
1. Introduction 2. Basi s o f design a. Breakwater t ype i. Description of rubble mound ii. Design requiremen ts/ basic dimensions ii i. Lig ht tower b. Locat ion Data i. hape of harbour ii. !o table features ii i. "ccess roads i# .shipping c. $eographical data "#ailable %esources d. Design en #ir onment al condit ions i. De si gn &a#e ii. D&L 'tides ( e. )idal "llowances *. Breakwa ter +osi tio n a. Di ,racti on )heor y b. +ossible con-gurations c. hosen why0 i. how pl an layo ut . t ructural desi gn a. an Der 3eer i. )heory ii. %esults b. 4udsons i. )heory ii . %esul ts/ comparis on 5. ummar y of Des ign a. ) able of dimensions b. List of materials c. ) echnical dr awings



Transcript of Notes

7/21/2019 Notes 1/3

1. Introduction2. Basis of design

a. Breakwater typei. Description of rubble moundii. Design requirements/ basic dimensionsiii. Light tower

b. Location Datai. hape of harbourii. !otable featuresiii. "ccess roadsi#. shipping

c. $eographical data "#ailable %esourcesd. Design en#ironmental conditions

i. Design &a#eii. D&L 'tides(

e. )idal "llowances*. Breakwater +osition

a. Di,raction )heoryb. +ossible con-gurationsc. hosen why0

i. how plan layout. tructural design

a. an Der 3eeri. )heoryii. %esults

b. 4udsonsi. )heoryii. %esults/ comparison

5. ummary of Designa. )able of dimensionsb. List of materialsc. )echnical drawings

7/21/2019 Notes 2/3

7/21/2019 Notes 3/3