NM I AJooutoploI Lj11fl TIPS IAadJ1 IIi nDDATl L Notes We...

J > NM 1 TIPS ttr r a e 0 2 S eoaeeSideoeoaeaeeoeelI tang ttlklif Wsr o I AJooutoploI IAadJ1 BLEYS SPECIALS Lj11fl T IENTOCKaII II IIi I pail p 01 nDDATl 1 fiocii Notes eNNNa NdNdNNHNt1Nd I The prlco foradvortleements In Ibis y column ta5q it line Quh mast ac company tho order for mil ads There will be no variance from thus rnlofor uyono U you here a house to root 0roll chug or anything to tell try an ad la Tho Son usInitTlj For qalok retain It eant bo beaten U you are In nerd ot anything In the fancy tUtlonory line call to too our line jut I in It U the prettiest by OIn t the city Our prices cant a be beaten S A well lighted front office over Pos AIPl11R I FOR RENTThe second floor of at a The Suns newjralldlnf will be fitted up to salt tenant It U i an Meat lou j c tlon for an offioe Inquire at The Sop > For sale r Pino organ In good t r flea AddrcM Mrs W caro C oonlIl I t FOR WENT Blacksmith shop en t Jcffonon between Second sal Third r I1r X nady Iw- liodsefor r m rout OrDer Fifth i ud Torson John Dn 3 t FOR RRNT Tbneroaui house w u J r rApply 530IIuebanda street 1 = The Snn will not reoelrp any 1 1Want or Local nlvcrtlsemsnts eicepi for cash with the order Wo1 j r1 areoommlled 1oadli this rule from J tlyfacYthat 111 rests ns more in cut Iwto a time thin wo got for the ail I rirtiemen Thls rule willI ho strict 1 Ldhhredtoandice trot no coo I will ait for credit as wo shall be toms v r c hod 0 reie them i t Respectfully a t TbeSnn Pnblt hlng Co t ttoouNBs I i I 1I t Cost you 8 cents per line j l I t For Dr Pendley phone 410I I j a For hickory stove wood phone 449 t Joe Wheeler cigars lung mlfI I 0 For hickory stove wood phone 412 v fHa Loving for insurance of all i oi1 I DremI ear tf t Calling cards 7Bc a 100 at The I Son once nIt It U neat stationery you wish here The Son job rooms do It I 4 A complete line of blank books I and typewriting supplies forthe DewI j I year ai BD Clements and Co The Sun job rooms are prepared to give you the prettiest job work yon ever saw i preparedt glee yonthe any ton 4be found In the city Dr Horace Rivers has removed his office to 518 Broadway In the Coroner building opposite tho lot ofilco Telephone 355 Jim There are no now developments in the smallpox situation in the Love A laeeville auction f Money loaned on diamonds pis 1 tot and guns by Cohen 104 Second street Imo II Mr Brandon Bowden has accepted r a position with the Star laundry to A sacoeed Mr EJ Read who has gone to Et Louis r COHEN the only licensed pawn fbroker charged ou nil loans over fl03 aftet- FeKilet I a 196 Second street Imo IMr I ham Marshall county well known In the city died a day or two got his of home dter ft brief illness J j The fonoral of Miss Beulah Wit- S ion took plea this afternoon at 9 oclock from i Shell d I in the llopklnrvil4lrylum I f LivlIogatan I j terday on route to Washington state ekku Miss Uoeo Dotty go on It is probable that a new trial wH be granted In the IjyYonns becauseL thelurycoons t tho jurya 1 t7Meisra William lades sub 1 O W or Roark will open a sawmill In about of ia PDR > PRANK BOYD Office DROOl HILL BLDG Jjoortliindspijwif IT1e elnalarl tott I 10 3 p done MIANIi t m- IIIM G 10 t empu nrosn 100 iI i 2 101o I 101I is arnu e r t aeali 101 l 0 n ed liVff ea Iikf CIW pta 0ii s 11ca o I rTaU4Jf rnrrriiiiooaf < 0 teekd a red late llas porn M ens h repe e pad Uk rklalk na5Iplal d I 0 ehauer 5 Imaa gule tpmenl nI- S g- a g r n end I I IsN he1t a f fI all tefele SS 5 th e0 a- I sallaMrId I 3 trd sad A MTH as In I a O nape II MAr na I4II p rat xMI 0- I Ia I I i nU oa O inhhills AIM Mil om r m IM XL ° pnbyy I I OROOOOOa0a0 0 eOSOt0a0 + O thirty days at Oreenvllln Ky Mr matland 1 ready teen ordered W R amt Loch Gardner of Lit crpqol England hero teen sat br- Ibe PaJucah Union Dept lOuijiMiy to condemn a sllp of property hear Sixth wed Ooyd strrte I wnhl > o b 11 I t tend the plalntllTa property I I PalnVCaby comes to Tho I Ken tacky Saturday matjnec anti evonin j At popular pries It I Is n umdal- comedy I fall of tan and life anti ly pleasing hIhI I The Once church choir mllnl notloolthe oveulugs after service wad on Pella r I7Sq p m- Vounlr I School Snpetetendt- Regalale hl I ij i wishes to Late It nottd tli i there will bo ah eisralnatlcn ter fOr mon school I diplomas at Mais schcoli house on Thursday I I Referee Bigby will go to Wlckj j gloili I rapt wee to once 01I 01 t I tilt tine i Alvin Josllothe best of all I the rural plays will be the attraction at The Kentucky Thursday nigh I Alvin Joslin aa la well known tho Grit of all the dramas of this will I and I has been the most sneessful eansp It lias the most merit It b i tour acts and I Is roll of the most ludl oroua situations and exulting climax- eslAlltheinterestandflnis h caksed by as grwn astbo hills of Vermont from which be came to visit New York Clever uptodate specialties will be nlO- odcetl I during the play Popular I II 15 to 60o Seats oil said Thnr 4j Gortons Minstrels coming t to Tho Kentucky tomorrow night are ow In everything and In keepin- with the times The music ot tb bonn and tambourines wit awske- ilathe minds of many old thntr- gun the memories of the only oar of minstrelsy when crowds flocked t the plantation singers and re turned home to twit of what they had 1 seen This I Is the one show of min strelsy that has cast aside all old p vrornont features and give to Ih pmbllo a pure wholesome uptodate how New Goes new acts ao songs fences and music Dont miss the greet street t parade and land concert at 4 Im Best In America Popular prices Scats now ° sale DEATH IN HOSPITAL Robert Lockett colored aged 58 the porter at the John Ward saloon j t lied at the city hospital this morning pneumonia after an llnnss of III I few days only He was taken III icy ¬ I erA days ago and Srnday was admit n ted to the hospital He leers several I I relatives The funeral arrangement I will be snide when wod Is received t frcm his brother In Louisville u Mt McGregor Lodge No 21 t and A M cohered meets tonight in called session to arrange for the fun eel of onr wcrthy Brother Ueorge Porgerson tomorrow evening at 2 oclock from Seventh street Rapid t ebnrcj All Mucus Invited O W WOODS W M GEO E MARSHALLSec BIRTH Engineer Frank Turner and wife 11Mr 11 Jack son street are parents a line boy baby Born to the wife of Mr Monroe Nannlng of Yelser street this more ing a tine boy baby 0 = o um 3 j e I oiI1 A IY nru nZiJ 1 j jA FILTERS l 3 Buy one of our Cdcratcd Gum Proof Flltcri They mate the wa icii cku and pure and sparkling j 1UJD InF3fd i19llIer This fUta ls used a n zduulvcfr fcrevr Public School watmscbSoldodlr6ti1 r ot lardwOre IC- olifttrlp u c p 1111 U the nil 1b141era lroaIwA sl8 toJrl 3JHto S tlC c 1 IC1Ultg > 1 y1t tplel7c s i i6r axbp r- r i rz r r wy s or C- l L t 0 Mr a II Parham of Mayfield Is it the PalmeK- Mr C A F Itondcan of Oolcorva at the Palmer IIs Mr mod Mrs Frank Parham hoe gone to IjOolsvtUi 10010111 John 14 1n Colin of Et I tho city IMr W A Sullivan of Mayfield Is at lttchmondo of CtHf ill U at the New Itlclimobih Mr George Wright returned from Msyllel I at noon today IMr a lL Scott went to Eddyvllle today at soon on business Mr ManrloQ May hi a returned t from e visit to relatives in Cairo Mr Robert Pnllllp went to Chin go today it scan ou business Mr a M Kisherof the Sonlltrn 101d County AUttaey lioene UraVcl has gore to Dythsburft where his lather Is vtry III v Mils fclliaUtu Strong of Mayflelli- III vlilllng her uncle Mr J O Young Jon South Seventh Montgomeryj trrotI gone to Louisville to attend a meeting of the Ohio Valley F4 nltore as ocl tlon City Prosecuting Attorney Jcio DataInn < social NOTES stThe Cotillion st the Pm r tome last evening gilts by Mr anti I Mrs J Wheeler Campbell In compliment their guests Mrs J S Cabanne of St Lonls IUd Miss Sally Leonard of delightfultoocasloo rswnttd Mr and Mrs William Oehlschlae ger entertained tail night In honor of ton tenth anniversary of their mar rugs at their home on Jackson street The Delphlo alai halo a pleasant Rudyu CIRCUIT COURT stiLLI ON TRIAL At press time the William Floyd case against the Padurah Street Rail way Co was still on trial but wilt la finished today Floyd who 1 is par Itlnllr Bert e a rr UIUIIFS for < ig nMv t near Rowlandtown one lycar ago While walalug on the trsck the car truck him and knocked him several feet He was bruised and lerIOUje 01o 13 Ir the ease of John Boike axaluit the U S Benevolent ant Sick Socle ty tho plaintiff flied reasons and ma- e lion for a new trial wTry Da Jevnelles tooth powder It Is wa ranted to be the best offered to the public I WANTS OUT ALLEGED PENSION LAW VIOL ATQll TRYING TO GET OUT James Woodward colored the pelt goI 1 cepIplled osier a 1500 bond but nothing has been done In the matter If his bond Is examined wad focnd to bo secure then he will probably be released Im mediately JlI Is nrdcrstood that he has been tylug to get out for some time boll not lees able to glue good enough bond n Does yotir mirror reflect clear white teeth and sound gums If not ten re JeL oleo tooth powder RAILROAD CALLER RESIGNS Mr Dick Iteman the day caller ft the local L 0 round hones has re signed his position with the road Ha 110mI1Dr 11IOlnlett 11 j Japer A Osbam of Massao a farmer egad Ji and Fannie K borII trerjnoon the fiat rcarrlaaecf both COUNTY COURT I Miss fettle Smith qualified as a no I lacy publIc this morning before the comny court alertI I c Ybii know what that means Real 1 out print hurt look for ant lit tomor¬ tow We biter nothing bhl bargatni lour line of tltJ comforts so to- morrow and a few days only for 880 nuo11lIIlaatl 1 figured or solid colon worth 1175 go for f 138 Our extra size rent forts worth f 1 SO go for 1108 and 1 one best extra also line stln top Cons forts worth 83J go for tuo BLANKE1S toll 10 tuatter fi hBfl llo bbuklt I worth ti 1 go for GOO Runt eiaa lj qnartcr heavy fleeced IuUt ctrl hp I I SI78 for 1133 Strictly allj p wool red twLllo and 1 gray blankets i I worth M 79 for 1108 Largo II bhnklojfor 8I 1 ANO FOU3 1 I 113010120 for tow cloakaworlhI I All our f 378 totS I lollatlo1 jackets worth 375 t Ifi 80 for f 3 SO toI I I Isf k lined flno Mf lion and I o all colors fiO IIJSO 813 gay mentor for f I 10 16I I I 815818 and 813 go absolutely hull price 10 30Inch jackets 850 110 412 CO garments for ha price They are just a few of the prices we wilt otter this weekwok for cur it tOraIJtrow 111 this 1 japfr ELEY DRY GOODS COS POLICE COURT ATTORNEY OSCAR KA 1L K SERVES AS SPECIAL i JUDGE I Atlornoadoied i special judge tlilt morning and Mid II snlnlwho coatsI I for plain drank I Robert Craig Robert Sklllltn and 1 Henry White who reside on a shanty boat above Iilind Creek were raigned for honse breaking ar1 I They were cbargl with r broken Into the grocery of Mr Henry Blood worth of Michsnlcsknrg and I rsrrled away all his stucli White i was released as there was no erf ilenoe against him and the others were hell over to the gland jury i April term under a ftoO bond each j Allle Tldwoll Joe Dlsclibnm anti 1 Edith May Ejwkbsrn white wev or rilgnedcjia grant larceny charge I stolenItlreasfrom n1 the case was continued until tomorrow I morning irhtn a thorough Inreitiga lion air be mails LYNCIIISO IN LOUISIANA New Orleans Jan RTlo negroes have been Irvchod In a distant portion t of West Carroll parish IA for the morlerl ON Orant a polfw just r from Floyd Grant within ont linit tog with a frirnd named MjICay cano upon some negroes who J had t killed I I and were cleaning hojtu Ife tort I that the animals tarn Ms owt logs e and attempted to arrrst the nrgrors when own of them Aral at him thn bullet entering Ida bralu Mel 7a- aroused the wliltoa In the uoljihbcr hood with the nofa ot the trurder A posse was hastily formed Three negroes were captured any two of them were lynched at ours t See Janes culnmn for tired loan tees ILLINOIS CENTRAL UOIS WKST Peoria 111 Jan 2SA prominent Illinois Central oniclal said t tylny these acre negotiations lu progrers which i carried tbiucfth would give the Ilmols Central a ttirao h line- scorn New Orlosn to Mlncrapolis He I said It was I the intenlloa to buy the Iowa Central fom Peoria to Mar shalltoviii la sod the remainder of the gap would be fills 1 by the lllnue aT ois and tit Louis system over wbchtho Illinois Central stow oper rites tuba See Jane column for farm loan terms I Till SICK Colojel 8 N Leonad of Eddy rIle inns In the city Luc night and tetoaeI10Eddytille tilt iroaLf I lie has tbot recovocd after a spell cf Illness bet Is still rnw IL Ills uiaay uleads villila 1 pleased to lerru DC hU IF proi erne it Mts Moore ot 1033 South Thlid street sje 74 yon s 111 stud at the point of ccitl She WiJ taken 111 of j pneiiuonla some time ro andI tas no recovered In tae lead tinsel I he attack tier pbyslcUn thinks on account ot herrr that she will not iccpver i I ersir tm of tke sjnalae Tixatlve Brorao QuM CT ttemaedika a 1114 4 ssae dye + 1I at +II at + tt4ptrl +R+ lIilItlit atfltII at at + lliII + lItII + liltIHt + + I IHf OLD RELIA8LE PAWN BROKER i Ii COHEN 106 S Second Sti i Cohen hu been in the pawn broker builocu In Paducah IMr and has built up g splendid butaeuby Strictly Busll J MON YJOANED ON ALL VALUABLES AT THE RATE OF FIVE PER CENT I eoQildentlalWe i ante of the same COHEN 106 S Second SL- erarFt FIK11 ilt + > t+ + 1ttIeHH1tttttfltf1tt + 1e 1Nk + it+ ittlKkFkeFil1ll + r ra CAST OF CHARACTERS Illehard Csrew Mr Nestor Lennon Sir Horace iinmicy liari common ly eliot WaddlesJarvlooa Mrt1II Colonel Miles Oraham the soldier man itobert Robson Terrence McQraft the doctor Win IL BodlerI Richard Terronco Mlles Andalne the IwIl D Hawley Dodd Itlrsch Ira T Moore Lord Dunscldt Richard Untchln sort TlioIIon UetaLl darrnthetl hit cousin Albert Dwight Ilinberl Oqrrle Frank Lawrence Hnghoy Oelmont Hnmo Gibbous Iallaoo DrandallIkrtnm II rrl sea Bellcw Oiogo Perclral llOhble AtholloWllliam MoNau ariaRero IrolnJne llrs Want Oordon lilllin Dower Eileen OCf lati Sarah took lama Newton Lllllsll Campbell I I Winnie Thornton Fnnelt lUng Flanrettonint Newbuld Mrs Krlcson Lillian Jrr lll11a tin EricsonDora UI01Iorl When We Were Twentyone cle lightoil a smell but very deuionitrt tlto aiidleiien AS The Kentucky Ise t night The satiety of n previous week of attiactlon and the slippery wall Inn of the alrrels taut tldewalks pre tbOlIlbo I haps teller pleased than any audience ctbe eon Tim plan that Nott I iowlwin and Msxine Klliott have mole Ismoni was cle trlr and artUil tally banditti and 1 curtain call follow led curtain cell at the conclusion It was the Snail nlhutls orI Ienlnok1 that Iii loon at for many weeks and icronpiiny was well phased1al the re eeptloti Mr Nestor Lennon as RlcharJ Carew Is a polished actor who hol- dlthelnem ot the audience continu chaiseI o it the entire plat Cqosllr as good Miss flora Doolhu Phyllis Eric II Its n Hir charriilog pctponallly i In pennons manner and eicelleut train Ing make her an Ideal Phyllis and the nudibncv becomes bvtter pleawil 3wiib her In everyact Mr II nil l Ioyas Tho Imp showed greet abll II llreallromII 1 l t ley a + The Firefly clererly jwr troyed the character hot appears only n few times lu the thlacl MI Ll I knownI In Paducah from her good work here par years ago said has always been very popular here tai I a minor part t In which she has no oi pjrfonlty to show her ability but her friends were dry glad to see her again an I to find her In inch an eltoelleut company Mill Bowen Is writ rqulpjied to play the Import ant charaaeteriand few women on In e stage are prettier or abler actresses Tho andleuro was so token with Ih priitluetlnn that Manager Kngllih thl l 0 king of playing a return date In March In which event he cm count on a lacked hours for the theatergoers anT 1 those who slid not have learned what t t tiny inlwed anti will ftlso bo there 1 is It I s clan well balanced play never falllu to hold the attention of the spectators replete with good acting sad wish lath jnthetlo sad humorous situations TKGATIXO Till WITNESS TENDERLY People who lure suffered ndner cro s Qxamlnition I In scan will read with pleasure of witness who was far from fairing lawyers that the lawyer were rather afraid of him Tills as Ihn tote Junes Ooolwlu DalUison a romiutpt citlMn of Connecticut Tae IIartf ird Cuncord rrelon of tils apjiearaTices on the stead At 5 time when exOovernor Waller want the capital advocating a char ter for a new corporation In Hartford Air Patterson was one of the witness es summoned by the opposition But Mr Eattersons combative qualities were so well known that even the lawyers whoso side he favored yen tured to ask but two qoestlonst Yon have lived many years In Hartford Mr Patterson I Mace Ibl1cbarter Gentlemen you can question the IOornor wltiew- j Waller then look al I affair np and the eatctttion ol battle royal wetgeneia Everyljodyj j I I knew that the governor wm qulos as I I WIIIlible J j Iwllh j I anybody Tleeijo en or Posse Jly opancil with Mrliattetson you nay you laro lied many years In Halford Yes dq replied Mr Btteson I Well sir said tore aot Netter 1 trust you may live iere many years more That t Is IiIlr In that graceful fashion Mr Batter son was gently shoved off stand and not heard at all 11600 BROADWAY HOME 5 rooms corner bt Rents tit per month Good home or Investment 600ca > h balsncfl easy- WIIITTEMORES AUENOY 61Q Broadway a I 1321 Broadway 321 THE KENTUCKYl Iitijgitttb II tlngllill 29tlN1tht t GORTONS0QS on hile MINSTRELS l4rrlkkwC I rr trnlnl Adra Ilrlrtnrnulhe il 111tI rj1 iC1igTCSICostly 1 t I UpDDte Mein t S 1 Itarl liiiituiiV tRr Hunk OwKlnmn Elliott I lima I Iliirrlla IIn1nmc Elhult I K 1 I Alxl Twenty citlicrs 11 I1nII jtfllllnleill cumnirhare Ir 1liEtiKS1TUIt1DJhINi- s Amerltnn Xmrlljr Daiiclhi jtMttflte MATtIHrXSSTMKrrr IAUAIIE Uutunin dulhudluCbnvtl- amt I hirmle at 4 nVIiifk I p in WATCH WAIT SEE 1IIIC tur Seats Xow on Sale The Kentucky y tintKtmtnt Jimts 1C Hnglltli Thu ONLNightJAN I 30 CHAS L DAVIS Crlebrsted ComfdyDrmns ALVIN JOSLIN A home So1 of New liegtsnd Life IntetndnKlnl with Pathos sad Ilunt r IVlnytd by an liiccllect Call- s rcelal Sccpery Replete with the Latest Specitlllo I Seth dmssleTlltRSh119A I M PRICES I IfetoSOc t I Sal Attrsrtlon Sttturdjiy Matinee I hlapesMLy The Kentucky Msnjgemtnt JAMHS 1 lMlISII JlbtlntC J J I Special KnKigemettt ol the IUNMAKKKS WATSON MU anti EDWARDS Presenting Nix the Tint Time It Idueah PAPAS BABY Introilnclrc Itiv Oilulial ALLSTAR CAST THE FAMOUS NICHOLS SISTERS PaducaitrOwn Comediennes aud a Hurt of Favorites MUSIC AILI1Au PRICES Msllnee Adults sox Chi 5NIKbtJ5 t15o I Seals on tide FRIDAY 900 A SL I i The oldest bell In America t is In tim Mlle Catholic chapel I In the village ol rt Regis on the tit Lawrence river The hell III that church says the Nor with Aurora was taken from Deer Reid at the time of the French and Indian Invasion of thut place and It l Is said was supended on a pole and carried on the shoulders of the Indians through the wilderness to the place where It now hanae It wca originally purchased In France by the Church ot 81 lleils and the rased In which It was being ttlen to UnUrc was sal mired by an Kngllih riu er and taken Into the port cf Salem The bell sea i part of the cargo was sold and bought by the thnrth In Deerfield The Inraders of Dedrneld were from DC I Regis and took special pride la re- ca8luting j and + returning the boiLI 1 Bee Janes column for farm I low i terms I d L I 1 We have put op sale one lot of Ladled Finest Patent Vied Kid Lace Shoes made on tho new opera last with opera holds and medium weight soles These arc IVogular 350 GOODS But to closo out the lot tho PRICE IS 248 See Window for Our Advertised Goods I vt l GeO RirJTB ROCK Son Broadway I junta rCHINGS Anlea 1In U 1 U 1 n A The very fine t 150 ani stiff go at for < + + i All new ji terns all this seasons all sizes 1 and 1 + II Wend Our ulg t ° I Prlci CuiII II CUT PRICES I E4w Iin Every Department Ver- yRemarKable Shirt Sale 5200 Mens Colored bosom Shirts choice 1cooai styles sleeve lengths Clothing 11 fid Our r Biz cut = ils Clothing Sale I c b Youve Known this Grocery For Many Many Years Pi31DLCTItSTrCSS217r63S 1 set l our fipciifurr i lit it we ilont tote mass cut ti uei4 Ut coana Catni pciiH r > 01 ly TInt wool be utkasibleet i t f 5 l i tIwtitab I a t fiMTMior fioafl ai fu tttj W> foul pMtiitr you Biivthlo trot m Rtttl hil fn Iut vttwcrth ofKooV eel I pftfiirt MtU arlII It U were poi ik l a III more well d it slit we cautI I ittaC7IIIenry mleiter Grocer reed nd UMlcr f No Ml S Third Street Telephone 12f lg1 l t ii J J i E COULSON = I j 1 0Plumbinqf- f I ISteam and Mot Water Heating I i i Plionol33 529 roildwaylt t44 711 yi ef > 9ya CALDWELL SON Insurance and u Ii Real Estate Agents r l f IyouwanllIreLlfdorAccident Iniurnnce call toseeuamdropa us apohtsl mid sal we will see you at soar home town ol business live some special bargnlua lu red estate on good trusts t 1lione 303 no S Third St ii f- V 1ra t + aaleSaftlaAj 1 IJ 1 m + ri +t tlli + t t r + K + lltti- i I i TELEPHONE I 499 1t tl ttttlt a + tttltlttlttlttJI y- r ytL zut I ML er or f + r + r HiliIlHH + + Itlttaii nI t tf City Transfer HAULING OR MOyiri 1 A > OFFICE 20I RIVKR FROlr t C 1 sin UET8R WowoaL y tlttlltic Ntttt4KIkNMNMttlfkt r

Transcript of NM I AJooutoploI Lj11fl TIPS IAadJ1 IIi nDDATl L Notes We...

Page 1: NM I AJooutoploI Lj11fl TIPS IAadJ1 IIi nDDATl L Notes We ...nyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7zpc2t6047/data/0119.pdf · J > NM 1 TIPS ttrr a e 0 2 S eoaeeSideoeoaeaeeoeelI tang ttlklif Wsr o

J >NM1 TIPS ttrr a



tang ttlklif Wsr

o I AJooutoploIIAadJ1



pail p 01 nDDATl1 fiocii NoteseNNNa NdNdNNHNt1Nd I

The prlco foradvortleements In Ibisy column ta5q it line Quh mast ac

company tho order for mil ads Therewill be no variance from thus rnloforuyono

U you here a house to root 0rollchug or anything to tell try an adla Tho Son usInitTlj For qalokretain It eant bo beaten

U you are In nerd ot anything In

the fancy tUtlonory line call to tooour line jut Iin It U the prettiestbyOInt the city Our prices cantabe beaten

S A well lighted front office over Pos


FOR RENTThe second floor ofat a The Suns newjralldlnf will be fitted

up to salt tenant It Ui an Meat lou jc tlon for an offioe Inquire at The Sop

> For sale r Pino organ In good


r flea AddrcM Mrs W caro C oonlIl I

t FOR WENT Blacksmith shop ent Jcffonon between Second sal Thirdr I1r X nady IIw-

liodseforr m rout OrDer Fifth i udTorson John Dn 3

t FOR RRNT Tbneroaui housew u

J rrApply 530IIuebanda street 1

=The Snn will not reoelrp any11Want or Local nlvcrtlsemsnts

eicepi for cash with the order Wo1jr1 areoommlled 1oadli this rule fromJ tlyfacYthat111 rests ns more in cut

Iwto a time thin wo got for the ailIrirtiemen Thls rule willIho strict

1 Ldhhredtoandice trot no coo I

will ait for credit as wo shall be tomsv rc hod 0 reie them

i t Respectfullya

t TbeSnn Pnblt hlng Co

tttoouNBs I iI


tCost you 8 cents per line jlI

t For Dr Pendley phone 410IIj

a For hickory stove wood phone 449 t

Joe Wheeler cigars lung mlfII

0 For hickory stove wood phone 412

v fHa Loving for insurance of all i

oi1 IDremIear tft Calling cards 7Bc a 100 at The


Son once

nIt It U neat stationery you wishhere The Son job rooms do It I

4 A complete line of blank books I

and typewriting supplies forthe DewIjIyear ai BD Clements and CoThe Sun job rooms are prepared

to give you the prettiest job work yonever saw

i preparedtglee yonthe any ton4be found In the city

Dr Horace Rivers has removedhis office to 518 Broadway In theCoroner building opposite tho lotofilco Telephone 355 Jim

There are no now developments

in the smallpox situation in the LoveA laeeville auction

f Money loaned on diamonds pis1

tot andguns by Cohen 104 Secondstreet Imo II

Mr Brandon Bowden has acceptedr a position with the Star laundry to

A sacoeed Mr EJ Read who has goneto Et Louis

rCOHEN the only licensed pawnfbrokercharged ou nil loans over fl03 aftet-

FeKiletIa 196 Second street ImoIMrI

ham Marshall county well known Inthe city died a day or two got his ofhome dter ft brief illness J j

The fonoral of Miss Beulah Wit-S

ion took plea this afternoon at 9oclock from i

Shell d Iin the llopklnrvil4lrylum I


LivlIogatan Ij

terday on route to Washington stateekkuMiss Uoeo Dotty goon

It is probable that a new trialwH be granted In the IjyYonnsbecauseLthelurycoonst

tho jurya1 t7Meisra William lades sub1 O W or

Roark will open a sawmill In aboutof


Jjoortliindspijwif IT1e elnalarltott I


3p done

MIANIi t m-


t empu nrosn100iIi


isarnu e rtaeali101l

0n ed


CIW pta 0ii

s 11ca o I

rTaU4Jf rnrrriiiiooaf <0 teekda red late llas porn M ens h repee pad Uk rklalk na5Iplal d I0 ehauer 5 Imaa gule tpmenl nI-



r n end I IIsN he1t a ffIall tefele SS 5 th e0 a-IsallaMrIdI

3 trd sad A MTH as In I aO nape II MAr na I4II p rat xMI 0-


i nU oaO inhhills AIM Mil om r m IM XL


OROOOOOa0a0 0 eOSOt0a0 + O

thirty days at Oreenvllln Ky Mr


ready teen orderedW R amt Loch Gardner of Lit

crpqol England hero teen sat br-

Ibe PaJucah Union Dept lOuijiMiy tocondemn a sllp of property hearSixth wed Ooyd strrteI wnhl > o b 11It

tend the plalntllTa property II

PalnVCaby comes to Tho IKentacky Saturday matjnec anti evonin jAt popular pries It IIs n umdal-comedy


fall of tan and life antily pleasing hIhII

The Once church choir mllnl

notlooltheoveulugs after service wad on Pella rI7Sq p m-



School Snpetetendt-Regalale

hlIijiwishes to Late It nottd tli


there will bo ah eisralnatlcn ter fOrmon schoolI diplomas at Mais schcolihouse on Thursday II

Referee Bigby will go to Wlckj jgloili I

rapt wee to once01I01t I

tilt tine i

Alvin Josllothe best of all Ithe rural plays will be the attractionat The Kentucky Thursday nigh


Alvin Joslin aa la well knowntho Grit of all the dramas of this willIand Ihas been the most sneessfuleansp It lias the most merit It b itour acts and IIs roll of the most ludloroua situations and exulting climax-


caksed byas grwn

astbo hills of Vermont from whichbe came to visit New York Cleveruptodate specialties will be nlO-odcetl


during the play Popular III15 to 60o Seats oil said Thnr 4j

Gortons Minstrels coming ttoTho Kentucky tomorrow night are

ow In everything and In keepin-with the times The music ot tbbonn and tambourines wit awske-ilathe minds of many old thntr-gun the memories of the only oarof minstrelsy when crowds flocked t

the plantation singers and returned home to twit of what they had1

seen This IIs the one show of minstrelsy that has cast aside all old p

vrornont features and give to Ihpmbllo a pure wholesome uptodatehow New Goes new acts aosongs fences and music

Dont miss the greet streett paradeand land concert at 4 Im Best InAmerica Popular prices Scats now

° sale

DEATH IN HOSPITALRobert Lockett colored aged 58

the porter at the John Ward saloon jt

lied at the city hospital this morningpneumonia after an llnnss of IIII

few days only He was taken III icy ¬ I

erA days ago and Srnday was admit n

ted to the hospital He leers several I I

relatives The funeral arrangement I

will be snide when wod Is received t

frcm his brother In Louisvilleu

Mt McGregor Lodge No 21t

and A M cohered meets tonight incalled session to arrange for the funeel of onr wcrthy Brother UeorgePorgerson tomorrow evening at 2

oclock from Seventh street Rapid tebnrcj All Mucus Invited


BIRTHEngineer Frank Turner and wife11Mr11

Jack son street are parents a lineboy baby

Born to the wife of Mr MonroeNannlng of Yelser street this moreing a tine boy baby

0 = o um3

j e

I oiI1A IYnrunZiJ 1

jjA FILTERSl 3 Buy one of our Cdcratcd Gum

Proof Flltcri They mate the waicii cku and pure and sparkling

j 1UJD InF3fd i19llIer This fUta ls used

a n zduulvcfr fcrevr Public School

watmscbSoldodlr6ti1 rot lardwOre IC-olifttrlpu c p 1111 U

the nil 1b141era lroaIwAsl8 toJrl 3JHto S

tlCc 1IC1Ultg > 1y1ttplel7css

ii6r axbp r-ri

rz rr wy sor C-


L t

0Mr a II Parham of Mayfield Is itthe PalmeK-

Mr C A F Itondcan of Oolcorvaat the Palmer

IIs Mr mod Mrs Frank Parham hoegone to IjOolsvtUi

10010111 John 14 1n Colin of EtI tho city

IMr W A Sullivan of Mayfield Is at

lttchmondo of CtHf ill U

at the New Itlclimobih

Mr George Wright returned fromMsyllel I at noon today

IMr a lL Scott went to Eddyvllletoday at soon on business

Mr ManrloQ May hi a returnedt frome visit to relatives in Cairo

Mr Robert Pnllllp went to Chingo today it scan ou business

Mr a M Kisherof the Sonlltrn101dCounty AUttaey lioene UraVcl

has gore to Dythsburft where his

lather Is vtry III v

Mils fclliaUtu Strong of Mayflelli-

III vlilllng her uncle Mr J O Young

Jon South Seventh

MontgomeryjtrrotI gone to

Louisville to attend a meeting of theOhio Valley F4 nltore as ocl tlon

City Prosecuting Attorney Jcio


social NOTES

stThe Cotillion st the Pm r tomelast evening gilts by Mr antiI MrsJ Wheeler Campbell In complimenttheir guests Mrs J S Cabanne of

St Lonls IUd Miss Sally Leonard of


Mr and Mrs William Oehlschlaeger entertained tail night In honor of

ton tenth anniversary of their marrugs at their home on Jackson street

The Delphlo alai halo a pleasantRudyuCIRCUIT COURT


At press time the William Floydcase against the Padurah Street Railway Co was still on trial but wiltla finished today Floyd who 1is par

Itlnllr Bert e a r r UIUIIFS for< i g nMv t near Rowlandtown one

lycar ago While walalug on the trsckthe car truck him and knocked himseveral feet He was bruised and

lerIOUje01o13Ir the ease of John Boike axaluit

the U S Benevolent ant Sick Soclety tho plaintiff flied reasons and ma-

e lion for a new trial

wTry Da Jevnelles tooth powder ItIs wa ranted to be the best offered tothe public I




James Woodward colored the peltgoI1

cepIplledosier a 1500 bond but nothing has

been done In the matter If his bondIs examined wad focnd to bo securethen he will probably be released Immediately JlIIs nrdcrstood that hehas been tylug to get out for sometime boll not lees able to gluegood enough bond


Does yotir mirror reflect clearwhite teeth and sound gums If not

ten re JeL oleo tooth powder

RAILROAD CALLER RESIGNSMr Dick Iteman the day caller ft

the local L 0 round hones has resigned his position with the road Ha


jJaper A Osbam of Massao a

farmer egad Ji and Fannie K borIItrerjnoonthe fiat rcarrlaaecf both


Miss fettle Smith qualified as a noI

lacy publIc this morning before thecomny court alertI

I c

Ybii know what that means Real1out print hurt look for ant lit tomor¬

tow We biter nothing bhl bargatni

lour line of tltJ comforts so to-

morrow and a few days only for 880


figured or solid colon worth 1175go for f 138 Our extra size rentforts worth f 1 SO go for 1108 and1

one best extra also line stln top Cons

forts worth 83J go for tuoBLANKE1S

toll 10 tuatter fi hBfl llo bbuklt I

worth ti1 go for GOO Runt eiaa ljqnartcr heavy fleeced IuUt ctrl hp


SI78 for 1133 Strictly alljp

wool redtwLllo and1 gray blankets iI

worth M 79 for 1108 Largo II



113010120 for tow cloakaworlhI I

All our f378 totSIlollatlo1 jackets worth 375 t

Ifi 80 for f 3 SOtoII

IIsf k lined flno Mf lion and I o

all colors fiO IIJSO 813 gaymentor for f I

10 16III

815818 and 813 go absolutelyhull price

10 30Inch jackets 850 110 412 CO

garments for ha priceThey are just a few of the prices

we wilt otter this weekwok for curit tOraIJtrow 111 this 1japfr






special judge tlilt morning and MidII


for plain drank I

Robert Craig Robert Sklllltn and1

Henry White who reside on a shantyboat above Iilind Creek wereraigned for honse breaking ar1

IThey were cbargl with r

broken Into the grocery of Mr HenryBlood worth of Michsnlcsknrg and

Irsrrled away all his stucli White

i was released as there was no erfilenoe against him and the otherswere hell over to the gland jury

i April term under a ftoO bond eachj Allle Tldwoll Joe Dlsclibnm anti1

Edith May Ejwkbsrn white wev orrilgnedcjia grant larceny charge

IstolenItlreasfrom n1the case was continued until tomorrow

Imorning irhtn a thorough Inreitigalion air be mails


New Orleans Jan RTlo negroeshave been Irvchod In a distant portiont

of West Carroll parish IA for themorlerl ON Orant a polfw just rfrom Floyd Grant within ont linittog with a frirnd named MjICay canoupon some negroes whoJ hadt killedII

and were cleaning hojtu Ife tortI

that the animals tarn Ms owt logseand attempted to arrrst the nrgrorswhen own of them Aral at him thnbullet entering Ida bralu Mel 7a-

aroused the wliltoa In the uoljihbcrhood with the nofa ot the trurderA posse was hastily formed Threenegroes were captured any two ofthem were lynched at ours

tSee Janes culnmn for tired loan



Peoria 111 Jan 2SA prominentIllinois Central oniclal said ttylnythese acre negotiations lu progrerswhich i carried tbiucfth would givethe Ilmols Central a ttirao h line-

scorn New Orlosn to Mlncrapolis HeI

said It was Ithe intenlloa to buy theIowa Central fom Peoria to Mar

shalltoviii la sod the remainder ofthe gap would be fills1 by the lllnueaT ois and tit Louis system overwbchtho Illinois Central stow operrites tuba

See Jane column for farm loanterms I

Till SICKColojel 8 N Leonad of Eddy

rIle inns In the city Luc night andtetoaeI10Eddytille tilt iroaLfI

lie has tbot recovocd after a spell

cf Illness bet Is still rnw IL Illsuiaay uleads villila1 pleased to lerruDC hU IF proi erne it

Mts Moore ot 1033 South Thlidstreet sje 74 yon s 111 stud at thepoint of ccitl She WiJ taken 111 of j

pneiiuonla some time ro andI tas norecovered In tae lead tinsel I he attacktier pbyslcUn thinks on account ot

herrr that she will not iccpver i

I ersir tm of tke sjnalaeTixatlve Brorao QuM CTttemaedika a 1114 4 ssae dye

+ 1I at+IIat+ tt4ptrl +R + lIilItlitatfltII atat+ lliII +lItII +liltIHt ++

IIHf OLD RELIA8LE PAWN BROKER iIi COHEN 106 S Second StiiCohen hu been in the pawn broker builocu In Paducah

IMr and has built up g splendid butaeuby Strictly Busll


I eoQildentlalWe i

ante of the same COHEN 106 S Second SL-

erarFtFIK11 ilt+ >t+ +1ttIeHH1tttttfltf1tt +1e1Nk + it+ ittlKkFkeFil1ll +r



Illehard Csrew Mr Nestor LennonSir Horace iinmicy liari common

ly eliot WaddlesJarvlooa Mrt1IIColonel Miles Oraham the soldier

man itobert RobsonTerrence McQraft the doctor Win

IL BodlerIRichard Terronco Mlles Andalne the

IwIl D HawleyDodd Itlrsch Ira T MooreLord Dunscldt Richard Untchln

sortTlioIIon UetaLl darrnthetl hit

cousin Albert Dwight

Ilinberl Oqrrle Frank LawrenceHnghoy Oelmont Hnmo Gibbous

Iallaoo DrandallIkrtnm II rrlsea

Bellcw Oiogo PerclralllOhble AtholloWllliam MoNau


IrolnJnellrs Want Oordon lilllin Dower

Eileen OCf lati Sarah tooklama Newton Lllllsll CampbellI I

Winnie Thornton Fnnelt lUngFlanrettonint Newbuld

Mrs Krlcson Lillian Jrr


EricsonDora UI01Iorl

When We Were Twentyone cle

lightoil a smell but very deuionitrttlto aiidleiien AS The Kentucky Ise tnight The satiety of n previous weekof attiactlon and the slippery wallInn of the alrrels taut tldewalks pre

tbOlIlboIhaps teller pleased than any audience

ctbe eon Tim plan that NottI

iowlwin and Msxine Klliott have

mole Ismoni was cle trlr and artUiltally banditti and1 curtain call follow

led curtain cell at the conclusion

It was the Snail nlhutlsorIIenlnok1 that Iii loon atfor many weeks and

icronpiiny was well phased1al the reeeptloti

Mr Nestor Lennon as RlcharJCarew Is a polished actor who hol-

dlthelnem ot the audience continu

chaiseIo it the entire plat Cqosllr as goodMiss flora Doolhu Phyllis Eric

IIIts n Hir charriilog pctponallly iInpennons manner and eicelleut trainIng make her an Ideal Phyllis andthe nudibncv becomes bvtter pleawil

3wiib her In everyact Mr II nillIoyas Tho Imp showed greet abll



tley a+ The Firefly clererly jwrtroyed the character hot appears onlyn few times lu the thlacl MI Ll

IknownIIn Paducah from her good work herepar years ago said has always beenvery popular here taiI a minor parttIn which she has no oipjrfonlty to show her abilitybut her friends were dry glad to seeher again an I to find her In inchan eltoelleut company Mill BowenIs writ rqulpjied to play the Important charaaeteriand few women on In e

stage are prettier or abler actressesTho andleuro was so token with Ih

priitluetlnn that Manager Kngllihthl

l0king of playing a return date In

March In which event he cm count ona lacked hours for the theatergoersanT 1

those who slid not have learned whattttiny inlwed anti will ftlso bo there 1


I s clan well balanced play neverfalllu to hold the attention of thespectators replete with good actingsad wish lath jnthetlo sad humoroussituations


People who lure suffered ndnercro s Qxamlnition IIn scan will readwith pleasure of witness who was farfrom fairing lawyers that the lawyerwere rather afraid of him Tills asIhn tote Junes Ooolwlu DalUison aromiutpt citlMn of Connecticut

Tae IIartf ird Cuncord rrelon oftils apjiearaTices on the stead

At 5 time when exOovernor Waller

want the capital advocating a charter for a new corporation In HartfordAir Patterson was one of the witnesses summoned by the opposition ButMr Eattersons combative qualitieswere so well known that even thelawyers whoso side he favored yen

tured to ask but two qoestlonstYon have lived many years In

Hartford Mr PattersonI Mace

Ibl1cbarterGentlemen you can question the


j Waller then look alI

affair np and the eatctttion olbattle royal wetgeneia EveryljodyjjIIknew that the governor wm qulos as


WIIIlible Jj



anybody Tleeijo en or PosseJly opancil with Mrliattetson younay you laro lied many years In

HalfordYes dq replied Mr Btteson I

Well sir said tore aot Netter1 trust you may live iere many years

more Thatt Is IiIlrIn that graceful fashion Mr Batter

son was gently shoved off stand andnot heard at all


5 rooms corner bt Rents tit permonth Good home or Investment

600ca > h balsncfl easy-




1321 Broadway 321


Iitijgitttb II tlngllill

29tlN1tht t




rr trnlnl Adra Ilrlrtnrnulheil111tI rj1

iC1igTCSICostly1 t I

UpDDteMeint S 1Itarl liiiituiiV tRr

Hunk OwKlnmn Elliott IlimaIIliirrlla IIn1nmc Elhult

IK 1 I

Alxl Twenty citlicrs

11 I1nII jtfllllnleillcumnirhare Ir


s Amerltnn Xmrlljr Daiiclhi jtMttflte

MATtIHrXSSTMKrrr IAUAIIEUutunin dulhudluCbnvtl-amt Ihirmle at 4 nVIiifk Ip in

WATCH WAIT SEE1IIIC turSeats Xow on Sale

The KentuckyytintKtmtnt Jimts 1C Hnglltli



CHAS L DAVIS CrlebrstedComfdyDrmns

ALVIN JOSLINA home So1 of New liegtsndLife IntetndnKlnl with Pathossad Ilunt r IVlnytd by an

liiccllect Call-

srcelal Sccpery Replete with

the Latest Specitlllo

I Seth dmssleTlltRSh119AI M


I Sal Attrsrtlon Sttturdjiy MatineeI hlapesMLyThe Kentucky

Msnjgemtnt JAMHS 1 lMlISII


Special KnKigemettt ol theIUNMAKKKS


EDWARDSPresenting Nix the Tint

Time It Idueah

PAPAS BABYIntroilnclrc Itiv Oilulial



PaducaitrOwn Comediennesaud a Hurt of Favorites


AILI1AuPRICES Msllnee Adults sox Chi

5NIKbtJ5 t15oI

Seals on tide FRIDAY 900 A SL


The oldest bell In America tis In timMlle Catholic chapel IIn the village olrt Regis on the tit Lawrence riverThe hell III that church says the Norwith Aurora was taken from DeerReid at the time of the French andIndian Invasion of thut place and ItlIs said was supended on a pole andcarried on the shoulders of the Indiansthrough the wilderness to the placewhere It now hanae It wca originallypurchased In France by the Church ot81 lleils and the rased In which Itwas being ttlen to UnUrc was salmired by an Kngllih riu er and taken

Into the port cf Salem The bell sea i

part of the cargo was sold andbought by the thnrth In Deerfield TheInraders of Dedrneld were from DC I

Regis and took special pride la re-



+returning the boiLI 1

Bee Janes column for farm Ilow i

terms I d



We have put op sale one lot of LadledFinest Patent Vied Kid Lace Shoesmade on tho new opera last with operaholds and medium weight soles Thesearc IVogular

350 GOODSBut to closo out the lot tho

PRICE IS 248See Window for Our Advertised Goods I vt

l GeORirJTBROCK Son Broadway I








The very fine t 150 anistiff

go at for < + +


All new ji terns all this seasonsall sizes1 and 1



Wend Our ulg t °I

Prlci CuiIIII

CUT PRICES IE4w Iin Every Department


Shirt Sale5200

Mens Colored bosom Shirtschoice

1cooaistyles sleeve lengths


11 fid OurrBiz cut= ils Clothing Sale Ic bYouve Known this Grocery

For Many Many Years

Pi31DLCTItSTrCSS217r63S 1setl our fipciifurr i lit it we ilont tote mass cutti uei4 Ut

coana Catni pciiH r > 01ly TInt wool be utkasibleeti t f 5l itIwtitabI

a tfiMTMior fioafl ai fu tttj W> foul pMtiitr you Biivthlotrot m Rtttl hil fn Iutvttwcrth ofKooV eelI pftfiirt MtU

arlII It U were poiikl a IIII more well d it slit we cautII

ittaC7IIIenrymleiter Grocer



No Ml S Third Street Telephone 12f

lg1 l



1 0Plumbinqf-f

IISteam and Mot Water Heating I

ii Plionol33 529 roildwayltt44 711 yief >9ya

CALDWELL SONInsurance and


Ii Real Estate Agents rlfIyouwanllIreLlfdorAccident Iniurnnce call toseeuamdropa

us apohtsl mid sal we will see you at soar home town olbusiness live some special bargnlua lu red estate on good trusts t

1lione 303 no S Third St iif-

V 1ra t + aaleSaftlaAj 1 IJ 1m

+ri+ ttlli+ttr + K +lltti-



I 4991t tlttttlta+tttltlttlttlttJI


r ytLzut


ML er




r+rHiliIlHH + +Itlttaii nI ttfCity TransferHAULING OR MOyiri1



OFFICE 20I RIVKR FROlr tC 1 sin UET8R WowoaL y

tlttlltic Ntttt4KIkNMNMttlfktr