Niche Research Workbook - Stay a Stay at Home Mom

1 ©2013 Stay a Stay at Home Mom Marketing Mama Presents: Niche Research Workbook -Find Your Niche By Rayven Perkins NOTICE: You Do NOT Have the Right to Reprint or Resell this Report! You Also MAY NOT Give Away, Sell or Share the Content Herein ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. No part of this report may be reproduced or transmitted in any form whatsoever, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any informational storage or retrieval system without express written, dated and signed permission from the author. DISCLAIMER AND/OR LEGAL NOTICES: The information presented herein represents the view of the author as of the date of publication. Because of the rate with which conditions change, the author reserves the right to alter and update his opinion based on the new conditions. The report is for informational purposes only. While every attempt has been made to verify the information provided in this report, neither the author nor his affiliates/partners assume any responsibility for errors, inaccuracies or omissions. Any slights of people or organizations are unintentional. If advice concerning legal or related matters is needed, the services of a fully qualified professional should be sought. This report is not intended for use as a source of legal or accounting advice. You should be aware of any laws which govern business transactions or other business practices in your country and state. Any reference to any person or business whether living or dead is purely coincidental. This report is for informational purposes only. It is not a promise of income or earnings. Your results will vary.

Transcript of Niche Research Workbook - Stay a Stay at Home Mom

1 ©2013 Stay a Stay at Home Mom

Marketing Mama Presents: Niche Research Workbook -Find Your Niche By Rayven Perkins NOTICE: You Do NOT Have the Right to Reprint or Resell this Report! You Also MAY NOT Give Away, Sell or Share the Content Herein

ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. No part of this report may be reproduced or transmitted in any form whatsoever, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any informational storage or retrieval system

without express written, dated and signed permission from the author.

DISCLAIMER AND/OR LEGAL NOTICES: The information presented herein represents the view of the author as of the date of publication. Because of the rate with which conditions change, the author reserves the right to alter and update his opinion based on the new conditions. The report is for informational purposes only. While every attempt has been made to verify the information provided in this report, neither the author nor his affiliates/partners assume any responsibility for errors, inaccuracies or omissions. Any slights of people or organizations are unintentional. If advice concerning legal or related matters is needed, the services of a fully qualified professional should be sought. This report is not intended for use as a source of legal or accounting advice. You should be aware of any laws which govern business transactions or other business practices in your country and state. Any reference to any person or business whether living or dead is purely coincidental. This report is for informational purposes only. It is not a promise of income or earnings. Your results will vary.

2 ©2013 Stay a Stay at Home Mom

Blueprint – Niche Research

Finding the right niche is the beginning of creating your dream online business. A niche is important for many reasons. The first is that a niche will make it much

easier for you to draw a crowd of targeted traffic. That means every single person who visits your website will be there for a reason – because they’re looking for

your information, products, and services.

They’re a qualified prospect and it doesn’t get much better than that.

A niche also makes it easier for you to be the best! Imagine for a minute that you wanted to go into the shoe making business. You decided you wanted to make and

sell running shoes. We’ll you have some serious competition, right? You have Nike, Reebok, Addidas, Brooks, and a whole number of other large players.

Yet, if you decide to create a niche in this field, say running shoes for women with

flat feet or running shoes that track your calories and distance without you having

to wear anything on your person then you’d have a highly targeted market, right?

Now you might be saying, “Doesn’t a niche mean fewer profits?”

No, actually it means quite the opposite. When you’re competing with everyone and their brother and you’re competing against major, recognizable brands and

websites, you will have a hard time getting any customers. However, when you have a unique approach, a niche, you will attract people who have been looking for

your solution. And they’ll be able to find you because you won’t have any, or very little, competition.

So how do you find your niche?

That’s the million dollar question, right? Surely all the good niches are taken? No

way! There are tons of untapped niches just waiting for someone and new niches

are created every day. The only limitation is your imagination (and your ability to do some thorough research.)

That’s what this blueprint is designed to do – it’s designed to help you find your

perfect and profitable niche.


3 ©2013 Stay a Stay at Home Mom

Step #1 What are you passionate about?

Bah, you say! Passion? What does passion have to do with marketing and making money? Trust millions of dollars and thousands of experts who can and will tell

you that passion for your niche is imperative. You must love what you’re talking, writing, and building your business around. This passion will motivate you to be

the best. It will attract customers, partners and business opportunities. It will get you through any tough times.

So your first task is to make a list of at least 10 topics you’re passionate about.

Don’t worry about any potential for profit right now and don’t worry about competition. Right now, you have one simple and quite enjoyable task – make a

list of things you love. (We’ve provided you with 20 spaces in case you have more than 10).

Topic #1


Topic #2


Topic #3


Topic #4


Topic #5


Topic #6


Topic #7


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Topic #8


Topic #9


Topic #10


Topic #11


Topic #12


Topic #13


Topic #14


Topic #15


Topic #16


Topic #17


Topic #18


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Topic #19


Topic #20


Step #2 Tighten Your Niche

The next step is to take that wonderful list you just made and create even more

ideas from it. In this step you’re going to take your ideas and begin to formulate

niches. It’ll look something like this:

Main Topic – Organic Gardening

Sub-Category – Organic Vegetable Gardening

Niche - Organic Vegetable Gardening in The Desert Southwest.

The key is to break it down into steps and really brainstorm the possibilities.

Again, like in the previous step, don’t edit yourself. Have fun with this, allow yourself to think outside of the box and be creative. In fact, don’t turn on your

computer or do any research here. Just use your imagination.

You’re also going to take this step a bit further than the example. Try to come up

with three sub-categories for each idea and three niches within each sub category. This will be tremendously helpful in the upcoming steps because many ideas will

quickly be eliminated and you want to be able to have niche ideas to choose from when you’ve completed your research.

We’ve provided space below to document your brainstorming. Note, if you had more than 10 topics you’re passionate about, prioritize them #1 being the topic

you’re most passionate about and focus on the first ten here. You can go back and explore the rest of your list later if you need to.

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Topic #1


Sub-Category #1








Sub-Category #2








Sub-Category #3








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Topic #2


Sub-Category #1








Sub-Category #2








Sub-Category #3








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Topic #3


Sub-Category #1








Sub-Category #2








Sub-Category #3








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Topic #4


Sub-Category #1








Sub-Category #2








Sub-Category #3








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Topic #5


Sub-Category #1








Sub-Category #2








Sub-Category #3








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Topic #6


Sub-Category #1








Sub-Category #2








Sub-Category #3








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Topic #7


Sub-Category #1








Sub-Category #2








Sub-Category #3








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Topic #8


Sub-Category #1








Sub-Category #2








Sub-Category #3








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Topic #9


Sub-Category #1








Sub-Category #2








Sub-Category #3








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Topic #10


Sub-Category #1








Sub-Category #2








Sub-Category #3








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Step #3 Analyzing Parallel Trends

Can you imagine how rich you’d be if you’d been able to tap into the trend of social networking from the very beginning or how about the competition based

reality show trend? There are so many trends and each one offers the potential to skyrocket your profits. Now, we’re not suggesting you chase a trend or try to

predict anything. We want you to be successful today, tomorrow and ten years from now and chasing trends is a risky business.

However, what you can do is take a look at your niche ideas and see if any of

them have parallel trends. We used Organic Vegetable Gardening in the Desert Southwest as a niche example earlier.

It just so happens that in the organic gardening community there is a trend of bringing the garden indoors. So you have a parallel trend you can capitalize on

here. This is big because it will help you build your business faster and tap into an already growing market.

So your next step is to analyze each niche for parallel trends. Now there are many

tools you can use to do this. They include:


• You can create a Google Alert so you’re notified anytime anyone posts something about your niche topic.

• You can search social networking platforms like Twitter to find out what

people are commonly talking about.

• You can visit eBay pulse or Yahoo Buzz to see what’s popular. You can also

simply use your search engine of choice and look for trends. For example, “Organic Vegetable Garden Trends.”

In this step, then, take some time to search online and explore your niche ideas. Document trends you find and if there aren’t any then that’s fine too. We’ve

created a place for your notes on each niche idea below:

17 ©2013 Stay a Stay at Home Mom

Niche Idea Trend

1. _____________________________________________________________

2. _____________________________________________________________

3. _____________________________________________________________

4. _____________________________________________________________

5. _____________________________________________________________

6. _____________________________________________________________

7. _____________________________________________________________

8. _____________________________________________________________

9. _____________________________________________________________

10. ________________________________________________________

11. ________________________________________________________

12. ________________________________________________________

13. ________________________________________________________

14. ________________________________________________________

15. ________________________________________________________

16. ________________________________________________________

17. ________________________________________________________

18. ________________________________________________________

19. ________________________________________________________

20. ________________________________________________________

21. ________________________________________________________

22. ________________________________________________________

23. ________________________________________________________

24. ________________________________________________________

25. ________________________________________________________

26. ________________________________________________________

27. ________________________________________________________

28. ________________________________________________________

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29. ________________________________________________________

30. ________________________________________________________

31. ________________________________________________________

32. ________________________________________________________

33. ________________________________________________________

34. ________________________________________________________

35. ________________________________________________________

36. ________________________________________________________

37. ________________________________________________________

38. ________________________________________________________

39. ________________________________________________________

40. ________________________________________________________

41. ________________________________________________________

42. ________________________________________________________

43. ________________________________________________________

44. ________________________________________________________

45. ________________________________________________________

46. ________________________________________________________

47. ________________________________________________________

48. ________________________________________________________

49. ________________________________________________________

50. ________________________________________________________

Step #4 Analyzing Supply and Demand

Okay, now it’s time to get down to the nitty gritty. At this point you may want to

open up an excel spreadsheet and save the information you’ve documented into a spreadsheet. This is because you’re now going to not only explore the supply and

demand for each niche idea, you’re also going to be looking at the keyword suggestions because you may find some gold nugget ideas as you’re doing your

research. You can also record your research here.

19 ©2013 Stay a Stay at Home Mom

We’re going to use an example from the Google AdWords Keyword tool found at: However, you can use other keyword tools like and, or

Brainstorm It! found in SBI.

Visit the keyword tool and search for your niche idea. We’re going to enter “Organic Vegetable Gardening Desert Southwest”

The results stink!

Anything with good demand for this niche idea also has a saturated supply. So I can cross this niche idea off of my list! Hopefully, you’ll have better luck with

several of your niche ideas. Make sure to explore the results, though because Google will suggest other niche/keywords and if you find one with good demand

and low supply then write it down. It may be your future perfect, profitable, niche!

Search for supply and demand for each of your niche ideas. Write down their

supply and demand numbers if they have potential. If they don’t have any potential, delete them from your list. It’s not unusual to delete the majority of

your niche ideas during this process. You’re looking for that best untapped market so it’s expected. (And if you get through this process and you have zero options,

go back to the beginning and start over. This process can take time but it’s worth

it! When you find your perfect and profitable niche, you’ll be so very glad you were patient enough to do it right!)

20 ©2013 Stay a Stay at Home Mom

We’ve left room to document the supply/demand for twenty of your niche ideas.

You may only have a couple by the time you’ve completed this process so don’t worry that you don’t have ten, twenty or ninety! We’ve also left room to

document niche ideas that surface from your research.

Niche Idea Supply Demand

1. _____________________________________________________________

2. _____________________________________________________________

3. _____________________________________________________________

4. _____________________________________________________________

5. _____________________________________________________________

6. _____________________________________________________________

7. _____________________________________________________________

8. _____________________________________________________________

9. _____________________________________________________________

10. ________________________________________________________

New Niche Ideas Supply Demand

1. _____________________________________________________________

2. _____________________________________________________________

3. _____________________________________________________________

4. _____________________________________________________________

5. _____________________________________________________________

6. _____________________________________________________________

21 ©2013 Stay a Stay at Home Mom

7. _____________________________________________________________

8. _____________________________________________________________

9. _____________________________________________________________

10. ________________________________________________________

Step #5 Exploring Your Competition!

Okay, now we’re getting back into the fun stuff. In this step you’ll take your top

three niche ideas (the ones with the most potential) and you’ll research the

competition. Use keyword tools like or to find out what top sites are using your keywords, visit the websites and explore them.

Document what they do well, what you can do better and what you can do

differently. Also consider documenting the other keywords they’re using to drive traffic to their site. And finally, explore their business model. One way you can

differentiate yourself is to use a different business model.

Niche Idea #1




Niche Idea #2





Niche Idea #3 __________________________________________________________________




22 ©2013 Stay a Stay at Home Mom

At this point you may have one stand out niche idea. Go for it. You’re ready to

take action and build your business.

To Your Success!