Newsroom Planning Tips

TV tips to evolving 24/7 newspaper newsrooms Much talk in the last few days has been about newspapers’ supposedly brillant use of online videos, beating their TV counterparts at their own game. Yet newspapers still have much to learn from TV’s 24/7 culture: the Poynter Institute goes over a few important lessons. While newspaper websites may be generating more video online ad revenue than TV broadcasters, the latter have 30 years of experience with the 24/7 newsroom and mindset.Jill Geisler, Leadership & Management Group Leader at Poynter, goes over some of the main attributes and necessary features of 24/7 newsrooms:_Everyone’s a reporter. Break barriers. “In breaking news, weather and sports in particular, every member of the organization can provide information.”_Be first -- and right. This may seem like common sense, but don’t let the lure of immediately breaking news transform you into an inaccurate reporter. “Long after readers/users forget which publication "broke" a story, they will remember the one that brokered bad information and had to apologize.” _Recognize your power. This is both of ethical and practical importance. A 24/7 newsroom can save thousands of people from a traffic jam or a snow storm, but it can also unsafely break news of deaths or tragedy to a family – before the family is even notified by the police._Think in multiple time frames. “It is imperative for news managers to extract themselves from the "now" -- trust that to well-trained deputies -- and start thinking about tomorrow and the next day.” Don’t let the continuous newsroom fix you into the continuous present._Remove barriers to peak performance. " ‘Assume we have important information to broadcast. How could we get it on the air -- in 60 seconds?’ When I framed it as a 60-second challenge, it led to brainstorming.” Such practical thinking can help a newsroom grow out of its traditional challenges._Visual information trumps words and audio. This definitely comes from someone with vast experience in the television field, yet it holds for newspapers too. When publishing online multimedia editions, text will seldom be the most effective way to retain the viewer’s attention or convey breaking news content. And last but not least:_Never stop being a journalist. “It means doing your best to help build a successful business model -- without turning journalism into junk mail.” The loop has gone full circle: working with a 24/7 mindset may rush things, but it shouldn’t hinder the basic qualities and presets of journalism.For more details, click below.Source:



Transcript of Newsroom Planning Tips

Page 1: Newsroom Planning Tips

TV tips to evolving 24/7 newspaper newsrooms

Much talk in the last few days has been about newspapers’ supposedly brillant use of online videos, beating their TV counterparts at their own game. Yet newspapers still have much to learn from TV’s 24/7 culture: the Poynter Institute goes over a few important lessons.

While newspaper websites may be generating more video online ad revenue than TV broadcasters, the latter have 30 years of experience with the 24/7 newsroom and mindset.Jill Geisler, Leadership & Management Group Leader at Poynter, goes over some of the main attributes and necessary features of 24/7 newsrooms:_Everyone’s a reporter.

Break barriers. “In breaking news, weather and sports in particular, every member of the organization can provide information.”_Be first -- and right. This may seem like common sense, but don’t let the lure of immediately breaking news transform you into an inaccurate reporter.

“Long after readers/users forget which publication "broke" a story, they will remember the one that brokered bad information and had to apologize.” _Recognize your power.

This is both of ethical and practical importance. A 24/7 newsroom can save thousands of people from a traffic jam or a snow storm, but it can also unsafely break news of deaths or tragedy to a family – before the family is even notified by the police._Think in multiple time frames. “It is imperative for news managers to extract themselves from the "now" -- trust that to well-trained deputies -- and start thinking about tomorrow and the next day.” Don’t let the continuous newsroom fix you into the continuous present._Remove barriers to peak performance. " ‘Assume we have important information to broadcast. How could we get it on the air -- in 60 seconds?’ When I framed it as a 60-second challenge, it led to brainstorming.” Such practical thinking can help a newsroom grow out of its traditional challenges._Visual information trumps words and audio. This definitely comes from someone with vast experience in the television field, yet it holds for newspapers too. When publishing online multimedia editions, text will seldom be the most effective way to retain the viewer’s attention or convey breaking news content.

And last but not least:_Never stop being a journalist. “It means doing your best to help build a successful business model -- without turning journalism into junk mail.” The loop has gone full circle: working with a 24/7 mindset may rush things, but it shouldn’t hinder the basic qualities and presets of journalism.For more details, click below.Source: