Nitrogenase genes in non-cyanobacterial plankton: prevalence

AQUATIC MICROBIAL ECOLOGY Aquat Microb Ecol Vol. 61: 235–247, 2010 doi: 10.3354/ame01431 Published online August 18 INTRODUCTION Biological nitrogen (N) fixation, the conversion of nitrogen gas (N 2 ) into ammonium, is widespread in the tropical and subtropical oligotrophic oceans (e.g. Capone et al. 2005), where it may fuel up to ~50% of new primary production (Karl et al. 1997). In contrast, this process is believed to be rather insignificant in temperate or cold pelagic oceanic regions (LaRoche & Breitbarth 2005). Biological N 2 fixation (or diazotro- phy) is confined to the prokaryotic domains Bacteria and Archaea. N 2 -fixing Archaea appear, thus far, to be limited to the methanogens (e.g. Chien & Zinder 1996, Mehta et al. 2005), but diazotrophy is widely distrib- uted among diverse phenotypes and genotypes of Bac- teria (Paerl & Zehr 2000, Zehr et al. 2003b). Given the importance of N 2 fixation in marine N cycling, identifi- cation of the organisms involved and the factors that determine their activity is essential for our understand- ing of ecosystem productivity and for N biogeochem- istry (Horner-Devine & Martiny 2008). Cyanobacteria are the most well-studied marine diazotrophs, and filamentous forms such as the free- living Trichodesmium spp. (Capone et al. 1997) and © Inter-Research 2010 · *Email: [email protected] REVIEW Nitrogenase genes in non-cyanobacterial plankton: prevalence, diversity and regulation in marine waters Lasse Riemann 1, 3, *, Hanna Farnelid 1 , Grieg F. Steward 2 1 Department of Natural Sciences, Linnaeus University, 39182, Kalmar, Sweden 2 Department of Oceanography, School of Ocean & Earth Science & Technology, University of Hawaii, Honolulu, Hawaii 96822, USA 3 Present address: Marine Biological Laboratory, University of Copenhagen, 3000 Helsingør, Denmark ABSTRACT: Marine waters are generally considered to be nitrogen (N) limited and are therefore favourable environments for diazotrophs, i.e. organisms converting atmospheric N 2 into ammonium or nitrogen oxides available for growth. In some regions, this import of N supports up to half of the primary productivity. Diazotrophic Cyanobacteria appear to be the major contributors to marine N 2 fixation in surface waters, whereas the contribution of heterotrophic or chemoautotrophic diazo- trophs to this process is usually regarded inconsequential. Culture-independent studies reveal that non-cyanobacterial diazotrophs are diverse, widely distributed, and actively expressing the nitroge- nase gene in marine and estuarine environments. The detection of nifH genes and nifH transcripts, even in N-replete marine waters, suggests that N 2 fixation is an ecologically important process throughout the oceans. Because this process is highly sensitive to and inhibited by molecular oxygen (O 2 ), diazotrophy requires efficient scavenging of intracellular O 2 or growth in environments with low ambient O 2 concentration. Particles with interior low-O 2 micro-zones and oceanic oxygen minimum zones are just 2 potential habitats suitable for N 2 fixation by non-cyanobacterial diazotrophs. Our ignorance about the regulation of N 2 fixation by non-Cyanobacteria in their natural marine environ- ments currently prevents an evaluation of their importance in marine N cycling and budgets. A review of the molecular data on distribution and expression of nifH genes in non-Cyanobacteria sug- gests that further study of the role of these Bacteria in N cycling at local, regional and global scales is needed. KEY WORDS: N 2 fixation · Nitrogen fixation · Non-Cyanobacteria · nifH · Nitrogenase Resale or republication not permitted without written consent of the publisher Contribution to AME Special 4 ‘Progress and perspectives in aquatic microbial ecology’ OPEN PEN ACCESS CCESS

Transcript of Nitrogenase genes in non-cyanobacterial plankton: prevalence

Page 1: Nitrogenase genes in non-cyanobacterial plankton: prevalence


Vol. 61: 235–247, 2010doi: 10.3354/ame01431

Published online August 18


Biological nitrogen (N) fixation, the conversion ofnitrogen gas (N2) into ammonium, is widespread in thetropical and subtropical oligotrophic oceans (e.g.Capone et al. 2005), where it may fuel up to ~50% ofnew primary production (Karl et al. 1997). In contrast,this process is believed to be rather insignificant intemperate or cold pelagic oceanic regions (LaRoche &Breitbarth 2005). Biological N2 fixation (or diazotro-phy) is confined to the prokaryotic domains Bacteriaand Archaea. N2-fixing Archaea appear, thus far, to be

limited to the methanogens (e.g. Chien & Zinder 1996,Mehta et al. 2005), but diazotrophy is widely distrib-uted among diverse phenotypes and genotypes of Bac-teria (Paerl & Zehr 2000, Zehr et al. 2003b). Given theimportance of N2 fixation in marine N cycling, identifi-cation of the organisms involved and the factors thatdetermine their activity is essential for our understand-ing of ecosystem productivity and for N biogeochem-istry (Horner-Devine & Martiny 2008).

Cyanobacteria are the most well-studied marinediazotrophs, and filamentous forms such as the free-living Trichodesmium spp. (Capone et al. 1997) and

© Inter-Research 2010 ·*Email: [email protected]


Nitrogenase genes in non-cyanobacterial plankton:prevalence, diversity and regulation in marine


Lasse Riemann1, 3,*, Hanna Farnelid1, Grieg F. Steward2

1Department of Natural Sciences, Linnaeus University, 39182, Kalmar, Sweden2Department of Oceanography, School of Ocean & Earth Science & Technology, University of Hawaii, Honolulu,

Hawaii 96822, USA

3Present address: Marine Biological Laboratory, University of Copenhagen, 3000 Helsingør, Denmark

ABSTRACT: Marine waters are generally considered to be nitrogen (N) limited and are thereforefavourable environments for diazotrophs, i.e. organisms converting atmospheric N2 into ammoniumor nitrogen oxides available for growth. In some regions, this import of N supports up to half of theprimary productivity. Diazotrophic Cyanobacteria appear to be the major contributors to marine N2

fixation in surface waters, whereas the contribution of heterotrophic or chemoautotrophic diazo-trophs to this process is usually regarded inconsequential. Culture-independent studies reveal thatnon-cyanobacterial diazotrophs are diverse, widely distributed, and actively expressing the nitroge-nase gene in marine and estuarine environments. The detection of nifH genes and nifH transcripts,even in N-replete marine waters, suggests that N2 fixation is an ecologically important processthroughout the oceans. Because this process is highly sensitive to and inhibited by molecular oxygen(O2), diazotrophy requires efficient scavenging of intracellular O2 or growth in environments with lowambient O2 concentration. Particles with interior low-O2 micro-zones and oceanic oxygen minimumzones are just 2 potential habitats suitable for N2 fixation by non-cyanobacterial diazotrophs. Ourignorance about the regulation of N2 fixation by non-Cyanobacteria in their natural marine environ-ments currently prevents an evaluation of their importance in marine N cycling and budgets. Areview of the molecular data on distribution and expression of nifH genes in non-Cyanobacteria sug-gests that further study of the role of these Bacteria in N cycling at local, regional and global scales isneeded.

KEY WORDS: N2 fixation · Nitrogen fixation · Non-Cyanobacteria · nifH · Nitrogenase

Resale or republication not permitted without written consent of the publisher

Contribution to AME Special 4 ‘Progress and perspectives in aquatic microbial ecology’ OPENPEN ACCESSCCESS

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Aquat Microb Ecol 61: 235–247, 2010

the diatom symbiont Richelia spp. (Carpenter et al.1999) were long thought to be the only importantdiazotrophs in the ocean. However, molecular analy-ses of the nifH gene, coding for the iron (Fe) proteinsubunit of the nitrogenase enzyme (Zehr &McReynolds 1989), has provided important newinsights into the diversity, distribution and activity ofdiazotrophs. For example, Zehr et al. (2001) found evi-dence that N2 fixation by unicellular Cyanobacteriamay equal or even exceed that of Trichodesmium insome tropical regions. The same molecular methodshave also revealed putative N2-fixing non-Cyanobac-teria (possessing or even expressing the nifH gene) indiverse aquatic environments (Zehr et al. 1998, Braunet al. 1999, Zani et al. 2000, Mehta et al. 2003, Stew-ard et al. 2004b, Boström et al. 2007a) and an almostubiquitous distribution of these diazotrophs in marinewaters (Farnelid & Riemann 2008). Still, knowledgeabout their importance and ecological role in themarine water column is scant, partly limited by igno-rance about how N2 fixation is regulated in theseorganisms and where, and on what space and timescales, they are actively fixing N2.

Here we review the most recent information on thecomposition and distribution of non-cyanobacterialdiazotrophs in marine waters. We then discuss the dis-tribution and expression of nitrogenases in the contextof environmental constraints on N2 fixation and specu-late on potential loci for N2 fixation by non-Cyanobac-teria in pelagic marine environments.



The nifH gene contains regions of sequence that aresufficiently conserved across phylogenetic groupssuch that they can serve as ‘universal’ PCR primingsites using moderately degenerate primers (Zehr &McReynolds 1989, Kirshtein et al. 1991). Therefore,molecular studies of the diversity and composition ofdiazotrophic organisms have been largely based onanalyses of this gene, generating one of the largestnon-ribosomal gene datasets on uncultivated micro-organisms (Zehr et al. 2003b). NifH genes are presentin a broad spectrum of prokaryotes, and the phyloge-netic relationships among these organisms based onnifH sequences are largely congruent with thosedetermined from 16S rRNA gene sequences (Zehr etal. 2003b). This suggests that horizontal gene transferof the nifH gene has been limited (Zehr et al. 2003b),although it has been observed for several bacterialspecies (Raymond et al. 2004, Kechris et al. 2006, Bol-huis et al. 2010). Consequently, nifH sequences are

used to tentatively infer phylogenetic affiliations ofdiazotrophs in microbial communities. A single micro-organism can, however, have multiple phylogeneti-cally distinct paralogous versions of nifH (Zehr et al.2003b). This somewhat limits the inferences that canbe made about diazotroph species richness in a samplebased solely on data from a clone library.

NifH gene clone libraries show that non-cyanobacte-rial diazotrophs are distributed throughout the 4canonical nifH clusters (Chien & Zinder 1996) and arewidespread in lakes, estuaries and marine waters(reviewed by Zehr et al. 2003b). Proteobacterial nifHphylotypes within Cluster I (molybdenum nitrogenasesfrom Cyanobacteria and Proteobacteria [Alpha-, Beta-and Gamma- subgroups] and vanadium nitrogenases[vnfH] from Gammaproteobacteria), are particularlyprevalent in marine waters (Fig. 1). For instance, simi-lar Gammaproteobacteria have been detected in thePacific and Atlantic Oceans, and the Arabian andSouth China Seas (Bird et al. 2005, Langlois et al. 2005,2008, Church et al. 2005a, 2008, Moisander et al. 2008).Alpha- and betaproteobacterial nifH genes are alsowidespread and commonly detected (e.g. Zehr et al.1998, Falcón et al. 2004, Man-Aharonovich et al. 2007,Hewson et al. 2007a, Moisander et al. 2008, Rees et al.2009).

Few sequences within Cluster II (archaeal nitroge-nases and bacterial iron nitrogenases, anfH) have beenobtained from the environment (Zehr et al. 2003b),although members of both Cluster II and, more com-monly, Cluster III (diverse distantly related anaerobicBacteria such as Clostridium and sulphate reducers,Deltaproteobacteria) have been detected in coastal orestuarine waters (Affourtit et al. 2001, Jenkins et al.2004, Steward et al. 2004a, Moisander et al. 2007,Man-Aharonovich et al. 2007, Farnelid et al. 2009), ornear hydrothermal vents (Mehta et al. 2003). Cluster IIIphylotypes are rather uncommon in the open ocean,but do appear occasionally in clone libraries from thishabitat (Langlois et al. 2005, 2008). Since the cultivatedrepresentatives within Cluster III are mostly, if not all,strict anaerobes (Zehr et al. 2003b), it has been specu-lated that the Cluster III phylotypes reside in anoxicmicrozones in the oxygenated water column, for in-stance on particles or in association with zooplankton(Braun et al. 1999, Church et al. 2005a, Man-Aharo-novich et al. 2007). This Cluster is, however, charac-terised by large distances between sequences (Zehr etal. 2003b) and it may therefore be plausible, and eco-logically meaningful, if many of these planktonic phy-lotypes in fact represent facultative anaerobic Bacte-ria. This possibility is supported by the fact that theyare found in both the free-living and particle-attachedfractions of pelagic waters (Church et al. 2005a, Far-nelid et al. 2009). Finally, Cluster IV, including diver-


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gent non-functional archaeal nifH homologues, havebeen reported from the deep sea (Mehta et al. 2003).

Based on clone libraries, nifH sequences from non-Cyanobacteria appear to be not only diverse, but alsoabundant relative to those of Cyanobacteria. This is par-ticularly evident from a recent compilation of publishedmarine nifH gene clone libraries (Farnelid & Riemann2008) showing that 73 to 91% (average 83%) of the totalnumber of nifH sequences obtained were related to non-Cyanobacteria. The data compiled here (Fig. 1) similarlyshow that 80% of the sequences from coastal marine

and estuarine plankton samples derive from non-Cyanobacteria. In the open ocean the proportion islower, with ca. 36% of the sequences deriving from non-Cyanobacteria, but this likely underestimates their nu-merical contribution, since many oceanographic studiessample most intensively in the euphotic zone, and clonelibraries from below ~200 m consist almost exclusively ofnon-cyanobacterial nifH genes (e.g. Hewson et al.2007a).

While nifH clone libraries provide convincing evi-dence for a near-ubiquitous distribution of non-


Fig. 1. Phylogenetic tree illustrating the diversity among 2570 nifH genes amplified from microorganisms in plankton samplesfrom marine and estuarine environments. Branches derived from sequences (n = 809) from open ocean samples are marked witha “s”. Green and blue branches belong to a loosely affiliated group of sequences designated as Cluster I (Chien & Zinder 1996),orange branches are affiliated with Clusters II and III. Purple branches are not assigned to the traditionally defined clusters. Thetree (neighbour-joining, with no distance corrections) was generated using Arb (Ludwig et al. 2004) and is based on amino acidresidues 46 to 151 (Azotobacter vinelandii numbering) translated from PCR-amplified fragments of nifH genes or transcripts.Sequences were downloaded as an Arb database that was last updated on 30 March 2009 ( and aligned by a hidden Markov model for nifH available at the Pfam web site (Finn et al. 2010). Sequencesfrom marine and estuarine samples (oceans, seas, bays, gulfs, harbours, lagoons) were retrieved from the database, and thosefrom sediments, hydrothermal vents or associated with sessile plants and animals were excluded. Open ocean samples includethose from the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans and the Arabian Sea, excluding nearshore environments (gulfs, bays, harbours, fjords)and inland seas (Baltic, Mediterranean). Clusters are labelled to indicate the phylogenetic affiliations of cultivated microorgan-isms whose nifH sequences most closely match those from the uncultivated microorganisms shown in the tree. A total of 66% of

all sequences shown are non-Cyanobacteria, and 36% of those from the open ocean are non-Cyanobacteria

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cyanobacterial diazotrophs in marine waters, the infor-mation can only be considered qualitative, since end-point PCR is not suitable for quantitative analyses (vonWintzingerode et al. 1997). In most cases, the inserts forthese libraries were prepared by nested PCR amplifica-tion using degenerate primers and many cycles (≥60),which means that the resulting clone libraries are sus-ceptible to amplification biases (Polz & Cavanaugh1998). Primer bias has been observed in nifH amplifica-tions, and the severity varies among primer sets (DembaDiallo et al. 2008). High cycle numbers, which are oftenrequired because diazotrophs typically make up a smallproportion of microbial communities, also increase thechance of amplifying trace contaminants in the PCRreagents (Zehr et al. 2003a, Goto et al. 2005). It is likelythat some proteobacterial nifH sequences reported to befrom the environment actually originated from contam-inants in PCR reagents, but this is difficult to prove con-clusively. Those sequences most likely to be derivedfrom reagent contaminants can be identified by amplifi-cation, cloning and sequencing of no-template controlsand removed from sample libraries (Boström et al.2007b).

Metagenomics is an alternative means of analysinggenetic diversity that can circumvent the problemsinherent in PCR. Unfortunately, this approach has notproven practical for surveys of nifH, because of the rel-atively low abundance of diazotrophs in assemblagesof marine bacterioplankton (Johnston et al. 2005).More promising is the use of Real-Time PCR for quan-tification of specific nifH phylotypes. This approachcircumvents some of the biases of endpoint PCR andmay provide quantitative data on the spatio-temporaldistribution of individual phylotypes. A significantnumber of recent studies have applied this approach toquantify diazotrophs in marine waters (Table 1). These

data support the conclusion drawn from clone librariesthat, like N2-fixing Cyanobacteria, non-cyanobacterialdiazotrophs are widespread and abundant in marinewaters.

In some cases Cyanobacteria are the dominant dia-zotrophs in marine planktonic communities (Church etal. 2005b, Zehr et al. 2007, Langlois et al. 2008,Moisander et al. 2008), but heterotrophic phylotypesare sometimes just as abundant, even in the surfaceocean, as the most common cyanobacterial diazo-trophs, Trichodesmium and the unicellular cyanobac-terial Groups A and B (Church et al. 2005a, Fong et al.2008). The specific diazotrophs represented in marinemicrobial communities vary as a function of depth. Forinstance, a clone library from the subtropical AtlanticOcean suggested a shift from dominance by filamen-tous Cyanobacteria in the surface waters to dominanceby unicellular Cyanobacteria and/or heterotrophicBacteria in deeper waters (Langlois et al. 2005). Simi-larly, in the subtropical North Pacific Ocean, a ClusterIII phylotype was almost as abundant as the Group ACyanobacteria in the upper water column (~104 to105 nifH copies l–1), and was dominant at 100 to 200 mdepth (Church et al. 2005a). Such observations suggestthat N2 fixation may be underestimated if only illumi-nated surface waters are considered (Hewson et al.2007a).

The increasing proportion of non-cyanobacterialdiazotrophs with depth suggests that the distribution ofthese Bacteria is not constrained by light or, in contrastto oceanic Cyanobacteria (Stal 2009), by temperature.Although many of the investigations of nitrogenasegene diversity have been conducted in tropical or sub-tropical regions, cyanobacterial and heterotrophicdiazotrophs have also been reported from temperatewaters (Affourtit et al. 2001, Wasmund et al. 2001, Holl


NifH genes Phylotype Sea area Depth Source(copies l–1 seawater) (m)

34000 Gammaproteobacterial isolate Baltic Sea Surface Boström et al. (2007a)60000a Alphaproteobacterium South China Sea Epipelagic Moisander et al. (2008)700a Mesopelagic5000a Gammaproteobacterium Mesopelagic1000 – 100000 Two phylotypes Chesapeake Bay 1 – 20 Short et al. (2004)1000 – 10000 Gammaproteobacterium Northern Atlantic Ocean 5 – 120 Langlois et al. (2008)16000a Cluster III1000 – 100000b Cluster III Northern Pacific Ocean 25 – 200 Church et al. (2005a)0 – 92000 ± 27000 Gammaproteobacterium Northern Pacific Ocean 25 Zehr et al. (2007)10000 – 100000 Gammaproteobacterium Northern Pacific Ocean 0 – 100 Fong et al. (2008)1 – 43 Three phylotypes Sargasso Sea 1000 – 5948 Hewson et al. (2007a)80 – 700 Gammaproteobacterium, cDNA Northern Pacific Ocean 0 – 175 Church et al. (2005b)aMaximum abundancebMost abundant phylotypes below 100 m

Table 1. In situ abundance of nitrogenase (nifH) genes from non-Cyanobacteria quantified using real-time PCR

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et al. 2007, Man-Aharonovich et al. 2007, Needoba etal. 2007, Farnelid et al. 2009, Rees et al. 2009). Forinstance, in the Baltic Sea a cultivated Gammapro-teobacterium was found at 3.0 × 104 nifH gene copiesl–1 (Boström et al. 2007a), while in Chesapeake Bay 2proteobacterial nifH phylotypes were present at ≥1.4 ×105 copies l–1 (Short et al. 2004). In summary, molecularanalyses of samples from pelagic marine watersstrongly suggest that non-cyanobacterial diazotrophsare diverse, widely distributed, and relatively abun-dant, but do they actually express the nitrogenasegene? If so, which factors regulate presence and nifHexpression for these phylotypes in situ?


Presence of non-cyanobacterial nifH genes does notnecessarily imply that these microorganisms are con-tributing to N2 fixation. From what is known from cul-tivated organisms, however, the presence of nifHmRNA is a reasonable indicator of active N2 fixation(e.g. Chien & Zinder 1996, Eady 1996, Sicking et al.2005). For this reason, recent studies have begun toinvestigate the diversity among nifH transcripts inmarine systems. Clone libraries based on PCR-ampli-fied nifH cDNA from the Atlantic and Pacific Oceansas well as the Mediterranean and Arabian Seas havedocumented the expression of nifH by diverse non-cyanobacterial (particularly proteobacterial) diazo-trophs (Zehr et al. 2001, Falcón et al. 2004, Bird et al.2005, Church et al. 2005b, Man-Aharonovich et al.2007, Fong et al. 2008, Rees et al. 2009). For instance,non-cyanobacterial genes accounted for 88% of the105 nifH cDNA clones sequenced from the Mediter-ranean Sea (Man-Aharonovich et al. 2007). In theNorth Pacific Subtropical Gyre, 17% of 135 nifH cDNAclones were related to non-Cyanobacteria (Church etal. 2005b). Only a few studies have examined the spa-tial distribution of these expressed phylotypes. In theNorth Pacific, transcript concentrations for the tar-geted gammaproteobacterial phylotype, on average400 nifH cDNA copies l–1 (Church et al. 2005b), werefound to be lower than those of the targeted cyanobac-terial transcript concentrations in samples from <100 mdepth (Church et al. 2005b, Zehr et al. 2007). However,the specific expression (i.e. transcripts normalised tonifH gene concentration) for a gammaproteobacterialphylotype was comparable to or even exceeded valuesfor targeted groups of Cyanobacteria (Zehr et al. 2007).Similarly, Real-Time PCR-derived inventories of Pro-teobacteria-like nifH copies in this region were asgreat as the inventories of the unicellular Cyanobacte-ria and some of the heterocystous Cyanobacteria, sug-

gesting that these phylotypes account for a large frac-tion of the nifH containing plankton (Fong et al. 2008).Also, data from the Gulf of Aqaba in the Red Sea sug-gested an important role for proteobacterial diazo-trophs in local N2 fixation (Foster et al. 2009). Hence,based on the relative abundance and expression ofnifH genes, non-Cyanobacteria could make a signifi-cant contribution to overall N2 fixation.

A curious feature of the expression data is that onlyfew of the phylotypes present in DNA clone librariesare present in cDNA libraries prepared from the samesample (Zani et al. 2000, Man-Aharonovich et al. 2007,Zehr & Paerl 2008, Rees et al. 2009). Similar resultshave been observed in nifH-based oligonucleotidemicroarray studies of microbial mats and rice roots(Moisander et al. 2006, Zhang et al. 2007). These datasuggest that relatively few of the diazotrophs possess-ing nifH in a particular environment actively transcribethe gene. The high rate of mutation in microbial popu-lations suggests, however, that only functional genesproviding a selective advantage should be fixed in apopulation (Berg & Kurland 2002). Consequently, con-served genes, like nifH, should at least occasionally beexpressed and encode functions of cellular importance(e.g. Tyson et al. 2004). The contrast between the DNAand cDNA data suggests that we still have much tolearn about the regulation of nifH gene expression andthe evolutionary pressures relevant to maintenance ofthis gene.

Even for those Bacteria that have been shown totranscribe the nitrogenase gene in situ, an open ques-tion is how these Bacteria cope with the conditions inthe open ocean that would appear to be unfavourablefor N2 fixation. For most diazotrophs, nifH expression iscoordinated in response to the availability of reducedN and the presence of O2 (reviewed by Dixon & Kahn2004); however, the pelagic realm is oligotrophic, gen-erally well oxygenated, and the bulk of the ocean’sinterior is replete with inorganic N sources. The mech-anisms by which cyanobacterial diazotrophs cope withlife in the open ocean has been well studied (e.g. seereviews by Bergman et al. 1997, Stal & Zehr 2008,Stal 2009), but whether the lessons learned for cyano-bacterial diazotrophs apply to non-Cyanobacteria isunknown. Below, we discuss a few selected factors thatmay be relevant for understanding the regulation of N2

fixation by non-Cyanobacteria.



Most information on the regulation of N2 fixation inheterotrophic Bacteria comes from soil studies (Gallon


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1992, Marchal & Vanderleyden 2000, Karl et al. 2002),but some heterotrophic N2-fixing Bacteria have beenisolated from seawater (Maruyama et al. 1970, Werneret al. 1974, Wynn-Williams & Rhodes 1974, Guerinot &Colwell 1985, Tibbles & Rawlings 1994, Boström et al.2007a). Transcription and translation of the nitroge-nase genes, and the activity of the resulting enzyme,generally appear to be tightly regulated (Paerl & Zehr2000), and post-translational mechanisms regulatingnitrogenase activity have also been described (e.g.Kanemoto & Ludden 1984, Pope et al. 1985, Zehr et al.1993). However, to what extent these findings are rep-resentative of processes occurring in the diazotrophsthat inhabit marine pelagic environments is unknown.

The availability of organic carbon may limit N2 fixa-tion in non-cyanobacterial diazotrophs due to the highenergy requirements of the reaction (Zehr & Capone1996). Interestingly, Church et al. (2005b) observedthat nifH expression by a gammaproteobacterial phy-lotype exhibited a slight diurnal periodicity, whichmay reflect a linkage to organic matter substrates pro-vided by photoautotrophs (Zehr & Paerl 2008). How-ever, in clone libraries from the subtropical NorthPacific, nifH transcripts clustering with Alpha- andGammaproteobacteria were found in both day andnight samples (Falcón et al. 2004). Presently, the avail-able data from marine waters are too sparse to drawany firm conclusion about the potential carbon limita-tion of N2 fixation by non-Cyanobacteria.

Some marine Bacteria, in addition to growing het-erotrophically, can use light-driven proton pumps togenerate ATP (Béja et al. 2000). The extra energyavailable to photoheterotrophs growing in the lightmay facilitate growth in oligotrophic environments(Gómez-Consarnau et al. 2007). Some facultativelyphotoautotrophic Bacteria, e.g. Rhodospirillum, Rhodo-pseudomonas and Rhodobacter species, are able togrow diazotrophically (Meyer et al. 1978, Oelze &Klein 1996), and nifH sequences clustering with thesespecies have been obtained from marine waters (Zehret al. 2003b, Moisander et al. 2008, H. Farnelid & L.Riemann unpubl.). Moreover, photoautotrophic dia-zotrophs have been isolated from marine copepods(Proctor 1997). Hence, it is tempting to speculate thatphototrophy helps support the high energy demandsassociated with N2 fixation by some non-cyanobacter-ial diazotrophs in the photic zone.

Unlike Cyanobacteria, putative diazotrophic non-Cyanobacteria are not confined to the photic zone.Rather, their relative abundance increases with depth(e.g. Church et al. 2005a). In fact, nifH genes (e.g.Short et al. 2004, Moisander et al. 2006, Zehr et al.2007, Hewson et al. 2007b, Langlois et al. 2008) andnifH transcripts (e.g. Bird et al. 2005, Short & Zehr2007, Zehr et al. 2007, Man-Aharonovich et al. 2007)

from these organisms are commonly detected in envi-ronments where microbial growth would not be as-sumed to be limited by reduced N. For instance, nifHphylotypes were found in the vicinity of hydrothermalvents, an environment rich in reduced N (Mehta et al.2003). Further, nifH transcripts of Gammaproteobacte-ria have been detected in samples from below thenutricline at nitrate/nitrite concentrations of >5 µMand in surface waters at productive coastal sites (Birdet al. 2005). For communities, noteworthy examplesinclude measurable N2 fixation in the tropical Atlanticat nitrate concentrations of ~10 µM (Voss et al. 2004)and the observation that addition of ammonium andnitrate did not reduce N2 fixation in salt marsh micro-bial communities (Hanson 1977). Insensitivity to thepresence of dissolved inorganic N has also been ob-served experimentally for some marine communitiesand individual isolates. For instance, Boström et al.(2007a) measured acetylene reduction by a gamma-proteobacterial Baltic Sea isolate in medium amendedwith ammonium (0.5 mM), and Tibbles & Rawlings(1994) found that nitrogenase activity was onlyrepressed by nitrate in 1 of 3 heterotrophic marine iso-lates. When initially grown with N2 as the sole Nsource, the nitrogenase activity of Trichodesmium wasnot suppressed after addition of 2 mM nitrate or0.02 mM ammonium (Ohki et al. 1991), although otherstudies have reported inhibition of N2 fixation in Tri-chodesmium by nitrate (Holl & Montoya 2005), ammo-nium (Capone et al. 1990) and other N sources (Mul-holland & Capone 2000). Overall, these observationscontrast with the prevailing perception that N2 fixationis highly regulated by the availability of reduced inor-ganic N (Klugkist & Haaker 1984 and referencestherein). Hence, it appears that factors other than justN availability influence the distribution and expressionof nifH.

It has been proposed that a lack of tight ammoniumregulation is a general feature of diazotrophic organ-isms from tropical and subtropical waters (Bird et al.2005). Similarly, it appears that high nitrate concentra-tions do not select against all diazotrophs (Langlois etal. 2008). Interestingly, recent genomic data suggestthat one explanation for continued N2 fixation in thepresence of reduced N sources is that some Bacteriaare simply not equipped to use other N sources. Thegenomes of 2 isolates in the marine Roseobacter cladelacked both nitrate and nitrite transporters, and exper-imental studies demonstrated that 1 of the strains (Sili-cibacter pomeroyi) could not assimilate nitrate (Moranet al. 2007). Similarly, Moore et al. (2002) found thattheir Prochlorococcus isolates were not able to growwith nitrate as the only N source, and Allen et al.(2001) observed that structural genes for nitrate assim-ilation (nasA) could only be amplified from certain


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marine heterotrophic Bacteria. Hence, the lack ofassimilatory enzymes to utilise either nitrate or nitritemay potentially explain nitrogenase expression in N-replete environments, as was suggested for a gamma-proteobacterial diazotrophic clade found in the Ara-bian Sea (Bird et al. 2005). It has been suggested thatorganisms designed for diazotrophy have few ecologi-cal reasons to invest in a switch to nitrate uptake, sincethis reduction is energetically more expensive than thereduction of N2 (Karl et al. 2002). Thus, the regulationof nitrogenase expression by reduced N is not straight-forward and most likely involves species-specific re-sponses to specific forms of reduced inorganic N.



The most abundant component of our atmosphere,N2, is the substrate for the nitrogenase enzyme, whilethe next most abundant component, O2, not only inac-tivates and destroys nitrogenase, but also repressesnitrogenase synthesis. Thus, protecting the nitroge-nase from O2 is crucial in order for N2 fixation to occur.Using cultivation approaches based on semi-solid N-deficient media with an O2 gradient, Guerinot & Col-well (1985) isolated a wide variety of aerobic, faculta-tive anaerobic and microaerophilic diazotrophs fromseawater, and Boström et al. (2007a) found that hetero-trophic diazotrophs from the Baltic Sea required lowO2 (0 to 6% air saturation) or anaerobic conditions forN2 fixation. Similar results using other approacheshave been reported (Wynn-Williams & Rhodes 1974,Urdaci et al. 1988; see also review by Zehr et al. 2006).Hence, as has been observed for most soil Bacteria(e.g. Oelze & Klein 1996, Marchal & Vanderleyden2000), marine non-cyanobacterial diazotrophs gener-ally require anaerobic or low O2 conditions to performN2 fixation.

Where are such conditions present in the well-oxy-genated pelagic realm of the oceans? The interior oforganic-rich aggregates or detritus could potentiallybe suitable microhabitats for N2 fixation. Particle-asso-ciated Bacteria account for <10 to 15% of total bacter-ial biomass and/or production (Turley & Mackie 1994,Griffith et al. 1994), but during phytoplankton post-bloom conditions the fraction of Bacteria attached toorganic-rich aggregates can be very high (Smith et al.1995, Riemann et al. 2000). These loci may be per-ceived as metabolic hot spots (Azam & Long 2001)where extensive microbial growth (Alldredge &Gotschalk 1990, Smith et al. 1995, Riemann et al. 2000)and thereby respiration can lead to reduced O2 con-centrations in the particle interiors (Paerl & Prufert

1987, Ploug et al. 1997). The isolation of strictly anaer-obic Bacteria (Bianchi et al. 1992) together with mea-surements of products of anaerobic processes (Shanks& Reeder 1993) indicate that even anoxic conditionscan occur within marine aggregates, although this maybe ephemeral (Ploug et al. 1997). Microbial remineral-isation of freshly produced aggregates in surfacewaters is evident as enriched ammonia levels relativeto the surrounding water (Alldredge & Gotschalk1990), but over time, and with depth, the microbialactivity within aggregates will not only consume O2,but will also result in selective loss of N and phospho-rus due to high rates of enzymatic hydrolysis that isuncoupled from uptake (Smith et al. 1992). Thus, theinteriors of aging aggregates, with their tendency to berich in carbon (Maruyama et al. 1970), but depleted inO2 and N, could be suitable sites for N2 fixation.

While this idea is not new (Paerl & Prufert 1987, Paerl1990), experimental or field-based interrogations ofthis phenomenon remain scarce. However, it appearsthat both live and dead particulate matter could poten-tially serve as loci for N2-fixing non-Cyanobacteria inthe marine water column (Fig. 2). In an early study,Guerinot & Colwell (1985) found that their pure cultureof a heterotrophic bacterium was only capable of N2

fixation in situ in the presence of particulate matter>8.0 µm. This suggests that these Bacteria have theability to rapidly colonise particulate matter (Kiørboeet al. 2003) and generate low-O2 conditions suitable forN2 fixation. Indeed, Paerl (1985) observed that N2 fixa-tion by Cyanobacteria and possibly heterotrophic Bac-teria paralleled the formation of low O2 microzones inaggregates. This is consistent with the more frequentdetection of sequences within nifH Cluster III (relatedto anaerobic or facultative anaerobic Bacteria) incoastal or estuarine waters (Affourtit et al. 2001, Jenk-ins et al. 2004, Steward et al. 2004a, Moisander et al.2007, Man-Aharonovich et al. 2007, Farnelid et al.2009), which are rich in particulate matter relative tooffshore environments. Non-cyanobacterial diazotrophsmay also be associated with zooplankton (Proctor 1997,Braun et al. 1999) or phytoplankton. Light-driven res-piration (Mehler activity) reduces O2 tension withincells and colonies of Trichodesmium, presumably al-lowing for N2 fixation in actively photosynthesisingcells (Kana 1993). Such a mechanism may contribute tothe formation of low O2 zones associated with livephytoplankton cells. We recently found diverse nifHgenes from non-Cyanobacteria associated with singlecells of heterotrophic dinoflagellates in the IndianOcean (Fig. 2A–C). Light and transmission electronmicroscopy confirmed the presence of large heterotro-phic Bacteria attached to the surfaces of the dinoflagel-lates (Farnelid et al. 2010). Similarly, putative dia-zotrophic non-Cyanobacteria have been observed on


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Fig. 2. Examples of potential loci for non-cyanobac-terial N2-fixing Bacteria in the marine water column.(A) The dinoflagellate Ornithocercus thumii withcyanobacterial ectosymbionts (arrow). Notice largeBacteria on the sulcal list (arrowhead). (B) Longi-tudinal section of the dinoflagellate Ornithocercusmagnificus. Four cyanobacterial ectosymbionts andsmall Bacteria are present in the cingulum (arrows). N:nucleus. (C) Details of the bacterial ectosymbionts, inlongitudinal (arrow) and transverse view (arrowhead).(D) The copepod Calanus hyperboreus. (E) Copepodfaecal pellet and (F) marine snow particle with at-tached Bacteria stained with SYBR Gold and DAPI, re-spectively. (G) Diatom and marine snow particle. Pho-tos taken with light (A, D), epifluorescence (E, F, G)and transmission electron microscopy (B, C). A–C arefrom Farnelid et al. (2010), D and E are courtesy of

T. G. Nielsen and H. P. Grossart

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and within suspended N2-fixing diatom mats in theeastern Pacific (Martínez et al. 1983).

Interestingly, Dore et al. (2002) estimated higher N2

fixation rates from sedimenting particles in traps rela-tive to rates determined from tracer incubations. Thetrap-derived rates agreed well with previous estimates(Deutsch et al. 2001), lending support to their accuracy.Dore et al. (2002) attributed the discrepancy to the pos-sibility that tracer incubation underestimates true ratesdue to a patchy distribution of cyanobacterial dia-zotrophs or due to disruption of consortia (Martínez etal. 1983, Dore et al. 2002). Another source of errorcould be a patchy distribution of marine snow particlesharbouring N2-fixing microbial assemblages. A patchydistribution of active sites of N2 fixation could helpexplain the discrepancy between the DNA and cDNAlibraries mentioned earlier.

Considering the information summarised here, wefind it conceivable that marine snow particles areephemeral loci for N2 fixation by non-Cyanobacteria.One conceptual problem is that extensive surface-associated growth is required to generate low O2

microzones on marine snow particles, but mineralisa-tion at the same time generates ammonium, whichmay inhibit N2 fixation. Eventually, organic N in a par-

ticle would be exhausted, however, and N2 fixationmight be possible for a short period until readily utilis-able carbon is also depleted and the respiration rate isno longer sufficient to maintain low O2 conditions inthe particle interior (Ploug et al. 1997). It is also possi-ble, as noted earlier, that diazotrophs on particles aresimply insensitive to the presence of fixed nitrogen.

In addition to suspended particles, interfaces be-tween oxic and anoxic layers in the water column couldbe loci for N2 fixation by non-cyanobacterial dia-zotrophs. Anoxic basins are well known in fjords (Ram-sing et al. 1996), estuaries (Hannig et al. 2006), inlandseas (Lam et al. 2007) and from oceanic oxygen mini-mum zones (OMZs; Fig. 3), where O2 concentrationsare low enough to induce anaerobic metabolism. TheOMZs account for 8% of the global ocean area and playan essential role in the global N cycle (Paulmier & Ruiz-Pino 2009), primarily due to loss of fixed N through den-itrification (e.g. Ward et al. 2009) and anaerobic ammo-nia oxidation (e.g. Lam et al. 2009). In sediment studies,parallel occurrence of denitrification and N2 fixationhas been shown (Fulweiler et al. 2007), yet these pro-cesses are thought to be spatially segregated in themarine water column. Recently, the co-occurrence ofdenitrification and N2 fixation was demonstrated in a


Fig. 3. Global map of major oceanic oxygen minimum zones. Annual mean dissolved oxygen levels at 200 m below the surface areillustrated as a colour contour plot. Areas in dark blue indicate regions with particularly pronounced subsurface oxygen minima.Data from the IRI/LDEO Climate Data Library, Columbia University ( Original raw data from

World Ocean Atlas 2005 (Garcia et al. 2006)

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lake in association with the chemocline (Halm et al.2009). The authors found low inorganic N concentra-tion in the oxic zone, while in the lower anoxic zone am-monium concentrations were high. Between thesezones, inorganic N was below detection, N2 fixationwas substantial, and high levels of nifH gene expres-sion were detected. Hence, in this system N loss and Ngain occurred at the same space and time, which is verydifferent from the conventional view of N cycling in themodern ocean (Halm et al. 2009).

The extent to which N2 fixation could be associatedwith the low O2 conditions occurring in the upper partof oceanic OMZs is currently unknown. However, thestudy by Halm et al. (2009) combined with the ubiquityof non-cyanobacterial diazotrophs in the ocean (Zehret al. 2003b), even in the deep sea (Mehta et al. 2003),indicate that examination of OMZ-associated N2 fixa-tion could be a promising avenue.


It is a common view that N2 fixation by non-cyano-bacterial diazotrophs is not quantitatively important inthe ocean. Evidence to the contrary does not yet exist,because rate measurements of N2 fixation by non-Cyanobacteria, and the presumed linkage betweennifH gene expression and nitrogen fixation, have notbeen confirmed in situ. However, an increasing num-ber of studies reporting on the wide distribution andexpression of nitrogenase genes from non-Cyanobac-teria in marine pelagic waters indicates that thesemicroorganisms are ecologically significant. Althoughthe environmental conditions in the open ocean appearto be unfavourable for N2 fixation by non-Cyanobacte-ria when considered at the macroscale, the pelagichabitat is heterogeneous at small scales. N2 fixation indiscrete micro-scale loci may have important conse-quences for carbon and nutrient cycling at local, andperhaps even global, scales.

The discovery of an unusual O2-insensitive N2 fixa-tion pathway in a terrestrial bacterium (Ribbe et al.1997) is a reminder that there may also be other path-ways for N2 fixation in the ocean not captured by ourcurrent molecular tools. That observation, and the con-tinued discovery of novel microbial ecotypes withmajor influences on marine biogeochemical cyclingand productivity (e.g. Béja et al. 2000, Zehr et al. 2001,2008), reflect the extraordinary metabolic innovationthat characterises the prokaryotic world. Conse-quently, it is reasonable to expect that strategies to cir-cumvent the presumed chemical and physical con-straints on N2 fixation in the oligotrophic open oceanshave evolved among some non-Cyanobacteria. Weanticipate that the future of this field will soon be one

in which we are no longer asking whether non-Cyanobacteria fix N2 in the open ocean, but are deter-mining how they do so and at what magnitude.

Acknowledgements. This work was supported by theSwedish Research Council FORMAS (217-2006-342 to L.R.).Contributions by G.F.S. were supported by the US NationalScience Foundation (NSF), the Center for Microbial Oceanog-raphy – Research and Education, and the Agouron Institute.We thank J.P. Zehr for providing public access to the alignednifH sequence database.


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Submitted: March 1, 2010; Accepted: June 4, 2010 Proofs received from author(s): July 25, 2010