NNeeww EnerEnergygy PPoliolicycy fforor ChChinaina anandd … · 2016-11-19 · NNeeww EnerEnergygy...

New Energy Policy for New Energy Policy for China and the UK China and the UK Li Yanqiu, Fen Chong, Thomas Demetriades, Kristopher Vernon, Xu Xueyuan, Sun Hongyan, Xu Yiqing, Wu Jiang

Transcript of NNeeww EnerEnergygy PPoliolicycy fforor ChChinaina anandd … · 2016-11-19 · NNeeww EnerEnergygy...

Page 1: NNeeww EnerEnergygy PPoliolicycy fforor ChChinaina anandd … · 2016-11-19 · NNeeww EnerEnergygy PPoliolicycy fforor ChChinaina anandd ththee UKUK Li Yanqiu, Fen Chong, Thomas

New Energy Policy forNew Energy Policy forChina and the UKChina and the UK

Li Yanqiu, Fen Chong,Thomas Demetriades, Kristopher Vernon,

Xu Xueyuan, Sun Hongyan,Xu Yiqing, Wu Jiang

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• Economic and social growth powered byenergy from fossil fuels.

• These are not, on their own, clean methods ofenergy production.

• Focus on reducing environmental impact ofpower generation from fossil fuels (inparticular coal), whilst keeping costs low andensuring energy security for the future.

• CCS will allow coal to be used more cleanly.

The Need for an Up-to-Date Energy Policy

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1. Mind the(Energy)


1. Mind the(Energy)


3. Cost3. Cost2. EnergySecurityfor theFuture

2. EnergySecurityfor theFuture

4. EnvironmentalImpact

4. EnvironmentalImpact

Energy Policy: The Engineer’s Directive


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China’s Energy Production and Consumption

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New Generation Capacity Required in Europe

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Energy Security

• Important to continue current economic growthis that the supply of energy continues.

• We are dependent on electricity for severalfundamental purposes (e.g. hospital machines).

• Being overly dependent on oneparticular source or dependent onimporting energy is not a goodposition to be in.

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• Power generation methodswhich reduce the level ofcarbon emissions are needed.

• 2050 carbon emission reduction


• Environmental impact not justlimited to carbon emissions, butincorporates the effect on alocal scale of power plantinstallation.

Environmental impact

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Environmental Impact


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Environmental Impact




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Environmental Impact






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Linking Policy to Technology

• The technical ability to implement low carbontechnologies directly affects the policies whichshould be in place to legislate for theiroperation.

• New policy needs to be appropriate to thetechnology being introduced in order tominimise the risks and reap the full benefit.

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3. PublicAwareness

& Education

2. Finance

4. NGOs5. International


1. Legislation

Energy Policy: The Politician’s Directive

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• 立法规定CO2的排放标准Make laws to set CO2 emission standards

• 对CO2高排放企业征收较高赋税Taxation for companies with high CO2 emissions

• 制定碳排放交易规则Introduce carbon trading

• 对排放超标企业从严从重处罚Strict and serious punishment for companies which exceed theCO2 emissions allowed by their permit

• 规定CO2减排为每个公民的义务Make CO2 emission reduction become everyone’s obligation

• 严格监管,落到实处Strict supervision so that every rule is enforced

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• 新技术的研发

Research of new technologies

• 原有电厂的改建以实现CCS

Rebuild old power plants to realize CCS

• 新建电厂实现其他CO2减排新技术(如IGCC)

Build new power plants with other new CO2reduction technology (e.g. IGCC)

• 对宣传和教育的投资

Investigation on public awareness & education

Government Financial support

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Public Awareness & Education



Children &youth









Citizen, worker &migrant


Establish the concept of “do for myself”

Public awareness




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• 社区


• 环境保护组织

Organization of environmental protection

• 志愿者


Role of NGOs

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• 新技术的研发

Research of new technology (value of academiccollaboration)

• 政策制定

Policy making (has to be equal between countries)

• 企业间的合作

Between companies

• 民间合作

Between people

International Cooperation

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Differences Between Policy of Chinaand the UK

• Ensure energy supply canmeet the increasingdemand. This willnecessitate efficiencyimprovements now, withconsideration for low costssecondary, andenvironmental impact last.

• Get new generation capacityready, whilst keeping costslow in our fragile economy.All three aims need to besimultaneously met.

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Summary• Both China and UK are in need of increased energy

security. China’s need is to continue development,UK to replace existing generation capacity.

• Policy should place emphasis on this, for example, aplan of how future demand levels will be met.

• Necessity for costs to be low more important in UKthan China as the UK economy is fragile.

• Environmental impact a lower priority in China thanin the UK. Avoid excessive or unnecessary pollutionin both cases – this is the motivation and mainreason for CCS!

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• Prof. Ming-yao Zhang, “General Situation ofClean Coal Technology Research andApplication in China”.

• Dr. Hongyi Lai, “Energy Security in China:Economic Developmental Strategy andChallenges”.

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