Nikolai Vitti Updated Duval Application Part 1

July 22, 2012 2 I ! Honorable Duval County School Board Members, It is with great enthusiasm that I submit this application for superintendent of Duval County Public Schools. Over the last several years, my demonstrated skill set and track record of improving student achievement in challenging environments have afforded me the opportunity to contemplate several superintendent and CEO-level positions throughout the country. I humbly declined those opportunities because of the exciting work that is taking place in Miami-Dade County. With that said, I believe that this opportunity is unique in that the Duval County School Board and its stakeholders are genuinely searching for a change agent. Together, I am confident that we will enhance the district's good work and propel it to the next level as a national leader in public education. I have been fortunate to serve on the cabinet of two National Urban Superintendents of the Year while playing a role in Miami-Dade County being named a Broad Finalist for Excellence in Urban Education multiple times. Most recently, alongside one of the nation's strongest urban superintendents, I have assisted in unifying the school board and stakeholders, strategically leveraging limited funding to sustain and accelerate student achievement, and lobbying state and local representatives to strengthen public education. In addition to leading school turnaround in the fourth largest district in the country, as a cabinet member I have assisted in balancing the district budget, negotiated several collective bargaining agreements, led community outreach efforts, and served as the media representative for school turnaround and accountability topics. During this time, I completed my doctorate at The Harvard Graduate School of Education, in the Urban Superintendents Program, where I was the recipient of the Presidential Fellowship, which is awarded to the top doctoral candidate. Over the years, The Urban Superintendents Program has been a leader in developing many successful urban superintendents throughout the county. Prior to returning to Miami-Dade County, I served as the Deputy Chancellor for School Improvement and Student Achievement at the Florida Department of Education (FLDOE) where I directly supervised and reorganized the Bureaus of School Improvement, Title I, Federal Programs, Office of Equal Opportunity, Guidance Counseling, Just Read, Florida!, Early Learning, and Community and Parent Outreach. In this capacity, I also supervised the five school improvement regions that guided and supported the work of superintendents, districts, and schools throughout the state. I also spearheaded Florida's Race to the Top and School Improvement Grant applications for struggling schools, while presenting on these and other issues nationally and throughout the state.

Transcript of Nikolai Vitti Updated Duval Application Part 1

Page 1: Nikolai Vitti Updated Duval Application Part 1

July 22, 2012


Honorable Duval County School Board Members,

It is with great enthusiasm that I submit this application for superintendent of Duval County Public


Over the last several years, my demonstrated skill set and track record of improving student achievement

in challenging environments have afforded me the opportunity to contemplate several superintendent and

CEO-level positions throughout the country. I humbly declined those opportunities because of the

exciting work that is taking place in Miami-Dade County. With that said, I believe that this opportunity is

unique in that the Duval County School Board and its stakeholders are genuinely searching for a change

agent. Together, I am confident that we will enhance the district's good work and propel it to the next

level as a national leader in public education.

I have been fortunate to serve on the cabinet of two National Urban Superintendents of the Year while

playing a role in Miami-Dade County being named a Broad Finalist for Excellence in Urban Education

multiple times. Most recently, alongside one of the nation's strongest urban superintendents, I have

assisted in unifying the school board and stakeholders, strategically leveraging limited funding to sustain

and accelerate student achievement, and lobbying state and local representatives to strengthen public


In addition to leading school turnaround in the fourth largest district in the country, as a cabinet member I

have assisted in balancing the district budget, negotiated several collective bargaining agreements, led

community outreach efforts, and served as the media representative for school turnaround and

accountability topics. During this time, I completed my doctorate at The Harvard Graduate School of

Education, in the Urban Superintendents Program, where I was the recipient of the Presidential

Fellowship, which is awarded to the top doctoral candidate. Over the years, The Urban Superintendents

Program has been a leader in developing many successful urban superintendents throughout the county.

Prior to returning to Miami-Dade County, I served as the Deputy Chancellor for School Improvement and

Student Achievement at the Florida Department of Education (FLDOE) where I directly supervised and

reorganized the Bureaus of School Improvement, Title I, Federal Programs, Office of Equal Opportunity,

Guidance Counseling, Just Read, Florida!, Early Learning, and Community and Parent Outreach. In this

capacity, I also supervised the five school improvement regions that guided and supported the work of

superintendents, districts, and schools throughout the state. I also spearheaded Florida's Race to the Top

and School Improvement Grant applications for struggling schools, while presenting on these and other

issues nationally and throughout the state.

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My professional life has been dedicated to providing all students with high-level instruction and viable

opportunities after graduation. I have a clear track record of raising student achievement at nearly every

level of the educational process as a teacher, principal, and state and district administrator. This work has

been done in some of the nation's largest districts and organizations as well as smaller, rural districts.

As the Assistant Superintendent of Curriculum and Instruction, School Improvement and Accountability,

Education Transformation and Performance, I currently have the honor of directly leading the Education

Transformation Office (ETO) and the 26 schools that were previously labeled "persistently lowest-

achieving" by the USOOE/FLOOE. Of the 19 schools I originally led, 7 schools were "Cs", 10 were

"Os", and 2 were "Fs". Now, 5 are projected to be "As", 2 "Bs"," 8 "Cs," 3 "Os", and 1 "F".

Of the 26 schools served, reading proficiency has increased by 7 percentage points; math proficiency by

32 percentage points; Algebra proficiency by 10 percentage points; science proficiency by 25 percentage

points; reading learning gains by 19 percentage points; and reading learning gains for the lowest 25% by

37 percentage points. Each of the 10 high schools improved their graduation rate by an average of 12

percentage points, to an overall average of78%. College reading readiness improved by 36 percentage

points and math readiness improved by 16 percentage points. Accelerated Participation (dual enrollment,

industry certification, and Advanced Placement) improved by 49 percentage points and performance

improved by 32 percentage points. Each of the five previously identified Intervene schools exited the


This success has been accomplished with a student-centric and strategic approach that focuses on 1)

improving teacher quality 2) developing instructional leaders 3) engaging parents and the community, and

4) expanding wraparound services for students. The process of transformation has been supported by

local and state board members, teachers, administrators, alumni, universities, community members,

businesses, local and state elected officials, non-profit organizations, parents, and students. The ETO has

been highlighted as a model by the USOOE and FLOOE for school improvement, which included a visit

by President Barack Obama in 20 II. After observing two ETO schools, analyzing data, and interviewing

administrators, teachers, students, community members, and parents, Broad Foundation representatives

named ETO "world class" and identified our way of work as one that needs to be replicated across the


My leadership style has been characterized as visionary, passionate, transparent, accountable, unifying,

focused, inclusive, relentless, bold, honest, thoughtful, strategic, data-driven, and transformational. I am a

problem-solver who believes that an instructional leader, especially the superintendent, must be in schools

and classrooms to make a difference for students and communities.

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If given the opportunity to be the next superintendent of Duval County Public Schools, I would bring a

national and state-wide reputation for school reform with the ability to recruit a team of diverse, proven

instructional leaders within and outside the county. I am confident that through collaborative efforts, with

all stakeholders, Duval County will become a national model for student achievement.

I believe that my intricate knowledge of Florida's accountability system in a time of heightened reform

and perpetual change, coupled with my professional experience and commitment for excellence, make

me the ideal candidate to lead Duval County Public Schools.

Thank you for your consideration and I look forward to discussing this opportunity with you.


Nikolai P. Vitti, Ed.D.

Page 4: Nikolai Vitti Updated Duval Application Part 1

Duval County Public SchoolsApplication Information Form

Jacksonville, FloridaPosition: Superintendent

Title: X Dr.


OMr. OMs.

Nikolai P. Vitti


Record of Professional Education (in reverse chronology)

Institution Graduation DateHarvard Graduate School of Education March 2012

Harvard Graduate School of Education June 2006

Wake ForestUniversity December 2001

o (other-please list) _


Office: (305) 995-7524

Cell: (786) 334-7923

E-mail: [email protected]

Major DegreeDoctorate of EducationEducation

Administration,Planning. and SocialPolicy; UrbanSuperintendentsProgram

EducationAdministration.Planning, and SocialPolicy

Master of Education

Secondary SocialStudies

Master of Education

Wake Forest University May 2000 History

Record of Professional Experience (in reverse chronology)

Bachelor of Arts

Title Dates District State Enrollment

Chief Academic 7/2012 to Present Miami-Dade County FL 349,945Officer

Assistant 7/2010 to 7/2012 Miami-Dade County Fl 349~945Superintendent ofCurriculum andInstruction, SchoolimprovementandAccountability,EducationTransfonnation andPerformance

Deputy Chancellor; 6/2009 to 07/2010 Florida Department of Fl 2,500;000School Improvement Educationand StudentAchievement

Bureau Chief School 6/2008 to 0612009 Florida Department of FL 2.500,000ImprovemeriVRe9ionai EducationExecutiveDirectorlLeadExecutive Director forDifferentiatedAccountability

Duval County PubUc Schools, Jacksonville, FL Closing date July 23.2012

Page 5: Nikolai Vitti Updated Duval Application Part 1

The School Board has identified the following qualities for the superintendent of schools.

Please respond to each of the qualities stressing your experience, strengths, and abilities ineach area, limiting your responses to between 200 and 300 words for each item.

1. A leader who solicits, respects and values the input of stakeholders at all levels of theorganization and who has demonstrated leadership in utilizing that input to create andsustain a culture of shared decision-making.

As an instructional leader, I have actively created and sustained an authentic process of engagingall stakeholders including school and state board members, community members, the businesscommunity, universities, non-profit organizations, faith-based leaders, the teachers' union,teachers, instructional coaches, school based administrators, parents, and students to create asynergy of ideas, strategies, and resources that center on improving the lives and educationaloutcomes of students. It is without question that students cannot receive a deserved high qualityeducation in isolation; a superintendent must solicit, respect, and value the input of allstakeholders.

The problem solving process that Iapply focuses on engaging stakeholders on four importantquestions: "What is working, what is not working and why, and, what can we do together tosolve the problem?" Collective and shared ownership of the problem solving process empowersstakeholders to heighten their responsibility in working collaboratively to improve studentoutcomes and to renew their faith in urban education.

Even in the most difficult situations, I have never ignored or dismissed the concerns ofstakeholders. Instead, I have built a reputation as a bi-partisan leader who continually seeks tohear and understand the concerns and issues that exist as barriers to ultimately better serveschools and students. These sometimes passionate conversations lead to a more sophisticatedunderstanding of the strategies and conditions that must be improved or communicated moreeffectively. This process is not about idle talk or empty promises but action that develops trustamong stakeholders to delve deeper into the reform process.

To ensure this, 1 am constantly out of my office and visiting schools and local communitygroups. To rally many of the stakeholders committed to improving lower-performing schools, Ideveloped an Education Transformation Office (ETO) Task Force 10 review student achievementdata, openly discuss concerns in schools and at the district level, review' educational policy, andpropose and solicit feedback on reform ideas. To spread an understanding of our work, Ifacilitate town hall meetings, visit churches, attend PTSA meetings, and alumni associationmeetings. During these meetings. participating members have a voice to address concerns,maintain open lines of communication, and proceed with solutions.

2. A leader who supports and empowers principals, teachers and staff to improveorganizational and student performance outcomes.

As a former teacher and principal, T will always believe thai my position of influence should beused to protect the work of principals and teachers to enable them 10 focus primarily onimproving student achievement, with no bureaucratic restraints, while providing them with thetools to succeed and holding all staff accountable. Proven principals and teachers earn autonomy

Duval County Public SChoOlS, JaCKsonvi!le, fL Closing date July 23,2012

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when they consistently perform at high levels, while those who struggle are provided moreguidance and support.

In addition to streamlining personnel and operational issues in my most recent position, Ihavesupported and empowered principals by recruiting, retaining, and developing more effectiveteachers, instructional coaches, and assistant principals. I also created a support team through theEducation Transformation Office (ETG) of highly effective and proven educators who assist inthe development of principals' skills as instructional leaders. ETO's way of work focuses onsupport and collective problem solving, not compliance. Together, we have created a system thatempowers principals to be creative and confident in knowing that they are fully supported.Supporting principals means standing by their side when difficult personnel, budget, andorganizational decisions need to be made in the name of children. Lastly, Ihave expanded andaligned state, federal, and grant funding to assist principals in providing our students with thewraparound services they need to limit the obstacles that prevent students from having the bestpossible learning environment.

I have supported and empowered teachers throughout my career by speaking truth to thechallenges in the classroom and recognizing that "quick fixes" and "silver bullets" do not existwhen attempting to sustain increases in student achievement. Ihave always directed additionaland strategic resources to the classroom in the form of technology, supplies, materials, andhourly interventionists to assist teachers in providing smaller group instruction to move studentsto grade level proficiency. Additionally, I have transformed the infrastructure of our schools toallow for more teacher collaboration, problem solving, cross school and classroom visits, andactive coaching.

Lastly, Ihave aggressively ensured that those who support teachers, specifically school basedadministrators, instructional coaches, and district-level support staff are well trained, monitored,and respect and understand the challenges of raising student achievement. These individuals aremutually accountable, owning teacher and student success or failure.

3. A proactive visionary, able to consider, plan and implement systemic change thatincrease the district's ability to recognize and respond to current and future challengesas they arise.

Despite constant changes, reduced funding, and the unpredictable nature of Florida'saccountability system, Ihave been able to develop and implement innovative systems of supportto sustain and accelerate student achievement in some of the most challenging schools in ourcountry.

As a former tumaround principal, Deputy Chancellor of School Improvement and StudentAchievement at the FLDOE, and now Assistant Superintendent in the largest district in the state,Ihave a keen understanding of the intricacies of Florida's accountability system. Thisknowledge and experience has enabled me to avoid focusing on compliance issues and insteadtransform or adjust systems and processes to support district administrators, principals, andteachers in improving outcomes for students.

My background currently allows me to strategically advise the superintendent, school board,FLDOE, state board, and the community on how to best adjust and succeed with raising

Duval County Public Schools, Jacksonvilfe, FL Closing date July 23, 2012

Page 7: Nikolai Vitti Updated Duval Application Part 1

standards and increased accountability. This is done in an intelligent and transparent way. As aleader then, the conversation with stakeholders is not one characterized by fear, inertia, orpowerlessness but of focus, strategy, and purpose.

4. Someone with strong organizational and leadership skills, able to collaborative!y alignand focus internal and external stakeholders' efforts to accelerate progress on achievingthe district's goals for student and organizational performance.

My ability to raise student achievement in challenging settings rests on the strategic planningprocess that galvanizes and keeps internal and external stakeholders focused on the goal ofimproving the lives and academic outcomes despite outside threats and competing interestsamong stakeholders.

In the context of The Education Transformation Office (ETO), the strategic plan focuses on 1)improving teacher quality 2) developing instructional leaders 3) engaging parents andcommunity stakeholders, and 4) expanding wraparound services for students to raise studentachievement. The first two pillars engage internal stakeholders in the process of reform, whereasthe other two focus on external stakeholders. Funding, including general revenue, school basedTitle I,district Title I, School Improvement Grants, Title II, and outside grants drive theimplementation of these four pillars.

To reach the goal of tight alignment and focus, it was important to eliminate duplicativeinitiatives. Initiatives and strategies associated with these four pillars are constantly evaluatedand adjusted to incorporate the feedback of stakeholders and improve implementation andoutcomes. This process, strategy, and its implementation have been identified as a model by theUS DOE, FLDOE, and the Broad Foundation.

Perhaps the best example of bringing together multiple stakeholders to drive school reform wasobtaining a million dollar grant from the J.P. Morgan-Chase Foundation for Northwestern SeniorHigh School that expanded dual enrollment opportunities and implemented an aquaphonicsprogram focusing on STEM and entrepreneurship. This process rallied businesses, non-profits,and Florida International University.

5. A person of integrity who is trustworthy and whose retationshipe, with the board andacross the district, are predicated on honest and open communications.

Ibelieve that my reputation as a child-centric, transparent, straightforward, open, and honestleader has been established over the years within settings that have been extraordinarily large,complex, political, and difficult from New York City to the Florida Department of Education toMiami-Dude County. Over the past decade, my record is clean of scandals, cover-ups, or lies. Aleader is the image of the organization. In the context of this work, a superintendent representsthe school board, communities, and most importantly, children. Once a leader's trustworthinessis lost, reform is as well.

I am proud of the fact that all of my former supervisors would recognize that I have alwayscommunicated openly with them regarding issues that would threaten their leadership, reform, orthe organization. This has included school board members and the community. I have modeledand demanded proactive and open communication among my teams and those they support.

Duval County Public Schools, Jacksonville, FL Closing date July 23,2012

Page 8: Nikolai Vitti Updated Duval Application Part 1

Do you have a Superintendent Endorsement for the state represented bythe position listed on this Application Information Form?

(If you have questions regarding the requirements to be a superintendent in theState of Florida, contact the Florida Department of Education)

Yes No X

I certify that the information provided herein is true and complete to the best of my knowledge.


I am aware that the Florida Sunshine Act will require that all applicantinformation is public and can be released to the media upon request.

Applicant hereby waives his/her right to confidentiality with regard to his/her work record or criminalrecord and consents to and authorizes the release of information from current or former employersand/or law enforcement personnel upon inquiry under this application.

1;;./ ,!1~ ItSignature of Applicant: ~I,t-LJ.-I-g-,-~:t"",-,_0"",,-/_,,!I_~ _Printed name of Applicant: __ .....•..JI/----'.i_JC_Z;_t_A_I __ V_I/_·'-I_I _

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pfir;11 o-lJ(J.N)

Date: D 7b -:l/i ~,This application must be COMPLETED and RETURNED by: MONDAY, JULY 23,2012

Duval County Public SchoolsMcPherson & Jacobson, LLC.

Executive Recruitment and Development7905 L St., Suite 310

Omaha, Nebraska 68127Phone: (402) 991-7031/(888) 375-4814

Fax: (402) 991~7168

AAlEEO Employer

Duval County Public Schools, Jacksonville, Fl Closing date July 23, 2012