NMDC LIMITED · 2018-02-08 · ðuçkMkkEx : • yu[õÞw Mfq÷ ykuV ykxeo÷he : Ëuð÷k÷e...

ðuçkMkkEx : www.gujaratinformation.net www.facebook.com/gujaratinformation.official Phone No. : 079-232-53440 økwshkík hkßÞLkk {krníke ¾kíkk îkhk «rMkØ Úkíkwt hkusøkkh÷ûke MkkÃíkkrnf ð»ko - 39 íkk. 7{e Vuçkúwykhe, 2018 ytf Lkt. 52 MktÃkkËf : yh®ðË ykh. Ãkxu÷, Ãkw÷f rºkðuËe • fkÞoðknf MktÃkkËf : ykh. ykh. íkwhe • Mkn MktÃkkËf : r{Lku»k rºkðuËe , «rðý MkkuLkkheÞk R.N.I. No. 33297/78. Regd. No. G/GNR/47/31-12-2020. Licensed to post without pre-payment Licence No. CPMG/GJ/99/2020 to Post at MBC-Sector-16, PO Gandhinagar on Every Tuesday/Wednesday To, 'økwshkík hkusøkkh Mk{k[kh’Lkwt ðkŠ»kf + 30/- Au. ÷ðks{ {krníke rLkÞk{fLke f[uhe, rnMkkçke þk¾k, ç÷kuf Lkt. 19/1, zkì. Sðhks {nuíkk ¼ðLk, økktÄeLkøkh-382010 WÃkhktík hkßÞLke fkuEÃký fkuBÃÞqxhkEÍ ÃkkuMxykurVMk{kt ÷ðks{ (MkŠðMk [kso MkkÚku) íkÚkk rsÕ÷k ¾kíkuLke {krníke f[uheykuyu Mðefkhðk{kt ykðu Au. ÷ðks{ W½hkððk {kxu yk f[uheyu fkuE yrÄf]ík yusLxLke rLk{ýtf fhe LkÚke. íktºke : Lkr÷Lk WÃkkæÞkÞ (yLkwMktÄkLk ÃkkLkk Lktçkh-2 WÃkh) ગુજરાત હેર સેવા આયોગ વષ� 2018 દર�યાન �િસ�ધ થનાર �હ�રાતોનોકાય�મ �ુજરાત�હ�રસેવાઆયોગ�ારાિવિવધ જ�યા�માટ�સીધીભરતી/�પધા�મક પર��ા�ારાભરતીમાટવષ� 2018 દરિમયાન �િસ�ધ કરવાની �હ�રાતો અ�વયે �ૂ �ચતકાય�મ નીચે �ુજબછે . વ�ુ મા�હતી માટ� ઉમેદવારોને આયોગની વેબસાઈટhttps://gpsc.gujarat.gov.in અને https://gpsc-ojas.gujarat.gov.in જોતા રહ�વા અથવા આયોગનાTwitter Handle‘@GPSC_OFFICIAL’ને follow કરવા અથવા આયોગની �ોઈ�લેટફોમઆધા�રત મોબાઈલ �લક�શન ‘GPSC (Official)’નો ઉપયોગ કરવા ઉમેદવારોને જણાવવામાં આવે છે : અ�ુ . �માંક જ�યા�ુ નામ અને વગ� જ�યાની સં�યા �હ�રાતની તાર��ાથિમક/�ુ �યક સોટ�ની �ચત તાર��ાથિમકકસોટના પ�રણામનો સંભિવત માસ �બ� �ુલાકાતનોસં ભિવત માસ �િ�લ- 2018 . ઓરલ પેથોલો એ�ડ માઇોબાયોલોના ા�યાપક, વગ-૧ (ડે�ટલ) 02 15-04-18 24-06-18 �ગ�ટ-18 �ટો.-18 . ો�થોડો�ટીસ એ�ડ ાઉન એ�ડ �ીજનાા�યાપક,વગ-૧ (ડે�ટલ) 02 15-04-18 24-06-18 �ગ�ટ-18 �ટો.-18 3. ઓથ�ડો�ટીસ એ�ડ ડે�ટોફેશીયલઓથ�પેડીસના ા�યાપક,વગ-૧ (ડે�ટલ) 0 15-04-18 24-06-18 �ગ�ટ-18 �ટો.-18 . પીડોડો�ટીસ(પીડીયાીક) એ�ડ ીવે�ટીવડે�ટી�ીના ા�યાપક,વગ-૧ (ડે�ટલ) 01 15-04-18 24-06-18 �ગ�ટ-18 �ટો.-18 . પ�લીક હે �થ ડે �ટી�ીના ા�યાપક,વગ-૧ (ડે�ટલ) 01 15-04-18 24-06-18 �ગ�ટ-18 �ટો.-18 . પેરીયોડો�ટોલોના ા�યાપક,વગ-૧ (ડે�ટલ) 01 15-04-18 01-07-18 સ�ટ.-18 નવે .-18 . ક�ઝવટીવ ડે�ટી�ી એ�ડએ�ડોડો�ટીસના ા�યાપક,વગ-૧ (ડે�ટલ) 01 15-04-18 01-07-18 સ�ટ.-18 નવે .-18 . ઓરલ મેડીસીન એ�ડ રેડીયોલોના મદદનીશા�યાપક,વગ-૧ (ડે�ટલ) 02 15-04-18 01-07-18 સ�ટ.-18 નવે .-18 9. ઓથ�ડો�ટીસ એ�ડ ડે�ટોફેશીયલઓથ�પેડીસના મદદ.ા�યાપક,વગ-૧ (ડે�ટલ સંવગ) 05 15-04-18 01-07-18 સ�ટ.-18 નવે .-18 . પ�લીક હે �થ ડે �ટી�ીના મદદ.ા�યાપક,વગ-૧ (ડે�ટલ સંવગ) 0 15-04-18 01-07-18 સ�ટ.-18 નવે .-18 . ો�થેટીક અને ઓથ�ટીસ ના લેચરર,વગ-૧ (ડે�ટલ સંવગ) 02 15-04-18 08-07-18 સ�ટ.-18 નવે .-18 . પેથોલો ટ�ુટર,વગ-૨ (મેડીકલ સંવગ) 07 15-04-18 22-07-18 સ�ટ.-18 નવે .-18 3. પેથોલો ટ�ુટર,વગ-૨ (ખાસ ભરતી) (મેડીકલ સંવગ) 15 15-04-18 08-07-18 સ�ટ.-18 નવે .-18 . ઉ�ોગઅિધકારી (તાંિક), વગ-૨ 01 15-04-18 1-08-18 �ટો.-18 �સે .-18 . નાયબિનયામક (ભૂ�તર િવાન અનેખિનજ કિમશનર�ીની કચેરી હેઠળ), વગ-૧ 01 15-04-18 05-08-18 �ટો.-18 �સે .-18 . મદદનીશભૂ�તરશા�ી (ભ ૂ �તર િવાન અને ખિનજ કિમશનર�ીની કચેરી હેઠળ), વગ-૨ 0 15-04-18 08-07-18 સ�ટ.-18 નવે .-18 . મદદનીશઉ�ોગ કિમશનર, વગ-૧ 06 15-04-18 22-07-18 સ�ટ.-18 નવે .-18 . ઇ�સપેટગઓફીસર (કોટ ફીઝ), વગ-૧ 07 15-04-18 22-07-18 સ�ટ.-18 નવે .-18 9. મદદનીશચેરીટી કિમશનર, વગ-૧ 11 15-04-18 08-07-18 સ�ટ.-18 નવે .-18 . વહીવટીઅિધકારી, (આરોય અને પરીવાર ક�યાિવભાગ), વગ-૨ (કા. રા. િવ. યો.) 08 15-04-18 08-07-18 સ�ટ.-18 નવે .-18 મે - 2018 . નાયબિનયામક નશાબંધી અને આબકારી, વગ-૧ 01 15-05-18 05-08-18 ઓટો.-૧૮ �સે .-18 . નાયબિનયામક�ી (મિહલા અને બાળ િવકાસ), વગ-૧ 0 15-05-18 05-08-18 ઓટો.-૧૮ �સે .-18 3. સ�ન, વગ-૧ (કા. રા. િવ. યો.) 02 15-05-18 1-08-18 ઓટો.-૧૮ �સે .-18 . એને�થેટી�ટ, વગ-૧ (કા. રા. િવ. યો.) 01 15-05-18 1-08-18 ઓટો.-૧૮ �સે .-18 . ગાયનેકોલો�ટ, વગ-૧ (કા. રા. િવ. યો.) 0 15-05-18 0-0-18 નવે .-18 �ુ .-1 . પીડીયાીશીયન, વગ-૧ (કા. રા. િ. યો.) 02 15-05-18 0-0-18 નવે .-18 �ુ .-1 . પેથોલો�ટ, વગ-૧ (કા. રા. િવ. યો.) 01 15-05-18 0-0-18 નવે .-18 �ુ .-1 . રેડીયોલો�ટ, વગ-૧ (કા. રા. િ. યો.) 0 15-05-18 0-0-18 નવે .-18 �ુ .-1 9. ઓ�થે�મોલો�ટ, વગ-૧ (કા. રા. િવ. યો.) 01 15-05-18 16-0-18 નવે .-18 �ુ .-1 3. ઈ.એન.ટી.સ�, વગ-૧ (કા. રા. િવ. યો.) 01 15-05-18 16-0-18 નવે .-18 �ુ .-1 3. માઈોબાયોલો�ટ,વગ-૧(કા. રા. િવ. યો.) 18 15-05-18 16-0-18 �સે .-18 માચ-૧૯ 3. િનયામક, ંથાલય, વગ-૧ 01 15-05-18 16-0-18 નવે .-18 �ુ .-1 BANK OF MAHARASHTRA NMDC LIMITED

Transcript of NMDC LIMITED · 2018-02-08 · ðuçkMkkEx : • yu[õÞw Mfq÷ ykuV ykxeo÷he : Ëuð÷k÷e...

ðuçkMkkEx : www.gujaratinformation.net www.facebook.com/gujaratinformation.official Phone No. : 079-232-53440

økwshkík hkßÞLkk {krníke ¾kíkk îkhk «rMkØ Úkíkwt hkusøkkh÷ûke MkkÃíkkrnf

ð»ko - 39 • íkk. 7{e Vuçkúwykhe, 2018 • ytf Lkt. 52

MktÃkkËf : yh®ðË ykh. Ãkxu÷, Ãkw÷f rºkðuËe • fkÞoðknf MktÃkkËf : ykh. ykh. íkwhe • Mkn MktÃkkËf : r{Lku»k rºkðuËe , «rðý MkkuLkkheÞk

R.N.I. No. 33297/78. Regd. No. G/GNR/47/31-12-2020. Licensed to post without pre-payment Licence No. CPMG/GJ/99/2020 to Post at MBC-Sector-16, PO Gandhinagar on Every Tuesday/Wednesday


'økwshkík hkusøkkh Mk{k[kh’Lkwt ðkŠ»kf + 30/- Au. ÷ðks{ {krníke rLkÞk{fLke f[uhe, rnMkkçke þk¾k, ç÷kuf Lkt. 19/1, zkì. Sðhks {nuíkk ¼ðLk, økktÄeLkøkh-382010 WÃkhktík hkßÞLke fkuEÃký fkuBÃÞqxhkEÍ ÃkkuMxykurVMk{kt ÷ðks{ (MkŠðMk [kso MkkÚku) íkÚkk rsÕ÷k ¾kíkuLke {krníke f[uheykuyu Mðefkhðk{kt ykðu Au. ÷ðks{ W½hkððk {kxu yk f[uheyu fkuE yrÄf]ík yusLxLke rLk{ýtf fhe LkÚke.

íktºke : Lkr÷Lk WÃkkæÞkÞ

(yLkwMktÄkLk ÃkkLkk Lktçkh-2 WÃkh)

ગજુરાત જાહરે સવેા આયોગ વષ� 2018 દર�યાન �િસ�ધ થનાર �હ�રાતોનોકાય��મ

�જુરાત�હ�રસેવાઆયોગ�ારાિવિવધ જ�યા�માટ�સીધીભરતી/�પધા��મક પર��ા�ારાભરતીમાટ� વષ� 2018 દરિમયાન �િસ�ધ કરવાની �હ�રાતો અ�વયે ��ૂચતકાય��મ નીચે �જુબછે. વ� ુમા�હતી માટ� ઉમેદવારોને આયોગની વેબસાઈટhttps://gpsc.gujarat.gov.inઅનેhttps://gpsc-ojas.gujarat.gov.inજોતા રહ�વા અથવા આયોગનાTwitter Handle‘@GPSC_OFFICIAL’ને follow કરવા અથવા આયોગની ���ોઈ� �લેટફોમ� આધા�રત મોબાઈલ ���લક�શન ‘GPSC (Official)’નો ઉપયોગ કરવા ઉમેદવારોને જણાવવામા ંઆવે છે: અ�.ુ �માકં

જ�યા�ુ ંનામ અને વગ� જ�યાની સ�ંયા

�હ�રાતની તાર��


��ૂચત તાર��

�ાથિમકકસોટ�ના પ�રણામનો સભંિવત માસ

�બ� �લુાકાતનોસંભિવત માસ

�િ�લ- 2018 . ઓરલ પેથોલોજી એ� ડ માઇક્રોબાયોલોજીના

પ્રા�યાપક, વગર્-૧ (ડ�ે ટલ) 02 15-04-18  24-06-18  �ગ�ટ-18  ��ટો.-18 

. પ્રો�થોડો� ટીક્સ એ� ડ ક્રાઉન એ� ડ �ીજનાપ્રા�યાપક,વગર્-૧ (ડ�ે ટલ) 

02  15-04-18  24-06-18  �ગ�ટ-18  ��ટો.-18 

3. ઓથ�ડો� ટીક્સ એ� ડ ડ�ે ટોફેશીયલઓથ�પેડીક્સના પ્રા�યાપક,વગર્-૧ (ડ�ે ટલ) 

0  15-04-18  24-06-18  �ગ�ટ-18  ��ટો.-18 

. પીડોડો� ટીક્સ(પીડીયાટ્રીક) એ� ડ પ્રીવ�ે ટીવડ�ે ટી�ટ્રીના પ્રા�યાપક,વગર્-૧ (ડ�ે ટલ) 

01  15-04-18  24-06-18  �ગ�ટ-18  ��ટો.-18 

. પ�લીક હ�ેથ ડ�ે ટી�ટ્રીના પ્રા�યાપક,વગર્-૧ (ડ�ે ટલ)  01  15-04-18  24-06-18  �ગ�ટ-18  ��ટો.-18 . પેરીયોડો� ટોલોજીના પ્રા�યાપક,વગર્-૧ (ડ�ે ટલ)  01  15-04-18  01-07-18  સ�ટ�.-18  નવે.-18 . ક� ઝવેર્ટીવ ડ�ે ટી�ટ્રી એ� ડએ� ડોડો� ટીક્સના

પ્રા�યાપક,વગર્-૧ (ડ�ે ટલ) 01  15-04-18  01-07-18  સ�ટ�.-18  નવે.-18 

. ઓરલ મેડીસીન એ� ડ રેડીયોલોજીના મદદનીશપ્રા�યાપક,વગર્-૧ (ડ�ે ટલ) 

02  15-04-18  01-07-18  સ�ટ�.-18  નવે.-18 

9. ઓથ�ડો� ટીક્સ એ�ડ ડ�ે ટોફેશીયલઓથ�પેડીક્સના મદદ.પ્રા�યાપક,વગર્-૧ (ડ�ે ટલ સવંગર્)

05 15-04-18  01-07-18  સ�ટ�.-18  નવે.-18 

. પ�લીક હ�ેથ ડ�ે ટી�ટ્રીના મદદ.પ્રા�યાપક,વગર્-૧ (ડ�ે ટલ સવંગર્) 

0 15-04-18  01-07-18  સ�ટ�.-18  નવે.-18 

. પ્રો�થેટીક અને ઓથ�ટીક્સ ના લકે્ચરર,વગર્-૧ (ડ�ે ટલ સવંગર્)

02 15-04-18  08-07-18  સ�ટ�.-18  નવે.-18 

. પેથોલોજી ટ�ટુર,વગર્-૨ (મેડીકલ સવંગર્) 07 15-04-18 22-07-18 સ�ટ�.-18  નવે.-183. પેથોલોજી ટ�ટુર,વગર્-૨ (ખાસ ભરતી) (મેડીકલ

સવંગર્) 15 15-04-18  08-07-18  સ�ટ�.-18  નવે.-18 

. ઉ�ોગઅિધકારી (તાિંત્રક), વગર્-૨  01  15-04-18  1-08-18  ��ટો.-18  ��સે.-18 . નાયબિનયામક (ભ�ૂતર િવજ્ઞાન અનેખિનજ

કિમશનર�ીની કચરેી હઠેળ), વગર્-૧ 01  15-04-18  05-08-18  ��ટો.-18  ��સે.-18 

. મદદનીશભ�ૂતરશા�ી (ભ�ૂતર િવજ્ઞાન અને ખિનજ કિમશનર�ીની કચરેી હઠેળ), વગર્-૨ 

0  15-04-18  08-07-18  સ�ટ�.-18  નવે.-18 

. મદદનીશઉ�ોગ કિમશનર, વગર્-૧  06  15-04-18  22-07-18  સ�ટ�.-18  નવે.-18 . ઇ� સપેક્ટીંગઓફીસર (કોટર્ ફીઝ), વગર્-૧  07  15-04-18  22-07-18  સ�ટ�.-18  નવે.-18 9. મદદનીશચરેીટી કિમશનર, વગર્-૧  11 15-04-18 08-07-18 સ�ટ�.-18  નવે.-18. વહીવટીઅિધકારી, (આરોગ્ય અને પરીવાર ક�યા�

િવભાગ), વગર્-૨ (કા. રા. િવ. યો.) 08 15-04-18 08-07-18 સ�ટ�.-18 નવે.-18

મે- 2018 . નાયબિનયામક નશાબધંી અને આબકારી, વગર્-૧ 01 15-05-18 05-08-18 ઓક્ટો.-૧૮  ��સે.-18. નાયબિનયામક�ી (મિહલા અને બાળ િવકાસ), વગર્-૧ 0 15-05-18  05-08-18 ઓક્ટો.-૧૮  ��સે.-18 3. સ�ન, વગર્-૧ (કા. રા. િવ. યો.) 02 15-05-18  1-08-18  ઓક્ટો.-૧૮  ��સે.-18 . એને�થેટી�ટ, વગર્-૧ (કા. રા. િવ. યો.) 01 15-05-18  1-08-18  ઓક્ટો.-૧૮  ��સે.-18 . ગાયનેકોલોજી�ટ, વગર્-૧ (કા. રા. િવ. યો.) 0 15-05-18  0-0-18 નવે.-18  ���.ુ-1 . પીડીયાટ્રીશીયન, વગર્-૧ (કા. રા. િવ. યો.) 02 15-05-18  0-0-18  નવે.-18  ���.ુ-1 . પેથોલોજી�ટ, વગર્-૧ (કા. રા. િવ. યો.) 01 15-05-18  0-0-18  નવે.-18  ���.ુ-1 . રેડીયોલોજી�ટ, વગર્-૧ (કા. રા. િવ. યો.) 0 15-05-18  0-0-18  નવે.-18  ���.ુ-1 9. ઓ�થે�મોલોજી�ટ, વગર્-૧ (કા. રા. િવ. યો.) 01 15-05-18  16-0-18 નવે.-18  ���.ુ-1 3. ઈ.એન.ટી.સ�ન, વગર્-૧ (કા. રા. િવ. યો.) 01 15-05-18  16-0-18  નવે.-18  ���.ુ-1 3. માઈક્રોબાયોલોજી�ટ,વગર્-૧(કા. રા. િવ. યો.) 18 15-05-18  16-0-18  ��સે.-18  માચર્-૧૯ 3. િનયામક, ગ્રથંાલય, વગર્-૧ 01 15-05-18  16-0-18  નવે.-18  ���.ુ-1 



2 íkk. 7{e Vuçkúwykhe, 2018, økwshkík hkusøkkh Mk{k[kh

(yLkwMktÄkLk ÃkkLkk Lktçkh 1 WÃkhLkwt [k÷w)

• ÞwrLkÞLk ÃkÂç÷f MkŠðMk fr{þLk : Lkðe rËÕnesøÞkLkwt Lkk{ : ykrMk. fr{þLkh, yuhkuLkkuxef÷ ykurVMkh,

MkkÞLxeMx ‘çke’, swLke. MkkÞrLxVef ykurVMkh, ykrMk. fur{Mx

søÞkLke MktÏÞk : 28ykuLk÷kELk yhSLke ytrík{ íkkhe¾ : 15-2-18ðuçkMkkEx : www.upsconline.nic.in

• yu[õÞw Mfq÷ ykuV ykxeo÷he : Ëuð÷k÷esøÞkLkwt Lkk{ : yu÷zeMke, {kuzu÷ {ufh, fqf, yu{xeyuMk,

ò{Ëkh huLs ÷k~fh, ò{Ëkh ykxeo ÷k~fh, çkkçkoh, VkÞh{uLk

søÞkLke MktÏÞk : 15ykuLk÷kELk yhSLke íkkhe¾ : 27-1-2018 Úke 21 rËðMkðuçkMkkEx : www.indianarmy.nic.in

• MkuLxÙ÷ ðkuxh fr{þLk : Ãkxýk (rçknkh)søÞkLkwt Lkk{ : MfeÕz ðfo ykrMkMxLxsøÞkLke MktÏÞk : 22ykuLk÷kELk yhSLke ytrík{ íkkhe¾ : 28-2-18ðuçkMkkEx : www.cwc.gov.in

• RÂLzÞLk EÂLMxxâqx ykuV xufLkku÷kuS : {tzesøÞkLkwt Lkk{ : ykrMk. hrsMxÙkh, ykrMk. yuÂLsrLkÞh,

swrLk. Mkwr«LxuLzuLx, swrLk. Mkwr«LxuLzuLx yufkWLxLx, rVÍeõMk xÙu®Lkøk ELMxÙfxh, swrLk. yufkWLxLx, swrLk. ÷uçk. ykrMk. xufrLkf÷, Vk{koMkeMx, zÙkEðh, swrLk. yuxuLzLx {ÂÕx. ÂMfÕz.

ykuLk÷kELk yhSLke ytrík{ íkkhe¾ : 15-2-18ðuçkMkkEx : www.iitmandi.ac.in

• ykuVeMk ykuV Ä r«ÂLMkÃkk÷ fLxÙku÷h ykuV rzVuLMk yufkWLx (Lkuðe) : {wtçkEsøÞkLkwt Lkk{ : fuLxeLk yuxuLzLxsøÞkLke MktÏÞk : 10ykuLk÷kELk yhSLke ytrík{ íkk. : 27-1-18 Úke 60 rËðMk• LkuþLk÷ EÂLMxxâqx ykuV xufLkku÷kuS : rËÕnesøÞkLkwt Lkk{ : Mkwr«LxuLzLx, yufkWLxLx, ÃkMkoLk÷ ykrMk.,

xufLkef÷ ykrMk. MxuLkkuøkúkVh, rMkrLk. ykrMk., xufrLkrþÞLk, ÷kÞçkúuhe ykrMk., {ÕxexkMfªøk MxkV.

søÞkLke MktÏÞk : 20ykuLk÷kELk yhSLke ytrík{ íkk. : 27-1-18 Úke 30 rËðMkðuçkMkkEx : www.nitdelhi.ac.in

• ¼khíkeÞ ðkÞw MkuLkksøÞkLkwt Lkk{ : ÷kuyh rzrðÍLk õ÷kfo, zÙk^xMk{uLksøÞkLke MktÏÞk : 9ykuLk÷kELk yhSLke ytrík{ íkk. : 27-1-18 Úke 30 rËðMk• yuLkyu{zeMke r÷r{xuzsøÞkLkwt Lkk{ : {uLxuLkLMk ykrMkMxLx, nu{ (r{fu.) økúuz-2,

E÷urõxÙþeÞLk, nu{ ykuÃkhuxh, õÞwMkeyusøÞkLke MktÏÞk : 169ykuLk/ykuV÷kELk yhSLke ytrík{ íkkhe¾ : 19-2-18ðuçkMkkEx : www.nmdc.co.in

• ¼khíkeÞ ðkÞw MkuLkksøÞkLkwt Lkk{ : ykrMkMxLx yuÂLsrLkÞh xÙuRLke (økux-2017)

(R÷uõxÙeõMk, E÷uõxÙkurLkõMk, rMkrð÷, fkuBÃÞw MkkÞLMk)

søÞkLke MktÏÞk : 150ykuLk÷kELk yhSLke ytrík{ íkkhe¾ : 17-2-18ðuçkMkkEx : www.powergridindia.com

• yuLkyu{zeMke r÷r{xuzsøÞkLkwt Lkk{ : yuÂõÍõÞwrxð fuzh, swrLkÞh ykurVMkh fuzhsøÞkLke MktÏÞk : 87ykuLk÷kELk yhSLke ytrík{ íkkhe¾ : 12-2-18ðuçkMkkEx : www.nmdc.co.in

(yuBÃ÷kuÞ{uLx LÞqÍ íkk. 27-1-2018)

33. આચાયર્/અિધક્ષક, સરકારી હોિમયોપેથી કોલજે, વગર્-૧ 01 15-05-18 0-0-18 નવે-18 ���-ુ1 3. આચાયર્, ગજુરાત આયવુેર્દ સેવા, વગર્-૧ 04 15-05-18 0-0-18 નવે-18 ��� ુ-1 3. વહીવટી અિધકારી, ભારતીય તબીબી અને

હોમીયોપેથીના ંિનયામકની કચરેી, વગર્-૧ 01 15-05-18 22-07-18  ����.-18  નવે.-18 

�ૂન-2018 3. િનયામક, પરુાત�વ અને સગં્રહાલય, વગર્-૧ 01 15-06-18  2-0-18 નવે.-18  ���.ુ-1 3. ચીફકેિમ�ટ (ભ�ૂતર િવજ્ઞાન અને ખિનજ

કિમશનર�ીની કચરેી હઠેળ), વગર્-૧ 01 15-06-18  2-0-18  નવે.-18  ���.ુ-1 

3. બાળલગ્ન પ્રિતબધંક અિધકારી-કમ-�જ�લા સમાજ સરુક્ષા અિધકારી, વગર્-૨

01 15-06-18  2-0-18  નવે.-18  ���.ુ-1 

39. આદશર્િનવાસી શાળાના આચાયર્, િવકસતી જાિત (ખાસ ભરતી), વગર્-૨

01 15-06-18  2-0-18  નવે.-18  ���.ુ-1 

. આચાયર્, ગજુરાત �કીલ ટે્રિનંગસવીર્સીઝ, વગર્-૨ 0 15-06-18  2-0-18  ���ે.-18  માચ�-1 . કેિમ�ટ (ભ�ૂતર િવજ્ઞાન અને ખિનજકિમશનર�ીની

કચેરી હઠેળ), વગર્-૧ 01 15-06-18  27-10-18 ���ે.-18 ફ��.ુ-1

. સહાયકિનયામક, પરુાત�વ અને સગં્રહાલય, વગર્-૨ 05 15-06-18  07-10-18 ���ે.-18  ફ��.ુ-1 3. િસિનયરકેિમ�ટ (ભ�ૂતર િવજ્ઞાન અને ખિનજ

કિમશનર�ીની કચરેી હઠેળ), વગર્-૧ 01 15-06-18  07-10-18  ���ે.-18  ફ��.ુ-1 

. મદદનીશિનયામક વગર્-૧, (કા. રા. િવ. યો.) 0 15-06-18  07-10-18  ���ે.-18  ફ��.ુ-1 �ુલાઈ-2018

. ગજુરાત વહીવટી સેવા, વગર્-૧ અને ગજુરાત મ�ુકી સેવા વગર્-૧ તથા વગર્-૨

100 (��ા�)

15-07-18 07-10-18 ��ુય પ���ા 17,2,24 ફ��-ુ1

નવે.-18 ��ુય પ���ા�ુ ંપ���ામ�ૂન -



. વહીવટીઅિધકારી (ભ�ૂતર િવજ્ઞાન અને ખિનજ કિમશનર�ીની કચરેી હઠેળ), વગર્-૨

02 15-07-18 07-10-18  ���ે.-18  ફ��.ુ-1 

. ��ડ��ટ્રયલપ્રમોશન ઓિફસર (કિમશનર�ી, કુિટર અને ગ્રામ ��ોગની કચરેી હઠેળ), વગર્-૨

17 15-07-18  07-10-18  ���.ુ-1  �િ�લ-1 

. મદદનીશબાગાયત િનયામક, વગર્-૨ 02 15-07-18  07-10-18  ���ે.-18  ફ��.ુ-1 9. નગરપાિલકામખુ્ય અિધકારી, વગર્-૨ ૦૪

15-07-18 28-10-18

��ુય પ���ા2,24મા


���ે.-18 ��ુય પ���ા�ુ ંપ���ામ મે-1


. એનાિલિટકલકેિમ�ટ (ભ�ૂતર િવજ્ઞાન અને ખિનજ કિમશનર�ીની કચરેી હઠેળ), વગર્-૨

0 15-07-18  04-11-18 ���.ુ-1 માચ�-1

. સહાયક રા�ય વેરા કિમ�ર વગર્-૧ 15 15-07-18 16-0-18 ��ુય પ���ા

0,10 ફ��-ુ1

નવે– 18 ��ુય


�ૂન – 1

. નગરપાિલકામખુ્ય અિધકારી, વગર્-૩

07 15-07-18 04-11-18 ��ુય પ���ા 11,12 મે-1

ફ��.ુ-1 ��ુય પ���ા�ુ ં



3. પ્રોગ્રામઅિધકારી( મિહલા અને બાળ િવકાસ), વગર્-૧ 01 15-07-18 04-11-18 ���.ુ-1 માચ�-1 . પ્રા�યાપક (હોિમયોપેિથક મટીરીયા મેિડકા) વગર્-૧

સામા�ય રા�ય સેવા 01 15-07-18 25-11-18 ���-ુ1 માચ�-1

. પ્રા�યાપક (ઓગેર્નન ઓફ મેિડિસન ) વગર્-૧ સામા�ય રા�ય સેવા

01 15-07-18 25-11-18 ���-ુ1 માચ� -1

ઓગ��-2018 . ભાષાતંરકાર, વગર્-૩ 01  15-08-18  04-11-18  ���ે-18 ---- . દહજે પ્રિતબધંક અિધકારી, વગર્-૨ 04 15-08-18 25-11-18 ���ે-18 -ફ��-ુ1 . �જ�લાસમાજ સરુક્ષા અિધકારી, વગર્-૨ 01 15-08-18 2-12-18 ફ��-ુ1 �િ�લ -1 9. ટી.બી. અિધકારી, વગર્-૧ 01 15-08-18 04-11-18  ���.ુ-1  માચ�-1 . વીમાતબીબી અિધકારી (એલોપેથીક),

વગર્-૨, (કા. રા. િવ. યો.) 6 15-08-18  25-11-18  માચ�-1  ઓગ.-1 

. ખેતીઅિધકારી, વગર્-૨ 5 15-08-18  04-11-18  ���.ુ-1  �ૂન-1 . બાળિવકાસ યોજના અિધકારી, વગર્-૨ 02 15-08-18 04-11-18 ���.ુ-1 માચ�-1 3. બાગાયતઅિધકારી, વગર્-૨ 25 15-08-18  2-12-18 માચ�-1 �ૂલાઇ-1 . તબીબીઅધીકારી, વગર્-૨ 150 15-08-18 2-12-18 ફે�-ુ૧૯ �ૂન-1 . રા�યવેરા િનરીક્ષક, વગર્-૩ 50  15-08-18  21-10-18

��ુય પ���ા 06,07�િ�લ-1

િડસે- ૧૮ ��ુય પ���ા�ુ ં

પ���ામ �ૂલાઇ-1

��કા�� હોિમયોપેથી કોલેજમા ંિવિવધ િવષયના ���� . રીડર ( એનાટોમી) વગર્-૧ 01 15-08-18 28-10-18 ���ે- 18 ફ�� ુ– 1 . રીડર ( ફીઝીયોલોજી) વગર્-૧ 01 15-08-18 28-10-18 �ડસે- 18 ફ�� ુ– 1 . રીડર (હોિમયોપેથી ફામર્સી) વગર્-૧ 01 15-08-18 28-10-18 �ડસે- 18 ફ�� ુ– 1 9. રીડર ( પેથોલોજી) વગર્-૧ 01 15-08-18  28-10-18 �ડસે- 18 ફ�� ુ– 1 . રીડર ( ફોરે��સક મેિડસીન ��ડ ટોિક્ષકોલોજી) વગર્-૧ 01 15-08-18  28-10-18 �ડસે- 18 ફ�� ુ– 1 . રીડર ( હોિમયોપેિથક મટીરીયા મેિડકા) વગર્-૧ 01 15-08-18  28-10-18 �ડસે- 18 ફ�� ુ– 1 . રીડર (ઓગેર્નન ઓફ મેિડસીન) વગર્-૧ 01 15-08-18 28-10-18 �ડસે- 18 ફ�� ુ– 1

સ�ટ��બર-2018 3. �જ�લારક્તિપત અિધકારી, વગર્-૧ 02 15-0-18 04-11-18 ���.ુ-1 માચ�-1 . નાયબ સેક્શન અિધકરી/નાયબ મામલતદાર વગર્-૩

નાયબ સેક્શન અિધકારી ૧૮૭ નાયબ મામલતદાર ૧૦૦

287 15-0-18 16-12-18 ��ુય

પર��ા27,28 એિ�લ-1

ફ��.ુ-1 ��ુય પર��ા�ુ ં



. નાયબિનયામક, (આરોગ્ય અને પરીવાર ક�યા� િવભાગ), વગર્-૧, (કા. રા. િવ. યો.)

02 15-0-18  2-12-18 ફ��.ુ-1  એિ�લ-1

. નાયબિનયામક, પરુાત�વ અને સગં્રહાલય (વહીવટ), વગર્-૧

05 15-0-18  2-12-18 ફ��.ુ-1  એિ�લ-1 

. અધીક્ષકપરુાતત�વિવદ, વગર્-૨ 05 15-0-18  0-12-18 ફ��.ુ-1  એિ�લ-1 . સહાયકપ્રાદેિશક વાહન �યવહાર અિધકારી, વગર્-૨ 02 15-0-18 0-12-18 ફ��.ુ-1  એિ�લ-19. પરુાત��વયઇજનરે, વગર્-૨ 0 15-0-18  06-01-1 માચ�-1  મે-1 . �રેુટર, વગર્-૨ 0 15-0-18  06-01-1 માચ�-1  મે-1 સરકાર� હોિમયોપેથી કોલેજમા ંિવિવધ િવષયના લેકચરર . લેકચરર (એનાટોમી) વગર્-૨ 01 15-0-18  16-12-18 ફ��.ુ-1 એિ�લ-1 . લેકચરર (ફીઝીયોલોજી) વગર્-૨ 01 15-0-18  16-12-18  ફ��.ુ-1  એિ�લ-1 3. લેકચરર (હોિમયોપેથી ફામર્સી) વગર્-૨ 01 15-0-18 16-12-18 ફ��.ુ-1  એિ�લ-1. લેકચરર (પેથોલોજી) વગર્-૨ 01 15-0-18  16-12-18  ફ��.ુ-1  એિ�લ-1 . લેકચરર (ફોરે��સક મેિડસીન ��ડ ટોિક્ષકોલોજી) વગર્-૨ 01 15-0-18  16-12-18  ફ��.ુ-1  એિ�લ-1 . લેકચરર (હોિમયોપેિથક મટીરીયા મેિડકા) વગર્-૨ 01 15-0-18 16-12-18 ફ��.ુ-1  એિ�લ-1. લેકચરર (ઓગેર્નન ઓફ મેિડસીન) વગર્-૨ 01 15-0-18  16-12-18  ફ��.ુ-1  એિ�લ-1 

ઓ�ટોબર -2018 . આચાયર્, (કિમશનર યવુક સેવાની કચરેી), વગર્-૧ 01 15-10-18 06-01-1 માચ�-1  મે-1 9. સહાયકિનયામક (કિમશનર યવુક સેવાની કચરેી),વગર્-

૧ 02 15-10-18  20-01-1 માચ�-1  મે-1 

9. સયંકુ્તિનયામક (આઈ. ટી.), વગર્-૧ 05 15-10-18 20-01-1 માચ�-1  મે-19. આઇ.સી.ટી.ઓિફસર, વગર્-૨ 1 15-10-18  0-02-1 મે-1 ઓગ.-1 9. �જુરાતઈજનેર� સેવા (િસિવલ), વગ�- 1/2 25 15-10-18 06-01-1

��ુય પર��ા 22, 2 �ૂન-1

માચ�-1 ��ુય પર��ા�ુ ં

પ�રણામ ઓગ�ટ-1

ઓ�ટો.-1 કાયર્પાલકઈજનેર, વગર્-૧ (માગર્ અને મકાન િવભાગ)


નાયબકાયર્પલક ઇજનેર, વગર્-૨ (માગર્ અને મકાન િવભાગ)


નવે�બર-2018 93. મદદનીશઇજનેર (િસિવલ), વગર્-૨ (માગર્ અને મકાન

િવભાગ) 212 15-11-18 0-0-1 �ૂન-1 સ�ટ�-1

9. સહાયકમોટર વાહન િનરીક્ષક, વગર્-૩ 25 15-11-18 0-0-1 મે-1 - 9. િહ�દીપ્રિતવેદક, ગે્રડ-૨ 01 15-11-18 0-0-1 મે-1 �ૂલાઇ-1 9. માઈ�ોબાયોલોજી�ટ,વગર્-૧ (તજજ્ઞ સેવા) 18 15-11-18  27-01-1 માચ�-1 મે-1 9. પેથોલોજી�ટ, વગર્-૧(તજજ્ઞ સેવા) 16 15-11-18  27-01-1  માચ�-1  મે-1 9. ઈ.એન.ટી.સ�ન, વગર્-૧(તજજ્ઞ સેવા) 24 15-11-18  27-01-1  માચ�-1  �ૂન-1 99. રેડીયોલોજી�ટ, વગર્-૧(તજજ્ઞ સેવા) 4 15-11-18  27-01-1  માચ�-1  �ૂન-1 ઉમેદવારો માટ� �ચૂનાઓ: 1. જ�ર જણાયે આયોગ�હ�રાત �િસ�ધ કરવાની ��ૂચત તાર��/ પર��ાની ��ૂચત તાર�� અથવા જ�યાની સ�ંયામા ંફ�રફાર કર� શકશે. 2. ઉમેદવારોની સ�ંયા �યાને લઈને �ાથિમક કસોટ� ‘OMR’ આધા�રત ક� ‘ક����ટુરબે�ડ �ર�ટમે�ટ ટ��ટ’ (CBRT) રહ�શે. 3. ઉમેદાવારોની સ�ંયા �યાને લઈને પર��ાના �દવસે ક� �યારબાદના �દવસે દર�ક ઉમેદવારની OMR Sheet આયોગની વેબસાઈટ પર �કૂવામા ં

આવશે. 4. સીધી ભરતીના �ક�સામા ંઆયોગ �ારા �ાથિમક કસોટ� યોજવામા ંઆવશે.�ાથિમક કસોટ�મા ંઆયોગે ન�� કર�લ લાયક� ધોરણમા ંઆવતા

અને �હ�રાતમા ંભરતી િનયમમા ંદશા�વેલ જોગવાઇઓ સતંોષતા ઉમેદવારોને �બ� �લુાકાતમા ંબોલાવવામા ંઆવશે. ઉમેદવારોની આ�ર� પસદંગી �ાથિમક કસોટ�મા ં00 �ણુમાથંી � �ણુ મેળવેલ હશે તે�ુ ં50 �ણુભાર અને �બ� �લુાકાતના 100 �ણુમાથંી મેળવેલ �ણુના 50 �ણુભારના �માણસહ ગણતર� કર�ને �ુલ �ણુના આધાર� કરવામા ંઆવશે. એટલે ક�, �ાથિમક કસોટ� અને �બ� �લુાકાતના અ��ુમે �ણુ 00 અને 100માથંી મેળવેલ �ણુ�ુ ં50-50 ટકા વેઇટ�જ આપવામા ંઆવશે. આ�ર� પસદંગીમા ંઆયોગ � લ��ુમ ધોરણ ન�� કરશે તે લા� ુપડશે અને તેના મેર�ટ-લી�ટના આધાર� પસદંગી યાદ� આ�ર� કરવામા ંઆવશે. �ાથિમક કસોટ�મા ં100 �ણુના 100 ��ો સામા�ય અ�યાસના તથા 200 �ણુના 200 ��ો સબંિંધત િવષયના રહ�શે.

5. આ�ર� પ�રણામ �બ� �લુાકાત �ણૂ� થયાના �દા�ત 10 કામકાજના �દવસો દર�યાન �િસ�ધ કરવામા ંઆવશે. તાર��: 0/01/2018


33. આચાયર્/અિધક્ષક, સરકારી હોિમયોપેથી કોલજે, વગર્-૧ 01 15-05-18 0-0-18 નવે-18 ���-ુ1 3. આચાયર્, ગજુરાત આયવુેર્દ સેવા, વગર્-૧ 04 15-05-18 0-0-18 નવે-18 ��� ુ-1 3. વહીવટી અિધકારી, ભારતીય તબીબી અને

હોમીયોપેથીના ંિનયામકની કચરેી, વગર્-૧ 01 15-05-18 22-07-18  ����.-18  નવે.-18 

�ૂન-2018 3. િનયામક, પરુાત�વ અને સગં્રહાલય, વગર્-૧ 01 15-06-18  2-0-18 નવે.-18  ���.ુ-1 3. ચીફકેિમ�ટ (ભ�ૂતર િવજ્ઞાન અને ખિનજ

કિમશનર�ીની કચરેી હઠેળ), વગર્-૧ 01 15-06-18  2-0-18  નવે.-18  ���.ુ-1 

3. બાળલગ્ન પ્રિતબધંક અિધકારી-કમ-�જ�લા સમાજ સરુક્ષા અિધકારી, વગર્-૨

01 15-06-18  2-0-18  નવે.-18  ���.ુ-1 

39. આદશર્િનવાસી શાળાના આચાયર્, િવકસતી જાિત (ખાસ ભરતી), વગર્-૨

01 15-06-18  2-0-18  નવે.-18  ���.ુ-1 

. આચાયર્, ગજુરાત �કીલ ટે્રિનંગસવીર્સીઝ, વગર્-૨ 0 15-06-18  2-0-18  ���ે.-18  માચ�-1 . કેિમ�ટ (ભ�ૂતર િવજ્ઞાન અને ખિનજકિમશનર�ીની

કચેરી હઠેળ), વગર્-૧ 01 15-06-18  27-10-18 ���ે.-18 ફ��.ુ-1

. સહાયકિનયામક, પરુાત�વ અને સગં્રહાલય, વગર્-૨ 05 15-06-18  07-10-18 ���ે.-18  ફ��.ુ-1 3. િસિનયરકેિમ�ટ (ભ�ૂતર િવજ્ઞાન અને ખિનજ

કિમશનર�ીની કચરેી હઠેળ), વગર્-૧ 01 15-06-18  07-10-18  ���ે.-18  ફ��.ુ-1 

. મદદનીશિનયામક વગર્-૧, (કા. રા. િવ. યો.) 0 15-06-18  07-10-18  ���ે.-18  ફ��.ુ-1 �ુલાઈ-2018

. ગજુરાત વહીવટી સેવા, વગર્-૧ અને ગજુરાત મ�ુકી સેવા વગર્-૧ તથા વગર્-૨

100 (��ા�)

15-07-18 07-10-18 ��ુય પ���ા 17,2,24 ફ��-ુ1

નવે.-18 ��ુય પ���ા�ુ ંપ���ામ�ૂન -



. વહીવટીઅિધકારી (ભ�ૂતર િવજ્ઞાન અને ખિનજ કિમશનર�ીની કચરેી હઠેળ), વગર્-૨

02 15-07-18 07-10-18  ���ે.-18  ફ��.ુ-1 

. ��ડ��ટ્રયલપ્રમોશન ઓિફસર (કિમશનર�ી, કુિટર અને ગ્રામ ��ોગની કચરેી હઠેળ), વગર્-૨

17 15-07-18  07-10-18  ���.ુ-1  �િ�લ-1 

. મદદનીશબાગાયત િનયામક, વગર્-૨ 02 15-07-18  07-10-18  ���ે.-18  ફ��.ુ-1 9. નગરપાિલકામખુ્ય અિધકારી, વગર્-૨ ૦૪

15-07-18 28-10-18

��ુય પ���ા2,24મા


���ે.-18 ��ુય પ���ા�ુ ંપ���ામ મે-1


. એનાિલિટકલકેિમ�ટ (ભ�ૂતર િવજ્ઞાન અને ખિનજ કિમશનર�ીની કચરેી હઠેળ), વગર્-૨

0 15-07-18  04-11-18 ���.ુ-1 માચ�-1

. સહાયક રા�ય વેરા કિમ�ર વગર્-૧ 15 15-07-18 16-0-18 ��ુય પ���ા

0,10 ફ��-ુ1

નવે– 18 ��ુય


�ૂન – 1

. નગરપાિલકામખુ્ય અિધકારી, વગર્-૩

07 15-07-18 04-11-18 ��ુય પ���ા 11,12 મે-1

ફ��.ુ-1 ��ુય પ���ા�ુ ં



3. પ્રોગ્રામઅિધકારી( મિહલા અને બાળ િવકાસ), વગર્-૧ 01 15-07-18 04-11-18 ���.ુ-1 માચ�-1 . પ્રા�યાપક (હોિમયોપેિથક મટીરીયા મેિડકા) વગર્-૧

સામા�ય રા�ય સેવા 01 15-07-18 25-11-18 ���-ુ1 માચ�-1

. પ્રા�યાપક (ઓગેર્નન ઓફ મેિડિસન ) વગર્-૧ સામા�ય રા�ય સેવા

01 15-07-18 25-11-18 ���-ુ1 માચ� -1

ઓગ��-2018 . ભાષાતંરકાર, વગર્-૩ 01  15-08-18  04-11-18  ���ે-18 ---- . દહજે પ્રિતબધંક અિધકારી, વગર્-૨ 04 15-08-18 25-11-18 ���ે-18 -ફ��-ુ1 . �જ�લાસમાજ સરુક્ષા અિધકારી, વગર્-૨ 01 15-08-18 2-12-18 ફ��-ુ1 �િ�લ -1 9. ટી.બી. અિધકારી, વગર્-૧ 01 15-08-18 04-11-18  ���.ુ-1  માચ�-1 . વીમાતબીબી અિધકારી (એલોપેથીક),

વગર્-૨, (કા. રા. િવ. યો.) 6 15-08-18  25-11-18  માચ�-1  ઓગ.-1 

. ખેતીઅિધકારી, વગર્-૨ 5 15-08-18  04-11-18  ���.ુ-1  �ૂન-1 . બાળિવકાસ યોજના અિધકારી, વગર્-૨ 02 15-08-18 04-11-18 ���.ુ-1 માચ�-1 3. બાગાયતઅિધકારી, વગર્-૨ 25 15-08-18  2-12-18 માચ�-1 �ૂલાઇ-1 . તબીબીઅધીકારી, વગર્-૨ 150 15-08-18 2-12-18 ફે�-ુ૧૯ �ૂન-1 . રા�યવેરા િનરીક્ષક, વગર્-૩ 50  15-08-18  21-10-18

��ુય પ���ા 06,07�િ�લ-1

િડસે- ૧૮ ��ુય પ���ા�ુ ં

પ���ામ �ૂલાઇ-1

��કા�� હોિમયોપેથી કોલેજમા ંિવિવધ િવષયના ���� . રીડર ( એનાટોમી) વગર્-૧ 01 15-08-18 28-10-18 ���ે- 18 ફ�� ુ– 1

yLÞ ònuh¾çkh

íkk. 7{e Vuçkúwykhe, 2018, økwshkík hkusøkkh Mk{k[kh 3ADVERTISEMENT NO. 02/2018


FOR RECRUITMENT BY SELECTION TO THE FOLLOWING POSTS(*: by using the website http://www.upsconline.nic.in)

VACANCY DETAILS1. (Vacancy No. 18010201527) One Assistant Commissioner (Crops), Department of Agriculture, Cooperation & Farmers Welfare, Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare (UR-01). The post is suitable for Physically Challenged Persons viz. Orthopaedically Handicapped/Locomotor Disability/ Cerebral Palsy with disability i.e. Both legs affected but not arms (BL) or One leg affected (Right or Left) (OL) or One arm affected (Right or Left) (OA). The post is permanent. Pay Scale: Rs.15600-391,00/- + Rs. 6,600/- (Grade Pay) in PB-3. (Level 11 of the pay Matrix as per 7th CPC). General Central Service, Group ‘A’, Gazetted, Non-Ministerial. Age: 40 yrs. QUALIFICATIONS: ESSENTIAL: (A) EDUCATIONAL: Master’s Degree in Agricultural Economics or Agricultural Extension or Agronomy or Entomology or Nematology or Genetics and Plant Breeding or Agriculture Botany or Plant Bio-technology or Plant Pathology or Plant Physiology or Seed Science and Technology or Soil Science and Agricultural Chemistry with three years experience in the area of production and productivity in food or cash crops, e.g., rice or wheat or pulse or millet or sugarcane or cotton or jute or oilseeds in a Central Government or State Government offi ce or Public Sector Undertaking or autonomous body or any recognised institution; Or Bachelor’s Degree in Agricultural Engineering from a recognised University or Institute with four years experience in the area of production and productivity in food or cash crops, e.g., rice or wheat or pulse or millet or sugarcane or cotton or jute or oilseeds in a Central Government or State Government offi ce or Public Sector Undertaking or autonomous body or any recognised institution. NOTE-I : The qualifi cations are relaxable at Commission’s discretion in case of candidates otherwise well qualifi ed. DESIRABLE: Doctorate in the disciplines mentioned under essential criteria. DUTIES: (i) Planning, implementation and monitoring of crops production oriented schemes like Integrated Farming System Development and watershed development/management in rainfed areas. (ii) To maintain a closer interaction with the research on crop production technology and wateshed development in rainfed areas. (iii) Project formulation & monitoring of different Projects , Collection and compilation of information relating to Schemes and other related matters. HQ: New Delhi but liable to serve anywhere in India.2. (Vacancy No. 18010202627) Twelve Aeronautical Offi cer, Directorate General of Civil Aviation, Ministry of Civil Aviation (SC-01, ST-01, OBC-04, UR-06). The posts are permanent. Pay Scale: Level-10 of the Pay Matrix as per 7th CPC). General Central Service, Group ‘A’, Gazetted, Non-Ministerial. Age: 35 yrs. QUALIFICATIONS: ESSENTIAL: (A) EDUCATIONAL: Degree in Aeronautical or Electrical or Electronics or Mechanical or Metallurgical Engineering from a recognized university. (B) EXPERIENCE: Two years experience in aircraft design and development including aircraft electrical or electronics or mechanical systems or airworthiness engineering. DESIRABLE: One year experience in aeronautical research and development or design or laboratory investigation of failed aircraft parts or Flight Recorders involved in accident or incident or Airworthiness Engineering. NOTE-I: Qualifi cations are relaxable at the discretion of Union Public Service Commission, for reasons to be recorded in writing, in case of candidates otherwise well qualifi ed. NOTE-II: The qualifi cation(s) regarding experience is/are relaxable at the discretion of the Union Public Service Commission, in the case of candidates belonging to the Scheduled Castes or Scheduled Tribes, if at any stage of selection, the Union Public Service Commission is of the opinion that suffi cient number of candidates from these communities possessing the requisite experience are not likely to be available to fi ll up the vacancies reserved for them. DUTIES: Responsible for all type certifi cate work including approval of engineering drawings, witnessing of static and other related tests to determine conformity of design features and manufacturing process to relevant airworthiness requirements. To assist Director (AE) on spot approval of structural modifi cations etc. HQ: Directorate General of Civil Aviation, New Delhi with all India Service liability . ANY OTHER CONDITIONS: Candidates having Colour Blindness are not suitable for the post.3. (Vacancy No. 18010203227) Two Scientist ‘B’ (Mechanical), National Test House, Department of Consumer Affairs, Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food and Public Distribution (UR-02). The posts are permanent. Pay Scale: As per 7th CPC Level-10 (Rs.56100-177500) in the Pay Matrix. General Central Service, Group ‘A’, Gazetted, Non-Ministerial. Age: 35 yrs. QUALIFICATIONS: ESSENTIAL: (A) EDUCATIONAL: Master’s degree in Physics from a recognised University or Institute. OR Bachelor of Engineering or Bachelor of Technology in Mechanical Engineering or Metallurgical Engineering from a recognised University or Institute. (B) EXPERIENCE: (i) For Master’s Degree in Physics Holders:- One year practical experience in the testing / calibration of engineering materials/products or in precision measurements/metrology in a recognised laboratory or institute. OR (ii) For Bachelor of Engineering or Bachelor of Technology in Mechanical Engineering or Metallurgical Engineering Holders:- Two years’ practical experience in the testing/calibration of engineering materials/products or in precision measurements/metrology in a recognised laboratory or institute. NOTE-I: The qualifi cations are relaxable at the discretion of the Union Public Service Commission for reasons to be recorded in writing, in case of candidates otherwise well qualifi ed.DESIRABLE: Research and Development experience in testing of engineering materials and metrology/calibration of instruments and machines. DUTIES: Scientist ‘B’ (Mechanical) is overall In-Charge of Laboratory. Scientist ‘B’ (Mechanical) scrutinizes test, requests, allocates samples to Scientifi c Assistants & Scientifi c Offi cers, supervises technical/ administrative problems, checks draft Test Certifi cates, signs offi cial Test Certifi cates. Initiates purchase cases. Assists Scientist ‘C’ in all works. HQ: Kolkata with liability to serve anywhere in India.4. (Vacancy No. 18010204227) Two Junior Scientifi c Offi cer (Explosive), Central Forensic Science Laboratory, Directorate of Forensic Science Services, Ministry of Home Affairs (UR-02). The post is suitable for Physically Challenged Persons viz. Orthopaedically Handicapped/Locomotor Disability/ Cerebral Palsy with disability i.e. One leg affected (Right or Left) (OL) or Hearing Impairment with disability i.e. Partially Deaf (PD). General Central Service, Group ’B’, Gazetted, Non-Ministerial. The posts are permanent. Pay Scale: Rs.9,300-34,800/- with Grade Pay of Rs. 4,600/- in PB-2 ( Pre-revised). As per 7th CPC Level-7 (Rs.44900-142400/-) in the Pay Matrix. Age: 30 yrs. QUALIFICATIONS: ESSENTIAL: (A) EDUCATIONAL: Master’s Degree in Chemistry / Forensic Science with Chemistry as one of the subjects at Bachelor of Science level from a recognized university or equivalent*. *The specifi c essential educational qualifi cations mentioned in the existing Recruitment Rules only are required for direct recruitment to the post. No other educational qualifi cation is needed to be included in the said educational qualifi cations under the ambit of the word “equivalent”. (B) EXPERIENCE: Two years experience of Analytical method and research therein in the fi eld of Explosives. NOTE-I: The qualifi cations are relaxable at Commission’s discretion in case of candidates otherwise well qualifi ed. DUTIES: Crime Scene Management, Crime Case Examination, giving evidences in the Courts of Law u/s 293 of Cr. PC, providing guidance to the junior scientifi c staff for case analysis, R&D activities on Forensic Activities and imparting training in their respective fi eld of forensic specialization to the trainees from different investigating agencies / forensic science labs and other organizations. HQ: New Delhi with Laboratories at Kolkata, Chandigarh, Hyderabad, Bhopal, Guwahati & Pune. In connection with performing his duties the offi cer may be required to serve in any part of India.5. (Vacancy No. 18010205227) Eleven Assistant Chemist, Geological Survey of India, Ministry of Mines (SC-01, UR-10). Of the eleven posts, one post is reserved for Physically Challenged Persons viz. Hearing Impairment with disability i.e. Partially Deaf (PD). The post is also suitable for Physically Challenged Persons viz. Hearing Impairment with disability i.e. Partially Deaf (PD). The posts are permanent. Pay Scale: As per 7th CPC Level - 8 (Rs. 47,600 - 1,51,100/-) in the Pay Matrix. General Central Service, Group ’B’, Gazetted, Non-Ministerial. Age: 30* yrs.QUALIFICATIONS: ESSENTIAL: (A) EDUCATIONAL: Master’s Degree in any branch of Chemistry or Bachelor Degree in Chemical Engineering or Technology from a recognized University or Institution or Degree or Diploma conferred by the Associate Institute of Chemist (India) in Chemistry. NOTE: Qualifi cations are relaxable at the discretion of the Union Public Service Commission, for reasons to be recorded in writing, in the case of candidates otherwise well qualifi ed. DUTIES: Analytical work relating to rocks, minerals, ores, metals, alloys allied materials and assaying of precious metals. HQ: Kolkata with All India service liability. ANY OTHER CONDITIONS: Every appointee on his/ her 1st appointment in Geological Survey of India shall have

(yLkwMktÄkLk ÃkkLkk Lktçkh 4 WÃkh)

4 íkk. 7{e Vuçkúwykhe, 2018, økwshkík hkusøkkh Mk{k[kh

(yLkwMktÄkLk ÃkkLkk Lktçkh 3 WÃkhLkwt [k÷w)to successfully complete the induction or orientation training conducted by Geological Survey of India Training Institute.


HOW TO APPLY:– Candidates must apply online through the website http://www.upsconline.nic.in. Applications received through any other mode would not be accepted

and summarily rejected.

Department of Space Government of India



íkk. 7{e Vuçkúwykhe, 2018, økwshkík hkusøkkh Mk{k[kh 5



ON-LINE REGISTRATION WILL START www.delhimetrorail.com/career.aspx

From 27.01.2018 (10.00 hrs )

ONLINE Application Fee to be paid between: From 01.02.2018 to 26.02.2018 LAST DATE FOR REGISTRATION OF ON-LINE APPLICATIONS 26.02.2018 (23: 59 hrs.) Availability of Call Letters on DMRC website for CBT Will be intimated by email/sms on registered email/phone number

Delhi Metro Rail Corporation (DMRC), a joint venture company with equity participation from Govt. of India and Govt. of National Capital Territory of Delhi has been entrusted with the responsibility of implementation of the rail based Mass Rapid Transit System for Delhi, NCR & other metros. Applications are invited from young and dynamic persons of Indian nationality for the following category of Executive & Non-Executive posts in DMRC.

SECTION – ‘A’ – Regular -Executive Category posts Age between as on 01.01.2018, 18 to 28 Years, i.e. born not earlier than 02.01.1990 and not later than 01.01.2000, for all posts.

Post Code

Name of Post Employment Status

Pay Scale (IDA) in

No of vacancies** including

reserved categories vacancies

Essential Qualification Required Medical Standards as per Indian Rly. Medical Manual. (Brief details of medical standard are available at DMRC’s Web site)


RE01 Asstt. Manager/ Electrical

Regular 20600-46500/-

03 02 06 10 21 GATE qualified candidates for the year 2017. Candidates should have got a minimum of 60% marks /equivalent CGPA in B.E./B.Tech (Electrical) respectively from a Govt. recognized University/Institute, with a valid GATE score in 2017


RE02 Asstt. Manager/ S&T

Regular 20600-46500/-

02 01 03 06 12 GATE qualified candidates for the year 2017. Candidates should have got a minimum of 60% marks/equivalent CGPA in B.E./B.Tech in Electronics Engg.,Electronics & Communication Engg.,IT,Computer Science,Computer Science & Engg.,Electrical & Electronics Engg.,Electrical Engg.,Electronics & Telecommunication Engg.,Electronics Instrumentation and Control, Instrumentation & Control and Instrumentation engg., from a Govt. recognized University/Institute, with a valid GATE score in 2017


RE03 Asstt. Manager/ Operations

Regular 20600-46500/-

01 - 02 05 08 GATE qualified candidates for the year 2017. Candidates should have got a minimum of 60% marks/equivalent CGPA in BE/B Tech in Electrical/Electronics/Mechanical/Civil or in equivalent trade from a Govt. recognized University/Institute, with a valid GATE score in 2017 OR 02 (Two) year full time MBA with 60% marks/equivalent CGPA having specialization in Marketing/International Business Operations/Logistics from a Govt. recognized University/Institute


RE04 Asstt.Manager /Fire

Regular 20600-46500/-

- - 01 01 02 B.Sc (Three years duration) or equivalent from a Govt. recognized University with one year Advance Diploma of National Fire Service College of Nagpur or BE(Fire) of NFSC, Nagpur or equivalent

Executive/Technical & Minimum Physical

Standards – Height-165 cms, Chest-81 cms & 86 cms

expanded. RE05 Asstt.Manager/

Stores Regular 20600-

46500/- - - - 02 02 GATE qualified candidates for the year 2017, Candidates should

have got a minimum of 60% marks/equivalent CGPA in B.Tech/B.E. in Mechanical/Electrical/Electronic discipline from a Govt. recognized University/Institute, with a valid GATE score in 2017.



RE06 Asstt.Manager/ Environment

Regular 20600-46500/-

- - - 01 01 GATE qualified candidates for the year 2017, , Candidates should have got a minimum of 60% marks/equivalent CGPA in B.Tech/B.E. in Civil/Environment Engineering from a Govt. recognized University/Institute, with a valid GATE score in 2017


RE07 Asstt.Manager /IT

Regular 20600-46500/-

- - 01 02 03 GATE qualified candidates for the year 2017. Masters degree in Computer Application or Computer Science or Masters of Technology (with specialization in Computer Application), with a valid GATE score in 2017 or BE/B Tech in Computer Science or Information Science/Technology with minimum 60% marks/equivalent CGPA from a Govt. recognized University/Institute, with a valid GATE score in 2017.


SECTION – ‘B’ – Regular-Non-Executive Category posts Age between as on 01.01.2018, 18 to 28 Years, i.e. born not earlier than 02.01.1990 and not later than 01.01.2000, for all posts.

Post Code

Name of Post

Employment Status

Pay Scale (IDA) in

No of vacancies** including

reserved categories vacancies

Essential Qualification Required Medical Standards as per Indian Rly. Medical Manual. (Brief details of medical standard are available at DMRC’s Web site)


RNE01 Jr.Engineer/ Electrical

Regular 14000-26950

28 14 51 99 27 192 Three years Engineering Diploma# in Electrical/equivalent trade from a Govt. recognized University/Institute

Aye-one (A-1) category, not below Aye-three (A-3)

RNE02 Jr.Engineer/

Electronics Regular 14000-

26950 20 09 36 70 19 135 Three years Engineering Diploma# in Electronics,

Computer Engg., Information Technology, Electronics & Communications, Electronics & Communications Industry Integrated, Electrical & Electronics, Electronics/Microprocessor, Electronics & Telecommunications, Instrumentation Technology, Electronics and Instrumentation Engg. from a Govt. recognized University/Institute

Aye-one (A-1) category, not below Aye-three (A-3)

RNE03 Jr.Engineer/ Mechanical

Regular 14000-26950

13 06 23 45 12 87 Three years Engineering Diploma# in Mechanical /equivalent trade from a Govt. recognized University/Institute

Aye-one (A-1) category, not below Aye-three (A-3)

RNE04 Jr.Engineer/

Civil Regular 14000-

26950 03 01 06 14 03 24 Three years Engineering Diploma# in Civil/equivalent

trade from a Govt. recognized University/Institute Aye-one (A-1) category,

not below Aye-three (A-3)

RNE05 Jr.Engineer/ Environment

Regular 14000-26950

- - - 02 - 02 Three years Engineering Diploma# in Civil from a Govt. recognized University/Institute

Aye-one (A-1) category, not below Aye-three (A-3)

RNE06 Asstt. Programmer

Regular 14000-26950

01 - 01 07 01 09 Three years Engineering Diploma# in Computer Science or Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Applications (BCA) or Bachelor’s Degree in Information Technology, viz.B.Sc./IT from a Govt. recognized University/Institute

Bee-Two (B-2)

RNE07 Legal Assistant

Regular 14000-26950

- - 01 03 - 04 LLB with minimum 50% marks from a recognized Govt. recognized University/Institutes or National Law School

Cee-one (C-1)

RNE08 Fire Inspector

Regular 14000-26950

01 - 03 06 01 10 B.Sc. (three years course) from a Govt. Recognized University, with one year Fire Safety course from a Govt. recognized University/Institute

Aye-One & Minimum Physical Standards –

Height-167 cms, Weight-51 kg, Chest-81 cms & 86 cms expanded.

RNE09 Librarian Regular 14000-26950

- - - 02 - 02 B. Lib with minimum 60% marks/equivalent CGPA/equivalent CGPA from a Govt. recognized University/Institute Desirable:-M.Lib/B.Ed/Post Graduate in any discipline from a Govt. recognized University/Institute

Cee-one (C-1)

RNE10 Maintainer-Electrician

Regular 10170-18500

47 23 85 162 45 317 ITI (NCVT/SCVT) in Electrician Trade, from a Govt. recognized University/Institute

Bee-One (B-1)

RNE11 Maintainer-Electronic Mechanic

Regular 10170-18500

79 39 143 269 76 530 ITI(NCVT/SCVT) in Electronic Mechanic, Information communication Technology System Maintenance, Information Technology,Machine Computer Hardware, Machine cum Operator Electronic Communication System,Machine Industrial Electronics, Radio & TV Machine,Power Electronics System from a Govt. recognized University/Institute

Bee-One (B-1)

RNE12 Maintainer -Ref & AC Mechanic

Regular 10170-18500

04 02 08 19 04 33 ITI (NCVT/SCVT) in Refrigeration & AC Mechanic from a Govt. recognized University/Institute

Bee-One (B-1)

RNE13 Maintainer -Fitter

Regular 10170-18500

26 13 48 91 25 178 ITI (NCVT/SCVT) in Fitter, Lift & Escalator Mechanic from a Govt. recognized University/Institute

Bee-One (B-1)

SECTION – ‘C’ –Executive posts on contract basis for 04 years Age between as on 01.01.2018, 18 to 28 Years, i.e. born not earlier than 02.01.1990 and not later than 01.01.2000, for all posts.

Post Code

Name of Post Employment Status

Pay Scale (IDA) in

No of vacancies** including

reserved categories vacancies

Essential Qualification Required Medical Standards as per Indian Rly. Medical Manual. (Brief details of medical standard are available at DMRC’s Web site)


CE01 Asstt. Manager/ Electrical

Contract 20600-46500

03 02 08 12 - - 25 GATE qualified candidates for the year 2017. Candidates should have got a minimum of 60% marks/equivalent CGPA in B.E./B.Tech (Electrical) respectively from a Govt. recognized University/Institute, with a valid GATE score in 2017

Executive/ Technical

CE02 Asstt. Manager/ S&T

Contract 20600-46500

04 01 06 11 - - 22 GATE qualified candidates for the year 2017. Candidates should have got a minimum of 60% marks/equivalent CGPA in B.E./B.Tech in Electronics Engg.,Electronics & Communication Engg.,IT,Computer Science,Computer Science & Engg.,Electrical & Electronics Engg.,Electrical Engg.,Electronics & Telecommunication Engg.,Electronics Instrumentation and Control, Instrumentation & Control and Instrumentation Engg., from a Govt. recognized University/Institute, with a valid GATE score in 2017

Executive/ Technical

CE03 Asstt. Manager/ Civil

Contract 20600-46500

09 06 07 22 - - 44 GATE qualified candidates for the year 2017. Candidates should have got a minimum of 60% marks/equivalent CGPA in B.E./B.Tech (Civil), respectively from a Govt. recognized University/Institute., with a valid GATE score in 2017.

Executive/ Technical

CE04 Asstt. Manager/ Alignment Design

Contract 20600-46500

- - - 01 - - 01 GATE qualified candidates for the year 2017, B.E./B.Tech (Civil) from a Govt. recognized University/Institute with Working knowledge of ‘AutoCAD’ or similar software, with a valid GATE score in 2017.

Executive/ Technical

SECTION – ‘D’ –Non-Executive posts on contract basis for 04 years Age between as on 01.01.2018, 18 to 28 Years, i.e. born not earlier than 02.01.1990 and not later than 01.01.2000, for all posts.

Post Code

Name of Post Employment Status

Pay Scale (IDA) in

No of vacancies** including

reserved categories vacancies

Essential Qualification Required Medical Standards as per Indian Rly. Medical Manual. (Brief details of medical standard are available at DMRC’s Web site) SC ST OBC UR ExS* PWD* TOTAL


Jr.Engineer/ Electrical

Contract 14000-26950

01 - 02 04 01 - 07 Three years Engineering Diploma# in Electrical/equivalent trade from a Govt. recognized University/Institute

Aye-one (A-1) category, not below Aye-three (A-3)


Jr.Engineer/ Electronics

Contract 14000-26950

15 08 27 52 14 - 102 Three years Engineering Diploma# in Electronics, Computer Engg., Information Technology, Electronics & Communications, Electronics & Communications Industry Integrated, Electrical & Electronics, Electronics/Microprocessor, Electronics & Telecommunications, Instrumentation Technology, Electronics and Instrumentation Engg. from a Govt. recognized University/Institute

Aye-one (A-1) category, not below Aye-three (A-3)


Jr.Engineer/ Civil

Contract 14000-26950

18 08 13 57 13 - 96 Three years Engineering Diploma# in Civil/equivalent trade from a Govt. recognized University/Institute

Aye-one (A-1) category, not below Aye-three (A-3)


Office Assistant

Contract 45,000/-p.m. consolidated

01 01 03 09 02 02 14 B.A./B.Sc./B.Com from a Govt. recognized University/Institute

Cee-one (C-1)


Store Assistant Contract 45,000/-p.m. consolidated

01 - 03 09 01 01 13 Three years Engineering Diploma# in Electrical/Electronics/Mechanical/Civil or equivalent from a Govt. recognized University/Institute

Cee-one (C-1)

# Candidates with higher qualification in respective disciplines can also apply. However, for the posts of Maintainer/(Electrician, Electronic Mechanic, Ref & AC Mechanic and Fitter), viz., post codes (RNE10, RNE11, RNE12 & RNE13), candidates must have done ITI in specified, above mentioned trades. Candidates having higher qualification, viz.BE/BTech/Diploma etc., but not having ITI in specific trades, are not eligible for theses posts of Maintainers from post codes RNE10 to RNE13).

*on horizontal basis, **All vacancies are provisional and subject to increase / decrease. Candidates can apply for more than one post as per their qualifications. Candidates after selection are likely to be posted at Delhi/NCR or any other projects of DMRC, anywhere in India. Reservation for PWDs has been provided in identified posts, wherever applicable, to the extent admissible. The result of reserved category posts will be subject to the final outcome of the CA No.1086/2013 (Sarv Rural & Urban Wel.Soc.th Vs UOI & others). Qualification:- As prescribed above. Candidates who are appearing at the qualifying exam, qualifying of which would make them educationally eligible for these posts but have not yet been informed of the results, will also be eligible for applying for these posts. Such candidates will be admitted to the examination, if otherwise eligible, but their candidature would be provisional. If they do not produce proof of having passed the essential qualification by/on the date of publication of result of CBT by DMRC for Non-executive posts or on date of GD /Interview for Executive posts, their candidature is liable to be cancelled. The proof of passing/result should have been declared in public domain through newspapers/websites etc. Reservation for Persons with Disability (PWD) :The Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment, Government of India, vide their notification, dated 22.6.2007 published in Extra ordinary Gazette of India has granted the exemption for all technical post which involves requirement of public safety from the purview of Section 33 of the Persons with Disability Act, 1995. As such, reservation for requisite number of PWD candidate against non-technical post is provided in post code CNE04 & CNE05. Only such persons would be eligible for reservation in services/posts who suffer from not less than 40% of relevant disability. Such candidate will be required to submit a Disability Certificate issued by Medical Board duly constituted by Central or State Government (Format is available on DMRC’s website www.delhimetrorail.com). Candidates falling in the following categories of the disability may apply, viz.:

Post Code Post Category of disability No. of posts reserved CNE04 Office Assistant OA, OL 02 CNE05 Store Assistant HI 01

OA : One arm affected (Right or Left) – (a) impaired reach (b) weakness of grip (c) ataxic, OL : One leg affected (Right or Left) – (a) impaired reach (b) ataxic, HI : Hearing Impairment" i.e. loss of sixty decibels or more in the better ear in the conversational range of frequencies. N.B.: Extant rules regarding relaxation in standards of examination etc. shall be intimated on DMRC’s website www.delhimetrorail.com. Job Profile indicative:

RNE11 Maintainer-Electronic Mechanic

Regular 10170-18500

79 39 143 269 76 530 ITI(NCVT/SCVT) in Electronic Mechanic, Information communication Technology System Maintenance, Information Technology,Machine Computer Hardware, Machine cum Operator Electronic Communication System,Machine Industrial Electronics, Radio & TV Machine,Power Electronics System from a Govt. recognized University/Institute

Bee-One (B-1)

RNE12 Maintainer -Ref & AC Mechanic

Regular 10170-18500

04 02 08 19 04 33 ITI (NCVT/SCVT) in Refrigeration & AC Mechanic from a Govt. recognized University/Institute

Bee-One (B-1)

RNE13 Maintainer -Fitter

Regular 10170-18500

26 13 48 91 25 178 ITI (NCVT/SCVT) in Fitter, Lift & Escalator Mechanic from a Govt. recognized University/Institute

Bee-One (B-1)

SECTION – ‘C’ –Executive posts on contract basis for 04 years Age between as on 01.01.2018, 18 to 28 Years, i.e. born not earlier than 02.01.1990 and not later than 01.01.2000, for all posts.

Post Code

Name of Post Employment Status

Pay Scale (IDA) in

No of vacancies** including

reserved categories vacancies

Essential Qualification Required Medical Standards as per Indian Rly. Medical Manual. (Brief details of medical standard are available at DMRC’s Web site)


CE01 Asstt. Manager/ Electrical

Contract 20600-46500

03 02 08 12 - - 25 GATE qualified candidates for the year 2017. Candidates should have got a minimum of 60% marks/equivalent CGPA in B.E./B.Tech (Electrical) respectively from a Govt. recognized University/Institute, with a valid GATE score in 2017

Executive/ Technical

CE02 Asstt. Manager/ S&T

Contract 20600-46500

04 01 06 11 - - 22 GATE qualified candidates for the year 2017. Candidates should have got a minimum of 60% marks/equivalent CGPA in B.E./B.Tech in Electronics Engg.,Electronics & Communication Engg.,IT,Computer Science,Computer Science & Engg.,Electrical & Electronics Engg.,Electrical Engg.,Electronics & Telecommunication Engg.,Electronics Instrumentation and Control, Instrumentation & Control and Instrumentation Engg., from a Govt. recognized University/Institute, with a valid GATE score in 2017

Executive/ Technical

CE03 Asstt. Manager/ Civil

Contract 20600-46500

09 06 07 22 - - 44 GATE qualified candidates for the year 2017. Candidates should have got a minimum of 60% marks/equivalent CGPA in B.E./B.Tech (Civil), respectively from a Govt. recognized University/Institute., with a valid GATE score in 2017.

Executive/ Technical

CE04 Asstt. Manager/ Alignment Design

Contract 20600-46500

- - - 01 - - 01 GATE qualified candidates for the year 2017, B.E./B.Tech (Civil) from a Govt. recognized University/Institute with Working knowledge of ‘AutoCAD’ or similar software, with a valid GATE score in 2017.

Executive/ Technical

SECTION – ‘D’ –Non-Executive posts on contract basis for 04 years Age between as on 01.01.2018, 18 to 28 Years, i.e. born not earlier than 02.01.1990 and not later than 01.01.2000, for all posts.

Post Code

Name of Post Employment Status

Pay Scale (IDA) in

No of vacancies** including

reserved categories vacancies

Essential Qualification Required Medical Standards as per Indian Rly. Medical Manual. (Brief details of medical standard are available at DMRC’s Web site) SC ST OBC UR ExS* PWD* TOTAL


Jr.Engineer/ Electrical

Contract 14000-26950

01 - 02 04 01 - 07 Three years Engineering Diploma# in Electrical/equivalent trade from a Govt. recognized University/Institute

Aye-one (A-1) category, not below Aye-three (A-3)


Jr.Engineer/ Electronics

Contract 14000-26950

15 08 27 52 14 - 102 Three years Engineering Diploma# in Electronics, Computer Engg., Information Technology, Electronics & Communications, Electronics & Communications Industry Integrated, Electrical & Electronics, Electronics/Microprocessor, Electronics & Telecommunications, Instrumentation Technology, Electronics and Instrumentation Engg. from a Govt. recognized University/Institute

Aye-one (A-1) category, not below Aye-three (A-3)


Jr.Engineer/ Civil

Contract 14000-26950

18 08 13 57 13 - 96 Three years Engineering Diploma# in Civil/equivalent trade from a Govt. recognized University/Institute

Aye-one (A-1) category, not below Aye-three (A-3)


Office Assistant

Contract 45,000/-p.m. consolidated

01 01 03 09 02 02 14 B.A./B.Sc./B.Com from a Govt. recognized University/Institute

Cee-one (C-1)


Store Assistant Contract 45,000/-p.m. consolidated

01 - 03 09 01 01 13 Three years Engineering Diploma# in Electrical/Electronics/Mechanical/Civil or equivalent from a Govt. recognized University/Institute

Cee-one (C-1)

# Candidates with higher qualification in respective disciplines can also apply. However, for the posts of Maintainer/(Electrician, Electronic Mechanic, Ref & AC Mechanic and Fitter), viz., post codes (RNE10, RNE11, RNE12 & RNE13), candidates must have done ITI in specified, above mentioned trades. Candidates having higher qualification, viz.BE/BTech/Diploma etc., but not having ITI in specific trades, are not eligible for theses posts of Maintainers from post codes RNE10 to RNE13).

*on horizontal basis, **All vacancies are provisional and subject to increase / decrease. Candidates can apply for more than one post as per their qualifications. Candidates after selection are likely to be posted at Delhi/NCR or any other projects of DMRC, anywhere in India. Reservation for PWDs has been provided in identified posts, wherever applicable, to the extent admissible. The result of reserved category posts will be subject to the final outcome of the CA No.1086/2013 (Sarv Rural & Urban Wel.Soc.th Vs UOI & others). Qualification:- As prescribed above. Candidates who are appearing at the qualifying exam, qualifying of which would make them educationally eligible for these posts but have not yet been informed of the results, will also be eligible for applying for these posts. Such candidates will be admitted to the examination, if otherwise eligible, but their candidature would be provisional. If they do not produce proof of having passed the essential qualification by/on the date of publication of result of CBT by DMRC for Non-executive posts or on date of GD /Interview for Executive posts, their candidature is liable to be cancelled. The proof of passing/result should have been declared in public domain through newspapers/websites etc. Reservation for Persons with Disability (PWD) :The Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment, Government of India, vide their notification, dated 22.6.2007 published in Extra ordinary Gazette of India has granted the exemption for all technical post which involves requirement of public safety from the purview of Section 33 of the Persons with Disability Act, 1995. As such, reservation for requisite number of PWD candidate against non-technical post is provided in post code CNE04 & CNE05. Only such persons would be eligible for reservation in services/posts who suffer from not less than 40% of relevant disability. Such candidate will be required to submit a Disability Certificate issued by Medical Board duly constituted by Central or State Government (Format is available on DMRC’s website www.delhimetrorail.com). Candidates falling in the following categories of the disability may apply, viz.:

Post Code Post Category of disability No. of posts reserved CNE04 Office Assistant OA, OL 02 CNE05 Store Assistant HI 01

OA : One arm affected (Right or Left) – (a) impaired reach (b) weakness of grip (c) ataxic, OL : One leg affected (Right or Left) – (a) impaired reach (b) ataxic, HI : Hearing Impairment" i.e. loss of sixty decibels or more in the better ear in the conversational range of frequencies. N.B.: Extant rules regarding relaxation in standards of examination etc. shall be intimated on DMRC’s website www.delhimetrorail.com. Job Profile indicative: The Job profile of Asstt. Managers (Electrical/S&T/Civil) pertains to management of various Maintenance Systems & processes, in connection with operation & maintenance of Metro Trains/tracks/works etc, and also for installation/ execution of various systems in DMRC Project etc. The Job profile of Asstt.Managers/Operations pertains to Station/Train/staff management, Roster preparation, OCC, commuter grievances redressal, safety SoPs etc. The job of Asstt.Manager/IT pertains to IT system management including programming language, data base concept, IT security, project management, system design & development, ERP system etc. The Job profile of Asstt. Manager/Fire pertains to fire management in DMRC stations/offices/depots etc. The Job profile of Asstt. Manager/Stores pertains to Material Management & Store related works. The Job profile of Asstt. Manager/Environment pertains to preparation of work/reports for various construction projects, Environment clearance, Land acquisition reports, preparation of documents for ISO IMS. The Job profile of Asstt.Managers/Alignment Design pertains to overseeing all the design related activities of DMRC and its allied projects. => Assistant Managers for all posts can also be required to undergo training in train driving, to obtain competency and should be prepared/required to operate trains from time to time, if required. The job profile of Jr.Engineers include maintenance of various Electrical (Rolling Stock/Lift/Escalators/E&M/Power supply, stores etc), Electronics (Signaling & Telecom, Automatic Fair Collection, Rolling Stock, SCADA, Stores etc), Civil (P.Way & Works) & Mechanical systems and train maintenance, handling/operating Tower Wagon/Shunting etc. in shift duty including night shift. JEs can also be deputed as SC/TO after due training & psychometric test for Line-6 & Line-8 of DMRC as per requirement of the Corporation. The job profile of Jr.Engineers/Environment pertains assisting in preparation of work/reports for various construction projects, Environment clearance, Land acquisition reports, preparation of documents for ISO IMS including night shifts. The job of Asstt.Programmers entails looking after diverse works of Signalling/Telecom/Automatic Fare Collection Systems including hardware & software maintenance of various Electronics systems and maintenance etc. in shift duty including night shift. The job of Fire Inspector entails to supervising & Inspection of fire management at DMRC stations/offices/depots etc including night shifts. The job of Librarian entails library management, classification, cataloguing, circulation & resource sharing etc.. The job profile of Office Assistants pertains to HR/Administration Department that entails dealing with various HR activities like Recruitment, training, allowances, increments, pay bills, leave rules, medical attendance & treatment rules, PF, IR, maintenance & processing of employees particulars in SAP/ERP etc. The job profile of Store Assistant pertains to assisting in Material Management & Store related works including night shifts The job profile of Legal Assistant is attending court cases, preparing legal brief, liaisoning with advocates and legal authorities, attending arbitration and other legal/quasi legal matters in various courts/tribunals etc. The Job profile of Maintainers/(Electrician, Electronic Mechanic, Ref & AC Mechanic and Fitter) pertain to upkeep & maintenance of various Maintenance Systems & processes, in connection with operation & maintenance of Metro Trains, and also for installation/ execution of various systems like Lifts, Escalators, Track, Structure, Traction/OHE, E&M, Signaling, Telecom/Automatic Fare Collection, Train Coaches, P. Way, works, Stores Depots etc., in shift duty including night shift. Selection process: For Executive cadre posts, viz., under SECTION ‘A’ & ‘C’ (for post codes RE01 to RE07 and CE01 to CE04), the selection methodology will comprise a three-stage process –CBT (two papers), Group Discussion & Personal Interview followed by Medical Examination in Executive(Technical/Non-technical) category, as the case may be. For Non- Executive posts, viz. under SECTION ‘B’ & ‘D’ (for post codes RNE01 to RNE09 & CNE01 to CNE05), the selection methodology will comprise a two-stage process – CBT (two papers), followed by Medical Examination in prescribed medical standard & for Maintainers posts under, viz., RNE10 to RNE13, the selection methodology will comprise a two-stage process – CBT (One paper), followed by Medical Examination in prescribed medical standard. The selection process would judge different facets of knowledge, skills, comprehension, aptitude and physical fitness. Candidates will have to pass through each stage successfully (including Medical examination), before being adjudged as suitable for selection. Candidates, who fail in the prescribed medical test, will not be offered any alternative employment and decision of the Corporation shall be final on this issue. Dates of CBT examination, result and all recruitment related information shall be available only on Web site: http://www.delhimetrorail.com and candidates must remain in constant touch with it. Computer Based Test (CBT): The CBT will consist of two papers (Paper-I and Paper-II, to be held on the same day at the same centre). Paper-I will consist of multiple-choice objective type questions, bilingual (Hindi/English), on General Awareness, General Intelligence & Reasoning, Quantitative Aptitude (General English for Maintainer-Electrician, Electronic Mechanic, Fitter and Ref & AC Mechanic) and/ knowledge of the discipline/trade. There will be a total of 120 questions, each carrying equal marks. There will be negative marking. For every wrong answer 1

/3 marks will be deducted. The Paper-I shall be of 1.5 hours duration. Paper-II (Not for Maintainers post, viz., from RNE10 to RNE13) will consist of objective type questions on General English to judge the knowledge of English language. There will be a total of 60 questions, each carrying equal marks. There will be negative marking. For every wrong answer 1

/3 marks will be deducted. The Paper-II shall be of 45 minutes’ duration. Candidates who qualify separately in Paper-I & Paper-II and rank high on the merit list within the zone of consideration in (Both Paper-I & Paper-II separately) as decided by DMRC shall be called, based on the overall merit of CBT(both Paper-I & Paper-II together), category wise, for Medical Examination/GD & Interview, at Delhi/NCR. Candidates (for all categories of posts) called for GD & Interview, shall be paid to & fro sleeper class Railway fare for journey by the shortest route between Railway Station nearest to hometown & Delhi. NOTE:- Normalization method will be applicable for evaluating CBT results, where the CBT is held in more than one shift. Medical Examination: All candidates shall have to undergo the medical fitness test(s) and meet the medical standards prescribed by DMRC for various posts. Expenses for the first time medical examination of the candidate will be borne by DMRC. However, in case a candidate seeks extension for joining or re-examination, subject to extant rules, then for the second time medical examination/re-examination, if need so arises, the expenditure for the medical test/s will be borne by the candidate himself/herself. Candidates having undergone lasik surgery are not suitable for any posts except Asstt.Programmer,Office Asstt.,Store Asstt and Legal Asstt.. Character & Antecedents: The success in the examination does not confer any right to appointment unless the corporation is satisfied after such an inquiry, as may be considered necessary, that the candidate having regard to his/her character and antecedents is suitable in all respects for appointment to the service. It will be the responsibility of the employee that his/her, character and antecedents, is done in time. Surety Bond: The candidates selected for post under Executive Cadre/Non Executive Cadre will have to execute a surety bond to serve the corporation for a minimum period of three years (exclusive of the period in which one remained on LWP or EOL) and also a prior notice* with GST, will be required before seeking resignation from the corporation. * 03 months prior notice for Regular posts and 01 month notice for Contractual posts.

Training: The selected candidates (both Regular & Contract), will undergo intensive training for prescribed duration before posting on the job. The Corporation has the right to enhance or reduce the training period at its discretion for any or all the trainees. Probation: The selected candidates (on regular posts) on appointment will be on Probation for a period of two years (including period of training). During the probation period, candidates shall be required to pass various examinations. The service of the candidate during probation period can be terminated by the corporation if the performance of candidate is found to be unsatisfactory, in accordance with the terms & conditions of offer of appointment & receipt of satisfactory police report. The probation period will exclude LWP or EOL. Pay & Emoluments: The pay & emoluments for direct recruits and contracts employees shall be as per pay scales under the IDA (Industrial DA), except for the posts of Office Assistant & Store Assistant, as applicable from time to time and other benefits which include Perks, HRA or lease, perks as applicable to TOs, Medical benefit, EPF, Gratuity, and Insurance etc. as per extant rules of the Corporation as applicable to Direct Recruit employees from time to time. However, candidates for the post of Office Assistant & Store Assistant, will be paid a lump sum salary of Rs.45,000/- per month. Concessions & Relaxations: Upper age relaxation by 5 years for SC/ST and 3 years for OBC candidates (of Central List) (Formats are available on DMRC’s website), for reserved posts. Upper age relaxations by 5 years for candidates belonging to Jammu & Kashmir who had ordinarily been domiciled in that state between 01.01.1980 and 31.12.1989.

Post Codes Post Surety Bond RE01 to RE07 & CE01 to CE04 Executive posts Rs. 3,00,000/- plus GST & Cost of training (Rs. 83,000/- plus GST) RNE01,RNE02RNE03,RNE05, RNE06,RNE08 & CNE01 to CNE02

Jr.Engineer (Electrical, Electronics/ Mechanical/ Env.), Asstt.Programmer & Fire Inspector

Rs. 1,50,000/- plus GST & Cost of training (Rs. 30,000/- plus GST)

RNE04 & CNE03 Jr.Engineer/Civil Rs. 1,50,000/- plus GST & Cost of training (Rs. 1,40,000/- plus GST) RNE07,RNE09, CNE04 & CNE05 Office Asstt., Store Asstt,Legal Asstt.,Librarian Rs. 1,50,000/- plus GST & Cost of training (Rs. 20,000/- plus GST) RNE010 to RNE13 Maintainers-(Electrician,Electronic Mechanic,Ref & AC

Mech and Fitter) Rs. 1,50,000/- plus GST & Cost of training (Rs. 20,000/- plus GST)


6 íkk. 7{e Vuçkúwykhe, 2018, økwshkík hkusøkkh Mk{k[kh

„úk{eý «ðk‚™{kt hkus„khe™e Œfku :nk÷™k ‚{Þ{kt sÞkhu Ãký Þkºkk fu «ðk‚™ yt„u

rð[kh fhðk{kt ykðu Au íÞkhu «ðk‚™ ™k ðŒo{k™ MÚk¤ku WÃkh s æÞk™ furLÿŒ fhðk{kt ykðŒwt nkuÞ Au. su{kt Äkr{of ŒeÚko Þkºkk™k MÚk¤ku nkuÞ, yirŒnkr‚f M{khfku nkuÞ fu ‚{wÿ fktXk™k rðMŒkhku nkuÞ fu yLÞ nuhexus MÚk¤ nkuÞ. yk ƒÄk ÃkhtÃkhk„Œ «ðk‚™ MÚk¤ku WÃkh ðÄŒwt sŒwt ˃ký skuR™u nðu ðifrÕÃkf «ðk‚™ MÚk¤ku rð»ku rð[kh fhðk™ku ‚{Þ ykðe „Þku Au. ðifrÕÃkf «ðk‚™ MÚk¤ku yux÷u yuðk MÚk¤ku fu su yíÞkh ‚wÄe «[kh «‚kh{kt fu ÷kufku™k æÞk™ Ãkh ykÔÞk ™Úke Œu{™u Ëuþ™k «ðk‚™ ™fþk WÃkh ÷kððk ¾wƒs sYhe Au. Ëuþ{kt «ðk‚™ ûkuºk™ku ÔÞkÃk ðÄkhðk™e rËþk{kt Ãký yk yuf {níðÃkqýo Ãknu÷ fhe „ýkþu. yux÷wt s ™rn Ãký Ëuþ{kt ‚ðkO„e y™u xfkW rðfk‚™e rËþk{kt Ãký «ðk‚™ ûkuºk yuf {níðÃkqýo Ãkrhƒ¤ ƒ™e™u ƒnkh ykðþu. Ëuþ™k «ðk‚™ ûkuºk{kt yux÷e ƒÄe ûk{Œk Au fu Ëuþ{kt Œu yuf {níð Ãkqýo Wãku„ ƒ™e™u W¼he hÌkwt Au, y™u hk»xÙ Œu{s hkßÞku™k rðfk‚{kt Ãký Œu ¾wƒs {kuxwt Þku„Ëk™ ykÃku Au. yk Œ{k{ ƒkƒŒku™u æÞk™{kt hk¾e™u Ëuþ™k „úkBÞ rðMŒkhku{kt «ðk‚™ Wãku„ «íÞu ò„]rŒ ‚soðk Œu{s „úk{eý Þwðk™ku{kt «ðk‚™ «ð]r¥k yt„u Wãku„ ‚knr‚fŒk rðf‚kððk™k «Þk‚ku nkÚk Ähðk ¾wƒ s sYhe Au. yk {kxu Ëuþ™k „úkBÞ rðMŒkhku{kt fwËhŒe ‚kÄ™ ‚tÃkrŒyku™e yku¤¾ fhðe, Œu {kxu MÚkkr™f ÷kufku{kt ò„]rŒ ‚soðe y™u „úk{eý Þwðk™ku™u «ðk‚™ ûkuºk{kt ‚r¢Þ ¼k„eËkhe {kxu yk„¤ ÷kððk™ku «Þk‚ fhðku {wÏÞ Au. «ðk‚™ ûkuºku Wãku„ ‚knr‚fŒk™e ¼kð™k :

«ðk‚™ ûkuºku Wãku„ ‚knr‚fŒk™e ¼kð™k ¾wƒs {níð Ãkqýo ¼qr{fk ¼sðu Au. Œu Œ{k{ «Ëuþ, ûkuºk y™u ð„o™k ÷kufku™u yuf ‚{k™ heŒu ykf»kuo Au. ykÃkýu íÞkt yuf yuðe „uh‚{s «ðŒuo Au fu Wãku„ ‚knr‚fŒk {kºk ÔÞkÃkkh Wãku„ fu {k¤¾kfeÞ ûkuºk™k r™{koý{kt s sYhe nkuÞ Au. yk „uh‚{s Úke {k™ðeÞ «Þk‚ku™k y™uf Ãkk‚kyku Wãku„ ‚knr‚fŒk{ktÚke ƒnkh ™ef¤e sŒk nkuÞ Au. {ký‚™k {™™e S¿kk‚k, fÕÃk™k, ‚knr‚fŒk, fþwt ™ðwt fhðk™e fu fþwt ™ðwt «kó fhðk™e EåAk ð„uhuÚke {ký‚u yksu Œu™e ðŒo{k™ rMÚkrŒ «kó fhe Au, y™u yksu {ký‚ yLÞ „únku WÃkh Ãký rðsÞ «kó fhðk™e rMÚkrŒ{kt Ãknkut[e „Þku Au. yk{ yu fnuðk™e ¼køÞus sYh Ãkzu fu ‚knr‚fŒk™u fkhýu s ÷kufku™u rðfk‚ {kxu «Þk‚ku fhðk™e «uhýk {¤u Au, y™u ‚knr‚fŒk yu fkuE Ãký ûkuºk{kt rðfk‚™wt {níð™wt Ãkrhƒ¤ Au Œu{ Ãký fne þfkÞ. ‚h¤ ¼k»kk{kt fneyu Œku Wãku„ ‚knr‚fŒk yux÷u ykuAe WÃks ykÃkŒk ûkuºk fu rðMŒkh ŒhVÚke ðÄw WÃks ykÃkŒk ûkuºk fu rðMŒkh ŒhV ‚t‚kÄ™ku fu MºkkuŒ™wt MÚkk™ktŒhý fhðwt. yk{ yu ¾wƒ s sYhe Au fu yíÞkh ‚wÄe su™ku WÃkÞku„ ™ ÚkÞku nkuÞ Œuðk fwËhŒe MºkkuŒ ðk¤k ûkuºkku™u þkuÄe™u Œu™u ™ðk «ðk‚™ ûkuºk Œhefu rðf‚kððk{kt ykðu. „úk{eý ¼khŒ™k fwËhŒe MºkkuŒ:

ykÃkýu íÞkt yu{ fnuðkÞ Au fu ‚k[wt ¼khŒ „k{zkyku{kt ð‚u Au. fwËhŒe ‚wtËhŒk, «Ëw»ký{wõŒ ðkŒkðhý, fwËhŒe ðkŒkðhý{kt hnuŒk ¼ku¤k y™u ‚h¤ «f]rŒ™k ÷kufku, fk{ fhðk™e Ëuþe y™u ÃkhtÃkhk„Œ ÃkæÄrŒ Œu{s ÃkhtÃkhk„Œ Sð™ þi÷e yk ƒÄe ƒkƒŒku «ðk‚™ ûkuºk {kxu yuf {kuxk ¾ò™k ‚{k™ Au. r‚{uLx y™u fkuL¢ex™k st„÷ku{kt hnuŒk þnuhe ÷kufku {kxu „k{zk™k ykðk fwËhŒe ðkŒkðhý ðk¤k «ðk‚™ ûkuºkku™ku rðfk‚ ÚkkÞ Œu ¾wƒ s sYhe Au. AuÕ÷k ½ýk ð»kkuoÚke „k{zk{ktÚke þnuhku ŒhV ÷kufku sE hÌkk Au, yk{ AŒkt „úkBÞ rðMŒkhku™e ‚wtËhŒk nswÃký yfƒtÄ Au Œu{ fne þfkÞ. yks™k þnuhe rðMŒkh{kt sL{u÷k y™u þnuhku {kt ¼ýŒk ½ýk ƒk¤fku yuðwt {k™Œk nkuÞ Au fu ½ô, [ku¾k, þkf¼kS y™u V¤ku, ‚kuVTx zÙetf y™u ykE‚¢e{™e su{ Vufxheyku{kt s ƒ™u Au. ¾uŒhku{kt ðkðýeÚke þÁ fhe™u ŒiÞkh Ãkkf™e ÷÷ýe ‚wÄe swËk swËk Ãkkfku™e ‚eÍ™, swËe swËe ¾uŒe ™e ÃkØrŒyku, ÃkþwÃkk÷™, ËqÄ WíÃkkË™, y™ks™ku ‚t„ún, ¾uŒe {kxu™k rðrðÄ ÃkhtÃkhk„Œ ‚kÄ™ku, ÷e÷kA{ ¾uŒhku, Sð stŒw, Ãkþw Ãkûkeyku, ™Ëe Œ¤kð, ‚{wÿ rf™khk, ÷kuf„eŒku, ÷kuf™]íÞku, ‚k{krsf, Äkr{of heŒ heðksku ð„uhu y™uf ƒkƒŒku þnuhe rðMŒkh™e ™ðe ÃkZe™u «ðk‚™™e ÿrü yu „k{zkyku ŒhV ykf»koðk {kxu ÃkwhŒe Au. ƒeS ŒhV ÷kufku{kt Ãký „úkBÞ rðMŒkhku ŒhV «ðk‚™ {kxu yr¼Ár[ ðÄe hne Au – su «ðk‚™ ûkuºk™k ¼rð»Þ {kxu ‚khe r™þk™e Au.

„úk{eý «ðk‚™™k rðfk‚ {kxu ¾k‚ ƒkƒŒku :„úkBÞ «ðk‚™ ûkuºk™u «kuí‚kn™ ykÃkðk {kxu fux÷kf

¾k‚ {wÆkyku WÃkh æÞk™ ykÃkðwt ¾wƒ s sYhe Au. sku yk{ fhðk{kt ™rn ykðu Œku „úk{eý «ðk‚™ ûkuºku y¾qx ‚t¼kð™kyku y™u rðfk‚™e Œfku AŒkt yk ûkuºk {kºk fk„¤ WÃkh s hne sþu y™u Œu™ku ðkMŒrðf rðfk‚ ÚkR þfþu ™rn. yk {kxu ‚ki «Úk{ Wãku„ ‚knr‚fŒk™ku „wý yÃk™kððku ¾wƒ s sYhe Au. «ðk‚™ ûkuºku fk{ fhŒk ÔÞð‚krÞf ÷kufku, SÕ÷k y™u Œk÷wfk MŒhu rðfk‚ fÞkuo ‚kÚku ‚tf¤kÞu÷k ‚hfkhe yrÄfkheyku, „k{zkyku{kt s™{Œ ŒiÞkh fhŒk ÷kufku y™u „úk{eý Þwðk™ku™u Œu{kt ¼k„eËkh ƒ™kððk ¾wƒ s sYhe Au. suÚke „úk{eý «ðk‚™™k rðfk‚ ûkuºku ™¬h «„rŒ fhe þfkÞ.

yk {kxu ™e[u {wsƒ™k {wÆk yku WÃkh y„úŒk™k ykÄkhu Ãk„÷k ÷uðk ¾wƒ s sYhe Au. „úk{eý «ðk‚™ MºkkuŒ™ku ™fþku ŒiÞkh fhðku:

„úkBÞ rðMŒkhku {kt «ðk‚eyku™u ykf»keo þfu Œuðk fwËhŒe MºkkuŒ™e ¾kux ™Úke. ÷kuf„eŒku, ÷kuf™]íÞ, ™kxf, rþÕÃk f¤k, nMŒf÷k fkhe„he, Œu{s yLÞ ÃkhtÃkhk„Œ ÔÞð‚kÞ suðk fu fwt¼khe fk{, nkÚk ðýkx fk{, #x ƒ™kððe, {h½e Ãkk÷™, Ãkþw Ãkk÷™, f]r»k- ¾uŒeðkze ð„uhu yuðe ƒkƒŒku Au fu Œu{kt «ðk‚eyku™ku h‚ WíÃk™ fhe þfkÞ Œu{ Au. yk WÃkhktŒ „k{zk™wt «Ëw»ký {wõŒ ðkŒkðhý Ãký þnuhe «ðk‚eyku™u ¾wƒs ykf»keo þfu Au. rðrðÄ „úkBÞ rðMŒkhku™k MÚkkr™f heŒ heðksku, Wí‚ðku, ‚k{krsf ykÚkeof ÃkhtÃkhkyku, Œu{s ÷kuf ¼k„eËkheÚke [k÷Œk y™uf fkÞo¢{ku ™ðk «fkh™k «ðk‚™ ™ku yk™tË ÷uðk {kt„Œk ÷kufku {kxu ykf»koý ƒ™e þfu Au. yk «fkh™k rðrðÄ MÚk¤ku™e yku¤¾ ™¬e fhðk {kxu ÔÞðrMÚkŒ heŒu yuf ‚ðuoûký nkÚk Ähðwt skuEyu. suÚke ykðk MÚk¤ku™u yku¤¾e fkZe™u Ëuþ™k «ðk‚™ ™fþk{kt fâkt fE søÞkyu þwt þwt skuðk {¤e þfu Au Œu™e ÷kufku™u òýfkhe ykÃke þfkÞ. Ëuþ™k fux÷kf „k{ku Œu™k ÷kuf „eŒku {kxu ¾wƒ s {þnwh Au.

{kuxkÃkkÞu ™kufheyku y™u Mð-hkus„kh WíÃk™ ÚkR þfu Au-y™u yk «fkh™e hkus„khe fkÞ{e MÚkkr™f MŒhus WíÃk™ ÚkðkÚke Œu xfkW y™u fkÞ{e Ãký ƒ™e hnu Au. rƒ™-fwþ¤ ÷kufku™u yk {kxu Œk÷e{ ykÃkðe:

yksu {krnŒe xuf™ku÷kuS y™u ‚t[kh {kæÞ{ku™k ðÄŒk ÔÞkÃk Úke rþûký y™u Œk÷e{™wt {níð ¾wƒ s ðæÞwt Au. yk{ AŒkt yuðwt ƒ™e þfu fu „úkBÞ rðMŒkhku{kt þnuhe rðMŒkhku sux÷k Œk÷e{ƒØ {ký‚ku {¤e þfu ™rn. „k{zk{kt yksu Ãký ÷kufku ÃkhtÃkhk„Œ Ãkkuþkf y™u Ãknuhðuþ {kxu yk„ún hk¾u Au. ykðk ÷kufku Œu{™k ÃkhtÃkhk„Œ ÔÞð‚kÞ{kt ¾wçk s fwþ¤ nkuÞ Au, ÃkhtŒw ™ðe ÃkrhrMÚkrŒ{kt Ãký Œuyku ðÄw ËûkŒkÚke fkÞo fhe þfu Œu {kxu Œu{™u Œk÷e{ {¤e hnu Œu ¾wƒ s sYhe Au. ykðk ÷kufku™u «ðk‚eyku™k ykËh ‚ífkh {kxu sYhe rþük[kh, ¼k»kk, Ãknuhðuþ ð„uhu ƒkƒŒu Œk÷e{ ykÃkðe sYhe Au. Œu™k îkhk «ðk‚eyku™u ykf»koðk{kt ðÄw {ËË {¤e hnu Au. yk {kxu ðÄw rþûký™e Ãký sYh ™Úke. ÃkkÞk™wt rþûký {u¤ðu÷k ÷kufku Ãký Úkkuze Œk÷e{ îkhk yk ƒkƒŒku{kt ËûkŒk {u¤ðe þfu Au. ¼khŒ Ëuþ Œu™k yrŒrÚkyku™k ykËh ‚ífkh {kxu ¾wçk s òýeŒku Au. íÞkhu „úkBÞ rðMŒkh™k ÷kufku™u yk ƒkƒŒ{kt {kºk ™k™e Œk÷e{ ykÃkðe Ãký ÃkwhŒe „ýkþu. ykðe Œk÷e{Úke „úkBÞ rðMŒkh™e Þwðk ÃkuZe «ðk‚eyku™k yk„{™ y™u ‚ífkh {kxu ŒiÞkh hnuþu y™u Œu{™u Ãkqhe Ãkkzðk{kt ykð™khe ‚uðkyku {kxu Ãký yk„¤ ykðþu. „k{zk™k rþrûkŒ Þwðk™ku™u fBÃÞwxh fkiþÕÞ ™e ÃkkÞk™e Œk÷e{ ykÃkðkÚke Ãký yk rËþk{kt ½ýku Vfo Ãkze þfu Au. suÚke Œuyku «ðk‚eyku™k yk„{™ Ãknu÷kÚke ÷E™u «ðk‚eyku™k yk„{™ ÃkAe™e ‚uðkyku {kxu Ãký ŒiÞkhe fhe þfu Au. ykðe Œk÷e{ Úke „úkBÞ Þwðk™ku «ðk‚eyku™u rðrðÄ Œk÷e{ ykÃkŒe yusL‚eyku ‚kÚku Ãký skuzkE þfu Au- yk {kxu™e ‚uðk þ]t¾÷k™ku yuf ¼k„ ƒ™e™u Œu{kt ÃkkuŒk™e rnM‚uËkhe Ãký fhe þfu Au. yksu ÷kufku ‚h¤ŒkÚke WÃkÞku„ fhe þfu Œuðe {kuƒkE÷ yu WÃk÷çÄ Au, Œu™ku «[kh «‚kh fhe™u ÷kufku™u Œu™e òýfkhe ykÃke þfkÞ, suÚke „k{zk™k MÚkkr™f ÷kufku y™u «ðk‚eyku ðå[u fkuE ð[uxeÞkyku ykðe þfu ™rn y™u ‚uðk ÷u™kh y™u ‚uðk ykÃk™kh ðå[u ‚eÄku ‚tÃkfo MÚkkÃke þfkÞ. „úk{eý «ðk‚™ {kxu y™wfw¤ ÃkrhrMÚkrŒ:

«ðk‚™ ûkuºk™e þçËkð÷e{kt [kh þçËku {wÏÞ Au. su{kt ‚w„{Œk, ykðk‚, ykf»koý y™u ‚wrðÄk fu ‚uðkyku. yk [kh þçËku™u ykÃkýu yuõ‚u‚eƒe÷exe, yfku{kuzuþ™, yuxÙufþ™ y™u yu{e™exeÍ- yu{ [kh- A Œhefu yku¤¾e þfeyu. fkuE Ãký rðMŒkh «ðk‚™™e ÿrüyu ykf»koý ÄhkðŒku nkuÞ Œu™kÚke yu{ ™k fne þfkÞ fu íÞkt «ðk‚™ {kxu™e ÃkkÞk™e ‚wrðÄkyku™ku rðfk‚ ykÃkku ykÃk ÚkR sþu. „úk{eý rðMŒkhku{kt «ðk‚™™k rðfk‚ {kxu ÃkkÞk™e ‚wrðÄkyku™ku ‚tÃkqýo heŒu rðfk‚ fhðku ¾wƒ s sYhe Au. su{kt „úk{eý «ðk‚™ MÚk¤ ‚wÄe Ãknkut[ðk {kxu {k„o y™u ðkn™ ÔÞðnkh™e ‚wrðÄk, Œu rðMŒkh{kt hnuðk {kxu ykhk{ËkÞf ykðk‚™e ‚wrðÄk, r{÷™‚kh MÚkkr™f ÷kufku, ykhkuøÞ {kxu ÃkwhŒe {k¤¾kfeÞ ‚wrðÄk, yu.xe.yu{. ƒutf, Vku™, ELxh™ux- suðe ‚tËuþkÔÞðnkh™e ‚wrðÄk ð„uhu {wÏÞ Au. yk WÃkhktŒ Ëuþ™e f¤k ‚tMf]rŒ™k ‚t˼o{kt su Œu „úkBÞ rðMŒkh™e MÚkkr™f f¤k fkhe„he fu rðþu»kŒk yt„u Ãký {krnŒe Ãkqhe Ãkkzðk™e ÔÞðMÚkk nkuðe skuEyu. yk {kxu™k òýfkh ÔÞrõŒyku™e {krnŒe „úk{eý «ðk‚™ ûkuºkku™e {krnŒe ykÃkŒk Ãkkuxo÷ WÃkh {wfðe skuEyu. Ãkkuxo÷ fu ðuƒ ‚kEx WÃkh {nŒ{ òýfkhe {wfðkÚke «ðk‚eyku y™u „úkBÞ rðMŒkhku™k MÚkkr™f Þs{k™ ÷kufku™u «ðk‚™wt yk„kuŒÁt ykÞkus™ fhðk{kt ‚w„{Œk hnu Au. yk «fkh™e ÃkkhËrþoŒkÚke «ðk‚eykuLku ðÄw Mkkhe Mkuðk ykÃke þfkÞ Au.‚khktþ:

yksu Ëuþ{kt hk»xÙeÞ MŒhu «ðk‚™ Wãku„™u «kuí‚kn™ ykÃkðk™e sYrhÞkŒ y™u «ðk‚™ ûkuºkku™ku ÔÞkÃk ðÄkhðk™e ykð~ÞfŒk skuŒk yu sYhe Au fu „úk{eý «ðk‚™ ûkuºkku WÃkh æÞk™ ykÃkðk{kt ykðu. Ëuþ{kt ‚kiÚke ðÄw ‚eÄe y™u ykzfŒhe hkus„khe™e ‚t¼kð™k ÄhkðŒk «ðk‚™™k ûkuºku „úk{eý «ðk‚™™k rðfk‚ {kxu y™uf ‚t¼kð™kyku hnu÷e Au. „úkBÞ rðMŒkhku{kt WÃk÷çÄ {k™ðƒ¤ y™u ¼kirŒf ðkŒkðhý™u fkhýu ÃkkÞk™e ‚wrðÄkyku y™u fkiþÕÞ™k rðfk‚Úke „úk{eý «ðk‚™ ûkuºk™u ™ðe W[kR WÃkh Ãknkut[kze þfkÞ Œu{ Au. „úk{eý «ðk‚™™k rðfk‚ {kxu ykuAk {qze hkufkýÚke Ëuþ{kt ‚tŒwr÷Œ rðfk‚™e rËþk{kt yk„¤ ðÄe þfkÞ Œu{ Au- su™k îkhk {nkí{k „ktÄe™k „úk{ Mðhks™wt Mð¡ ‚kfkh fhe™u Ëuþ™u ‚{]Äe ŒhV Ãký yk„¤ ÷R sE þfkÞ Au.

(MkkisLÞ : yuBÃ÷kuÞ{uLx LÞqÍ)Mktf÷Lk : ykhíke ÃktzTÞk

furhÞh ykuÃþLkyu s heŒu fux÷kf „k{ku Œu™e ÃkhtÃkhk„Œ f¤k {kxu Œku fux÷kf „k{ku Vq÷ y™u yLÞ «fkh™e rðrþü ¾uŒe y™u Œ¤kð{kt {íMÞ Ãkk÷™ y™u Íet„k WAuh {kxu Ãký ÷kufr«Þ nkuÞ Au. ykðk Œ{k{ „úk{eý fuLÿku™u Ëuþ™k «ðk‚™ ™fþk WÃkh yuðe heŒu {wfðk skuEyu fu suÚke Œu rðMŒkh ™e {w÷kfkŒ ÷uðk {kxu «ðk‚eyku™wt ykf»koý n{uþk ƒ™u÷wt hnu. yk «fkh™k ™ðk ðkŒkðhýÚke ÷kufku «ðk‚™ ™ku ™ðku s y™w¼ð {u¤ðu Au y™u ykðku y™w¼ð Œu{™e ®sË„e{kt fkÞ{e heŒu ÞkË„kh ƒ™e sŒku nkuÞ Au. ò„]rŒ ‚soðe:

rðrðÄ fwËhŒe ƒkƒŒku, „úk{eý heŒ heðksku y™u fwËhŒe y™u „úk{eý ðkŒkðhý yu „úk{eý ®sË„e™wt yr¼Òk yt„ nkuÞ Au. ykð „úk{eý MºkkuŒ™wt ykrÚkof ÷k¼ {kxu ðÄw ÃkzŒwt Ëkun™ y™u þku»ký Ãký ÚkR þfu Au. ykðwt ƒ™u ™rn Œu {kxu „úkBÞ rðMŒkh™k ÷kufku{kt ò„]rŒ ‚soðe ¾wƒ s sYhe Au. ykÚke «ðk‚™™k rðfk‚ ‚kÚku ‚tf¤kÞu÷e ‚tMÚkkykuyu „úk{eý Þwðk™ku{kt ò„]rŒ ‚soðe skuEyu, suÚke ykðk fwËhŒe MºkkuŒ™e ò¤ðýe {kxu ÷kufku ‚Œfo hnu. yu s heŒu „úkBÞ «ðk‚™™k «[kh «‚kh {kxu Ãký ¾k‚ «Þk‚ku fhðk skuEyu. rðzeyku õ÷eÃket„, zkufâw{uLxÙe, xqtfe rVÕ{ku, «Ëþo™ ð„uhu îkhk Œu™ku «[kh «‚kh fhe þfkÞ. yk «fkh™k «Þk‚kuÚke „úk{eý rðMŒkhku™k Wãku„ ‚knr‚f Þwðk™ku™u y™uf «fkh™k ÷k¼ku {¤e þfu Au. „úk{eý MŒhu «ðk‚™ ûkuºku ‚uðk ykÃk™khkyku™e yku¤¾. :

«ðk‚™yu yuf ‚uðkfeÞ ÔÞð‚kÞ Au. ‚uðk sux÷e ©uc nþu Œux÷wt «ðk‚™™k rðfk‚™wt ¼kðe ðÄw Wßð¤ nþu. «ðk‚™ {kxu „úkBÞ rðMŒkhku™e {w÷kfkŒ ÷uŒk «ðk‚eyku™u su rðrðÄ «fkh™e ‚uðkyku™e sYh Ãkze þfu Au Œu{kt – hnuXký, ¼kus™, rðrðÄ søÞk™ku «ðk‚ fhðk {kxu ðkn™-™e ‚wrðÄk, «ðk‚eyku™u {k„oËþo™ ykÃk™kh {k„oËþof, Œu{s «ðk‚eyku™k {™kuhts™, ykhk{ y™u yLÞ ‚nkÞŒk Ãkqhe Ãkkze þfu Œuðe ÔÞrõŒyku™e ¾k‚ sYh Ãkze þfu Au. ykÚke „úkBÞ MŒhu MÚkkr™f ÷kufku™u Œu {kxu Œk÷e{ {¤e hnu y™u Œuyku s yk «fkh™e ‚wrðÄk ykÃkðk {kxu ‚ûk{ ƒ™e þfu Œu ¾wƒ s sYhe Au. «ðk‚eyku™e sYheÞkŒ y™u {kt„™u y™wfw¤ ‚uðkyku™ku „úkBÞ MŒhu rðfk‚ fhðkÚke „úk{eý rðMŒkhku{kt

„úk{eý «ðk‚™ ûkuºku fkhrfËeo

íkk. 7{e Vuçkúwykhe, 2018, økwshkík hkusøkkh Mk{k[kh 7

For NET (I)-2018A candidate must have attained the age of 21 years as on 01.01.2018. There is no upper age limit for the National Eligibility Test.

NUMBER OF ATTEMPTSFor ARS - 2017The number of attempts for appearing in the Agricultural Research ServiceExamination will be limited to SIX for Unreserved category candidates (whether M.Sc./Ph.D.) including the in-service candidates of I.C.A.R. However, this restriction will not apply to SC and ST candidates who are otherwise eligible. The number of attempts for Other Backward Classes category and Divyang (belonging to General/OBC category) candidates will be NINE.For NET (I) - 2018There is no restriction on number of attempts for appearing in the National Eligibility Test.

APPLICATION FEE: -Details of Application fee to be paid

Sr.No. Category of candidate For ARS-2017 Only


For NET(I)-2018 Only


Both for ARS-2017and NET(I)-2018 (t)

1 Unreserved (UR) 500/- 1000/- 1500/-2 Other Backward Class (OBC) 500/- 500/- 1000/-3 Scheduled Caste (SC)/

Scheduled Tribe (ST)/ Divy-ang / Women

NIL 250/- 250/-

OBC candidates whose caste is not listed in Central List (as available on National Commission for Backward Classes website www.ncbc.nic.in) and who are not covered under the provisions as applicable to OBC-Non Creamy Layer (NCL) candidates, shall be treated as General Category candidates for all purposes. Accordingly, OBC Candidates not belonging to OBC Non-Creamy Layer shall indicate their category as‘General’.Transaction charges for Debit Card/Credit Card/Net Banking payment, as the case may be, have to be borne by the candidate.

(yLkwMktÄkLk ÃkkLkk Lktçkh 8 WÃkhLkwt [k÷w)The fee must be paid online through the online application form available on the website: http://www.asrb.org.in only.For Online payment : Payment can be made through Debit Card/Credit Card/Net Banking from any Bank from 1000 hrs on 06.02.2018 till 1700 hrs on 02.03.2018.PLAN OF EXAMINATION:- For ARS-2017 The Detailed Plan of Examination is given in APPENDIX- VII.For NET (I)-2018 The Detailed Plan of Examination is given in APPENDIX- VIII.

HOW TO APPLY:-A candidate seeking admission to the Examination must apply online in the prescribed Application Form available on the website: http://www.asrb.org.in. Important Instructions to the candidates for fi lling online application are given in Annexure-I.A candidate must read the provisions, contained in this Notifi cation for Combined ARS-2017 and NET (I)-2018 Examination carefully and abide by the same. A candidate must fulfi l all the conditions of eligibility regarding age limits, educational qualifi cations, etc. prescribed for admission to the examination.The online Application process will be opened from 1000 Hrs on 06.02.2018 till 1700 Hrs on 02.03.2018 after which the link will automatically get disabled.

8 íkk. 7{e Vuçkúwykhe, 2018, økwshkík hkusøkkh Mk{k[kh

{wÿf, «fkþf, {kr÷f : {krníke rLkÞk{f, økwshkík hkßÞ, ç÷kuf Lkt. 19/1, zkì. Sðhks {nuíkk ¼ðLk, økktÄeLkøkh îkhk «fkrþík, ÔÞðMÚkkÃkf, Mkhfkhe {æÞMÚk {wÿýk÷Þ, økktÄeLkøkh îkhk {wrÿík

F.No. 1(16)/2017-Exam.II Dated the 24th January, 2018NOTIFICATION


NATIONAL ELIGIBILITY TEST (NET-I) – 2018 The Agricultural Scientists Recruitment Board (ASRB) will hold a combined ARS-2017 (Preliminary and NET (I)-2018 Examination during 06.04.2018 to 13.04.2018 in Online mode at 23 Centres across India in a staggered slot-wise examination format as per the Rules and Scheme of Examination indicated in this notifi cation. The ARS-2017 (Mains) Examination will be conducted on 24.06.2018. Candidates are advised to read the notifi cation carefully before fi lling the Online Application Form The ARS (Preliminary) Examination is a qualifying examination and its marks will not be carried forward for determining fi nal merit of the candidates. All those candidates desirous of appearing for ARS Examination are required to take both the Preliminary and Mains Examination and viva-voce. Only those candidates who qualify the ARS-2017 (Preliminary) Examination as per standards given in Appendix-VII will be eligible to appear in the ARS-2017 (Mains) Examination, further restricted to 15 candidates for one vacancy. Candidates declared successful in ARS-2017 (Mains) Examination and viva-voce will be recommended for appointment as Scientists in Agricultural Research Service (ARS) of Indian Council of Agricultural Research (ICAR) in the Pay Band-III of 15,600-39,100 plus Research Grade Pay of 6,000/-. National Eligibility Test (NET) is a qualifying examination for determining eligibility for the position of Lecturer/Assistant Professor in the State Agricultural Universities (SAUs) and other Agricultural Universities (AUs). Candidates clearing the National Eligibility Test will be eligible to apply for the post of Lecturers or Assistant Professors in the SAUs/AUs. NET certifi cates will be issued by the ASRB to the qualifi ed candidates to enable them to apply against vacancies to be notifi ed or advertised by the State Agricultural Universities/Agricultural Universities. SAUs/AUs will satisfy themselves with regard to fulfi lment of prescribed eligibility condition/criterion for requisite posts of Lecturers/Assistant Professors including authenticity of the NET Certifi cate in the possession of the candidates.


No.Discipline UR SC ST OBC Divyang


1. 01* Agricultural Biotechnology 5 0 0 1 2 (OD)(1 BL)


2. 02 Agricultural Entomology 1 0 0 0 0 013. 03** Agricultural Microbiology 3 1 1 1 0 064. 05 Genetics & Plant Breeding 9 2 2 5 0 185. 07** Plant Biochemistry 4 1 2 (1 BL) 2 1 (HD) 096. 08 Plant Pathology 4 1 0 3 0 087. 09 Plant Physiology 2 0 0 1 0 038. 10 Seed Science & Technology 1 0 0 1 0 029. 16* Animal Biotechnology 1 0 0 1 0 02

10. 17 Animal Genetics & Breeding 2 1 0 1 0 0411. 19 Animal Physiology 1 0 0 1 0 0212. 25 Livestock Production

Management2 0 1 1 0 04

13. 27 Veterinary Medicine 1 0 0 0 0 0114. 31 Veterinary Pharmacology 1 0 0 0 0 0115. 32 Veterinary Public Health 1 0 0 0 0 0116. 35 Fisheries Resource

Management3 0 1 2 0 06

17. 40** Agricultural Chemicals 2 1 1 1 0 0518. 41 Agricultural Meteorology 1 0 0 0 0 0119. 42 Agroforestry 2 0 0 2 0 0420. 43 Agronomy 4 1 1 2 0 0821. 45* Soil Sciences 5 2 1 2 2(OD) (1 BL)22. 47* Agricultural Economics 8 2 1 5 1 (OD) 1623. 48 Agricultural Extension 3 0 1 2 0 0624. 49* Agricultural Statistics 5 2 2 0 1 (OD) 0925. 51 Farm Machinery and Power 5 1 1 2 0 0926. 52** Computer Application & IT 11 3 2 6 3 (HD) 2227. 53 Land and Water Management

Engineering4 1 1 2 0 08

28. 54 Bioinformatics 6 2 1 2 0 1129. 56 Agricultural Structure &

Process Engineering6 2 2 2 0 12

Total 103 23 21 48 10 195

N.B.: ‘Divyang’ has been used in place of Persons with Disability*Disciplines identifi ed for Orthopedically Divyang category candidates.** Disciplines identifi ed for Hearing Divyang category candidates.N.B.: Appointments of Divyang candidates other than the disciplines identifi ed as suitable for them, shall not be considered.

CENTRES:-The Centres where the combined Preliminary ARS-2017 and NET (I)-2018Examination will be conducted in Online Computer Based Test (CBT) mode are mentioned in Appendix-I.

PRESCRIBED EDUCATIONAL QUALIFICATIONS For ARS-2017:A candidate must hold a Master’s Degree or equivalent in the concerned discipline withspecialization as defi ned in Appendix-VI, completed on or before 24.06.2018. For details, please refer to Rule 3 of Rules of the Examination given in Appendix-IV.The candidates having Master’s degree from a foreign University must attach a certifi cate of equivalence and recognition of that degree issued by the University Grants Commission/ Government of India / any other concerned Government of India / Department or Agency.Candidates who have appeared at an academic examination, the passing of which would render them eligible to appear at the ARS-2017 Examination but have not been informed of the results, may apply for admission to the ARS – 2017 Examination. Candidates who intend to appear at such a qualifying examination may also apply. Such candidates will be admitted to the ARS – 2017 Mains Examination, if otherwise eligible but their admission would be purely provisional. These candidates are required to submit the self-attested copies of the documents/certifi cates in support of their candidature by 28.07.2018 failing which their interview call letter (through e-mail) shall be withheld.

For NET (I)-2018A candidate must possess a Master’s degree or equivalent in the concerned Discipline and specialization completed on or before 24.06.2018 from any Indian University incorporated by an Act of Central or State Legislature in India or other educational institution established by an Act of Parliament or declared to be deemed University under Section 3 of the University Grants Commission Act, 1956 or he/she must have qualifi cation from a foreign University recognized as equivalent by the Government of India (GoI). The list of Disciplines and its prescribed educational qualifi cations are as given in APPENDIX – VI.AGE LMIT:- For ARS-2017A candidate must have attained the age of 21 years but not have attained the age of 32 years as on 01.01.2018. Age relaxation is admissible to the various categories as perRule 2 of the Rules of the Examination as given in APPENDIX –IV.

(yLkwMktÄkLk ÃkkLkk Lktçkh 7 WÃkh)