NEWSLETTEROrganic Sulfur consists of 99.9% pure Methylsulfonylmethane (MSM) in a pure food grade...

WHAT IS ORGANIC SULFUR? Sulfur is the most important mineral that many Australians aren’t getting enough of. Sulfur is the third most abundant mineral in the human body and is essential for health; however, our soils today are severely depleted of this essential mineral so most of us are not receiving the proper amount. Sulfur has numerous key benefits such as oxygenating your cells, alkalizing your blood, removing toxins from the body and reducing pain. Organic Sulfur consists of 99.9% pure Methylsulfonylmethane (MSM) in a pure food grade crystallized powder. Organic Sulfur is a food, not a drug or a supplement, and should be consumed on a daily basis, ideally twice a day because it stays in our system for 12 hours. WHY SHOULD I USE ORGANIC SULFUR? Everyone may benefit from using Organic Sulfur daily because it is a critically important mineral that cannot be made by our bodies and is needed in every cell for proper oxygenation and effective detoxification. Sulfur enables the transport of oxygen across cell membranes and is necessary for healthy cellular regeneration. Sulfur lets oxy- gen in by increasing the permeability of cell membranes, which also helps to remove toxins and heavy metals. Most of us are undergoing an unprecedented level of toxic assault from pesticides, herbicides, radiation, GMO foods, chemicals found in food, water, air, personal care products and medication. Organic Sulfur helps us deal with the toxic load by removing toxins and heavy metals while protecting us against radiation. Sulfur may com- bine with nearly all toxins and heavy metals to form inorganic sulfides that are converted into non-hazardous, stable forms which are safely ushered out of the body. By bonding with toxic heavy metals, Organic Sulfur can safely chelate and remove these toxins from our bodies. Sulfur plays an essential role in cellular detoxification and the normal metabolism of brain neurotransmitters. People all over the world struggling with pain, whether it’s from a joint injury, joint wear and tear or arthritis have reported pain relief while using Organic Sulfur. While the most common uses over the years have been for joint support, its diverse range of benefits go way beyond that. Organic Sulfur may benefit many health ailments known to man! The following conditions are the more common ones that Organic Sulfur is used for: Joint pain or stiffness, Back pain, Sore muscles, Heartburn, Headaches, Cold sores, Allergies, Acute athletic injuries, Acne & skin conditions, Grey hair, Heavy metal poisoning, Gastrointestinal disorders, Liver support, Trauma, and more! NEWSLETTER

Transcript of NEWSLETTEROrganic Sulfur consists of 99.9% pure Methylsulfonylmethane (MSM) in a pure food grade...

Page 1: NEWSLETTEROrganic Sulfur consists of 99.9% pure Methylsulfonylmethane (MSM) in a pure food grade crystallized powder. Organic Sulfur is a food, not a drug or a supplement, and should

WHAT IS ORGANIC SULFUR?Sulfur is the most important mineral that many Australians aren’t getting enough of. Sulfur is the third most abundant mineral in the human body and is essential for health; however, our soils today are severely depleted of this essential mineral so most of us are not receiving the proper amount. Sulfur has numerous key benefits such as oxygenating your cells, alkalizing your blood, removing toxins from the body and reducing pain.Organic Sulfur consists of 99.9% pure Methylsulfonylmethane (MSM) in a pure food grade crystallized powder. Organic Sulfur is a food, not a drug or a supplement, and should be consumed on a daily basis, ideally twice a day because it stays in our system for 12 hours.

WHY SHOULD I USE ORGANIC SULFUR?Everyone may benefit from using Organic Sulfur daily because it is a critically important mineral that cannot be made by our bodies and is needed in every cell for proper oxygenation and effective detoxification. Sulfur enables the transport of oxygen across cell membranes and is necessary for healthy cellular regeneration. Sulfur lets oxy-gen in by increasing the permeability of cell membranes, which also helps to remove toxins and heavy metals.Most of us are undergoing an unprecedented level of toxic assault from pesticides, herbicides, radiation, GMO foods, chemicals found in food, water, air, personal care products and medication. Organic Sulfur helps us deal with the toxic load by removing toxins and heavy metals while protecting us against radiation. Sulfur may com-bine with nearly all toxins and heavy metals to form inorganic sulfides that are converted into non-hazardous, stable forms which are safely ushered out of the body. By bonding with toxic heavy metals, Organic Sulfur can safely chelate and remove these toxins from our bodies. Sulfur plays an essential role in cellular detoxification and the normal metabolism of brain neurotransmitters.

People all over the world struggling with pain, whether it’s from a joint injury, joint wear and tear or arthritis have reported pain relief while using Organic Sulfur. While the most common uses over the years have been for joint support, its diverse range of benefits go way beyond that. Organic Sulfur may benefit many health ailments known to man! The following conditions are the more common ones that Organic Sulfur is used for:Joint pain or stiffness, Back pain, Sore muscles, Heartburn, Headaches, Cold sores, Allergies, Acute athletic injuries,Acne & skin conditions, Grey hair, Heavy metal poisoning, Gastrointestinal disorders, Liver support, Trauma, and more!


Page 2: NEWSLETTEROrganic Sulfur consists of 99.9% pure Methylsulfonylmethane (MSM) in a pure food grade crystallized powder. Organic Sulfur is a food, not a drug or a supplement, and should


May soften scar tissue

May lessen muscle spasms

May lessen pain in both acute and chronic cases

May assist in increasing enzyme production within bodily glands and improving resistance to illness

May assist in increasing flexibility in muscle tissue

May assist in increasing blood circulation

May assist in reducing muscle inflammation and promoting muscle healing

May help promote the healthy growth of hair and finger nails

May discourage the growth of cancer cells through oxygenation

May assist in reversing osteoporosis, Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease

May help promote healthy skin production and may help in the reduction of wrinkles. It is one of the main ingredients in moisturiz-ing creams.

May help the body properly regulate insulin production. Adequate OS in the diet can reduce the need for insulin injections.

May assist in improving colon function and may assist in eliminating colonic parasites

May help in cleansing or “detoxifying” effect on the cells within the body. It may allow the body to remove toxins that have accumu-lated in all types of cells, including fat cells.

May assist in increasing enzyme production within the glands in the body, substantially increasing overall resistance to illness

May assist in increasing flexibility in the tissues within the body and may increase blood circulation

May help to reduce muscle inflammation, promote healing in the muscles and may prevent them from becoming sore. To a degree there is soreness and recovery, but return to normality may be quickened. Athletes, in particular, could benefit from this as the intake of additional OS dramatically decreases their recovery time.

May eliminate so-called “free radicals” in the body. Allergies to pollens and certain foods may be reduced or eliminated by its use.

May help in reducing and often eliminating diverticulitis. Parasites living in the colon are unable to remain attached to the colon walls on which OS forms a smooth, resistant coating. Hatching worms, having nothing to grab on to, are flushed out.

May help alleviate emphysema. It provides the body with material to manufacture new, healthy cells, on lung walls.

May help to cause the body to rapidly release alcohol “hangover” toxins, removing them as waste from the body. The process hap-pens far more rapidly than it takes to recover from a hangover, often as quickly as 20 minutes.

May help alleviate chronic headaches. Increased circulation in the brain cells promotes proper blood circulation within the brain. Less pressure and pain result, reducing tendencies for headaches.

May reduce hypoglycemia in the body because it has made it easier for the body to introduce blood sugar through more permeable cell walls. Less insulin is demanded for the process, resulting in less overuse of the pancreas. Several months of consistent OS usage may reduce or eliminate hypoglycemia.

May help alleviate PMS. Glandular production is enhanced by OS to have more “normal” levels of production. Acid levels, enzyme levels and hormonal levels are more evenly balanced with OS. Cramps, headaches and nausea from the monthly cycle may be reduced or may be eliminated through its use.

May help promote better kidney function more efficiently. Water retention problems due to bad kidney function can be alleviated.

May help alleviate eye problems. Dissolve 1 teaspoon of sulfur crystals in 4 ounces of water and use as eye drops as frequently as you like.

Page 3: NEWSLETTEROrganic Sulfur consists of 99.9% pure Methylsulfonylmethane (MSM) in a pure food grade crystallized powder. Organic Sulfur is a food, not a drug or a supplement, and should

HOW DO I TAKE ORGANIC SULFUR?The amount a person takes or needs can vary on a case by case basis. The general guide is to use 1 teaspoon (4 grams) of Organic Sulfur per 50kg twice daily, preferably between meals or on an empty stomach, so nothing in-terferes with its full utilization in the body. Amounts can be raised or lowered accordingly depending on your state of health and the results you are or aren’t experiencing. It is recommended to start with a lower dosage (1-2 grams per day) in the first week and gradually add more to your diet to feel stronger effects because it is not uncommon to experience headaches or detoxification effects in the beginning stages as a majority of people are severely sul-fur deficient and toxic. If your body requires higher amounts you can administer it in smaller doses over the course

HOW SOON AFTER USING ORGANIC SULFUR WILL I NOTICE RESULTS?Since everybody is different, and people’s ailments vary in severity, everyone reacts to Organic Sulfur at a differ-ent rate. Some users dealing with serious discomfort from pain have reported pain relief overnight. Others feel a difference within a week, while others notice the effects months after. Generally, however, most people notice something after a few days of using Organic Sulfur the way we recommend, which is different from any other recommendations you will find with any other MSM supplement.Within a week of using Organic Sulfur one of the first things almost everyone will notice is a healthier tone and shine to their facial complexion. People suffering with serious sinus and allergy problems tend to see a great improvement in less than a week as well. If you are taking Organic Sulfur to detoxify your body of heavy metals it could take longer to see results as some of these problems stem back years and are imbedded deep into tissues. The simple fact is very few people will say that they don’t notice a benefit from regular use of Organic Sulfur. In some cases the benefits could be very dramatic depending on the severity of your health challenges.One of the best recommendations we can offer is to take a photograph of your face before beginning a regimen of Organic Sulfur. Then take periodic photos over the course of the year and compare the results. Once your friends and loved ones see the difference they too will be begging you to tell them what you have done to show such improvements.

HOW DOES ORGANIC SULFUR WORK?With pain and joint health the smooth layer of cartilage in joints is primarily made up of Glycosaminoglycans (GAGs). What joins GAGs molecules together are disulfide bonds. These bonds make the cartilage “firm and re-silient”. It is thought that the abundance of sulfur that MSM supplies to the body allows for stronger bonds, and therefore stronger cartilage. In most other health conditions it is understood that to protect your health or regain your health it is necessary to focus on supplying the cells of the body with the right building materials. This is where Sulfur shines because Sulfur plays a big part in the health of all the body’s cells because it functions as an oxygen transport mechanism. This is why use of Organic Sulfur has such a wide range of noticeable benefits. A study of the periodic table of elements shows sulfur, selenium, and tellurium as being the only three oxygen transport minerals. Further study shows that chlorine and fluorine are detrimental to such oxygen transport. For centuries mankind has soaked in sulfur-rich, mineral hot springs to help heal a variety of ailments. It is this pres-ence of sulfur that is believed to assist in easing joint pain.

WHO CAN TAKE ORGANIC SULFUR?Everyone! Organic Sulfur has been sown to be safe for all people, including children and pregnant woman though we recommend consulting your healthcare provider in these cases to determine suitability. Organic Sulfur (MSM) is not similar to inorganic sulfides, sulfites, and sulfates which many people are allergic to. Organic Sulfur is a naturally occurring mineral. There are no serious reports of Sulfur causing any damage or discomfort when taken in the dosage

Page 4: NEWSLETTEROrganic Sulfur consists of 99.9% pure Methylsulfonylmethane (MSM) in a pure food grade crystallized powder. Organic Sulfur is a food, not a drug or a supplement, and should

amounts described above. There is over a 30 year history of Organic Sulfur use showing it to be one of the safest nutrients to ingest even in large quantities without any toxic side effects on the body. No liver damage has been documented due to taking MSM. Organic Sulfur is also safe for people taking medications. It should be noted, however, that Organic Sulfur (MSM) can thin blood so it should be approved by a licensed doctor when used in conjunction with blood thinning medication. Attempts to kill mice and rats failed to reach a toxic level even at 200 grams, or almost half a pound a day.

WHAT IF I TAKE TOO MUCH ORGANIC SULFUR?Organic Sulfur is considered non-toxic and if you took too much into your body it will simply be eliminated safely through the gastrointestinal system. The most common complaint reported when too much is taken is headaches, due to detoxing too quickly.

WHY IS OUR ORGANIC SULFUR SUPERIOR TO OTHER MSM PRODUCTS?Az-Nue is delighted to offer its customers the finest Organic Sulfur on the market. It is guaranteed to be 99.9% pure and is the cleanest Sulfur on the market — guaranteed! It is also 100% American sourced and American made. Lots of MSM on the market is actually imported from countries like China where quality could be a concern.The biggest difference with our Sulfur is that it contains absolutely no binders, fillers, flow agents or other ingre-dients, including silicone dioxide. All of these ingredients interfere with proper absorption of Sulfur in the body. Most MSM is found in tablets and capsules containing these agents so you’re simply throwing your money away using them. The few pure powder versions on the market are usually mixed with flow agents so it can be run on machines during packing and this greatly hinders the effectiveness as well.

100% US Made.Organic Distilled