Ngfct East-er- World-Heral- › lccn › sn95073194 › 1898-03-16 › ...Short and stumpy he may...

" zri-i?- i .- - i'HS.V2 , ;& . . -- ti'a&rj .v.-..- t .v.JhXV...-J. "3F' ?S ... . .. - " ' W. , -- i ?JET'g$!r7: F? - V v ?'J i ss a . o o .- !- Blood Humors Spring is ttw dtanting Smsou Don't Ngfct Your HtaJth Vom HMd to Tate Hh4'i pvWt Haw. Serin Is the season for Teaewing. Everywhere accamalatioaa of waste are being removed sad prepara- - tkms for the new life of another aeasc being made. This te the time for cl lag yoar blood with Hood's Sarmpa xfila. Winter haa left the btood impart?. Spring Humor, Boils, pimple; erap- -t ions, and that tired f celiac; are the results. Hood's Sarsaparilla expels all imparities from the blood and makes it rich and nourfehing. It boilda ap the aervoHs system, creates am appetite, fives sweet, refreshing sleep and renewed energy and vigor. It cores all spring humors, boils, pimples and erapticw. Hood s pMa Is America's Greatest Medicine, ft ; six for $5. Prepared by C. I. Hood & Co, Lowell, Mass. tBeon,Jr Pns to take nOOa S rlUS Hood's 8arsspsrUla. Kbbu rack Carriers, In an article on "Difficulties of Transportation in the Tropics,' in the Engineering Magazine, C. P. Yeatman tells some remarkable stories of the strength and endurance of pack car- riers in Colombia. "There are pro- fessional pack carriers on some roads who make a specialty of carrying bur- dens which the sturdy and much en- during mule cannot stagger under. On some of the roads you will see at times what appears to be a live box 6taggering slowly and painfully down the mountain side ahead of you; as you draw nearer you may hear the box grunt, very much as an old pack mle does at each downward step on a aeep road. There is something un- canny about the whole proceeding, if it is your first experience, and you happen suddenly to overtake the box, going down hill, for the moving,sway-In- g and grunting mass has no visible means of support, and no apparent ex- cuse for behaving in such a manner. Perhaps you may read on its back, 'Mason & Hamlin Organ Company," in some similar legend, but that Is no help in solving the perambulating mys- tery, for whoever heard of a boxed-u- p organ wandering alone down a steep mountain path, and grunting as It leeled along? Very likely the road is loo narrow for your mule to pass your fellow traveler, so you are obliged to follow in its wake. But at last you -- are able to move ahead, and you find that the organ is in no way to blame for moving, for It has a man under it. Short and stumpy he may be, but the muscles on him remind you of the pictures of old Atlas holding the world ou his brawny shoulders. In one hand he carries a long, stout cane.with which he steadies himself on the slip- per" clay, and when he wishes to rest, be backs up the bank on the side of the road, settles the lower end of h!s Scad against the higher ground and props up the upper end with his stick; :hen he Is free to slip the plaited ma-Se- y fiber bands off his shoulders and forehead, and step out from under his burden. It has been estimated that there are between 150 and 200 women who arjf practicing dentistry in the Unifceu State. Educate Yoar Bowels With Casearets. Candy Cathartic, cure constipation forever. Wc25c If I. drugpists refund money. Don't believe that the kick of s cow Is the most acceptable form of milk punch. a as a I it 1 or one 7 Ci ejr yvna, lunsatKl throat troubles. Send lor uroof with the Safe all ages. a or Dr. at J. KAY MEDICAL WISE m WILL KEEP YOU DRY. Dsn'tte fooled or rubber It you that will keep yea dry in hard- est storat buy the Brand Slicker. If not for sale in own. write for catalogue to A. J. TOWER. i .T S1 4 ? 173 Baa. aad laa; J . per So oar treat eat. " alo .awJted yon wtta it l 4 wpow oltWaaotlee aad cj , Bf :( "aaa BrS " E si r ?" - g taU Baa Sr . BbGo Syrup. yatMaOood. tJaaH T- - B iattwa. SoMBrSraaalna. Bat BBBB&i "BsamBBamBBamBBaBBmmwSsTamBBaBBBmm amBBBi ''-- -' , - ,, " Z&Xk - 0 TROUBLE A D06. From the New York Tribune: It would be a. misfortune If eves a $250 dog was suffered to bring us an international complication. That is registered as the cost of the McOor-mic- k dog. Just allowed to land la England on his way from Paris to this country, though there is a British quarantine on foreign dogs, and it took a profusion of diplomatic to procure its suspension in favor of this expensive animal. Even thus its exemption was not without conditions. It was not allowed to mingle freely with the British dog and join it in the customary forms of canine amusement On the contrary. It waa enforced to complete Isolation from its kind while on British soil, permitted such solace as it might obtain from the companionship of an under clerk in the legation. the whole, its traveling experiences would be rather humiliating to an or- dinary dog; to one costing $25 a pound, the sum paid for this extravagant ani- mal, it should be unusually mortifying if its sensibilities are as acute as its would lead one to expect Luckily its transit has not seriously embroiled us with Great Britain, and now that h. Am.ricn tourist is made ac- - Iquainted with the island law concern ing the foreign dog, he will no doubt give It due thus relieving diplom- acy from any amount of perplexity and embarrassment, and the dogs from an invidious and painful situation. Iowa Patent Ofllce Report. Des Moines. March 4. 1898. The official controversy concerning use of the words "Patent Office" in advertising was referred to the Attor- ney General's department and the opinion given, favorable to ap- proved by secretary of the interior. The 1900 Paris World's Fair teems to stimulating U. S. inventors to apply for foreign patents. The "Eureka Blotter fiath Co." of Chicago, for we have a U. patent allowed for their "Blotter has ordered us to secure British, French, German and Canada patents for their invention. Six joint inventors at Holstein, la., for whom we have U. patents al- lowed for a "Method of Makinz Cal- cium Carbide" an for an "Electric Furnace," for praticing the method, have ordered us to secure twelve for- eign patents for said Valuable information obtain- ing, valuing and ssllisg paten! s seat free to any address. Thomas G. & J. Ralph Orwig, Solicitors o! Patents. Professor Hamilton King, the new minister to Corea, took out his cit- izenship papers in Detroit last Mon- day. His father was naturalized in Maine more than years ago, and so he has been a citizen of the United States by virtue of that fact ever since, but as he was unable to show his father's papers he was obliged to be naturalized before pass- ports could be issued to him. No-fo-B- ae Fifty Cents. Guaranteed tobacco lialitt cure, s weak men strong, blood pure 51. All druggists. The citizens of Camfcrldg?, Mss., have published a handsome volume entitled "Ten No-Licen- se Years in Cambridge." which in interest- - ine form a history of the no-licen- se movement in town and calls at-- tention to the good results, physical and moral, that have followed from its Wallace: "Why don't you go to work? You know that kills more people than work." Perry: "I've heard that, but nothing on earth wor rles me so much as work'-Mlincin-na- ti Enquirer. kind of Cold. La Grippe. Disease can be driven in or driven out. Dr. Ayer's. Sarsaparilla drives disease out of the blood. Many medicines suppress disease cover it but don't cure it. Dr. Ayer's Sarsaparilla cores all diseases originating in impure blood by purifying the blood itself. Foul blood makes foul body. Make the blood pure and the body will be sound. Through the blood Dr. Ayer's Sarsaparilla cures eczema, tetter, boils, eruptions, humors, rheumatism, and diseases. "Dr. Ayer's Sarsaparilla was recommended to me by ray physician blood purifilr. When began taking had risings boils all over my body, but bottle cured me. I consider Dr. Ayer's Sarsaparilla the best blood medicine made." Bokkes Craft, Wesson, Miss. (jjet Aiett $ir$aiarila llBliniXli Til PIIDC .""".. stomach. for wtthanuddntosh BBmBBBBBBBBBBBSsYamwisBBBK corre- spondence them- selves inventions. enactment Hoarseness. Catarrh, and Dr. Kay's Lung Balm. u. all symptoms plainly and our Tbysiclan will tAvo FREE ADVICE, book of Sold br Druggists cent by recipes and a FREE SAMPLE. Price, lOcrats aad 25 centsT Me 'THERE SCIENCE NEATNESS.3 SAPOLIO ilaflpM SLICKER coat. vantacoat the Fish year Boston. Mats. )iea) 0ATS.2- -. WHEAT. jHowto.sTowWBeat hs.Oata, Bartey, Potatoes acre. Farm Scad plm ltcsteap, samBsaSSBasaBBSsaBasBBBBBBsaflBSaVBaBBSaaa BsamBBamBBaBaBmBsamwSBBmBsamBSBaw ',avBmBBsBaamaaBBmBaBpaaBaaBsasssssmBm Bm fijfc HbbIBsIS'- - -- .'i BBBBBBBBBBBBliBBSl OVER but was On price heed, Iowa. our us, be whom S. Bath" S. about thirty for 53c. gives that worry Cougl!. Influenza. Write giving maU. IS IN receipt SHU Into all of it. It docs not sicken or dlsanve CO., (Waters OSes) Omaha, Neb. AND USE The success of recent fiction num- bers has induced the editors of Godey's Magazine to issue a special fiction number for springtime reading. The March number is, therefore, rich in stories. Among the leading tales that grace the pages of this Issue are the .following, each individually strong, climactic and interesting: "It Will B2 as God Wills," by Isabel Bowman Fin-le-y, a tale of Creole life; "The Pariah, a Story of the Isles of Brittany," by John William Harding, whose books are well known: "A Journey to Heav- en," by Howard M. Yo3t, one of the most touchlns and tender tales of child life that have been told in many days. The contractor for the monument to be erected at Asheville, N. C, to the memory of Zebulon Baird Vance has informed the committee in charga that the monument will be ready for unveiling any time after March 1 next. A committee has been appointed to receive suggestions from the public and formulate a plan for the un- veiling ceremonies and make report to a future meeuns of the centra committee. It Is hard to convince the defra'ed candidate that it is better to have run and lost than not to have run at all J altar he has balancaa Ma bank book. far Ltva Stock Report: The receipts of hogs for tke trst twelve days this year were 339.140. aaowiag an increase of B.2S9 compared with the same time in 1897. when 240,857 head arrived. East-er- a shipments for the first twelve days of 1898 were 43.381, while for the same time in 1897 eastern buyers took 47,771, a decrease this year of 4,390 head, mak- ing 83,673 more hogs in the hands of the Chicago packers than during the first twelve 'days of 1897. A year ago the hogs averaged 245 pounds, while this year's arrivals so far will hardly average 23S -- pounds, a decrease in weight of fully 10 pounds per head, equal to 13,623 hogs of 235 pounds av erage. In total live weight this year's arrivals show for the twelve days an increase over 1897 of 11.322,935 pounds. Values thus far this year have shown some improvement over the corre- sponding time last year. Prices have ruled fully 25 cents per 100 pounds higher and the range In values for the different grades has not been as wide. The general tone of the market has been firm and healthy since the holi- days and all hog product has been mov- ing freely. On January 12, 1897, May pork sold up to $7.90 per barrel, lard 84.05 and short ribs 84.07 per cart, while the same day the year top quo- tations were 89.50 per barrel for May pork, 84.85 and 84.80 per cwt for lard and short ribs. The quality of the ar- rivals since the first of the year shows considerable improvement, being large- ly young hogs of last spring's litters, and we have no doubt the old hogs are well shipped out Our reports have In- dicated considerable hog cholera through certain sections and a good many cattle have been marketed in an unfinished condition owing to the scar- city of hogs to follow them. Through the southern states, where packers us- ually have a large demand for hog product, we understand there Is a shortage in the supply of hogs this year, which of course will have a good effect on our market Packers have all been free buyers for some time past, and while the weather of late has been rather against their operating, the of- ferings have been easily disposed of from day to day. Indications, In gen- eral, are favorable for a continued ac- tive Inquiry for the hogs, and while we do not anticipate any sudden rise we confidently believe the market will rule stronger and valfees continue to im- prove somewhat as the season ad- vances. A Cure for Roup. Mr. Benjamin Myers of Indiana, in a conversation with a representative of the Farmers' Review, gave this as his experience with roup. He said that for- merly he had lost a good many fowls by the roup and had been unable to find anything that would save his birds when once they had been attacked. One day a doctor drove along and asked him about his chickens. Mr. Meyers told him of his losses by roup, and the doc- tor thereupon gave him a prescription, which consisted of peroxide of hydro gen. The manner of application was to put one tablespoonful of this into two-thir- ds of a cup of water. The bill f the affected fowl was dipped in this, tare being taken that none of it entered the eyes. In cases of canker In the mouth a very little of this peroxide was put on a piece of cotton and the places just touched. The result was a rapid healing of the affected parts. Mr. Meyers says that before he used this remedy he had lost hundreds of fowls from roup, but now he does not fear roup, believing that he has a certain remedy. Mouldy Hay Feed. That mouldy ha Is a good food for cattle of any class or age cannot for a moment be admit- ted; In short, it may almost be asserted without fear of contradiction that such fodder is injurious. It makes, never- theless, most Inferior litter, and cer- tainly does not tend to the production of a high-cla- ss manure. Rough hay, on the other hand, may not be palatable to the beasts in the state it comes from the stack, and yet may be converted into serviceable food by the expendi- ture of a small amount in labor and the purchase of appetizing materials to make it more tasty. Such hay should always be chaffed, and If It can be steamed, so much the better. Roots, if pulped, would doubtless induce most animals to eat such chaff with a relish, but, on the whole, I consider better re- sults would be forthcoming if linseed Jelly were thrown over the chaff, and so thoroughly incorporated with the cut hay that every particle should be moistened to some extent. The linseed may be slightly steeped before It Is poured into the furnace of boiling wa- ter, but it must be thoroughly stirred for several minutes or it will surely stick to the furnace and become bu-- . Farm and Home (London). Trotting Horses for Market There are now about 1,100 trotters In the 1:20 list That is a very small per cant of the two million trotting-bre- d horses in America. Breeders have been bend ing every energy to get speed. The 2:30 limit for recording is now too slow to be of any special value. Indeed speed has lost its commercial value, and trotting horse breeders begin to realize the fact that the American trotter must have more size, style and beauty to get Into the best city mar- kets. Ex. A railroad building race Involving the expenditure of 116,000,000 has been commenced by two wealthy corpora- tions, each of which desires to own the first railroad into the Yukon country. Each road will be about 400 miles long, running from Pyramid harbor, near the end of Lynn canal, to points on Lewis river, below Five Finger rapbJs. f 7 r The Dairy Farpje-T- he business of the dairyman dees 'not begin-wh- a end with the carat the cows, bit reaches into eveafsafetail of fannaianagemeat A dalryfarm should became one which is unusually produafive. Mirror and Farmer. The supreme court ofjfinnesota has4 decided that a man who builds a house en another's lot has no claim ja the Louse nor canJkKenforce a ljeal against tae tot ior ps vaiue. j . f -- a Thinning of fruitysliould be more popular than in the past. As much fruit by weight can be raised and it will bring a better price, sometimes double. Under proper methods of distribu- tion people would eat double the fruit they do at present. The orchard and garden win both pay their way if given a working chance. Why doesn't a passion for fancy drinks denote a love for the beauti- ful? Peanut Tenders anight ba accused of working a shell Way does lightning strike oftener than saloons? If im. praiae aaaa to Us wlfaake f Don't forget that am ounce of keep- ing your mouth shut is woath a pound of explanation. Mltar af Bryan's Paper. Mr. Geo. W. Hervey, editor of the Oma- ha Weekly World-Heral- d, writes: "For years I was troubled with indigestion so severe as to make it impossible to take more than two meals a day without in- tense suffering. I tried three of the bert physicians in the state but they failed to me relief. I chanced to get Dr. Kay's novator and before I had taken a 25 cent box I had. so improved that I was taking three meals a day, which I had not done for years. I continued its use and it has been eight month since I used it and I now have bo symptoms whatever of my old trouble." If yon have any disease write us giving yonr symptoms and we will send free advice by our physician and valuable 88 page book with 56 recipes giving various methods of treatment and a free sample of Dr. Kay's 'Renovator. Address Dr. B. J. Kay Medical Co., (West ern Ofllce) Omaha, Neb. Joseph P. Elliot, of Evansville, Ind.. has just been admitted to the bar. He is a promising youth of 83. AN OPEN LETTER TO MOTHERS. We are asserting in the courts our riant to the exclusive use of the word "CASTOBLa." and "PITCHER'S CASTORLA." as our Trade Mark. I, Dr. Samuel Pitcher, or Hyaarls. Massachu- setts, was the originator of "PITCHER'S CAS-TORI- the same that has borne and does now hear the fac-slml- lo signature of CHAS. H. FLETCHER ob every wrapper. This ii the original "PITCHER'S CASTORIA" widen has Been used in the homes of the mothers of America for over thirty years. Look carefully at the wrapper and see that It is "the kwd you have always bought." and has the signature of CHAS. H. FLETCHER oa the Wrapper. No one has authority from me to use say bsum except-Th- Centaur Compear of whlck Chaa H. Fletcher is President. S - March 8, 1897. SAMUEL PITCHER. M.D. "Brute! I knorv that you are lead- ing life." "Well, my dear, I certainly am not leading a single one." Life. Catarrh Caaaet Be Cared with LOCAL APPLICATIONS, as they cannot reach the seat of the disease. Ca- tarrh is a blood or constitutional dis- ease, and In order to cure It you must take Internal remedies. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally, and acts direct- ly on the blood and mucous surfaces. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is not a quack med- icine. It was prescribed by one of the best physicians In this country for years, and is a regular prescription. It Is com- posed of the best tonics known, combin- ed with the best blood purifiers, acting directly on the mucous surfaces. The perfect combination of the two Ingredi- ents is what produces such wonderful re- sults In curing; Catarrh. Send tor testi- monials, free. . r. J. CHENEY ft CO.. Props., Toieao, u. Sold bv drurriatB. nrlce Hall's Family PIUs are the best If you intend to drown yourself, al- ways remove your clothing. It may fit your wife's second husband. Colorado Gold Field. Colorado is the banner gold-produci- ng state in the Union. Production in 1897 over 120,000.000. This year prom- ises to exceed $30,000,000. New strikes are being made every day. Nothing like since the days of '49. Would you know all about these things? Then send twenty-fiv- e cents for a six-mont- hs' trial subscription to the "MINING WORLD," an eight-pag- e illustrated weekly paper. Regular subscription, $1.00 a year. The news- iest mining newspaper in the world. Address "World." P. O. Box 1611, Den- ver, Colorado. It does not improve your husband's razor to use it forchiropodical pur- poses. The Baltimore and Ohio railroad stands third in the list of freight equipment according to the report of the Official Railway Equipment Reg-Ist- er in the possession of eight wneel freight cars for all purposes. The total number of cars Is 34674. Of this number almost 14,000 are box cars and 18.000 coal cars, the others -. frlgerator, live stock, passenger and cabocse cars. Even with tltis equip- ment there are many days that a shortage of cars is severely felt. One heaping tablespoonful of granu- lated sugar weighs an ounce. Gin the ChJldrca a Drink; called Grain-O- . It is a delicious, appe- tizing, nourishing food drink to take the place of coffee. Sold by all grocers and liked by all who have used It be- cause when properly prepared it tastes like the finest coffee, but is free from all its injurious properties. Grain-- O aids digestion and strengthens the nerves. It is not a stimulant, but a health builder, and children, as well as adults, can drink it with great benefit. Costs about Vi as much as coffee. 15 and 25c. Candy in excess is worse than rum in moderation. Crmcent Hotel, Eureka Spring, Ark. Opens March 1st. In hrart of Ozark Mountains, climate mild and bracing, scenery wild and beautiful. Unequaled medicinal waters. Excursion rates, through sleepers, via Frisco Line. Address Manager Crescent, Eureka Springs, or Geo. T. Nicholson, G. P. A., Frisco Line, St. Louis, Mo. A man likes neatness in a woman's attire at all times. Aak for AUea's Foot Ease. A powder to shake into your shoes. It cures Corns and Bunions. Chil- blains, Swollen, Nervous, Damp. Sweating, Smarting and Callous feet. At all Druggists and Shoe Stores, 25c. Sample FREE. Address Allen S. Olm- sted, LeRoy, N. Y. The woman who puts on gloves should know how to. spar. Dent Tekaces SpK an Saote tear Life fcrty. To quit tobacco easily and forever, be atar- actic, full of life, nerve and vicor, take the wonder-worke- r, that makes weak men. strong. All druggists, .tOc or l. Cure guaran- teed. Booklet and saropie free. Address Sterling Remedy Co.. Cliicago or New York. Man 13 not in love with every wo- - man he glances at. Star Tobacco is tne leading brand of the world, because it is the best. In the church the kicker gets every- thing ho wants except religion. Ce'o Ca B) Halsaat Istfceoldrftandbemt- - ItwUl break up eo'd quicker tkan anything-elie- . It is always reliable Trr it. The egg plant is a native of Asia, Africa and South America. 1 believe that Piso's Care is the only med- icine that will core consumption. Anna M. Ross, TTilliamsport, Pa., Nov. 12, 95. Don't play cards with a woman who has winning ways. Mrs. Wlaslow's Seething Syrap For children teethiDi.noftcns th (na.rcdacalanan-aulioa- , allay? pain, cures wlodcoH?. SSeentfa bottle. A prompt and pointed answer does not lurn awuy wrath. A ALABABTtSK 18 WHAT? Aiabastiae is a durable aad aataral coatiag for walls aad cefliags aatirely different from all kalsomlae pnparatfeac, made ntAj tor asa.ia white r twelve beautiful tiata by the afatpto addition of water (latest make being adapted to mix with cold water), pot ap ia dry powder oram, ia 6 poaad pacaagea, wits fall dl- - J6--, . e V3 - ije." --, - - i ji?it3&( af .fet ,stJ" , ,c j v.-s- - ?sav srv 3 The German- - emperor as king of Prussia has the sole right to name streets, and he has just refused his consent to. the proposal to call 'two streets after the names cf Dr. B2stram and Dr. Langerhaus, two popular members of the municipal council. His majesty disapproves of such a course during the lifetime of the god- fathers. This apparently refers to men of official standing only, whose polit- ical opinions might change after t'e streets had been named, for the Mom-mesenstra- sse in Charlotte aburg was recently passed with approval. Some new German streets tave a tendency to long names. "Prince August von Wurtembergstrasse" is today a rase and nothing more. The houses have still to be built RHEUMATISM AND LA GRIPPE. A Bassety Whleh Is Sart te Care XBase d Maay Other Diseases. "5 Drops" is a remedy for rheuma- tism, neuralgia, catarrh, la grippe and kindred ailments. The manufacturers of "5 Drops" have many letters from those restored to health, of which the following is a sample: Paris, Texas, Jan. 9, 1898. Swanson Rheumatic Cure Co., 'Chi- cago. Gentlemen: I write to accept the agency for your medicines. Will send you the amount mentioned in ycur letter, and please send me the remedies to begin with. I have some orders all ready. Please send as sooa as you can. With many thanks to you and God, I am enjoying better health than I have for year3. I feel as if I am spared to do some one else good now. Tours truly, MRS. M. J. JAYROE. During the next thirty days the coin-p- a! y will send out 100,000 of their sam- ple bottles for 25 cents a bottle. From the past they know that even a sample bot.Ie will convince one of the merits of '5 Drops." Not sold by druggista4hat do only by us or our agents. Agents wanted. Write to-d- ay -- 'to the Swanson Rheumatic Cure Co., 167 Dearborn street, Chicago, 111. This company is reliable and promptly1 211 every order. For the second time since Cali- fornia was settled snow was seen on January 10, on Lyon peak, about twenty miles from San Diego. In almost every school of the mi kado's empire it is the custom, one day in autumn to take the pupils out rab- bit hunting. Kew Inventions. A curious invent 01 tf Jsshas jU3t baen ra.ent.'d iu a XNew iots. mveui-o- r, which will be of i great me to janitors in all buildings where ts ere i3 dec ricny. ih2 cc- - jsice being nothing more ror Ies3 thr.n an elerlii; scrubbing machine, which is provided with a reel, from which extends a wire having a socket, which socket is placed in the electrtro-lie- r when the switch is turned on and ths mach'ns begins doing its work. Tfce water ter carried right on top of the electric ccrubber upon which also the oper- ator may sit if he desires. Three scrubbing brushes are whirled noout and the floor is not only thoroughly scrubbed, but may be mopped up and dried as wcll. Inventois desiring to display their inventions at the Trars-Mississip- pi Exposition should at orco place themelves in communication with Sues & Co., registered patent lawyers, of Omaha, Nebr. A free il- lustrated hand book may also ba ob- tained in addressing these people. "I can say for myself that I never have been mean enough to get another woman's cook away from her." "Nei- ther have I; but I must confess that once or twice I tried to work cur ccok off on some of my neighbors." Boston Traveler. PRES, BFKIXI.EY VS. FREE SILVER. A battle of giants is going to take place this summer on 30.000 farms in America, not in talk or votes, but in yields. Salzer's two new potato mar- vels are named as above, and he of- fers a price for the biggest potato yield, also 400 in gold for suitable names for his corn (17 inches long) and oat pro- digies. Only seedsmen in America grow- ing grasses, clovers and farm seeds and selling potatoes at $1.50 a barrel. The editor urges you to try Salzer's Northern Grown Seeds, and to Sead This Notice with IO Ct. in Stamp to John A. Salzer Seed Co., La Crosse, Wis., for 11 new farm seed samples, worth $10.00, to get a start, and their big catalogue. w.n.c Don't think because riches have wings that they're bound to fly your way. To Washington and Baltimore tI the Monon Route. There is not a plearanter or itiore pic- turesque route from Chicago to Washing- ton and Baltimore than the Monon, via Cincinnati and the B. & O. S. W. and B. & O. Railways. The train service of this line is comfortable and convenient, consisting of through palace sleeping cars and coaches. The time of leaving Chicago is 2:45 a. m., but the sleeper is ready for oc- cupancy at any tinio after 9:30 1. "ir. This routo trnven-e- the garden fcction of southern Ohio, and paes through the his- toric section of West Virginia in the eve- ning acd down the beautiful and tradition laden Potomac valley 111 the early monrug. arriving at the sntiounl capital at 0:47 and Baltimore 7:55 the next raorninpr. Taken altogether it is a most comfortable and restful journey, a tour of education, that once taken will never bo fopjotten, and tne oftener repcatoJ. tho more enjoyed. Fbink J. Rfei, General Passenger Agent. Two heaping tablespoonfuls of pow- dered sugar weigh an ounce. Mother Gray's Sweet Fowders for Children Successfully used by Mother Gray, nurse in the Children's Home in New York, Cure Feverlshness, Bad Stom- ach, Teething Disorders, move and regulate the Dowels and Destroy "Worms. Over 10,000 testimonials. They never fail. At all druggists, 23c Sample, free. Address, Allen S. Olm- sted, LeRoy, N. Y. Don't talk too much; a stiff lower jaw is as useful as a stiff upper lip. To Care Constipation Forever. Take Cascarets Candj Cathartic :0c or 23c. If C.C.C. fall tocurcdruKcists refund money. "Don't go around looking for trouble unless you really want to find it TO CrRn A COLD IX ONE DAT. Take Laxative Hromo Quinine Tablets. All Druggists refund the money it it fails to curc,25c Don't boast of your blood you may need a purifier next spring. Smoke Sledge Cigarettes. 0 for Sets. A WHAT ARE KALSOMTJfESr KalsomiBes are cheap temporary prep-aratioB- S manofactared from chalks, clays, wbitias;, etc, are stack on the wall with decaying animal glue. Aiabastiae is a cement, which goo? tbrongh a process of setting, hardens with age, can be re-coat- ed to and from time to time without having to wash and'scrape ofT its old coats beforo renewing. GAtmox. y t!ttpy&ef William, YL Martin of Texas, who died the other day at Hlllsboro, in that state, waa known to his constituents by the affectionate name of "Old Howdy." He created a sensation in Washington, where he was regarded as a typical western character. He promised before he left home that the life of the capital should not change him, and he Intended to cling to the butternut shirt and the wide-brimm- ed sombrero of a ranch- man. Some of his fellow members in the Texas delegation, who had more experience, dissuaded him. He took a room in Willard's hotel and blew out the gas on the night of November 25, 33S7. The door was broken down and he was rescued in an unconscious con- dition. Seaad Moaey DtseuaaJeaa. Between now and next presiden- tial election there will be boats cf dis- cussions of "sound money" and silver. However opinions may be divided on these points, there is but one univer- sal opinion regarding the merits of Hostetter's Stomach Bitters as a rem- edy for malaria and liver trouble. The last time Queen Victoria open- -, ed parliament was in 1886, and it is likely to remain the last time, for an elevator would be necessary in the house of lords should she again at tend the function, as she is too feeble to ascend the stairs. SEATTLE, unquestionably best aad cheapest starting point and outfitting sta- tion for Alaska and Klondike, does not ask or advise you to go, but yon will nad Seattle's facilities, stocks and experience unsurpassed and prices .toe very lowest. Washington state has Klondikesor its own. Seattle is the chief city. Strangers are rotected by fuhlic (Jomiort Bureau. Ad- - Chamber of Commerce.Seattle, Wash. The Early Christian Teache: you know about the early Christians? Tommy Our girl is one of e'm. She gets up in the morning and ges to church before breakfast. Indianapolis Journal. Beauty la Bioo Dees. Clean blood means a clean skin. No beauty without It. Cascarets. Candy Cathartic cleans your blood and keeps It clean, by stlrrinz up the lazy liver and driving all impurities from the body. Kcgm to-u- ay to oanisn pimpies. bolls, blotches, blackheads, and that sickly ltiHniK: bv taking Cascarets. beauty for ten cents. All druggists, satlsfao tlon guaranteed. 10c. 23c. 50c The name California, derived from two Spanish words, Caliente Fornalli i. e., "hot furnace" was given by Cortez in the yea. 1535 to the penin- sula now known as Lower California, of which he was the discoverer, on ac- count of its hot climate. FITSFerra:u,entlJCorel.?ofltsorneronsBeftt first ilay" n of Dr. Kline's Great Are Restorer Send ior FREE trial bottle and treatise. Do. R- - II. Kline. Ltd.. 931 Arch St. Philadelphia. Pa. Lovers are not necessarily alike be- cause they correspond. r 1 Every living thing Pains and t Every human body can CURED of them by h-- m The Century for March has two ar- ticles on the gold fields of the north- west. Mr. John Sidney Webb writ3s of "The River Trip to the Klondike," giving many illustrations from photo- graphs. The Alaska Commercial com- pany made application for the estab- lishment of a postal route along the Yukon river, and last summer it sent Mr. Webb along the route to make a preliminary survey. Mr. Webb's tour of investigation included most of the coast of Alaska, and he journeyed up the Yukon as far as the Klondike. Hs describes not only this famous creek, but the other tributaries of the Yukon, many of which have been only par- tially prospected Edward S. Curti3 writes ia the same number of "The Rush to the Klondike Over tho Moun- tain Passes," this article also being il- lustrated from photographs. Henry D. Sedgwick, Jr., opens tfc.3 March Atlantic with a sparkling and suggestive paper upon French aad English literature, in which he de- nounces the so-call- ed "cosmopolitan" admiration of everything French as a "creed out-wor- n," and demons'ratej the superiority of our own tongua for all the great purposes of literature and shows the superiority of the results attained by the great English aulhor.s over anything which has been or can be accomplished in the French lan- guage. The channel that great minds run In is never overcrowded. atsHSWWrawB fi,alalaW ossis :i$ejjoy. Both the method and results whea Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste, and acts gently yet promptly on the Kidneys, Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys- tem effectually, dispels colds, head- aches and fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the .only remedy of its kind ever pro- - duced, pleasing to the taste and ac- ceptable to the stomach, prompt in itse-jtio- n and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the most healthyand agreeable substances, its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of figs is for sale in 50 cent bottles by all leading drug- gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hand will pro- cure it promptly for any one who wishes to try it. Do not acceptany substitute. CAUF0MM m STROP COL 8MM HUKOCO. CAL UHimniE. at. mew torn, sir. have contracted with you to do Alabae-tin- e work are furnishing cheap kalsomiaes that will spoil your walls, sead as a sam- ple, and we will advise you if it is our goods. If not, do not pay for yonr work, and we will help you bring the fraudulent parties and inf ringers of our trade mark justice. Alabastino Co., Grand Rapids, all Mich. WAST A CHANGE. rHow many wpmen are saying, "Oh, I waat a change ffi my wall decorations; I is ap TM C wau papar."Qaaw A certificate of Incorporation has been lied with the secretary or state at Albany of "The American; Congre- gation tha pride of Jerusalem," the object of the association being-t- o rahw funds for the aid of indigent and needy Jews of all nationalities residing in Jerusalem and Palestine by means of dues, donations and col- lections, receptatcles for the latter to ho placed in all the synagogues and homes of Jews in the United States and Canada. The money is to be for- warded to the main organization In Jerusalem. It is also proposed to aid the Zlonistlc movement to restore Pal- estine to the Jews, and to furnish and equip pilgrims and pilgrimages thith- er in conection with that movement, which is still active here and else- where, though with slight prospect of accomplishing its proclaimed pur- poses. The strike In New Bedford with- draws $75,000 from weekly circulation. Blanche Hftwtfro1. the contrary. sew) yo with selfsame inexorable 'and which' 'split infinitlva' yourself you with' perceive stranger's your foreign omitted Suet' Mam- moth letters do sensational heal- ings, your the purling your limpid precisely the In PINKHAM CONQUERS BACKACHE. Four Women Who Thoir Happiness to Lydia : f ham's Vegetable Compound, m nv (' 1 I o I 11 pel 3 Bra IW I superfluous punctuation trans- planted consternation respoaslble 'land- scape, MRS. Deak Mrs. to yon last Jan. I was not able to do anything'. suffered with headache, bearing-dow- n pains, pains in my lower all through my Menstruation were very painful. waa almost skeleton. fol- lowed yonr advice and am well and fleshy, and abha to do all my own housework. I took medicine from physician for over year, and did not do me aparticle of good. I would advise all suffering to write Mrs. Pinkham. She will answer all promptly, and tell them how to cure those aches and cwn' mon to Mrs.CL.Wuwc, Marqucz. Texas. it is my to write and let yon know what your medicine has done for me. Fortwo I suffered with weakness, bearing-dow- n pains, headache, backache, and tibo frequent occurrence of the was always complaining; My husband me to try your Vegetable Compound, and finally did. taken three and it has made me feci like a dif- ferent advise woman that suffers to take medic: and be Mrs. Garrett Licuty, Prince St., Lancaster, Pa, had suffered over two years with backache, headache, dizziness, nervousness, falling and ulceration of the womb, leucorrhcea, and about ill a could havc I had tried doctors, but with success. seemed though death was the relief iovjCac. Aftcrusingfivebottlesof LydiaE. l'inkhaui'a Vegetable Compound, and four packages of Sanative absolutely pain, backache headache. Haltin, taking1 Lydia E. TNikhams Vegctablo Compound afflicted with complaints could walk. bly, in fact, all not to raise up of tho time. I had no appetite and was so nervous that could hardly I havo but two of your Compound and feel another person, can cow eat to perfection, in fact, am perfectly Mrs. Su McCuixouair, Adlai,W. IjstoE.MnatenVsVegetefckCoip8M Aches using ba Bl JIM f AM CONSTIPATED. We hear it so often are lots of cathartics of all kinds, liquid and form, many of them s far as they go. But ia only with every quality of perfect laxative, - JSaavBa CMDY CaTWWTie in tablet so nice to cat, perfume the breath, never gripe, perform functions pleasantly ending in a cure. A booklet and sample free far the asking, or yea can buy a box for xoc, 35c sac, at your drug store. Satisfaction guaranteed. 77 TseSteiliftf Ce. Chicago. Bold and guaranteed cure.To-UVI- S Mb bacco Habit by all JONES ME THE JFKEIGWT." Farm and Wagon SCALES. Uni-e- d States Standard. AMBizes and AH Kinds. mad' by a trust controlled by a combination, For Free Price List, address JONES OF BIN6MAMTOX. MtagaamtM.N. Y..1T.S. All about Klondike. Burlington's Klondike folder a veritable mine of information about the gold fields of the North. It tells how to reach them, when to go, what to take, where buy it, the costs, when the steamers sail, etc. for 4 cents stamps. J. Francis. General Passenger Agent, Omaha, Neb. SEEDS with GartitiftFltwtr a reputation. Catalog free to all. J. H. CIECORY &S0N, MarMehea.,Mass. nPfl DCV "EW DISCOVERY: IVrcIO W quick ami cures wort eaaes. Send for book of testimonial' 1 days Ucatssent Free. a.a.cattvasen. MORPHINE and WHISKY HABITS. UCMK CUKE. Book FKLK. a. J. r. errsas, uius., cuicibo, ill? The bert Ked Kope? Hooflnir for ROOFING . ft., and nails Included. Subrtltate for J'laJter. Samples tree, rl KNFISG CO., UIKI, 3. 1. Wfcea Afsveriaf Adv:rtisesKtts Kindly This Taper. dealers are saying, "Oa, what a the wall paper business has become; how much time and investment it take and how little the I" How many paint- ers and decorators who have lent their influence push the wall paper craze now find their occenation gone. To such we say: sell and advo- cate durable cold Alabastine. Alabastine can be used on either plas- tered walls, wood ceilings, Lricfc or can- vass. Is fireproof in its nature, durable, aad aayoae can brush it oa. atoiiastiaam arid by paiat deatan fTftj- - MLet an gtr GolftKa nfcs due," Willis "Men ed- itors do exclude Weifen'a workv On If wosaja is copy in time, It Is nrUKetf m punctually as men's. It glares at the TisMity-Nevermo- re may you extract' from it a or Your upon which you pride la so that you are the au- thor of a sentiments. accents on are or turned the wrong way. As 'Liver Pills' and 'Beef in a pastoral so huge which soul loathes. rmW" check flow of platitudes. You are treated like men. these respects a stony Impartiality obtains sanctums." Owe Present Pina Pinkuam: When I wrote I back ache, limbs, and ached body. I a I now a it women to letters pains so women. I think duty years female menses. I urged I I havo bottles woman. I every your cured. 612 S. I for every woman no as only I am well. Have had no more womb trouble, or Mrs. Claudia Cream Ridge, N. J. Before I was bo that I hardly My baclc ached terri I ached over. Was able myself some I taken bottles like and sleep welL Va, has and there pfil good there one a Mads form their so Remedy Montreal. RewYork. to drtuodsts. FATS Not or Bookand A. The is to what trip Sent in relief and Sr. Is per cap THE SAXILLA Mestio nuisance profit to forward would Use, the water eay not their n The words deface Wash, female sleep. world-wid- e JAMES W. N. O. OMAHA. NO. II. 1898. O" Mca AnsvcriflQ Advertiscneci . Ktialy Meatloa This Taper Klondike ?! If you are interested and wish to post yourself about the Gold Fields of the Yukon Valley, when to go and how to get there, write for a Descriptive Folder and Map of Alaska. It will be sent free upon application to T. A. GRADY, Ex- cursion Manager C. B. & Q. R. R., ! 211 Clark Street, Chicago. t IN 3 OR 4 YEARS .11 H surcd imlepemlenceir;;i. if you l:ske tip your home in Western Canada, InTwl nf lnlot"' Illustrated pamphlets, giving experi- ence of farmers who have become wealthy in growing wheat, reports of delegates, etc., and full information as to reduced railway rates, can be lind on application to Department Interior, Ottawa, Canada, or to W. V. Kentiett, N. Y. Life Building, Omaha, Xcb., Agent for Canadian Government. f Veetable Sicilian ) PAIR RENEWERi Yoti can't guess her age it jj 3m sheusesit. At60shehas 6( Mnu the hair of 16. No thin, M pjft gray hair. No dandruff. FOR 14 CENTS i WewUhtoyilnrajMSaewcaa. toman, and bene offer Ms A l Pkfc. Karlr Sprtajr Tamip, W-- BSWBBSa Kariiesi iva oeei, mo IlLimarck Cacamber, Wc Uaccn Victoria Let tuca, Uo Kloodjko Melon. le Jnmbo Giant Onlcn, 15c sssssssssv s ISnUi&ntft'lowarikwdfc tc WorCi Ol.ea. for 14 cent. Abore 10 pkgs. worth 91 00, wo will nail joa fruc, together with out great Plant and Seed Catalojne upon receipt of this notice and !?. postage. We inritojonr trade and know when joa once ti? Salzer's H 'aH am tt'Baai ja aecdsf on wilfneTerert alon" nith- - oat mem. roiaiaeRBlxiM)u a, Bbl. Catalog alone Sc ftoww.r JOH1 a. S4LZXK SEZB CO, LA CXOSSK, WB. CORE YMISEIF? Urn Mb O for unnatural I Inflamtuatincg, irritations or ulceration fjf tniifrnll. mrmliranM. Prcts ccntafioa. i'aiulrsrt. and not a trio EECriiBtCJK.Ca. Ket or poisonous. iCOIUMTI.0.m EI3DyErS5lslB, or cnt in plain wrapper, J hT expreaa. prepaid, for ;t l.flft. or 3 bottle. 12.75. 'iv w- - Circalrr cent oa reqius IT WILL PIT MY FMIER to fend hU sildecr on a potal to J. I STKAtt", Seward. III., for free circular HlUKtratlnx the ino-t- t humane. prurltaMe. practical and satlfactory method of ralMnir. handling, feeding and keeping cattle knowa to husbandmen. where. Ask your dealers for card of tiats. TO DEALERS. Don't boy a lawsuit or injanctJoa with s cheap kalsomine. All cold-wat- er kalso-min- es aro cheap imitations of Alabastine. No dealer is justified ia risking a suit and heavy damages while trying to in- troduce and sell a direct infringement oa Alabastine. The right to manufacture and sell wall coating adapted to be mixed with cold water is covered by letters Vm IN

Transcript of Ngfct East-er- World-Heral- › lccn › sn95073194 › 1898-03-16 › ...Short and stumpy he may...

Page 1: Ngfct East-er- World-Heral- › lccn › sn95073194 › 1898-03-16 › ...Short and stumpy he may be, but the muscles on him remind you of the pictures of old Atlas holding the world

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Blood HumorsSpring is ttw dtanting Smsou

Don't Ngfct Your HtaJth

Vom HMd to Tate Hh4'ipvWt Haw.

Serin Is the season forTeaewing. Everywhere accamalatioaaof waste are being removed sad prepara--tkms for the new life of another aeascbeing made. This te the time for cllag yoar blood with Hood's Sarmpaxfila. Winter haa left the btood impart?.Spring Humor, Boils, pimple; erap--t

ions, and that tired fceliac; are the results.Hood's Sarsaparilla expels all imparitiesfrom the blood and makes it rich andnourfehing. It boilda ap the aervoHssystem, creates am appetite, fives sweet,refreshing sleep and renewed energy andvigor. It cores all spring humors, boils,pimples and erapticw.

Hood s pMaIs America's Greatest Medicine, ft ; six for $5.Prepared by C. I. Hood & Co, Lowell, Mass.

tBeon,Jr Pns to takenOOa S rlUS Hood's 8arsspsrUla.

Kbbu rack Carriers,In an article on "Difficulties of

Transportation in the Tropics,' in theEngineering Magazine, C. P. Yeatmantells some remarkable stories of thestrength and endurance of pack car-riers in Colombia. "There are pro-fessional pack carriers on some roadswho make a specialty of carrying bur-dens which the sturdy and much en-during mule cannot stagger under. Onsome of the roads you will see attimes what appears to be a live box6taggering slowly and painfully downthe mountain side ahead of you; asyou draw nearer you may hear thebox grunt, very much as an old packmle does at each downward step ona aeep road. There is something un-canny about the whole proceeding, ifit is your first experience, and youhappen suddenly to overtake the box,going down hill, for the moving,sway-In- g

and grunting mass has no visiblemeans of support, and no apparent ex-cuse for behaving in such a manner.Perhaps you may read on its back,'Mason & Hamlin Organ Company,"

in some similar legend, but that Is nohelp in solving the perambulating mys-tery, for whoever heard of a boxed-u- p

organ wandering alone down a steepmountain path, and grunting as Itleeled along? Very likely the road isloo narrow for your mule to pass yourfellow traveler, so you are obliged tofollow in its wake. But at last you

-- are able to move ahead, and you findthat the organ is in no way to blamefor moving, for It has a man underit. Short and stumpy he may be, butthe muscles on him remind you of thepictures of old Atlas holding the worldou his brawny shoulders. In onehand he carries a long, stout cane.withwhich he steadies himself on the slip-per" clay, and when he wishes to rest,be backs up the bank on the side ofthe road, settles the lower end of h!sScad against the higher ground andprops up the upper end with his stick;:hen he Is free to slip the plaited ma-Se- y

fiber bands off his shoulders andforehead, and step out from under hisburden.

It has been estimated that there arebetween 150 and 200 women who arjfpracticing dentistry in the UnifceuState.

Educate Yoar Bowels With Casearets.Candy Cathartic, cure constipation forever.

Wc25c If I. drugpists refund money.

Don't believe that the kick of s cowIs the most acceptable form of milkpunch.


as a I it 1

or one


Ci ejryvna,lunsatKl throat troubles. Send lor uroofwith the Safe all ages.

a or





Dsn'tte fooledor rubber It youthat will keep yea dry in hard-est storat buy the BrandSlicker. If not for sale inown. write for catalogue toA. J. TOWER.


.T S1 4

? 173 Baa. aad laa;J . per So oar treat eat." alo .awJted yon wtta itl 4 wpow oltWaaotlee aad

cj ,

Bf:( "aaaBrS "

E sir ?" - g taU BaaSr . BbGo Syrup. yatMaOood. tJaaH

T-- B iattwa. SoMBrSraaalna. BatBBBB&i "BsamBBamBBamBBaBBmmwSsTamBBaBBBmmamBBBi

''---', - ,,

" Z&Xk - 0


From the New York Tribune: Itwould be a. misfortune If eves a $250dog was suffered to bring us aninternational complication. That isregistered as the cost of the McOor-mic-k

dog. Just allowed to land laEngland on his way from Paris to thiscountry, though there is a Britishquarantine on foreign dogs, and ittook a profusion of diplomatic

to procure its suspension infavor of this expensive animal. Eventhus its exemption was not withoutconditions. It was not allowed tomingle freely with the British dog andjoin it in the customary forms ofcanine amusement On the contrary.It waa enforced to complete Isolationfrom its kind while on British soil,

permitted such solace as itmight obtain from the companionshipof an under clerk in the legation.the whole, its traveling experienceswould be rather humiliating to an or-

dinary dog; to one costing $25 a pound,the sum paid for this extravagant ani-mal, it should be unusually mortifyingif its sensibilities are as acute as its

would lead one to expect Luckilyits transit has not seriously embroiledus with Great Britain, and now thath. Am.ricn tourist is made ac--

Iquainted with the island law concerning the foreign dog, he will no doubtgive It due thus relieving diplom-acy from any amount of perplexity andembarrassment, and the dogs

from an invidious and painfulsituation.

Iowa Patent Ofllce Report.Des Moines. March 4. 1898.

The official controversy concerninguse of the words "Patent Office" in

advertising was referred to the Attor-ney General's department and theopinion given, favorable to ap-proved by secretary of the interior.

The 1900 Paris World's Fair teemsto stimulating U. S. inventors toapply for foreign patents.

The "Eureka Blotter fiath Co." ofChicago, for we have a U.patent allowed for their "Blotter

has ordered us to secure British,French, German and Canada patentsfor their invention.

Six joint inventors at Holstein, la.,for whom we have U. patents al-

lowed for a "Method of Makinz Cal-cium Carbide" an for an "ElectricFurnace," for praticing the method,have ordered us to secure twelve for-eign patents for said

Valuable information obtain-ing, valuing and ssllisg paten! s seatfree to any address.

Thomas G. & J. Ralph Orwig,Solicitors o! Patents.

Professor Hamilton King, the newminister to Corea, took out his cit-izenship papers in Detroit last Mon-day. His father was naturalized inMaine more than years ago,and so he has been a citizen of theUnited States by virtue of that fact

ever since, but as he was unable toshow his father's papers he wasobliged to be naturalized before pass-ports could be issued to him.

No-fo-B- ae Fifty Cents.Guaranteed tobacco lialitt cure, s weak

men strong, blood pure 51. All druggists.

The citizens of Camfcrldg?, Mss.,have published a handsome volumeentitled "Ten No-Licen- se Years inCambridge." which in interest--ine form a history of the no-licen- se

movement in town and calls at--tention to the good results, physicaland moral, that have followed fromits

Wallace: "Why don't you go towork? You know that killsmore people than work." Perry: "I'veheard that, but nothing on earth worrles me so much as work'-Mlincin-na- ti


kind of Cold. La Grippe.

Diseasecan be driven in or driven out. Dr. Ayer's. Sarsaparilladrives disease out of the blood. Many medicines suppressdisease cover it but don't cure it. Dr. Ayer's Sarsaparillacores all diseases originating in impure blood by purifyingthe blood itself. Foul blood makes foul body. Make theblood pure and the body will be sound. Through the bloodDr. Ayer's Sarsaparilla cures eczema, tetter, boils, eruptions,humors, rheumatism, and diseases.

"Dr. Ayer's Sarsaparilla was recommended to me by rayphysician blood purifilr. When began taking hadrisings boils all over my body, but bottle cured me. Iconsider Dr. Ayer's Sarsaparilla the best blood medicinemade." Bokkes Craft, Wesson, Miss.

(jjet Aiett $ir$aiarila

llBliniXli Til PIIDC."""..stomach. for







Hoarseness. Catarrh, and

Dr. Kay's Lung Balm.u. all symptoms plainly and our Tbysiclan will tAvo

FREE ADVICE, book of Sold brDruggists cent byrecipes and a FREE SAMPLE. Price, lOcrats aad 25 centsTMe



SLICKERcoat. vantacoat



Boston. Mats.)iea)0ATS.2--. WHEAT.jHowto.sTowWBeaths.Oata, Bartey,

Potatoes acre.Farm Scad plm


samBsaSSBasaBBSsaBasBBBBBBsaflBSaVBaBBSaaaBsamBBamBBaBaBmBsamwSBBmBsamBSBaw',avBmBBsBaamaaBBmBaBpaaBaaBsasssssmBmBm fijfc



but was








whom S.











Write givingmaU.





allof it. It docs not sicken or dlsanve

CO., (Waters OSes) Omaha, Neb.


The success of recent fiction num-bers has induced the editors of Godey'sMagazine to issue a special fictionnumber for springtime reading. TheMarch number is, therefore, rich instories. Among the leading tales thatgrace the pages of this Issue are the.following, each individually strong,climactic and interesting: "It Will B2as God Wills," by Isabel Bowman Fin-le-y,

a tale of Creole life; "The Pariah,a Story of the Isles of Brittany," byJohn William Harding, whose booksare well known: "A Journey to Heav-en," by Howard M. Yo3t, one of themost touchlns and tender tales ofchild life that have been told in manydays.

The contractor for the monumentto be erected at Asheville, N. C, tothe memory of Zebulon Baird Vancehas informed the committee in chargathat the monument will be ready forunveiling any time after March 1 next.A committee has been appointed toreceive suggestions from the publicand formulate a plan for the un-veiling ceremonies and make reportto a future meeuns of the centracommittee.

It Is hard to convince the defra'edcandidate that it is better to have runand lost than not to have run at all

J altar he has balancaa Ma bank book.

farLtva Stock Report: The receipts of

hogs for tke trst twelve days this yearwere 339.140. aaowiag an increase ofB.2S9 compared with the same time in1897. when 240,857 head arrived. East-er- a

shipments for the first twelve daysof 1898 were 43.381, while for the sametime in 1897 eastern buyers took 47,771,a decrease this year of 4,390 head, mak-ing 83,673 more hogs in the hands ofthe Chicago packers than during thefirst twelve 'days of 1897. A year agothe hogs averaged 245 pounds, whilethis year's arrivals so far will hardlyaverage 23S -- pounds, a decrease inweight of fully 10 pounds per head,equal to 13,623 hogs of 235 pounds average. In total live weight this year'sarrivals show for the twelve days anincrease over 1897 of 11.322,935 pounds.Values thus far this year have shownsome improvement over the corre-sponding time last year. Prices haveruled fully 25 cents per 100 poundshigher and the range In values for thedifferent grades has not been as wide.The general tone of the market hasbeen firm and healthy since the holi-days and all hog product has been mov-ing freely. On January 12, 1897, Maypork sold up to $7.90 per barrel, lard84.05 and short ribs 84.07 per cart,while the same day the year top quo-tations were 89.50 per barrel for Maypork, 84.85 and 84.80 per cwt for lardand short ribs. The quality of the ar-rivals since the first of the year showsconsiderable improvement, being large-ly young hogs of last spring's litters,and we have no doubt the old hogs arewell shipped out Our reports have In-dicated considerable hog cholerathrough certain sections and a goodmany cattle have been marketed in anunfinished condition owing to the scar-city of hogs to follow them. Throughthe southern states, where packers us-ually have a large demand for hogproduct, we understand there Is ashortage in the supply of hogs thisyear, which of course will have a goodeffect on our market Packers have allbeen free buyers for some time past,and while the weather of late has beenrather against their operating, the of-ferings have been easily disposed offrom day to day. Indications, In gen-eral, are favorable for a continued ac-tive Inquiry for the hogs, and while wedo not anticipate any sudden rise weconfidently believe the market will rulestronger and valfees continue to im-prove somewhat as the season ad-vances.

A Cure for Roup.Mr. Benjamin Myers of Indiana, in a

conversation with a representative ofthe Farmers' Review, gave this as hisexperience with roup. He said that for-merly he had lost a good many fowlsby the roup and had been unable to findanything that would save his birdswhen once they had been attacked. Oneday a doctor drove along and asked himabout his chickens. Mr. Meyers toldhim of his losses by roup, and the doc-tor thereupon gave him a prescription,which consisted of peroxide of hydrogen. The manner of application wasto put one tablespoonful of this intotwo-thir- ds of a cup of water. The billf the affected fowl was dipped in this,

tare being taken that none of it enteredthe eyes. In cases of canker In themouth a very little of this peroxidewas put on a piece of cotton and theplaces just touched. The result was arapid healing of the affected parts. Mr.Meyers says that before he used thisremedy he had lost hundreds of fowlsfrom roup, but now he does not fearroup, believing that he has a certainremedy.

Mouldy Hay Feed. That mouldy haIs a good food for cattle of any classor age cannot for a moment be admit-ted; In short, it may almost be assertedwithout fear of contradiction that suchfodder is injurious. It makes, never-theless, most Inferior litter, and cer-tainly does not tend to the productionof a high-cla- ss manure. Rough hay, onthe other hand, may not be palatableto the beasts in the state it comes fromthe stack, and yet may be convertedinto serviceable food by the expendi-ture of a small amount in labor andthe purchase of appetizing materials tomake it more tasty. Such hay shouldalways be chaffed, and If It can besteamed, so much the better. Roots,if pulped, would doubtless induce mostanimals to eat such chaff with a relish,but, on the whole, I consider better re-

sults would be forthcoming if linseedJelly were thrown over the chaff, andso thoroughly incorporated with thecut hay that every particle should bemoistened to some extent. The linseedmay be slightly steeped before It Ispoured into the furnace of boiling wa-

ter, but it must be thoroughly stirredfor several minutes or it will surelystick to the furnace and become bu-- .

Farm and Home (London).

Trotting Horses for Market Thereare now about 1,100 trotters In the1:20 list That is a very small per cantof the two million trotting-bre- d horsesin America. Breeders have been bending every energy to get speed. The2:30 limit for recording is now too slowto be of any special value. Indeedspeed has lost its commercial value,and trotting horse breeders begin torealize the fact that the Americantrotter must have more size, style andbeauty to get Into the best city mar-kets. Ex.

A railroad building race Involvingthe expenditure of 116,000,000 has beencommenced by two wealthy corpora-tions, each of which desires to own thefirst railroad into the Yukon country.Each road will be about 400 mileslong, running from Pyramid harbor,near the end of Lynn canal, to pointson Lewis river, below Five FingerrapbJs. f7 r

The Dairy Farpje-T- he business ofthe dairyman dees 'not begin-wh- a endwith the carat the cows, bit reachesinto eveafsafetail of fannaianagemeatA dalryfarm should became one whichis unusually produafive. Mirror andFarmer.

The supreme court ofjfinnesota has4decided that a man who builds a houseen another's lot has no claim ja theLouse nor canJkKenforce a ljeal againsttae tot ior ps vaiue. j.

f -- aThinning of fruitysliould be more

popular than in the past. As muchfruit by weight can be raised and itwill bring a better price, sometimesdouble.

Under proper methods of distribu-tion people would eat double the fruitthey do at present.

The orchard and garden win bothpay their way if given a workingchance.

Why doesn't a passion for fancydrinks denote a love for the beauti-ful?

Peanut Tenders anight ba accused ofworking a shell

Way does lightning strikeoftener than saloons?

If im. praiae aaaa to Us wlfaake f

Don't forget that am ounce of keep-ing your mouth shut is woath a poundof explanation.

Mltar af Bryan's Paper.Mr. Geo. W. Hervey, editor of the Oma-

ha Weekly World-Heral- d, writes: "Foryears I was troubled with indigestion sosevere as to make it impossible to takemore than two meals a day without in-tense suffering. I tried three of the bertphysicians in the state but they failed to

me relief. I chanced to get Dr. Kay'snovator and before I had taken a 25 cent

box I had. so improved that I was takingthree meals a day, which I had not donefor years. I continued its use and it hasbeen eight month since I used it and Inow have bo symptoms whatever of myold trouble." If yon have any diseasewrite us giving yonr symptoms and wewill send free advice by our physician and

valuable 88 page book with 56 recipesgiving various methods of treatment anda free sample of Dr. Kay's 'Renovator.Address Dr. B. J. Kay Medical Co., (Western Ofllce) Omaha, Neb.

Joseph P. Elliot, of Evansville, Ind..has just been admitted to the bar. Heis a promising youth of 83.

AN OPEN LETTER TO MOTHERS.We are asserting in the courts our riant to theexclusive use of the word "CASTOBLa." and"PITCHER'S CASTORLA." as our Trade Mark.I, Dr. Samuel Pitcher, or Hyaarls. Massachu-setts, was the originator of "PITCHER'S CAS-TORI-

the same that has borne and does nowhear the fac-slml- lo signature of CHAS. H.FLETCHER ob every wrapper. This ii theoriginal "PITCHER'S CASTORIA" widen hasBeen used in the homes of the mothers ofAmerica for over thirty years. Look carefullyat the wrapper and see that It is "the kwd youhave always bought." and has the signature ofCHAS. H. FLETCHER oa the Wrapper. Noone has authority from me to use say bsumexcept-Th- Centaur Compear of whlck ChaaH. Fletcher is President. S -

March 8, 1897. SAMUEL PITCHER. M.D.

"Brute! I knorv that you are lead-ing life." "Well, my dear, I certainlyam not leading a single one." Life.

Catarrh Caaaet Be Caredwith LOCAL APPLICATIONS, as theycannot reach the seat of the disease. Ca-tarrh is a blood or constitutional dis-ease, and In order to cure It you musttake Internal remedies. Hall's CatarrhCure Is taken Internally, and acts direct-ly on the blood and mucous surfaces.Hall's Catarrh Cure Is not a quack med-icine. It was prescribed by one of thebest physicians In this country for years,and is a regular prescription. It Is com-posed of the best tonics known, combin-ed with the best blood purifiers, actingdirectly on the mucous surfaces. Theperfect combination of the two Ingredi-ents is what produces such wonderful re-sults In curing; Catarrh. Send tor testi-monials, free. .r. J. CHENEY ft CO.. Props., Toieao, u.

Sold bv drurriatB. nrlceHall's Family PIUs are the best

If you intend to drown yourself, al-ways remove your clothing. It mayfit your wife's second husband.

Colorado Gold Field.Colorado is the banner gold-produci- ng

state in the Union. Production in1897 over 120,000.000. This year prom-ises to exceed $30,000,000. New strikesare being made every day. Nothinglike since the days of '49. Wouldyou know all about these things?Then send twenty-fiv- e cents for a six-mont- hs'

trial subscription to the"MINING WORLD," an eight-pag- e

illustrated weekly paper. Regularsubscription, $1.00 a year. The news-iest mining newspaper in the world.Address "World." P. O. Box 1611, Den-ver, Colorado.

It does not improve your husband'srazor to use it forchiropodical pur-poses.

The Baltimore and Ohio railroadstands third in the list of freightequipment according to the report ofthe Official Railway Equipment Reg-Ist- er

in the possession of eight wneelfreight cars for all purposes. Thetotal number of cars Is 34674. Of thisnumber almost 14,000 are box cars and18.000 coal cars, the others -.

frlgerator, live stock, passenger andcabocse cars. Even with tltis equip-

ment there are many days that ashortage of cars is severely felt.

One heaping tablespoonful of granu-lated sugar weighs an ounce.

Gin the ChJldrca a Drink;called Grain-O- . It is a delicious, appe-tizing, nourishing food drink to takethe place of coffee. Sold by all grocersand liked by all who have used It be-

cause when properly prepared it tasteslike the finest coffee, but is free fromall its injurious properties. Grain--O

aids digestion and strengthens thenerves. It is not a stimulant, but ahealth builder, and children, as well asadults, can drink it with great benefit.Costs about Vi as much as coffee. 15and 25c.

Candy in excess is worse than rumin moderation.

Crmcent Hotel, Eureka Spring, Ark.Opens March 1st. In hrart of OzarkMountains, climate mild and bracing,scenery wild and beautiful. Unequaledmedicinal waters. Excursion rates,through sleepers, via Frisco Line. AddressManager Crescent, Eureka Springs, orGeo. T. Nicholson, G. P. A., Frisco Line,St. Louis, Mo.

A man likes neatness in a woman'sattire at all times.

Aak for AUea's Foot Ease.A powder to shake into your shoes.

It cures Corns and Bunions. Chil-blains, Swollen, Nervous, Damp.Sweating, Smarting and Callous feet.At all Druggists and Shoe Stores, 25c.Sample FREE. Address Allen S. Olm-sted, LeRoy, N. Y.

The woman who puts on glovesshould know how to. spar.

Dent Tekaces SpK an Saote tear Life fcrty.To quit tobacco easily and forever, be atar-

actic, full of life, nerve and vicor, takethe wonder-worke- r, that makes weak men.

strong. All druggists, .tOc or l. Cure guaran-teed. Booklet and saropie free. AddressSterling Remedy Co.. Cliicago or New York.

Man 13 not in love with every wo--man he glances at.

Star Tobacco is tne leading brand ofthe world, because it is the best.

In the church the kicker gets every-thing ho wants except religion.

Ce'o Ca B) HalsaatIstfceoldrftandbemt- - ItwUl break up eo'd quickertkan anything-elie- . It is always reliable Trr it.

The egg plant is a native of Asia,Africa and South America.

1 believe that Piso's Care is the only med-icine that will core consumption. Anna M.Ross, TTilliamsport, Pa., Nov. 12, 95.

Don't play cards with a woman whohas winning ways.

Mrs. Wlaslow's Seething SyrapFor children teethiDi.noftcns th (na.rcdacalanan-aulioa- ,

allay? pain, cures wlodcoH?. SSeentfa bottle.

A prompt and pointed answer doesnot lurn awuy wrath.


Aiabastiae is a durable aad aataralcoatiag for walls aad cefliags aatirelydifferent from all kalsomlae pnparatfeac,made ntAj tor asa.ia white r twelvebeautiful tiata by the afatpto addition ofwater (latest make being adapted to mixwith cold water), pot ap ia dry powderoram, ia 6 poaad pacaagea, wits fall dl--

J6--, . eV3 - ije." --, -

- i ji?it3&( af.fet ,stJ" ,,c j v.-s- - ?sav srv 3

The German- - emperor as king ofPrussia has the sole right to namestreets, and he has just refused hisconsent to. the proposal to call 'twostreets after the names cf Dr. B2stramand Dr. Langerhaus, two popularmembers of the municipal council.His majesty disapproves of such acourse during the lifetime of the god-fathers. This apparently refers to menof official standing only, whose polit-ical opinions might change after t'estreets had been named, for the Mom-mesenstra- sse

in Charlotteaburg wasrecently passed with approval. Somenew German streets tave a tendencyto long names. "Prince August vonWurtembergstrasse" is today a raseand nothing more. The houses havestill to be built

RHEUMATISM AND LA GRIPPE.A Bassety Whleh Is Sart te Care XBase

d Maay Other Diseases."5 Drops" is a remedy for rheuma-

tism, neuralgia, catarrh, la grippe andkindred ailments. The manufacturersof "5 Drops" have many letters fromthose restored to health, of which thefollowing is a sample:

Paris, Texas, Jan. 9, 1898.Swanson Rheumatic Cure Co., 'Chi-

cago. Gentlemen: I write to acceptthe agency for your medicines. Willsend you the amount mentioned inycur letter, and please send me theremedies to begin with. I have someorders all ready. Please send as sooaas you can. With many thanks to youand God, I am enjoying better healththan I have for year3. I feel as if Iam spared to do some one else goodnow. Tours truly,

MRS. M. J. JAYROE.During the next thirty days the coin-p- a!

y will send out 100,000 of their sam-ple bottles for 25 cents a bottle. Fromthe past they know that even a samplebot.Ie will convince one of the meritsof '5 Drops." Not sold by druggista4hat doonly by us or our agents. Agentswanted. Write to-d- ay --'to theSwanson Rheumatic Cure Co., 167Dearborn street, Chicago, 111. Thiscompany is reliable and promptly1 211every order.

For the second time since Cali-fornia was settled snow was seen onJanuary 10, on Lyon peak, abouttwenty miles from San Diego.

In almost every school of the mikado's empire it is the custom, one dayin autumn to take the pupils out rab-bit hunting.

Kew Inventions.A curious invent 01tf Jsshas jU3t baen ra.ent.'d

iu a XNew iots. mveui-o-r,

which will be ofi great me to janitors inall buildings where ts erei3 dec ricny. ih2 cc--

jsice being nothing moreror Ies3 thr.n an elerlii;scrubbing machine, which is providedwith a reel, from which extends awire having a socket, which socket isplaced in the electrtro-lie-r when theswitch is turned on and ths mach'nsbegins doing its work. Tfce water tercarried right on top of the electricccrubber upon which also the oper-ator may sit if he desires. Threescrubbing brushes are whirled nooutand the floor is not only thoroughlyscrubbed, but may be mopped up anddried as wcll. Inventois desiring todisplay their inventions at the Trars-Mississip- pi

Exposition should at orcoplace themelves in communicationwith Sues & Co., registered patentlawyers, of Omaha, Nebr. A free il-

lustrated hand book may also ba ob-tained in addressing these people.

"I can say for myself that I neverhave been mean enough to get anotherwoman's cook away from her." "Nei-ther have I; but I must confess thatonce or twice I tried to work cur ccokoff on some of my neighbors." BostonTraveler.

PRES, BFKIXI.EY VS. FREE SILVER.A battle of giants is going to take

place this summer on 30.000 farms inAmerica, not in talk or votes, but inyields. Salzer's two new potato mar-vels are named as above, and he of-

fers a price for the biggest potato yield,also 400 in gold for suitable names forhis corn (17 inches long) and oat pro-digies. Only seedsmen in America grow-ing grasses, clovers and farm seedsand selling potatoes at $1.50 a barrel.The editor urges you to try Salzer'sNorthern Grown Seeds, and to

Sead This Notice with IO Ct. in Stampto John A. Salzer Seed Co., La Crosse,Wis., for 11 new farm seed samples,worth $10.00, to get a start, and theirbig catalogue. w.n.c

Don't think because riches havewings that they're bound to fly yourway.

To Washington and Baltimore tI theMonon Route.

There is not a plearanter or itiore pic-turesque route from Chicago to Washing-ton and Baltimore than the Monon, viaCincinnati and the B. & O. S. W. and B. &O. Railways. The train service of this lineis comfortable and convenient, consistingof through palace sleeping cars andcoaches. The time of leaving Chicago is2:45 a. m., but the sleeper is ready for oc-cupancy at any tinio after 9:30 1. "ir. Thisrouto trnven-e- the garden fcction ofsouthern Ohio, and paes through the his-

toric section of West Virginia in the eve-ning acd down the beautiful and traditionladen Potomac valley 111 the early monrug.arriving at the sntiounl capital at 0:47 andBaltimore 7:55 the next raorninpr. Takenaltogether it is a most comfortable andrestful journey, a tour of education, thatonce taken will never bo fopjotten, and tneoftener repcatoJ. tho more enjoyed.

Fbink J. Rfei,General Passenger Agent.

Two heaping tablespoonfuls of pow-dered sugar weigh an ounce.

Mother Gray's Sweet Fowders for ChildrenSuccessfully used by Mother Gray,

nurse in the Children's Home in NewYork, Cure Feverlshness, Bad Stom-ach, Teething Disorders, move andregulate the Dowels and Destroy"Worms. Over 10,000 testimonials.They never fail. At all druggists, 23cSample, free. Address, Allen S. Olm-sted, LeRoy, N. Y.

Don't talk too much; a stiff lowerjaw is as useful as a stiff upper lip.

To Care Constipation Forever.Take Cascarets Candj Cathartic :0c or 23c.

If C.C.C. fall tocurcdruKcists refund money.

"Don't go around looking for troubleunless you really want to find it

TO CrRn A COLD IX ONE DAT.Take Laxative Hromo Quinine Tablets. All

Druggists refund the money it it fails to curc,25c

Don't boast of your blood you mayneed a purifier next spring.

Smoke Sledge Cigarettes. 0 for Sets.


KalsomiBes are cheap temporary prep-aratioB- S

manofactared from chalks,clays, wbitias;, etc, are stack on the wallwith decaying animal glue. Aiabastiaeis a cement, which goo? tbrongh a processof setting, hardens with age, can be re-coat- ed to

and from time to timewithout having to wash and'scrape ofT itsold coats beforo renewing.

GAtmox.y t!ttpy&ef

William, YL Martinof Texas, who died the other day atHlllsboro, in that state, waa knownto his constituents by the affectionatename of "Old Howdy." He created asensation in Washington, where hewas regarded as a typical westerncharacter. He promised before he lefthome that the life of the capital shouldnot change him, and he Intended tocling to the butternut shirt and thewide-brimm- ed sombrero of a ranch-man. Some of his fellow members inthe Texas delegation, who had moreexperience, dissuaded him. He took aroom in Willard's hotel and blew outthe gas on the night of November 25,33S7. The door was broken down andhe was rescued in an unconscious con-dition.

Seaad Moaey DtseuaaJeaa.Between now and next presiden-

tial election there will be boats cf dis-cussions of "sound money" and silver.However opinions may be divided onthese points, there is but one univer-sal opinion regarding the merits ofHostetter's Stomach Bitters as a rem-edy for malaria and liver trouble.

The last time Queen Victoria open- -,

ed parliament was in 1886, and it islikely to remain the last time, for anelevator would be necessary in thehouse of lords should she again attend the function, as she is too feebleto ascend the stairs.

SEATTLE, unquestionably best aadcheapest starting point and outfitting sta-tion for Alaska and Klondike, does not askor advise you to go, but yon will nadSeattle's facilities, stocks and experienceunsurpassed and prices .toe very lowest.Washington state has Klondikesor itsown.Seattle is the chief city. Strangers arerotected by fuhlic (Jomiort Bureau. Ad--

Chamber of Commerce.Seattle, Wash.

The Early Christian Teache:you know about the early

Christians? Tommy Our girl is oneof e'm. She gets up in the morningand ges to church before breakfast.Indianapolis Journal.

Beauty la Bioo Dees.Clean blood means aclean skin. No beauty

without It. Cascarets. Candy Cathartic cleansyour blood and keeps It clean, by stlrrinz upthe lazy liver and driving all impurities fromthe body. Kcgm to-u- ay to oanisn pimpies.bolls, blotches, blackheads, and that sicklyltiHniK: bv taking for ten cents. All druggists, satlsfaotlon guaranteed. 10c. 23c. 50c

The name California, derived fromtwo Spanish words, Caliente Fornalli

i. e., "hot furnace" was given byCortez in the yea. 1535 to the penin-sula now known as Lower California,of which he was the discoverer, on ac-

count of its hot climate.

FITSFerra:u,entlJCorel.?ofltsorneronsBefttfirst ilay" n of Dr. Kline's Great Are RestorerSend ior FREE trial bottle and treatise.Do. R- - II. Kline. Ltd.. 931 Arch St. Philadelphia. Pa.

Lovers are not necessarily alike be-cause they correspond.

r1 Every living thing

Pains andt Every human body can

CURED of them byh--m

The Century for March has two ar-ticles on the gold fields of the north-west. Mr. John Sidney Webb writ3sof "The River Trip to the Klondike,"giving many illustrations from photo-graphs. The Alaska Commercial com-pany made application for the estab-lishment of a postal route along theYukon river, and last summer it sentMr. Webb along the route to make apreliminary survey. Mr. Webb's tourof investigation included most of thecoast of Alaska, and he journeyed upthe Yukon as far as the Klondike. Hsdescribes not only this famous creek,but the other tributaries of the Yukon,many of which have been only par-tially prospected Edward S. Curti3writes ia the same number of "TheRush to the Klondike Over tho Moun-tain Passes," this article also being il-

lustrated from photographs.

Henry D. Sedgwick, Jr., opens tfc.3

March Atlantic with a sparkling andsuggestive paper upon French aadEnglish literature, in which he de-nounces the so-call- ed "cosmopolitan"admiration of everything French asa "creed out-wor- n," and demons'ratejthe superiority of our own tongua forall the great purposes of literature andshows the superiority of the resultsattained by the great English aulhor.sover anything which has been or canbe accomplished in the French lan-guage.

The channel that great minds run Inis never overcrowded.

atsHSWWrawB fi,alalaW

ossis :i$ejjoy.Both the method and results wheaSyrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasantand refreshing to the taste, and actsgently yet promptly on the Kidneys,Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys-tem effectually, dispels colds, head-aches and fevers and cures habitualconstipation. Syrup of Figs is the

.only remedy of its kind ever pro--duced, pleasing to the taste and ac-

ceptable to the stomach, prompt initse-jtio- n and truly beneficial in itseffects, prepared only from the mosthealthyand agreeable substances, itsmany excellent qualities commend itto all and have made it the mostpopular remedy known.

Syrup of figs is for sale in 50cent bottles by all leading drug-gists. Any reliable druggist whomay not have it on hand will pro-cure it promptly for any one whowishes to try it. Do not acceptanysubstitute.


UHimniE. at. mew torn, sir.

have contracted with you to do Alabae-tin- e

work are furnishing cheap kalsomiaesthat will spoil your walls, sead as a sam-ple, and we will advise you if it is ourgoods. If not, do not pay for yonr work,and we will help you bring the fraudulentparties and inf ringers of our trade mark

justice. Alabastino Co., Grand Rapids, allMich.


rHow many wpmen are saying, "Oh, Iwaat a change ffi my wall decorations; I isap TM C wau papar."Qaaw

A certificate of Incorporation hasbeen lied with the secretary or stateat Albany of "The American; Congre-gation tha pride of Jerusalem," theobject of the association being-t- o

rahw funds for the aid of indigentand needy Jews of all nationalitiesresiding in Jerusalem and Palestineby means of dues, donations and col-lections, receptatcles for the latter toho placed in all the synagogues andhomes of Jews in the United Statesand Canada. The money is to be for-warded to the main organization InJerusalem. It is also proposed to aidthe Zlonistlc movement to restore Pal-estine to the Jews, and to furnish andequip pilgrims and pilgrimages thith-er in conection with that movement,which is still active here and else-where, though with slight prospect ofaccomplishing its proclaimed pur-poses.

The strike In New Bedford with-draws $75,000 from weekly circulation.

Blanche Hftwtfro1.

the contrary. sew)

yowith selfsame inexorable

'and which' 'splitinfinitlva'

yourselfyou with'


your foreignomitted

Suet' Mam-moth letters

do sensational heal-ings, your

the purling your limpidprecisely

the In


Four Women Who Thoir Happiness to Lydia :

f ham's Vegetable Compound,

m nv (' 1I o I

11 pel

3Bra IW I


trans-planted consternation




Deak Mrs. to yon last Jan.I was not able to do anything'. suffered with

headache, bearing-dow- n pains, pains in my lowerall through my Menstruation

were very painful. waa almost skeleton. fol-lowed yonr advice and am well and fleshy, and abha

to do all my own housework. I took medicine fromphysician for over year, and did not do me aparticleof good. I would advise all suffering to write

Mrs. Pinkham. She will answer all promptly,and tell them how to cure those aches and cwn'mon to Mrs.CL.Wuwc, Marqucz. Texas.

it is my to write and let yon know whatyour medicine has done for me. Fortwo I sufferedwith weakness, bearing-dow- n pains, headache,backache, and tibo frequent occurrence of the

was always complaining; My husband me totryyour Vegetable Compound, and finally did.taken three and it has made me feci like a dif-ferent advise woman that suffers totake medic: and be Mrs. GarrettLicuty, Prince St., Lancaster, Pa,

had suffered over two years with backache,headache, dizziness, nervousness, falling and ulcerationof the womb, leucorrhcea, and about ill acould havc I had tried doctors, but with success.

seemed though death was the reliefiovjCac. Aftcrusingfivebottlesof LydiaE. l'inkhaui'a

Vegetable Compound, and four packages of Sanative


pain,backache headache.

Haltin,taking1 Lydia E. TNikhams Vegctablo

Compound afflicted with complaintscould walk.

bly, in fact, all not to raise up of thotime. I had no appetite and was so nervous that could hardly I havo

but two of your Compound and feel another person, can coweat to perfection, in fact, am perfectly Mrs. Su McCuixouair,Adlai,W.



ba BlJIM

f AM CONSTIPATED.We hear it so often arelots ofcathartics ofall kinds, liquidand form, many of thems far as they go. But ia

only with every quality ofperfect laxative, -



in tablet so nice tocat, perfume the breath, nevergripe, perform functionspleasantly ending in a cure.

A booklet and sample free far the asking, oryea can buy a box for xoc, 35c sac, at yourdrug store. Satisfaction guaranteed. 77TseSteiliftf Ce. Chicago.

Bold and guaranteed cure.To-UVI-S

Mb bacco Habit by all


Farm and WagonSCALES.

Uni-e-d States Standard. AMBizes and AH Kinds.mad' by a trust controlled by a combination,

For Free Price List, addressJONES OF BIN6MAMTOX.

MtagaamtM.N. Y..1T.S.

All aboutKlondike.

Burlington's Klondike folder averitable mine of information about thegold fields of the North. It tells howto reach them, when to go, what totake, where buy it, thecosts, when the steamers sail, etc.

for 4 cents stamps.

J. Francis. General Passenger Agent,Omaha, Neb.

SEEDS withGartitiftFltwtr

areputation. Catalog

free to all.J. H. CIECORY &S0N, MarMehea.,Mass.

nPflDCV "EW DISCOVERY:IVrcIO W quick ami cures worteaaes. Send for book of testimonial' 1 daysUcatssent Free. a.a.cattvasen.

MORPHINE and WHISKY HABITS.UCMK CUKE. Book FKLK. a. J. r.errsas, uius., cuicibo, ill?

The bert Ked Kope? Hooflnir forROOFING . ft., and nails Included.

Subrtltate for J'laJter. Samplestree, rl KNFISG CO., UIKI, 3. 1.

Wfcea Afsveriaf Adv:rtisesKtts Kindly

This Taper.

dealers are saying, "Oa, what athe wall paper business has become; howmuch time and investment it take andhow little the I" How many paint-ers and decorators who have lent theirinfluence push the wall papercraze now find their occenation gone. To

such we say: sell and advo-cate durable cold Alabastine.

Alabastine can be used on either plas-tered walls, wood ceilings, Lricfc or can-vass. Is fireproof in its nature,

durable, aad aayoae can brush it oa.atoiiastiaam arid by paiat deatan fTftj--

MLet an gtr GolftKa nfcs due,"Willis "Men ed-

itors do exclude Weifen'a workvOn If wosaja is

copy in time, It Is nrUKetf mpunctually as men's. It glares at

the TisMity-Nevermo- re

may you extract' from ita or

Your uponwhich you pride la so

thatyou are the au-

thor of a sentiments.accents on are

or turned the wrong way. As'Liver Pills' and 'Beef in

a pastoralso huge

which soul loathes. rmW"check flow ofplatitudes. You are treatedlike men. these respects astony Impartiality obtainssanctums."

Owe Present Pina

Pinkuam: When I wroteI back

ache,limbs, and ached body.

I a Inow

a itwomen

to letterspains so

women.I think duty


menses.I urged

I I havobottles

woman. I everyyour cured.

612 S.I for

every womanno as only

I am well. Have had no more wombtrouble, or Mrs. Claudia

Cream Ridge, N. J.Before

I wasbo that I hardly My baclc ached terri

I ached over. Was able myself someI

taken bottles likeand sleep welL



and there

pfil goodthere

one a

Mads form

their so

Remedy Montreal. RewYork.



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Sent in



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would Use,the water












W. N. O. OMAHA. NO. II. 1898.O"

Mca AnsvcriflQ Advertiscneci . KtialyMeatloa This Taper

Klondike ?!If you are interested and wish to

post yourself about the Gold Fieldsof the Yukon Valley, when to goand how to get there, write for aDescriptive Folder and Map ofAlaska. It will be sent free uponapplication to T. A. GRADY, Ex-

cursion Manager C. B. & Q. R. R., !211 Clark Street, Chicago. t

IN 3 OR 4 YEARS .11H surcdimlepemlenceir;;i.

if you l:sketip your home inWestern Canada,

InTwl nf lnlot"'

Illustrated pamphlets, giving experi-ence of farmers who have becomewealthy in growing wheat, reports ofdelegates, etc., and full information asto reduced railway rates, can be lindon application to Department Interior,Ottawa, Canada, or to W. V. Kentiett,N. Y. Life Building, Omaha, Xcb.,Agent for Canadian Government.

f Veetable Sicilian )

PAIR RENEWERiYoti can't guess her age it jj3m sheusesit. At60shehas 6(

Mnu the hair of 16. No thin, Mpjft grayhair. No dandruff.

FOR 14 CENTS iWewUhtoyilnrajMSaewcaa.toman, and bene offer

MsA l Pkfc. Karlr Sprtajr Tamip, W--

BSWBBSa Kariiesi iva oeei, moIlLimarck Cacamber, WcUaccn Victoria Let tuca, UoKloodjko Melon. leJnmbo Giant Onlcn, 15c

sssssssssv s ISnUi&ntft'lowarikwdfc tcWorCi Ol.ea. for 14 cent.

Abore 10 pkgs. worth 91 00, wo willnail joa fruc, together with outgreat Plant and Seed Catalojneupon receipt of this notice and !?.postage. We inritojonr trade andknow when joa once ti? Salzer'sH 'aH

am tt'Baai ja aecdsf on wilfneTerert alon" nith--oat mem. roiaiaeRBlxiM)ua, Bbl. Catalog alone Sc ftoww.r


CORE YMISEIF?Urn Mb O for unnatural

I Inflamtuatincg,irritations or ulcerationfjf tniifrnll. mrmliranM.

Prcts ccntafioa. i'aiulrsrt. and not a trioEECriiBtCJK.Ca. Ket or poisonous.

iCOIUMTI.0.m EI3DyErS5lslB,or cnt in plain wrapper,J hT expreaa. prepaid, for;t l.flft. or 3 bottle. 12.75.

'ivw- - Circalrr cent oa reqius

IT WILL PIT MY FMIERto fend hU sildecr on a potal to J. I STKAtt",Seward. III., for free circular HlUKtratlnx the ino-t- t

humane. prurltaMe. practical and satlfactory methodof ralMnir. handling, feeding and keeping cattleknowa to husbandmen.

where. Ask your dealers for card of tiats.


Don't boy a lawsuit or injanctJoa withs cheap kalsomine. All cold-wat- er kalso-min- es

aro cheap imitations of Alabastine.No dealer is justified ia risking a suitand heavy damages while trying to in-troduce and sell a direct infringement oaAlabastine. The right to manufactureand sell wall coating adapted to be mixedwith cold water is covered by letters
