Not So Foolish After All -€¦ · God gave us this thing called free will, ......

A Publication of First Christian Church of the Beaches (Disciples of Christ) ISSUE APRIL 2018 Not So Foolish After All Pastor Jonathan Rossman On an open field near Paris in the early 1900s, the French press was getting ready to chortle and chuckle. A man claimed to have developed an actual flying machine. But, to many, everything about the man and his claim seemed fishy. He was strangely dressed, he spoke very little, and his precious machine looked odd. What’s more, he kept delaying the scheduled time for his demonstration, simply saying that he had to make more adjustments. There were a few smirks and quiet snorts as the man finally brought his fragile-looking contraption out of a shed. Without any fanfare, he started up the engine, sat down behind the controls, and announced to the press, “Gentlemen, now I am going to fly.” And with that, Wilbur Wright did. And when he did, the chortles and chuckles stopped forever. When the apostle Paul spoke of “the message of the cross,” he openly admitted that there was an appearance of foolishness about the whole thing. He knew how strange it sounded to talk about the Son of God becoming a human being in order to die on a Roman instrument of execution, and that the death of this individual was God’s way of canceling out the sins of the whole world. But Paul knew something else. He also knew that this seemingly foolish message was not so foolish after all. In fact, he knew that the message of the cross delivered exactly what it promised. Furthermore, Paul knew that within the message itself was the very power of God-power that turns hearts from unbelief to faith power that rescues souls from the darkness of despair into the light of full forgiveness in Jesus Christ. As witnesses for our Savior, you and I can openly admit that there is an appearance of foolishness about the message of the cross; God’s Word says so too. But appearance is one thing. Reality is quite another. Wilbur Wright and the message of the cross are similar in that they both delivered on what they had promised. But there the similarity ends. Wilbur’s machine lifted him off the ground. The message of the cross carries us into heaven. THIS ISSUE: NOT SO FOOLISH AFTERALL Don’t be fooled by the message of the cross ELDER’S CORNER Are you a tough guy or gal? MISSION MOMENT Looking for a service opportunity? The door just opened! STEWARDSHIP Your gifts are a constant blessing. BEACHES OPENING - PARADE Coming Sunday, April 29th THE WAVERIDER Please see the Waverider section for Youth and Children’s events

Transcript of Not So Foolish After All -€¦ · God gave us this thing called free will, ......

A Publication of First Christian Church of the Beaches (Disciples of Christ) ISSUE APRIL 2018

Not So Foolish After All Pastor Jonathan Rossman

On an open field near Paris in the early 1900s, the French press was

getting ready to chortle and chuckle. A man claimed to have

developed an actual flying machine. But, to many, everything about

the man and his claim seemed fishy. He was strangely dressed, he

spoke very little, and his precious machine looked odd. What’s more,

he kept delaying the scheduled time for his demonstration, simply

saying that he had to make more adjustments. There were a few

smirks and quiet snorts as the man finally brought his fragile-looking

contraption out of a shed. Without any fanfare, he started up the

engine, sat down behind the controls, and announced to the press,

“Gentlemen, now I am going to fly.” And with that, Wilbur Wright did.

And when he did, the chortles and chuckles stopped forever.

When the apostle Paul spoke of “the message of the cross,” he openly

admitted that there was an appearance of foolishness about the whole

thing. He knew how strange it sounded to talk about the Son of God

becoming a human being in order to die on a Roman instrument of

execution, and that the death of this individual was God’s way of

canceling out the sins of the whole world.

But Paul knew something else. He also knew that this seemingly

foolish message was not so foolish after all. In fact, he knew that the

message of the cross delivered exactly what it promised.

Furthermore, Paul knew that within the message itself was the very

power of God-power that turns hearts from unbelief to faith – power

that rescues souls from the darkness of despair into the light of full

forgiveness in Jesus Christ.

As witnesses for our Savior, you and I can openly admit that there is

an appearance of foolishness about the message of the cross; God’s

Word says so too. But appearance is one thing. Reality is quite

another. Wilbur Wright and the message of the cross are similar in

that they both delivered on what they had promised. But there the

similarity ends. Wilbur’s machine lifted him off the ground. The

message of the cross carries us into heaven.



Don’t be fooled by the message of the cross


Are you a tough guy or gal?

MISSION MOMENT Looking for a service

opportunity? The door just opened!


Your gifts are a constant blessing.


PARADE Coming Sunday, April 29th


Please see the Waverider section for Youth and

Children’s events

Elder’s Corner by Jack Garnett


I guess the title ELDER does denote OLD. And at 61 years young, I guess I have been around for a while.

As a Son of a Career Navy Chief Petty Office, I grew up with plenty of discipline and was taught to attack and

handle problems on my own. The Old John Wayne Mentality (really dating myself). You know the type;

Pilgrim, I can handle anything, and I’ll do it on my own.

If you are like me, that tough guy thing doesn’t hold up so well when Life, Sin and Satan all gang up on you.

God gave us this thing called free will, the right to make our own decisions in life. And frankly, we are not very

good at it sometimes. Even though we are Christians, Life, Sin and Satan always keep coming at us, they

never give up. It can be troubling for us Christians when we realize that we seem to experience the same

problems that plagued us before we were saved.

God knows that due to our own free will decisions, that our problems and worries are inevitable in this Life. In

1 John 1:9 God sent us message; “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to

cleanse us from all unrighteousness.” All our problems can be dealt with through simple faith in God’s Word.

Pastor Nathan keeps telling us to carry and keep our Bibles close. And to actually open them and read them

often. Below are just a few Bible Verses that can help us in turning our worries and problems over to God:

Romans 5:3-4: “Not only so, but we also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering

produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope.”

Proverbs 3:5-6: “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your understanding; in all your

ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths.”

Colossians 3:2: “Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things.”

Philippians 4:6-7: “Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication

with thanksgiving let your requests be known to God. And the peace of God, which surpasses all

understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”

Philippians 4:13: “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”

Lord, why do you choose to Love me so much? Why me Lord? ... I Love You back, Thank You.


Mission Moment by Barbara Lynn, Mission Team Chair

Watching and Waiting

Like servants, alert to their master’s commands, …

We’re watching and waiting, …

Awaiting Your word of mercy. Psalm 123:2

There are multitude ways to be part of God’s work through the ministry and mission of FCCB. Some

opportunities are financial, others a corporate activity or a personal action; some are ongoing, others

occasional, some are one time only. There are places for each of us to serve others as a way of demonstrating

that God is the Lord of our lives. Paul says it like this, “So here’s what I want you to do, God helping you:

Take your everyday, ordinary life--your sleeping, eating, going to work, and walking around life--and place it

before God as an offering.” (Romans 12:1) Check out the Connections tab on our website, the bulletin board

in Fellowship Hall and at the west entrance for the parking lot, for Missions opportunities, pray, and listen,

wait, act!

A new door of opportunity not listed in our resources has opened at Anthem Lakes, an assisted living facility

in our community. Several of our members and a host of other of God’s children live there. Our own Robin

Richards, our elders, and one of our musically gifted provide a worship service on the fourth Sunday of the

month. They would like to see us more often in another way. The residents enjoy having guest speakers

come to talk (20-30 minutes) about a variety of topics, then continue the discussion over lunch as their guest.

Ellen Berson, Anthem’s Lifestyle Specialist, has extended an invitation to anyone in our FCCB family to contact

her about setting a date to share your passion, interest, adventure, ________________ (YOU fill in the blank!).

Suggestions include travel experiences, historical information, a craft, storytelling, a hobby, a nature

experience. If the Holy Spirit is nudging you, contact Ellen*. Topics and days are flexible.

*Ellen Berson, Lifestyle Specialist

Anthem Lakes

905 Assisi Lane

Atlantic Beach 32233


[email protected]

Being Thankful Stewards by John Campbell

Springing Forth Additional daylight, flowers in bloom, singing birds and thank goodness, warmer temperatures-all point to

Spring’s arrival.

The Song of Solomon 2:11-12 underscores the beauty and promise of Springtime.

For behold, the winter is past;

the rain is over and gone.

The flowers appear on the earth,

the time of singing has come,

and the voice of the turtledove

is heard in our land.

For Christians the arrival of Spring coincides with our annual Easter celebration period. For me God’s gift of

eternal salvation through the death and resurrection of His Son Jesus surpasses all other aspects of the Spring


The continuation of your generous gifts for the support and expansion of God’s Kingdom is another blessing

of this season. Thank you for springing forth Disciples.

Notes from Nancy By Nancy Barrett

Easter Blessings!

The Choir looks forward to singing the Hallelujah Chorus and a special anthem, Worship the King of Kings,

that includes piano, trumpet, and bells accompanying the choir.

We had a nice visit with Larry Nussmeyer who is now living in Texas near his son and daughter. We are sorry

to see Jim and Joan Chandler move to Summerville, but we wish them God's blessings as they move closer

to their daughter.

A great big thank you to everyone who made our Gospel Evening such a spiritual experience, especially the

Choir, Gospelaire Trio, Caitlyn and Teresa soloists, and our special guest choir from Friendship Missionary

Baptist Church. We heard many people wanting to do it again. It's always a blessing when God's people

come together in fellowship and song.

Our Beach Bell Ringers are meeting every Wednesday afternoon at 4:00. Ringing bells is easy, the hard part

is ringing them at the right time. We have fun.

Library Tides…Linda White & Assistant Geno Valet

Linda & I continue our work on improving & updating your FC2B lending library. Volumes added this month


On the Road with Francis of Assisi (History shelf)

A unique and lively travelogue of parallel journeys: that of Francis of Assisi on his way to sainthood in the

thirteenth century, and that of author Linda Bird Francke, who followed his path through the beauty of central

and coastal Italy and even on to Egypt.

Five People You Meet In Heaven (Death & Grief shelf)

By the author of Tuesdays With Morrie, M. Albom, the premise of the book is that when you die, you meet five

people. They are not always the five most important people in your life (parents, grandparents, spouses,

children, etc.), but sometimes people who you met in passing or who you'd rather forget. Sometimes it's

someone you don't even know. But they're always someone who has had an important impact on your life.

Parables (Christ Jesus shelf)

Master expositor and Bible commentator John MacArthur has spent a lifetime explaining the word of God in

clear and comprehensible terms. In Parables, he helps Christians understand the essential lessons contained

in the most famous and influential short stories the world has ever known. Jesus was a master storyteller, and

the parables he told were ingeniously simple word pictures with profound spiritual lessons. Understanding the

parables is a crucial matter for followers of Jesus. Jesus told parables, so his people might comprehend his

message about the kingdom of God clearly.

“You can never get a cup of tea large enough or a book long enough to suit me.” ― C.S. Lewis —

It's often quoted and is a classic in Christian reading. My Utmost for His Highest by Oswald Chambers has recently been donated to our library and is a long-awaited addition. This edition is an updated version using today's language. Such quoted as "If we do not apply our beliefs about God to the issues of everyday life, the vision God has given us will never be fulfilled." Look for it on the Devotion shelf.

Christian Women’s Fellowship

The CWF game and card party was a huge success. We made $1600 which will go to Beaches Meals on

Wheels. The snacks were abundant, the luncheon was delicious, the door prizes were well received and we

had a lot of fun. Thank you to all the people who supported it and thank you to all those who worked. God

can do wonderful things thought willing hands and generous hearts.

Yours in Christ, Rebecca Zellars

Senior Adult Ministry by Pat Hernandez

The S.A.M./aka Senior Adult Ministry, met March 1, 2018 with 25 members, one visitor and two guest

speakers, making a total of 27 present. One of the main reasons for coming to our meetings is you learn

some very interesting information and hear about some of our trips we plan to make. For example, Nancy

Barrett, had our devotion and guess what the topic was? You guessed it, "St. Patrick," himself. This man's

life was so different from what we have always known. You will have to ask Nancy to get all the details. The

Leprechauns were not his playmates for one thing, and their coats were red, not green. Blue was the original

color of St. Patrick and the Americans were the ones that changed it to "GREEN". It's funny how you can

believe something for so many years that isn't correct.

The First Coast Woman's Services gave us some very informative facts about their services which include

helping young women with their pregnancies, raising money for them and giving them a layette when they

have their baby. They also council boys and girls to help them keep and take care of their babies.

Lydia Porter, is wanting to collect "corks" to raise money for a State Project. Please give her your corks to

help in her collection. It’s a worthwhile project.

You are in for a treat if you can manage to come to our April 5, meeting, to hearing Nancy Avera. She is a

well-known story teller will be here to highly entertain us. We always look forward to hearing Nancy. Thank

you, Madeline, for getting her again!

Joy Hackney will be our Hostess, Phyllis Scott will give us our devotion, and as usual, please bring your

favorite casserole, dessert or rolls to share.

Blessings, Pat Hernandez

Christian Hurst joined March 11th

Amy Beck joined March 25th

Fellowship by Linda Zepp

Game Night

On Friday, April 13th at 7 PM, FCCB Fellowship is sponsoring a Game Night for families, couples and singles!!

Invite a guest- the more the merrier.

Bring a game you love or come and play our games. We are willing to teach!

Snacks for the tables, soft drinks and coffee will be provided. If you are able, bring a dessert to share! There

is no charge for this event and we will meet in the fellowship hall.

Please sign up on the sheet in the fellowship hall…

Kitchen Help

Do you love to serve? Do you love your church?

Great! We have opportunities to serve at church on Wednesday nights at the Fellowship Dinner. We can use

you for an hour or two to help with dinner and clean-up afterward. Please see Linda Zepp for more information

and to say YES!

Coffee hour

Please see Linda Zepp if you would like to sponsor coffee hour any Sunday in honor or in memory of a loved

one. Our coffee hour blesses so many people and is also a great outreach to guests visiting that day.

Many thanks to all who have brought food these last few months. It is greatly appreciated.


April 3rd - Skip Vegliacich

April 4th - Violet Yost

April 5th - Shirlee Green

April 10th - Suzanne Harman

April 14th - Maranda Browning

April 22nd - Geri Hojak

April 22nd - Mick DuRocher

April 28th - Barbara Lynn

HAPPY ANNIVERSARY April 7th - Rev. James and Susan Collins

April 21st - Rob and Amy Beck

Together, let us pray for the needs of our brothers and sisters.

Please remember these intentions in your daily prayers.

The Alderson Family, Paul Amato & Family, Desire Anderson, Terry Anderson, Noland Arbaugh, Leon

Atlan, Baby Ava, Baby Ella, Baby Kenzie, David & Mary Ann Baker, Amanda Beal, Bud Bennett, Sarah

Bledsoe, Joe Bracewell, Sara Brooks, Billy Brown, Don Brumbly, Olive Calhoun, Joy, Dan & Dan Jr. Casino,

Aldolfo & Susan Cesaritti, Jim & Joan Chandler, Pam Chappell, Maurine Choate, Jim Claytor, Mike & Phyllis

Cobb, The Coffin Family, Luther & Blanche Coggin, Rebecca Crawford, Jim & Marilyn Cunningham, Jean

Donnell, Bernice Dothard’s brother, Jody Duval, Sallie Frost, Regis Franskowski, Gen Gallie, Daniel

Gammons, Andre Gardner, Dawn Garnett, Pastor Thom Gibson, Mitch Ginslinger, Eddie Griffin, Dan Hall,

The Halstead Family, Betty Heindel, Lisa Hibbard, Marianne Hibbard, Wayne Hinson Family, Barbara

Hubuell, Peggy Humphrey & Family, Martha Israel Family, Laurie Jones & Betty Jones, Rick Jones, Don

Jordan, Josh Kerschner, Helen Kirkland, Kelly Lacambra, David & Sharon Lynn, Pam Mangine, John

Marcum, Marge Medina & Joanna, Mary Margaret Meess, Kenyon Miller, Marjorie Miller, Mitch, Levi Metts

& Robert Metts, Angelina Noel, Russell Norman, Larry Nussmeyer, Sherry O’Brien, Diane Oglebee, Jim

Peau’s sister in Samoa, Karen Perdue, Rob Perritte, Juanita Rubright, Liza Salzmann, Kenny & Sandy

Schaefer, Carol Schoonover, Faye Selig, Marcella Shimp, Virginia S., Andrew Snow, Ron Soder, Pat Soles,

Barry Stevenson, Spring Sullivan, Anne Thomson & Andrew Aukens, Christian Traver, Betty Tucker, Kenny

& Judy Tucker, Hazel Twitty, Connie Wendt, Kenny Wendt, Billy & Evelyn Williams, Billy Womble, Eula

Wood, Savannah Woods, Terry Worth, The Younger & DuRocher Families, Pastor Nathan Loewen &

Family, Pastor Chris Hopkins & Family, Pastors Jose’ & Elizabeth Martell and daughters, Roxanna &

Susanna, Iglesia Evangelica Bethel, First Coast Women’s Services, School Teachers & Students, Parkland

Florida, Scott & Jenny Phillips, Persecuted Christians, Police & First Responders, Youth & Gang Violence,

Military & their Families.

If you require a visit from the Pastor, please call the Church at (904) 246-2010



2 closed Church Office in Observance of Good Friday 6:30PM Cub Scouts

3 8:30AM Council of Elders 6:30PM Don Lynn’s Bible Study 7:00PM Boy Scouts

4 4:00PM Bell Choir 5:30PM Congregational Supper

6:15PM Dynamic Disciples & TIM

6:30PM Fellowship Activities, Bible Study & Choir

5 10:30AM Senior Adult Ministry

8 7:30AM Christian Men’s Fellowship Breakfast

8 8/9/11AM WORSHIP Services

9 6:30PM Cub Scouts

10 6:30PM Don Lynn’s Bible Study

7:00PM Boy Scouts

11 4:00PM Bell Choir

5:30PM Congregational Supper

6:15PM Dynamic Disciples & TIM

6:30PM Fellowship Activities, Bible Study & Choir

15 8/9/11AM WORSHIP Services

5:00PM Body of Elders

16 6:30PM Cub Scouts

17 6:30PM Don Lynn’s Bible Study

7:00PM Boy Scouts

18 4:00PM Bell Choir / Trustee Meeting

5:30PM Congregational Supper

6:15PM Dynamic Disciples & TIM

6:30PM Discipleship 101 starts & runs thru 4/11/18

6:30PM Fellowship Activities, Bible Study & Choir

22 8/9/11AM WORSHIP Services

23 6:30PM Cub Scouts

24 10:00AM Christian Women’s Fellowship

6:30PM Don Lynn’s Bible Study

7:00PM Boy Scouts

25 4:00PM Bell Choir

5:30PM Congregational Supper

6:15PM Dynamic Disciples & TIM

6:30PM Discipleship 101 starts & runs thru 4/11/18

6:30PM Fellowship Activities, Bible Study & Choir

29 8/9/11AM WORSHIP Services 1PM Beaches Opening Day Parade/Van Shuttle

30 12-2PM Sonshine Family 6:30PM Cub Scouts



1 2 3 4 5 6 7

8 9 10 11 12 13 14

15 16 17 18 19 20 21

22 23 24 25 26 27 28

29 30



8am Paul Robbins Rebecca Zellars

9am Barre &

Nancy Barrett Gary & Linda Zepp

Mark & Aimee Lopiano

11am Jack Garnett,

Shawn Ludlum Rick & Karen Blackwell Rusty & Kristin Jewell


9AM 11AM

Apr. 1st MaryLu Gowen Kathy Hopkins

Apr. 8th Phyllis Scott Walker Barbara Lynn

Apr. 15th Amy Mele Leslie Young

Apr. 22nd Joy Elliott Tasha Holmes

Apr. 29th Leslie Hale Chris Powell


9AM 11AM

Apr. 1st Christian Giles Carla Cain

Apr. 8th Christian Giles Leslie Young

Apr. 15th Christian Giles Ashlee Loewen

Apr. 22nd Christian Giles Amy McIntyre

Apr. 29th Christian Giles Carla Cain


Apr. 4th Spaghetti and Meatballs, Garlic Toast, Salad

Bar, Strawberry Shortcake

Apr. 11th Cr of Broccoli, French Onion, Tuscan Potato

Soups, Minorcan Clam Chower, Salad Bar &

Cheese Cake

Apr. 18th Baked Fish, Tater Tots, Vegetable Med., Garlic Toast, Salad Bar, Peach Cobbler

Apr. 25th Roasted Chicken with Gravy, Yellow Rice,

Veg. Med., Rolls, Salad Bar, Texas Brownie

Dinner Reservations: 246-2010


E-mail: [email protected]

The FCCB Trustees have decided effective Monday, December 25, 2017, First Christian

Church of the Beaches will be a SMOKE FREE CAMPUS. This means that all smoking is

prohibited on CHURCH PROPERTY. Please extinguish your cigarette, cigar or vape before

you leave your vehicle. Please respect this new policy, as it is set in place to protect the

lungs of our most vulnerable: kids and elderly.

Thank you, Pastor Nathan Loewen

Art Wall

The Art Wall Exhibition features paintings by Dianne Ricketts. The exhibition will be on display through May.

Youth Building Update

Many of you may have been wondering what the status of the Youth Building is. After all, we still have that

blue tarp up. This will be the first of some ongoing updates on what is happening with the Youth Building.

Some preliminary investigations have occurred and input from representatives of Jacksonville Beach and

others have been sought. A committee has now been appointed to move this project forward. The committee

consists of Gary Grider, Nathan Loewen, Bob Meador, Don Peters, Paul Robbins, and Rita Vernon. The

committee has already received an official survey and has hired an architect to work with us on the plans. At

this point an official fund-raiser for the building has not been implemented. If you find you have a small amount

of money over and above your regular offering you would like to contribute we will be happy to have it,

however, right now we really covet your prayers as we want this building to not only meet our current needs

but to meet whatever God has in store for us.

Thank You for Mary Kessler

For the past 12 years, my Mom, Mary Kessler was an integral member of FC2B. She served in the Sanctuary

Guild, sang in the choir, delivered Meals on Wheels, was a member of CWF and part of HIS Family fellowship.

On behalf of all her family, we want to thank all of you who loved her, prayed for her, and remembered her

with cards and visits. We so appreciated the many sympathy cards and memorials we received as they

reflected your love and support at a time when we needed both.

Don and Jeanie Peters