NHD Bibliography

Annotated Bibliography Primary Sources Archival Documents “Last Christmas dinner menu from the Indianapolis” McVay, Charles Butler. 1944. From the Personal collection of Troy Nunley. Mr. Nunley provided me with several photos and interesting artifacts for my research and website. This source was the last Christmas menu on the U.S.S. Indianapolis. “Frank Nelson’s personal account of the sinking” Nelson, Frank H. 1945. From David Nelson’s personal collection. This source is a letter my great grandfather wrote when he was in the hospital after he was rescued. This letter can be located on my story page. Artifacts “Purple Heart.” From James O’Donnell’s personal collection. This Is James O’Donnell’s Purple Heart that he received after he recovered from the sinking. There is a picture of it on his interview page within the slide show. Page 1 of 32


NHD States Bibliography

Transcript of NHD Bibliography

Page 1: NHD Bibliography

Annotated Bibliography

Primary Sources

Archival Documents

“Last Christmas dinner menu from the Indianapolis” McVay, Charles Butler. 1944. From the Personal

collection of Troy Nunley.

Mr. Nunley provided me with several photos and interesting artifacts for my research and

website. This source was the last Christmas menu on the U.S.S. Indianapolis.

“Frank Nelson’s personal account of the sinking” Nelson, Frank H. 1945. From David Nelson’s personal


This source is a letter my great grandfather wrote when he was in the hospital after he was

rescued. This letter can be located on my story page.


“Purple Heart.” From James O’Donnell’s personal collection.

This Is James O’Donnell’s Purple Heart that he received after he recovered from the sinking.

There is a picture of it on his interview page within the slide show.

“Letter awarding Purple Heart.” From James O’Donnell’s personal collection.

This letter is the official letter stating that this Purple Heart really belongs to him. There is a

picture of the letter on his interview page within the slide show.

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“Piece of Japanese Kamikaze Plane”. From James O’Donnell’s personal collection.

This is a real piece of the Kamikaze plane that damaged the ship. This picture is on the Mr.

O’Donnell interview page within the slide show. I was able to see it first-hand and hold it in my

hand. The artifact is red and silver.

“Oil soaked money”. From James O’Donnell’s personal collection.

This is oil soaked money that was in Mr. O’Donnell’s pocket when he was in the water. There is a

photo of it located within the slide show on James O’Donnell interview.


USS Indianapolis Survivors. Only 317 Survived!. Indianapolis. Printing Partners, Inc 2002.

Only 317 Survived! is made is comprised of letters written by the survivors. I used several quotes

from their letters in my website. You can find some of their quotes on the story page.

Wren, Peter L. We Were There (The USS Indianapolis tragedy). 1st ed. Richmond. Wren Enterprises 2002

We Were There includes letters and accounts of the rescue from the rescuers point of view.

There are several quotes I used in my website under the story tab.


USS Indianapolis, Still at Sea… George McCullough BMCM Productions 2001

This documentary is an interview of 25 men who survived the sinking of the ship. It is very sad to

see all of their expressions when they talk about their friends dying. I used this as a general

reference for my website.

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Government Documents

The Sinking of USS Indianapolis: Navy Department Press Release, Report on Court Martial of Capt. Charles

B. McVay, III, USN, 23 February 1946 from http://www.history.navy.mil/faqs/faq30-4.htm

This is a part of the court-martial. Sadly this is an abridged version of the document. However

after some active research, I found the original document later.

United States Congressional Record. 23 Jan. 2000: 3. Print.

This government publication stating that Charles Butler McVay III. When the public heard that

the Navy Court-martial McVay, they wanted him to be exonerated. This is the record stating that

McVay’s name is cleared. I used this document on my story page.


Nunley, Troy. Personal Interview. Living survivor of the USS Indianapolis sinking. 19 January 2012

I met with Mr. Nunley, for over 1 hour, asked him a series of prepared questions and he shared

his experiences with me. He was very helpful and told me what it was like to be floating in the

water for four days and five nights.

O’Donnell, Jimmy. Personal Interview. Living survivor of the USS Indianapolis sinking. 17 March 2012

I met with Mr. O’Donnell on March 17, 2011, asked him a series of prepared questions and he

shared his experiences with me. He is the only survivor that was from Indianapolis.

O’Donnell, Mary. Personal Interview. 17 March 2012

I met with Mrs. O’Donnell after I interviewed her husband. She gave me many great artifacts to

look at and cite.

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McCall, Donald, Mr. Interview. Ocean Of Fear. N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Oct. 2011.

This is a video of a living survivor talking about the U.S.S. Indianapolis. He gave an interview and

someone posted it on YouTube. He was another credible source.

McGoy, Giles, Mr. Interview. Ocean of Fear. N.p., n.d. Web. 22 Oct. 2011.

This survivor was a source for the movie, Ocean of Fear. He is the most known survivor. He was

the first to talk about his experience in the water.

Museum Collection - George Reinold

Advocate, Judge. “Testimony from Commander Hashimoto.” Memo to Ellen Reinold. 13 Dec. 1945. TS.

USS Indianapolis Museum.

This is what a judge at the court-martial said after he heard Hashimoto testify McVay saying that

he was innocent. This is part of the George Reinold page located under “The Story.”

Bailey, Cpt. C.A. “Condolences.” Letter to Ellen Reinold. 9 Oct. 1945. MS. USS Indianapolis Museum.

Captain C.A. Bailey, acting Commandant of the Ninth Naval District, gives his condolences to Ellen

Reinold regarding the loss of her husband, George Reinold. This is part of the George Reinold

page located under “The Story.”

Brooks, Captain L.B. “George Reinold Missing in Action.” Letter to Ellen Reinold. 13 Aug. 1945. TS. USS

Indianapolis Museum.

This is a telegram stating that George was lost in action. This is part of the George Reinold page

located under “The Story.”

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Davis, W. Dalton. Letter to Ellen Reinold. 11 Sept. 1945. MS. USS Indianapolis Museum.

This letter is from W. Dalton Davis, a Medical Officer in Command at Marianas Island, to Ellen

Reinold regarding the death of her son, George Reinold. This is part of the George Reinold page

located under “The Story.”

Jacob, Arno. “Survival of Melvin Jacob.” Letter to Ellen Reinold. 31 Oct. 1945. MS. USS Indianapolis


Letter from a survivor saying that he doesn’t know what happened to George. This is part of the

George Reinold page located under “The Story.”

Kearney & Trecker Corporation. “Employment Certification.” Letter to George Reinold. 22 Dec. 1943. TS.

USS Indianapolis Museum.

Letter from a survivor saying that he doesn’t know what happened to George. This is part of the

George Reinold page located under “The Story.”

Kettenacker, H. “Life Insurance Policy.” Letter to Ellen Reinold. 25 July 1947. MS. USS Indianapolis


Letter from a survivor saying that he doesn’t know what happened to George. A telegram saying

that they wish the best come out of this unfortunate case. This is part of the George Reinold page

located under “The Story.”

McCoy, H.L. “Life Insurance.” Letter to Ellen Reinold. 20 Oct. 1945. MS. USS Indianapolis Museum.

Letter from a survivor saying that he doesn’t know what happened to George. Mrs. Reinold now

gets Life Insurance. This is part of the George Reinold page located under “The Story.”

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McVay III, Captain Charles Butler. “Responding to George Reinold’s Death.” Letter to Ellen Reinold. 1 Oct.

1945. MS. USS Indianapolis Museum.

A letter Captain McVay wrote to say that George died on the second day. This is part of the

George Reinold page located under “The Story.”

Moran, J.J. “Sinking of the U.S.S. Indianapolis.” Letter to Ellen Reinold. 15 Nov. 1945. MS. USS Indianapolis


Letter from a survivor saying that he doesn’t know what happened to George. This is part of the

George Reinold page located under “The Story.”

Pillsbury Military Academy. “Graduation Certification.” Letter to George Reinold. 14 Oct. 1942. TS. USS

Indianapolis Museum.

This is a letter saying that George had passed military training. This is part of the George Reinold

page located under “The Story.”

Reinold, Mrs. “Happy Birthday Poem.” Letter to George Reinold. 9 Mar. 1940. MS. USS Indianapolis


This is a poem written by George’s mother to wish him Happy Birthday. This is part of the George

Reinold page located under “The Story.”

Selective Service Local Board 29. “Enlistment Notice.” Letter to George Reinold. 23 Dec. 1943. TS. USS

Indianapolis Museum.

The drafting letter of World War II. This is part of the George Reinold page located under “The


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Spooner, Mrs. W.C. “Miles Spooner’s Survival.” Letter to Ellen Reinold. 2 Oct. 1945. MS. USS Indianapolis


Letter from a survivor saying that he doesn’t know what happened to George. This is part of the

George Reinold page located under “The Story.”

Stauffer, Chaplain Wayne. “Loss of Our Sons.” Letter to Ellen Reinold. 19 Oct. 1945. MS. USS Indianapolis


Letter from a survivor saying that he doesn’t know what happened to George. This is part of the

George Reinold page located under “The Story.”

Stoddard, Cpt. Hugh T. “Benefits.” Letter to Ellen Reinold. 16 Oct. 1945. MS. USS Indianapolis Museum.

Letter from a survivor saying that he doesn’t know what happened to George. This is part of the

George Reinold page located under “The Story.”

Storrer, Robert. “Former Shipmates, Future Plans.” Letter to Ellen Reinold. 28 Sept. 1945. MS. USS

Indianapolis Museum.

Letter from a survivor saying that he doesn’t know what happened to George. This is part of the

George Reinold page located under “The Story.”

- - -. “Robert Storrer’s Attendance at the University of Michigan.” Letter to Ellen Reinold. 9 Apr. 1946. MS.

USS Indianapolis Museum.

Letter from a survivor saying that he doesn’t know what happened to George. This is part of the

George Reinold page located under “The Story.”

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- - -. “Status of George Reinold.” Letter to Ellen Reinold. 18 Aug. 1945. MS. USS Indianapolis Museum.

This is a letter saying that the navy will continue to search for George. This is part of the George

Reinold page located under “The Story.”

Sturtevant, Billie. “Death of George Reinold.” Letter to Ellen Reinold. 4 Sept. 1945. MS. USS Indianapolis


Letter from a survivor saying that he doesn’t know what happened to George. This is part of the

George Reinold page located under “The Story.”

Uffelman, Paul. “Sinking of the USS Indianapolis.” Letter to Ellen Reinold. 17 Oct. 1945. MS. USS

Indianapolis Museum.

Letter from a survivor saying that he doesn’t know what happened to George. This is part of the

George Reinold page located under “The Story.”

Unknown. “Address List of Marines - Final USS Indianapolis Crew.” Memo. 1944. MS. USS Indianapolis


This is a list of the Marines that were on the ship and survived. This is part of the George Reinold

page located under “The Story.”

- - -. “Life Insurance Settlement of George Reinold.” Letter to Ellen Reinold. 24 Nov. 1945. TS. USS

Indianapolis Museum.

This is a letter to Ellen Reinold explaining since George died and purchased life insurance, that

she would be the benefactor of those funds. This is part of the George Reinold page located

under “The Story.”

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- - -. “Power of Attorney Document.” Letter to George Reinold. 19 Dec. 1944. TS. USS Indianapolis


This document appoints Ellen Reinold as George Reinold’s Power of Attorney in the event of his

death. This is part of the George Reinold page located under “The Story.”

Vandergrist, Commandant AA. “Telegram - Death Notice of George Reinold.” Letter to Ellen Reinold.

1945. TS. USS Indianapolis Museum.

This is a Telegram saying that George Reinold officially died. This is part of the George Reinold

page located under “The Story.”

Museum Collection - Roy McQuitty

McVay, Captain Charles Butler, II. Letter to Mrs. Roy McQuitty. 27 Sept. 1945. MS. USS Indianapolis


This is a letter Captain McVay sent to Roy’s family saying that Roy drowned on the second or

third day. This is part of the Roy McQuitty page located under “The Story.”

Ninth Navel District. Letter. 29 Aug. 1945. MS. USS Indianapolis Museum.

This is a letter from the Navy saying that they will try to find out what happened to Roy. This is

part of the Roy McQuitty page located under “The Story.”

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- - -. “No Hope For Survival.” Memo to Mrs. Roy McQuitty. 17 Sept. 1945. TS. USS Indianapolis Museum.

This is a telegram saying that there is no hope for survival. This is part of the Roy McQuitty page

located under “The Story.”

Photo of Alvina and Roy McQuitty. N.d. Photograph. USS Indianapolis Museum.

This is a photograph of Roy and his wife before his tragic death. This is part of the Roy McQuitty

page located under “The Story.”

Roy McQuitty Navy Photograph . N.d. Photograph. USS Indianapolis Museum.

This is Roy McQuitty’s Navy Portrait. This is part of the Roy McQuitty page located under “The


“Sailor Meets Girl-Falls In Love-They’re Dad, Daughter.” The Middletown Sunday News Nov. 1945: n. pag.


This is a newspaper article that that says that a sailor meets his daughter for the first time, sadly

the last time. This is part of the Roy McQuitty page located under “The Story.”

United States Navy. “Missing in Action.” Memo to Mrs. Roy McQuitty. 13 Aug. 1945. TS. USS Indianapolis


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This is a telegram saying that Roy McQuitty was missing in action. This is part of the Roy

McQuitty page located under “The Story.”

- - -. “Purple heart Award Certificate.” Letter to Roy McQuitty. 28 Mar. 1946. TS. USS Indianapolis


This is the letter stating that the purple heart belongs to him. This is part of the Roy McQuitty

page located under “The Story.”

Newspaper Articles

Cruiser Sunk, 1,196 Casualties; Took Atom Bomb Cargo to Guam, New York Times, August 15, 1945

Stanton, Doug. In Harm’s Way: the sinking of the USS Indianapolis and the extraordinary story of

its survivors. 1st ed. New York. Henry Holt and Company, LLC 2001

This shows the sinking of the ship was announced when Japan surrendered. The Navy tried to

cover it up that the ship was sunk by putting it in the bottom corner very small so no one would

notice it.

Excerpt from the Congressional Record on USS Indianapolis Capt. Charles B. McVay



Congress finally clears Captain McVay’s name. This is the official document. The document is on

my story page.

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Indianapolis Skipper to Face Court-Martial http://hikertechnologies.com/lst1197/paul_dollins_CA-35.htm

This is a news paper article stating that McVay was going to be court-martialed. The public

reacted to this is. It is on my reaction page.

Personal Correspondence

Hashimoto, Mochitsura, Captain. Letter. Mochitsura Hashimoto. N.p.: n.p., n.d. N. pag. Print.

This is a letter written by Mochitsura Hashimoto to the U.S. government about court marshaling

Captain McVey saying that he was innocent.

McVay, Charles Butler. Letter. Fall 1965. TS. http://hikertechnologies.com/lst1197/paul_dollins_CA-


This is a letter that McVay wrote to one of the drowned sailors parents. The parents were

blaming him for the loss of their son. This led him to shoot himself.

“Letter from King Neptune” St. John, Phillip. USS Indianapolis (CA 35).Paducah. Turner Publishing

Company 1997

This is a copy of what they read when President Harry Truman crossed the equator. It was

something funny that they did every time someone crossed the equator for the first time.


Atomic Bomb. 1945. Atomic Bomb. Web. 13 Nov. 2011. <http://voiceseducation.org/‌sites/‌default/‌files/‌


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This is a picture of the little boy explosion over Hiroshima. It is in color which is rare for that time

period. I used this picture in the collage at the top of my website.

Autographed picture of USS Indianapolis leaving San Francisco. Photo. Troy Nunley Personal Collection.


This is a picture of the USS Indianapolis going under the bridge with the parts and supplies of the

atomic bombs loaded upon it. The USS Indianapolis was responsible for delivering the Atomic


Bomb Damage to a church. N.d. N.p., n.d. Web. 4 Feb. 2012. <wikitravel.org>.


This is a picture of a damages chapel in Hiroshima. It is very sad to see such a beautiful building

destroyed by something that can destroy the world. I used this picture in a slide show on the

Revolution page.

Captain McVay. 1945. Captain McVay. Web. 13 Nov.


This is a picture of Captain McVay before the court-martial. In this picture he is wearing his navy

uniform. I used this picture in the collage at the top of my website.

“Congressman Scarborough with Hunter.” Scott Nelson, Pete. Left for Dead: A Young Man's Search for

Justice for the USS Indianapolis. Delecorte Press. New York: Military Heritage Press, 1982.

This is a picture of Hunter Scott with congressmen in Indianapolis. He is pushing to get McVay’s

name cleared.

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Damaged car. N.d. N.p., n.d. Web. 4 Feb. 2012.


This is a picture of a damaged car surrounded by a lot a dead burnt up bodies from the power of

the Atomic Bombs. I used this to see how severe the damage was.

Destroyed back yard. N.d. N.p., n.d. Web. 4 Feb. 2012.


This is a picture of someone’s back yard after the bomb was dropped. I used this picture in my

slide show on my Revolution page.

Enola Gay. 1945. Photograph. Collection of David Nelson, Palm Harbor.

A signed photograph of Enola Gay and it’s captain. The Enola Gay dropped the Atomic Bomb Fat

Man. I used this picture in my slide show on my revolution page.

Fat Man bomb cloud. N.d. N.p., n.d. Web. 4 Feb. 2012.


This is a picture of the Fat Man explosion on Nagasaki. I used this picture to estimate the damage

“Final Crew”. 1945. Picture. Web. 9 Nov. 2011.


This is a picture of the 1,197 men aboard the ship before it was sunk. This picture really showed

me the massive numbers of men that died at sea. I used this picture in the top collage at the top

of my website.

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“Four pictures of survivors after their rescue.” Photo. Stanton, Doug. In Harm’s Way: the sinking of the

USS Indianapolis and the extraordinary story of its survivors. 1st ed. New York. Henry Holt and

Company, LLC 2001

These are pictures of survivors after they were picked up. Some of them are from the actual

rescue. They are used on my story page.

I-58 Submarine. N.d. 1-58 Submarine. Web. 13 Nov. 2011.



Image of I-58 Submarine that sunk the U.S.S. Indianapolis

Large View. N.d. N.p., n.d. Web. 4 Feb. 2012.



This is a picture of a large view of damage in Hiroshima. Little Boy was dropped on Hiroshima.

The picture is on my revolution page in the slide show.

“Pictures of Frank Nelson” Photo. Nelson, David personal collection

I got photographs from his collection for my website. They have an extremely large personal

connection to me.

“Picture of Troy Nunley in uniform” Photo. Troy Nunley Personal Collection. 1942

This is a picture of Troy Nunley in 1945. He is in his Navy outfit. This picture is on his interview

page in the slide show.

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“Picture of Troy Nunley today” Photo. Troy Nunley Personal Collection.2012

This is a picture of Mr. Nunley in 2011. He is wearing a USS Indianapolis shirt. This picture is in the

slide show on his interview page.

“President Roosevelt participating in the ‘crossing the line’ ceremony”. Photo. Stanton, Doug. In Harm’s

Way: the sinking of the USS Indianapolis and the extraordinary story of its survivors. 1st ed. New

York. Henry Holt and Company, LLC 2001

This is a picture of President Roosevelt Crossing the Equator during the ceremony. This picture is

on my time line page.

Shark Attack. N.d. N.p., n.d. Web. 9 Nov. 2011. http://www.dark-stories.com/eng/uss_indianapolis.htm

An image of a shark circling two men in the water taken by the PBY plane that rescued the men.

This picture is in the collage at the top of my website.

The Ship. N.d. N.p., n.d. Web. 9 Nov. 2011. <http://www.history.navy.mil/‌photos/‌images/‌h53000/‌


An image of the ship before it was sunk. This last known photograph.

Someone Walking. N.d. N.p., n.d. Web. 4 Feb. 2012.


This a picture of someone walking around after the bomb was dropped. There are dead burnt up

bodies on the ground everywhere. It is very sad to see something like this.

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U.S.S. Indianapolis Crew. N.d. U.S.S. Indianapolis. Web. 14 Nov. 2011.

Image of U.S.S. Indianapolis’ Final Crew.

This is a picture of the final crew of the USS Indianapolis. There are so many men on board. It’s

sad to know that so many of them will lose their lives.

Transcriptions (Quotations)

Oppenheimer, Robert. Atomicarchive.com. http://www.atomicarchive.com/Movies/Movie8.shtml

I used this quote to show his reaction to witnessing the first atomic bomb test.

Cox, Loel. Only 317 survived!. Printing Partners, Inc. 2002.

This quote explains that the Captain did not know about the enemy submarines.

Kiselica, Joseph. Wren, Peter L. We Were There (The USS Indianapolis tragedy). 1st ed. Richmond. Wren

Enterprises 2002

I used three quotes from Mr. Kiselica to describe what it was like in the water after the sinking.

Truman, Harry S. http://rjgeib.com/heroes/truman/truman-atom-bomb.html

This was an on line version of Harry Truman’s diary. The President says he dropped the bomb to

shorten the war.

Oppenheimer, Robert. Brainy Quote.com


This quote talks about the cold war.

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Bradley, Omar. BrainyQuote.com


This quote talks about the cold war.

Einstein, Albert. BrainyQuote.com


This talks about how wars are changed because of the atomic bomb.

Einstein, Albert. BrainyQuote.com


This talks about how the world is still being impacted.

Tauscher, Ellen. SearchQuotes.com

<http://www.brainyquote.com/quotes/quotes/a/alberteins122873 .html>

This talks about how the world is still being impacted by nuclear weapons.

Secondary Sources


Black, Jeremy. Tools Of War. N.p.: Quercus Books , n.d. Print. PG.193-196

Talks about the Atomic Bomb. I used this to learn more about the atomic bombs.

Finneran, Patrick. The USS Indianapolis National Memorial. Indianapolis. Published by USS Indianapolis

(CA 35) Survivors Memorial Organization 1995.

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This book is from the Memorial Dedication ceremony and has lots of interesting information

about the ship, articles about its commissioning and the rescue. The book is only given to

survivors and families of the final crew.

Kurzman, Dan. Fatal Voyage: The Sinking of the USS Indianapolis. N.p.: Broadway, 2001. Print.

This book fatal voyage was a very sad book! This Book focused on the tragedy of floating in the

water and how many men died.

Lech, Raymond. All the Drowned Sailors: The Tragic Fate of the U. S. S. Indianapolis. New York: Military

Heritage Press, 1982.

This book is a list of all of the survivors and the final crew.

Nelson, Pete. Left for Dead: A Young Man's Search for Justice for the USS Indianapolis. Delecorte Press.

New York: Military Heritage Press, 1982.

This book inspired me to work hard at my topic. Hunter Scott was a great influence to me. I

emailed him and he emailed me back and he gave me a lot of information.

Newcomb, Richard. Abandon Ship!: The Saga of the U.S.S. Indianapolis, the Navy’s Greatest Sea Disaster.

N.p.: Harper Paperbacks, 1976. Print.

It’s a book about the U.S.S. Indianapolis and the court martial of Captain McVay. This source was

helpful because it gave me information about the ship.

Stanton, Doug. In Harm’s Way: the sinking of the USS Indianapolis and the extraordinary story of its

survivors. 1st ed. New York. Henry Holt and Company, LLC 2001

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This book helped me develop my outline and tells the story of the ship and crew. I used photos

of the rescue, and diagrams of the damage to the ship from this book. This book Hunter Scott

told me was a useful source.

St. John, Phillip. USS Indianapolis (CA 35).Paducah. Turner Publishing Company 1997

This book helped me make my time line and had several photos and letters (including one from

King Neptune). This book is only given to the families of the final crew.


“Chart of the final Voyage of the USS Indianapolis” Nelson, Pete. Left for Dead: A Young Man's Search for

Justice for the USS Indianapolis. Delecorte Press. New York: Military Heritage Press, 1982.

This is a map of the final voyage.


“Damage Assessment of the Indianapolis.” Stanton, Doug. In Harm’s Way: the sinking of the USS

Indianapolis and the extraordinary story of its survivors. 1st ed. New York. Henry Holt and

Company, LLC 2001

This is a time line of the U.S.S. Indianapolis . The timeline is missing the Court-Martial.


USS Indianapolis Battle Stars, From David Nelson’s personal collection

This is a document stating all of the ten battle stars. I used this to tell how important the ship


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Graphic Depictions

“Drawing of the rescue of the men of the Indy.” Gromosial, John from the book by St. John, Phillip. USS

Indianapolis (CA 35).Paducah. Turner Publishing Company 1997

This is a drawing of the USS Indianapolis rescue. This was the largest Navel rescue in history.

Jaws Movie Poster from http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0073195/

This is the movie poster from the movie Jaws. It is on my reaction page.


Nelson, David Frank. Personal Interview. 2011. 14 January 2012

I interviewed my grandfather whose father was on the U.S.S. Indianapolis. He gave me info about

my great grandfather’s personal life.

Frye, Tricia. Personal Interview. 2012. March 17 2012

I spent the day with Ms. Frye whose great uncle was lost at sea on the Indianapolis. She gave me

all of the telegrams and letters about men lost at sea.

Magazine Articles

Stanton, Doug. “Sunk.” Men’s Journal March 2000: 75-85, 148

This is a summary of Mr. Stanton’s book In Harm’s Way. It is the intro to his book.


“Sharks in the water.” Photo. http://www.dark-stories.com/eng/uss_indianapolis.htm

This was from the movie “Ocean of Fear”. It looks extremely realistic.

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“Men on raft through porthole” http://www.ocean offear.com

This is a picture of guys floating on the bottom of interview page.

Fat Man and Little Boy. N.d. N.p., n.d. Web. 4 Feb. 2012.


This is a picture of toy replicas of the atomic bombs Fat Man and Little Boy before they were

dropped. I used this in my slideshow.

Logo. N.d. USS Indianapolis Logo. Web. 14 Nov. 2011. <http://www.ussindyradio.org/ ussindywplogo-


This is the logo of the famous ship The U.S.S. Indianapolis.

Shark Fin. N.d. N.p., n.d. Web. 18 Nov. 2011. <http://cache.blippitt.com/ wp-content/ uploads/ 2010/ 08/


Image of a shark fin that I used on my website.


McVay, Charles Butler III, Captain Obituary http://www.findagrave.com/cgi-bin/fg.cgi?page=gr&GRid=


This is a website that had the actual McVay court-martial on it. It was good to see the actual

court-martial to see what actually went down.

“Atomic Bombs.” The bomb that changed the world. N.p., n.d. Web. 1 Nov. 2011.

<http://www.thefinertimes.com/ WW-II-Air/ the-bomb-that-changed-the-world.html>.

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This source talks about the atomic bomb and the damage they did to Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

Official Site. N.p., n.d. Web. 17 Oct. 2011. <http://www.ussindianapolis.org/>.

This is the official Website for the U.S.S. Indianapolis.

U.S.S. Indianapolis Jaws Version. Jaws. Web. 22 Oct. 2011. http://www.youtube.com/watch?


This video combines Quint’s versions of events with clips from the movie Mission of the Shark.

U.S.S. Indianapolis Memorial. N.d. U.S.S. Memorial. Web. 14 Nov. 2011.


Image of the U.S.S. Indianapolis memorial before it was painted.

Ocean of Fear. Worst Shark Attack Ever Part 1/8. Web. 22 Oct. 2011. http://www.youtube.com/watch?


A video of the shark attacks that occurred in the water. It is kind of scary all of these shark


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