Nine Days of Progressive Posts

Progressive Content on Facebook Account “Phil Vollman” from 22 October 2012 to 31 October 2012 Just A Bit o’ Analyzing


This is a qualitative analysis of nine days of progressive—that is, liberal, posts on the social networking site Facebook: motivations, methods, and reactions/responses.

Transcript of Nine Days of Progressive Posts

Page 1: Nine Days of Progressive Posts

Progressive Content on Facebook Account “Phil Vollman” from 22 October 2012 to 31 October


Just A Bit o’ Analyzing

Page 2: Nine Days of Progressive Posts

October 22, Share, Democratic Party

No shares.1 comment.1 like.

This image was posted an hour earlier than the one that follows; it was posted as the debate was going on, which is why it provides a hashtag. This is slightly funny, and people tend to like thinks that make them laugh. People tend to comment on things that made them laugh AND that made them think.

Page 3: Nine Days of Progressive Posts

October 22, Share, Veterans for Obama

No shares.No commentsNo likes

Why didn’t it work? I think it didn’t work because the tone of the image was too serious, unlike that of the image that preceded. I also feel that this was posted too late in the evening, at 11 pm on a Monday. Possibly people felt exhausted by watching the debates, and they either went to bed early, or stopped looking at Facebook because of the wave of information about the debate.

Page 4: Nine Days of Progressive Posts

October 22, Recommendation, Politifact

No shares.No comments.No likes.

I would attribute the lack of responses to this post as a result of it being a recommendation—not a share. I believe that Facebook presents recommendations in a different manner than shares. Also, the privacy settings were set to restricted because the site was using a different privacy setting than I normally use.

Page 5: Nine Days of Progressive Posts

October 22, Status Update, Original

No shares.No comments.3 likes.

Three likes means “three people share this sentiment.” I posted this after realizing that a significant amount of people that were replying to the Romney Campaign’s promoted tweet on Twitter were heckling him. I deiced to follow suit. I think this didn’t get as many likes as I hoped it would (I was hoping for 10) because it was pretty vulgar.

Page 6: Nine Days of Progressive Posts

October 23, Share, Parks and Recreation

No shares.No comments.One like.

I was surprised that my 5 good friends who like Parks and Recreation didn’t like this post, as they often do. I think that the way that the image was boxed by Facebook made it hard to understand, and I also think that people rapidly grew tired of political jokes the day after the second debate—at least for a day or two.

I should have added a quote from Parks and Recreation to complement this post.

Page 7: Nine Days of Progressive Posts

October 24, Share,

No shares.No comments. No likes.

The image was so small that it was impossible to see anything. I should’ve cropped it, written a better intro, and given a link to the panel.

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October 25, Share, George Takei

1 share.1 comment.3 likes.

My friend who shared this got about 20 likes on his share. I knew this would be noticed becausea) I shared it from George

Takei’s Facebook page, and he always has witty images.

b) It was a Star Trek reference.

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October 25, Share, Lauren StanleyNo shares.No comments.No likes.

I shared this from a clergywoman I know. It’s originally from a blog written by a female pastor and theologian. I thought this would have been commented on by more people because it was shared by a member of the Episcopal Church, and we are all quite networked with one another. I can understand why it didn’t get any comments, likes, or shares, though. It had the word “rape” in it, and that gave it a ‘gross factor,’ which is independent of the content.

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October 25, Share, UniteWomenNo shares.No comments.No likes.

No one responded to this cartoon—which is strange, because most of the things I share from UniteWomen get about five likes and one share. I shared this during the height of the binders of women meme—maybe it would have been better to share something more fantastical, and less political, like the Klingon post from George Takei.

Page 11: Nine Days of Progressive Posts

October 27, Share, The Pragmatic Progressive Page

1 share.No comments.3 likes.

I tend to shy away from cursing on my Facebook page, but when it comes to things like LGBT rights, I throw decorum out of the window. I wish there was a way to embed an actual tweet on Facebook (with Twitter’s embed feature…which uses HTML—so that’s a no-no for Facebook :-/ ) so that I could retweet it and follow the user from within Facebook.

Page 12: Nine Days of Progressive Posts

October 29, Status Update, Original

No shares.3 comments.5 likes.

I forgot! When I post my actual thoughts, I tend to engage people! In the summer I had a lot more posts like this—but the reality is that a “profound” status like this is the result of several hours of thinking throughout the day for me (not elapsed.)

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October 30, Share, Upworthy0 shares.0 comments.1 like.

Upworthy is a multimedia progressive site that makes it easy to share images and videos on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest. This might have been either a case of “too soon” or even “not soon enough”—given that a lot of the people that my Upworthy-related posts engage seem to be people I went to New York University with. I should have commented on this picture as I shared it.

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October 31, Share, Rachael Maddow via Karen Goff

No shares.1 comment.No likes.

See Nisa’s comment made me glad—because I knew that she was saying “The comments on the blog post are ridiculous”—which means she followed the link. So I can wonder how many people read the articles I share—but don’t leave evidence that they did so on my profile.