Newsletter December 2012 & January 2013

December 2012 & January 2013 ROTHERSTHORPE NEWSLETTER The Newsletter for the Community of Rothersthorpe


Newsletter December 2012 & January 2013

Transcript of Newsletter December 2012 & January 2013

Page 1: Newsletter December 2012 & January 2013

December 2012 & January 2013



The Newsletter for the Community of Rothersthorpe

Page 2: Newsletter December 2012 & January 2013

Sunday 2nd December 9.30am Holy Communion

Sunday 9th December 9.30am Morning Worship

Sunday 16th December 9.30am Holy Communion

Sunday 23rd December 8.00am



B.C.P. Communion

Morning Worship

Carols by Candlelight

Monday 24th December

Christmas Eve



Crib Service

Holy Communion

Tuesday 25th December

Christmas Day

8.00am B.C.P. Communion

Sunday 30th December 10.30am Benefice Communion


Tuesday 1st January 10.30am Holy Communion in Kislingbury


Sunday 6th January 9.30am Holy Communion

Sunday 13th January 9.30am Morning Worship

Thursday 17th January 7.00am P.C.C.

Sunday 20th January 9.30am Holy Communion

Sunday 27th January 9.30am Morning Worship


Page 3: Newsletter December 2012 & January 2013

Church Cleaning

December 2nd - Lindsay & Christy

December 16th - June & Jane

December 30th - Mike & Sue

January 2013

January 13th - Lindsay & Christy

January 27th - June & Jane


We will meet at Janet’s home at 2.45 on Monday 3rd

December for our Christmas Tea.

The January meeting will be in the Village Hall at 2.30

on Monday 14th

Peter Doran

Overgrown Bushes

At this time of year there are few jobs to be done in the garden, however it is an ideal time to cut back those hedges, bushes and trees.

There have been a number of comments about foliage overhanging footpaths around the village. Please could all residents ensure that the footpath outside their home is completely clear.

Many thanks Sarah Murphy, Parish Clerk

Page 4: Newsletter December 2012 & January 2013

Preparing for Christmas

Although I’m writing these few thoughts at the beginning of November by

the time you read these words it will have all begun once again, the frenetic

preparations for Christmas! The making or purchasing of cakes and

puddings; the choosing of the meat; the aching hands and feet from endless

hours trawling around the shops in the anxious search for presents or the

nerve tingling wait for that important delivery from Amazon etc. etc.

However, is this how it should be?

A Prayer to Prepare for Christmas

Father, we call a halt. Here, and now, and at this moment

we think of that first Christmas when history paused and turned upon its

hinges as your Son became a human. Born into a working class family, born to

parents struggling to make ends met, born to experience everything we

experience and born to bear our sins.

Help each one of us to prepare for Christmas by finding time for quiet, time

to drink in the wonder and beauty of your Son's birth, time to offer again

our hearts and each part of our life to him.

May the days of our lives and pages of our diary turn upon this silent hinge.

May our work, our leisure and lives be rooted and grounded in peace.

Jesus said :- 'My peace I give to you, but not the sort the

world gives'

Father, we understand only too well the kind of peace which man-

kind manufactures: the peace of political and other settlements. Give to

more and more of us all over the world the peace we do not understand, the

peace which passes understanding, the peace which flows from unconditional

obedience to the law of love, give us your kind of peace. And we pray for

those in positions of power, authority and influence, that they may open

their hearts and give their will to you, that you may work through them.

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Jesus said :- 'When you give food or drink to

some one who has none, you’re giving it to me’

Save us. Father, from becoming hardened to the numerous pleas for help

we see on our screens or read in our newspapers each day. Open our eyes

and pockets to the needs of our world. Restructure and change around

our hearts so it may not be a burden to give but a joy.

Jesus said :- 'Man cannot live by bread alone’

Dear Lord, the giver of all, guide our giving so that we may

support all those who spend their lives, at home and all over the world not

only feeding physical needs but also feeding spiritual needs with the good

news of Christmas.

Father, with all our hearts we thank you for all that you have given us

through Jesus Christ our Lord.

To your Name, Lord Jesus, help me to

bow the knee and all its worshipping;

bow the head and all its thinking;

bow the will and all its choosing;

bow the heart and all its loving,

today, tomorrow, and all the days of my life. Amen.

May the God who came to us in Christ give you a Christmas to remember,

as you let him give you his love, shown in the pouring out of his blood on

the cross.

Stephen French Rector of Bugbrooke, Harpole, Kislingbury and Rothersthorpe

Page 6: Newsletter December 2012 & January 2013

Northamptonshire County Council Mobile Library Stops in

Rothersthorpe Village on Friday 14th December

Friday 11th January from 16.30 to 16.55

at the top of Church Street. Please make use of this facility where

you can make local enquiries, bus pass registrations, large print, children’s and

audio books. Join free without ID

Your Local Mobile Hairdresser

Timeless Hair Design

Contact Lauren Russell on 07999 484179 0r 01604 766751

10% off for Senior Citizens

Minimum Call-Out Charge - £15

Prices Cut & Blow dry - £19.00

Blow dry & Finish - £12.00

Highlights - £29.00 - £48.00

Re-growth Colour - £17.00


Cut & Finish - £10.00

Head Shave - £6.00


0 – 15yrs - £5.00 - £15.00


0 – 15yrs - £5.00 - £7.00

Available for appointments

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International Airmail Last Posting Dates 5th December Asia, Australia, Far East, New Zealand

7th December Africa, Caribbean, Middle East, South America

10th December Canada, Eastern Europe, USA

12th December Western Europe

Page 7: Newsletter December 2012 & January 2013

News from Rothersthorpe School

Class 2 enjoyed an afternoon at Hunsbury Library recently and the

librarian is also coming to school to a ‘story sharing’ session with

Class 1

Our children dressed in bright clothes for mufti day and made

donations to 2 charities - BBC Children in Need and the Road Safety

charity ‘Brake’, who emphasis to children the importance of wearing

bright things to ‘been seen’ when they are out and

about during the dark mornings and evenings at this

time of year.

As always, December will be a very busy month at

school – Our school choir will be taking part in the

Cluster Carol Service at Bugbrooke Church on

3rd December

We are giving two performances of our Christmas

production on the evening of Wednesday 12th December and after-

noon of Thursday 13th December

We will round off the term with our Nativity and

Christingle Service in Church on Wednesday 19th

December at 1.30pm and following the service,

members of the Church will serve tea and mince pies

in the Village Hall and draw their Christmas Raffle.

School closes on Wednesday 19th December and

re-opens to pupils on Monday 7th January.

We have been busy showing lots of prospective parents around our

school recently and would like to remind all parents of pre-school

children that online applications for places in Reception class for

September 2013 close on 15th January!

May we wish all the residents of Rothersthorpe a ‘Merry Christmas’

From all the staff and pupils at Rothersthorpe CE Primary School!

Page 8: Newsletter December 2012 & January 2013

Women’s Institute

There is no meeting as such during December as we

have booked our Christmas Dinner at the Walnut

Tree on Wednesday 5th December meeting at 7pm

for a 7.30pm dinner.

All to bring one Christmas card and one present

worth £1 or less. This year's competition is making something

wonderful (or otherwise) with a pine cone.

We kick off next year on Monday 21st January with a very

welcome return of Michael Boyce who is coming to talk about

Rockingham Castle and the Watson Family. As usual, all are

welcome. We meet at 7.30pm in the Village Hall, the cost to visi-

tors is £3 which includes refreshments. Please join us if you possi-

bly can.

On behalf of our Institute may we wish everyone

a very Merry Christmas and a Happy and Healthy New Year.

Kathy Sindall BSc (Hons) MChS

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Page 9: Newsletter December 2012 & January 2013



People urged to take care

as river and canal levels remain high

Weather forecast remains


People across the county are being warned to take care when

travelling around the villages as standing water and high river

levels could remain for several days.

The public are being advised to avoid driving or walking through flood or standing water and to check they are signed-up for flood


The flood warning at Billing Aquadrome is likely to remain in place for several days. Boaters are also being warned that River Nene

currently has Strong Stream Advice in place, making navigation inadvisable.

Although rivers are likely to remain high for several days, on current forecasts the Environment Agency hopes that there will be sufficient time for levels to recede between bands of rain.

People need to keep an eye on local conditions and make sure they are signed-up to receive flood warnings."

The public can keep up to date with the latest forecasts and

warnings for their area on the Environment Agency website and with forecasts on TV and radio.

The Environment Agency updates its flood guidance every 15 minutes on its website at, and you can follow the Environ-

ment Agency on Twitter at @EnvAgencyAnglia

Met Office weather forecasts and warnings can be found at http:// and you can follow the Met Office on Twitter

at @metoffice and Facebook at

Page 10: Newsletter December 2012 & January 2013

Have Yourself a Safe and Happy Christmas Christmas is a fun time of year for most people. Don't let Christmas be spoiled

for you and your friends and family by taking some simple steps to make sure

that you have a safe Christmas.

Shop Safely Don't let yourself become a victim of crime when you are

doing your Christmas shopping:

Park your car safely.

Watch out for pickpockets.

Take care at cash machines.

Look after the Presents Keep presents out of sight until last thing on Christmas Eve.

Try not to hide or store Christmas presents outside in the shed or garage.

If you do 'hide' or store larger items such as bicycles in sheds or outbuildings

then make sure that they are very secure.

Keep receipts and instruction manuals separate so that should the worst

happen, you have evidence of what was taken.

Dispose of packaging carefully as empty boxes left outside will indicate that

these goods are available inside. Crush the boxes and put them in the bin -

recycling whatever you can

Check your insurance and make sure that you are covered for the value of

goods in your home.

Take the frame numbers of new bicycles and serial numbers of new electrical equipment for future reference.

Try not to position the Christmas tree or presents right in front of the win-

dow. This may attract attention from anyone passing.

Celebrate in Safety Don't let your Christmas celebrations be ruined. Avoid any problems this


Drink sensibly.

Avoid trouble and confrontational situations when out and about.

Look after your possessions - watch out for pickpockets and thieves.

Look after your friends.

Think about your personal safety and don't take unnecessary risks.

Page 11: Newsletter December 2012 & January 2013

Don’t put yourself at risk from fire

Take steps to prevent any accidental fires at your house party. There are a

number of additional steps to take at Christmas time to reduce the risk of fire

in your home in addition to the steps that you would nor-

mally take:

Fairy lights. Fairy lights and Christmas tree lights

don't get used very often, so you should ensure they're in

good working order before using them. Check that the fuse

in the plug is the right size (see the box for the maximum

size of fuse you should use). Replace any bulbs that blow.

Don't leave fairy lights on when you go to bed or leave the

house. Don't let bulbs touch anything that can burn easily, such as paper or

fabrics (be especially careful with other Christmas tree decorations).

Decorations. Keep decorations and greeting cards away from heaters,

lights, fireplaces and candles. Festive decorations made

of tissue paper or cardboard burn particularly easily.

Parties. When you are having a party, there can be

a greater risk of fire. Make sure your guests know the

escape route in case there is a fire and put out enough

ashtrays for smokers. If you have guests staying the

night, make sure they know of any features they may

not be familiar with - for example, how to unlock your front door and tell them

where the door keys are kept overnight.

Candles. Be careful when using candles.

Drive Safely Slippery road surfaces and reduced visibility can make

winter driving particularly hazardous. Hazards can

include snow, ice, fog, strong winds, rain or wet leaves..

Don't drink and drive. The only safe option is not to

drink alcohol if you plan to drive, and never offer an

alcoholic drink to someone else who is intending to

drive. More information about drink driving can be ob-

tained from the Department for Transport. Remember, it

can take a long time for alcohol to leave your system and you may not be safe

to drive the morning after.

Page 12: Newsletter December 2012 & January 2013

Village Website Competition

T he Parish Council with support from a Northamptonshire

Jubilee Fund has agreed to donate a prize of a £10 Marks &

Spencer voucher each month to the post or

comment which is the most informative; attention

grabbing advert for a village event; incisive or

insightful comment or contribution by someone in

full time education.

The competition will run each month for 6 months starting from

January. Winners will be notified within ten days of the end of

each month and will be judged by members of the Parish Council.

I'm looking forward to seeing some new users on the web site.

Steve McCarthy - [email protected]

Bugbrooke Church


4th December


Towcester Choral Society

Carol Concert

£8 with £4 concessions

Wine, coffee and tea,

sausage rolls and

Christmas Cake

Kislingbury Church


8th December


Towcester Studio Band Christmas Concert

Mince pies, biscuits, tea or

coffee and a free glass of wine

Plus lucky ticket prize draw

Tickets £7 available from

Leslie 830343, Judith

830421 or Gill 831384

Page 13: Newsletter December 2012 & January 2013

Rogue traders – advice to residents Officers would like to remind residents against rogue

traders following some recent reports of cold calling

on properties in the Harpole area.

To help prevent becoming a victim we are encouraging

people in the area to be vigilant and have issued the following advice

to residents:

Do not open the door if you do not recognise the caller

Always ask for ID, if necessary take a contact number for the

company and verify if the caller is genuine

If the caller does enter the house, do not leave them


If you feel concerned, dial 999

If anyone has suspicions or concerns that distraction burglars

or rogue doorstep traders are operating in your neighbourhood

or targeting someone you know, ring the dedicated doorstep

crime number on 0345 23 07 702

For further information on doorstep crime, please visit

Rothersthorpe Art Group & Soup & Stalls

Rothersthorpe Art Group held it's second Art Exhibition on the

17th and 18th November. Attendance was very good during both

days and all the members of the group would like to thank everyone

who came and supported us. Please keep a look out for our next

Exhibition about the same time next year. Maggie Scott

Thanks to all those who helped to make the "Soup & Stalls" event

such a success. Just short of £500 was raised on the day, which is


There certainly seemed to be a lot of people "just going to" or

"just coming from" the Art Exhibition, so it seems to have worked

well holding the 2 events on the same day. Val Bridges

Page 14: Newsletter December 2012 & January 2013

Parish Council Meeting The next Parish Council meetings will be held on Monday

December 10th & January 14th at 7.30pm in the Committee

Room at the Village Hall.

Anyone is welcome to attend and address the Parish Council in

the public open session at the beginning of the

meeting. Please come along and participate in

your local community decision making


Sarah Murphy Parish Clerk

Brownies and Guides

Saturday December 1st 2012

10.00 to 12.00midday

in the Village Hall

Brownies and Guides from the Rothersthorpe packs

are hosting a fun filled festive fair with food, drinks,

games and hand made decorations.

Page 15: Newsletter December 2012 & January 2013

Northamptonshire ACRE

Bulk Oil Buying Want to save money on the cost of

your heating oil? So do we!

Join our community-based

countywide oil buying syndicate

and see how easy it is.

Northamptonshire ACRE

Tel: 01604 765888

email: [email protected]

All surplus will go directly to supporting Northampton-shire ACRE who work to enable rural communities to be more socially, economically and environmentally


Page 16: Newsletter December 2012 & January 2013

Rothersthorpe Day Nursery

Open 8am -6pm 52 weeks of the year excluding bank holidays

Excellent pre-school facilities - 11 hours of Early funding for 52 weeks per

year available for children at the start of a new term following their 3rd

birthday - A breakfast club, after school club and Holiday club is available

from age 4-11 years

Employers vouchers - savings on childcare costs

Ring on 01604 831263 or email [email protected]

to arrange a visit, we’d love to hear from you!

Merry Christmas and A Happy New Year

From All at Rothersthorpe Nursery

Neighbourhood Watch

There have been many reports of incidents in surrounding

villages in the last few weeks, from breaking in properties

to criminal damage on parked cars, also I heard that there

has been a spate of youths firing air pellets at young children, although

this has mainly been in the Wootton area, which is not very far from us, so

as always please be aware and be cautious.

I have not heard of any specific incidents in the village and hopefully

there won't be any to report over the Christmas period.

There are many helpful pages on, from home

security to how to act in an accident, also there are interesting and helpful

articles on the Neighbourhood watch site,

As always if you see anything suspicious please contact the police on 101,

and if possible please let myself or Margaret know on 831020.

I hope we all have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year


Page 17: Newsletter December 2012 & January 2013

For anyone needing a little help getting started with computers and the internet?

Our Online Basics programme will help you learn how to:

• Use a mouse and keyboard • Use email to keep in touch or apply for work • Search for information, advice and savings on line • Use public services and apply for jobs online

Drop in Monday to Wednesday to ask about getting started or phone Ian Philpott or Richard Wall today on

01604 235080.

We’re easy to find: On the Third Floor, Northampton and District Citizens Advice Bureau7/8 Mercers Row, Northampton, NN1 2QL

(opposite the taxi rank, look for the door to the right of Toni & Guy's.)

Our opening times:

Monday 10.00 - 11.30 11.45 - 13.15 14.00 - 15.30

Tuesday 10.00 - 11.30 11.45 - 13.15 14.00 - 15.30

Wednesday 10.00 - 11.30 11.45 - 13.15 14.00 - 15.30

Page 18: Newsletter December 2012 & January 2013

Fast and Effective Weight Loss

KWIK LOSS is an intense 8 week weight loss program designed to maxi-

mise your potential so that you get results at an accelerated pace. The

course involves intense training sessions as well as an individual custom-

ised diet plan for the full 8 weeks of training, taking the hassle out of

planning your meals.

KWIK LOSS has a fully equipped, brand new gymnasium, consultation

room, changing facilities with shower room and is located in a peaceful

setting in the village of Rothersthorpe, Northampton. I provide one to one

training in a focused and yet relaxed atmosphere (especially suited for

those who do not feel comfortable in the surroundings of a commercial


Whether fitness is something relatively new to you or you already spend

hours in the gym each week, but never see any real changes in your phy-

sique, or you simply have a future special occasion where you want to

look your best (weddings/holidays/reunions) then you will greatly benefit

from my personal training courses. Full support is provided throughout

the 8 weeks to help keep you on track, this includes home visits, email

and phone support.

For further information


Tel: 01604 831370 or Mobile: 07432 081798

e-mail: [email protected]

Page 19: Newsletter December 2012 & January 2013




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Page 20: Newsletter December 2012 & January 2013

This newsletter is produced and distributed by members of the Church of St. Peter & St. Paul,

Rothersthorpe, which also meets any cost involved. Items for possible inclusion in the February

2013 edition should be submitted to Jane McCarthy at The Pigyard, 35 Church Street, or by

email to [email protected], by phone 830321 or 07779 832354 or on a CD by

25th January at the very latest, articles received after this date will not be included. Items will

not be printed unless the name of the contributor is supplied.

Advertising costs : Full page £10 Half Page £5 Quarter page £2.50

Payment for advertising should be paid in advance.

Cheques should be made payable to St Peter & St Paul Church & passed to the Editor.

This edition created by Philip Crowe

Come and see in the New Year At

Rothersthorpe’s New Year’s

Eve Party!

Where: Rothersthorpe Village Hall What Time: 8pm-Late

Tickets: £5 Adults, £2.50 Children

*Licenced bar, disco and raffle*

Tickets available now from: Jodie: 07875478976 Carol: 01604 831898 Jeff: 07986890834 Angela: 07772497919

Limited amount available