No-nonsense SEO: A Brief Guide to Search Engine Optimisation


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A search engine uses algorithms (- a big word, but it’s not scary. It just means ‘rules’. These rules are expressed in computer language and we call the rules of computing ‘algorithms’) to index the web pages.

Transcript of No-nonsense SEO: A Brief Guide to Search Engine Optimisation

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You’ve probably heard that search engine optimization (SEO) is essential for website popularity. When a website does not use SEO, very few people will find the website, and it will be hidden somewhere in the depths of the internet – with no visitors whatsoever. Clearly, if you’re trying to make money from the website (either directly, or because it leads people to your actual business) then this is bad news. Websites need SEO.

No-nonsense SEO: A Brief Guide to Search Engine Optimisation

Page 3: No-nonsense SEO: A Brief Guide to Search Engine Optimisation

SEO can be incredibly confusing. Here, we’re going to break it down, in simple terms.

What is SEO? It is the process of making the website more popular by using key words and links to other sites.

Let’s break it down more: a search engine is a programme that people use to search the internet. Google and Yahoo are examples of search engines. We use them to find web pages.

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A search engine uses algorithms (- a big word, but it’s not scary. It just means ‘rules’. These rules are expressed in computer language and we call the rules of computing ‘algorithms’) to index the web pages. It works in the same way a library works. In a library all the books are arranged logically – this could be alphabetically, or topically, etc. This allows visitors to the library to find the books they want easily.  All the web pages on the internet are arranged logically too, by the search engines.

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The search engines will allocate a ‘weight’ to the particular webpage, which will determine where that page ranks in the search results. For instance, if you have a webpage about SEO services agency, if Google gives it a high ranking, it will be at the top of the results when people search for ‘SEO services agency’.

There are ways to increase your search engine ranking, and this is called Search Engine Optimisation.