Notebooks of a Magickian, Volume 4, Book 3

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  • 8/9/2019 Notebooks of a Magickian, Volume 4, Book 3


    Yael R. Dragwyla First North American rights

    email: [email protected] 20,700 words


    Volume IV: The Notebooks of a Magickian

    Book 3: May 31, 1995

    The time has come, the Walrus said,To talk of many things:

    Of shoes and ships and Newt Gingrich Of thrints, and Bill the Pill.

    Resh Lumbago

    Iam the walrus!

    King Ringo

    On Thrints

    Imagine. Imagine what it is like to be a ptaav, the human property of a thrint, a sentient slaver virus

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    while you are still a child.

    Imagine the thing playing you like a puppet, playing with your motor coordination and, sometimes

    your senses. You suddenly find your hands taking on a life of their own, hurling things across the room,

    breaking things, so that you get into trouble, terrible trouble, because of it. Then you get into even worse

    trouble because you quite truthfully protest that you didnt do it, it was the being which the adults aroundyou patronizingly refer to as your imaginary friend doing it. Your parents scream at you that you are a

    liar, make you stay in your room, all alone, starve you for days, beat you, or worse.

    Liber LXXVII-Point-VII

    Events of recent weeks show that the handwriting is clearly on the wall: Mene, mene, tekel, upharsin, with

    Horuss signature written larger than John Hancocks beneath it. Whether it is addressed to the BlackBrotherhood, the enemies of Liberty, or to those who profess to call themselves Thelema, the children of

    Liberty, remains to be seen. Who will stand up and be counted? Where are those who have called

    themselves followers of the Crowned and Conquering Child, Horus, students of the Wisdom of Mat and

    Athena, the heirs of Crowley and the other midwives of Thelema?

    Perhaps those who still love Liberty, the true Thelemites, will find the following, posted by email the

    night of May 19, 1995, to the White House, useful as a template for letters of their own on the same or

    related subjects:

    Dear President Clinton,

    I was very sorry to see that the NRA recanted concerning its depiction of the

    B.A.T.F. in a recent fund-raising letter. That depiction was but the literal truth: the

    B.A.T.F. has indeed degenerated into a pack of jack-booted thugs, as recent events in this

    country, e.g., the Waco holocaust and the OKC horror, so clearly demonstrate. Calling

    them something more polite doesnt change what they are nor does a public retraction

    of that description of them. The B.A.T.F. has degenerated into an American version ofthe Gestapo, while the Department of Justice seems to be headed by people who combine

    the worst traits of Josef Goebbels and Martin Bormann. Why shouldntsomebody cry

    out this horror to high heaven? That it was the NRA, and that they did so via a fund-raising letter, neither changes the facts, which they stated so admirably in that very letter,

    nor requires the rest of us to pretend that there is nothing to protest. They and their

    group-leaders are liars and hooligans who are out to terrorize the rest of us into utter

    political paralysis, any way they can. Its time they were stopped. God bless anyone

    who cries out their crimes publicly and calls for their indictment and an end to thismadness! You, Mr. President, are the one who is out of order, demanding that they

    profess a lie in accordance with the claims of your administration on this matter and in

    making those claims, which themselves are lies, in the first place. For the head of a

    political administration that is well on its way to breaking even the Bush administrations

    record for the number of indictments for high crimes and misdemeanors of those who

    served on it, you really dont have much room to talk, do you? As a taxpayer and citizen

    (not to mention someone who still has a heart and a soul which are sickened to their

    cores by these deadly, downright evil shenanigans of members of your own cabinet andtheir hirelings), Mr. President, I am fed to the teeth with this situation, which is

    ominously reminiscent of Germany about 1934, regardless of which out-groups havebecome the targets of the storm-troopers of your regime! Its about timeyou retracted all

    the damned liesyouve been insulting our intelligence with for so long, put the B.A.T.F.

    and the FBI on very short leashes and keep them on those leashes for the rest of your

    administration, and stop trying to harass those of us who still believe in the Bill of Rights

    and the rest of the ideals which this country once stood for!

    Lvg. Yael R. Dragwyla, KSG, citizen

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    Weve had it so easy, havent we, living as we have in our space-age, high-tech, affluent world, in acountry which can afford to support a large part of its population on SSI and Social Security programs, with

    Food Banks, Medicare, and a host of other expressions of the kindness of neighbors toward those amongthem who are less fortunate than they? Surely, as easy as we have it, we ought to be far more ready,

    willing, and able to fight for our freedoms and advantages than were the men and women in the far less

    affluent, far more desperate times just prior to and during the American Revolution of 1776, one of whom

    wrote these immortal words:

    These are the times that try mens souls.

    The summer soldier and the sunshine patriot

    will, in this crisis, shrink from the service of

    their country; but he that stands it now,

    deserves the love and thanks of man and woman.

    Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet

    we have this consolation with us, that the harderthe conflict, the more glorious the triumph. What

    we obtain too cheap, we esteem too lightly; tisdearness only that gives everything its value.

    Heaven knows how to put a proper price upon its

    goods, and it would be strange indeed, if so celes-

    tial an article asFreedom should not be highly


    Thomas Paine (1737-1809),

    The American Crisis, No. 1

    (December 23, 1776)

    One of the most beloved Thelemites of all time added these words to Paines, as well:

    What country before ever existed a century and a

    half without a rebellion? . . . The tree of liberty must

    be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots

    and tyrants. It is its natural manure.

    Thomas Jefferson, American rebel and 3rd U.S.President, Letter to William Stevens Smith, Nov. 13, 1787

    You think you have it so hard now? Consider Harriet Tubman, born a slave in the ante-bellum

    American South.

    The historical person of Harriet Ross Tubman, known to history as General Moses,* of whom this

    Planet is the namesake, was born into slavery in the ante-bellum American South. At fifteen, her head was

    injured by an overseer who, according to one account, beat her in the head with an iron bar. As a result of

    this beating, for the rest of her life she was subject to fainting fits, probably a type of epilepsy, during

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    which she frequently had prophetic visions real ones, which always came true, true clairvoyant and

    precognitive faculties, which she always believed were gifts of God, given to her by Him to aid her in His

    work. It was by aid of these visions, many times, that she was able to accomplish her work of helping to

    free other slaves and keep them and herself from being re-taken by slavers or killed on their long journey


    *Well has she been called Moses, for she has been a leader and deliverer unto hundreds of her people.

    From Scenes in the Life of Harriet Tubman (1869) by Sarah H. Bradford (b. 1818).

    **She said of her unique gifts and their aid in her work, Twant me, twas the Lord. I always told him, I

    trust to you, I dont know where to go or what to do, but I expect you to lead me, and he always did.Told to her biographer, Sarah H. Bradford (c. 1868).

    Not long after that beating, while still a very young woman, she made her way to freedom and her

    niche in history. She told her biographer Sarah H. Bradford [c. 1868] of her escape from slavery:

    When I found I had crossed that line,* I looked at my hands

    to see if I was the same person. There was such a glory over


    *On her first escape from slavery in 1845.

    Eventually she became the most famous conductor on the Underground Railroad, the system of routes

    by which escaped slaves made their way North, to freedom. She made nineteen dangerous trips back and

    forth, often disguised, escorting more than three hundred slaves to freedom. Always with her was herpistol, which she was known to have used a number of times with deadly effect to defend herself and her

    charges and prevent their being taken back into slavery or worse. Her first words upon meeting new

    passengers to conduct to freedom on the Underground Railway, were youll be free or die. Once,

    when asked what her philosophy of life was, she replied, There was one of two things I had a right to,liberty or death; if I could not have one, I would have the other; for no man should take me alive . . .

    She is a prime example of the importance of the part played by Black women in the American Civil

    War, e.g., Sojourner Truth, the legendary ex-slave who had been active in the womens rights movement

    and became a recruiter of black troops for the Union Army, as did Josephine St. Pierre Ruffin of Boston.

    Tubman herself raided plantations, leading black and white troops, and on one such expedition freed 750


    *See Howard Zinns A Peoples History of the United States (New York: Perennial Library/Harper &

    Row, Publishers, 1980), pp. 170, 180-181, 188.

    * * *

    Who is a true Thelemite, or, for that matter, a true human being, by whatevername? If you think you

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    are safe from the predations of the tools of a fascistically beneficent government, from horrors such as

    the holocaust at Waco of two years ago or that of Oklahoma City this last April because you arent a

    Branch Davidian, like those who were cremated alive in the Branch Davidian compound in Waco, Texas

    you arent one of those stupid Fundies who died in Oklahoma City this year, you arent one of those

    Aryan Supremacist bastards, you, in short, are doing just fine, Charlie, thanks very much and get lost,who needs a bummer likeyou around, then think again:

    They came for the communists, and I wasnt a communist,

    so I didnt protest;

    They came for the socialists, and I wasnt a socialist,

    so I didnt protest;

    They came for the trade unionists but I wasnt atrade unionist, so I didnt protest;

    They came for the Jews, and I wasnt a Jew, so I didnt


    Then they came for me, and there was no one left to protest.

    Pastor Martin Niemoller

    The handwriting is indeed on the wall and ashes are on the wind. In the Names Horus, Mat, Djehuti,

    and Isis: Where do you stand?

    Lvg. (Ms) Yael R. Dragwyla, K.S.G.

    From email correspondence with a friend, 5/21/95

    >Hello, hello fellow traveler. I am stoked, I learned how to attach

    >files, so now I can give extended comments, question or general


    Arrrgghhhh!!! the Beast is loose! :)

    >On thrints:

    >In the Tree of Life, the author discusses as above, so below.

    >Furthermore, he discusses that there are several planes, the

    >prime material plane being the second lowest. (please, correct me

    >if I am wrong) Thus could it be said that the thrints are in

    >essence the our counterpart below, as we are above the last plane.(

    If thrints really do exist, they are actual living organisms with all kingdom all their own (the viruses ormaybe not a kingdom, an empire, there are so egregiously terrible dirty bad expletive deleted many of

    them. Most of them are simply the biological equivalent ofQlippoth, the overspill, slop, entropic detritusof the chromosomes of other forms of life, that is, chunks of chromosomes that got knocked off by

    mutagens or radiation or simply decided to leave home and make their own way in the world, one way or

    another. The Qlippoth are the leftovers of creation, thoughts that are no longer energized by living

    emotions, feelings that are no longer being felt, the garbage, detritus, and fallout of the psychospiritual

    world, and viruses are something like that. Qlippoth tend to pile up in what is called the sub-Lunar

    realm, that part of the Inner Planes corresponding to the region of physical space between Earth and the

    Moon. The thing is, thrints if they exist really are viruses, bits and pieces of things from all the

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    biological realm, not just our own species. Further, the ones that are viable, that last for any length of time,

    are organisms (of a sort) in their own right, and so arent just quasi-Qlippoth, but rather whole beings. The

    spirit, evil, good all these are aspects of Life itself, not just our own kind of life. So good viruses or bad

    (thrints) viruses, their goodness or badness is relative to the whole living world, not just our part of it. As

    for what Regardie says about the prime material plane being the second lowest plane, that is indeed partof the accepted dogma of the Western tradition today. Also, however, it makes no sense. The lowest plane

    on the traditional Tree of Life is Malkuth, and that is the material plane. Period. The Qlippoth are, most ofthem, part of the sub-Lunar realms, hence along the Path Tav between Malkuth (Earth) and Yesod (Luna).

    Qlippoth can come from any plane, though theyre just distorted reflections of whatever plane they

    actually come from, whether from one associated with the Solar System and thus represented on the

    traditional Tree of Life, or with one associated with other Stars, or one associated with other universes (for

    more on these, see those NM files beginning with NM0C2... as well as the works of Kenneth Grant, such

    as Outside the Circles of Time). The Western Tradition, Thelema or no Thelema, is more dogma thanthought, much of the time, and some of the dogma, when analyzed for what it means, is a kind ofQlippoth

    in its own right, leftover conceptual junk put together all whichaways. :)

    >is not the last plane where the dog faced demons reside?). Also,

    >wouldnt this be within the limits of the rules that there is but one

    >force that we all must obey?(something like that I am a bit fuzzy

    >here.) Please comment.

    I dont think I remember the dog-faced demons. What comes to mind is the Dog-Faced Baboon, an avatarof the Egyptian God Djehuti, Lord of Wisdom and Magick, equivalent of Hermes, Mercury, Odin, and so

    on. He is associated with the Star Sirius, the Dog Star, which really comes from Dog-Faced Baboon,

    which the Egyptians called Thoth. Any demons associated with it and God knows, there might be

    would thus be clear off the top of the traditional Tree of Life. Can you quote the passages where these are

    mentioned, so I can get a better idea of what he means? As for the force that we all must obey, well,

    theres gravity. And theres entropy. And theres the IRS. Can you give me the full quote, so I can see

    what in fact hes talking about? SometimesRegardie is a bit fuzzy, this may be due to his writing.

    >Ying Yang and YAVH-

    >While playing a little connect the thoughts, the ying yang symbol is

    >divided into two separate halves one white one black, with in each>is a dot representing the opposite color. Y, if i am not mistaken

    >represents the male and day, A represents the female and light, V

    >represent the joining of the two and H represents the union of

    >three. Thus, yang (I think) represents the male and corresponds to

    >the Y, Yang representing the female corresponds to the A, the>smaller circles within corresponds to the offspring in each thus

    >the V, and the union of the two, together in the circle, corresponds

    >to the H. If I am on the right track here, it is very interesting.

    >Albeit this may not be new thought to the universe but is a new

    >thought to myself, please respond.

    Uh, female is Yin (no g), male is Yang. Anyway, you mean YHVH? Okay, the Y is for the Hebrewletter Yod, associated with the Element Fire, which is hot/dry, both male qualities. H1 is forHeh,

    associated with Water, cold/wet, both female qualities. They get together and have two children, V(Vav) and H2 (Heh); V is Air, hot/wet, male-female (Yang-Yin) and H2 is Earth, cold/dry, female-

    male (Yin-Yang). With respect to the Tao, which is the East is normally red-on-white, Red is Yang/male =

    Fire, corresponding to Y, and White is Yin/Female = Water = cold/wet, corresponding to H1. Red-in-

    White (red dot inside white area) is Air = hot/wet = V and White-in-Red (white dot inside red area) is

    Earth = cold/dry = H2.

    >As a side note, during my undergrad studies I learned that YAVH

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    >was the name of God never to be pronounced, as religion traveled,

    >Germany translated this pronunciation to Jehovah, and thus were

    >born the Jehovah witness. (not commenting on a particular sect,

    >just sharing my knowledge).

    Actually, its usually rendered YHVH, for the Hebrew spelling, which is Yod-Heh-Vav-Heh. These

    are all consonants, no vowels; where the vowels went and what they were was a secret orally transmitteddown the generations from priest (Cohen) to priest, rabbi to rabbi. Without vowels, a word cant be

    pronounced, hence YHVH is literally unspeakable, i.e., unpronounceable to the uninitiated, who

    havent been told how to pronounce it. I understand that today it is thought that those consonants actually

    stood for something that was allvowels, no consonants at all, pronounced something like a wolf-howl:

    AEIOUUUUUU!!! Yaheeeeoooohuuuuuh! Something like that. When the Bible was finally

    translated from Hebrew (Old Testament) and Greek/Aramaic (New) into various European languages,European Christians began arguing over how that word was to be pronounced. Their knowledge of

    linguistics, etymology, and the history behind their subject was much more limited than it is today, so their

    best compromise was something like Jeh-ho-vah.

    In the current versions of the Western Ceremonial Tradition and Western Qaballah, JHVH is

    incorporated into the God-Names associated with Sephirah 3, Binah (YHVH ALHIM [pronounced

    Elohim], Lord God), Sephirah 6, Tiphareth (YHVH ALOaH Va DAaTh, Lord God Omnipresent], and

    Sephirah 7,Netzach (YHVH TzABAOTh, Lord of Hosts).


    >The ultimate pursuit for myself is the finding of universal justice, a>true neutrality so to speak, able to decipher that which is offensive

    >to the natural way of the universe. In that pursuit I am learning

    >to check myself against the suppositions of right and wrong as

    >taught to me by society, a very difficult task so far. This path

    >leads so far to the release of the ego, but as of yet I am having a

    >difficult time in first, understanding exactly that which must be

    >released, although this is probably a logic trap designed by the

    >ego(thrint?) to keep form achieving my destiny. As a continuation,>what about the warrior/wizard. What role to be played, my life has

    >been spent both consciously and unconsciously pursuing the path of

    >the warrior, only recently have begun to acknowledge that, and only>really recently have I begun to see a connection. What have

    >been your trials and tribulations on you path as a wizard, and have

    >combined the warrior and the wizard.

    Every problem, crisis, etc on the Way of Magick Ive fallen afoul of has had to do with my over-identification with my ego, or personal, day-to-day, individual self and identity, and forgetting that, as that

    great American adept, Stephen King puts it, Were all just pilgrims, brother, all going along the same road

    of Life. All we are and all we ever can be as mortal individuals are conduits and tools by which the Kami,

    the Gods or holy angels or whatever else we call the various aspects of the Spirit of Life, carry out Their

    Will, which is to say, the Will of the Spirit of Life itself. Every time I forget that, as Will Campbell, the

    Saint of the South, puts it, were all bastards, but God loves us anyway, and that that includes me, I

    screw up, and screw up bad, and get hurt bad. (Some time, I must tell you about the evil sorcerers [all

    names changed to protect Yrs Truly from lawsuits] . . .) The basic fact of existence is that I, you, all that is,is alive, and therefore must obey the laws of the biological universe, none any more or less than any other.

    All that we can do comes from that. As it happens, we are animals of community, defined by the fact thatwe make and relentlessly work to keep and improve community with one another, and therefore we love.

    Love of one another, any and all forms of love, however expressed, is part of our basic nature; our

    collective survival depends on it, our spiritual survival as individuals depends on it, and so to defy that part

    of our nature and do evil to others, to any part of the living world, is to destroy ourselves. Jesus knew this,

    Moishe Rabbinu Saint Francis knew this, Hatsumi sensei knows this, so does my teacher Dale, and anyone

    who comes to understand this and its full implications can also come to do anything they can do. Jesus was

    just a man, my friend but he was a man who knew what Moishe Rabbinu knew and Hatsumi sensei knows

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    and what St. Francis knew, and thatis why he could work miracles. And it is because the Church does

    what it can to keep its followers from knowingthat, out of power-hunger or stupidity or fear or thrints or

    whatever the hell it is, that so many professed Christians (like so many professed Jews, Moslems,

    Buddhists, Wiccans, Confucianists, etc. etc. etc.) arent able to pull off the miracles which the great

    teachers did all the time. If they knew, they could and they would no longer feel constrained to put upwith tyranny in order to be able to draw close to the Kami.

    But we are also animals of battle, warrior animals, warriors who love, lovers who do battle, because itis only those who have been willing to defend self, loved ones, and people that have left descendants in the

    world.* The rest died off. So, as Hatsumi sensei teaches us (and who knows, maybe Jesus did too and

    everybody decided not to talk about it later on), this, too, is part of our nature, underSephirah 5, Geburah,

    the Sphere of Mars (ALHIM GIBOR, God Almighty). To develop ourselves fully, we have to develop all

    the reflections of the Kami and Their Spheres (the Sephiroth) within ourselves, according to the wisdom of

    the Preacher:

    For everything there is a season,

    and a time for every matter under heaven:

    a time to be born, and a time to die;

    a time to plant, and a time to harvest;

    a time to kill, and a time to heal;

    a time to destroy, and a time to build;a time to weep, and a time to laugh;

    a time to mourn, and a time to dance;a time to cast away stones, and a time to gather stones together;

    a time to embrace, and a time to refrain from embracing;

    a time to seek, and a time to lose;

    a time to keep, and a time to cast away;

    a time to rend, and a time to sew;

    a time to keep silence, and a time to speak;

    a time to love, and a time to hate;

    a time for war, and a time for peace.

    Ecclesiastes 3:1-8

    This is the rhythm of the great Dance of Life itself, everything counterpointing something else, death,

    battle, anger, and other negative emotions and actions having their place as much as birth, diplomacy,

    love, and the other positive ones. We are all part of that Dance, and to remain in it, at least via thegenerations to come, we need to learn allthe steps, allthe measures, not merely the nice ones, the Sphere

    of Mars as much as that of Venus, the Sphere of Saturn as well as that of Jupiter.

    And every time I forget that, I fall flat on my ass! I have, in my time, faced the possibility of a

    horrifying death several times as a consequence of my own stupidity in that matter; I have been harassed

    unto nervous breakdowns by legions of assholes of all kinds because I hadnt, at that point, had the sense or

    humility to apply myself to learning street-smarts and street-fighting; and I have put people I deeply care

    about in horrible danger because of the blind spots in my perceptions of people. In the bare three years

    since Ive begun to get involved learning anythingabout Bujinkan ninpo taijutsu, this has changed radically for the better, or I wouldnt be here. I still have light-years to go, but Im already light-years beyond

    where I started in many, many ways. Before then, Id already done work that went far, far ahead ofanything ever done by other practitioners of Magick and for all the good it did me, in terms of how

    satisfying my life was to me, I might as well have been a fried clam!

    The great nutritionist Adelle Davis once said ruefully that it wasnt until years after shed graduated

    from UCLA with a Masters in nutritional science and related aspects of human biomedical science that she

    realized that all this stuff applied to her, personally and it was only then, when she began applying her

    science to herself that she began getting over chronic health problems shed had since childhood. Same

    here. Its one thing to talkabout, write about the Sphere of Mars, Geburah its something else entirely to

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    get out there on the dojo floor and earn bruises and sprains and aches and breaks and all the rest of it really

    invoking Mars, the hard way, in your own body and Deep Unconscious! But without doing the latter,

    without going all the way in that invocation, beyond mere safe rituals and discussion and writing and

    reading, youre just a sitting duck when it comes to predators or even just the ordinary idiots that can make

    life so miserable for just about anyone! And thatis what I had to learn before my life could become wortha damn!

    *This doesntapply just to men. At least potentially, the most dangerous animal in the world, bar none, is a

    female human being standing between her children and anything or anything that threatens them. As

    long as her Will, her spirit, has been entirely crippled or quenched, in the face of such a threat she will

    turn into something which even a fire-breathing dragon might back down from if it had any sense or

    other qualities strongly conducive to survival.

    >For people that seek to break the bonds of society, are these people

    >within the definition of Thrint immune?

    Not necessarily. Those who prey on their own kind could be said to seek to break the bonds of society,and they are among those I would say are most clearly the ptaavs (slave/hosts) or even trustees, God help

    them, of thrints, if anyone is. I think Jesus and St. Francis were thrint-immune, and they both taught

    community on the broadest possible scale. Society is another name for community, or can be, and if that is

    what we mean by it, then Id say the answer is No. But society can also be another name for oppressive

    system imposed on people from above, possibly by thrint hosts or trustees, so in that case, Id say, the

    answer is Yes.

    >Dreaming- Wow, nice dreams. I too dream that lucidly. Although the

    >ability comes and goes with the cycle of the moon, the majority of

    >my dreams that are that lucid tend to come true.

    Interesting. The Moon, like Neptune, rules dreams and psychic abilities, astrologically speaking. As for

    lucid dreams, I understand that most who have them report that many of these come true, it seems to be the

    sort of state in which people are more readily consciously clairvoyant, clairaudient, precognitive, etc.

    >I have never been to the world that you describe, but I have, mainly>during deep meditation, battled demons, these demons do not look

    >the typical D&D demons, but more like abominations of the

    >human race.

    Ive seen things like that in some of my dreams. What do yours look like?

    >In my dreams, I am normally traveling, and even though I am time

    >out of control, I am always maintaining the focus on my destination.>The dreams that come true are normally the ones that involve those

    >matters that are close to me, and the coming true is usually in the

    >outcome not the course of events. Maybe, your dreams are the

    >dreams of your hell, a hell that must be walked through before

    >finding heaven, find the exit and do battle with the lord of that

    >realm, make the demon submit or perish, and then move on to the

    >next challenge. (just a thought) I apologize for the rambling style

    >of this blurb.

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    I suspect youre right. Its like Kafka, only unlike the victims in Kafkas stories, the idea is to triumph over

    the oppressor, as you say. The oppressors in this case are on the Inner Planes same place Kafkas were!

    I understand this is what a good deal of Buddhism deals with, getting past these hells within the self. TheTibetanBook of the Deadand the EgyptianBook of Going Forth by Day are other versions of it, a one-step-

    at-a-time course in the shortest, best route through the place and out the other side in record time! :)Okay, Ill wrap this up and email it to you right now. Im still working on your chart I may be doing

    so for several days, but tomorrow Ill upload what Ive done of it by then, then do so again several days

    later, and so on. You have a fascinatinghoroscope wait until you see the analysis! (Why do Bujinkan

    people all seem to have prominent Pluto, Uranus, Neptune, Chiron, and Pallas in their charts? Strange.)

    From email correspondence with a friend 5/26/95

    At long last, Im baaaaak! :) Seriously, today is my day off, and I promised myself Id answer all my

    accumulated mail from you. (I enjoy corresponding with you, because it stimulates me to think along

    avenues I wouldnt otherwise, and I always end up with a new, intriguing idea to play with what could be

    better than that? [I mean, besides a million bucks, a good lay, a . . . ])

    * * *

    >>>Anyway, stripping out the ideas of karma here, lets say that [the natives] 12th-House Juno probably

    means that [the native and his or her partner] may well have known each other in one or more lifetimes and

    at those times established very strong bonds between [them], strong enough to bring [them] back together

    in at least one more lifetimes, for whatever reason.

    Assuming that this is true, is there any way to determine

    this reason, astrologically?

    You know, I still dont know the answer to that, and its something Ive wondered about myself . . . .

    * * *

    >>> Relationship can also mean relationship of hate/loathing/detestation/fear/etc, and it would be

    interesting to see how Juno in 12th [or conjunct 12th House ruler, etc.] reflected thatsort of relationship.)

    [Subjects] first husband, perhaps?

    Could be. Id need his natal data to confirm it, but that may well be the case. I dontthink, however, that

    such mismatches are invariably cosmically ordained rather, I think that how we get grabbed by a

    particular synastry depends at least as much upon our cultural conditioning and the general expectations ofpeople around us as it does anything intrinsic to the individuals involved. Child-abuse and wife-beating

    and other horrors arent excusable by anything, karma included, I dont care whatgoes on but clearlythey do occurfarmore often in cultures that dont see anything wrong with them than in cultures that dont.

    Perpetrators do their thing as long as they think they can get away with it, which depends upon the societies

    they are part of, the values about people those societies cherish, and they pick their victims not because

    they think the victims deserve it, but because they think theyre safe enough, fairly easy pickins, and

    will give the appropriate responses to the perps assault to provide the perp with the desired thrill.

    Dysfunctional families target children for the most serious abuses for reasons that have more to do with the

    dysfunctional families they came from than with anything the child does or is. And so on.*

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    Likewise, incompatibility, like shit, sometimes happens for reasons that may be at least as much

    sociocultural as anything else. Juno has to do with sociocultural ties among people, so Id say this may

    well be a case in which you and your first husband were drawn together for reasons that had more to do

    with society and maybe the season of the year than anything else.

    *People who are targeted as victims of undeserved evil arent just victims of the individual perpetrators;

    society itself has a great deal to answer for in such cases.

    Ever since Emile Durkheims pioneering work in establishment of a modern sociological science

    was first published, it has become increasingly clear that a society, as a sort of gigantic superorganism,

    will sacrifice whatever or whoever seems to it to present at least a potential threat to its survival and

    well-being. If a society depends upon evil to get the goodies out of life for itself, as it were, it willprotect itself by sacrificing whatever might threaten that evil, which is seen by that society as a

    resource critically necessary to its own existence, in the same way that so many societies have

    established a tacit bargain with the local ogres: protect us from thosestrange ogres down the block a

    ways, and well gladly sacrifice our healthiest, most attractive and desirable virgin children to you, for

    you to do whatever you want with them!

    The old principle of favor-for-favor is a similar type of case in which communities will, tacitly or

    openly, offer up their own young as a bribe to make them go away and stay away, the Danegeld. In the

    Old Testament, for example, the story is told of Lots attempt to bargain with the citizens of Sodom,offering them his two tender, virgin daughters for them to play with, any way they wanted, in exchange

    for the safety of his guests, angels of God who had come to warn him to flee the city with his family.

    The equally ancient story of the maiden Andromeda, offered up to a ravening monster by her people as

    payment of a sort of protection tax to keep the monster from coming to get them is another example of

    such a case.

    The same principles operate today. Children who strongly exhibit traits that a society has learned

    over the ages are clear indicators of a potential messiach or deliverer someone who, if not

    neutralized or even turned in some way before he or she reaches maturity, could successfully eradicate

    those evils with which a society makes its devils bargains are at extremely high risk for aggravated

    assault, chronic aggravated abuse, and worse at the hands of members of that society, be they parents,other relatives, friends or neighbors, or total strangers.

    In the West, one such set of traits that is almost always exhibited by the person in whose natal

    chart Neptune is extremely strong, especially if in that chart Neptune is also in the First House orconjunct the Ascendant from the First or Twelfth, directly or via mutual reception: huge, deep-

    socketed eyes, a tendency to go with the flow, to yield rather than confront, strong psychic and

    visionary abilities, and strong talent as a poet, artist, or for some other Neptune-ruled avocation. Our

    current cultural biases tend to make us associate these traits with a total wimp, someone whose

    strongest defenses are all passive-aggressive, strongly resembling the more fatuously effeterepresentations of Jesus of Nazareth.

    But it must be remembered that Neptune rules the element neptunium, which is both horrendously

    poisonous and very radioactive; fluids in all forms, especially liquid water, the latter being one of the

    most stubbornly incompressible substances known, such that water under high pressure can be a very

    deadly weapon (ask any fireman who has had to wrestle with a runaway hose!); and (with Saturn)

    Bujinkan ninpo taijutsu, the deadliest and most effective combat-arts school in human history. And

    when it comes to that same Jesus, the Western avatar of the Aeon of Pisces and thus its Lord, a living

    Jewish incarnation of Poseidon or Shiva, clearly that Jesus-as-wimp picture doesnt fit the man who,armed only with, at most, a lash woven of reeds, single-handedly drove the money-changers from the

    Temple. Nor does it suggest the Jesus who told his followers, Next time, I wont come to bring peace

    Ill come armed with a sword, instead. Such human beings present a very real and present danger to

    societies dependent for their existence upon tacit crime and evil, as the Roman empire did in Jesus

    day; they are quite capable of starting revolutions which can ultimately rend the fabric of those

    societies from top to bottom, destroying them as well as the evils upon which they depend (or to which

    they pay Danegeld in the form of the lives and souls of their own people, at least, which is what it now

    looks as if Judea was forced to do in the case of Jesus of Nazareth, offer him up to Rome to keep other

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    Jews from being oppressed even more terribly by Rome than before). Which, in fact, is what

    ultimately happened to the Roman Empire. As far as such societies or super-societies go, the New

    Testament is a cautionary tale, warning them to catch such individuals before they reach full maturity

    and realize their potential for revolutionary or even evolutionary change.

    Thus individuals exhibiting the physical and psychospiritual Jesus traits typical of people withstrong Neptune in their natal charts are at high risk in modern society for everything from potentially

    murderous assaults of all kinds perpetrated upon them during their childhood by family or others, orhideous deaths at the hands of Black Dahlia style predators, to cultural conditioning aimed

    specifically at turning them from threat to asset, a usually much more pleasant but ultimately just as

    damaging psychospiritual assault upon their souls. That is, Western society will, using its own

    members, try everything from seduction to bribery to turn such a child into someone useful to its

    purposes, as powerful for evil as otherwise he or she would have been for good, no small thing, either

    way. Failing that, it will then try to cripple that child in body, soul, and/or spirit that he or she couldntpossibly develop into a successful revolutionary, or else kill him or her outright generally in some

    ghastly way, perhaps as a warning to others. The how of it is still under debate, but the factof it has

    been documented again and again. Whatever the mechanisms by which society gets its dirty work

    done, thrints or meetings of individual conspirators or whatever, that it does get done, all the time, and

    is perpetrated against those perceived as possible threats by society, is not in doubt at all, as even a

    small sampling of the files of the police in any big modern city will demonstrate.

    In Western astrology, many astrologers associate Neptune, Pisces, and the 12th House of the

    horoscope with karma, the idea that whatever happens to you in a given lifetime, good or bad,painful or pleasant, is something you deserve. Yet it was that archetypal Neptunian, Jesus of Nazareth,

    who told the paralytic to rise, take up your bed and walk, your sins are forgiven and you are healed just dont sin any more. I.e., sins transgressions by people against their neighbors and their own

    culture and their psychosomatic or psychogenic consequences dont have to be expiated by endless

    suffering, in this life or any other. Instead, they can be relieved through the power of human

    community and love, via forgiveness, charity, and kindness, as well as the healing power of God. This

    is notthe principle of karma, by any means! The idea of karma implies that all suffering is a result

    of sins in this or earlier lives, suffering that mustbe experienced in full if the sins in question are to be

    expiated, and cannotbe otherwise relieved. Something here smells funny could it be a cover-up, a

    deception, a trick of the sort with which Neptune is assorted? A draw, a ruse, a distraction from thetruth?

    Neptune also rules the hidden like cover-ups, conspiracies, lies, and damned lies, the Qlippoth of

    the Neptunian virtues of wisdom, vision, prophecy, and psychic abilities, traits richly exemplified byNeptunians which society manages to turn to its own purposes, rather than permanently crippling or

    murdering them. Is the idea of karma used to hide, to cover up, to distract from the fact of societys

    ruthless determination to eliminate any and all threats to itself, via the mechanisms of the Collective

    Unconscious (ruled by Neptune) and techniques including seduction, deception, forced hypnotism,

    brain-washing, chronic sexual and other forms of assault, torture-murders, and so on, and then blame it

    on the victims, as well, that ultimate Neptunian perversion of justice?

    Karma has nothing much to do with punishment of past sins and evils; rather, it has a great deal

    to do with the physical and/or psychospiritual destruction of people who represent enormous threats to

    the evils that underlie much of civilization, by the witting and unwitting agents of that same

    civilization. All that belief in it does is lay the believer open to exploitation or destruction by the

    monsters who dontbelieve in it, giving the lattercarte blanche to do their thing Whos gonna care,

    eh? In other words, those who truly believe in karma thereby come in danger of receiving huge

    doses of its most negative expression!For this reason, I dont associate Neptune, the 12th House, Pisces, reincarnation, or the Collective

    Unconscious with karma. I do, however, know that Neptune has a strong association with con-

    games not to mention the most vicious and horrifying forms of murder, and the most brutal forms of

    oppression and exploitation of others by tyrants and other socioeconomic predators. Belief in karma

    by Western astrologers only helps to perpetuate these horrors by pushing the idea that it is the victim

    who is to be blamed for such things, never the perpetrator, and thereby protects those who profit off

    such evil and assures that the profits will continue.

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    Note concerning Hypersea power of healing, especially of curing infectious diseases, bymanipulation of the e-m fields associated with the water that permeates nearly everything on land, however

    sparsely (chi?), using psychokinetic abilities or just employing changes in ones own bodys associatedelectromagnetic field Neptune? (Viruses hate water!!)

    (Hypersea is a concept developed in Mark and Dianna McMenamins Hypersea: Life on Land(New

    York: Columbia University Press, 1994). According to the jacket blurb: In a bold step forward from

    Gaia, Hypersea is a new theory of how life moved from the sea to the harsher environment of land, and

    how on land life diversified more than marine life ever has. . . . In the sea nutrients pass with relative ease

    between organisms. But when life first invaded land, it needed to evolve far more complex relationships tosustain itself instead of accepting nutrients passively, land life was compelled to cooperatively direct the

    flow of nutrients. As a result, life on land displays an extraordinary degree of connectedness to the point

    where it can be seen as one inclusive terrestrial land form. It is this intimately connected land form the

    authors call Hypersea.)

    From email correspondence with a friend, about 5/27, 1995

    One quickie question [concerning] ... for the past month,every time I do

    Tarot the Princess of Disks comes up in the same spot (one


    two possible outcome/paths for the future...the one which

    will manifest if I take the present course). Ive scattered

    the entire deck out and stirred it up several times to make

    sure that it wasnt just the result of inadequate shuffling,

    but there she is again, one more time. Tarot usually comesto me fairly well, and with an accuracy that really

    weirded me out at first, until I got used to it, but this

    onehas me perplexed. She doesnt seem to fit with any of the

    questions Ive had in mind, and I dont know any women well

    that are earthy types. Shes just there. Any ideas? (I use

    the Harris/Crowley deck, if that makes any difference.)

    The Princess or Page of Disks, according to Liber 777(Crowleys Qaballistic lexicon, Everything in the

    Universe Filed from 0-32! ) and his The Book of Thoth, corresponds with the following:

    A quadrant of the Heavens around the North Pole orKether(Book of Thoth, p. 282). (I

    assign it to that quadrant of the physical globe spanning 90 E Greenwich to 180 E

    Greenwich, or the land-masses that include China, Mongolia, Tibet, Indochina, Siam,Australia, Japan, etc., assuming that the Pisces-Aries line of longitude runs through

    Hiroshima, Japan. Traditionally, however, the Pisces Aries line is assumed to runthrough Cairo, Egypt, and the Great Pyramid near there.)

    The Princess Scale of Colors (there are four others, including the Knight, Queen, and Prince/King).

    The Earthy part of Earth the Salt or ashy residue of the Earthy (solid) decomposition product of a

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    Hexagram 52 of the King Wen arrangement of theI Ching,Ken = Keeping Still, Mountain,Ken overKen =

    Earth over Earth (Ken also being a trigram of the form


    In the Wilhelm/Baynes translation of this hexagram, it says of it that the image of this hexagram is the

    mountain, the youngest son of heaven and earth. The male principle is at the top, because it strives upward

    by nature; the female principle is below, since the direction of its movement is downward. Thus there is

    rest because the movement has come to its normal end.

    In its application to man, the hexagram turns upon the problem of achieving a quiet

    heart. It is very difficult to bring quiet to the heart. While Buddhism strives for rest

    through an ebbing away of all movement in nirvana, the Book of Changes holds that restis merely a state of polarity that always posits movement as its complement. Possibly the

    words of the text embody directions for the practice of yoga.


    KEEPING STILL. Keeping his back still

    So that he no longer feels his body.

    He goes into his courtyardAnd does not see his people.

    No blame.

    True quiet means keeping still when the time has come to keep still, and going forward when the time has

    come to go forward. In this way rest and movement are in agreement with the demands of the time, and

    thus there is light in life.

    The hexagram signifies the end and the beginning of all movement. The back is

    named because in the back are located all the nerve fibers that mediate movement. If the

    movement of these spinal nerves is brought to a standstill, the ego, with its restlessness,

    disappears as it were. When a man has thus become calm, he may turn to the outside

    world. He no longer sees in it the struggle and tumult of individual beings, and therefore

    he has that true peace of mind which is needed for understanding the great laws of the

    universe and for acting in harmony with them. Whoever acts from these deep levels

    makes no mistakes. (Ibid., pp. 200-201)

    The Princesses are also associated with Sephirah 10, Malkuth, i.e., Key 10 on the Key Scale ofLiber 777.

    In particular, the Princess of Pentacles is associated with Key 10 on the Princess Color Scale, the color

    black rayed with yellow. She is also associated with, e.g., the Resplendent Intelligence; the Egyptian Gods

    Osiris, Seb, Black Isis (a sort of Egyptian version of Kali as well as of the Black Madonnas found all

    over Europe, dating from about 400 e.v. on), and Nephthys; the Greek Gods Persephone, Hades, Hekate,

    Psyche, Adonis, Ceres, Gaia; the Hindu Goddess Lakshmi; the Buddhist Meditation on the Body; the

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    Vision of or Conversation with the Holy Guardian Angel or ADoNaI; rock crystal; willow, lily, ivy; the

    Sphinx; corn; dittany of Crete (a perfume); the Magickal Circle and Triangle (as the Ground of Working);

    the virtue of Skepticism; the Apostle Matthew; the Altar, the Double Cube, the Cavalry Cross; etc.

    For some reason, I had this odd feeling that it is Hexagram 52, described above, that will give you the

    key to this. Why, I dont know. But when the Tarot consistently gives you a certain card, its trying to tellyou something, as you know, and the language in which it tries to tell you comes right out of its designer,

    in this case, Crowley. Crowley was an ardent (pre-Wilhelm/Baynes) enthusiast of theI Ching, and theresa very good chance that those Court Cards in his pack clearly corresponding to any of the Hexagrams of the

    I Chinghave the meanings of those Hexagrams built into them, as well, whatever else they might have.

    * * *

    >>Somehow, interpretive astrological software, or software that depends upon somebody elses archives

    rather than algorithms that can automatically reproduce things from basic principles, always leaves more

    than a little to

    Do you do your charts by hand?!?

    No, just the look-up on things like Fixed Stars, asteroids other than the five my program deals with, Nodes

    for anything other than Luna, and so on. As a matter of fact, Gary gave me a copy of his marvelousDanceof the Planets software, from which I can get almost all the positional data for these things. But its the

    interpretive stuff I have to look up for Fixed Stars, Nodes, and so on, which often takes some doing,

    because if there are 6 different authorities on one of these, there are thus 6 different opinions, usually

    conflicting, so . . .

    * * *

    >>>astrologers? Etc. At some point, there has to be a judgment call even on what Fixed Stars and other

    extra-Solar objects and phenomena to use for chart interpretation, and a computer can only do that if its in

    a book somewhere. In some cases,Im the first one to write the book on it. So software for this that didnt

    draw on my own work would be highly inadequate, to say the least.

    How do you decide which fixed stars are important? Are they


    important if they are in conjunction with a planet?

    A Fixed Star that is conjunct (or, for that matter, opposes) any Planet, important asteroid, the MC, the

    Ascendant, or any other point in the chart within an orb of 1 degree is considered to be an important factorin the chart. As to which Fixed Stars are considered to be astrologically important, in the first place, aside

    from the fact that traditionally only the naked-eye ones were used, for obvious reasons , it dependsupon (a) which authorities you look up and (b) how much of your own research has turned up consistencies

    for stellar placements. I have found, however, that deep-sky objects, those which can only be seen with

    instrumentation, can be very important, but that they usually manifest only on the unconscious, collective

    level, except in the case of individuals whose lives have been spent in astronomical or related research. Of

    course, for deep-sky objects and other points in the sky for which there are no traditional ascriptions, I have

    to wing it when it comes to interpretation. :) But that isnt usually very hard, as Ive got so many things I

    can associate symbolically with any such that I can then synthesize with whatever in the chart it conjoins or

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    opposes. If nothing else, there are always the mythological associations with whatever known

    constellations its found in or is near, e.g., the story of Andromeda, for deep-sky objects located in or near

    that Constellation, such as the Andromeda Galaxy (M31, NGC224). In fact, in the particular case of that

    galaxy, the catalog numbers M31 and NGC224 clearly have Qaballistic correlates, both traditional and

    in terms of the new, extended Qaballah I worked on, as alphanumeric strings. M is associated with Mem,Key 23, value 40, Trump XII, The Hanged Man, Water, Neptune, links Geburah with Hod; 31 is

    associated with Key 31, Shin, Trump XX, The Aeon, Pluto, Fire, the Smith; and so forth.It seems to work for me. (Similarly, it doesnt seem to be too hard for coming up with symbolism

    appropriate to, ASCII characters and/or elements in the Periodic Table of the Chemical Elements, which

    Ive tied to the new, English-language, 16-Sephiroth Qaballah (see file NM3B1.TXT and NM3B1.NOT),

    using correlations with, e.g., the numbers of the quantum-levels associated with the latter, lattice-position

    on that expanded Tree of Life relative to its Sephiroth for elements of either set, and so on.) The human

    brain and psyche are magnificent synthesists, all you have to do is pour lots and lots of symbolic materialinto them on all aspects of your culture and anything its embedded in over the years and its able to take it

    from there, all you have to do is ask. After a while, one even becomes rather good at it. :)

    Be that as it may, a Fixed Star is important if (a) it has been thought to be so by astrologers over many

    centuries, (b) it has been believed to be so in many different cultures, in whatever context, and (c) I get a

    hunch and take it from there, even if its a galaxy or quasar billions of parsecs away that we didnt even

    know about until last year! (No matterwhatthe operators manual says, the car gets driven the way the guy

    with the key wants it to! )

    * * *

    >>>genotypes, i.e., there are different astrological schools that work, though they contradict one another,

    because each works best for a given set of genotypes or species, and the latter vary widely.

    yes... how could one apply the traditional astrological

    guidelines in the southern hemisphere, for example. Scorpiowould be the sign of birth, not death. Virgo would be

    planting, not harvest, etc. Would you just switch the

    signs to different months, should the meanings of the signsbe reinterpreted to fit the southern as well as the northern

    latitudes, or would an entirely different system be


    And the present system is biased to temperate climates as

    well. It wouldnt fit, for example, on a South Pacificisland

    where there are two seasons, one of endless sun, the other


    rains and typhoons, nor on Antarctica, where the earthy

    realms of Taurus just dont happen. So perhaps the

    astrological system that we know and love has co-evolved


    the north/temperate peoples and climate, and when in Fiji,do as the Fijians? On the other hand, the seasonal

    correlations could just be seen as aides to understandinghuman nature, and may be applicable in all circumstances

    regardless of race or latitude, when interpreted more

    broadly. The correlations of the signs might be reevaluated

    to place less of a northern/temperate bias in interpretation

    and understanding. Then again, that could just muddy the

    waters. Have you had any experience with chart delineations

    for people born outside the northern/temperate areas?

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    Not many. What makes sense to me, though, and what Ive heard works in practice, is to use all applicable

    types of astrology on a given chart, that the results dont contradict one another in any important way, but

    rathersupportone another, after the fashion of constructive interference.Consider Chinese astrology, for example, which is very different from ours. There are some general

    correspondences, but also lots of differences and both types work. Initially, all astrologies seemed tohave their origins in agricultural and animal husbandry as well as medical concerns, e.g., Whens the best

    time to plant corn? When should we get the harvest in by? Should we breed the ewes this month or next

    month? When is my baby due, and what will it be like? Why is the cow so sick? Will she ever have a

    healthy calf? When will the river rise again, so we can irrigate and plant our crop? Since agriculture and

    animal husbandry are so dependent for their success on local environmental factors of climate, soil,

    available precipitation or standing water, etc., as well as upon seasonal factors, understandably each schoolof astrology had to work with highly localized matters if it was to be successful in the areas for which it

    was most important, i.e., farming, stock-breeding, and medicine. So the astrologies of different cultures

    incorporated psychospiritual and ecological symbolism and interrelationships appropriate to the lands of

    their origin, which therefore differed widely in many respects. And those differences were preserved, at

    least in a general sense, as those cultures grew to cover more and more territory, running into wider

    varieties of climate, soil, and so forth. Even on a continental scale, West differs widely from East, North

    from South when it comes to such things. And since we ourselves eat the food and wear the clothes from

    organisms we grow according to the great environmental cycles peculiar to our home territories, ultimatelycoming out of its own particular soil-types, not to drinking its water and building our own lives around the

    necessities of agriculture, animal-husbandry, white-collar accounting work associated with these,management associated with all of it, and so on, then the same factors that determine the lives of our

    cultivars as well as the wild things of the region also shape and determine ourlives, as well. The Law of

    the Limit and Malthus apply to us no less than anything else: we, too, are born, eat, grow, develop,

    reproduce, get sick, die, like all other creatures. These are the ultimate concerns of astrology, so each local

    school of ecology will reflect the general and human ecology of the region of its origin above all other


    Yet because these concerns are so fundamental, theres a lot about them that stays the same across the

    world, no matter where you are. I think thats where the evident similarities of these schools come in, andwhy they can mesh so well, reinforcing rather than interfering and conflicting with one another.

    Anyway, I use what is to hand and what I know best, which is Western-style astrology, sure. But I

    also use the astrology that goes with the new, extended Qaballah, too, when its clear theres a place to useit like using parallax to calculate distance, it gives a lot more useful detail on the subject.


    1) Why cant thrints be very intelligent?

    After all, how much intelligence does it take to sneak up on a nose? (They just order a finger to do itfor


    2) We should study the occult for the same reason that wildebeests should study lions or taxpayers, theIRS.

    From email correspondence with a friend, about May 28, 1995

    >>>I would say those traditional books come out of an older phase of our present culture that looked

    askance at sex and all sorts of other things, and didnt hold with liberated women. I think your

    interpretation is much closer to the mark; in one culture, theparticularexpression of that placement might

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    come out differently than that for a different culture, but the underlying influence, I think, is just what

    youre saying here. As far as its connection to diet and health, let me look at [subjects] chart again, with

    the new time, and see what gives.:)

    If you do come up with anything that might help with[subjects]

    digestive problem, it could be very important. Im torn herebetween giving you all the details and waiting to see what

    you come up with on your own. I dont want to bias your

    thoughts with my or anyone elses (including physicians)

    views. I will say that he is continually trying to work a

    compromise between foods that will give him strength and

    foods that will irritate his condition, but what he dreamsof is a cure.

    Well, here goes.

    Scorpio on 6th cusp indicates a tendency to toxic bowel problems; Mercury in that House indicates

    that upper (small) bowel will be involved, and Neptune (Water) indicates that the large bowel will be as

    well. Neptune compounds the tendency to toxicity, and may mask its effects, making it hard to diagnose.

    Venus in 6th square Moon in Leo in 3rd could make for diverticulosis and other chronically irritating(mars), potentially dangerous (Mars) conditions due to too much (relatively) rich (Venus) food with too

    little roughage over too long a period of time. Bulk-builders such as Metamucil or the organic seed-basedstuff could help, if true.

    Pluto, ruler of Scorpio, conjunct Uranus in Virgo could make for spastic (Uranus) bowels, both upper

    (Virgo) and lower (Pluto; Pluto sextile Neptune-in-Scorpio). This could indicate a life-long tendency to a

    far higher than normal need for certain B vitamins and minerals, e.g. niacin, B6, calcium, potassium, much

    more than a normal diet could ever provide, so that unless supplementation were done daily for them, the

    native would become chronically deficient in them, leading to irregularities in autonomic nervous-system

    function as this affects the bowels and everything else.

    Both such conditions together indicate a much higher than normal need for vitamin C, as well as forzinc, because these would be needed to keep the walls of the bowels healthy and sound in spite of the

    chronic wear-and-tear on them. To avoid irritating this tender tissue, the vitamin C would need to be

    administered by injection or compounded with something such as vitamin E or A which would prevent theirritation. Since these last two vitamins would also be needed to (a) keep the bowel-walls healthy and (b)

    detoxify the body whenever toxicity gets too high, anyway, it would only be convenient to combine daily

    doses of the two.

    Occasional high colonics would also help.

    Some form of problems with water itself are indicated by the square between Luna in Leo in the 3rdand Neptune in Scorpio in the 6th. Mercury in 6th suggests the possibility that the native is exquisitely

    sensitive on a physical level to the presence of electromagnetic fields of all kinds, this sensitivity

    manifesting especially in the form of bowel dysfunctions and pathologies in the way in which his body

    processes water, or uses water to process other things in the bowels.

    Frankly, if he could be induced to do so, I would suggest that he at least meditate on Hades and

    Persephone and other Gods of the Underworld, or even invoke Them several times, to become conscious of

    the universal processes which, among other things, are involved in the physiology of bowel function in

    human beings, as a part of Godhead. Meditation on or invocation of Mars, Kali, Pallas Athena/Medusa,Baron Samedhi, etc are also in order. (Saturn, exalted in Scorpio, rules the chakra at the base of the spine,

    i.e., in the region of Scorpio, so meditation on Saturn might also be in order.) Such practices will put himmore and more in tune with Their True, Will, hence his, insofar as the latter expresses Theirs I would

    guess that at this point, it is as if his body and mind were fighting themselves via ongoing physiological

    conflicts in bowel function, of which any psychological ones are only symptomatic. The more harmony he

    can re-establish in himself over this, the better.

    If those who toilet-trained him, and/or those on whom he imprinted concerning proper reactions to

    feces and bowel function, were inept at teaching children healthy attitudes about these things, it certainly

    would have exacerbated the tendencies already in place for such problems. But those tendencies were there

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    on a physiological level from the beginning, and must be addressed via diet and other physical treatment as

    well as any other approach if they are to be alleviated with any success.

    * * *

    >>>I dont think I sent anything in the time indicated. Got behind again on other projects and was catching

    up on them (as it turned out, fortunately). Everything okay now?

    Yes. They reformatted the poor old servers hard drive

    *again*. You can only push a 286 running email for over2000

    people so far. The poor guy who tries to keep everything

    going and the student who helps him are constantly having to

    deal with outdated software, obsolete hardware, and no


    But I wont get started on measure five and the damage its

    done to the educational system here, from Kindergarten

    all the way up, circling like a tornado through the librarysystem, knocking out the most creative and talented of

    teachers, destroying childrens morale, not to mentionnearly

    obliviating art, science, and music (who needs em, right?

    give them kids a shovel and a ditch and letem see what the

    *real* worlds like) And oh yea... our computer system.

    Anyway, I wont get started on it...

    (sorry... my pet peeve)

    A 286!?!! Oh, dearGod andIthought we had it bad here, with Olympias latest shenanigans! Wherever

    did theyfindthe poor thing the Texas Late Jurassic bone-beds? :) (Dont apologize for the pet peeve itsbeen mine most of my life! My great hero, Hyman George Rickover, was understatingthe case in his rants

    concerning the degeneration of the modern public educational system he had to educate his own

    engineers in the three Rs, many times, because their own educations hadnt addressed the basics even by

    the time they were in college! Robert A. Heinlein, in one of his essays, made comparative lists of what, in

    order of presentation in the essay, his grandfather was expected to have learned by the 7th grade, what he

    had been expected to learn, ditto, and what high-schoolers grades 9-12 in Santa Cruz, CA were expected to

    learn or have learned by graduation. The frighteningly steep downward trend over time in public education

    in this country, as shown by that comparison, wasnt just appalling it was mind-blowing. Like, Stephen

    King and Skipp & Spector meet John Holt, or H.P. Lovecraft on Dewey! :[=[ (It sometimes makes me

    wonder if the widespread Satanic conspiracies which religious fundamentalists claim have permeated this

    country really do exist and are entrenched in the nations public school systems [and not just in the IRS,

    as we allknow is true ]? )

    Initial quotes from another correspondent and my replies to him, about May 28, 1995

    >>>>Dreaming- Wow, nice dreams. I to dream that lucid. Although the

    >ability comes and goes with the cycle of the moon, the majority of

    >my dreams that are that lucid tend to come true.

    >>>Interesting. The Moon, like Neptune, rules dreams and psychic abilities, astrologically speaking. As

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    for lucid dreams, I understand that most who have them report that many of these come true, it seems to be

    the sort of state in which people are more readily consciously clairvoyant, clairaudient, precognitive, etc.

    >I have never been to the world that you describe, but I have,>mainly during deep meditation, battled demons; these demons do not >look like the typical D&D demons,

    >but more like abominations of the>human race.

    Remarks by second correspondent, with whom I shared first correspondents remarks on dreams:

    Ah. Im glad to know that Im not the only one who hasdark

    dreams. My neighbor (a perky little Gemini) tells me about

    her dreams... little miniature sheep prancing around and

    kindly old magicians with sparkles under their hats, etc.

    Me... my dreams have often been of death and dying. One

    particular dream went on for years, and no one in my dreams

    would lift a finger to save me. Then one night I dreamed

    that I was lying in a hospital bed dying, as usual. All thepeople I knew were gathered around me, yet no one would

    help,as usual. I seemed to be unable to communicate with them.

    So finally, I got disgusted, got up, and walked away. Ive

    also dreamed of near crashes... jumping motorcycles over

    hills and

    when I got to the top, I went out into air and into a

    free-fall from miles above the ground. Dreams of people

    strangling me. Dreams of falling out of moving trucks that

    no one was driving, grabbing the truck by its bumper,slowing

    it down, and climbing into the drivers seat. They often

    represent a symbolic situation that reflects a conflict inmy

    life, and show me what the conflict is doing to me, and what

    I need to do. Sometimes it takes me weeks to figure them

    out, but they always show me something that I was unable to

    see with my awake mind. But dancing miniature lambs andmagic sparkles? How can I get to have dreams like that?

    Either a flat-line EEG trace, one fuckof a case of rock-solid, 24-karat denial, or the ability to lie with a

    straight face. :)

    Seriously, everybody has nightmares from time to time, everybody has bad moments in his or her life.

    Those who deny that these ever occur are not telling the whole truth, surely. Now, they have a right to

    privacy, and maybe thats all that is, just protecting her mental privacy, but why mention anything at all, inthat case? No, this sounds much more like someone using a most graphic way of screaming, Im normal!

    Normal!! NORMAL!!! at everyone, loud as she can, trying to burrow her way thereby smack into thepsychic middle of the herd and hide there from whatever has her so damned terrified. Does that sound like

    cynicism on my part? It isnt I grew up in households hooked on Mental Hygiene, the Panacea, that

    spent almost all their time and energy (a) pointing out everyone elses individual traits and hallmarks and

    labeling them as proof of mental illness and (b) putting on a huge, ongoing, non-stop song-and-dance

    act called WEEERRE NORMAL!!! And every last damned one of them was as crazy as a bedbug in a

    shoe-box. So to this day, whenever I hear about somebody trying to do Shirley Temple in the middle of

    Les Miserables, as it were, I get very suspicious . . . :)

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    From email correspondent with a friend 5/31/1995

    Yael, you are good! Youve done an incredible job.

    Aw, gee, shuckins, maam :::blush:::. . .

    All I gave was the facts just the facts, maam . . . (Dum-de-dum-dum! Actually, if truth be

    told, I did it strictly by the book. Or actually several books, e.g., Sakoian and Acker, March & McEvers,

    etc. )

    Im going

    to add some of my observations and comments now so that you

    can see how all this is manifesting... very close to what


    have said. [Subject] has a genetically inherited

    predisposition to this disease, as you noted, and isstrongly

    affected by stress, diet, and emotional factors.It is an autoimmune reaction occurring in the intestines,

    resulting in pain, lack of

    food adsorption, and possibly other symptoms Im not aware


    Okay, one thing autoimmune responses can be ameliorated by in many cases, regardless of what

    tissues or allergens may be involved, are the herbs astragalus and echinecea, and ascorbate therapy, all ofwhich are cell detoxifiers, helping to flush crud of all kinds out of the body. This can be especially true for

    those whose autoimmune responses are, like mine, actually to foreign proteins, possibly viral, deep in

    their own tissues, which get badly battered by the bodys attempt to get at those Alien Invaders from theFilth Dimension. (Mercury in 6th trine Jupiter in 3rd indicates this could help aid from a system of ideas

    (Jupiter) gained from intellectual activity/reading (Third House) rather than from more obvious, one-step

    deductions.) Give the herbs a try, if possible, and/or the ascorbate therapy. If you need info on how to

    keep the vitamin C from scarring his bowels (it is an acid, after all, and can be very irritating to the gut,

    even when badly needed), let me know and Ill get it to you.

    >>>and because Mercury is in Sagittarius, he may have the molehill into mountain syndrome, having

    difficulty at times keeping projects within manageable bounds. If he isnt able to curtail his desire to

    expand, expand, expand!!! when working on a project, because hell keep at work on it until either he drops

    or he finishes it, its likely hell drop, in that event, because he will let the project expand without bounds,

    beyond all limits, and find himself trying to conquer the infinite within a very finite amount of time and bymeans of equally finite resources! He needs to learn how to call a halt to his ambitions at such time, to turn

    off the More! More! thing pushing away inside him to keep at it until its finished, whatever it is.

    here youve offered me an insight into him that I hadnt


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    Now thats what astrology is for getting at things we cant get at any other way! :) Let me know what

    comes of it,please!

    >>>fevers; accidents; strange STD infections; or a series of viral or bacterial ailments or similarepidemiological problems which turn out to be transmitted to him by friends, or at work, or by people in

    some large organization of which he is a member.

    In this case, his overactive immune system may actually be


    benefit, as he never gets colds, infections, etc. Hes

    *never* been on an antibiotic until now... new

    research indicates that his disease may be linked to apathogen, and hes now trying a new antibiotic therapy.

    Ha! Whatd I say? But if the pathogen involved turns out to be a virus, antibiotics wont get rid of it, and

    can only harm his own tissue! As it happens, echinecea and astragalus are also anti-viral agents as is

    vitamin C. Have you seen Cathcarts papers on ascorbate therapy? If not, let me know, I can Xerox them

    for you, or give you the publication data so you can look them up from there.

    >>>mystical studies, selfless labors of love, Bujinkan ninpo taijutsu (Im notmaking this up, you know!), retreats, privacy, and/or other Neptune-ruled things, people, or activities.

    looks like [subject couple] both need

    to learn to master the twelfth

    house and Neptune things.

    Gee . . . whatever gave you thatidea?! :)

    Because Mars and Pluto are conjunct, with both trining his North Node and sextiling his South Node, his

    health and its fluctuations are part of an hereditary pattern that includes one or both parents and theirancestors. Because of the trine/sextile aspects to the Nodes by his 6th-House rulers, this pattern is critical

    to his success in work (6th House), spiritual equilibrium (12th House), mental health (12th House),

    attunement to his relations and ancestry (4th House), love (5th House), with any children he has (5th

    House), and so on. More, there is a suggestion here that while he may have health problems for

    genetically-determined reasons, those problems are perhaps only one of several different types ofexpressions of those genes. Thus variations in diet, work, habits, routines, and so forth could elicit

    variations in expression of the genes, one or more of which could be tremendous assets for him.

    Interesting. I wonder if this has to do with his

    extra-normal abilities? He describes it as having a closer

    connection with the universal consciousness or force than

    most people. Hes also quite

    telepathic. I dont mean vague impressions, but detailed,actual pictures.

    The Third House rules hands, motor-control, and perception, while the 1st House rules the conscious

    aspect of the Will, the 12th House the unconscious one, and the 10th House that aspect of it that involves

    destiny. Mercury, ruling his 1st, also rules his 5th House cusp, giving him access to all that incredible

    reservoir of Kundalini Energy and the understanding (Uranus) necessary to use it. Jupiter is in his Third,

    dispositing his Mercury (Who is in Sagittarius, in his 6th), trining it. Cancer is on his 3rd House cusp, and

    Luna, its ruler, makes major aspects to a number of things in his chart, as well as being in the 3rd and in

    Leo, thus being disposited by the Sun, to Whom She makes an exact square. That also might have

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    something to do with his abilities.

    One other thing, though Im not sure how this would figure in, but his Sun, in Scorpio, makes very

    close aspects to the US natal MC, at 13 Aquarius, and US natal Sun, at about 13 Cancer, his Moon

    making a close semisextile to the latter and a close opposition to the former. In addition, his Ascendant

    makes broad conjunctions to the Ascendant and Uranus in the US natal chart. On a purelyAlchemical/astrological level, he thus taps into the energy of his native land, which is highly Uranian.

    Uranus rules Aquarius and is exalted in Scorpio, too, so his Scorpio Sun and Aquarian MC (which exactlyconjoins the US Moon) add additional links between the two charts. So the energy of Uranus, which rules

    both the understanding and scientific ability necessary to modern high-energy and quantum technology and

    the energy that goes into it as well, flows through him on an active basis, since he was born here. Given

    that his Uranus is also conjunct Pluto, and that both are conjunct or make major aspects to so many things

    in his chart, that also could account for a lot of this.

    >>>seriously eroded. So minimizing all possible sources of irritation, distraction, unshielded e-m fields,

    etc. in the places where he spends most of his work-time would be a help.

    Hmm. not much can be done about the lights... theyre

    everywhere, and I doubt the administration would consider

    remodeling the building for one employee. Anyway to

    countereffect [sic] the lights?

    He should certainly be taking the B-vitamins, calcium, potassium, magnesium, C, and D to replace what is

    being drained, as well as lots of E and beta carotene, against e-m field damage, which is like that of

    radiation burns in some ways. Invocation of Mercury and Uranus, Who rules electricity and the systems

    that use it, might also help.

    >>>Sign and House placements. In other words, he could become too fond of things that arent good for

    him, overindulgence in which could make him very ill with a toxic condition. Toxic condition can meananything from septicemia to gangrene to cancer, all of them nasty. His body andhis psychospiritual nature

    psychospiritual toxins... would that be akin to people who

    give off bad vibes, negative attitudes, hate, depression,


    Those, of course, but there are also bad places, probably the areas where the things called negative ley

    nodes are found, that would do it, too, not to mention things that have carried away psychometric traces

    from whatever evil they were near or touching at one point, e.g., momentos from Auschwitz, Birkinau,

    Hiroshima, Waco, Wounded Knee, places of murder, horror, destruction, overwhelming malice.

    >>>Mars/Pluto/Uranus stellium); physical workouts to the point of strong wear and tear on the body (ditto)

    this is a hard one. He tends to lose muscle tissue rapidlyif

    he doesnt work out yet, as you point out, he is susceptible

    to muscle tears, etc. He has repeatedly torn a hamstring, as

    well as some shoulder tendons. Perhaps he needs to do his

    workouts more frequently, but with less intensity?

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    He should read the works of Stephen Hayes on ninjutsu, which give great sets of exercises that both

    strengthen and tone every muscle in the body, but without putting them under breaking strain. The

    following works, some by Jack Hoban and Hatsumi sensei, are very much worth looking into for this,

    especially Jack Hobans book and HayessNinjutsu: The Art of the Invisible Warrior. Sort of like tai chi,

    with teeth in it, and other things added.

    Hatsumi, Masaaki, Dr. Essence of Ninjutsu: The Nine Traditions. Chicago: Contemporary Books,


    _____. The Grandmasters Books of Ninja Training. Translated by Chris W. P. Reynolds. Chicago:

    Contemporary Books, 1988.

    _____. Ninjutsu: History and Tradition. Burbank, CA: Unique Publications, Inc., 1981.

    _____. and Hayes, Stephen. Ninja Secrets from the Grandmaster. Chicago: Contemporary Books,1987.

    Hayes, Stephen. The Mystic Arts of the Ninja: Hypnotism, Invisibility, and Weaponry. Chicago:

    Contemporary Books, Inc., 1985.

    _____. Ninjutsu: The Art of the Invisible Warrior. Chicago: Contemporary Books, Inc., 1984.

    Hoban, Jack. Ninpo: Living and Thinking as a Warrior. Chicago: Contemporary Books, 1988.

    >>>toxic religions or mystical practices (Neptune/Scorpio/6th);

    which religions or mystical practices would you consider to

    be toxic?

    It isnt the religion or mystical practice per se, though some may incline to use in that direction more

    than others. Anything that enables people to live in peace with themselves, their neighbors, and the living

    world as a whole arent toxic. Anything that encourages self-hatred, self-destructiveness, especially on a

    spiritual level, murder, ecological devastation as preferred ways of life, Id call toxic. Religions andmystical schools that have been around for an appreciable length of time have of course made their peace

    with the world and with the wellsprings of human sociobiology in both its pleasant and unpleasant aspects,

    or they wouldnt be around. But nothingis perfectly idiot-proofed, is it? Even the oldest, sanest religionsaround can go bazingas, as witness, e.g., Meier Kahane and the more rabid outbreaks of the JDL. Some

    claim Christianity per se is toxic, especially because of the hatred of the body and it teaches and the chronic

    guilt over nothing it often seems to give its followers. But originally Christianity taught that while the body

    is one of Gods wonders, its natural functions good because God made them, and our desires and needs

    likewise, it is only Gods means to holy ends; because God is the spirit of Life, that means those ends areLifes ends, and if it is appropriate, our immediate gratification or even our lives may have to take second-

    place to Lifes needs, even be sacrificed for the latter. So what? The atheist J.B.S. Haldane frequently

    pointed out that that is exactly what happens all the time for members of many thriving biological

    communities and taxa. Or sometime go look at that great wall in the headquarters of the NYC Fire

    Department, covered with plaques, each a memorial to someone who gave his life in line of duty to his

    neighbors and his city: New Yorks Bravest. Sacrifice of self for the needs of ones greater self

    embedded in ones community and species has always been with us, and when healthy, Christianity has not

    only recognized this, but made it clear that self-destructiveness, whether of body or soul or spirit, is onlycondoned under such extreme cases, never at any other time. As for the hatred of sex, one instance often

    cited is that of nuns and monks but monasteries and abbeys have been with us a long, long time, and thereare always individuals who would be far happier away from the world, who dont really mind at all giving

    up sex forever.

    But Christianity has had quite a few toxic expressions in the world. So has Islam. And Judaism. And

    Buddhism. And Paganism. And all the rest. Usually, these take the form of schismatic splinterings off the

    original religion, though not always. So I would include those.

    I would also include such non-religions as New Age-ism, which is about as toxic as you can get,

    because it preaches an absolute narcissism. It grew out of the Human Potential Movement of the 1960s and

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    1970s, an eclectic mixture of everything from Esalen to est to astrology to crystal-gazing which teaches:

    Pure, unadorned, uncomplicated selfishness is the highest good as long as you can label it as something

    which sounds a little better. It teaches heartlessness, self-righteousness, untrammeled greed, megalomania

    and it does so using a mystificational language which compounds it all by stacking lie upon lie upon lie.

    Sometime, read M. Scott PecksPeople of the Lie: The Hope for Healing Human Evil. An extremelycompassionate book written by a highly respected clinical psychiatrist, it goes into toxic attitudes and their

    root causes. I guess Id have to say that any religion or philosophy or mystical school which overtly orcovertly encourages the sort of thing he describes and analyzes in his book as an inalienable of itself is


    >>>romances with people who could be very bad for him

    What would be bad for him in this

    sense? Or do you mean