Ngee Ann Sec Sch Graduation Day 09 Key Note Address


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Speech on 2 Oct 09

Transcript of Ngee Ann Sec Sch Graduation Day 09 Key Note Address

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02 Oct 09

Ngee Ann Secondary School Graduation Day 2009 Key Note Address

1. Good afternoon Mr Adrian Lim, Miss Tan and Mr Ng, teachers, distinguished guests, parents and my fellow NASians. I am Denis Tan, a proud member of the graduating cohort of 2005. I am honoured to be given this opportunity to address you on this joyous occasion.

2. Just 4 years ago, I was in your shoes as my short but ultimately enriching pit-stop in Ngee Ann Secondary School came to an end. The memories of Ngee Ann will always be a part of me. It is in the very compound of this school that I built the foundation of character and discipline that has shaped my life ever since. My time in the Ngee Ann Wichita Scouts Troop was no doubt tough but it has since become an unforgettable part of my memory. Lessons conducted in Ngee Ann were always dished out in digestible portions. The teachers also augmented the lesson content with their encouraging words and this had helped students learn a lot better. I was one of those lucky beneficiaries. I will always remember my time in Ngee Ann.

3. I know all of you must be flooded with emotions tonight – that of joy, sorrow and confusion. I can understand how you feel for I, too, was once in your position. You are exhilarated to have come so far in your journey in Ngee Ann, with one last major obstacle ahead – the O and N level examinations. You may be filled with heart wrenching sorrow when reminded of the fact that most, if not all, of your closest friends would have to embark on different paths from that which you have chosen for yourself. Yet at the same time, you are confused, confused about what the future holds, confused about whether you have made the correct choices. This is all perfectly normal. All of you have now arrived at a critical crossroad in your life. Make well thought-out choices for your future. Be brave and forge your own destiny. You have the power to do one of two things. Either shrink your dreams to fit reality, or stretch reality to fit your dreams. The choice is yours.

4. As you edge closer and closer towards the last checkpoint in your secondary school life, I hope that you will study hard and leave no room for regret. For those who have done well for your prelims, I offer you my congratulations but make sure you don't let the joy of your current results get to your head. My advice to all of you is to never rest on your laurels. Prioritise and don't lose focus as you make your final dash towards the finishing line. For those who have not done so well, don't let the sorrow affect you for too long. There is still time for you to cover lost ground so work doubly hard as the examinations draw closer.

5. We must also not forget this fact that I can personally attest to – that behind every successful child, is a pair of supportive parents and a group of dedicated teachers. Please join me to extend our heartfelt gratitude to all parents and teachers for their unwavering support to every one of you here.

6. Parents and teachers, they are graduating with pride because of you. They could never have done it without your support, without the tireless hours of revision; without the strict but ultimately necessary tongue lashings and without the encouraging words when they have to burn the midnight oil. Thank you once again.

7. Before I end this speech, my fellow NASians, I urge you to remember that no matter

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where you are, whichever path you choose and however busy you have become, always remember and be proud of being a NASian. Ngee Ann Secondary School is the bond that all of you share. Always have the Ngee Ann identity in your heart and the motto of “righteousness” and “courtesy” etched in your minds.

8. I leave you with a quote that my classmates left me on this day 4 years ago in our graduation video.

“May the road rise to meet you; may the wind always be at your back, the sunshine warm upon your face, the rain fall soft upon your fields and until we meet, again, my friends, may god hold you in the hollow of his hand”.

9. My friends, study hard and I wish you all the best for your O and N level examinations. Today’s event belongs to each and everyone of you from the graduating class of two zero zero nine. Thank you.

Denis TanGraduating Cohort 2005