No.1...The principal location or locations of the - KWfN NO.(9-0SS), PA-HTA W-KYAE investment:...

- 8- Summary of Proposed Investment (Rule 38) I. Please describe any other person who has a significant direct or indirect interest in the investment. (a) Pl ease describe an Enterprise or i nd ivi du al who are entitled to possess more than 10% of the profit dist ri bution: ( I) Name U SAN MAUNG (2) Address N0 .44L PADAUK SHWE WAR ST. NAUKLAE QTR, MYEIK. 6/KA SA NA(N)003474 ______ n _________ n __ _ (3) Company Registration No. IX N.R.C No.1 Passport No. ( b) If there is directly participated Sub . ;id iary in carrying out the proposed investment, please describe th e name of th at companies: (\) ---------------------------- ---- --------------------------------------------- (2) ---------------------------------." .------------------------------------------- (3) ---------------------------------- ------------------ .. ----------------------- 2. The pr incipal locat i on or locations of t he - KWfN NO .(9-0SS), PA-HTA W-KYAE- inve stm ent: TAING-PYIN KWIN, MA-AlNG VILLAGE TRACK, KYUN-SU TOWNSHIP, MYEIK DISTRICT, THANINTHARYI REGION. 3. A desc ription of the sector in t he LI VESTOC K ---------------------------------- il1 vestmen t is to be made an d the aC Li vi ties a nd operations to be conducted: 4. The proposed amo unt of the in vestment ---K YAT (MILLION) 3300 ------------------- (i n Kyat and US$) 5. A description of th e plan for the implement ati on of the Inve stment including expected timetable: (a) Construction or Preparatory Peri od 2 YEARS (Decribe MMIYY) -APPLICATION PROCESS (b) Commerc i al Op -.: ration Date (Dccri)e MM IYY )

Transcript of No.1...The principal location or locations of the - KWfN NO.(9-0SS), PA-HTA W-KYAE investment:...

Page 1: No.1...The principal location or locations of the - KWfN NO.(9-0SS), PA-HTA W-KYAE investment: TAING-PYIN KWIN, MA-AlNG VILLAGE TRACK, KYUN-SU TOWNSHIP, MYEIK

- 8­

Summary of Proposed Investment (Rule 38)

I. Please describe any other person who has a significant direct or indirect interest in the investment.

(a) Please describe an Enterprise or ind ividual who are entitled to possess more than 10% of the profit distri bution:


(2) Address N0.44L PADAUK SHWE WAR ST.


6/KA SA NA(N)003474 ______ n _________n __ _

(3) Company Registration No. IX

N.R.C No.1 Passport No.

(b) If there is directly participated Sub.;id iary in carrying out the proposed investment, please describe the name of that companies:

( \ ) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------­

(2) ---------------------------------.".------------------------------------------­

(3) ------------------------------ ---- ------------------.. ----------------------­

2. The principal location or locations of the - KWfN NO.(9-0SS), PA-HTA W-KYAE­




3. A description of the sector in wh i ~h the LI V ESTOC K ---------------------------------­

il1 vestmen t is to be made and the aCLivi ties and

operations to be conducted:

4. The proposed amount of the investment ---K Y AT (MILLION) 3300 ------------------­

(i n Kyat and US$)

5. A description of the plan for the implementation of the Investment including expected timetable:

(a) Construction or Preparatory Period 2 YEARS

(Decribe MMIYY) -APPLICATION PROCESS (b) Commerc ial Op-.: ration Date (Dccri)e


Page 2: No.1...The principal location or locations of the - KWfN NO.(9-0SS), PA-HTA W-KYAE investment: TAING-PYIN KWIN, MA-AlNG VILLAGE TRACK, KYUN-SU TOWNSHIP, MYEIK

- 9 ­

6. Nu mber of employees to be appointe

(a) Local -- 55 PERSONS --------------------------------­

(b) Foreign (Expert! Technician) -- 10 PERSONS ------------------------------­

7. Please specify the detailed list of fore ;gn capital (Capital in-Cash and Capital in-Kinds) in Kyat

and US£:

(a) Capital in-cash to be brought in --- .-----------------------------------------------­

(b) Capital in-kind to be brought in --- ------------------------------------------------­

Note : The investor may request the Comm ission to refrain from publishing commercial-in-confidential

inlormation of its in vestmert.

Page 3: No.1...The principal location or locations of the - KWfN NO.(9-0SS), PA-HTA W-KYAE investment: TAING-PYIN KWIN, MA-AlNG VILLAGE TRACK, KYUN-SU TOWNSHIP, MYEIK

- 10 ­

l ndertnking

\\ t: ht: r~by ck c:laJ'Cth at the above stalenl t.:Jl S are (me an d cOln ;ct to the bes t of Illy/ou r knowleJgc and lwlid'.

I l \\ I: ' tdl\. ll llJ crsland th~1 1 proposal may bl.. J : nicd or unnecessarily delayed if tbe appl ieanl rai Is to

pr'l " jilt: rcqll i rl!d ill fo rmati on to ncccss by :::01 Hlllssion lor issuance of perm it.

I/ Wc hereby dl.Xl arc to strictly com ply w ifh h.;; n IS and cond itions set Oll t by Ihe Myanmar Invcstment "Ollllll is ~ lO ll .

S il.'n alUl c oJ"fhe applicant

l\ alllC: U SA"1 MAU\i G


Dcpanm ~l1 t ICompany: KHINE ZIN YAW TRADI NG CO., LTD.

(Seal/S tamp )


Page 4: No.1...The principal location or locations of the - KWfN NO.(9-0SS), PA-HTA W-KYAE investment: TAING-PYIN KWIN, MA-AlNG VILLAGE TRACK, KYUN-SU TOWNSHIP, MYEIK

- 8 -

Summary of Proposed Investment (Rule 38)

1. Please describe any other person who has a significant direct or indirect interest in the investment.

(a) Please describe an Enterprise or individual who are entitled to possess more than 10% of the profit distribution:

(1) Name

(2) Address

(3) Company Registration No. or N.R.C No./ Passport No.




(b) If there is directly participated Subsidiary in carrying out the proposed investment, please describe the name of that companies:

(1) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

(2) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

(3) -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

2. The principal location or locations of the






3. A description of the sector in which the

investment is to be made and the activities and

operations to be conducted:




4. The proposed amount of the investment

(in Kyat and US$)



5. A description of the plan for the implementation of the Investment including expected timetable:

(a) Construction or Preparatory Period

(Decribe MM/YY)

(b) Commercial Operation Date (Decribe




Road Transport

Office No 29,Road Transport Head Office ,

Ministry of Transportation and Communications , Nay Pyi Taw

San Yaung Ni Company Limited

No34/C,Land No 2A1/16G, Man Aung Ward,

East Horse Race Course Road,Tamwe Township,Yangon

To carry on the construction and rental services of Bus Terminal

Kyat 23,223(Million)

3 years

1st September 2022

Page 5: No.1...The principal location or locations of the - KWfN NO.(9-0SS), PA-HTA W-KYAE investment: TAING-PYIN KWIN, MA-AlNG VILLAGE TRACK, KYUN-SU TOWNSHIP, MYEIK

- 9 -

6. Number of employees to be appointed:

(a) Local

(b) Foreign (Expert/ Technician)

480 Pax



7. Please specify the detailed list of foreign capital (Capital in-Cash and Capital in-Kinds) in Kyatand US$:

(a) Capital in-cash to be brought in ----------------------------------------------------

(b) Capital in-kind to be brought in ----------------------------------------------------


Note: The investor may request the Commission to refrain from publishing commercial-in-confidential information of its investment.

Page 6: No.1...The principal location or locations of the - KWfN NO.(9-0SS), PA-HTA W-KYAE investment: TAING-PYIN KWIN, MA-AlNG VILLAGE TRACK, KYUN-SU TOWNSHIP, MYEIK

- 10 -

Undertaking I / We hereby declare that the above statements are true and correct to the best of my/our knowledge and belief.

I /We fully understand that proposal may be denied or unnecessarily delayed if the applicant fails to provide required information to access by Commission for issuance of permit.

I/We hereby declare to strictly comply with terms and conditions set out by the Myanmar Investment Commission.

Signature of the applicant

Name: Title: Department /Company (Seal/Stamp)


Page 7: No.1...The principal location or locations of the - KWfN NO.(9-0SS), PA-HTA W-KYAE investment: TAING-PYIN KWIN, MA-AlNG VILLAGE TRACK, KYUN-SU TOWNSHIP, MYEIK
Page 8: No.1...The principal location or locations of the - KWfN NO.(9-0SS), PA-HTA W-KYAE investment: TAING-PYIN KWIN, MA-AlNG VILLAGE TRACK, KYUN-SU TOWNSHIP, MYEIK
Page 9: No.1...The principal location or locations of the - KWfN NO.(9-0SS), PA-HTA W-KYAE investment: TAING-PYIN KWIN, MA-AlNG VILLAGE TRACK, KYUN-SU TOWNSHIP, MYEIK
Page 10: No.1...The principal location or locations of the - KWfN NO.(9-0SS), PA-HTA W-KYAE investment: TAING-PYIN KWIN, MA-AlNG VILLAGE TRACK, KYUN-SU TOWNSHIP, MYEIK
Page 11: No.1...The principal location or locations of the - KWfN NO.(9-0SS), PA-HTA W-KYAE investment: TAING-PYIN KWIN, MA-AlNG VILLAGE TRACK, KYUN-SU TOWNSHIP, MYEIK
Page 12: No.1...The principal location or locations of the - KWfN NO.(9-0SS), PA-HTA W-KYAE investment: TAING-PYIN KWIN, MA-AlNG VILLAGE TRACK, KYUN-SU TOWNSHIP, MYEIK