nn Rites in France ^ T u Dulles Charj harges Reds ^ r...

p T :^ W d toia P fiuS rf w ^ 1 ° I lat ol oppo«lM-"f“ “2 S Z » in « po™'" h H ^ uid tl» ^ , <**• ifimldlDt'i e><>°<>( Ud pmocratlc OPPO"®^ ^ U both partlu prl- Iht atate'5 cross- ^ JJ. victories In both pri- ^ be Untamount to fta NemlMUon riK’i Iowa prlmo^, stat« taA.Hoesh, whocam- Three U IwalWng ll Q ^ r dler ta crate to drliil, w n °?r of ‘he D-da< g lor lovemor. Hoegh s d,^ lull nve bln> ‘ w ” ' obMrvancea. uijln over the 38 p e r bl Idta! vote needed t o ____ ^ to 6(>v. JMtiea ^„-aMli-«m«ressmen------- ----- noeratle renominatlon— . M li tfl tiwtlon tn the s ta te | , j„,R.Mayl.anlc l5 tolljj waJ expccted In b« held at 9 iWlliu anil CalHomla, p a rk in g , lot, ^looUng Bf tiair ipjjg gyg^j .tteeWblevoter. to ^win F iBniCoBiideni Designed lu^ld HooMvelt eeemed set and to 8 hjmuld tum.bacls hli th e roadeo i Monent, the community ------------------ piibUjhet Ned Redding, n Democrata and liv e n 'l T J_ I in In Uie lace. • J. JUli ran buitoeasman L eater DIscUMlona i i Columbia and U e u t. jng, posalble n Bell Timmerman. Jr. md election ---------------- membera ot th i , • tlon at their a e A ctions day at the Ch Reelected p: led C h in a wCSirJr.^ president, and eReported A Maurice Oua ronnoM, June 8 flR— M erl Rowe, Tl *in toed here today t ^ uj, ta communists w ere „hlef of the u all-out Invaalon of ogden; Oharl «d I reopening of th e ,up,„i, _ forest, and Jc OrEJul Bald in a re- president of tl M Chinese NatlonallBt association. D: Je redB might sUse a including futu M Invasion of th ia sheep and eatt Wl m in allempt to fects of the di m International b a r- a . R . Thorges Humboldt Natl ^uThruUaed iQCd^uinii.ai; iw llincy, apok?Mi8n ‘“ TotfeliitolorTaM n °G ° " tBii'' T^orth Korea ^ “"The Three “ “ wpervltory tenms Homemaliera 4 I®*W! lo take action and sho “I Miircei made almllar *•’6 the meetit by Donald Yc **W* Aprs '" “''ly W tollirace'r d Job Situ r;r:,r7 r! Natio ^"1 u u rem'ii* h " " ” ' WASHINQTI >‘«™dPormoM'5 o u 7 *;» Indicative oi " l: • ilivelopfflenu" m uch as expeci fan ■ A Joint coir »»lnir 0,., 'noi't report si iS n ' "“ '“""list po- half a million ®ll; i r r . » , “"d ^ “I nntlona of 13J05.000, but si _____________ ' high for that n 6rt Urges Demo! S-Bomb for Ri '^'“'6 o S “ ‘“J''P '''’- horror, In nil ; ^ -tlvonocs:"— “ ' I’J'"W , bomb war will mean ! " "«»>il(m . '™ S’" " 'f “‘ “Id.mill,, i> lo tho atomio mui ,'''' ' ““ "'I." M tac,.< ""'I no,.(led Murray recol' m '' P''Pireci I ., I"'' solenco L , '"' ‘'"‘"liable lerv gSi>3?3S5rrr In ,’®‘M ., Murray mjgi W l ''<l»rln,rl I ’’"'■'I'll! 0 " tliem L " '’"'"ally realljo '‘''‘'“ h- » "rcanoncd h( lor U>* -------- - y = - f l ------------------‘ I IS "^fcZ! y Jw Jk __i8 - ■ - - ....... - V- - ^ I A Regional News O ffieltl C^t7 And County N«wtpip«r Solemn R mg 'frT M ^ y j ' ~ r-flH S H U V Three V. S. GI’s stand before monmnent bpll dler ta crater holds torch from Arlington Nation of the D-day landings ta Normandy. Left to rlgl of the llrat division. The beaches vhere the All observances. (AP wirephoto) FeeipAgeitoacb Planned for! The second annual-teen-age “roadeo”'d e held at 9 a.m. Sunday at the Sear-Sf^o« ariing.lot, annouacea^ RobertJDetweiler, 'he event is sponsored jointly by the 1 nd Twin Falls Association of Insurance Designed to create' good driving habits s 3t and to select the community’s most sk; le roadeo elimination will consist of a w --------------------------------------- and skill ti ]1 Livestock ,Zs*S DIscUMlona of lhe future of graz- Mmpete. "Soi Ig, posBlble effects of dry spells have been gul 3d election of officers occupied violation durl lembera ot the 71 Livestock assocla- od prior to tl on at their aimual meeting Satur- Teen-age d ly at the Cherry creek schooL the skill drli Reelected president of the asso- the Twta Pi atton was Martin Curran. Serving Chamber of i Ith him are Rowland Patrick, vice istratlon will -esldent, and Noy Brackett. Three day. reek, secretary-treasiirer. Mem- The Idaho TS of the advisory board are the national aurloe Ouerry, Castleford. and Washington, eri Rowe, Three Creek. compete for $ Talks were given by Chet Olson, lief of the forestry service from „„rntpnr gden; Oharles Daugherty, M n ‘^ ^ e to p“ ills, supervlaor of the Sawtooth rest, and John Noh, Twin Falls, Dotwel esldent of the Idaho Woolgrowers ^ast year I soclatlon. Diacussions of grajhig. part In more eluding luture prospects for local prizes for eep and cattle raisers and the ef- provided by cts of the drought, were given by association. R . Thorgeaon, BUperYlsor o t J h e Asslattog'. I umboldt Nntlonal forest, and Wll- pjgns are I td_Quhm.-and Joe rallnie, bureau ourso "">< land management, Boise. Joseph Fix, T,lvp«t/inli rnlaera were enrniirnged Chalrnian: Rl -the snowfall-In the rnpimtahn: iyrjBng-ecrwB rroundlHgHie area and by an In- wph Shlnnn rmlttent drizzle Uiat fell during --------- e day-long session: ! 'Q fp V tiiu Dances nt Murphy's Hot springs O IC V C II l id^t'-thr-iichoolhouse--cllmaxed= e session. Luncheon was served by an«n-ot-th»-aa«ooltttlon.------------------- WBSX-Pflll The Three Creek LivesEock and’ jmemaliers 4-H club demonstrated ^ ting and showing of animals dur- fighting spee 8 the meeting. They were Judged never wl l be Donald Youtz, asssistant Twin Ills county agent. ™?K^blu„ti ., . as an Indirecl ob Situation in Nation Improves " ? J , ‘‘” Sher WASHINGTON, June 8 Wl—The with the sem tion's employment situation im- he haa no tht 3ved slightly in May, but not as though his Jol ich as expected, that it taxes : \ Joint commerce-labor depart- -------- tnt report said employment roae 22 KOE If a million to 61,110,000 between PUSAN, Ko ril and May. Unemployment de- ty-two crewmi ned by 160,000 from 3,465,000 to when a small OS,000, but still was at a postwar in a storm off !h for thnt month. last week, pol demonstration of H [)r Russ and Other idjjiavo-ln-tholr lUuslone.-what JifBtlDnill opj iSoru wan-rbnlV-means-ln-Bll It* ^lUoh - might rror, in nil Its shocking destruc- fllct. - • ■ onocs;'’— --------------------------------- - " t THU hbrro 'Qod alone knows whnt atomic continued, "n r will mean In a oompnratlvely leaders of a tc V years If aome sano solutions so unpopuloi tho atomic arms race ?re not evontualiy bo >11 found," Murray snid. Murray ca 'Murray lecolved an honorary do'o- States to gr ' ol solenco dogrol) for his "In- while it has ciilnble servlcos" to tho atomio slans mny ni JUtam_i)ijgiooB-nlao-were-ow«id» lald.^whothor to Premier Bhlgeru Yoshlda of power upsets I pan nnd Wllllom P. Bi^an, Dostbh in tho ovohll jinoor and writer. munism. Murray lujgested that If the pros- The alternn I nicanliiB ol wnr could bo uhl- mny bev a "III •ally realljed, thoro would arise by ^iian's dl«i "rcaioncd liori'or" of war tn d t ha i&id. npl Newsp^er S e rv i^ - ^ ' .. -'r T nn Rites in France Q i£ '''' v a f ■ H f i J uunent bnllt aton flertnan blockhongft nn TJtal [ton National cemetery -durinr June-5 observa Left to right are Sgts. Ronald Elliott, Dan F( ere the Allies itonned ashore 10 years ago w< jadeirfe forSuMa-y— ^ roadeo”' driving con le a L will !ear-Sr:RoebHo)fcfln4dE!emEany- )etweiler,-GonteBtHcheirmafl,- mended-tot by the Twin Falls Jayceea using its i 1 c6rtaln cha isurance Agenta. .j^g expe: ? habits among the teen-age ton of the b I most skillful young driver,' suggestion at of a writtfen examination "he^BeSn id skill test involving driv- 102 May 26 g through prescribed exer- . aes such as parking, smooth opping and others. navy offlci The local winner will compete in Wding thf e state rosdeo her* July 13. . “oito^ II not reach theh' 20th bhthday hydro-libes niversary by Aug. 1, ajre eligible to jjg j mpete. However, they m ust not ve been guilty of a moving traffio Morton al ilation during the aix-month peri- catapults 1 prior to the contest. catapulta' w reen-ago drivers may register for the danger 5 skill driving contest a t either the pne thal 5 Twta Palls police station or laat pctobei lamber of Coramerce office. Reg- Public hei ration will close at noon Satur- tion of the t y. after today' rhe Idaho wtaner will be sent to of reports 01 5 national roadeo contest in probably wl uhlngton, D. 0., Aug. 10-14 to next week, npete for »3,100 ta scholarships. nounced yes 'By emphasizing the rules of the Inveatlgat id and skills needed for safe chlv- had not rei [, we tatend to give looal youths a slon as to 1 mce to prove that some of Ameri- blast aboan s best drivers are teen-agers,” do- 76 miles a t res Detweller, jast year 80,000 teen-agers took rt In moro than 600 local contests. JjiVeUI Prizes for the contest are being jvlded by the Insurance Agents T "VT lociation. JLS il isslattaer-Dstweller-.wlth .rsadeo ins are Ivan Stone, loeation. ' H T ' irso. and-equlpmisnt chglnpan: ^iTXe? teph Fhe, Judgtag a n d scorhig airman: Richard Brizee. eligibill- JOOBANI ----------------------------- wc^ from EevMsTledpr ^upprfforGrs^ im.gT_.PQmr.. w v ~ B 111 .RI year-old N trmy^ecretnrrRobertrTrStevens ^'eT -tw a: d West Point graduates in a since he « httag speech today that they fering from rer will be subjected to "unwar- foot Mt. Mi ited attack or abuse" while he is jent on to I mtag the army, to the Bril lie blunt statement waa viewed ^ 1,0 had asl an Indirect slam at Sen. Joseph Hillary's cbi McCarthy, R, Wls., who. accord- to Stevens, abused an arm y gen- ..o,.™ ! 1 1 durtag a hearing laat winter. „h„u.^v hi n another reference to his row ‘“J , . '' , h the senator, Stevens declared condition, haa no thought of quitting even With it c lUgh his Job has proved "so rough suffered an .t it taxes one's endurance." jmeumonla- ________ : _________ Ing tlie 27,7 22 KOREANS DROW N-------------------------El] >USAN, Korea, June 8 liPI—Twen- Hillary a two crewmen apparently drowned bera of the en a small Korean freighter sank were reporte 1 storm off Korea's southern coast bani and v t week, police reported today. The other si ------------------------------------------------ - dltlon were [)f Huge r r t “erl , _ _ May 29 Hll ther Leaders riifhrt - _ _ Mt. Everest tlonnl opSbsliron” to policies mountain, loh-mlght-lesd-to-atonilo-conr ----- --------- r-‘ THU horror and opposition," tie itinued, "might make even the iers of a totalitarian dictatorship Dj unpopular thot they would ntually be dlaplncod." Olovoland turray called on t h e ' United at Philadel: tes to graap the ' opportunity York and Dn llo It has the chance. The Hus- gamoa. na mny no\v bo wondering, he l.^whathor-the-foroes-oX-atomlc, ----------- vor upsets tl(alr'.'dogmatlG bollfplillndelphia the ovohluni triumph of com- Ohibago ...... nism. Robortj ai 'ho alternnllve to speedy action Oooper. y ba a "likely doomsday cauaed Pittsburgh hion's dlBngreoment w ith man,” York jt Mir t&id. St. Louli, nl ’I ' <■ „• ^•^'vvvxvW ////'A; TWIN FALLS, IDAHO, TUESDj ^ ^ T J ^ one-year' V.;. ommende Tornado! 'viiKl’ atn Minnesota two destruct Storms s midsection B~‘orL.Utah beMhr r r a n c ^ m boI- up to 40 : 5 observ»noe-oW«b-anav5riK^ -FMmtogtO] t, Dan Pope and-Paul-Klrby, >11 ir« ago were the scenes of solemn _________________________I ______ Canada. ' winds race i 1 Asks thange ; e 5 uth O la., was c _Ta—_____ . 1, Mhih..whe: -boatrNear- ----- r car Pearso: l=:A' navy' technical. exDett-recom- rescuera-fi ended-today-that~OwTIaVy~cT!rar leetnf-lilr ling its present catapulta until _ irtain changes are made. The expert, Omdr. Henry S. Mor- The dev n of the bureau of ahlps, made ths small Mim iggestion in testhnony' before the docks and ivy board of inquiry tavestlgating .Fergus Pa le Bennington dlsister that killed hangar wai 12 May 26. craft amasl Rear Adm. John (Peg Leg) Hos- Numerou ns, board president,, ta d icat^ he molished. ould immediately bontapt f high Meanwhl ivy offlcUlj In Washtagton re- into Wynr irding the siiggestion.. the Kerr-J MortoH'said fho navy should stop, inturta* at ilnj hviln'lllli' flillil aTlirS^priiM Br - r in Its citspults and switch to 0 1 ' rdro-lubes and nitrogen. He said Britlshr hydro-lubes now " e betag t^ted by U. S. technicians. « Morton also said use of new steam I |-k-r tapults. ta place of hydraulic I tapulta would ellmtaato m uch of e danger of explosions shnllar to I ^ ,e pne that ripped Uie carrier Leyte st October, killing 7 men. _ __ Public hearings Into the tavestiga- . ' >n of the disaster will be suspended „ “1“ ter today's aession pending filtag Spnn* Dal reports on the case. The hearings “ ? *. obably will resume the m iddle of att*n“ “ I ixt week, navy spokesmen a n - pocpl*' lunced yesterday. About 121 Investigators said that they still *®r» regist id not reached a deftaite conclu- that starte' in as to the origin of the taitlal Holals repo u t aboard the carrier which was but quality miles at sea on the fateful day. higher thai ---------------------------- A demon Uvere s r if e r o ^ son, Buhl, Is Not Ailing^ ™ O Spectator .^Messag^Says «'aa'?'com S ------------- _______ emoon sass JOOBANI, mdia, June 8 (IB—A Th» “ “ I thin Hlni- ayan -fflothillAwn~todHyrrwltlr ihrstaterai ^ from Bir Edmund~HniSyr "Ayrshire,' nqueror-of-Mt._Eyerest, that he say and M is in "excellent health" oh the ate'dlsplayi iEes.-qTAjmto mountain. The brl5Tnes6age~ffSin=th«==S4^ ar-pld New Zealand beekeeper deil—twoJfHBla:::^—unoertttlnty ----------- ------ ice he waa first reported suf- ¥ | ring from pneumonia on 27,790- 1.111 3t Mt. Makalu. The message was u/iniiTwi at on to New Delhi in a telegram the British high commissioner 10 had asked for "early news" on llary'scondmoh. ; Heallh Eicellent The meae ■Regret unnecessary c o n c e r n the amount out my health. I em in excellent for the de| ndltion," the message said. With it came word that HUlary It muat n^ ffered an attack of m alaria^not for agreeme eumonla—on May 16 while cross- conlerence i 5 tlie 27,700-loot Mt. M akalu. encea will h Expected June 17 ' The senat Hillary and three other mem- almost appr ra of the New Zealand expedition o^ >127,761,1 Te reported on their way to Jog- Biggest iti nl and were expected June 17, 1164.100.127 le other six members of the expe- reau, of wh: ;ion were still climbing the gla- marked for ir. The housi Makalu is tho southernmost peak $140,170,700 the Everest group. A year ago last •114,470,700 ly 29 Hillary and Sherpa guide nsing Norkay became the firat The senal m In history to scale 20,004-foot ll®"’* recom Everest, the world's hlghenf ationa comn iuntain, p ---------- - lai?&U"il^day "S S Dlevoland at WaalUngton, Ohlcago ^Ziim°' fl PhlladelphlB, Detroit at Now Lrl?^i, irk and Baltimore at Boston, night ij„j, dui iMATinwAi starting Ji NATIONAL Previous ISiiFhir:.:— Ibago .......................... 301 000 a - « loborta and Lopata; Pollet and ^y jjnatj.' Wtaburgh at Oinclnnati, Hew irk gt Milwaukee and DrooUyu at ' Louli, night gunei. ' ' " — TUESDAY, JUNE 8. 19B4 L egislat Eisenh O nB WASHINGTON, June 8 (U,R)-The ne-year extension of rigid high price The committee voted, 21 to 8, agai mmended by the President and sch osal that rigid high supports be mac ------------------- ------------------- a one- it Least Two r Dei Persons Dead er rev The t In Tornadoes crops— and ric By Unlled Presa thos^ c Tornadoes and 90-mile-per-hour in 1965. 'Inds struck from Oklahoma to mendec Ilnnesota last night, killing at least into op TO persona and leaving wide paths prqvidl) f destruction. Mr. E Storms still raged ta the nation's Ible p h lidaection early today. Ousts close vetoing ) 50 miles per hour were clocked For ' t Minot, N. D., and hail and gusts has dec p to 40 miles per hour whipped port pr Canada HU The atorm center twisted into anada, where 70-mlle-per-hour Inds raced acrosi southern Mani- j j u 1 1 1 comnalt .iflia-wtads-htt-hBrdest-ati' centraL llnnesnta, where they reachedjall. -secret irce of 90 miles per hour. commit EmU : Tlnnnermanr-«»F-4i*Bteng0r ' An i 1.. was drowned ta Leech lake, ,umers Onn.. when the wind overturned his j oat.-Near-DeteplH«ltWr-Ml»” ’rQ»-- -pM nm ir Pearson, 6S, perished in a iire hllB-the wlnd.fannpd flamea kepL iscuers from getting-wlthta JOO in-the-i letnnusTojreabamoni*: foFdafi Lakes Whipped up up butt The devastfitlng wtads whipped nail Minnesota lakes to fury and f'ff ocks and boats were smashed. At «rgus Falls. Minn., an ah-plane ^ angar was whisked away and ah- I raft amashed. Numerous far« bulldtags were de- -w- lolished. ll Meanwhile, a small tomadoirlpped ito Wynnewood. Okla.. damaging den I le Kerr-UcOee OU Reftaery and opmmli ijurta* a t one person. 'ft-flBle: ' * '" • " " - - -er-appo jhow Draws taxes Top Animals^ “ Andri 1 bers o f Good Crowd IZ ^ , monthfl FILER, June 8 — The day-long ^ lUrth vm uol Southcentral Idaho qq pring Dairy ahow opened here at jjg le fairgrounds Tuesday moming m ^unt ttended by an esthnated 1,000 sople. slon-Jui About 125 head of dah? animals ere registered for the Junior show nun-iai lat started .at 10 a. Show of- commltl nials reported entrees were fewer, It quality of animala considerably invgjug Igher than last year's show. anythin A demonstration of fitting and lowing -tcchnlgucfl WM.- -found^**’ ueaday morntag by Harold Peter- m. Buhl, PPA chapter member. he Junior ahow Judgtag contest as scheduled followtag lunch. Spectators and exhibitors attend- ,g the show were expected to in- M |1 eaae considerably when the aft- iT l.U noon sesslon-gcts-nnder wa y . -------- pi. The senior show has attracted III [B-atate r a c c o r d l n i Ui.flhQW-Qniclalgr . Ayrshire, Ouemssy. HolatilnT'Jef^ “J y and Milking' Shorthorn animals * e-dlFpW edr--- ^ ^enateOlf^gg Interior Cash WASHINQTON, June 8 WV-The nate has passed by voice vote a K " osg J7,601,006 money bill Uf finance luike I leratlom of the interior depart- “id ent for the year beginning July 1. first It \ The m easure waa *63,263,007 ovor ing. e amount approved by the house He nc r the department several weeks fault str Ing dlst! It muat now go back to th e house Newsr r agreement, or to a house-senate dozens c nference committee Where differ- atory Pc cea will be Ironed out. Ooeur d The senate meaaure tn total funda felt disl most approxtaiated budget requeats >427.761,110. Biggest item ta the senate bill was I .f tT 64,100,127 for the reclamation bu- au, of which $132,077,127 w aa ear- rf^ arked for projeot construction. J_ ^ The house allowed only a total of 40.170.700 for the bureau, with Concei 14.479.700 set aside for conatnio- of local in. expresse The senato made no changes in of the ( ims recommended by ita approprl- lona committee last week.__ ____________ _ - 'wrote-ii 3BShds301^y^'d— WASHINGTON, Juno 8 (Spe- liaD—Sen. Henry Dworshak. R„ “ o libra da,, rio rts the senate has ap- Mrs. C iroved a 1-million-dollar appro- for the 1 irlatlon for controlling haloge- museum on, stock killing weed, on publlo j„n,eB r ands during the fiscal year torlcal i tartlng July 1. icop Previously, the house h ad ap- conunlss iroved-only-W00fl00.fQr4ialogaton- -pisce-shi ontrol; The Increase ln~the-»p- pij-yj, iropriatlon is subject to approval , ly senate-house conferees on the ntirlor appropriation bill. Dwor- halt said. . * ' ' "" ^ '' given 11 Nin* Irrlgaied Idaho Countle! UnnUi •< Audit 1 AuocliUd Pr«u tihow er b R igid Pl U,R)—The house agriculture committee ligh price supports for basic crops. •0 8, against allowing flexible and somi and scheduled under present la w. J h ts be made permanent. There we re a n - a one-year extension. At one ------- point it approved, 16 to 14, '-p* a Democratic plaii for a I I three-year extension, but Iat- ^ er reversed itself. The action finally approved by Uie committee would affect only five S crops—wheat, cotton, c ^ , peanuts and- rice. It would keep supports for W J thosf crops at 90 per cent ot parity iir in 1965. Mr. Elsenhower haa recom- to mended that congress allow to go £^mg st into operation next year a 1049 law tensil hs prqvldlng a flexible plan. Qq Mr. Elsenhower could put hla flex- -, , I's ible plan into operation merely by P.rOI« se vetoing the pendhig legislation. He sd For that reason, tho committee ahoul its has decided to include the price sup- ______ !d port provisions ta a catch-all farm provisions which--Mr.--£lsenhawet , , wants enacted hito law. Their rea- “ sdntag is that the President would be less likely to veto such a bill J., Today's action was taken as the committee began voting to hammer , ^S rS S lv?2S ^pared^ _____ committee aides. Two 'Or ' An Ihfarmed soiircs said eon- f ’ sumers would have to pay higher prices for dairy products under one 1- j” ” said th a t provision—still to be voted 7 ?^ PJ- -en—-would fures a IS' per cent buosir ™ In-the-govemmenli-OTlctjDiBranteea. ,J fir dairy farmera. T h a t would force up butter and cheese prices, ---------------------------- Invei Prober Faces 't drlvtag M . k M.' “cn. O: ^ Court Actions “■ T rp j|ni cldent In lax Cases johr of the 18 DENVER, Oolo., J u n e S (IB—^f. B, peared « OpmmlBsloper of m tem al. Revwue Falls i ■TV-flBleraan Andrews, an Hsenhow*' to Twl - -er-appotated—'V tglnia— Democrat,---------- saya that if Sen. Joseph R. McOar- thy. B.. Wis., has wilfully evaded I ,|»1 taxes "we will go after him Just like anyone else.” T? Andrews saU yesterday that mem- JH f bers of hla Washington staff have J been Investigating McOarthy’s ta- r 1 come tax returns for the past few I months "as a routine matter" and will be finished “wlthto tho next The 60 days." VaUey He told about 800 attorney! and May P J® accountanta he' has received about year, s two dozen queries from tjie "conclu- from ( , slon-Jumptag public" regarding the membe ^ Wisconsin red-hunter’s “weird fl- monthi J" nanclal transactions," as a senate j^on '■ committee tenned them. - d a ^ , ‘tl '' Andrewa gave no htat of what his the be 'S' tovestlgators had found ao far. if more v . anything, to incriminate McOarthy. patient .But he said if any irreguhu-itles are tries di -foun*-»wfrwlll-80^fter-htaj-Juat like, gnnri m any one else—lie has no Immunity vioua h Just because he is a member of the opnj leglslatlyi branch.” voted t J. --------------------------------------^ ------------ gist. Tl l: Mild Earthquakes^ !d rGiverldSnriolt ■^The- In ' mprt<r«\ g: l.i,.— — V - - --------------- ---- .J. pr —■—Br-Th»-AwxH«ted-PM« --------Jmmt] I, A mild earthquake shook parts proved. = :j)t=northem=ldBbo=3[esterday=hut. —Thu- there were no reports of tajury or Tiimer, _ damage, __ ^ ___ _____- - . inaounl The rumbling tremor BhookTiouser Mrs. Ir and rattled d|shea a t both Kellogg a prece ahd uoeur d'Alene, ii sliuulrheaTy— ^Each- I machinery al the Northweat Umber tendtag '* company mill ot Coeur d'Alene. expense Wendell Bralnard, editor of the prlze-w , Kellogg Evening News, said the Jubilee quake lasted lor about 30 seconds, county L and thnt many residents thought at contribi i first It was the result of somo blast- paid pi ,r ing. worked le He noted that the Oaburn earth a fault Btraddlea the norlh Idaho mta- 8 tag district. NW le Newspapers nnd radio stations got stock n * dozens ot calls. Tenanta of the four- back to ■- story Powell building, the largest in ed with Ooeur d'Alene, said the tremor was were a I, feit distincUy there. day at [s ^ ^ : Concern Expressed I, T. F. Items of HisI h Concern over preservation of itemrf before I- ot local historical importance waa and co; expressed at Monday night's meeting Richi n ot the city commission. who we Mra. 'Victor Ooertzen, chahman of cldent i - .lh1TTgiiaM l»:fll;tofIcttl-wcuty. ’w rote-l^W dinga :nUmber-of--lt<mis- of hlstarlcaL.v»luj.»iiiWfi)i. priglnallx. ;*“4hch - ■■boIdngod^ti-thoX B. PsrrtaeJam lly. ileterml The items havo beei} on display at U'o sprnslb Mrs. OoerUen urged proper care *hen t for the items or transfer to the atate caught museum at Boise. Commissioner gf tho James Norfleet lold Items bt his- cavatioi torlcal vnluo ihould bt preserved departr nnd kept In Twin Fails. However, olahn f conunlssliiiiori lelt a more suitable (n«i ai ' -plBce-should-bo-lound-for-suoh-dlB- plays. from th Attention was called to ■ city will att ordinance which specifies vicsnt Boiss J lots should be kept clour of debris ber ot and weeds. Proiicrty owners will be attend given llvi diyi notics to comply' itBrtini ,1 I ^ lO Countlea • _____ )tr •< Aadlt Bur«4u of OlrcaUtiou uoeUUd Pm a tad UnlUd PrMi M tR ebi3 * b y A gre Price Su] committee rebuffed President Eisenhov crops. 3 and somewhat lower supports to go in it la w. J h e committee rejected by only ( i we re a number of votea before the coi o n e -----------------------------^ ------------------------------- u Dulles Charj r. W ith Decei LiUltS « for WASHINGTON, June 8 (U.R)- "wn- Dulles chatged today that 0 go sins their feet at the Geneva far 1 law tensifying military operations in I _ Dulles told a news conference i y'bj professed communist-desires for p He declined to say how m uch 1( ilttee should sit at Geneva and let the ( fX ----------- ----------------- ^ ---------- tiat ower Pair Held ira “ isu Tipsy Counts S. the X J - to b uner A £*.«,, H/f-Igiti estt ITJlBimJjj. Two Salt Lake Olty men wera be- Ant] ing held In Twhi-JUli-comity-jidl mun gher Tuesday on charges ol drunkdrlvliig St tl gge faObivl^ a mtaor Iniclc-car collision Oen :‘rns- -tajfansett-early-MmdyOTenlBirr' ------ Ind( The two were identitled as H arry Tlew Johnson, w hm m arraigned In Twin -nui Jails Justtoe j ourt and-tlacelunder. .iout '♦aJO-bond. antTThomas Maim, w ho ther waa to be arraigned Tuesday. jj. Investigating offlcen reported hai Uieta car rammed the rear of a Indt up truck while both vehloln vitt who drlvtag west on highway 20 tn H aa* shot sen. Officers said tho driver ojt th e mea [g truck was Mrs, OMrge Howard, eng, Murtaugh. Total damage ol the ac- cldent was a dented license plate. ^ es Johnaon was arrested''at Uie scene n, ot the accident, but fim n ^l*ap- 7- S. peared and -wu artested bJ, Twin •pue Falls gherlff’i offlcenJta »;tU(loab to Twto psiuitiiKM t,{itti;uiin::::'’« '., cr*tr ---------- -V——IV. J. ': , I illl lh . - .— S Census Hiked ' hftB For Hospital;. 151 Deficit Is Cut 3 next The average daily census at Magic' VaUey Memorial hospital during *« ' and May rose to 70.1, the highest this bout year, and the cash deficit was cu t i n iclu- from M0374.79 to ♦38^86.50, board Kl the members learned at theh- regular fl- monthly meettag Monday night. t oate lYom the itandpotot of patient dayi, the 2JS00 recorded to May wps ' Ws the best stace January whon one / 1 r. If more was listed. However, tho 2,174 J ■thy. patient days for adulta and nedla- are trlea durtag May was the best by a NI like. good-marglnJgt thU Ytw. Tin pre- Jeadi nlty vioua high was 2,018 ta Janilary. ' Heel Oonsiderable-discusslon waa d e- leri^ voted to a contract for the rsdlolo- of 0 gist. The board adopted a resolution wage __ to o b t ^ an added radiologist to paiy W-bvi^rulI-coveniBS fur hospltar ~T1l patients at all ttaies. Oomi i t ' ~THo~matter of-prlvUeges-ior-thB- - medicaLstaff aim was discmsed a t tlatli some-leniith.-^ recommnndatlona- ------- arts proved. Jait- -'rh.-hnRrd'Voted-to-sendJlarlan- f or Tiimer. hospital accountant, to an afcounttag Institute^ Jrt—July: an d . . user Mrs. Irene-Qliver, admtalstr«loit-to' logg a preceptors conterence,____ ______ rary— ^Each-^embetlof—the-board-at— — Iber tendtag tho meet paid a share of th e expense Incurred in enterhig a the prlze-wlnntag float to the Oolden the Jubilee parade. L. W. Hawkins, ^e: nda. county commiaalon chahman, also g jj, t at contributed. Prevloualy. doctors h a d ast- paid part of the expense and had gj^,, worked on the float irth ------------------------ ar \ ,ta- STOCK MARKET HIT NEW YORK. June 8*lfl - T he r. “ got stock market suffered a major set- mr- back today to a reaction that start- t in ed with a severe seUing wave. Prices , , was were at their lowest level of th e day at the close, ------- -------- with essed on Saving ^ f Historical Value £ em< before the city has the work done holdi was and costs assessed agalhkt owners, niaki ting Richard Howard and A. P. Oslund, of th who were Injured in an aircraft ac- ] Qf cldent at Joslta field May 0, notified ntv the cominiESlau-of-tbekJntintlon to ,rn.'- JUlfxaiilinrflgalnft'tHliraty.iui aoon TPi •Itu aa1hclfcinedlmr-txpinses;hav»-been- illi; fletirralria-Both mm^eMllnlilifiia: , ta the crash. Jr Tlie two men hold the olty re - J"! sponsible for tho accident resulting '“f* when the tall wheel of their plane late caught In a pile of dht at tlie end '»*'■ of tho runway left there by an ex- I'l'- cavation crew ol Uie city sanitation ''«<1 department. Provibujly, a M.GOO ver, olahn for damoBca to the plane w as . , >hle died against the city, . from the Twin Falls fire department city will attend tlie state fire lohool in J!,' isnt Boise June 10,11 and 13. One m em - bria ber ot tlio police department will, Vi I be attend tlie polioe ichool la Fooitello iply' starting Juni li - Edition ' - - PRICEBCENTSp ... ; buffs freeing Supports ts to go into force next year as rec- I d by only one vote15 to 14—-a pro- , I ore the committee finally agreed on “ I harges Reds ^ ►eceit in Talks I 8 (U.R)—Secretary of Stata John ; )day that the communists are (Irag- J eneva far east conference while in- r ationa in Indo(;I\ina. inference that this givea the lia to sires for peace. , ’>7 w m uch longer the westem ■powers ^ d let the communists prolong nego- ------- tiations. He said the primaiy . ------- reanonaibiUtv for the dadrion 1 ------- is upto^^nce^Bnd-VietrNam,-—^ the nationo-doing the fight- . , tg ing, and that ha didn’t want : to be in a position y>f trying to . Jp _ ::::(ln-:.'IiimdoBr Wimlgn - ir» b e - Anthony Eden warned the 'cdm* ty-JaU munlit»-th»t-Britata--li-luUy-»wiife= Irlvlng. .jOf the.iitatiit?p,«.iBmt.take If.th* ■ illlslon .under. 1, w h o tber oommunlst sggrewton.). Dulles laid tbs'tm ited.'fltatei^ ported hsi no Intatlon’of detains witl),: ipl (^7 Indoohlna 8ltiiitlbiLBlon6 unlfiu I ths I we*? whole nature of aggrewlott thew cl“ DW- By that; he iald, h» o; w e means,U communist Oblnit ihould . .. oward, engaga.to open jrm td aggrewlon . “0 then till entlrr.iltuaUon inlght i . »tt ehsnge, - , ' --i,::;-!/,■ i«^e .-DuB«ial4-the*drnprtwtl6il»M^ II altoU(m.,But'(0 far, 'b« Slid, tho< d bai not been esouib ie n a ^ ie - - » ceptsnce of the nropoial io w ii^t ^ _ jjeeking coagresdo^.authrt^i; ■« ' —Key congressional’ , iouicei ; ia ll ; ■ ■{'■■f'-e^er that .IM deiit ElMohmnr. ' joay, decide in a matter of .dayi ' M-rfo- - ^ th e r to talt'oongreii for wrthori totog Ity to lntenreni. , .' It t h i s . ' ^— TT— " Phone Union ,Iieadera'Avo\y..: . Bid No Good Eby a NEW YORK, June S (a»—TWob »pre- Jeaden-fotMK»n»-^7/iO^=westoiDi------ y. ' Hectrlo company'telephone^lnstal-'. ■rr s de- lari ln-ffl^itates=and--the^Dlitriot'== dlolo- of Oolumlila say a 4!9'ceA 7 lutlon wage kicr^ase offered- by tb e Mm- Ist to pany "isnot enough."________ ' ispltar -“ ThinlfiloHTdBtHot lO’ofttieTO O Oommunlcations Workers of.;Aniw:-.. _.;iL: |ed*^t tiations with the compaj^r toda^'*' I HiBnmion aid not lormally'reject tho offer, but todlcated'iudi''attlon~'~ ..... Jamea M. mW , 'dlatrlot dh««* - -i Jm•^^aald^thea^ntafcwa»sgettln*3=s ready for a strike ta caae n o sgree- i~toe TKo^^on* M l^ptesent wages UJ average 11.86 an hour. lolden 600 Affected vklns, LjRjy J Purdy, Denver, 'diatrict ^ 8 dhector- ot the union, said 600, I electric employes of tho Mountata ' Btatej Telephone-and “Telegraph— company are' affected. They work as histaileis for the company ta Colorado, Wyoming, Ariiona, New Mexico, Utah, Idaho and E l Paso ; county, Tex. JS", But Purdy aald a walkout by Uia J relative few would be honored by Mountata Stales' other 11,000 Union _____ employes “who observe a picket line without question." t REPORT SLATED 5 ALBANY, N.Y,. June 8 (U,fD-Hec- tlon inspeotora ta the proxy fight 1 1 0 lor control of the vast New York Central ralh-oad ayatem told a stock- done holden meettag today they hoped to vners. make a ftaal report and certification slund, of the vote by June 14. tt ac- ■ I . ' ' itlfled >11 lonjo ____ ChiUy ^ ____^ UilTBd Bn )n the n « t -feir-daT».T«»JJ- T T T „ „ the (Ivo-day forecaat received here Tuesday via the Asaoototed ultinjf prcjj ' "Tlils won’t make for W ' „ good fishing weather," M ^ e d M.OOO "Continued oool th b u g b Bun- ' day with considerable cloudlnen ^ andafewj^wew lierl^^.^^^^^ / M * Ilh h IgHiSgK'Sr to70,IoFe8tJ»to«.Totia,pwi. , P'"'": Olpltation .H to .BO of «n taoh.“ l : . ': ' ' ' ' ' ''V.-

Transcript of nn Rites in France ^ T u Dulles Charj harges Reds ^ r...

■ p T : ^ W d

t o i a „


fiuS rf w ^ 1° I la t ol

oppo«lM-"f“ ‘“2 S Z » in « po™'" h H

^ uid tl» ^

, <**•

ifimldlDt'i e><>°<>(Ud pmocratlc OPPO"®^^ U both partlu prl-

Iht atate'5 cross- ^JJ. victories In both pri- ^ be Untamount to

fta NemlMUon riK’i Iowa prlmo^, stat«taA.Hoesh, whocam - Three U

IwalWng llQ ^ r dler ta crateto drliil, w n ° ? r of ‘he D-da<g lor lovemor. Hoegh s d ,^lull nve bln> ‘ w ” ' obMrvancea.uijln over the 38 per bl Idta! vote needed t o ____

^ to 6(>v. JMtiea^„-aMli-«m«ressmen------- -----noeratle renominatlon— . Mli tfl tiwtlon tn the s ta te |

, j„ ,R .M a y l.an lc l5

tolljj waJ expccted In b« h e ld a t 9iWlliu anil CalHomla, p a r k in g , lot,^ lo o U n g B f tia ir ip jjg gyg^j .tteeW b lev o te r. to ^w in F

iBniCoBiideni D esignedlu^ld HooMvelt eeemed s e t a n d to 8hjmuld tum.bacls h li t h e roadeo iMonent, the community ------------------piibUjhet Ned Redding,n Democrata and live n ' l T J _I in In Uie lace. • J . J U l i

ran buitoeasman Leater DIscUMlona ii Columbia and U eut. jng, posalblen Bell Timmerman. Jr. m d election---------------- membera ot th

i , • tlon at their ae A c t i o n s day a t the Ch

Reelected p:

le d C h i n a w C S irJr.^president, and

e R e p o r t e dA Maurice Oua

ronnoM, June 8 flR— M erl Rowe, Tl*in toed here today t ^ uj,t a communists were „hlef of theu all-out Invaalon of ogden; Oharl«d I reopening of the ,up ,„i,

_ forest, and JcOrEJul Bald in a re - president of tlM Chinese NatlonallBt association. D:Je redB might sUse a including futu

M Invasion of thia sheep and eattWl m in allempt to fects of the dim International bar- a . R . Thorges

Humboldt Natl^uThruUaed iQCd^uinii.ai;

iw llincy, apok?Mi8n■‘“ TotfeliitolorTaM

™ n ° G°"tBii'' T^orth Korea ^ “ "The Three “ “ wpervltory tenms Homemaliera 4 I®*W! lo take action and sho“I Miircei made almllar *•’6 the meetit

by Donald Yc **W* Aprs '" “ ''ly W

tollirace 'rd Job Situ r £ r ; r : , r 7 r ! Natio"1 uu rem'ii* h ""” ' WASHINQTI

>‘«™dPormoM'5 o u7*;» Indicative oi " l :

• ilivelopfflenu" much as expeci fan ■ A Joint coir »»lnir 0, . , 'no i't report si iS n ' "“ '“""list po- half a million ®ll; i r r . » , “"d

“I nntlona of 13J05.000, but si _____________ ' high for that n

6rt Urges Demo! S-Bomb for Ri

'^'“ '6 o S “ ‘“J ''P '' '’- horror, In nil ; ^ -tlvonocs:"— “

' I’J'"W , bomb war will mean! " "«»>il(m . '™ S’" " 'f “‘ “Id.mill,, i> lo tho atomio

mui ,'''' ' ““ "'I." M tac,.< ""'I no,.(led Murray recol'm '' P''Pireci I ., I"'' solenco

L , '"' ‘'" ‘"liable lerv

gSi>3?3S5rrrIn ,’®‘M ., Murray mjgiWl ’ ''<l»rln,rl I ■’’"'■'I'll! 0

" tliem L " ' ’"'"ally realljo'‘'' ‘' “ h - » "rcanoncd h(

lor U>* -------- - ■ y

= - f l ------------------‘ I— IS " ^ f c Z ! y J w J k_ _ i 8 - ■ - - .......- V - -

^ I A Regional News

O f f ie l t l C^t7 AndC o u n ty N « w tp ip « r

Solemn R

m g

'frT M ^ y j

' ~ r - f l H S


Three V. S. G I’s s tand before monm nen t bpll dler ta crater holds torch from Arlington Nation of the D-day landings ta Normandy. Left to rlgl of the llrat division. The beaches vh ere the All observances. (AP w irephoto)

FeeipA geitoacb Planned f o r !

The second annual-teen-age “roadeo”'d e held at 9 a.m. Sunday a t the Sear-Sf^o« ariing.lot, annouacea^ RobertJDetweiler, 'he event is sponsored jointly by the 1 nd Twin Falls Association of Insurance Designed to create' good driving habits s

3t and to select the community’s most sk; le roadeo elimination will consist of a w --------------------------------------- and skill ti

]1 Livestock ,Zs*S

DIscUMlona of lhe fu tu re of graz- M mpete. "Soi Ig, posBlble effects of dry spells have been gul3d election of officers occupied violation durllembera ot the 71 Livestock assocla- od p rio r to tlon at their aimual m eeting S atu r- Teen-age dly a t the Cherry creek schooL the skill drliReelected president of the asso- the Tw ta Piatton was M artin C urran . Serving Cham ber of i Ith him are Rowland Patrick , vice is tra tlon will-esldent, and Noy B rackett. Three day.reek, secretary-treasiirer. Mem- T he IdahoTS of the advisory board are the nationalaurloe Ouerry, C astleford. and W ashington,eri Rowe, Three Creek. com pete for $ Talks were given by Chet Olson,lief of the forestry service from „„ rn tp n rgden; Oharles D augherty, M n ‘^ ^ e to p “ ills, supervlaor of th e Sawtoothrest, and John Noh, Twin Falls, Dotwelesldent of the Idaho Woolgrowers ^ a s t year Isoclatlon. Diacussions of grajhig. p a r t In moreeluding luture prospects for local prizes foreep and cattle ra ise rs and th e ef- provided bycts of the drought, were given by association.

R . Thorgeaon, BUperYlsor o t J h e Asslattog'. Iumboldt Nntlonal forest, and Wll- pjgns are Itd_Quhm.-and Joe ra lln ie , bureau o u r s o ""><land management, Boise. Joseph Fix,

T,lvp«t/inli rnlaera were enrniirnged Chalrnian: Rl - t h e snowfall-In th e rnpim tahn: i yrjBng-ecrwBrroundlHgHie area and by an In- w p h S h ln n nrmlttent drizzle U iat fell during ---------e day-long session: ! ' Q f p V t i i uDances nt M urphy's H ot springs O I C V C I I l id^t'-thr-iichoolhouse--cllm axed=e session. Luncheon w as served by ■an«n-ot-th»-aa«ooltttlon.------------------- WBS X -PflllThe Three Creek LivesEock and’jmemaliers 4-H club dem onstrated ^ting and showing of anim als dur- fighting spee8 the meeting. T hey were Judged never wl l be

Donald Youtz, asssistan t TwinIlls county agent. ™ ? K ^ b lu „ t i

• . , . as an Indireclob Situation in Nation Improves " ? J , ‘‘” S h e r

WASHINGTON, Ju n e 8 Wl—The with the semtion's employment situa tion im- he haa no tht3ved slightly in May, but no t as though his Jolich as expected, th a t i t taxes :\ Joint commerce-labor depart- --------tnt report said em ploym ent roae 22 KOEIf a million to 61,110,000 between PUSAN, Koril and May. U nem ploym ent de- ty-tw o crewmined by 160,000 from 3,465,000 to when a smallOS,000, but still was a t a postwar in a storm off!h for thnt month. la st week, pol

demonstration of H [)r Russ and Otheridjjiavo-ln-tholr lU uslone.-w hat JifBtlDnill opjiSoru wan-rbnlV-means-ln-Bll It* ^lU oh - mightrror, in nil Its shocking destruc- fllct. - • ■onocs;'’— --------------------------------- - " t THU hbrro'Qod alone knows w hnt atomic continued, "nr will mean In a oompnratlvely leaders of a tcV years If aome sano solutions so unpopuloitho atomic arm s race ? re not evontualiy bo

>11 found," Murray snid. M urray ca'Murray lecolved an honorary do'o- S tates to gr' ol solenco dogrol) for his "In- while i t hasciilnble servlcos" to tho atomio slans mny niJUtam_i)ijgiooB-nlao-were-ow«id» lald .^w hothor

to Premier Bhlgeru Yoshlda of power upsets Ipan nnd Wllllom P. B i^an , Dostbh in tho ovohlljinoor and writer. munism .Murray lujgested th a t If the pros- T he alternnI nicanliiB ol wnr could bo uhl- mny bev a "III•ally realljed, thoro would arise by ^iian's dl«i"rcaioncd liori'or" of w ar tn d t ha i&id.

npl Newsp^er S e r v i ^ -

' . . - ' r T

n n R ite s i n F r a n c e

Q i £ ' ' ' ' v a f ■

H f i J

uunen t bnllt aton f le r tn a n blockhongft nn TJtal [ton National cemetery -d u rin r J u n e -5 observa Left to right are Sgts. R onald E llio tt, D an F( ere the Allies itonned asho re 10 years ago w<

jadeirfe fo rS u M a -y —^roadeo”' driving con l e a L will !ear-Sr:RoebHo)fcfln4dE!em Eany-)e tw e ile r ,-G o n te B tH c h e irm a fl,- m ended-tot by t h e Twin Falls Jayceea using its

i 1 c6rtaln chaisurance Agenta. .j^g expe:? habits among the teen-age ton of th e bI most skillful young driver,' suggestion at of a writtfen exam ination "he^BeSn id skill test involving driv- 102 May 26 g through prescribed exer- .aes such as parking, smoothopping and others. navy offlciThe local winner will com pete in W d in g th fe s ta te rosdeo her* J u ly 13. . “ o i t o ^

II n o t reach theh' 20 th b h th d ay hydro-libes n iversary by Aug. 1, ajre eligible to jjg j mpete. However, they m u s t notve been guilty of a m oving traffio M orton alilation during the a ix -m onth peri- catapults 1p rio r to the contest. ca tapu lta ' w

reen-ago drivers may reg is te r for the danger5 skill driving contest a t e ither the pne thal5 Tw ta Palls police s ta tio n o r laat pctobeilamber of Coramerce o ffice. Reg- Public heira tion will close at n o o n S atu r- tion of th e ty. after today'rh e Idaho wtaner will b e sent to of reports 015 national roadeo c o n te s t in probably wlu h lng ton , D. 0., Aug. 10-14 to next week,n p e te for »3,100 ta scholarships. nounced yes'By emphasizing the ru le s of the Inveatlgatid and skills needed fo r s a fe chlv- had not rei[, we tatend to give looal youths a slon as to 1m c e to prove tha t some o f Ameri- blast aboans best drivers are teen-agers,” do- 76 miles a tre s Detweller, — ja s t year 80,000 teen -agers tookr t In moro than 600 local contests. JjiVeUI Prizes for the contest a r e beingjvlded by the In su rance Agents T "VTlociation. JLS i lisslattaer-D stw eller-.w lth .rsadeoins are Ivan Stone, loeation. ' H T 'irso . and-equlpmisnt ch g ln p an : iTXe?teph Fhe, Judgtag a n d scorhigairm an: Richard Brizee. eligibill- JOOBANI

----------------------------- w c ^ from

E ev M sT le d p r^upprfforGrs^im.gT_.PQmr.. w v ~ B 111.RI year-old Ntrm y ^ecre tn rrR o b ertrT rS tev en s ^ 'e T - t w a :d W est Point g rad u a tes in a since he «h ttag speech today t h a t they fering fromrer will be subjected to "unwar- foot Mt. Miited attack or abuse" w h ile he is je n t on to Im tag the army, to the Brill i e blunt statement w a a viewed ^ 1,0 had aslan Indirect slam at S e n . Joseph Hillary's cbi M cCarthy, R , Wls., w ho . accord-to Stevens, abused an a rm y gen- ..o ,.™ ! 1

1 durtag a hearing laat w inter. „ h „ u .^ v hin another reference to his row ‘“J , . '' ,h the senator, Stevens declared condition,haa no thought of q u ittin g even With it c

lU gh his Job has proved "so rough suffered an.t i t taxes one's endurance." jm eum onla-

________ :_________ Ing tlie 27,722 KOREANS DROW N-------------------------El]

>USAN, Korea, June 8 liPI—Twen- Hillary a two crewmen apparently drowned bera of the en a small Korean fre ig h te r sank were reporte 1 storm off Korea's so u th e rn coast bani and v t week, police reported today. The other si ------------------------------------------------- dltlon were

[)f Huge r r t “erl, _ ” _ May 29 Hll

ther Leaders r i i f h r t- _ _ Mt. Everest

tlonnl opSbsliron” to policies mountain, lo h -m lg h t- le sd - to -a to n ilo -co n r--------------r - ‘

THU horror and opposition," tie itinued, "might make even the ie rs of a totalitarian d ic ta to rsh ip Dj

unpopular thot th e y would n tua lly be dlaplncod." Olovolandtu rra y called on t h e ' United a t Philadel: tes to graap the ' opportunity York and Dn llo It has the chance. T h e Hus- gamoa. na mny no\v bo w ondering, hel.^w hathor-the-foroes-oX -atom lc,-----------vor upsets tl(a lr'.'dogmatlG b o ll f p l i l ln d e lp h iath e ovohluni trium ph of com- Ohibago ......nism . Robortj ai'ho alternnllve to speedy action Oooper.y b a a "likely doomsday cauaed Pittsburghh ion 's dlBngreoment w ith man,” York j t M irt&id. S t. Louli, nl

’I'<■ „•

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^ T J

o n e -y e a r '

V.;. o m m ende

Tornado! 'viiKl’ a tn Minnesota two

destruct Storms s


B~‘orL.Utah beMhr r r a n c ^ m boI- up to 40 : 5 o b se rv » n o e -o W « b -a n a v 5 riK ^ -FMmtogtO] t, D an Pope and-Paul-K lrby, >11 ir« ago were the scenes of solem n

_________________________I______ Canada. 'winds race

i 1Asks thange ;e5u thO la., was c

_ T a —_____. 1 , Mhih..whe:-boatrNear-

----- ■ — r car Pearso:

l=:A' n avy ' technical. exDett-recom- rescuera-fi ended-today-that~OwTIaVy~cT!rar le e tn f - l i l r ling its present catapulta un til _irtain changes are made.The expert, Omdr. Henry S. M or- The dev n of th e bureau of ahlps, m ade ths small M im iggestion in testhnony' before the docks and ivy board of inquiry tavestlgating .Fergus Pa le Bennington dlsister th a t killed hangar wai 12 May 26. craft amaslRear Adm. John (Peg Leg) Hos- Numerou ns, board president,, t a d ic a t^ he molished. ould immediately bontapt f high Meanwhl ivy offlcUlj In W ashtagton re- into W ynr irding th e siiggestion.. the K err-JMortoH'said fho navy should stop, inturta* a t ilnj hviln'lllli' flillil aT lirS ^priiM B r -r in Its citspults and sw itch to 0 1 ' rdro-lubes and nitrogen.He said Britlshr hydro-lubes now " e betag t^ te d by U. S. technicians. « M orton also said use of new steam I |-k -r ta p u lts . ta place of hydraulic I tapulta would ellmtaato m u c h of e danger of explosions sh n lla r to I ^ ,e pne th a t ripped Uie ca rrier Leyte st October, killing 7 men. _ _ _ Public hearings Into the tavestiga - . ' >n of th e disaster will be suspended „ “1“ ter today's aession pending filtag Spnn* Dal reports on the case. The hearings “ ? *. obably will resume the m idd le of att*n“ “ I ixt week, navy spokesmen an - pocpl*' lunced yesterday. About 121 Investigators said th a t th e y still *®r» reg ist id not reached a deftaite conclu - that starte' in as to the origin of the ta itla l Holals repo u t aboard the carrier w hich was but quality miles a t sea on the fa tefu l day. higher thai

---------------------------- A demon

Uver esrife ro ^son, Buhl,

Is Not Ailing^ ™O ” Spectator

.^Messag^Says « 'aa '? 'comS ------------- _______ emoon sass

JOOBANI, mdia, June 8 (IB—A Th» “ “ I thin H lni-

ayan -fflo th illA w n ~ to dHyrrw ltlr ih rs ta te ra i ^ from Bir E d m u n d ~ H n iS y r "A yrsh ire ,' nqueror-of-M t._Eyerest, t h a t he say and M is in "excellent health" o h th e ate'dlsplayi iE es .-q T A jm to mountain. —The brl5Tnes6age~ffSin=th«==S4^ ar-pld New Zealand beekeeperdeil—tw oJfH B la:::^—unoertttln ty-----------------ice he waa first reported su f- ¥ „ | ring from pneumonia on 27,790- 1 .1 1 1 3t Mt. Makalu. The message was u/iniiTw i at on to New Delhi in a te legram

the British high commissioner 10 had asked for "early new s" on llary 'scondm oh. ;

Heallh Eicellent The meae■Regret unnecessary c o n c e r n the am ount out my health. I em in excellen t for the de| ndltion," the message said.With it came word th a t HUlary It muat n ffered an attack of m a la r ia ^ n o t for agreeme eumonla—on May 16 while cross- conlerence i 5 tlie 27,700-loot Mt. M akalu. encea will h

Expected June 17 ' The senat Hillary and three other m em - almost ap p r ra of the New Zealand expedition o >127,761,1 Te reported on their way to Jo g - Biggest iti nl and were expected J u n e 17, 1164.100.127 le other six members of the expe- reau, of wh: ;ion were still climbing th e g la - marked for ir. The housi Makalu is tho southernm ost peak $140,170,700 the Everest group. A year ago la st •114,470,700 ly 29 Hillary and Sherpa guide nsing Norkay became th e fira t The senal m In history to scale 20,004-foot ll®"’* recom

Everest, the world's hlghenf ationa comn iuntain, p ---------- -

lai?&U"il^day "S SDlevoland at WaalUngton, Ohlcago ^Ziim°' fl

PhlladelphlB, Detroit a t Now L r l ? ^ i , irk and Baltimore a t Boston, n ig h t i j „ j , dui

iMATinwAi sta rting J iNATIONAL Previous

I S i i F h i r : . : —Ibago .......................... 301 000 a - «loborta and Lopata; Pollet an d ^y j jn a t j . '

W taburgh at Oinclnnati, Hew irk gt Milwaukee and DrooUyu a t '

Louli, night gunei. ' ' " —


L e g i s l a t

E i s e n h

O n BWASHINGTON, J une 8 (U,R )-The

ne-year extension of rigid high price The committee voted, 21 to 8, agai

mmended by the President and sch osal th a t rigid high supports be m ac ------------------- ------------------- a one-

it Least Two r Dei Persons Dead er rev

T h e t

In Tornadoes crops—and r ic

By Unlled Presa thos^ cTornadoes and 90-mile-per-hour in 1965.

'Inds struck from Oklahoma to mendecIlnnesota la st night, killing a t least into opTO persona and leaving w ide paths prqvidl)f destruction. M r. EStorms still raged ta th e nation's Ible p h

lidaection early today. O usts close vetoing) 50 miles per hour were clocked F o r 't Minot, N. D., and hail a n d gusts has decp to 40 miles per hour whipped port p r

Canada HUThe atorm center tw isted into anada, w here 70-mlle-per-hour Inds raced acrosi southern Mani-

j j u 1 1 1 comnalt.iflia-wtads-htt-hBrdest-a ti ' centraLllnnesnta, where they r e a c h e d ja ll . - s e c r e t irce of 90 miles per hour. com m itEmU : Tlnnnermanr-«»F-4i*Bteng0r ' An i 1.. was drowned ta L eech lake, ,u m ers Onn.. w hen th e wind overturned his joat.-Near-DeteplH«ltWr-Ml»” ’rQ»-- -p M n m ir Pearson, 6S, perished in a iire hllB-the w lnd .fannpd flam ea kepL iscuers from g e ttin g -w lth ta JOO in -the-i le tn n u sT o jre a b a m o n i* : foF dafi

Lakes Whipped u p up b u ttThe devastfitlng wtads whipped nail M innesota lakes to fu ry and f ' f f ocks and boats were sm ashed. At «rgus Falls. Minn., an ah-plane ^ angar was whisked away an d ah- I raft amashed.Numerous f a r « bulldtags were de- -w-

lolished. l lMeanwhile, a small tom adoirlpped ito Wynnewood. Okla.. damaging d e n I le K err-U cO ee OU R eftaery and opm m li ijurta* a t one person. 'ft-flBle: — ' * ' " • " " ■ - - -er-appo

jhow Drawstaxes

Top Animals “ A ndri1 bers o f

Good Crowd IZ ^, monthfl

FILER, Ju n e 8 — T he day-long ^lUrth v m u o l Southcentral Idaho qqpring D airy ahow opened here at jjgle fairgrounds Tuesday m om ing m ^ u n t ttended by an esthna ted 1,000sople. — slon-JuiAbout 125 head of d a h ? animals ere registered for the Ju n io r show nun-ia i lat s ta rted .a t 10 a. S how of- commltl nials reported entrees w ere fewer,It quality of animala considerably invgjug Igher th a n la st year's show . any th in A dem onstration of f i t t in g and lowing -tcchnlgucfl WM.- -found^**’ueaday m orntag by H arold Peter- m. Buhl, PPA chapter member. he Junior ahow Judgtag contest as scheduled followtag lunch .Spectators and exhibitors attend-,g the show were expected to in- M | 1eaae considerably when th e aft- iT l .Unoon sesslon-gcts-nnder w a y . --------p i .The senior show has a ttrac ted I I I

[B-atate racco rd ln i Ui.flhQW-Qniclalgr . Ayrshire, Ouemssy. H olatilnT 'Jef^ “ J y and M ilking' Shorthorn animals * e-dlFpW edr--- ^

^ e n a te O l f ^ g g Interior Cash

WASHINQTON, June 8 WV-The nate has passed by voice vote a K " o sg J7,601,006 money bill Uf finance lu ik e I leratlom of the interior depart- “id ent for the year beginning July 1. first I t \ The m easure waa *63,263,007 ovor ing. e am ount approved by th e house He nc r the departm ent several weeks fault s tr

Ing dlst!It muat now go back to th e house Newsr r agreement, or to a house-senate dozens c nference committee Where differ- atory Pc cea will be Ironed out. Ooeur dThe senate meaaure tn to ta l funda felt d is l most approxtaiated budget requeats >427.761,110.

Biggest item ta the senate b ill was I . f t T 64,100,127 for the reclam ation bu- au, of which $132,077,127 w aa ear- r f ^ arked for projeot construction. J_ ^The house allowed only a to ta l of40.170.700 for the bureau , with Concei14.479.700 set aside for conatnio- of local in. expresse The senato made no changes in of the ( ims recommended by ita approprl-lona committee last week.______________ _ - 'w ro te -ii

3BShds301 y 'd—WASHINGTON, Juno 8 (Spe-

liaD—Sen. Henry D w orshak. R„ “ o librada,, r i o r t s the senate h a s ap- Mrs. Ciroved a 1-million-dollar app ro - for th e 1irlatlon for controlling haloge- museumon, stock killing weed, on publlo j„n,eB rands during the fiscal year torlcal itartlng July 1. icopPreviously, the house h a d ap- conunlss

iroved-only-W00fl00.fQr4ialogaton- -pisce-shiontrol; T he Increase ln ~ th e-» p - pij-yj,iropriatlon is subject to approval , ly senate-house conferees o n the ntirlor appropriation bill. Dwor- halt said.

. * ' ' " " ' ' given 11

Nin* Irrlgaied Idaho Countle!

U n n U i •< A ud it 1 AuocliUd Pr«u

t i h o w e r b

R i g i d P lU,R)—T h e house agriculture committee ligh p rice supports fo r basic crops.•0 8, ag a in st allowing flexible and somi and scheduled un d er present la w. J h

ts be m ade permanent. There we re a n- a one-year extension. At one -------

point it approved, 16 to 14, '-p* a Democratic p l a i i fo r a I I three-year extension, but Iat- ^ er reversed itself.

T h e action finally approved by Uie com m ittee would a ffec t only five

S crops— wheat, cotton, c ^ , peanutsand- rice. I t would keep supports for W J thosf crops at 90 p e r cent ot parity

iir in 1965. Mr. Elsenhower haa recom- to m ended tha t congress allow to go £^mg s t into operation next yea r a 1049 law te n s i l hs prqvldlng a flexible p lan . Q q

M r. Elsenhower cou ld pu t hla flex- -, , I's ible p la n into operation merely by P.rOI« se vetoing the pendhig legislation. Hesd F o r tha t reason, tho committee ahoulits has decided to include the price sup- ______!d port provisions ta a catch-all farm

provisions which--M r.--£lsenhawet ,, w ants enacted hito law. Their rea- “ sdntag is that the President would “ be le ss likely to veto such a bill J . ,

Today 's action w as taken as the com mittee began v o tin g to hammer ,

^ S r S S l v ? 2 S ^ p a r e d ^ _____com mittee aides. Two

'Or ' An Ihfarmed so iirc s said eon- “ f ’ sum ers would have to pay higher

prices for dairy p roducts under one 1- j ”” said t h a t provision—stil l to be voted 7 ? ^ PJ- -en—-would fures a I S' p er cent buosir ™ In-the-govemmenli-OTlctjDiBranteea. ,J

f i r da iry farmera. T h a t would force up b u tte r and cheese prices,

---------------------------- Invei

Prober Faces' t drlvtag

M. k M.' “cn. O: Court Actions“■ T r p ■ j|ni cldent„ In lax Cases jo h r™ of the18 DENVER, Oolo., J u n e S (IB— f. B, peared « OpmmlBsloper of m te m a l. Revwue Falls i

■TV-flBleraan Andrews, an Hsenhow*' to Twl- -er-appotated—'V tg ln ia — Democrat,----------

saya th a t if Sen. Jo se p h R . McOar-thy. B .. Wis., has wilfully evaded I ,|»1 taxes "we will go a f te r him Just likeanyone else.” ■ T ?

Andrews saU yesterday tha t mem- JH f bers o f hla W ashington staff have

J been Investigating M cOarthy’s ta - r1 come ta x returns fo r th e past few I

m onths "as a routine m atter" andwill b e finished “w lth to tho next The60 days." VaUey

He told about 800 attorney! and May PJ® accountanta he' h as received about year, s

two dozen queries fro m tjie "conclu- from (, slon-Jumptag public" regarding the membe^ Wisconsin red-hunter’s “weird fl- monthiJ" nanc lal transactions," as a senate j^ o n'■ committee tenned them . ■ - d a ^ , ‘tl' ' Andrewa gave no h ta t of what his the be'S' tovestlgators had found ao far. if more v. anything, to incriminate McOarthy. patient

.But h e said if any irreguhu-itles are tries di-foun*-»wfrwlll-80^fter-h taj-Juat like, gnnri many o n e else—lie h a s no Immunity vioua hJust because he is a member of the o p n jleglslatlyi branch.” voted t

J. -------------------------------------- ------------ gist. Tl

l: Mild Earthquakes^ !d rGiverldSnriolt ■^The-In ' mprt<r«\g : l.i ,.— — V - - --------------- ---- . J .pr — ■—B r-Th»-A w xH «ted-PM «--------J m m t]I, A m ild earthquake shook parts proved. = :j)t=northem =ldBbo=3[esterday=hut. —T hu-

there were no reports of tajury or Tiimer,_ dam age,__ ___ _____- - . inaounl

T h e rumbling trem or BhookTiouser Mrs. Ir and ra ttle d d|shea a t both Kellogg a prece ahd uoeu r d'Alene, i i sliuulrheaTy— ^Each-

I m achinery al the N orthw eat U m ber tendtag '* com pany mill ot Coeur d'Alene. expense• W endell Bralnard, editor of the prlze-w , Kellogg Evening News, said the Jubilee

quake lasted lor ab o u t 30 seconds, countyL and th n t many residents thought a t contribii first I t was the result of somo blast- paid pi,r ing. worked le He noted that the Oaburn eartha fault Btraddlea the n o rlh Idaho m ta- 8

tag d istrict. N Wle Newspapers nnd radio stations got stock n* dozens ot calls. Tenanta of the four- back to ■- story Powell building, the largest in ed with

Ooeur d'Alene, said th e tremor was were a I, feit distincUy there. day at[s ^

: Concern Expressed I, T. F. Items of HisIh Concern over preservation of itemrf beforeI- ot local historical im portance waa and co;

expressed at Monday n igh t's meeting Richin ot the city commission. who we

Mra. 'Victor Ooertzen, chahm an of cldent i- .lh1T T g iia M l» :f l l ; to f Ic t t l -w c u ty .

’w ro te -l^W dinga :nUmber-of--lt<mis-■ of hlstarlcaL.v»luj.»iiiWfi)i. priglnallx. ;*“4hch- ■■boIdngod^ti-thoX B . P srrtaeJam lly . ileterml

The items havo beei} on display a t U'o

■ ■ sprnslbMrs. OoerUen urged proper care *hen t

for th e items or tran sfe r to the atate caughtmuseum at Boise. Commissioner gf thoJames Norfleet lold Item s bt his- cavatioitorlcal vnluo ihould b t preserved departrnnd k ep t In Twin F ails. However, olahn fconunlssliiiiori lelt a more suitable (n« i ai

' -plBce-should-bo-lound-for-suoh-dlB-plays. “ from th

A ttention was ca lled to ■ city will attordinance which specifies v ic sn t Boiss Jlots should be kept clour of debris ber otand weeds. Proiicrty ow ners will be attendgiven llv i diyi n o tic s to comply' itBrtini


^lO Countlea • ‘ _ _ _ _ _

) tr •< A ad lt B ur«4u of O lrc a U tio u uoeU U d P m a t a d U nlUd P rM i

M t R e b i 3

* b y A g r e

P r i c e S u ]co m m i t t e e r e b u f f e d P re s id e n t E i s e n h o v c rops .3 a n d s o m e w h a t low er su p p o rts t o g o in it la w . J h e c o m m itte e re je c te d b y o n ly ( i w e r e a n u m b e r o f v o te a b e fo re t h e coi o n e ----------------------------- -------------------------------

u Dulles Charj r. W ith Decei


« for W A S H IN G T O N , Ju n e 8 (U .R )- "wn- D u lle s c h a tg e d to d a y t h a t0 go s i n s t h e i r f e e t a t th e G e n e v a f a r1 law t e n s i f y i n g m ili ta ry o p e r a t io n s in I

_ D u lle s to ld a n e w s c o n f e r e n c e i y 'b j p r o f e s s e d c o m m u n is t-d e s ire s f o r p

H e d ec lin ed to s a y how m u c h 1( ilttee s h o u ld s i t a t G e n e v a and l e t t h e (

f X ----------- — ----------------- ---------- t i a t

ower Pair Held ira “ isuTipsy Counts S.

the X J - t o buner A £ * . « , , H /f - Ig i t i e s t t

I T J l B i m J j j .

Two S a lt Lake Olty men wera b e - Ant]ing held In Tw hi-JU li-com ity-jidl mun

gher Tuesday on charges ol drunkdrlv liig St tlgge faO bivl^ a mtaor Iniclc-car collision Oen

:‘rn s - -tajfansett-early-M m dyOTenlBirr'------Ind(T he two were identitled as H a rry Tlew

Johnson, w h m m arraigned In T w in -n u i J a i l s Justtoe j ourt and-t la c e lu n d e r . .iout'♦aJO-bond. antTThomas Maim, w h o therwaa to be arraigned Tuesday. jj.

Investigating offlcen reported h a iUieta ca r rammed the rea r of a Indtup truck while both vehloln v i t t whodrlvtag w est on highway 20 tn H a a * shotsen. O fficers said tho driver ojt t h e m ea

[ g truck w as Mrs, OMrge H oward, eng, M urtaugh. Total damage ol the a c -cldent was a dented license plate. ^es Johnaon was arrested''at Uie scen e n, ot the accident, but f im n ^ l*ap -

7- S. peared an d -wu artested b J , T w in •pue Falls gherlff’i offlcenJta »;tU (loab

to Twto p s iu itiiK M t,{ itt i;u iin :: :: '’« ' . ,c r * t r ---------- -V——IV. J. ' : , I illl lh . - .—

S Census Hiked' hftB

For Hospital;. 151 Deficit Is Cut 3

next The average daily census at M agic 'VaUey Memorial hospital d u rin g *« '

and May rose to 70.1, the highest th i s bout year, and the cash deficit was c u t i n iclu- from M0374.79 to ♦38^86.50, b o a rd K l

the members learned at theh- regu lar fl- monthly meettag Monday night. t

oate lYom th e itandpotot of p a tien t dayi, the 2JS00 recorded to May wps '

■ Ws the best stace January whon o n e / 1 r. If more was listed. However, tho 2,174 J ■thy. patien t days for adulta and ned la-

are trlea durtag May was the best by a NI like. good-m arglnJgt thU Ytw. Tin p r e - Jeadi n lty vioua high was 2,018 ta Janilary. ' Heel

Oonsiderable-discusslon waa d e - le ri^ voted to a contract for the rsdlolo- of 0

— gist. The board adopted a resolution wage__to o b t ^ an added radiologist t o pa iy

W -bvi^rulI-coveniBS fur ho sp lta r ~ T 1 l patients a t all ttaies. Oomi

i t ' ~ T H o~ m atter of-prlvUeges-ior-thB- - m edicaL staff aim was discmsed a t tlatli

s o m e - l e n i i th . - ^ recommnnd a tlo n a --------

arts proved.Ja it- - 'rh .-h n R rd 'V o ted -to -se n d Jla rlan - f or T iim er. hospital accountant, to a n

afcounttag Institute^ Jrt—Ju ly : a n d . . u ser Mrs. Irene-Qliver, adm talstr«loit-to 'logg a preceptors conterence,____ ______rary— ^Each-^em betlof—th e -b o a rd -a t— — Iber tendtag tho meet paid a share of th e

expense Incurred in enterhig a the prlze-wlnntag float to the Oolden the Jubilee parade. L. W. Hawkins, ^e:

nda. county commiaalon chahman, a lso g jj, t a t contributed. Prevloualy. doctors h a d ast- paid p a r t of the expense and h a d g j^ ,,

worked on the floatirth ---------— --------------- a r \,ta - STOCK MARKET HIT

NEW YORK. June 8*lfl - T h e r . “ got stock m arket suffered a major s e t -

m r- back today to a reaction tha t s ta r t - „ t in ed w ith a severe seUing wave. P rice s , , was were a t the ir lowest level of th e

day a t the close,------- -------- w ith

essed on Saving f Historical Value £em< before the city has the work d o n e holdi was and costs assessed agalhkt ow ners, niaki ting R ichard Howard and A. P. O slund, of th

who were Injured in an aircraft a c - ] Qf cldent a t Joslta field May 0, notified ntv the cominiESlau-of-tbekJntintlon to ,rn.'- JU lfxaiilinrflgalnft'tH liraty.iui ao o n TPi •Itu aa1hclfcinedlm r-txpinses;hav»-been- illi; f le tirra lria -B o th m m ^eM lln lilifiia :, ta the crash. J r

Tlie two men hold th e olty r e - J"! sponsible for tho accident resulting

'“f* when the tall wheel of their p la n e late caught In a pile of d h t a t tlie e n d '»*'■ of tho runway left there by an e x - I 'l'- cavation crew ol Uie city sanitation ''«<1 departm ent. Provibujly, a M.GOO ver, olahn for damoBca to the plane w a s . , >hle died against the city, .

from the Twin Falls fire departm en t city will attend tlie state fire lohool i n J!,' isn t Boise June 10,11 and 13. One m em - bria ber ot tlio police department w ill, Vi I be attend tlie polioe ichool l a Fooitello iply' starting J u n i l i

- Ed i t i o n ' - -

PR IC E B C E N T Sp... ;

b u f f s

f r e e i n g

S u p p o r t s

ts to go into force next year as rec- I d by only one vote— 15 to 14—-a pro- , I ore th e committee finally agreed on “ I

harges Reds ►eceit in TalksI 8 (U.R)—Secretary of S tata John ; )day th a t the communists are (Irag- J eneva fa r east conference while in- r ationa in Indo(;I\ina. inference that this givea the lia to sires fo r peace. , ’>7w m uch longer the westem ■powers d le t the communists prolong nego-------- tiations. He said the prim aiy .-------reanonaibiUtv f o r the d a d r i o n

1 ------- is upto^^nce^Bnd-VietrNam,-—^the nationo-doing th e fight- . ,

t g ing, and th a t ha didn’t want : to be in a position y>f try ing to .

— J p _ ::::(ln-:.'IiimdoBr Wimlgn - ir» b e - Anthony Eden w arned th e 'cdm* ty -JaU m unlit»-th»t-B ritata--li-luU y-»w iife= Irlvlng. .jOf th e .iita tiit?p ,« .iB m t.take If.th* ■ illlslon

.u n d er.1, w h o tber oommunlst sggrewton.).

Dulles laid tb s ' tm i t e d . 'f l t a t e i ^ p o rted h s i no In ta tlon ’of detains witl),: i p l ( ^ 7 Indoohlna 8ltiiitlbiLBlon6 u n lfiu I thsI w e*? whole nature of aggrewlott thew ‘ cl“ DW- By th a t; h e ia ld , h»o; w e means,U communist Oblnit ihould . . . ow ard, engaga.to open jrm td aggrewlon . “0 then till e n t lr r .il tu a U o n inlght i . » t t ehsnge, - , ' --i,::;-!/,■i « ^ e . - D u B « ia l4 - th e * d r n p r tw t l6 i l» M ^

I I altoU(m.,But'(0 f a r , 'b« S lid , tho<

d b a i not been e so u ib i e n a ^ i e - - » ceptsnce of the nropoial io w i i ^ t ^ _ jjeeking c o a g re s d o ^ .a u th r t^ i ;

■« ' —Key congressional’ , iouicei ; ia ll ; ■ ■{'■■f'-e^er that .IM d e iit ElMohmnr. '

joay, decide in a matter of .dayi ' M -rfo- - ^ t h e r to talt'oongreii for wrthori t o t o g Ity to lntenreni. , .'It th i s . ' — — TT— "

Phone Union ,Iieadera'Avo\y..: .

Bid No GoodE by a NEW YORK, Ju n e S (a»—TWob ■» p re - Jeaden-fotM K»n»-^7/iO^=westoiDi------y. ' Hectrlo com pany'telephone^lnstal-'. ■ rr s d e - l a r i ln -ffl^ ita tes= and --the^D litrio t'= = dlolo- of Oolumlila say a 4 !9 'ceA 7 lu tlo n wage kicr^ase offered- by tb e Mm-Ist t o pany "isno t enough."________ 'isp lta r -“ ThinlfiloHTdBtHot lO’o fttieT O O

Oommunlcations W orkers of.;Aniw:-.. _.;iL:

|ed*^ t tiations with the compaj^r to d a ^ '* ' I

HiBnmion aid n o t lorm ally 'reject tho offer, but todlcated 'iudi''a ttlon~ '~ .....

Jamea M. m W , 'dlatrlot dh««* - -i Jm •^^ aa ld ^ th ea ^n ta fcw a » sg e ttln * 3 = s

™ ready for a strike ta caae n o sgree-

i~ t o e T K o ^^ o n * M l^ p te se n t wages UJ average 11.86 an hour.lolden 600 Affectedvklns, LjRjy J Purdy, Denver, 'diatrict■ ^ 8 dhector- ot the union, sa id 600,I electric employes of tho M ountata' Btatej T elephone-and “Telegraph—

company are' affected. T hey work • as histaileis for the com pany ta Colorado, Wyoming, A riiona, New

■ Mexico, Utah, Idaho and E l Paso ; county, Tex.J S " , But Purdy aald a walkout by Uia J relative few would be honored by “ Mountata Stales' o ther 11,000 Union_____ employes “who observe a p icket line

without question."

t REPORT SLATED5 ALBANY, N .Y,. June 8 (U,fD-Hec-

tlon inspeotora ta the proxy fight 1 1 0 lo r control of the vast New York

Central ralh-oad ayatem told a stock- d o n e holden meettag today they hoped to

v n ers . make a ftaal report and certification s lu n d , of the vote by June 14. t t a c - ■ I ■ . ' ' i tlfled >11l o n j o ____ ChiUy ____ ^UilTBd Bn )n the n « t -feir-daT».T«»JJ- T T T„ „ the (Ivo-day forecaat received

here Tuesday via the Asaoototed u ltin jf prcjj '

"Tlils won’t make for W ' „ good fishing weather," M ^ e d

M.OOO "Continued oool th b u g b Bun- ' day with considerable cloudlnen a n d a fe w j^ w e w lierl^^ .^^^^^ /

M * Ilh h I g H i S g K ' S rto 7 0 ,Io F e 8 tJ» to « .T o tia ,p w i. ,

P '" '" : Olpltation .H to .BO of «n taoh.“

l : . ' :■' ' ' ' ' ''V.-

W g b t w o _ /: ■■'

Jiiiy n

T - ^ e c o n d ^ r ia l A onB-woxnAn* ll> m tn district

court ju i r re tired a t noon TuetcUy . / In th t .re tr la l o l the caie of Olay

Pukfa, K im berly, charged with — lewa conduct w ith an ll-year-oW

Kimberly girl.Hie *lrl w aa recalled to the wlt-

„ neu Itand Tueaday moming foUow- tag two ho u rs of testimony Monday.AIM called to teatlfy Tuesday were

■ he; toother, three of her young J playmates; th e defendant, Clay Par- t n ker, Mrs. P ark er, and the niottier of another glrL I "

B»(ore re tir in g a t noon, tha Jury __heard fina l argum ents'B TAaslatant | > State Proaecutor Wllllim J. Langley £ > ( and J. Alfred May.Mctense attorney.T tu Judge re a d the court's Instruc- |

The new tr ia l w u scheduled after ' the Jury deliberated some six hours pjj

W but failed to re tu rn a verdict during t,y j ' the first hea ring of tho case two j

weeks ago.________ _____________-day-,

R e p o r t s G i v e n o n ^ co

F e d e r a l O p e n i n g s?ederal civil service examinations

for landscape architect and marine Dr. Inavigation specialist openings In jo26. varloui federa l agencies In Wash-

I ington, D. 0 .. and throughout the . V,I Dniled S ta tea are announced by . ' .I Agnes A. S tro n k , Twin Falls civil ,I lervlm secretary . , I PoiltlOM pay$8,410 to m M a I year,] No w ritten te s t la required for ^I either exam ination. However, appll- willI canti muet shpw appropriate eduoa- jnarcII 'tlon snd experience. Most of the p lna H navigation specialist positions are Bug I In the navy hydrographic office. by a I . IMilher Inform ation and applica- W. I tlon forms n u y be obtained from “Luc I MlU Stronk a t the Twin Falls post- “Syra

offloi, "Onv

^ F o r m e r ^ s i d e n t

P a s s e s o n C o a s t „a former Twin yearV

M i l le ilden t an d a lister of Jobn Elks A. Brown, T w in Falli, died a t 7 pan. Wedt

:— H ohW linsibS fifflB n te rco lf.— —SJti, W ynn w u bora and raised 7 ^

- „ w>»r flrah Q rehard. Tenn. flhe and ™ h e r h u ib tn d ' oam« to Idaho more W S , than 40 j e a n u o and settled a tOMtlHord ,w h8» they, f a n n r t ._____

BurvlVDSTTnglude foiir childrenr r “ — iHiffdtd I5ynn,:B lohar4.M ynn. Wes-------leyrnynn-»ndT M ti.-H aje l-T M han- -

I non, III S ac ian u n ta .I Fimiral MrVieiit win odnductld I Thundiy » t Saotam ento under dl-

' rectlon of th « AndW M and Orenioh HA M netil hom e. . for I


n o s p i t a l s'*■ be hi

------Magic Valley Memorial “ rtVllltlnj h o u r i at Maglo Valley «™'><

Memorial ho sp ita l are from 3 to i M d 7 t o * p j n . - ' , ' ' ;

^> iln . B ennis OUff, Mrs. Howard R t

"TlRien, L a n y Oreen and Manuel Haro Polendo, aU Tw in Palls; Robert 2 p.Jobs AUen, FU er; Mra. Don Fam es man•n d Brent M orrill, both Kimberly, R e x :•n d Mrs. V lrgll Reeves, Oaatleford. ohuri

DISM ISSED will • Mn. L a u re l Craig, Mrs. I4oyd

Iiswli and daugh ter, Mrs. Theodore B nWelktt, D ian n e MarUn, Darlene Mrs.M arta, P ran c is Brown and Jack oondiBalliy, all T w in Falls; M rt. James ohunPage and son and Mrs. Vemon IsaacSlater, all P ller, and Joieph S tast- heldny, jr., H anaen. Prler

BIRTH S homeSons were b o m Monday to Mr. time

and Mrs. O liver' Strain, Eden, andMr. and M rs. Joseph oiese. Filer. BU

~ ' ' ' Icea 1Cottage, Burley jw»

Mn. Dean Q rlffln and Mrs. Betty ' r Ost«hout, lio th Deolo; Ronald Zol-

Unger, Sublett; M n . Loma Bowen. ^ ™^^-TBUH«r,-Mr». R u th O la y to n T B S ^

•n d Mrs, LuoUle Marston, Paul. y j* " DISMISSED

_____Paul;E o lO in lth , M alU , M ra jillnnle Frejmlller, Burley, and Gary H utch- “

--------InsoarBridg*;----------------------------------BIRTH S ‘' 'f * '

. — ao n t-w «^-bo ro -M onday - to - 4 i r r faid u n . E lton Q r»fiir«B ;na?~ inffl'Mrt. Devon O aterhout, all Deolo.

^ ^ ^ G M f l i n S i n o r i a l ^_ V liltlng-houn a t Qoodlng-Memo-- njorti

> l i l hoepltal a re from 3 to 4:30 and Laws — - Xrom I to 8:30 p jn . - tian------------------------ ADMITTED------------------T l t i r

Mn. Jamea A. Myer, flooding. eteryDISHISBED -------

Mn. Oeorge Tsohannen, Ooodlng;Mrs. John H aron and Leonard Mc- Deannan, both Shoshone, and Jack Martin, Hagerm an.

Rupert GeneralADMITTED

Mn. Jan e t VanEvery and Deon Ruuker, both Rupert, and Marvin Lootlle, Paul.

DISMISSED Mn. Verlan Hess and son, Ru­

p e r t

St. Benedict’s, JeromeADMITTED

John W. M ltohell and Mrs, M ari­e tta Perklna, bo th Jerome.

DISMISSED Olen V lnlng and Mrs. Thomas

Walgsmott a n d aon, both Jerome.

W e a t h e r

Maile Valley—M osll; cloudy to-__n lfb t sn (L ^ d n e a d a y w llhJU bt-raltt

— W M ie s d i i . J tw r r to n j f h t r i i a o a J ;

Ststlm «M. Hln. Ptp.Albimuinof _ _ _ _ _ JO HI 'UUmu«k -------------------60 &‘jBoln ------------------------ in (JJu rltr ----------------------- t l 43Ohicuo ----------------------11 ItDwvir ---------------------- II 4SGoodlni----------------------17 45Ntw OrliiDl----------------to 19 ,MN«» yotk------------------- - II IIO id tn ------------------------II (0O m ih .-----------------------11 ITPhMnli _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ II is . , . .

-----f - r l l l l l ............ .. I II I ni---- -------------- i-----I’orlUnd — ........ ............II 13 ,|0Book lotlnn ....... ..........u. I) IIBill LiW Cllr ....... 11 10Bt» yiiMlico ....... . 1 -----«

Louli ...................I ....- II (0.......... ................... 61 4A

TWIN HLIS .................. er \aWMhinilfla-----------------81 11 —

______ , \

, {Ceep th e White F lag ] ^ of Safety Flying

f - — 1 - — rf ...irlct I V y Viday ^ a '3lay ^ i Vrith ^ i N y.old J ..............

wit- ^ s jow-day. ^

Img N ow jive dayi without a ti •ar- t r a f f ic death in our Magic a th 'f Vallev. JIury --------------------------------T“ " J

X Band Concert nney. C

2 Season Opens c>urs P lr s t concert of the summer series J■ln« by th o Twin Falla municipal band ^

will be preaented at 8:15 pjn. T hu rs- I------- day-ftt-the olty pariCr^nnounceaJ3t, _

O. A. Puller, band director. aConcerts will be given a t 8:19 ^

p.m. eaoh Thursday during June, [Tfl July a n d August. The band, celebrat-

Ing Ita Both anniversary this year, Jons consists ot 38 experienced musicians. , ■Ine Dr. PMUer has been Its director since

(u I T ho program Iricluilei "Our Bug- J ler," a march by Mlssud; "La Forza

M del Deatlno," an overture by Verdi; seleotlons from "The Wliard of Oz"

. by H arberg and Allen, and "O hit“ “ ■onat,"Tniolks:T)y strBuw - - for FoUowlng Intermlaalon, the b an d a

pll- will p la y "Old Olory Forever," a C oa- m arch by Ooldman; "A M ayfair p the C inderella," a waits by Ketelby, and u t "B ugles and Drums," another m arch tl

by Ooldm an,_______________________li oa- W. K lrcher will play a comet aolo, J om "L ucia." Encore numbers Inolude h 1st- "Sym phonia," 'Oh My, Papa" and

"O nw ard Ohrlstlan Soldiers." “ ______________ ____________ t

Meeting Set «a f BURLEY, June I' -A roeclal d in - vi ' n e t m eeting to discuss the coming y

irin y ear'i p ro p a m will be h ild in the Ihn Elks club dining room .a t 7 p.ni. ti ijn. W ednesday by the Ohamber of t,— ■Oommereerannounoee-RorLrTltusr "S

a n ? * p ^ M ” ynte MfaS*hi*Ohamber '° t t kotlvltles are urged td attend, T ltua °

said. . .renr i - — —-— - —— - i T

J M a g i c V a l l e y

. . F u n e r a l s»___________________________n

di* 4ileh BAZKLTON — Funeral servlcea «,

for M n . Iiabelle Chadwick O hrls-_ _ topherson will be held at 3 p. m . i,

T huraday s t the Hatelton LD S «ohapel -with Bishop J r O . O ardener .officiating. Concluding-lervlces w ill fbe h e ld a t P leasant Vliw cemetery. ^P rlenda may call a t the Payne ^

l l m ortuary , Burloy, Wedneiday a f t - .]]gy em oon and evening and at the plaoe ' „ i ot le rv lce i l^ u n d ay from U a, m .

t s th e tim e o^tkaifuneral.— ^ '-------------- -------- 1rard RU PERT — F uneral lervices fo r fcluel H arold L. Hall will be conducted a t eje rt 2 p. n>. Wednesday a t the O ood- j•nes m an funeral ohapel with tho Rex. arly, Rex Lawson, pastor of tho C hristian >

ohuroh, offioiatlng. Concluding riteswill bo held In R upert cemetery. j,

oyd --------lore BURLEY—Funeral lervlces for eno Mrs. K a le Estella Doman will be ack conducted In ,th e LDS first w ard nes church a t 3 pjn. Prlday by Bishop . non Isaac Lee, Concluding rites will be u t- held a t Pleaaant View cemetery, q

Prlenda may oall a t the funeral home Thursday and Friday u n til ,,

Mr. time o f servlce*u> • o and — I “ -fl!, r. BURLEY, June 8—Funeral serv­

lcea fo r S. T, Lowe, prominent B u r- h ley a ttom ey and form er state sena- n tor, w ill be conduoted at 3:30 p m . d

J .] ' T hursday In th e Elka temple here.The B'arley Elks lodge will con- b

^ -duotxoncluding s e n l c e n t P lea sa h t -’ View cemetery under direotlon o f i

McCullooh's funeral home. {

S J - B U K L IS^-Funeral services for S." j j , . T, Lowe will be conducted a t 3:30----- y ih - T h u ra d ay In th e~ fflta rte m p lr "

here, P in a l services wUI bo conduct-

RUPERT — Funeral aervicea for _— «BToia=E=iiflFw m -br^onilucM ir4T *

2 pjn. Wednesday a t the Ooodmanno-- mortUK? £hapel w m thtJUv. Rex and Lawaon, paator o( the Rupert Ohria-

tian church, offloiatii y^-poneludtntf " T lterw nrblslield^lH eR upert cem- etery.


rvln ^

Ru- e^ ^ K sS J

C t

to*rAiiL \a?;-lair

Phono ] "The Chapel 6j

« Former Declo

.BDRLEY’, ' J u n e 8 — Mrs, Kate

Monday a t th e bome of a ion, Mel­vin Doman, here following pro­longed Illneu .

Bom May 17. ipai, a t Farmington, Dtah, Mrs. D om an waa married Dec, 1»,-100«,-In-the-LDS temple at. Balt Lake City, to Joaeph N, Doman who preceded here In death July 3; 1050, The couple ca m e to Declo from Salt U k e Oity (a 1928. Mrs. Doman came to Butley In 1S80, She was an se­

tt tlve Relief society teacher and w^y (C a member of th e Declo War Mothers.

Surviving a r e (our othe;- sons, Joseph D om an, Bait Lake City, El- don Doman a n d .Clyde D. Doman, boBi Oakley, a n d Raymond D . Doif man, B lackfoot: two' listers, Mrs, Orson Stutz, Cresweli, Ore:, and Mrs, W alter H untam an, Santa Ana,

[ S Calif,; four brothera, Henry Miller, Arlington, V a., Dan, Farmington,

rle , Darvel, KaysvUle. Utah.- and Jamea m d Miller, S alt Lake Olty, an d 31 n . grandchildren. h d ted

a t 3 p. m. F r id ay at tho LDS fUTit ward churoh b y Blahop Isaac U e.

■ ° Conoludlng services will be a t pleaa- a n t View cem etery. Friends m ay call a t McOuUoch’a funeral home Thurs-

ins’ P rld ay until time fo r serv- nce ’“ * • __________________

^ Sei^ator Gives 3; Some ‘Advice’

WASHINOTON, June 8 (JV-Seh- ind ator Sym ington told Benator Mc-

a Carthy today h e "better go to a j 'a ir psychiatrist,"m d Symington, D ., Mo„ tossed out rch th a t advice a s he and MoOarthy,

R „ Wls,, hooked up in another angry jlo, exchange a t th e McOarthy-army Ide hearing!,ind I t WSl touched off when McCar- j

thy Inilited t h a t Symington ought , to take the w itn e u stand, ' j

Symington demanded. In tum , . th a t M cOarthy teitify under oath , In conneotloh w ith 1683 charges In­

in - volving' M cO arthy which were In- . ing ^e stlla ted by a senate subcommittee. ! the As M cOarthy referred to Symlng- ; .m. ton as "lanctlm onlous Stu," Symlng-

ton broke in to say heatedly, "Sen* — ~ ^ Hwy t h a r t m r : i

>Uc Symington th e n said M cOarthy _] B ef ought to con su lt a psyoljlatrlst. tu s ' — . I

Mrsr Boman, 7 3 ^ i Dies aHfospital^

FILER, Ju n e 8—Mrs, E dith Bo- , man, 7S, died a t 10:30 p,m. Monday , a t Maglo Valloy Memorial hospital i following a s h o r t Illness, |

*■ Mrs. Boman w as bom Feb. 8,1881, , “ • In Illinois. S he waa m arried to Nat .

P . , Boman Jan . 35. 1S06, In Olsoo, HI. “JiT They came to Filer In 1030 and ™ farmed west o f pller. She belonged

to the Order o f Eastern S ta r and the Presbyterian church. F o r the paat four years they have been living a t Olover.

“ *• She It lu rv lved by h e r husband, one daughter, M ri, Luther Pierce,

-------F l lT t , tw o -Brsnflchlldren: twarfo r brothen, J, D. e ta a ts , Filer, and Roy a t staa ts , Beaaon, Dl„ and two sisters,

od- M n, Alma R ainey, Topeka, Kans,, lex, and Mrs, I re n e Kreker, Buffalo, lan N, Y,Ites The body rea ta at the White mor- '■ tuary.

'Z Represents StateIDAHO FALLS. June 8 W -T h e

hft of th e Idaho Aaaociatlonof O o u n ty Commlsaionera and OlerkB, Harold W est, will repreaent

Iv}} Idaho at the four-day meeting of the National Aaaoclatlon of County

o. . ^ flc la ls , opening a t Omaha tom or- yrow.

rv* He aald the com m ittee on which he servee faoea a fight over a pro>

la - poeal to form a western regional dlvlalon of the organization.

>n- BEAD_TIM Ea-NEW a -W A N r-A D a-in t ---------------------------- :-----------------------o f m 'm I i m'%' m

than the fellow who b ra f i about the people h e h u **under" him.

Im a y

► 'S B T 0

► a l w a y s

. d e s e r v e y o u r . good.

^ -a n c f — - —

c o n f id e r ic ©

IH o r t y T a r yono 1400lol by me Park" i

I ,

• :" :T jn 0 1 S-N B W S ,^^^l^______ ''' '

* T w in FaUs INICS. -

T h f 'LDS first ward MIA cake , ^ an d Jce creari dance will be-held top- M eP n^B^t^t-the-recreatlon-halL— ~ ,

>’™‘ Jayw alker P m I . BondThom a* Egan posted a t l bond

Dec’ police Monday for Jay-: .Z i . _____

' im ®***“®“hne La Vonne AlLee received a jruUitdr pf muilc degree fro b the came -Djuverslty of Aritona a t com- ’ mencement exercises thii aprisg.

R^celv^ Commendation Jo h n J , Merrill, son of Mr, and

’ “ Mrs, Jay M. Men-iU, haa received a commendation ribbon lor achleve-

■ w menta In the air force ROTO un it JJ™- Ht the Callfomla InsUtute of Tech-

nology. He Is a Junior majoring InX : _____Igton, Car Damaged

The left front door and fender of a 1052 Buick were crumpled Mon- day w h ja Slava M. Kallaek, M ur-

Ing In’ th e 100 block of Main avenue west an d It was itruok by a 1053 PeSoto driven by Dr. Harwood L. Btowe, Twin Falia.

Earns DegreeM arlene Monroe Yragul, daughter

of Mr. and Mra, J. Harland Monroe, 2 has been graduated'from the trnr- “ verslty of Idaho with a master's de-

, greo In biochemistry, and bacterio- r » p " li>gy. She lyas awarded an associate D C membership in Blgma XI, Natlon-

al research honorary.

‘ Concert for Choir Irthy! Is Set June 16 at a Z Church in Clover

T h e Bethany choir of Bethany :Oar- L u theran college, Mankato, Minn., aught present a concert a t Olover T rln-

Ity L utheran church at 8:16 p jn . June 16, aays the Rev, Oarl Loiser,

oath pastor.j’ T he choir of 70 voices Is directed Ilttee Alfred IVemder. Slnjers Include ^ ■ Junior college, high ichool and

sem inary students,‘Sen* Ot special Interest a t thk concert

1* th e leldom rang Kyrli In D minor

arthy Not L et Thee Oo" which was w rlt- - te irb y 'o n n ifB a e liT T o n i. Johu iti '

. Christoph B ach^Jlio Included wtU------ be com poiltlohi by Heiliy WlUlam.I TUvndall Thbmpioh, H inry Purcell,' _ R ichard F arran t and M ichael-Etae--

-tcriui:^------------------_ The choir has gone on tour fo r

‘ J m a n y years, vlaltlng many m etre- Polltan centers of ths Midwest,

apitai Bethany college, with a atudent body A', of 300, is a aohool of the Lutheran

, „ A' Synodloal conference of America,» 111 ° ” n°d by the Norwegian synod,


i D0N1band,Herce,

i S Amor-

1ation A l ■ I ■ K I l ^ a

V ■ 1 1 1 1

Ig I B 1 1 1 ^ a}unty ■ _ 1 .1imor-

vhlch V y i j i j i l i U i l j I S J Vpro-


ADS,. -------- --------------

3 _ ____

D w iL ~ ----------bout

' j


4 CHAIRS A«9. TO.95

1 TABLE Rtg. 69.95

5-P C . SET Rig. PriceO ur best Duncan Phyfe d m ost in grocious d in ing a effec t. Tlie tcb la closed, open, 35x58.

— --------- C e ^

4-LEG STYLE2 — 1 2" Leovii

Use Sear

Sa Sf zciaft auai

rte-F A L L S, IDAHO-.................7 — 1

i News in BriefT— to Me e t:------- ' ~ ---- --------- -» k e T he Twin P a lll Grange will meet top- ^L t^i80-p .-m H W ednesday-ln the a

~ . G range hall. O eorge Llndemood and c his 4 -H O all club will present th e (c program. T he club Is spooiored by n.

K>nd the O range. cll» y - ' ----------- al

Club Foraied ' aiBoys 13 and 13 years of sge Inter- m

ested In Joining a n electrical club Ived are Invited to a tte n d the organiu* qj the tional meeting a t 7:30 p. m. Wed- «

om - neaday a ^ e hpme of Gerald Wink- g. ler, T30 CffiSW:-avenue.

Visit Hera “and L .rp r llU lngton , Boise, itate un- “ id a employment security agency area eve- Bupovl««„ and O. R. Guy, Boise,u n it state clau iu examiner, were at the ^w h- Twin Falla employment office “g in Tuesday 'studying office cliim p ro - "

cedures. “

File AppUeatloas .Oder building permit applica- ®•on- tionj jjjyg 1 ,5^ (11(4 the city

hall. Burton Cook. H3 Addison ^ > « ' av tnue Wist, piAua a 3(- by 88-foot ~ mue b rlokveneerrssldenoew lth in lS -by b: 1053 24-foot.attached garage to CMt about s i L. $6,000. W. M. Olds; 6J0 Second n

avenue west, p lana to re-slde a a garage a t a cost o f about |7S. a

- J ------ Ph te r Potluck Luncheon Set U >roe, TOe Ooodwlll c lub will meet a t j Unl- the K aao a t M « . Jake Pope before jj de- a potluck luncheon a t 1 pjn. Wed- ^

Itlo- nesds'y a t H annon park. In case of c :late inclement w eather the luncheon \ ilon- will be held a t th e Maho Power i,

company auditorium . Members are ; oskM to bring tha lr own tsble c le rv io e .. - n

--------------------e— c

it Parking Fines je r A to ta l of $1( In bondi wu poited iiiiy with city police Monday for parking •- Inn., violations.T in . Posting 11 bonda eaoh (or over- p j„ time parking were c . L, Smith, L, f 5j5f ‘ Mlchleson, Robert R, Wation, J. ^

Butler, Jeanne Allen, B. Howard, Al- . t . j '>“r t Dickinson Seed company, S, A, ^

High, D, Devlin, H. M, Merlin, Paul " Galloway, O, 0 , Malone, Mri Bob-

“ ert 'Wiles, Oeorge Reynolds and « Clarence OensIW, ti

icert •

—-eaireeted----^is isa ' — T h r l rn jf S t lo n detaoiaifsiisn ^w(U scheduled for 1:30 p. w. Thura.- "

iam . <lay a t the Eugene Grill farm '' rcell, two and one-half miles louth ott t e - - . -Berger-haaJieen-caoceled-beoauie- -

there 11 no w ater In thi canal, announces W. A. Louglitnlller,chairm an of the board of luper- ,visors of the Tw in Palli Boil ,

bodv Conservation district. „ Loughmlller reported no plans

to reschedule the demonitratlon, ^------------------------------------------------ L d


[ V E j ;' | U < |... - r . ; . . t : ■ . I , : '


r r

0.95 «q. 4 3 .8 0 M i l ^95 6 9 .9 5 B I rlea 1 3 .7 5 | | y | | | | | g | lyfe d in e tte for th e Ing a n d decorative osed , 3 5 x 4 8 -ln ,—

Reg. 1 2 3 .7 5 89.iears Emy Payment Plan

■ ______________ • ■ - -

" 1 D eath Q a im s F— R esid en l^ l 6 8 -

d and chrlstopherson, 68, w iu be conduct- , ,it th e ed by Bishop J . O. C ^ e n e r a t 2 wed by pj„, Thursday a t-th e H a ie lton I ^ E

?hapel. Pinal rites wip b e c o n d u c ed joa t Pleasant View cem etery .'B urley , oiand frleridS may call a t th e P ay n a p,

Inter- mortuary. Burley, W etoesday a fte r- a:1 dub n„._ and evening and a t th e place tl uUia- „( service Thursday from 11 a m cj Wed- to the time of the funeral. ti

Mrs. Ohrlst«<hetBon, w ho was. ol born Bept. 14. 18*8. In P a r lt Valley. U Utah, died at 6:S0 p jn . M onday ^ g Maeic Valliy Memorial hospital fo i- »

* l 3 n g a two-week Illness. She w as w m ^ le d to M uidothH , C hristopher- b S r i c L 18, I W , I n . B ^ j r a Olty. 1« m ah . and lived In P a rk Valley u n - « Ul 1011 when the couple moved to ft

' ' ’™‘ Kimberly. They moved to H aie lton “ in 1016 and had lived h e re since.

An active member o f th e LD 8 „ church, Mra. O hrlstopherson was a w member of the A m erican W ar I

SaUoJ Mothen. AMiSWr —surviving. In addltlon-to -th frjius— 1 IS- by band, are a daughter, M rs, LaVlnna about Sorensen-, M ountain Home; six -i

lecond sons, Wallace Chrlstopherson, P a t- . J Ide a agonla, Arls.. Deo O hrlstopherson '8. and Orvllle Ohrlstopherson, both

Pocatello, James O hrlstopherson, Hatelton. and Dale O hrlstopherson

set a t ^ d Oale Ohrlstopherson, M ountain before gome; three sTstWS, M il. Oelestla I Wed- Traoy. Brigham Olty, U tah, M rs. b

aae of olive Wrljht, Yost, U tah , and M rs. t' icheon viola Haatlngs, S alt Lake Olty; four 1 Power brothers, Ben Ohadwlck, Nampa, f rs are p jed Chsdwlck, .H aselton^ -.Henry u

table cJhadwlck, Arvada, Oolo,,. a n d -H i­ram Chadwlok, R upert; 15 grand- f children and one g reat-grandchild . E

Demo Meeting Is {>irking Settor Shoshone

SHOSHOira, June 8 — George o 1(1, I Byard, coimty chairm an, eayi tho v un’ J Lincoln county D em ocratic central . j ’ a , ' committee will sponsor a oounty- t

g A wide meeting a t 8 p jn . M onday a t I ' puyj the Episcopal pariah house. a’Rob- Mrs, W, W. PalmW, Tw in Falls, C 1 and will speak. She Is Tw in Falls dls- *

trlct women's coordinator.------- Purpose ot the m eeting Is to line______nn county M ndldates for the p r i­

mary election, I’etltlons will be

ierved. T he publlo Is tarS“ invited,----------------------------- -----------

“ a t “ DeMMournedIller, FLINT, Mich., Ju n e 8 W l-P lln t

residents dedicated prayers and flew flag! a t h a lf-staff today In memory ol the 116 persons 'who died in the June 8, 1088, to rnado whloh

™ "' roared across the city 's Beecher ------- dlitrict,


gWCvy- -,.rt.-STW=taa, V jf7 / - - ------' ft — \

f l m m rM P f f i t rB ’ ' v i

k V '

LimitedJ Quantities!

__________• SOLID T O P )

] y ; Q Q ' • iCHoicrOE__________ ■ • PERFECT Q l

y 4.|eg 8" I

- --- ------------ — l ^ u n c o n - P

" " . . . . —

1 S e e n T o d a y pI W .

unena . . . x ra c k loaded with black andnl® “ w hlts -c ilv es -g p ln g -up-S hoshone;ducV j t r e e t . ^ t — . . M»n-on hls-knees: a t 3 ;iteedlng apartm en t house law n . , . lta(I LDS j;mpty bee r cans Uttering parking oflucted l o t . . . T ruck parked at Intersection * dvlurley. of M ain avenue and Second street oonP ay n e porth blocking pedestrian crosalng « aa fte r- and forcing traffio to m ake wide, venplace tum In to center lane . . . ilian the

I a m carrying two fan belts, . ..Youngster od,trying h a rd not to cry after falling i

I w as off bicycle . . . Ralph Smith s thdlng mei/alley, through business dlitrlct carrying baplav a t packages Including hack taw . . . ,.

L u J .’ through contents of automobUe Md to glove c o m p a rtm e n t... Dog on Jeash

u«il - park ing meter . . . Ernest , "craner-carry ing large package . . ' »

, Young w om an wearing w hite hat, j?'’' WJO „iiito gloves, white ^oes and ca rry . “ “

* Ing white pu rie . . , vied ca r lo t a t . “ “ W ar tendant shin ing m automobiles . . .

And overheard; "He aetl like a poll- 5'*1>B ^u s-tlo lan l!!----------- -----------------------------™.Vlnna ---------------------------- ^

, p a K 100 Drawn totierion . _ ‘'JJ

£ Cave Opening:untain GOODINO, June « - flome loo ™ elestla Idaho a n d out-of.|l»te vialtors ™ , M rs. braved a cold, windy w edt-end to i M rs. tour the Shoshone lee Oaves as ' r- four Magio Valley’s newiSit a ttrac tion Jje ismpa, fo/maUy opened for the Mason Sat- ™H enry u rd ay ... ----------- -----------------------------Id H I- Inclem ent weathir. however, grand- forced cancellation of some tours — dchlld. Sunday an d trouble wlHi th e elec­

tric ligh t circuit h»mj)«red cave .

fe tours early this week. R usstn Rob- "J Inson, m anager, reports Idaho 'vis­itors,-m any'of ^ e m from Boise and

n n p Burley area , out-numbered tb e qut- of-staters about three to one. M ^ y

Qeorge of the Idaho vliltori, h i »ald, had yi the visited th e caves In previous years, central The to u rs this year Inolude por- oun ty - tlons of th e area which h a s been day a t inacceisiblo during the past. The "

attraction Is being renimed th e Ice Falls, Cave Recreational area, Robinson

Is dls- »al4______________________________ L

— f o r - b~ START IH


SO . . . o r a glasi of


ie"eS,« - « M b » O U R .STE A K SA R E

['S B IG G E ST !

of T h ese S

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F ' I ..... N^ | l — r - ? ^ p h ^L . l - . . J . . . , f V K , H*l f i j r o l 1 , t

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c. Chrome DmetteWHILE





8" L e a f .......R<

an-Phyfe . . . . . . . . . . . R<

Z fw- free parkingM ain W ,



S S : K ' 3 ^nd street “ n g reg a tim ^ « «

crosalng ™“ iw h 6 w D .H ? ^ ake VWe ventlon o ( ^ J § ,. . Man ‘1>« LutheninVJ?®i<i roungster od, in P o r t l m ^ l J er falling The

8.SK•“ I ? - '! -I aorffiig

UtomobUe ‘" * -® U T ia S : on leash PHd««Z?t

kage . . , ® ''Wch will h lte hat, hd carry-a r lo t a t . “ mmittee liio Jblles . . . convention floor h f S

ference throuthm ii.^ • H '^ t e e n l a l T i Hru n g “»»Which

an overture o a K i ^ Jome 100 fnlbUity of Ua p JS Jj

vlBltors ‘tae man ta thi m StSI * .e n d to ‘'^u 'd ed u c iiia i. Oaves as Mr. Hilnl|,«,;ittrac tlo n Publio nltHoj, J S ason Sat- convention. ^

however, A - -m o tours th e elec-

re d cave

? « : "Kayler LodgeKBptae ajid A J . & AM1 the out- HisoNicoe. Many »» 8«m4»ald, had Y T n i r r 'JUS years. mi , ****••lude por- Thuwdiy, Jji,]haa b e e n __________ *-3ast. The c. L. wniiii»« ■Id th e IceHobinson ' i B

• ill Wieira r*


CLUB BREAKFASTS from 40,-ju.Dr_Just-a_cup-o(-ti»llnoi«l-i«lt. o r a glass of freshly made oniti]i)


iSTSALEl^I ' ■ ''' I '

s e S e t s

' M r f J mIff#

1 s I S H bn a r a

I pm -1

netteWHILE T H E Y W5t

m1 ^ 1 H I Pdrt

„ . , , R e g . » j S j

r T T T y R e S r W . ^

2 2 5 5 I

B j^ 'J ^ n d u o le a under

^ ^ w u tl»1 V ^ T d n Falls, re*

Hu Iliucb from ^ '^ t h e d e ^ a m M

, from tlie forces g lti'°°f.^I,om with- ' .% •Blstor? tells ^

« niUoiu Dee o e of

'■g fp y p r.W erts Mld.

jnl““ “‘ ‘IS°Sw, with starUlng

S t h men and worn-visit the courta

it ring home f ^ ^ t e a u n g of theI jl U« Ten command-

look Ior the schools° l , r p re v e n tw . u

S r j j r t S i f ■

& war 1 cune quickly Woild war II and 'cold m ^ m

M hcoe also haa failed ■ ■ ■ iS pioW™'" U N T

' s S S 'B s^follow his teachlnga.Welder presented the *bjjialf of the trustees for ^

, lEd 11 was accepted by ^ ^ I Ir.Wtrts-, Mr. SliiiJ gave a short _iolr Mng a speolal num- | f p i In. Juanita Carrie a solo.------------------ Elghty-fl'

\ T M. .' 'T'vta Pollse g e . l ^ » * e 9

- e r a i t a a t w ' m------------------------------th e tr ■wivesJU Jiaduatea have mp- that culmin •fflplmai at Twin Palls ning. Mrs. C »ll(g( at the fifth annual general cho nmt exercises at 8_p.m _Bouauets- »\W rBaptlst-aurch. Cttto *111 begin with the (ndiiiles. Sharon Zlat- Q^Uf ii; the processional and distance tc W^nvocatlor ^11 be ^ ^

K Business coUegeBposed ot Ardean How- _< ,, MIer, Carol Lowry, ‘am LaPrlel Seamons, Former cWeaver and Marjorie by (rtl bs accompanied by president, iI Connon for three num- '™ '‘“ 7 “ i mil be given by Velda ^tlng the graduating

r.BayHigene Crow wUI 'liteaJiLtliMBiduato. . ^ e r t ^ l t o n ,M l r e c t ^ t the 1 pre«nt diplomas. . ^

nnan Folks fel, Entertain korIe:UK. June 8—Don Rea Biilers, Margie and Nancy,sed Irom a visit at theUr. ind Mra. Barton Rea ’f, Kuna, and with hists, Emma Rea. Nampa.a, hli niece, returned for / •b Tldt here. /Mra. Edward TVywner and I Mrt Norman Towner, I . Wl week-end guests I tjof Mr. and Mrs. Ernest §

n^-JraHu and Mr. IW n Gold snd family, iti«4 Ur. and Mrs. LewisW lamlly, « le r , wereJlji It the home ot Mr, with Eac

......... - G leaned-Ufa. Oeorge Stringer _ .

______ 4 ,>®“l«ir-»“ flea-ftntmal;‘ - ^ t E A N •“» JawB and an ex- 124 3rd 8 S^yhftV-tnahlrvlfcrtQ- = g t j r h =

three times]

7 X 3 7 ~ "


. ’34GrMuate

fi* -f V ■ '

U. N. T erry , rlsht, who re tired os principal reunion of h |s last graduating: cla?is Mondsy ] Twin Falls, 1934 atudent body president; Mrs. i Ore., and T erry . (Staff photo-engraving)

4e it -it Ik It

85 Graduates of 19 Reunion of Class (

Elghty-flve of 174 members o f th e Newman. I Twin Polls graduating class c f 1934 guerlte Du renewed old memories and v isited Letters f friends a t a class reunion M onday ijje to att.fivpnlny gt fho Tiirf Hi|h, __________. Jilliia t-M c

About 130 class members an d M. Petersoi their'"Wives attended th e - r e n n io ir -led group-s th a t cu lm inated six months of p la n - ( ja^g ning. Mrs. C. H . Coiner, H ansen, w as jeives and general chalrnnan. occupation!

and Mrs. C. Rice, Los Angeles, an d John B'recli Mr. and Mrs. D . K. Smith, W eat Co- son greeted vino. Calif., fo r traveling th e longest Decorotlo distance to a tte n d tho reunion. and Mrs. V

A social h o u r a t 6:30 p.m. preced- 'Bd the reunion . Ralph Wilson, Jack died by Mrt Holland and Farris Lind w ere In ?ld Stearle diarge of arrangements. ■■'ed Kuyk

Form er class members w ere w el- :nmed by C urtis Eaton. 1034 classpresident, a n d greetings were ex - ____tended by U. N. Terry, lorm er ochool principal.

V em Stevens was toastm aster at the banquet. Memorial services were in d u c te d fo r students who have lied slnw.gtBUUHtlon.'They. Include ,fWbert (SossTTOJbert S luyter.-D nnB ld----------------3. Beals. Evelyn JelUson, WlUlam P.

NOW IIIYou C an Get A Genuine

KORDEX Plastio M othproof Bag — for only—

I \ 9 ] 2I R e g .3 9 e & 4 9 e 1

w iih Each S uit, Dtess o r C oat Gleaned-fttn— - - - - - — ■ '

BABBELS ------- —i n d i v i duo llied----------- ■■ ->= C lE A « I F T ( P f S r O R T S G - - h

124 Srd S t. South - Phone 842 = = C U R B = S E K V ieE = iO F riC E = = = ^ B 1

Across from Legion H all

■ — i ^ — — , i n


i ^ a Y p u r T r a l l e r r ' ^ ^ ^


A Q 7 9m # A SK

____^ _________

J riinne 2BG0 - 403 Main W.'FREE PARKING

■ ......... ■ * ' 1’ ' - - ....... - ■ ^

ates WelcomeEx-Pri

IK s ^ -

8 principal of Tw in Falls high school In 1934, IB Monday night a t the Turf club. F rom le ft i dent; Mrs. C. H. Coiner,-Hansen, c)ass secrctar: avlng)

A * * * -------------

f 1934 Attend WaiFunera

lass on Monday m onth-olJ M rs. Ra

Newman. Bemlce Exelton and Mar- baugh siguerlte Dudley. p a lls resl

Letters from class members una- dead In 1ble to attend were read by Mrs. A qu id

Xnlner Mrs.-Jaofe-HoHBRdr-Mwr^Vr- -toltwn edi—M. Peterson and Frances Tliompson M r. Kl

-led group-shiging-of-clns3''Eongs:-------- M rs : RoyClass members Introduced them- Besides

selves nnd spoke briefly on homes, parents,occupations and families. vlves.

-A-reoelvlng-line-of Ur-Nr-Terryi------- — —John Breckenrldge and Mrs. Peter- T Jison greeted the form er students. .

Decorations were provided by Mr. GOODIand Mrs. Victor O cerlzen, Boise. lone, Ogc

Reunion correspondence was han- his autodied by Mrs. Irene Barkley and Har- a t the sliold Stearley, Tw in Falls; Mrs. Al- sou th offred Kuykendall, Jerome; Donald a f te r heStivers, Eden, nnd Mrs. Coiner. AU S heriff Kbut nine of the class members were Damagicontacted. . was estltr


/ y ^ c i V

^ ^ — z g u fflB F to r d ^ e t^ H m = S i

=^^^Bli3ng~overth6^andfoFfainm ]s- geacJunWs ItaUan Ferrari internationally known e d king, wai

--------- at-faetter~than~li36-iniles per-hoursports-car speed recordi

That demanding 12-cylinder Fer

fich< P®


S I N C lL j



1 In 1934, is welcomed lo the 20th (jeHersc •cm le ft to right are Curilg Eaton, sq^) an< I secretary ; Vem Stevena, Lebanon, there wi

killed tw-------------------------------- ^ --------------- visiting

Infant’s Rites Held ™same tovPuneral services were held Mon- and Joh

day In Boiae for K aren King. 4- i f you m onth-old daughter of Mr. and — — M rs. Raymond King, 809 Rlden- baugh street. Boise, fonner Twin Falls residents. The baby was found dead in her crib Thursday.

A quick variety of pneumonia was4>kw«edi----------------------------------------------

Mr. King Is the son of Mr. andM rs: RoyK im rTTw irrraiis.-----------------

Besides t j^ parents and .g rand - paren ts , a sister, Katherine, 2, sur- B H |

Driver Unhurt B BGOODINO. June 8—Prank Ma­

lone, Ogden, escaped Injury when his auto collided with a large rock a t tho side of highway 46 six miles south of here a t 9:15 p.m. Monday a fte r he fell asleep a t the wheel.S heriff Keith Anderson reports. ,

Damage to the 1940 Buick sedan was estlmnt^d nt, $200.

WBHj• O Hm=SpeetMiei nt wiih=Sm

=famm]s-Day(onS=^poweredTipTvifliTOW Jack Rmherfurd, premium gasoline i king, was c losed Sinclair Dealer. F o n

champion. Power up ttder Ferrari wasi . . . and jee! the differ

.„ g o > % e c l .

j | | |n H |S


l A t R Pi 1


Pilgrimage to Birth Presidents Has

- -B y CHARLEa MERC8R —■ NEW YORK; Ju n e 8 Ul-r-Now »n(J_ y<

th a t summer Is neafTy lifte a i i o f sUmme people are preparing for the rlgora of O r ot touring by auto.' Mosquito bites, J- Bun bum, flat tires, dyscpsla—tho travele hazards are famlUar. I heai

But let's not forget one. That Is 2!?. ?,! the pilgrimage to th e historic shrine, I, especially the birthplace of this and ;„ h S th a t president of th e United States. „

Many a father ben t on fishing and many a m other determined to UT sun herself on el warm beach wlU 7 ^ * drive many mUes out of the way thlnkli so the kids can see the birthplace going of a president —ju s t Sny president. Places And scarcely any of these presl- future dents was , born beside a Ipur-lane Ever highway. these

I know. I’ve visited the birth- plaque place of more presidents than I can rooms remember. That is because my presldi fa ther was an arden t (Isherman. le t ' di Every summer he'd w ant to go fish- throug ing in a different p a r t of the north- Ing tf east. To Justify th is frivolity he'd see th( always hunt up a birthplace or two vin Mi on the way. "It's educational," he'd xhei saj!_as-*a-pullcd.'up-befoto- anothw- .g x p ^ presidential birthplace. Perhaps It gon v w as^thoughlt never had any notice- h jy a ] able effect on my history srades. home-

Have you ever visited the birth- „ place of Uames Monroe? Well, „ neither have I. Monroe wns bom “ OUsei in Westm.oreland county, Va., and “ there may be signs all over the bemg placo now telling you how to find , , tho house. But In th e Model T days '" t '^ o th e re ' weren't any, or at least we couldn't find them. We drove aU oupan over the county and had a Hat and (ho radiator boiled over, but we ■‘t tne never found tho birthplace of James . J " ‘ Monroe. th a t t

Wo made up for it that summer , in Virginia, however, by taking In T h a t i Wakefield (Washington), Shadwell 8 ®“ (Jefferson), Port Conway (Madi- " son) and Staunton (Wilson). Then there was tho summer we Joyfully killed two birds w ith ono stone by , visiting Quincy, Mass., where two presidents have obliged the weary young pilgrim by being bom in the d o r sam e town. Thank you, John Adams and John Quincy Adams,

If you're determined to take the

l ire f lfW e ss / Xht

60 proof. Made (rom 100% grain neutral iplrlU. St*. Pl«

^O lF F E H E U C B l

}VP^mMFfOVBFX=^==i^thTOWER^ lh T i i a i f l e M g &

ler. For a new high m knock- ^ry (7 n rc a r r t3 k e 'r tp 'f t 'o n n l iB “ /

ower up wllh power-x y ylie difference!


IN F m S . IDAHO _


Birthplaces of Re(\ Has Its Hazards— U d ^-to -* -^ « w W « n ti» J-b lj'th p lsc r

low sn d you’re -a ro u n d New Ifot!! this fJP S * o f su&uner " t tS S r 'I MSonunend that States

-o„ of O rover Cleveland in CaldweU, World tH N r7 r-T h lr liD m r- lic 5 -o n “ B~mali5r I'lfc— tho traveled road and the ' last time Boti

I h ea rd of anybody knocking at lead , , the door the re was no respoiue. Amerl f “ B ut It's weU m arked and the kids th a t !

can go baok to school in the fall H ar 5"“ and w rite a n e a t composition on the U

"my -pilgrimage to President Cleve- which land 's birthplace."

T h e point of all this nostalgic sians „ay thinking Is simply this: What ia nlk w

goUig to happen about the birth- gave i 5n t places of the p r e s i d e n t s of the 5s|J fu ture? r e a tane Everybody 1» bom in a hospital

these days. Aro we going to have ' '* * * th - plaques placed in hospital delivery n can room s, marking the bhthplaces of U my presidents? Impossible. You can't ■> lan. le t ' droves of kids go trooping R ish- th rough hospital corridors dlsturb- th - Ing the patien ts Just so they can J le'd see th6 birthplace of Prealdent Mel- two vin M olntyre (1984-1992). le'd T here 's ano ther possibility. An•hw- expec tan t moth er ■who-ls-cert]ilirlicr--------’ It son will become president could ice- have her little fu tu re president at s. home—if the doctor consents. “F

B u t th is ,- to o ,-ra ise s dlfflculUes.Houses Just a re n 't as permanent as

and ' ’*■ constaritlybeing knocked down to make way

r,"j for super-hlghw ays. Or suppose the l„„, fu ture president’s parents live in an

' apartm ent? How, will future oc- -ll oupants feel ab o u t aU thoso tourists P

coming up in th e elevator to gawk < a t th e rooma?

I t definitely appear* from here th a t th e birthplaces of luture pres- v jo tsIdents Just do n 't have ony future, -------

, j„ T h a t may be sad . O r it could be a uTAii g rea t reUef to generations of sum-

Jner tourists y e t unborn. , ,henully N O TIC E

Our office will be closedlary SATURDAYS j Lthe flaring June, Ju ly and Anput J J ams Dr. O. A. Puller _ — B^ Oijitometrist ” B


Q m if t t o l f I.ttll greotiit niune In VODKA I

plriu. St*. Pl«rr« Solrnoff Fli., Inc.,Harflord, Conn.


^ %

n l

n m w o j r II


IS -x

Red Chess Player h ,j Won t Come Here Mh

NEW TORK, Juno .1 j-« » -T h e , p , ^ RiiMlims haye canceled — -without:I this tn thft- Hnlted S

that S tates by their best chess player, l l , 1 dweU, World Champion Mikhail Botvin- ja is r tU f c ----------------------------------- HE?

time Botvinnik' had been expected to3g at lead a Russian team against an ■poius. American team in a tournam ent Rl) kids th a t s tarts here June 16. - Se fall Harold M PhUllps, president of . JJin on the U nitSff^tates Chess federation M3leve- which arranged the unusual in - f i

lem atlonal match, says the Rus- f citalgic sians informed him th a t Botviii- f alat ia nlk would not make the trip, but ISbirth- gave no-reason,Jf the ----------------------------


“ ^11^ i v e o o o o ^ o o ^ o o o o o o o S v o o - ’ '

^7f DAN DANIELS ^ ROOFING CO.y can “The Master Roofer” \

• R O O F I N G

. An • S I D I N G ; ----------r l N S U E A T I O N ' -----------

could I‘nt a t Johns-Manvllla and Pioneer

“Flint-Kote" Products. '

mTL N o Job” too Lango—Itantly o r Too S m all.e way p H A T E R M S ' S

Nothing down—up to iW“ 36 Months to Pay LVj

Duriits PH O N E '2975 COLLECT ggawk "Q iyj me a placo to atand a J

tn d rU root the world.” I s here |D

I pres- vacsaexxM ocscxsaacsacxsaaesci^ ■ruture, -----------------------------------------i be a

= ----------- —

service ¥1


k \mIt’s a pleastu'e t\^« T e! fa Uniti Convsirl You relax fa a beautil , . . speed through tmooth, up] get to your d e ^ a t i r a b t o j A arrive, yon step off tho plane qt luggage which Is waitfag for j

........ .................... the big Mainliner-door.----------

------------------------fa rrau rtan rfo rH h illad fflA IM

____ ______________ « Hl^pMd Cruls« «— ------ »-fi»nurli»(l'Cabliii »

• Spacious 2-abraott

- —

— — -S A ^ ^ ^ A K ^6 5 mill

4150 mu-51 PORTLAND3 hr«. 2 5 mln.

V IBIT8 .F A IH E B ......er HAOERMAN, JUQO'ftr-Un. o d e i f . ; : .Mason, sp en t th te» ’(J«y« vUUng h e r ~

l e r C ' Jather, O h rli Nelson, .who l i 'f i l 'a t ■ „ the Jiomo o f a d a u g h t e r , ' • ’

HiareHTaud 'Mrs. oiftUBe'OUwaonr— a U M y ta u ish .-:- x : v : .;

UEAU m iE S ^ O T S T V A O T T I J S r i '"

T ADS. ^ r a ' " ' ■

lT]Q W rought Iron Wins !

Admiring: GlanjpfesAn em tranc* enhanced by ornam ental wrought i r o n

__ _ makes a favorable ImprM- _____" 'kion o n all who see It . . .

add Immeasurebly to the home ow ner's pride of pos-

■ m KRENGEL |: __ J » Machine Go. ^ ■

At your “ i::

ice with the


RUNERSjave! fa Unlted’s g re a t , n w M afalhier ( fa a beautiful, air-conditioBcd cabfatm o o th , npjier a ir n t 270 ----------------

tion t u t o A mi eroT T T a n a ^ ~ ^ c n ~ ~[ tho p la n e ^ ic U y w ith your-personal . -------w aiting for you as yonTJB Siihrough —

io o r .---------------------- — — - — ;----------------- ~ ~3Z

InltadfW INtlNtlKeNVAIM faolur t r — - - -|s« « St«wprdMi-t»rWc»--------------:— —Inblni------- rHaBdvqluoBnnmnlB^r^:^~rr::r,raoit near th» door ^

m i R ^ S l R V K F T O r = — = ^ ^

s A i t u m m — ---------------------- —65 mlih


I SEATTII1. 4h[s. 35mln.

J. ■ \ ^

J H H H H i H H I H I H H f

- ^ - jU N O ^ — r


/ \ ■ ■■

•‘ -v .'A .eo iisd lld * U o e’o f . i « b . . l . . l l 4 l : e f Ib e J d B b e E ftn lD S * 'n m « V f

•MU* la Twin r*Ilf. Idibo. oodn thi «rt «l March I. lB7g. housm r P*. LIT - 'IV '■ - ..... II- -nitiT I. I | » . :-,rtlH)l0W*g

BT CABBiBlS*™DLK“ ” i5)VAj(ca now jbarpl...... ‘ B* t i a BonCIi - '___________---------------------------- 1.U

Br t lu M m cn tU .............. •■ ■S r I t e n o n l l a ■ , . , . .......................................... ..................I J - j ;»r Of Tlmt .....— ----- — ............tU^»

: " BT UAIL-PATABIK IN ADVANCB" WIttta Mabo mill Elk. Cotalj, Nmiti

b .tlla nonUi _____ - ................ » l-aSr th m nontlii . ■——.......... ■»>■«S ^ lt . r w r ^ - .... ......... .......— IH.M n m

-------I litiU * SUU •( U tkai .B rlii moaih ------- — ---------------------------- J •«i t tkrw monllif ■ » <

J r i l l m o n tb i - ............... ■ - * B.OO. B y U fy < 4 » ^ *■ ......... .. ■■

:. All B o t lM i r«iD lT*i br U w or br o r f i r o f « e t)rt c«B p»util la r l id le t lo a to b« pab lU bed wMkly will b« p ab IU b«] in lh« S a ^ T » 11iDra(U7 iM Q t o f ' th U p ip f r pariu ijit to 8«e. €(>>1<)8 Idaho Code

HONEYMOON B O V E RT h e E lsenhow er jjolltlcaj tioneym oon Ib now and ‘ econo:

■ defin ite ly over. T he Preflldent’s p erso n a l popu- this new cllarlty s till rem ains’ high, acco rd ing to the ister. comp polls. B u t It h a a slipped * o m approval by,tb ree-fourths o f th e people as o f la s t Septem- of racial nber, td Ju s t over half. country, wf

If t h e 1964 congressional e lec tions were time by no held tom orrow , m any political observers be-Ileve th e Republlcatis-mlght lose control of ,5^ " nd ^congress—very definitely In th e house, pos- nno than hslbly In th e senate . new dealer

; T his s itu a tio n could change In the nextfive m o n th s . I t Is conceded b y Republican Q ^ s t h Na tio n a l Com m ittee Chairman L eonard Hallthat th e determ in ing factor In th is , a? In any That win aelection, will be-w hether tho v o te rs feel they i t li doubtare b e t t e r off o n election day t h a n they were “ ''' 'd befoibefpre th e la s t election, • diMmemM

. E arly In .h is administration, P re sid en t El- crat* wui disenhow er declared th a t the test w ould be over There wi:

. the e n a c tm e n t o f a dynamic a n d progressive »tate»nian 1program recognized as good for a l l th e Amer- 'S o l lean people. T h a t Is where congress has not

. 10 f a r delivered.Blam e It on lack of Republican, cooperation oommoi>

with th e P resid en t or outright Democratic— sabota g e , whichever yon choose. T h e end re- ^

suit la t h a t too m an y of the P re s id e n t’s life- need for asaving pro jec ts have had bs to ssed over- efforu at iiboard, to ligh ten ship. to mupioion

A lo t o f legislation still Is go ing to be res-— cued-ln-the-tw o^r-three months xem alnlng In -wiiBt is

this session of congress. B u tjh e re Is not time ii oaUed a ‘— »nougfa-t<H)w toe-ft«mnd-andiTeeoTer-aH-the- inw

leglslatiy6~aH|twood-stm .ilOfttm g o n tne seaof pp lltlca l confusion. attaoUnjr tl

"Tho f o M ^ economlo p rd ^ a n a , with a t iu l o ^ e lth ree -y ear extension of rec ip rocal trade •>» detUned

a i s o t K s r -------

better th a n no th ing . , ^Giving th e vo te to IS-year-blds has been printing a

defeated. - down' the fi Increaae o f th e minimum w ag e has been

abandoned. " “ robA laskan an d Hawaiian ita te h o o d appear many Amer

doomed. that apeechA com prom ise fa rm program Is In the m ak- overseas opi

_ ln g . I f n o new fa rm legislation I s passed, it ' exceUent *iir. W m e a n th a t flexible price rapi>ort8 go back perpreter at

Into e f fe c t autom atically. This m a y be con- affords him ddered a n adm lnlatratloa victory, b u t It will/

— Wakft a lo t of f^ m a ra mad.------------ ._______Tho P re sid en t’s p lan for a s e rie s of eduqa- hOT^been’w

tlonal conferencea to lay out new federal and be indiscree Itate school policies has been k illed . it. Both Pn

M any m easures, like legalized w ire-tapping, Mieve ^ a t Increase of federa l debt lim ita tion , housing ™k. t o r legislation and so on, have passed th e house strain, m t but a re h u n g up In th e senate. Too m uch sen- tabled care& ate tim e has been devoted to t h e Brlck?r ™®"t» with constitu tional am endm ent to redefine the "* President’s treaty -m aking powers, and the irm y-M cC arthy hearings. V I E )

The la t te r probably gives th e adm in istra­tion a p e rm an en t black eye since no . good can American

■ .possibly come of It, even If It ends In a white- France and : wash re p o rt for both sides. munlty trea

Listing all the positive accomplishments of 5 °^°^ the ad m in istra tio n somehow does not seem to balance these negative aprects. effective eu

CONGRESS WORKING ___ m rto 'de ifv----- A-numben3f-RepuWl5Bn leaaers n a v ^ e e n by BeoHG^

teUlng ■us th a t despite all the fu ro r over the "~B rm y^C C afthy hearings the congress was —gettln j^-lts-w ork-'done, The Rvirtf»tiiM<_n6w- -^ c e m s-ti^ d lc a tB -th B tr iitiff io iry n fS r «.<i up.— N o^tT na

proprlatlons are concerned, th is Is quite cor- to make the__reet___ — .......... ........................... ^ iioypviiiei

A ppropriations measurea are supposed to “ ,*5? P'''’*’” =zheananted.by Junfr30f=«lttoe-the=goverhnienrs-

new fisca l year begins Jiilv 1, Rut, seldom In whioh-thr-E—the-last-sl*-years-4jas-congress~coitt'e any- " l^ d ra w or

where n e a r m eeting that dead line. Once "’'sht hthings d ragged o n until Sept. 6, a n d twice It fta»nclafailed to clean up appropriations ac tion until ^the very end of October. edo“ eems t

This tim e the house Is a whole m o n th ahead For one tlof last year’s n o t very Impressive schedule, *•'* Pranci and th e senate seem s to be doing b e tte r , too.

The house has passed seven of th e 11 money Even moremeasures called for, and In the aggregate they European D<represent flve-slxths of the funds sought by “" ‘fPresident Elsenhower. The senate has dls- I'" ''" '''* ' “‘■Jposed of two of th e seven approved In the “we^mrghthouse, a n d has a n o th e r ready fo r early con- such unwiiiiislderatlon. H e a r in g on three m ore are com- The best alplete. Salt Lake Ti

If th is pace could be m aintained, we might see all appropriations voted by th e June 30 oh vdeadline. The sticker appears to be foreign to »eaid. N eith er house can do any th in g on the money side u n til congress approves the basic Bome powe au thorization fo r aid expenditures, and this in»titute. Mo has n o t been done.

. Though It Is to o early to say w h a t the sen- tSSdrm also ■: ate will do on th is score, the house has chop- kind.” well-tl

ped a lm o st 3 blUlon off the P residen t’s re- P—OUeatsin actlng-onseven bUls^About^airth*- ^u t-oam az ln Jh & .m llltitry -jiudgeU ^

months, bu t Jn th e last few years, about the understand t Irresponsibility th a t It seems only fa ir to rec- eometlmiognlze t h e Im provem ent ahown In 1054 In this " T ‘'“'"5 ° vital B pproprla tlons field.

■ Congress obviously Is hot a t a standstill_calls my ca( while th e G rea t Inquiry, grinds o n . Earnest_“ y mother,? m en a re h a rd a t work in tho grubbiest area oX Jflvm aklng th e re is—marking u p tho mon- P“ «nt» »>>' tev hlllq ---------- -— -------------- - . ______ _'r» »i'd >atli

m, ------------ tn c m rrn o nTlipy <^serve to be cncouragod f o r their re- orders, stay h

sponsltilo e ffo rl.lS h d ono may p e rh ap s bo for- “ud lot the : Elven fo r hoping th a t thplr exam ple will be fontagloua on C aplto l Hill,

T.:— rr-- -



= W * B H lN a 3 rO N -^ e f^ J i iB t io r lM -* tm D ylawlnr of w H ^ tlm to -g im c -jc h n o ls ^louslnir p ro je c ti may b« a Republican Ul wind tha t ^iriB-blow good for-the Demoorata o lno rth ,and aouth.---------low sharply divided on tb li lasue. I t eventuaUy should

remove tbe r a c ^ problem from tho realm of p a r tis a n poUtics.

A t.t;w m om ent, many louUienieopnunltlea a n d politicians a n In- og,

V f d l g n a n t over tbe ruling and are gatlothreatening' tb escape Its Impllca- xay 1tlons one w ay o r another. But the say Jfact Is th a t th la unanimous opinion in 18has been accepted In Dixie with the iamazing mqfleraUon and hard our ccommon sem e, save for a (evpoU tl- In oz°sl hotheads like Oor. Hemian Tal- moremadge, O eorgia. He will probably they

J . , use tho Issue to try to win himself pacea g n a te seat. Th'

• • • no t t BACIAL EEIATIONS DJ S O U T H -T he south. Sow- In a (

iver. w hlcb h a s managed to m ake so m an; social happ md ec o n o ^ o readjustments since 186{, will meet acros his new challeng# to Its own -way. I t will, sooner or Jtov ater. comply w ith the supreme court decision In ae- their ord w ith local needs and custom s. “ 'The South has made greater progress In the field

if racial relations than m any other sectloia of the ountiy, w here the question la raised only at election Ime by ao-called ''liberals” seeking tho vote of Uie olored people. "The Negro Is better treated, better housed, belter

ed ond m ore respected below th e Mason and Dlxon Ino than h e Is In Democratio H arlem , supposedly the lew dealer’s heaven.

• • •QUES’n O N OF TEAEB-It m ay take years for the

outh to answ er the-supreme c o u rt’s question of how Thi ; Intends to Implement the ru ling on segregation. Eden •hat will also apply to'many northern communities, hpme t Is doubtful If tbe surrounding difficulties can be' m enl lived before the 10^8 election. a ra tBut solved I t will be eventually, and all the bitter Opi

Isagreem ents between northem and southern Demo- hair; rats will disappear. large.There will then be no reason whv such brilliant long

talesman os Byrd of Virginia, Russell of Georgia and 1 nd McOIellan of Arkansas, or. successors of their also tamp, should not become President of tho tJnlted dogs: ta t^ l '

COMMON WORLD U N O U A O E - Now that the WH nlted S ta tea has asaumed the burden of supporting the J ) m any foreign peoples with strange customs In a Boo« lUltary an d flnanclBl way, i t appeara th a t there la eed for a common world language. Otherwise/ our " !forts a t Intem attonal salvation will become subject D u r t suspicion an d oritlolsm fostered by Moscow's agenta.A cu rren t Issue of the Chesapeake and Ohio Rail- ay m agaalne highlights thla problem, as follows: * "WJiat Is Imown to American railroads u a tie called a 'aleeper* in Great B rita in and In her for-

\mr rtii< f.h>f. rt<ffwr^nri» <n wnmniiMnfiiFO fOf J licently-eaused trouble for two’ Aslan editors.- “A P ak is tan i newspaper recently retracted a story * Itaoklng th e Unlled'Btotes fo r sending loud neck- u to th e lf country, whon”lh e 'ties’ wefe Tonnd to 1 destined fo r new railroad tracks, n o t Pakistani

------------ —...!________________ — -homa__________________ » *— »—T K g . N O T PERSON8-"OonverseIy, the editor of Hattli South In d ia n dally apologized to his reoders for

rlntlng a story about 200,000 persons being swept )wn' the flooded Ohenab river In Kashmir. He ex- atoed th a t tho "sleepers’ h a d turned out to booss-tles, n o t sleeping persons.” DearThla problem of language m ay seem trivial. But Herany A m erican diplomats and military men lesUfy FUerlat apeech differences and difficulties with their produrerseas opposites, especially th e Russians, frequently nearljjve caused unnecesiary minor crises. Molotov Is nn redpereellent linguist, but he Insists on using an Inter- noodli(rpreter a t world parleys. T he delay In translation ' * * !fords h im tlm a to devlie a M achiavellian retort.

• • •CHURCHILL’S CHANGED ID E A S -P rlm e Minister Inhlirchlll’s^eb'ent-'sU 'BgW lomKfftTie'ffiayTairrsomi, tIIbcovive been welcomed ot W ashington. alUiough It would and f I Indiscreet fo r any high public official to admit

Both P residen t Elienhower a n d Secretary Dullea filleve th a t they could get a long better with An- I t l iony Eden aa Britiflh boss. tie bULike PD R a t Yalta, Churchill la showing signs of but vrain. In h la ambition to close h is Illustrious and cominbled ca reer aa world peacemaker, he counsels agree- or othBnta w ith Russia wblch he condemned aa "appease- P-'®-' ent” In pre-1939 days. He Js m aking it hard for Ike.

_ Hua


American ooncem and vexotlon over the failure of ■anco and I ta ly to ratify Uie Buropean Delense Oom- ™ ™ unity tre a ty Ur understandable. O ur whole present I t s K Hoy fto resisting communist pressure In Europe Is sed on th is pac t ithlch win m a k e possible rearmn- „ »nt of W eatem Oormnny, deem ed easenUal to nny . ' • reotlve European delense.7 e t we seriously doubt w hether the practical uIU- itum delivered tn Frsnee an>1 Tt^ly relatlviLtA EDO- — - ■■ "BM retary o f Btate Dullej In testim ony before ths la te foreign relaUoni commlttee-FrldaY was wlse.Wr. Culles declared Uiat F ran ce and Italy might H i la-all-further-mllltatT ald -fro n rth e Unlted'StRtes If" 7 . ^ B iiy rtin ilDL^Jiaa-tne isufopean-Defense-Oommiinity- N ow ltTnayw elTBe necessary fo r tho United Stales make th e "agonlslnj reappraisal" of our Europesa iii!yrw»ieh==MrFDiiiit5-8p6&-sboutT[omrtlttnnfS6r th e proposed EDO project Is n o t csrrled out. Ws n i | g h t-h a M ito je a rm Western O erm any w ithout th»‘ = » ■ [eguards aga in st a revival o f .G erm an mUllarlsnr H ' ilcl^he~EBg~Beeks tn enrnhliahT -wn might, nova .tni EHHraw o r aharply reduce aid to Prance and Italy. s might h ave to shift our polloy. and our military d fhianclol commitments, otherwlae. H VBut lo say fla tly now thni we wlU withdraw furUier W f lltary old from Frnncc nnd I ta ly unless they ratify w >0 seema to us Questionable strategy . fP’or ono th ing . Isn't Ihe th re a t to out off further |1 If P rance and Itnly do not ra t ify EDO an Implied Timltment tha t, If llie treaty Is raUfled. we will Jtlnue such aid nd Infinitum?Sven m ore Important Is the doubtful value In the \ ropeon D efense Community o f two countries who ter It rcluotantly, nnd only to be sure ot continued lanclal aid. Juat whnt would such boughl-and-pald- |• support be worth In « showdown? HWe m ight be better olf nol p lacing oui; reliance on V ;h unw illing allies. H ivrhe best allies, ns the best friends, are nol bought.— H H l It Lake Tribune.

TH E P A M N T A L P R O B L E MO h w ad some power the glftlo gle us to see oursels n« mir ch ild ren see usl

-N O T R obert Bums, iome power has done 11. namely th e Youth Research tltute. M ost children think th e ir mothers are good iks, “work h a rd around the house," nro pretty, nnd s the ir ch ildren very much. T lie m ajority of tho Idren also regard both p a ren la ' ns "generous and , j . j id,'’ w ell-thought-of by others, n nd po.yiessed of lols friends. P aren ts, the kids said generally, ote very ,a j;iiepp le ...bu t-______________________ — ...... _ . ^ 1, ,L-sl»eoble-nilnorltv-r«niilnir-fr(im -33-to^6-yer c e i i r ^.aami

re always l«lllng™ifm what to do and did not ‘ Cui lerstand them . “Whm l osk m y mother for help quIi I sometimes does nol help me becnuse sho Is too ly going o u t ever.!' nlghl," reported one. "I don't “ enough m oney for Iho work I .do. And my fnthrt 's

'ays teasing me nhmii my glrl friend. My motlW Is my ca( flenbni!," anid m iothcr. "I would like for

m o th e r ,to le l me ilcep on Snt»ndny mornliiB.i,"Ito a th ird .'oronts who w ant Jo jraw up Info fine, sturdy moth- I and fa th e rs tliifc imvc Ihelr xour.'io .u it o u l Ioi_ _ U A )

n rT n o n V I in im n ir r i r ie m p o r s , taper off on Iho — CT9. stay hom e a lew nljh lsjiud hoUi th? lr cliildren,I le t th e U ttle ones sleep on Saturday mornings.I furU ierm ore they will mke c a re - |o refer lo the • bag a t a ll times i i nice k itty .—a t , Loul* Post- palclu


Pot I

i i z n z — z z d sWHO SAYS WE A B B N T f ^

' D ear O en t: • nu• O ontem jlatlng Hie h la to iy of this tJ i t nation th e o ther dsy le ft m e shaJdng r i ' my head. J u s t roU back tim e'for,» say IOO years. T ho t p u ta you back ™> In 1SS4 belore th e Big T if f between j j ,> the states. T h e reol adventurers of —v 1 our conttoent were roUlng- westword■ In oxcarts and walktog. Som e of the ^■ more lucky ones rode horses. But , r they s till moved a t a v ir tu a l snail’s . . f pace through dangerous wlldemess. ^

Those pioneers, m any times, did ™ not travel more than 6 o r 10 mUes

. to a day. Now com pare t h a t .to what H 1 happens nowadays. M ost of us, tipi across more landscape In a single ^■ day th a n m any people covered to “. tbelr entire Uves a ce tt.u ry ago. jra

I f travel la broaderUng, we abould 'a® I certainly be a nation of b road people Bli, lodayl wer Im a Beader be<I ■ ■ 1 (Tw InFalls) us

. - • • • haiPUPS FOB KTOS D EP 'T . th i

• This pup Is about 6 m onths old cor and aU black. H la 'a n c ^ try Includes I cooker spaniel an d A ustralian shep- am herd. He's a good dog fo r kids. You ros can get -him o t 233 BeU street. V.

I ---------- cuiThese three pooches dum ped to gre

Eden aro to th e m a rk e t for new the hpmea where they'll get b e t te r treat-m ent. Ohlldren in the neighborhood g^t are taking caro o t them rig h t now.

Ope Is OTid an d w hite w ith longhair; medium size. A nother Is a „large, black and w hlts .pooch with ‘long hair. The third dog Is amall “ and h as lols ot d ifferent colors, butolso Is long-holred. T h e y ’ra good “ *doga fo r youngsters. You can phone ^ ®

. Eden STia or 3921. £?<>, . • Boi

W ith today’s prices. It’s n o wonder boithe llquor buyer gets soaked. Our ?hBooier clolms. “ Ci


D ear Potal OhiI ’m dlsappototed. H era Haystack Byi

Hattie o r M lrandy Peabody or what- theever she calls herself up a n d wrote broa le ttf r to Pot Bhots te lltog how mlishe and Zeke aimed to b e In town Ingfor the Wg parade. W ere they! In :

■ '^ 'S^ffll^w altM ^?for^ i6 l^ rev lew ^lf be r the parade. D idn 't get to aee It myself and I figured H ottle or ren M lrandy or whatever she calls her- froi self^ would up a n d write h e r impress opp slons fo r the benefit of u s stay-at^ in

: hOniM.____ r _ .. . I— -------------------sch----- Hnws-ahout I t . MIrandyT O r Is It you

Hattie? civ(B oria AiUn’ ana

(Jerom e) j hi

OR ELSE IDear Pota: <„ti

Here's a Up fo r "Bh'd L over” over PUer way. If those fa t h en a don'tproduce eggs fo r your breakfast, ,(5t nearly any good cookbook has arcclpe for stewed chicken and hjjj-noodles I ^ j

B ird Lover No. I(Jerom e) ^

* * * quil In th is election year, people will ^u r

. ■rtiscovenhat'fiU^iarB a re n ’t gotfcrs ^ and ftahermen, O ur G olfer aays. —

• • •ATTENTION: MRS. P. 8.

I t Isn’t often P o t Shota finds a lit­tle story worth repeating, (In print) but we ran acroaa one th a t Keeps coming back to m ind a n d aomehow or other reminds ua of th e way Mrs.P. -e.-tellfl a story . Or nearly any woman, for th a t m atter. H ere 'tls:

Husband: 'T d tell you th e atory about the d irty window, but you can’t see through It."

Friend wife carries th ia around• for awhile and te lls it thusly :

“Did you ever h ea r the sto ry about the window you can’t seo through?Ifa too dirty to teUI"


**... She's n o t nearly ao scared since they caught those bDrglars!"

GENTLEMAN IN THB ____________ FOUBTH B O W ___

J | \ 18-lnth I I V culling /

I . width W

1 | \ l ' / 2 - h p . 1 I engine J

1 li

O N LY 9 9 . 7 5

• Equipped w ith Jacobsen 's ex­clusive SuoUon-Llfl R o to r th a l doublea cu ttin g frequency

t Equipped w ith fron t s a fe tyguards

• Easy-rolling, aoml-pneirniatlo«......... ............ ........................^ _____

^-U m iiu it-.stn rtln r, relli>W J a » - j3 a s « n ; jh | ih » - . - ~ - - .~ - x j_ r r : ; c ^

• CuUi weeds a n d heavy r r o w th -----------quickly and eaally

IT/ f.ir,y t complin ilUctloH l4toblfn nowiri.

Ci'rit in and tth akout lajf puymtnl pltrt.


^T M E S-N E W S,-T W IN

T h o w t h i n g s ' a f

^ ^ ^ d ^ t o l l ^ e » * S ‘a ^ e - P U U l« r tK r a T s '~ n o a “ - w B rw -P f * * ' flotmc# b& sackcloth iriOi.lJetla.

, m e l* lo u » ., to n e iP J B l i P WVi Is t b a n D o n a l d K R a n d a l l R l c h - | « p ‘f »[; berg, o n e of t h e l ^ B l i M f i » w orst o f th e Ideo-a logical w u t o n s i B I l M ' ' J who c a m o - w h o o p - - ^ ^ ^ ® r t 3 ^ Ing I n w l t h l ^ l ^ ^ l‘ Booaevelt In 1033.* Mr. R ic h b e r g I M S P M “ e o n l l r m e d h l s j ^ ^ | » J - l ^

i 2 ^ p ? c e “ to. 'wrlttog at th e NaUonal Industrlnll : Eecbvw y a c t of 1B33 a n d . H a l e r , '^ ; ■was g en e ra l counsel a n d cihslnnan b ™ , o f the n a tio n a l recover^ admtols- ^

tratlon. I l ie s e wero sheer, leering P“J 1 fascism a n d It Is no excuse for Mr. cm i e H lchberg to aay th a t m oat of. us " '“ *

were m o re or less crazy a t the time ™- -beeaaser-hr-the-dret-plfteei-m ost-ot

u s w eren’t , and, furthennore, he ““J h ad been raised up to know UiSt th is w ild fling was Indeceht ac-

1 cording to his own lights. f® '9 However, - there Is Joy in heaven- u id In t h e hearts of those who mo-1 rosely ch e rish tho m em ory of the P?'f'

XJ. S. Constitution, over the mea- ™ c culpss o f backslid holes o f sll de- I

1 greea. 8 0 I take sph-ltual delight In feP'’ 1 th e ru n n in g repentance o f a man ®tee|■ who not. on ly regrets w ith eclot but, 'O” '* Sifter a dozen years of it , has never• ru n out o f gas.

f There is someUilng of the style 1 of Bob M oses In Rlchberg’s wrIUng _ t but. If I m a y be pardoned an elbow K f j In Mr. M oses’ slats on a far.tum ,, I Should lik e lo note th a t Don gets

mora a n d more RepubUcan while , Bob, ta h is obsession over public- Hj

■ housing, geta more and m ore stuck prog oh M arx. M y essay trea ts of a par- here

tlcuiar a c t of contrition which Mr. Rich Rlchberg declalred on m ay 14 nt a meel feedtog o f th e Soutb O’lln a bar nt Thui C harleston . After Oov. Jimmy Dr

: Byrnes h a d sweetened h im up lo for . th e barria tera ta tha t honeysuckle resId I brogue w h ich wrought so many tie n f miracles of compromise in Wash- off t 1 Ington b u t won nothing b u t nyets Oo

in Moacow and Potsdam. M r. Rich- Ram; berg-said i— ------------ -------- -------------i "HavUig b em accused o f being a until• renegade from ffie New Deal, and" “form■ from organized Inbor, I welcome the Dl: i" opportunity to’ explain w hy I glory "Slbs; ' In my sinn ing . When a Sunday Ran-- -sr.htvil tpW irfier-askftd, T O ia t-JU lit.___; you do befo re you can-ob tain for-

glveness o f sin?' a young pupil l- onswered. ‘You must f ir s t sin,' II ID I had nev e r stoned, how could I ask Jami forgiveness?” gran

You w ill noto lhat M r. Rlchberg lent outelevered htoiself to th a t passage wlU fo r he th e n had the difficult task convi of Indicating that th e sin con- Fr! sisted of forsaking, n o t adoring, Kent false gods. But let him talk three himself o u t of that one. Somollmcs urda; a fellow le ts rhetorical flourishes to at foul hhn u p and I am too far lost In delight a t the grand effect tc Bai quibble ov er gristle In a good Stole

' burgo o . __________________ .to. l iMr. R lchblerg said thousands ofl 1847.

T H E D R I V I N g V h I

O F A L I F E T I M e V s

: J U S T A S N E A R i t s

y o u r P H O N E I j

,----------^ S I E US . f O R J ^ I/

fAJPPEA'R FROM HfS A N G L E;nii r e m es t i oung-iP«n aLhlM ienir o U o^ — j .5 ^ Igcne .ta flielr traV M .y l ttiaut. .Jrall

realizing th a t as-they poUuted our^ TwUttcs-wlth nonlallam S a y lavUtd.^ t o spread of canm unlat doctrine

ond slavery all over • tiw ..globe, ^eslt'd Thousands o f zealous f l g h t o for j n - ;i i i underpaid, overworked, ^ - e m - j t tl i ers had died without knoirtn* th a t t « .I f they hod helped to buUd up the new tlo nl l - monopoly of »uge labor unions y oun which would te a r down th e syatem » of of tree enterprise which had lifted c a nr a the avera&e standord Of living be- k e g

yond tbe dreams of a liund red years t h e6 a«o[3 " i s a no blushing, embarrassed s to nl i renegade;.’,sold he. "I am proud of t in g™ my apostasies. John L. Lewis pub- Q u eIn uclv denounced me ss a renegade p ro t. 1.11 from labor who. to h is mild lan- nose»,■ guage, had 'turned against the th ef S tha t had s u c k l^ him.’ -Hie ' UT only way labor suckled m e was to; gov«

pay me smaUer fees than any other d ea li?, cUent for daya of m uch harder In g

work. ■What Mr. Lewis was genUy glzeiIm crlUclzlng wos th a t I w ss < ^ a t o g cou l

rertato orrcyant alupldltlea of la- e y l he bor leoders.” T 7 ^

Jimmy PetrUlo wos another «x- everM cUent, but he hod told Jtouny that, tim e

he would not take him for a cUent earl:„,n today bccause he now would have to BiL . choose between /oldtog a coiriijit mth . Dower and renouncing a corruption serK

which he hod helped to create. {?o t H, I hove read no more aatlsfsototy

In repudlaUon of evil by a wretch once steeped to sin than Mr. Rlchberg's

,n. conclusive summaUon of his re- "eJ generoUon. " I mean," h e said, "I

done it, I plead guilty, and I don’t w ant to hear no more about It.”

Halleluiah, brother. '

I™ Rotary Speaker Z Talks on .Scoutslie- H A IL EV rJune ,8 — A "selltag'’ a yijcit program for the Boy Scout program th e lar- here was conducted by Dr. A rthur th eSir Richards, program chairman, ot a i t -!■I n meeting ot the Hailey Rotary clu^ k j Jt ■Thursday. ' w hli

my Dr. Richards stressed th e need s ito for a "poslUve attitude" by local a u sI

Me residents so th a t Scouting "might w ithmy be more than a device to keep boys fo r 1sh- off the streets and out of trouble.” y ,ets Correspondence on th e Idaho le n t

Ranch lor Youth was received and food— ^Iscussed.-J h e. m atler_w sa tabled. fin«( s until a poaicy fo r appeals can be th in^d" formulated. --------— . e a te,he Dinner was served by Mra. Gorlh fronjry -eibs;- Mrs- Mary Bonlnr-M rs. -Jim s y e tlay Ran- and Mrs. U A. Stevens. a relist, „ ' . ' _ nev*

Sl SpeafiCTyameJ ^If IDAHO PALL8, June 8 «V-Earl tlon;

isk Jam es, Oklnhoma City attorney and am grand exalted ruler of the Bonevo- Y ou

srg lent and Protective Order of Elks, blocl lge wlU address the annual Idaho Elks ntilk uk convenUon here Thursday. specin- Friday's speaker will be Sen. m ilk og, H eiuy 0, Dworshok, R., M a. The wat< llk three-day convention wlU close Sot- T h e ies urday. Some 1,000 Elks are expected Is t l ies to attend. - ■" by IMt ---------------------------- a n dto Bales of dog food ta the United -Ame

lod Statea topped 200 million dollars Ai____In twice upftp t l \ rfnriofl 1847. aup i

f c ......................... -

\ u B I I I perhaiII 11 n K I fc 1. ran rnme (0 ira i-o n d t t

('ive us a ring and we’ll I \ flil-liine flairs records. J

I R _ you'll smm (liicnver th e1 1 I ; and a new fe a

1 -------------- "EoclteU’’ offer performi

L ' r o c k e t * E N

I O L D Sy - Y O U R 0 1

" YOUR701 M ain Avo. I

R ^ R O C K E T V S P t C l A l S -

M HSnk Occupies Fa

- By HINET M e ^ O B E their^ — g y P W g fr^ tts th a l« -= < IliB»' Amjr "oUta m iralteMOtesirere-aotaWerwHre I paiS

was sitting ta therc.’ialr at Oovem- ■in en t-* ira je-thB ^-w a»-tlie - favoH t f S * ;ch a ir of Queen Elizabeth when ahe :night resided thete dur< a m

‘O' ta g h e r recent vis- rn ; I t to thla coun-

try . I only men-- j ~ 'lew tlo n this to ahowens y o u bow far a l o n g ' . ^ ^ ^ H | | u | | | „ ” ■

a O eorgia c r t c l ^ ted c a n come Ifi b e i 'be- k e ^ his head In ara 'th e clouds snd h la

n o s e to-the g r t a d - H ^ B S sed s to n e . After s it- . of t in g where th e ub- Q u een sat, I l l M H l i H ade p robab ly keep m y K e U u n sunui an- n o se t a the cloilda a n d my head to ■ the th e iptadatone. ®skei

U eU t. Qen. S ir Jo lm Northcott, ^ ' 5 to; gov ern o r ol New S o u th Wales, en- „ •

her d e a re d himaelf to m e when, to show- , ' der In g u s about the gardena, he apolo- m ? ,’ Itly g lzed for Uielr appearance. "It you ing cou ld only hsve been here a bit r r i la- e a rlie r , and seen thein-W hen they I W

W ere perfect," h 6 said . -Have you « ex- ev e r seen any g a rd e n a t the right hat tim e ? You are alw ays a bit loo ^ ent e a rly , or a bit too la te . jE i, to BasebaU Is co toh tag on pretty well herds bjit to Auatralla, a lth o u g h it Isn't a Jeroir Jon se rious rlvsl.to cricket, aoccer or from

foo tba ll. I am to ld by Americans tlon Io n t h a t th e Ausslea a r e "good field, no Thenc, h i t ” playera. I t Isn ’t played exactly herd

acco rd tag to A m erican rulea, how- 1,194 .ev e r. Whereas we ta k e only a eev- 45 no

..T en th -tan to g s tre tch , the Aussles, recmi „ , t p la y e rs and ouatomers, taks a half.

h o u r tea break. 'W h a t a grand alght , i t w ould have been to ses Babe Ruthsip p in g tea at a ta b le ta deep right the nfie ld , or D tay D ean glvtog a crump- ,h , Ze t th e works on th e pitching mound I h " n

A ustralian men a r e very partialto mustaches. You see more of them _In o n e doy In Sydney than you do In M i

ng" a y e a r to New Y ork . Bearda haveom th e i r devotees, too , eapeclaliy In Hlu r th e winter. With th e healtag whnt it a i t -la, I om sure I ’d hove' a beard j j n

if J lived .here. . A lso mi|ttoo5liop. Farmw hiskers. 1 bus

SM S tea k and egga Is tho national Mrical A ustra lian dish. A slab of steak tlonght w ith two, three o r four fried eggs Mrs.'eya fo r garnish, Mr,le.” Y ou can buy th is fo r the equlva- ley 1iho le n t of 60 centa . Speaktog-of daiiglind food, Australian seafood muat be as goneM - I l i i e _ as anywhere in the world. I .i- ir ..be th in k the best o j ^ r l h o v e ever Loli

- e a te n Is Uie sm all one gaUiered of Mrth fro m the Hawkesbury river here In hoveIlm S y e ta ey rT h e^ lo b s te r-a n d -S h rto ip t h e 4;

a re th e eQual of oura, and I have H-17, _ n ev e r eaten suoh scallqiM aa those

B ee r la supposed to bo the na- jjHiirl tlo n a l drink of th e country, but I eltesind am inclined to believe thot milk is. fo r 0ro- Y ou can 't walk m o re than half a the 1Iks, b lock ta Sydney w ith o u t passtog a Mrs,Jks m ilk bar, and to m a n y of Uiem the The g

specialty eff the h o u se Is hot malted M rs .:en. m ilk . . . Aussles d o n ’t drink en o u g h --------'he w a te r lo keep 0 p e tu n ia plont alive.ol- T h e only drinktag w a te r I have seen I jted Is t h a t which Is p laced on a table W

by th e lift every n ig h t A pitchera n d six or seven glasses. No one but becSt

ted A m ericans ever touches the atuff. {lure ars A ustralians are th e world's most

i g f o r a R

i n a

> " R o c k €

■ i— J— -------------------------- -----

Dfl perh ap s you mdH find tim e to com* to our tbo t~and we wUlI All you have to do U pick up J nd We’U give you a ride— m the car that’i imaitlD ecords. A nd when you ta k e the wheel o f thil

over th a reaBoni for th e recordi. There's ■ new t new fcd . But above all, there's new a c t io n ^ pcr/onnanoe that oulalripM ven QldMnoblla!iPig!

r* E I S I O I N E

S M O B IR O I D S ^ ^ O B I L ■

DUREE MOTOJI CO.A vo. E a s t , Twin F o l t i , T e lip h o m 18>8

(VI 5 J - S A H T Y - T I 8 T I P J J * * *

favoH t f S * ^ S W « e E 5 S B

p H

pS * “ • ^ 1 1

ishow- ?’“^ “'>‘ > l k e t l i e ^ «

■ r ;

tty wellIsn't 0 Jerome.Bcer or from Uij A m h X M

5 J1“S Miln^RSigwhli Travel, Enti' **“ <* MILNER, Juneftoctop. Pamum Warr-lisvi-KH

e business trip I j m Slatlonal jjrs. 0. E. HoHett, M! steak tlon, Oolo., Is S S I id eggs M rs .H a ,m o n d 6 « X i . . . I “ ""I M™. t e t e i ' B

^ g - o f daugTjtef.'-UVfi-taTvl It be as gone lo Montsm i f t - M a;l!l._L J^.-N eum aim r-— ra ever L o l s a n d S s i n a i l lUiered of Mr, and Mn ‘---M Here In hove been awanirishrtoiip -the 4 ^ 0 r l c o u m i l i SI t a v e 11-17.

, 4-H OlVl i i g lne na- m u NEB, Jun, s - 9, but I eltes 4-H club met m Inllk Is. for a wiener'rosjt it Mhalf a the leader, Mra l i i t jH»»tog a Mrs, Jamea Baijoilem the The group will meet U lBmalted Mrs. Bnme W e d in l i i lenough --------------— ------lL Ht alive.veaeen I I l f t Hi table j n J

K { s « s - n SI stuff. P.ur« o r tn ia I i i H

a R i d e

a i s k e t” I


II Illll

»me to our s b e w r t O * - .

l o U p l e k u p J o l f f ^ P ^ ;•lhal’,smaalilii{01Ji» ,

„bcel o f th i .'M ■riiere's • new rilW lii* ,

n . w i c n o i - l F o . 1 ^ ;

l d m o b a e l p r t* ! L ? ^ , |U

........... ......... . • ..........~wr

3 I L 6

CO.iphon i 18 1 8 J

'1 .

S ' " 1Iitftfl ^ o l * Jobs


' usuted W BJlilD*’® ^ a a t honored | ^ | If Bro^.^'*,. jirs. Donle H ^ j j

o u t Junior f ;• JlW fc a tn tr” ’

' “‘'u tK erc lie r, “ n lo r

O'Do™'” - IM n schafcr, >

I' ^ ^ Williams,

I .B iiti^ “ j n d K a y . . .

« f S d j t o r c » t< ^ ; M l ‘■ S ^ T s i id t a S c h a e l e r ,

Benbrook and m csenners;

P^rt GIends Ann Oha- Mra, ' • V o u S fuariB; Laren Falls,

Divine. paSM. annou^Ehlrley w^ incluil® * stokesr L " e , X a n d M

Moran, Marcia Mlsa“i r ^ a g r a v c s a n C I o la thony ’

tciilt- ia em]_ " and D

C a le n d a r , „ f : „-----------* rea in

Filer Golden club a t Pl[■ S e S iy “Itemoon with D ^ v e

^ w e^d lr

j j.j-H an d clul) will m eet ^ M a y a t the home ot

ave- t j N t t ,------------------------------ C rone

4 * ¥ WBB r „ i ward Htlle' “ doty ernoor inrk and business meet-

,i.m Wednesday at the T h u ra --------- Memhi♦ * * to se r

j i pT.Y — The Worth-lo l Kimberly wW meet « t g j.,.■ Wednesday at the hom e Oiorie Henry, Kimberly,

J— Jf. — . jjppj, Iil:is(l.n womens (ellow-. t e .m L £ h t ! ^ M j} u r c hMt3:S0 p ^ . THur^ay MC -be-4n- cj,.NfW officers will be In-

* if- ¥Riilon Phillips will give the ,

"Uemorie-s of India," a t I ill June lunclicon ot the 1 issoelatlon of the F irs t liu cliurch at 1 p,m . ----------

irian A A a r t in £ » >

P a t t e r n ™yg r g r x K athei

educat — the-plH

^ ga th er■ v k S X t / " 4a! “

' / “ '=‘“‘5'

K V ,\' A ' 'A I f l o t a c

* '* > * iS / / o r ohll' V'.' fi . / I th e COI

W k .'- i’ ’ / ' / 'I vli f nJW M i - J l i f groundp f ~ tO lS j “N at

D nl T r 'v \ Qlrls Vi ^ • '^ ' 'A \ expose.\ • ■ ')\ \ econonl} , Os , U , \ chance

•- ■ k l i wife n"Sf' \ \ rea rln t

' ■ ' .& r V of A ' 1 \ °

, ' ■ . ■ ! \ I o r wh ■ ' . J , ' . J I educat

S - n - h 'V l « * o o lf l ^ ■ « i,« | Moal

l i i . . T.ll---DSelLtSr ■ j " so rt InI® .? .. t" . •:., ( for a :

^ . w - . - c . opporti . • ■ . ^ chief j

: = 4 ^irs= = -as-grivf

■ I ^ ! m any-1 ■ ,-K ■ follow,•ij - ‘3’- ^

' f 'S'’ - • ’ ,•),■•■■ cupaUc>1. •. y and to

(|i . cation1 1 4 /j—24'/i also co

m \U n T f l k j n i t t t h e y ^HI. ^IJW HALF-SIZERI dutlea ^ a r t i s t stylc-and so prepari ^ fie short, tmier (igure, iSB iiiii Wll tucked on the dla- ' • iHmmlng effect above "^Pired skirl. Wear thla , a luncheon to a fl ftjp^uoned 10. tlt-_no

P"tlern gives J Complete, tllusiratcd ,e?i g l u every step.

Ive een l. |„ coins for 1 lot 1,1 cenu for each «*« U r, SendW ta 'T taes-111 1 ‘*'P“ i'tmcnt, p . o ,

IlSlow-DdWii ZzzB i g ' ” ™

Nightss i i w - s a i K i

[ > t<T C .." ,!!];" "" '01- ■ !

lliBride^Elect, Coi

S s t e k f h r ; :jns, 'S**" « n p .v ln j) j^tta 1 lonr --------------*----- * — *- . - * ------------------ j ,n

Miss Forrester Plans to Marry

ha- Mra, Lela C, Forrester,, Twin anne \ ren Falla, and J, H. Forrester, Burley. Mrs. ges, announce the engagement ot th e ir linen ley daugh ter. Barbara, to Jam es H, Hlavat lar- Stokes. Denver, Colo,, son o t Mr. wool. : lien and M rs. W, H, Stokes. Burley, swecth •cla Mlsa -Forrester attended St, An- At tl :ola thony 'a School ot Nursing a t P oca- emony,

tello an d Idaho State college. She ‘‘“ “n ' is em ployed by Dr, Morton Cutler * and D r. Mitchell R t^ r ,

H er fiance attended ISC, m ajo r- checkc ing in law. He returned from Ko-

— rea in January and Is convalescing tended lub a t Fltzslmons army hospital in years \ .)th D enver. Alpha

No date has been set for the Sponso wedding, Hlnv

eet ¥ » ¥ and wnot ENTERTAINS CLUB this sp

ve- U N m - , June 8 -M r s , Alfred C ran e entertained members of the W BB club at luncheon Monday a f t- brldeor

oty __________________________ Krai, jet- groom,the T h u rsd ay In the church parlors.

M em bers are asked to bring a ^ h I , to serve and theh- own table serv- iV Ir.K. Cnflep, and ro U a jg U lJ is J u ra j^ VIB\

me ’¥ V ^ onstrfltKIMBERLY—The Kimberly P lo- salad r

n e e r cJab' will meet at- -2t90 -p:m. LampliT hu rsday a t the home of Mra. R up - home ie r t M orrill. Mrs. J ack Arnold -will The

aX -be-4n- charge-of the’ p ro p am on adtilt rm o to r manners. ............. ''to b eh

Care of Yourlherst By A N G E L O PA, m . _________________________________________ __

K athe rine Anne was about to' en- Cookter college and her motlier was dls- do, enticussing her courses with a few old keepinjtriends who wcre Interested in edu- band hcation,, "Just what do you th in k In cooK a th e rin e Anne will do with her are needucation after gradfiatlon?" asked formed

J— the-pro(eKH>r-ot-llt«ratiire,— ------------poodoo"I expect she will be married and homes,

I g a th e r a circle of friends and raise has a 1a fam ily. Be a useful member of grades,society.” girls tt

“Very likely, but I see no m ention accentot a course tha t should shed any In thellghlf on the subject of matrim ony. Jorlty <or chlld-rearliiB, or what to do w hen a coithe cook leaves without notice," world £

“I d o n 't expect college to teach ujble tthose subjects. Her home back- (bat thground would do that. Naturally." on In c

“N aturally," Just does not work, shoulda i r l s who go to college are not often British exposed to a background of homeeconomics, nor do they get m uch pintrichance to learn about husband and •’"t chil wife relationships, nor about child-rearing . They go to school a t the thii hiblage of 6 , perhaps earlier, and from j? ' Jth e n on to graduation from college. _ --

I o r w hatever school finishes th e irI education , thoy are absorbed In .

KpVinfii nfifj its Interests. _M oat girls of this generptlon « r-

I _ pee t to nrenare for a career of some ~ ^so rt In which they hope to lunc tlon 7 for a year of two botoro jfittrrlage.

p aH =m -fflrE itniraoii= tliEyrliE re-llttlr o jjp o rtu B lty -lo -leam -about—their- ch ief Interest In life, their careers

= ataaitlvM rtnnthw-«nrt-hnme-miikBr».- ^ - V -We tra in girls for office m anage- j 1

^ e n t , _ fo r..jrD fcs!!onal.jvork ._ I?r J m any df the occupatlbns tK af m en' follow, and torlhe.m ost part,neglec t V j

i m r e m H '^ t B- coiituiit tha umb uc^ —i h — cupa tlon tha t means'm ost to them and to others.

I am all for tho most liberal edu- | « I ca tion any girl can take, but I am K I also concerned about the difficulties the g irls face, when, after m arriage, ^ , they discover tha t they have entered a fie ld o t Interests, of forces, of dutlea for wJllch they afe quite u n - 319 M»l

so prepared . re.


i T . \ANTEN


: ___Completely It

“ 7 9 . 9*6.00 Per Mo

Couple M arried 1 L o g a n Rites ^

Bu h l . J u n e » -M r. an d M n . R»y H D. Hlavaty a r e visltlngHt«-^uhl b « - H fore going to P t. Lee, V a., yihero W l Hlavaty. will serve with th e a ir force. W l

The form er Lou Ann Checkette, daughter of Mr. and M rs. Lym ui. H Checkttts, Logan, and H lavaty, son H ot Mr, and Mrs, John R . Hlavaty,Buhl, wcre m arried May 24 at the S m Alpha Chl O m ega sorority house In M n Logan.

The ceremony was re a d by W . HBK Loyal Hall before a firep lace deco- ' f f i i rated with spring flowera a n d light- ed while tapers,

The bride wore a ballerina-Iength gown of w hite Chantilly lace over taffeta and ny lon net fashioned with B i t a full skirt and scalloped bemllne.The lltted bodice was s ty led with a scalloped neckline. Her v e il ,of Uiu- H r slon net was held by a coronet crown W | of laco and seed pearls. T h e bride'a bouquet was fashioned o f Hllei of the valley a n d white rosebuds with H satin stream ers.

---------- Jan- Eggonr-Valeiia Me y jlc>: and-Jean Bowen, all Logan, w ere brides- a Q molds. Bob Burgener, B u h l, served as bc.st m an and Carl Cheney and Don See. bo th Buhl, acted a s ushers. M

' The music w as played by Mar De- S M win anne Wahlen. cousin ot th e bride. ley. Mrs. C hecketts chose . an aqua ^eir linen afternoon dress a n d Mrs. bW

H. Hlavaty wore a pink dress ot sheer Mr. wool. Both wore corsages ot pink

sweetheart roses and atephanotls.An- At the reception following the cer- ica- emony, Lols Peterson. M arlene Rob- 8 ^ gf,e Inson and Audrey Hutchison served. tier Mrs, Dawn Rae Cheney was In

charge of th e guest book and Ann Benson, P ortia Peterson a n d Diane Checketts arranged the g ifts,

7 “ ' The form er ' Miss Checketts a t- ■Ing tended U tah S tate college tor two

In years where she waa affilia ted with Alpha Chl O m ega sdrorlty and the

the Sponsor corps,Hlavaty attended schools In Buhl

and was graduated from U ta h State H H this spring, . h H

, . Attending the wedding from Buhl H W I “ were the bridegroom's paren ts : Mrs.,, Irene Cooker, grandm other ot the B B I

bridegroom, an d Mr. and Mra, John ■ ■ __ Krai, aunt a n d uncle of th e bride­

groom,ors, ¥ » » ------

M a k e s S a l a d s t - lf e l . _ VIEW. J u n e g -M rs, M argaret ‘ '

CfHlesple, C assia oounty hom e Ue5> I onstratlon agen t, showed th e art of • '

>io- salad m aking a t the m eeting ot the Th nrn. Lam plighter-. club Erlday.._at. the .Jvlrs, up- home ot M rs, Kartell Woodland, N , D will The group decided to sponsor a n and ^ adult inem ber to 4-H sum m er cam p--m an

I’to be held Ju n e 22 to 2B a t Ketchum. Ame:_____________________________________ Rev,, _ . cerct

our Chi dren I rlage

GELO PATRI a ne--------------------------------------------------------------- o f Inen- Cooking, marketing, m aking things V-sh lis- do, entertaining on a lim ited budget, colla: old keeping happy and keeping a hus- and iu - band happy, planning for th e future roses Ink in cooperation with h e r husband, Mi her are new to th e untra ined , unln- ^ ced formed bride. Society, so g;Teatly de-— -poodoot- u p o n -w elU m anagedr-happy----------ind homes, w ith well-reared chlldrcn ilse has a duty here . The schools of all

of grades, all k inds, while offering the girls the courses they w an t, should

lon accent the apecJa) one th a t roust, iny In the end, m ean most t o the ma­ny. Jorlty of them .

A couple o f years in th e business world adds experiences t h a t are val-

ich uable to young women a n d it is well p* " that they h av e a career t o fall back ^

on In ca^e o f need, but always they H Tk. should h ave courses In what our Q

British friends call “housewifery.” H me --------- ■ic h Pilferins Ib charact«rlitie o f childhood. H m d children p u s ihroush th ia lUee i fI J th«jr are properly guided. Dr. F a tr i 'i leaf- m

Jei P-27, ‘T ilfc r ln ff," u ll how t/> ov#rw>m» • 111Lhe thil habit T o o b u In i copy. Bend 10 centan - ■n m In coin ta h im . c/o Timc»-Newi. P. 0 . ^

Uox BB. S U tlo n .G . Kew York 19. N.'Y. . 7 , J

lelr ------------ N. IilIn ^ Y o u ' l l b th a p p u A |

s r- - — ( ^ ^ - w I l k a M o o v r l 7 -

m e " ^ ____________i l[on" / m

i m B iten' K



in- 319 Main Ave. East Phone SM8


yENNA Iily Instolled J

K 9 S ‘!er Mont-h ,

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P a i r W e d in U t a-tr" Z ' >

rce. itts,


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S b S»V " ^ M •es- f i ^ved Bmdsrs. *-3e-




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ME. AND MRS. RAY (S taff CHKrav

„ t T h e l m d T v e r d a h l oha

^ M a r r T ^ A r W e B l J:.he Thelm a T verdahl. d a u g h te r of the Ml'S. M a rie 'T /c ry h l, W a h y io h ,

N . D.. and ArdelTW ^b, son or Mr, ff a n an d Mrs. I r v in Webb. Burley, were a t t mp“ ‘maNJiod—S unday .evening-.at., ih e im. Amerloan Lutheran chufch. The

Rev. 0 . B . RciUi performed the ceremony. jnip

The bride, who wa.s Riven in mar- riage by D r. J . Woodson Creed, wore a ballerlna-length dress sty led with a net sk irt over satin. T h e bodice "

— o f Jace n n d net n-as m ade witJi a P‘°> Igs V-shaped neckline and m andarin ;et, collar. She wore a white h a lf-h a t as- and carried a bouquet of deep red T jre roses. ^'hcnd. Mi's. W illiam Lemm. S t. Paul. 3pu

I W h aF e1s t .

I good cookreU

ley —

if I T n l l l l i i S B r>af.>m* ■ ' ' ' i(s n H M H 9 n ^ B a Kntri ' ------0 . ,

J u s t a little d if fe re n c

m ak es a big d if fe re n c e

08 S n o w d rif t ifl ju a t a little lighter tI . in g — a n d th a t c a n m a k o the h

y o u r fam ily lighter, more digestil

S n o w d rift givet/uat a little mbr* Sne $alety t h a n o r to a ry a h o r te n - a li

— ^g«,‘b e c au se itfr ieB p e rfec tly o i l Boli ^ - ; c o t i e c t5 i g W « i^ S r 5 H » ^

canTHBKif th ^ b lp U f f lm digestibility of fried fo o d s . /ooi


N o other shortening

80 creamy, ao digeatibl


TWIN M L L I^ D A H O ■;

1 Utah Geremony i


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RS. RAY D. HLAVATY iff enKravinjr)--------------------------------------------------- :------- ;------------ r ~I .Nllnn., was m a tron of honor, and

' I Oharles Webb, bro ther of the bride-gToorar^erved-as-best-m anT----------- -

Jam ea M cM ullen was soloist and Hoh I^ i ta -w a s -accompanist. .. _ ~lCTr7 AL UiB i CLCp tien which-folloyotl-■ were a t the T u rf club, Mrs. B. Anderson,

Burleyr M rs.—C harles--W ebh--an i , ™ Jean B ougier presided at* the ser-

vlng table a n d Mrs. Boyd Chamber­lain. Buhl. wa.s in charge of the gifu. M axine Hardin, Buhl, took

w°thJJlce T he new M rs. Webb was em- fl, n ployed as m edical technician for Dr. larin M agic Valley Memorial

hospital.red The couple will live In Wendell,

where her husband owns the Silver Paul. Spur club.

I every lok knows:

C T M i’ iilfflliiilMii r, ^ I ’WTi i U

'erence in in g re d ie n ts rence in co o k in g re s u lts

r lighter th a n an y o ther ahorten- ko the big difference in g iving -■e digestible fried foods.

brt Snow drift’s Ingredients atejust »n- a little costlier than a n y other r^ itl_»D li4 -flho^n ing . (ygt 3vu pay; rnt : : - n n m o f n ^ . .T i i a t 'o a h . r o T O ] ^ ^ ]

foods, w hether fried o r baked.

jn ing a t a n y p ric e is ■

;eatible - a n d sb lig h t!

i i i^ r if tmMINO ■ .MAPI IY THI WUION (Mt j

. -

/ Miss- Page Weds H I A rnold Elsing in,i B l I P hy llis Page, daughter ot Mr, and H K P H ' Mrs.“ lo re n -P a g e , Twin Palis, ex-

changed vows with Arnold Elsing. jon of lir. and Mrs, Qeorge Klslng, Comfrey. M inn,, In ceremonies Sun- day afternoon a t the Metl)odlst

H S W T h e Rev. W. A. MacArthur read the sen h o ll before baskets ot pale

M K jli pink peonies and candelabra ot llght- ed U pers.

< T lie bride wore a-nylim net andiao».b«Uerlna-length gown. The flt-

8 ■'s ted bodice was, fashioned with a k • V scalloped reclcUne, Her walst-length ' m S veil of nylon n et was held by a white ‘ lace h a t . She wore elbow length lace

< mltta a n d carried an orchid bouQuet w ith stream ers of rosebuds and a whlt* Bible.

M™' “ “ fon o lm honor a n d Juaneta Brunet and Mrs,M J. R . B rady were bridesmaids, Lliida

MV’ Page, aister ot the bride, waa**•'»» flower girl.4 , ^ M aurice Dickson served as best■ m an an d D. L. Bnmet. Wayne Huller

'' a Mrji, P age wore a pink driss and Tl the bridegroom 's mother was attired -X In a navy blue dress. Their corsages ' J were w hite carnations and pink rose-

Follow ing the wedding a reception V H was held .In the church basement. V H M ra..Elm er Dlerker cut the cake and ■ ■ Mrs. 'Joe French served the punch.

,{ O H L orraine Xlslng, sister ot the brlde- : I B groom, waa In charge ot the guest

* F o r a golng-away ensemble the 9 bride chose a navy blue linen two- ■ piece dress with white accessories. I She wore the orchid from her bridal'

bouquet.T he new Mrs. Elsing is a graduate

ot Tw in Falla high school and was employed by the F. W, Woolworth com pany. Tlie bridegroom attended schools In Comfrey and Is employed by L. M. Page. They are a t h^qie In

S ^ b h | | Twin Falls. ,O ut-o f-tow n guests besides th e

bridegroom ’s mother and sister, were Mr. an d Mrs. F. H. Wolf and family.

mmM B H H ollister; M r. and Mra, John Savage.M urtaugh; Mrs, Almeda Prose, Lil­lian Prose and Cheryl Pleak, a ll Flier, and Kenneth Elsing. Comfrey.

----------^ >/■ * *. A coast redwood 8M feet tall t a

onor, ana o jn jo m la 1» rated as the world's the bride- ta llest tree.

Cham ber \ ROEBUCK AND CC i

waa em-an tor Dr, ' , /) i

m t iI Wendell, the Silver

[] TheElfm'I I ' . rf l B I Bbcclu-Mve butterfly-shaped

Cordtex Inserts give lu t ln v , ire Juet Im ely uplltti Center panel

o th e r gives exceUent, flatteringm pay . accentuatlonl

' — r r r r D n e d oUMBMfcEopuIar—-

k V j '-------------»trlB-llncJrtonj-*«»»-M a4oiW-““ ®°' prlcel AdJusUble fltraps.

W hite Colton - W lllle'A cetati Batin - White Nylon.

S ^ ' A cup 30-38; B oup 32-40 -' 0 cup 33-4J.

n t !

M om j , - r f

^ 0 ' : ' ............'

— _ _ _ — ~

Weds Marriage Vci n

r of Mr. and 1 Palla, ex- nold Elsing,:orge Elsing, monlto Sun-I Methodist tI k

Arthur read T 7 ^ * r ^kets of- pale vibraotilght-

lim net and v'Cv;*wn. The fit-ned with a ,■ : ,k7!r.;;walst-length .. '. '.‘.'.•5id by a white .' ' ' V? length lace chid bouQuet buds and a

s matron o tnet and Mrs, >''* ‘ l r«ialds, Lliida e bride, waa

ved as best a , - SVayne Huller ^ / \ i -.*

Ik driss and ‘r was attired | <1.' < .* •’ < ,beir corsagesid pink rose- **

5 a receptionh basement. \ 'Mthe cake andI the punch. 1 j - a Iif the bride- i t 'ot the guest > i

nsemble th e ^e linen two- ^ '^ 9 ^

accessories. i K Mm her bridal' S . k f l

a graduate was

Woolworth om attended

employed ! a t horne ta

'' M a AND MRSbesides th e (Kelker phot(

d sister, weret and family. i i i. - y I I

M arriage T o ld1 Pleak, a ll Myrtle Dixon., daughter of M ng. Comfrey. and Mrs, A ddbert BIroh', Salt l a l

Olty, and K en n e th Lattlmer, son i feet tall t a Mr- and Mrs. O u y lattlmer,..'Twl the world's Falls w ere-w ed-T hursday a t tl

F irst Baptist c h u r c h In Reno, Ne

1 , ^

w M s/ the w onder fabric

that gives C harm ode Iji

li|ti i t LASTS

In o u r fitting room, SANDRA STEVENS

\ C ord tex Girl JUNI \ \ ^ 2 .

* ^ ^ She 'll model Charite x Bras for you a w lu ^ l males Oordti

^ J "MAGIO-KIB”, Pll

m ...... j' ' *' *

1 = - . --------------------........................ ......■ ■ e

B ^ T A - T I T E " EIMtls-lH------------ ---------------Pai

I back o h x lng tnd tn a oiI straps. 'Wears 10 times

I longer th a n ordinary

I elastic inserts.

in* iK “

1 " '

1.9 8

•shaped ^ J,Ive lu t ln v , ater panel |

flattering / A ^


lo straps. I ' ^ Ilille ' A cetate S j f 'hlte Nylon. S f t f louii32-4C| ■- ^ W III II

dgei Vows E x G ll( ^ i^

' * I m p ft /

-— • . J .

's':' " im

U r l H l H

B. AND MRS. ARNOLD ELSINQ > *(Kelker photo—ata tl en iraT in t)

. J "nis eoujfls 'w as wKJompanlei} I 0 1 a Reno by th e brldegrpom’a pMien

M M , and slater. K aren''Lattlm er. -o u r Lattlm er la stationed.w lth 'ttie i

Iroh; Salt la k e force a t Reno. Hla bride ■ la eiMtlmer. son ot ployed by Uie la tennoun ta ln .th[.attlmer,..'rwln aters In S a lt Lake Olty.

r fabric ymode Ijras

tting room, meetk STEVENS lovely' ’Girl JUNE 10, .

model Ohanhode Cord- ras fo r you and tell youm a les Cordtex t h t , . , , ;HO-RIB”, Plberl

TheEW c;3 " . 4 *

Tor A More.Hattertey^KVitiloiur!"’" "

Chatmode ''BUlptlo'*-ha« scaUi^ed '

ln fltrt8^1F «W ^M C T 0a»^ tiln i-

Oordtex d laphram Insei^i 'ior.

eomtortl-Dlamond-iihaB8d.cutoulLglYM-ii excellent separation .-A dlustab la..... -

Patva busKi»,'Briip«i 'W!Ut« N y T o n r"-

A oup 80-86; B cup 32-40; 0 oup 32-4J.

"SrA.TIXE" Ma*«<kt ■ U Btduslve '.'flta-Tlte*I I i eiasUo'lli'bads'olosto*.^ # . 1, ■Wears 10 tim es longe:

-— ^hsniM dtaM T— — p

' l “,"“ '=l .., , . , .

r - ^ P h o i i o 2 8 6 0 - . - ^ p 3 i ^ » l n J V ^I f r e e P ^ p i N G I

n ,

“ B P A Leader ““ ^l-UrgeaPower - i —

nbL^Partnership’’ BAEUI, O re , J u n e J .l» —T h e Pt- oJflb ■northwert'mUit adopt the El- j , js k

—-mnhower-pow er-ptrtnerahlp^prflpa- tMM M l of thU region b to grow, w nilim {i‘» Jj A. Peirl, Bonneville admlnUtriUir, ,;oJ J,

■ Bald here ye»tord»y. J 'l ; “1He aald In ft speech to th e Salem JjJ» g

Ohamber of commerce th a t the re- 10,30 .j glon would need nine mllllon more iiioo ri kllowatta of hydroelectric power In l ‘>“ 81 the nexl 30 years.

Coal E iltoa led • ii30 HT he BonnetUle adminlatrator es- ’ jJ* *I

itlmBted Ihla would cost leven billion tus u ■doilara.'’ !l?J

"Thla aeven billion oomparea with 5;{;"" a total Inveatment In hydro projeota 10 lOO M

I and tranamlaalon .In the Pacific JJ I nM thw W of only 1.8 billion In th e 1 I - paat 20 yeara," he said. p.m.I . ’ vsince the Investment required to jJ'OO m I provide all the power for thla re- I glon'a needa la gigantic, the coopera- noo 'F f- tlon of all groupa In the area, fed- >;>• Kl ! eral, private and public, la Impera- ,;on m I tlve. I'hia la m e reaaon ior th* S iOo ki I necahlp program which haa been jis j rv

evolved by the Elaenljower admlnls- y; tra tlon . And here I would Ulce U> ii ts tf emphaslie lh a t th? power programa IM1 *B aponsored by local enterprise are In no way a aubatltute tor the federal 10,so "H program. R ather they are a auppit- nioo n m ent.

Local Aid fleeded p j"However, the federal govemment v O K

can be expected to provide only a n portion ot thla Inveatment. Localenterprise muat provide the reat," he ____aald. SAN

Under the power partnerahlp pro- Maury : poaal local Intereata would partlol- congrea pate In financing dama, thereby "Qobbli gaining the r ig h t to sell th e power Nix ho! produced a t the dama. waa 87.

"Dtlllly operator!, banlcera, local Mavei people everywhere are alert to our pioneer powerneeda and ara working to aolve w e problem. I t appeara Ukely tha t m uch of the needed capital can be ’ ralaed and th a t aeveral hydro planta Mavei

• wUl be atarted In the next few years," w of t Pearl added. ?•

• ....... - ...— --------- from 11

Marine Reserve h Trains at Camp I f l

OAMP PBNDLirrojJ, Oallf.. June . P' ‘“ « '«V S M arlns“ c o i p r ™ e m ' ^ ^ fflrrt-h,.,

from nine a la te i ara engaged In— T O m m «f-tratnlnf--hereT-® >03^rfr— am ong 89 reserve groupi th a t wlll I j f g l— B n w a - th ln u r a T n w :-----------

T he _ao.-m a a ^ _Adlarrived by truln Bundiy lU iht. "~SALT

^ ..te rd ay ^m p m ln g .jh su ra c tlo o d with iHdltlor r r f l i e ".30 caHber - M - l r ina. on the ^

Oamp Pendleton range. Later In the day the poup took written teata on ,general mllllary aubjecla, „ . ,

T h e Bolae group wlU apend one of th e two weeka t h r t It la here on the rifle r w ie . K m

O ther reaerve iiplta tn tra in ing , »r* from Shelby and Butte. M ont.|.Tula». Okla.; Bakerafleld. Oallf.; / FhoenU ahd Tucaon, Aria.; Beau- g“ ' m on t and P ort Arthur, Tex.; Bell- , . Ingham . Wash.; Lafayette, La., and

. Bprlngfleld. Mo. ' “ jj

Body of Sainted “ i Pope Is Displayed „

VATIOAN o r r y , June » OIV-The 1 K 0 2 body of sajnted Pope Plua X waa ^ p u t on view today a t the a lta r of the I I presentation In S t. Peter'a Basilica.

About 200,000 peraona watched the ^ procesalon laat n igh t In whleh the body waa bome through the atreets P" a fte r a week of lying In state a t the Ohurch ot Solnt Mary M ajor. An eatlmated 600,000 Romans an d pll- A” ' grlm s attended dally maasea there. Bovernm

Thousands more were expected to ‘ ‘ a tten d special prayeri to th e new *, ‘ sah it In SI. Peter's th li week.

---------------------------- The P

J ^ p k I a l M m _ _ ST l 1IT 8T 6 eForgery ChargesMr. and Mrs. Merl B ln^eton,

PUer, were confined td Twin Falls county Jail Monday afternoon un-

- tier C 06’ & n d eaofi following or- J n y mn e n t .b e ty e Buhl Juat lce ot |

. forgery charges.------n i ay-walvert prallm lniry hoarlng- ----------^ iSna ^ - ^ 'r ^ o u n d ~<wreFts:~dl«trTiit' Z Z'iEI

court. Tho Singletons were arrested « xr= ^W |» y i-B H h l-M llC S _ JK h Q _ h 6! i _____ L^ 5 V 1 ira T fa ra h T rfb rU ! lin » n S a r6 n --------------

chargea of passing forged checka tc =Buhl=l)ujlnej8m enp

leariVithdrawn— am On Levy of Tax ^

BOISE. June 8 cp — T he Co- B JC fl operative Security corporation, a ICaldweU warehouse fimi owned by jthe LDS church, withdrew Its ap- penl of a tax assessment after It was B discovered no assessment hnd been made.

The church had appealed to the | S j ^ sta te tax commission on th e as- sumption a levy would be m ade by W the Canyon counly commissioners. W ^ m B ut a commission chcclc ahowed f J S f the warehouse was not on th a tax rolls.

Made to Measu

D R A PChoose Your M

zi — E

• Measure

f Mtt

PAGE.Sn ■ •• ■'

Magic Va^ K L I X ^ K T F TI ( i n o KILOOYCtEfl) (U70 ElU

*ABO tH B S i l n ta r m o u n u la kN 8 0 I . TUESDAY TUI

II- ? ! j 5 X - l^ I - X 't t i . N tw . " ijJb s C ln ih I0 - JH)5 -WCTtl»r ..... — ■ - i i U l l um 0 ilS J u n t f tu Shlnn M avlo V

8:48 iF u l to n Lfwi», Jr. TiOO « D ri» n #7tO J J o * O ltm tn u 7h»0 -T i- lb u u7 j16 *BJI1 S u m - 7 j 8 8 * P t U r C

jn 7 :80 o r Jo « Kli* liO O E K ibb«r, 0i4fi C ow boyi B u tb a ll 9 i00 l O n t UjB- 10:80 • H e a r in g H ifb llfb U S tlfi N «»*re 11:00 F l ln d t r i Frolio 9i90 xU *rr(* in liSO S ig n o ff ■ 1 0 > 0 0 x N « » « o

W EDNESDAY JSjlJ S'.VT"• 1.30 Holly'. Sunup rolll» ". 7 116 W . i t h . r .n d N .» .“• 7 ISO * M « n ln A iron iky •■ "h)n 7 U ! U « b o N .w . J ' f J N *»» _

« :00 IH.mlniw., ! '!5,h IMJ k ill Kfoek V'A

I iOO Club 7 180 H o rn . Elita lOlOO M o ln ty r . '! Ser.pbook 7 l « x A l . « D ilc lOiaO *M » T rue Buiry >i>« B u . i n n ., , UiSO •M o d .rn H om .n i,« » |1 0 ‘ P h f* ! ;

111<« D ln n . rb . l l Iloundup « i l 6 iB o b H op .m . p.m .

to IStOO D in n e rb .l l Iloundup IjfiOO F .m lly I, ISiSO Id k h o and World N ew a l2 t4S Noun N«

18:46 K L IX K w l. 1«00 xR ad to1- 1:00 'P a u l lU rv fy . new i 8 130 K llocyeli I- 1:15 K IU K ouniry KwJi 4 :00 xW elcom . 2:0S •M oC »rlhy H tarln* 6:48 iN e w t c

<iOQ o r Jfi« Kll»- __ 6:00 la p o r U 1^ 8 :00 K iddlV Kirn1v7l 8:15n 6:30 fW lld Dili Hlckok 6:80 iW a lk a

8 i66 K -L .I .X ‘lr» . n«wi 7i00 lO ro w o c’ 6 1!6 J u n a a u Bhlnn 7 :3 0 T h « a t« rA 6 148 tK u llo n LtwU. Jr. 1 :00 xK lbbarIS 7)16 *BI11 S U rn Ss80 L ucky Tin 7 :80 0 1 ' J o * Kllx 0iOO sO n * Ma' 8i4S C ow boy i lla iib a ll t i l 6 N Ine-F lfl

10:80 *H ««rinK H lthllB htJ I i 80 i Q r e t t CI- M iO O F ilrtdera Frolie l l i O O H l U o f I

,t Colorful Former ~ '] Politician Passes

SAN ANTONIO, Tox., June 8 (UV-Maury Maverick, sr., colorful former j , ,

- con^esam an who coined the phrase , y "Qobbledyook," died yeaterday a t t a r Nix hospital ot a heart aUment. He ,, Ul‘ M averick waa a m em ber of the be:f pioneer Texaa family w hich p u t the Af9 word “maverick," for an unbrand- frt‘ ed calf, in the American language, we, M averick was a staunch support- bei" er of th e lato President Franklin B l

D. Booaevelt. While In congress ___- from 1936 to 1039 he was active _ _

In Texaa Democratic polltlca. In l - l i 1B6J, h e was a leading ''loyaUst,"or aupporter of Demooratlo candl- A

I date A dlal E. Stevenaon. agahist the pa rty 's sUte organlaatlon, W

° sdilch l ^ k e d Republican Dwight M.^ Iteetihow er. . . ___________arm

' U i a S S ^ e t ^ ^^ d it io n a l Terms ^

S A L T L A K E O IT Y . J u n e 8 UP>- ^ A d d i t i o n a l t e r m s o f 16 y e a r s i n p r l s - “ o n w e r e _ g l v e n tw o c i ^ y j o t e d U t a h ^ “ bank robbers who pleaded tu llty to ’ slmUar charges In Idaho., B ert 8 . Hanni, 46, and Pred Van

Beejooyen. 38, both Balt Lake City, were convicted of robbing a ' U tah l '

, bank official of U.OOO. Yesterday f they pleaded guilty In U. S. dlatrlot ; ' court to robbing the Lava Hot ' Springs, Ida., State bank of 113,600■ last September.J Judge WlllU W. R itter aentenced T l

each m an to 16 years In prison on Horr each chargo. But he specified th a t Wop the term a would run concurrently, MW' meaning th a t 15 years la the maxi- cosU taum e ith e r would serve. ' ' turn

> Ike Asks Action tavei

! On His Program■ CHESTERTON, Md.. Ju n e 8 «V - Jail i , President Elsenhower has made an- held other plea for action In congress on settli , his legislative program. ndvli

He coupled the plea w ith a warn- Ing Americans must w atch the ir ' w Bovemment constantly to se i It doesn't overstep Ita powers and be­come a government of merely busy- tfodles."

The President talked InformaUy. without prepared te.xt or notes, aflM receiving an honorary dootor of l i ^ s

■ f l i tT e T ^ « B te rd » y “ fro n r“ h l* to r lr " W ashington college, here on Mary­land's eaatem shore.


; r z 'iE I G H T E R I X n X C I C ! ^ ^ ^ "T H E M A R K SM A N " '


1 f "^o n it S aF o n i t § ■ “ —DON'S MISS IT


i P E S Lir MaterialT H E ^ U S T I '

easure your windows! f Mttkc your drapes/ ~

4 1 r . - E d - B o s 8 a r d = ~ "

i In. Twin Falli^


Smalley Radio Schr n A M - F M f ^ E P ^I KILO'Sl).! UEO.) (14i0 m Q C X C L E

•CBS xB oaoarllla T U M D A T TUESDAY —

D in th ebo r* ' 6 % C illin f "All KidsCditlea iU i ‘ Ldwird R. Murro«

lavlo Vallay HayrdU * t:\iO Paul Droubay 8i-.rtjD rarna t £:18 KE^EP Niwi > lb u u lo-Can. Gruantbai *Mr lOfl M n. N orP aU r Cbtmbar* 7:00 'Johnny DollarFibb«r and Molly 7:30 *My Friend IrmaOn# tU a 'a Fimiljr 8:0fi •Pcopla Ara Funny•Wl '7 fl:SO *B<klna Muile HallU arrla C rait «:3i) •Lowell TbomuN «»i of tb* World 'JAh KEEP Niw*leamr* Tlma 10:00 *Mr. Keane«wa lU .li *Tum Harmon. Spoilia iu ra Tim* li);j<i Tfrry Awblla^ W E D N M U A I

• I l a V » l ln A t r te a l lo r . '(iim * tB S N«w. Boonifii: r u k f u l EillUor ( i l l C lu k W .tc b .rlo m . E dition o l Ilia N a w . 7 lOO KEEP N .w ., W uU l Al*a D rlar 7:15 *0113 New* of Annu tin e a i M an 'i C d ltio s fl:l& Ken M ontsom iry N P h ra i* T h a t Pajri *iao •A rth u r UfKifrayBob Hop* OUS 'R ad io Hariali

10:46 Woroen'a World am lly H our p.m .'oun Nawa, M a r k ^ 12:00 A rt B aker'a NotabooR adio Mariala I Wil& K £ £ P N iw iliocyel* Klambak* T U N ewab«au. M arkaUW elcom * T ra v o lin l2:iU 'A r th u r GodfreyMewi of World I il6 ‘ L lnkiH terai«rU.Htvle«r________________ Ulii.^UiilQ f le r liJ i .a-flft* * n N aw i •Tunneaiee KrnieW alk a Mila .1 IS Dtile In HollywoodJrodoQo M.“ n .Spinning lian d iu n rfh e a te r Royal 6;46 *fcdw8 rri IL MurrowH'Ibbar and Molly 6:00 Paul Droubay SporUucky Top Tune* ^6 :1 6 K EEP N«wi}n* M an’a .F im lly ^6 :S0 *31it Precinct lne-F l/t*en Editloo . 7 :Oii •C rim e PholoKrapba3 r e t t Olldar*la*T* 7::«) Claiaiciita o f Yeal*rday>Today 9:00 •H’fll in P<**re and 1

Mistake1 PARIS, Tex., June 8 IB-O. D.

Wilson showed up tor Jury duty ; In Lamar county court here re- j^ j,,

oently. 5„i^lJ Only 0. D. Is a woman, and ‘ Texas doesn't use women Jurors. ^’ Court officials said she didn't

take too kindly to the Idea ot I being rejected for Jury service, tf ijt I After all, sho drove all the way jjc • from Ooffeyvllle, Kans., to ans-

wer the Jury summons tha t had the been forwarded from her old j,, ,

1 Blossom, Tex., address. by I I ----------------------^ :------------------H. I

! Hearings Counsel ; No Candidate Yet Sa, WASHINOTON, June 8 im -B ay ■, M. Jenklnt, apeclal counsel for the _ -army-McCarthy—hear-tags,—ref usea- -*■*»

to. lay If he wlU be a candidate lor the U, S. senate from Tennessee.

----- At=lfiSTiromffiiClirtoldTi6wsmHr, T3i"My Inclinations aro against seek- penc Ing political office." ning

BU'l F e la ld he would n o t “ defl^-^T-* nltely close tho door, look It and throw away th e t o " ; . . " f

-;^-T^i»M jtK r-»w -boBed=K noxvlll6 attorney was asked for comment on his endorsement by the Tennessee Republican executive committee yesterday ns a senatorial candidate for tho seat now held by Sen. Estes Kefauver, D., Tenn.

Airmen FinedThree airmen from Mountain

Home air force base. William R. g j Wopdllng, Joseph R. Burgoyne and TWefwln D. Weeks, were fined $5.40 aocln coata In Justice court Monday and day turned over to mllltary authorities, sumr

They pleaded guilty to a charge of varlo breaking a glass door In thc Top Hat Fli tavern and several automobile wind- July shields Saturday night.

The three also received 30-day Jail sentences, which the court w ith- * held because the damage costs were settled by the airmen. They were i f l ndvlsed to atay out of Tu’ln Falls ^ during the next six months. |

H t

^ A t t n n r o N ^ i w j s T w - ^


C«nhiry-F«]i p r t t l ^

Hell an d Hig- ~ i . .« I C im U ) W I D M A M ( < B E tU D A R



COMPLETE W W i n e ★ S a l a d ★----- EVERTWMNEgMriB A N K C



khedules ^E P K B A i r ^ ^ICICLES) (1230 & aqC X C L £8)larllla N atw ofk *A £Gt»A¥------------------------------------TUBBDAT----------------------

p . BL

« iO O H im «i ®. M urro* i j i j j iLum a n d A b n a r • aU

. l i s r K a i M Pf;Wolfes’— ^I Irma• WIDNEBDATi lie H all yf\

6 :0 0 Sunrli* M uilo T Im t p u* 7 :18 'M arU n A»ron*ky’. i j s a w Z

" • 5 :00 KBAR Koffa* K lub • fo ,10:16 •M odern R om ancta . _ 10:30 *My T ru * a to ry na1®'“ •W h lip ir ln g a tr# * t i Jza

I aoDB<lop U i l 5 'C h e t H un tley ,' m ♦ k - 1 1 :8 0 'G ra n d C*D tral S u U o a ’'a. w aatM T p .m . BUII of A m erlM j j .oq » p ,u i H arvey , -romery Wawe j2 :1 6 •Hlliteax ifrey .qo U u ,1o {or M iU dy yeil.VV, . 1 :30 *3am HayeaVorld 2 :0 6 * M ak e Belleva Ballroom ■*

8 lOO To Be A nnounced u llI Notebook 4:0U * I^ n e R anger pO;fl 4 :30 ‘ Hour of .Stara . j

M arket* 6 jSO *Chet H un tley .®°adfrey 6 :46 H llilea at)

7;0U •Three C lly Dylln* 1

----------po;r>llywood 1 :30 ‘ M yilery T th e a te r aUia n d iu n d 9 :00 •Hollywood S U rw ay. M urrow » :I6 •Mike Malloy ‘i*Jay Sport* 9 :36 •H eadline l i t i o n JUrt 0 :46 •B ill B t«m . Sport* fo lnet 10:00 *Sammy Kaye ,iloKrapbai 10,16 ‘ Late Bporta Report*i . i c i 10:30 *iC<iwln C. Hill cll ari> and W a r ' 10:35 M ltlniyht Melodlea

— uti

$6,500 Is Bid on oul

School PropertyA bid of $0,600 was sunmltted by

John 8. Klmes. Twin Falls Lumber company, for one dozen 60- by 126- *'*' foot lots on Elisabeth boulevard a t ' a school property auction Monday ™’

I t was the. only bid lacalved, Elvis ““ Oaln, clerk ot Twin Palls school dls- trlct 411, reported.

No action was taken on the bid Mu Monday, Oaln said. A meeting of tha board to consider the bid will be announced within a few daya by Twin ra i ls Schoo! Supt. Bm est ,

J H. Kagland. , ’The 12 Jo ta-w era-to -be-aaU -lo r- ^

cash to the highest ■ bidder. The -jj,, school board reserves the righ t to

4- reject bids. A'previous bid of $8,000 " a t an earlier auction waa rejected.

;t JDon-Bailej jGets— “ Pencil for Talkir, T36B Bailey was aw afdeJIhe while c- pencil for the best speech of the eve- I

ning a t a dinner meeting of the ^

Monday nigh t a t the Rogerson hotel. -

I as the m ost Improved speokera; and ° Norman Herzlngel- Was awarded' a “ ,, pencil . for the most outstanding

two-mlnute speech.I, Hugh Call waa toastmaster and 'j Oeorgo Bever was table topics


Plans for Riding f n Shows Discussed ^

BLACKFOOT, June 8 WV-Dele- J ^ gates of the Idaho State Riding as- 0 soclatlon discussed plans here Sun- . d day for division riding meets this 9. summer and laid down rules for the if various shows.it First ahow of the season will be

July 17 a t Idnho Palls. O ther divi­sion meota will be at Burley July 31, P Blackfoot Aug. 7 and 8, and the d«

^ i*>ate meet In Rigby Aug. 14. di

e L°J E R O M E






DRS 3 S e - ADULTS B 0 4

IT A L IA N IS p a « i ^ t t E =

$ | . 5 0

T E W ITH ★ G a r l l e J o a s t _

D IY 'N iG lH f "at



....• ................. ; - ■ ■ -

In creasC fo r- Dfliii Proi6ct B

' . . : . £ a s h S o u g h tigW A sinN O T O N rJine-8-tB ^A raiy- —M

englneera have aaked congress to walauthgrlae sharply Increaaed- appro- panprlatlona for The Dalles dam and piajmoney to begin new power projects pii i r tH im e iin rH s r t iw E i t :— - ■■■■ I h ;- i

T he request, was m ade by Col. OatWilliam t i p p l e In urging a hoUs! Shapublic works subcommittee to In- Melude a 1182,677,000 authorisation direfor Columbia basin work In Its mai

■ forthcoming omnlbua rivers and glorharbors and flood control author- HarIzatlpn bill. bert

n W hipple ta ld the sum would be wersufficient to cover "maximum con- was structlon" hi the basin In the twoyeara begtanlng July 1, 1966. J]®”

An authorisation does n o t provide the ac tual caah to carry out the pro- posed program, but must be approv-ed by congress before such approprl- ^ ations can be made.

W hipple said army engineers pro-pose- til ependT iearly -all-the^dded I '• authorization a t The Dalles, Includ- lng'»72,900,000 In the year beginning July 1, 1065, and (102,020,000 thefollowing year. F

The rem aining authorization. In- H . 'eluding a 954 mllllon previously op- llca

_ proved by congress. Is planned to be statutilized as follows; grai

Continued construction of Look- advout P oin t dam, OrepiKi, $U36,000; HWillamette rlVer bonkjrprotectlon, sold

jr 11,600,00(1: Columbia rlv ft local pro- vors,y tection projects. *6,600,000; new res- “ O"•r ervolr (ta rts, $4,000,000; planning all-!

funds, $3,600,000. P '“'it W hipple did not specify any par- J"® y tloular project under the new startsg designation but ssld It could Include I” ® i. John Day, P riest Rapids or Libby

on the Columbia, and Cougar and y® ° d Hilla creek In Oregon.

ii BiU Okayed ' 5WASHINOTON. June I WUThe

^ thOfUsd finSsgoHKe an Ititefslste^ Ji"''' “ compact for the apportionment of f“ ®'

waters of the Columbia river and Its ' tributaries. 5 5^

The orlgtaal leglslstlon authorized _

Oregon, Id ah o ,^ o n tan a-an d -W y o - - - 1 ^ mlng. I

^ K l W M I M M B M B B B n S B C T --------

r ------ "THE ----I GLEN MILLER -


1 ------------------------ 1 pro

- S T A R T SAdm ission

T O D A Y 1 0 e -2 5 c -5 0 c “e .......... .. '* tho

C I N E M A S C O P E and bUfi5 S T E R E O P H O N I C S O U N D y o u

you[, Piercing into the depths of. un- .j 5 derwftter adventure never before

dreamed of. The battles and loves of underwater fortune hunters laid bare before your very eyes. q^li

^'Beneath the 12-MILEREEF" E'

- - T U B D A I f ^ O N l Y - - «

dene Autry . S iw W B um etl*

" O N T O P O F i i

----------- 0 L D , 4 M 0 I C Y i ' E-P L U S - ■ ■

- - m S K ^ ^ T H f - A V l N Q I R ^____ P he

'Y o u w o r e s o f # r}|il»» h o n o v

T K eofro s a r e d e f in i te ly cofi

m s m I-'StXRTS TU SS-FO R-------------

----------------- “ F A M ltr - ^ IT E S " —


" M A S T E R O F

B E L A N T R A E "

- P L U S —



I • ............. -...... —

Final Rite3 Held U For S. D. Briggs i

\ BOHL, June 8—Puneral services • for aa rauenC B riS g rw ete^ iem ton i: = ;

L l - dsy ot the Assembly of.Ood churoh 111 with the Rev. 0 . W. Fish, pastor. o(-

» J £ & r . c h e l _ H - ^ ^ ^ ZI to Wolter Moore sang auefsT aoB H ^ pro- 'nanled by Mrs. J . A. Novak, who aUo Stall and flayed prelude and posUude music, ju t | let's- Pallbearers were Dave Eggleston, d**”----- h r -a rB ch o o le^ S au L .M 08r6 i.A l^li "4Col. Gabardl, Oeorge Smith a n f D o n eWfi

^*Mlllfary services were under the lerds tlon direction of Charles Burbank, com- r i

Its mander of the Buhl American Le- the I and Blon post. Stanley Her«nger and "thri aor- Horlon See were colorbewers; Al- of K

bert Kolorlk and Chrlss Hesselholt neva I 1,, were the color guard. W. C. Senften fruit J . was squad leader for the fh ta g

" squad composed of Lairy Anderson, , Dean Hopkins, Ivon Nipper, Calvin “ ; Marsh, Deon Joslln and Lloyd Kills.Boyd Earl and Oordon Carter were

rov- ’’“q services were held a t whai’’ the Buhl cemetery. n>l“ ‘

Candidate Backs men

Advertising PlanFRUITLAND, June 8 «V -Jam es

In- H. Young, candldote tor the RepUb- g M op- llcan nomination for secretary ot tfj J be state, says . he strongly favors a ^

graduol development of ony plan to ■ )ok- advertise Idaho. H000- In a campaign statement. Young I. "j lon' sold that If the next leglsloture fa- jro-' vors currcnt demands tor a resum p- 1 r». tlon of state advertlslne, "the first, :<|B ilni all-lmportant step U a atudy of a ^

plan tor coordinating the efforta of r^ . , . . . the many agencies and departments,' V V

feeling our way carefully, and m ak- ( Mrf. Ing the spending ot money hi la rg - .

e r quantities a m atter ot gradual de- ' velopment, dcpendhig wholly -on re-- : suits achieved."

He noted tha t ' the secretary 's ' membership on state boards In-

' volves "matters ot Judgment and foresight, which require a bw e o( ,

rh , knowledge snd experience." i„! Voung said his experience in busl- ^ T its jr^a rm lng -tnd—the-^e^tJtet^^e-

make-hlm weU qualified for the of- .■ot f l« - ________________ __________j;


zed 9

i If the boss had said to get a -1 profile shot of this llttie D u tih

girl I don't know how I'd haVe gotten It — w hat with thoso blinders they call bonnets. T h a t full face ^ o t was a beauty, r— though and she was as cute as a _ bug's car. Ask me sometime w hen I you're In our store and I'll show I you the picture I got. ■

To capture sparkling color val- ® ® ues In pictures a t the mountains.“ th e beach, anywhere . . . rely on ® the precision ol a General Elec- '' trio Exposure Meter. A O-E M eter

quickly and accurately measure* existing" Ilght, then shows you how to set. your camera . . . gives you the correct exposure for truest color rendition. Use either the versatile PR-1 or the popular

!l new Mascot Meter as your guideto better ploturesi Come lh and J le t us show you these meters, and 1 don 't forget we give United T rad- jl

_______ a jSee you next week,



Ihonov . . . these Driv# In {

sly c o m f o r t a b l e ." ’

=========== I


----------------- W 1 D ...S A T :----------------- —ALAN LADD



- - - -------------- T

U.S.^alkout STS Ef From Geneva "koJ i f

SEOUL, J u n e S » - President 5 H ; ; - ^ g m a n - ^ e e - 4 ^ t h e - n n l t « l - ^ 4 ib o Stales and S ou th K orea should walk Mmm u l c . oul of th e Q enev* conference imme- t h . . S n , dlately.sert " ^ erlca la loalng too much face ' "it 5on ev ify 9 sy r"n ie S outh K o re a irp m ir i r f f f l

dant declared to a n Interview yes- as sn, the terday a t Ihe 'prealdentlal mansion, the fi Jm- Rhee aald ho h ad n o t abandoned such t

the Idea of " the use of force" or the neva,i and " th rea t of force" fo r the unification Al- of Korea, one Issue which the Oe- REAr lo lt neva conference haa been debating ~~—■ 'ten fralUessly. i Stog iiThe la tte r alternative is espe- II Ivlri promlshig," Rhee continued. J U Ills, "ft Is obvious th a t the Bovlet union E D rere <'<>“ h o tiw a n t and Is not prepared Wl

lor an all-ou t w ar a t this time—and M 1 a t what the Soviet says la law for her

minions." . ' UlRhee urged antl-communlst na - J

tions to abandon "ta lk and appease­ment" and tell th e reda to get out of Indochina and K orea "or we shall

i n fight you, uaing every weapontot our nes T ”' t



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w .yes. as soon siinslon. the free ndoned dlplomt:”■or t he “ '»a,conIetenBr?®iM tlcatlon


I espe- l l l | y | J [ M lnued. i W i i r H r l W it union lllll[|H||[||MMr:nS nowTSIfor her '"O niB

UNDER THE ^na- through ymii(ttippease-

set outve shall •Mat our ‘

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■ Plus Ctaauicnj, Ol

65c Mat. *esc Eve. ilk

"LURE OF THE iii-----PLUS—


s f f i ;I Regular Prin

OPEN 1:15 PJ



I’ll I*Cun!iliii,!iiii!iiN

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r B

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s n f J)NMiATUM ; 3

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W l -I/., lead'” ’ “ ' iV iiiH »i‘

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K s s s - '”

K g w e r L i n c ®

K i n O p e r a t i o n "an c tu S ^

th e to W est I E !'»'•, C a te lio w 'th red youth E % » ^ o( Black- 'the eaater

provides a n ler's rallle B oi,j«naclW connection m an peop■ M p £ Mid Ll»ht Berlin’s tR F .^»m m v tnd » direct o u t vlolen■yiifihiM oD tinapow er of 1880 an

«>“ aid tn 000 altencI f f v o l t a j e t o h « '^

“S fE r i s t j s s s ;P ^ l . I 6 , r e a » n s o f

u n lversltif c & S S S a P o in c a —to- iU>elE:«>i!!' p t t i c Oh.lm..n J. K .

B ~ ~ M r. and[ . . ■ - ' during ihlE B te te T ransfers Mrs, i>l„ U « .r a m l .M b , d r e n , ^K F .I l . I i t l .* n d T o ^ l f■ t iu t Company

K UnDill. Il«. H S I" '' i _ x ,Jf f f i ' t c . F.ll U. Ain,. M. A S S I■ pin Lou I .nJ 1 Ul^k «• SAIOOI * ’• 12^1 : a e n . Paul I JUNE 1 day to t■ D«d: Floiil# K, W right t e F r a n c e ’s 1 ■ni^ Vl.tion, 11«, Loli I, t,K u Ktabtrli TnwiuiK. In w ar-rn ■ M : Sm n*ii«'"- •* *!■ “ accompan: | t t » , i i . no. p.ri U l 7 O (n /J ia o ,■ M : Andrew H. llprrnn l/i The 56-

no, 1.01. I», 20 .n*l 11 st,nff of i» U 1.. AJ.IIII.., was m et aI JUNE I H enri Na'■ iRd: H.iold c, H«ni«r to niandcr ti P j . l1 ,l .u ! i .n d n ,h l~ i<

K M i Wiyne C. HunWr tn and by CC K t n . I t. lot* 7 md «. EUj lo t j-Icq D cJO fl■ TiW lowniiU. «u,n«,MM: CUrfn.-c K. HUW lo tne cmlU b . 110, lol 18, hl<Kk .1. Blm —

■Tw. Rom Io B«rnle« D. Ro«e. I Q l■ ui.T w in FilU tnwnilt*. V y C t l■ M : J. E. D«lstHfl u> Ram E . t j A T T i r \■ n lot I, FlirfioH luM lvliion. >I m -. Georve V>'. iWiiiiman U> KrtXn&C, H■todert. tlO. lnt lA, l)lMk 11, h i s J9 5 3 V

■ • " ‘l!!:___ e r a Ure tI JUKE I dam road■ M : Hinrr Tolk to Am »l- H ra n & O

r , a n o ® « ^■ n. j ; - ourred, B■ M H E .r l O 'H w ni. K> 0 1 .r - ^ lit, Ul 1 Biwii i| Kim«», ettlm ateil

M x c l u s i v e - G o u n t j r - D i s t r i l

I A va ilab le t o P e r s o n s I n t

I M ak in g $2 0 ,0 0 0 a Y e a r -

IWtmitlonally Imouii m anufacturer llnljh that ellm lnitea palntli

1 territory, ind Is w eklng % m ■j*iWUlhli company Ior a n exolualvi ■WjM'mluUonary Ilnlsh hoa broken ■ “»1 ll icclilmcd by expert* aa the g ■"Wt (or ildewiii, oi all tim e. A lolo:

iS w * * * Pto'*n life expectant I’y P«»er(ul air preaaure In

’’» buutllul texture th a t ’a actui

l„ ? * * * “'pi'lnt: (Ireproof, waterproc| “ l*WU!m color,.

I F a c to ry P r o v e n S a l e s 1

■ T ra in in g G iv e n W i t h E a c l i

J"®"' '"mmetclal buiWlBi, w i pffisehiatlQD. iacludi

h R v e n h rfS it tI t h i t rH" tiuallfy foiI “ ® ' < I n s lifetime.

' P h o n e

ip l lC lI O N ------------ Flp v s ,

L ^ I T E - P H 0 N E - ~ 0 1

Milling, Geology An Appointed Dean a


^ IIMES D. F0R H E 8T E B ^ -a u th o 'i ------------------------------------------------ - Northwes

Youths Run From cyclopedli

Peds to Join West ”“0^,1BERLIN. Juno a (W—W est Oer- injr chief:

m an police reported today th a t . 18 area. Ir young converts (rom communism geologist fled from a re d 'y o u th ra lly to mlneral.s sanctuary In the West, Coeur d'/. They were among 12,000 who geological crossed the city's Irott cu r ta in In- pieted a 3 to W est Berlin yesterday w hile the uation o red youth rally was being held in Quarrylni 'the eastern sector o( the olty. the U. s

The rally wns reminiscent of Hit- B orn li ler's rallies held to e f to r t th e Oer- Forrester m an people to nazl devotion. I t was U tah , B erlin’s biggest mob display with- B S 'degre out violence since ,the you th rallies In 1928. ot 18B0 and 1S61. An estim ated 200,- m ineral 000 attended. '» ‘h e r wt

___________________ vocation,

Declo-Residents ~ Visit, Entertain

DIDC3L0. June ft-B ruce D eth- Inatnictoi lefts, s tuden t a t Idaho s ta te college, veralty 1

teM *en*^r<mte^ Ws h ^ w ~ ln S i r a t-C o rn e Jose, Oallf., Sunday night. 'i® «erve(

Mr. anU Mra, Wlnfleia H u rs t at- neologlst tended graduating exercises a t the M ining c U niversity of Idaho, Moscow, for years. A(

■thelr.son, Harold, Sunday. _ he waa iMJT and Mrs, Don TTO!*—vlslled- -ffigfieer

M r.. .and. M r i. QUhtrt K id d and r r o m l Mr, and Mrs, Ottls Pries” In D eo Io “ l ^ t r u during the week-end, neerlng g

Mrs, Loulae Tennant a n d ohli- dren, Los Angeles, and h e r mother, “ .P f ° , Mrs, Mable RIchlns, Oakley, visited 5 ,1"" in Declo Sunday.

in 1944

New French 3oss Assumes His Duty c^SAIGON, Indochina, Ju n e 8 I f l - Mlmourl

Q en. Paul Ely arrived by p la n e to- day to taite up his new Job aa ^ F rance’s 'HtUltary and civ ilian boss in w ar-ravaged Indochina. H e was „ ™ accompanied by his ralUtary deputy, 1,“ “ ^ “ O en.'R aoul Salan,

Tho 56-year-old former ohlef ot s ta ff of the Prench arm ed forces was m et s t the airfield here by Oen.H enri Navarre, whose job a s com­m ander In chl«f of P rench union forces In Indochina h« ta k e over, and by Commissioner O eneral Mau* \ rIcQ D ejesn, whom he replaces over the civilian contingent.

Car OverturnsHAILEY, June > - O harles K.

H ranac, Hansen, escaped In ju ry when his 19S3 Wlllys Jeep overturned a f t­e r a tire blew out on the Backwater dam road a t 's p. m. S atu rday .

Hranao was attempUng to pass ano ther jc a r_ ^ e n ^ tha m ish ap oc- oun-ed. Blaine■oouiSy'«herlf<‘» 3 « fleer sAld. Damage to the a u to waa estim ated a t between tlOO a n d >800,

== F r t f r ^ ^

r^Distributorships—------ ---- 13ons Interested in II Year—or More! I

inu factu rers o( a new ex- | .ite s painting is expandingeeklng a m an or Ilnanclallyin exoluslve dlitrlbutorshlp.la a broken all sales records,ta as the greatest improve-Ime. A loientKlo permanent9 expectancy o( 30 yearj isrea tu re In one low-coet ap>d holee, hides ugly flawi,th a t’a actually thicker th snfl waterproof, ttrmlte-proof; :

I Sales Plan and ith Each Deaieraliip

’Uilitlng, and Inctltutlan areilcjn Includfa sound colored_______m h r f f i i t h ' = i h i ' o u i i « i f r t h « ; r r Z f lQualify for an opportunity .....................


' Phone MADIson 7943ridcHtyTBililding^Spokane 1, Wash.

N E -^ R W IR E

y Authority Is:an at University

T O IV E R aifv OP m u ^ o , Mos-. cow June a -A w cs te rn ^ n ln g -an d - peology authority. Dr. jJPnes Donafd F o ireste r will '•come hom e" to serve M the new dean of the college of minea a t the UnlversityijndHho-Bijd- M director of the Idaho-burea tj-o f m ines and Reology. Hia appoint- m en t us announctid by Prosldent J* £• Buchanan, following regents•ftpp ron t~ -'----------------------— --------

D r. Forrester, vho since 1M4 has been chairman of the departm ent o l minlnR engineering of the Mis- fourl • School of Mines and M etal- l u r p at Rolla. will succeed A. W, | H H Fahrenw ald. who becomes dean of 9 H B m ines emeritus after heading the Idaho collpRe for 21 years. Pahren-. wald Is retiring Sept. i to do con- su iting work and engage in the M M H m anufaciure of mineral processing 9 B B H equipment developed by him . B S B

W idely known throughout the m ining world for his publications on mining and geology, Forrester . . .

’ has authored or co-nuthored 40 meetln, studies. He is the au thor of the Asaemt books. “Principles "bf Field and Min- 'XWln I Ing Geology" and "A Laboratory revival M anual for Physical Qeology," and a throujl co-auihor of the book. “T he Pacifit rh h wi N orthwesi," He also haa done ex- Mlnuie tensive writing on mining for en- Russia cyclopedias nnd science books. itace?”

As a consultant, he has made Ices lr m any studies of mines ar^d mineral slnj'lns deposiLs in the United S tates, work- servloetInp chiefly in tho Rocky mountain -----------ftrea. m 1043. he waa the field ^ geologist In charge ol a straletrlc I *1151' m inerals study conducted In the Coeur d ’Alene district by the U. S. D ^ i geological survey. He has Just com- X V cJ pieted a 2'i(-ycftr study on the "Eval- nuAT uation of Military Explosives for »Q uarrying Practice," conducted for nioveme the U. 8. army. . Lau ^

B orn in Salt Lake C ity In 1006, fJ: > ‘ 0 F orres ter attended the University ^ , m ‘ v of U U h. from which he received a B ff'degree in geological enprineerlng ,In 1928. Hli early Interest In the ,m ineral industry came from his Jfa th e r who spent a lifetime In th a t °vocation. Forrester was awarded an M S degree In geology from Cor- nell university fn 1920. and a doctor of philosophy degree tr«m -O ornell *in 1835. ■tne

D uring 1927-28, he waa an aasU knt M anuel ina tructor In metallurgy a t the Unl- veralty of Utah, and during 1928-29 '•an asslatant Instructor in geology ^ e 1 a t-C o r.nell._T um lng_ .ta_ la ilu s try , h is con he served es an aaslatant mining ond-d le geologist for the Anaconda Copper le av a -o M ining company a t B u tte for (ive health ," years. Again for (our years, 1936-38, he waa mining geologlat and field r * « n c

. eng ineer for Anaconda. x ^ f O !w5mTII34-Tis-193SrForreater-was-------

an l^ t r u c to r In economic and engl- O l neerlng geology a t Cornell. In 1939, r a n he cam e to the University ol Idaho as profesaor and head of th e depart- u j ' m ent of geology. For four montha ^ h w a , during 1940, he waa acting dean, ^ o .d '? / , the University of Idaho r!r?n,in 1944 to become professor and vfpvi™, chairm an of the departm ent of min- Ing engineering a t the Missouri School of Mines, Forrester waa alao S ' . ^ nam ed chief mining engineer of the Mlaaourl state mining experiment station . He has held both positions to d a te . Ho la a registered engineer of th e s ta te of Missouri, f*<='d hi

Hla work has brought Forrester listing In "Who’s Who in America,""W ho'a Who in Engineering," "Who’s 'Who In American Education." W ho in A m erican Men of Science," "Who’s Knows

i tc dIt's quite i-ipht. . . ittone

prossion. B ut sometimes yoi to "fork it OVCI-" fni- th is ar

; ' ' ~ ~ —money-bU(iincss, iii -a-lot-of it. I t ’s the wise Individual v we’re eager to servo anyoi program, whether It’s large


1 ' servlni; Maffi

^ ^ ^ a n g e l i s t Coi■mnn 0practical dams ni

What have -servHtloi

In Uon, thi eatlon ilon hai

- i r w a r currlculi

narcoticW B h B H iIBh k . “■'d beg

nore re for hig school t

’The r IlsUngs

passageK .E,PARBI8I1 brarles-

. . . 11 m iuctlag lent revival m eeUnj! dally » t * p, m. for ih« .

•( fiod church rasl o f °! S ' Twin Fall, on K im berly road. T h e , revival mHllnpi will conllnue P'" through June J7. E v a n itl lji rh h will apeak th i s week on "Five ' Mlnuies Afier M idn igh t," “WUl ‘ Russia Win ih e Atom Bomb Race?” and other subjectj. Serv- ices Include s p e c ia l music and singing, me te n t Is heated a n d '’struct aervloes are free t o the puWlc. taught

------------- ---------------- ---------------1____ The

Guatemala’s Reds Reported Divided “rs“OUATEMAU C rT Y . Guatemala.

Ju n e 8 w - A g ro w in g "Tltolst" movement within t h e Guatemalan Labor (communist) party has sp lit i t s forces, jtm rdlner to the usually •“*'’es t ■well-iniormdl n ew spaper El Espec- , ' tador. ler of

The indtpmdent evening new s- paper said lm n ig h t tha t there la a ?* “ ““ ’■deep cleavijs" to p a r ty Anka. I t ™ said two dlitlnct t r e n d a have d e - “ I f . veloped rectntly, o n e “Tltolat" or nationalistic, and t h e other hewing lo. the Moscow line. commll

The newspipM e a id th s t Jo se M anuel Fortuny, g ec re ta ry general °" ” o f the communlat p a r t y and known a s one of ths most a rd e n t followers ! ■ o f the Moscow d irec tives, "haa lo s t ■ p / t i h is control over com m un is t r a n k - I lU I

■ ond-(ile.!t~ Fortuny— rec£ntly-_tQ ot . n / i leava—of_jJijence_hecauia_ol_ "111 I U U hea lth ." " ■— —

------------------------------ J A N

Crosby Is F a c i n g ifui “ ^ t s f i n - $ I 5 5 , 0 0 0 I f u

SAN JOBE, O a llf ., June 8 Wl—S uits against c ro o n e r Bing O rosby I an d his son Oary a s the result of ahighway acddcnt h a v e risen to a Ito ta l ot »1B5,000. i

Carlos Alvernaz. 24-y e a r -o ld IMexican form la b o re r , filed a s u i t ^fo r $15,000 In S a n ta Clara county Iauporior courl y e s te rd a y (or In - IJuries he rectlved I n May 24 c rash ■w ith Gary's car, |

Suits totalltaf $140,000 vere p re - .viously filed by t h r e e other in ju red |field hands. A n o ther occupant of _ «rcth e car, Pcllx O liva res , was killed, I | | | a n d one escaped in ju r y . « i .

■ I — . H dLi

W ho in the M idweat," and “W ho m j ' i Knows and Wbat." ■■ ■

. . m o n e y ‘'ain’t hay" . . . I f youH p a ,

im e s y ou would a l m o s t th in lc i t w as, tli

■ this and tliat, or by the way others *

■8 - lo 't - o f d iffe ren t “Ways \vheH ~ y 6 u 's t o t vidual who'll give a ll auch things sorio re anyono who wants to work out a I’s large or sm»ll. W e’re ready whenev


Member FDIC

nff Maglo Vallev C o n t m m i y S i m m

' ,Tlip)S^MEWg, TWIN FA!


Committee Okaya. On Conservation

BOISE, Ju n e 8 Wi - Are there An■ practical locations lor flood control says I

dams near you r community? needeWhat d id Qeorge Washington aware

have ,to say about wlldlllo con- th e n' aervatlon? . .......... •

In ah e f fo r t to remed,v lhe s ltu a l nalur.tlon, the s ta te department of edu-. -ri.cation has tu rned out a conserva- - . . . ( j tloh handbook (or Idaho leaohers,

- I fw R j- lw ro v e r^ e stB rd ay -b y -tlw -curriculum development snd tex t- ,,, book committee,

The conunlttee also approved a S * ? 'narcotics education reference book J 'and began th e study o( half a dozen !f° , more reference pamphlets designed(or high school and elementary , P?

j school teachers, _ . S ' h’The narcotics pamphlet containa “ tn'in

I UsUngs w hich will K\akc U possible 'Thi! for teachers to put their lingers on stres!I passages in any, books In school II- "Ooni

brarlea dealing with dope nnd liquor edec^ education. ences

Howard Andrews, superintendent It of schools in Kellogg and chairm an of Id of.the com mittee, aald It would take trips the place o ( ilttle-uaed narcotics go oi memos previou.ily mailed out by the of th board of education and filed by Tei school authorities. old p

The pam phlets are part of a and program—now nbout hnlf complete the a ^ to Supply Idnho tenchrr.', w ith Otl InstrucUon guides on pvrry subject life i taught In public .schools. • ij a

The 78-page consen’ntlon -hand- consi book covera grades 1 lo 13. I t is of si dealgned lo gi)i,de teachers In leach-1 Cont Ing nbout thc atnte’s natural re- for 1 sources and how to conserve them , of wi

A section on water dinscj-ratlon begins w ith th is suggestion for itrst-

; grade teachera: Have the pupils p u t ^ salt and su«nr tato separate glasses .

; ol water to ahow how water dls- ™ '“'' solves thlnga. “'""j

The section ends with that stick- ler of a question about damaitea. ' , '

Thc handbook grew out of a series ’ of conservation workshops lor Id a - °*' ^ : ho teachera, held at colleges In the ‘ state begirming. In IOM.'■ State S up t. ol Public Inatructlon', Alton B. Jones had appointed a ’ committee in 1940 to Investigate

the status o f conaervation educa- j tlon in Idaho.

^ ! l!gHTNESsM I T and I H i

' II I King W i b IV |


° ----------------------------------


W!cull pardon a slang ex- ; was, the way you have others sqiiandferJt with •ty - . .« i j r lp u M ia t tK .- . th iR -— ;--------------

ybU'stop'to tlilnlf’iiboul------- „ . -Igs Borious th o u g h t, and i o u t a so u n d financial w henever ynu /ire,


m t i m s ..............................


taya New Books ( ation for Teacher Kle re An Introduction to the handbook tro l says th e study ’’revealed th a t much ,

needed to be done to Uicrease the „ [ton aw areness of the general public ol ^« n - the n ee d (or wise conservation prae-

. • -ttC B J-ttrdu lt-ths-dep le tien -o l oursua- natural leMUrces.idu-. 'T h e convioUon grew In the com. -------

mittee th a t the classroom teacher S!»«• probably li our most logical point of ?

d M i e w n a r r n i n o i r ^ t o u n r |Idaho Btate ooUeie,. University of §

J Idaho, Ricks coUege and College o( R“ lilaha p a r tic ip a te In the resulting S

workshop program. Some $6,000 was S ■ned donated by sponsors, 63 scholar- ta rv conlerred and nearly jJO

_ teachers were enrolled In workshops ^a ln 7 3®’’*"* ““ “ ner sessions. Islble The handbook they producM ■ *g o n stresses a graas roots approach- >1 I). "Conservation education Is most ^nuor edecyvo when based upon experi- J

ences t h a t deal with'local realities," gdent I t ls,lUuatrated wlUi photographi Sm an of Idaho and urges aa many field 5take trips oa possible—visit a gho.it town, 5otics go out and gather seeds, (hat,«()rt V’ the of Uling. K 1 by T each en are urged- to (ind an

old prospector, if there’s one around, . if a and g et him to talk to the class In plete the section on minerals.w ith O ther sections are on soli, wiw- ' 5J jec t life a n d (orest oonservatlon. There 0

ia a lis t of books and periodicals to 9and- consult and a how-to-do-lt section sIt is of sanhiplo claasroom experiments: 0ach-1 Contraptions at tin cans and Jnrs, X

re- for instance, to demonstrate runoff Vhem . of w ate r from bare soli, . XItlon --------------------------- oIlrst- BIBLE SCHOOL' SET S

FILER, June 8 -T he Mennonlte SJ l , . church ol Flier wlii conduct.Its S

annual summer flible—achounK P" Xginning June 21 In the Community Qchurch building south of ’Twin Fails, S

ieries will be held fo r atudenta n Id a-

1 the•

ctlon ' ed a

i J dI

|| p o w e r

!j h o ,J. I

Shell-i/l blended stops pr gives up

Re'powers your engin-----------4 0 0 miles by-neutrali----------- engine-depositi—

------ ^ - Z z A a : i i i i a " ( i r l S % of-thi-paw<gine cou/d deliver ii being heli

= = --- ----Iie«HBW <y/j=i=-r^ir^^T-r-r7------

— - - J n j i n e d e p o s i t s —re ip o n s i lg rea tes t power lo sa in today’s c a

-4 > e - n e u tr a l i ie d -b y - th » -S h e lU additive , TCP.

How depoiili iteal p c

Y ou see, deposits o f lead and Ci u p in y o u r engine, stealing pow ei m ile you drivo. I n com bustion th e se deposits g lo w red-hot whe o n the gas to pass a car or clim b “ h o t spots” set off th e fuel chargi p is to n is ready fo r i ts power 8tr< pre-ignition: pow er workl a^a ii s te a d of fo r you.

And that’i not all! Dspoilts al late on the tips of spark plup e the sparic from doing iti Job. T Bctuilly conduct electricity awi electrodes. Thii results In misflr i t meant wuted fuel, waited po'

Now TC P overcome this power loss

But thil need not happtn, slnca enemies to fUll engine power c overcome by Shell Fremium Oi

*fCP^aaditlve-refermrtha"C, engine depoaits. Instead of |low

T h e G r e a t o i t G a t o l

Imim______ ___i _ ____• ..... ,

8 Camp Planned «eHOSHONE, June B -T he seoond ®jj]

I P I * for BftpUst churches I v l of the a rea will open a t C nthedrftl ner

,, . P ines Sunday afternoon. ^f The- Rev. Joseph McLeod, local

pastor, will accompany you th s on “5 th e one - week trip. Regular m id- “ week prayer services will be held

Jirae. W ednesday night at the B a p tis t w-our W H 'one of the deacohe in ' I

charge. ne\! com- -----

^ ^ ^ A C T O R Y Rrly JJO , ___

I E N G IIm ANY FORD 1 , I ^41 th ru '5 1 I i


I , SAVE $ 2 5 TO j■ —NEW ENGINE G

■ OOMtARABLE LOW Pl I INOS FOR CH EV ., >PL\■ Look tp the sum m er agal I dependability a n d 'econom I with this special.

Union KMAIN AT • ' c m



^ P i e l e a

w o t h e r

l o l d c a p i

hell-discovered additive tended into Shell Prerm ':ops pre-ignition and mi ives up to 15% unexpec

u r e n g in e w i t h in in cembuatien d . * fireproo f ed,* P

- n e u tF a i i z in g ------- -poww' wp iiu fe t^[ j ,___ ing the itpark pli

posits 6 ^ m e n:__ • ' ' ____— m «irt)ffel{:tn:«otofThOipwef. y6ut eni A id-m a-pffig il is being held captive- timea longat.

A tune--reiponsiblo fpr the i.in today’s cars—can now ® nutshell, TC -th.-Shell-di«covered_ *“ ''6 all th e knc

modem fuel wt effects. I n fact, ;

ill iteal p o w er can give you ujlead and Carbon build P°wer th o depc

ealing power with every . “"ay. T h a * whcombustion chambers, ^®d a tune-up 1red-hot when you step «x:ond tankfiiLcar or climb a hilL Tho But remembeie fuel charge before the up. go conWnue ■ts power stroke. Thii is x c p to keep gelworkl against you in- it now at ell

*8hfU'* 'X^rsdcBuA £m

IDspositsalsoaccumu. park plup and prevent Ig itl Job. T hs deposits (ctrlcity away from the iIU In misfiring. Tb you i, waited power. 1* overcomes iwer loss

spptn, slnca ti^ se tiyin ( |O M y [ine power can now be Premium Osioline with

rermi th»"c/iar«c(Br of n Ktead «f glowing red.hot ^

f G a s o l i n e D e v e l o p m e n t h

jR IM IIII I i- .......................... — - 1 .......

' 1 - . ■

J J A o m s o N L t m .- u - HAOElRMUIrrJune-O-iAJ/e-Miw- second BUU>rd, >on of Mr.-shd M tr Zmeet ^

h u rch es BUllard, Is spending a M-day le iV a ' - [t.hprtrai here with hia wUe an d Bareate.,B U - ■ ’

iiara. Who hag w e ni, local ol,hU..»quadronV 4or:;two.montlui;„':'. itho on wUireport June ai.to OsmpKUmejr, ir mid- N, J,, to embark fw duty In Oer'<59 held “>»”?’ 'BapUat --------------- r— ' ;coifis In H»ir~twrE8i{tin^i~ 6t tha world—

never have. aeen a ipow house.

IGINES S-i7r I ^


$ 2 5 TO $S0 NOWf W j ENGINE g u a r a n t e e —

[iE LOW PRICES AND SAV- .CHEV., iPLYM Oinp, DODOE, lum m er again wltli (irat r a te in a n d 'economy. Save money, too. K X ra


v O v * ‘

ion Mof^ors M ~txH FORD ™ r 1rF X E E J ^ H O T H K

» y

eases-^ er fuels iptive


Iditive, TCP*^Premtaw Gasoline^ ind misfiring, iexpected power

. 4 - '

nbuatisn dum ban tH» clepofitt a t» ' iroofed.* fte-ljg|itton i t Pteventad; rwqila ftfyoiftg«fiFfeit8«d^f^ K ^ le ^ r k plug to short-circuit; tte de- fiecome non-confficHw.'TlielipffTc ~ T

loniet,A tune-up whliou^ tooliT ~ ~

lUtshelt, TCP additive leta youriengin» ------all 'the knock-suppressing benefits o f ra fuel without power-wasting sida I. I n fact. Shell Preiniiim irith TCR' ivo you up to 15% moro pow er...• th o depositi have formerly taken ! T h a i’s why you’ll feel your engtoe’a

1 tune-up before you’ve finished tho d tankiiiL

t remember deposits eotaitnily build ') coniime to use Shell Premitlm with to keep getting its iiiU benefits. YeuU : now at ell Shell dsalera.


m e n t I n 3 1 y e a r sUj&BStl..........


• - ----------- ------ ---- ---------—S---------- !--- -.v;:,-:' -vvizuj.


P A G ? E liG H T ■ -

j j ^ A T F

E l e c t r i c s 1

“ ^ t r r S e v e i r

^ p t u r e - 7 ^

G R E A T FA L L S , June 8 (,JP)— H Burgin? G r e a t Falls E le c tr ic s hanc

I Valley C ow boys a 7-1 P io n e e r leai I Valley p i tc h e r Bob F a u s t h a n d c u

f ir s t f iv e fram es, p e rm i t t in g naiI . - ------------------ — -------------- Co\

I B a n n o c k s P u s h r ‘ i

I B e e s D o w n ‘hi;

^ L o o p L a d d e rSALT LAKE O rn f. June 8 W— on I

The Pocatello Bannocka, with a n b i asslit Irom victorious BllllnBs, pu sh - ed r «d Salt Luke Olty a gom e-ajid-a- ed a hall oil th e Pioneer leacue pace theri

I Monds; n ight, delealtng the B ees (lrat 4-3. walk

I Blllinga. w hich took over tho «cori leaguB lead Sunday nlghl, Increased Ni"il tho margin by defeating Boise 3-0. «

Bannock h u rle r Wlllle Neal gave UP only one h it In the flrat live In - “ , nlngi, but th e Bees atlll managed to get a run In a hltlets fifth Inning.

' Neal wolked Jack Cooley, M ike ™ .. Shade and John Oaruthera, th u s maktag It possible tor Cooley to .

I ic o n from th jrd on Ken Welgoss'I low (rounder for the fifth-fram e If t&lly. mLI Neal!« wlldneM counted for » •I total ot 11 wolks, but Bolt Lake O lty “

le ft 16 men on baae lo more th a n , jn a k s up th e difference. ^ um

The Bannocka got their (lrat ru n m« Io In the Becond Inning. Skip K ltsm an singled, moved aroimd on a w alk, and scored on Tommy Roberaon's Rohtn

: llnsle.Oantrol trouble on the part of mcD»

Bee atarter Shade gave Pocatello fiom« its remaining runa in the fourth Inning. K itam sn tripled tnd ia m e Darm hom t on a <Iy. Then Shade v s jk ed Muni th rta ttra ig h t men to lotd th e " laciu, and two tcorid on minncg*r ro i

------- Bulch-.Monm'a. t i n g le . .........................Salt Lake’s final run came In th e

nlnlh, when two alngles and a w alk Or.«i loaded the aacka. ond were followed by an infield alngle. 2 L

POCATELLO 4. SAI.T LAKE CITY 1 —M»Yoeitallo ab h o a Sdl I aka ab h o a Schii*Sehurman 4 1 1 a CanitheM 8b 4 1 0 n IlobinMona ib S 1 II I We2fo«f c( 5 0 K 0 Moon{ Cameron If a 0 I 0 Geedey rf S y I 0 Vallr)' Oirmebel 3b 4 0 2 0 Jetien lb 4 110 1 KauitXlUmin ef 4 2 4 0 Turck e 4 U 4 (I Inr 4.Bartia Ib 4 12 1 Douran Zb 2 1 1 4 DayenGaafno r! 10 2 0 Striehek 4 2 3 2 SchauItobetfon i A 1 8 0 Cooley If .1 0 2 0 Kaust.Neal p X 0 1 1 B—Fnre 1 0 U 0 400. efimiUi p 0 0 0 0 Shade p 10 0 1A- Matrsln 1 0 0 0liellman p 0 n o 1 U .ToUti S8B27 12 ToUll S3 6 27 12 A—Qroundad out for Shatle In 6th.i 'B-iOroundad out for Cooley In Olh. ,yociUllo ......... ....... ... 010 aoo 000—4 L lJ

Ball Ltke City .......... 000 010 001—2It<~KIUman 2, Bo^non. Neal. Cooley,Geedey. SB—B«r«n. SDIl-KIUman. SBH I J , -^huerman. RBI—Monu 2. Roberton, f j j Clillno, Welffoei, Strlehok. Ueer—Shade, winner—Ntal LOB—Poeatelln 7, Salt Laka City 18. ER-^h»d# 4. Neil 2. SO~Shade NE *1 Hallman 1. Dll—Shade 8, N«ai Ivn'aH D P -^ ;d y by Neal. PB-Rober«on.T—MO. A—2.?7«. como

B a s e b a l l S t a n d i n g s j' °i8PIONKER LEAnUB , " X

B iiu .„ ..........................j; h % 3i,‘ -SlGreat Fill*_____ so .61J 6 ThlPocatello ...... .... ...... 19 20 .487 7 Mond

.................... -18 20 .<74Oarden..... ..... .^ .18 24 .<00 1 0 >-jMAGIC VALLK^ 1« » .J86 1« " J80.PACIFIC COAST LEAGUE , „ . w L Pet OB tins tH o l in g .... .......... tl 2 i Ali was 1Bm F^MeUeo------- - 8S 29 .547 4U -- „B*»tUe......... .......... 82 30 .62B " vOakUnd-------- ---- SJ aj .ftO« 7 last wBan Dle«o ...............82 .‘«3 .800 IU. timesSacrimcnto - .......... .11 n .685^ ‘ Anjelet------------ 2T 34 .443 U___ ^tUniJ .. — ........ 28 ji9 .371 isVa Mui

AMERICAN LRACIIEW L Pet, GB *'*8nX, C w ilind------------ 82 15 .881 10 po

5 « N II-------------------- ra BS .son Bl? fo»21. ..... ............. ....... U 3» .(19 12 er Int

----- BtlUmon --------- -- 17 3i .164 15^ In_----------------------------w—h—Pec—GB-Brooklyn ....... .......... .Hi in Al R

Mllwiukee ...... .... ..... 25 21 .543 4 ^ POMvCSl. l.oul>....................... It JS .(01) evenctaolnniU ...................... 28 2S .ISjl 7U nnlnt«C U Tw ------J _ _ ................!0 S« .(35 9 ^PItaburtb .....................16 ai .JK 1S14 lined

---------------------------- - IndexMULLOY WINS

BERLIN, June 8 OP — G ardnar TOUJMulloy. Corol Qables. Plo.. won th e RYlWhitsun tenn li tournament ot th e charaiRed-White club Monday by beoUng SenloiBudge Potty, I/is Angelea, ond P o r- lhe A]la In nn oil-Amcrican final which rnlryioatcd neorly three hours. oldi'i'.

L a S t a r z a A d m i t s

I n C a l l i n g R o c k jQROSSINGER, N. Y.. June 8 UP>— lo Ihc

Roland La Stnrzo hos hod m ore Ask. than nine montha to re lied on a bciU I braali slntem onl lie made about "A I heavywelRht champion Rocky M or- 15 rm clano nnd now he wanta to loke 11 iindor'

I alibnck. !a boli I t wna while he wna IrnlnlnR fo r Chnil(

his Sept. 34 title acrnp with Rocky ■■ f*P th a t Roland blurted M arciano Chnrli would "get so ft In the hend" from Rocky taking too m uch punishment. nnd I

"I aure was wrong." aold th e Chnrlt handsome heavyweight conlrnrter "Voi nfter making a flying visit to the Hwky CatakiU mountBlna. JraliilnB cn tnu jJ^vm i

— *-of--Maroiano and-EE2or(i.d l^loa ,-^ j f- -a4(.nri — 'i»nyonB-gol« eoft in th» head i t w in “ Wou

be mt;" ---------------- --------:-------- ------- 'NM“Alter It w as all over Hocky aald Rnlllo.

, to me 'Roland, you shouldn't h«vc oihcu: I ta ld tliat.’ He was right. 'rhi i1 "Rocky fools you," added Uic Npw Chfti 1 'Yorker. "He doesn 't take ns m uch rnnml punlaiiment as it teems. He look.i outbox easy-lo . J ilt lniiidB_lJlit he . Isn't I — —

___ ^fgijnltlijit ou t. He liaa th a t Ictt.nriii i / m nup nnd c l i i i r lh .“ He lilia“ lwil()Ie shots lo tlie body. I don 't th ink Charles can s ta n d up under those- I couldn't. o n a

nlicnd fdr Vcvefi'rouhas, Pi>rt« oulboxlng him. Dut theii I tired ond —I’l l (llcd. Ho gave i|ie two terrific belts


FALLS Hi3 Tal l y

7 -H F M t—8 — O u th i t e ig h t to four, th e ic a handed t h e eisrhth-place Magic l e e r league d e f e a t M onday. Magic h a n d cu ffe d t h e E iec trica for th e

t i n g n a ry a h i t . M eanwhile, th e — C ow boys had provided h im

h w ith a o n e - ru n lead , about a ll

a .M agic Valley hurler. h as come fo e x p e c t from his mates thi.'i s e a s o n .■' The ru n was scorcd In the accond inning w h e n Eddie McDade wolked nnd w ent to third on alnjiea by Mllla a in d Fnuat. McDade tallied

fl— on Bob Schaasler'a wild pitch.a n But in t h e slxlh. G reat Fnlls Ila rt-

ish - ed rollfni;. Duke Sehuermann wnlk- l - a - ed and s to le sccond. He scorcd from lace there on Olem Moore's single, the lees first hit o f the Inning. Gar Meyers

walked. B o th Moore an(| Meyers th e scored a m om ent la ter on Larry

ised Noull's tr ip le .3 - 0 The E lectrics, winning Ihelr sev-

enth vic tory In the loal eight games,, added up four more in the next

, * ' inning. D avidson was h it by a pllch- „ ed ball, Schoaaler ond Sehuermann S . , , walked to fill the bogs. Moore hii» walked, fo rc ing In one run. Then ^ P a t Enos singled, scoring Schn.ssler

. and Sehuerm ann. Moore scored . when the b a ll got awoy from Mills ,

In left f ie ld . )The v io to ry was Schoasler's fourth ,

of the aeason . He hns loat the same ' J, number. A oold drizzle tell during

part ot th e contest.(iRKAT FAL1.S 7. MACIC VAU.EY 1

ru n M«l0 v.lley K.lll il h w. .i f t n * b h 0 aS rh iirm an rf fl fl 0 1, i u W ill ef a 0 1 2Moore ■■ 8 1 4 4

Lemmell aa 4 1 1 RKno# 3b 8 1 0 3 >n a Rohlnion l b 3 111 O M m r. e 8 1 4 0

Hooki ah 4 2 2 fiNnult U» S 1 0 0 *' - H anny rf 4 0 0 OW iiwickl ef 4 0 2 0 ^

0 1 McDide ab r» 1 2 2 \k e r« If ,W1 2 0 ello fioniilv'M e 4 0 4 on«vi<l(inn 2b ft 4 « , r t h M llll If 4 2 S O S chaiiler p 3 0 0 2 _

F a u l t p 3 1 0 n /u n e Dayen p n 0 0 0 k e d M asnuion p 0 n 0 n ^t h e A -M a a n i 1 0 0 0 •

B fB T — ToTJi?— x f f W u ~ T ^ — i m n r ”A—Hit I n lo force p lay fo r MeirnuiDti In

th e Viiiey ............................ 010 onn nno_ i fa l k G reat FalU ...............................ofto m 4 0 i - 7 ■

R—M eD ade. Sehuerm ann 2, Moore 2. * M eyeri. D av id so n , B chaisinr. R lij—U oorf 2. Gnoi 2. N a u U I. F;— MIIU. Meyeri. 2UH

i — Meyen. S D H NauU. SB - noblnton. o a Sehuerm ann 2 . D P—H ooki to MrDiHe to0 .1 Iloblnion: D av M in n to Mooro in N au lt;fi 0 Moore (o D a v /d io n lo NaiiH. LO U -U sfflc q i1 0 Valley 8, G r e a t KalU 5. ni<—SchiMirr :i.

10 1 F a u lt 7, D a y e n 2. MaKmmon 1. SO—Kcha*i<«4 (I Inr 4. K iiia t .T. HO— F au e t 2 in 6 2/n.1 4 Dayen 3 in 1 /H. M agnuion 0 In 1, KR— Bl 3 2 S ch a iilir 1. F a u i l fi. H U P -D iv lrtion by2 n Fauel. W P— S c h iis le r . Loeer -h'liiiit. A— T~0 0 400. e itlm a to d . T -2 :0 6 .

,y Robinson Has , National Loop |

§ Batting Lead»d* NEW y o ^ lK , June a (AV-Brook- *

lyn 't Jackie Robinson virtually has come out o f nowhere to take over the N atlonai league batting lead In [ a tight four-w oy competition olso Involving S ta n Muslal nnd Rny Job- lon&l ot th e St, Louis Cardinals ond ^ T3on^ M ueller of the New York /•

IW Glonla, ^< This Is th « way the race stood 7 Monday: Robinson. .388: Muslal, T I , ' ' J 86 : Jnbionskl, 384, and Mueller, JL

J80,Roblnaon, the senior circuit's bat- T

IB ting cham pion in 1049 when he also JL was voted th e most valuable play- er. moved u p from seventh place (

7 lost week, cracking out 13 hits In 23 ''H times at b n t . a i22 pace. He hos J ^ eight safe ties In his lost nine trips. s s Muslnl.- w h o switched from the ch

HUlfliSir To f lra t Tiaae la s t Saturday be GB night, and Jablonskl each gained by

10 points. S ta n collected ntae hlta,, In 18 at b a ta -and Jtblflnakl went 10- id

for-21. M ueller showed oven a great- pu 1 er Increase— 16 points on 12 lilts in wl 5;, 18 trips. BC

In the A m erican league, Bobby an = 3 ^ - : : : 2 ! e 3 S l s n f c ± ! a d s = 3 ^ ^ - d a g - -35-poinl n d vantage- over-teammato I i

Al Rosen. AvIIr held onto first fn plnce although ho trailed off «lx Ini

^ poinla to , .38L Rw en experienced , even more difficulty .droppiriK 16 all

5 ^ polnta to .346, before he was'side- frn 514 lined B aturday with a broken right '

Index finger. wh--------------------------------------- Fft

a r TOURNEY BEGINS wll h e RYE. N. Y ., June 8 (i!1—The BOth th< he champlonahip of.the United Statea ( n g Seniors G o lf aasociation begins a t s tr ir - the ApawamLa club Tueaday with an cai ch entry list of 397 golfera 55 years and thf ___ oldt‘1-.

mits Mistake | )cky Punchy |'— to the body nnd I was done ’* ")re Asked w h a t lype of flRhter might a '-'

ft beiu Rocky. Roland said:•ut "A boxer w ho can keep boxing for ir- 15 ro«nd«. I waa overtrained and t .

It undorwciRht for Rocky. Charles is a a bnici- b ox rr than Rocky and J!

'o r Charlp!5 Ims ono ihinR I didn’t Imve \ ky •• pxpp;ipnce. BuL I don 't think no Charles can knock out Rocky —)m Rf clcy ran takd more punishment, i ta i i

nnd I (hlng I can take more than Jt.? he Chnrlc.,,ler "Vou run n n e r trrl sale wllh , J ' l ,f Rocky. Hi.s punchea nre e.xpl[islvp, k',,k C3 l? y u i lhe s h o r t ones,-You-may get !'*. :4f- -a-l< 'nd-on-m m jnn(nnen=bsm .'‘-— "Vv 111 - would he- miike a predlctlollf ' w ll" ------ 'NrvcP lusk a lighter," 'fen11ed « f «Id nolllo. n poor man for Judging VC olhprr'

I Then In in'xt b reath he said v«w nv , Chailos ir a Mashing fighter, a ch irmnrkahlv Rood fighter. He can, k.s outbox M arciano. But for how long?"

1 — - - ................................... ,

}" -BU S-C O W H A M 'S-SE R V IC E f -'FiiriMi-rlv Uobt. E. Lee) P

j, 24-HOUR SERVICE011 and C o a l IMpioc? Clewilllgl. . Pnrts 111 s i« i-l< , , Air Condlllonlng

d —l’ll()Ni;S 3:,os t 3501 • J IS l- Ls , ___________________

l A N D S M A


n c


* S tan Comniona, left^ T w in Falla^ bo Ilia c e n te r $600 classic. Commona rolled 1.:

200. 225 and W . Bob R enner, Boise B 'th engraving)me ---------------------- ---------------------------------

i i ^ A

2 Comeback TNEW YORK, June 8 (U.R)-St

,il° m its lh a t hia current comeback v «!» on borrowed time.

“I'm halC expecting the imiii i 1- any day,” declared IJie 33-year-o

------------ w

Aloiie iPORTLAND, June 8 WV-Dave

K lllon, Eugene, bpcame th e lone Pacific NorLhwe^t qualifier for th e U. 8 . open golf tournam ent "I by touring the Tualatin country club courae near here In lour strokes under par.

He had rounds of 69-71 -140 for the par 73 courfie. n’

Klllen, who will represent the ; _ N orthw est In the open scheduled i Ju n e 17-19 a t Springfield. N. J., ^ IgQ led & fleld of 15 in Monday's see- _

tlonaj qualifying round, ^ ^ nd 1 , , I pf

Ogden Reds “J: Down Russets so In 9-8 Fi ay 'Ice OGDEN, Ju n e 8 » - I d a h o Falla, “J ^ like Sail Lake City, lost ground jj, , j M onday night-ln Uio Eloneor league ne chose of BUllngs, The R ussets fell Tl ly before a b o ttonF of-lhe-n in tlrra lly tc •d by the Ogden Reda and lo s t 9-8, ts I t was a heartbreaking loss for hi n. Idaho Falls. A win w ould -have- m t - pulled It in to a second-place tie To in w ith the sagging Salt L a k e City sa

Bees. Now th e Bu,«els a r e three- jy an d -a -h s lf games behind BUiinga.. Nl i t — I^-wfts-doublv-dlaftt)Pointlng—for- -bn to- Id ah o J o lls -’beiauiie iL -h iu l-ra im a TE at from fnr behind In the f in a l two pc Ix Inniiica to m ake tlic aom e a dog- id cot-doj: scrap. The R ussets scored lie 16 oil of thclr runs In^lho fin a l two wt ■- frame.i, seven of them in t h e eighth, in i t T he winning Ogden r u n come tw

w hen Ewell Utley, the fo u rth Idoho ap Foils pitcher, walked Bill Newkirk Cl w ith the basea loaded to forcc In

h the winning run. B!3 O sdcn niethodknlly h a d con- I l It structcd 0 comfortnble le ad In tlie » n early going, getting single runs In i l d the fu a t an d second Innings, ond ,

oddliiR three more In the fifth. .j.,!IlCnE.V I. IDAHO KAl.LS « vc

Idaho hnlli at> h o ■'Ok<I"1 ah h n a niShifI.I* If i -2 O'Klcifr rf * I 1 llMavli 2h .1 a 3 2N«wkirli lb ft lla ‘f’ .Sarnii .11. 4 2 1 1,Unkford If S ID 0 mt &lat«x>«ki rf 6 I 1 Ol’iylor !lh 4 2 1 A , Hark lh 4 1 R OCimpo rf 4 I d n , II..|« rf 2 2 n Vin.Isr.M tfc 4 I Sirrfirt «• .112 2 Tffry ii * 2 :i 'J flfM'MI r 4 1 fi fl Itillinn a S I S O , . ,Wiltifliii* t* 10 0 rjlukini p 3 2 0 fi

. <;iomi>.'.kt p 2 a 0 .MifiiU p 0 (I (I a In‘I A - Nml 0 0 0 O'H-D’Agroa* l i n n i

.\ri*krr»ia' np 1 0 fl 0|C—llnnimpl fl a a 0- Udey D 0 0 0 I Sehnelder p fl (1 I fl. ----------1 — - me1 Total* X*\0x28l0r Totali 88 14 JT IT a A Wnli,«Ki for niomboike In Vth.J H - .'Jinulml fo r Jacobi In Rth. I

r - K a t i f.*r D ‘Affro«i In Slh. I,a ® ^ —T w o o u t w hen winning r u n ac»r»d.I l«lahf. F a l l i ......................000 000 071 -I

Ojcilen............. ................ no SCO 004—# t \R—Campo, Taylor. Newklrlc. Terry !. \

i. Italiano. Casklna. Sarni. Lankford, Van. , , Hack, noa* 2. SlrMter. Burt, Nm I.

Shli»l.l.. K -Vindeme, MavU. 8—Terry, tipiliallaiio 2. anil—Newkirk, Gaakina. 2IU1 rn\

» Terry, Ctiklna. Ilwr, Sarnii. Hill-' I.ai>kf..rd. Casklni. ItiHlno. Rider. Nr». 'hr

kirk sir««i»r. Hurt 2, Neal, Sarna 2. Ma* 51 •t JJ*‘ 2* DP- -MavU to^«r««ier ta u,.,_ Iinc,L..Wliiticr-i-Sehnil4«rrlo»rr-Utley.'LOO J?»:.- i:aila.JU^i«Ua4.-flO—«MkJua 1. —“ 'VmUmr 1.-OlombwJif'lj-Bllwaaaklnrf.- iP\ U a in t i i i ; - iv n iU m i 1. (llomlwik# 8 . l i n P - I

Khl«>hia-tty ntikhii, b a n k fo r t) by i Utalry an.l Wllllanii. T-2i46. A—

;; CASH PAIDFor Dead, Old or Dlaabled

; ] H O RSES, MULES, C A T T L E• 5 " “ '•rn riii'fln ip fp ick -tip '-------- 1

riioMc COLLECT 0303-ja. Buhl

1 R i m v i e v ' T r o u t C o * -' N iagara nnd Oryslnl B prtngf |

N ortheast of lJulU ------------------------------- ____________ b


[AGIC VAIBowling Pays Off

alls bowleri receives trophy and check for : rolled 1,256 fo r six games with a 200 averag Boise BowUnr center of ficlal, makes the ]

d ’ A dmits ^ ; Time Short I.R)—Southpaw Hal Newhouser ad- ! iback with Cleveland i.s beinK made ,

pain in my arm to retiini almost i year-old lefthander who caught on — with th e Indians this spring

following' his rcloa.se hist f summer after 15 seii. iona with i

™ the Tigers.(or "So fa r , though, so good," he snld. ent "The arm hasn 't pained me nt all

this aeaaon. I'm keeping my fingers crossed. T h e fact tha t ll hnan't

140 bothered me so far, however, does­n't m ean th o t I'm completely cured,

the "Why, fo r tho laat four years, I'd J feel read good for half tha season.

Then all of a sudden it would start paining me,"

7 -Newhouser explolned thnt the----- poln "was worse than a toothache"

- an tW l.w a* vlrtuoUy impossible for him to throw a ball when he had the pain.

The veteran blond pitcher estl- ) mnted th o t his left shoulder hod

been examined by more people thon he con remember.

"I, myself, counted 26 specialists who looked a t the shoulder during

Ijj]j one tim e or another. Not one ot ' them could give me the reason for

’“ O the poln,"igue Newhouser made it plain lhat tho fell Tigers h ad no other course but to

fally Tcleose hlnn la st summer,1, " If I could havo pitched s t all,"

tor he sold, "they would have carried lave- me. As i t was, though, I was only

tie taking up room ana drawing a “ City salary."ree- While on the lubJcct of salary, - nga.. Newliouaer. denied thnt hlJ .gome- -<01 ^ a o k - « t te m p t- w l t l^ l8 'ieland-wa^ - om a the rcaulL.Ql_&-iflncli.ln h ia pcraonar two pocketbook.

log- "It w asn 't anything l ike thal," j rS r W sard. just thought thnt^T two would liko one more chance lo pitch

hth. in the m ajors. So I worked out for ame two or th ree weeks In Plorida before laho oprlng tra in ing started and then kirk Clpvrland finally signed mc.”; In ----------------------------

;on- Redskins Capture .“ in AAU Team Honors

SAl.T I.AKK CITY, Juno 8 wv- Tinck nnd fleld men trom llie Unl- vnsiiy of U tah barely edged oul

“ Biinluun Young unlvorslty Monday 11 a to t.ike leam honors^ In the Intcr- n 0 mnuntain AAU track and field meet.’ J U iah,’ SkyUne conference track .1 1 rhaniplons, took ftve firsts and two ’ - fir.si-plnce ties—one tie better than0 fi the Cougars, who were second also II a In Skyline competition.J J Idaho S la te 's Bob Conley tlod fnr1 fl flr.n in Jhe 330 with one of lh«

meet's siars , BYU freshman Harold Anderson,

In ih f high school division. Salt r.akp Ciiv's Weat high took three

f f i r w . s while Pocatello high picked up 4--e A pair.

*■ West's C liff Miller bea t out the collpglans in the AAU 880, and later

•rry; tlod with Pocatello's Buck McGlllv- 5*'“ ray In ihe high school 440. where

Ihp two set a new AAU record. The M"* 514 in the 440 broke a mark act by'ou ' f a te. Boise. higtu.AsLygaL- _

r t ^ ________^ 'l i j f e f f i f c i i j ' ~Ip - r •I by ........................... .............. - "



PHONE 2995

W i K F A E I i ! ? , - I D A H O

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B i l l r i i i i Y|]| I - ^into


: for J500 he won in ihe Boise Bowllny verage based on games of 243, 180, 224, the presentaiion to Commons. (Staff

___________ ' ' ‘ -_____________ th

J W !th

__________________________ ___________ mge

_ J t e h a l L S c o r e s — -AM ERICAN . Sl"P i n t (I1W4' u ,

D e t r o i t ........ ....................non (Iin n io ~ 2 l l ftHoiUin . .. .... 2(11 noo OOx—.1 » f>

(Irom ek. Miller. H erbert a n d H om e, iiS u llivan , K inder and W hlt*. h ,

Second (Um e n„, D e t r o i t ................... noi flin 002 000— 4 » 1 v .

i d - Boiton , ... n i l nm inn o n i—6 ifi i(U rv^r. M arlow* and W ilaon , H ouic , <r.

•Cie B rew .r and White.

N A TIO N A L Ho) S t Hr.wklyn ............. ana u n 2 ia (102 -7 \\ n Hi

S l. U i i i i . 001 100 003 000—5 8 H •0 ^ I l i in o in tfi I H«

Ttnn, H iigh ri, I.ah ine anrl C am panolla; Du « SLflley. M iller, r re a k o , U ja tle and Sarni„ Uo

iat. Hire, Yvara., , , N rw York .......... .........I2n notr n n i - . t 11 \ i<>ith Milwaukee .............. _....0(l0 nno 1 1 0 -2 9 1 Hii

M aciir. Grliiiiitn ami W c e ln im ; Uiiril* ToB*-t(o. Johnson in d W hite. A

lid. ^

a r t S ' f t I

^he ’ j , V ^ Il ie ” g g l ; #

for r'^ S S S)ad > . ■

^y' ‘ ■Jtl- J ______1ind


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^ ^ R ^ S o ^ w eE - I ig f i r t i t e r MH b o s t o n , J u n e 8 (;P) — M ilt H th e w inn ing ru n f o r a 6-4 n ig h tM P e tro l tL t t u a t m

y o u n g ’ r i g h t h a n d ^ F r a n k Su H w i th B rew er l im it in g th e T ig eH ----------------- -— ^ ^

H Jim Dimn Fans Ig 18 as Mustangs I R Blank Boise 3-01

b i l l i n g s , June 8 IM— M ustangm m h u rle r Jim Dunn fanned 18 b a tte rs “i f f l to r a new BUllngs record M onday »

nigh t as he led his teammates to a >■ S H 3 -0 Pioneer league shutout victoryH H over Boise. '

D unn's performance, while a newstrikeout mark for the J^ustangs. "

g ™ was wo less than the Pioneer league ^B H record. He gave up three hllfi a n d «

five walks, but managed to se tt le s down for the route a tte r some earlyInning trouble. He atruck out th e tlost seven batters to face him. ^

I H At the start, however, things d id n ’t IS H look so sood. He walked Ernie S ie rra n

In th e first Inning, gave up a singlelo R ay Herrera, struck out D ick 1;

H w Kllngm on for the Inning's first ou t, ^then walked Lee K ast to load u p o

i H the bases, IP M I B u t the ne.’it two batters—H erb 7

M arklev and Fronk Hardy—w ent d.■i_, dbwn via the strikeout route as D unn ii

p itched his way out of trouble. A l- r a, though the Pilots le ft eight men on

base, it waa their biggest th rea t o f (____ the n ight, f

BlllinBs scored twice in its ha lf of ,I the Inning, as Ben SInquefleld s in - j,

glcd, Pablo Bernard did the sam e, ond Jo e Burgess was sate on a fie ld-er's choloe, Slntiuefleld and Burgess Jscored on ,'-uccesslve singles by M an - .age.- Cliff Dapper and Bob B ona- “ porte.

T h e third Mustang run come in■_____ the flfih , when Bernord singled, ____ moved lo third on a double by B u r- "

gess, and came home on a bad J*throw by Pilot Inflelder Hardy. f

---------------------- B!tHN89-a7-BO»9-«--------------- 1’B nl.n «h h o . 'B l l l ln f f . am h e t ii

S l. r rA u 3 I i S S in q u .f .ld c t S 1 3 0 UrrrerK ,1b i 1 0 fi R c rn .rd M S 3 2 S

■ ! K l ln im .n 2b ( 1 S 1 n u r jte s . rf S 1 1 0 J » " Kn..l If .1 « » 0 D u p p ir n . 2 1 8 0

Houae, M a rk le y lb 4 0 8 1 B o n a p a r t . 1^ I 1 i 0H an ly rr 4 n n 0 C .arcia Sb ,1 1 1 n (

, . . B t a c r o f l et 1 11 2 0 W ilcox 1( 4 1 0 0 ,■ * ’ K .l lu m H silrlc 13b S 1 1 n ®

1 R o . . c ( « J 1 D unn p 2 0 0 2 =H o u .f, T .n c h D J 0 0 1 C

T o to ) . ,1032117 T o ta l. .1.1 11 27 S ■n o i... .......... 000 000 000— 0

11 0 l l i l lm c .. ............ 200 010 OOx — .1S B R - Siniiiiefi.|il, I tc rn arii, niirnM a. K —

H e r r e r a . H anly, Iternarrf, 2HH—B e rn a rd , in e lla : Itu rffeaa , IJa rc i^ ^ledrlck. BBI—D a p p e r . S a rn l, U o n ap o rtc . S -D u n n . S B —S Inquefleld, D P

- H e r r e r a to Klinirman to M ark ley ; D u n n 11 1 lo H e rn .r . i to B onaparte , LOB— Bolae H, j 9 I m llin ira I I . y O „ T e n rh 2. Dunn Ifl. B B —

llur.l. T e n rb i , D unn I. E K -T e n c h 2. T — 1 ;60.A KHfi. ■

world-famous, nat

I J k'“ T p s i / - 1 \ — y

■ xmMrnm 0M mIf ■ ■ V #

offers a great 5 ye

StraigKtiMJtk a Ag/it, rrnMi

A H t ---------------------------------

o u t s t a n d i n |

b u y !

PM—on» ef Amirica*B most famous rtaHon aJvsrittmJ wJuaJiey hrands-ig hcra as a ' fint siraiglii hourh .This wlitthay ig S ytars old. Por yeara PM ha$ hasn iho choi ef ihosM u}ho JtmanJ ihg fmggi. Now, you, ioe, ean snjoy iis gupgrh quaJily. Try ii

M ionigfti* •• savor PM’a rich hourhon m gooJnsas. Loam why it's a picagurg io huy

f l I f y o u l i k e

I f __________ f i n e t h i l

k 8ENBE o r VA

E 5 ! I S

^aO N .W H ISK EY . 06 PROOF . NATlOr;

.......... . .......... . ;■ ---------------------- -------- --------, i

rTRAIigl!weep“Di(MiMdiBz M o s e r ln t o J ^ y— M ilt Bolling’s IK h ,in n in g single si 4 nightcap victory M onday, as the Boi

m k Sullivali 'and Tom Brewer turned le T igers.to nine h i ts in the second gi — — opener . 3-2. The double vie- —

tory gave Boston four out rU S pf five in the series. ^

• Young Brewer evened hla sea- son’s-record ob 3-2 and had a 4-2 T

, J i & edge going into th e n in th when two 1 C former Red Box" playere, Johnny J I I Pesky and Pred H atfield , sent the C

game Into overtime.

“ S and Hatfield, b a tting for Ned G ar- „ondav ver, slammed a hom er down the , 'r t o a rlBhtfield foul line. dctory Dick Marlowe relieved O arver and

was the loser. He gave up a leadoff p- single to Agganls in. th e 13th, Sam- itonM mv While sacrificed and Ted eaoue In ten tional walk to ' ' '

■£ a n d Bolling’s winning J'l se tt le s in g le ,'- «

, ea rly There woa a lively scene a t the I i t th e plate as umpire L arry Napp ruled we

Agganls safe, D etro it catcher Prank hl|d id n ’t House had to be restrained by Tiger miS ie rra manoger Freddy H utchinson. isingle In St, Louis C arl Purlilo’s 12th ]

D ick Inning single a fte r two men had Gcst ou t, walked ond Roy C am paneila’s theft Scad u p of home stretched the Brooklyn s t

Dodgers’ winning s treak to 10 with a lit-H e rb 7-5 victory over th e St. Louis- Car- bo- w e n t dlnals otter the B irds sent the game MiD unn Into overtime w ith a three-run vll

le. A l- nlnth-lnnlng rally,ien on joe Presko, who took over for the -11,ea t o f Cardinals in relief, h ad retired the I f

first eight men to face him when he -rila if of ra llied GII Hodges and Campanella 11 <* s in - In (He 12th,M m e, puriiio came th rough with a sin- ^‘ gle for the winning run and then *■

urgess Campanella, with p itcher Clem La-bine batting, cau g h t the Cardin- 8°’ als napping and stole home for an

. added run, ™ S o led Whltey Lockman’s tw o-run homer

' in the second Inning set the poce os ,'V ‘rt the New York O ian ts bea t Milwaii- M(

kee 4-3 and shoved the Braves down ^

1 h o • league race, ^s I 3 0 - - - ■ s .I 2 Js t 1 0 SEATTLE SELLS COMBS1 1 '1 0 SEATTLE, June 8 W) — Merrill, - 1 1 1 0 Combs, veteran S eattle R a i n i e r ? J ahortstop. was sold Sundoy to the

' 2 0 0 2 Sacramento Solons of the PacificCooat league, ,

11127 50 0 0 -0 You Can’t Argue With

EARWIGS-APHIDS-lern'ard, General InsectsDapper. Tou’ve Got to KILL ’EMild . D P nuy»»«^ 109 9; D u n n ^ 3 3 ,

« RANDALL SPRAYING DIVISION i ___________ Twin F a lb ___________

: y - * 1 ’ ' k

nationally advertise

fk< (■

> year old


i n g -

g g

ut nationally I a t a ‘ '>y It 5I ilta chalet' A i l |Joa, you, t i ' tfn , U

io huyt

ik e> t h i n g s

E o r v a l u e ) . 1 ■

I S ' 3

^ r H O V Z s


ilr fiea d S l

n ? s in g le scored

iw e r tu rn e d in w i n r ^ l

o u r o u t p i

his sea ^ Odinglj.had a 4-2 T f / * ,

.’■S5■“ "■ScWorRiilnch walk '"QNed Gar-"o"* ' ‘he «xie hinround cowboy oliSXlarverandI a leadoff Q . h e n Bihfl I3th, Sam-and Ted "Innera fa (i, al walk to ''j5 ‘>=le to cooiKi,ft^ 's winning J>Eh school rodMiifS

to ..A u g ,6 ,n d ? -^ f lne a t the Competing in t.-:lopp ruled were 41 boy,h e r Prank high schoolad by Tiger mated 600 sp ,c U t^ S

?>>o’.1 3 thmen had Gooding V r l^ '

site’s theft Bchooley, 0u“ b u S Brooklyn Stoddard

n o w l t o a t m , , d ; w> T y^ . ’.ouls-Car- boy's cow c u t t ^ l * S the game MalU. and eaU min, u three-run vlll, Gooding,

'e r for the n j

n ' ^ n ' h :campanella H e a a U . . S j ^

'ith a sin- ST. ANDREWs,;6tdfiand then W-Lloyd MangniinSClem La- States' »liui|Mt

B Cardin- •utyear.mdJime for an t a d AmertaH ii<

lenge to the BHUih orun homer championship al BlrtJiii,he pace os ,The Royal anii Antlml'itMllwaii- Monday annomcedini, aves down °f g lfen wil (og|j

- M e r r i l l BALE'LOADEI

-------------- $50 Will Hold 0 « |

m h Why pay more fkm'ji•S- get the.beaUoronlj.j

I'M PAUL ROBBn iv ism M W E L D IN G .M « DIVISION , ^ i ,



i N M

H jH ^ JmM

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d o w n . 10. N ote of 1. B east of . ‘Mescal# ^ - 'b u rd e n . s> s '-

I ’F a tty f ru it

- l r f Si : | r

i r p T n r i ^ ^ a l ^ e r - W--------- ----------- cial w eieh t ^

25. Lid— ’m i i ------2 6 .P a £ e o f i ^

m e e m tm i r --------- ,2 7 . Note of ----------m * G uido’s scal< •M 28. O f th e C T T \1

. fingers S I D ]---------------------29. Review er

31. Cooking ----------— r — — form ula , i

33. Tear----------'HmM', 34. B arrier

m M / , 3.' F inished— ^ 3 ^ \ 3 S 37- M etal

. ^ deposit« iS 38. B reath# p» __ ___ quiclcly t^ 40. Concealed >—

_ 41. C ijtern M43. Jum b led t g ,

__________type C >)43. Compasi

_ — L J —J P0'"‘ IvMC'S

1. MAJOR HOOPLE H. ' ------- a


> —-ONLV 6 £M\r^l I JiMOVlS /^ 16 SEMIWI C H C lS T M A S -" i K ^^ -TH' CHIEF WVTM4 WIF “^ W H I C W I'M FAMILIAR 16 . 'I f ; OCC/^SIOWAL F ig s I

K E L A T eT O C A L N \ / ^I t)OW N MV \MlPE n



shyest thing sbout him Ib his "Andgiving


- ■ ‘


/ l i i / , THIS \ l \• X ISTHELUME 1 / " r o

.T lTDli7VOO J \ A


T. u. ««|. uTTPit Wf. ^C«fMmbyHmifYU«.lM.

"May I speak to your booklieeperi where he got off the beam 1”


I h

S i


C t f . 1M« br Mg* »*.*■«. !■*

"And lately I've found myself nb giving the proper hand signals— I”

I t m e o n l v ccE ecn jR E s’l I vep, i 've PTHAT WORK HARP IN > BE A TO-





/ iV^KTTTHlS \ T> T D B ew iT H 0irr 1 A( A SHAEX3W OF I C

— --------------------------

MflTBORM *•* I ^ I


. B '

------------------ 1--------------------J Ykkeeper? I -want to see ju s t !



f I N

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' ‘ j 0

Ryself obeying traffic signa, C a l s - 1” H

YiP, I'VE PECIPEt7;TO S l E A >bo-SOOC!eR‘. . . < sIP THE e u v I'M .J DIN6 TO B E 6 0 0 (7 \

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:N FALLS, flbAHO" ■■ ■' I I— ^ --—

_c f — r f .S T w" S t u

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J:* / UPTOPWB \u x fe lE 5 AWEMfl ™ OtJVOURsrORV, 1 CW W=FORD VIOLT , PATKKEV. u l Iiii— "__

A i FIND K 50CKO ^ . I f f I H ftk-ENDlMO! I p 1 1 1


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F M n n jc>xM>'<

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b ' ^ 1

AS I y$p, Hcjpe,, valve w a sT lh a Q [ 9tut:k and timing is off.jtoo 1:

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LE _________ _

B . / a r r 'o u T A T B B P re a A T io N 1I HBBH WITH k 0,' M U S I C O ^

TT I > THAT -------- ^„ V * W ) < e t ! > 0 - . K P S A ' ^

s ^b





_ wow! AI.MO#Tjg|—



T ' r~ 3 ^ ^ s i z z r ~ n ^T -AW'TT^EN,IM1892. V //-£>(1 AVlir/AMOOZlM' ] /A/r£-» THING HAPPENED- / ....... .


L r e a l h o o m e r o f \ O V -IT, WE GOTTA GO / ---- , _B A G y p t 0 6 + ~ ^ / ^

B Mm ' - " iN' 1R \ \

A- S6 B M X l X ® ^

LT H lf f , . WEStERN BUT SOMEAj S Nv s a d p l e / ^ feel sump

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JU fX ^A hvi I ip 0*>,W W TO 5fifi A M«»

5 o v « » y T v e w o « r^ y n i;

>. ENa^a60 h vf’- w r cnirvimqJ^U B TWNS. VUTTi 15 SUD- \ , 7 BWP6 ;rRICKEM *llTll_WAHE6 \».W)P 0U> HE TRI5 Awemnv «iP<W ? o ^ _4_hem?.C!mj i

&m> TO 1 h sTOovo mm'. mwokT stu NOU WSVil VW HPiS rtttVWb 01! )■ aPiCK \Kl K tM i ^'^1% S 'N iC tp T s T O T O t, c w t o r c o v s s a . ' . woKK

^ G o lly / it^ in b ad "W f S vasTnia^ l 5 h a p e . ' l 1 l h a \ e i D | ;sl

t a k e ^ i td o w n .y "

^ - ' ______________

3PPB||TSHOOOWBy NOJ \ |■ NO ■ PAUSE /TOMATSITSl \’OAT10N 1 HERB AND | DON'T HURT;U6IC! J BENDSRA \ BUT THEM .r-'—^ SELECTION,/. BRICKS ^. PSA'SANr! S U V 'N 0R 7jf'C 0aD BA|ISE ------VI----- ''" '--------fll f A UUMP.'^

( (■ ^A » j£ src A m 'r \v A BKEAK NER D-DONT LET GO, h e a r t B y \ m ah hamd, c r i t t e i' I I HTERRUPr i N' - AH C-CAIMT SEE II) - y ....... WONDER TH 'PA R K -LIK E

<^W -lU T'i (XXN' V^ < I K I—


n t g - e w ' ^ v A i r g J * » ( W W /W fi^WPUNCHINELLQV '

M Cf CpuitgB H B r ^ K K I Ofc; y HJH? kbepim'^his m u s m p \ tc



W '.M \V\0(4 CXfevSWVV iVk ftTOPiSO 5 rtttVWb OKKO ^>0Crt6 VfOCi s.% S 'N ic t W t 6 o - \ V \o, R 'tlW O K O tW

3J \ | r9 0 B a« V /g N U « < !ii K 5 v n t s r s i N t o c w / > \ i«Mo w a r n * E pwurt; WBHAWBNcrrX p l a c b v lF f lBTHEM , C O d B C n O , I Y /l'LU .ICKS *' A FA R T H IN »V B a8 &ni > RAISE FWOM

kMD, CRITTER, - t O ^ Hlf FUM (

l 5 5 u ^ l T ! S F n i N i S ^


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• ' I ■ 1TU1O T A X . ; ^ P :8 rlflW -4 .y

NB’« t v \ U M B ,! W c m o ^ m ' \ i ; > U H O B W /PU iic,; ^ v -;

< 0 6 y w j o w A v w i ; s i m a e M w t - > ■ 6 M \ T o w n s tlW V tA M e ,.i“ 'KINB. ) HANT-AMP ------- -- " ' .' - " ' < •—

■ . *11 miuff ' I -L.-:.

[ l ^ i N U t e S . 'y j a : :-


iwi v w u iw r ' f ^ T vvAf fluijK’X K H l B ;It moo vUr J iniHiaNA tuivyi 1® ■ A «iN ... r M t f i e u r WINK, i, ^ N a . yau'P MAKS

F i u ^ l h ’ ^ . v - H i H n l K k i

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_’ ____ i ,_____ ^ ____,

' '■ ‘I '

; P A O T - . J B I f . , ' : , ---------— ■

I M a r k e t s' . . » . • » • > -----------’ I . '

: Stocks• I " ~ | OOD

; m a r k e t s A T A G L A N C E

: N IW VOBK. J m t • W V - m '■ S lo e k l-L o w tr l w « * « k i l l ■ J '™ '

B o n J l - l r m u lM i ( o v t r n n ie i i u « ta -

; W b u C i l M d j l b M t f i i M n o t ktU

'" o J S l o i I . r f i «“ t o w f r f « “■

'* 0 t l » - 8 U t t o l trm 4» ll lh l- “to 60 e « n u b lK a « r: top

h« lfe r» iU » d y ta H BANe«ntj down j top |2 « .6 0 . M lab la

■_____________ ’ mo*Uy' In a tln g

NEW TORE. J u n » •forM d 4»wn Ih ro iw h o u t “ " f " “ “ IH /M dM In . . i d l j M - « • I !„d • f ■“ L ^ m fr tau en t& w « n t to b * t w ^ I »nd , t e « nI co lnu , Md »om « «*«n /o w e

’‘‘r h t M i n i p u . * • » 000 “ “ “ 'o„ t u KMUnUng to . n » t l m . t * l 2.JOO.OOO ji h » r f I i

NEW YORK iT O C < E lC H A N G B Je c e lp l W NEW YORK. J u n t I (W - - L o t « U . m ^ r . Uf Allied Strt 4*9# K en n eeo tt 7»4 fo p d

H a S c j i n t m i d ' ' s | M U C o ^ l M 1 « | b u t t « (

I J S s r • s : t " ‘c : r r ' pn Am 8 t R •*}? N « t D » lr r • “ “ i ; 'y a S T » T 1 « 9 « N « t D lit o p « n ln |H a S T o W » « « N . t C y p iu n i i n ter I.mH A n .to n d i s e l l N Y C . n t r . l M U m b . iH Armeo St«il <3% N o r A m or A* m p rln taH a t 4 SF lOSIJi N o r P .c lf lo “ Jl I " ! , "-.oH Sold Lin'* » % O blo OII »;% o u 109 B .ih Iron 2 B « r u l / l o U u <!*. t « w d .H fl«ndl* 7 6 4 1 P a e k a rd < »p fln gJ D .ib Bim I e o ? . P . r . Plo • l '(( v j l l t y in Do«lnl i i% P .H 1 W»H Bord«n P en n « yI D ritS i H fi SK r h i l l l p i P « t 62V;II C * n td i Drr 18% P u llm a n 60 L O s I C »n Paelflo ««% P u re O il «0UI J I C m 14% RCA , m ostlyU C elinw a 1 7 ^ R opub 8 l««l 66-*» 24 .40;

C«IoUX 20% n # y T ob B 88 '; 23 .00 ; i' C erro d i Pu 27% 8 af«w »y , 4& h e i/o r i

O hei A Oblo 8 4 ^ 3 M r»_H o«b «4 mlC b m lw 8 oo V m 42% co m m trCora C r*l 8 8 Sou P ac iflo 4 P4 100; abCom Bolv J« S p e r ^ J" i« r ealC on Coptwr 10% S t O il Cal « choi ceC on ^ lO Q 4 8% S t O il N J m » rc itlC onU lM r <8 f l tu d eb ak a r W S to 13.0(C on Oil 22^4 S u n r* y OU 1«J4 H o 2 iC on Prod 78 S u n M ln jOS-zJoC ran # 82% S w if t A Oo 48% 167.172Curtii«<Wrtcl)t « 'fa T n G ulf Bul fi4 g^.oo-ZEDou* A ir 88 ' k T im k e n 41 BheepD u p o n t \Vi% T ra n a Am «r 42%E a a t A lrllan I I I 20 th C e n t-F o a i s j iE astm an 8 8 y4 U n io n C arb 121V* p - _ ,E l A uto 8 0 ( ( U n io n Oil 47E ria RR 18 5 U n io n P ae lflo 121%F ro .lo n . 10<? U n A l r l l n « 22r IntkoU SI I U n A lr c r .< t 81 ,F ro u h iu t i S ' l U n C orp B«

■ O n & } U I ”m iU ' 5l

- g a M i i s - a i - i r n ,Goodyear 62 W a rn e r B ro . 18U ‘ J®,•O t N or lUl pf 85 W ea t U n ion 8 B«J y jV J ”G t W « t Suf 10% W ea t A lrb r 25dah o Power 49 W e#t Eleo 68UII C entral U% W h iU M ot 82% 1 a o t H a r r 81U W oolw orth 42^n t NIekiJ 4 2 a Z en ith W

AHBBrCAN E X C H A N G E «• N B W YORK, J u n . 8 ( U P ) - L a a t aa le t B u n k t r Hill U]k H ee la Min 8 « • *• E lM B A B 20l4 T ach n ico lo r U l i

Stock Averages iSm o re ol

nm. good tO

CowplM by T h a A tio c U ta d P r ^10 16 15 60 M d c u n

Indm . R alla U U I. Blockt ''*»>««N e t ehan ii ...D 8 .# D 8 .8 D.7 D2.9 ,'I'ucaday __j__186.4 89.8 89.8 1J2.5 “ *® J ’lUfi4 h f» h ___170.8 M .I 60.5 125.7 ??*"• ?!

■ 1^64 lo w ____148.B n .8 U . i 108.0_________ i t r ic t lyT IN V raT M E N T T R U B T8■ (T o .id i, i l o i l n o e o g rU ir K. W .

UtRobarta a n d com pany) , o**««PAiVol ><"?•'

A m tr l t .n Dui. S h a n . ---------------------- • 4.1! ,A ffllU tod Fundi _____________________ l . I IN . a SUok I ir lM ___________________ t . I t ■ l .M b lN .U . Iniomi S ir la i __________________ l .UIn c . InvMlon __________________ ll.lt - .K w ito n i Dl ________________________ ! 0.w OMAK n n to n i D l ________________________ )!.0 I " 'K o n to n t Kl ________________ ____ ___ H .HK o y ito n t K I ________________________ ».7I ",l»? PrK o f i to n . S I ________________________ lO .tl »k''l';«X«r>l<iii. S I ________________________ 10.11 • ' “ 'l ! ':K tr i to n o B ( _________________________T.«l

up toW O O L ^ weak

N B W VORK, J u n . S ( « — W ool fu lu r* . , J ^ V ? eloaed 1.6 to 1.4 ce n ta lo w e r] J u ly 160.0D; o>O et. 178.0B] Dee. 1 7 1 .0 B ; M arch 10fi.OBi loK o.sn U a jr 186.6D; Ju ly 1 5 4 .1 : O a t 162.6.

CertlfleaUd wool i p o t 161.0N.• W ool tOTi futurea c loaed 1.6 to I .T eanU m i lC W w arj Ju& tt i .S D ; O cU 167.« i D ao, tOI.O) M a r o M w KI1.8B j M a y 2W .8 : J u ly I00 .6B i "°*5 o

• ° ° S t o n J T '

Twin Falls Livestock Prices ‘S '

m eroU lI ■ I I ■ - . ■! I to low

fo llow tag T w t a F a U j l i v e s t o c k h .T f . i i '’"- p r l c M '- u j ^ p r o v W e d b y t h e ’ T w i n m tr c i i iC - J j u * U v t J l o c l T 'O o n u n l M l o n c o m - f " ! ! ' " , , 'E r j i B l J S ; t a j e d o n t h e r e s u l t s - o t - t h e l o c j s . !i a u c t i o n u 1S'3b d « J . lo .oo -is .

B t e e n - t w rni ‘ i

~ * p » U s r i ________ ^ ? s E i ! S........ $ 1 3 .0 0 t o T n + ,5 0 i« o .u y i

= = » 13S 5 n e r « u id O u l t e r s - ^ - f l ^ t o $ 1 0 J i0 “" ■ 'J • __________» l B . 8 0 't o " * l« .o o - i S „ K

- ^ o r w ___ ' i f f o o t o $ 4 J 5 »ood I t. 2 2 .J0 ; ol

^ ^ = ^ = = -= = ; O a m b i-J

B f E S t s f i a t o i l ;Results Reported

T h e m o n th ly m a a t e r p o i n t t o u r - J K l n a m e n t o t i h t D u p l i c a t e B r i d g e c lu b w a a h e ld M o n d a y e v e n i n g a t t h e A m e r i c a n L t j l o n h a l l .

K e n n e t h B ro w n a n d J e r r e C o v e r c h r o . . t o o k f i r s t lo r t h e n o r t h a n d s o u t h j J “j 7 ‘ i a n d M rs . M ild re d B e a n a n d M r« . 0 ss-ss,' E u g e n e W alker a n d M r e . P a u l T h o - ' i ' " ' " ' m a n a n d M ri. A . J . U n d e m e r t i e d 5“ ” n ,. f o r e e c o n d . K o re 64

E a a t a n d w e s t w i n n e r s w e r e M r t .O l e n n B lm m ons a n d M r s . R o b e r t • d o i m ; W a l k e r , I lrs t; . J o h n F e l d h u s e n . a r , ^ ‘ a n d J . M cC o llu m , s e c o n d , a n d M r . t « r i p u a n d M rs . R o b e r t S a s a , t h i r d .

------------------------------------- N in eR E A D T M E S - N E W S W A N T A D S . p e o p le

Twin Falls MLIV E ST O C K

O holee buUhiri. 180-220 I b e . ______ |2T.OO o„», « l ,(Tw o dialir* QUoteJ>

H o*a, 170-1SO ind 220-246 Ibe. _______12(1.50 / ! f .H oga. §45-IH bl___________ __ ______ l-R .oo ‘^V n n .H oga. 276*S00 h i . ____________________ I23.R0 ‘S o w i. 800-JJi b l . ................................... -...121.00Bowa, o v tr 115 I b i ._____________ Il8 .0 0 -iy .o o C«lor«Mif i te r a » 0 Itn. H flfk t____ ____ a t j n n Leghorn

— p w r a IIU H T T '==V*afere-=- ^ - - ^ - - * - ^ ^ .......C aloM d-— I ' ri i i i i iMii .....— V- l U l r t N ^ . . . . . . . 1 2 2 .0 0 Colo»ad

C a n n a ra ani) cutUra , -------- a a .t i iu io M U g h o rnU tili ty LeghornL a m b a _________ ____________________ 124.00 ‘SwUi

■ O n t dealir quotad)H oaa . 180.180 U. , ......................$28.00 w . ,I lo g i. 220-2JO bl______________________126.00 I ZHoiia. I60.j0(l bi. ----------------tan .nft ' Ju

under 4 0 Iba. _ _ _ _ | 2 0 . 0 0tiUHii. over 400 Ib^ ------ f i a fin

(O n e daalir qooted) ______ . . . £gga !»-B B A N S ' (F o u r

O r c i t N ortb irn i No. 1 ___ _______ ,.tT .40-T.60 Pool I■ l l dealeri eo n tao tad i I q u o t in f 17 .6 0 ) of Idaho

110 d e a l in n n l u t a d ) M nlulm

- ^ I l ’ d n l n f i S i c r a n i i ^ W n * " * ! ^ ^ ^ ^ { • r V i 'u “ ■ • lie llu o U r i jl.IO) Moillum

Q epu tlD n r » Ktk | t u t » r f i l r I I n o l i Bm>ll 11 o n ila r guoU noi>,(or H o . 1. ( O u d M jM O h K k . .

i t n a t l i w u < m « • . I n b ) ___ M i n .

e t s a n d F i;____^ _____ * ____ » » J g ' '

LivestockOGDEN ■ C

" H OODEN. J u n e B (U P)—C « t t le !00: f ro ip. h a rd ly enough aaJea U> teat m a r k e l ; about t r u " a teady w ith M onday’i decline; few utlllly

a n d com m ere ia l a lau ibU r a t« e ra 14.00- 90«. 16.00; u til i ty cowa : calvea 50; a n oA. -veaU ra a t e a ^ to w eak; (e« e e a t te re d bead A

good vealera 20 .00; good itock c a ly e i 10.00, pro> — H f l g n e O r m ax k rt trol fu lly • •U bIU bad : 1"

14 le v j r a l lo ta N o. 2 and 3 b u tc h e ra around100-240 Iba. 26.25-50; choice N o . 1 and 2 tha i

B. abaenL w arS heep 200; abou t iteady; fe w Iota eboice i n . '

85 lb. tru ek ed -ln native lam ba 24.60. . V•P ------------

• SA N PRANCIBCO J u l jI* B A N FRANCIBCO, June 8 ( U P l- C a tU e

aa lab le 126; aupply ica tte red ablpm inU j J ] m oatly a la u g h te r c lu ie i , ’ co w a predom- Z. ^ I n a t in g ; o p en ing moderatelr a c t iv e , about v;,], a tead y w ith Monday'# d ec lin e : few IoU ^

i.t^ u t i l i ty ^nd eom m ercU l BOft-1.000 lb . alausb.***' t e r a teera 16.26-21.00; odd h e a d cutter f,

a tee ra 14'.00: few commercial h e i f e n . 10.00 ^ fa w com m erc ia l cowi 14.00-16.00; odd . h ead young h e ife rlib cow 16 . 0 0 ; lovera

“•** u t i l i ty eowa 12.00.13,00; e in n e ra and cut- „000 te ra 9 .0 0 .U .6 0 ; ahelljr eannera down to ,

8 .6 0 ; IndlvIduaJ utllltjr bull 1 6 .5 0 ; otber e laaaee a c a rc e ; calvei ialab}« 8 0 ; f ru b r e c e ip u l a r g a u alau ih ter c a lv a* opening „

1 m o d era te ly ac tiv e . ate«<ly lo w ealc ; few b U ^ U good and eboice 822-600 Ib. ilaugbtA

ealvea 10.00-21.00; odd bead eum m erc la l 400 . r Ib. c a lf 17.00.

H H oga aalab le 250; butebera eom prlitd ‘a bu lk o f aupply ; nu etrly action.H Bheep aa lab le 3 ,5 0 0 ;/ r u b r r a e lp t J moitly " V ^ a p r in g a la u g h te r lamba. Includln* few dicki . V'

a h o m a p rln g lanibe, otber c laaaea acarce;H o p e n in g m odera te ly active; a p r in g alauib.

t e r lam ba fu lly a t ^ y . except a h o m aprlng W lam ba ateady to a tro n a ; one lo t choice «n*l ^ p r im e a p rln g alaughter lamba 23 .75 ; lew , ^ ll Iota tr.oatly .choice aprlntr lamlta 2 3 .&0; few ^ ^ % loU good and choice <prlnif I a m b i 23.00;S few decki m oatly eholee w ltb p rim e end

a p r ln g a la u g h te r Iambi from Sacram enio va lley av e rag in g 96 Ibi. with N o . 3 pelu 2 8 .6 0 1 o lher e la a s o not e iU b li .h e d .

^ l o s ^ n g F l e s ji''®L O S A N G E L E S. June 8 ,( ;n — ( F 8 M N )-

^ C a ttle aalab le 1.200; i la u g h U r claiieim o stly a t«a(ly ; choica 037 Ib. fe d aU rri v24.40 ; m oatly good ihnrt fed e tM ra 23,7.^. ^^ra23 .00 ; com m ercial lU eri lfl.00-21 .50; good d^rlih e l f e n 21.50; youthful com m erc ia l cowi eo fi

„ and mixed helfera I7.00.lfl.00; u t i l i ty and |3.2<I* com m erc ia l tow * 12.50*\6.s0; c aW ee aalablt c<

100; abou t a te a d y ; goo<l and e h o le e ilaugh. i<f.o ,, te r ea lve i and vea len lD.OO-23.00; light^ cho ice and p rim e veal ealvei 2 4 .0 0 ; eom* {.Jo.

m e rc itl and good 18.00*20.0 0 ; c u l l i down 6 i 7 to 13.00.7 H o g i aalab le 1.400; about i t e a d y ; choice uQcV^ 208-240 lb. b a rro w i and g llta 27.00.601 m

167-172 Ib l. 26.00-60; choice 254-277 Ibi. K j24.00-26.00; m edium 4fll Ib, aow a 16.60. ji-

Bheep aalab le none; m arke t unteited. '

^ PORTLAND 1PO R T L A N D , Ju n e 8 ( U P ) - C a t t l a 300; I

y m a rk e t fa irly active, about a t« a d y wltb . * M o n d ay ; truck lo t goo<l lo c h o ic e 060 lb.

fed ateera 24.00 ; few cutter to u t i l i t y light ll I te e ra 18.60-17.60; load good 7 2 3 lb. fed2 be lfe ra 20.00; u tility I.^.OQ.17.00 ; canner C l ^ and e u tU r eo w ti; f « w 11.00; cloae 1/ u U lity cowa 11.50-13,(10i_i.»m. F,.h. IT” W ll« r l a UUIlly bu lli U.OO.15.60; calveiQ' 100; m a rk e t active, iteady; good to choiceiZ v e a le r t 21.00-26.00 ; utility to cotnm erclal C I^ 18.60-20.00. riv a l1/ H o g i 1001 m a rk e t active, i t e a d y ; choice 767.(7 No. 1 and 2 b u te b e n 180.236 Iba. 28.00-50; alocli

‘ one lot 28.75; 260-270 Ibi. 20 .& 0; choice du ll^ 840-860 lb. low a 18.60-22.00. T r

Bheep 600; m ark e t aetlvt, a t e a d y : choice w llhto p r im e a p rin g Iam bi 21.60-22.00 ; utility atocb18.00; good lo eholee old erop lam ba and tla ca

, y ea rlln g a W .00-16.60; good to c h o k e light fo rn|i . ewea j heavy tw et and l i g h t eulli abn>«^ dow n to 2.00. 3 .GO ;’* ------------ 8 t“ 1 DENVER 5.25-

D E N V E R , J u n e 8 (U S D A )-C a t t le newla la b le 4.000 ; e a lve i 2()0t few aalea and S.AB :n u m ero u i blda 28 Inwer: iom e b ld a 50 or A lahm o re of f ; ebolee fe<i i te e n 28.00>75; hlgb 4 .26;good to average choice fed h e if e r a 2100. O r24 .00 ; u tility cow i ll.S O .lf .50 ; ranneri marV

) and cu tte rs 0.60-11.00; eom m Jrclal to choice T r;l, v e a le n 18.00-22.60. Ari*.3 9 H o g i I.OOO; barrow i and g l l t a ite ad r ] .7 0 . 2[g to 15 h ig h e r; aowa iteady to a t r o n g wIlK larg< i ' t aoma heaviea 26-60 b ig b iri e b o ice 160*240 larg< a a Iba. 26.00.76 ; 250-270 I k; S t

I tr ic t ly g ra in d fed 282*203 Ibe. 28.26>50; qual!442 Ib. g i l u 18.76; eholee lOwi 840-660 Iba. C ra r16.60-21.00. w ax

S heep 2.000 ; alaughter ip r in g Iam b i 75 B ernkeA th a n U onday 'a eloat; c h o ic e anti yello1^2 p rim e native ip r in g linibi 2 5 .0 0 : good 2 .00 , f f l and eholee feedera S0.60; m o e t ly good , j j a la u g h U r ewea No. I pelta 6.60.

J l 'OMAHA, Jon.^S^m PI-O .ltl. 11,000; gg ealvea 100; ea rly aalea fed ite e ra and fed (

he lfe ra generally ateady to weak ; o n e load ( Jg h ig h p rim e 1.500 Ib. i te e n topped a t 26.00f '5] eholee helfere; co w « about K J I a tcn d y ; u lillty and fommerclal 11.80-14.00; . ^ 1 M v e a le n weak to 1.00 lower; c h o ic e aold

up to 21,00; e to c k e n and fe e d e ra iteady T U e to w eak.

S heep 1.800; alaughter la m b a about a te a d y : choice and prime native a p r ln g e n26.00-60; good a n d choice a h o r n lamba J c n i

D l 10.60-20.26. R l c t

, clnC A G O»“ OHICAOO. J u n e 8 (U P )— ( U S D A ) - WOrl

Hoga aalable ceceipU 8.000; b u tc h e ra ateady g tO n to 60 h ig h e r: aow i iteady to 2& o r more av, a h ig h e r ; choice lfiO-230 lb. b u tc h e ra : 240.270 Ibe.; 280 .810 Iba. S i 22.25-28.76: eboice 880.800 lb. a o w a 16.00. -o n f l

- 1 21.25; ligh ter w e lg h u atU e 8,000 J ealvea 400; a t« e ra and

h e l f e n ra th e r alow , tteady to 2 6 low tr; d f tU | cowa a teady ; bu lla atrong; v e a le r a about tO D ' a te a d y ; few loada prim e a te e n 26.26-50; m ixed choice and\prlTO a a lte ra 26.26-76i V . good to high cbofee 20.75-26.00 ; lo w com* A r l z m erc la l to low good 18.00*20.00 ; choice p a V (

•J to low prim e b e l f e n 22.50*24.26; good to «n . ow choice 20.00-22.00; faw com m ere ia l •K h e lfe ra down to 16.00; u tility com* g r a n[Q m erc la l cow t 11.2&-15.00; e a n n e r a and P i; 1. eu tte ra 0.00-11.60 j utility and com m erc ia l i _ _ ,

bulla 14.00-17.00; g o ^ tb p r im e vealera

in abou t Ite a d y ; good to low eholee a to ck en f - 'C jL a n d l ig h t f e e in g a t m i pq-ai

50 m oeU y 60 io g a r ; ..o ld -C T o p p a ra -» o e tiy 80 |(Q low er I a lau g h te r abeep about a t e a d r i good 1

to p r im e ap ring lamba 23.50-26.60 ; few W- choice—an d -p rlm e-8 « .O W O |- i o a d —UJMtly XJI 25 good 69 lb. 23.00: cu ll to low r o o d 18.00- v i i r f

22.60 ; choice and prim e 00.106 i k o ld erop ^~ U am bi^} 0J}Q.fill4 load .u U l l ty - to ~ la a r - .g ^ J a t e

96 Iba. 17;D0; g66d A o U f 103 Ib. T u e i No. 1 ik ln y earllnga 18.26; c u l l . t o cholea n f l t r

^ ■daughter e w t . 6.0D-0.50, . . ---- ----------

3 ~r - ButterandEggs S"> ____________ _____________________ of 31

CHICAGOcm C A G O . J u n e K tU P ^ - P r o d u e e i H (

Qf C b rf ie : Single d a i i in 861^-37 cen U 1 n ig ;po u n d ; longhorn i 3tiyj.3T: p roceaaed loaf

« S4.:i7; SwlTa g ra d e A 4 5 -^ ; D 42-44 ; yCBF •8. 0 38-39, o fQ. Kut t f r : 2.152.306 poundi; t t e a d y | 01

. ico re 6 B \ c<*nU a pound; 02 t c o r e 6 6 t :•Q 90 apnre 54*.*; 80 acore 51; c a r lo U i 00 U m ­

ico re 64% I HO eeore 52Vj. I V I l K gga: 5u.i:g caaea; iteady ; w h i t e large

»• ex traa 60-fi«,U p«T p m i A and over 34 centi r l a d ow n ; n»W«i la rg e estraa 60.60.0 x>*r cent _ A a n d over ;U; medlumi 60*60.0 p e r cent

■* A and over SOVit: itan iU rd i 30l*j ; cu rren t if. recelpta 20; d irtica 28i.j; cbecka 27

N i n e t y p e r c e n t o f th e d i e t o f th a 8 . p e o p le o f I n d o c h i n a Is r ic e . , ®

Inp.I M r

II9 MarketsF lo y t\Vall<


..... .........................<1<'* r n i. . llartey , 100 lh . ..................... I - ,35 CO)JJ Oata. 100 11,„ ________________ 12,55 f t t t hl l lO n e dealer quotedlCO ^ l i v h p o u l t r y00 C«Ior«Ml fuwl 11.,, ,n .[ .........n r00 Leghorn fowl. 4 tt.i, and ovei*________ —76 )^y» A t* Ji:iiil* .-4 -ib e .-an d -cT « r--w .i;r .^^ Ben*. 0„ L Q loM dTiStloga-— ----------------- 8 U t<

00 Co)oieJ~^CMk7 ^ " " *2^ T v n sn00 U g h o rn cocka ---------------- -------j _______ 8e ILS h eW White f r y e n -------18c D o m .00 (o w u i and com panr prlcaa)

D U T T E nrA Tl l No. 1 b u tte rfa t00 ~ ------------- -Ouipg (S w ift and com pany p rleu )00 EGGS '- ii^ lr.d«, l.f(« ..................... aOcJBc Boot. . ;,F"Vr j ' . l o i Qui>u,ll W! . ’ • '» ■'• Inc'wl*.!

T «in r« ii .i HJ58 L arg e A ___ _____

M tdulm A - III 1 0 .6 m iU .-A ___ - ___

" a . ^ r i - : ---------------------------- I t SN

S « ■ “ — ..................................... ............... I S ;. S a k ir a ■ m i-1-.rT..r--^^

finance | f ^ Jm ¥ , » J

u r a i n^ CHICAGO. J u n a I (flV -C raini n l l l e ^

) 5 f r o m an early ae ll-o ff on tbe board o f ®ut t r a d e today fo llo w in g ntwa the bouae U l«ty a g r ic u ltu re c o m m itte e oad voted to e x u n d *]0. 90 p e r e int o f p a r i ty aupport leveli f o r .« .{) ; a n o th e r year. ®l i A la a halping to a ilr up demand, w hich w l l0, p roduced gaina ra n g in g to leveral een ta aZli I : ^ ,-ao m « „C m > L l. w a i a , lU U m ent bi- t ,d .P r l ro a U ln iiU r BL Laurent o f C anada , ,2 l h a t n e ltb ir C a n a d a no r the United SU tea

w a n t^ 't o engag* in a price eu tting w v h lf iit in e x p o rt wheat. jc ta

W h e a t eloaed U lo w ir to % higher,J u ly 1.94J4.% : c o rn ?a lower to % higher.J u ly l .H H .% ! o a U «i*U higher, Ju ly (

le W 2^4-2^* higher. Ju ly 1.03^jSto y b ean * 1 cenU low er lii cenU b ljh e r , . J u l y 3 . 6OI4. 3 .6 I . a n d lard 22 eenU lower

, to 20 eenU a* h u n d red pounda higher, W iU •'“>>’ creJ; CASH GRAIN his, CHICAGO. J u n e 8 (>P)—C nh wheat nona. ------f C o m No. 1 yellow l.«3 .63 '^; No. 8 _

■ L^ B a rle y n o m in a l; m aUing 1.20-62; feed . r ______• FUTURES TABLB; CHTCAGO, Juit. 8 1^1- ]• W h«t Ice

July l,«ai)4 I.MU l.tu i P uJ B e p t 1.B6 1.90>, 1.96 1,07

D ec 2.1)0% 2 .0 3 '; l,99'1i 2 .0 p ;, M a r 2.02U 2.04’ i 2M1 2.03>,i P e i J C o m H a. J u ly 1 .66^ 1 .56H 1.56% 1,55‘i: S e p t I .6OC 1 .61 (4 1 .50^ 1.40-\(_ Deo 1 .4 0 ? 1.42H 1-40H 1.41% , ^5 ^ 1.44 I 1.46 1.44V* 1.44T; f e a

• J u ly .70U .71 .70%,. S e p t M \l ..fi'J ' .'ii( .ftHU. , p a i J D « : .TO'.i . 7 P ; .70 ii .70% I ni . n f i .72.^ . w i

• J u ly l.Qi 1 .0 5 ^ 1.00'A 1.03H J o iS e p t 1 ,08« l.Ofl 1.03'A 1,06% « f f D<-c l.OH^ 1.13U l.llK'J 1.11 M a r 1.14 1.17'^! M 3 ^ 1.16 B i i

---------- <• KANSAS CITY fSRAIN t>1< ;• K A N SA S CITY, J u n e 7 i;P t-W h eat! 180'• c a ra ; down 2c to u p Vjc; Nn. 2 bard and 1*00 d a rk hard 12.30 to 1 2 .5 2 ^ ; No. 8 82.27 to U n j• I2 .6 4 N : No. 2 red 82.20. No. 8 2.14 to ,„ i <1 |3 . 2 0 V i k W i• C o r n : 00 e a n ; uneh an g rd to upI' N .o 2 white 81.68; No. 3 tl.&8 to I1 .67N : t o r t K .o 2 yellow and m ixed Ko t1.64*/4:I- N o. & |1 .60t^ to II.(54',-iN. - -n O a U : 6 c a r t; unchanjfed to down l i r N ;

N o. 2 white 80‘Ac lo OO^N; No. 8 64(^o to ------• 80 cN . '1 M ilo SiilM 12.75 to I3.78N.'• K a f i r I2.78N.

K y * 11.07 lo I1 .12N .

■ PotatoeS^nionsd ONION PUTURESr CHICAGO, J u n e 7 ( ^ —Onion futurea• cloae<Ii Nov. |2 .0 8 to 12.07: J a n . 12.30;

-----------------------t — ■ —. c CH ICAGO,1 CHICAGO, J u n e 8 (U P )—P oU to ar-

r lv a la 127, track 277. to ta l U. 8. ahipmenU e 767. Old itock In au fflc len t to <iuote. New ; a to ck aupplln lig h t, dem and alow, m arket• d u ll a n d alitfhtly w eaker.

T r a c k iile i (100 Iba) US lA waahed t w llh 2 inch m in im um itn im lU te d ; New f a to c k : Alabama ro u n d reda 4,00-4.15; Pon- tla c a 4 .25 . 4.6O; U S com m ercial 4.00; Call-

t f o r n ia Ions w bltea 6.00-5.20! email and I ah o w in g d ^ iy 4 ,50 : US 1 4.00; US 2A

3 .GO : round reda 4.15.S t r e e t lalei (100 lh a .) t Idabo RuiaeU

5 .2 5 -8 .7 5 ; North D akota roiind red i 4.50; e n ew atock 1 C aH fornla long' wbltea 5.5(U d 5.05 ; poorer S.00-5.25 ; round reda 4.85-5,00 ; . r A la b a m a Triumpha; poorer 4.00.3 4 .2 6 ; US IB 2.25.

O n io n ntpplles m o d era te , demand alow,I m a r k e t verr dull.e T ra c k la lri (50 1lw.\ US 1 un le ii aU led :

A riz o n a yellow BemiiKiaa US 2 2 to 3 Inch I t ] .7 0 ; Calirornla V er>»iaa 8 inch and n la r g e r 1.76; Texaa G rano 8 Inch and I0 la r g e r 1.7&.1.80. | ; S t r e e t iile i (60 lb e .l t Generally good | ; q u a l i ty Texu yellow Bermudaa j . G ra n o 8 Inch and la rg e r l.flS.2.00; cryatal 1

w ax 2 to 3 In A 3 .00: Arizona yellow I K B erm u d aa 2 to 3 Inch 2.00-2.25; California |II y e llow aeTn\*llaU i Inch and la rg e r 1.00* I (I 2.00.d ________________________ I

Benjamin DS*ew, I ( 88, Dies at Homet K I M B E R L Y . J u n e 8 — B e n i a m i n j A r t h u r D eP ew , 8 8 , d i e d a t 2 :1 5 a .m . y T u e e d a y a t h la h o m e i n K im b e r ly .

M r. Depew waa bom Nov. 14.1888,J a t B lo o m in g to n , 111. H e m a r r i e d a J e n n i e M ay L o v i n g 62 y e a r a a g o a t

R i c h f i e l d , M o. T h e y h a v e b e e n r e s l - d e n t a o f K i m b e r l y 's i n c e 1023. H e

. w o r k e d fo r t h e r a i l r o a d a n d w a a a f s t o n e m a a o n H e w m a m e m b e r o f• th fe M e th o d la t c h u r c h i n M la a o u rl.1. S u r v lv o r a I n c l u d e h i s w id o w , tw o• s o n s , A n d y D e P e w , C o m p to n , C a lif .,J a n d D ic k D e P e w , K im b e r ly ; f iv e ; d a u g h t e r s , M ra . R u t h B o U n , C o m p - t t o n ; M r s . L e o n a A d d y , H a w th o r n e , j C a l i f . ; M t8. L u c l l e H a z l e t t , T o lle a o n i . A r lz - : M ra . G e r t i e E l s o n a n d M ra .» Paye Pollard, both Chandler, Ariz.;'1 12 grandchlldrtn and 13 great- . grandchildren.I ru n e ra l arrangem ents are pend- I Ing a t the White mortuary.__________ _—

P^gneBtdBOent— " Soughfih 2 Suits

' x n if r s r a n y an d F rank Hoffman were named defendants In two Mps-

J a t e «ulla ( l le d - ln probate court' Tuesday by Mr. an d Mrs. NormanD e m e r . _______ ----------------- -

— In -th e -ju ll ra B B lB ir ’BtjLrry, Mr. and Mrs. Demer seek payment of (239 In bncli ren t. The defendant allegedly «a> a te n a n t for a period of 31 months but paid only $308 ot a to tal of (620.

H offman ossertedly owes the cou­ple $134. Ho waa a tenant for one year Mit paid only (loe of a total of $240.

Mrs. Shaw Paid Last Honor Here

F uneral tervlcea for Mrs. Veda5 haw were held Tuesday afternoon nt tlie WhUe m ortuary chnpel wllh the Rev. Norman Stockwell otflclnt- Ing.

M rs. Nellie O strom Babcock wna soloist.

Pallbearers wero A rthur Llermnn,Floyd Morriaon. Jess Willhlte, E. F. W alker, Ted Em erick and LeHoy Lee.

Concluding rites were conducted a t the Twin Tails cemetcry.

TAYLOn SEES OAlNB O IS£,.Juns.,a_ li& r£B nnf U' S'

Ben.. -g jeii.fiD ilnrrto ld Becijtary o r S ta te i r t r M aaters_M terd8y .JhV-wnJil't-ineollnii os m uch o p p o s itio n ------OS he hnd expected In his bid for the DcmoPrnllc nom ination for U. S. aenator.

O ur Central Location OlVM YouPROMPT PICKUP

flood ing , Diiii, sbo ah tin * . lI i ia r tn iB ,W endell Jerome, C aa tle fo rd . Twin

Fall*. |j(ihl. F i le r . Clover

_ H ! f i U E S T L C A S U J * i U C E J O I L - U 0 U B E 8 - C A T T L E

_ _ D H i l - Q l d — D l a a b l i y l _ -

SNAKE RIVER TROUT C O .l l ( 'le a r Lake* » i

Olll CiiiKt oubi la iJ



~ Sosucd Hints E Auto Licens

B O I S E , J u n e 8 ( j f l - P t o s p e c t * o l va r e c o m m e n d a t i o n t h a t I d a h o ' s a u to sU c e n a e , t e e a b e r a i s e d f t o m ( 5 t o (1 6 fa y e a r ^ B n d - t h e - g a s o l l n e , t a x - b e ~ l n * i

^ c r e a s e d a c e n t r a g a l lo n a r o s e f r o m'itc t h e h i g h w a y b o a r d 's a n n u a l t o u r . r' " J T h e b o a r d w o u n d u p a 3 ,3 0 0 -m l le t

s w i n g S a t u r d a y n i g h t a f t e r m e e t i n g a(ch w i t h o f f i c i a l d e l e g a t io n s I n 2 6 to w n s 1nta an d citlea. tbi’ s t a t « H i g h w a y E n g i n e e r E , V . su . M U l e r s a i d " t h e n e e d fo r a d d i t i o n a l I' V h i g h w a y l u n d s , a t b o th t h e l o c a l a n d t

s t a t e l e v e l , o a m e I n f o r m a j o r c o n -„ ■ s l S e r a t l o n a t e v e r y m e e t in g ’. " • tuly C h a l r m i n E o s c o e C . R l o h , B u r le y , r

'• s a i d t h e t w o I n c r e a s e s w o t i l d r a u e 1a b o u t f o u r m l l l l o n d o l l a r s a y e a r . 1

t r . W i t h a b o u t o n e - f o u r t h o f t h e i n - «c r e a s e g o i n g t o c o u n t ie s , c i t i e s a n d th i g h w a y d i s t r i c t s , h e s a id , t h e s t a t e s

ne. ' “

Last Honors Paid Resident of Declo ^

D E O L O , J u n e 8 —F u n e r a l s e n r - 5 I c e s f o r M r s . M a r i n a R i c e , W h i te f

H4 P u q u a w e r e h e l d a t 3 p m . S a t u r - " [ , . d a y a t t h e O o o d m a n m o r t u a r y , R u - " 11,1 p e r t , u n d e r d i r e c t i o n o t B i s h o p J .

, H a r r y D a r r i n g t o n o t t h e D e c l o L D S 5Sj w a r d . . 0

i t f V o c a l d i i e t i w e r e g iv e n b y M r ) i ? '> • f e a r l D a r r i n g t o n a n d M r s . D a r r e l l * , 1 D a r r l n g t o ' . ! , b o t h D e c lo , a c c o m - “ (>., p a n l e d b y M r s . C ly d e W a r d l e , D e c - ® ;*♦ l o . M r s . W a r d l e p l a y e d p r e l u d e a n d *• ■ ’ p o s t l u d e m u s i c . T h e s p e a k e r w a s " i '4 J o s e p h O U l e t t e , D e c lo . P r a y e r s w e re 11? o f f e r e d b y B i s h o p D a r r i n g t o n a n d i B i s h o p D e W a y n e J e n s e n .

G r a v e s i d e p r a y e r w ns g i v e n a t P l e a s a n t V ie w c e m e te r y , B u r l e y , b y I

nd H o r a c e H a U . A t t e n d a n t s w d r e W ll- ■ w l l a m M a t t h e w s , H a r o ld A n d e r b e r g i i “ w r i l f p r d M a t t h e w s , C l in to n M o r g a n , I

N i K e U y M a t t h e w s a n d C l i f t o n S u t - , ! t o n .

> 1 ; __________________N; REA D TIMES-NffWS WANT AD8. ,to --------------------------------------------------------

'ea I0 ; ___ Jll

ir- _ rlU

” • I'n- V-

nd J l ' ^\K 1

ift- f " V m m t i M / i y M

' - A . .

ch t 'nd |Ll r;cA:

l l i

l i a • •. • V;y



'Yes, Moth(

a lovely gi

— .Trandi^an

» hear her? 'A

it- , : n ' S h e g f f i v e d o f 2 ; 1 5 this

r. h a s b r ig h t r e d h a ir .. .)f •I t Daddy...and we're boida

I" Peop le c a n 't m e a su re Ihr

a n d c e n ts . . .a n d y e t them

p h o n e Jorvlce b r in g s tho g e th e r every h o u r o f the

B sho re th e big a n d little i

n so m uch In IKe.

W h e n d is ta n c e sepo

a friends a n d loved ones, i

1. you the feeling o f "togel

y visit b y long d is ta n c e teld T o d ay , m ore th an 9

ta n c e calls In th e U.S.A.^ ________ thfl_callBii h o ld v -th e lint

V ^ m p l o l j o n lirtie i t two n

e tin u ed research a n d oxfties, th is pe rfo rm an ce

stead ily .

l o n g d f i f o n c e c o l / s n o w

— V feJewrCxcHi Tax


> Bidito Hiiie nse Fees to $15 ;

ol would have matching funds for an JLUto additional three m illion dollars In(16 federal funda aUocated to Idaho for “In - next-year.------- --------------------

■om "We foiind the condition of the croads exceUent In m ost cases, with e

nile the exception, of a few sections which »:ing are in need qt construction, making cwns it next to Im po^ble fo r our main- 1

tenance men to keep a good riding tV. surface on them," MUler said. He i

in^I praised the work of the maintenance (and men, , [_on- He also reported “considerable In-

• -terest” In the departm ent's highway■ky, needs study In which I t Is evaluat-sfie Ujg aU the streets In cities and roadsear. In counties and highway districts toin- see how much money will be needed sti

and to bring the system up to a desirable yatate standard. . of

[ General Reports ZI n WASHINOTON, Ju n e S IM-Oen. f l I U James Van Fleet reported to Presi-

dent Eisenhower yesterday on con- i j,lt0 dltions he found In the fa r east, and I

left the White House to return lm- ' mediately to tha t a rea for further

I J observations.. i— ,DS The retired general, lorm er eighth

army commander in Korea, apent Irji about 30 minutes with th e President, jel'l He retumed here la st week after i

spending about 30 days visiting for J east countries at Elsenhower’s re- quest. He left tho W hite House i without seeing reporters.__________

~ Husbands! Wives! !by‘ Get Pep, Vim; Feel Younger -

*niouMDdj of couple* MO w eak , wom^pul, a - H Jr«, hauited Juit becam e body U cka ^ For new o n younser feeUng after 40, tr y Oj&ex Tonlo

"• TablcU. ConUln Iton for ocp; lunplcmcnt U t- dosei vilaminj Bj and Dj. U o iti little, ^ t -

acquaioted" lize only 5 ()^ A t all d n iu iiU .

_ In Twin Falla— Sav-M or’a, T ro llng ir'a U o . and W algreen*!. Adv. a


Iher... 1a tl

jirl .ra

inpvt^-------- 1r '•

i th is m o r n i n g . . . a n d s h e

air...and big ears like

e bolh just fine."

■e thrills like this in d o lla rs

th e m iracle of m ode rn te le -

s thousands of p e o p le to -

f the y e a r . . .h e lp in g th e m

ittle tid ings th a t coun t fo r

s e p a ra te s you from y o u r

nes, noth ing else can g iv e

’toge therness" like a vo ice

:e te lephone,

ion 9 3 % of a ll long d is- [5

■S.A. a re com pleted w h ila

s J in e ; . .o n d lh f i_ f lM ra g e ;- --------^3Iu

w o minulos, T htough e o n - ”^ . ” ^

J expansion of our fac ili- ^I . .nee record is improving

cmP kw


I now cosr you lo s t bo co u ie pr<

\ C t j ?


n B l a n k e l 1 “ !

^ W feO T H O L L Y W O O D . J u n e 8 - jR IDV-OOV. G o o d w i n J . K n i g h t c a a t 4

. t l h i s b a U o t t w i c e t o d a y - a b l a n k - _ n

. l o r a h o s t o f p h o t o g r a p h e r s l o l - p a

' t o lo w in g h im a n d t h e n a l e g i t i m a t e JJ , „ r o n e f o r t h e b a l l o t box .

. T h e g o v e n m r , s e e k i n g J o , j j « C r . . . 5t h e c e e d h im s e l f I n o ffice , a p p e a r -

w H h e d a t a lo c a l p r e c in c t a b o u t 7 :3 0 p e i

th ic h a . m . w i th h i s s o n - i n - l a w a n d ^lU n g o l d e r d a u g h t e r , M . a n d M n . —l a i n - B o b e r t E a t o n : h U 3 . y e a r - o l d pI d ln g g r a n d d a u g h t e r , A p r i l , a n d 0. H e K n i g h t ’s- y o u n g e s t d a u g h t e r , it

a n c e C a r o ly n , 2 0 . B

S P i l o t K i U e d F

• o a d s B I L L I N O S , M o n t . , J u n e 8 W - :ts t o E d g a r B . T o d d , 62, w a s k U l e d in - :e d e d s t a n t l y la s t e v e n i n g w h e n h i s p r l - r a b l e y a t e p la n e c r a s h e d tw o m U e s w e s t _

o f B iU ta g s . (—

-------- F r e d B e n n e r , a f a r m e r w h o w i t ­n e s s e d th e o r a s h , to ld p o U c e T o d d

S h a d b e e n “d o i n g b a c k w a rd f l i p s . " H e s a i d a s l r o n g w i n d w os b l o w i n g .

O e n . ____________________ _ D

I C lassified :■ th er , _________________________ —

W A N T A D r a t e s ! f lIBaied o n CoH*i«r-word)

I f t e r 1 day -------------------;-----------w o r t, f n - 8 d ay i-------------------^ 0 P* » o rd p e r day

5 d a y i_____ ____ 3e per word p e r dayr e - (A minimum o f 10 worda la re q u ire d

OU£e la any one claaaifled ad).P o r example, aea U b li below i

r Word i \ ■ \ d ay 1 8 dayi T s d a y ~I --------- 10 “ t i l -6 0 _ _ i l -20_____< 1 .80

[ S J ----------is " .76 1.80 2 .7 0 _--------- 2 b""l 1.00 2.40 8.60--------- 25 I 1.25 8.00 ___ ^4T60_

f t v l U nlesi your c re d it h u been e a ta b . ___liabed. caib m u at aceoraMny your o rd tir . _

' “ I* DEADLINE FO R Claulfled o n l y i r— Tonw M ondiy 'i ada— 6 p.ra. S a tu rd a y am en t T undaya th rough PrWaya

y * ‘* 5 p.m. Day De/ore InaertiooSundaya—3 p.m. Saturdaya

t i r ’a *Tbla paper reaerve i th i r ig h t to ad ita n d reject any claailfled a d v e r tls ln s ." B lin d A di" a r e atrlctly c o n fid e n tia l a n d no in fo rm ation caa ba g iv e a in re ffa rd te tbe ad v tr tl ie r .

E n o n ihou ld ' ba raw rted Im m adU ta- — It . N o allowance w ill be n a d t fo r m o re

U ian ODt Inco rree t in itrtion .

C A R D O F T H A N K S ~

W E WISH to e x p ree i our aineere tb a n k i a n d appreciation to our f r le n d a and neigbbor* fo r th e kin/l exp reaalona of

a lao for the beaiH lful floral o n c r ln ir a . L « . M ri. Dee PlummerI , Mr. a n d M ri. L E. P lu m m e r I

Mr, a n d M n . J . W. P lu m m e r ___I W E DESIIIE to exp ress to o u r l i in d n e igh - I bo ra and th o u g h tfu l friendi ou r h e a r t f e l t *1I th a n k s for tb e lr many expreaalona of NU' sym pathy . The b eau tifu l floral o f f e r in g ! if

w e re etipecially Approclaled. ^Mra. D o ra liridley M r. a n d M n . Fred S h o b e and p

fan illy —Mr. a n d M n. John B in d ley

a n d family■* _____________Mr. and Mrs. Richard B rad ley

S P E C I A L N O T I C E S w

R U G S and u pbo la te ry eleaning. P b o n t Jf,13U^-J, Village C lc a n e n .________________ Vj

. , L U C IL L E DODSON back. Ready to ae rv k t!' C b aria foiitidotloni. Phnnp 2110. .> S P k N C E tt Curaeilure. M n. Lyile G ard n er,! 7 I0y^ 2nd avenue e a a t Pbone 2687-J.\ A LCOHOLICS A nonymoui, W ednw day ,> S :80 p.m., CoarV Houaa. Wrlta Box AS or1 c a l l 22<l-M______________________________

8 % F IR S T m o rtg a« e fo r 12,000. C o n a ld e r- . , a b le d iicount fo r caab. Write Box 26.C, T im ee-N ew i._____________________________ [ L -

PERSONALS “C b tJ P L E wiibea to adopt baby o r y o u n g I

c h ild re n . Pay o p e n te a . W rite B ox 22-C. Timea-Ntwi.

T R A V E L — R E S O R T SC L A R K -M IL L E K l u e i t rinch I. oi>«n for

I th o aeaion. F o r Inform itlon e a ll M n .D a v td F. C lark , p h o n t S61._____________

W a n t one u> th re e p iu e n g e n V e « a a vicinity. P b o n t 288J-W. L eav in g W edneaday.

C H I R O P R A C T O R S^ R V B apeclaliat. Dr. Alma H ard in . 110

M a in Nnrtb. Phone 2328.______________ lU

BEAUTY SHOPSJE A .N N E T T '8 B eauty and ilend e rlz in ff Mj

a o lo n . 1810 S p ru ce Avenue. Phone B576. ^ C O M P L E T E m o d em beauty lerv ce by ea- I

p a r t operatora. U achineleii an d cold *■*' w a v e a <6.00 up. A rtistic Beauty S a lo n . bu

C O M P L E T E beau ty aervlct by ad v an ced tn a tu d a n U a l reduced prlcea. Ju n io r atu- d a n ta work fre e . Uaehlntltaa and eold w a v e a . 18.00, B cao ty Arta Academy.

• L O S T A N D F O U N D

• t A D V S w b lu R oaary in vicinity o f S t Ai: E d w a rd a ehureh . Reward. Phone 568. ’

L O S T ; O ne black a teer. Weight i.npo ib ,H a a im a ll la le la g on bick. Call 8382-R .

L O S T : R ear canopy cover for green S tu d e -------------J lf .l tm v - B e w ta n R lrbfleld and

Phone 897 o r fro 8 2 0 4 , Tw in F a llt . . ___________ __

' , . 'H P- — - nia



g i r a f f e iHn! — — ------------- --------------------------------------^

J „ ................ .................. .. -M AtIs Easyt o F i n d ' ' m ”


F o r D o g s a n d C a ts p 'a n d a m a l l e r tilin g s '—y o u ’d b e t t e r have


Phone 38• n M E S - N E W S ( 1)

W a n t A d s O e t R esu lts


“'ini'-. <s) “I ' i ? «>

S T K A D Y (an ., T — -----------;-------r h o , . e 0 »r,.J.|. HuI.K • 'M 'e r le n c . .

r : —

.....• S K W iN ti „t .11 r , 7 r ~ 7 r r T r r - ; —

WfBi. rim ne “ ■"'* A v .n u eO 'DfciLL n u n e ry e.llili'i' , r : — —r ------

P h o n e 28HH.M, T w t., t »n . 'F A M I L Y Irdiiinuii t ■ — /ii\

c u r t a l n t done. Cr U liiiift.w ' • "* 'k k w l a w n

l" » - ' " ' l l l . c r I'lwm, 71W A N T E D I um uim irocH ni— n r - ; — ^

p r c l u c u . r h o n . JWIT.M i

— - f p

t :

Q ;

i t

— n S I T U A T I O N S W A N T E D

a n l f m .n P tlp M . - ■ « , f o l - PAINTINOs C o n t r w t o r” b r h o o t, gS 3 Mi l a t e P b o n * ------

PAINTING, I n i U a o r o o U ld i, B a t W C r - . r l . l i .Iln d . . r r a i oTi»hl. -^ p r lo M /— Phone '?**5 a r - b tn - W ._______________ ' «7 :3 0 PERPA T A P IK G mnd I h y ro d e w ork. ( _ _ J Guarantee a a t la f a e t io n . 0 . L . W llkina ^

(Dutch). P b o n o 0 0 8 W L _k t o . ---------------------------------------------------------------------o l d r • - — ~ . I In d CUSTOM fie ld h « y choppins. P a U hay

t e r , into tha ataelc. 7 2 5 12th A v en a t N orth,Buhl, Idaho, P b o n a 8a2-J. Y a m E llit

___ I I Pc--------------------------------

, . fa:'1 8 .0 0 p e r ralloD N(


1 4 „ . No F a d in ir o r leaka on roofaP h o n a 8898 ------

p r i ; ____ ______________ __________

. I------------------------------------------------------------------- ^ m ak

w i t - A T T E N T I O N I pl*

C fa n e ra U W ork . n o It our b u a in e a a . n o t Juat a a lde lin t. i ’ Expert w o rk * t re tjonaW e prlcea, FOH --------- Drivewayi. a ld a w a lk i , pa tlo i, flo o n . •«

d porebe*. p la in o r co lored . F ree ea tim a tti . Bu

P A U L M cCLURE ’' “o®

Cement C o n t r a c to r Phone 10O9.R |o,

I-----------i i ------------------------------------------------------1 FOR-------------------------------------------------------------------- Stl

C S F O R A S P H A L T P A V I N G291

- D R I V E W A Y S f o i i- S I D E W A L K S lot

i l l - P A ' n o s J :i lre d — P A R K I N Q A R E A S ^

— T E N N I S C O U R T S ' or____ ne;ya F r e e E s t l m a t e i

R E X J O H N S O N , I '

:6 o ~ P h o n e 1 3 2 8 -J =i ta b . __________ p -rd tir. ' Ml

y i ------ - a.na

S P R A Y N O W _

. J l l f o r

n t u i E a rw ig s , M i t e s , R e d S p i d e r ,

> In A p h i d s K

u u - tn o r . L a w n S p r a y i n g f o r D a n d e l i o n s i j .

a______ C A L L bu!

______ B A C O N P K O D U C B C O . c ib a n k i -p^

P h o n e 330

rm ent.__________________________ _____________________ ___riffa, L — I

H E L P W A N T E D - F E M A L E Zn m e r -------- - _ _____ q. »EXPERIENCED w a i t r e i s . Apply In per-

i r t f e l t aon. Scotfa C a f e .__________________ ___ ^n a of SU RSE'S aidea. L iv in g quartera fu rn lih tdt r i n g i If deilred. H o r to n 'a Nuralng H om e. — :

EXPERIENCED w a l t r e i i and cook'a F l, helper. A pply In peraon. W egM r'a t w 7

« •"<! Coffee Sbop._______________________ ™

rad ley _ — _ r i i (

riMiley OPENING FOR LADYWith pleasing p e ra o n a l l ty to t r a in in Merle Norm an C oam etic Studio. Full lime or p a r t t l m a work. P re f e r age

----- -- 25 U) a yeara. , THRe r v W forenooni f o p In terv iew . N o phon t

calls iccepted. 271rd n t r , NEWi : ____ M a b le H . S l g r k t , o w n e r Ch

M B R L E N O R M A N . 5 : 5 5

_____ C O S M E T I O S T U D I O [l»

‘z t c i 8bo .bon . S t . W n t, T . I 11 P i l l . —

------------------------------------------------------------------- - ? B E_____ Loyoung 8 01 2 ^ C . am

_____ L a

_____ U N I T E D , A I R L I N E S

" m ™! I s H i r in g S t e w a r d e s s e s f o r PAivpoi

u . P e r m a n e n t P o s i t i o n sa v ln g DLL

Ra--------- bei


Applicationa n o w being accepted for —^ _____ itew ardeiiea to f l y on the M a in lin tn . r “

Ulnlm nm f lu a l l f lc a t io n i t Aga 11-17, height 8‘f - 6 ’7'% o n a year eo lleva or ,

^ c d d «»l»tared n u rae o r 8 y t t n a u lta b lt o n . b u iln eu tx p e r le n c * in place of eo lleg t anced training,

a tu- 0“eoW _ _ _

Bneeaaafnl a p p l le s n ta w ill l a tra in e d for_____ five WMkt a t t h a axptnaa e f U n ited ____f S t A ir L lnei. TWO68. S tr

T b . SMAI:9 .R 110

Contact Mr. C u t t i n v a t 370(J fop ap- *p o in ta tn t and in te r v i tw week . d a r t _____

7 o r from 9t00 a .m . t in U l 4t00 p .m . a t_____ United Air L ine* o f f ic e ia the ad m in - ^TTnj■>— — ' lilraUoD b u lld ln s lU l TMria X a l i i H Q -" _— - nielpal A lrjJort, g g i l

149....... - E e ®

”12!J3T?a i

■ H E L P W A N T f B " — 'M A L f e d ? ?

m W C A T O ^ ^ ^ M « r r l« l . P h o n . S « 8 7 J , ’ '( e n

'U A l :E ~ i t t .n d i l l t : L lv in r q u a r te r . Tur-" TW Binlihed If detlred . H o r to n K u n ln r Home. hea

^ P E IU E N C E D f a r r o b a n d and ir r ig a to r . busiModem hom e. W r l t a Box 2(-C, Time*. j w ONewt._________________________________ 150

m a r r ie d m an f o r Irrig a tin g . eu lU v at' AgeIng. K let two r o o m tem l-m odtm h o u it. m o DIPhone 2601, C a a tle fo rd . Fred B u rk h alter. Full

-------------------------------------------------- n


W E O F F E R ■ Y mRail

I n M a g i c V a l l e y f t o oI Lun

I (1 ) $ 3 0 0 g u a r a n t e e d m i n i m u m f o r m o n th ly I n c o m e t o s t a r t a a t r a i n e e , v e i l i n g u n l i m i t e d , —

— O u r e x p e r i e n c e d m e n e a m tf ro m 1 1 0 ,0 0 0 a y e a r u p .

(3) J j i f e t lm e o p p o r t u n i t y . N o ‘____ a g o t e r m i n a t i o n .

(3) S n lc a o r g a n i z a t i o n w i th o v e r ;— 10,000 s a t U f l c d s a l e p m o n i .

c o v e r in g a l l 4 8 s t a te a .

i n u t (1 T h o r o u g h t r a i n i n g a t N a - U —— t lo n a l S a l e s T r a i n i n g S c h o o l .

S a l a r y a n d e x p e n s e s p a i d— d u r in g t r a i n i n g p e r io d .

____ - l S ) - C o m p a n y - y o u - w l l l - b e p r o u d g r i i i i:4iio: — t o - r e p r e i i e n t r l a n n M f - o t i t i ; “ n i l i

^ ..... - W a d J n . J h e ^ w o r l d , O v e r , h ““" * $100,000 ,000 I n a s s e t j . N n -

I^HTe t l o n a l ly a d v e r l U e d .

— (0) N o s W t a g e a . N o s l a c k p e -r to d a . 1909

7m\ (7) R a p id a d v a n c e m e n t f o r m e n___ w lU i m a n a g e m e n t p o t e n t i a l f o i f i

w h o d e m o n s t r a t e t h e i r a b l l l - dupi i l l - t y ' -a rm ‘ T W O ,,''e y . Wall

ance. Ilka to m ak a m o n a y and a ra w ilK hoim - J 8 j U f - to werk?»you m a y quallfyi M ual- -a a lU

h iv t a e ir . O u r o w n a iio e lita a 'h a v t f io o D-7~ , b tin jnformad .o f t b i a ad. PhonV o r Im

' eome In R og trinn H o te l between W -IJ Hurt A. M. and 8*7 P . M . M ondty, T ue iday

— or W edntiday. A tk ior Mr. flh u b trt. ^^,* '1 e rljr - alr««

L - - , - . J - i s i ;

1=^, p k t a .

-— 5— *»pij i r s * 5 . i . S M


Pnu h ,, E X P P W ! ^ ^» N .m ,,ra EllU. Uailjjjj- ’. J

w fa — ■■ J

d e lin t. ® ® N ^ f g p p ^ l

flo o n . *®«»tlon.' r tim aU il Buhl. -*«


l»«*tlon. I I .o d S ^S S

^ 3 ^ A T ^ H A N c r i n ^more. T b

■ -

----------------P ? ° ™ r i 5 v ^


)ider, I ^H ave Your Owii ^

A completely rtmodtUd aoin

'^> io n s

• w»ni! mw wb, .JU I, bu.ln„. ’

CO . c.li/omli. fbo„■^In Wll. AJte mrth,r a . tT . l iF .f c


^URNiSHlDAPASfiiWU koOMfl. IW »emT

. Avenue South.----------- » dupW Prt,,„i3.p ,,r <«8 Bor.ll. P|m». IMU

m odS n1B 5-S S -c5;I lr.ln In Prlvt> .nlr..,,. o. Full '-ui»njKr*)ll,Et.om«i.t ■fer .K. en. Cloi. In, Adulu. PU

THIIKE I100U8 ltd Ull" l» phon. «"lr. W Hm


n e w l y decorited a b !u .h i« l e r Children only b 1 jw i ;

W iihlngton.S-ROOM apirtment, prlntii

) floor. Idea] for eUtrIr (tnk- „ location, .gho i «j ir IWL

U [ ! ! l UT#RNISHED<---------- — S5-BEDHOOMapirtainti.Wi_______I Loeuit Apirtmtntt Cli 11

8 OR 4-ROOU modera ih » and refrigerator fsrsliU Lakea north,

p iq GROUND FlOOa. t o iw0 0 yard and fum iei part n

Adulta. Phom 8 8. ,for PARTLY (uniUhri ihn n

poTcb, utility toom. fka n « <34 <th avinue wat.

“ DELUXE I ind J balnea.Range, refrigerator lotgaa beat, hot witer fnnilibii U Canyon Villa ApartantlL

, . . Phone 8328. ted for -----------------------— “in lin e n . ^


L.iti Il'Ini room. .IU W* clo«u. dlntlU, nnJin W

*** ,, * mint basemiBt equlpptd f») turnui Imn.dUU(«l»4ll n«.r Junior Uih. Iti


RlrwL Adnlli.SM ALL toun *W I na»

i l l M.in N.ril- ftllltl^UNfURNIS H lO li

ad m in - for rent.a n i i i r ■ 'm il ^ ■— g .

SMALL two*bidrow#149 Third ***

r r g -

er..7 tur-- w i iT m R O o il^ U jr ^i» Homt n.tirinMi Irrll.lor. bmlneu to u n -------art

Ollltiv.l. A..n». rhomn hou... modern wo wlm« *!J, irkh.lter. Full buenHDt,------------- .c r e . ol r " W » / S , S i -

° r o B r e n t « Item in***,........ I I I i ,~ T j

U n u rn


1 over

r iproud 6 C 5 n iK S - * 5 2 S

P®’ porehei and PjJ***

. . .


r" _ _

■■* - “ !1 F o u l g g lUll

i S j S a j T - ^

f l i ' - ' i r w S 'rlf.jtf T y roon7** Q]\ nook

I I '■ J\ p*yo

f ^

1 0 , IlrM K“' " o o r a

Visit the ,del h o m e 5-.f


d o lin x l K . r « . H j . l . g{la*iv»ir “ , n u*e your — .“J l « ‘, S l« BEFORE T H E V ----------

i s ? „ r i . » j «— . CUri

h e a l e s t a t e o i t v


ijNorUi Phone 1 3 «

_______________ - ' U - u t- — fu rn i


; . ,A i i t . Bilk • " J .* 2-b«<l

W S •«• I"t i l t a Cb«rl»l. to n v tn le n l r

Sallait Financing

INSON-FELDTMANDrive-In Raaltors corrt

rin i^ f irX v r 'W tir' ’ n « » r

•— — - , i * r

ibtk thiM fM turi*—Y o u n ti-

“ ■?«" « ' mciZntlocT. F u l I W I I Mtafflille oil furn«e«. tw o |M lanii, plui the eombint*, u i » mJ lU Inf ex K rlo r « t _ . A U tdietpid y*rd in > l« i r n o i m roo'l) M ^ <*'*'"• iuIbi itilUbl*.' L , ^ _n MuWirinf bulldinf your H lit Ul Wp you with your p - ..I^elur* tome,

SWIM, J n ;utment C om pany i s s t4

Phon. Ml' jonald

!«rm .■■ ' ■ I V80-*c

HtUdtMffl hom« on Srd Ave* ln/n*i :'W|ht chtery kitchen and huatat, itokir bett, sarac*.» titi Mir tl.060 down. •iltthw:iUr«tl*» hom« Hunt lo FHA fo*" b lod iKtUd ftt aO( Filer ■t. t*b«droQmi. full bM»>

llUrd bdroom, will to w*H _mubed Mr»f«. fenced y«rd, «

Ijtplu*. Prlc«d to lell *nd 102 Ni M lo tbe rlsbl ptrty. L«t’i iUlL Immedltte poBieetion. ■ ■

m REALTY .Hammond'' R e a l to r J,” .”'. bis b

140M 61. E. Phone 3860 kiwhemany

- -------------------■ P «h«de, -------- -------- ---------------- Bxpeci- Dootoi

band DIFFERENT, '» ll <P l« lh* m ln u u In e e n - 1 .<

^ • ^ “‘■ j r d i X t e '

ajwlltn . l l h to lll-li, g » r » Win Htwihorne Aifil- l«*»-

■-a*dliu poiMiilon. Price term*.

r,« goodm u s r e a l t y aHNSURANCE_____jjw «

M«ln Avenue E itt

" T K o s n w r ^ - " - — ^ - Oh

-------------------------------- - 1>7 M

• « « 1 1 1 m o n t h .


„ 7 T ' ‘“ " '" f '» > " '• onPOR’


“ » t*te a o e n o y

' C : r “. M A»• >«ttk I t , TV C n U r ) V

^ *



f e rt! " ’'I'l* (or . K,,,

I : ; ; '

::::sHAPIp , . IWO j<

Jj P ^ A L L E Y Two-bo

airfot Smith ;!:>'■,i„„ 1 1

____________^ Phom

^ ^ ------ -,WT----------- ------- -r— ■:

g market place magic valley

HOM ES •fO R T a l e’ bu** t t i F lU ik o iU C . B— titMt I p.m. o r IM l

>x>po{i>Ma<at P b o n t BM I. mct ' J u cL b 'A N r 's If tc tiD t m ovln i. p b o a t 3 M t . BUC

R tlp h H tr r l t . M « y f |o w a r M otlni. . .J j j i

. v mL-;:; J

I-' ! __ — ■ i M ------» _^ — ' i ^ B B Y O O M F O R T U to H T o u n d t a ' " g f r i io th U m rn r* « ld t b * d ro o m bomi. D in ln v y room , tiled |( i tc b e n a n d b ttb . b r e a k f u t NEW

nook. ttta«h»d s a r a f f t . l a m jrird. D o w n Wl p a y ro in t to l u l t y o u . Prfc* IIJ.OOO. ht\

-■ ~ eon— n R E A L K f fT A T E _ mu

o to . S E R V I O E A G E N C Y _

i(U(i 628 U tln N o r th ' PboA* l U t«»• *

................ ........FA ftM S FOR SAU

GOOD itoelc ^ e b In H i i e m io V «jU y> lOlT u r M h ay . r r a i n and pu tu r* . l<et«

!041 ^ w ater. T e rm a a v a l lb « l i L. T. 8 tr* u d «

‘ ■' — --------------1 i—t-------- F A R M L I S n N O S i _

Needed j_;Bvarin *M •V*1UM.. for mlHoc.U4 J.rm prtlKrtj. LUt NOW l_:delivery. Sm hjrin Bt«wirt *r F r » n k ,r e ld tm in . ____

„ k R O B I N S O N - F E U n W A N p itjo . D r l v e - I n R e a l t o r !

T e l 895 • 747 M ain Ate. W a a t 3W)our -■■ — —':e y ------------------------------ -----------------------^ *—

r REAL 8STA TE fOR SAt,E ~8 & a I L h 6 t B L in P oeau llo . 887 W « t t

C la rk . P o c tu l lo . Idaho .OITY LOTS. F H A approved. S ew ar a n d

w a t i r . Phona &*2 d a y i ; »<U e v n l n g e .

r - -------- I A bJ4« Wit

I W I L L T R A D I g g l

------- - i J . u n i t Tw in F a l l i m otel. C em pl« talyfu rn lih ed . F o r ft im a l l « r a or ♦ lU t ^ « « r ,15.000 u dow n p a y m e n t P re i in t l » - p^e,eom e |60 per day . Im m ed U ti p o i i t t t l o n . q ]

tl( . 2-b idroom b r i t k b o m * w lU w U t. |8 0 0'i«» dow n p iy m en t. H u m I ? « 'ind f r tn

Z l C IT IZ E N ’S AG EN CY ouiuy West Mve Polnti',Z P t o n . B " - > < « -* ” » - ' P a tro- . ■■■ ■■■^ »000 _____________________________________ _____

, 40 acre i eloee to T w in F lll i . Oood t w ^N bedroom hom e, m o d e rn •*«&». b t a t .

N ew cinder b lock cow b*ra. Good «t<»ck co rra l* . P r lc r t a t llO.OOO for ^uUk ttlm.

N tw |.bed ro6m b o m t Jn eholei lo c a tio n —J n t a r W a ib ln g to n tch o o l. B itu U fu ily------- Jand ic tped lo t. P r i e td for I m n td U U

t t l t . lU.OOO. E a t y t t r m i . j ~ j

me j*"}W A T S O N -C A L L ,'r!

i R E A L T O R S i_ il» I l - lW> I A c r o s s i r o m 8 e « n

" i P h o n e 508 - Res. 56M. 0084-WI'H.

- 361iur _ _ _

tcrea. On o il ro ad . n«w m o d t r o jo m e , y e tr ro u n d c r t t k . verr »ood »o!L T arm all B t r t o t o r a n d otbe» m tc n ln try . . .All fo r 19.800. T t r m t .158 tc re i Jo in t o i l ro a d O r t* .A , y * * rfound creek, 65 c l t t r t d t n i In e r o « . ______f u l l priced lU.OOO. G o ^ U m i o r w f w A I? i

_ J jo n tld e r Lrtde f o r a o u th irn M iao t m l i l?arnu RUS81V 80-tcrt c t i t l t r a n o h on river. 1 * 0 to»». j leared . lo j h o u a t . ro o d b trn i. J o l iy j .■ „-t >pen rtnge . 184.000. W ill conilder * m a ll low n p tym en t to r l i b t p trty . , ^*1!

'*• tao te re i r tw la n d . VA mlU o f f o f « A S P ils h w tx . S m all la k e on pltel. P r ic e d

I I fo r qulek i t l e . II.SOO fu ll nriii. 20 SA<I.r W r i t e o r C a l l _S»lu

N O N N A a mJ{' SOMMEBFELD M m V uinil 103 North l i t S .ndpolnt, i d t h a t o m At 'l P h o n . « 2

’"■ ' A. '

T H B E B L E V E L 2 -BEDROOH b o m t InY o n e of nieeit a n d p r l v t t t loettU nt n t a r * c ity . U r i e l lv ln * room wllh l ire p la c e ,

b is bunk room w ith flrep lte i, d a n d y 60 k itchen , u tility ro o m , a ttteh id f a r a s t . > o n n

m a n y bullt-ln t. O n ISB’xJflO’ l#L G r ^ , i— J ih td e , tloww . B u i l t by owner w b o . expeeted to r t t l d t In I t p e rm in tn tly .- D octor, tb il w ill a u i t you-to t 'T '* j

S ^E D B O O M o r 2-btdroom tn d T V |_______ room . Splendid b a ie m tn l . ulllltr ro o m .

\ 0 . E . oil f u rn a c t , w a ll to w tll e t r p t t « 4 . [ Th. JfN ea rlr new. L * rg e tnelo»»d bt«k l» w » . ____ ^ng ^ o o d loin. T t r m i . GOOD nd ' ter•^

■, ► ftTAUTIFUL O L D E R BWOK S T T f f

7 ' K . , , t a tlaw n . N e tr W a .b ln # to n lebMl. Goa4

GOOD « A C R E S n e t r H ip iin ^ t b o n n

dotBeitfo w tll. l l l . m ' d a o d ^ ,--------------------- -----_______________ lOOII,J . E . W H IT U - e u r i

r - — - ^ I B A t - E S E A I I L j U m j g X ___________ Jg J J

C h i r l e i B . L o o n e ^ i A m o U t a

~ L ■ ! » M .ln A v .n u . E « > t P l t i i , . H T

~ i . • . 'I T — c„ - ^ J A R M J M e iB M E N 'r S ai

iV ALMO&T- new j o b n U ttH T tiW iu n r -m U W - ---------,

J i l l W* ***'“ ■ **” ' !

,u BEET and GRAIN J B D s l ------)nIf. P O R T A f lU B P O T A T O W A B H I R d b

VTX m s . B O n T O M JJ

i- POTATO EQUIPMENT Co. ,’t 40B Ind Avt. S o u tb fUn* U S S r i , 0Q,

-» 't " ’ ' I5**'. ■ P i tK

I B A L E D H A Y L O A D ER S ------H *y P l ie r s a n d S tackers P ~

One 30’. New. |]|S iM AGIC C O R R U G A T O R S IfiV

r) W U l P r o d u c e F i r m i l d td ,H i r d bottom O o r m i i U i .

- A C M E ^ ~ | M A C H IN E WORKS i l H

Phone 43 niir, Idaho ------

'• r U m z z z z n z i i

-------------- ^ B E S T - R T -J Y S ----------z ^

' I —;; » - N E W JO H N C B B M IH-W k * l . r» H o n .

I- I -U « rORD ............. ......... ITS* ---1»80 IN T E H N A T IO N A L ” 11” „ . . I 1 0 * 6 '

1M< INTBRNATIONAL "11" with «- J ‘point h o o k u p . Cuml^Utily o v tr*,0 htuled w ith t u p t r " i r kit........t« 0 5

I960 JOHN D E E R E •'M ‘* .................H # 8

Two-bollom l . w a r C a t t tumbli b u g | plow On r u b b t r ..........................I I O l

JO JIN bte iC llB b a y w ith ” " " — --iM tor_________________ ______

JO H N S T O N , 1 IM P L E M E N T CO. \

Phone 17 ' Dulil, Idaho- I j l -------- ------------------------------------------- --------



fA R M IMPLEMENTS» H JUKN D E E R t ■■•H" trw lo r .n d i i j

_____ _ g £ ; " - . H.mld Btlltr. Carrtt. IJllto. f»“ »• .„ d . f k . r c o m b l n r f with 3(3

— ’-f» “ tulk..nM bofl_w ltb-bi*ti- i MUlb. HBortE TT M 1*** ^ tn d tll._______________ • PA

, U o ib CAME 28'* clovtr and f r a i n thrttfc- 8M ia oiicblne. WrIU Mrt. JM o b KttUr- fHJla , . _Hnr. 906 |rd S t r t t or ctll 2IT»Ii. Ruptrt. (

WtEKNATIONAL 83 comblnt. ” “ 6 P^ •'— t“ tp<-.Campltt^>-wItLjt«gyay« |nd bln. »

1 Ib --------gw^whHli. 4 nortb.i!n» Phoni MS.W or 0281.R18. '__________ “

«^jy,/t:R(iUSON 30. Ntver b*ct» In f le ll>wn Will ttk, JS65 Jett tban lUt price. Alto SIT

?i num btr 15 com oint. Cood j,“ "JlUon. K80. S. O .nfI.ld . on. mil. j j iMtttli Klmb<rlr. Thon. U 8- J . ' “il

*** I n e w E Q U IP M E N T 5 5------- X T ' ^_ _ B lriT E R T H A N U S E D b

^ s : p r i c e s m

------- I - J o y o JJ’ B le v .to r___________ H7! J l— 1 1-OUBTArSON D u , t . r _________ (210 FOI

1-MEJBINQER D u . t . r _________ IHO2—AutomjUe_bump g .U . ______ ISO « . ^

« n 1-^OHNSON n - B .I . L o .^ .r ....... 1(28 |,--V I—ford H. 0 . B .I . loader w ith P

.niln, ..................................... ...... 1828 “

P I O N E E R T R A C T O R C O .Tnt 350 Jnd Ave. S o . P h o n e 523 ™ ----- - * Tz __________________________________s5i! _ -------------------- -^ ^


iln ii. Raises B a le s H ig h e r C_ _ Im proved S t r ip p e r ^

A beliei' Btled Hay Loader a t lesi coitWith ntw dctlrn we hav# been able to “ REDUCE THE PRICE o v .r ONEHUNDRED DOLLARS. I'Ol

1.1T BALED H A Y E L E V A T O R S J,'^ «r itiekcri have bten rcdttlflrncd and at‘J" priee II g r e a t l y REDUCED. —

OBNTER C U L T IV A T O R BAR BOO lor F ords . . . Fergufiox^s

Puter ind Better CuUlvatlnsr. Stme p|frami llie uitd for CENTER BEAN ^ CUTTEH,

PAUL E Q U IP M E N T ^. . AND W E L D IN G S H O P ‘"o;

Paul Idaiio piJipt

-------- ----------------------------------------------^------- --------------- Cl— - ------ 1 PAI

9iro- ^ WlU S E D T R A C T O R S fwi

. a t s p u d p r ic e s ! Cl_ _ _ ib

IJIJ J E R O M E Miii1~1#<7 FORD Fergueon __ _______1888 [>'1-19*8 FORD (overhauled) ______1698 “J1-I8 li FORD Tractor ...... ............. 1496 ”1-19J8 FORD Tractor ........ ........... 1846 _£t1-19J0 FERGUSON Trtotor

(overhaultd) ....................... 1896 ----1-1981 FERGUSON Trtotor ..........1875 PAI1-lflU 8C CASE with mower ....... 1355 B<1-1B<7 ALLIS-CHALMERS ‘-WC"l-ALLIS-CHALMERS Craw ler ....$096 t,

“ M A G IC T R A C T O R ____ an d I m p l e m e n t C o r p . mu.

361 West M a in P h o n e 770 ^J e ro m e , Id a h o

ro “Your Servlet Minded ^>1L For4 Tfaetor D taitr”

* • ' " Pc

?■ S U P S & P L A N T S •fii w anted T 0 > U Y : F«^ tacka blut Ug

leed poUtti. Pt^ont 0188-Jl.___________ ttttRUSSET fint y ta r oul blue tajr aeed poU- bl

to«». Phone 210»R1. Kimberly._______W 17 SACKS Aehton. certified teed poUtota. ..* Part eut Phone 276-Jl. Kimberly. J,,

-# bAfiP&ERKY tlpt^ Irvln Bod«nitab. 2 GX7 ^ north, I weit ot Weit Five Point#.

20 SACKS leed poUtocaV Cut a n d ’ tretUd OliSiturdiy. Call 0802.R8. Jerom e. Ph

SEED POTATOES. ChoTee blue tag an^ U l flrit jretr odt. Lon* Prodace. Pboat ^US. _______________________ 80-0

^ TOMATO tnd pepptr plant*. Few flow^ ^plantl Includlnc hybrid anapdrtgons. FOitA. V, Wlllltmt. Weit AddUon._______ V.

_______________________________________ CEll— n I soiIn P L A N T S m \*J Q eranlum s - P e t u n ia s ^dy Tuberous - B e g o n ia s

Snapdragons - T o m a to e s - Etc.^ roi

C I T Y F L O R A L _ BB id! ot P a r is ia n L a u n d r y '

rv __________________________ _______ l.l

i : L IV E S T O C K & P O U L T R Y " 'J .GOOD Rtd weatitr pl|». H to u tb of Mo- ^

tor.Vu i||(n.


0 . ^^ tM R K lirie HoltteJn heUert. Bangi vac- ^

-----tla tl4in-Xate« H ojittln and th rc t Guern?tty iieon4 calf cowt. All w ill freihen ® ..

____ IvON^^OfliYElNl »Bf J tn e y . o n e-Bbai't- — du

bora Ib4 Mlf tp r in g tr cowa. One Hol>___ - ate^/ c j l J tr tty -H y llttlt ftve-w*4k.old ji,

— — C U S T O M - D R E S S I N G — ^„ K IN D B O P P O U L T B V

^ Our W o e i S t a r t » t lo C enU f "

^ f W L T R Y S U P P E Y ^— phoD # j i «

I —I ro»5 . tun_ ------------------------------------------------- - , 7 0 1® B i o m n w AR’T i p io i A i t x n s

m W M IH A T IO N S ffi lV lO E

*• Aa I4tk. liTvlM for Mtbo lalrrtnan M rllOM.T»lllJ’»ll» |» » 4 0oll«l ^— ’ rhM i s t l CollKt HAT— rw a i BuU i n - B 0. | 1»1 “ “

n ^■ ■— I, . I , . ■ — — olot

RXFERT8 AGREE ------U t r m O I A L B K S X D W Q I—

tD A H O -U T A HPrav«4 SIm larv lee

MMM OMrt« eUltr tim ee Fhwi IH*J or 17®-W. r iltt |L—

a --------- ' - ' " ~ i i !Z l l l Z I Z I I Z I i Z Z ^ ^ I I Z Z E J3



— — P R O V K N -S m B B -------------- ^_____ ‘RoliUln—C*iiernMy—J tr a e y ____

lli^t(«r4-lllU(Inf tibbrthbrd V f l i* WilUr A. L tlteh. TeehnleUn .I n m 011^4 Duhl ^IS ■ ---------- |„B.»6 • . ~ j J}121[■ T O R P R O M P T'i R E M O V A L “j £

ot D e td a n d t l i e l e u • I'l

II I L I V E S T O C K ____ ®


I .ln r»IU t i t —Ru'part I I I’l"''*.

\ I D A H O H I D E 0 & T A L L O V / C O .

trill'II I —1 — I— ■ Jiiuu

' ’ V - • •

“ ' . .t i m e s -nbw s, t w i ;

'■ '• ' r

r _ U V E S T O C K & P O U L T R Y FIT » n d PIGGY G IL T S a n d to w i. ^trrow loon U tth o . Phone 3870. G le n n t Ferry.I w itb B SL bT fclN I t e e r t 800 "io 700 poundi— z W^ I b . m lln n o r th . H a g e rm a n . .1. L. Dunhmm ,, p . PALOM INO aad d le mare^ b u y e tn old-

xSmS^ 8 i i b e r a t <8B Q m ney lU w t.S i l l T aecond .ca U cloie up H o liu ln T>R u p e r t tnd G u e m te y a p r i n « r cowi. BbetlJld Ina. 6 pony g e n tle f o r tm a l l cblldren. ) w uth

g ,

iTTiSd; h a y , g r a i n & F E E D• A lw GRAIN rolhn^B, i t t a m ot dry. B t tu t r t^

Jerom e. P h o n e < »S .W .____________'* ” * >^ED g n n d l tu i . O tb o m 't Mllline Strvi;.!— Phone 0 2 S 0 a 6 . T w in Falla. r c ----------1 H aG IC V A L L iiy M illing Service. )TUi

grind ing . P b o n t 0697<J1 Twin Ftlli. k lOBELAND M li ir a , B . r . l t . , F .«l a rtH I. ,

Ing. m oiaaaea m U m g . Phone 88. Filer. ' &U0UM a N 'S F t t d A trviea. Obtrlei IL

Brown B o u u 1. B oa 26. Bubl Pboo t tfOS-J. J J

Fii^LD g rm d in ii a n d m o it t te t m liln i, T ll- liy’i M illin g S t r v le t . Phone 34S8.KW oi XT

.H 75 ?B7fr.W ___________

.$210 FOR R E N T i O ne a c re jfood puiure . No ,JUO H M etnoritl bo ip lttl, SB

SBI M tr t in S tre e t.CUSTOM h ty s U c k ln g and b tu iln i. 8at-

•M28 lifactlon g U a r tn U td . R . E. S lo u g h .I Phone ie< 6 . •“


C O . N tw J J A M P 8 H lK l£ " ; S ' / r » . r . . # l , .n .

523 FllVKKS. ao u th o l Uotot.Vu i lm .Twin PalU .

80MK red p o ta to ee left,” 11.60 per i t c k — lorte<l. P h o n e 0889.R6.

I P A ST E U R IZ E D w h ip p in g cretm. l lT o q iitrt. 6H6 P a r k A v tnue . Phone U 8 I. 1#

' £ARt<y tw e e t e b t r r e t a re now rip* a t _Crj»stal S p r ln g i O rc h trd , Filer, Idtho. 10 Phon** n24f).J9. I

-o ,. FAT H E N S 20c lb. 8 «M t.T iO U tb . M weet. I ? 1. E an F iv e P o ln t t . P h o n e 164-H4. Kim-ONE ^

PO TA TO ES] G e t th e m now l R tdiibei. 6c D I a bunch : lo m a to t t . ce le ry , new potitoet.. Olher good th ln g t to e t t . 221 AddUon•n o tvenue w e tl . j j j

i R P E T S

PU REBRED S . . l jp o ln t S lu n u i k ltU n .. M l i . ”}. f h o n . 8SB-M. Ul A ddiion .v .n u . » . i l .

tO M E R lA N p u p p le . 5 lou th . 1 » n t . _touth F ^ f t 6 P o ln ta ._________________ 3

ENlJLISH s h o r t h a i r pointer puppiet. ‘G riwtet V e te r in a ry H o ip ittl.____________ ___;

a b o p u itE B H E D G e rm a n Shepherd Police' puppiet. M o th e r reg iite rcd , fetber from '

--------- C erm any. P h o n e 0001.J4. I"] PA R A K E E T S, b reed e ra and btbiei. Lovt-

birds. ;i e a t t . E a t t 5 PoinU, 8 louth, V4 r r weit. P h o n e 164-R 4. Kimberiy.

TWO te v e n -m o n th -o ld m ale Engliih pointer nups. T hese p u p s a r e reg istired tnd have < had life tim e d i i te m p e r ihoU . Cbimplon'> —

----------- .ibiD-blDodllnea^ i Q ^ a m Q S treep B u rjg ^___Idtho.

MUST V A C A T E k e n n e li . B td lln itm t « - ® 1888 p u p p ie i . D og w ith Itinb-Iike tp p ea r-legK m e t. D o n o t th e d . C htm plon ilred. |8 t . ^ lif ts W illiam A . Y o ung , th ird building v e t t 10 1846 of K L IX on n o r th t id e of E lliib ith .

W A N T E D T O B U Y ' -

1876 PAIR S O ^ r T f a r m - o n 'SouUuiiTt. W r i t i p 1355 Box 2 M 3 . T lm e t-N tw i.

1810 O R 41 A U T O M O B IL E . Pbone 818.»006 Twin F a l l t .______________ _______________

44-CALlBEU rev o lv e rs . Phone J i e k ^ o n - in«r. 752. 1210 K im berly road.__________ ^ ‘

mUHKUT prices paUI lar /a t flm#. Ken*770 ny's P o o ltry . P h o n e I>H1-W.

LEQHORN, A u itr> .W b lU , U llh lln . h im .B ir tle 't P o u l t ry F a rm . P h o n t I8«fl.

w a n t e d to buy a n d io r i t l t , uied o ff le t fu rn itu re . R u n n ln g a ’i nex t door to Id tb o

— ■ ' Power.

. F O R S A L E O R T R A D E

—- r - 6 it Y l o t . I t w n ^ , IrT lgatlon w iU r, e l l td _rotd. P h o n e 1481. T e rm i._______________ __

— — I? io F O R D . R ad io l heater, ipotTight. _Phone 0168-J2 . T w in Falls.____________

H O L L A N D h a y baler. Uood condl- tion. 1 BOUth. ■ •-w est o f Wendill B lev t-

_____ tor. F . C. P a th e a l .* kOUBE a n d lo t in P a u l. Priced to te ll . ^

_____ IVj’ b locka t a t t o f tub .iU ({ o ii. S t t Leor t tU d Olion. 1 block w t t t o f UerrtU ito re ._____ Phene 8210. P a u l.

M I S C E L L A N E O U S f O R S A L E i

_ _ _ _ 80 .Q 'X L X d^ n ew T H o n i t ^ r tetilt to p ttow er « a t« r h e a t t r . 485 S th l i r t t t t t f i iagontl O T E T a rc w e ld e r t . N<w and uied. 0 . I

K, H e rm a n , box 26a._____ _ CERAMIC T IL E ~ 4 0 c fooU ~2”2~3"~8hoihone ^

South. T w in F a lle Building Bupply. IN D IV ID U A L g reaU n g ca rd i fo r t l l oeca* ]

>lnns. lOe, 16c a n d 2Sc. J. HlH*i. 466. U(j NUl £ S o ld D tw ap ap e r^ 26o per bundle.

T im et-N ew a. r i s f o S " ty p e .h . l l o w » . l l putnp. A.1

condition w ith ta n k . Pbone 0228*JG.Filer._____________________________________

• GOOD se le c tio n o f peeled derrick, boom,cd la r. c o r r a l p o le t. Phone 4*2868, Mur*

— Ill Uugh.----- FISH IN G : L ic e n e e t u c k le , booU, e tream —

,T w ider^. a le e p in g o a g i, cam p itovei, ice —r"Mo» boxet. R e d 'i T ra d in g P o it. ^

TW ELVE 6 0 -fo o t lU e l tn u iii. '^ f ib id type . i — Ci n be u ie d tor 100*/dol W*t root, 20-

foot c e n U r t . C a ll B t r t b t P lirc t. il888.I — 3- A lU O S T N E W R .m liii to n .3 it)4 Itin d !*• **• model a d d in g m ach in e . Sacrifice price.— 7-T p hont 2 4 8 8 -J a f t e r 0 -p .m r- ' —'* *“ '■ u k R Y T IL U E R , tb a iDHIWnilv, l l t t l .— ■■ f i r d tn t r t e t e r t b a t doei the b ii lob. B t t , I vac- I t V. N . P r lc e 'i . ^334 Kimberly ^ t d . * !“S 8 b i^ i^» n g -4 D U t ; j t 9 s ) o L w A i s h « i . . _

diam onda. je w e lry , if lv trw tr i , w alcb -r— lan d l. lu g g a g e . le a tb i r brief c u e i and

— elub—b a g a . . S a v e u p to 70% on jrour , Hoi- F iih e r’i d a y , g ra d u a tio n , b lrlhd ty g lfta . *

sk.old U tre h u u lU c M t r t . ^ Shoiboi^i i t r e e tjom*,- ^ s a m b , _____ 1--------- A n i iN T 1 0 N ~ K » r n iB r i - in d - 8 to r » - 0 ^ e r f r V • —

We a re s e llin g tb e e n tire ito re fix tu res snd e o u lp m e n t o f th « form er Twin F a l l i 1

____ Home a n d A u to S u p p ly . Including F lre-ilone a n d B T l^ G o o d r ie h - l l i iu r t i 'tu e b - e t - • —

* counter!, b o tb m e U l tn d wood m d b tek b o trd t t h a t fa rm e ra can uae for w ork

I henchet a n d a to ra g e a h e l- e i . ' F luoreicen t .-> fix tu i'e t e n d too m a n y o th tr lUmi to l i t t ^

here. A n y a to re o w n er who wlibei to idd ' a ^ f e w f ix tu re s , now li the time to f i t th em a t d r a t t lc reduced prleei, th a t you e a n \ a f / o r d to m lii . Set (h ite item t

—I now t t C n iek H t y t t H t te h iry tnd Fum l*___ ture E x c b tn g t . 480 U t ln A vtnui South . 1

— F U R N I T U R E & A P P L I A N C E S

( A tA l l tM iN T ' ; i . . . I « t r l e 7 . 'n ; i ' . " l l l ( .niw. P h o n t 1 H 6 -H . :-------

' FRIQIDa IR E r t f T ig t r t t o r . Good lOBditltn. I »9.96 . T t r m t . W l) to n » B im .

*® fiPOT C A S H f o r y o u r f u r a l tu r t iild appll*Itc l tn ie i . H a y e t fu rn l tU M . phom T8.I te t H A Y W O O D -W A 'fe i^ IE tD birch drop I t i if 1 . t ib lt w ith t l x e b t l r t . L lk i niw . P b o n t

0 JI9 -M . B u h l.------- • m . k E L m m b r ^ r l ^ t o r ,

Qu iib w a ih e r . D oub l* tub i. Q olIipilbU— ^ o th e a lln t. T09 M a in , fcuhl. Phcni 118. ^

[■ . BUSINESS and PR

- D IR E C 'Ul, ...................... ^--- ' • AWitf/NGS ______ •- . Lynch a lu m in u m a w n l n n and ito rm do o rt. S r

e/o B t n n t t f i G la i i a n d P t. Ph . IH 1»H 20 f

i BICYCLE SALES & SEBVICE 1 .e y u i C y o ltry . p b . U l . iB T M aln Aft. E

Oimint w o r ^ Imbont U 0 9 .R .'

” ■ V O LEA N ffRS 'V D Y ERS— ---^------- i "uhl R ich trd io n 't. 130 2nd S t . W tiL Phone >10. , f n r____ fs jlo rln g . t U e r |n g | U u n d n r, dry e l ia n - •

Ing. B c o tty 'i T t l l b r Bhop, 117 fiboihoa*------- Itreet to u th . O lti

• COMMEHCI^ PnmiNG . ^Quajftr p r in t in g o f a il k ind i. T la it< N iw a. S l i l

l'hi>n. 3 H . _________________________ •

• niiE ExriNGUisiiEnsa m r 3 - a H U V I C E . I l l l l l l . rb H . t'li. l ^ l l j .

- . t - f L O O I L S A m N C . . I T -

Fred P fe lf le . F re e t i t l m i t i t . Phon t glOZ. • Flwiri la tK led anff r e f in l ih id . Ph. 00li6.R2. 1 1 « h. A. H elile r. F r e t e ttlnT aU i. Ph. 2 l i 4 . ^ ; K ir i

■ UWNmWEttS TKc» jinil wucl. H ji . rp e n .il . f l i l i i , ■ irv k . ,

tride. F r e t p lek tip an d d e llv irj, U l t r * 5l!'* m u u n ttln F u e l Co. P h u a t 120. W » |

—f > - ■■-.LU. .-j_ j-‘i!rjaL-4iiJLeaa-'g'--

, TWIN ‘PALLSLroA H o’ .

--------- t ■< ------------------ -------------^ Y f u r M i t u r e t a p p l i a n c e s

' loon. U S E D E a ty S plndry w a t b t r . Pboni 1809^11.______ T w in F a l l i . _______ _Idl. 2 W E BUV. i tU o r U tdi« U te d (u ro itu r t «nd unbtm . ftppllanoea. C tll E w in g 's P u m ltu r t PTTld. E *chan«* i P b o n t I4T0, 388 Main A v tn u t

South .TA .K E o v t r pajrm in ti o n tbU tx c t l l tn t

beiltnd r*POM«Mid C oro n ad o w u b e r . S t tI south C. C. A n d tn o n i B t r v lc i C «ntir, 113

Pbone t v e n u t aouth._____ '■ H O L L Y W O O D lo tf ir Ioun~gei.~t49.fi67Uat^■ t r t t u i H U B : bunk b e d i com plett 189.96 :* e l t a r a o c t p r lc u on d kveno suites a n d~ . , T p la tfo rm ro o k in . B a n n e r Furn iture . 181

»nd A venue South. . ^

Jirvlce. R A D I O & M U S I C— . S L IG H T L Y u i td W u r l lu e r bplnet p itn o .

Feed O u t r t n t t t d . E u y t t r m t . Munic C enttr. A E R O S O N IO S p ln it p U n o ~ fo r b t l tn e t o f

Srin J- c o n tra c t. B av t IS8I. C la u d e Brown U u tlo er. T w in F t l l i .


______ C L E A N E S T euitom p o u l t r y d re s iln i InIf. TIU M agio V alley . Kenny'a. Phone S81-W.N Wo i k X ^ k S s S ^ S nn o v aU d . A lio wool cartU d.______ E v tr to n M a ttre ii F a c to ry . 121 Seeond«. N o A v tn u t South . P h o n t 61-W.___________o»pltal, S E P T IC T A N K tn d e t t ip o o l eleanlng.______ R o to .ro o U r lew ir i t r v l c t . R, C. J o n t t .I. Sat- 248 6 tb tv e n u i e u t . C a l l befora 8 » .m .iU ugh. o r a f te r 8 p.m . Phone 2876._____________

¥ — I--------------------m - n x ----------------n1* ___ S tp U t T a n k ind C eaapool C litn ln g

AUo LIni C le a n in g Phona 2S51

M R S . R . 0 . J O N E S______ ’ 187 W eit F ila r Avenue

r t t c k --------- - . 1

- n X o T R U C K S & T R A I L E R SI U81. 1968 t r a i l e r houie. C o m p leu ly m odam ..jp, L ik e new . Phone 1182«R._______________Idaho. 1962 80-FO O T S p i r U n e t te Tandem 180

6 th tv e n u e louth. B u h l. 44tt-NJ.________I w «ii. 1961 FOUD 2-ton truck . B.25 tire i. 2«njeed

Kim- a x le ; com bination g r a i n tn d beet___ P h o n e n o , -F i le r . _________

hei, 6c D E L U X E tlum lnum co m b in ed ileeplng tn d itito e t. cam p in g tra ile r. E x c e lle n t eonditlon.kddlion 828 A d am i. P h o n t 2842-J. ______________ M O D E R N 3-room tr a i le r . C. 0 . M lnor’t .

8 c u t . 8 lo u th . a H i t o f Jerome. P . 0 . Box C4. Jerom e.

(ItUna. M O D E K N 81-ft. C o lum bia tra ll lr . T rad* weit. f o r im a lle r t r i l l i r . S a c r if ic e for ea th .

JJJ— n H oover T ra ile r Court.S TO N DODGE tnick"^ 28 foot F reuhauf

aem l- tra lle r . Excellen t o n d ltlo n . Very reasonab le . Hex JohnsonT * Phone

T n m J U S T A ltl l lV E D : A n o th e r ih lpm ent of r th e new 20' Jewel*. A 27* S p s r ttn . W ill

eo n ild e r tra d e on T w in F tlU p roperty . W oody Seal T rtlle r S a le i , 673 Addison

t h a v e n u e weat.■ ^ 19S2 OMC « -T O N p ic k u p . <-ipe«l t r .n i -

—- I m ission . H eater, d e f r o s t e r ; good t ire i .^ in U r 11.006. B erry Motor com pany. Buick- d have g MC tru c k s . Ruhl, Id ah o - m plon- - ' '

____AUTOS-EOR.-SALE_____r r : ; : S X C R IF IC E 1947 B uick R o td m iite r con-

verU ble . Radio and b e t te r . E lectric to p and w lndow i. 1395. Phone 3fl8ft-NW

r ’w eat 1947 PO N T IA C “8" 4 -d o o r swltn.' 1360. Lb. C an be financed. H . S. DeW itt. 401“ 7 “ W a ih in g to n north. P h o n e 17.10-M.

1 0 5 a BOIOiC SPECIAL I. SIS. Two-door S edanette ____ Standard ’Transmission■ ®°"i Radio, heater, dynaflow. Easy-eye - J —■ glass, sea t covers alnce new.

A very clean car a t$1755

"S; Berry Motor Co.5 — B u i c k G M C T r u c k s E Buhl, Id ah or ^ i u d ___________________ _____ ______________

>t]lght. ■—


r r n r r m » H IL L M A N MIm 4-do«r. Im m icu .“ U t« eonditlon. R .d lo . l i ! . l . r .

|M t k . r u p h o l.t« ry . H ere’, ren i « o o o m 7 i l o n l y ...........................110(0

lA L E 1»W HARlEV.DAVrosON. M od.l. |.i. **128" .............................- ................1188It to p __________ ____1949 CHEVROLET ^ - t o n , , 4 - ipeed^ 3 7 ^ p ic k u p with fl-foot Itock rtck .

“ T----- IMO CHEVROLET C lu b coupe. R td lo ,h e a u r , new p t ln L

F occa- 1941 FO R D >flon p ic k u p . T tk e your 466. cbolo* of I 8-speed ‘‘8” or a 4-

w ndle . »P e« l "«•"

“ y i M I T C H E L L H U N T

_____ F O R D S A L E S

, t e ; 'd .1 .0

itream ■III ice ............................ ^


^ S E ? 1 C H U R C H M A N ' S A - lprice.

U s e d C a r slitU e

1960 B U IC K R o id m aaU r 4-door le d tn . R adio , hesler, d y n a flo w t r tn im li-

itg h e i, _ _ TT _JL Ro y a l m t i t i r w h itaw H cb a ld tw a ll t lru . E x e e l le n tI »nd cond ition .................................... . .. |U 0 6J t r ^ 1960 FO R D V-8 5-door. Radio* heaU r. I t r e e t overdrive. Very g o o d rubber,...1806

1980 FO R D Cuitom line 4idoor. Radio,

F a l l i 1949 STUDEBAKER C h am p io n 2-door. r i r e - R a d io, hetler. o v e rd r iv e .

w " t -C O M M ER C IA LS-lOSJ CHEVBOI.ET 2 - to n Iruck . HI-

» f f Inch wheclbtie w i th O m ah* lU n d -'** Y* t r d Itock rtck. L ik e new . 8.26x20

* d u a l re e n . 7.80x20 froril. ‘Z^ipeedtx le . 4-ip«(l tra n a m lis lo n . Com-p leU with rack ...........................»2II>6 '

lo u th l lOSl IN T E B ilA T IO N A L " I ,1 1 0 ’’ VI- j n r i r u n pickup w ith b ig box. L arg eitfBd r u b b i r , overload tp r ln g s . tra ile r

b itc h , h i t l i r tn d new p a in t . 1846

niu. CHURCHMAN^ M O T O R S . I n c .

L _ J E R O M E

k o ' i . -P h o n e 7 7 - or —Phone 115— O p e n E v e n in g s U n t i l 8 :0 0

O p e n S u n d a y a

118. --------- - - --------------------------------------------


IC TO R Y-------- — ------------ --------------------------------------------1|

' • M A T T R E SS R E m V A T W G jd S w . M a t t n i i t t " r tn o v iu d . E v tr to o M tt t r ta i | 1.1620 F acto ry P b o n i H -W ,I • M ON Elt TO LO A N ■■■ ■ ■ O . Jo n e i for b o o n a n d lo tn i . Boom I.

Bank * T n i i i B uilding- Phone 8041.

_ •^M Q T U H C fC L E H ~ ~--------B la i lu t ( jy c l tr r . Ph. IB l. 4BI ¥ a l n A y trE i~

— V & H E A r iN O : : r 'r> 7 g . ^H o m t P lum blnti m d H tg . Co. P h o n t 288.

^ • HAUtO m M H SE H V IC Ed i t n (}. J e n k ln i lUillo S e rv ic t . P h o n t 1684.

-------- • a E n tlU IC H M iO N HKHVICET—- R ln r^ U a in A ppllt in ti . P h ^ r 2 4 » .

• n i^ E W H t l liliS_____________a i i le ii ren ta la tnd a e rv ic t . P h o n t 9 a

Sherw ood T y p iw rltir B x . O ppoiU t P. 0 .

• U F U O L S n i l ) ____________________ _J l t t U -Av». Bl

2102. • VA C U U M C U M U n S6-R2. E le e tro lu x Balei-Hirviee. P h o n e B^D4»J. t f S r UlrCiy V acuum tiiU i t n d S trv le t. U ip a ir t. " T ” . r t n t a l i . 402 4(h Ave. K a il. P h o n t 20H0.

' • W A T E H m i E N E H H _____________C u l l l f t n B n^ WHir B t r v lc t . P h o n t |gV. ^ a l« r* B o f l7 m 7 “ Binei * " S m T c i , 809.'

aajjg.Tfu'g . ■ —------r ■

h o ’ . ,

M I W■lANCES A iU T O S FOR SALEPboni 1809^R, tlB I C H E V R O L E T W o o r Bil A ir. Uc*l

U n t co n d iU o n . C tih or te rm i. Phon<

T ^ n'i t u r t a a _____,'• P u m ltu r t U « P L Y M O U T H i td a n . Very c l t tn . | |9 6 Main A v tn u t M n i l d t r tr a d t . Phon i 8129-W, 1 8 i

W t t t H a y b u ra . . _____________^ ix c t l l tn t JU N K IN G ott^ 1941 6li*vrolit Club eoupt > » u b e r . S a t Good r » d l t t o r , tn n im lu lo n . r e t r tneI Center 118 and o t b a f PafU . P h o m 8l«8.________ ____ i960 k > L V b l6 U tM 2.dci^. R tdlo. iie tU r

l4 9 .fi6 7 U a t. B6U *bt— B tir— Ja n u a ry . pbonin p le tt |8 9 .9 6 : l2 8 0 « N R . a fU r 7 p.m . w ^kd tya.° • “ ? 1962 P L Y M O U T H Club coupe. Overdrive^ im ltu re . 281 j4 ,ooo m l l t t . W ill U ke older c t r an<

_________ f ln a n c a balance fo r 2 jreari. lim .O Of c B ttt jr O l t t n . U M fith tv m u t # t t t . Phon.

8892.___________ _________________________Bplnet p iano . _ 1 L _ ~~~ ^>lc CenUr.>r b t l tn e t o f O H R Y S L B H Im p ir lt l H trd lop . ABrown M uilo b t» q t l f u l c a r ---------- ----- ------ t2695

______________ 1960 P D R D C oupe ............. ............. 1696ICES P L Y M O U T H 4-door ------------ 1296

1948 C H E V R O L E T 1-ton. D u tli „ .|576I f l S teond 1®^® O H B V B O L E T ^ i - io o ------------ « «

i- 1941 F O R D V4-ton - ................ ............ |8T8»1 elean lng . 1980 IN T E R N A T IO N A L ^ . to n ___ 1806l2}n» IN T E R N A T IO N A L ^ - to n «.I876before 8 a-m . C H E V R O L E T 1V4 ton ........... |4B6

1941 C H E V R O L E T 1\4 ton dump “ . I t r u c k ---------— .......................... 1196

‘ M c V E Y ' S , I N C .r a s I N T E R N A ’n o N A L ’T R U C K S


LERS Ieu ly m odem .

n n d e m 180 T O P D 8 B I V C A R Sitt-NJ.________tire i. 2 .ipeed IWO R U IC IC Super 4.door. C letn withnd beet b ti. d y n a f lo w , rad io tnd

' _________ b a a .U r ------- -------------------------- IU 76

u s e B U IO K S p « I . I (-door. B p « l.l ; ' j i h U w ..k .............................

0 . M lno r'i. I M I C H E V R O L E T r i .« l l ln . . A-l mo. •rom .. P . 0 . t o r . R .d lo , h e ite r ................... (ESO

r i l l l r . T r .d . O H E V R O L E T 4-door. O lk.n ...IlOB ice for e t th .

1948 P L Y M O U T H 4-door. R td lo , .

^ t F r e u m .......................... ......... ..........*“ 5l « « b u i c k 4-door. Good

Phone II2S-J. c o n d lU o n ____________________1446ih lpm ent of

S p sr ttn . W ill alU p roperty .

673 A ddison W h e r e Y o y D e a l W i t h

iTpeed t r tn a - C o n f i d e n c e . 28 Y e a r i o f; good t ire i .

D e p e n d a b l e S e r v ic e

^LE__________ ________________

i r & J i Z B R O W N IN G A U T Olone 30RB-NWBMitn.' 8360. P h o n e 3 6 4DeW itt, 401

17.10-M. '

---------------- 1 ' g ■ ”3 IA L ■ ----------- --------------------------------------------------------j t t e

S y - e y e C O M E IN N O W Ic e n e w .

Drive A Real—


I BARGAINI1968 O L D SM O B IL E Super “ a8 " 4Mloor

S t d t n . Radio, h e iU r. tln U d tl ta a , p o w e r b r tk es . two-tone p a in t

- $2395r. Im m tcu -

i e n ' t ’‘n l i 1«52 C H E V S L E B N « » V orker J-door ............11049 a e d a n . Radio, be tte r, pow er steer­

i n g , power brtkes, p rem ium (Irc i.

$2106 •4 • tpeed

:k r tc k . 1960 C H E V R O L E T 4-door le d tn . R id lo ,b e a te r , new p tln t.

“«■ s*'''?’ $795

T ik e yourI” or a 4- 1940 P O N T IA C CblefUln “ S'* deluxe 2»

d o o r ledan . H y d rtm ttlc . r id io , h e a t i r , new p tln t.

JN T $795

S1948 F O R D Vj-ton pickup. 4-apeed

tr a n im iis lo n , motor Ju it over­h a u led .

_ $595 1

M a n y O t h e r M a k e s a n d M o d e ls 1

^ ’S A - l................ S P A E T H M O T O R

Joor i . d .n . J ® ™ ™ * “ “t t r tn im l i - — OLDS — Q .M .O ,n u r w h ita - — - -‘ , j , P 5 O M A C ’T e m is

llot h eeU riihber,...|806 I----------------------- — ■ — —>or. R adio. "

lon 2-door.!. Very- — -------s e b B B N - J U B r t S E —3—

t X J n ' J : L O W E S T P R I C E S>w. 8.26x20_ _ _ ____________________ _______________nl. '2 -lp ced , . .

m s ' ! o n t h i s p a g e

i n - J U S T C O M P A R E>a{nt...|846

b « t e r f dyn7U ^_?.* ." .™ ----- !!*.|605

1940 B U IC K Super 4-door. Radio, heat­e r . dynaflow ................................. 1806

m e 115— 1961 PL Y M O U T H Crinbrook 4-door ae-

1980 BTJIC K S u p ir 4-door. R adio, b ia t- ■ « r . dyn tflo w ; m iny o th t r t c c i i -

a o r ie i ...............................................H9fl

1961 PO N T IA C "8" 2-door led an . 20.000 a c t u t i miles. RiHio. b e tte r , 4 new t l r e i . This c i r fa perfect in every w a y ------- -------------- ----------- .. .IU 9 6

1949 N A S H SU teem in Super "flOO” ,1- d o o r sedsn. Radio, h e tU r , o v tr-

J d r iv e , se t t coVeri ....................... 1406

1N(1 i 1049 F O R D V-8 CuiUim Club Coupe.--------.------- -- I R hdio , h e ite r , l e t t covers......86063D M tt t r ta i I

i r s ; ^ - C O M M E R C I A L S -

.------------- D O D O B -h ia * y -d u tM 4 * ttn -p l* k u p .-- ------------------------------------------------- tr»nim lM lon. heatjer, me- laln A vt. E, e b a n ic t l ly viry g o o ^ T 'a x c i l l t n r

......... ■ - - - - t i r t i . ---------- - - | 4 m :

H o n t 288. 1980 D lA M O N D -T 1-ton. H eaU r, good j^ Jg ------------ t i r t i , lU ck r tc k . ..^ .^ , .. .. ,. .. .1 7 9 6

t>hon. I tS I . I H ! rO K D V -l H -lon p itk u p . 4-ipM ari/ i / .M -------- t r a n im lu io n , h i t t e r j 18,00» ae-

( u a l mile*. Krengel t r a i le r h liah , i i i n . g o o d llre i. i p o l l l i h l ...........^....11008

~ PhoB t 9 a PoiU t P. 0 .

Y O U R E E ,

------------- M O T O R COM P A N Y

f t o M 'S iH o ' “ P h o n e 181B

frKont 188.Gt, 809.' U— ^—


S A L E A U T O S F O R S A L E8.1 A ir. I j c . l - O N LY 11.691 m llu ,n tkU o n M w n .r 11 ' l irm i. P h o n . N .ih "SOO" W oor i « l . n w ith o v ittit

and o rig ln ti paint. No d tn U , no teraU ii Very clean. 1296. r . A. O ariton . 802 4th i t r i i t a a i tI Jl!«-W . %S8

u l o n ^ ' m r r i 3 0 - D A Y T R I A L

{ * « '“• t e Y o u A r e J J a t S a t i s f i e d -eekdtys. W i t h thj> O a r Y o U P U T -oupe. Overdrive c h a s e . " . B r in g I t B a c l t

81195*00 O n e o f ,inuV east. P h o n t E q u a l o r G r e a t e r V a l u e l -

------------------------- 1952 CHEVROtXT~D«ffiTe~1^ao5r“ i(— d tn . H eatir, o rig in a l b lack fir

t l H trdlop. A ^ - ............1134- ................82696

I 69S 1981 PO N TIA C *'8“ 4-door te d a n . H j d ram a tic . h iiU r. rad io . N ew

■ ------------ fln lah ________________________ !.____________ t i l l0 , -two-

..... I 1 » « PO N TIA O "I" l-d o o r i « ) .n . H). D u tli „.|S 76 < d ra m itic , rtdlo, bea ta r. N ew aei 0 | J 5{ ! coverii S b trp I .......... ...................|79

T 'iT r, IS I! '■ORD V-8 I-door.. Radio,^ - to n ------1896 ________________^-toB «.I876 •

ton ........... 1496 1982 CHEVBOLET H -to n p ickup . EiU n dump t r a low m i l i» i . 4 -ip ted . corni....................1195 w lndow i, ridIo -------------------- |1S9

T M r IN TERNATIONAL Lon -Li-^ V . w h e e lb u i, 4 .ip ttd . b e a i t r . T rtlle TRUCKS ------ -----------------

-------------------------1 I960 DODQE ^ .lo n pickup . N tw ptlm----------------------- - f lu id d riv i ........................... .......149

i . B I C E

; C H E V R O L E T , I n c .r. C letn w ith 1 ^ ■

' ______ ; m A g I C V A L L E Y ’S

T R A D I N G C E N T E R........ ^.,.8806

7 ( F o r m e r l y N o r th S i d e A u to )line. A-l mo- .................... Je ro m t P b o n t 88

r. C lian ...1406 — O p e n E v e n in g s T U 8 :0 0 —

r. R tdlo........... ..........1826

> »d I - ------------------------------- 1446

FII w i t h

r e a r s o t 0

KTVlce !


A U T O ~ "


J _ ______ I T R A D E ---------------I NS

............. I 1964 L IN C O LN C ipH le d a n . (SavtSOO on thli o n t) .

11964 CHEVROLET i^ - to n t>IokuD «U

, 4 - ip i td trin im iiilo n .al—

1982 OHRYSLER V.8 led aa .

5 S T E D1968 S T U D E B A m l- lo a tru c k (lIIi

n tw , fo r cn i-half prlct)-.“''» '•

[ N I1853 STUDEBAKER C o m m a o d tr V-l

b a rd topitr *'88‘* 4-door

o r l ' 19“ CHEVROLET S iy ltU n t d t lu x t 1 door w ith pow triU da.

19B2 FO R D V .l t u d o f ^ th .o v e r d H v t

F o rk er 4-door

; r ? S ' £ _

1961 CHEVROLET F ln U ln t d tlu x a 2-door.

le d tn . R id lo ,1961 HUDSON 4.door w ith OTtrdrfva

. . . . ’ d . , n „ l - U N I O N ,m atle. n d lo ,

M o t o r s , I n c .

A cro u from S tf tw a v kup. 4-apeed eb o i flohlffler J a k a Rollju i t over-

' ■ ■

.n d M o d e ls 1 *

Q U A L I T Y O T O R ........... - Q - ____________

» h o n e &aS

- a . M . o , , ^ _________________

“ . U s e d C a r s ' ____

— lB5i CHEVROLET 4-door aa^aw. ilT il

. p l l B r p i T M O u n r c o u p i _______l i i o i l

1962 CHEVROLET 4-door powergJIJe ....... , >1491

t r t ^ J E 1050 PONTIAC 2.door l e d a n ______ tS4l

1082 CHEVROLET C lub c o u p a ...11841

? I C E S— - 1

J961 CHEVROLET 4-door a e d a n „ |l l 4 .

D A T D T ? CHEVROLET C o u p e ________ |84ir A K b 1951 CHEVBOLET ^ ton plckup..810SI

1060 CHEVROLET 2-door te d a n ......$09:

n e ltt . R td lo i 1050 FO RD 4-door te d tn ..........._..-..8606 O verdrive ....................................... |74

, Redlo, heat- lOBO CHEVROLET ^ ton pIckup„.W _i

...................u t o CHEVBOLET i-d o o r .« lE n ............................ tUtl)ok 4-door te -U r, l e t t cov- I ,

....... O l d e r M o d e l s, R adio, b t t t -

o th t r t c c i i -— . ^ . • 8 0 8 1948 CHEVROLET 4-door i t d a a . . .^ | l 9

ted an . 20.000 1931 DODGE 4<door t t d t n -------------fn,

’(■ * 't 'ln ‘ .v .'r " ' • « ■’ ACKABD t-door . . d t . _ . I U......... - ....IU 9 6 1646 FORD Club coupa ,___________129

iper "800” 2- 1948 N A SH 4-door aad 'aa f i i

_ " . ’....J4W OHEVROLET 2M!oor i t d a n ____ 141048 FORD f-door i t d a n ........... .......IM

vers.......... I 1941 STUDEBAKER i^ lo o r i td a n « » |1 2

194S MERCURY Olub coupa ____ j. |4 4

1938 CHEVROLET I H to n . G ra la an. V L S — b « t ^ --------------------------------- 114., , , ! 1948 DODOE 4-d09r

^ h « U m?-*" T l « ? r > 0 > ^ r r n r F 3 5 5 r ' . a i a o ______ fiT^a y ^ a « 4 i i t n r • - m ------------- r:*— --------- •--------- « - . |4 M ,:

H eaU r, good L A R G E ! S E L E 0 T I ( 5 n 6 P - ~ --------------1796

. l u p . 4 . ip « d ’■‘" ‘“ P * ■

G L E N G . J E N K I N S

? ------------ ---------------d H K V R O L E ' I U _ _ -

— amP h o u e 181S ,0 7 P h o n e 3778



V , ;____ ^ _____

p a g e e l e v e

888 Wett Htvburn. Phont 8129-W. •

3 8 I B E A T O T B E ::: -

■ 1862 F O y 2-door V.>. fiadlj,;

1981 FORD 4-dior ^ Radio, btatar,t S A L E -Fordomatlo ------■j. 1949 PLYMOUTH-:-4.door. Radio; aad

linU n S M r '. ® IMT DESOTO M oir. E*ilo. ‘ ' ' i ' ; ,

^ 1961 OHEVROLET 2-door. Radio, btat-) t r and powerglldi____ ~ ^ . |U 4 8

1987 FORD pickup


t S a tisfied - V A L L E Y M O T O R C O .I I You P u r - , 1

ig I t B ack ■ A cross Prom rire sto n eo r O ne ot , '■ker V aluel— - " . '

lluxe~' 4^'66r~ it-' ....... 'llnal black fin- i960 OHBVROLET 4Mloor itdan. K n

- ......... 11348 paint, food tlru. A rial buyat ---------------------------------1091

•door aedan. Kv*radio. Ntw IBBl OHEVROLET 4-door itdam 'Rian_______ l l l j j and b taU rj t*o-toae. A food

earw UBO CHRYSLER Windior 4^1oor i t

N«w paint; ntw Urn, rteon^ litter. New m l ditloned molor. RiiJ ibarp~llODI

I9SI CHRYSLER Club eoupt. -Lo« ’.. Rtdlo, mlltagt. rtdlo ind biattr.~t289( ----------------I89S

•ton pickup. Ex* Ashworth Motor Co.4-ipted. corner Tbt Plact to Co to 8tvt Your Doufl

601 M a in E a a t • Phon® 133

f h ? ; £ ? 'T r t e------------ _|1098 ■

ekup. Ntw ptlnt, i ............... ......8498

E TWINFALLS-3T, In c . EquipmentL L E Y ’S TE N T E R B E T T E R B U ^

s id e Auto)ItIO OHEVBOtET Woor. lUdlo. l u t .

Pbont 880 tr . teat coven, good tlru.. TU 8:00— --------------------------

194B OLDSMOBILE *'88" f-dobr.'B r — - ■ dramatic) rtdb, huter, iia t •

_______________ eovara___________________|B9I

1 1951 STUDEBAKER CommandirFttUr tqulpptd, Bitrly atw > -- U ret' ____ ____________ ;___tt04l

1941 FORD Convtrtlblt. Ktw palot naehanleall7 |ood ■„-..,.-.-...i$7TI

19B0 OMd H toa plokof.tranimUaion ................. ......... tT8l

.’iS^d JDODOE M fan pickup.-tranimliilpQ ..........|UI

P . A. M o au lrt

-------- I N S B udT B M l«f

I ledan. (BavaI). . ■ --------- ■

’ton t>IokuD with <

“SELECT” . ■:Used.Cars : -

o n t h e ■; . .

^fflmasdtr V-l. BIG LOT

(A t the “S alect**~yltUnt dtluxt t-

U s e d C a r S ig n ) , .

^ th . overdri... t r u c k L A N E W E S T ■;

" “■* - , - N A ^

tU lnt dtluxa 1968 Ramb|af Coanrtr Olab. - lUdiebtatar, o v t ^ v t .......... ......tm i

1983 SUttaman Snpir 4-doqr. . . Aadlo

with oTtrdrtva jUmhltr Country Club. Iladio«> h tattr aod OTirdrlva .U—.— II09I

^ N , .....- -^;-OHEVROIOT---,;--- --7

T n p 1981 StyltHna j t h ^ Moor. Haatar i p e . v w tbarp l , ■................ ,.|U9I

1980 Btl Aira.- Badlt, btaUr, Mtutau ligbtt, f ta t covin. A doll '

J d t . I l . lh lo r„ o n l» ._ _ ™ ,-------------»10»lJa k . non p L j ia 3 .n n i o d u . Woor. B»4to

battflr. vlior, bieltup llsh ts ,.— ' 01..n i _ _ l _ ___ :______ |9«

----------------------- IU I %-lon siclnin Ktdio, h u U r i tw---------------------- e tu n .... ........— -------------*11091

lis t K-loo H m »7 Dutr pitlrap. A food ona - , -fifloi

' T V -j95IUlMO.%-toa plokup.-Xlood-aondl- --------U on;-43pttd-^B im U iloa-^|89l


IIBS ji0Mr**88" Uoet. Radio.- liaatar bydraqiaUe drlrt; fnlly tqalppM

- lPll--Sup«i^'U^^-4«dMrr-Rtdio.-beattr/ E r s . .; &dra»Btl9.4riy»i .Clean

- k )h d - '

mr i r iK - l l TU - ^ iii- jj , |, , i tn r-V > M H lm tM to = J « B » --------------iio u

______»»»ied .n --------)!<! UH_V,! C lulairLijM r..B iao. hM tAb eotip. IIK I _ 4 y .rilr lrfc j« w Mlnt..OI»n~.IMI b coup. - .IH U Suodtrdu p -----------MIS drlvL Hu^ tu t i r , bunUIul

. . . J . , m.ijllla ^flnlih, ihowi n e o p U m l

I74E Lincoln 4-door udlQ. 'A.bciiullftj!)or iM]an„.llHG on.iowner u r . intirlor tnd flnUl

---------------- . . . . d . r . r i - . '.n plclcup..,m, - O H B Y B U lR -)or tedan.... 1098d.n. 195t W INDSOR-Biliua-I^60mildlfi

I7ix better, backup llgbti. automatli--------------- UanimUilott, Bharp^__________________ 11491:on plekup....t84B

. ' -P L Y M O U T H -tor tedan.....|996

1981 Club eo«pa.BMttri-two*toDt grata J n A vary oltaa m .^ -i- .............11241

D Q 6 1 S IIBI M oor aadan. Radio. btaUr. whlU aldtwall ,t l r t i ..................... I12SI

!or , .d > n „ I I I i — M B R O n B Y -

dan — .,.„„$80 1051 4-door. B u ttr, overdrlvt. auO'itd aa i860 •***'^*----------------------------1061 4-door. Radio, hiater. ovtrdrlvt

I .--------------8298 ThU ear U aioiUtot---------- 1180!aa -----------I44E - B U I O K -Mr ladan___ 141

1949 Roadmaiter convertible. R a d io n ...-^-.....1296 heaUr. ^ I t i ildewtll tirei. Nen!ooriadaa^ll26 ' ................ - - — *891«upa « — J.I448 — PONTIAO—

toa. 0 » la c h ie f t a in "8" Deluit Woor., Radio, btatir. bydnmitlc— |189S

laa---------- m a n ^ o l d h r -m a k b s - ^

■ T n io lu . . . « l . . .

A R - W I L L S ^ -----------

U s e d Car Sfept. 3NKINS W o k I i m W ert

L E T U _ _ ~ ,

l-» l» ln -I lo r th - : .mI

P h o n e 3770 "W h.r. Ouilotnir. >ml tk ,l» .ftU aJi" « ||H .* .n r dij. U lk. r t i .1

'■ ■ », ■ -

s==Miich^^ntiea^^" Killer Nabbed 1

Iiriyiine Zone flELKO, Nev., Ju n e 8 - John H

AUred Hopklni, a limping u o p c d convict and dne of the F B I'i "10 moat wanted" crlm lnali, waa cap- tured laat n igh t Jn a mining area near Elko.

He w u brought to the county Jail, where agenia planned to B w queatlon him today. '

FB I Director J . Edgar liob'vw, K g who announced the capture In Waohlnsfton, said Ropklm had three knives on him when arreated. ;

Hopklm, 39, escaped last Novem*'------ber t o m 't h e Arizona State prison,

where he was serving a life tenn for H H the slaying of a policeman. FBI agents described him as "vlcloui and vindictive."

Hopkins had been working In the Oold Acre mine In tbe Beowawa a rea for the past aeveral weeks.

In Balt Lake Olty, FBI agents decllrfed to discloso Immediately the Information on whTch Hopkins wof c&ptured. Oharles Fletcher, acting agen t In 'charge of the Salt Lake field office, said agenia had been working on a tip th a t originated "some time" ago.

Hopkins was placed on the FBI's 10 "most wanted” list May IB, IOM.

Beginning ‘ his crim inal career aa a Juvenile burglar .In his homs town of Spokane In 1033, Hopkins con- H tinued In and out'-of Jails both In W ashington and Oallfornia on bur- ™ri glary, forgery and ca r the tt charges her 8 until 19«. Hebrc

Rites Conducted m : For John H. Hill

BURLEY, June 8—Puneral serv­ices for John H enry HUl were held a t 3 p jn . S aturday In tho Burley „ LDS third ward chapel with Bishop Robert Ramsey officiating. Tho prayer a t home w as given by Carl Helner.

Prelude and postlude music was given by Fern MoBrlde. The male quartet consisted of Sidney Larsen. «n ta tl( Mb* Kidd, Alvln Kelly, Oarl Helner, accompanied by Darlene Larsen. >n behi T he Invocation w as glyen by Albert J J " ™

_ H arper and the obituary and tribute " by Bishop Ramsey. The speaker was " “ Bishop Sidney Larsen. A solo was

----- t l Hanlfii arjom nanled bvF ern McBride. Concluding speaker w as Bishop Lewis Drake. A duet w al . ^ ^ d s

. ran g by June H utchison and D ar- ^ lene Drussell. Benediction was given by Ralph Hataway. ^

--------Pallbearers wer e J aek-and-D on-HIU, BUl-and K enneth Benson, Jack ,ru n k and Jerry Bailey. The Relief [hem " (oclety had charge of the flowers ' ijt^e i w hich were carried by BUly Jean _ . i , . ,, Sm ith, EsteUa M aa Benaon. Georgia Les HUl, Vlokl K erbe, Lanny King,Mr«. ^ t h u r TUley, A lta Larsen, Lu- ^ (ilna Ramsey, L lerlne Helner and M rt. Leonard King,

F inal s?rvlcei were conduoted,»t Pleasaijt View cemetery. The grave A was dedicated by Jack HUl. M

Services Held KBURLEiy, June ^ F u n e r a l serv- K

Ices were held a t 10 sm . Monday ^ h u the Joseph Payne Memorial ohapel for O rolrBoU , Infant son of Mr. and Mrs. E arl BeU. The Rev.A. M. Thomas officiated. ~ ,

Soloist was Mre. A. A. Arnold, « ' accompanied by M rs. Helen Hen.- a . , ' derson. Honorary paUbeorers were T e^ Arbogast. Ace Parish, BIU Core.Rloyd Head, and th e flower beteeri. F ine v e re Esther Arbogast. RozeUa Ton» of X e r, H aiel Schwagler, E thel Bedcer, u td Dorothy Blankenship. Oonclud- ln« services were conduoted at P leasant View osmetery by Oi» Bev. n , A. M. Thomas.______________ ____

I T ’S

\ J i.

B o t t l e d in B o n d ^

______ Kenfucky Sfraighf J_____________Prized Bourbon i w

.. - IOO n o o f .

Sane fim Quatiti at alm\n '**'w

■ ii ' *

-------- It’s'almysa-pleamrir'-------------------- p s i N c i r i f l ^

I. w . HAIIPtK U lST ItllN

- — ^^urpnse^

I H i H H)hnped"10‘p-



forB I>uf


r s . ^ ^ ^ ^ D | | | | i | i ^

r- Mtb. Ruby Hebron, slater of C. E. B!s C5 her 86th birthday wlih a surprise btrthi

Hebron flew here from her bome In Ca * * * *

[J Michigan Woman '■ For Birthday PIp "you’ve made me feel lUce one ot com„ you," states Mrs. Ruby Hebron, Cas- If sl

‘ j sopolls, Mich., sister of 0. E. Bisbee, be Itpioneer Twin Palls photographer, tain!

JJ who la visiting In Twin Falls. D lIg Prompting the remark was pre- HebiQ sentatlon of a birthday cake to her to d/ Monday evening by Howard Moffat cake

in- behalf of the olty. The cake was repo presented at a dinner attended byMrs. Hebron, her son, Oeorge He- . T bron, and Moffat. ^

, Although observlril her 86th _ bh-thday anniversary, Mrs. Hebron ^ ^R rsn rp rH M ^nd rB im v trwliBnnBd'

th a t strangerj jhould remember herI*-bh-thday.' - ......... •« »■ " I t Is always unpleasant to travel Sh

many miles lo arrange funeral serv- co n tIces for a relative," she explained, extei

! r ’u u rtK T iJw iiiro rT w n s f &iis h a v r T n i 'made me feel as If I am one of and

“ them." OilThe cake came as a complete sur- con t

" prlsa to Mrs. Hebron. Twlr® Ju st prior to dinner, sho had com- ploti1* j................ - .................. — -----------— ......... "

I We havo over BOO beautiful new pattem i “ Novelty Fabrics from which you can ra ' AU- Foam Cushioned throughout If deslI. SPECIALI C uifom BuiltL F inest ConstruoUon, covered In a Beai » of Xpur Choice, o n ly ............................... .

A -1 U P H O L 1344 SPRUCE AVE.

Re-Upholatering Remodel

i H E RI

. . . dsk your deal


ly" 6B[3ig|aB™3;MLLDi, tiMTUCIT'»UlOHT lOOIlO* I -QVO «*Hlf w /i WHum I Forthe

S traighI "uioHtiouiKX Bottled I , the .am

i c i r i f l 7 2



E. Bisbee, pioneer photopapher who died b irthday cake a t a n Informal dinner Mond In Cassopolls, M ich. (Staff photo-engraTin

* * ¥ * -----

r i 1an says Cake / Pleasant Event

commented It was her birthday andIf she were hom e her trIends would ____be In to visit h e r and there most cer­ta in ly would be a birthday cake,

DIsmlMlng the thought, Mrs. Hebron, her son and Moffat went to dinner. Following the meal, the cake was b rough t In. Mrs. Hebron reporta she was a t a low for words.

F o r complete strangers to be so k ind makes m e reaUze I am among friends, she declared. "You've cer­ta in ly set an example for others."

— M rs,-Hehm n'!fl«w here Irom-her--------hom e In Cassopolls to arrange serv­ices for her bro ther.

Stace arriving here, she has been contacted by a multltiidp of people extending courtesies and volunteer-Ing to show “Her arflnndT w lnT alls--------an d the surrounding 'community.

Clarence E. Bisbee mado a major contribution to th e growth ot the Tw in Falls tra c t through his many pictures, states M offat, and ;nost


New & D Istlncflva


(o your S pec ifica tlon i


it te m s ta Nylon, Wool Frieie, and can make an Individual selection.If desh-ed,B uilt CLUB C H A IRI Beautiful Fabric


modeling Restyltag

R E !

ealer ahout

TIews on


Iso DIjtillBryTBbHfecI of ”

iL L p g R 8 6 - P R O O r i _

or the flr«t tlmo you can also ijoy orlginai I . W . H arp er 1 popular fld P ro o f . T h l i Is le same Priied K entucky tra lg h t Bourbon a s In the ottled In B ond. . . bo ttled a t le same d litll le ry . . . a t milderLEroflf J h a t«i^ aavlnga_______________ :re passed on to yd|U I




jj|iK S % iW W K R S fi!w eri



jMEBM EpB BBMBaBSui™ tom f f l S M H ® thi


0 died here last week, ts honored on sr Monday a t the Rajeraon hotel. Mrs. ngraving)

certainly residents of Tw ta Falls should be grateful to Mr. BIsbee's

' aged sister.He said every etfort is being made

f to make Mrs. Hebron feel a t home durtag her stay hers. . ^

READ n m e - i i m a w a n t a d s . ^


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- U ta t^ ibup Begi] Possible UraniuBB ^ T LAKE q m , Jun e< MV-In

major w ar over uranium rights, a rese group o f S a lt Lake City bustaessmen BOV< has filed fo r potash prospecttag per- Jh®' m lts on m ore than one mUhon acres tain

J ot land In aoutheaste'm Utah's ura- an_^ . n lu m -rlch , San Juan and Orand Tr ■ co u n tl^_________ _____ __. Ostenalbly acttog as tadlvlduals.. the Balt Lakers filed their claims

yesterday with the federal land and P™ survey office In Salt Lake City.

■ Theh: 400 permlte' each cover 3^60 ^ ac re i

8 Much of the land ah«ady Is cov- X ered by, u r ^ u m claims, but a

spokesman said it was “in no sense ' an effort to Tump' aiiy clalhls in the

area." ,The spokesman. I}- O. Morgan, Jr,

- an o U -« n d gas figure, said, he thought th e fUtags would do much to "clarify title" to the minerals there,

" It la our beUef." he said, "that many Invalid locations have been

- made by persons with no tatentlon of m ining uranium or anything else,", h e added.

The theory behind the flltags, ai explataed by another spokesman, Is beUef th a t no vaUd mlntag location

M o n e y f o L o a n

• F arm Loans• Olty Resident Loans• Olty Business Bldg. Lo»ns• No Appraisal Fee• No Commissions

" • Low Interest Rates

e J. E. WHITE® A O E N C I

i n M ain East .Phone Ml

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I f t o i n s A c t i o n f o r S™

t t i u m R i g h t s ^

I n c a n be made for ur*nlmn Iteell. Be- ^, raiisB the atomic energy ac t of 1948

, a reserves aU uranium to T m r iB i ia a r,:.n government, the group, m a ln ta tasier- tha t possession rlghta can bo ob- Uon•res talned only through p ro sp eo tta l form- another mtaeraL . ,md The spokesman said th a t m any P““

Coloado plateau mlntag clalm a are Tl filed “for vanadiCim, “ior exaiBple, fhffi

f although uranium la mtaed In th e landrf process of mlntag vanadium. cott

^ The'spokesman cited the atom ic dent^55 energy commission's "ckcular 7" as W. 1

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■ ' . y 'W- ' ■■ ' tb u d ilo r th U th M tr.iC o itttn to b u y Utm

r uranium from poM n* or eojopanles Mto i w fiIcir^ar«'P»«P«tInj“ tHe~pubiic' domain for other mtaerala. under

^ peiimlta Is^ed under the Mineral I ' l Eeaatag'act. Potash la covpred by thla a c t . . . ' w h o

^ Usted among yesterday's appUga- ob- tlons for the tw o-year prospecttag ■, for permits, and the roster of Indlvldu- o

Rls reads Uk» a blue book of Utah tin ln eu -

are T he names Include D avid Freed ;ple, fhiWBler and sports'enthTialast; Le­th e land B. FUnt. a director of Kenne-

cott Copper corporatfon an d presl- mlc dent of Pltot D istributing, com pany ] ' a s W. K. MaUcote, m anager of Deseret

1 Sove More than f^ FAjMILY RID


f P - l Starts JunI ■ ■ CaU your local Trallways Ar V ■ on this

I ^ low cost p laa

J ll \\ OttW

W W W O T P V i l H Bf I y y

T he proof is in l Actual N .A .D .A . nsed c ■ show th a t last year 's M erctiry depreciate

10 other cars in its p rice field 1 This brings standing record; For several years auti have consistently nained M ercury the t< its class. And i t 's a record brilliantly npl M ercurys ever bu ilt for A m crica: They'n today!

B u t you’ll im m ediately recognize thii when yon inspect the tr im 1954 Mercpr

’ lasting quality from y our first exciting mc w h eel. . . hills, highways, o r heavy trail Same ready response to yonr lightest U years go by, ita low-coat, trouble-free op yoa 4 M ercury fan fo reverl

Here are three reasons w hy we predict I has the greatest fu ture o f them all:

1. V-161 E N G IN E —T h o new power in s id e rs th e m o s t e f f ic ie n t type o f engi

2 . B A L L J O E V r F R O N T SU SPEN SKe s t r id in g im p r o v e m e n t in 20 years cTcIusive w ith M erc u ry in th e price I

3. F IV E PO W ER O P T IO N S -A n o th e i — a n d a n o th e r re a so n w h y M ercury li a n d m o re f u n to o w n !

Come in for a ta lk and a te s t drive; we'v color, and the deal for you! W hy lake a cl car when you can be sure o f the best in W

•Published by National Antomobflo Dealers Dk

i e C a r T h e W e s t L i k e i

f --------------------------- ---- . •

P !,! ....


• under k .W n e ^ O r. H,

z.£ ;Deseret

5 thany ride

astern points : 1

sjunel4 I^ on this -M

^.D.A. nsed car sUMcs’ iim 1iry depreciated far less tlimila a i 1 This brings’ffp'todaUalotj.'B ■al years autborilative sm vtjij lercury t h e t o p T a r w I i ™ )rilliantly upheld by91% rfil« erica: They're still going ilni|' I

recognize this matchless v k I 1954 Mercpry; you’ll ie in lli,!

s t eiciting moments beldidtlii I or heavy traffic, youH fedllii'l >nr lightest touch. And as lli l 'ouble-free operation will null I

ly we predict the 1934 M aeojB hem all; r f l

new power plant called I f H t typeo feng ine in thevo rli;!

SU SP E N SIO N -T hegteiu i in 20 yeare, and a featintfl

n th e price field. ■

V S—Ano ther first In tbefieU I IV M ercury Is easier to dflBi B


st drive; we've gol the car, tb ■Why take a chance on anotl* I

' the best in Meicuryl I

Me D ^ ct Dsoi Car Giiidt Cn, I

i t L i k e s B e s t 1

^ -

J ■ ■ -

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