Next Dev Media Services


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Next Dev Media is a digital agency that specializes in web design and development, graphic design, social media, online marketing, virtual assistance, copywriting and more. This PDF outlines all of our services and the benefits that clients receive when they focus on our key areas of speciality. We love to help our clients grow their businesses, reach new heights and leverage the Internet.

Transcript of Next Dev Media Services

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Meet Next Dev Media

Next Dev Media is a full-service digital agency that provides a one-stop shop for its

online-focused clients. Having serviced over 300 businesses in the last ten years, Next

Dev Media knows what it means to succeed in a digitally focused landscape and how

to stand out from the crowd.

Next Dev Media’s client base includes A-List Hollywood celebs, big brands such as

Ford, 3M, Travelocity, The Body Shop, Disney, Ogilvy, Alliance Films, and small

businesses – everything from solo entrepreneurs to startups to those just beginning to

grow a support team.

Next Dev Media’s primary services include website design and development, digital

and brand strategy, social media and administrative support as well as online business

management – a service whereby the company takes on the role of virtual COO for

businesses around the globe.

Next Dev Media has been featured in The Wall Street Journal, Forbes, Entrepreneur,

Chatelaine Magazine, ABC, NBC, CTV and more.

Connect with Next Dev Media:

[email protected]

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Services List

Administrative Support | Virtual Assistance

We have been supporting businesses in the virtual assistance space since 2004. We

can help support you in the day-to-day management of the business with all of the

“busy work” so that you can focus on high-level work. We can help you with everything

from scheduling to customer support to formatting Word documents.

Administrative Support

Scheduling and Calendar Management We work with a wide range of scheduling tools such as: Appointlet, TimeTrade (Time

Driver), Google Calendar and more. We can help you set up these tools and manage

your calendar on an on-going basis.

Customer Support (E-mail Based) We have supported many clients with their customer support on tools such as:

Freshdesk, Zen Desk, Gmail and more. Hand over your customer support and we will

craft stellar responses, go the distance and ensure that your clients are well taken care


Transcription We do both audio and video transcription.

Spreadsheet and Word Processing Support We have full Microsoft Office Suite experience, Adobe Suite experience and

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experience with Pages. Whether it’s pulling together an e-book, a report or a

PowerPoint, we can help you with whatever you need.

Proofreading and Copy Editing Also available: copywriting and ghostwriting services

Executive Assistant Support

Travel Arrangements and Other Misc. Tasks Anything that you may be spending “busy time” doing is up our alley!

Internet Research and Creative Brainstorming Sessions Need to know some great stats for your next PowerPoint? Get a list of contacts to mail

your book proposal to? We can help.

Proposal Creation With experience preparing RFP (Request for Proposals) responses, we can help you

put your best foot forward.

Team and Project Management With over ten years of managing a virtual team and in working in Human Resources,

we can help you hire the right people and manage them.

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Online Business Management | Virtual

Chief Operations Officer

The day-to-day support of having and running a business can be daunting. We can

help you manage your business including: marketing, public relations, e-commerce,

affiliate management, launch calendars, editorial calendars, blogging and more.

Marketing, Launch Calendars & Editorial Calendars

Management of the Marketing Calendar Do you have a marketing calendar that you follow regularly? If not, let us help you get

one in place! It’ll ensure your business markets on a consistent basis.

Management of the Editorial Calendar An editorial calendar is key to knowing what to do and when to do it. Let us help you

set one up so we can track the type of content that is needed and the topics that we’ll

want to focus on.

Management of all Launches With well over a hundred launches under our belt, we can help you launch your next

product, service, website or event to your audience with great success.

E-mail Marketing: Creation and Updates Are you reaching out regularly to your list? If not, let us help you come up with ways to

do just that. We have ten years of e-mail marketing experience!

Creative Brainstorming and Strategizing If you’re stuck on an idea, especially as it relates to your business’ marketing, we can

help! Book a call with us and we’ll rock out a solid plan for you and your business.

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Online Event Planning and Marketing From teleseminars to webinars to telesummits to workshops, we’ve helped our clients

plan online events and market them with great success. Whether a list building

opportunity or a revenue-generator, we can help you succeed!

Public Relations & Media

Public Relations Management With experience as a Public Relations Advisor, we can help you maintain your

business’ reputation while also seeking out ways to stay relevant in your marketplace.

Our copywriter can also write press releases and media announcements as well.

Sourcing Media Opportunities & Pitching Stories / Ideas Alongside PR, we also specialize in helping our clients source media opportunities,

craft the pitch to the media outlet and get them coverage in major media. Just check

out our own list of coverage for inspiration!

Identifying Opportunities for the Business There may be some untapped potential in your business. Let us help you make the

most of all of your efforts and identify your business’ weaknesses to turn them into


E-Commerce & Affiliate Management

Monitoring & Management of E-Commerce We work with 1ShoppingCart, Infusionsoft, PayPal, Shopify, WooCommerce and many

more e-commerce platforms.

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Managing the Affiliate Program & Working with Affiliates We work with a wide range of affiliate programs and have extensive experience setting

up affiliate campaigns and fun challenges to get them moving!

Strategizing the Marketing Funnel & Implementation If you aren’t upselling your new prospects at some point in time, chances are that your

funnel is not strong. We can help you strategize your funnel and implement on those


Blogging and Content Management

Content Creation and Curation for Blog When it comes to blogging, you can spend a lot of time making sure that it’s

populated with relevant and interesting content. We write many, many blog posts for

our clients (ghostwritten posts) and we also help to curate angles, story ideas and blog

post topics.

Blog Post Editing, Formatting and Publishing Once the blog post is written, either by you or by our copywriter, we can then help you

with the posting, editing and formatting of the blog post. We work with many blog

platforms such as WordPress, TypePad, Blogger, SquareSpace and more. We’ll also

choose a fab royalty-free, public domain image to accompany your post.

Blog Post Distribution and Amplification Once the blog post is published, we can then help you get more eyes on the post by

increasing its distribution and amplifying the message.

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Digital Strategy | Brand Strategy

Ready to rock your digital presence and create a powerhouse of a brand? Our clients

know what it means to have an ideal client and target them creatively and cost-

effectively. Let us help you plan your next big launch, your next website or help you get

your business off the ground.

Digital Strategy

Developing a Plan for Online Marketing If you are “online” but not making an effective or efficient go at it, we can help you get

your ducks in a row and leverage the Internet for your business’ benefit. We’ll start with

the creation of an online marketing plan that is perfectly suited for you because one

size does not fit all.

Monitoring, Reporting & Analytics In order to know where you’re going, you need to first figure out where you’re at. We

can help you monitor and analyze your existing digital landscape and help you create

reporting that is easy-to-understand and will show you your progress. Nothing is more

encouraging than progress!

Current Marketing & Business Audit In the same vein as the previous service, it is important to get a good grasp on where

you are currently. We’ll do a full marketing and business audit in order to see where

your business is at and to help guide you to better decisions in the future.

Competitive Analysis Do you have competitors that seem to be out-marketing, out-playing and out-selling

you? Let us help you by doing a full competitive analysis. While we never copy or steal

ideas, it does create great conversation around what we can do for your business to

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achieve similar, yet unique, results.

Online Presence Strategy

Website Audit and Optimization Before we can provide you with a sound digital strategy, we’ll need to first do a

complete website audit to see where you may be missing out on opportunities. Once

we do that, we’ll then suggest a list of optimization techniques and we can implement

them on your behalf as well!

Social Media Audit and Optimization There are a lot of social media options out there but many people aren’t taking full

advantage of the sites nor do they have them optimized correctly. We’ll do a full audit

of how you’re currently using social media so that we can suggest ways to improve it

and so that we can optimize your profiles for maximum potential.

List Building / E-mail Marketing Audit and Optimization Is your list growth a bit slow? Are you finding it difficult to convert new prospects? My

team and I will work with you to create list building strategies as well as e-mail

marketing strategies that will help grow your list and optimize your use of said list.

Brand Strategy

Strategizing and Designing a Logo, Business Cards and Other Media Our graphic designers have many years of experience bringing a brand to life. They’ll

work with you to create a brand that is consistent, on-point for your intended target

and beautifully designed. We can create anything that you may need to help market

and promote your business.

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Developing a Brand Essence Not sure what you stand for? Let us help you discover what that is, who your target

audience really is and develop a brand that is in alignment with those individuals.

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Social Media

Social media is something that most businesses can’t do without these days. We’re

pros at using social networks to grow our client’s communities and we LOVE helping

our clients create and curate the best content to share for their chosen networks.

Whether you’re a pro or just getting started, we can help.

Social Media Strategy

Developing a Plan for Social Media Marketing A lot of people jump onto social media without a plan and are often left wondering why

it’s not working the best for their business. While social media is not all about the

marketing, it can be an effective place to build relationships and a community. We can

help steer you in the right direction.

Social Media Monitoring, Reporting & Analytics In order to see what’s working and what isn’t, we’ll set up monitoring, reporting and

analytics so we can track your progress and tweak accordingly. You can’t grow what

you don’t measure so we’ll make sure that you are focused in on the stats that matter.

Social Media Audit There are a lot of social media options out there but many people aren’t taking full

advantage of the sites nor do they have them optimized correctly. We’ll do a full audit

of how you’re currently using social media so that we can suggest ways to improve it

and so that we can optimize your profiles for maximum potential.

Competitive Analysis Do you have competitors that seem to be out-marketing, out-playing and out-selling

you? Let us help you by doing a full competitive analysis. While we never copy or steal

ideas, it does create great conversation around what we can do for your business to

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achieve similar, yet unique, results.

Community Management One of our favourite things to do is manage communities. Whether it’s developing

content specifically for them, sharing things they’ll find interesting or engaging in

conversation with them, it’s all fun. The benefit for your business is that you create a

group of raving fans who really love your brand and spread the good word. Word-of-

mouth marketing is key for your business’ online success!

Content Creation / Curation

Copywriting of Social Media Content Our copywriter can write everything you need for your social media accounts. From

Facebook updates to Tweets, we’ll have your accounts populated with rich and

relevant content. We write marketing copy as well as thought-provoking questions,

affirmations and more.

Curating Shareable / Viral Content (Images, etc) Oftentimes a client will want to share “viral” content or shareable images on their social

media platforms. We can help you create or curate such images to populate your

accounts and create a wall of inspiration for your audience.

Bookmarking Links & Blog Posts to Share We use tools like Buffer or Pocket to save relevant and interesting articles that you can

then share (or have us share!) with your audience. This helps you create relationships

with other blogs / websites while also ensuring that your feed isn’t a broadcast-only

feed of your own stuff. Your audience will appreciate the fact that your social media

accounts are not purely egocentric as so many accounts usually are.

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Editorial Calendar Creation & Management

Creation and Management of an Editorial Calendar An editorial calendar is key to knowing what to do and when to do it. Let us help you

set one up so we can track the type of content that is needed and the topics that we’ll

want to focus on.

Individual Social Media Profile Management

Creation of Profiles We’ll help you set up your profiles and ensure that they are optimized for use. We’ll

carry your branding message throughout each of the social media profiles – even if

you decide not to engage on a specific profile just yet.

Building Relevant Followers / Following In order to share your message, you’re going to need an audience on each of the sites

you are a part of. We can help you identify the people to follow and help you get

“seen” on social media so that people follow your accounts as well.

Creating and Managing Lists / Groups / Relevant Hash Tags One of the ways that communication and conversation becomes effective on social

media is through the curation of lists, groups and in watching relevant hash tags for

your business.

Communicating with Audience & Monitoring Direct Messages When it comes to the communication and conversation side, people can get frustrated

if they are talking to a brand or business but receiving no reply. We’ll make sure that

your accounts are talking back to your audience as well as encouraging them to get

more involved in your brand.

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Website Design | Website Development

Creating a beautiful and responsive website is something that we pride ourselves with

doing on a regular basis. Having the opportunity to work with a client to create a space

that is expressive of who they are and is functional, beautiful and user experience rich

is 100% awesome.

Website Design

Development Ready PSD Web Design

Logo Design

Website Branding Assistance

Website Development Custom WordPress Development

Custom WordPress Backend

Responsive Template Development

HTML to Static Sites

PSD to WordPress


Website Management HTML Static Site Modifications

WordPress Template Modifications

WordPress Content Management

WordPress Upgrades

Malware Removal

Search Engine Optimization