Nord Stream Gas Pipeline - a nature conservation perspective

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Nord Stream Gas Pipeline - a nature conservation perspective. Jochen Lamp WWF Baltic Ecoregion Programme Warsaw, 28.05.2007. WWF Position. WWF is not against gas pipelines or natural gas in principle - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Nord Stream Gas Pipeline - a nature conservation perspective

  • Nord Stream Gas Pipeline - a nature conservation perspectiveJochen Lamp WWF Baltic Ecoregion ProgrammeWarsaw, 28.05.2007

  • WWF PositionWWF is not against gas pipelines or natural gas in principleIt is possible to construct gas pipelines in the marine environment without major negative impactsEnvironmental Impact Assessments are important and necessaryTransparency and stakeholder participation will improve the process and the construction

  • What can you expect?A brief review of the current proceduresMajor impacts of the pipeline on biodiversity and risksInformation gaps and uncertainties in the current Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA)EIA process and timelines WWF-suggestions

  • Major Impacts of the pipeline Modified seabedChange of currents/sedimentation and erosion (G. of Finland, Sweden)Sediment dispersion over large areasEffects on cultural heritage (shipwrecks)?Concerned biodiversity: Habitats (sandbanks, reefs, gas vents, benthos and seabird areas)Protected Areas: Gotland, offshore banks, Finnish Archipelago, Germany landfall, Russia New challenges: How will latest additional routes (Estonia, north Bornholm) be assessed?

  • RisksPipeline could break due to limited flexibility of steel/concrete pipes in a very divers topographyPipe-laying techniques at limits in deep waterNon-homogeneous sediment (crystalline rock to mud) is a challenge for safe pipe laying and stable positioning Water chemistry may cause corrosion of the pipe Dumped ammunition and hazardous substances: no precise handling conceptSafety Anchorage could conflict with pipeline

  • Lack of TransparencyBathymetry and substrate not detected in detailNo data on harmful substancesNo sediment data Out-of-date data (Birds, seals, shipping, fish) usedHandling concepts missing Disposed material (dredged ridges and fill-up of valleys)Ammunition handling in detail No information on inspections during operationCompensation for damages?

  • WWF-Suggestions for EIA: procedure

    Agree on a joint research standards for the project Make research results accessible to concerned states and NGOs/publicAgree on final research programme based on results from Espoo-process and implement agreed comprehensive EIA

    Revise timeline and secure time for EIA and revision of plans according to the EIA results

    No permission before critical questions have been solved!

  • WWF-Suggestions for EIA: contentDetailed mapping Detailed technical conceptsAlternative routeingHandling of ammunitions and dumped hazardous substancesRisk assessmentsCumulative effectsFull compensation for losses New route alternativeNew route alternativeRoute alternative?

  • TimelinesAccording to Nord Stream:Autumn 2007: Presentation of EIA report2008: Start of construction2010: One pipe in operation

    Realistic timeline:Autumn 2007: Agreement on EIA Research Programme2008:Field research 2009:Decision about permit

  • Thank you!More information:,

    so far (notification, Espoo-consultation, national consultationsfor the whole project following the same standards in all countrieshot spots (landfalls, free span areas, concerned habitats) hot spots (landfalls, free span areas, concerned habitats) (few data, no precise information on research design and mitigation measures)implications of the current re-routing plans (new states concerned)

    so far (notification, Espoo-consultation, national consultationsfor the whole project following the same standards in all countrieshot spots (landfalls, free span areas, concerned habitats) hot spots (landfalls, free span areas, concerned habitats) (few data, no precise information on research design and mitigation measures)implications of the current re-routing plans (new states concerned)

    Detailed mapping (bathymetry, sediment, chemistry, habitats/biotopes)Detailed technical concepts (disposal of material, safety of pipe material,pipe laying technology, )Alternative routeingHandling of ammunitions and dumped hazardous substancesRisk assessments (shipping and technical safety)Cumulative effectsFull compensation for losses