NHD - Final Bib - 201314

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  • 8/13/2019 NHD - Final Bib - 201314


    Works Cited


    Armstrong, Blake. "The Oppresion of Black Freedmen: The Black Codes." Yahoo

    Contributor Network. N.p., n.d. Web. ! an. !#$. %http:&&'oices.(ahoo.com&the)


    This website gave me a better description of slave codes than most of the other ones I

    used. It gave information about the preceding events, the goals, what they consisted of, and the

    results of the codes. I found this website by searching "Black Codes in America" on google.

    "Black Code 12nited 3tates 4istor(5."Encyclopedia Britannica Online. 6nc(clopedia

    Britannica, n.d. Web. $ Oct. !#.


    This website helped me understand what black codes were and what they enforced better

    than any other source I have. It gave me information on what some states enforced and what

    others didnt. The source also gave me information on the punishments blacks received if they

    didnt follow all of the rules of the black codes from their state. I found this website by searching

    "Black Codes" on !alileo.

    "Black Codes."Encyclopedia.com. 4ighBeam 9esearch, # an. !##*. Web. ! an. !#$.


    This online encyclopedia gave a ton of useful information for my proect. It told me the

    basics of it all. I found it by going to encyclopedia.com and searching "black codes".

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    "Black Codes."History.com. A

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    "G= Gl=; Glan."History.com. A

  • 8/13/2019 NHD - Final Bib - 201314


    Along with facts about black codes, there is a political cartoon on this website. I thought

    it was useful because it describes everything going on then in one picture. I found this by

    searching "black codes political cartoons".

    "Timeline of 6'ents Deading to the Bro7n '. Board of 6d=cation Jecision, +*$." Brown v.

    Board o( Education imeline. N.p., n.d. Web. ! an. !#$.


    This timeline was about the events leading up to Brown vs. Board of -ducation. 0ot only

    did it have some information on black codes, but it also gave me and idea of what was happening

    before and what happened after the cruel laws were enforced. This document was very helpful

    with my research. I found it by searching "black codes" on archives.gov.

    Walllin, Lasha. "Take This Mmpossible KDiterac(K Test That Was i'en to Black oters in

    +8$." )OO*. N.p., n.d. Web. $ Oct. !#. %http:&&777.good.is&posts&take)this)


    This website provided an e(ample of one of the literacy tests given to blacks. The test

    was e(tremely confusing. It made me reali1e e(actly how much the people didnt want blacks to

    have any rights.

    "What 4appened d=ring the Ci'il War." What Happened durin+ the Civil War. N.p., n.d.

    Web. !+ A=g. !#. %http:&&samsci'il7ar.tripod.com&id!$.htm0.

    This website told me a lot about what happened during the Civil %ar. It wasnt a large

    amount of information, but it had a good amount that e(plained a lot. It gave me information

  • 8/13/2019 NHD - Final Bib - 201314


    about the battles, and the main points of the Civil %ar. I found it by searching "the Civil %ar" on

    %eb ath -(press.


    "Feat=red Joc=ment: The 6mancipation >roclamation." -eatured *ocument he

    Emancipation ,roclamation. N.p., n.d. Web. !+ A=g. !#.



    This website gave me a better understanding of what the -mancipation roclamation was

    and what it did. I learned that it didnt completely get rid of slavery. The website also provided a

    digital copy of the -mancipation roclamation. I found it searching "-mancipation

    roclamation" on !oogle.

    =ard o'ersees con'icts 7orking in Ogelthorpe Co=nt(, eorgia, +$. Jigital

    image.Humanities. N.p., !#. Web.

    This is a picture of a guard seeing convicts working. In other words, a slave owner

    watching his slaves, well technically. I used this picture as another e(ample of how slavery was

    so important.

    4annah. Con(ederate/South -la+ 0 1nion/North -la+. Jigital image. Civil War. N.p., n.d.


    This picture shows the union and confederate flags. The union flag isnt e(actly right, but

    it gets to the point of the picture. -ven though this had to do with the Civil %ar and not black

    codes, it helped give the background more description. The image gives the effect that the Civil

    %ar was a maor part in the history of black codes.

    o(ner, ames.Se+re+ated *rinkin+ -ountain. Jigital image. Outside the Beltway. N.p., !/

  • 8/13/2019 NHD - Final Bib - 201314


    A=g. !##. Web.

    This is a picture I used for my website. It showcases a sign from Alabama that says

    "2rinking &ountain" then has two arrows pointing to opposite sides. The arrow pointing to the

    left says "white" and the arrow pointing right says "colored". I used the picture for my website

    because it showed how segregation worked, well partly.

    G= Gl=; Glan meeting =p and b=rning a cross. Jigital image.News One (or Black #merica.

    Mnteracti'e One, n.d. Web. Oct. !#.


    This picture helped me by showing what the members of the u lu( lan did when

    they me3e4t up. It also has the burning cross, which is one symbol the are known for. I

    found this picture by searching "u lu( lan ictures".

    "Do=isiana Black Code 1?8*5 >rimar( 3o=rce Joc=ment W& 9eading E=estions

    4istor(martineKs Blog."Historymartine2s Blo+. N.p., n.d. Web. Oct. !#.



    This website has a link to the 5ouisiana black codes, which I used as this source. I

    compared this source to the 6ississippi black codes, seeing that there are differences and

    similarities between states black codes. This document helped me because it let me see that each

    state had different black codes.

    Hartine, 4istor(. he Black Codes" %ibrary o( Con+ress.Jigital image.Historymartine2.

    Wordpress.com, / Har. !#. Web.

    This is a picture of blacks and whites standing outside of the 5ibrary of Congress. It

    seems as though a udge or some type of higher+ranked man is stating something. Im not sure

  • 8/13/2019 NHD - Final Bib - 201314


    e(actly as to what they are discussing, but it looks important. I used this picture to help the

    viewer understand the background of black codes.

    "Hississippi Black Code."#n E34Slave $emembers. N.p., n.d. Web. $ Oct. !#.


    This showed me the black codes of 6ississippi. Its really sad the restrictions they put on

    the newly freed slaves, immediately taking their rights away. The document gave me all of the

    information on the rules enforced and the punishments they were given.

    Nat urner. Jigital image.,ittsbur+h Courier. 9eal Times Hedia, Oct. !#. Web.

    This is a picture of 0at Turner. #e led one of the biggest slave revolts in American

    history. I used this picture because it shows that there were many times people tried to fight

    against things like black codes. I found this image by searching "0at Turner" on google images.

    A pict=re of sla'es 7orking in the field 7hile their master 7atches them 7hile riding on his

    horse. Jigital image. Chicora. N.p., n.d. Web.

    I used this picture to display the background of black codes. It helps understand how

    slavery was what started it all. The picture is of a white master riding on his horse and watching

    his hundreds of slaves work in the field.

    A sign on the street pointing to a colored 7aiting room. Jigital image. Heirloom #prons and

    Buttons. Blogspot.com, n.d. Web.

    This picture shows a sign that says "Colored %aiting /oom" with an arrow pointing

    right. I used this as an e(ample of segregation. It would help the viewers of my website better

    understand what the black codes were a part of.

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    This is a pict=re of a man from the 7hite leag=e and a man from the G= Gl=; Glan. The

    t7o are holding a sk=ll that is sitting abo'e a black famil(. Jigital

    image. Yahspeople.com. N.p., 8 an. !#$. Web.

    This picture is a perfect description of the time period black codes were in. It pictures a

    man from the white league and a man from the u lu( lan. The two are both holding a skull

    about a black family. It shows the amount of power white men had over the blacks.