity of the posterior costal process. The processus

■uncinatus is, of course, wanting in the last pair of ribs.


There are twenty-nine bones belonging to the head.

This number does not include the hyoid bone, which may

be considered as belonging to this region. Of these twen

ty-nine bones, five are single, and twenty four are in pairs.


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i. Temporal.

2. Frontal.

3. Mnlnr.

5. Sup. maxilary.

6. Lachrymal.

7. Occipital,

The single bones are, the occipital, basisphenoid, orbitosphen-

oid, vomer and inferior maxilla- -piG i^._The Skill.

ry. The bones in pairs are, the

parietals, temporals, alisphenoids,

tympanies, pterygoids, frontals,

nasals, premaxillaries, maxillaries,

lachrymals, malars, and palatines.

The bones of the head may be di

vided into two classes, those, of the

skull and those of the face. The

bones of the skull are fifteen in

number, three single, and twelve

in pairs. The single bones of the

skull are, the occipital, the basi- 4 Pre. Maxiiiiary.

sphenoid, and orbito-sphenoid. The bones of the skull, in

pairs, are parietals, temporals, frontals, alisphenoids, tympa

nies, and pterygoids. The bones of the face are fourteen in

number, two single and twelve in pairs. The single bones

of the face are the vomer and inferior maxillary. The

bones of the face in pairs are, the malars. palatines, pre

maxillaries, nasals, maxillaries and lachrymals. Since the

bones of the skull are so closely united, it will be well to

examine it first as a whole, and to notice some of the most

prominent features, by means of which the position of some

of the bones can be determined. The posterior aspect of

the skull is semi-circular in shape, with the prominent arch

ed occipital ridge for the border. This aspect is occupied

by the occipital bone. It is pierced by a large opening, the

foramen magnum- As will be described more fully here

after, the occipital is developed from four bones, the basi-

occipital, two exoccipitals, and the supraoccipital. The

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supraoccipital forms the superior, the exoccipital the later

al, and the basioccipital the inferior margin of the foramen

magnum. The condyle on the inferior border of the fora

men magnum is known as the occipital condyle, and serves

to articulate the skull to the vertebral column. It fits into

the depression in the body or anterior arch of the atlas.

The superior aspect of the head is strongly convex, both

longitudinally and laterally. It is bounded posteriorly by

the occipital ridge, and anteriorly it terminates in a point at

the distal extremity of the beak. Just in front of the occip

ital ridge, lie the parietal bones, which unite with each other

on the median line, and extend down on each side, resting

on the temporal bones. The position of the temporal may

lie known by its zygomatic process, which prefects forwards

and downwards, and generally unites with the distal end of

the post-orbital process, from the alisphenoid. The parie-

tals are about one-fourth of an inch wide. In front of the

parietals, are the frontals, which extend forward between

the orbits and terminate about one-fourth of an inch behind

the posterior border of the opening for the nares. At each

external anterior corner of the frontals. there is anchylosed

a small bone, which projects outwards, forming an antof-

bital process, and which sends from the anterior part of its

inferior surface, a process down towards the malar. This

small bone corresponds to the lachrymal bone m the human

skull. Anteriorly to the frontals, the nasal branches of: the

premaxillary extend forwards, forming the superior border

of the osseous boundary for the nares ; while the nasals

bifurcate, and the descending branch forms the posterior

border of the same opening. The lateral aspect of the

head is mostly taken up by the orbital space. The orbito

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sphenoid forms the septum between the orbits. The front-

als form the roof of the orbits ; the alisphenoids separate the

orbits from the cranial cavity ; the long slendar malar forms

the very defective floor of the orbit ; the descending process

of the lachrymal partially separates the orbital space

from the antorbital vacuity, and the bod}- of the lachrymal

forms the antorbital process.

The inferior aspect of the head is occupied posteriprly

bv the basisphenoid, which forms the floor of the cranial

cavity. The tympanic bone lies just in front of the depres

sion for the ear. It articulates with the inferior edge of the

temporal immediately under the base of the zyogmatic pro

cess, and extends forwards and downwards. It sends a pro

cess, the orbital process, up into the orbit, and to its distal

end are articulated the malar and the inferior maxillary.

The pterygoids articulate with the tympanies, under the or

bital process, then extend forwards and inwards to unite

with the orbitosphenoid and the posterior extremity of the

palatine. The malars are the long, slender bones, which

extend from the mandibular extremity of the tympanic for

wards, to the superior maxilliarv. The palatines lie inside

the malars, and have the same general direction. The vom

er is a small single bone which lies between the two palatines.

Posteriorlv it comes off from the anterior border of the obit-

osphenoid. and anteriorly, it terminates against the palatal

plate. The mandibular branches of the premaxillary form

the principal part of the inferior border of the opening of

the nares ; while the body of the premaxillary, or the com

bined bodies of the two premaxillaries, forms the beak.

The bones of the head are generally so closely united,

that their limits cannot be easilv determined. For this

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reason, the skull of a very young bird, or of the embryo,

should be examined with reference to the shape and limits

of each bone. The descriptions which are given here, were

made from three skulls of young chickens. Two of

belong to the very valuable Sager collection in the Museum

of the University of Michigan.


This bone represents the first cranial vertebra. It en

closes the foramen magnum, and furnishes the occipital con

dyle, by means of which the head is articulated to the neck.

The occipital consists of four bones, which are separate in

the young, but are generally closely united in the adult

skull. These bones are the basioccipital, two exoccipitals,

and the supraoccipital.

The basioccipital is a small triangular bone. It lies be

neath the foramen magnum, and furnishes the greater part

of the occipital condyle. Interiorly it rests upon the basi-

sphenoid, laterally it is united with the exoccipitals, and su

periorly it terminates in the middle part of the occipital

condyle, Its outer surface is raised along the base, and

slants upwards, forming a depression, fossa subcondyloidea,

just under the condyle. Its inferior border has a concavity,

which is matched by a corresponding convexity in the bor

der of the basisphenoid. The condyle is semilunar in

shape, and is marked by a median notch which slants to

wards the foramen.

The exoccipitals form the lateral margins of the foramen

magnum. They are of very irregular shape. The upper

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part of the external surface is elevated and furnishes a pro

jection which slants downwards and outwards. The lower

portion of the external surface slants towards the basioccip-

ital, and is pierced by four foramina. Through two of these

foramina, pass the hypoglossus and par vagum, and accesso-

rius ; through the other two, blood vessels pass.

The supraoccipital forms an arch which extends from the

exoccipital on one side to the corresponding bone on the

other. It forms the upper margin of the foramen magnum

and completes the ring. Anteriorly it unites with the par

ietal, and temporal bones. Its outer surface is strongly con

vex from side to side ; its inner surface being deeply con

cave in the same direction. It covers the cerebellum. In

the skull of the owl the occipital bone is not so thick and

strong as the same bone in the chicken, nor as the parietals

and frontals in the owl. The median ridge of the supraoc

cipital, directly over the foramen magnum, varies much in

size and form in different species of birds. In the skulls of

the hawk and owl, this ridge is short and large : while in

the skull of the goose it is long and forms a sharper ridge.

The position of the supraoccipital is more nearly perpen

dicular in the skull of the goose, than in the skull of either

the hawk or the owl. On each side of the base of this

ridge in the skull of the goose, there is a large foramen,

which is very small or wholly absent in the skull of the

chicken. In the skull of the hawk the exoccipitals are full

and prominent, and the fossa subcondyloidea is deep ;

while the condyle is not notched. The occipital condyle in

the skull of the goose projects prominently, is not notched,

and its superior surface is slightly concave from side to


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These bones are never very large. They are united with

the supraoccipital posteriorly and with the frontals anteri

orly. Each rests upon the temporal, arches over and meets

its fellow from the other side of the head. Eacli bone is of

an irregular quadrilateral shape, presenting two surfaces

and four borders. The external surface is smooth and con

vex ; the internal is irregular. At the posterior, supe

rior angle, the internal surface slants upwards and back

wards, assisting the supraoccipital in the formation of the

concavity for the cerebellum. Along the anterior border,

the internal surface slants forward, assisting the frontals in

the formation of the concavity for the cerebrum. The su

perior border, the shortest of the three, is dentated to unite

with its fellow, forming the sagittal suture. The anterior

border unites with the frontal, forming the suture known

in human anatomy as the coronal suture. The inferior

border is thick, beveled at the expense of the outer surface,

and unites with the temporal. The posterior border unites

with the supraoccipital. In most adult skulls, the parietals

are so closely united with the adjoining bones, that its shape

and limits cannot be seen. Generally a slight transverse

depression is visible along and just anterior to the coronal

suture. The direction and approximate position of the

line of union with the supraoccipital may be known by the

fact that it lies along and just in front of the prominent

ridge which passes down each side of the supraoccipital.

A small inter-parietal bone will, in some rare instances, be

found. It lies at the posterior, sijperior angle of each parie

tal, and between those bones and the supraoccipital.

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The temporal bones lie. one on each side, at the base of

of the parietal and just above the depression for the ear.

In the adult skull, the length is about two and one-half

times the breadth. It presents two surfaces and three bor

ders. The external surface is smooth and has a slight de

pression along the direction of the length of the skull.

The internal surface is rough, uneven, and forms a part of

the wall of the cranial cavity. The superior edge is bor

dered by the parietal and the frontal. This edge is nearly

straight along the line of union with the parietal ; but from

the coronal suture it becomes thin and passes forward and

downward to the inferior edge. The inferior edge is thick

and rough. Posteriorly it forms a part of the upper border

of the depression for the ear. Anteriorly it unites with the

alisphenoid. Along the inferior edge, and over the depres

sion for the ear, there is a small deep facet for articulation

witn the tympanic, which forms a movable articulation at

this place. Just anterior to this facet, there is a projection

upon the inner surfaces of which the short process of the

the alisphenoid fits. Still more anteriorly there is a second

eminence bearing a groove, which passes inwards and

backwards. This groove fits upon the base of the large

process of the alisphenoid. In the skull of the owl, the

temporal bone projects forwards and upwards, forming a

thin, wide process, which stands out prominently over the

temporal extremity of the tympanic bone.

The process, which is given off from the inferior edge of

the temporal, just over the facet for the tympanic, is the zyg

omatic process. It projects forwards and downwards and

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most generally unites with the distal extremity of the post-

orbital process, which is given off from the alisphenoid.

The zygomatic process is the first lateral process from the

skull, from behind forwards. It is usually quite thin and

sends on a projection beyond its point of union with the

post-orbital process. This projection is flexible and termi

nates in a point. In the skull of the owl, the projection

which has already been described as standing out promi

nently over the temporal extremity of the tympanic, corres

ponds to the zygomatic process. In this case, it does not

unite with the post-orbital process.


This bone lies directly in front of the depression for the

ear. and its position may be at once known by the pro

cess which projects so prominently from that part of the

skull. It is united below and behind with the basisphenoid,

above with the temporal and frontal and before with the or-

bitosphenoid. The bone is of an irregular shape and con

sists of a body and a process. The internal surface of the

bodv is smooth and deeply concave. The edge of the bone

in front and above the concavity, is thick, flat, and smooth.

Often there is a vertical opening through the floor ofthe con

cavity. The external surface is uneven and convex. Along

the line of union with the basisphenoid and just in front of

and below the depression for the ear, there arc two (some

times only one), foramina. Also along the line of union

with the temporal and just posterior to the prominent pro

cess, there is a foramen. The process slopes outwards and

downwards, presenting an anterior and a posterior- face ;

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and an inferior and superior edge. The superior edge is

thick and slants downwards and outwards. The inferior

edge is generally concave ; though all the parts of this pro

cess vary in direction and extent of development. In the

skull of the owl, the process of the alisphenoid does not pro

ject outwards, but downwards and forwards. It is thin and

about one-half an inch wide at the base, but becomes nar

rower and terminates in a point. Its anterior face is con

cave both laterally and longitudinally ; while its posterior

face is convex in both these directions. It forms a small

part of the floor of the orbit. In the skull of the hawk, the

process of the alisphenoid projects outwards, downwards

and slightly forwards, terminating in- a point over the man-

dibulax extremity of the tympanic bone to which it is united

by a cartilage. In the goose, this process is very thick,

strong and blunt. It projects forwards and slightly outwards.

In the scansores, as the woodpecker, this process is very

short and has the same general shape and direction as in the

rasores. The body of the alisphenoid is generally very close

ly united with the contiguous bones. The process is called,

from its position, the "post-orbital" process.


This is the large, irregular bone which lies at the base of

the skull. The basioccipital and exoccipitals rest upon the

posterior border of the basisphenoid. Laterally the basi-

sphenoid forms the lower part of the depression, for the ear,

and anterior to this depression, its border slopes downward

and inward, supporting the alisphenoid. From the middle

point of its anterior border, the basisphenoid sends forward

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a process, the Rostrum sphenoides, which supports the ver

tical orbitosphenoid and gives attachment to the pterygoids

and the palatines. The inferior face of the basisphenoid is

divided into halves by a ridge, which lies in an antero-poste-

rior direction. Each half is smooth, strongly convex in the

direction of the length of the skull, and slightly concave in

the direction of the width of the skull. The external, later

al, borders of these halves form the lower border of the de

pression for the ear. Posteriorly these borders pass up

wards and backwards, forming processes, which approach

and often touch the processes of the exoccipitals : thus form-

. ing a notch or a foramen, which passes from behind into the

depression for the ear. Anteriorly these halves are bordered

by slight eminences, which pass from the anterior, inferior

angle of the depression for the ear to the base of the Ros

trum Sphenoides. Directly under the base of the Rostrum

Sphenoides, there is a horizontal, triangular depression,

which has for its floor a prolongation of the antero-posterior

ridge which has already been described as dividing the in

ferior face into halves. On each side of the base of the Ros

trum Sphenoides. there is a horizontal fissure. Near its

base, the Rostrum Sphenoides bears, on each side, an articu

lar surface which looks downwards and outwards, and

serves for the articulation with the pterygoids. The upper

or internal surface of the basisphenoid is irregular. Poste

riorly it slants backwards ; anteriorly and at the base of the

Rostrum Sphenoides, there is a deep circular depression.

This, like the other bones of the skull, is so closely united

to the adjoining bones in the adult skull, that it can be

studied satisfactorily only in the young bird.

In the skull of the hawk, the inferior face of the basisphe

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noid is divided into halves by a median, anteroposterior

ridge, as in the chicken ; but in the skull of the owl, this sur

face is divided into halves by a depression, instead of a ridge

and the two halves instead of being depressed are elevated.

Indeed, in the skulls of some varieties of the domestic fowl,

the inferior surface of the basisphenoid is not divided into

halves by a median ridge. In the goose, the median ridge

is short ; but generally very prominent. In the owl, the

lateral processes from the posterior part of the inferior face,

unite with the processes from the exoccipitals and form a

foramen which passes from below up into the depression for

the ear. In the owl, this union is so complete as to leave

but a very small, or no foramen.


The tympanic unites the lower jaw with, the skull. It pre

sents a temporal and a mandibular extremity and an inter

mediate body, from which the orbital process is given oft".

The temporal end terminates in a small, smooth, sessile head,

which tits into a depression in the inferior border of the tem

poral bone at the anterior, superior angle of the depression

for the ear. The external face and posterior border are

smooth and concave ; the anterior border is convex. From

near the middle point of the anterior border, the orbital pro

cess extends, first upwards and inwards ; then inwards and

slightly backwards. The pterygoid articulates with the

tympanic directly under the base of the orbital process.

The body is much larger below than above the orbital pro

cess. The mandibular end presents two articular surfaces

separated by a shallow depression. The external articular

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surface, the larger of the two, is convex and projects out

wards and backwards. The malar joins the tympanic upon

the outer side of the projection. There is a great difference

of opinion among comparative anatomists as to the name,

which should be given this bone. It has been described as

the homologue of the ramus ascendens of the inferior maxil-

ary ; as the ossqamosum ; as the styloid process ; and Hux

ley, Selenka, Parker and others consider it as the homo

logue of the quadrate bone in fishes, or of the incus in mam

malia, and consequently they name it " os quadratum." It

has also been called " os pedicellatum," and has been des

cribed under this name by Cones, in his admirable memoir

on the Osteology of the Colymbus Torquatus. It has been

described as the "tympanic" by Cuvier, Meckel, Wagner,

Owen, and many others, who regard it as the homologue of

the tympanic in the human skull. In the skull of the hawk,

the tympanic is quite large and strong, and the orbital pro

cess is triangular, and wide and thin at and near the base.

Also the depression at the mandibular extremity for the re

ception of the inferior maxillary, is large and deep. In the

owl, this bone, like many others in the same skull, is of a

cancellous structure, and not so dense as in many other



The palatines are two small, long bones, which are articu

lated posteriorly with the orbito-sphenoid and the pterygoids,

and anteriorly with the maxillaries. Where they unite with

the orbitosphenoid, they are expanded and thin. The two

palatines do not touch each other along any part of their

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course. At the posterior extremity, they are separated by

the orbitosphenoid ; just anterior to this, they diverge ; then

pass on nearly parallel to join the maxillaries. They are

attached along the under surface of the maxillaries and can

be distinguished by the ridge along that surface as far for

ward r.s the premaxillary. Each is curved slightly out

wards and upwards. The palatines of the hawk are very

broad and strong. The superior surface is smooth and

slants from the orbitosphenoid outwards. The inferior sur

face has a sharp, prominent ridge along the posterior part

of its inner edge. This ridge becomes less prominent as it

extends forwards and soon entirely disappears. Anteriorly,

the palatines, in the skull of both hawk and owl, is united

with a porous, somewhat convoluted bone, which corres

ponds to the turbinated bones in the human skull. The

palatines of the owl are more curved than those of the hawk

or the domestic fowl. The palatines of the goose are strong

and appear -as though they had been twisted. Their anteior

halves diverge more than in the other skulls described.


The pterygoids are short, strong bones which pass from

the tympanic on each side, forwards and inwards. The out

er end of the pterygoid articulates with the tympanic under

the base of the orbital process. This extremity is much ex

panded and makes a strong articulation with the tympanic.

The inner end articulates with the Rostrum Sphenoides and

the posterior end of the palatine. This extremity also is

much expanded. It overlaps the posterior end of the pala-


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tine. The body of the bono presents the appearance of hav

ing been twisted upon itself. The pterygoids act as braces

to prevent the tympanic and its attached bones from being

forced inwards. In some birds, there is an osseous connec

tion between the pterygoid and the anterior edge of the 01-

bito-sphenoid. In other birds, as in the owl, this connection

is an articulation. About half or two-thirds the distance

from the outer extremity of the bone to the point of its articu

lation with the obitosphenoid and palatine, a small process

is given off from its posterior edge, and this process meets

with a corresponding one from the anterior edge of the bas-

isphenoid. The extremities of these processes are beveled

so that one glides upon the other and a moveable articula

tion is thus secured. In the skull of the hawk, there is a

ligamentous connection between the two bones at this point ;

while in the chicken, there is no such connecfion, whatever.

In the chicken, the tympanic extremity of the pterygoid as

sists in the formation of the depression for union with the

inferior maxillary. ,


The orbitosphenoid or ethmoid, is a thin vertical bone

which forms a partial septum between the orbits. , Its infe

rior edge rests upon and is united with the Rostrum Sphe-

noides ; its superior edge is anchylosed with the inferior sur

faces of the frontals. The superior edge is much expanded

anteriorly and fills the angle formed by the divergence of the

anterior extremities of the frontals. This expansion ap

pears upon the external surface of the skull as a kite-shaped

bone, widest anteriorly, then becoming narrower, and final

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ly disappearing at the point of divergence of the frontals.

This kite-shaped face is bounded posteriorly by the frontals,

laterally by the frontals and the nasals, and anteriorly by

the posterior extremities of the nasal branches of the pre-

maxillaries. The inferior or internal surface of the ex

panded part is divided into halves by union along its medi

an line with the vertical part ; and each of these halves is

divided into two unequal parts by a ridge which passes from

the outer corner of the expanded part, backwards and in

wards to the base of the vertical part. The posterior edge

is united with the alispbenoid and forms the anterior border

of the large circular interorbital foramen. This foramen

blends with the foramen lacerum anterius, which is bor

dered on each side by the edges of the alisphenoids and

through which orbital portions of the fifth nerve pass. The

anterior border is slightly concave, extends forwards and up

wards, and is beveled on each side so as to form a thin,

sharp ridge. The sides of the orbitosphenoid are smooth

and raised around the borders. This bone is described un

der the name of presphenoid by some authors.

About half way up the anterior border of the orbitosphen

oid, a small, thin projection stands out on each side. In the

skulls of the hawk and owl, these lateral projections from

the anterior border are large, and project forwards and

downwards. There is a groove more or less marked, along

the superior border of the orbitosphenoid. This groove

serves for the passage of the olfactory nerve, which passes

out from the cranial cavity at the posterior, superior angle

of the orbitosphenoid. In the skull of the hawk, this groove

pierces the base of the external lateral wings, which have

been described as given off from the anterior border of the

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orbitosphenoid. This bone is thin, but compact, and has not

the spongy structure possessed by the ethmoid of the human



These bones form the ' prominence of the forehead and

the roof of the orbits. The suture between the two front-

als is on a line with and is a continuation, in an anterior di

rection, of the suture between the two parietals. This line

of union between the two frontals is, in some skulls, marked

along its entire extent, by a slight depression ; in others, all

traces of a suture are obliterated ; while in a third class of

skulls, there is a rough ridge along the line of union. The

anterior extremity of each frontal slants outward and termi

nates in a point ; or, considering the two bones as one, the

anterior extremity is deeply notched. This notch is filled

by the expansion of the superior edge of the orbitosphenoid.

The two lateral projections of the anterior extremity, are

united with the nasal. The fronto-maxillary articulation

does not allow so much movement as in the goose and many

other birds. The lateral margin of the frontal is deeply con

cave forming the superior margin of the orbit. The posterior

border lies across the roof of the cranium, and is anchylosed

with the parietals. The frontal is united for a short distance

at its external, posterior angle with the temporal. The ex

ternal surface of the frontals is subject to considerable varia

tion. Anteriorly, it is generally concave from side to side,

or the surface of each frontal slants towards the other. The

margin of the orbit is raised, forming the superciliary ridge.

Just above the ridge, and separating it from the frontal emi

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nence, is a semilunar depression, which is parallel with the

concavity of the superior margin of the orbit. Along the

bottom of this depression are numerous foramina. In some

skulls, this depression is entirely wanting. Posteriorly, the

external surface is more or less elevated, forming the

frontal eminence. Posteriorly, the internal surface assists

in forming the roof and walls of the cranial cavity ; while

a plate of bone projecting from the orbital margin, hor

izontally inwards, assists in forming the floor of the same

cavity. The inferior surface of this horizontal plate forms

the roof of the orbit, and its posterior border unites with

the alisphenoid. In the skull of the owl, the frontal emi

nence is large and prominent ; while the arch from before

backwards, is high. In the skull of the goose, the frontal

eminence is not prominent, and the superciliary ridges are

not well defined.


The nasal is united above, with the anterior extremity of

the frontal and the posterior part of the nasal branch of the

premaxillary ; and below with the superior maxillary. It

overlaps the long, pointed, anterior extremity of the frontal.

Then extending forwards, divides into two processes. The

upper and smaller one of these processes extends along,

and is closely united with, the external edge cf the nasal

branch of the premaxillary, for about one-half the distance

down the superior border of the aperture for the external

nares. Here it terminates in a point. The other process

passes forwards and downwards, and anchyloses with the

superior maxillary, where that bone unites with the malar.

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This process forms the posterior border of the osseous bound

ary of the large aperture for the external nares, separating

that aperture from the antorbital vacuity ; and it also forms

the lateral osseous boundary of the nasal passages. The

two nasal bones are not united in any part. At the upper

extremity the}- are separated bv the nasal branches of the

premaxillary. Tire widest point of the nasal is near the

point, where it separates into the two proceses. Here the

external surface is concave from side to side, and inclines

forwards and downwards. This bone is very strong and

thick in the goose, where the articulation with the frontal

allows considerable freedom of motion. In the skull of the

hawk, the antorbital vacuity is triangular in shape, and

bounded anteriorly by the descending ramus of the nasal,

which separates the vacuity from the external aperture for

the nares. Posteriorly, the antorbital vacuity is bounded

by the descending process of the lachrymal bone, which

separates the vacuity from the orbit. In the skull of the

owl. the antorbital vacuity is almost entirely filled with the

cancellated convolutions of the turbinated bone, in the same

skull, the descending branch of the nasal is wide, thin and

extends further forward than in the skull of the chicken.

In some skulls, the descending branch of the nasal becomes

very small and slender as it approaches the point of union

with the superior maxilliary. The descending branch of

the nasal is called by some authors the processus maxilla-

ris; while the branch which extends forwards is called the

processus frontalis. The nasal is united with the frontal,

orbitosphenoid, maxillary, premaxillary, and lachrymal.

The union with the frontal, orbitosphenoid and lachrymal

may be a movable articulation, as in the goose.

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This bone is one of the largest and most important of the

bones of the face. It terminates the head anterior!}- and

forms the osseous portion of the bill. Distally it terminates

in a point, which projects forwards and downwards. From

the distal extremity back to the opening of the nares,

the bone is single, and its upper surface is strongly

convex, while its inferior surface is concave, forming the

anterior part of the palate. Then the bone separates into

three processes, a medial, nasal process, and two maxillary

or mandibular processes. The nasal process really consists

of two processes which lie side by side. The line of union

is shown by a small median groove. This process, or these

processes, extend backwards and upwards, forming the su

perior border of the osseous boundary for the nares. Pos

teriorly the nasal branches of the premaxillary are anchy-

losed with the nasals, and united with the expanded part,

of the superior edge of the orbitosphenoid. The maxillary

or mandibular processes diverge, pass backwards, and an-

chylose with the superior maxillary. These processes form

the inferior border of the aperture for the nares. This ap

erture is of an oval shape, being larger posteriorly than an

teriorly. The divergence of the mandibular processes, forms

a narrow longitudinal opening about one-eighth of an inch

broad. This opening is covered by the lining of the pal

ate. The premaxillary is subject to great variation in dif

ferent species of birds. In the goose it is very large, strong

and wide. The median groove along the nasal process

shows that the premaxillary really consists of two bones.

In the goose the part of the premaxillary anterior to the

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opening for the nares, is broad and strongly convex on its

superior aspect. It is from one-half to three-fourths of an

inch from the distal extremity back to the opening for the

nares. The space between the two mandibular processes

is entirely filled with the palatal plate, which is formed by

lateral projections from these processes. The palatal plate

is deeply concave from side to side. It bears a longitudinal

median groove, which is large and deep. On each side of

this median groove, there are quite a number of small

grooves, which branch as they pass forward. The premax-

illary in birds of prey is generally protected by a thick,

hard covering, which projects down in front and laterally

below the border of the bone.

Coues in describing this bone, which he calls the inter

maxillary, says : " This is by far the most important, as it

is the largest and most conspicuous bone of the face ; its

various modifications in the different families and orders of

birds affording much the same data for zoological classifica

tion as do the teeth of mammalia. " The shape of the pre-

maxillary corresponds, of course, with the shape of the

beak ; or. more correctly, the form of the bone determines

the shape of the beak. Consequently in the skulls of the

hawk and owl, the distal end of the bone is hooked or

curved. In the goose the nasal bones, and the nasal branch

es of the premaxillary, form a movable articulation with the

anterior extremity of the frontal. By this means the upper

jaw can be moved freely, at will.

In the goose the opening for the nares is about three-

fourths of an inch long. It is broadest at the middle point

and grows smaller towards each extremity. . The vomer

forms a partial septum between the two sides. In the skull

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of the hawk, the opening is short and is widest at its anter

ior extremity. There is a complete septum between the

two sides. In the owl, the opening is not as deep as in the

goose and hawk. It is broadest near the middle, and there

is a complete septum between the two sides, as in the hawk.

In birds with short beaks, the nasal branches of the premax-

illary are generally more prominently arched thanin those

with long beaks. In the hawk there is a deep semi-circu

lar depression where the posterior extremities of the nasal

branches unite with the frontals.


The malars are the long, slender bones which form the

lateral boundaries of the inferior aspect of the skull. They

are about one and a quarter inches in length, and extend

from the superior maxillary back to the outer edge of the

mandibular extremity of the tympanic. The anterior ex

tremity of the malar is united with both the superior max

illary and the nasal, at the point where the lower process

of the nasal joins the maxillary. From its anterior extrem

ity, the bone passes backward and outwards to the. tympan

ic. The malar proper extends only about three fourths this

distance. Here it unites with a similar, but shorter bone

from the tympanic. These bones soon become united in

the young skull ; but the point of fusion can always be de

tected even in old skulls by a rough place, due to the blend

ing of the bones. In some instances the malar unites with

the descending branch of the nasal above the point of

union of the nasal with the maxillary. In this case the

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malar has no connection whatever with the maxillary. The

office of the malar is to transmit the motions of the tympan

ic bone to the maxillary. In the skull of the hawk the

posterior extremity of the malar is attached to the postor-

bital process by a strong ligament which is about one-fourth

of an inch long. In the same skull, a wide process extends

from the anterior extremity of the malar inwards, and is

fused with the turbinated bone. Also tthe anterior extrem

ity of the malar in the skull of the owl, is united with the

turbinated bone. But in the latter case, the union is direct

and not bv means of a process as in the former.


In the adult skull this bone is so closely united with the

contiguous bones that its limits cannot be defined. Anteri

orly it insensibly blends with the posterior extremity of the

mandibular process of the premaxillary. Posteriorly it

unites with the malar, palatine, and inferior extremity of the

nasal. Indeed the superior maxillary is only an osseous

connection between these bones. From the internal edge

of the maxillary, a thin, wide process extends inwards, ap

proaching a corresponding process from the other side.

This process corresponds to the palatal process. In birds,

the maxillary is a subordinate bone, and the important part

which it fills in mammals is principally taken up by the

premaxillary. In the skull of the goose, the maxillaries

are larger, but their limits no better defined than in the

chicken. Since this bone is so completely and closely

united with the contiguous bones, it can have no motion

in which they do not participate.

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To the anterior outer coiner of each frontal, and to the

adjoining upper part of the posterior border of each nasal

is anchylosed a small bone known as the lachrymal. This

consists of a body and a process. The body projects out

wards and upwards, over the anterior part of the orbit, and

from its position may be called the supraorbital part of the

lachrymal bone. The body is a thin plate about one-eighth

of an inch wide, or from the point of union of the frontal

with the nasal outwards, and about one-fourth of an inch in

length, or from the orbit forwards. Its superior face togeth

er with the contiguous surface of the nasal and frontal is

convex ; while its internal face, together with that of the

nassal and frontal is concave. From the anterior part of the

internal face of the body, a process extends first downwards

and inwards, towards the corresponding palatine, and then

downwards and outwards, approaching but not uniting with

the malar. This process divides the orbital from the antor-

bital vacuity. It also assists the descending ramus of the

nasal in forming the very defective osseous lateral bounda

ry of the nasal passages. In the skull of the hawk the body

of the lachrymal bone is quite large, extending outwards

and upwards, over the orbit and articulating with a "simi

lar supraorbital derm-bone ; " while the process from the an

terior part of the under face of the body is large, strong,

extends down to, and unites with the malar.

In the skull of the short-eared owl, iyBrachyotits Cassi-

ini-i), the process of the lachrymal bone, is very large, can

cellous, and unites with the malar, leaving but a very small

antorbital vacuity. In the skull of the red-bellied wood

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pecker, {Ccnturus Carolinus), the process is wide, unites

with the malar and forms a triangular antorbital vacuity.

In the skull of the adult woodpecker, the body of the lach

rymal is so firmly or completely united with the frontal, that

its limits cannot be defined. The union of the lachrymal

with the frontal and nasal in the skull of the chicken is not

very close, and consequently the lachrymal is often lost in

masceration, unless due care be taken.


The vomer is a small single bone, which extends forwards

from the anterior inferior angle of the orbitosphenoid. It

lies between the two palatines, and is connected with those

bones, at the point where all three unite with the orbito-

sphenoid. Its anterior extremity lies free between the man

dibular branches of the premaxillary. The vomer in the

skull of the goose is thin and wide, but not strong. In the

skull of the hawk the vomer is quite strong, and its posteri

or extremity seems to be closely united with the correspond

ing extremities of the two palatines, while its anterior ex

tremity seems to be united with a turbinated bone. This

bone also is often lost in preparing the skull.


The inferior maxillary or lower jaw bone consists of a

body and two rami. The body forms .the anterior extremi

ty of the bone, is triangular in shape, pointed anteriorly,

and about one-quarter of an inch long. The inferior sur

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face of the body is strongly convex from side to side ; while

the superior surface is deeply concavein the same direction.

The rami, one from each posterior corner of the body, di

verge, pass at first backwards and upwards, and then back

wards. Posteriorly each ramus terminates in two processes,

an inner and a posterior process. The inner process pro

jects upward and inwards towards its fellow from the other

ramus. Its termination is thick and rough. The posterior

process extends backwards aiid upwards, then slightly for

wards so as to form a hook. Just anterior to the base of

the anterior process and at the external side of the

the base of the inner process, there is a long, lateral con

cave facet which fits upon the mandibular extremity of the

tympanic. The inner process corresponds to the coronoid

process, of the inferior maxillary of man : and the poste

rior process corresponds to the articular condyle, in position

at least. The depression between these two processes in

the inferior maxillary of man, is called the sigmoid notch.

The superior edge of each ramus is convex ; while the in

ferior edge is concave. The posterior part of the external

face is somewhat rough, for muscular attachment. There

is considerable variation in the extent of curvature, the

size and strength of the rami of this bone in different spe

cies of birds.

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Of the muscular system of birds in general, Owen says :

" The muscular system of birds is remarkable for the dis

tinctness and density of the carneous fibres, their deep, red

color, and their marked separation from the tendons, which

are of a brilliant, shining color, and have a peculiar tenden

cy to ossification. This high degree of development results

from the rapid circulation of very warm blood, which is

highly oxygenated in consequence of the activity and extent

of the respiratory functions. The energy of the muscular

contractions, in this class is in the ratio of the activity of the

vital functions, but its permanent irritability is proportion

ally low. as Cams has justly observed."

The tendons are especially remarkable for the degree of

ossification. In regard to this fact the words of Chaveau

are here quoted: "The tendons in birds present in the

inferior limbs and at the extremity of the wings an

amount of ossification more or less extensive along their

course. This transformation of the fibrous tissue of the

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muscles is not the effect of senility, for it is noticed in very

young animals."

'• The tendons in losing the greater part of their elastici

ty, doubtless gain in tenacity ; and this allows them to

transmit to the bony levers, the muscular efforts in a more

integral manner."

" It is also observed that the partial ossification of the ten

dons does not exclusively belong to the limbs ; for it is not

rare to meet with this change in other regiqns, as in the

neck of wading birds. In the museum of the Veterinary

Schools at Lyons is the skeleton of a heronnvhich shows

this peculiarity in the highest degree : the cervical vertebrae

are roughened by a multitude of filiform stylets, ali directed

backwards, and which have originated from the ossification

of the tendinous fibrillae annexed to the muscks of the cer

vical region."

From disuse many of the muscles of the domestic fowl

are but feebly developed. The wings are used but lit

tle, and for this reason the muscles of the wings are not so

well developed as those of the wings of the hawk or other

birds of flight. All the muscles which will be described in

the succeeding pages, are sufficiently developed for the pur

pose of study, in the domestic fowl ; but they can be

studied equally as well, and some of them much better, in

large birds of flight. The muscles of the hawk are very

well developed, and are suitable for study. It is well to

dissect one or more subjects from each of the orders of birds

and compare them. The muscles are given in groups. This

division into groups being made upon their occupying the

same or different regions ; muscles which act in opposite

directions may be found in the same group. This plan has

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been followed because it has been thought to be more con

venient to study all the muscles of one region at the same

time, or before dissecting other parts. In general the most

common names—those given by most authors—have been

taken. In some few instances I have ventured to propose a

name. In these cases I have put an interrogation point

after the name ; and mean to ask if the name proposed will

be a suitable one.


Pectoralis Major.

Pectoralis Minor.


Sterno-coracoid( ?)

Sub-coracoid( ?)



Tensor Plicae Alaris Longus. Biceps.

Tensor Plicae Alaris Brevis. Triceps.


Supinator. Brachialis Internus.

Flexor Antibrachii Tertius?


Latissimus Dorsi. - Infraspinatus.

Trapezius. I Subscapularis.

Rhomboideus. Deltoid Major.

Levator Scapulae. i Deltoid Minor.

Teres Major.


Pronator Brevis. I Flexor Metacarp. Radialis.

Pronator Longus. I Extensor Carp. Ulnaris.

Extensor Metac. Rad. Longus. | Extensor Com. Longus.

Extensor Metac. Rad. Brevis. | Extensor Dig. Indicis Proprius.

Flexor Metacarp. Ulnaris.

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[The Pectoralis Major and Minor.—Selenka. The Pectoralis

Maximus.— Coues-\

The pectoralis major is the largest muscle of the body

and constitutes the outer portion of the breast of the chick

en. It is triangular in shape ; one side of this triangle be

ing represented by the clavicle and the membrane extend

ing from the keel of the sternum to the clavicle ; a second

side, by the keel of the sternum ; while the third and long

est side of the triangle may be represented by a line drawn

from the insertion of the muscles on the ridge of the bici

pital fossa of the humerus to the posterior extremity of the

keel. Along parallel with and just inside of this longest

side, passes the tendinous part of the muscle, which is

plainly seen on both the upper and under face of the mus

cle. Fibres from the three sides unite to form this tendon,

•which becomes broader as it approaches the humerus,

where it is inserted upon the superioi lip of the bicipital


Relations.—By its exterior face with the superficial fas

cia and the integument. By its interior face with the pec

toralis minor, the coracobrachialis, the ribs and the inter

costal muscles ; also near its insertion, it lies across the bici

pital fossa, and consequently over the tendons of the biceps.

Use.—It serves to draw the humerus down, and is one of

the most powerful muscles of flight. It seems from its po

sition and use, to be the homologue of the two pectoral mus

cles in man.

Dissection.—Make an incision along the entire length

of the keel, at the same time, pulling the muscle from the

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keel. When the incision has reached the pectoralis minor,

the major easily separates from that muscles. A second

incision is made along the furculum, then beginning at the

posterior extremity of the keel, the muscle is raised expos

ing the pectoralis minor and the coracobrachialis.


[Subclavius.— Selenka. Pectoralis Secundus.—Owen. Pectoralis

Medius.—Coues. Subclavius.—Rolleston.\

The pectoralis minor .lies directly under the preceding

muscle, and like it is triangular in shape ; but thicker and

not so broad. It arises by fleshy fibres from the lower part

of the side of the keel and from the body of the sternum.

It is small and narrow at its posterior extremity, but grows

wider until it reaches the clavicle and coracoid, then again

becomes narrow, terminating in a long tendon, which pass

es upward through the foramen triosseum, then turns down

wards, and is inserted on the humerus just above the inser

tion of the pectoralis major.

Relations.—By its superior face, with the pectoralis ma

jor ; by its interior face with the mesial part of the sternum

through the entire length of that bone, and with the sternal

end of the coracoid ; by its sternal border with the greater

part (all not occupied by the major) of the keel; by its

costal border, with the costal muscles, and anteriorly with

the coracobrachialis, the dividing line between these two mus

cles being plainly visible along the length of the coracoid


Use.—It rotates and elevates the humerus and produces

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the upward stroke of the wing during flight. The foramen

triosseum through which the tendon of this muscle passes

acts as a pully and changes the direction of the force. Thus

these two large muscles, though they rise and lie in the

same region, act in directly opposite directions. This mus

cle is called the subclavian by Selenka in " Bronn"s klas-

sen und Ordnungen des Thier-reichs," and Rolleston has

shown that it is furnished with the same nerve by which

the subclavian in man is furnished. Therefore both of

these eminent authors consider this muscle the homologue

of the subclavian in man. But the action of the subclav

ian in man simply depresses the shoulder ; while the use of

the muscle under consideration is to rotate and elevate the

wing. Certainly so far as action is concerned, this muscle

resembles the deltoid more closely than the subclavian. Its

direction of action from the foramen triosseum—which Se

lenka says must be considered as a fixed point to its inser

tion corresponds with the direction of the action of the del

toid more closely than with that of any other muscle.

Moreover its extensive origin, its lying both anterior and

posterior to the humerus does not correspond to the subclav

ian, but rather to the deltoid. From these considerations, 1

consider the muscle a deltoid, and would call it Deltoides

maximus. This is the name given it by Schoepss ; but I

have never seen his work, and do not know his reason for

so naming it. Selenka merely gives it as a name proposed

by Schoepss. Selenka says : " Vergleicht man die Urs-

prungsHiiche des Subclavius (our deltoid) der Vogel mit der

der Siiuger und Reptilien, so befremdet die breite Insertion

auf dem Brustbeine, wie sie bie den Vogelnsic findet. Doch

ist auch hier keine Schwierigkeit die Homologie auzuerken

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nen den bein Emu is die Sternalportion des Subclavius (our

deltoid) schon sehr klein, und beim Strausse, wo doch ein

deutlicher Subclavius vorhanden ist, fehlt die Sternalportion

total. So kann der Subclavius vom Sternum, Coracoid und

Scapularande kommen." Here he says that the muscle can

come from the sternum, coracoid and scapular margin, and

that the sternal portion may be entirely absent. The sub

clavian in man arises from the cartilage of the first rib

and makes its insertion on the middle third of the clavicle

The deltoid in man arises from the clavicle, the acromion

process and the spine of the scapula. It is evident from this

that the muscle under consideration, has its origin more in

accordance with the deltoid than the subclavian.

Dissection.—First separate the coracobrachialis, the di

viding line being plainly visible along the entire length of

the coracoid bone—then beginning at the posterior extremi

ty, raise the muscle separating from that bone and proceed

ing forwards. The action of its tendon should be carefully



[The Coracobrachialis. Pectoralis Minimus.— Coups. Coraco

brachialis Longus.—Selenka.]

This muscle, or the fleshy part of it, has the shape of an

inverted isosocles triangle. The apex of this triangle lies

at the base of the coracoid, where that bone attaches to the

sternum, while the base of the triangle lies directly under

the head of the coracoid. The two equal sides are between

two and three inches in length. The base which measures

the widest part of the muscle is about one-half inch in

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length. The muscle arises fleshy from a small part of the

sternum—contiguous to the base of the coracoid—from the

base, and the entire length of the shaft of the coracoid.

From the outer angle at the base of the triangular fleshy

part, a strong tendon passes upward and makes its inser

tion on the internal tuberosity of the humerus.

Relations.—Qy its superior face with the pectoralis ma

jor, by its inferior face with the sterno-coracoid and the cor

acoid bone ; by its inner border with the pectoralis minor,

while its outer border is covered with the pectoralis major.

Use.—It depresses the humerus, and at the same time

rotates it from without within or towards the body.

Dissection.-—Separate from the sternum and coracoid

and raise.



This is a small muscle about one inch wide, and one-

fourth of an inch long. It lies in the angle between the

anterior costal process of the sternum and the coracoid

bone. Although a very small and short muscle, it is pro

portionally quite thick and strong. Since in the domestic

fowl this muscle is always attached to the process of the

sternum, and not to the sternal ribs, as is the case with

birds of prey ; the coracoid must be the bone moved by its

action. Therefore I consider the muscle as arising from

the anterior costal process of the sternum, and inserting on

the edge of the coracoid from its base to one-half to two-

thirds of its length. Considering its origin to be on the

sternum and insertion on the coracoid, we have taken the lib

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erty of changing the name, in the case of the domestic fowl,

from coraco-sternalis, as given by Selenka, to sterno-cora-

coid. Indeed Selenka says, in speaking of the action of

this muscles in the different kind of birds: "Der Coraco-

sternalis wirkt ubrigens auch auf das in geringem Maasse

bewegliche das Sternum zieht, mid bie Tauben und Huhnern

wo die Rippenzachen des muskels fehlen, ist die seine


Relations.—-By its superior face with the coraco-brachi-

alis ; by its inferior face with the thoracic cavity.

Use.—It draws the coracoid bone upward and backward.


[Coraco-brachialisbrevis.—Selenka. ]

This muscle lies under the coracoid bone. It arises from

the inner surface of the sternum, along its anterior border;

also from the under or inner surface of the coracoid bone.

It passes obliquely upwards and outwards and makes its in

sertion by a short but strong tendon, on the middle tuber

cle of the external face of the head of the humerus. This

tendon often unites with that of the subscapularis and the

two then have a common insertion. The action of this

muscle is the same as that of the coracobrachialis, and it

only assists that muscle.


This muscle consists of two parts which have separate

3rigins ; but become one before making the insertion. The

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anterior portion arises from the dorsal spines of three ver

tebrae opposite the middle portion of the scapula. From its

origin to the edge of the scapula, this portion lies directly

over the trapezius. It is thin, ribbon-like and passes direct

ly across the scapula and attached muscle, then between the

two parts or muscles forming the triceps, and makes its

insertion upon the back part of the humerus, directly be

neath the insertion of the deltoid and just over the fleshy

part of the triceps, about one-third the distance down that

muscle from its origin to its insertion on the ulna. The

posterior or inferior portion of the latissimus dorsi, arises

from the processes of the first two or three vertebrae imme

diately in front of the origin of the sartorius. It passes

upwards and outwards joining the anterior portion at

or near its middle point. The anterior portion becomes

some narrower but thicker, from its origin to its

insertion ; but its width at the point of insertion is

not less than two-thirds of what it is at the point of

origin. The posterior portion, at its origin, has about the

same width and thickness as the anterior one, where it

arises ; but it gradually grows smaller and becomes very

small and weak before joining the anterior portion. Indeed

one must be cautious in removing the integument of this

region, preparatory to examining these muscles, or he will

tear the posterior portion from the anterior, since it becomes

so small and weak. These two portions, taken togeth

er, constitute the homologue of the extensive muscle,

known as the latissimus dorsi in human anatomy. In most

of birds, the two portions of this muscle, are separate

throughout their entire length, ard also insert separately,

the posterior portion inserting close by, sometimes under the

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insertion of the anterior portion. This muscle draws the

humerus back towards the scapula.



This is a very broad, thin, and short muscle. It arises

from the processes of the lower cervical, and of the ante

rior dorsal vertebrae, and makes its insertion on the humer

al end of the clavicle, and along the dorsal edge of the

scapula, throughout the entire length of that bone with the

exception of the extreme posterior extremity. Often there

seems to be two parts to this muscle, the anterior portion

being a narrow band, which passes from the cervical ver

tebrae, and makes its insertion on the end of the clavicle,

and separate from the remaining and greater portion of the

muscle. This division into two parts, does not always oc

cur, by any means. The fibres of this muscle pass upwards

and outwards. The muscle draws the scapula towards the

vertebral column, and is the homologue of the trapezius

in man. When this muscle has been raised the romboideus

is exposed.


This muscle lies directly under the preceding one, but it

is much smaller and its fibres pass in an opposite direction

—downwards and outwards—from those of the trapezius.

Its name indicates its shape, and its width is about three

or four times its length. It arises from the spines of the

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anterior dorsal vertebra, and its fibres pass downwards and

outwards, making an insertion upon the dorsal edge of the

scapula, along the posterior two-thirds of the length of that

bone. It serves to lift the scapula and to draw its posterior

extremity forward.


This is a large, broad and thick muscle. It arises from

the superior face of the scapula, from its posterior extremi

ty to within one-fourth of an inch of the head of that bone,

and inserts by a strong tendon upon the outer edge of the

internal tuberosity of the humerus, just over the depression

corresponding to the foramen pneumaticum. This tendon

or its insertson, is hidden by the short head of the biceps,

which inserts fleshy at the same place. This muscle has

almost or quite the shape of a right-angled triangle, with

the right angle at the point of its insertion, the dorsal edge

of the scapula for its hypotenuse, a straight line from the

posterior extremity of the scapula to its insertion on the hu

merus, for the perpendicular, and another straight line from

the highest point of its origin on the scapula to its insertion,

for the base. Along parallel with the perpendicular, lies

the tendinous part of the muscle, which can be seen for one

half the distance from the insertion to the posterior extrem

ity of the scapula. The fibres from the extensive origin

converge to form this tendon, those from the base, or along

the base of our triangle, joining the tendon at right angles.

This muscle draws the humerus back towards the scapula,

and at the same time rotates it inwards. It is the most

powerful muscle which is attached to the scapula.

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Just along and under the base of the supposed triangle,

under which form we have represented the preceding muscle,

will be found a very small muscle, which arises from the in

ner edge of the scapula, directly under the highest point of

the origin of the teres major, and passes along directly under

the base of the same muscle, inserting at the opening of the

foramen pneumaticum, where the short head of the triceps



Directly under the preceding muscle, will be found an

other muscle. It is triangular in shape and arises from the

under surface of the scapula, from the head of that bone,

down its length about one inch. The fibres from eaeh ex

tremity of its origin converge, forming a tendon which

makes its insertion on the middle tuberosity of the posterior

face of the head of the humerus.


This muscle arises from the head of the scapula and from

the end of the clavicle, the latter being its principal origin.

Its origin on the end of the clavicle lies side by side with

the origin of the tensor plica; alaris. It passes over the

shoulder joint fleshy, and inserts upon the back side of the

humerus about half way down the shaft of that bone. It

lifts the humerus, and at the same time throws the distal

end of that bone backwards and outwards.

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There is a small muscle, or what seems to be part muscle

and part ligament, which passes from the head of the scap

ula and inserts on the head of the humerus. It assists in

forming the shoulder joint.


[Tensor Longus Patagii Membranie Anterioris Ala".—Sclenka.\

This and the following muscle arise in common from the

extreme point of the clavicle, where that bone joins the ex

tremities of the coracoid and scapula. They pass over the

shoulder joint in a broad, thin band. As this band passes

over the insertion of the pectoralis major it receives from

the humerus a small but strong tendon whicli comes up

up through the tendinous part of the pectoralis major. Just

"beyond this point, the broad band becomes divided into two

distinct muscles. One of these—the tensor plicae alaris

longus—passes directly across to the distal end of the radi

us, or rather beyond this, to the metacarpal of the thumb or

false wing. Therefore it passes along the integument where

it folds back upon itself. This muscle is very poorly devel

oped, and is separated from the integument with the great

est difficulty. It is almost impossible to remove the integu

ment without removing the muscle with it. When it has

been freed from the integument it is found to be only a

smooth thread of muscle. It serves to fold the skin which

is stretched in the angle formed by the arm and fore-arm,

when held in their usual position.

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{Tensor Brevis Patagii Membranse Anterioris Ala:.—Selen/ta.]

The origin of this muscle has been given with that of the

preceding one. After the broad band has been divided, this

muscle takes a direction almost parallel with the humerus,

though some distance from the bone. It passes downwards

and inserts into the extensor metacarpi radialis just beyond

the origin of that muscle.


The biceps is a long muscle occupying the entire anterior

aspect of the humerus. It arises by two heads, from which

fact it receives the name of biceps. The short head arises

from the upper face of the internal tuberosity of the humerus.

The long head arises from the head of the coracoid bone,

passes over the shoulder joint, then along the bicipital fossa

of the humerus. Here it unites with the short head. (It

would probably be more correct to represent the origin of

this muscle as from a single tendon, which leaves the cora

coid bone, narrow, widens as it passes over the head of the

humerus, and is attached to that bone ; then again becomes

narrow. Most of authors speak of the two heads of the

biceps, and for this reason I have so given it.) The two

form the fleshy belly of the muscle. This terminates in a

flat tendon, which makes its insertion on the pos-terior part

■of the tuberosity of the radius. This tendon often divides,

the second portion being attached to the ulna. The origin

and broad tendon of the biceps, as it passes over the head


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of the humerus, is covered by the pectoralis major. Through

the remainder of its extent, it is covered onlv by the integu

ment and superficial fascia, while the internal face of the

muscle rests upon the humerus. It flexes the fore-arm—

folds the wing.


This muscle in birds consists of two distinct parts, having

both separate origins and insertions, and are separate

throughout their entire length. The "longer one—which

Selenka gives as the anconeus longus—rises from the neck

of the scapula, is quite large and fleshy, and passes down

along the posterior face of the humerus. When it reaches

the elbow it spreads out iuto a thin fascia, which seems to

unite with the fibres of the various muscles of the fore-arm ;

but the principal insertion of the muscle seems to be on the

external side and at the base of the olecranon process.

The shorter muscle arises by two heads. The shorter

of these two heads, arises from the outer side of the intern

al tuberosity of the humerus, where the strong tendon of

teres major inserts, and from the adjoining depression, which

corresponds to the pneumaticum foramen. The longer

head arises higher up on the external face of the head of the

humerus, just under the external tuberosity. The two heads

unite and receive fibres from the broad face of the head of

the humerus, and from the shaft of the same bone through

the upper third of its extent. The muscle near its origin

is large and fleshy, but grows smaller, and terminates in a

small tendon, which makes its insertion on the olecranon

process. These two muscles occupy the entire external or

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posterior face of the humerus, and the two taken together,

may be considered as the homologue of the triceps in man.

It serves as in man to extend the forearm, and is the oppo

nent of the muscle occupying the anterior or internal face

of the humerus.—the biceps.


This small muscle arises by a short tendon from the outer

condyle of the humerus, and inserts on the outer edge of

the radius from the neck of that bone for two-thirds its

length. It throws the upper edge of the radius outwards,

thus acting as a supinator.


[Flexor Profundus Interior Gallinaceorum.—Selenka.\

This is a very small muscle, not found in most of birds;

but always present in the domestic fowl. It arises from the

internal condyle of the humerus, and inserts upon the inner

edge of the ulna. It is about one inch, or an inch and a

half long, measuring from its origin to the farthest part of its

insertion ; but from its origin to the nearest point of inser

tion is not more than half an inch. It flexes or folds the

forearm, and from its action I have taken the liberty of

giving it the name, flexor tertias antibracliii.

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This is a small, short, ribbon-like muscle, which arises

from the supracondyloid depression, and inserts upon the

internal face of the ulna. Its insertion is covered by that of

the flexor tertius antibrachii, and the latter should be exam

ined and removed before this one is. Its length is not more

than an inch, and its width is about one-third its length. It

has no tendon, but is fleshy both at its origin and insertion.


This muscle arises from the external condyle of the hu

merus, passes along the radius—forming the radial border

of the muscular part of the forearm—over the wrist joint

and the carpal bone, and makes its insertion upon the radi

al edge of the metacarpal of the thumb or spurious wing.

It is small and tendinous at its origin, but soon becomes

fleshy and so continues until it has nearly reached the distal

extremity or the radius ; here it is joined by the tendon of

the extensor metacarpi ratlialis brevis, and the two forming

a broad and strong tendon, pass over the carpal joint and

make the insertion as given above. At or near its origin

this muscle receives the tensor plicae alaris brevis ; the lat

ter muscle inserting into the former. It raises the hand to

a level with the radius, and holds it in this position.


[Extensor Pollici:. Longus.—Selenka.\

The extensor metacarpi radialis brevis arises from the in

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ner or ulnar edge of the radius, along the middle third of

that bone. Its tendon passes upwards, obliquely across the

radius, and unites with the tendon of the extensor metac.

rad. longus, and the two make a common insertion on the

metacarpal bone of the thumb. This muscle sometimes has

a double origin, the second one being on the radial edge of

the ulna, and nearer the elbow joint than the one on the

radius. I have given the insertion on the radius as the prin

cipal one, because it is always present while the other may

be entirely wanting.


This is the largest muscle of the forearm, and forms the

ulnar border of the muscular portion of this region. It

arises with a strong tendon from the internal condyle of the

humerus, and not from the ulna as given by Owen in his

Anatomy of Vertebrates, where he treats of the muscular

system of birds in general. It would seem from this,

that its origin is different in the domestic fowl from what it

is in most other birds. It first inserts upon the carpal and

then upon the metacarpal. Instead of lying along the edge

of the ulna, it passes along the side ; but being flat and be

tween one-fourth and one-half inch wide, it extends down

below the edge of the ulna. It flexes the hand or folds the



There are two pronators present in the domestic fowl ;

but from their length alone, one would not be justified in

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5 -o 2

s. s









calling one the pronator brevis and the other the pronator

longus ; for both are equal, or very nearly equal, in length.

From their relative positions, we might call one the super

ior and the other the inferior ; for one lies directly over the

other. The superior one corresponds to the pronator brev

is and the inferior to the pronator longus of other birds.

Both arise from the internal condyle of the humerus and

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pass obliquely across the space between the ulna and the

radius, and are inserted along the ulnar edge of the radius,

from near its proximal end for two thirds of its length.


The extensor carpi ulnaris arises from the outer condyle

of the humerus, and passes fleshy along the middle of the

outer side of the forearm, and makes its insertion on the

ulnar carpal bone. It is quite strong and is one of the prin

cipal extensors of the hand. The tendon of this muscle

passes throngh the pulley near the wrist joint.


This muscle arises from the radial edge of the ulna along

the distal half of that bone, passes obliquely upwards

through the annular ligament, being so far entirely on the

inner side of the arm ; but after passing through the an

nular ligament, it passes under the common tendon of the

radial extensors at the base of the thumb, and is inserted

externally on the first metacarpal bone.


This muscle arises with the supinator on the radial con

dyle of the humerus, passes dawn along the middle of the

backside of the forearm through the annular ligament, then

divides into two parts, one of which inserts on the thumb,

the second on the base of the metacarpal of the long finger.

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This muscle arises from the lower third of the ulnar edge

of the radius and inserts upon the long finger.


These muscles are arranged in the order which it is be

lieved will be found most convenient to follow in dissecting.

Abductor Magnus.




Adductor Longus.

Adductor Brevis.






Vastus Externus.

Vastus Internus.

. Qiiadratus.

Adductor Magnus


Peroneus Longus.

Tibialis Anticus.

Extensor Lon. Dig.


Flexoi Pertbrans Dig.

Flexor Perforatus Dig

Peroneus Medius.


[Rectus Femoris.]

The abductor magnus or rectus femoris, is the most ex

tensive muscle of the leg. It together with the sartorius,

with which it is continuous anteriorly, forms the broad tri

angular external surface of the thigh. It arises from the

prominent irregular ridge of the pelvis. The fibres con

verge and extend over the knee-joint. About two-thirds the

distance from the origin to the knee, the muscle may be

divided into two parts. The anterior part terminates in a

thin aponeouorosis, which closelv adheres to the underlying

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muscles, spreads out over the knee-joint and inserts upon

the patella and head of the tibia. The posterior portion is

Fio. 20. —Muscles of the Tin ;h—(Posterior view.)

1. Rectus Femoris. (Raised. } 3. Adductor Magnus. 5. Semimembranosus.

2. Vastus Externus. 4. Biceps. 6. Semitendinosus.

more fleshy and makes its insertion upon the head of the

fibula. Some authors consider these as two distict muscles.

They name the anterior portion the rectus femoris and the

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posterior portion the tensor vaginae. Concerning the func

tions of this muscle Owen says ; " Owing to the great an-

tero-posterior extent of the origin of this muscle, its anterior

fibres are calculated to act as a flexor, its posterior ones as

an extensor of the femur ; all together combine to abduct

the thigh and extend the leg, unless when this is in a state

of extreme flexion, when a few of the posterior fibres glide

behind the center of motion of the knee joint."

Rel.itiojis.—By its superior face with the integument, by

its under surface, with the semitendinous, biceps, vastus,

cruraeus, and the glutaei ; by its anterior border, with the


Dissection.—Place the subject upon the back, and with

the head to your right hand, if dissecting the right leg.

Separate the posterior border from the underlying muscles

by pulling it forward ; then make an incision along the line

of origin.


Arises from the anterior part of the labrum of the ilium.

At its origin, it is continuous with the abductor magnus. As

it descends, it becomes narrower and thicker. For the low

er two-thirds of its course, it can be easily separated from

the abductor magnus. It passes around in front and lies

partly under the thigh. It makes its insertion by a strong

tendon upon the internal side of the anterior face of the

tibia. The insertion is covered by the internal head of the



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Fig. h.—Mlsclfs of the Thigh. (Anterior View.)



3 Adductor Magnus.

4. Acccssorius Semitendini

5. Semitendinosus.

i, Semimembranosus

Use.—It adducts the thigh and extends the leg.

Relations.—By its upper face, with the integument ; by

its under surface, with the glutaeus medius and interims,

the crurams and vastus interims ; by its posterior border,

with the abductor magnus.

The fibres at the origin of the sartorius are intermingled

with those of the gluteus medius. so that great care must be

used in separating these two muscles. The sartorius does

not always cover the gluteus interims.


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This nicely formed muscle lies directly under the abduct

or magnus, and is exposed when that muscle is raised. It

arises from the prominent part of the ridge of the pelvis,

which lies just behind the acetabulum and above the sciatic

foramen. It is often an inch broad at its origin. Its fibres

converge, pass through a loop, formed by a ligament which

is attached at one end to the outer condyle of the femur and

and at the other to the head of the tibia. The muscle is

then inserted by a strong tendon to the fibula. It is evi

dent from the description that the muscle is unicipital.

Owen snys : " By means of the loop, the weight of the

hinder part of the body is partially transfered, when the

leg is bent, to the distal end of the femur, and the biceps is

able by the same beautiful mechanism to effect a more

rapid and extensive inflection of the leg than it otherwise

could have produced by the simple contraction of its fibres."

According to Selenka the size of this muscle is very var

iable. It is broad in the domestic fowl, in birds of prey,

and in the penguin. In the Struthio and the Apteryx, a

branch is given off" from the tendon of the biceps just above

the loop. This branch unites with the fleshy part of the gas

trocnemius. Indeed some authors describe this branch as a

separate muscle. The loop through which the tendon of

the biceps passes is also of very variable length. Selenka

states that the tendon of the biceps is strongest and the loop

longest in the natatores. This is necessary since the biceps

is one of the most important muscles used in swiming.

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Arises from the caudal vertebrae and from the posterior

end of the ilium. Its proximal two-thirds lie posterior to

the biceps ; its distal third passes ir.idsr that muscle. Near

its insertion it sends up a broad thin muscle, the accessorius

semitendinosi, which inserts into the femur. The semite n-

dinosus inserts upon the angular ridge of the head of the


Fig. 22. —Muscles of the Thigh. (Posterior view.)

i. Kectus Fenioris. (Raised.) 4. Biceps. 7. Adductor Longus.

2. Vastus Externus. 5. Semimembranosus. S. Accessorius Semitendinosi.

3. Adductor Magnus. 6. Semitendinosus.

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is a long, narrow, ribbon-like muscle. It arises from the

caudal region, under and a little posterior to the origin of

the semitendinosus, passes around over the posterior part of

the ischium, across the semimembranosus at its origin, over

the adductor rnagnus, and inserts into the proximal end of

the femur. It draws the thigh backwards.


is a very thin muscle which arises from the posterior end of

the ischium directly under the posterior point of the ilium.

Its inferior border touches, and partly covers the adductor

longus. It extends forwards and inserts near by or in com-

" moil with the preceding muscle. Its use is the same as that

of the ;;dductor longus.


Arises from the broad depression on the ischium, posterior

to the sciatic foramen, passes forward and inserts into the

femur near its proximal end. This muscle is covered by

the preceding one. It draws the femur backwards and

turns it outwards.


If the muscles have been removed in the order here given,

the semimembranous will be the most posterior one remain

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ing. It arises from the inferior edge of the ischium, is of

nearly uniform width and thickness throughout its entire

length, and inserts in common with the semitendinosus,

with which it corresponds in function.


These muscles, three in number, arise from the side and

floor of the depression, which marks the ilium anterior to

the acetabulum- They insert upon the femur.

The glutaeus externus is smaller than the glutaeus medius.

It takes origin from the posterior end of the depression and

from the ridge directly over the acetabulum. It passes

down over the joint and partly overlaps the glutaeus medius.

It inserts by a strong tendon into the femur below the tro

chanter. It lifts and abducts the femur. •

The glutaeus medius is the largest of the three. It is tri

angular in shape, with the line of its origin for the base and

the point of insertion for the apex. It arises along the en

tire length of the depression, and inserts upon the great tro

chanter. It draws the thigh forwards, and at the same time

rotates it inwards.

The glutaeus internus is partly covered by the preceding

muscle. It arises from the anterior part of the ventral edge

of the ilium, passes backwards and inserts under the glu

taeus medius.


This small muscle lies along the inner side of the thigh

and over the vastus internus. It arises from the os pubis

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and often has another head from the proximal end of the

the femur. Either of these heads may be wanting. It

soon becomes converted into a small tendon, which inserts

upon the patella or its ligament.


This is a large muscle which lies along the femur. It

arises from the proximal end of the femur and closely ad

heres to that bone throughout its entire length. It not only

covers the bone, but extends out over the vastus externus

and internus, with the former it is often closely united. It

inserts upon the ligaments of the patella and upon the head

of the tibia;


lies along the outside of the femur, is closely connected

with the cruraeus and inserts with that muscle.


lies directly under the gracilis and along the inner side of

the femur. It arises from the inner side of the proximal

end of the femur, lies close to the bone along its entire

length, and inserts upon the ligaments of the knee-joint and

upon the inner side of the anterior face of the head of the



This muscle lies along with the adductor magnus. It is


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broad, thin, and arises from the inferior edge of the ischium

posterior to the foramen ovale, and inserts into the distal

half of the femur. It lies under the thigh and draws it in

wards and backwards.


has its origin under that of the preceding muscle, arising from

the edge of the ischium and from the os pubis. It is broad

er than the quadratus, and has a more extensive insertion.

It inserts along the distal half of the femur, on its interior

face. It adducts the thigh.



This is a powerful muscle, and as in mammals, consists

of two parts. One portion lies on the inner side of the leg, and

another on the outer side. The former is called the gastroc

nemius internus, and the latter the gastrocnemius externus.

The gastrocnemius internus arises by two heads. The

smaller head takes its origin from the internal condyle of

the femur. Its fibres pass downwards, converge, and unite

with those of the other head. The larger head arises from

the patella, the ligaments of the knee-joint, and the anterior

part of the head of the tibia. It partly overlaps the mus

cles, which lie along the anterior face of the tibia. About

three-fonrths the distance down the tibia, it meets its fellow

from the external side and the two form a broad, strong

ligamentous aponeurosis, which extends over the posterior

surface of the tarso-metatarsal bone.

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The gastrocnemius externus arises by a strong tendon

from the external condyle of the femur, becomes fleshy,

then narrow and tendinous, and terminating as given above.

The ligamentous aponeurosis forms a sheath which encloses

the tendons of other muscles, as they pass over the ankle



is a superficial muscle and partly overlaps the tibialis anti-

cus. It lies on the external side of the face of the tibia. It

arises tendinous from the head of the tibia and terminates in

a broad ligamentous aponeurosis which inserts upon the ex

ternal side of the tarso-metatarsus just below the ankle-



occupies the anterior aspect of the tibia. It arises from the

head of the tibia, is large and fleshy in its superior part, then

becomes small and tendinous. Just above the ankle-joint it

passes under the oblique ligament which crosses the medi

an fossa at the distal end of the tibia. The tendon after

passing under the ligament and over the joint, inserts into

the groove on the anterior face of the tarso-metatarsal bone.

It flexes the tarso-metatarse.

This is, in most birds, a very strong and powerful muscle,

being the chief means of flexing the tarso-metatarsal bone,

and with it tne entire foot.

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Figs. 23, 24, 25.—Aqjjila Fucosa. (From Milne-Edwards as fig

ured by Selenka.)

3. Abductor Minimi Digiti. 4. Extensor Proprius Pollicis. 8. Extensor Commu-

nis Digitoruin. 9. Flexor Performus Digitorum. 11. Flexor Perforates Minimi

Digiti. 12. Flexor Perforuns Digitorum. 13. Tibialis Anticus. 14. Superior

Peroneus. 15. Inferior Peroneus, iS" Internal portion of the Gastrocnemius.

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[The Extensor Communis Digitorum. (?)]

lies along the anterior face of the tibia, on the internal side

of the preceding muscle. It arises from the anterior part of

the head of the tibia, along the external side of the anterior

eminence. It passes straight down the tibia and becomes

tendinous. Its tendon lies deeper than that of the preced

ing muscle and passes under the osseous bridge which

crosses the median fossa at the distal end of the tibia. It

then passes between the condyles, over the joint and down

the anterior face of the tarso-metatarse, to be distributed to

the toes. About half way down the tarso-metatarsal bone,

the tendon divides into two branches, an external and an

internal. At the distal end of the tarso-metatarsal bone,

each of these branches subdivides, the external sending one

prong to the fourth toe, and another to the third toe, the in

ternal sending one prong to the second toe, and another to

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Fig. 26—Muscles of the

Foot- (Anterior View.)the third toe. This muscle extends

all the toes. Very often the bran

ches which are sent off from the

tendon, are distinct from the main

tendon and arise along the tarso-

metatarse. When this is the case,

it would be better to designate

this muscle as the extensor longus

digitorum, and the principal short

one as the extensor brevis digito-



lies directly under the Gastrocne

mius internus. It arises from the

posterior part of the head of the

tibia, is closely adherent to the

Gastrocnemius along and under

its posterior border. It soon be

comes a strong, round tendon

which unites with the Gastrocne

mius just above the tarsal-joint.



arises from the outer condyle of

the femur just anterior to the ori

gin of the Gatrocnemius extern-

us.j It is quite fleshy at first, but

about half way down the leg be

comes tendinous.

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The tendon passes over the tarsal-joint posteriorly and

passes to the middle toe. Sometimes it sends branches to

the inner toe at other times, to the outer toe. I^s tendon

along the middle toe is never wanting and blends with that

of the Peroneus medius.


Near its origin, this is quite a large muscle. It lies along

the posterior face of the tibia and over the peroneus medius.

It is fleshy above but soon divides into four parts. Two of

these divisions pass to the second toe and the other two to

the middle toe. These parts are subject to great variation.


This muscle arises along three-fourths the length of the

tibia on its posterior face and from the posterior part of the

distal end of the femur. It passes along the outer border of

the posterior face of the tibia. Just above the tarsal joint, it

becomes tendinous and passes trhough the canal at the proxi

mal end of the tarso-metatarse, lies close along the posterior

face of this bone, at the distal end cf which, it divides into

three branches, which pass to the three long toes.


In the domestic fowl, most of these muscles are not well

developed. The most important ones are given and briefly

described. With care, these can be dissected out and the

points of origin and insertion examined. Since the neck is

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long, muscles with several points of insertion are required.

This want is supplied posteriorly by the longus colli posti

cus ct biventer cervicis and anteriorly by the longus colli.

To the action of these muscles, the many and graceful curves

of the neck are due. Great variety and freedom of motion

is given to the head, which performs the duties of both head

and hand in mammals.


These muscles arise in common from the spinous proces

ses of the anterior dorsal vertebrae and extend along the

back of the neck to the occipital bone. Eight or nine pairs

are sent off along the course to be inserted into the vertebrae.

The longest pair extends to the base of the skull and corres

ponds to the Biventer cervicis. It arises tendinous, then be

comes fleshy, then again tendinous, then fleshy a second

time, and finally inserts upon the occipital by a short tendon.

The next longest pair inserts upon the sixth or seventh cer

vical vertebra. The shorter ones are subject to variation.

By the action of these muscles the head and neck are thrown



It arises from the external half of the anterio r margin of

the ilium, from the fifth and sixth ribs, and from the trans

verse processes of the first dorsal and last cervical vertebrae.

It extends np to the tenth or ninth cervical. The anterior

portion of this muscle corresponds to the cervicalis ascend-

ens or cervicalis descendens.

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arises from the interior half of the anterior margin of the

ilium and from the transverse and spinous processes of the

last dorsal vertebrae. It lies along the depression between

the consolidated spinous and the consolidated transverse

processes. A tendon comes off from the ilium and runs

along parallel with the spines, until it reaches the spinalis



Since the spinal processes of the dorsal vertebrae are con

solidated, these muscles are wanting in that region. In the

cervical region they pass from the spinous process of one

vertebra to that of the next.


These short muscles pass from the oblique processes of

one vertebra to those of the next.


They arise from the transverse process and insert into the

anterior border of the following rib.


Arises from the third, fourth and fifth cervical vertebra;,

and inserts, one on each side, on the occipital bone, just ex

ternal to the insertion of the biventer cervicis. If both of

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the muscles act at the same time the head is thrown back

wards ; if only one acts the head is drawn to one side.


These small muscles lie directly under the complexus.

and act in the same manner as that muscle.


This muscle arises from the first three or four cervical

vertebrae, and insert upon the praoccipital. It turns the

head to one side.


Arises from the transverse processes of the fourth or fifth

cervical vertebra and inserts upon the side of the basioc-

cipital bone.


This muscle corresponds in its origin and insertion to the

longus colli posticus, and lies along the anterior or under

aspect of the neck. It arises from the ventral faces of the

anterior dorsal vertebra, passes out between the clavicles,

along up the neck, sending offbranches which insert upon the

vertebrae. The longest division extends to the atlas and in

serts upon the small eminence on the under part of that

bone. It is quite large where it passes out between the

clavicles ; but each of the branches is small like those of

the longus colli posticus. It bends the neck.

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These muscles arise by many tendons from the same ver

tebrae upon which the preceding muscle inserts. These ten

dons unite, become flesh v and insert at the base of the skull.


Since the tail of birds is used as a rudder during flight,

it becomes necessary that it be supplied with muscles which

can raise, lower, or turn to right or left the " plough-share"

bone which terminates the posterior extremity of the verte

bral column. As the vertebrae of the caudal region resem-

blile those of the cervical in being freely movable upon

one another ; so do the muscles which produce these mo

tions in the two regions resemble.


This muscle arises from the upper and posterior part of

the bones of the pelvis, and passes back along the caudal

vertebrae, into the processes of which it inserts branches.

A portion of the muscle inserts upon the base of the

" ploughshare" bone. When the two muscles, one on each

side, act together, the tail is raised ; when only one acts at

a time the tail is turned to one side.


These muscles are feebly developed in the fowl. The

superior adductors arise from the posterior edge of the isch

ium, and insert upon the transverse processes of the caudal

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vertebrae. The inferior adductors arise fro mthe tuberosity

on the ischium and insert upon the same processes of the

vertebra?. When all these muscles act together, they ex

pand the tail, causing the feathers to stand out fan-shaped.


Arises from the transverse processes of the caudal verte

brae and inserts upon the shaft of the tail feathers. It sep

arates and lifts these feathers.


This muscle lies along the under side of the caudal verte

brae and is not so well developed as the levator cauda:. It

arises from the lower face of the first vertebra? and inserts

upon the inferior faces of the succeeding ones.


ji1: Si



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