NONSECURE - CAASPP · Practice Test Grade 5 January 2019 ... Math 22 Graphics Attributions 35....

© California Department of Education, 2019. Published January 2019. CALIFORNIA Assessment of Student Performance and Progress NONSECURE Directions for Administration for the California Alternate Assessments Spring 2019 English Language Arts/Literacy and Mathematics Practice Test Grade 5 January 2019

Transcript of NONSECURE - CAASPP · Practice Test Grade 5 January 2019 ... Math 22 Graphics Attributions 35....

Page 1: NONSECURE - CAASPP · Practice Test Grade 5 January 2019 ... Math 22 Graphics Attributions 35. Practice Test Grade 5 Page 1 Directions for Administration of the CAA for ELA and Mathematics

© California Department of Education, 2019. Published January 2019.

CALIFORNIA Assessment of Student Performance and Progress


Directions for Administration for the California Alternate Assessments

Spring 2019 │ English Language Arts/Literacy and Mathematics

Practice Test

Grade 5

January 2019

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Table of Contents About the Practice Test Directions for Administration (DFA) 1

Additional Information 1

Using the Directions for Administration 1

“POINT,” “SAY,” and “READ” 2

Mathematical Symbols 2

Student Responses 3

English Language Arts/Literacy 5

Math 22

Graphics Attributions 35

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Practice Test

Grade 5

Page 1 Directions for Administration of the CAA for ELA and Mathematics

About the Practice Test Directions for Administration (DFA) This manual contains directions and the specific scripts you will need to administer practice tests for the California Alternate Assessments (CAAs) for English language arts/literacy and mathematics. It is a companion document to the online practice tests.

The purpose of the CAA practice tests is to allow students and test examiners to become familiar with grade-level CAA test questions. The practice tests provide a sample of the question types and grade-level content that appear on the CAA operational tests. There is a grade-specific CAA practice test available for each tested grade, three through eight and eleven.

Please note that the practice tests and training tests do not produce scores. These training tests are available all year and may be used at any time in preparation for the operational CAA tests that are administered in the spring.

Practice tests can be administered in one of two ways:

Using the same procedures as the operational tests, with the Test Administrator Interface, secure browser, and individual student logon information; or

Using a standard supported Web browser to access the training tests directly, without use of the Test Administrator Interface or secure browser.

For more information on all aspects of the CAAs, including test security, item types, and guidelines, refer to the Online Test Administration Manual for California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress Testing that is linked on the Manuals and Instructions Web page at

Additional Information

How to Start a Practice Test Session for the CAAs web document:

California Alternate Assessments web page on

Using the Directions for Administration

There are two parts in this DFA, one for each content area. All DFAs begin with English language arts/literacy (ELA), but either content area may be administered first.

The scripts are presented in table formats with two columns. The first column contains the administration scripts to be read to the student. The text associated with the “POINT,” “SAY,” and “READ” prompts apply to all students. The second column

contains alternative text, which should only be read to students with visual impairments

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Practice Test

Grade 5

Directions for Administration of the CAA for ELA and Mathematics Page 2

to describe images. Follow the scripts exactly as written and in the item order

presented in the document.

“POINT,” “SAY,” and “READ”

This DFA contains a script for administration of a CAA for ELA and Mathematics. Keyword instructions for test examiners will be as follows:

Instruction in the DFA How the Test Examiner Should Proceed


The test examiner reads the material out loud to the student.

POINT to the flowers.

The test examiner points to the information on the screen.

READ each option and POINT TO


POINT TO and SAY What is the total number of flowers?

The test examiner reads each option on the screen out loud while pointing to the information on the screen.

DO The test examiner performs an action.

Actions are listed as bullet points.

Mathematical Symbols

In the mathematics test, some of the DFAs will use mathematical expressions rather than spell out in words the expressions. Please use the following table guide to how these are read aloud to the student.

Symbol Mathematical expression How to read aloud

+ 4 + 4 four plus four

= 4 + 4 = 8 four plus four equals eight

x 3 x 2 three times two

– 3 – 2 three minus two

÷ 4 ÷ 2 four divided by two

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Practice Test

Grade 5

Page 3 Directions for Administration of the CAA for ELA and Mathematics

Symbol Mathematical expression How to read aloud

> 4 > 3 four is greater than three

≥ x ≥ 3 x is greater than or equal to three

< 3 < 4 three is less than four

≤ x ≤ 3 x is less than or equal to three

/ 1/2, 1/3, 1/4 one-half, one-third, one-fourth

( , ) (2, 3) two, three

2 32 three squared

. 2.6 two point six

% 50% fifty percent

Student Responses

The CAAs are designed for one-on-one administration between a student and a test examiner familiar with the student. When able, students provide responses directly into the testing device. In some cases, the test examiner selects the responses indicated by the student by means that may include, but are not limited to gesture, eye gaze, and an alternative communicative device. In all cases, responses must come from the student and not from the test examiner. Hand-over-hand or other physical prompting by the test examiner is not permitted on any CAA test.

Pausing and Stopping the Test during Testing

Students who orient and respond typically take approximately 95 cumulative minutes or less to successfully complete an ELA or mathematics test. The test examiner may pause and resume testing if the student is no longer engaged, is not actively participating, or is showing signs of behavioral or functional concerns related to the test. The test may be paused and resumed as many times as necessary to allow students to perform well, including testing over multiple days.

If a student does not regain productivity and engagement, even after allowing breaks over multiple days, a test examiner may end a student’s test. To end the test early, advance through the remaining test items and then submit the test. In the post-testing survey—the Survey of Student Characteristics (SSC)—indicate that the test ended early.

For more information on all aspects of the CAAs, including test security, item types, and guidelines, refer the CAASPP Manuals and Instructions Web page, Online Test Administration Manual for CAASPP Testing.

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Practice Test

Grade 5

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English Language Arts Practice Test

Administration Script Alternative Text for Studentswith Visual Impairments

SAY:We will watch a video and then reada story titled “At the Pond.” First let’sread vocabulary from the story.[Proceed to the Vocabulary Preview.]READ the vocabulary words and POINTTO each picture as the word is read.SAY:Now we will watch a video.SAY:Watch the video. There is sound inthis video, but no one is speaking.PLAY the video.After the video has played,SAY:Now we will read the story. Followalong as I read aloud. Then I will askyou questions.[Proceed to the story.]READ the story aloud and POINT TO thecorresponding pictures as the story isread.After the story has been read,SAY:We have finished reading. Now I willask you questions.

DESCRIBE:The picture shows a boy who is smiling.The picture shows a man wearing acowboy hat.[After the video plays] The video showsducks swimming in a pond.The picture shows a boy near a pond.Two pictures are shown. The first pictureshows a man wearing a cowboy hat. Thesecond picture shows ducks in a pond.The picture shows lettuce cut into pieces.Two pictures are shown. The first pictureshows a boy who is smiling. The secondpicture shows a duck eating lettuce.

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Practice Test

Grade 5

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English Language Arts Practice Test, No.1

Administration Script Alternative Text for Studentswith Visual Impairments

SAY:What happens first in the story? Markfeeds the cat [POINT]? Mark goes tothe pond [POINT]? Or, Mark rides atractor [POINT]?

DESCRIBE:The picture shows a cat next to an emptybowl.The picture shows a boy near a pond.The picture shows a tractor on a ranch.

English Language Arts Practice Test, No.2

Administration Script Alternative Text for Studentswith Visual Impairments

SAY:Listen as I read the first paragraph ofthe story again.REREAD the first paragraph andSAY:You will complete some sentencesabout the ducks in the story [POINTTO the picture of the ducks]. There is aword missing in each sentence.POINT TO the first sentence andSAY:This sentence says, “The ducks moveblank [PAUSE and POINT TO the blankyellow box] as a group.” “The ducksmove together [POINT] as a group”?Or, “The ducks move hidden [POINT]as a group”?POINT TO the second sentence andSAY:This sentence says, “They are blank”[PAUSE and POINT TO the blank bluebox]. “They are singing” [POINT]? Or,“They are quacking” [POINT]?

DESCRIBE:The picture shows a group of ducks in apond.

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Practice Test

Grade 5

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English Language Arts Practice Test, No.3

Administration Script Alternative Text for Studentswith Visual Impairments

SAY:Now I will ask you one more questionabout this story.READ the item and POINT TO eachoption as it is read.If the student provides only one response(correctly or incorrectly),SAY:Who else is in the story?

DESCRIBE:The picture shows a man wearing acowboy hat.The picture shows a girl wearing a hat.The picture shows a boy who is smiling.

English Language Arts Practice Test

Administration Script Alternative Text for Studentswith Visual Impairments

SAY:We will read about dog dancing. Firstlet’s read vocabulary.[Proceed to the Vocabulary Preview.]READ the vocabulary word and POINTTO the picture as the word is read.SAY:Now we will read about dog dancing.Follow along as I read aloud. Then Iwill ask you questions.[Proceed to the passage.]READ the passage aloud and POINT TOthe corresponding pictures as the passageis read.After the passage has been read,

DESCRIBE:The picture shows a woman training adog.The picture shows a dog dancing in atutu.The picture shows a woman training adog.Two pictures are shown. The first pictureshows a dog moving around a woman’slegs. The second picture shows a womanand a dog doing the same dancingmoves.The picture shows a dog standing up onits two back legs.

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Practice Test

Grade 5

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Administration Script Alternative Text for Studentswith Visual Impairments

SAY:We have finished reading. Now I willask you questions.

English Language Arts Practice Test, No.4

Administration Script Alternative Text for Studentswith Visual Impairments

SAY:What did we read about? Dogssleeping [POINT], dogs dancing[POINT], or dogs running [POINT]?

English Language Arts Practice Test, No.5

Administration Script Alternative Text for Studentswith Visual Impairments

SAY:What can we say about dog dancing?Pick two answers. Training dogstakes patience [POINT]? It is fun towatch dogs dance [POINT]? Or, mostanimals can do tricks [POINT]?If the student provides only one response(correctly or incorrectly),SAY:What else can we say about dogdancing?

DESCRIBE:The picture shows a woman training adog.The picture shows a group of peoplewatching something exciting.The picture shows a sea lion holding aball up with its nose.

English Language Arts Practice Test CONT.

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Practice Test

Grade 5

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English Language Arts Practice Test, No.6

Administration Script Alternative Text for Studentswith Visual Impairments

SAY:Now I will ask you one more questionabout what we read.READ the item and POINT TO eachoption as it is read.

DESCRIBE:The picture shows a hamster in a person’shands.The picture shows a girl singing into amicrophone.The picture shows a dog moving around aperson’s legs.

English Language Arts Practice Test, No.7

Administration Script Alternative Text for Studentswith Visual Impairments

SAY:We will read a story titled “A HugeLaugh.” Follow along as I read aloud.Then I will ask you questions.READ the story aloud and POINT TO thepicture after the title is read.After the story has been read,SAY:We have finished reading. Now I willask you questions.Part AREAD the item and POINT TO eachoption as it is read.Part BREAD the item and POINT TO eachoption as it is read.

DESCRIBE:The picture shows two boys laughing.The picture shows a boy who is laughing.The picture shows a girl who is laughing.The picture shows a school building.The picture shows a house with a yard.

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Practice Test

Grade 5

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English Language Arts Practice Test, No.8

Administration Script Alternative Text for Studentswith Visual Impairments

SAY:We will read about studying ourworld and beyond. Follow along as Iread aloud. Then I will ask you aquestion.READ the passage aloud and POINT TOthe pictures after the title is read.After the passage has been read,SAY:We have finished reading. Now I willask you a question.SAY:What did we read about? Writing[POINT], exploring [POINT], orplaying sports [POINT]?

DESCRIBE:Three pictures are shown. The firstpicture shows a man taking a picture of apenguin. The second picture shows aperson underwater studying sea animals.The third picture shows an astronaut inspace.The picture shows a girl writing in anotebook.The picture shows a person underwaterstudying sea animals.The picture shows men playing wheel-chair basketball.

English Language Arts Practice Test

Administration Script Alternative Text for Studentswith Visual Impairments

SAY:We will read a story titled “An ArtistAfter All.” First let’s read vocabularyfrom the story.[Proceed to the Vocabulary Preview.]READ the vocabulary words and POINTTO each picture as the word is read.SAY:Now we will read the story. Followalong as I read aloud. Then I will askyou questions.[Proceed to the story.]READ the story aloud and POINT TO the

DESCRIBE:The picture shows a girl who is smiling.The picture shows paints, an easel to holdthe paper, and a paintbrush.The picture shows a girl who is nervouslylooking into a classroom.The picture shows paints, an easel to holdthe paper, and a paintbrush.The picture shows a girl painting apicture.The picture shows a man and a girllooking at a painting.

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Practice Test

Grade 5

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Administration Script Alternative Text for Studentswith Visual Impairments

corresponding pictures as the story isread.After the story has been read,SAY:We have finished reading. Now I willask you questions.

English Language Arts Practice Test, No.9

Administration Script Alternative Text for Studentswith Visual Impairments

READ the item and POINT TO eachoption as it is read.

DESCRIBE:The picture shows a hallway sign with theart teacher’s name on it.The picture shows the art teacherstanding in front of a marker board withthe words “Welcome, Class!” on it.The picture shows some paintings and asign with the words “For Sale—$15” on it.

English Language Arts Practice Test, No.10

Administration Script Alternative Text for Studentswith Visual Impairments

SAY:Listen as I reread a sentence fromthe story.READ the item and POINT TO eachoption as it is read.If the student provides only one response(correctly or incorrectly),

DESCRIBE:The picture shows many thick plants closetogether outside.The picture shows someone putting nailpolish on her fingernails.The picture shows a tool artists use to dipinto different paints.

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Practice Test

Grade 5

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Administration Script Alternative Text for Studentswith Visual Impairments

SAY:Which other sentence uses “brush”the same way it is used in the story?

English Language Arts Practice Test, No.11

Administration Script Alternative Text for Studentswith Visual Impairments

SAY:Now I will ask you one more questionabout this story.READ the item and POINT TO eachoption as it is read.

DESCRIBE:The picture shows a girl looking at apainting.The picture shows a girl pointing to artsupplies.The picture shows a girl nervouslyentering a room.

English Language Arts Practice Test, No.12

Administration Script Alternative Text for Studentswith Visual Impairments

SAY:We will read a story titled “Saturdayin the Neighborhood.” Follow alongas I read aloud. Then I will ask you aquestion.READ the story aloud and POINT TO thecorresponding pictures as the story isread.After the story has been read,SAY:We have finished reading. Now I will

DESCRIBE:The picture shows a girl with braided hair.The picture shows a girl with straight hair.The picture shows a swimming pool.The picture shows a swimming pool.The picture shows a dog with a leash.The picture shows a trash bin outdoors.

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Practice Test

Grade 5

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Administration Script Alternative Text for Studentswith Visual Impairments

ask you a question.READ the item and POINT TO eachoption as it is read.If the student provides only one response(correctly or incorrectly),SAY:What else do Allie and Mary both doon Saturday?

English Language Arts Practice Test, No.13

Administration Script Alternative Text for Studentswith Visual Impairments

SAY:We will read about exercise. Followalong as I read aloud. Then I will askyou a question.READ the passage aloud and POINT TOthe corresponding pictures as the passageis read.After the passage has been read,SAY:We have finished reading. Now I willask you a question.SAY:A chart is shown with the words “Ifyou exercise” [POINT]. Exercise doesgood things for your body. What willyou have if you exercise? If youexercise, then you will have cleanerteeth [POINT]? Or, if you exercise,then you will have stronger muscles[POINT]? Complete the chart.

DESCRIBE:The picture shows children using hulahoops outside.The picture shows a boy floating on atube in a pool.A chart is shown. There is an arrowpointing from the words “If you exercise”to a blank box that is labeled “Then youwill have.”The picture shows a girl who is smiling.The picture shows a boy showing his armmuscles.

English Language Arts Practice Test, No.12 CONT.

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Practice Test

Grade 5

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English Language Arts Practice Test, No.14

Administration Script Alternative Text for Studentswith Visual Impairments

SAY:We will read a story titled “Lily theRabbit.” Follow along as I read aloud.Then I will ask you a question.READ the story aloud and POINT TO thepicture after the title is read.After the story has been read,SAY:We have finished reading. Now I willask you a question.SAY:Listen as I read some sentencesabout Lily the Rabbit. A word ismissing from each sentence. You willcomplete the sentences.POINT TO the first sentence andSAY:This sentence says “Lily is a blankrabbit” [PAUSE and POINT TO theblank yellow box]. “Lily is a friendly[POINT] rabbit”? Or, “Lily is a lost[POINT] rabbit”?POINT TO the second sentence andSAY:This sentence says “Lily has blankfur” [PAUSE and POINT TO the blankblue box]. “Lily has gray [POINT] fur”?Or, “Lily has white [POINT] fur”?

DESCRIBE:The picture shows a rabbit standing in thegrass.Two sentences are shown. Each sentencehas a blank box in it.

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Practice Test

Grade 5

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English Language Arts Practice Test, No.15

Administration Script Alternative Text for Studentswith Visual Impairments

SAY:We will watch a video and then readabout how mail was delivered longago.SAY:Watch the video.PLAY the video.After the video has played,SAY:Now we will read about how mail wasdelivered long ago.READ the passage aloud.After the passage has been read,SAY:We have finished reading. Now I willask you a question.SAY:Listen as I read a sentence.READ the item and POINT TO eachoption as it is read.

DESCRIBE:[After the video plays] The video shows aman riding a horse. A map shows thepath the riders took on the Pony Express.At one of the stations, the rider gets offthe horse and gets on another horse. Hecontinues riding.

English Language Arts Practice Test, No.16

Administration Script Alternative Text for Studentswith Visual Impairments

SAY:We will read a story titled “Bedtime.”Follow along as I read aloud. Then Iwill ask you a question.READ the story aloud and POINT TO thepicture after the title is read.After the story has been read,SAY:

DESCRIBE:The picture shows a girl lying awake inbed. She is looking at a clock.

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Practice Test

Grade 5

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Administration Script Alternative Text for Studentswith Visual Impairments

We have finished reading. Now I willask you a question.SAY:Listen as I read some sentencesabout Megan. A word is missing fromeach sentence. You will complete thesentences.POINT TO the first sentence andSAY:This sentence says “At the beginning,Megan is blank” [PAUSE and POINTTO the blank yellow box]. “At thebeginning, Megan is talking”[POINT]? Or, “At the beginning,Megan is thinking” [POINT]?POINT TO the second sentence andSAY:This sentence says, “At the end,Megan is blank” [PAUSE and POINTTO the blank blue box]. “At the end,Megan is stretching” [POINT]? Or,“At the end, Megan is sleeping”[POINT]?

English Language Arts Practice Test, No.17

Administration Script Alternative Text for Studentswith Visual Impairments

SAY:We will read about giant tortoises.Follow along as I read aloud. Then Iwill ask you a question.READ the passage aloud and POINT TOthe picture after the title is read.After the passage has been read,SAY:We have finished reading. Now I will

DESCRIBE:The picture shows a giant tortoise walkingon grass.

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Practice Test

Grade 5

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Administration Script Alternative Text for Studentswith Visual Impairments

ask you a question.SAY:Listen as I read a sentence.READ the item and POINT TO eachoption as it is read.

English Language Arts Practice Test, No.18

Administration Script Alternative Text for Studentswith Visual Impairments

SAY:Listen as I read a sentence.READ the sentence on the screen andSAY:In this sentence, the word “gather” isan action people take. When peoplechoose to come together, theygather.SAY:Let’s read the sentence again.READ the item and POINT TO eachoption as it is read.If the student provides only one response(correctly or incorrectly),SAY:What other sentence uses “gather” inthe same way?

DESCRIBE:The picture shows children standingoutside around a woman.The picture shows a group of baseballplayers.The picture shows a family roastingmarshmallows on a campfire.The picture shows a person holding abunch of pencils.

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English Language Arts Practice Test, No.19

Administration Script Alternative Text for Studentswith Visual Impairments

SAY:We will read about dolphins andporpoises. Follow along as I readaloud. Then I will ask you a question.READ the passage aloud and POINT TOthe pictures after the title is read.After the passage has been read,SAY:We have finished reading. Now I willask you a question.SAY:This chart shows how dolphins andporpoises are alike and different. Thisside of the chart [POINT TO the leftside of the chart] says “How dolphinsand porpoises are alike.” We readthat both dolphins and porpoises livein the ocean.SAY:This side of the chart [POINT TO theright side of the chart] says “Howdolphins and porpoises are different.”You will complete this side of thechart.SAY:Listen as I read some sentencesabout dolphins and porpoises.READ and POINT TO each option as it isread.SAY:Place the sentence that tells us howdolphins and porpoises are differenthere [POINT TO the blank box on theright].

DESCRIBE:Two pictures are shown. The first pictureshows a sea animal with a pointed nose.The second picture shows a sea animalwith a flat nose.A chart is shown with one blank box.

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English Language Arts Practice Test, No.20

Administration Script Alternative Text for Studentswith Visual Impairments

SAY:We will read a story titled “ASurprised Sister.” Follow along as Iread aloud. Then I will ask you aquestion.READ the story aloud and POINT TO thepicture after the title is read.After the story has been read,SAY:We have finished reading. Now I willask you a question.POINT TO the sentence starter on thescreen andSAY:This sentence starter says “Angela issurprised because she gets . . .”[PAUSE]. Why is Angela surprised?Complete the sentence. Use two ofthese words.POINT TO and READ each of the wordsin the word bank.Refer to the student’s usual mode ofwriting to prompt the student to begin.For example, if the student uses thecomputer or an AAC device to write,SAY:Use the computer/your device [orother familiar word] to complete thesentence.If the student uses the computer, CLICKon the tool icon in the upper right handcorner of the student screen and SELECTthe notepad option. After the student haswritten a response or has attempted aresponse, score the response using therubric provided, and then SAVE andCLOSE the notepad.If the student uses dictation to write,

DESCRIBE:The picture shows a young girl who lookssurprised.

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Administration Script Alternative Text for Studentswith Visual Impairments

SAY:Tell me why Angela is surprised. Iwill type your answer on thecomputer/write it for you [or otherwording familiar to the student].If the student provides only one wordfrom the bank,SAY:Which other word can you use tocomplete the sentence?POINT TO and READ the three unusedwords in the bank.ASSESS the student using the rubricbelow. Examples of appropriate descrip-tions include: sheets in her favorite color,sheets showing her favorite cartoon.Please assess only the factors mentionedin the scoring rubric. Writing conventions(grammar, capitalization, and spelling)should not influence the score.A If the student completes the sentenceusing at least two words from the wordbank, enter a response of A.B If the student completes the sentenceusing one word from the word bank,enter a response of B.C If the student does not complete thesentence using at least one word from theword bank, enter a response of C.

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Practice Test

Grade 5

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MathPractice Test, No.1

Administration Script Alternative Text for Studentswith Visual Impairments

SAY:Look at this graph.POINT TO the graph.SAY:Which pet do more students have?SAY:Is it dog or fish?SAY:Which pet do fewer students have?SAY:Is it bird or cat?

DESCRIBE:There is a bar graph titled Student Pets.There are 4 bars. The bar for Bird rises to2. The bar for Cat rises to 3. The bar forDog rises to 6. The bar for Fish rises to 4.

MathPractice Test, No.2

Administration Script Alternative Text for Studentswith Visual Impairments

POINT TO the graph.SAY:Choose the point (4, 2) on the graph.POINT TO each option point as it isreferenced.SAY:Is it this point, this point, or thispoint?

DESCRIBE:The picture shows a graph where thehorizontal and vertical axes are numberedfrom 0 to 6. There are 3 points. The firstpoint is 2 units from the vertical axis and4 units from the horizontal axis. Thesecond point is 4 units from the verticalaxis and 4 units from the horizontal axis.The third point is 4 units from the verticalaxis and 2 units from the horizontal axis.

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MathPractice Test, No.3

Administration Script Alternative Text for Studentswith Visual Impairments

POINT TO the math problem.SAY:Look at this math problem.SAY:Solve the math problem.SAY:24 point 2 + 32 point 7 = blankSAY:Is the answer 8 point 5, 56 point 9,or 65 point 9?

DESCRIBE:The math problem 24 point 2 + 32 point7 is shown.

MathPractice Test, No.4

Administration Script Alternative Text for Studentswith Visual Impairments

SAY:Look at this table.POINT TO the table.SAY:For Class 1 there were 15 hot lunchesand 7 cold lunches. For Class 2 therewere 9 hot lunches and 16 coldlunches.SAY:Choose the number that makes eachsentence true.SAY:The total number of lunches in bothclasses was blank lunches.SAY:Was it 44, 47, or 50?SAY:Class 1 chose blank more hot lunches

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Administration Script Alternative Text for Studentswith Visual Impairments

than Class 2.SAY:Was it 6, 8, or 10?

MathPractice Test, No.5

Administration Script Alternative Text for Studentswith Visual Impairments

POINT TO the graph.SAY:Look at this graph.POINT TO the point on the graph.SAY:There is a point on this graph.SAY:On which axis is the point?SAY:Is it x or y?

DESCRIBE:There is a graph shown. Both the verticaland horizontal axes are numbered from 0to 6. There is a point at 2 on the verticalaxis.

MathPractice Test, No.6

Administration Script Alternative Text for Studentswith Visual Impairments

SAY:Look at this picture.POINT TO the number line.SAY:What is 18 point 7 2 rounded to thenext whole number?SAY:Is it 18, 19, or 20?

DESCRIBE:The picture shows a number linenumbered from 18 to 19. The number 18point 7 2 is marked with a point near theright side of the number line.

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MathPractice Test, No.7

Administration Script Alternative Text for Studentswith Visual Impairments

POINT TO the ribbon.SAY:A student has a roll of ribbon that is 3yards long. This ribbon is also 9 feetlong.SAY:How many feet are in 1 yard?SAY:Are there 3 feet, 12 feet, or 36 feet in1 yard?

DESCRIBE:The picture shows a roll of ribbon.

MathPractice Test, No.8

Administration Script Alternative Text for Studentswith Visual Impairments

SAY:A student has $3.25. She wants tobuy a box of markers that costs$5.38.POINT TO the picture of the box ofmarkers.SAY:How much more money does sheneed to buy the box of markers?SAY:Is it $2.13, $2.87, or $8.63?

DESCRIBE:There is a picture of a box of markerswith a price tag that reads $5.38.

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MathPractice Test, No.9

Administration Script Alternative Text for Studentswith Visual Impairments

POINT TO the graph.SAY:Choose the point (3, 4) on the graph.POINT TO each point as it is referenced.SAY:Is it this point, this point, or thispoint?

DESCRIBE:The picture shows a graph where thehorizontal and vertical axes are numberedfrom 0 to 6. There are 3 points. The firstpoint is 3 units from the vertical axis and4 units from the horizontal axis. Thesecond point is 3 units from the verticalaxis and 1 unit from the horizontal axis.The third point is 4 units from the verticalaxis and 3 units from the horizontal axis.

MathPractice Test, No.10

Administration Script Alternative Text for Studentswith Visual Impairments

SAY:A student has $42.89. He wants tobuy a backpack that costs $18.47.SAY:How much money will the studenthave left after he buys the backpack?SAY:Is it $24.42, $34.42, or $61.36?

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MathPractice Test, No.11

Administration Script Alternative Text for Studentswith Visual Impairments

SAY:Julie left her home at 5:00 p.m.POINT TO the clock showing 5:00 p.m.SAY:She met a friend for dinner at 6:00p.m.POINT TO the clock showing 6:00 p.m.SAY:How long after she left her house didJulie meet her friend for dinner?SAY:Was it 1 hour, 2 hours, or 6 hours?SAY:After dinner they went to see a moviethat started at 7:30 p.m.POINT TO the clock showing 7:30 p.m.SAY:The movie finished at 9:30 p.m.POINT TO the clock showing 9:30 p.m.SAY:1 hour = 60 minutes.SAY:How long was the movie?SAY:Was is 60 minutes, 90 minutes, or120 minutes?

DESCRIBE:The first picture shows 2 clocks. Thetimes 5:00 and 6:00 are shown.The second picture shows 2 differentclocks. The times 7:30 and 9:30 areshown.

MathPractice Test, No.12

Administration Script Alternative Text for Studentswith Visual Impairments

SAY:What is $12.76 rounded to the

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Administration Script Alternative Text for Studentswith Visual Impairments

nearest dollar?SAY:Is it $12.00, $12.80, or $13.00?

MathPractice Test, No.13

Administration Script Alternative Text for Studentswith Visual Impairments

POINT TO the graph.SAY:Look at this graph.SAY:Choose the point (4, 1) on the graph.

DESCRIBE:The picture shows a graph with both axesnumbered from 0 to 5.

MathPractice Test, No.14

Administration Script Alternative Text for Studentswith Visual Impairments

POINT TO the picture.SAY:Look at this picture.SAY:A student colored 6/9 of the squaresyellow and 2/9 of the squares blue.SAY:What part of the squares did thestudent color?SAY:6/9 + 2/9 = boxSAY:Choose the correct answer and drag

DESCRIBE:There is a picture of a large squaredivided into 9 smaller squares. Sixsquares are yellow, 2 squares are blue,and 1 square is not colored.

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Administration Script Alternative Text for Studentswith Visual Impairments

it to the box.SAY:Is the answer 4/9, 7/9, or 8/9?SAY:What is the difference?SAY:6/9 – 2/9 = boxSAY:Choose the correct answer and dragit to the box.SAY:Is the answer 1/9, 4/9, or 8/9?

MathPractice Test, No.15

Administration Script Alternative Text for Studentswith Visual Impairments

POINT TO the math problem.SAY:Look at this math problem.SAY:12 × 1 = 12.SAY:Choose the words that make thesentence true.SAY:The answer for 12 × 3 is blank 12.SAY:Is 12 × 3 less than 12, greater than12, or equal to 12?

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MathPractice Test, No.16

Administration Script Alternative Text for Studentswith Visual Impairments

POINT TO the place value chart.SAY:Look at this place value chart.SAY:The number 7 point 8 9 is shown inthe place value chart.POINT TO the interactive section withthe empty boxes.SAY:Complete the number so it has 3 inthe tenths place and 2 in thehundredths place.SAY:Choose the correct numbers and dragthem to the boxes.POINT TO the first box.SAY:Does 2 or 3 go in this box?POINT TO the second box.SAY:Does 2 or 3 go in this box?

DESCRIBE:There is a place value chart. The placevalue chart shows 7, a decimal, 8, and 9.Above the 7 is the word Ones. Above the8 is the word Tenths. Above the 9 is theword Hundredths. In the answer sectionthere is a 5, a decimal, and 2 blankboxes.

MathPractice Test, No.17

Administration Script Alternative Text for Studentswith Visual Impairments

SAY:A teacher gave away 20 breakfastbars to students.POINT TO the picture of the breakfastbars.SAY:Each student received 2 bars.

DESCRIBE:There is a picture of 2 breakfast bars inwrappers.

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Administration Script Alternative Text for Studentswith Visual Impairments

SAY:How many students receivedbreakfast bars?SAY:Was it 10, 18, or 40 students?SAY:How can you find the number ofstudents who received breakfastbars?SAY:Should you add, divide, or multiply?

MathPractice Test, No.18

Administration Script Alternative Text for Studentswith Visual Impairments

POINT TO the picture of 2 flowers.SAY:Look at this picture.SAY:1 set = 2 flowers.SAY:Choose the picture that shows 3 setsof flowers.POINT TO each option as it is refer-enced.SAY:Is it this set, or this set?

DESCRIBE:The first picture shows 2 rows of 1 flower.The first choice shows 2 rows of 2flowers. The second choice shows 2 rowsof 3 flowers.

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MathPractice Test, No.19

Administration Script Alternative Text for Studentswith Visual Impairments

SAY:Which picture shows 4 × 3?POINT TO each choice as it is refer-enced.SAY:Is it this one? Or this one?SAY:Which picture shows 5 × 2?POINT TO each choice as it is refer-enced.SAY:Is it this one? Or this one?

DESCRIBE:Part A has 2 choices. The first choiceshows 4 rows of 3 cups. The secondchoice shows 3 rows of 5 cups.Part B has 2 choices. The first choiceshows 4 rows of 2 cups. The fourth choiceshows 5 rows of 2 cups.

MathPractice Test, No.20

Administration Script Alternative Text for Studentswith Visual Impairments

SAY:There are 12 apples in a bowl.SAY:2/3 of the apples are red.SAY:1/3 of the apples are green.SAY:Which math problem shows how tofind the fraction of the apples thatare red?SAY:Is it 12 × 1/3? Is it 12 + 2/3? Or is it12 × 2/3?SAY:How many of the apples are green?SAY:

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Administration Script Alternative Text for Studentswith Visual Impairments

Enter your answer in the box, or giveme your answer and I will enter it foryou.

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