Nonlinear stability analysis of self-similar crystal growth:...

Journal of Crystal Growth ] (]]]]) ]]]]]] Nonlinear stability analysis of self-similar crystal growth: control of the Mullins–Sekerka instability Shuwang Li a,b , John S. Lowengrub b, , Perry H. Leo a , Vittorio Cristini b,c a Department of Aerospace Engineering and Mechanics, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN 55455, USA b Department of Mathematics, University of California at Irvine, 103 MSTB, Irvine, CA 92697, USA c Department of Biomedical Engineering, University of California at Irvine, Irvine, CA 92697, USA Received 14 July 2004; accepted 16 December 2004 Communicated by G.B. McFadden Abstract In this paper, we perform a stability analysis of 2D, noncircular self-similar crystals with isotropic surface tension growing in a supercooled melt. The existence of such self-similarly growing crystals was demonstrated recently in our previous work (J. Crystal Growth 267 (2004) 703). Here, we characterize the nonlinear morphological stability of the self-similar crystals, using a new spectrally accurate 2D boundary integral method in which a novel time and space rescaling is implemented (J. Crystal Growth 266 (2004) 552). This enables us to accurately simulate the long-time, nonlinear dynamics of evolving crystals. Our analysis and simulations reveal that self-similar shapes are stable to perturbations of the critical flux for self-similar growth. This suggests that in experiments, small oscillations in the critical flux will not change the main features of self-similar growth. Shape perturbations may either grow or decay. However, at long times there is nonlinear stabilization even though unstable growth may be significant at early times. Interestingly, this stabilization leads to the existence of universal limiting shapes. In particular, we find that the morphologies of the nonlinearly evolving crystals tend to limiting shapes that evolve self-similarly and depend on the flux. A number of limiting shapes exist for each flux (the number of possible shapes actually depends on the flux), but only one is universal in the sense that a crystal with an arbitrary initial shape will evolve to this universal shape. The universal shape can actually be retrograde. By performing a series of simulations, we construct a phase diagram that reveals the relationship between the applied flux and the achievable symmetries of the limiting shapes. Finally, we use the phase diagram to design a nonlinear protocol that might be used in a physical experiment to control the nonlinear ARTICLE IN PRESS 0022-0248/$ - see front matter r 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.jcrysgro.2004.12.042 Corresponding author. Tel.: +1 9498242655; fax: +1 9498247993. E-mail addresses: [email protected] (S. Li), [email protected] (J.S. Lowengrub), [email protected] (P.H. Leo), [email protected] (V. Cristini).

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Journal of Crystal Growth ] (]]]]) ]]]–]]]

Nonlinear stability analysis of self-similar crystal growth:control of the Mullins–Sekerka instability

Shuwang Lia,b, John S. Lowengrubb,�, Perry H. Leoa, Vittorio Cristinib,c

aDepartment of Aerospace Engineering and Mechanics, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN 55455, USAbDepartment of Mathematics, University of California at Irvine, 103 MSTB, Irvine, CA 92697, USA

cDepartment of Biomedical Engineering, University of California at Irvine, Irvine, CA 92697, USA

Received 14 July 2004; accepted 16 December 2004

Communicated by G.B. McFadden


In this paper, we perform a stability analysis of 2D, noncircular self-similar crystals with isotropic surface tension

growing in a supercooled melt. The existence of such self-similarly growing crystals was demonstrated recently in our

previous work (J. Crystal Growth 267 (2004) 703). Here, we characterize the nonlinear morphological stability of the

self-similar crystals, using a new spectrally accurate 2D boundary integral method in which a novel time and space

rescaling is implemented (J. Crystal Growth 266 (2004) 552). This enables us to accurately simulate the long-time,

nonlinear dynamics of evolving crystals. Our analysis and simulations reveal that self-similar shapes are stable to

perturbations of the critical flux for self-similar growth. This suggests that in experiments, small oscillations in the

critical flux will not change the main features of self-similar growth. Shape perturbations may either grow or decay.

However, at long times there is nonlinear stabilization even though unstable growth may be significant at early times.

Interestingly, this stabilization leads to the existence of universal limiting shapes. In particular, we find that the

morphologies of the nonlinearly evolving crystals tend to limiting shapes that evolve self-similarly and depend on the

flux. A number of limiting shapes exist for each flux (the number of possible shapes actually depends on the flux), but

only one is universal in the sense that a crystal with an arbitrary initial shape will evolve to this universal shape. The

universal shape can actually be retrograde. By performing a series of simulations, we construct a phase diagram that

reveals the relationship between the applied flux and the achievable symmetries of the limiting shapes. Finally, we use

the phase diagram to design a nonlinear protocol that might be used in a physical experiment to control the nonlinear

e front matter r 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


ng author. Tel.: +1 9498242655; fax: +1 9498247993.

esses: [email protected] (S. Li), [email protected] (J.S. Lowengrub), [email protected] (P.H. Leo), (V. Cristini).


S. Li et al. / Journal of Crystal Growth ] (]]]]) ]]]–]]]2

morphological evolution of a growing crystal. Because our analysis shows that interactions among the perturbation

modes are similar in both 2D and 3D, our results apply qualitatively to 3D.

r 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

PACS: 81.10.A; 64.70.D

Keywords: A1. Compact growth; A1. Crystal growth; A1. Diffusion; A1. Morphological stability; A1. Mullins–Sekerka instability; A1.


1. Introduction

The morphological stability of a growing crystalin the supercooled melt is a fundamental problemin phase transformations and has been extensivelystudied theoretically (e.g. Refs. [1–13,20–23]) andexperimentally (e.g. Refs. [14–19]). Crystal growthis typically characterized by the formation ofcomplex morphologies due to the Mullins–Sekerkainstability. For example starting from a compactcircular or spherical-like seed, cellular, dendriticgrowing shapes are widely observed duringgrowth. In many applications (e.g. castings) it isdesirable to suppress the instability and preventthe formation of dendrites. In this paper, wecharacterize the nonlinear morphological stabilityof a growing crystal through long time simulationsby perturbing the noncircular, self-similar solu-tions we have found recently [3]. This stabilityanalysis shows the existence of nonlinear limitingshapes resulting from the evolution, and identifiesthe protocols by which the compact growth ofcrystals with a desired symmetries can be achievedeven in the nonlinear regime of growth.

It has long been recognized that growthmorphologies are determined by the interactionbetween macroscopic driving forces (supercooling)and microscopic interfacial properties (surfacetension, kinetics of atomic attachment, etc.).Mullins and Sekerka were the first to incorporatesurface tension in a linear morphological stabilityanalysis of growing crystals in a supercooled liquid[21]. Under the assumptions of local equilibriumand quasi-steady evolution, they investigated thebehavior of an infinitesimal perturbation of aspherical solid by a single spherical harmonic.They found that the perturbation can decrease intime (stable growth) or increase in time (unstablegrowth) depending on the size of the precipitate,

such that above a critical radius, the perturbationgrows. Mullins and Sekerka [21] also identified thepossibility of growing crystals with compactshapes when the supercooling is kept sub-criticalby interparticle interactions. This was not quanti-fied further, however. Coriell and Parker showedsimilar results hold for a growing cylinder [22].Further, Coriell and Parker studied the stability ofa solid sphere when finite attachment kinetics atthe interface are included in the model. Theyshowed that kinetics can enhance the stability [23],but when the size of the crystal increases, thiseffect decreases and the evolution is unstable. TheMullins–Sekerka instability leads to a wide varietyof morphologies. For example, in the absence ofanisotropy (or small anisotropy), Jacob proposedthat the repeated tip-splittings dominate the shapeof the interface and form dense branchingmorphologies [24,25], which are seen in experi-ments in a Hele-Shaw cell [26,27].

To grow compact crystals, the Mullins–Sekerkainstability has to be suppressed. Recently, Cristiniand Lowengrub reconsidered the three-dimen-sional (3D) quasi-steady crystal growth problemstudied originally by Mullins and Sekerka [21] andCoriell and Parker [23]. Using linear theory, theydemonstrated that there exist critical conditions ofan imposed far-field heat flux (rather than a far-field supercooling) such that the classical Mul-lins–Sekerka instability can be suppressed and thatthe morphologies of growing crystals can becompact and controlled [1,2]. Note that what wemean by flux in Refs. [1–3] and this paper is theintegral flux applied at the far-field boundary, (seeEq. (4)). Cristini and Lowengrub even foundconditions (based on linear theory) for which thenonspherical crystals may grow self-similarly.Cristini and Lowengrub [2] performed 3Dadaptive, dynamical simulations that suggest the


S. Li et al. / Journal of Crystal Growth ] (]]]]) ]]]–]]] 3

existence of nonlinear self-similar shapes and thata prescribed crystal symmetry can be achievedeven in the nonlinear regime of growth.

For an isolated quasi-steady evolving crystal, animposed far-field heat flux J represents the rate ofarea (2D) or volume (3D) change in time. The heatflux and the supercooling DT are related by J �

�RDT in 3D [2,11], and by J � � logðR1=RÞDT

in 2D where R1 is the radius of a large domaincontaining the crystal, R is the effective radius ofthe crystal (radius of a sphere with the samevolume) and DT denotes the difference betweenthe far-field temperature and the phase changetemperature for a flat interface [2,11]. Thus,conditions of specified flux can be enforced byvarying DT with the crystal radius.

Very recently, we extended the studies ofCristini and Lowengrub and developed a non-linear theory of self-similar crystal growth andmelting [3]. Because the analysis is qualitativelyindependent of the number of dimensions, wefocused on a perturbed 2D circular crystal growingor melting in a liquid ambient. We demonstratedthat there exist nonlinear self-similar shapes withk-fold dominated symmetries. In the isotropiccase, k is arbitrary and only growing solutionsexist. When the surface tension is anisotropic, k isdetermined by the form of the anisotropy and bothgrowing and melting solutions exist.

In this paper, we perform a stability analysis for2D, noncircular self-similar crystals with isotropicsurface tension growing in a supercooled melt, asfound in our previous work [3]. We characterize thenonlinear morphological stability of the self-similarcrystals, using a new spectrally accurate 2Dboundary integral method in which a novel timeand space rescaling is implemented [2]. This enablesus to accurately simulate the long-time, nonlineardynamics of evolving crystals. Our analysis andsimulations reveal that self-similar shapes are stableto perturbations of the critical flux for self-similargrowth in the sense that the symmetry of the crystalremains unchanged. This suggests that in experi-ments, small oscillations in the critical flux will notchange the main features of self-similar growth.Shape perturbations may either grow or decay.However, at long times there is nonlinear stabiliza-tion even though unstable growth may be signifi-

cant at early times. Interestingly, this stabilizationleads to the existence of universal limiting shapes.That is, we find that the morphologies of thenonlinearly evolving crystals tend to limiting shapesthat evolve self-similarly and depend only on theflux. A number of limiting shapes exist for each flux(the number of possible shapes actually depends onthe flux), but only one is universal in the sense thata crystal with an arbitrary initial shape will evolveto this shape. The universal shape can actually beretrograde so that a portion of the interface may bemelting during growth.

By performing a series of simulations, weconstruct a phase diagram that reveals therelationship between the applied flux and theachievable symmetries of the limiting shapes.Finally, we use the phase diagram to design aprotocol by which the compact growth of crystalswith desired symmetries can be achieved. Becauseour analysis shows that interactions among theperturbation modes are similar in both 2D and3D, once the difference between the 2D and 3Dheat fluxes (i.e. area vs. volume growth) is scaledout [3], our results apply qualitatively to 3D.

During crystal growth, there is at least one otherexample we are aware of in which the evolution ofan arbitrary shaped crystal tends to a nonsphericallimiting self-similar shape. In this example thevelocity of the crystal is determined locally by thesurface energy and the limiting shape is character-ized by the Wulff shape [28,29]. The relevance ofthis example to our work is currently under study.In our case, the evolution is much more compli-cated since the velocity is determined nonlocally bythe solution of the diffusion equation and multiplelimiting morphologies are observed that depend onthe flux. We note that during melting, Glicksmanet al. [14] developed a quasi-static theory todescribe self-similar melting of prolate spheroidsin the absence of surface tension. Further self-similar two-fold symmetric solutions were foundby Ham [30], and Horvay and Cahn [31] also in theabsence of surface tension.

This paper is organized as follows: in Section 2,we review the governing equations, linear stabilityanalysis and nonlinear self-similar theory; inSection 3, we present the numerical scheme;in Section 4, we discuss numerical results; and in


S. Li et al. / Journal of Crystal Growth ] (]]]]) ]]]–]]]4

Section 5, we give conclusions and describe workin progress.

2. The theory

2.1. Governing equations

We consider a 2D solid crystal growing quasi-statically in a supercooled liquid phase. Theinterface S separates the solid phase O1 fromthe liquid phase O2: We assume that for simplicitythe surface tension along the interface is isotropic,local equilibrium holds at the interface, and thethermal diffusivities of the two phases are iden-tical. The results apply more generally however[32]. Using the nondimensionalization given inRefs. [1,2] in which the length scale is theequivalent radius of the crystal at time t ¼ 0 andthe time scale is the characteristic surface tensionrelaxation time scale, the following nondimen-sional equations govern the growth of the crystal:

r2Ti ¼ 0 in Oi; i ¼ 1; 2; (1)

V ¼ ðrT1 �rT2Þ � n on S; (2)

T1 ¼ T2 ¼ �k on S; (3)

J ¼1



V ds (4)

and the interface S evolves via

n �dx

dt¼ V on S; (5)

where Ti is the temperature field, i ¼ 1 for solidphase and i ¼ 2 for liquid phase, V is the normalvelocity of the interface, n is the unit normaldirected towards O2; k is the curvature, and J is theintegral far-field heat flux and specifies the timederivative of the area of the solid phase.

2.2. Review of linear theory

Consider a circular crystal/melt interface per-turbed by a linear combination of Fourier modes

rðy; tÞ ¼ RðtÞ þX1k¼2

dkðtÞ cos ky; (6)

where RðtÞ is the radius of a underlying growingcircle (Rð0Þ ¼ 1) and the d0s are amplitudes ofperturbations. Note that in Eq. (6), k ¼ 1 means atranslation of a circle (i.e. no shape perturba-tion occurs); the shape perturbation d2=R inducedby the k ¼ 2 mode is stable for any finite flux(the amplitude d2 does not change in time) (seeEq. (9)). The rate of area growth for theunperturbed circle is


dt¼ JðtÞ; (7)

where JðtÞ is the specified flux. A classical linearstability analysis [33,11,3] yields the growth rate ofthe kth mode perturbation,



� ��1d




� �¼

ðk � 2ÞðJ � JkÞ

R2; (8)

where the critical flux is

JkðtÞ ¼Ck


with the linear flux constant

Ck ¼2kðk2

� 1Þ

k � 2: (9)

Note that with flux specified, the far fieldtemperature is

T1ðtÞ ¼ �J logR1


� �� 1=R; (10)

where R1 is the radius of a large domaincontaining the crystal. Eq. (8) shows that pertur-bations grow (decay) for J4Jk (JoJk). When J ¼

Jk; the critical flux, the perturbation, relative tothe underlying circle, is unchanged in time and thecrystal grows self-similarly (at the level of lineartheory). Hence in 2D, taking a constant flux J40results in the instability of perturbations withsuccessively higher wavenumbers as the crystalgrows, since Jk � 1=R: This is the Mullins–Seker-ka instability [21].

Eqs. (7)–(10) are qualitatively similar to thoseobtained by Cristini and Lowengrub [1] in 3D. Asdiscussed in Ref. [1], the critical flux in 3D isindependent of R, which implies that the Mul-lins–Sekerka instability in 3D can be suppressedby taking a constant far-field flux J40; since no


S. Li et al. / Journal of Crystal Growth ] (]]]]) ]]]–]]] 5

new unstable modes are created during theevolution. In contrast, Eqs. (8) and (9) show thatin 2D, Mullins–Sekerka instability can be sup-pressed if the 2D far-field flux decreases as J �

1=R: This difference exactly reflects the differentscaling of the flux between 2D and 3D (area vs.volume evolution). If one rescales the far-fieldflux J by R, i.e. ~J ¼ RJ; then R2 ðdR=dtÞ ¼ ~Jand the right-hand side of Eq. (8) becomesðk � 2Þð ~J � CkÞ=R3: These equations are identicalto those obtained in 3D if Ck is replaced by J3D


and the 3D far-field flux is ~J [1]. This suggests thatour 2D work applies qualitatively to the 3Dproblem.

Let us now determine the flux for which the kthmode has the largest growth rate. This isimportant if the shape of the interface is a mixtureof Fourier modes since the fastest growing modewill dominate the shape. As in Ref. [2], we willexploit this idea later to control the shapes ofgrowing crystals with desired symmetries. Follow-ing Ref. [1], we get

J�kðtÞ ¼

6k2� 2

RðtÞ: (11)

Further, from J�kðtÞ; we can determine the mode q

that marks the upper bound of the band ofunstable modes. To find q, we equate J�

k ¼ Jq

(replace k in Eq. (9) by q), so that mode q has zerogrowth rate (i.e. q � 1 is the largest unstable mode)if the applied flux is set to J�

k: A remarkable featureis that the qðkÞ and the 3D analogue given inRef. [1] are nearly identical even though the qðkÞ

are (positive) roots of different cubic poly-nomials in 2D and 3D. This agreement suggeststhe modes interact with each other in a similarmanner for both 2D and 3D when the flux isrescaled by R.

2.3. Review of nonlinear theory

In the nonlinear theory we have recentlydeveloped [3], we represent the temperature fieldthrough a single-layer potential. This yields thefirst kind Fredholm integral equations [34,35] forV ðx; tÞ and T1ðtÞ; which are the normal velocity ofthe interface S and the far-field temperature,


�kðx; tÞ ¼ZSðtÞ

Gðx� x0ÞV ðx0; tÞdsðx0Þ þ T1ðtÞ;


JðtÞ ¼1



V ðx0; tÞdsðx0Þ; (13)

where GðxÞ ¼ ð1=2pÞ log jxj is the Green’s func-tion.

A fundamental feature of self-similar evolutionis that time and space are separable, i.e.

xðs; tÞ ¼ RðtÞ ~xðsÞ; (14)

where ~xðsÞ specifies the self-similar shape, RðtÞ is ascaling function related to the effective radius ofthe growing crystal, and s is the arclength alongthe self-similar interface. Substituting Eq. (14) intoEq. (12) and using Eq. (13), then differentiatingthe resulting equation with respect to arclengthgives [3]

ð� ~kÞs=G½ ~x�s ¼ JRp~A¼ CNL; (15)

where the notation ð:Þs ¼ q=qs; CNL is a constant inspace and time (from separation of variables) andis referred to as the nonlinear heat flux constant.Further,

G½ ~x�ðsÞ ¼

Z~S~x0 � nð~s0ÞG ~xðsÞ � ~xðs0Þð Þds0: (16)

The above system is identical to the 3D system fornonlinear self-similar crystal shapes if the constantCNL is replaced by the 3D nonlinear self-similarflux, G is replaced by the 3D Green’s function and~T1ðtÞ is defined appropriately [32]. This further

supports our contention that 2D analysis canprovide insight to 3D evolution.

In Ref. [3], we used a quasi-Newton method tosolve the system of equations numerically todetermine the heat flux constant and the self-similar solution. Our numerical results revealedthat there exist nonlinear self-similar shapes withk-fold dominated symmetries. An amplitude-de-pendent nonlinear heat flux constant CNL

k isassociated with each shape; for small-amplitudeperturbations of the cylindrical state CNL

k tends tothe linear flux constant Ck in Eq. (9). In the


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isotropic case, k is arbitrary and only growingsolutions exist. Moreover, in a k-fold dominantself-similar shape, only mode k and its harmonics(integer multiples of the wavenumber k) appear inthe Fourier series description of the interface. Wealso find that one of the effects of nonlinearity is toreduce the nonlinear critical flux compared to thatpredicted by linear theory.

3. Boundary integral method with time and space


In order to test the stability of self-similarsolutions we found in Ref. [3], we develop ascheme to investigate the long-time, fully nonlinearevolution of a crystal. Following Ref. [2], weintroduce the spatial and temporal scaling of thedynamical equations

x ¼ RðtÞxðt; aÞ; (17)

t ¼

Z t



Rðt0Þ3dt0; (18)

where RðtÞ ¼ RðtðtÞÞ and xðt; aÞ is the positionvector of the scaled interface, and t is the new timevariable. The scaling R is chosen such that thearea A enclosed by the scaled interface is constantin time. The scaling R can be found by integratingthe normal velocity over the interface and dividingby 2p to get

J ¼A




dt: (19)

The normal velocity in the new frame is V ðt; aÞ ¼qxðt; aÞ=qt � n and satisfies

�k� JG½x� ¼


Gðjx� x0jÞV ds0 þ T1ðtÞ (20)


0 ¼


V ds; (21)


J ¼pRJ


dtlogðRðtÞÞ and k ¼ Rk:

Thus the scaling factor is

RðtÞ ¼ exp

Z t


J dt0

!: (22)

Further, in Eq. (20) we have taken

T1ðtÞ ¼A log ðRÞ

pJ þ T1ðtðtÞÞRðtÞ;

and GðxÞ ¼RS x

0 � nðx0ÞGðx� x0Þds0: Note thatEq. (20) reduces to the self-similar Eq. (15) whenthe normal velocity V ¼ 0:

To evolve the interface numerically, Eqs. (20)and (21)) are discretized in space using spectrallyaccurate discretizations and a scaled (equal ar-clength) parametrization [36]. The resulting dis-crete system is solved efficiently using GMREStogether with a diagonal preconditioner in Fourierspace [36,37]. Once V is obtained, the interface isevolved by using a second order accurate nonstiffupdating scheme in time [36].

4. Results and discussions

4.1. Stability analysis

4.1.1. Stability analysis with respect to flux


In this section, we study the stability of a self-similar shape by perturbing the flux constant andanalyzing the resulting evolution of the shapeusing the nonlinear time evolution scheme pre-sented in Section 3. As a representative example,we consider an eight-fold symmetric self-similarshape with a shape factor d=R ¼ 0:0284 and fluxconstant CNL

8 ¼ 165:38104 (see the inset inFig. 3(a) labeled unperturbed). The shape factoris defined as

d=R ¼ max jj ~xj= ~Reff � 1j; (23)

where ~x is the position vector from the centroid ofthe shape to the interface and ~Reff is the effectiveradius of the nonlinear (self-similar) shape.

In Fig. 1(a), we use a sine wave to perturb theflux constant

J ¼ CNL8 ð1 �A sinð2potÞÞ

pA; (24)


0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 450.023










δ /R

Frequence ω = 100

Amplitude = 0

Amplitude = 0.0284

Amplitude = 0.05

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 450.023









Amplitude = 0.028

ω = 100

ω = 25

ω = 8


δ /R



Fig. 1. Effect of flux perturbations. (a) evolution of shape

factor d=R for a crystal with eight-fold symmetry when the flux

constant is perturbed by a sin wave with different amplitudes

(as indicated) through Eq. (24) with frequency o ¼ 100:Associated morphologies shown as insets and (b) shape factor

when the flux constant is perturbed by a sin wave with different

frequencies through Eq. (24) with amplitude A ¼ 0:0284:

S. Li et al. / Journal of Crystal Growth ] (]]]]) ]]]–]]] 7

where A is the perturbation amplitude, o is thefrequency and A is the area of the self-similarshape. The self-similar shape is then used as initialdata and is evolved using the flux from Eq. (24). Inthis calculation, we take o ¼ 100 and considerperturbation amplitudes, A ¼ 0:0; 0.0284, 0.05.When the perturbation amplitude increases, thefinal shape deviates more from the original self-similar shape. At early growth times, d=R variesrapidly. At later times, the shape stabilizes (d=R

tends to a nonzero constant) as the size of the

crystal grows larger. This is likely because theoverall flux J � J=RðtÞ decreases as crystal growsmaking the crystal less sensitive to variations in J

at large radii.Alternatively, in Fig. 1(b), we take A ¼ 0:0284

and perturb the flux constant with differentfrequencies o ¼ 100; 25, 8. Observe that thedeviation of shape factor d=R from the originalself-similar shape decreases with increasing per-turbation frequency. This is because the time scalefor flux oscillations � 1=o becomes much largerthan the time scale for growth when the frequencyo is large. As before the shape tends to stabilize asthe crystal radius increases although it appears totake a longer time to do so particularly for thelow-frequency perturbations.

These two results strongly suggest that self-similar evolution is stable with respect to fluxperturbations in the sense that symmetry of thecrystal remains unchanged. These results aregeneric in that the conclusions hold for otherself-similar shapes. Further, these results haveimportant implications for an experimental inves-tigation of self-similar growth, since in experi-ments it may be difficult to precisely control thefar-field flux (via the far-field temperature).

4.1.2. Stability analysis with respect to shape


We next study the morphological stability ofself-similar crystals by adding an arbitrary trigo-nometric perturbation. The perturbed shapes arethen used as initial data for simulations ofnonlinear evolution. The flux is taken from theresult of the Quasi-Newton solver for the originalself-similar shape. The new time-space rescalingscheme presented in Section 3 (effective crystalradius grows exponentially in the new timevariable) enables us to investigate the shapeevolution for very large R (much larger than hasbeen previously possible) and hence completelyallows us to characterize the stability of theperturbation. Self-similar shapes with four fold symme-

try. We consider a four fold isotropic self-similarshape with shape factor d=R ¼ 0:028 and fluxconstant CNL

4 ¼ 59:87 (see inset in Fig. 2(a) labeled










δ/ R

Add δ 7 (0)=0.028

Add δ 7 (0)=0.01

Add δ 6 (0)=0.01

Add δ 3 (0)=0.028

Add δ3 (0)=0.01

Add δ5 (0)=0.01



Linear Theory









n V






100 105 1010 1015










100 105 1010 1015 R


100105 1010 1015





105 1010 1015 R

100 105 1010 1015

















(b) (c)


Fig. 2. Effect of shape perturbations and evolution to a universal shape: (a) shape factor evolution and associated morphologies of a

four-fold self-similar shape (shown in an inset labeled unperturbed) with d=R ¼ 0:028 (and flux constant CNL4 ¼ 59:87) from Li et al. [3]

perturbed by adding a single mode with different wavenumbers and amplitudes as indicated. The flux constant is taken to be CNL4 :

Linear theory overpredicts the growth of the perturbation as indicated in the figure. For generic perturbations, the nonlinear evolution

tends to a universal limiting shape with a three-fold symmetry and shown in the upper right corner of (a). A nonuniversal four-fold

limiting shape (lower right of (a)) is obtained when the shape is perturbed by adding mode 6. The mode 5 perturbation will tend to the

universal shape at longer times (larger R). In (b)–(e), evidence is shown that the three-fold universal shape is a self-similar solution and

satisfies Eq. (15) with CNL ¼ CNL4 ¼ 59:87: (b) The mean value of Eq. (15) during the evolution. (c) The maximum deviation from the

mean value of Eq. (15). (d) The maximum normal velocity at different crystal sizes R. (e) The evolution of interface arclength (in the

scaled frame).

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unperturbed). In Fig. 2(a), the evolution of theshape factors d=R is shown versus radius R fordifferent perturbation modes and amplitudes. Forthis case, linear theory describing the evolution ofperturbations of a circle (see Section 2) predictsthat only mode 3 is unstable for the flux constantCNL

4 ¼ 59:87: This linear theory typically over-predicts the growth of perturbations as indicatedin the figure.

In general, and beyond the prediction of lineartheory, there is nonlinear stabilization and pertur-bations eventually stop growing. For genericperturbations, the nonlinear evolution tends to-ward a single universal limiting shape with a three-fold symmetry (for this value of flux), which isshown in the upper right corner of Fig. 2(a). In thiscase, a generic (arbitrary) perturbation requires atleast one odd perturbation mode, so that all modesare eventually produced through nonlinear inter-actions. Note that the time required to reach thisuniversal three-fold shape depends strongly on theinitial perturbation. On the other hand, for specialperturbations (e.g. perturbations containing onlyeven modes), the evolution tends toward a non-universal limiting shape with four-fold symmetry,as shown in the inset in the lower right of Fig. 2(a),where the initial shape is perturbed by addingmode 6.

As shown below, both the universal andnonuniversal limiting shapes are actually nonlinearsolutions of the self-similar crystal growth Eq. (15)with the same flux constant CNL

4 : However thenonuniversal shapes are unstable in the sense thatif they are perturbed by adding arbitrary wave-numbers (which by definition contain odd modes),the perturbations will grow and the shape will tendtowards the universal three-fold shape. Lineartheory predicts that mode 3 is the fastest growingmode for this specific flux CNL

4 ; and this is reflectedin the three-fold symmetry of the universal shape.However, linear theory does not predict theexistence of the universal shape. The existence oflimiting shapes is a surprising fully nonlinearresult.

Fig. 2(a) strongly suggests that the limitingshapes, both the universal three-fold shape and thenonuniversal four-fold shape, are actually self-similar solutions of the Eq. (15) in Section 2.3.

Here we present evidence that this is indeed thecase. We consider the universal three-fold shape,though similar results hold for the nonuniversalshape. This new self-similar solution deviatesmuch more from the circle than those we foundpreviously [3].

In Figs. 2(b)–(e), we plot data from the three-mode initial perturbation with ~d3ð0Þ ¼ 0:028 as atypical example. In Fig. 2(b), the mean value of theflux constant CNL from the ratio in the left-handside of Eq. (15) is shown versus R throughout theevolution. This ratio should be constant for a self-similar shape and should be equal to the appliedfar-field flux constant CNL

4 ¼ 59:87: The meanvalue approaches a constant as is consistent withself-similar evolution. The value of the meanCmean ¼ 59:83 at R ¼ 1012 is slightly smaller thanthe applied flux with flux constant CNL

4 ¼ 59:87:We next calculate the maximum deviation of CNL

from CNLmean (i.e. maxðjCNL � CNL

meanj) as a functionof R. This is shown in Fig. 2(c) where it is seen thatthe maximum deviation is indeed decreasing,especially at later times. The deviation at R ¼

1012 is on the same order as the difference betweenCNL

mean and CNL4 : As further evidence of self-

similarity, we plot the maximum normal velocity(i.e. max jV j) as a function of radius R in Fig. 2(d).The normal velocity V tends to zero as R

increases which is consistent with the self-similarevolution of the limiting shape. Finally, inFig. 2(e), we plot the arclength of the interface(in the rescaled reference frame used for computa-tion) versus R and observe that the arclengthbecomes constant indicating that the shape stopschanging. Since the surface tension is isotropic,this also provides a measure of the surface energyin the scaled frame.

Putting all of this direct quantitative evidencetogether strongly suggests that the limiting shapesare self-similar. Furthermore since the universalthree-fold shape is stable and can be achieved byevolving arbitrary perturbations, it is an attractorfor the evolution. Although it is possible todynamically achieve a four-fold nonuniversallimiting shape, this shape is not stable to arbitraryperturbations and can only be achieved byevolving special mode combinations (e.g. evenmodes).


S. Li et al. / Journal of Crystal Growth ] (]]]]) ]]]–]]]10 Self-similar shapes with eight-fold symme-

try. In the previous section, we have analyzed thestability of a perturbed self-similar shape with afour-fold symmetry and demonstrated the exis-tence of limiting shapes. We now extend thisanalysis by examining the stability of an eight-foldself-similar shape from Section 4.1.1 (see the insetin Fig. 3(a) labeled unperturbed) with d=R ¼

0:0284 and CNL8 ¼ 165:38104: With this flux


Fig. 3. The effect of shape perturbations on an eight-fold self-similar

CNL8 ¼ 165:38 from Li et al. [3]: (a) Shape factor evolution is sho

combinations of modes with different wavenumbers and amplitudes as

curve as a representative example. The flux constant is taken to be CN8

fold symmetry. (b) and (c) show that the evolution also may tend

depending on the initial shape. In (b) the original self-similar shape is

the four-fold and eight-fold symmetries remain throughout the evoluti

different amplitudes. (d) shows a comparison between the two eight-fo

same and it is the troughs that differ.

constant, modes 3–7 are linearly unstable. Thus,it is reasonable to expect that a larger number oflimiting shapes exist compared to the caseconsidered in the previous section. Note that theflux CNL

8 =R for the eight-fold symmetric self-similar shape is close to J�

5ðtÞ ¼ 148=RðtÞ; fromEq. (11), which is the flux such that mode 5has the fastest growth rate according to lineartheory.


shape (shown in an inset) with d=R ¼ 0:028 and flux constant

wn for perturbations of the original self-similar shape with

indicated. The associated morphologies are shown for the solidL: The evolution tends to a universal limiting shape with a six-

to two nonuniversal shapes each with an eight-fold symmetry

perturbed by adding mode 4 with amplitudes as indicated. Both

on. In (c), the original shape is perturbed by adding mode 8 with

ld nonuniversal limiting shapes. Remarkably, the fingers are the


S. Li et al. / Journal of Crystal Growth ] (]]]]) ]]]–]]] 11

In Fig. 3(a) the shape factor is shown versus R

for perturbations of the original self-similar shapewith combinations of modes with different wave-numbers and amplitudes as indicated. The asso-ciated morphologies are shown for the solid curveas a representative example. The evolution ishighly nonlinear and, as in the lower symmetrysimulations shown in the previous section, there isnonlinear stabilization during growth. The non-linear stabilization seems to characterize theprocess of ‘‘finger’’ competition (i.e. generation,retraction and tip-splitting) and the associatedformation of channels between neighboring‘‘fingers’’ as seen in the sequence of evolvingmorphologies.

At early times (small R), mode 5 dominates theshape in agreement with the prediction of lineartheory. However, when R increases, certain fingersof the five-fold shape experience a complex processof tip-splitting, finger shrinking and tip re-split-ting. Eventually, mode 6 emerges and the evolu-tion tends toward a single six-fold universallimiting shape with identical fingers as indicatedin the figure. An analysis (not presented) similar tothat given in the previous section strongly suggeststhis limiting shape evolves self-similarly. Interest-ingly, the six-fold universal shape is retrograde andthus cannot be parametrized by the polar angle.Moreover, the evolution (not shown) of thearclength in the scaled frame is nonmonotone asa function of R due to the complex shapetransitions.

Next, consider special perturbations of theoriginal eight-fold self-similar shape by addingmodes 4 and 8 in Figs. 3(b) and (c), respectively.The evolution tends toward two different eight-fold nonuniversal, retrograde limiting shapes. Thelimiting shape obtained from the 4 mode perturba-tion retains the four-fold symmetry even though 8fingers are present. In contrast, the limiting shapefrom the 8 mode perturbation retains only theeight-fold symmetry. A detailed comparison of theshapes is shown in Fig. 3(d), where the thick solidline is the limiting shape for the mode 8 perturba-tion and the dots correspond to the mode 4perturbation (we rotate the limiting shape inFig. 3(b) by p=8). Observe that the fingers areidentical but the troughs are different.

As another example of a special perturbation,the eight-fold self-similar shape can be perturbedby adding mode 7. In this case (not shown), theevolution tends toward a seven-fold nonuniversal,retrograde limiting shape with identical fingers.

In summary, our stability analysis reveals theexistence of limiting shapes with six-, seven- andeight-fold symmetries when the flux constant isequal to CNL

8 ; with the six-fold limiting shapebeing universal in the sense that arbitrary pertur-bations will eventually lead to this shape. Puttingthis together with our results from stabilityanalysis for the four-fold self-similar shapessuggests that the universal limiting shapes dependonly on the flux while the nonuniversal shapesdepend also on the initial data. Next we explorethe relation between the flux and the achievablelimiting shapes. Limiting shape phase diagram. The simu-lations in the previous sections demonstrate theimportance of far-field flux on the selection oflimiting shapes. Here, we bring together theseresults and construct a limiting shape phasediagram which is shown in Fig. 4(a). In this figure,we plot the symmetry mode k of the limitingshapes versus corresponding flux constants C, i.e.the flux J ¼ C=R:

The set of symmetries of the dynamicallyachievable limiting shapes found in this paper liesin Region II and roughly corresponds to thosemodes that have growth rates between 0 (upperdashed curve) and the maximum growth rate(lower dashed curve) as predicted by linear theory.There may be several shapes with a givensymmetry k and flux constant C (see Fig. 3(b)and (c)). Region II is bounded below by apiecewise constant curve that describe the relationbetween the observed symmetries of the universallimiting shape and the flux constant. The starsdenote actual simulation data. The upper bound ofregion II is the piecewise constant curve obtainedfrom the nonlinear simulations of self-similarshapes by Li et al. [3]. The dot-dashed curve is afit to numerical data from Li et al. [3]. We cannotrule out the possibility of the existence of limitingshapes in region I but we have not as yet been ableto compute them.


50 100 150 200 250 3002














Flux Constant (c)



ry (




Linear Theory

Linear Theory

Nonlinear Approx.



50 100 150 200 250 300








Flux Constant (c)











δ/R = 0.0345 c 0.5 A fit for the universal shape

(a) (b)

Fig. 4. (a) Limiting shape phase diagram. The set of dynamically achievable shapes is found to be Region II. There may be several

shapes with a given symmetry k and flux constant C (see Fig. 5(b) and (c)). Region II is bounded by two piecewise constant curves that

describe the relation between the observed symmetries of the limiting shape and the flux constant. The stars denote actual simulation

data. The universal limiting shapes lie on the lower piecewise constant curve. The upper piecewise constant curve is obtained from the

nonlinear simulations of self-similar shapes in Li et al. [3]. In between these curves, nonuniversal shapes may occur with finite

multiplicity. The dot-dashed curve is a fit to that numerical data from Li et al. [3]. The dashed curves correspond to predictions of

linear theory and are shown for reference. The upper dashed curve shows the relation between the flux constant and the mode with zero

growth rate (i.e. self-similar). The lower dashed curve shows the relation between the flux constant and the fastest growing mode. (b)

The associated shape factors of the universal limiting shapes. The solid-dotted curve suggests that the asymptotic behavior may be

d=R �ffiffiffiffiC

pat large flux constants C. The vertical dashed lines indicate transitions from symmetry k to k þ 1: Representative universal

morphologies are shown for each symmetry.

S. Li et al. / Journal of Crystal Growth ] (]]]]) ]]]–]]]12

In between these piecewise constant curves,nonuniversal shapes may occur with finite multi-plicity. The dashed curves correspond to predic-tions of linear theory and are shown for reference.The upper dashed curve shows the relationbetween the flux constant and the mode with zerogrowth rate (i.e. self-similar). The lower dashedcurve shows the relation between the flux constantand the fastest growing mode. Note that whilelinear theory does not predict the existence of auniversal limiting shape, linear theory predictionfor the fastest growing mode does provide a goodestimate for the symmetry of the universal limitingshape.

To produce the phase-diagram, the limitingshapes are found by performing simulations witha variety of initial shapes and the specified fluxconstant. The curves marking the upper and lowerbounds of region II takes a staircase patternbecause there are morphology transitions from k-fold to k þ 1-fold symmetries. The circles mark thetransitions. The accuracy in the jumps on the

universal curve is calculated to be within 5%. Thejumps on the upper curve are only approximate.On the universal curve, the length of each stepincreases as the flux constant increases indicatingthat larger and larger fluxes are needed to producehigher and higher symmetries of the universalshapes. Notice that there is a continuous set of fluxconstants that can be used to achieve a limiting(but not necessarily universal) shape of a parti-cular symmetry. The shape factors d=R of theselimiting shapes are different, however. In addition,the time needed for an arbitrary initial shape toevolve to the limiting shape is larger for fluxes nearthe transition points than for fluxes in the interiorof the set.

In Fig. 4(b) we examine the relation between theshape factors d=R of the universal limiting shapesand the flux constant. The vertical dashed linesindicate transitions from symmetry k to k þ 1:Representative universal morphologies are shownfor each symmetry. The solid-dotted curve sug-gests that the asymptotic behavior may be d=R �


Fig. 5. Universal limiting shapes corresponding to different

fluxes: (a) shows the evolution to a four-fold limiting shape

using the flux constant C ¼ 105; (b) shows the evolution to a

five-fold limiting shape using the flux constant C ¼ 132:82 and

(c) shows the evolution to a seven-fold limiting shape using the

flux constant C ¼ 292:

S. Li et al. / Journal of Crystal Growth ] (]]]]) ]]]–]]] 13


pat large flux constants C. This reflects the fact

that larger symmetries require larger fluxes tomaintain as seen from the linear analysis of aperturbed circle. Larger fluxes, in turn, allow moremodes to grow and result in larger shapeperturbations. Our results suggests that the uni-versal shapes with symmetries six-fold and higherare retrograde. Further, our results also suggestthe intriguing possibility that there may be acritical value of C at which the topology of theuniversal shape changes from a simply connectedto a multiply connected region characterized by ashape with identical, equally spaced fingers thatare all connected at the origin (i.e. there is an innertangent circle with vanishing radius). This iscurrently under study.

4.2. Application of phase diagram: shape control

The phase diagram discussed in the previoussection can be used to design a nonlinear protocolthat might be able to be carried out in a physicalexperiment to control the nonlinear morphologicalevolution of growing crystal. A less rigorousstrategy based on linear theory was previouslyformulated in 3D by Cristini and Lowengrub [2].

The nonlinear protocol is as follows. From thediagram, we have the relation between symmetry ofthe universal limiting shape and the flux constant.By choosing the flux constant consistent with thediagram for a symmetry k, a crystal with anarbitrary initial shape will evolve to the correspond-ing k-fold limiting shape. To achieve the most rapidevolution towards the universal limiting shape, theflux constant should be chosen away from asymmetry transition. In this manner, the prescribedsymmetry of the crystal is achieved in the shortesttime. As seen in the phase diagram, using lineartheory to determine the mode with maximumgrowth rate (lower dashed curve in the Fig. 4(a))provides only an approximation of the fluxesneeded to obtain the universal limiting shape. Infact, in the shape control experiment presented byCristini and Lowengrub [2] the actual flux used wasslightly smaller than that predicted by linear theory.This is consistent with our phase diagram.

In Fig. 5, we present shape factor evolutiontowards universal limiting shapes corresponding to


S. Li et al. / Journal of Crystal Growth ] (]]]]) ]]]–]]]14

different fluxes. The results are independent of theinitial shape. Fig. 5(a) shows the evolution to a four-fold limiting shape using the flux constant C ¼ 105:Fig. 5(b) shows the evolution to a five-fold limitingshape using the flux constant C ¼ 132:82: Fig. 5(c)shows the evolution to a seven-fold limiting shapeusing the flux constant C ¼ 292: Note that fluxconstant in Fig. 5(a) is close to a symmetrytransition point and the evolution reaches theuniversal shape at a larger radius compared toFig. 5(b) and Fig. 5(c) where the flux constants arelocated away from symmetry transitions.

5. Conclusion and future work

In this paper, we performed a stability analysisof 2D, noncircular self-similar crystals withisotropic surface tension growing in a supercooledmelt. The existence of such self-similarly growingcrystals was demonstrated recently in our previouswork [3]. Here, we characterized the nonlinearmorphological stability of the self-similar crystals,using a new spectrally accurate 2D boundaryintegral method in which a novel time and spacerescaling is implemented [2]. This enabled us toaccurately simulate the long-time, nonlinear dy-namics of evolving crystals.

Our analysis and simulations revealed that self-similar shapes are stable to perturbations of thecritical flux for self-similar growth, in the sensethat the symmetry of the crystal remains un-changed. This suggests that in experiments, smalloscillations in the critical flux will not change themain features of self-similar growth. Shape per-turbations either grow or decay. However, at longtimes there is nonlinear stabilization even thoughunstable growth may be significant at early times.Interestingly, this stabilization leads to the ex-istence of universal limiting shapes. That is, wefound that the morphologies of the nonlinearlyevolving crystals tend to limiting shapes thatevolve self-similarly and depend only on the flux.A number of limiting shapes exist for each flux (thenumber of possible shapes actually depends on theflux), but only one is universal in the sense that acrystal with an arbitrary initial shape will evolve tothis shape. The universal shape can actually be

retrograde. By performing a series of simulations,we constructed a phase diagram that reveals therelationship between the applied flux and theachievable symmetries of the limiting shapes.Finally, we used the phase diagram to design anonlinear protocol that might be able to be used ina physical experiment to control the nonlinearmorphological evolution of growing crystal. Be-cause our analysis shows that interactions amongthe perturbation modes are similar in both 2D and3D, once the difference between the 2D and 3Dheat fluxes (i.e. area vs. volume growth) is scaledout [3], our results apply qualitatively to 3D.

In our simulations, the limiting shape isachieved when the crystal grows very largecompared with its initial size. Depending on theinitial size, convective transport driven by buoy-ancy effects may become important. They areneglected here. However, this paper providesinsight to nonlinear crystal growth by demonstrat-ing that there is a wide variation (that depends onthe flux and initial data) in the evolution to thelimiting shape. For instance, starting from anarbitrary initial shape, there are certain fluxes suchthat the evolution to the limiting shape occurs overmuch shorter times (i.e. smaller crystal sizes) thanother fluxes. This suggests that it may be feasibleto control the shapes of growing crystals in anexperiment following the protocol proposed here.

A natural question is whether the limitingshapes we have found here could have beendirectly obtained as extrema of an energy functionin analogy with Wulff shapes that are obtained asequilibria for crystals with fixed volume [29]. Here,however, the system is open as heat is removed atthe far-field. The relation between the limitingshapes and the system energy is currently understudy.

We have also neglected some other importantphysical effects such as surface tension anisotropyand interface kinetics. These effects can play acentral role in the development of the complexpatterns seen during crystal growth by favoringcertain directions of growth. We are currentlyinvestigating these physical effects and our resultsindicate that nonlinear, stable, self-similar shapesexist in this context as well [32]. This will bepresented in a subsequent paper [38].


S. Li et al. / Journal of Crystal Growth ] (]]]]) ]]]–]]] 15

We are currently performing 3D simulations toconfirm that our 2D model indeed captures thesignificant features of 3D growth. In future work,we will demonstrate that universal attractive 3Dlimiting shapes exist.

Finally, we will also investigate the implicationsof this work on the directional solidification ofboth pure materials and binary alloys. In parti-cular, based on previous linear stability analysis ofdirectional solidification (e.g. Ref. [39]), we con-jecture that there may exist nonlinear limiting (anduniversal) interface profiles that can be achievedby careful control of the temperature gradients.


The authors thank Prof. Robert Sekerka forstimulating discussions. S. Li also thanks Prof.Vaughan Voller and Yubao Zhen for technicaldiscussions. The authors also acknowledge thegenerous computing resources from the MinnesotaSupercomputer Institute, the Network and Aca-demic Computing Services at University of Cali-fornia at Irvine (NACS), and computing resourcesof BME department (U.C. Irvine) through a grantfrom Whitaker Foundation. S. Li is supported bya doctoral dissertation fellowship from Universityof Minnesota and by the Department of Biome-dical Engineering and the Department of Mathe-matics at U.C. Irvine where he is a visitingresearcher. J. Lowengrub and V. Cristini thankthe National Science Foundation (Division ofMathematical Sciences) for partial support.


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