Noel Gilbert A CHILD IS BORN. From the start… to the end.. IN THE BEGINNING.

Noel Gilbert A CHILD IS BORN

Transcript of Noel Gilbert A CHILD IS BORN. From the start… to the end.. IN THE BEGINNING.


From the start… to the end..


From generation to generation, l i fe renews itself in the encounter between males and females.

Couples mate, kiss, have sex and make l i fe.



At the age of 11 or 12 the onset of female sexual maturity takes the form of a spurt of growth, swell ing of breast and an increasingly womanly distribution of body hair.

Interplay of female hormones The cervix protrudes into the upper part

of the vagina. The opening of the cervix leads into the uterus. When ovulation occurs, transparent cervical mucus issues from this opening. The mucus screens out the sperm – making a preliminary selection – when sexual intercourse takes place. After a day or so, the cervix closes. For the remainder of the menstrual cycle, a viscous plus of mucus prevents the passage into the uterus of even the most vigorous sperm. Through this gateway to life, the baby will also pass through delivery.



From boy to man Growth of the body and the external

sex organs, deepening of the voice and the development of hair on the face and body are governed by testosterone.

Mass production with numerous rejects At each ejaculation, 2-5 millil iters of

seminal fl uid containing up to 500 million mobile sperm is discharged. But almost half of the sperm of a healthy young man have small defects that prevent them from fertilizing an ovum.


In a woman’s l i fe ovulation occurs about 400 times al l together.


Release and capture of the ovum Several hours before the actual

ovulation, the Fallopian tube has probably received signals as to the site on the ovary's surface where the rupture will take place.

The follicle ruptures ejecting fl uid containing thousands of hormone-producing cells- and in its midst, its ovum, small than a pinhead.

The ovum is surrounded by nutrient cells that give it ample nourishment during its journey to the uterus.

Ripening of the ovum The ovum is sailing through the

narrow Fallopian tube, which is some 15 cm long. Beneath the ovum we see the cilia, which gently propel it forward. The liquid in the Fallopian tube washes away the nutrient cells that surrounding the ovum. Here they still cluster about like a radiant wreath. Soon the ovum will be ready for fertilization and prepared to encounter the advances of the sperm. The chances of conceiving are highest in the net few hours.


The moment the sperm and egg fuse and a new individual beings to form.


Five hundred million sperm at the start Fusion


A couple hundred sperm have reached their destination the ovum surrounded nu a porous sheath of nutrient cells.

They penetrate one cell layer after another

Sperm drops its tail.

The sperm-- a package of genes.

During intercourse, sperm is ejaculated again the opening of the cervix at the far end of the vagina.

There are obstacles on the way, lots of energy, a forest of cil ia.

Like a planet in the solar system, suspended by space, the ovum cell is surrounded by the corona radiata.

The long journey The ovum remains in the Fallopian tube for about three days

after fertil ization, dividing repeatedly during its slow journey down towards the uterus.

The passage through the narrow part of the Fallopian tube usually takes a few hours.

One inside the uterus, one of the most critical phases of early development is over.

Implantation Implantation is facilitated by the formation of small

protuberances of sugar molecules on the blastocyst's surface.

Eight days old The blastocyst has landed! Like a raspberry on a cake, it

sings slightly into its formation. The clump is now made up of several hundred cells.

Progesterone is secreted by the ovary. Its task is to signal to the pituitary gland in the brain that the woman is pregnant and no menstrual period should take place.

Dangers on the way Early miscarriages- so early that women are not even aware

that they are pregnant. Sometimes the fertil ized ovum becomes suck in the Fallopian

tube and cannot proceed. This is called ectopic pregnancy.

Hormonal changes Becoming pregnant is a dramatic change with a global eff ect

on the women– Both body and soul. Become tired and irritable. Interplay between hCG and progesterone gives the woman

all her signs of pregnancy.

Roughly 12 hours after the fusion of the chromosomes, the fi rst cel l division takes place. And the division then continue at intervals of 12 to 15 hours.


Dur ing the fi rst few weeks after concept ion, a new developments occur which are cruc ia l to future growth.


The heart starts beating Neither fi sh nor fowl

Day after day, the process of creation continue, will mill ions of cells forming custom-made building blocks.

Visible to the world A tiny backbone Caution in taking drugs

Before taking ay drugs or medications, it is wise to contact your doctor.

Only drugs absolutely necessary to a mother’s health should be considered.

Linking two circulations The umbilical cord is the link between

the placenta and the embryo.

Every organ in place at eight weeks, the embryo is stil l

only 4 cm long, but inside this tiny body, all the organs are already in place.

Baby eight weeks old


For most women, it is a heady feel ing to know that a baby is on the way.


Previous pregnancies Important to discuss any earlier

pregnancies “once a cesarean, always a cesarean” is

an old wives tale.

Laboratory tests Mother’s urine is taken, to see whether

protein or sugar is leaking our via kidney’s

Physical examination In many cases, a physician will choose to

do a pelvic examination.

When is the baby due? An average pregnancy lasts 280 days.

Diet during pregnancy A mother’s growth is monitored by her

weight. Women will crave certain kinds of food. Women should try and choose a variety of

fresh, vitamin-rich foods.

Feminine hygiene A shower– preferably hand held makes

feminine hygiene easier.


Vaccinations and infectious diseases Most vaccinations are less advisable

during pregnancy and some are downright dangerous.

Intercourse A warm, loving relationship is more

important than ever during pregnancy.

Alcohol and tobacco Do not drink or do drugs

Live as usual Women should l ive life normally until a

few weeks before delivery

Employer’s responsibility A healthy work environment becomes

even more important during pregnancy. Employers should make sure that it is

healthy for pregnant women and should transfer them if necessary.

Ultrasound The fi rst sight of the baby.


In the third month, the fetus wil l form the brain and the sensory organs.


The baby will develop… in the fi rst 4 months Eyes and vision Ears and hearing Hands and foot Bones Hair

Boy or girl The baby’s sex is determined at the moment of


During the fourth month, the fetus grows 5 cm to over 10 cm.


18 to 20 weeks after the last menstrual per iod began, a women begins to not ice the fi ts movements.


Common complaints Varicose veins and hemorrhoids are

common ailments in the third trimester. Leg cramps Massage and keeping toes from

pointing can help with some pain.

Keeping fi t Special gymnastic exercises have been

designed for pregnant women. Women need to keep moving but also

get much rest.

Preparing mind and body Both parents need to be mentally

prepared. Preparations may include relaxation

exercises and sometimes special breathing.

Visiting the hospital An important part of the preparations,

especially for the fi rst-time mothers, is a visit to the hospital where the birth will take place.


The fetus l ies in a we l l -protected pos i t ion, suspended in the amniot ic fl uid deep ins ide the uterus .


After 24 weeks of pregnancy, when the fetus weighs roughly half a ki lo, i t begins to have a chance of survival .


The fetus puts on weight During the last 2 months in the uterus, the fetus

builds up a protective layer of fat in its dermis. Its weight increases by roughly 200 grams a

week. Until the seventh month of pregnancy the baby

has space to move. The baby starts running out of space.

The abdomen becomes exceedingly large towards the end of the pregnancy.


Positioning of the fetus the doctor make careful assessments of the fetus’s position

in the uterus. In 97 percent of cases the head lies downward. The doctor can try and turn

the baby The prefer to deliver breech

position by the means ofcesarean sections.


The baby is about to come!


In the hospital The maternity unit in the hospital

is a world in itself. After arriving at the hospital you

might take a shower to relax Stages of labor

The dilation stage The expulsion stage Delivery of the placenta

Pain relief The presence of the father-to-be

during labor enhances a woman’s sense of security

Injections of a narcotic analgesic Local anesthesia or paracervical

block Epidural Inhaling nitrous oxide The body produces its own pain-

relieving hormones


First Breath Almost immediately comes the fi rst cry

Encounter with the outside world the newborn seems relieved to lie on his mothers


Euphoria The baby has arrived

First eye contact Mothers whispers to the baby as they look at each other

Gravity helps The woman in labor derives help from the force of

gravity. At the same time, if complications arise, it can save the baby.

Cesarean section Incision through the Abdominal wall and opens The uterus to take the baby Out.

Now pain, joy, excitement are mingled. The experience of pain varies from one woman to another.


After birth the umbilical cord is cut The placenta is expelled Baby and mother are cleaned up Mother and Father can now relax

Already coping dad Newborn babies' imitate parents

facial expressions. Newborns can best see at a distance

of 8 to 10 inches

Breastfeeding Within a few hours of being born the

baby is to put the mother’s breast to learn to suck.

A newborn may nurse as often as 8-10 times a day,

Research has shown that, even if it is placed as far down on the mother’s stomach, the newborn baby can locate the breast within a half an hour.

In the hospital When all goes well the mother and

baby are checked by a nurse. They are both watched for a couple

of days.

Back home The new family is able to go home

and Enjoy life . It may be stressful

but an amazing experience.


Not all births end with joy… some babies need a l ittle help.



Neonatal intensive care Premature babies may have diffi culty in using their lungs to

absorb oxygen, and also their intestines for nutrient exchange.

The days or weeks in the incubator must not become of period of insolation for the baby.

The intensive care can help a newborn baby live. They take all precautions to help the family and

the baby. Things do not always go well. The the baby may die in the course of delivery, or in intensive care.

We all look diff erent… because of our genes!


Amniocentesis A syringe and a long needle, a few millil iters of amniotic

fl uid are carefully withdrawn. After a few weeks tissue culture, the chromosomes of the fetal cells can be examined to ensure that they are normal.

Early genetic diagnosis Late abortion is always a major emotional trauma for the

woman concerned. CVS is a new method whereby the obstetrician using a

needle, removing a small fragment of the placenta for testing.

One chromosome to many when chromosomal abnormalities are found by prenatal

testing, a number of problem arise. When a child had one chromosome to many they have

down syndrome Down syndrome occurs more often when a women

becomes pregnant at a later age.

Each sperm cel ls contain 46 chromosomes. Boys have an extra Y chromosome and gir ls have an extra X chromosome.


Between 10 and 20 percent of all couples are infertile.


Treating male infertility The man may be allergic to his own

sperm, and the woman may also be allergic to them.

A swimming speed test may be performed on sperm in mucus form the cervix.

Hormonal treatment One common cause of female

infertility is hormonal imbalance. The simplest form of treatment is

chlomiphene pills

Microsurgery Surgical repair of the Fallopian

tubes. In vitro fertilization has partially

replaces microsurgery, or at least restricted its application.

One possibly cause of the women's infertility may be constricted cervix.

Fertilization outside the body Aspiration of the ova. The woman

lies, fully conscious, on the operating table as for a pelvic exam. The gynecologist uses ultrasound to guide the insertion of a needle toward the ovarian follicle via the vagina, which is locally anesthetized. By means of suction, the contents of the follicle are withdrawn into a test tube.

Research in human reproduction Ways to research human

reproduction: Deep-freezing of sperm Deep-freezing of unfertilized ova Freezing of fertilized ova Injection of sperm into the ovum

Pregnancy is not an illness. It’s a miracle!