nidealdeTIIE DESERET S - XMissionnelsonb/brown_1862.pdfnidealdeTIIE DESERET NEWSEWS 5 P I1S A IT D...

nide alde TIIE DESERET NEWS E W S 5 P I 1 S A IT D 1 i 2 7 3 3 Z rz OW A M 15 greit GREAT GRE AT SALT LAKE CITY WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 8 1862 VOL yli XII miscellaneous EASTERN ITEMS at the late election in dacotah Terri Terr territory pory ForY ory for delegate to congress gen todd the pre I 1 sent senj seat delegate was as as per report reelected re elected 9 by a small majority over gov jayne who seems to have made a gigantic effort to secure I 1 a majority of votes by means of stuffing the bal ballot 1 boh box boi and other tricks which has haaren ren ler ier lei d b im quite gnp unpopular copular with many of the settlers the says gays his have hake exceeded exceeded anything ever practiced in ina kansas or nebraska in relation to elections if IL irso so the frauds perpetrated upon the people by the imported functionary must have been enormous at the recent state fair held in ruland RuI rul and vt Mr Greeley delivered an ad dressin which I 1 it is said after reviewing the history of agri- culture in that state from the days of his I 1 boyhood up to the present time ana and predict- ing its future tie advised the farmers to use manure produced on their farms and not com- mercial fertilizers and then gave tobacco and rum soaked farmers a rough handling ba bul 1 says bays a reporter he could not avoid in a closing peroration on the state of the na- tion 1 giving free utterance to his emanci- pation nonsense the hon ilon Ilc llo horatio ratio seymou of onelda co coriaty rinty was put in nomination for governor i by the democratic convention of new york f recently held the ile D in the empire 1 state are moving ili in opposition to abe powers tb thab that at be as cavrell r ell eil as in moist moat of otibe the states ot of the north and according to reports democracy has bas of late been loo kins kios t up but the abo- litionists and republicans intend to repulse I 1 their opponents at the polls the several political parties are so mixed vp up and the people have imbibed so freely of the spirit of confusion that they seem not to know how bow to extricate themselves from the difficulties in which they have become involved the feces zionists in sou hern bern illinois have of late be- come considerably emboldened according to the reports in circulation and occasionally trouble their neighbors to that extent that they have for safety and protection applied to gor yates the shooting of all se ceders on sight bight is recommended by some of the ultra republicans of the sucker state and gov yates bays says no sympathizer sympathiser with treason should be suffered to live in illinoise shocking tales are told about the buffering suffering of the wounded soldiers of popes army who were left on the battlefields battle fields in virgina virgin a after the late conflicts between the Rappa rappahannock bannock hannock and potomac some of them having remained there till they were famished and their wounds were filled with worms it is alleged that thousands died who might have been saved with proper cae care the confederate erat a exchanged one thousand federal prisoners for a like number of their own men who by the fortunes of war had bad fallen into the hands bands of the federal army the swap was effected at harrisons land- ing ing on james river on the of sept after ater all the emigrants for the pac fie icho vh 0 passed over the routes through e h the country of the hostile indians indiana had either been killed or got so near their journeys end as to be out of danger the acting commissioner of indian affairs fro from reliable information which he had received deemed it bib his duty to lotife all persons contemplating crossing the continent through the country of the sho ghones bannocks Ban nocks and other indians that I 1 their were good reasons to apprehend hostili- ties from those bands and that it would b be e well for them to bt be on their guard uncle sams officials are generally very ilow alow in heir their movements and seldom act in ia such ch matters till all necessity for them to do so ceases to exist A difficulty havin having t existed for some bome time between briggen brig gen jefferson C davis and major general nelson the former is reported ft 0 have asked the latter iatter jo to apologize to bisno wr which general nel nei nelson on answered by a bap in the face and the ue we ol 01 oppre ian fan language an guage the he result of which was davis pro ared a pistol and shot nelson kill- ing him almost in stanly llly illy the murder was committed at the gault house louisville ky on the 29 h uit what was done with duvis DAVIS has not transpired john cradlebaugh 3 b late a federal judge for utah and now ow delegate to congress from nevada hay haa been commissioned colonel coonel of the ohio infantry and taken the ahe field against the enemy ills his friends expect grgat thirl things 0 s arop him and nd his regiment ARRIVAL OF CHURCH TRAINS the third church train capt horn arrived on Wednes wednesday lay the dinst this company left florence on the of july an i consis- ted of about five fire hundred and seventy persons persona with fitt fifty y two wagons they bad a very prosperous journey 2 but bat little sickness and no serious accidents the fourth church train capt ansel har- mon arrived in this city on sunday evening there were some five hundred immigrants in the train most of whom as represented were in good health on their arrival but t here there was sickness among them during the first four or five weeks after leaving the massuri miss mis buri burl suri url uri river principally the which unfortunately prevailed among the children childred as we are informed to a great extent and proved fatal to some ten or fifteen A wagon or two upset upsel by which two chil chii children dreu lost their lives and one or two adults were injured there were no oher other acciA buta eita gottby ot of bote noe I 1 and all seemed on their arrival the I 1 teamsters particularly who lad driven ox teams to the missouri river and back ex much satisfaction batisa action on getting back home again most or all of them were residents of great salt lake city THIRD independent COMPANY capt james S brown with his hia company arrived from the plains on thursday the ad dinst there were about two hundred grants with forty six wagons and about three hundred head of st stock ock tha company left florence on the of july and made the journey in fifty seven traveling days there was but one death by the way a mrs thompson from england A complete report of the company was for- warded from laramie on the slat of august and should have been received within a few I 1 daya thereafter but from some cause did not come to hand ti liu last iasu evening the names of 1 the th immigrants 1 I 1 M migrants were as fil tji fallows lows lowb james I 3 S brown levi garret and william C moody noody returned missionaries simon at- wood eliza lester and family I 1 sco- vil and wife kew henry mills and amily family josiah dixon john thompson and family wm win bates and family george davis anna dale ralph wardle and amily family joseph berisford and wife elizabeth gentry eliza- beth white and family elizabeth claybourn john farnsworth and family magaret cou rad and family thomas patrick matthew jordan and wife chas williams and family sarah henry and john musson andrew mortimer and family john ru ra yan edward cash henry rudy and far tar family aily nily jane evans and family joseph davis and family edward evans and wife samuel purdy and family IL A russell and family J C orton an and d family henry ne son dr A hood and fami- ly lohn john horspool and family edward bat clie cile ceiefor for david davis davia frederick h and family thomas harris and family will- iam B Wil kinon and family georgg slaw tillia chas chag W johns johnst n and son lohn john and wife james ratel frand and wife andrew millward mil mii I 1 ward and w fe seth wat- kin and family brower pettit and family edward sawyer joseph evrett ev rett and family james cochran and family samuel marmoy and family simor simon stewart and family john stuart and family COMPANIES EN ROUTE among the companies on the road from the east to this city alej are capt canfield Can fielda which will be as supposed among the first that will next arrive capt train the fifth and sixth church trains a anda A freight train in charge of capt 47 11 II dime dam tuc the I 1 fifth church train capt it miller iller liler is up sup posed to be somewhere between fort ridger bridger JS and green river fiver capt alight II 11 light with t the be e sixth chuch chu ch train is believed to be nearly one hundred miles milea in the rear of capt mider miller and capt dames frel frei freight abt train heavily idad ed in the rear of all and may not yet have reached the south pas paa it will unavoidably be late before the last company will get over the mountains and more than one of them may encounter snow storm storms before they get into this thia valley but it is hoped that the weather will continue favorable and that no heavy borms worms nor ex- treme cold will occur till after the last himml imm- igrant or freight wagon this fall bhail rhall have reached this city progressing the abe work of constructing the levee on the west side of jordan for the res reg retrieval of the thoele roid from the domin- ion of the flood preparatory to its being re- paired and constructed reconstructed le so that it may again awain again 0 b be usable a progressing and has been so far completed that teams not heavily loaded can pass pabs a on the embank embankment in crit erit and it will boon soon be completed if no unforeseen obstacle shall be presented to cause delay it has been more of a job than supposed before it was com- menced me aced but when finished will be a perma- nent improvement which those who have buit suiT buffered suffered ered so many inconveniences from the operations of the long iong continued flood will appreciate meteoKsOn orson on wednesday evening the lit instant there were two very brilliant meteors meteor seen in this thia city the first at 8 pm was wasa a gram grand et berial etherial phenomenon but being above the common air was bright 0 without any t the second at nearly 9 pm was lower down in the atmosphere eo so that besides its lucid stream of brilliancy it gave a heavy rum rumbling bling noise like distant thunder as I 1 it made a vacuum in the air nothing strange in these heavenly occurrences bocles dis- placing air make a noi seand those higher up like heaven are arc still and grand acknowledgment before during and since the exhibition several fruit growers in and about the city seemingly reposing espe- cial confidence in our judgment and taste in relation to the kind and quality of their pears apples peaches grapes plumb plums etc have requested us to test the excellence of so many nany varie varle tie tSe that we have not time to re aport port specially in each case but to the best of our judgment no not having taken time to ar- rive at conclusions mathematically the spe- cimens to which attention has been so agree- ably called have been excellent with no ex- ception cep tion the typos concur I 1 from I 1 lh ht h t L lnixon adon tim tims s AMERICAN PAPER CURRENCY the united states hive lately made severi sever 1 fr great e al discoveries lisco diaco verles veries some of which will bence alorth rt b fo f 0 in par of the tiati national onal stock of know- ledge e others will vill be superseded by fu- ture discoveries they have discovered that an uncompromising domestic policy and an arrogant bearing bearin produce civil war marthat that a great war produces enormous debt wll all alla aila taxa- tion that these produce 1 aper monel that this in ti time I 1 ne be becomes loines in inconvertible c on fur the present at least that thai therefore the precious metals rise to a high premium then disappear all this is A B C to us as but A B C is hard learning to those who have not learnt it america ia is the child of original genius which insists on lear ear ing for itself and will lii ill take 10 10 io 0 o hing on trust ti I 1 convinced by exp eap ariment it will not believe that the fire burns that edge tools are dangerous dan gerou that too many lollipops lolli pops induce sic gic klies kries or that it is better to keep out of the way of a lio iio hots hois s 29 s hind bind legs the present stage of american information is represented in tue the fact of the largest and at the same time the smal sinal est inconvertible pa paper er currency hi in the world the union is flooded with paper it descends like a ow in flakes worth a hal bat penny apiece piece a cartl- oad s oj of paper cen een a iesue tsue daily from t the he treasury and are sown broad broadcast gast over the federal states not only gold and silver but even the tha greasy little nickel cent celt pieces have disap- peared and it is paper or rather cardboard everywhere in a me of our charity schools the children bave bae hae tickets of merit for each days attendance which on presentation at the end cf ef the half year count up into a prize they are nearly as valuable as the Americ american dex aix currency but the value of each cent piece is itself a calculation from day to day clay every E very time you require small change you will have to learn first the exchange ot of the dav siy say the pre- mium on silver is 14 12 1 2 and the charge upon you is a dollar and thirty five cents estimated in metallic currency the sum will be as fol- lows 12 or the fig- are fig- ure fi required ired viz 1000 the res result at will wiil ill ili be that after getting a headache by the sum and buying a paper dollar and fifty four t paper cents there will remain a fraction I 1 to be settled between you and the shop man it is now only a very iery few years since the united states having everything ese else they could possibly want suddenly discovered that they possessed an inexhaustible treasure oc of gold we may all remember how bow they ex- ulted in this new confirmation of the flattering theory that the world was made forthe united states and that they were to go on prospering growing multiplying increasing adding aad annexing till they comprised the willing world even in gold first and oldest idea of wealth and the fiercest object of old world enterprise and ambition they now took the lead yet in this short time all the gold has made itself wings for such indeed are the myriads of lit ie paper promises never to bp bo every ship brings away gold and silver never to return until the states are either once more united or amicably sepal sepa L rated even hen ben then unless the deck fleck be cleared by b r one gigantic ac act of repudiation it is hard to see how the treasury at washington can ever be in a condition to resume a metallic currency thus itkov it no v stands california is on one side washington on the other fast past as the diggers can extricate their hand haud tuis of dust in california a engine at washington is showering paper over the states an I 1 involving the whole people in ili oria orla on matted massof massot mass bf indebtedness IL destination OF SL the burlin burlington oton argus is responsible for the following foll owin D A mahoney aboney Al and D sheward editors of demo Damo democratic catic papers in the state of iowa who were arrested on a charge of disloyalty and left burlington on the of august in charge of government officers bound for 8 ome some point they knew nt nut of or and when en ell route for that house fron from which no traveler returns save at his own expense while at a place on the railroad where had to change and wait an hour were taken to a hotel the officers in charge registered their names with the office of capt line of 17 S A mr mahoney registered his named A mahoney aana the feild fit ad iowa the officer in charge deemin seemingly ay iy to torment his prisoners remarked to the landlord make those men register their destination the landlord gave the order and mr al M stepped forward and added tahia tehla name as follos follows bound for hades sent there by the devil in charge of some of his andels ansela for speaking the truth mr S came forward and added cound sound 1 for or the same place and for the same rea rca son on J tire THE PRAYERS OF or AMERICAN WO metai merai METAt kt a meeting of several hundred w women omen denominations held heid at the park street church boston S 8 a circular was wag adopted to the women of the united states suggesting suggest mg to them to form circles of prayer throughout the land and to pray for the outpouring of the holy spirit on the entire nation for the president and hk his councillors for the officers of the army and navy for our soldiers and ani seamen for their famil faunl es for ministers of the gospel and for the oppressed of our land and agreeing to observe monday of every wee week as a day of especial prayer assembling at id 10 am an and 3 pm each service to occupy two hours houri N Y world will their prayers pray ers era be of any aval ayal aval ayal con INS RETURN lii MAI MEXI- CO 60 gov gor ov Cor corwins cerwins wins friends at lV washington ashington says saya overland correspondence states state that b is jik lik bikely ely soon to return from froni AI Alexi exico cop coy and arm ara talking of a plan to have him returned to 0 o congress again ile jie only went to mexico to negotiate a treat as the Senate is thought to nave have virtually rejected that h hla hia s frie frields friends lids think he wili will regard bla hia work there as 29 ended and comme corns home at once ile he said whan uhan he went out that he did not expect to be gitle ope more taia th 0 a ear

Transcript of nidealdeTIIE DESERET S - XMissionnelsonb/brown_1862.pdfnidealdeTIIE DESERET NEWSEWS 5 P I1S A IT D...

Page 1: nidealdeTIIE DESERET S - XMissionnelsonb/brown_1862.pdfnidealdeTIIE DESERET NEWSEWS 5 P I1S A IT D 1i 27 3 3 Z rz OWA M 15 greitGREATGREAT SALT LAKE CITY WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 8 1862 VOL

nidealdeTIIE DESERET NEWSE WS5 P I1 S A IT D 1i 27 3 3 Z rz


miscellaneous EASTERN ITEMS

at the late election in dacotah TerriTerrterritoryporyForYory

for delegate to congress gen todd the pre I1

sentsenjseat delegate wasas as per report reelectedre elected9by a small majority over gov jayne whoseems to have made a gigantic effort to secure


a majority of votes by means of stuffing thebalballot1bohboxboi and other tricks which hashaarenrenlerierlei d b im quite gnpunpopularcopular with many of thesettlers the saysgays hishavehake exceededexceeded anything ever practiced inina

kansas or nebraska in relation to elections

ifILirsoso the frauds perpetrated upon the peopleby the imported functionary must have beenenormous

at the recent state fair held in rulandRuIrul andvt Mr Greeley delivered an addressin which I1

it is said after reviewing the history of agri-culture in that state from the days of his


boyhood up to the present time anaand predict-ing its future tie advised the farmers to usemanure produced on their farms and not com-mercial fertilizers and then gave tobacco andrum soaked farmers a rough handling babul 1

saysbays a reporter he could not avoid in aclosing peroration on the state of the na-tion 1 giving free utterance to his emanci-pation nonsense

the honilon Ilcllohoratioratio seymou of oneldacocoriatyrinty was put in nomination for governor


by the democratic convention of new yorkf recently held theile D in the empire 1

state are moving iliin opposition to abe powerstbthabthatat be ascavrellr elleil as in moistmoat ofotibethe states otof thenorth and according to reports democracyhasbas of late been lookinskiost up but the abo-litionists and republicans intend to repulse


their opponents at the polls the severalpolitical parties are so mixed vpup and thepeople have imbibed so freely of the spirit ofconfusion that they seem not to know howbow toextricate themselves from the difficulties inwhich they have become involved the feceszionists inn sou hernbern illinois have of late be-

come considerably emboldened according tothe reports in circulation and occasionallytrouble their neighbors to that extent thatthey have for safety and protection appliedto gor yates the shooting of all secederson sightbight is recommended by some of the ultrarepublicans of the sucker state and govyates bayssays no sympathizersympathiser with treasonshould be suffered to live in illinoise

shocking tales are told about the bufferingsufferingof the wounded soldiers of popes army whowere left on the battlefieldsbattle fields in virginavirgin a afterthe late conflicts between the Rapparappahannockbannockhannockand potomac some of them having remainedthere till they were famished and theirwounds were filled with worms it is allegedthat thousands died who might have beensaved with proper caecare

the confederateerat a exchanged one thousandfederal prisoners for a like number of theirown men who by the fortunes of war hadbadfallen into the handsbands of the federal armythe swap was effected at harrisons land-inging on james river on the of sept

afterater all the emigrants for the pac fie

ichovh0 passed over the routes throughe h thecountry of the hostile indiansindiana had either been

killed or got so near their journeys end as to

be out of danger the acting commissioner of

indian affairs frofrom reliable informationwhich he had received deemed it bibhis duty tolotife all persons contemplating crossing thecontinent through the country of the shoghones bannocksBan nocks and other indians that

I1 their were good reasons to apprehend hostili-ties from those bands and that it would bbee

well for them to btbe on their guarduncle sams officials are generally very

ilowalow in heirtheir movements and seldom act iniasuchch matters till all necessity for them to doso ceases to exist

A difficulty havinhavingt existed for somebome timebetween briggenbrig gen jefferson C davis andmajor general nelson the former is reportedft0 have asked the latteriatter joto apologize tobisno

wrwhich general nelneinelsonon answered

by a bap in the face and the uewe ol01 oppre

ianfanlanguageanguage thehe result of which wasdavis pro ared a pistol and shot nelson kill-ing him almost in stanlylllyilly the murder wascommitted at the gault house louisvilleky on the 29 h uit what was done withduvisDAVIS has not transpired

john cradlebaugh3b late a federal judge forutah and nowow delegate to congress fromnevada hayhaa been commissioned colonelcoonel ofthe ohio infantry and taken theahe fieldagainst the enemy illshis friends expect grgatthirlthings0 s arop him andnd his regiment


the third church train capt horn arrivedon Wedneswednesdaylay the dinst this companyleft florence on the of july an i consis-ted of about fivefire hundred and seventy personspersonawith fittfiftyy two wagons they bad a veryprosperous journey2 butbat little sickness and noserious accidents

the fourth church train capt ansel har-mon arrived in this city on sunday eveningthere were some five hundred immigrants inthe train most of whom as represented werein good health on their arrival but therethere was

sickness among them during thefirst four or five weeks after leaving themassurimissmisburiburlsuriurluri river principally the whichunfortunately prevailed among the childrenchildredas we are informed to a great extent andproved fatal to some ten or fifteen A wagonor two upsetupsel by which two chilchiichildrendreu lost theirlives and one or two adults were injuredthere were no oherother acciA butaeita gottby otof botenoe

I1 and all seemed on their arrival theI1 teamsters particularly who lad drivenox teams to the missouri river and back ex

much satisfactionbatisa action on getting backhome again most or all of them wereresidents of great salt lake city

THIRD independent COMPANY

capt james S brown with hishia companyarrived from the plains on thursday the addinst there were about two hundredgrants with forty six wagons and aboutthree hundred head of ststockock tha companyleft florence on the of july and madethe journey in fifty seven traveling daysthere was but one death by the way a mrsthompson from england

A complete report of the company was for-warded from laramie on the slat of augustand should have been received within a few I1

daya thereafter but from some cause did notcome to hand tiliu lastiasu evening the names of

1 theth immigrants1I1

M migrants were as filtjifallowslowslowb

jamesI3 S brown levi garret and williamC moodynoody returned missionaries simon at-wood eliza lester and family I1 sco-vil and wife kew henry mills andamilyfamily josiah dixon john thompson and

family wmwin bates and family george davisanna dale ralph wardle and amilyfamily josephberisford and wife elizabeth gentry eliza-beth white and family elizabeth claybournjohn farnsworth and family magaret courad and family thomas patrick matthewjordan and wife chas williams and familysarah henry and john musson andrewmortimer and family john rura yan edwardcash henry rudy and fartarfamilyailynily jane evansand family joseph davis and family edwardevans and wife samuel purdy and familyIL A russell and family J C orton ananddfamily henry ne son dr A hood and fami-ly lohnjohn horspool and family edward batcliecileceieforfor david davisdavia frederick hand family thomas harris and family will-iam B Wil kinon and family georgg slawtillia chaschag W johnsjohnst n andson lohnjohn and wife james ratelfrandandwife andrew millwardmilmii I1 ward and w fe seth wat-kin and family brower pettit and familyedward sawyer joseph evrettev rett and familyjames cochran and family samuel marmoyand family simorsimon stewart and family johnstuart and family


among the companies on the road from theeast to this city alejare capt canfieldCan fielda whichwill be as supposed among the first that willnext arrive capt train thefifth and sixth church trains aandaA freighttrain in charge of capt 47 11II dimedam tucthe I1

fifth church train capt it millerillerliler is upsupposed to be somewhere between fort ridgerbridgerJS

and green riverfiver capt alightII11 light with tthebeesixth chuchchu ch train is believed to be nearlyone hundred milesmilea in the rear of capt midermillerand capt dames frelfreifreightabt train heavily idaded in the rear of all and may not yet havereached the south paspaa

it will unavoidably be late before the lastcompany will get over the mountains andmore than one of them may encounter snowstormstorms before they get into thisthia valley butit is hoped that the weather will continuefavorable and that no heavy bormsworms nor ex-treme cold will occur till after the last himmlimm-igrant or freight wagon this fall bhailrhall havereached this city

progressing theabe work of constructingthe levee on the west side of jordan for theresregretrieval of the thoele roid from the domin-ion of the flood preparatory to its being re-paired and constructedreconstructedle so that it may againawainagain0bbe usable a progressing and has been so farcompleted that teams not heavily loaded canpasspabsa on the embankembankmentin criterit and it will boonsoon becompleted if no unforeseen obstacle shall bepresented to cause delay it has been moreof a job than supposed before it was com-mencedme aced but when finished will be a perma-nent improvement which those who havebuitsuiTbufferedsufferedered so many inconveniences from theoperations of the longiong continued flood will


meteoKsOnorson on wednesday evening the litinstant there were two very brilliant meteorsmeteorseen in thisthia city the first at 8 pm waswasaagramgrand etberialetherial phenomenon but being abovethe common air was bright0 without any

tthe second at nearly 9 pm was lower

down in the atmosphere eoso that besides itslucid stream of brilliancy it gave a heavyrumrumblingbling noise like distant thunder as I1itmade a vacuum in the air nothing strangein these heavenly occurrences bocles dis-placing air make a noi seand those higher uplike heaven arearc still and grand

acknowledgment before during andsince the exhibition several fruit growers inand about the city seemingly reposing espe-cial confidence in our judgment and tastein relation to the kind and quality of theirpears apples peaches grapes plumbplums etchave requested us to test the excellence of somanynany varievarle tietSe that we have not time to re

aportport specially in each case but to the best ofour judgment nonot having taken time to ar-rive at conclusions mathematically the spe-cimens to which attention has been so agree-ably called have been excellent with no ex-ceptionception the typos concur

I1 from I1lhhth t Llnixonadon timtims s


the united states hive lately made severisever 1

frgreate al discoveriesliscodiaco verlesveries some of which will bencealorthr tb fof0 in par of the tiatinationalonal stock of know-ledge e others willvill be superseded by fu-ture discoveries they have discovered thatan uncompromising domestic policy and anarrogant bearingbearin produce civil warmarthatthat agreat war produces enormous debt wllallallaaila taxa-tion that these produce 1 aper monel thatthis in titimeI1 ne bebecomesloines ininconvertiblec on fur thepresent at least thatthai therefore the preciousmetals rise to a high premium then disappearall this is A B C to usas but A B C is hardlearning to those who have not learnt it

america iais the child of original geniuswhich insists on learear ing for itselfand willliiill take 1010io0 o hing on trust ti I1 convincedby expeap ariment it will not believe that the fireburns that edge tools are dangerousdan gerou that toomany lollipopslolli pops induce sicgicklieskries or that it isbetter to keep out of the way of a lioiiohotshoiss 29shindbind legs

the present stage of american informationis represented in tuethe fact of the largest andat the same time the smalsinal est inconvertiblepapaperer currency hiin the world the union isflooded with paper it descends like a owin flakes worth a halbat penny apiecepiecea cartl-oad s ojof paper ceneen a iesuetsue daily from tthehetreasury and are sown broadbroadcastgast over thefederal states

not only gold and silver but even thethagreasy little nickel centcelt pieces have disap-peared and it is paper or rather cardboardeverywhere in a me of our charity schoolsthe children bavebaehae tickets of merit for eachdays attendance which on presentation atthe end cfef the half year count up into a prizethey are nearly as valuable as the Americamericandexaixcurrency

but the value of each cent piece is itself acalculation from day to dayclay everyE very time yourequire small change you will have to learnfirst the exchange otof the dav siysay the pre-mium on silver is 14 121 2 and the charge uponyou is a dollar and thirty five cents estimatedin metallic currency the sum will be as fol-lows 12 or the fig-are


firequiredired viz 1000 the resresultat

willwiilillili be that after getting a headache by thesum and buying a paper dollar and fifty four

t paper cents there will remain a fractionI1to be settled between you and the shopman

it is now only a veryiery few years since theunited states having everything eseelse theycould possibly want suddenly discovered thatthey possessed an inexhaustible treasure ocofgold we may all remember howbow they ex-ulted in this new confirmation of the flatteringtheory that the world was made forthe unitedstates and that they were to go on prosperinggrowing multiplying increasing adding aadannexing till they comprised the willingworld even in gold first and oldest idea ofwealth and the fiercest object of old worldenterprise and ambition they now took thelead yet in this short time all the gold hasmade itself wings for such indeed are themyriads of lit ie paper promises never to bpbo

every ship brings away gold andsilver never to return until the states areeither once more united or amicably sepalsepa L

rated even henbenthen unless the deckfleck be clearedbybr one gigantic acact of repudiation it is hardto see how the treasury at washington canever be in a condition to resume a metalliccurrency thus itkovit no v stands californiais on one side washington on the otherfastpast as the diggers can extricate their handhaudtuis of dust in california a engineat washington is showering paper over thestates an I1 involving the whole people inili oriaorlaonmatted massofmassotmass bf indebtedness


destination OF SL

the burlinburlingtonoton argus is responsible for thefollowingfoll owin

D A mahoneyaboneyAl and D sheward editors ofdemoDamodemocraticcatic papers in the state of iowa whowere arrested on a charge of disloyalty andleft burlington on the of august in chargeof government officers bound for 8omesome pointthey knew ntnut ofor and when enell route for thathouse fronfrom which no traveler returns saveat his own expense while at a place on therailroad where had to change and waitan hour were taken to a hotel theofficers in charge registered their names withthe office of capt line of 17 S A mrmahoney registered his named A mahoney

aana thefeildfit ad iowa the officer in charge deeminseeminglyayiyto torment his prisoners remarked to thelandlord make those men register theirdestination the landlord gave the orderand mr alM stepped forward and added tahiatehlaname as follosfollows bound for hades sentthere by the devil in charge of some of hisandelsansela for speaking the truth

mr S came forward and added coundsound1foror the same place and for the same rearcasonon J

tireTHE PRAYERS OFor AMERICAN WOmetaimeraiMETAtkta meeting of several hundred wwomenomendenominations heldheid at the park street churchboston S 8 a circular waswag adoptedto the women of the united states suggestingsuggest mgto them to form circles of prayer throughoutthe land and to pray for the outpouring ofthe holy spirit on the entire nation for thepresident and hkhis councillors for the officersof the army and navy for our soldiers andaniseamen for their familfaunl es for ministers ofthe gospel and for the oppressed of our landand agreeing to observe monday of everyweeweekk as a day of especial prayer assemblingat id10 am anand 3 pm each service to occupytwo hourshouri N Y world

will their prayerspray ersera be of any avalayalavalayal

con INS RETURN liiMAI MEXI-CO60 govgorov Corcorwinscerwinswins friends at lVwashingtonashingtonsayssaya overland correspondence statesstate that bis jiklikbikelyely soon to return fromfroni AIAlexiexicocopcoy and armaratalking of a plan to have him returned to0ocongress again ilejie only went to mexico tonegotiate a treat as the Senate is thoughtto navehave virtually rejected that hhlahias friefrieldsfriendslidsthink he wiliwill regard blahia work there as29 endedand commecorns home at once ilehe said whanuhan hewent out that he did not expect to be gitleopemore taiath 0 a ear