NG Bake book



All baking recipes youll need for your NG group.

Transcript of NG Bake book

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50 Scones You’ll need: 275 g butter

1125 g self-raising flour

1 tsp salt

125 g caster sugar

750 ml milk

Cost: About £3



1. Heat oven to 220 degrees C.

2. Mix together flour, salt & butter.

3. Stir in first the caster sugar and then the milk. Mix until you get a soft dough.

4. Turn the dough onto a floured work area and knead lightly.

5. Pat to around 2 cm thick. Use a glass to stamp out the rounds & place on baking sheet.

6. Brush the top of the scones with a little milk.

7. Bake for 12-15 minutes/baking tin, until well-risen & golden.

8. Cool on rack.

9. Write messages to go on top of the scones. Be creative!

10. Serve your school mates the traditional New Generation Scones with butter, jam& cream.

Seven o’clock a normal Monday morning in the beginning of December a New Generation group at Gullmarsgymnasiet i Lysekil, Sweden, came to their school. They put 2 tables together and hung up a banner that said “Thank God it’s Mon-day”. When the students arrived the group handed out around 400 homemade buns and hot chocolate, for FREE! After that, breakfast outreaches popped up here and there in Swedish schools all over the country, and now we think it’s time for the same thing to happen here in the UK! A hot tip is to bake some scones you can hand out. Don’t worry, it’s pretty easy, and we’veeven got a nice recipe for you!

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50-60 Cookies You’ll Need: 500 g butter

240 ml granulated sugar

480 ml brown sugar

4 eggs

60 ml vanilla powder

960 ml flour

40 ml bicarbonate of soda

15 ml salt

300 g chocolate chips

Cost: About £5.50

After a long time waiting for permission to start a New Generation group, 4 girls from Manchester Academy finally got to be a blessing to their school. Their newly-started Christian group gave out free biscuits at the school fair just before Christmas. They handed them out next to a sign saying they were the Christian Union. Jessica, the group leader, said many students reacted, saying “If it’s free, there must be something wrong with it!” However, after the girls assured every-body it was just a random act of kindness, the response was great. Jessica ended by saying “We just hope that we can get some more people coming along to the CU, and that God will use us for things even greater than free cookies!”


1. Preheat oven to 175 degrees Celsius.

2. Cream together the butter and both sugars.

3. Add eggs, vanilla, flour, bicarbonate of soda and salt and mix until it’s all creamed together.

4. Add the chocolate chips. Mix together well!

5. Drop the cookie dough by teaspoonfuls onto ungreased cookie sheets and bake for about 7-9 minutes or until golden brown.

6. Write encouraging notes and stick them in the cookies. Be creative!

7. Write posters saying “Free Jesus Cookies” and hand the cookies out in your school!


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1. Mix butter & sugar together. Add oats, coconut, cocoa, vanilla sugar & coffee. Mix well! (If you’re not sure, you can make some coffee by mixing 6 tbsp Nescafe with 9 tbsp water.)

2. Pour shredded coconut on a plate. Make small balls out of the mixture & roll them in coconut.

3. Allow them to cool down for a while and put them in the fridge.

4.Write small notes with encouraging messages and stick them in the chocolate balls.

5.Hand them out around your school!

Idea: The recipe is for 60 Chocolate Balls, but why not multiply the recipe by 10 and do 600 balls?

One day at lunch time the NG-group at Tannbergsskolan in Lycksele, Sweden was standing outside their canteen handing out chocolate balls for free. On the table they also had paper hearts where they had written encouraging messages that the students could take. For example, the hearts said “Don’t worry - be happy” or “You are beautiful”. The youths in the NG-group had baked the day before and everyone appreciated it. - It was so many that toke a chocolate ball, says the group leader Linnea with a big smile.


60 Chocolate Balls You’ll Need: 450 g butter 600 ml sugar 1100 ml porridge oats 300 ml shredded coconut tbsp vanilla sugar 200 ml cocoa 6 tbsp coffee (if you like...)

Cost: About £5

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For the not-so-well-know Cake Day on the 26th November, one New Generation group decided to bake cakes for their teachers. The group already had a project called “Weekly Pastry” that became very popular in the school, but that was only for the students. Some teachers mentioned that they’d like a pastry or a cake too, and that’s why the NG group baked 2 cakes to leave in the staff room so that the teachers also would feel appreciated. This is a really simple way of encouraing your teachers and spreading a positive atmosphere in your school.

You’ll need For the cake: 125g (4oz) self-raising flour 125g (4oz) butter, softened 125g (4oz) caster sugar 2 medium eggs 2 tbsp milk For the filling: 4-6 tbsp raspberry jam 142ml carton double cream Caster sugar for dredging 2 x 18cm (7in) sandwich tins, buttered base-lined and floured

Cost: About £5


1. Tip all the ingredients into a bowl and beat until smooth. Divide mixture be-tween the sandwich tins and level the surfaces.

2. Bake the cakes in the centre of a preheated oven - 180°C (350°F, gas mark 4) for 20-25 mins, or until the cakes have risen and are golden, and spring back when lightly pressed in the centre.

3. Remove the cakes from the oven and leave them to cool in the tins for 5-10 mins, then turn them out onto a wire rack and leave them to cool completely.

4. Spread the jam over the base of one of the cakes. Lightly whip the double cream and spread it over the base of the other cake. Sandwich the two cakes to-gether. Dredge with caster sugar before serving.