
Next! Dario Di Nucci, Fabio Palomba, Michele Tufano University of Salerno Your next favourite site mercoledì 12 giugno 13

Transcript of Next!

  1. 1. Next! Dario Di Nucci, Fabio Palomba, Michele Tufano University of Salerno Your next favourite site mercoled 12 giugno 13
  2. 2. What is Next!? The scenario based design Design and development Usability Testing Designing Next! Introducing next! mercoled 12 giugno 13
  3. 3. INTRODUCING NEXT! mercoled 12 giugno 13
  4. 4. Challenges of Next! Better understanding of the cultural values, evaluation, interpretation, ethics and identity inherent the tangible cultural heritage, intangible and digital. Challenge Solution Tourist can "enter" in the cultural site and can acquire more sense of belonging and integration with the place where he stays. This will facilitate national belonging and foreigners integration. mercoled 12 giugno 13
  5. 5. What is Next!? An Android app to support tourists activities Next! guess your next favourite place or look for places next to your position An Android app to increase cultural baggage mercoled 12 giugno 13
  6. 6. What is Next!? Next! includes multimedia information like images and videos fromYoutube and other Google apps Next! includes historical informations from Wikipedia mercoled 12 giugno 13
  7. 7. Suggests in Next! Next! automatically know what is the nearest place closest to user interests Using Search Graph, Next! traces all sites visited by users In this way, is easy to suggest the right next sites for an user mercoled 12 giugno 13
  8. 8. Next! Navigator A webGIS provides data to Next!, allowing the path building... In the future, users can retrieve also parking, foods, leisure near a place mercoled 12 giugno 13
  9. 9. DESIGNING NEXT! mercoled 12 giugno 13
  10. 10. User Centered Interface Design Problem AnalysisUsers Requirement Activity Design Information Design Interaction Design mercoled 12 giugno 13
  11. 11. User Centered Interface Design Problem AnalysisUsers Requirement Activity Design Information Design Interaction Design Actually, the only way to search points of interest is to nd it on a map... State of art mercoled 12 giugno 13
  12. 12. User Centered Interface Design Problem AnalysisUsers Requirement Activity Design Information Design Interaction Design There are a lot of apps, but none of these includes a complete platform for touristic info State of art None of these uses the historical graph! mercoled 12 giugno 13
  13. 13. User Centered Interface Design Problem AnalysisUsers Requirement Activity Design Information Design Interaction Design 1) Tanyel receives information on the place visited Problem Scenarios in Next! 2) Nika searches new places to visit 3) Alexandre searches the path for the next site 3 problem scenarios, one for all main functionalities of Next! mercoled 12 giugno 13
  14. 14. User Centered Interface Design Problem AnalysisUsers Requirement Activity Design Information Design Interaction Design 1) An user can receive information on the place visited 2) An user can search new places to visit 3) An user can search the path for the next site mercoled 12 giugno 13
  15. 15. User Centered Interface Design Problem AnalysisUsers Requirement Activity Design Information Design Interaction Design New Ideas of Next! 1) Tanyel receives informations on the place visited mercoled 12 giugno 13
  16. 16. User Centered Interface Design Problem AnalysisUsers Requirement Activity Design Information Design Interaction Design New Ideas of Next! 1) Tanyel receives informations on the place visited time-saving mercoled 12 giugno 13
  17. 17. User Centered Interface Design Problem AnalysisUsers Requirement Activity Design Information Design Interaction Design New Ideas of Next! 1) Tanyel receives informations on the place visited mercoled 12 giugno 13
  18. 18. User Centered Interface Design Problem AnalysisUsers Requirement Activity Design Information Design Interaction Design New Ideas of Next! 1) Tanyel receives informations on the place visited Money-saving mercoled 12 giugno 13
  19. 19. User Centered Interface Design Problem AnalysisUsers Requirement Activity Design Information Design Interaction Design New Ideas of Next! 1) Tanyel receives informations on the place visited mercoled 12 giugno 13
  20. 20. User Centered Interface Design Problem AnalysisUsers Requirement Activity Design Information Design Interaction Design New Ideas of Next! 1) Tanyel receives informations on the place visited Smartphone needed mercoled 12 giugno 13
  21. 21. User Centered Interface Design Problem AnalysisUsers Requirement Activity Design Information Design Interaction Design New Ideas of Next! 2) Nika searches new places to visit mercoled 12 giugno 13
  22. 22. User Centered Interface Design Problem AnalysisUsers Requirement Activity Design Information Design Interaction Design New Ideas of Next! 2) Nika searches new places to visit Suggests mercoled 12 giugno 13
  23. 23. User Centered Interface Design Problem AnalysisUsers Requirement Activity Design Information Design Interaction Design New Ideas of Next! 2) Nika searches new places to visit mercoled 12 giugno 13
  24. 24. User Centered Interface Design Problem AnalysisUsers Requirement Activity Design Information Design Interaction Design New Ideas of Next! 2) Nika searches new places to visit Time-saving mercoled 12 giugno 13
  25. 25. User Centered Interface Design Problem AnalysisUsers Requirement Activity Design Information Design Interaction Design New Ideas of Next! 2) Nika searches new places to visit mercoled 12 giugno 13
  26. 26. User Centered Interface Design Problem AnalysisUsers Requirement Activity Design Information Design Interaction Design New Ideas of Next! 3) Alexandre searches the path for the next site mercoled 12 giugno 13
  27. 27. User Centered Interface Design Problem AnalysisUsers Requirement Activity Design Information Design Interaction Design New Ideas of Next! 3) Alexandre searches the path for the next site Time-saving mercoled 12 giugno 13
  28. 28. User Centered Interface Design Problem AnalysisUsers Requirement Activity Design Information Design Interaction Design New Ideas of Next! 3) Alexandre searches the path for the next site mercoled 12 giugno 13
  29. 29. User Centered Interface Design Problem AnalysisUsers Requirement Activity Design Information Design Interaction Design New Ideas of Next! 3) Alexandre searches the path for the next site GPS needed mercoled 12 giugno 13
  30. 30. User Centered Interface Design Problem AnalysisUsers Requirement Activity Design Information Design Interaction Design PERCEPTION INTERPRETATION MAKING SENSE Simple design & simple graphic elements for immediate perception and interpretation mercoled 12 giugno 13
  31. 31. User Centered Interface Design Problem AnalysisUsers Requirement Activity Design Information Design Interaction Design PERCEPTION INTERPRETATION MAKING SENSE Conceptual division of tasks Proximity Gestalt Principle mercoled 12 giugno 13
  32. 32. User Centered Interface Design Problem AnalysisUsers Requirement Activity Design Information Design Interaction Design PERCEPTION INTERPRETATION MAKING SENSE Similarity Gestalt Principle mercoled 12 giugno 13
  33. 33. User Centered Interface Design Problem AnalysisUsers Requirement Activity Design Information Design Interaction Design PERCEPTION INTERPRETATION MAKING SENSE Use of standard icons Consistency mercoled 12 giugno 13
  34. 34. User Centered Interface Design Problem AnalysisUsers Requirement Activity Design Information Design Interaction Design SYSTEM GOAL ACTION PLAN EXECUTION Virtuality Principle mercoled 12 giugno 13
  35. 35. User Centered Interface Design Problem AnalysisUsers Requirement Activity Design Information Design Interaction Design SYSTEM GOAL ACTION PLAN EXECUTION Icons suggest goals to the user VisualThinking mercoled 12 giugno 13
  36. 36. User Centered Interface Design Problem AnalysisUsers Requirement Activity Design Information Design Interaction Design Informative feedback Shortcut Reduce the load of short-term memory Error Management Coherence CTRL-Z Dialogs at closing Intern control mercoled 12 giugno 13
  37. 37. User Centered Interface Design Problem AnalysisUsers Requirement Activity Design Information Design Interaction Design Informative feedback Shortcut Reduce the load of short-term memory Error Management Coherence CTRL-Z Dialogs at closing Intern control mercoled 12 giugno 13
  38. 38. User Centered Interface Design Problem AnalysisUsers Requirement Activity Design Information Design Interaction Design Informative feedback Shortcut Reduce the load of short-term memory Error Management Coherence CTRL-Z Dialogs at closing Intern control mercoled 12 giugno 13
  39. 39. User Centered Interface Design Problem AnalysisUsers Requirement Activity Design Information Design Interaction Design Informative feedback Shortcut Reduce the load of short-term memory Error Management Coherence CTRL-Z Dialogs at closing Intern control mercoled 12 giugno 13
  40. 40. User Centered Interface Design Problem AnalysisUsers Requirement Activity Design Information Design Interaction Design Informative feedback Shortcut Reduce the load of short-term memory Error Management Coherence CTRL-Z Dialogs at closing Intern control mercoled 12 giugno 13
  41. 41. User Centered Interface Design Problem AnalysisUsers Requirement Activity Design Information Design Interaction Design Informative feedback Shortcut Reduce the load of short-term memory Error Management Coherence CTRL-Z Dialogs at closing Intern control mercoled 12 giugno 13
  42. 42. User Centered Interface Design Problem AnalysisUsers Requirement Activity Design Information Design Interaction Design Informative feedback Shortcut Reduce the load of short-term memory Error Management Coherence CTRL-Z Dialogs at closing Intern control mercoled 12 giugno 13
  43. 43. User Centered Interface Design Problem AnalysisUsers Requirement Activity Design Information Design Interaction Design Storyboard mercoled 12 giugno 13
  44. 44. User Centered Interface Design Problem AnalysisUsers Requirement Activity Design Information Design Interaction Design Storyboard mercoled 12 giugno 13
  45. 45. DEMO mercoled 12 giugno 13
  46. 46. USABILITY TESTING mercoled 12 giugno 13
  47. 47. Why? Usability is like oxygen. You dont notice it until its missing Usability and the bottom line [Donahue] 1 $ spent in usability results in a return of 30.25 $ Usability is good business [Donahue et al.] mercoled 12 giugno 13
  48. 48. Usability Testing Design Goals Efcacy Comprehension mercoled 12 giugno 13
  49. 49. Usability Testing Design Problems to solve How verify usability? How select users? How measure usability? How dene oracles? How dene tasks? How organize tasks? How dene usability lab? When perform usability testing? How control the results? mercoled 12 giugno 13
  50. 50. Usability Testing Design On Which Version of Next!? Next! 1.0 Surely, on the prototype of Next! mercoled 12 giugno 13
  51. 51. Usability Testing Design How Verify Usability? Use more than one technique! NielsensTen Usability Heuristics Task Analysis Empirical evaluation choosing a competitor mercoled 12 giugno 13
  52. 52. Usability Testing Design How Verify Usability? Use more than one technique! NielsensTen Usability Heuristics Task Analysis Empirical evaluation choosing a competitor mercoled 12 giugno 13
  53. 53. Usability Testing Design How Verify Usability? Use more than one technique! NielsensTen Usability Heuristics Task Analysis Empirical evaluation choosing a competitor mercoled 12 giugno 13
  54. 54. Usability Testing Design How Define Tasks? Problem Analysis 1) Tanyel receives information on the place visited 2) Nika searches new places to visit 3) Alexandre searches the path for the next site 3 tasks, one for all main functionalities of Next! mercoled 12 giugno 13
  55. 55. Usability Testing Design How Measure Usability? NOS Number of steps taken by the user in performing a task S/T Seconds required by the user to perform a task E/T Errors made by the user in performing a task mercoled 12 giugno 13
  56. 56. Usability Testing Design How Define Oracles? Metric Name Oracle dened by NOS (Number of Steps) Interface designer S/T (Seconds for Task) Interface designer E/T (Errors for Task) Pilot Test mercoled 12 giugno 13
  57. 57. Usability Testing Design How Select Users? 10 Utenti Novice 10 Utenti Expert Users who have never used a smartphone Users expert in the use of smartphone mercoled 12 giugno 13
  58. 58. Usability Testing Design How Verify Usability? Use more than one technique! NielsensTen Usability Heuristics Task Analysis Empirical evaluation choosing a competitor mercoled 12 giugno 13
  59. 59. Choosing the Competitor Usability Testing Design mercoled 12 giugno 13
  60. 60. Choosing the Competitor Google Maps...Why? Google Maps is the one that allows to execute every tasks selected in the Usability Design Usability Testing Design mercoled 12 giugno 13
  61. 61. Experimental Design We evaluated Google Maps using the same metrics of Next! NOS Number of steps taken by the user in performing a task S/T Seconds required by the user to perform a task E/T Errors made by the user in performing a task Usability Testing Design mercoled 12 giugno 13
  62. 62. Experimental Design To reduce the conditionating factor we used the Within Group Design 5 Novice users and 5 Expert users began testing Google Maps Usability Testing Design mercoled 12 giugno 13
  63. 63. Usability Testing Design Organizing tasks Pre-execution Execution Post- execution 1) Informative consent 2) Pre-execution survey 3) Task list 4) Comprehension survey NOS S/T E/T Usability Testing Design Within group design mercoled 12 giugno 13
  64. 64. Usability Testing Design Organizing tasks Pre-execution Execution Post- execution 1) Informative consent 2) Pre-execution survey 3) Task list 4) Comprehension survey HOW STORE USER EXPERIENCE? NOS S/T E/T Usability Testing Design Within group design mercoled 12 giugno 13
  65. 65. Usability Testing Design Organizing tasks Pre-execution Execution Post- execution 1) Informative consent 2) Pre-execution survey 3) Task list 4) Comprehension survey THINK ALOUD WITH feedback REPORTS NOS S/T E/TWithin group design mercoled 12 giugno 13
  66. 66. Usability Testing Design Test Execution Plan mercoled 12 giugno 13
  67. 67. TEST RESULTS mercoled 12 giugno 13
  68. 68. Usability Testing Results Demographic Analysis mercoled 12 giugno 13
  69. 69. Demographic Analysis Usability Testing Results mercoled 12 giugno 13
  70. 70. Usability Testing Results How Verify Usability? Use more than one technique! NielsensTen Usability Heuristics Task Analysis Empirical evaluation choosing a competitor mercoled 12 giugno 13
  71. 71. Usability Testing Results Nielsens Ten Usability Heuristics Visibility of system status Match between system and real world (Speaking user language) User control and freedom (No too long actions, no unwanted actions) Consistency and standards Error prevention (CRTL-Z...) Recognize rather than recall (Simple layout) Efciency and exibility (Shortcut keys) Simple and natural communication (Minimalist design) Help users recognize and recover from errors (Natural language for errors) Help and documentation mercoled 12 giugno 13
  72. 72. Usability Testing Results Nielsens Ten Usability Heuristics Visibility of system status Match between system and real world (Speaking user language) User control and freedom (No too long actions, no unwanted actions) Consistency and standards Error prevention (CRTL-Z...) Recognize rather than recall (Simple layout) Efciency and exibility (Shortcut keys) Simple and natural communication (Minimalist design) Help users recognize and recover from errors (Natural language for errors) Help and documentation mercoled 12 giugno 13
  73. 73. Usability Testing Results How Verify Usability? Use more than one technique! NielsensTen Usability Heuristics Task Analysis Empirical evaluation choosing a competitor mercoled 12 giugno 13
  74. 74. Performance Analysis - S/T Usability Testing Results Oracle: 40 secondsMean: 46.44 seconds mercoled 12 giugno 13
  75. 75. Performance Analysis - E/T Usability Testing Results Oracle:1Mean: 1.40 mercoled 12 giugno 13
  76. 76. Performance Analysis - NOS Usability Testing Results mercoled 12 giugno 13
  77. 77. User Feedbacks for Comprehension Usability Testing Results 3 Novice users wondered: What is this icon? What is the functionality? mercoled 12 giugno 13
  78. 78. User Feedbacks for Comprehension Usability Testing Results 4 Expert users declared that this item is not in the right screen mercoled 12 giugno 13
  79. 79. User Feedbacks for Comprehension Usability Testing Results 7 Novice users and 2 Expert users declared that this icon is not comprehensible mercoled 12 giugno 13
  80. 80. Usability Testing Results How Verify Usability? Use more than one technique! NielsensTen Usability Heuristics Task Analysis Empirical evaluation choosing a competitor mercoled 12 giugno 13
  81. 81. Experimental Results Experimental Evaluation Unique Navigation Paths, either for Next! and Google Maps mercoled 12 giugno 13
  82. 82. Experimental Results Experimental Evaluation But...S/T is directly proportional to NOS mercoled 12 giugno 13
  83. 83. Experimental Results Experimental Evaluation Google Maps interface is more confused than the Next! interface mercoled 12 giugno 13
  84. 84. Confirm Experimental Results Experimental Evaluation We had to prove that the test results were not casually derived, applying the One Tail t-test One Tail t-test is applicable only if you are a normal distribution of data and the equality of variances mercoled 12 giugno 13
  85. 85. Confirm Experimental Results Experimental Evaluation Property Test Passed Normal distribution of data Shapiro-Wilk test Equality of variances Bartlett test mercoled 12 giugno 13
  86. 86. Confirm Experimental Results Experimental Evaluation ID Hypothesis Hs/t-0 mean(s/tNEXT) = mean(s/tGMAPS) Hs/t-1 mean(s/tNEXT) > mean(s/tGMAPS) Hypothesis 1 ID Hypothesis HNOE-0 mean(e/tNEXT) = mean(e/tGMAPS) HNOE-1 mean(e/tNEXT) < mean(e/tGMAPS) Hypothesis 2 mercoled 12 giugno 13
  87. 87. ID T p-value Hs/t-0 3.9694 0.0001981 HNOE-0 -1.8431 0.03517 Confirm Experimental Results Experimental Evaluation p-value = 0.05 Null hypothesis was rejected, so we conrmed the test results! mercoled 12 giugno 13
  88. 88. Conclusions and Future Works We are on the right way We have to resolve the problems encountered by users, testing different icons or different layouts, and then we have to repeat the usability testing, documentation design! mercoled 12 giugno 13
  89. 89. Conclusions and Future Works We have to implement QR functionality mercoled 12 giugno 13
  90. 90. Conclusions and Future Works Well submit our project to upXapp contest in few days mercoled 12 giugno 13
  91. 91. Thank you! Questions and/or comments Dario Di Nucci [email protected] Fabio Palomba [email protected] Michele Tufano [email protected] mercoled 12 giugno 13