Note Card Organization and Thoreau 2 April 2013 Miss Rice.

Note Card Organization and Thoreau 2 April 2013 Miss Rice

Transcript of Note Card Organization and Thoreau 2 April 2013 Miss Rice.

Page 1: Note Card Organization and Thoreau 2 April 2013 Miss Rice.

Note Card Organization and Thoreau

2 April 2013

Miss Rice

Page 2: Note Card Organization and Thoreau 2 April 2013 Miss Rice.


What is a thesis statement and where does it belong in your paper?

Please have your note cards out to work with during the beginning of class

**Have out annotated sources and blue sheet** ASAP

Get your argument card back from us if you did not get it back before break

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Organize note cards

Review tests and papers

Create working thesis statements

Intro. Thoreau and “Civil Disobedience”

Page 4: Note Card Organization and Thoreau 2 April 2013 Miss Rice.

CP Objectives 4/2

To organize research note cards into appropriate groupings.

To create working thesis statements.

To review tests and papers.

To understand Thoreau’s biographical information and background information on “Civil Disobedience.”

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Note Card Organization Take out “Paper Organization” worksheet and turn to the side

with the 4 blank rectangles

Sort your note cards by placing each one on top of the box that represents the part of the paper you will use each note card in

Once cards are sorted into 4 piles, organize cards within each pile by the order you think you will use them within each part

Put all note cards together in one large pile in order of parts 1-4

Add note card #s to each card

Hole punch cards and put on a ring in order (will be collected)

*Initials should be on the back of each card

*Argument card goes on the top of your pile

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We will be giving back A LOT of work today

End of the MP is the 9th!

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“This I Believe”

Many of you lost points for not following the rubric

Those of you who had “to-be” verbs lost A LOT of points Contractions Earn points back

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“This I Believe”

Earn back all “to-be” verb points: Hand back in all of the original papers with


On a separate sheet of paper, write every sentence that has a “to-be” verb in it, and then rewrite this sentence without the “to-be” verb

This can be typed or handwritten

DUE: Monday, 4/8

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Dark Romanticism Reflection

Read over your reflection

I am concerned Some people did not study at all or only for an

hour Many people thought they did well and that the

essay and MC were easy People did not know what to study? Not reading directions carefully on essay

Test-taking and study skills Study guide Hitting every point in an essay Using information from other questions

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Dark Romanticism Unit Test Key There were some As

Reevaluate the level we are at in CP and how you study for exams

Check your answers

15. B16. B17. A18. A19. B20. A21. C22. B23. D24. D25. D26. D27. A28. B29. A30. B

MC1. C2. A3. B4. D5. B6. B7. A8. A9. A10. B11. B12. A13. A14. A

Graphic Essay:-5 if you have no labels/explanations-2 if you have nothing drawn in the roomsrooms go east to west in a zigzagBlack room with red window: black clock6 colored rooms with stained glass windowsNo light in the rooms but light between the rooms and through the windows (torches/fire)Explain how the setting creates mood**

Written Essay:Paragraph 1: 10 pts.Symbol 1 description (3 pts.)What symbol 1 represents (2 pts.)Symbol 2 description (3 pts.)What symbol 2 represents (2 pts.)Paragraph 2: 15 pts.Def. of theme (4 pts.)Theme of Masque (5 pts.)Connect symbol 1 to theme (3 pts.)Connect symbol 2 to theme (3 pts.)Characteristics of Romanticism:1 pt. for picking out the first characteristics1 pt. for an ex. from a story for this characteristic1 pt. for picking out the first characteristics1 pt. for an ex. from a story for this characteristicI pt. for flow/unity/sentences

Scansion:31. Trochaic tetrameter 34. Iambic tetrameter32. Iambic pentameter Rhyme Scheme:33. Trochaic tetrameter ABBAABBA

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Working Thesis Statements

Review warm-up: What is a thesis statement and where does it belong in your paper?

Going from arguments to thesis statements:

Argument: Uniforms are bad for student diversity.

Who, what, where, when, why, how?

Working thesis statement: Mandated school uniforms in public schools threaten individuals’ right to the freedom of speech and expression by requiring all students to look the same.

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Working Thesis Statements

On the back of your argument note card, we would like you to write 3 possible working thesis statements for your research paper We will comment on and pick the best one Play around with the wording and ideas Answer who, what, where, when, why, and how in the

statement This statement can go anywhere in your introduction

Put this card on the top of your note card pile and hand in your ring of cards to be checked

Also put your name on and hand in your annotated sources!

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Guided notes on Thoreau’s biographical information and essay “Civil Disobedience”

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Thoreau HW

Read “Civil Disobedience” excerpt Put 1-sentence summaries next to each of the 5

underlined section Out these 1-sentence summaries into the fishbone

diagram Leave the “main idea” part of the fishbone diagram blank

Page 15: Note Card Organization and Thoreau 2 April 2013 Miss Rice.

Homework You need an e-mail address for tomorrow

Either create one tonight, use one you already have, or use a parent e-mail that you have the password for and access to at all times

Who has a g-mail account?***

Read “Civil Disobedience,” annotate, and fill out fishbone diagram

Make-up work before the 9th

TIB vivid verbs rewrite due Monday, 4/8

Get caught up on any missed research paper stuff!