Node.js Test

Node.js Thomas Amsler June 14, 2012 GDG Sacramento

Transcript of Node.js Test

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Thomas AmslerJune 14, 2012

GDG Sacramento

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●Created by Ryan Dahl in 2009. First presented at JSConf EU.

●Node is a platform built on Chrome's V8 JavaScript runtime for easily building fast, scalable network applications.

●Node uses an event-driven, non-blocking I/O model that makes it lightweight and efficient.

●Node is for data-intensive real-time applications that run across distributed devices.

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Node ...

●Server Side JavaScript●Built on Google's V8 Runtime●Non-blocking I/O (Asynchronous)●Evented (Event Loop)●Module System●Native on Linux, Mac OS X, Windows●Enables Real-time Web●It's all about LATENCY

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●Netscape LiveWire (1996)●Rhino (1997) [for Java]●Aptana Jaxer (2008)●RingoJS [for Java]●Narwhale●Node.js (2009)●IronJS [for .NET]

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Synchronous vs Asynchronous

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I/O is not free

●L1: 3 cycles●L2: 14 cycles●RAM: 250 cycles●DISK: 41,000,000 cycles●NETWORK: 240,000,000 cycles

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Blocking I/O (Sync)

<?phpecho "Hello";file_get_contents("/path/to/file");echo " World";


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●Each Thread takes memory●Threads introduce additional complexity

oRace conditionsoDeadlockoAdditional setup overheado ...

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Non-blocking I/O (Async)

console.log('Hello');fs.readFile('/path/to/file', function(err, data) { // do something ...});console.log(' World');

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Event Loop

●Efficient (if used asynchronously)●Only one stack●No memory overhead●Simpler model (no deadlocks, no race

conditions ...)

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The C10K Problem

●C10K refers to the problem of optimizing a web server to handle a large number of clients at the same time.

●C = CONCURRENT●Apache uses one thread per connection●NGINX doesn't use multiple threads but

instead uses an event loop●NGINX and Node.js are similar with respect

to utilizing an event loop to achieve high concurrency on low latency

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The C10K Problem ...

●C = Concurrent●

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The C10K Problem ...●Using one thread per connection is memory-


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... back to Node.js ...

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Why JavaScript?

●JS devs already think asynchronously (Browsers + AJAX)

●JS is fast and getting faster●JS quickly is becoming a compilation targeto


●Code sharing between the client and servero Maybe common libs ...

●JSON native and full application stacko MongoDB, Node.js, Angular.js

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Google's V8 JavaScript Engine

●V8 is a JavaScript engine specifically designed for fast execution of large JavaScript applications

●Used in Google's Chrome browser●Written in C++●Fast property access●Dynamic machine code generation●Efficient garbage collection●●


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The Node.js Darkside●Still relatively young●Bad idea to do raw computation in an event

loop. Use node-webworker●Debugging is hard but will significantly

improve in future versions●Callbacks (not really an issue)

doA( argA, function() {doB(argB, function() {

doC(argC, function() {// etc.



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Node Package Manager (NPM)

●NPM is a package manager for node. You can use it to install and publish your node programs. It manages dependencies and does other cool stuff.

●● Expresso Requesto (LearnBoost)o Jadeo ... 10k + more ...

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Node Package Manager (NPM) ...

Node Core(V8, libev, libeio, ...)

Core Modules(http, net, ...)

Community-created Modules(express,, restify, ...)

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Let's Node

●Read Evaluate Print Loop (REPL)oSimilar to Perl, Python, and Ruby

●It's great for testing out and learning about Node.js

●Since Node.js uses V8, Node REPL is an ideal place to easily try out and learn JavaScript


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First Node Server

var http = require('http');var s = http.createServer( function(req, res) {

res.writeHead( 200, { 'Content-Type' : 'text/plain' } );res.end('Hello World\n');


● curl http://localhost:8080/● curl -i -X GET http://localhost:8080/● DEMO

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Load Test & Profiling

●Using Apache Bench (ab) for Simple Load Testingoab -n 200 -c 200

●Profiling Node.jso

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Node.js Information



●How To Nodeo


●Projects & Companies using Node.jso

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Other Resources

●Introduction to Node.js with Ryan Dahlo

●The Node Beginner Booko

●Ryan Dahl - History of Node.jso

●What is Node? (Free)o

●Ryan Dahl's 2009 slideso
