Nikola Tesla’s Free Electricity Power Generator


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Most parts of the civilised world today now have access to electricity, and seem to host some of the world’s high power rates and also account for many of the overheated power points, wires, panel boards, circuit breakers and electrical items across the globe. More than a century ago, electricity was too dangerous to handle and inventors and scientists were still looks for its applications that time.

Transcript of Nikola Tesla’s Free Electricity Power Generator

Page 1: Nikola Tesla’s Free Electricity Power Generator

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Nikola Tesla’s Free Electricity Power Generator

Most parts of the civilised world today now have access to electricity, and seem to host some of the world’s high power rates and also account for many of the overheated power points, wires, panel boards, circuit breakers and electrical items across the globe. More than a century ago, electricity was too dangerous to handle and inventors and scientists were still looks for its applications that time.

Page 2: Nikola Tesla’s Free Electricity Power Generator

Electrician Sydney | Electrician North Sydney Commercial Electrician Sydney

It was until Nikola Tesla, an American inventor or Serbian origin, harnessed its potential for the good of mankind. His ideas about electrical energy and his inventions were the blueprint for many modern inventions, among them is the unknown Tesla power generator.

Page 3: Nikola Tesla’s Free Electricity Power Generator

Electrician Sydney | Electrician North Sydney Commercial Electrician Sydney

For your information, Tesla once worked for the famed Thomas Alva Edison who gave thumbs-down to the former’s concept of electric power distribution through alternation current (AC). Edison advocated the use of the direct current (DC) for electricity distribution which Tesla saw as unfit for power transmission.

Page 4: Nikola Tesla’s Free Electricity Power Generator

Electrician Sydney | Electrician North Sydney Commercial Electrician Sydney

Later on, Tesla would go to win the War of the Currents against Edison’s DC and the AC concept went on to electrify America. Tesla would also use AC and other concepts to invent or lay down the idea for the invention of wireless communication (radio), x-ray, fluorescent lamp, remote control, hydroelectric plants and the power generator.

Page 5: Nikola Tesla’s Free Electricity Power Generator

Electrician Sydney | Electrician North Sydney Commercial Electrician Sydney

Speaking of the power generator, Tesla applied his AC concept in the invention of his electric generator (dynamo-electric machine) to generate alternating current to transmit electricity across great distances. He intended to invent a machine that will not run on fuel to power homes and offices

Page 6: Nikola Tesla’s Free Electricity Power Generator

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Since immigrating to the United States, he advocated for the safe use of electricity for all people. He worked on the idea of a generator that will consume no fuel in the 1890s, ten years after he gained patent on his AC.

Page 7: Nikola Tesla’s Free Electricity Power Generator

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Tesla had in mind to invent a self-sustaining generator without using a material thousand times more conductive than copper or a disk to spin at ultra high speed level or a piece of metal to rotate several miles in diameter

Page 8: Nikola Tesla’s Free Electricity Power Generator

Electrician Sydney | Electrician North Sydney Commercial Electrician Sydney

But a magnet which will spin quickly to freely produce and transmit electrical energy. The magnet’s movement will create energy which can be transmitted to any devices linked to it. As long as the magnet continues to spin rapidly, the generator can sustain electricity production.

Page 9: Nikola Tesla’s Free Electricity Power Generator

Electrician Sydney | Electrician North Sydney Commercial Electrician Sydney

In another design, Tesla came up with a power generator that harness radiant energy. He described this machine as the tool which uses “the power that operates the world”. He claimed it exact energy directly from ambient medium which he refers to as cosmic energy. In a news article, he envisioned about all types of machinery deriving energy from cosmic energy (which operates the universe) whose source is the sun.

Page 10: Nikola Tesla’s Free Electricity Power Generator

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This cosmic energy, he added, is present everywhere in unlimited quantities. What Nikola Tesla had in mind was to provide people the means to produce their own electricity (”free energy”), presenting a new method in producing electrical energy. His concept of free energy could have benefitted the world so much with surging power rates and high costs of fuel.