Newsletter No. 23 Wednesday 31st July 2019 · 2019-07-31 · Newsletter No. 23 Wednesday 31st July...

School Values: Resilience Respect Working Together Personal Best Caring Newsletter No. 23 Wednesday 31st July 2019 2405 Ballarto Road, Cardinia Principal: Mrs. Susan Wepster Telephone: 03 5998 8323 Fax:03 5998 8474 Email: [email protected] Website: DATES TO REMEMBER July 2019 Wednesday 31st Book Fair (8:30am—9:00am) & (3:30pm—4:00pm) Wednesday 31st School Council Meeng (6:30pm) August 2019 Thursday 1st Book Fair (8:30am—9:00am) & (3:30pm—4:00pm) Thursday 8th Art Show (4:00pm) Friday 9th Show Day and Talent Quest (1:30pm) Wednesday 14th Division Athlecs Thursday 15th Cyber Safety Session Grade 4 & 6 Thursday 15th Cyber Safety Session for Parents (2:30pm) Friday 16th Cyber Safety Session Grade 3 & 5 Tuesday 20th Curriculum Day—STUDENTS FREE DAY Thursday 22nd Koo Wee Rup Secondary Schools Producon Musical Wicked Wednesday 28th School Council Meeng (6:30pm) School Values: Resilience Respect Working Together Personal Best Caring

Transcript of Newsletter No. 23 Wednesday 31st July 2019 · 2019-07-31 · Newsletter No. 23 Wednesday 31st July...

School Values: Resilience Respect Working Together Personal Best Caring

Newsletter No. 23 Wednesday 31st July 2019

2405 Ballarto Road, Cardinia Principal: Mrs. Susan Wepster

Telephone: 03 5998 8323

Fax:03 5998 8474

Email: [email protected] Website:


July 2019

Wednesday 31st Book Fair (8:30am—9:00am) & (3:30pm—4:00pm)

Wednesday 31st School Council Meeting (6:30pm)

August 2019

Thursday 1st Book Fair (8:30am—9:00am) & (3:30pm—4:00pm)

Thursday 8th Art Show (4:00pm)

Friday 9th Show Day and Talent Quest (1:30pm)

Wednesday 14th Division Athletics

Thursday 15th Cyber Safety Session Grade 4 & 6

Thursday 15th Cyber Safety Session for Parents (2:30pm)

Friday 16th Cyber Safety Session Grade 3 & 5

Tuesday 20th Curriculum Day—STUDENTS FREE DAY

Thursday 22nd Koo Wee Rup Secondary School’s Production Musical Wicked

Wednesday 28th School Council Meeting (6:30pm)

School Values:

Resilience Respect Working Together Personal Best Caring

School Values: Resilience Respect Working Together Personal Best Caring


Hello Parents and Friends,

We were very lucky with the weather for our school athletics last Friday. It was good to

watch our children trying hard to win places for the District Athletics in two weeks. It

was also good to see the house spirit evident in the way the children supported each

other, even those who did not win, but had a good try. Thanks to Trudie for organising

the day.

Thanks to Jodie Mattingley for her work in writing a submission for a grant from Bendigo

Bank. We have been successful in receiving a $2000 grant to buy books to support our

Guided Reading program. The books we buy using this money will each have a book

plate in the front acknowledging the support of the Bendigo Bank for our school.

We had an African Drumming incursion today, it was fabulous! The presenters were able

to keep the students engaged and keen to learn more about drumming and their

culture; we were all surprised to hear that there are over 40 languages spoken in Ghana.

Although I have never drummed, the children now think I’m an expert!!

Have a great week,



School Values: Resilience Respect Working Together Personal Best Caring


The following notices have been sent home recently for

events or excursions that are coming up. If you need a copy, please see our office staff.

2019 Term Dates

Term 1 30th January—5th April Term 2 23rd April—28th June

Term 3 15th July—20th September Term 4 7th October—20th December

Year Level Notice Went Home Due Date Cost

All Year Levels School Book Payments 01/11/20218 ASAP YES

All Year Levels Meal Deals: $5.00

Friday 09/08/2019





All Year levels Camp —2nd Instalment: $110 15/07/2019 06/09/2019 YES

Grade 2—Grade 6

Koo Wee Rup Secondary

College School’s Production of

the Musical Wicked

10/06/2019 08/08/2019 YES

Grade 3– Grade6 Cranbourne Athletics Track,

Casey Fields 26/07/2019 07/08/2019 YES

School Values: Resilience Respect Working Together Personal Best Caring

This Friday 2nd August

2019 is Principal’s Day!!!

Our Principal Mrs Wepster

is doing a wonderful job

and we would like to acknowledge her

dedication and commitment to the


Thank You, Mrs Wepster

You’re the BEST

Principal EVER!!


School Values: Resilience Respect Working Together Personal Best Caring

Every Day In School Counts

In Victoria, school is compulsory for children and young people aged 6 -17 years.

Going to school every day is the single most important part of your child’s education. Students learn new things at school every day – missing school puts them behind.

Every Day counts! If your child must miss school, please notify the school as early as possible. Missing one day a fortnight is the same as missing 4 whole weeks of school per year. From Foundation to Grade 6 that adds up to almost ONE YEAR of school missed!

Cardinia Primary has an Attendance Action Plan in order to improve school attendance. School attendance is

key for children’s school success and vital things can be missed if a student is away for just one day. As part of

our Attendance Action plan, the Wellbeing Coordinator, Jodie Mattingley, will be contacting families whose

attendance falls below 90%.

Arriving on time, ready to start the day is important for learning. Getting to school on time means having a

good routine. If you find yourself running late or missing school because you are disorganised, try:

Getting up earlier

Set a bedtime for children

Leaving all technology out of bedrooms

Packing school bags the night before

Having a set time for breakfast

My role is to support families to improve their child’s attendance so please come and have a chat. There are many supports we can to put in place to work together.

Remember, every day counts!

Jodie Mattingley

Wellbeing Coordinator


90% = 100 lessons missed each year Missing 1 day a fortnight each term

85% = 150 lessons missed each year

80% = 200 lessons missed each year Missing 1 day each week

School Values: Resilience Respect Working Together Personal Best Caring


We have had some cases of Head Lice reported to the

school from one of our classes.

For more information, please see:




Our 2019 Lamont Book Fair

Begins tomorrow!!

The Book Fair will run from

8:30am – 9:00am

then again from

3:30pm – 4.00pm.

Books will be on display in the Library. There is also a bargain trolley where nothing is over $5.

Payments can be made by either cash or EFTPOS (Cheque, savings or Credit).

Come and have a look and grab some early Christmas presents.

Books can be placed on hold for 24 hours only.


School Values: Resilience Respect Working Together Personal Best Caring



In Grade 2 we have begun our Inquiry unit for Term 3- “It’s Time to Care!” We have been looking closely at the importance of the 5 Rs (Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Repurpose and Refuse). Last week, it was fantastic to see three of our Grade 2 students spending their lunchtime picking up rubbish around the school ground. Well done to Brooke, Jayden and Abigail for caring about our school environment!

The Karate Room by Shelbi

Bang went the kids as they ran.

Titter tatter as the coach put his belt on.

Hahaha went the mums as they watched the kids.

Crack went the arm when it broke.

I love Karate.

Acrostic Poem by Rylee

Running very fast

Yellow is my favourite colour

Lovely to people

Excellent at Maths

Excited for birthdays



Beach Cinquain poem by Natalie


Sunny, hot

Swimming, paddling, fishing

The water is cool


School Cinquain poem by Indi


Fun, quiet

Listening, spelling, reading

It is very challenging


School Values: Resilience Respect Working Together Personal Best Caring

The Farmyard by Jett

Moo went the cows

Oink went the pigs

Baaaaa went the sheep

Quack went the ducks

I wish the animals were quiet.

Party by Sienna C

Crash goes the glass as the waiter slips over

Boom boom goes the music

La la la the people sing

I love parties

Family by Caleb


Loving, happy

Hugging, kissing, playing

Having lots of fun


Onomatopoeia poem “School” by Archer

Shem, shem went the cars.

Clap, clap went the students at assembly.

F minus said the teacher.

Stomp, stomp went the Principal.

Onomatopoeia poem “The Science Lab” by Taylah

Bang! Went the potions

Woosh went the smoke

Eeeww went the inventors

I wish it was quiet.

Onomatopoeia poem “Footy” by Talwin

Go yells the audience

Ding goes the bell

Goal yells the reporter

It’s loud at the footy!

Onomatopoeia poem “The Birthday Party” by Sienna B

Ha ha, laughed the kids

La la la sang the kids

Pop goes the balloon

Birthdays are noisy!

School cinquain poem by Emily


Fun, caring

Learning, writing, thinking

School is the best


Football cinquain poem by Brooke


Hurtful, wet

Kicking, Handballing, running

Collingwood is the best


Rats cinquain poem by Ebony


Cute, fluffy

Run, sniff, nibble

Soft with long tails


School Values: Resilience Respect Working Together Personal Best Caring

Parents are invited to a CYBER SAFETY session run by the Alannah and Madeleine Foundation on Thursday 15th August at 2.30pm at school This is a free session. Students in Grades 3 to 6 will be participating in a Cyber Safety session at school on either Thursday 15th or Friday 16th as part of the curriculum, also delivered by the foundation.

This workshop will provide insight into the online worlds of young people including the latest trends, risks and research, and include a strong focus on social media. It also focuses on advice parents can use to help manage a child’s life online.


Parents/carers will develop an understanding of the appeal of social media and how to support young people to stay safe.

Parents/carers will know where and how to report inappropriate content and how best to support young people who are experiencing harm.

Parents/carers will be equipped with the latest research regarding online behaviours.

Please see Jodie Mattingley if you have any questions.


School Values: Resilience Respect Working Together Personal Best Caring

We had a wonderful turnout at lunchtime in the Junior

Learning Centre for International Day of Friendship on

Tuesday! We listened to music, made some new

friends and all created an individual piece of artwork

to be added to a school friendship display! Keep an eye

out for it and remember- ALWAYS BE A GOOD FRIEND!


School Values: Resilience Respect Working Together Personal Best Caring

There is still a large number of families that have not yet returned their Medical Consent & Parental Permission forms for Camp.

It is important to have these completed forms at the office so we can confirm your student’s attendance.

If your student suffers from Asthma and the Asthma Action Plan provided to the office is out of date, a new plan will need to be completed. This also applies to regular medication including Asmol/Ventolin.

Families that do not have Ambulance cover must understand that should an ambulance be required, there may be costs involved which families will be liable for.

If you have yet to complete these forms, please do so and return to the office as soon as possible.


School Values: Resilience Respect Working Together Personal Best Caring


Phillip Island Adventure Resort Camp, from the

25th-28th November, 2019.

The total cost of camp will be $370.

A $50 non-refundable deposit should already have been made.


A payment schedule is suggested below:

Friday July 19th - $110

Friday September 6th - $110

Friday November 4nd - $100

Please feel free to make payments or pay in full prior to the due dates.


Medical form

Informed consent form

Please return the attached informed consent and medical forms as soon as possible.


School Values: Resilience Respect Working Together Personal Best Caring

Meal Deals!

Please read the following information carefully so your child doesn’t miss out.

Meal Deals:

Will be on each Friday (unless otherwise advised)

Will be pre-order. Each Wednesday, in the newsletter, there will be an order form which will need to be returned, with payment, to the school by no later than the following Tuesday morning at 9am. No late orders will be accepted as we will be ordering food on the Tuesday each week.

Will cost $5 per order (unless otherwise advised for special Meal Deals). This includes a main and a treat. You may order an extra main, however we only allow 1 treat per child. You can also ex-clude the treat or order the treat only.

Payment can be made at the office or given to your child’s teacher.

If your child requires gluten free or has an allergy, please let us know and we can try to accommodate so they don’t miss out.

If you have any questions regarding the meal deal, please email Sarah Moore [email protected]





School Values: Resilience Respect Working Together Personal Best Caring


There are a number of general principles which you might keep in mind

when you are helping your children.

Learning to Count

Learning to count is important. Counting 1, 2, 3, 4, 5… is

the main way, but also counting using patterns:

Nursery rhymes help with forwards and backwards counting.

“Five little ducks”, “1, 2, 3, 4, 5, once I caught a fish alive”, “10 green

bottles”, are just a few examples of the nursery rhymes you can

say together.

When walking around the block, predict the next house number

and then check.

2, 4, 6, 8... 5, 10, 15, 20...

100, 99, 98, 97... 100, 90, 80, 70...

0.5, 1, 1.5, 2... a, b, c, d...

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday... January, February, March...

School Values: Resilience Respect Working Together Personal Best Caring


Our school is conducting a survey to find out what parents think of our school.

The Parent Opinion Survey

The parent opinion survey is an annual survey offered by the Department of Education and

Training that is conducted amongst a sample of randomly selected parents. It is designed to

assist schools in gaining an understanding of parents’ perceptions of school climate, student

behaviour and student engagement. Our school will use the survey results to help inform

and direct future school planning and improvement strategies.

Approximately 30 per cent of parents will be invited to participate in this year’s survey. All

responses to the survey are anonymous. This year the Parent Opinion Survey will be con-

ducted from Monday 22nd

July to Sunday 11th


The survey results will be reported back to the school at the end of September and will be

included in the annual report to the school community.


Premiers’ Reading Challenge


We have met our target and have now read 1034 books by the end of July.

Now it is time to set a new goal!

We have 5 weeks of the Challenge left. All books need to be read and recorded by the 6th September.

Can we double the amount of books we have read to 2000???

A very big congratulations to Lilah (2I) who has now completed the Challenge.

Lilah now joins all the other students who have completed the Challenge to go into the draw for two movie


Keep up all of the fantastic reading!

Paula Fleming (2FH)

PRC Co-ordinator

School Values: Resilience Respect Working Together Personal Best Caring

2019 Art Show

The Cardinia Primary School annual Art Show will be held next

week, 8th August.

From 4.00pm the BER building will be open, showcasing visual art work that has been

created this year by our fantastic students. All students will have art work on display.

Ms Masters and a small band of keen scientists have a Science Fair where interesting

scientific displays will be unveiled.

Foundation will be performing a song/dance at 4pm.

The Choir will perform at 4.30pm and

Grade 3 students will be performing at 5pm.

Entry by Gold Coin

Tea, coffee and sweet treats will also be available for a gold coin

Show Day & Talent Quest

On Friday 9th August students will participate in the Cardinia Primary School Annual

Show Day.

In small buddy groups students have planned and will run their chosen side show. They

will also have time to walk around and enjoy the side shows of others. Students should

have received a list of items they need to provide for their side show (if any) – if you have

any queries please speak to your child’s teacher. No money is required as students will

be given tokens to “spend” on the day. All students are to wear normal uniform.

After an early lunch, some students will be performing in the Talent Quest. All students

have passed an audition and been practising hard.

If any families or friends would like to come and watch the students perform you are

more than welcome. Please join us on the basketball court after lunch at 1:30pm

School Values: Resilience Respect Working Together Personal Best Caring


At the end of last term we donated thousands of bottle tops to Joy De Jong from the

Rotary Club to give to Envision hands on behalf of Cardinia Primary School. This was a

wonderful school and community effort and we have loved hearing stories of people

asking their extended friends and family to get involved with this great cause.

We will still be collecting plastic lids but we have a few requests to assist in making the

process run more smoothly.

From now on:

Could families please do their best to ensure that the plastic inserts are removed

from the inside of lids before bringing them in? It would also be great if all lids

have been washed.

If possible, could families please check the inside of lids for a number symbol (see

image). These are very small and usually printed on the inside of the caps. If a

cap has a 2 or a 4 symbol could you please place these separately from other lids.

The lids with a 2 or a 4 are the ones that Envision use to make the prosthetic

limbs. We will still collect the other lids but it makes our collection process easier

if the 2 and 4s have been separated.

We are in the process of setting up a collection point in the

Junior Learning Centre so people will be able to deposit their

lids directly into the boxes.


School Values: Resilience Respect Working Together Personal Best Caring


School Values: Resilience Respect Working Together Personal Best Caring

School Values: Resilience Respect Working Together Personal Best Caring