
Jesus Alberto Prieto Oliveira Ngügï’s decolonizing the mind 1. What is the significance of the title? Why does Ngügï speak about the need to ”decolonise the mind’ According to Ngügï, the most important element that cans conquest a coloniser is the mind. If the conqueror obtains this, the society is colonised. For this reason, “decolonise” or recover own cultural signs is one of the relevant goals that colonised people have to achieve. 2. What values does Ngügï highlight in his description of life in pre-colonial Africa?? How do these values differ from Western principles/ways of living? The first value in Ngügï‘s environment was that the community forms a whole. The communication in familiar contexts was very important. Stories about ancestors and legends were an important element in the individual Cooperation was the ultimate good in a community The language was an fundamental element in his culture because it gave them a view of the world The home and the field was their pre-primary school WESTERN The language is one of the most important repressive element to conquer people People learn in school If you want to be an important person, you must go to school 3. What are the institutions/instruments that the colonizers used to assert their power, according to Ngügï The language is the most important instrument that the colonizers used (Par 1, page 12) 4. Why is language so important from the (post)colonial point of view, according to Ngügï? How does Ngügï make sense of the relationship between language and culture? Do you agree with this explanation?



Transcript of Ngügï

Page 1: Ngügï

Jesus Alberto Prieto Oliveira

Ngügï’s decolonizing the mind

1. What is the significance of the title? Why does Ngügï speak about the need to ”decolonise the mind’

According to Ngügï, the most important element that cans conquest a coloniser is the mind. If the conqueror obtains this, the society is colonised. For this reason, “decolonise” or recover own cultural signs is one of the relevant goals that colonised people have to achieve.2. What values does Ngügï highlight in his description of life in

pre-colonial Africa?? How do these values differ from Western principles/ways of living?

The first value in Ngügï‘s environment was that the community forms a whole.

The communication in familiar contexts was very important. Stories about ancestors and legends were an important element in

the individual Cooperation was the ultimate good in a community The language was an fundamental element in his culture because

it gave them a view of the world The home and the field was their pre-primary school

WESTERN The language is one of the most important repressive element to

conquer people People learn in school If you want to be an important person, you must go to school

3. What are the institutions/instruments that the colonizers used to assert their power, according to Ngügï

The language is the most important instrument that the colonizers used (Par 1, page 12)

4. Why is language so important from the (post)colonial point of view, according to Ngügï? How does Ngügï make sense of the relationship between language and culture? Do you agree with this explanation?

Language has two important missions: be a means of communication and carry the culture. If language is imposed, colonised people lost their roots. For this reason, maintain the mother tongue is the most important goal that colonised have and replace this it is the objective that colonized has to do

5. Ngügï explains how the (colonial) school authorities devised a system of surveillance and control in order to force African children to speak English instead of Gïkuyü. What does this system teach us about the way in which colonial power imposed in the colonies?

Page 2: Ngügï

Jesus Alberto Prieto Oliveira

The British knows that to achieve countries was totally colonised, they must imposed their language and children (that were the easier vehicle to extend his culture)