Nonthermal Processes in Supernova Remnants F.A. Aharonian, DIAS (Dublin) & MPIK (Heidelberg)...

Nonthermal Processes in Supernova Remnants F.A. Aharonian, DIAS (Dublin) & MPIK (Heidelberg) Challenges in Particle Astrophysics, Chateau Royal de Blois, May 19, 2008
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Transcript of Nonthermal Processes in Supernova Remnants F.A. Aharonian, DIAS (Dublin) & MPIK (Heidelberg)...

Page 1: Nonthermal Processes in Supernova Remnants F.A. Aharonian, DIAS (Dublin) & MPIK (Heidelberg) Challenges in Particle Astrophysics, Chateau Royal de Blois,

Nonthermal Processes in Supernova Remnants

F.A. Aharonian, DIAS (Dublin) & MPIK (Heidelberg)

Challenges in Particle Astrophysics, Chateau Royal de Blois, May 19, 2008

Page 2: Nonthermal Processes in Supernova Remnants F.A. Aharonian, DIAS (Dublin) & MPIK (Heidelberg) Challenges in Particle Astrophysics, Chateau Royal de Blois,

SNRs in our Galaxy: more than 230 (Green et al. 2001)

with nonthermal X-ray emission - 10 or so

Diffusive source

30 arcmin


Tycho Kepler CasA

SNRs as Cosmic Ray Accelerators - TeVatrons !

best candidates - young SNRs with

nonthermal synchrotron X-rays

TeV -ray emission

synchrotron X-rays - presence of multi-TeV electrons,

but only TeV -rays provide mode-independent evidence

Page 3: Nonthermal Processes in Supernova Remnants F.A. Aharonian, DIAS (Dublin) & MPIK (Heidelberg) Challenges in Particle Astrophysics, Chateau Royal de Blois,

Galactic PeVatrons – particle accelerators responsible for Cosmic Rays with energies up to 1015 eV

Microquasars ?

Pulsars/Plerions ?

SNRs ?

Galactic Center ?

. . .Gaisser 2001

OB, W-R Stars ?

* the source population responsible for the bulk of GCRs are PeVatrons ?

Page 4: Nonthermal Processes in Supernova Remnants F.A. Aharonian, DIAS (Dublin) & MPIK (Heidelberg) Challenges in Particle Astrophysics, Chateau Royal de Blois,

SNRs – the most probable factories of GCRs ?

(almost) a common belief based on two arguments:

necessary amount of available energy – 1051 erg

Diffusive Shock Acceleration (DSA) – > 10% efficiency and E-2 type spectrum to very high energies

(i) DSA theory cannot provide robust predictions concerning the conversion efficiency (ii) for acceleration of particles to 1015 eV, the acceleration efficiency should exceed 100%


Page 5: Nonthermal Processes in Supernova Remnants F.A. Aharonian, DIAS (Dublin) & MPIK (Heidelberg) Challenges in Particle Astrophysics, Chateau Royal de Blois,

Crab Nebula – a perfect PeVatron of electrons (and protons ?)

Crab Nebula – a very powerful W=Lrot=5x1038 erg/s

and extreme accelerator: Ee > 1000 TeV

Emax=60 (B/1G) -1/2 -1/2 TeV and hcut=(0.7-2) f-1mc2 -1 = 50-150 -1 MeV

=1 – minimum value allowed by classical electrodynamics Crab: hcut= 10MeV: acceleration at 1 to 10 % of the maximum rate ( 10-100)

maximum energy of electrons: E=100 TeV => Ee > 100 (1000) TeV B=0.1-1 mG

– very close the value independently derived from the MHD treatment of the wind



* for comparison, in shell type SNRs DSA theory gives =10(c/v)2=104-105

Standard MHD theory

cold ultrarelativistc pulsar wind terminates by a reverse shock resulting in acceleration

with an unprecedented rate: tacc=rL/c, < 100


synchrotron radiation => nonthermal optical/X-ray nebulaInverse Compton => high energy gamma-ray nebula

.MAGIC (?)


Page 6: Nonthermal Processes in Supernova Remnants F.A. Aharonian, DIAS (Dublin) & MPIK (Heidelberg) Challenges in Particle Astrophysics, Chateau Royal de Blois,



T. Gaisser

SNRs ?

up to 1015-16 eV (knee) - Galactic

SNRs: Emax ~ vshock Z x B x Rshock

for a “standard” SNR: Ep,max ~ 100 TeV

solution? amplification of B-field by CRs 1016 eV to 1018 eV:

a few special sources? Reacceleration?

above 1018 eV (ankle) - Extragalactic

1020 eV particles? : two options “top-down” (non- acceleration) origin or Extreme Accelerators

Cosmic Rays from 109 to 1020 eV

SNRs - sources of CRs up to >1015 eV?

Page 7: Nonthermal Processes in Supernova Remnants F.A. Aharonian, DIAS (Dublin) & MPIK (Heidelberg) Challenges in Particle Astrophysics, Chateau Royal de Blois,

SNRs – the most probable factories of GCRs ?

straightforward proof: detection and identification of gamma-rays, neutrinos

and hard X-rays from p-p interactions (as products

of decays of secondary neutral and charged pions)

objective: (i) to probe the content of nucleonic component of CRs

in SNRs at d < 10kpc at the level 1049 -1050 erg, and

(ii) to demonstrate that at least in some SNRs particles

are accelerated to 1015 eV

realization: sensitivity of detectors - down to 10-13 erg/cm2 s

crucial energy domains: : up to 100+ TeV

: 1 - 100 TeV

X: 10 - 100 keV

Page 8: Nonthermal Processes in Supernova Remnants F.A. Aharonian, DIAS (Dublin) & MPIK (Heidelberg) Challenges in Particle Astrophysics, Chateau Royal de Blois,

Visibility of SNRs in high energy gamma-rays

F(>E)=10-11 A (E/1TeV)-1 ph/cm2s


)(d/1kpc) -2

for CR spectrum with =2


if electron spectrum >> 10 TeV synchrotron X-rays and IC TeV ’s

main target photon field 2.7 K: F,IC/Fx,sinch=0.1 (B/10G)-2

Detectability ? compromise between angle (r/d) and flux F (1/d2) typically A: 0.1-0.01 :

0.1o - 1o

1000 yr old SNRs (in Sedov phase)

o component dominates if A > 0.1 (Sx/10 J)(B/10 G ) -2







TeV -rays – detectable if A > 0.1

nucleonic component of CRs - “visible” through TeV (and GeV) gamma-rays !

Inverse Compton

0 –decay (A=1)

Page 9: Nonthermal Processes in Supernova Remnants F.A. Aharonian, DIAS (Dublin) & MPIK (Heidelberg) Challenges in Particle Astrophysics, Chateau Royal de Blois,

three basic mechanisms of -ray production in SNRs:

characteristic timescales: pp -> 0 -> 2


IC (e+2.7K)

for comparison

IC is very effective as long as magnetic field B < 10 mG

Bremsstrhlung important in dense, n > 102 cm-3 , environments

pp interactions dominate over Bremsstrahlung if the ratio of energy densities of protons to electrons wp/we > 10, and Inverse Compton component if wp/we > 500 (n/1cm-3) -1 (at energies above 10 TeV)

Page 10: Nonthermal Processes in Supernova Remnants F.A. Aharonian, DIAS (Dublin) & MPIK (Heidelberg) Challenges in Particle Astrophysics, Chateau Royal de Blois,

SN 1006 - a good candidate for particle source

acceleration H.E.S.S. upper limits - an order of magnitude below the flux reported by CANGAROO

a trouble ? not at all …

HESS upper limits imply

IC : B > 25 G

o : Wp<(0.2-2) x 1050 erg

no problem for the hypothesisof SNR origin of Galactic CRs …

Page 11: Nonthermal Processes in Supernova Remnants F.A. Aharonian, DIAS (Dublin) & MPIK (Heidelberg) Challenges in Particle Astrophysics, Chateau Royal de Blois,

Cas A – a proton accelerator

(100MeV)/radio => B > 0.1 G

IC origin is unlikely

TeV gamma-rays of hadronic origin ?

yes, but Wp(>1TeV) =1049 erg and

very small proton/electron ratio (<10)

Cas A is well designed to operate as a PeVatron ? with a “right“ combination of B-field, shock speed and age to accelerate and confine particles up to 1 PeV - a source of >1TeV gamma -rays and neutrinos? very important target for VERITAS and MAGIC GLAST should detect GeV gamma-ray emission in any case no way to detect TeV neutrionos even with km3 scale detectors

5-6 sigma detection

Wp=2x1049 erg, n=20 cm-3

Page 12: Nonthermal Processes in Supernova Remnants F.A. Aharonian, DIAS (Dublin) & MPIK (Heidelberg) Challenges in Particle Astrophysics, Chateau Royal de Blois,

recent news from Magic

E- exp(-E/Eo) type proton spectrum with (i) =2 and cutoff energy Eo <10 TeV or (ii) =2.3 (or so) and Eo >> 10 TeV implications?(i) protons are not accelerated to > 10 TeV energies (why?)(ii) total energy in protons (down to 1 GeV) close to 1050 erg (as

expected)obserations with VERITAS/MAGIC and GLAST will soon tell us a lot about Cas A

Page 13: Nonthermal Processes in Supernova Remnants F.A. Aharonian, DIAS (Dublin) & MPIK (Heidelberg) Challenges in Particle Astrophysics, Chateau Royal de Blois,

Vela Junior RXJ1713.7-3946

flux and spectra - similar, morphology – shell type

TeV images of two young “1Crab“ strength shell type SNRs

Page 14: Nonthermal Processes in Supernova Remnants F.A. Aharonian, DIAS (Dublin) & MPIK (Heidelberg) Challenges in Particle Astrophysics, Chateau Royal de Blois,

Chandra FOV

0.7-2keV, resolution 15”

Chandra image


structure of the entire remnant (XMM-Newton)

RX J1713.7-3946

Page 15: Nonthermal Processes in Supernova Remnants F.A. Aharonian, DIAS (Dublin) & MPIK (Heidelberg) Challenges in Particle Astrophysics, Chateau Royal de Blois,

> 30 TeV -rays and shell type morphology: acceleration of protons and/or electrons inthe shell to energies (well) exceeding 100 TeV

almost constant

photon index !


very good correlation with X-rays



for 0-meson decay gamma-rays:

Page 16: Nonthermal Processes in Supernova Remnants F.A. Aharonian, DIAS (Dublin) & MPIK (Heidelberg) Challenges in Particle Astrophysics, Chateau Royal de Blois,

origin of gamma-rays…

the key issue: identification of -ray emission mechanisms: 0 or IC ?

0 hadronic origin of gamma-ray derivation of the energy spectrum and the total energy Wp (with an uncertainty related to the uncertainty in n/d2 )

IC leptonic origin of gamma-rays model-independent derivation of the spatial and spectral distributions of electrons and, in combination with X-ray data - model independent map of the B-field

Page 17: Nonthermal Processes in Supernova Remnants F.A. Aharonian, DIAS (Dublin) & MPIK (Heidelberg) Challenges in Particle Astrophysics, Chateau Royal de Blois,

IC origin ? – very small B-field, B < 10 G, and very large Emax > 100 TeV

two assumptions hardly can co-exists within standard DSA models; bad spectral fit below a few TeV …

argument in favor of IC origin of -rays:

existence of multi-TeV electrons from synchrotron radiation

nice spatial correlation with X-rays

argument against hadronic models

leptonic model - IC on 2.7 K

IC origin of -rays implies that we see distribution ofelectrons => nice correlation of electron distributionwith synchrotron X-ray distribution => homogeneousmagnetic field, but distinct spatial variation of electrons

Page 18: Nonthermal Processes in Supernova Remnants F.A. Aharonian, DIAS (Dublin) & MPIK (Heidelberg) Challenges in Particle Astrophysics, Chateau Royal de Blois,

the energy spectrum of electrons at the shock

front *)

E0 almost coincides with the value derived from tacc = t synch

the spectrum of synchrotron radiation at the

shock front

Synchrotron cutoff energy approximately 10 times h

in the regime of Bohm diffusion and under assumpton of dominance of synchrotron cooling the spectra of electrons and synchrotron radiation can be calculated with god accuracy:

V.Zirakashvili & FA 2007

observations of X-rays above 10 keV are needed to compare with model-predictions

Page 19: Nonthermal Processes in Supernova Remnants F.A. Aharonian, DIAS (Dublin) & MPIK (Heidelberg) Challenges in Particle Astrophysics, Chateau Royal de Blois,

Elctron and synch. rad. spectra at shock front



approx. upstream


synch. rad.







Sy IC on 2.7 MBR


=4, B1= B2


V.Zirakashvili, FA 2006

Page 20: Nonthermal Processes in Supernova Remnants F.A. Aharonian, DIAS (Dublin) & MPIK (Heidelberg) Challenges in Particle Astrophysics, Chateau Royal de Blois,

strong support for acceleration in Bohm diffusion regime (h ~ 1) - from postion of synchrotron cutoff given that the shock speed v < 4000 km/s (Chandra)

h0=0.55 keV

energy spectrum of synchrotron radiation of electrons in the

framework of DSA (Zirakashvili&FA 2007)

Uciyama et al. 2008

recent broad-band measurements of Suzaku

Tanaka et al. 2008

1. electron spectrum derived from Suzaku data

2. DSA prediction (Zirakashvili&FA07)

3. “standard E-3 exp(-E/E0) type elec. spectrum

derived electron spectrum allows model-independent calculations of IC spectrum !

Page 21: Nonthermal Processes in Supernova Remnants F.A. Aharonian, DIAS (Dublin) & MPIK (Heidelberg) Challenges in Particle Astrophysics, Chateau Royal de Blois,

IC calculations based on Suzaku data

1. Solid - total 2. IC on 2.7 3. IC on FIR 4. IR on optical

Standard ISM radiation fields B=14G density of Optical field: 140 eV/cm3

second electron component with a cutoff at 10 TeV

or should adopt that the source is >104 years old

Page 22: Nonthermal Processes in Supernova Remnants F.A. Aharonian, DIAS (Dublin) & MPIK (Heidelberg) Challenges in Particle Astrophysics, Chateau Royal de Blois,

hadronic origin of TeV gamma-rays

acceleration spectrum with power-law the same, except for

index =2; B=200 G, age: 1000 years =1.7

Wp=2.7 x 1050 (n/1cm-3)-1 erg Wp=1.6 x 1050 (n/1cm-3)-1 erg

We=3.1 x 1046 erg We=6.0 x 1045 erg

Page 23: Nonthermal Processes in Supernova Remnants F.A. Aharonian, DIAS (Dublin) & MPIK (Heidelberg) Challenges in Particle Astrophysics, Chateau Royal de Blois,

challenges for hadronic models:

strong X-TeV correlaton in fact this is more natural for hadronic rather than leptonic models - this could an indication that electrons and protons are accelerated

relatively weak radio emission different than in other SNRs, but why not, i.e. because of very hard acceleration spectra

lack of thermal X-ray emission because of (i) very low density plasma n or (ii) low electron temperature Te ? gas density n cannot be much less than 1 cm-3 because of available energy budget

we do not (yet) know the mechanism(s) of electron heating in supernova remnants; Coulomb exchange is not sufficient for heating; most likely this happens through plasma waves. As long as the mechanism is not understood one cannot use the lack of thermal emission as an argument against hadronic model

Page 24: Nonthermal Processes in Supernova Remnants F.A. Aharonian, DIAS (Dublin) & MPIK (Heidelberg) Challenges in Particle Astrophysics, Chateau Royal de Blois,

Variability of X-rays on year timescales - witnessing particle acceleration in real time

flux increase - particle acceleration

flux decrease - synchrotron cooling *)

both require B-field of order 1 mG in hot spots and, most likely, 100G outside

Uchiyama, FA, Takahashi,Tanaka,Maeda,Nature 2007

*) explanation by variation of B-field does’t work as demonstrated for Cas A (Uciyama&FA, 2008)

strong support of the idea of amplification of B-field by in strong nonlinear shocks through non-resonant

streaming instability of charged energetic particles (T. Bell; see also recent detailed theoretical treatment of the problem by Zirakashvili et al. 2007)

Page 25: Nonthermal Processes in Supernova Remnants F.A. Aharonian, DIAS (Dublin) & MPIK (Heidelberg) Challenges in Particle Astrophysics, Chateau Royal de Blois,

pp o – good spectral fitspp ± e reliable predictions

protons:dN/dE: E- exp[-(E/Ecut)]

-rays/neutrinosdN/dE: E- exp[-(E/E0)]

= +, = 0.1, = /2, E0 =


Wp(>1 TeV) = 0.5x1050 (n/1cm-3)-1 (d/1kpc)2 Kel’ner et al. 2006

Page 26: Nonthermal Processes in Supernova Remnants F.A. Aharonian, DIAS (Dublin) & MPIK (Heidelberg) Challenges in Particle Astrophysics, Chateau Royal de Blois,

total inelastic pp cross-section and production rates of and nm for power-law spectrum of protons: nH =1 cm-3 , wp=1 erg/cm-3

Page 27: Nonthermal Processes in Supernova Remnants F.A. Aharonian, DIAS (Dublin) & MPIK (Heidelberg) Challenges in Particle Astrophysics, Chateau Royal de Blois,

3 channels of informationabout cosmic PeVatrons:

10-100 TeV gamma-rays 10-100 TeV -neutrinos 10 -100 keV hard X-rays

-rays: difficult, but possible with future “10km2“ area multi-TeV IACT arrays

neutrinos: difficult, but KM3NeT should be able to see (marginal)

signals from SNRs RX 1713.7-3946 and Vela Jr “prompt“ synchrotron X-rays: a very promising channel

sensitivities ? better than 10-12 erg/cm2s

SNRs as Cosmic PeVatrons ?

Page 28: Nonthermal Processes in Supernova Remnants F.A. Aharonian, DIAS (Dublin) & MPIK (Heidelberg) Challenges in Particle Astrophysics, Chateau Royal de Blois,

Probing PeV protons with X-rays

SNRs shocks can accelerate CRs to <100 TeV (e.g. Cesarsky&Lagage 1984)

unless magnetic field significantly exceeds 10 G

Recent theoretical developments: applification of the B-field up to >100 G is possible through plasma waves generated by CRs (Bell and Lucek 2000)

>1015 eV protons >1014 eV gamma-rays and electrons “prompt“ synchrotron X-rays

cooling time: t() = 1.5 (/1keV) -1/2 (B/1mG) -3/2 yr << tSNR

energy range: typically between 1 and 100 keV with the ratio Lx/L larger than 20% (for E-2 type spectra)

“hadronic“ hard X-rays and (multi)TeV -rays – similar morphologies !

Page 29: Nonthermal Processes in Supernova Remnants F.A. Aharonian, DIAS (Dublin) & MPIK (Heidelberg) Challenges in Particle Astrophysics, Chateau Royal de Blois,

“hadronic“ X-rays versus synchrotron radiation of primary electrons:

electron injection spectrum Qe(Ee)=QoEeexp[(-Ee/Ee,o)]

spectrum of synchrotron radiation of cooled electrons exp[(-/o)

synchrotron spectrum of primary electrons:

: characteristic synchrotron frequency proportional BE02( prop. to

B3 ) * for Eo =1 PeV, B=1 mG X-ray emission extends well beyond 10 keV

while the cutoff energy in the synchrotron spectrum from directly accelerated electrons is expected around 1 keV

simultaneous measurements of -decay -rays and associated

synchrotron radiation provide unambiguous estimate of B-field in the acceleration region !

Page 30: Nonthermal Processes in Supernova Remnants F.A. Aharonian, DIAS (Dublin) & MPIK (Heidelberg) Challenges in Particle Astrophysics, Chateau Royal de Blois,



GeV-TeV-PeV s

synch. hard X-rays

broad-band emision initiated by pp interactiosn : Wp=1050 erg, n=1cm-3

Page 31: Nonthermal Processes in Supernova Remnants F.A. Aharonian, DIAS (Dublin) & MPIK (Heidelberg) Challenges in Particle Astrophysics, Chateau Royal de Blois,

key observations to prove the hadronic origin of gamma-rays

large (>>10G) magnetic field

X-ray studies (Chandra)

gamma-rays to and beyond 100 TeV

UHE gamma-ray studies (arrays for detection multi-TeV gamma-rays)


detection of neutrins (IceCube and KM3NeT)

hard X-rays produced by secondary electrons

detection of gamma-rays from 10keV to 100 keV (NuSTAR, Sibol-X, NeXT)

key observations to prove the hadronic origin of gamma-rays

population studies (CTA, AGIS, and radio and X-ray detectors)

Page 32: Nonthermal Processes in Supernova Remnants F.A. Aharonian, DIAS (Dublin) & MPIK (Heidelberg) Challenges in Particle Astrophysics, Chateau Royal de Blois,

~ 10 km shower

5 nsec


100mSeff >3x104 m2 at 1 TeV

in principle also unlimited

Seff = 1m2 at 1 GeV

Crab flux:

F(>E)=5x10-4 (E/1TeV)-1.5 ph/m2 hr

gamma-ray telescopes -- “fast” detectors

Page 33: Nonthermal Processes in Supernova Remnants F.A. Aharonian, DIAS (Dublin) & MPIK (Heidelberg) Challenges in Particle Astrophysics, Chateau Royal de Blois,

km3 volume km3 volume neutrino telescopes

Jacques Paul Slide 33Observables – The Violent Universe – International Winter School – 13 and 14 March 2007

effective area: 0.3m2 at 1 TeV

10m2 at 10 TeV

km3 volume detector

=> several events from a “1Crab” source per 1year

nevertheless km3 volume scale detectors will provide first meaningful probes of SNRs

A. Kappes

Page 34: Nonthermal Processes in Supernova Remnants F.A. Aharonian, DIAS (Dublin) & MPIK (Heidelberg) Challenges in Particle Astrophysics, Chateau Royal de Blois,

detection rate of neutrinos with KM3NeT


the flux of strongest SNRs

A few neutrinos per year at presence of comparable background events

Page 35: Nonthermal Processes in Supernova Remnants F.A. Aharonian, DIAS (Dublin) & MPIK (Heidelberg) Challenges in Particle Astrophysics, Chateau Royal de Blois,

probing hadrons with secondary

X-rays with sub-arcmin resolution! Simbol-X

new technology focusing telescopes NuSTAR (USA), Simbol-X (France-Italy), NeXT (Japan) will provide X-ray imaging and spectroscopy in the 0.5-100 keV band with angular resolution 10-20 arcsec

and sensitivity as good as 10-14 erg/cm2s! complementary to gamma-ray and neutrino telescopes

advantage - (a) better performance, deeper probes (b) compensates lack of neutrinos and gamma-rays at “right energies”

disadvantage - ambiguity of origin of X-rays, but this should not be a big issue for SNRs

Page 36: Nonthermal Processes in Supernova Remnants F.A. Aharonian, DIAS (Dublin) & MPIK (Heidelberg) Challenges in Particle Astrophysics, Chateau Royal de Blois,

searching for galactic PeVatrons ...

TeV gamma–rays from Cas A and RX1713.7-3946, Vela Jr – a proof that SNRs are responsible for the bulk of GCRs ?– not yet the hunt for galactic PeVatrons continues

unbiased approach – deep survey of the Galactic Plane – not to miss any recent (or currently active) acceleration site: SNRs, Pulsars/Plerions, Microquasars... not only from accelerators, but also from nearby dense regions

Page 37: Nonthermal Processes in Supernova Remnants F.A. Aharonian, DIAS (Dublin) & MPIK (Heidelberg) Challenges in Particle Astrophysics, Chateau Royal de Blois,

Gamm-rays/X-rays from dense regions surrounding accelerators

the existence of a powerful accelerator by itself is not sufficenrt for gamma radiation; an additional component – a dense gas target - is


gamma-rays from surrounding regions add much to our knowledge about highest energy protons which quickly escape the accelerator and therefotr do not signifi-cantly contribute to gamma-ray production inside the proton accelerator-PeVatron

Page 38: Nonthermal Processes in Supernova Remnants F.A. Aharonian, DIAS (Dublin) & MPIK (Heidelberg) Challenges in Particle Astrophysics, Chateau Royal de Blois,

older source – steeper -ray spectrum

tesc=4x105(E/1 TeV) -1 -1 yr (R=1pc); =1 – Bohm Difussion

Qp / E-2.1 exp(-E/1PeV) Lp=1038(1+t/1kyr) -1 erg/s

Page 39: Nonthermal Processes in Supernova Remnants F.A. Aharonian, DIAS (Dublin) & MPIK (Heidelberg) Challenges in Particle Astrophysics, Chateau Royal de Blois,

Gamma-rays and neutrinos inside and outside of SNRs


SNR: W51=n1=u9=1

ISM: D(E)=3x1028(E/10TeV)1/2 cm2/s

GMC: M=104 Mo d=100pcd=1 kpc

1 - 400yr, 2 - 2000yr, 3 - 8000yr, 4 - 32,000 yr

[S. Gabici, FA 2007]

Page 40: Nonthermal Processes in Supernova Remnants F.A. Aharonian, DIAS (Dublin) & MPIK (Heidelberg) Challenges in Particle Astrophysics, Chateau Royal de Blois,

MGRO J1908+06 - a PeVatron?



Page 41: Nonthermal Processes in Supernova Remnants F.A. Aharonian, DIAS (Dublin) & MPIK (Heidelberg) Challenges in Particle Astrophysics, Chateau Royal de Blois,

TeV gamma-rays from GMCs in GC

HESS J1745-303

diffuse emission along the plane!

gamma-rays from GMCs - echo of a particle acceleration in the past ?