Newsletter - St Clare's College, Waverley · • Kathryn Cariamis runs her own business...

Newsletter February 2019 EX-STUDENTS’ ASSOCIATION ST CLARE’S COLLEGE WAVERLEY [email protected] Chior Uniform, Secondary Classes c1940

Transcript of Newsletter - St Clare's College, Waverley · • Kathryn Cariamis runs her own business...

Page 1: Newsletter - St Clare's College, Waverley · • Kathryn Cariamis runs her own business (beautician). • Aleisha O’Connor has her own property management and advisory business

NewsletterFebruary 2019EX-STUDENTS’ ASSOCIATION


Chior Uniform, Secondary Classes c1940

Page 2: Newsletter - St Clare's College, Waverley · • Kathryn Cariamis runs her own business (beautician). • Aleisha O’Connor has her own property management and advisory business

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News from the Sisters

In Scripture, through the Book of Judges, God tells us to “go in the strength you have…am I not sending you…” These words struck me as an ideal reflection as we speedily enter into 2019. It seems no time since you, our beautiful St Clare’s College Ex-Students, in partnership with the then current students, farewelled us with great fanfare! We thought that with the New Year we would be settling into our new Monastery.Indeed wonderful memories were again created for the Sisters. Yet twelve months on we are still waiting! However, I believe this quote from the Book of Judges remains pertinent not only for the Sisters but for everyone no matter where life’s journey may take us. Much to the Sisters’ disappointment, we continue to await the completion of our new monastery. In early February the Sisters’ made an excursion to North Richmond to see the development. All were

delighted at the prospect of what lies ahead for us in the future. During these days of waiting, we continue our packing, both personal and communal, with lots of decisions about what may not be needed any longer as the two communities merge into one. Never-the-less exciting times lie ahead! Again we welcomed Sister Briegeen Moore osc from Brea, California who traditionally has been our Christmas guest for the past twenty five years giving retreats and workshops within the AA community. This year as well as Brisbane and Sydney, Sister Briegeen ventured into new territory in Geelong, Victoria. Sister Briegeen is a much sought after international speaker and support person within the AA community. It was with somewhat sadness that she let us in January as her next visit with us will be at North Richmond rather than with her beloved Waverley Convent.


Whilst creating this new chapter in our history, we often wonder what our pioneer Sisters would think if they were to return to Waverley, witnessing all that has blossomed from seeds planted and nurtured by the Sisters, to what now exists not just physically on the site but more importantly to what has been achieved by the College community in bygone years, to those of the present time and to the incredible possibilities which lie in the future for St Clare’s College. With much excitement, along with Mrs Antoinette McGahan, Principal, Mrs Kerrie McDiarmid, Deputy and all the College Staff, we learnt of the incredible results of the 2018 HSC students. An incredible achievement all round. Congratulations!

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Our Archives hold many, many photos of life at St Clare’s, unfortunately, many are missing that important identity tag of student names and the exact place where taken. Much has been lost in various building projects. Hence we are looking for names, place and date of such photos as those below…Such photos will be displayed in the San Damiano Hall during the luncheon as we gather together. Kindly take a moment to view those displayed and if possible to help with that all important task of identification for the future.

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Order of Australia honour for Ex-Student

With incredible pride we received news of our former student, Debora Picone AO and her appointment as an Officer of the Order of Australia for distinguished service to the community through the coordination of improvements to the safety and quality of health care. Previously in 2006, Debora was appointed Member of the Order of Australia. She has been an Adjunct Professor with the University of Tasmania since 2012. Debora also well known as the Director-General of NSW Health 2007 - 2011. Debora and her sisters, Jennifer and Margaret attended the College in the 70’s and 80’s. Congratulations Debora!

Our Building Works

Our move to North Richmond is getting closer! The accompanying photos may give you a glimpse of what lies ahead for us…

LEFT: Entrance to Monastery

in autumn dress

RIGHT:The front yard with dam

in the the distance

BELOW: Our view!

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Balcony outside the bedrooms Steps to leading to hermitages

With the much time consuming interior work to be completed, we are ‘nagging’ the workers to finish!!

In MemoriumIt was with sadness that we learnt of the death of Janice Carmont nee Hill, elder sister of Leonie Hill in late January, both of whom would be well remembered by their College day companions of the late 50’s and early 60’s. Our prayers and sympathy go out to her husband and her family as both now enjoy far more than we could ever imagine.Together with you, all our beloved former students of St Clare’s College, we hold each other in prayer, especially remembering those grieving the loss of loved ones, the sick and the ageing. Know that we walk in the presence of our compassionate God who supports us at all times.Sr Louise Hume osc

Glimpsing the Chapel

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Great results in the 2018 HSC

We acknowledge the outstanding results of the 2018 Year 12 HSC students. These young women are a credit to their families and our College.The College ranked 77th in NSW and was named the top performing Catholic Systemic School in the Archdiocese of Sydney.The College achieved exceptional results in all courses offered:• 100% of 2 unit courses above State average • 33% of students achieved at least one Band

6• 90% achieved a Band 5 or more  • Ranked 5th in the State for English Standard• 2 All Rounders: Jeylan Riza and Madeleine

Radoczy• 31 of our 91 students making the

Distinguished Achievers List • Selection for Art Express (Art Gallery of NSW):

Ayva TierneyWe are very proud of all the students’ achievements and wish them all the very best in their future endeavours.

TOP Dr Dan White Speaking at the HSC High Achievers AssemblyMIDDLE The College Dux, Katherine Darby, with Dr Dan and Principal Antoinette McGahan BOTTOM The High Achievers in the garden

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Betty was awarded for her work on the altar and behind the scenes at Mary Immaculate Church, Waverley. Betty was the heart and soul of the Waverley parish. Due to ill health Betty was unable to attend the ceremony at the Cathedral so Fr Bernie had a special ceremony last October to acknowledge her work.

Betty Ward receives theJames Dempsey Medal

TOP Betty as a St Clare’s girl in 1946BOTTOM Betty recieveing her honour in Mary Immaculate Church.

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It was just wonderful to catch up after 30 years, it’s amazing how quickly time flies. A lot of things have happened to all of us since then. For some it meant further study, travel, marriage, children, partners and of course personal growth and development, as well as losses and gains that are part of the fabric of life. We all shared a common bond and that was St Clare’s College Class of ‘88. I have no doubt it was the spirit of St Clare herself that brought us all back together now that we were older, wiser and humbler. We all remembered something about each other, were all delighted to be in each other’s company and spent the night reminiscing and catching up on 30 years! It was great

30th Reunion - Class of 1988 to talk, to have a drink, laugh, share pizza and discuss life. You could hear our excitement and enthusiasm just like being back in the class room - that noisy din before a lesson begins.Forever in our hearts and prayers are those that we lost from our cohort: Kirsty Starkey, Courtney Wedd and Alison Crowfoot. When we left St Clare’s 30 years ago I don’t think any of us envisioned what life held out for us, and that’s the beauty of life - every day is a mystery and a gift. We were no longer going to see each other every school day, sit next to each other, talk to each other and perhaps even annoy each other. We had graduated and a whole new chapter in our lives was beginning away from what was so familiar and routine

as we were venturing out into the great unknown. That’s what makes a reunion so great, here we are again as friends, as one of the girls, ready to catch up on 30 years even if, for just a moment, we found it hard to recognise each other. The name tags came in handy.Thank you, Elizabeth Storey for organising it. Thank you everyone else for spreading the word around. See you all at the next one!Marie-Therese Sahade

Liz (Storey) Fenech adds “The strongest message that came out of the reunion was how little people had changed, but more so, that they had all become strong, inspiring women who could celebrate 30 years of achievements both personally and professionally.”

Some thoughts from Katja SpitzerI came to the sad realisation that it’s just over 30 years since I sat my HSC. Sad, because I have not kept in contact with any of the girls with whom I shared my high school experience. Moving out of the area of course didn’t help!!So I decided to contact the College to add my name to

the Ex-Students’ data base. I certainly look forward to participating in a reunion and seeing ‘old’ friends.I am curious about what’s happened in their world for the past 30 years and I am sure we would have some stories to swap about our own children and perhaps even grandchildren!!!

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Thanks to Verdiana Riolo for this photo

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It was lovely catching up with Ex-Students from the Class of ‘93 held on Saturday, 27 October 2018 at The Balkan Seafood Restaurant (operated by an Ex-Student from the Class of ‘93.) A fun night was had by all. Special thanks to Mirjana and her team at The Balkan Seafood Restaurant. The food was

25th Reunion Class of 1993

Thanks to Sarah Yee for this photo as they gathered at Ravisi’s Bondi to celebrate Loretta Brunette’s upcoming nuptials.

Class of 2004 Pictured are, Natalie Snell, Emma Nilon, Anne-Louise Carlon, Loretta Brunette, Penny Diagiantis, Sharon Wulff, Lucy Fox, Katherine Read and Parthenie La Strange

delicious, ambience was great with lots of laughs as we reminisced.Congratulations to Verdiana Riolo on her recent engagement. In addition, Ex-Students, Anita (now teaching at St Charles) and Rosa Maria, noted the appointment of the lovely new Principal, Mr Paul Croker.

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Thanks to Cath Courtney for this photo and information about her classmates and a big thank you to Amy Nilon, College Captain of 1998 for organising such a well-attended event at the Crowne Plaza Coogee!

What they are up to now :• Dianah Todaro owns multiple

businesses (beauticians and cafe)

• Kathryn Cariamis runs her own business (beautician).

• Aleisha O’Connor has her own property management and advisory business of which she is a director

• Claudine Lucas is head of HR in a large construction company

• Catherine Rowe Operations Manager of Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences at UNSW

Class of 1998 – 20-year reunion

• Jo Bloom (nee Short) has her own business plus lead in the play

• Lauren White works for IBM in London

• Julia Walsh is in HR• Amy Nilon and Amy Robertson

are both with the Police Force• Katie Hart (Glasheen) owns

and runs multiple businesses on Sunshine coast including a diving business and boat hire

• Rebecca Eastwood is in real estate

• Ioanna Moutzouris has her own talent management company (she manages singers etc)

• Melanie Bather (Singh) Senior Nurse Educator

• Celeste Mafiti (nee Blackman) has her own shoe label

Future Ex-Students

On behalf of our Alumni Association we gave $100 to the Dux of the College, Katherine Kershaw at the Year 12 Mass and Graduation ceremony.

Prior to this we visited the College and met with the HSC students to encourage them to join our Association by providing their email addresses.

At the three reunions mentioned in this newsletter, email addresses were also requested but some ladies did not attach their name, so we are unable to add them to our memberships list.

Please forward this newsletter to your classmates if you think they are interested.

Page 11: Newsletter - St Clare's College, Waverley · • Kathryn Cariamis runs her own business (beautician). • Aleisha O’Connor has her own property management and advisory business

Ex-Students’ NewsFebruary 2019EX-STUDENTS’ ASSOCIATION


S A V E T H E D AT EAnnual School Reunion 2019

Sunday 3rd March 2019Mass at 11:30am

followed by champagne and nibbles in the Gardenand Lunch in the Hall

The cost is $30 per personPlease deposit this to our account and include your Surname as the reference

Commonwealth Bank St Clares Ex-students Association BSB: 062267, Acc No: 0080 0268

RSVP to – Daphne Brady at [email protected]

[email protected]

The theme THE WAY WE WERE depicts practices and rules we would find quirky today, although done with the best of intentions. For example kneeling in the old hall in front of M Gabriel so our tennis uniform/skirt touched the ground and reciting almost the whole of the Little Green Catechism off by heart including the punctuation. Miss McDonald, our English teacher, made us analyse pages of exercises noting not only nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs but subject and predicate etc. Items on display will be the said catechism, I Pray the Mass booklet and the Junior Bible and Church History as well as scapulars and other memorabilia including the uniforms of the day.

If older Alumni have other interesting memories to add they will be welcome to do so. Margaret Roper has agreed to talk about attempting to be chosen as a model for one of the angels in the painting in our parish church.

A great deal of effort has gone into planning and organising this reunion and the Committee is keen to welcome as many Alumni as possible, old and young. The Sisters will be attending. Sr Pia is playing the music for the Mass and Fr Bernie is the Celebrant. Raffle prizes have been collected and the luncheon menu (thanks to the hospitality students) is legendary. A day to enjoy !!!!

Page 12: Newsletter - St Clare's College, Waverley · • Kathryn Cariamis runs her own business (beautician). • Aleisha O’Connor has her own property management and advisory business