NISA/TEPCO Press Release - Concerning Release of Contaminated Water into the Ocean - Pages From...

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  • 8/2/2019 NISA/TEPCO Press Release - Concerning Release of Contaminated Water into the Ocean - Pages From Ml12068a155 - Foia Pa-2011-0118, Foia Pa-2011-0119, Foia Pa-2011-012




    HOO HocFriday, April 15, 2011 6:43 AMUA07 Hoc; UA08 Hoc; OST01 HO CFW: URGENT: Notice (17:20) Friday 15 April 2011press release (NISA)[1].pdf; imageO01.jpg

    Headquarters Operations OfficerU.S. Nuclear Regulatory CommissionPhone: 301-816-5100Fax: 301-816-5151email: hoo.hocpnrc.govsecure e-mail: hoolnrc.sgov.govSU.S.NRCIFS(b)

    rom: Hinds, Lynda J [mailto:[email protected]] On Behalf Of Tokyo Staff Assistantent: Friday, ADril 15, 2011 6:38 AM(6)

  • 8/2/2019 NISA/TEPCO Press Release - Concerning Release of Contaminated Water into the Ocean - Pages From Ml12068a155 - Foia Pa-2011-0118, Foia Pa-2011-0119, Foia Pa-2011-012



    URGENT (1 7: 20) Friday 15 April 2011 < span style='color:black'>To All Missions (Embassies, Consular posts and International Organizations in Japan)With regard to the accident at Fukushima Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Plant (NPP), the Nuclear andIndustrial Safety Agency (NISA) will today announce the attached report regarding the release of law-level contaminated water into the ocean.The attached report contains the outlines of the report made by To kyo Electric Power Company(TEPCO) to NISA as well as the evaluation by NISA on this TEPCO's report, among others. At its

    evaluation, as shown in the attached report, NISA on the one hand confirms that, compared to thedata obtained in the week prior to the discharge, an outstanding deviation to the radioactiveconcentrations including ones in the vicinity of the NPS had no t occurred. NISA, on the other hand,also says that observation on the further trend is needed, since the result that was obtained at themeasuring points 30km off the coast of Fukushima Dai-ichi and Dai-ni NPS, which is monitored by theMinistry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology (MEXT), had a tendency of increase.

    The announcement of the attached report is scheduled at approximately on 18:00 today.

    It is kindly asked to inform on this message to each headquarter as soon as possible.Contact: International Nuclear Energy Cooperation Division, Tel 03-5501-8227

  • 8/2/2019 NISA/TEPCO Press Release - Concerning Release of Contaminated Water into the Ocean - Pages From Ml12068a155 - Foia Pa-2011-0118, Foia Pa-2011-0119, Foia Pa-2011-012


    o b reeasdPrss t:18:00 on April 15th 20111Regarding the discharge of the waste water, of which the concentration ofradioactive materials exceeds the,concentration limit by the notification to,the sea (Report) -:

    ' ,April1b,2:.20Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency

    1. Course of the event(1) Tok-yo Electric PowerT- C,1IM: (TTEPCO) discharged the radioactivewaste water o.f. low .. oncentration collected in the Sub Dra-In Pits ofUnits 5: ahd 6 of Fukushimna Dai-ichi Nuclear Power Station (NTPS) aswell as th~e Radioactive Waste Mfratinent Facilities to the sea, as anemergency measure in 4accordae witkh paragraph I of -Article 64 of theNuclear Regulation Act.

    (2)Prior~ to this, Nuclear and Industrial Safety Agency (INISA) collectedreports from TEPOO in advance regarding the views on discharge andimpact assessment, etc. and confirmed thos'e contents, NISA alsorequested technical advices from' the Nuclear Safety Commission. A~ s aresult, NSAS judged that there was no significant impact. on humanhealth and the discharge was imperative in order to avoid substantialrisks. Furthermore, NISA directed TEPCOC to survey and confirm theimpact of the spread of radioactive materials by strengthening themonitoring of the sea and mak:e .efforts to share information, etc. (PressReleased on April 4i:h)

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    To'ereleased t-o Press at:A1800 on April 15i.3 201released radioactive materials was;,about,.1.5k10.1 Becquerels.(2) Asa resutt of monitoring of the sea along the shore as well as off theCoas~tobvious deviation w)as noft con-firmed. The influence accompaniedwit thedischarge of stagnant waterto th-e sea is approximately 0.6mSvyear: ofeffective idoses per year for adiults even if they are supposed,-toeait,ff ad: seaweeds etc.,near the !site every day.

    (32-uther observation on the results of ocean monitoring currently in"operation and conitinuou~s impolementationi of 'impact. assessment areineeded,.,

    3Evaluat'ion et. y NTISAk:(1)Tie relationship b!tween* .the eport by(TEPCO dated April 4th and theitems direCted byN-ISA

    Accordngito tepor byddAtd April 4th, it was statedthat the amount of stagnant water to be discharged would be 11,500tons and the gross amount of raidioactive materials to be released wouldbe ,,approximatly 1.7x10 1Bec3`uereS. However Aiwas confirmed thatthe .actual anount of discharged stagnant water and radioactivematerials were below the amount above.

    Regarding the strengthening of monitoring, it was; confirmed thatTEPCO ca-ired it out through increasing the number

    of monitoringpoints off the coast (Fromi3points to 6points) as well as the frequencyof monitoring (Fromn once a day to twice a 'day). Also it was confirmedthat' even if compared to the data of transition since a week prior to,

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    toeeleased to Press at: 18:00 on April 15",2.011water discharged this time are 10 :Bqlcr3 of 'Iodine 131 and ,!5BqIcms3of Cesium 137, which are not outstandingly differe'nt fromthbse:of the srlroundin'g enironment.

    -:Even tough, some slight deviation is. foiud, the resulfs ofmeasurement were obtaed withi the range almost0siniilr totho....emeasured before the charge and none ofthe signi:ficantdifftereces are found.

    (b) Thexresult of mondtoring adjacent to Units 5 and 6 (.Northern Water'Disdharge C anal)

    Regarding this area,, the contaminated water with the hiighest level ofradioactive dose of all the discharged water this time, has been'discharged. (Approximately 2 Bqt/ cm3 of Iodine 131 regarding thewater in the Sub Drain Pit of Unit 6)Accompanied with the discharge this time, the radioactiveconcentrations were observed to have once risen. Ho0wever theyhave shifted to decline,

    However the deviation ofthe radioactive concentrations. are withinthe range almost similar to those measured before the discharge,and',noneL of the significant differences are found.

    (c) The resukbofmonitoring adjacent to the Fitk-ushima Daliini NPSAccompamed with the discharge this time, the radioactiveconcentrations were observed :to have once risen, However 'they

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    thbeb' released Lo Pressiat: 1:800 6n April 15.20111The addition of measuring pointsissthought. to have contributed tothe jimprovenent of credibility ofthe measurement results-

    Regardinzg the strergthening of the measurement to decrease thedischarge to the sea that NTSA directed., itwas confimed that TEPCOdiscqhged from the Water Discharge Canal of NPS to the outskirts of

    :the;bay to heighten the effect of diffusion and dilution.It was confirmed thatT EPCO opened the information to the public

    appropriately by making press releases, etc. regarding the result ofmonitoring.

    Observing the measured data Aat 30km off the coast that wereobtained through the monitoring that. the Ministry of EEducation,Culure,. Sports, Scence and' ETechnoloMXT) 'ca.rrying out, the:data had a tendency to decrease as a whole. However the resutt thatwas obtained at the measuring points off the coast of PukushirnaDaOi-ichiand 1)ai-ni NPS, had a tendency to Increase. Even though itiha:,d not.haippened intentionally, as. t~here i s.the. couirse. of the radioactive

    wAter of:high concenitration to. lea from, Fukushima, Dal-ciNSobservation on the fu er trendis needed ...

    (2)'Actions takenRegarding before and, after of t~h~e discharge, even thoughoutstanding devation had not been confirmed. on the other hand, asthere is the course of the radioactive water of high concentration to leak

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    Iobe rdeased toPress at,: 18:00 on April 5th ,2011announce ,publicly the results of the montoring.

    (.) To-sampletfish, she]lfsh. etc. from the sea area in the vicnity of:theNPS, to cary out the measurement of radiation dose, to assess theeffect, and to announce publicly the result.

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    Discharge amomt of the stagnant waterwith low-levelradioactivIty, etc. from the Fukushima Daiichl NPS% i::i:: ....... "Radioatve:Concentration(8qicm :=)=. " :" .D ls,.n re !:: ... ... : :"... PerdSDlscharggOs- . . . ...... 7 " " . . rAmunt (r,,') : .. .H31 Os-34 Cs-,137 S=m

    Stagnant waler in the: / 330Radioactive Waste 6[,3EV0.. 44E* 00AtSE* 9+,l070 $4/. 18:00 - 4X8 22-20oTreatment Facilities: 4/845 -4/10 17:p~t: ,:i e. }-. . . . ..... ......Watoer in the -.Sub Drain ... E.2.. . .2..--..950"". 5 17:2.. ' .. 121Pt fhe Unit S:

    Wae Znteran2E+01 4,7E+00 CgE+D0 3.DE*011 3734/4 21:00)- 4/9 19:52XRadioactive Concentration (Bqfcrn3) of the stagnant water in the Radioactive Waste Treatment Faclitiesis ,assessed y Ine maximum value ofl the samples in the two Facilities shown in the fa

    Radioactive Concmntration~i(Bq=.)....... Cs-1.34 CS-137 SUM.Stagnant water in he:Radioactive Waste-83+0 7EO EoO L4117reatment FacilittioC3E0 )E0 BEM 12E40

    "In the Non-Controlled '.._:."::fStagn~ant water n the,Radioactive Waste. V&-01 4.E..00 4E4-00E..00Treatment FaciktiesIin the Controlled Area):. __ _< Table 2 >_____ _________ ___

    total Arnount of Radioactivity @Bq1-1i31 Cs-t34 Os-137 Sumv

    Stagnant water in theRadioactive Waste ..IE400 4. 1iOi 4.0E410 t4E1AE

    ITreatment Faciltites _________W aten the SubDraIin!Pitof he Unit 5. a ,i.5E:09 2AE+08 26E+OB 2 OE+09

    iUcwing tabte.

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    Sampling points

    Measuring on~ce a dlay at the faliowing points(Dr Near SouthenWater Uscrarge Canal of Fikushima Da-ichi NPS(appmx. 330m from SoUth of Fukushira Da-chi NPS 1-4UsWater Discharge Canal)) Point of Approx. 30m Nonhward from the Fukushima Dal-ichi NPS5-SUs Water Discharge Canal,4 , Near Northemr Water Discharge' Canal of Fukushha Dani NPS(approx 10km from Fuk-ushisa{.chi NPS)Naar Iwasawa shore 'Capprox.16km fom Fukuma DaiIch NPS)G' Pont of 15km off the coast of Fukushima Dakchi NPS'; Point of 15km off the coast of rukeWshiTma Daki NPSSParnt of 15km of' th'e coast of iwasawa shoreS, Point of 15km of f the coast of lHrono Tcr,%n Ade~Pai:nt of 15Xm of f !he coast of Mfinaroisoma Clay 3I a ng

    hjPointof15km off the ccestof Ukedo river

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    Radioactive Concentralion o: Seawater at the northern side of Water Discharge Canal of 5-6Us of Fukushima NsiJic111NI'S (BqI cm3)1000


    10 I

    Contcent'ration ULmi

    (0,04 ahn3tc~)

    k0,04 tBqicmn3)



    0"001 t-3/29 3130 3131 41--V 4/2 4/3 ' 4/4 415 4/61 417, 4/8 .4/9, A4/10 4/11 4/12 4/13 4/14

  • 8/2/2019 NISA/TEPCO Press Release - Concerning Release of Contaminated Water into the Ocean - Pages From Ml12068a155 - Foia Pa-2011-0118, Foia Pa-2011-0119, Foia Pa-2011-012


    Radioactkv Concentration of Seawater at Near Northem Water Discharge Canal of Fukushima Dai-nii NPS (Bcqom3)-1000..

    . ........ . .. ...

    Discharging Period 1 Cs71 4


    Co'neritratlon irmitby ths Natlfioatoto

    0.01 (0.9.' :


    3129 3/30 3131 4/1 4/2 4/3 414 4/5 416i, 4/7 . .4/8 19 4/10 4/11 4/12 4/13 4/14


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    Radioactive Concentration of Seawater at Near Southem Water Discharge Canal of Fukushirma Dal-ichi NIPS (Bq/cmrn)

    Dischwriing Period

    Concentrat in imitby the Notification

    :- O- 134 (0.00 Do/cm ).13510,04 13q/kn3)

    Gs - ~137I

    0.001 -3i29 16,01 W31 4/1 412 - 4/3 4/4 4/5, 46 %40 4/8 .419 4.4mo4/.14/11 4112 4113 4114.

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    RadioacLive Concentration of Seawater at Near lwasawa Shore (13q/om3)1000

    dihsulintgi Period I*.CI34I100 j-,-




    .t=i./ by tile NotrationiUi(0.00 UMI/V-171)Cs-134


    .1~ 13 33 41 4/" 413 . 14 41 41 47 . ... 41.. 4110 4.. 1. /....[ 41..1.3 4/13124 3130 Ml 4h 412 41 3 4/4, ' '415 416 417 4/8 419 4/10 4/12 4113 4114

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    Radioactive Concentration of, Seawator at the point of 15kin Off the coast of Fukushima Dai-ichi NPS (Bq/cn3)1000







    Goancentraotit Limitb6y0Notifioetblri

    WO uq/on3)

    41 : 4i - 4/4, 41 5 4/6 4/7 , .1418 419 4/10 4/11 4112 4/13, 4M14

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    Rladipactivo conicent~ration of Seawater at thie point of 1 knm off the coast of Fukushirnn Dai-ni NPS (Bq/`cm34)1000



    Dihnrg~ing period

    Curcen~xtrati Umit

    (0.09 8r;Arn3)

    (0~04 Bq/cm3)

    n i U-I II 1*---m I*--- I A--


    0.601:4/2 4/3 4/4 415 41 6 4/17 418 419 4/10 4111 4112 4113 4114

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    RadioactiveGConcentratioh of Seawater at the p6oint or I5km off thecoast of Hiron0 town (6(1/6m3)1U000



    Di. harging,Period j*Cs-.134j



    0.001 4/3 4/4 ~4/5 416 4/7' 4/8 4/9 4/10 .4/11 4/12 4(13 .4114

    Con6e ntirston UnLItby uto;Not; 06at iol

    C -134

    (OA64 Bq/cnmJ).

    2. 4M 4114 4/5 4/17 418 4/9,, r 4MO 4/11 4112 4/13 411 4

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    Radioactive Concentratiof ot SeaWafer at the point oft 5im off tho~cato vaaasoe(qc3


    Patico s.,atti134

    (OOO Bi/tan31)


    U.01 4/2 4/3 A4 4/5 4166 4/4 4/8 419 1liO. 0 4111 4/12 4/1.3 4/14

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    Radioactive CorGentxation Qf Seawaterat the pQint !5kmnoff the coast of MinamiSoma Cilty,(Bq/cm3)

    Disobarsting Period 4 Cs14j100137


    Cvrncentration Umit:by tho Nolippailor,

    (0.00 oq/mln3)



    4/2 4/3 4/4 4/5 4/6 4/7 4181: 4/9 . '4110 4111 4j 13 4/14

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    Radioactive:Concontration of Seawater at thepaint of 1Skm off the coast of Ukedo river (Blcq/cmn3)


    10 0


    VCaA34,i-lw iigp Period






    CO'neditration Limitby the 1`40otirctioutic

    ctl, 31Os:C-34

    (0.04 u(4/r,14)

    4/2 .V3 n 4/4 , 415 .416 4/7 4/8 419 4/10 4111 4/12 4/13: 4114